#so they’re just like living peacefully and then dean decides he wants to go on one last hunt for old times sake
babysoftboyking · 28 days
debating on whether or not to write another grieving mpreg!sam fic where he finds out he’s pregnant the day after deans death
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impala-in-gotham · 3 years
This Destiel/finale fix-it ficlet I wrote...
This is my first attempt at writing fic so be gentle haha but I had a dream close to this and kinda tweaked it from there but it’s basically a finale fix-it in which I’ve decided Dean’s still alive. He lost consciousness a few sentences into his speech and imagined the rest, which is what we saw. There’s just too much about “heaven” that has been used before as a façade. So here goes…
“Okay. P-Please. I'm fading pretty quick, so...there's a few things that I-...” before he can even start the next words Dean’s head lolls to the side and his eyes fall closed.
Sam feels like everything is moving in slow motion as the nightmare of losing his brother plays out in front of his eyes.
Sam holds Dean in place the best he can and his dread drains away slightly as he hears Dean’s shallow breaths despite his sudden loss of consciousness.
Sam's thoughts start racing, time-induced panic ticking away. Nothing they haven’t dealt with before but this isn’t Chuck’s tale of heroes anymore. It’s just them now.
"Shit, shit, shit...the nearest hospital is still too far...I can't...there's too many bodies to even try to explain...I can't even let Dean go to hide them...shit. Shit...Jack!"
"Hang on, Dean. Just hang on as long as you can. I'll fix this."
Sam prays loudly into the empty barn, "Jack?? Jack, I know you can see this, I hope you can do something, please. It can't end like this. It wasn't supposed to end like this. Not after everything we've been through, everything Dean's survived, he doesn't deserve this. You know he doesn't. Please, Jack. He's not gone yet, he can still be saved. I'm not asking for resurrection here, just...just heal him, please, he deserves to be saved."
As if on cue, the barn roof starts to rattle, a few bulbs burst overhead and Cas walks through the barn doors, rushing to their side while Sam's eyes widen in shock.
"Cas?!? but...", Sam stammers out with only a little bit of shock and a lot more relief.
Cas darts his eyes straight at him and it feels like he's looking straight at his soul.
"Sam, I need you to hold him steady, I'll start healing, but I need you to slowly pull him forward as I heal, alright?... Sam?!...Ok?!"
"Yeah...Yes...Ok, I'm ready.", Sam’s words stumble out as he refocuses onto Dean's weight in his arms.
The familiar golden glow pours from Cas steadier than it did the last time Sam watched him heal Dean's hand. So easily that Sam is holding all of Dean's weight mere seconds later. Cas helps him lay Dean down. Dean's breathing has evened out, but his face is still clammy and pale.
Cas holds Dean's head in his lap for a few moments, as he pulls off his trench coat and folds it up as a makeshift pillow, easing his head onto it. The care and intimacy of the moment, it feels like Sam needs to look away, but then Cas stands and looks up at the relief and tears on Sam's face.
"He'll be alright, Sam. He lost a fair amount of blood so he just nee-".
Sam practically slams his entire body into Cas as he crushes him into a hug, "Cas, I can't believe you're here. Of course, you're here. You saved him. You always save him. Thank you, Cas. I didn't know what to do. Jack said he'd be hands-off but it's Dean."
"Of course. Jack sent me as soon as he heard you. We’re lucky we made it in time.", Cas looks around at the lifeless bodies and their lost heads strewn about, "I'll help you clean this up but first, I'll get those boys home."
As Sam piles up the bodies a familiar but long since heard sound of wings flutter near Dean and Cas is back. He's looking down at Dean with such adoration but with his matter-of-fact tone states, "They're back with their mother, who was thankful to you both...and to have her tongue healed back. I took the liberty of altering their memories. They shouldn't have to live with that trauma." His eyes still lost to watching Dean’s chest rise and fall.
"You got your wings back," Sam says without realizing he thought it aloud.
Cas smiles coyly and looks back at Sam, visibly spreading them out, while Sam watches in awe as their shadows encompass the barn behind him. "Along with a few other powers I've missed now that Jack has restored heaven to what it should be."
Sam sighs, "Yeah, about that..."
While cleaning up the barn, Sam and Cas catch each other up on what happened since they last saw each other. Sam talks about defeating Chuck, Jack bringing everyone back, and how mundane the past months of freedom have been. Cas tells Sam how Jack rescued him from the Empty as well as other angels like Michael (with Adam), Gabriel, Hannah, Samandriel, and Balthazar to name a few.
Sam throws his lighter into the pile of vamps and looks over at Cas, "It's great to have you back, Cas. Dean didn't...well more like couldn't I guess. He couldn't talk about you much after... all he told us was you made a deal and you summoned the Empty to save him from Billie...but after that, he could barely say your name. Didn't stop him from asking Chuck to bring you back", he says with a small smirk, then presses his lips together and sighs, "but it was like a part of him had shut down or just broke. He wouldn't tell me and if you don't want to, I won't push it but you're my best friend, Cas and I...I still don’t know...Can you tell me what happened?"
Cas looks into Sam's puppy dog eyes, now glistening either from the fire or the topic, and then over at Dean still peacefully asleep a few feet away. He reaches out his grace and maybe Dean's soul recognizes it because he is sleeping soundly as if he hasn't in months. Cas guesses that's probably true. Contemplating how much of the story is his to tell and how much Dean would allow him to say since Sam and Cas both know it's not that he won't, he can't.
Cas reaches out and squeezes Sam's shoulder. "I'm sorry for any pain I caused you, I didn't have a choice. I knew it was the only way to beat Chuck. That only you and Dean could find a way. I made the deal to save Jack when he was dying, the Shadow agreed to take me instead but not until I had experienced true happiness. With Chuck in charge, any happiness seemed impossible, but I thought proving to Dean that he is worth saving, that all he's ever done was driven by love, not anger, prove to him why I love him." His voice betrays him by cracking on the last words. Still new to his mouth and his ears.
Cas searches Sam's face for any sort of shock or surprise but finds none. Instead, there’s a kind understanding that only Sam would have.
Sam sighs and says, "That's why." he continues as Cas' head tilts, "When we faced Chuck, he called Dean the ultimate killer but Dean just walked past him, no anger or malice, and just said 'that's not who I am'. It was because of you. He must have finally started to see himself the way you see him. How we all see him."
Cas brightens at that, looking back over at Dean, "Then it worked. The only thing I ever wanted was for Dean to love himself. I didn't ever think I'd be enough. That how I feel about him was enough after everything...after every time I tried to prove it. It was never enough before."
Sam smiles warmly, "You were enough, Cas. I've been trying almost our whole lives to get Dean to believe he wasn't a killer, that his life was worth more. I think we all tried, but you got through to him. He tried so hard after you...he tried but I could tell he was forcing it. Tonight, before you got here, it sounded like he'd given up. It sounded like the last time we lost you.” Sam shakes his head, trying to push away the image of Dean plunging a syringe into his heart, “Cas…every time we lost you it's been hard. For me too, but for Dean... it's different, each time it was different. He’d close himself off. He’d lose all faith. He’d give up. He’d want to die. I think...I think that he loves you more than he lets on. He's better when you're back. He's only happy when you're back."
Cas looks back over at Sam, a trace of a smile, "I know. I always felt it, just... well", he huffs, "We both know he's not one for words. But I know how he feels. I think his fear was more so in having something to lose. We’ve lost each other too many times."
The fire is dying down with the bodies not quite recognizable. Sam collects their gear into Baby's trunk. Cas walks out of the barn carrying Dean as if he's as light as a feather. Sam offers to drive Baby back to the bunker if Cas wants to fly Dean back instead. Cas nods and another flutter of wings echoes in the space left behind. Sam climbs into Baby, places his hands tightly on the wheel, closes his eyes, and prays to Jack.
A few hours later, Dean wakes up. He slowly realizes he's back in the bunker, he's in his room, there's no pain in his back, and his hand is being held. He looks over to meet gleaming blue eyes he thought he’d never see again and can barely get anything out. “Cas... but how... you...?” and just pulls him into an awkwardly angled hug but holds on so tightly. It's just them. He doesn't have a time limit.
Dean feels as Cas inhales to explain but Dean cuts him off with “It doesn’t matter how. Is this real? Are you really back? For good."
Cas smiles as if his true happiness reaches a new level and simply says, “Hello, Dean." tightening his embrace, "Yes, Jack brought me back-- new and improved”.
Dean holds him and breathes in that familiar ozone smell, feels the pulse of grace within him stronger than before, something only he seems to be able to feel. "I thought I lost you forever. I thought you...wait," he pulls back to look at Cas again, "Didn't I die? I was in heaven, but it felt...wrong, you were there but you didn't come to see me, Bobby was there but he didn't even hug me after... what? 8 years?! No one else showed up. I just drove to a bridge…Tell me you didn't make a deal or -" his face freezes and his entire body goes tense, "Where's Sam?"
"No, you didn't die. Sam prayed to Jack and I came straight to you. You're healed but the blood loss left you pretty lethargic; though, I think that was your own exhaustion. Sam’s fine, he took the Impala. Should be here soon. You’re safe, it was just a dream. Those boys are back with their mother. I healed her. Altered their memories. Everyone's safe now. Sam told me everything that happened since...I...," a brief sadness flashes in his eyes before he brightens and smiles at Dean, "I knew you would save the world."
“I’ve been trying to find a way into the Empty for months, Cas. I…I read everything I could find but there was barely anything. I tried to use your blood from the sigil to summon you like what Nick tried to do but I guess I didn’t get the ingredients right or I don’t know…nothing worked. Jack never answered any of my prayers but I kept asking him to bring you back. I tried--…”
“Dean.” The tone over that one syllable calmed Dean the same way only Cas has always managed to be able to do.
Cas continued, “I’m back. Jack only recently was able to get me back but he heard your prayers. It took a lot of time and bargaining to get me and as many angels as we could save back out. The Shadow’s asleep again. I’m back and I’m not going anywhere. This is my home. I’m home.”
Dean sits processing this. Shaking off the fake heaven and submerging himself in Cas being alive and here. Now. In his grasp. He doesn't know how he gets to have a second...or seventh? chance but all that matters is everyone he loves, everyone he cares about is safe.
Dean meets Cas’s eyes and stares into the bright, deep blue he's fallen in love with so many times, eyes that have seen every part of who he is, good and bad, and says, “I love you too, Cas.”
Cas smiles very much like he did before the Empty was summoned but without tears because the one thing he wants is right in front of him. Looking at him like he is the most important being in every possible alternate universe. Still so beautiful.
Dean's eyes drift to Cas's lips as they have many times before, asking the same question Cas has yet to answer. Cas places a hand behind the base of Dean's neck, his fingers warm and strong as they pull Dean closer. Finally, their lips come together and it feels like no other kiss either of them has ever had. It feels like swirling grace entangling into his soul; it feels like being healed. It feels like every jagged piece of each other is clicking into place, completing and filling what was empty and longing before. It feels like being saved.
Sam parks in the garage and leaves everything as-is to deal with later. He heads down the hallway to check on Dean when suddenly the overhead lights flicker but before he can run for iron or salt, the bulbs burst. First the one over Dean's door, then a few more heading his direction, then nothing. Sam relaxes and sighs deeply, “Finally!”
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
v e l o c i t y - final chapter
The one where John’s your true mate, but he doesn’t want you to be his.
In a universe where fate grants you a new mate whenever you lose yours, John has lived quite comfortably for many years with the knowledge that he was alone after Mary. That all comes crumbling down the second that he meets you. How could the universe choose someone so young to be his omega?
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist.
A/N: this is it, everyone. Thanks for hanging out this far! I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride 😘
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John’s P.O.V.
I knew something was wrong even before I left her. A wendigo just a two-hour drive away, should be a quick job and one I didn’t think she was quite ready for yet, so I took the boys and trusted her to be alone in the bunker for a little while.
I hadn’t anticipated the job to take over a day. I hadn’t anticipated having to sleep away from her body for the first time since I relented and allowed myself to get close to her.
But I particularly hadn’t anticipated the effect this first physical separation would have on the both of us, like it was our body’s way of punishing me for not claiming the woman who was meant for me.
Of course, my cells couldn’t tell I hadn’t really abandoned her. To them, I was ignoring everything my instincts wanted. I couldn’t really tell my own body everything was going to be alright because all it knew was that I couldn’t scent my unmated omega, and that was against every Alpha’s nature.
“Dad, are you alright?” I turned to stare at Dean, who was frowning up at me from where he was sat on the motel’s couch, trying to help Sam find out something about this damn thing we’d been hunting.
“Yeah, I’m alright,” I scoffed, not interested in letting my kids see behind the mask of control I always put on. “Keep reading, we gotta get to the bottom of this.”
But my voice faltered, catching Sam’s otherwise occupied attention. He glanced up at me quickly before doing a double-take, concern written all over his features.
“Dad, you don’t look so good,” he pointed out, and the uneasiness inside of me had me aggressively growling at him, wanting to get this over with so I could go back to my omega.
“Boy, just fucking do your research, will ya?” I pointed towards the computer, waving my arms around before I decided to take out my jacket, sweat pouring out of me and making my shirt stick to my chest.
I could hear Sam’s unimpressed hum, but I was trying very hard not to take out on them this feeling of distress that was raising inside of me, so I decided to ignore it.
“Alright,” Sam conceded, even if I could still hear the disbelief in his tone. “But if you’re like this, can you imagine what she must be going through right now?”
The thought had me freezing, worry consuming my every thought. I hadn’t considered that before he suggested it to me, and just that fact had guilt burning my stomach, the knowledge that I had failed as her Alpha cutting through me.
“I have to get to her.” My hands were already reaching for the car keys, I could see the boys nodding from my peripheral vision. “I have to go home.”
They stayed behind as I went to the door, Dean awkwardly waving while reminding me to come pick them up once we were “settled”. “There’s no way I’m going to that bunker while they’re like this,” I heard him say to Sam, and I can’t say that I minded.
I couldn’t even think about it. All that mattered was my girl, and how quickly I could get to her.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I don’t think I’d ever felt agony such as this. Sweat covered every inch of my body, my fingers incessantly working my clit as I shook with the need to feel John near me.
It took me by surprise, this overwhelming urge to cum, a desperate calling from deep within my bones that took me to his bedroom before I could even rationalize it. Buried in his sheets, it was almost possible to pretend that he was here.
I just wish that I was able to hold myself together for long enough to call him, let him know of my state. As it were, I couldn’t stop touching myself for long enough to do anything. All I could think about was my need to be filled, my need to be claimed, fucked, owned in every possible way.
I knew the smell of my wetness was almost unbearable by now, taking over the entire bunker in an effort to call for my alpha. I almost pitied the boys once they returned to find me like this, but right now, I couldn’t care. This need had me drenching his bedsheets and all that was left for me to do was hope and pray that John was coming home soon.
Seconds melted away into hours while I stood there, delirious in desire, hopeless in need. The only sounds I could detect in the empty bunker were of my own overwhelming wetness as I slowly fucked myself to an unsatisfying orgasm, over and over and over again.
So when the door opened up to reveal a distressed and disheveled John, I honestly thought I would cry.
“Jo-Alpha,” I moaned, overcome with excruciating longing. Now that he was here, my body suddenly relaxed before my muscles became tense again, all at once. “I need you.”
And I truly did. The scent of him was enough to calm me down for a millisecond before it turned up the need in my omega nature, calling out to him so he’d finally do what both of our bodies so desperately needed.
“I came as fast as I could,” he admitted, hands making quick work of his own clothes, and the relief I felt inside of me as I realized he wasn’t going to fight this anymore was simply unbelievable. “As soon as I realized…” He didn’t finish himself then, almost falling over as he tripped on his jeans, eager to get closer to me, his body as needy for mine as I was for him.
“I couldn’t handle imagining you suffering half as much as I was, ‘mega.” He climbed the bed still half-dressed, even if only in his boxers, but the second that his skin touched mine, I was thankful for it.
It was enough to calm down my cells - for now. He rubbed his nose against my scent gland, sending the signal it needed to understand that everything was okay, my Alpha was here now.
“I’m sorry that I left,” he whispered against my skin, body molding against mine until I felt pleasantly suffocated by his weight. “I should have known better. Should have known I’d be hurting us both.”
Now that he was here and I could feel his warmth, the pain had faded away, leaving only the overwhelming need to be filled. I didn’t want to hear his excuses, I knew he didn’t mean to hurt me this time.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” I assured him, hands traveling down the expanse of his large back to reach for his boxers. “Just fuck me.” A growl escaped John at my request, driving me even crazier with need. “Fuck me, please, Alpha,” I begged. “I can’t take this anymore.”
I wasn’t exaggerating. I was about to lose my damn mind. And when John pushed away just enough to connect his eyes to mine, analyzing my state, and whispered, “I’m not gonna be able to hold back,” the whine that escaped me was barely even human.
It seemed to be exactly what he wanted to hear though, because it led him to press open-mouthed, wet kisses against my cheek, trailing down my jaw and neck until he was right over my scent gland, lips engulfing it.
“I’m gonna ruin you, little girl.” Whimpering, I desperately rubbed my drenched cunt against the boner still covered by his boxers, all while he took a hold of my wrists and pinned them to the bed. “And you’re gonna love it.”
I had no doubts about it. When his lips met mine, drowning me in his kiss, I gave myself completely to him, fully immersed in the dance our mouths performed, distracted from the overwhelming emptiness that I felt for just a second.
“Let me make you feel good, baby girl.” It was a new pet name that he’d been using for a few weeks, and it always made me instantly wet. Hearing it in this context though, had me going absolutely feral.
John’s P.O.V.
My hands roamed all over her perfect body, unable to believe that I finally had it completely exposed to my gaze. I silently thanked myself for having let the lights on when I walked into the room, desperate to calm her down. It allowed me to fully take in the beauty underneath me, about to become completely mine.
“Fuck,” I breathed out as I filled my hands with her breasts. “This all for me, ‘mega?” She just whined, nodding slowly as I licked my lips in explicit hunger. She was so soft. And she became even softer as her muscles relaxed underneath my touch, her body finally surrendering to her Alpha.
“There you go, little girl…” I grunted in appreciation, slowly unglueing our bodies so I could stare down at where she was sticky and taunting. “’Ve been dying to taste you.” It came out more as a mumble as I thought out loud, crawling backward to reach her sensitive little pussy. 
The scent of her was overwhelming, begging me to reach out and dive right in, but just before I could, she seemed to snap out of whatever trance she was in, fingers wrapping on on my hair and pulling hard as she fought.
“No!” Caught by surprise, I pushed her down by the inside of her thighs, forcing her to spread them open, letting me take in the beautiful sight of her wetness despite the burn on my scalp.
“Just a little taste, baby girl…” I negotiated, tongue already stretching to reach her, take in her sweetness. She was as delicious as I’d expected, and it was impossible not to go back for seconds, bury my face against her hole, try to get as much of her juices as I possibly could.
“Please, please, stop!” She argued, desperate to be filled, but I wasn’t done with her yet. So I tapped two fingers against her pouty lips, still licking away at her pussy.
“Open up.” It took her a while to did as I told, but as soon as she obeyed, allowing me to run my digits over her lips, I buried those two fingers inside her mouth, silencing her complaints so I could peacefully eat out this cunt like I wanted to.
A light bite had me inhaling sharping, wishing I had enough self-control to bury my cock in her mouth, make her choke on it, but that would be for later. “Behave,” I ordered, going back to sloppily eating her out.
It didn’t take too long for her to flood my mouth with her essence, which was everything I wanted and the last thing missing for me to completely snap. Chest heaving, I leaned down to cover her neck with my hand, tilting her face to the side so I could look at where I wanted to leave my mark on her.
“Are you ready, omega?” She opened her eyes then, almost out of it as she blinked rapidly to be able to focus on me. When she did, taking in the image of me hovering over her, my cock finally out, she immediately started whining.
“Please, Alpha, please!” I couldn’t take it anymore and I knew she didn’t, either. So I connected her lips to mine one more time, and stuffed my dick inside of her, thankful that the overwhelming wetness helped me push it in without much problem.
I would not have been able to be patient. The second the head of my cock breached her, her tightness was so staggering that I audibly hissed, needing to part from her mouth to try to get some control over my own body but quickly realizing I’d lose that battle.
My hips started acting on their own accord, thrusting in and out of her while she gasped and clawed at my back, ecstatic comments of, “Fuck,” and “Yes,” slipping from her lips.
“So fucking tight,” I groaned, watching where we were joined in fascination. “But we fit so well.” The sounds of her drenched cunt swallowing my dick were only adding to my arousal, getting me to fuck her faster and harder with each thrust.
“You were meant to take me, little girl,” I panted over her, riding us both to our highs, desperate to get her to cum for me again, this time around my cock. “This is where you belong now, huh? Right here, underneath me, filled by my dick.”
Feeling her from the inside, witnessing just how tight she was while still being able to fuck her just showed me how much we really were made for each other. Shame washed over me as I thought back on how much I tried to fight this. “Cum for me, baby girl,” I softly whispered, taking in her blissed expression, trying to distract myself from the guilt. “Cum for your Alpha.”
Her body went taut underneath me, unable to disobey my direct order, but it was clear that she had reached her limit anyway. She looked so good with her eyes screwed shut and mouth hanging open, gasping for air and moaning at the same time, that I didn’t want to look away, but a pressing urge was clawing at me, and I knew it would soon take over.
It was time to claim her.
My mouth settled over her scent gland, engulfing it completely as my teeth marked her for the world to see. Her screams of pleasure became laced with pain, but the way she held me down to her body let me know she was enjoying this, as painful as it was.
When it was done, my pace changed to a slower rhythm, trying to get used to this new bond, the way I felt her pleasure intertwined in mine.
“Finally,” she joked a little breathlessly, making me laugh as I nuzzled her neck. “Does it still feel wrong to you?” I knew she was trying to pass it off as teasing, but the emotion was clear in her tone - and I could feel her vulnerability now.
Opening up a smile, I pecked her lips before assuring her, “Nothing has ever felt this right.” I knew she was feeling sensitive, but I could also feel her need for more, her need for me rising. She needed my knot, and I was going to give it to her.
Tears had started to flow down her cheeks, but her smile let me know it was more happiness than anything else. So I kissed away the wet paths they left behind as I kept rutting in and out of her, knowing there was absolutely no way of stopping myself from spilling inside her tight warm cunt.
Her body instinctively pulled away, trying to escape my knot, but I pulled her closer, burying myself as far as I could reach while nuzzling the mark that announced her as mine. “Oh, you’re not going anywhere, omega.”
At the sound of her title, she finally relaxed, just as I began filling her up, my mouth rebranding her all over again. “You belong to me now,” I sighed, resting my head on her chest as her hands wrapped around my back.
It was quiet in the room then, both of us catching our breaths and relishing in each other’s presence, knowing we’d never feel alone again. I kissed her temple as I adjusted us so she’d be laying on my chest, my knot still settled deep inside of her when I started to caress her skin.
“I hope you’re ready, little girl,” I teased. “We’ll be spending a lot of time like this from now on.” I could feel her smile against me, giving me a quick kiss before retorting, “You may be surprised to know this, John Winchester, but I really don’t mind the idea of spending the rest of my life in this bed with you.”
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neonthewrite · 3 years
Washed Up Winchesters 5
The team gets up to some investigating and stuff! It's time to figure out where to find their shipful of monsters.
Cowritten with @nightmares06, the writer behind the @brothersapart multiverse!
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) -5- ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 )
Story Tag
Read Time ~10 minutes
Chase grinned as Jacob’s gait steadied out, and he looked out ahead of them. The gently rolling hills around the main city of Lilliput stretched before them, and it was almost like flying. “Cheer up, Dean, we’re gonna arrive in style no matter where we go this way!”
Dean put his head in his hands at that assurance, and there was a barely-audible reply, which, if anyone leaned in close enough to hear the mumble, they would have made out "Never living this down, ever."
Sam only smiled and gave Dean a confident pat on his head, the only part of Dean that was in reach while he slumped down.
Minnie slapped Chase’s arm with the back of her hand and gave him a warning look. He rolled his eyes dramatically, but didn’t say anything more to try to coax Dean out of his worries. Considering it was his first time ever getting a lift from a giant, he was doing just fine.
Jacob kept that in mind as he walked. He didn’t normally rush himself when walking around the city of miniature people. They would usually see him ambling along at a relaxed pace, one that wouldn’t get him anywhere fast if he was the right size around there. Even now, he could spot some people on the outskirts of town pausing to look over at him as he passed by. He tried to soften his steps a bit, but didn’t slow down.
At least, not until he’d rounded the edges of the city and the harbor was in sight. He had to watch his step much more closely, and he all but inched up to one of the docks at the very edge of all the bustling activity. People were keeping busy, and most of them hardly even thought to look up at the sign of his rumbling footsteps.
All in all, the walk couldn’t have taken much more than five minutes for him.
“Do you guys see the ship you were on? Would you recognize it from up here?” he asked, looking straight down at his hand. He was curious for their answer as much as for how well they were doing after their first (conscious) trip with a giant.
Sam leaned off the edge of the giant's hand, squinting slightly to try and make out the markings on the ship. It was hard to forget the ship that tossed him and his brother overboard to be lost at sea.
"That's it," Sam confirmed as soon as he spotted it. "Can you see if there's anyone still on the ship?"
Chase braced his hands on the base of one of Jacob's fingers so he could lean over and squint at the ship Sam was pointing to. It seemed nondescript to his eyes, and hardly stood out among the others; he'd never claimed a strong knowledge in telling the difference between boats. "I don't see anyone," he hedged, but his tone said he was unsure.
Jacob's mouth twisted into a disapproving frown as two of the people on his hand leaned so close to the edge. He wasn't about to nudge them back yet, but he was on alert.
"No one above deck, anyway," he observed.
Sam frowned as well, intently scanning the ship and surrounding landscape. "We need to find them..." he muttered. "There's no telling if they'll be looking for new victims once they're on solid ground."
"Can we get down yet?" Dean asked plaintively from where he was sitting with his legs crossed.
“Yeah, yeah,” Chase teased with a grin, patting a hand on Jacob’s palm. He looked up and pointed at an area of the shipyard more loaded with boxes than with bustling people. “Can ya let us off there? We can go investigate, and stuff!”
Jacob smirked. “Investigate and stuff? Can’t believe I’m missing out,” he teased right back, nudging at Chase’s side even as he knelt down carefully. He didn’t move his hand further away from his chest until he was as close to the ground as he could get without sitting down. It looked like Dean was too woozy for anything crazy.
While everyone disembarked, he braced his free hand on the ground to keep steady. “I’ll wait over here for you guys.”
After quite a bit of “investigating and stuff,” the group didn’t have many leads to go on. Surprisingly, Chase was the most outwardly disappointed by that fact. As they returned to meet up with Jacob and decide where to look next, Chase tilted his head back and frowned at the sky.
“Man, we coulda gotten so many more clues if someone hadn’t decided to argue with that fisherman so much,” he pointed out. “What kinda secret agenting can we do like that?”
Dean scowled at Chase's obvious diss towards their methods. "You want to be in charge, short stop?" he griped irritably.
"Most of our work is in Blefuscu," Sam reminded them to avoid Dean throwing another tantrum. "It's different over there. We're more likely to set off another war if we go pushing at the wrong people."
The pointed way Sam put we're left it in no uncertain terms that he thought it was likely that Dean would be the one most likely to step on toes, but he planned on sticking by his older brother's side no matter what. The two Blefuscans were out of place in the Lilliputian port, and the fact that they had some locals helping them out was nothing short of a miracle.
"Well, it's not like we didn't learn anything," Minnie supplied. "That one guy said they sold the boat as soon as they could, so there might be, like, a record of where they're gonna be next."
Chase nodded, but smirked. "I'm surprised you noticed anything after you found that livestock pen."
Minnie crossed her arms and her optimistic expression turned into a sullen one. "I never get to see the new lambs before the auctions start. So what? I listen just fine."
Chase rolled his eyes but spared her further teasing. "Riiight. So we at least know there's one guy who talked to the guys that were on that ship. That's something, right?" He turned to Sam and Dean to watch for their confirmation.
"It's not nothing," Sam agreed.
"It's not much," Dean interrupted obstinately.
Sam whirled around on Dean. "Can you try being helpful for once?" he demanded, crossing his arms. "So far, we've seen no sign of attack. So there's still time."
For a minute, it looked like Dean would keep arguing for the sake of arguing, but then he sighed and looked away. "Right, once we talk to that guy, we can see if he remembers where they went and why no one else in the area interacted with the people from the ship. They can't just vanish into thin air."
“That’s the spirit, Dean!” Chase chirped, still all too unbothered by the seriousness of the situation. At least outwardly, he didn’t show signs of worry. After all, they were doing what they could, which was more than most people would be able to do. Having two monster hunters just wash up on Lilliput after some monsters snuck in was good luck, in his opinion.
Even if they weren’t the most enthused about their main mode of transportation while visiting.
Jacob could be seen a bit beyond the cluttered area at the edge of the harbor. He couldn’t sit down too close by; even when he was trying to make himself seem smaller, the giant took up too much space. Some of the warehouses framing the bustling area were too little to hold him.
Chase lightly tapped Dean’s arm with the back of his hand. “Whatcha say, ready to fly in style again?”
Lips flattened into a straight line, Dean didn’t deign to glance Chase’s way. “Style is not what I’d call it,” he grumbled as he accepted that as long as they were working with the Lilliputians, they’d have to deal with the giant that came with them.
Sam slapped Dean on the back, nearly throwing him forward. “C’mon, just imagine the stories you’ll have when we get back!”
“They’ll never believe us.”
Chase snickered. “What, they seriously haven’t started spreading the rumor around Blefuscu yet? You guys are behind!” He stepped forward as he spoke, paying little mind to the others with a goal in mind. With both hands cupped around his mouth, he let out a yell much louder than it seemed like such a frail person could produce. “Hey, Jake!”
The giant, sitting peacefully and staring over the bay, perked up and turned his head at the sound of his name. At first, he didn’t find the group among the clutter. When he zeroed in on them, a smile appeared on his face, all too easy to see from their vantage point.
The ground rumbled under their feet as he pushed himself up so he could kneel closer to the shipyard again. “Hey, guys,” he greeted. “Chase letcha get any work done?”
Dean glared. "Some," he said testily. The terse reply combined with his stiff body language showed that he was still just as uncomfortable with the giant close by. Giants weren't something that Blefuscans had ever adjusted to, and the concept of a friendly one was outside of Dean's realm of normal.
Sam hid a grin. "Chase is lucky Dean didn't pitch him off the docks," he commented dryly to help break up the tension around them. "But aside from that, we have a lead."
If Jacob noticed Dean’s demeanor, he didn’t do anything to draw attention to it. He was used to people in Lilliput giving him the side eye at least, and some of them still didn’t trust him at all. While it might be common knowledge that he wasn’t going to go on a rampage or anything, he was too big to ignore.
He leaned down just a little more, intrigued. “A lead? That’s great!”
Chase nodded. “Yeah, they sold their ship to some businessman, so he might know where they were going next! Wanna give us a ride to him?”
Jacob paused. He couldn’t help a glance at Sam and Dean to gauge what they thought of the idea, but then he glanced past the whole group to the city of tiny folk arrayed behind them. “What, like, into the city? Is that allowed?”
“It’s not in the middle of town or anything,” Chase hedged. “And it’s way faster if you get us there.”
“You’ll take any excuse, won’t ya,” Jacob muttered. He addressed Sam, who seemed to be the de facto leader of the small group of investigators. “You guys cool with that? I don’t mind if you wanna wander in without me.”
"We need to avoid wasting time," Sam said, sending Dean a chiding look. "Your help is appreciated."
"Whatever," Dean said. He stomped closer to Jacob, drawing himself up. "Let's get this show on the road, Gulliver!"
It didn't take long for everyone to file onto Jacob's hand once again, and it didn't take much more than that for him to wander to the edge of town closest to their next goal. Chase seemed to know where to find anybody in that city, despite it being much bigger compared to him. He never minded pointing Jacob in a direction, either.
Jacob needed more time to work up the courage to just walk in. He stood near one of the buildings on the outskirts, an area not walled in like the front of the city. The road would be just wide enough to accommodate him, but he wouldn't leave much room for anything else.
"Jake, I think I can see the guy's building from up here," Chase noted.
“Cool,” Jacob muttered. He didn’t even bother to hide his concern for what he was about to do, but he took the hint well enough. He took the first step into the city, past the edge of that nearest building, and almost expected a swarm of Lilliputians to emerge from around corners to scold him.
They didn’t, and that was promising.
He inched his way further in, ever mindful of the buildings on either side as he passed. Some people did lean out their windows to stare incredulously at them, and Chase took on the task of waving at them. Any disapproving look was deflected before long.
He was only a block away when a sharp, authoritative voice down below called up to him and he drew up short. Jacob had to shuffle one careful step backwards to see the tiny cop down there, hands on his hips and looking stern. The little guy had to tilt his head all the way back just to see Jacob’s face, but he didn’t let any intimidation get in the way.
“Just what do you think you’re doing, giant? You’re too dangerous for the streets!”
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allthemarrowoflife · 4 years
my headcanons for harry and neville, a rarepair i just found out about but already think is the softest
this got Long but bear with me here, they're two of my golden era favourites and I'm a sucker for some peaceful and cute fluffy love
they become really close friends once both go back to hogwarts for eighth year. in the nights harry wakes up sweating from nightmares and neville just can't sleep, they sit in the common room together
sometimes they talk about the deep stuff neither ever had a chance to, knowing the other can relate to at least some of it. (it also helps that hermione has put everyone she knows in contact with some wizarding mental health clinics cause we all know she would). sometimes neville will ramble about random facts or interesting books about herbology and harry just sits there and watches the way his eyes shine when he's allowed to be passionate. sometimes harry will ramble about quidditch or DADA and neville will sit there and listen to the excitement in his voice. and sometimes they just sit in silence and enjoy the company
harry gives up on the ideia of becoming an auror (that boy has had enough action and danger in his life, let him have some peace and quiet), so minnie mcg and the current DADA professor write him a recommendation letter for the DADA course in the Advanced Studies Academy (I don't really care if that really exists in the wizarding world, to me it does and it's kinda like uni) and he's accepted. neville is recommended by professor sprout and minnie for the herbology course in the same Academy
instead of looking for flats separately in the same city, they talk and decide it would be simpler if they just shared. the summer after graduation is spent looking for flats. except they don't find any that actually feels like them and the city is so big and there's so much noise and crowds
so one afternoon, harry shows up at madam longbottom's doorstep and takes neville to see a place, all the way saying "look, it's not exactly a flat and it's not in the neighbourhood we were aiming for BUT trust me, you'll understand when you see it"
and that's how two 19-year-old boys end up moving to an old but charming cottage on the outskirts of a forest near a small lake. the main reasons they discarted all other options upon seeing it include but are not limited to: a big bright kitchen for harry to have fun in, a small greenhouse that needs some loving, lots of space for teddy to play in when he grows a bit and the half an hour distance to the city, which does wonders to both their introverted and anxious natures
they stock the house with plants, books and old vinils. the walls are filled with photos of their friends, families and professors. by the front door, there's the moving photo minnie gave them, the graduation photo of the class of 1978, with both their sets of parents, surrounded by friends, smiling. hanging in the living room there's a gryffindor-themed banner that dean painted as a housewarming gift. jumpers and flannel shirts are tossed over chairs to be picked up later. there's a warm blanket permanently kept on the couch for movie nights on the muggle telly. neville starts growing vegetables and spices so harry can cook without driving all the way to town every week. there's a weird pendant hanging over the back door that they don't even what is the purpose of but leave there anyway cause it's colorful and was a gift from luna
neither of them had good childhoods and neither were offered much affection and support growing up, so they manage to find that in each other. be it through physical affection, bringing home little things they think the other will like or simply saying nice stuff
they genuinely make each other better. they talk about the bad stuff and laugh about the good. neville is the soft voice and the hand on harry's arm that calm his temper, while harry is the hug and warm presence that ease neville's constant worry
their first kiss happens on the exact 0:00 minute between their birthdays while they're stargazing on the grass behind the cottage. teddy, who is staying with them for a few days, is peacefully sleeping in his brightly-painted room. the summer air is fresh around them. fireflies are loose. the kiss is soft and sweet. there's nothing of the fear of ruining their friendship, it just feels like a natural turn that doesn't really change much of their dynamic except for the fact that they can now openly stare at each others eyes and say sappy things
neville is panromantic and asexual and harry just knows he's bi but doesn't really care about all the sex stuff, so their relationship (which is official now) never really gets past kisses and caressing touches, but that's exactly how they want it
now let's please take a moment for the domestic scene: 185cm tall harry potter, saviour of the wizarding world and defense against the dark arts academic, drying cloth hanging from his shoulder, dancing around in their kitchen with 170cm tall neville longbottom, hero of the wizarding world and herbology academic, who has a spot of dirt on the tip of his nose and freckles from the spring sun lighting up the front garden. you're welcome.
a random afternoon right after they graduate (with honours) from the Advanced Studies Academy, minnie shows up for tea and casually drops the information that the DADA and herbology positions at hogwarts are now vacant
welcome to the hogwarts staff, professor potter and professor longbottom, it's not as if the other professors had been planning on this all along, of course, nothing of the sort
they still go back to the cottage for the weekends, summer and winter holidays, and take time to travel around the world, sometimes for research on their areas of expertise, sometimes just for fun. during the school year, they drop by the three broomsticks to catch up with hannah or do pub nights with their friends
one summer night, they're watching a muggle movie cuddled on the couch and neville blurts out "haz, do you ever think about getting married?". that's how they got engaged. the ceremony and party are small and both held on their own backyard. teddy carries the rings and luna is the flower girl. they don't choose best-men and instead just divide their friends in two groups and call all of them the "grooms-maids"
they never get any pets, since they're basically only home like three months of the year. harry splits teddy's custody with andromeda cause she's old and definitely can use some help. ginny marries luna, dean marries seamus, lavender (who is alive and proud of her scar and eventual wolfish inclination) marries parvati, ron marries hermione. they're all happy, healthy and constantly meeting up
they have teddy every weekend and holidays
they go for family lunch at the burrow every sunday
they manage to be vastly different and absurdly alike at the same time, as seamus once put out
they're soft and happy and comfortable and ridiculously in love
the fan base for this pair is so small and I don't even know their shipp name (I've read "pottbottom" somewhere but I don'tthink there's one single name for them ) however I am totally converted, give me all the harry x neville soft content
also, I obviously made a playlist cause nothing in my head functions without a soundtrack so here
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
1x18: Something Wicked
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After this they toss the ball around like old times
Fitchburg, WI
When I first started watching this show, I found great delight in all the locations the Winchesters visited that I recognized. I also laughed at how much these locations didn’t look a thing like the real place. 
We begin this episode with a little girl saying her prayers. Her dad tucks her in, and she asks about her mom. She’ll be staying the night at the hospital with the little girl’s sister. 
Later that night, the little girl sits up listening to the wind beat tree branches against her window. One of the branches turns into a hand that opens her window. A shadowy figure creeps across the room ---and a Deatheater scares the girl into a comatose state. 
Sam and Dean are on the hunt since John is TOO LAME AND PETTY AND MEAN to go himself. Sam swears there’s nothing on their radar, but Dean insists they check it out. 
(This episode gets pretty dark when it comes to John and Dean so we’ll try to add lots of pretty pictures to help with the pain.)
For Side Profile Science:
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The boys pull into the nice rural town of Fitchberg Fitchburg, WI, not the more urban suburb of the state’s capital. 
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They ask around about anything weird in town ---just the freemasons being sneaky again. (Flashes of Hot Fuzz). Sam then notices that there are no kids at the school playground at 4 in the afternoon. 
Dean heads over to talk to Hannah a mother who tells him about kids falling sick in town, and parents getting anxious over it. 
Dean and Bikini Inspector/CDC doctor Sam head to the hospital. 
For Bikini Inspector Science:
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They head to the pediatric ward. Dean notices an old woman who decorates her room with an upside down cross (way to play with our ingrained bias of ageism and sexism show!) 
Dr. Hydeker explains that 6 children are sick with pneumonia so far, and their bodies are just shutting down. They won’t respond to antibiotics or anything. 
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This disease works its way through families, one child after another. None of the children are conscious. They interview the father of Mary and Bethany. He mentions that they think they caught this from an open window. 
Sam and Dean wonder what opened the window and go to the house to check it out. Initially, they find nothing, but then Sam notices one WACKY handprint. “What the hell leaves a handprint like that?” Sam wonders. 
*RAGE Flashback Alert*
John’s heading out on a hunt and he’s giving young Dean instructions. Then he scolds his 9 year old son to pay attention. 
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Dean recites John’s fatherly advice: “Shoot first, ask questions later.” before John takes off. I love how he bullies Dean into being an adult here, and doesn’t even acknowledge Sam at all when he leaves. 
Present day, Dean tells Sam that he knows why they’re in Fitchburg. John’s faced this monster in the past, and he wants them to finish it.
When they pull into their motel for the night, Sam asks what a shtriga is. Dean thinks it’s a witch of some sort. John faced one over 15 years ago in Wisconsin, and now it appears to be back. 
Dean heads inside to get a room for them. He’s greeted with a surly 10 year old hotel proprietor. Well, the son of the real hotel manager. Dean can’t decide to be upset with the kid questioning his sexuality or soft for the kid who clearly has a great responsibility taking care of his younger brother. The mom helps Dean get a room. 
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While Dean gets checked in, he has another flashback. 
*Scabetti-os Flashback Alert*
Dean’s feeding Sam his dinner. Sam’s sick of the same old food. He wants Lucky Charms, but there’s only one bowl left, and Dean needs to eat too. Sam throws on his baby-puppy dog look and Dean throws away the spaghetti-os and let’s Sam eat the cereal. It BREAKS me that this child has to think rationally and maturely to feed his younger brother, but he’s JUST A KID so he throws the pasta away in anger instead of eating it himself. 
For One Day Sam Won’t Touch Sugar Cereal Science:
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Sam does his research and discovers more about shtriga. They feed off of spiritus vitae --or breath of life. Sam says they prefer children and they’re invulnerable to everything. Dean corrects him and says that they’re vulnerable when they feed. 
Sam continues that this monster takes the form of a human when it’s not feeding --generally an old woman. Dean remembers the woman from the hospital. 
They head to the hospital, ready to do their worst to the old lady. 
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A nice jump scare that gets me every time reveals that she’s just an old woman. She demands they fix the crucifix that fell on her wall --so it wasn’t supposed to be upside down. WINCHESTER BAD. 
At the motel, Michael and his little brother sleep peacefully. A shadowy hand creeps across the window and opens it.
The next morning the Winchesters return to the motel. Dean notices Michael moping outside the office. It turns out that Asher is very sick and just got shipped to the hospital. The window was unlatched, and Michael blames himself for not protecting his younger brother. Dean “Guilt Spiral” Winchester tries to help him avoid lifelong trauma by telling him that it isn’t his fault. Excuse me while I WEEP A SINGLE TEAR!
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Dean gives the mom a lift to the hospital while Michael stays behind. Sam heads to the library, where I am forced ONCE AGAIN to include a picture of a Winchester rocking a microfiche machine. 
For (This Joke Will Never Die) Library Science:
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Sam fills Dean in on a string of child deaths tied to a mysterious pneumonia-like illness. The Fitchburg body count is just getting started. Sam finds a newspaper photo from the 1890’s featuring the very same doctor who is caring for the pediatric patients today. Dean, still at the hospital, puts on his murder face. Doctor Hydecker is IN THAT VERY ROOM looking over Asher. He asks Dean what the CDC has uncovered so far. Um. Nothing? Except a big ol’ liar and murderer. 
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Back at the motel, Dean fills Sam in on the hospital encounter with Hydecker. He didn’t attack the doctor at the hospital because a shtriga is only vulnerable when feeding. Also - more importantly - he didn’t have his guns on him. Dean plans to catch the shtriga in action that very night...when it returns to feed on Michael.
Sam’s horrified by this plan, but Dean insists that the end justifies the means. After all, their dad sent Dean to Fitchburg to clean up the hunt he botched...WHEN HE WAS JUST A KID. 
Dean explains: years ago John Winchester left Sam and Dean alone in a motel room in Fort Douglas, Wisconsin. A few nights into John’s absence, Dean leaves the room (with Sam asleep) so he can play arcade games at a local tavern. When he returns, there’s a terrifying spectre hovering over Sam.
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Dean calmly picks up the shotgun(!!!) his father left him, only for John to shout Dean out of the way. John blasts the heck out of the shtriga and then moves to cradle Sam (who is fine, don’t worry bbys). 
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Dean explains that he just left for a little bit! (A few hours and not, like, THREE DAYS, AMIRITE?) John’s pissed at Dean for failing to parent Sam properly. After the failed attack, John dropped Sam and Dean off at Pastor Jim’s. “Dad never spoke about it again. I didn’t ask. But he, uh… He looked at me different. You know? Which was worse. Not that I blame him. He gave me an order and I didn’t listen.”
Sam tries to convince Dean that he was just a kid and not responsible, but Dean “Guilt is Ninety Percent of My Personality” Winchester refuses to listen. John sent them this hunt as a personal message to DEAN. (Pardon me while I step outside and kick the shit out of John Winchester.) ANYWHO, Dean’s going to kill the shtriga any way he can...so young Michael gets to be bait. They head over to talk to Michael.
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Dean and Sam try to convince Michael to let them watch over him while he sleeps????? Lordy lord lord. Dean tries to convince Michael that monsters are real. Only, Michael doesn’t need much convincing. He saw the monster when it attacked his brother. (Side note: I give the person filming Jensen in this episode a Major Award.)
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Michael decides to sign on for the hunt on the chance that it might save Asher. Big brother club FTW! The Winchesters set up a nanny cam, instruct Michael to hide under the bed when they burst into the room, and get ready for the shtriga’s arrival. Dean tells Michael that he doesn’t have to be bait and he “won’t be mad” if he wants out after all. (I stroke Dean’s cheek and whisper, “Still beautiful, still Dean Winchester.”) But Michael’s all in if it means helping his brother.
The shtriga arrives for its murder appointment and the window slides open. The shtriga leans down in classic dementor mode to feed on a completely wide awake Michael, when the Winchesters burst in and start firing. The shtriga goes down like a trick target at a carnival, but it isn’t dead yet! (Only mostly dead.) It attacks Dean and then, symbolically, attacks Sam. While it begins to feed on Sam, Dean fires off one perfect shot into the shtriga’s forehead, killing it. “You okay, little brother?” Dean asks, also SYMBOLICALLY. 
Tiny, life-force soul bits float out of the dying shtriga’s mouth, on their way to reinhabit all the sick children in town. 
The next day, the Winchesters prepare to leave town. All the kids are on the road to recovery, and Michael gets ready to head off to visit his brother. (YAY!) 
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Sam takes a turn for the morose and mourns the fact that Michael knows monsters are real now. Dean “I’m Your Parent” Winchester tells Sam that he wishes he could have ensured that innocence for Sam as well. They drive off in a swirling cloud of Winchester angst. 
Live, from Fitchquote, Wisconsin:
I'm the oldest, which means I'm always right
I was sleeping with my peepers open
You were just a kid
Sometimes nightmares are real
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artist-in-space · 4 years
Did the final spn episode seem like a mockery of the show and the fans to you? I don't know what I expected from the finale but it wasn't this... :/
Hey! Let me preface this with I’m not actually a dedicated fan of Supernatural. I’ve watched like-- the first two seasons, snippets online of different scenes, and basically was diffused with information through Tumblr and Pinterest.
And I could still say: wow, just. Wow. 
I didn’t think they’d go anywhere near that area. I mean. I predicted that it might be a little bit anti-climactic like... “okay one would probably die by a final battle” but hoo boy what was that
For shows like these, yeah. It is a mockery. It’s got a following that is so dedicated that it stuck by it for more than a decade, and they just ask for the bare minimum: a good story. Because the actors are definitely great at acting, and the effects are fine. Character relationships are always the foundation of a good story, because even if the plot goes off the rails, the characters make it tolerable.
And for all characters to just. Be like that? Anyone-- even a non-fan-- would see that there was something terribly wrong with the ending. 
The fans asked for a good story, and-- whatever their reason they may be, we’ve seen all the jokes of homophobia and misogyny and incest and whatever going around-- it just shows that this... wasn’t it. This was a slap to the face to people who stuck by the series.
I remembered when they announced SPN S15, as a final season. A lot of people groaned and went oh no, not again, it would never end, how will they make it even worse, I hope they do something with the final confrontations but ultimately, they wanted the series to be laid to rest, peacefully.
This one? Oh boy. Not at all. This wasn’t GOT-- not a fan of GOT, but unlike the eight year-span, SPN had a decade and more. The characters were OOC, yeah, I read my dad’s frustrations when the finale dropped. Unlike GOT, there wasn’t any romance pushed (I love you being actually canon from Castiel and left...there) and there was no weird ending in heaven. 
The way Dean died... that was so disappointing to me, seeing as he was my favorite character back then. To just die by that. You’d think after everything he’d die...by, I don’t know. Old age? Or the series just doesn’t go the death route and leave it open-ended? I wouldn’t even mind an Inception ending where we just guess what happened and we’re doing our own interpretations. But no, somehow SPN went to....the wtf ending.
I expected the finale to be bland. To be weird. But to end in death in that way especially for Dean, make a weird way for Sam to live and go old, not even Castiel appearing (after all that importance he brought to the series, you’d think he’d be part of it, right?)-- it’s like they read every fan’s wish and decided, hell no. Let’s not make any of those happen, and instead we’ll make it worse. 
It’s decidedly like Sherlock S4, but not really because you could see the degradation from S3 if you’re keen on it, then S4 came in swinging and went ‘let’s destroy everything, but here’s them in the end taking care of a baby :)’ so there was “consolation” for the whole Holmes-Watson friendship break thing. But Christ, SPN looked at that and went “let’s destroy the hearts of everyone in this series, give the fans something so fabricated and hopeless where “everyone” is just happy that they’re dead.
What a weird way to end a series talking about Free Will and hope throughout their run, and anon, my god, I hope you go through a period of self-care because that was SUCH a bad ending.
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cornflowershade · 3 years
So I was thinking about Sam and Dean’s character trajectories and what each of them had expressed wanting in life. Thusly, let me present my Ideal Ending for the two of them (because I got some new ideas.)
Right off, let’s just be clear: hunting became Sam’s life. He’s attached to it. He likes organizing people, helping out, making a difference. He’s stubborn. He’s not one to grow old and give it up, and he certainly never wanted to “settle down” in a traditional sense. (He said this multiple times as the show progressed.) When Sam eventually presented the idea of “settling down” he specifically said with a hunter or someone who understands the life (aka Eileen. He didn’t want a romantic ending, he wanted a romantic ending with Eileen. And he wanted to keep hunting because that’s what he DOES and what gives him a purpose.) Sam is also a learner. In the f*nale, he doesn’t appear to have any particular passion or job or literally anything, despite always enjoying the act of learning and especially of becoming accomplished. At first this meant become a lawyer. By the end of the show, I believe the answer is become a powerful badass witch. His association with witches has existed through the whole show, from Ruby to Rowena, and the great thing about his relationship with Rowena is that it showed him reclaiming something related to negative aspects of his past and making it positive. Plus, he’s good magic and seems to enjoy learning spells in order to help with the hunting endeavors. So, Sam should have of course ended up with Eileen, becoming an epic hunter/hunter-witch duo. When Sam gets older and decides to take a step back, he still wouldn’t abandon the job completely. He would be a Bobby. The guy people call for help. The guy who does background research for younger hunters like Clarie when they don’t know what they’re dealing with. The guy who answers the phone and pretends to be your FBI supervisor because nope nah those totally weren’t fake badges *wink wink*. SAM DESERVED TO BE A HAPPY WITCH!BOBBY LIVING WITH EILEEN AND BEING THE GO-TO RESOURCE/MORAL-SUPPORT-UNCLE FOR A NEW GENERATION OF RECKLESS HUNTERS.
Now, what about Dean? It occurred to me that my perfect ending for Sam & Dean mirror the positions of older hunters/parental figures we’ve seen on the show. While Sam should’ve been a Bobby, Dean should have been an Ellen. What do we know about what Dean wants? A home. A family. An honest to goodness apple pie life, but one that’s still interesting and Cool. Oh and of course we all know that he wants a bar. HE DREAMS OF OWNING A FREAKING BAR. And of course, he would have wanted Cas. Even if Dean left hunting (which I think he would do, at least most of the time. Maybe he’d do a stray hunt here and there, but on the whole he’d settle down) he wouldn’t wanna cut ties with the whole community. So he would start a new Bar/Roadhouse of his OWN. That hunters would frequent. Heck, sometimes Sam & Eileen drop in for beers on their way home from a hunt. Dean and Cas are together, and they adopt/take in a kid. Cas has literally said he rediscovered who he is because of his children. Dean has mentioned wanting kids, multiple times. (Yeah, okay, it didn’t work out with Jack but that’s because there were a bunch of other Bigger Issues there. But Ben?? Dean ADORED Ben. So yes he and Cas get a kid.) 
Sam can still easily die peacefully of old age. Like, that’s fine with me, provided that he’s living a life that he would actually ENJOY, with the person he LOVES, doing the job he’s PASSIONATE ABOUT, while keeping in touch with his BROTHER and his brother’s ANGEL HUSBAND.
Now, as for Dean’s eventual death... Okay not to make us lose Dean again but this would be the coolest way to mash up his new happy ending with his old going-out-swinging dream. Kinda tragic, but also kind of the perfect emotional moment?? Dean & Cas’s kid decides that they want to be a hunter, much like Jo did. Dean (who is honestly such an Ellen-type parent okay) doesn’t want to see that happen because he loves his child so damn much and is like nO. Meanwhile Cas is like *ahem* “D e a r.” “WhAT?” “You and I both know from our own experiences that yelling ‘no’ doesn’t make someone listen. In the end they’ll make their own choice. Do I want them hunting? Probably not, but let’s either talk this out peacefully until they decide against it, or lovingly support their decision to do what they want.” So their child, who BY THE WAY Dean probably named Charlie because Charlie was definitely his best friend okay and she deserves to have a tribute like this ahhh so sweet. But yeah back to the point, their daughter Charlie starts hunting, and when Dean goes out, it’s after getting called in as backup for a dangerous and important hunt that Charlie is on. When he goes out, it’s with the love and tragedy and weight that Ellen’s death had. (Because to this DAY, I don’t think any death scene surpassed the emotional impact of Ellen and Jo’s and I will die on this hill.) So yes, Dean dies protecting HIS CHILD. Because that’s what he deserved. A good long life and a family that he loves, and the ability for his death to be a final sacrifice that is more meaningful to him than words can say because it was to protect his KID, the kid he was lucky enough to raise with Castiel, the angel he loves, in their family Roadhouse after finally being granted free will.
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unwiltingblossom · 4 years
15x19 is just....just hilariously bad. It’s a hot mess of garbage and lost potential.
Let’s just say there’s one and only one way to salvage this story, and it’s that the entire story is just another Swan Song, and this haphazard ending was written by Chuck to give the boys a sense of closure and freedom that’s impossible for them to ever have from the moment they realized who Chuck was.
It’s literally that bad. it can only be excused by Chuck being a lazy hack in-universe to pander to Dean and Sam. Rushing the end of Castiel’s arc in like two minutes, with zero emotional payoff unless you’re deeply, deeply invested in Destiel and desperate for any crumb of it. Luci reappearing for five minutes and acting totally out of character before dying basically instantly right in front of Jack to conveniently charge him up, then Chuck killing Michael for literally no reason whatsoever (Michael did exactly what he wrote him to do) right in front of Jack, Chuck deciding just not to kill Jack because...........................................because, and also deciding to beat, but not kill, the Winchesters, and the most anticlimactic defeat of Chuck possible.
What was the point of him combining with Amara? Nothing, there’s no payoff, it’s just a way to write her out. For no reason in particular she vibes with Jack even though Jack betrayed and tried to murder her while Chuck did nothing against her. She has an entire arc about being an inseparable pair with Chuck, brother and sister from the dawn of time that no one else can understand, a bond that even the imprisonment couldn’t break, and then she’s like ‘ah yes, the ally of the person who betrayed and tried to kill me - who tried to do the same - the son of the angel who betrayed me and tried to seal me away, I like this guy and will go be with him and “harmonize” instead of staying with the brother that I love, or protecting him from this.’
What has changed between pre-season 11 (or really pre-season 14) and now? Has their god figure changed tactics at all? Literally no. Not even a little. Every part of Jack’s limp wristed speech just added up to ‘absentee dad who doesn’t come and help people because he doesn’t want to be a helicopter dad’. The current writers just balled up their fists and shook them at the sky angry about  a Chuck who literally just didn’t exist, and hurled insults at him for doing things that their new replacement is also planning on doing.
Dean and Sam aren’t even off the hamster wheel, they’re just now on Jack’s! Which is better, because they’re on the good side of their world’s god--wait, they were that already before season 15, oops. Chuck was literally personally indebted to them! Amara was in love with Dean! Nothing has changed!
But even if that’s the ending they wanted for some demented reason, the execution is awful, possibly the worst! Not only did Chuck and Amara’s abilities and personality become inconsistent with previous seasons, they became inconsistent with a few episodes before.
In the end what was Chuck’s personality?
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Whatever you were about to think was wrong unless your answer was “Nothing, he didn’t have a personality, he reacted only as the plot required him to at the time with no rhyme, reason, or internal consistency.”
One moment Chuck is railing at the Winchesters for ‘not obeying’, the next he’s punishing someone for obeying him or saying that the only thing that interests him is how the Winchesters surprise him. One moment he refuses the white flag for literally no reason, the next one he’s demanding they give up. One moment he needs Amara to Great Reset and has completely lost interest in the Winchesters, the next he’s given up on the hard reset and only cares about the Winchesters again. One moment he revives his most rebellious son because he knows that son is obsessively devoted to him, the next he’s killing his most loyal son for reluctantly rebelling (exactly according to a previous plan). One moment he says ‘now Jack dies’ the next he goes out of his way to just not kill Jack for no reason. Does he want a fitting death for the Winchesters or not? He sure doesn’t know the answer to that!
Chuck was not a person, not even an entity. He was a formless, personality-devoid plot object pushed around the map to give the Winchesters something to react to and try to ‘defeat’. Billy was far more the arc villain - even Empty - than Chuck, and her ending was utterly anticlimactic and unsatisfying.
He acted exactly as necessary to get the very specific ending they picked, and nothing more. Every time up until the final conflict whenever he saw Jack he’d immediately kill Jack unless Jack was literally just dying in front of him. Every time he was irritated with someone and wanted them gone through the season, he would wave his hand and they’d vanish to ‘somewhere else’, implied to be very far away. Suddenly this one time, he instead sent Jack a very short distance away, so as to ensure he’d be close enough to absorb Michael’s power when Chuck SMITED him, not killed him in some normal way.
Shall we look at the very specific chain of insane events that had to happen to make this result?
- Chuck erases all of living existence except Michael, the Winchesters, Castiel, and Jack - the last of which he has zero interest in and very much wants dead.
- Chuck, instead of going to the bunker himself because he knows full well there’s literally nothing, nothing, that can kill him with Amara’s power (and also instead of just instantly resetting like he wanted to do with Amara), revives Satan and sends him to the bunker to make a new Death so that she can read Death’s book.
- The combined cleverness of him and the longest lived villain in the series due to his tenacity and cleverness don’t decide to peacefully take the new Death away for ‘security’ and kill her where the Winchesters (and Michael) can’t see, and instead instantly murder her in front of everyone before she can say how the end happens
- Chuck, despite making a point TWO EPISODES AGO about how he’s literally omniscient, and so though he can’t read the book that doesn’t mean it can actually be used against him, suddenly forgets that only Death can read the book. All of the time in the universe and he’s never learned this???? Even the Winchesters knew!
- Chuck evidently infused him with the power to insta-kill Death....somehow, but this power is not on display at any other point, especially not the crucial next moment:
- The most tenacious and sneaky villain on the show then slowly makes his way around the bunker with a fellow archangel who wants to kill him present, then lingers and offers to let a son he hates (and Chuck dislikes) that he believes is currently powerless to come with him. He then is unprepared for the very same trick that Gabriel tried to use on him 10 season before and failed back then with the phrase ‘I taught you all the tricks you know’, and gets immediately ganked by Michael with no fight at all
- Dean and Sam then discuss their plan to trick the omniscient Chuck between each other and Jack. Chuck somehow doesn’t know this, even though it was established in the past that the warding doesn’t actually work against Chuck and Amara and he has literally nowhere else to be looking in the multiverse except at them
- Jack absorbs the power of an archangel, making him the third most powerful being in the universe currently, as all other archangels other than Michael are dead and Death is dead, and there is NO OTHER POWER ANYWHERE WHATSOEVER to hide him in, yet is undetected by Michael or Chuckmara
- Chuck appears when they attempt to do some BS to kill him, even though he would know full well that just wouldn’t work, and decides in that one specific moment, even though he doesn’t care one whit about Jack, not to go ahead and just delete Jack since he’s gonna do that in a minute anyway, he also doesn’t send Jack ‘away’ like he has with literally everyone else, nor does he control Jack and turn Jack on the boys. Nope. Just slap him vaguely to the side
- Rather than deal with Michael after the Winchesters, Chuck decides he hates his most loving and loyal son who has never once done anything wrong against him, and sought to do his will even when he was gone, even when Michael was stuck in the cage unjustly. He goes ahead and murders Michael for something he wrote as a trap for the Winchesters and doesn’t even wait to deal with Jack and the Winchesters first to do it
- Chuck didn’t notice Jack absorbing the power of Michael LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO HIM, making Jack nearly Chuck’s power by absorbing the two most powerful archangels and literally leaving him THE ONLY FLAME OF POWER IN ALL OF EXISTENCE BESIDES CHUCK. STANDING RIGHT. NEXT. TO. HIM.
- Seriously, the energy of Michael didn’t dissipate, it sucked right into Jack, still in his peripheral vision. Chuck the omniscient!
- Chuck then decides, unlike every other time he faced the Winchesters or anything he wanted dead, no he won’t smite or erase the Winchesters or make them face some poetic fate, he’ll punch them down. But not once and obliterate them, oh no. Over and over so he can “leak god power” that he then doesn’t notice is being drained into Jack
- He literally does not notice a being as powerful or more powerful than him standing behind him. OMNISCIENT CHUCK.
- Rather than take the power back, flee, or do anything with his power or eons of experience (like transfer his consciousness to Jack along with the power), he stands there and immediately is drained
THIS is the path that had to happen, with no deviations, for the Winchesters not to just die.
And on top of that garbage plotline of perfect coincidences we’re expected to believe wasn’t written to happen in-universe, the execution is the saddest and most pathetic wet fart of a finale ever.
There’s been 15 seasons, and conveniently we can compare three different ‘true’ endings in the process. Let’s do that, shall we?
Ending 1 - Swan Song. Build up: 5 seasons
The other endings didn’t get the benefit of five seasons of build up, so we won’t factor in the first 2 or 3 seasons just to be fair, and only count the beginning of the apocalypse arc.
Primary villain: Satan, with the backdrop of demons and the corrupted faction of angels. Their personalities are well defined and compelling. Their behavior makes sense and are consistent, and draw you in to be invested in what happens, especially the eventual heelface turn of Castiel.
Stakes: Humanity, but far more importantly, the supporting cast whom you grew to know and love over the years, even including Castiel.
Over the apocalypse arc, we see the boys struggle against impossible odds and what appears to be fate, raging against the dying of the light because they cannot accept that the future can really hold the end of everything. They despair, they grow, Dean - a staunch atheist - prays to god for the first time ever. Slowly but surely they lose ground, with every attempted victory only resulting in more failure. Ellen and Jo who survived an early season fake out and became beloved characters end up fighting and dying in a long, drawn out sacrifice scene that matters, leaving the people behind shattered. Bobby is crippled. Sam and Dean both give up and almost give in.
In the end, the final confrontation still happens, Castiel finally makes a stand for the sake of humanity and free will and he dies for it. Only the love that Dean and Sam have for each other, the lifetime as brothers and their fierce bond of family, finally saves the day. And it only happens at the cost of sacrificing Sam and Adam’s lives, forcing Dean to live for them.
The final battle takes all episode, it’s dramatic and it’s emotional both good and bad.
Ending 2 - Alpha and Omega. Build up: 3 seasons
The arc with Amara once again was a long build up of the Winchesters constantly trying to make things better and only making things worse, but where Sam was the vessel and thus had the personal connection to the villain in the first arc, Dean was the vessel exploring the darkness and thus had the personal connection to Amara in this arc.
Primary villain - Amara, the bitter and angry sister of Chuck who doesn’t understand human morality but has a personal connection to Dean.
Stakes: Existence itself, but also far more importantly, the supporting cast built up from the last checkpoint.
The crushing hopelessness of fighting a being with ultimate power filled the arc, and Dean’s attempt to reason with Amara failed not because she was insane, but because her understanding of existence was simply different and incompatible. Donatello their prophet has his soul devoured by Amara and Metatron is killed in a diversion, but overall there’s not as much sacrifice because it wouldn’t have done any good anyway. However, it has its Ellen and Jo moment in the form of the hopelessness of the Croatoan episode. The city converted, the Winchesters helpless, Sam infected and slowly turning, while Chuck has given up and plans to die with the world. 
And honestly, that moment when Chuck begins to sing, when the amulet after so many years finally begins to glow and the clouds part, everything isn’t fixed yet but somehow it’s all alright because “Dad is finally here” is such a beautiful moment.
Many before have commented on it, but Chuck’s song and the moment he heals everyone is iconic and beautiful, as is the moment when the play sings ‘Wayward Son’ while Chuck watches in the bleachers with a smile. Things also get desperate, as Chuck nearly dies even after they get everything together as allies - even including the last arc villain - they put together something that will only maybe work so that at the very least, existence can continue.
Once again, the boys and everyone get together to fight the inevitable and impossible simply because they believe humanity deserves to continue to exist, and it’s the love of family - this time between Chuck and Amara, who truly, no matter the eons of rivalry and resentment and bitterness, don’t want to see each other hurt - that puts aside the end. The inevitable fade is prevented because of love and family (and isn’t that the point?) and even Chuck as a father redeems himself, taking the anger from Dean, Sam, and his own son and finally makes peace with them as well.
In the same way Chuck brought back Castiel stronger as a gift, Amara brings back Mary younger as a gift, and just as in season 5, they leave with the promise that Dean and Sam can handle things from here. Chuck even says "The Earth will be fine without me. It’s got you and Sam.” before he leaves.
The final episode isn’t a battle, but the solution takes all episode, and the ending is somewhat bittersweet, though more positive emotional than negative.
‘Ending’ 3 - Inherit the Earth. Build up: one season
They didn’t have much choice about this, because Jensen sprang ‘I quit’ on them, and they evidently didn’t want Jack to be the final villain, so the arc they were in the middle of had to be terminated (and the Michael arc ended at an awkward place so they couldn’t have just ended it at the end of s14 instead)
Still, the season of buildup....just isn’t. Most episodes have nothing to do with the inevitable impending doom, and rather than hopelessness, the Winchesters mostly live in a delusion that despite utterly failing to defeat Amara, somehow they can beat Chuck with less power. This conflict is fueled by sheer rage on both sides, as Dean has up and decided he hates that someone is controlling his life and thinks he gets a say, and is willing to endanger the entire world for his grudge against Chuck - even though this was something resolved back in s11 (the resolution with Satan was also completely undone by these writers instantly but that’s another matter)
Primary villain: Chuck, with an aside of Billie and The Empty - unfortunately this Chuck has no connection to the previous Chuck (or even himself episode to episode), Billie has always been extremely bland and doesn’t really accomplish anything through the season, and the Empty is totally unexplored and wholly exists to say “BE QUIET” and provide fanservice because it’s using Meg’s actress to do so. It has no personality beyond wanting to be left alone and getting vindictive if it’s not. It also can’t impact anything because it’s barred from Earth and nothing significant in the plot happens elsewhere this season.
Stakes: Humanity, and also some side characters you don’t really know or care about
Let’s talk about those, because it’s the biggest failing in the execution of this whole plot and why the ending has no oomph and doesn’t matter even if Chuck had a coherent personality and the ending had made sense.
Bobby is not Our Bobby, and despite bringing him back, the writers utterly failed to explore him or bring him into things, even in this final arc. There’s been no chance to bond with this Bobby. Even his ‘romance’ with Mary was offscreen and he had little more than grunting to say about her death.  We’ve also had our chains thoroughly jerked around by Bobby since season 6. Emotionally we’re dead to Bobby, and the writers seem to have assumed this by token returning him and then shipping him on a bus immediately (or maybe the writers suck, because they do this to Mary most of the time too and there’s no reason for people to be bored of her)
Charlie is not Our Charlie, and we’ve already seen her die (pointlessly). Once again, the writers utterly failed to explore her, even more than Bobby, and no one can point out anything that makes her any different from the original except that she has no connection to the boys. She’s also been shipped off and removed multiple times, so viewers are well acquainted with her being gone. She does nothing in the final plot to make people remember her or be invested.
Does Garth even die on screen??? Have we even seen him since the antiMichael arc? Oh right, he’s in the joke episode where he gives Dean fillings. You know who doesn’t even die on screen? Jody. She also has no role in the season. She doesn’t even appear in reality, only alternate versions of reality! Instead, Donna appears! Just long enough so she can die on screen painlessly in a plot twist about Billie. Presumably Donatello dies, but, y’know, it’s offscreen.
More importantly, none of these people who die are involved in actually helping to fight Chuck. They help the Winchesters a little in their cameos, but they’re not involved in a desperate fight for survival, putting it all on the line even though they know it’s hopeless, because humanity deserves to exist and no matter how impossible, they have to fight.
Three people of importance die or ‘die’.
Amara, who as mentioned is just written out of the show for no conceivable reason
Rowena, is the only person with an impactful sacrifice done to fight Chuck, no matter how hopeless it is. Unfortunately, it’s somewhat rushed, and Sam is over it pretty quick....because Rowena becomes Queen of Hell, completely undermining her death and really just giving the Winchesters an upgrade, because she’s even more reliable than Crowley in there (they proceed to never call on her)
And then there’s Castiel.
His death is rushed and hot garbage, as mentioned. He’s not dying to fight Chuck, or for something he believes in. It’s not a long and emotional or heartbreaking scene. It’s a useless and stupid one that only happens because Dean is an idiot, with the fakest suspense of Billie just open palm smacking on a door for a stupidly extended amount of time, just so they could fulfill an ‘oopsie’ plot hook they’d planned for far in the future with the Empty.
And the worst part? After undermining Castiel being one of the brothers and everything he’s ever done with ‘it’s not that I loved humanity and did what I believed was right, even in the face of adversity and those around me telling me it was wrong, it’s that I loved you and confessing this even though it’s 100% unrequited and we’re surrounded by doom and I know things are hopeless I’m completely happy, at peace, and have forgotten Empty’s promise (oops, forgot about that qualification, didn’t you?)’
After all that, Dean, Sam, and Jack aren’t even really broken up about it. Dean is sad for like five seconds and then they move on back to angry at chuck mode. Jack lost his actual dad, Sam and Dean lost their brother - forever this time - and they’re like ‘eh, we moved on from losing mom again and losing dad again, this is nothing’.
There’s no impact to this sacrifice whatsoever. Especially because in the very next episode we see that if you have Chuck’s power you can just yoink out someone from the Empty, and that very episode they already said that the Empty can’t go where Chuck doesn’t want him. That is to say: Jack can just rescue him now and there’s nothing the Empty can do about it.
And as for the conclusion?
What saves the day? Is it love? Does Amara’s appeal to Chuck as his sister work? Do the Winchesters swallow their pride and go to Chuck to plead with him to see reason and remember his love for his creation? Does the love Michael have for his father reach him? Do the love Dean, Sam, or Jack have for each other matter, overcoming the impossible to choose love, freedom, and family like always?
They win because Chuck is angry and hateful and full of hubris, so he makes a billion mistakes in a row, allowing himself to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. And is there a lesson about love in the end, something about freedom or family or forgiveness?
They leave Chuck groveling as a human (like that’s different from how he’s been for eons, happily so), Jack fixed everything (except Castiel and all the angels and heaven and all the monsters and serial killers and cannibals)  and then gives a speech about how he is everything and is in everything but not Dean and Sam’s car because the only way to be good at his job is to go do the thing Chuck was doing and Dean raged at him about.
And it happens in a few seconds.
Completely anticlimactic. There’s no climax. There’s no build up. There’s no satisfaction or emotional payoff. There’s no closure that makes you say ‘yes, this could be the end and I would be completely satisfied’ except that they didn’t include the last second sequel hooks that were in s5 and 11 because they knew there’d be more seasons.
Also looping back to the logistical side of things again
There is no ‘godforce’, there’s no ‘grace but it’s divine’
Chuck and Amara are power
You can’t just ‘drain’ them of it, you can’t steal their power and leave a husk, because there’s no husk. They’re not inhabiting someone like angels or demons do. They are that power. Why do they have that power? Because they do, Because they are, they have that power in their world.
If you could somehow ‘steal’ the power you’d be stealing the ‘essence’. Just like with Amara moving to Jack, Chuck would move to Jack, and suddenly it wouldn’t be Jack anymore, because a human mind and soul can’t overcome him (see: he writes them)
Also, consider the sheer staggering amount of NERF!!!!!!!
Chuck + Amara, that’s Chuck doubled in power
is now canonically the power of “One human soul + two powerful archangels + a few punches worth of power”. That means by their reckoning, Chuck alone is only a punch or two stronger than Michael. 
think about that compared to what Death said to Castiel with all of purgatory in him.
And this
This is why I say
The only way to correct this episode is to reveal in the end of this next wrap up episode that it was all written by Chuck, for Dean and Sam. The only fix to this is to make it so the bad writing is just typical Chuck being a ham-fisted writer who is ultimately just doing what’s best for humanity and especially his two favorites: giving them closure, someone to let out their rage and hatred on, and true ‘free will’, by once again removing himself from the equation and letting them live their lives without him.
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sickhumor · 3 years
Jokes for the more mature reader (dated humor)
On the first day of school, the college dean addressed the freshman class to explain some of the campus rules. “The women’s dormitory is off-limits to male students and the men’s dormitory is off-limits to female students,” he intoned. “Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time, $60 the second time and $180 the third time. Does anyone have any questions?”
A male student raised his hand. “How much for a season pass?”
A flea had oiled up his little flea legs and his little flea arms and was soaking up the Miami sun when an old flea friend of his walked by. “Oscar, what happened to you?" asked the first flea when he saw how terrible his friend looked——runny nose, red eyes, teeth chattering.
“I got a ride down here in some biker’s mustache and nearly froze my nuts off,” wheezed Oscar.
“Let me give you a tip, old pal,” said the first flea. "Go to the stewardess lounge at the airport, get up on the toilet seat and when a stewardess comes in, hop on for a nice warm ride. Got it?”
A month later, while stretched out on the beach, the flea saw Oscar again, looking more chilled and miserable than before. “I did everything you said,” Oscar explained. “I went to the stewardess lounge, made a perfect landing and got so warm and cozy that I dozed off.”
“And so?” asked the first flea.
“And so the next thing I know, I’m on this guy’s mustache again!”
When does Michael Jackson’s kid know that it’s time to go to bed?
The big hand touches the little hand.
An old lady—a spinster and a virgin, and proud of it—lived in a tiny village. She knew her last days were approaching, so she told the local undertaker that she wanted the following inscription on her tombstone: BORN A VIRGIN, LIVED A VIRGIN, DIED A VIRGIN.
Not long after she had made her wish known, the old maid died peacefully in her sleep. The undertaker told the stonecutters of the lady’s request. The men, practical to a fault, thought about the inscription and concluded that it was unnecessarily long. They wrote simply: RETURNED UNOPENED.
“Hello, welcome to the psychiatric hotline.
“If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press one repeatedly.
“If you are codependent, please ask someone to press two.
“If you have multiple personalities, please press three, four, five and six.
“If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line until we can trace your call.
“If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press.
"If you are manic-depressive, it doesn’t matter which number you press. No one will answer.”
What’s a female bisexual?
A lesbian with car trouble.
While at the fairgrounds, a woman wanted to take a ride on the Ferris wheel before heading home. Her husband waited while she took a spin. The wheel went round and round and suddenly the woman was thrown out. She landed in a heap at her husband’s feet. He gasped and bent down. “Are you hurt?” he asked.
“Of course I’m hurt!” she replied. “Three times around and you didn’t wave once.”
A little boy walked in on his parents in the heat of their lovemaking. “Mommy, what are you doing?”
“Um,” she stammered, “well, Daddy is so fat that I’m bouncing all the air out of him.”
“I don’t know what good it’s going to do," the boy replied. “The lady next door is just going to blow him up again!”
The young woman complained to her friend about her boyfriend's extraordinary sex drive, “I barely have the strength to go to work in the morning." she said. “Now that he's off on holiday. things will only get worse."
“How long is he off?" the friend asked.
“It varies," she replied, “but usually, time for one cigarette."
One morning, a Texan walked up to his savings-and-loan branch office and found it closed. After several minutes of pounding on the door, the manager appeared. "We’re closed!" he shouted through the glass.
“But your sign says you’re open nine to five," the customer replied.
“Those aren’t our hours. Those are the odds we'll he open tomorrow."
As soon as the famous movie director passed through the pearly gates, Saint Peter told him they had a film they wanted him to direct. The director tried to beg off, pleading exhaustion, but Saint Peter explained that this was a very special film—the script was by Shakespeare.
The director was tempted for a moment but declined. Then Saint Peter said the art direction would be by Da Vinci. The filni maker warmed considerably to the project but again decided against it,
“The music will be by Beethoven," Saint Peter added.
“Screenplay by Shakespeare! Production design by Da Vinci! Original score by Beethoven!" the director exclaimed. “I'll do it!"
“There's just one thing." Saint Peter said. “God has this girlfriend who sings. . . ."’
An archaeologist was digging in the Negev Desert in Israel and came upon a casket containing a mummy After examining it, he called the curator Ola prestigious natural-history museum. “I’ve just discovered a three-thousand-year-old mummy of a man who died of heart failure!" the excited scientist exclaimed.
"You can’t know all that from looking at ‘him," the curator replied. “Bring him in. Well see."
A week later, the amazed curator called the archaeologist. "You were right about the mummy’s age and cause of death. How in the world did you know?”
“Easy. There was a piece of paper in his hand that said, “10,000 SHEKELS ON GOLIATH.”
What's the difference between a terrorist and your wife?
You can negotiate with a terrorist.
A geneticist believed he had discovered a method for putting the theory oi human cloning into practice. He decided to clone himself first. Everything went perfectly except that, through some minor miscalculation. his clone was rude, vulgar and foulmouthed. When he was unable to correct the problem, he threw the offensive clone out his laboratory window. The following day, the scientist was arrested for making an obscene clone fall.
A man walked into a Porsche dealership, opened the door of a Boxster, took a seat behind the wheel and smiled. A salesman approached and asked, “Are you thinking about buying this car?”
“Oh, I’m definitely going to buy this car,” he said, “but I’m thinking about pussy.”
Dave arrived in hell and was told he had a decision to make. He could go to capitalist hell or to communist hell. Naturally, Dave wanted to compare the two, so he wandered over to capitalist hell. He asked the first man he met, “What’s it like in there?"
“Well, in capitalist hell,” the man replied, “they flay you, boil you in oil, chain you to a rock and slash you with sharp knives.”
“That’s terrible!” gasped Dave. “I’m going to check out communist hell.” There he discovered a huge line of people waiting to get in. He pushed his way through to the head of the line, where he found Karl Marx busily signing in people. Dave asked what communist hell was like.
“In communist hell,” Marx said, “they flay you, boil you in oil, chain you to a rock and slash you with sharp knives.”
“But that’s exactly the same as capitalist hell!" protested Dave.
“True,” sighed Marx, “but sometimes we don’t have oil, and sometimes we don’t have knives.”
What’s the difference between an onion and an accordion?
No one cries when you cut an accordion in half.
Billy Bob parked his rig in Florida for a few days before driving back home. He was about to dive into the surf but figured he’d better check out the alligator situation with the townsfolk. “Nope, no gators here,” a local assured him.
Billy Bob had swum out 50 feet before his brain kicked in again. “Hey, how come there ain’t no gators in here?” he yelled back to the guy onshore.
“Because they’re afraid of the sharks,” came the reply.
The high school student spent most of his afternoons in the basement mixing chemicals. One day his father went down to find his son surrounded by racks of test tubes and pounding something into the wall. “Danny, don’t put nails in the wall,” his father admonished.
“It’s not a nail, Dad,” the young man explained. “It’s a worm. I found a formula that turns things as hard as a rock.”
“Tell you what, son,” the man said with sudden interest. “You give me the special formula and I’ll buy you a car.”
The next day when Danny got home from school, he saw two brand-new cars in the driveway. “Dad, what are these?” he asked.
“Oh, they’re for you, son,” his dad said, smiling. “The Toyota’s from me. The Mercedes is from your mother.”
What’s the difference between a dentist and a sadist?
A sadist has newer magazines.
The couple had broken up but remained friends as well as neighbors in the same apartment building. Some months after their split, the two met in the elevator. The woman’s ex had his arm in a cast. “Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked sympathetically.
“Well, if it’s not too much trouble, would you help me take a bath?”
She agreed, and back at his apartment, she eased him into the tub and began to wash his back. As she lathered his chest she noticed his growing erection. “Now isn’t that sweet,” she cooed. “It still recognizes me.”
A lady walked into a tattoo parlor and said, “Can you do a tattoo of a turkey on my right inner thigh and one of a Christmas tree on my left inner thigh?"
“Sure,” the tattoo artist said. “But if you don’t mind me asking, why did you choose those two designs?”
The lady smiled. “My husband,” she explained. “He says there’s never anything to eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas!”
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
I don’t need you  Chapter 2 : Freaking super hero
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Dean x reader
Summary : She’s a warrior, she’s a loner. Nothing can stop her, nothing ever had. She doesn’t need Dean, does she ?
This is a request by @magssteenkamp​ that I decided to turn to a serie, see the original request on the serie Masterlist.
Serie Warnings : Swearing (duh). Mention of death. Smut, probably all kind from rough to fluffy, I’ll precise in the chapters if there are specific warnings. Fluff. Angst of course.
Chapter warnings :  Swearing (duh). Mention of death. A tiny hint of jealous Dean. 
Words : 3k
Note : I’ll try to stick to the 3k rule, like for Rescue You
If everything goes as planned, you’ll get one chapter every wednesday (Thanks to @magssteenkamp, I call it WednesJay, lol. Sorry okay, I shut up).
***Want to read more ? => MASTERLIST***
*** I don’t need you MASTERLIST***
 Dean’s Pov
             All the lights. This apartment is big, and its windows are too. I look at the regular shadows of the metallic lines of the windows that divide her bedroom door into bended squares.
She offered us to stay at her place, opened the sofa bed, and disappeared behind that door. I just can’t sleep, again. I try to imagine I’m in my bedroom in the bunker, or on Baby’s backseat, but everything is so new to me here. I lost my bearings.
I stare around, my eyes wide open, now used to the weak darkness. Is it possible that she’s just better than us ? Like more up-to-date, trained by the cruelty of huge cities ? How can she do this alone ?
The walls are covered in those research papers, and, after a while, in the middle of this organized mess, my own name catches my eyes.
I get up in silence, trying not to make the mattress move too much, to let my brother sleep. Is it California that made him so insensible to lights and noises at night ? Maybe…
“Dean Winchester is a demon.” I frown, it’s a printing of a mail she got from someone called thathunter87, she hung it here and made a red line between that and a stolen page of a grimoire about demon cure. Why ?
On the table under all those articles and notes on the wall, a long desk, covered in books, notebooks and folders. It’s like she had hundreds of hunter journals, one for each subject.
Discreetly going through them, I find one called “Winchesters” and a shiver runs down my spine but the thought attached to it never reaches my brain. I open it. There are no photos, just mails from thathunter87 and pages of those Supernatural stupid books.
My eyes widen suddenly, and my heart misses a beat. Next to pieces of the books and a sketch of our anti-possession tattoo scribbled like she was thinking hard, a few words : Was John abusive to Dean ?
“Trouble sleeping ?” a whisper makes me jump.
I turn and my breath gets caught in my throat.
           She’s standing in the door frame, an oversized Hocus Pocus t-shirt hiding her upper thighs, and nothing covering her legs.
She looks so different now. Almost… cute. Her worn out t-shirt falling childishly like thin drape on her body, her face freed from any makeup and her hair going in every directions. I can’t help but imagine a morning after…
           She walks to me, pushing her messy hair out of her face. And I’m so caught up in this vision that I forget to hide what I was looking at.
“Oh… I’m sorry” she murmurs, taking the notebook out of my hands. “I know it’s not my business.”
I have no idea what to answer despite the thousands questions flying in my skull, and just keep searching her face, loudly cursing at myself in my head.
“How do you know us ?” I finally say low, my pupils dilating at the ray of the night light hitting her collarbone and I try to fight the electric feeling giving me goosebumps.
“Well, the Supernatural books saved my life” her whisper feels like her nails were grazing my back.
“How ?” I dare, my curiosity getting the best of me.
She chuckles but a shadow crosses her face, a shadow of fear and pain, something weak and lonely, everything she usually hides so well.
“Dark days… I… I lived in the street a long time ago” she looks down. “I needed to believe in heroes I guess.”
Her smile is soft and kind for a second, making me almost believe I could take her in my arms, like an old friend, like a lover. But she sighs, and it’s like she had breathe out everything soft, her eyes become stern and her neck straighten.
“Jimmy doesn’t whine too much ?” she asks, pointing at the laundry room with her chin.
“Not a sound” I assure her, and she smiles dangerously.
“I threatened him a lot.”
 Reader’s Pov
             I walk to the laundry and open the door.
“Ah good you’re there” Jimmy starts right away, making the chair creak. “I-…”
But I cut him.
“One more word and you will regret it, Jimmy. Remember what I said : If my guests sleep bad because of you, I cut your cock, to see if it grows back on an immortal.”
I close the door and give Dean a little corner smile.
           Sam grunts and turn in the sofa, taking all the cover with him. I chuckle and take a glass of water from the kitchen sink.
“Sleep, Dean, tomorrow will be a long day” I murmur walking back to my room, hoping my own thoughts will stop harassing me.
             I get up and grab my clothes, lazily walking to the bathroom. On my way to it, my eyes glance at the brothers on my sofa, Dean is still not sleeping.
           He looks at me in silence, his piercing eyes following me when I cross the room, but I don’t say a word to him. I know he’s familiar with nightmares, he would hear it in my voice.
           Having them here somehow brought bad memories. It’s a paradox : They saved me from very bad moments in my life, but meeting them makes me think a lot about those dark times, and since I know they’re in town, my own demons are screaming at me. Or maybe knowing I will see Holloway tonight…
           I enter the bathroom and put my clothes on the chair next to the shower. I have to be prepared. In the shower I repeat my plan in my head. I have nothing left to lose, so nothing can end worse than it already is. If I feed, if I become a vampire, I know the Winchesters will end me, and I would finally die peacefully, knowing at least I tried. If I miss Holloway, I will have him next time… If I just die, well it will be over, at last.
           Sam and Dean will try to talk me out of it, I know that, and I’ll have to be very firm, because they can’t make that mission fail. There was a time when I needed heroes, now I don’t.
           The shower turns cold again, ripping me out of my thoughts, I grunt and rinse quickly under the familiar freezing jet.
Naked, I look at the mirror, using the sight of my scars to focus my anger. This is the cut they made on me to taste my blood, after they killed my family… my finger graze the little straight scar on my arm ; this one is the knife cut I got from that rape attempt when I was in the streets. This is fangs, I hate this one.
Then the transformation starts.
Like every day, I put on my mask : The outfit I use to remember who I am, and to forget who I was.
           I feel like putting on an armor the second I start to draw my eye-liner cat’s eye line. And by the time I tighten the ribbons of my corset hard, nothing in me is vulnerable anymore. My back is straight and held, my eyes are dark…
           I’m going to kill them all.
 Dean’s Pov
             She comes out of the bathroom, dressed like that warrior she is, tough and sexy, transformed, unrecognizable, like a freaking super hero.
But I will never forget the cute girl I saw last night.
“I have coffee” she says when Sam sits up, looking around like he was wondering for a second where he was. “And I can make eggs, I don’t want my side kicks to be hungry.”
Her voice sounds slightly different on the word “hungry” and, knowing she lived in the street, I guess she knows what truly hungry is…
I nod and Sam thank her but she’s already in the kitchen. I get up, joining her behind the counter to help her with anything she would need. The truth is, I just want to be around.
I notice a man big jacket on a chair and wonder who she could invite here, despite hunters. Is she really alone ? Does she have friends ? Lovers ?...
“I have no sugar” she states sternly.
And once again, I’m mute, taking the mug she hands me to break eggs in an old pan.
           Suddenly, the walls tremble and the power goes off, the only light she had turn on going off, and the few device she has dying. She sighs but keeps cooking on her gas stove like it was nothing.
“Your stomach is noisy” she chuckles.
“Sorry” I mumble, making her raise an eyebrow.
           She puts the plates on her coffee table with two cups of coffee, going back to the kitchen to take a mug for herself. Only two plates.
“You don’t eat ?” Sam asks.
“I don’t like eggs” she shrugs. “And I have nothing else, I’ll buy something later.”
“I can go to buy you something” I state, really uncomfortable with her not eating with us.
“Eat, Dean. I can handle myself.”
           A knock on the door makes Sam and I frown.
Keeping her coffee cup in her hand, she grabs her gun, puts it in her belt in her back, and walks to the door. Sam and I get up, even if we can’t see the main door from here, we’re ready to fight.
“Hey Y/n. Was it the Winchesters ?” a man voice greets her.
“Yeah. There are no more eggs, I gave them the ones you bought” she answers.
“You feed them now ?” the man mocks. “I bought you a chocolate muffin.”
Why does that annoys me ?
           She appears in the room again, followed by this guy, Joe, the bartender. He’s a very tall –Sammy tall- strong guy with long blond hair in a bun. Freaking hipster.
           When he sees us, he frowns, and look at her like she was insane.
“What are they doing here ?” he asks, making my brother raise his eyebrows at his rudeness. “Wait, Y/n, did they sleep here ?”
“I invited them” she shrugs, sitting to unwrap her chocolate muffin. “Sam, Dean, this is Joe. Joe, bla bla.”
I can’t help smiling at her attitude, but Joe doesn’t. It’s like he didn’t want us to be here, like he was threatened by us somehow… And it suddenly hits me. The chocolate muffin, the things he “forgets” at her place, the worry.
He’s in love with her.
“I have to buy a few things for tonight” she states, ripping a little part of the muffin between her fingers, to slip it between her lips, licking her index a little when chocolate stick on her skin.
“Do you want me to come with you ?” Joe immediately says and I have to blink to not roll my eyes.
“No” she states, then she turns to Sam. “You already made the cure for your brother, I heard.”
“Y-yeah” Sam hesitates. “But are you sure…”
“Then” she cuts him. “Could you prepare it while I’m out ? I already have all the ingredients… And Jimmy.”
“What are you talking about Y/n ? You’re not doing it ? Tell me you’re not doing it.” Joe asks, looking around and she sighs, getting up.
“Okay listen” she states. “All of you. If you have something to say about my plan, you can walk out the door now. I can do this alone. I don’t need you.”
She puts the rest of the muffin in Joe’s hands and take her coat.
“I’ll be here in a few hours, don’t kill Jimmy accidentally with day light, and don’t, well… I don’t know, be stupid. Sam, the ingredients are on the sill, and if you don’t want to do the cure, just… Okay” she says before she leaves, a silence falling on us.
           I don’t like Joe, the guy stayed with us for no reason, like he wanted to survey us.
           Sam is looking in the box, trying to find a bowl to mix them. And the bartender and I are left practically staring at each other.
“Did you guys convinced her it was a good idea ?” he finally speaks.
“What do you mean ?” I grunt. “Of course not ! This is a terrible idea. I should go, not her.”
Sam lifts his head form the bowl and looks at me with a disapproving frown.
“She will kill you” Joe chuckles darkly. “You have no idea how bad she needs to get them, you have no idea what she’s been through.”
“Well, I won’t let her get killed by those freaks” I state.
“Dean…” my brother speaks. “She knows them way better than we do, this is her plan, her hunt. I think she knows what she’s doing, and you’ve seen her… She’s a great hunter.”
I sit down, sighing, rubbing my face with both hands. Am I supposed to stay there, watching her run to her death ?
 Reader’s Pov
             I take another sip of whiskey, letting the smooth notes of blues wrap me in the comfortable atmosphere of the small bar. I knew Joe would stay with them, and looking behind the bar, I give his colleague a little smile.
           I sigh with the little bottle in my hand, making the thick poisonous liquid redden the sides of the glass.
           I can’t go back to my apartment. They must already be making plans to force me to stay home. I know them. In a way I Know the three of them.
Joe is my friend, and I know he thinks we should be more than that, those ideas of “saving” me spoiling his mind for years, like I was some kind of precious bird with broken wings.
I am not.
I’m not broken or damaged. I’m just furious, a storm of rage boiling in my veins. And he can keep his fairy tales for him. Unconditional love is not going to save me. I told him that, and refusing any kind of proximity with him, I think I made it very clear. But he will always try to save me.
And the Winchesters… They are heroes. Self-sacrifice is burned in their genes. They are as determined to protect everyone they meet, as I am to kill Holloway.
The early winter night is announcing its rise with a pink ink in the city sky. I finish my glass and take my phone.
Did Sam prepare the cure ? I send to Joe.
I get up and walk to the bathroom to check my look on the mirror. Arranging my hair, I practice my smile. It has to be innocent, charming and seductive.
He did. We have to ad Jimmy’s blood but only once you’re turned. Oh God, please don’t do that. Why didn’t you come back ? Where are you ? The night is almost there, and the Winchesters are sneaky. I stayed with them to make sure they don’t rummage through your stuff, but they’re asking questions. Why did you let them stay at your apartment in the first place ? Joe answers in four messages in a row.
Because I don’t really care.
           I put money on the counter and greet the woman behind it, getting out.
           Dead man’s blood capsules in my purse, my vampire killing knife in my boot, another thin slightly longer blade in back along my spine. The magical burning oil in its little flask. That’s all I can take with me. I stuff my purse with lipsticks, random keys, foundation powder and other useless things, in case someone looked into it.
I will drop my guns and other weapons in the trash cans outside the club. I already spent two hours looking at it to be prepared. I know every entrances.
It’s time.
I walk to the alley I slept in so many nights. I don’t know why I chose to do it here, probably because I so often thought I would die here. It’s smaller than I remember, darker too.
On the wall, the drawing I had made, the anti-possession tattoo my heroes wore in their skin. I was sure it would protect me from my own demons, I was so sure it would. I used to put my hand on it when hunger made me so weak I couldn’t stand, when cold was biting my skin ; and when despair was beating me up, telling myself it would make me go through the night.
At least I thought it helped. The truth is, I was alone, and I was the only one fighting all this, the only one that could help me.
I put my finger on it.
“I met the Winchesters” I whisper to the girl I was, to the childhood that died here, wishing I could hear that in the past. “They’re even more handsome than you thought” I half smile, fighting the tears. “But they are not going to save you. You are. It ends tonight.”
           Taking the little bottle in my hand, I close my eyes for a second. I hate vampires. I have to focus on that, I have to be strong, and merciless.
If I become a vampire for good. They have to kill me. I send Joe.
Then I open the flask and drink it in one go.
 Dean’s Pov
             “She answered !” Joe exclaims, getting up to read her long-awaited text.
When he frowns, my heart starts to beat faster. She never came back and now night is here. I’m going nuts, I can’t just stay on this stupid couch.
“She…” the bartender says, but he doesn’t finish, just showing us the text.
Sam runs to the laundry door and opens it.
“Did she take your blood ?” he almost yells and my pupils dilate.
When the vampire chuckles darkly, Sam turns to us.
           She’s already gone.
Forever Tags : @parinarain​​​​​​​​​​​​ @animegirlgeeky​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @masterof-agony​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @rainflowermoon @tftumblin​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @roonyxx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @thefaithfulwriter​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @emeow1496​ @daryldixonandfrogs​ @holylulusworld​  @cocklesbelli​ @sandlee44​ @mogaruke @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx @hawaiianohana31 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @sister-winchesters99 @neii3n  @alanegaming @im-a-shrub @sadwaywardkid @hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj @i-love-superhero @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks @fangirlxwritesx67​ @mrspeacem1nusone​​​​​​​​​​​ @stylesismyhubs​​​​​ @deanwanddamons​​​​​ @jawritter​​​ @peridottea91​
I don’t need you tags : @charmed-asylum​
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cinnamonanddean · 4 years
Wincestmas - Day 5
I never even send you a real Christmas fic, did I? That won´t do at all, so I decided to fix it with a little family fluff :)
(Also, I noticed that Day 4 is still missing on your timeline - don´t worry about it, if that´s due to you being busy (we all are ;D), but since Tumblr already ate Day 3, please let me know if you didn´t get it and I´ll send it in asap!)
Have a wonderful last-day-of-the-decade! <3
 x x x x x x x x
“For fuck´s sake!” John growled and pressed down on the horn of his car for the millionth time. Not that it did him any good. The car in front of him made no move to drive any faster, the only indication that they´d even heard him was the driver giving John the finger through their rear window.
“Fucking asshole. Fucking stay at home if you can´t even handle a little snow!”
John was seething, his foot itching to press down harder on the gas pedal, even though the rational part of his brain knew damn well that speeding in this weather was a fail-safe way to wrap himself around the nearest tree.
It wouldn´t do his boys any good if he got himself killed in a car crash, but he needed to get home, and fast. He´d never forgive himself if he left his boys all alone on Christmas of all days, and driving a little more recklessly than usual was the least he could do.
John watched with grim satisfaction as the car in front of him finally turned right at the next exit and waved it goodbye with every rude gesture he could thing of, turning back to the now empty road in front of him and flooring the gas pedal as hard as he dared to.
Most of the town was still quiet by the time the Impala rolled through its empty streets.
The first rays of sunlight were only just poking over the top of the nearby mountain, snow glittering like diamonds in the gentle light of Christmas morning.
It was beautiful, magical, but John had no strength left to admire the scenery. He was exhausted, bones aching with it, his eyelids so heavy that he didn´t dare blink for fear of never being able to lift them up again.
Somehow, he still made it to the edge of the town to where the run-down little house they currently called their home stood amidst the snow.
He killed the engine with shaking fingers and only then allowed himself to slump forward, forehead pressing against the steering wheel for a second until he finally gathered enough strength to get out of the damn car.
He´d made it. Fucking finally.
Inside, the house was quiet and warm. John barley took the time to peel off his coat and toe of his heavy boots before he made his way upstairs, bypassing something that looked suspiciously like one of Sam´s science experiments, and heading straight to his own room, first door to the left.
Finally, he thought again as he stood in the doorway, unwilling to step any closer and disturb the peaceful quiet of the room.
Sam and Dean were buried underneath a thick pile of blankets, the only part of them still visible two mops of unruly hair, their little faces pressed deeply into the pillows. They were wrapped around each other like kittens, arms and legs so entangled that it was impossible to say which limb belonged to whom.
The sight had John´s eyes prickling dangerously, the warmth blooming in his chest a welcome distraction from his aching muscles.
John knew they were getting too old for this, that he shouldn´t encourage this sort of behavior. But the one and only time he´d tried to force his sons to sleep in their own damn separate beds had ended with Sammy screaming himself hoarse in protest, and with Dean not talking to John for a whole damn week. When their neighbors had threatened to call child services, John had finally relented and allowed them to share a bed again.
They hadn´t discussed the Incident since and John figured, this sort of thing would sort itself out once Dean grew old enough to want his privacy.
Until then, John intended to let them have their will. There was not much safety and comfort to be had in the life of a hunter, and he was not about to deny his sons what little they could find in each other.
John wasn´t sure how long he just stood there and watched them breathe, the slow rise and fall of their chests perfectly in sync.
It was only his growling stomach reminding him that he hadn´t eaten for a day and a half that finally shook him out of his trance. With one last look at his boys, he slowly made his way downstairs again. Dean was an early riser and it was nearly 8 am. There was not much time left to be wasted.
John grimaced when he slipped into his boots again, stepping out in the snow to retrieve his bags from the impala, carelessly dropping two of them in the hallway before making his way to the living room.
The sight of it was enough to have him stop short.
The room in itself was nothing special - a fire place surrounded by worn-out sofas and an arm chair that had seen much better days. A shelf half-filled with a colorful array of books. An old tv. A potted plant that was on the verge of dying but stubbornly clung to life.
And there, right in the middle of it all, a Christmas tree.
It wasn´t all that big, didn´t even reach John´s chin. Most of its branches were thin and a little crooked, a few of them missing altogether. But its needles were a deep, healthy green, and it stood proud and shameless, its impressive collection of colorful ornaments on full display.
Most of them were handmade – a child´s drawings, cut into shape to resemble vague circles, snowmen, and even the occasional reindeer. Right at the top was a rather impressive painting of the Impala, three tiny heads looking through her windows and waving at their audience.
In between, there were also a few store brand ornaments – some of them closely resembling the ones their town had used to decorate the giant Christmas tree that stood in front of the nearby shopping mall. John was determined not to look too deeply into that.
Carefully, he placed each of his own presents underneath their tree next to the ones that were already waiting there, old-newspaper-wrappings next to stole-it-from-the-store red.
On his way out, John paused for another second or two, looking at the room and shaking his head. He had no idea how his boys had managed to do this, but for the first time in years, Christmas started to feel like the real deal instead of a sad mimicry of the life they´d once had.
After a quick detour to the kitchen where he got some coffee going for himself and put some milk on the stove for the boys, John made his way to be bathroom.
With slow movements, muscles sore and stiff from the driving, he carefully peeled his stained shirt off his chest. John grimaced at the blood that had seeped through his bandages, but left them as they were. He'd take care of himself later, shower and change the bandages, fix the places where he had torn his stitches, but all of that would have to wait.
Instead, he cleaned up as best as he could, splashed some cold water into his face until he looked at least somewhat awake, and pulled a fresh shirt over his head. Neither of his boys would be fooled by that, but he´d much rather give them a half-assed illusion of normality than nothing at all.
Once he was sure to be at least somewhat presentable, John made his way back upstairs and slipped into his bedroom, where both of his boys where still sleeping peacefully.
During John´s absence, Sam had moved quite a bit and was now laying half atop of Dean, head pressed right over Dean´s heart, mouth slightly open and drooling.
Not for the first time, John wished he´d taken the time to buy a new camera after he´d lost their old one in a hunt.
Eyes burning with something, he stepped up to the bed, reached out and gently brushed Sam´s hair out of his face.
Sammy, heavy sleeper he still was, only grunted and snuggled deeper into his brother´s chest, but the movement was enough to wake Dean.
Good instincts, John noted proudly, as Dean´s eyes shot open, right arm darting beneath his pillow, ready to use whatever weapon the kid had stored there.
Freezing to a sudden stop, Dean stared.
“Dad?” He asked, voice rough with sleep. “B-but I thought you couldn´t make it?“
“Didn´t want to spoil the surprise.” John answered smoothly, and sat himself down on the bed – and just in time, too.
Sammy´s eyelids fluttered and he propped himself up on Dean´s chest, blurry eyes blinking against the bright morning light.
“D´n? Is it time for presents, already? Did you - DADDY!”
The small body hauling itself into John´s arms nearly knocked the breath out of him, but he hugged back just as fiercely, the ache in his chest finally fading.
John only let go of Sam for the second it took him to draw Dean into their embrace, too, savoring this rare moment of both of his boys wrapped around him.
“Merry Christmas, Daddy.” Sammy whispered, and for the first time in weeks, John smiled.
Yay Christmas! This is so sweet! I love the image of Dean pilfering ornaments from the big tree, haha. And it seems like I've been getting the submissions but no notifications about them, so I don't know they're here unless I go looking for them 🙄 I'll stay on top of it now. Thanks again for Christmas fluff!
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Endings Are Easy
I wrote something akin to a coda fic. At least, it’s based on 14.10, and a best of all possible worlds happy ending, because I’m ridiculous like that...
Rating: T Words: 1569 Dean/Cas, Billie, Amara, and the Empty Entity
Read it on ao3  or just... like scroll down. It’s short :P
They all finally get a happy ending. Michael’s gone forever. Amara, of all people, stepped in and claimed him for herself. She figured it was her due, and her duty, to finish off that one last cosmic imbalance herself. She’d given Dean what he’d really needed the first time she’d departed, but now she decided to help Dean get what he really wanted . They were two different things entirely.
“Having your needs met makes you secure. Content. But I want you to be truly happy, Dean. You deserve it.”
With that, she turned to Cas. Dean frowned as she stared intently at him, worried she was gonna do something to his best friend. Cas just smiled contentedly at her in return, like he approved of her plan without even knowing what it was yet. Then again, Cas had probably already guessed.
“Would you willingly surrender your grace to me?” Amara asked him, holding out her hand as if Cas could just pull it out of his pocket.
Cas looked at her for a moment, his expression unchanging, and then tilted his head to gaze at Dean. “Of course,” Cas replied. “I don’t think I’ll be needing it anymore.”
And to Dean’s surprise, Cas pulled a small, glowing glass vial from his pocket. He blinked at Cas, at the brilliance of the light of his grace as it swirled and pulsed, and frowned.
“You don’t have to do that, Cas. You’re just as welcome to stay here as an angel or a human. You don’t have to give up a part of yourself.”
Cas shrugged. “It’s not really a part of me, Dean. I haven’t been an angel for a long time. At least not in any of the ways that really matter. I can let it go and choose to be truly happy.”
As soon as the words escaped Cas’s mouth, the ground shook and the lights flickered. Black ooze seeped from the bookshelves all around them and flowed down to the ground, building up into a pillar that eventually resolved itself into a shifting humanoid form, as if it couldn’t decide what it was supposed to look like. After a moment of disturbing undulation, it settled on a younger version of Amara-- one Dean remembered vividly because she’d thrown him across the room and broken Crowley’s arm.
Dean leaped to the side, closer to Cas and away from the gooey version of Amara Junior. “Hey, since when did you get your own Mini Me Symbiote? And should we be killing it?”
Goo Amara seemed surprised to find the genuine article having what appeared to be a friendly chat with Cas. She’d formed with a look that Dean could only describe as hungry , and only had eyes for Cas until the real Amara grabbed her shoulder and held her back.
“Castiel has satisfied the terms of our agreement,” Goo Amara said without preamble, but seemed unsure of herself. “I’m only here to claim what is rightfully mine.”
Amara was entirely unfazed by this, only raising an eyebrow at what Dean now understood was the Cosmic Entity who governed the Empty. He shot a horrified glance at Cas, wondering if this meant he’d have to say goodbye forever, just when he'd been so close to having everything he'd ever wanted. Cas, however, looked as unconcerned as Amara did, and gave Dean a look as if to say just wait.
Amara nodded thoughtfully and then sighed. “I regret to inform you that Castiel has done me a great service today. He and Dean delivered the Archangel Michael to me, allowing me to end the threat to my brother’s creation once and for all. I was able to save all of creation with his help. And then he gave me this, of his own free will.” She held up the vial of grace, and Goo Amara’s eyes went wide.
“If his angelic nature belongs to you, then I have no claim over him.”
Amara nodded. “It’s all one and the same, Shadow. What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours. Your dealings with Castiel are concluded.” She handed the vial over to Goo Amara, who accepted it, absorbing it as she bowed her head and melted away into nothingness between the floorboards.
Dean stood there blinking at the floor, wondering if he needed to disinfect it, or at least run a swiffer over it. Amara made a contented little noise, startling Dean out of his thoughts.
“So many good deeds done today,” she said, smiling at both of them. “We’ve all gotten what we wanted most now. My brother will be pleased. I’ll leave you both to your peace and happiness.”
And with that, she disappeared, and the world went on like it always had. Only now, Dean and Cas could choose happiness without breaking the universe.
That night, Dean awoke a few hours before dawn. The bunker was quiet, aside from Cas breathing deeply in his sleep beside him. He lay there for a long time, watching Cas, feeling him breathe against his shoulder, until his stomach got the better of him. Dean laid a gentle kiss on his forehead and carefully extricated himself from Cas’s embrace. He climbed out of bed and pulled on his robe, smiling down at Cas still warm in their bed. This was the one thing he’d wanted but never thought he deserved. The universe was finally at peace with itself enough to allow them both this gift. They’d been choosing each other for as long as he could remember, but this time nothing would tear them apart again.
They could both have this, and hell if they both didn’t want it more than anything. Cas had worn himself out proving it to Dean for the better part of the night. Dean smiled to himself remembering the highlights and had been about to climb back into bed and curl up in Cas’s arms again when his stomach growled a reminder at him. He sighed and crept out into the hall, closing the door silently and promising to be back in just a few minutes.
Dean frowned as he neared the kitchen. He was sure he’d turned off the light before he’d gone to sleep. It was too early for even Sam to be up, but when he rounded the corner, it wasn’t Sam sitting at the table waiting for him.
“Well, Dean, I gotta say, happiness is a good look on you,” Billie said, giving him the once over.
Dean blinked in surprise and reflexively reached down to make sure his robe was securely tied shut. He hadn’t bothered putting on pants, and he hadn’t exactly been expecting company. Billie just smiled at that and kept talking while Dean stood awkwardly in the middle of his own kitchen.
“I heard the good news, and I brought you a little congratulatory gift.”
She handed over a packaged wrapped in white paper decorated with tiny pink hearts. Dean just stared at it for a moment and then looked up at Billie, wondering if she was finally there to reap him, after all that.
“That’s what I get for sending Violet out for gift wrap on short notice,” she said. “Go on, open it. I promise it won’t bite.”
Dean set the package on the table and sat down across from Billie to tear off the paper. Inside were three of Billie’s books from her shelf. Dean’s name was printed along the spines of each of them. He frowned at Billie, but she just raised an eyebrow and nodded down to the books.
Dean hesitated for a moment and then opened the first one.
Dies peacefully in his sleep of old age.
Dean frowned at that, but set it to the side to open the second book.
Dies peacefully in his sleep of old age.
Dean’s mouth fell open and he rushed to open the third.
Dies peacefully in his sleep of old age.
“All of them, Dean. I double checked. They’re all the same now. Every last one.”
“What does this mean?” Dean asked. And then thought of something far more urgent. “And what about Cas?”
Billie positively grinned at him. “You know, I didn’t have a book for him when he was an angel. He had a few when he was human before, but they disappeared when he became an angel again. But he’s got a single book now, on the same shelf as yours, actually. That’s a strange thing, you know. Doesn’t happen very often. But it reads the same as yours. Have a long, happy life with your angel, Dean. You’ve both got a lot to live for.”
Dean swallowed hard past the growing lump in his throat, and nodded. “Yeah, thanks for this.”
Billie stood up and smiled down at him. “I’ll be seeing you around anyway. I know you both better than to think otherwise.”
Dean decided he could save that to worry about another day. He wasn’t even hungry anymore. He just wanted to get back to his room, climb into bed, and hold Cas tight for as long as the universe would let him. If Billie was right, it would be a good, long time. He glanced up to thank her again, but she was already gone.
He picked up his gift and hurried back to his room, for once in his life actually eager to live out his destiny.
(and the ao3 link again just because I can :P)
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11. Secret rendez-vous (Lucifer/OC Imagine)
Imagine: #1.   You living with the boys, but secretly dating Lucifer. #2.  Lucifer becoming fond of you since your the only one who seems to keep in mind he is actually an angel.
Summary: Roselynn Winchester is the younger sister of the boys. She's smart, just as good at hunting as her brothers, knows anything and maybe all things lore she can find, oh yeah the one thing her brothers don't know is, she's dating Lucifer. When the brothers go away for a hunt she gets some much needed time with her archangel. (Massive amounts of Luci fluff!). 
This is a work of my own.
Roselynn sat in the bunker library with her two older brothers reading a lore book on sirens. Not because they had to hunt one, but because she found them kinda cool. “Find anything yet?” Dean asked Sam.
“Yeah,” Sam said, “I think it’s vampire’s next a few towns over,”. She tuned her brothers out as she read. Suddenly she heard an all to familiar voice in her head.
“Hello, my beautiful rose,” Every time he called her that a big smile always spread across her face.
“Hey my handsome devil,” she thought back. She knew he’d hear her.
“So the town is about a two-day drive?” She heard Dean ask. Sam nodded.
“Are dumb and dumber home?” she heard him ask her.
“They are now, but they’ll be leaving soon for a hunt,” she answered.
“For how long?” Roselynn could hear the hope in his thoughts.
“Two days,” she thought back.
“You comin with Rosie?” Dean asked. She rolled her eyes at her oldest brother’s nickname for her.
“No, I’m feeling a little blah today,” she lied, “maybe Cas will go with you,”.
“Two whole days with my lovely rose,” she smiled, “let me know when you’re sure they’re gone,”.
“Promise,” she thought back as she watched her brothers pack for the hunt. She was soon following her three brothers (she always considered Cas a brother too) out to the Impala. She gave them each a hug and told them to be careful. She decided to wait about half an hour to make sure they were gone. While she waited she got ready. She put her red hair up in a messy bun, threw on her favorite pair of pajama shorts and a T-shirt that said “Lil Miss Devil” on it in red glitter. She knew he loved the shirt. After she knew it was safe she called him using their little private way of talking when her brothers were around. “They’re gone,”. Not even two minutes later she felt a pair of strong, cold arms wrap around her and she smiled.
“Hey there dove,” he whispered into her ear as he pressed his cool lips softly to her neck. She smiled and leaned against her archangel. She turned her head to gaze into those beautiful blue eyes.
“How is my angel today?” she asked.
“I’m much better now,” he said resting his head against her’s, “I missed you,”. She smiled.
“I missed you too,” she turned around in his arms and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Then she got to see the one thing she loved so much. Lucifer’s actual genuinely happy, unforced smile. There was so much more to the fallen angel everyone either couldn’t or refused to see. Yes, he was the devil as humans called him and yes he could be evil, but with her, he was one hundred percent the opposite. He was sweet, loving, gentle, protective. Everything she could have ever hoped for.
“So what does my beautiful rose wanna do?” he asked as he snapped and made a white rose appear in her hair. She always blushed when he did that.
“Well I was gonna make some lunch,” she said.
“Oh no,” he said sweeping her up in his arms bridal style. She giggled, “my princess is not gonna slave away at a stove. Not when her prince is here to care for her,”.
“Well, what a lucky princess she is,” she giggled as she kissed him again. He carried her to her room and laid her on the bed.
“How about lunch in bed?” he asked.
“Only if I get snuggles with my prince after,” she said.
“Whatever you request my princess,” he said as he leaned down and gave her a soft, sweet kiss, “now what would you like for lunch?”.
“Hmm,” she hummed thinking for a minute, “something sweet, but fruit related,”. He smiled and snapped his fingers and a tray with a bowl of freshly melted chocolate and fresh strawberries appeared. She went to pick up a strawberry and he gently grabbed her hand.
“No no,” he said as he grabbed a berry and dipped it in the chocolate, “allow me,”. He held the berry up to her mouth and she bit into it with a giggle.
“You gonna spoil me you keep that up,” she said.
“A princess should be spoiled,” he said feeding her another berry, “especially mine,”. That went on for a while until she was full and he made the tray vanish.
“Now someone promised me royal cuddles,” she fake pouted. He chuckled and laid on the other side of the bed and pulled her to him with her back facing him. They laid there for a while as he took her hair out of the bun so he could play with it. He would switch between running his fingers through her hair to gently massaging her head. She felt herself dozing off, but smiled when she heard Lucifer start to sing.
“There’s a lady who’s sure, all that glitters is gold, and she’s buying a stairway to heaven,” Lucifer would sing her Stairway to Heaven all the time. He remembered the first time she heard him sing it. She said it was like an angel was singing it. He then chuckled as her cheeks turned rosy pink and she realized what she said. He was sure that was the moment she had stolen his heart. As he finished the song he smiled at the peacefully sleeping woman in his arms. He hadn't planned on falling in love with her, but now he couldn’t picture himself without her.
When they first met he was sure she would hate him just like everyone else. They had first met when her brothers and his brother Gabriel had tricked him in order to open a rift to apocalypse world. As she watched Castiel cut his throat he saw her wince and thought he caught a glimpse of sympathy in her eyes. Then when he managed to get free and jumped into the rift, he managed to gain some trust by saving Sam and letting them handcuff him. Her brothers never caught on, but the whole time they were there she would sneak in little talks with him. The moment he started to warm up to her was in the junkyard after he and Gabriel had their little spat. Lucifer was still by the truck, but Gabriel had walked away. “Hey,” he heard someone say and looked beside him to see Roselynn, He was a little shocked when she gently grabbed his hand, “just because that’s what he says and thinks, doesn’t make it true,”. She then got up on the tips of her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek and with a smile walked away. Then he remembered when Sam had pushed him down and told him he wasn’t going back. The look of anger on her face caught him by surprise. It looked like she wanted to protest, but Sam pushed her through the rift before she could say anything.
He decided he was gonna spend these two days pampering her. Usually, he would sneak in at night and they would stay in her room so the bone heads wouldn’t find out. He very rarely got her all to himself. He kissed the top of her head and just held her for a while then got up and to go plan the rest of the day with her.
She woke up about eight that night. She felt more well rested than she had in a while. The hunting life does that. She looked around but didn’t see Lucifer anywhere. She walked out of her room and into the living room where she spotted her angel reading. “There’s my sleeping beauty,” he said getting up and walking over to her. She smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, “sleep well?”.
“Very,” she answered.
“Feel like going somewhere?” he asked.
“Where?” she asked.
“That’s a surprise,” he said.
“Sure,” she said, “let's go,”. He smiled and snapped his fingers and she was dressed in a warm sweater, coat, jeans, and snow boots. He was wearing a thick leather jacket. She looked confused.
“It’s cold where we’re going,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her, “ready?”. She nodded, “Then close your eyes?” he said. She did and held onto him. She felt the ground shift for a moment then they were still. She felt him turn her around. “Open your eyes,” he softly told her. She did and gasped. He had taken her to see the actual northern lights. They were so beautiful. She smiled as she watched the purple and green lights mix together and shimmer in the midnight blue sky. Lucifer walked her over to a blanket he had laid out on the ground. He sits down and pulled her into his lap and they just stared at the lights. When she knew he wasn’t paying attention she would stare at him. She loved the way he seemed to completely relax when he was focused on something nature related. She loved to listen to him go on about how it was his father’s last flawless creation both plants and animals included. The pure admiration in his eyes when he talked about or was around nature made her heart flutter. Like now, his eyes were glued on the lights. A small, peaceful smile on his face. She smiled, kissed his cheek, and rested her head on his shoulder. After a while he noticed her starting to shiver. “Do you want to go home?” he asked.
“Whenever you're ready,” she said. Not wanting to take him away from the lights if he was enjoying them. He smiled and before she knew it they were back at the bunker on her bed. She looked down and noticed she was in a pair of warm pajamas.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” he asked. She smiled.
“I did,” she said, “the lights were even more breathtaking then I thought,”.
“Only your beauty can compare,” he said caressing her cheek. He swore he could get lost in her hazel eyes.
“My charming angel,” she said. He leaned in and gave her a slow, passionate kiss. Needless to say, they spent the rest of the night in bed. The next morning Roselynn woke up. She looked around but didn’t see Lucifer. She did spot a note on her nightstand with a rose on it. It said he would be in the kitchen. That's when she noticed the sweet smell of either pancakes or waffles in the air. She quickly brushed her teeth and took a brush through her hair and headed to the kitchen. She stood in the doorway and watched. Lucifer was actually cooking for her. She walked in and wrapped her arms around his waist. “You’re not gonna stop until I’m spoiled rotten,”. She said. He chuckled.
“Anything for my princess,” he said. She looked at the stove and saw he was making chocolate chip pancakes. One of her favorites. She jumped onto the counter behind him and watched. He soon finished after making three pancakes and plated them. He drizzled some syrup over them and turned to her. “Your breakfast my lovely rose,” he said sitting the plate down beside her. Like always he insisted on feeding her each bite.
“Mmm,” was all she could say. They were cooked perfectly.
“Good?” he asked.
“My compliments to the chef,” she said.
“Well if you wanna thank the chef,” he said with that smirk of his as he snapped his fingers and an apron appeared on him, “could always do what the apron says,”. She looked down and it said kiss the chef.
“Don’t mind if I do,” she said as wrapped her arms around his neck as he placed his on the counter on both sides of her as their lips met.
“So what would my princess like to do today?” he asked.
“Well I know there is a nature walk nearby,” she suggested and smiled at the way his eyes lit up.
“Really?” he asked, “you wanna do that?”.
“I do,” she said, “especially since I know my prince well enjoy it too,”. He smiled and hugged her close. After she finished breakfast she got ready. She put a pair of white shorts and a matching tank top on. She decided to put her sneakers on since they would be walking a lot. She put her hair in a ponytail. She walked back into the bunker living room where her archangel was waiting.
“Ready?” he asked. She nodded and hugged him holding on. They soon found themselves in the middle of a forest path. The sounds of birds and the smell of flowers and trees where everywhere. Roselynn smiled at the big smile and childlike gleam on Lucifer’s face.
“So peaceful out here,” she said as they headed down the path. They came across a patch of light pink shaded flowers, “those are so pretty,” she stepped off the path some to look at them closer.
“Those are called windflowers,” Lucifer said picking one and placing it in her hair, “part of the buttercup floral family,”.
“The name fits them,” she said as they continued to walk.
“Hmm,” she said.
“What?” he asked.
“I was thinking,” she started, “no one else is here, maybe we could explore off the path,”. Lucifer’s smile grew wider and he grabbed her hand as they got off the path and deeper into the forest. Just as they crossed a fallen tree log they noticed a bunny hopping out from a bush. “Aww hi there little guy,”. She said sitting on the log hoping it would come to her.
“He’s hungry,” Lucifer said as he set down beside her and summoned a baby carrot in his hand. He leaned his hand down and soon the bunny grabbed it. It let them pet it as it ate. “Thank you,” he said looking at her.
“For what?” she asked.
“For coming up with the nature walk idea,” he said. She smiled and hugged his arm.
“Anything to make my angel as happy as he makes me,” she said. He smiled and leaned down giving her a long, soft kiss. They explored the forest for hours. The sun started to set and Lucifer scooped her up earning a surprised giggle from her and he fluttered off to another part of the forest. When he let her down they were standing in front of a lake deep within the forest. The sunset painting the sky in shades of yellow, orange, and pink. “Wow,” she said as Lucifer wrapped his arms around her.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” he asked resting his head on her shoulder.
“Beyond,” she responded. They both just stood there gazing out at the sunset. They had been standing there for a few moments when Roselynn’s stomach started to growl.
“Is my princess hungry?” he asked. She nodded. “How about I take you out for dinner?” he offered.
“I’d love that, but I know you don’t eat,” she said.
“I can fake it for a night my beautiful rose,”. He said as he held her tight and zapped back to her room in the bunker. 
“I should get dressed,” she said.
“Allow me,” he said snapping his fingers. She looked in the mirror and she was dressed in a long sapphire blue dress with matching heels and her hair was done up in a braided bun. Lucifer was dressed in a black and white tux. “Hmm, you’re missing something,” he said.
“What?” she asked confused. He snapped his fingers again and a tiara with small blue sapphire stones on it appeared on her head. She blushed and Lucifer chuckled.
“You are so adorable when you blush,” he said pulling her into a hug. She giggles and kissed his cheek. He zapped to one of the nicest restaurants in town.
“You sure you’re ok with this?” she asked.
“Any time I can show off my princess I’m fine with,” he said with a proud smirk on his face. They walked in and got a table right in the center of the dining area. The waiter seated them and handed them their menus, “Order anything you want,”. She scanned over the menu. She settled on steak and a Ceasar salad. Lucifer ordered the same thing and a bottle of wine when the waiter came back. They enjoyed their meal and talked about the extra time they got together. As Roselynn finished eating Lucifer stood up and held out his hand. “Care to dance?” he asked. She smiled and took his hand.
“How could I refuse,” she answered back. He walked her to the little dance floor area. He wrapped one arm around her back and held her hand with the other as she placed her free hand on his shoulder. They danced in silence for a while.
“Have I ever told you why I fell for you?” he suddenly asked. She had, to be honest, she always did wanna know what made her special enough to earn his trust and eventually his love. She shook her head. “Most view me as just some monster. The worst evil out there. No one ever seems to remember I am an angel, but you. You treat me so much different. You don’t show fear or disgust. You seem to acknowledge that I’m an angel every time we’re together. I can show a side around you I can’t anywhere else. Thank you,”. She smiled.
“I could never see you as a monster,” she stated, “and no matter what anyone else ever says or thinks you will always be my angel,”. He smiled and leaned down to whisper in her ear.
“You will always be my princess,” he then softly kissed her as they continued to dance.
Request Info: Here
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holylulusworld · 5 years
I can’t let you go
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Request: dean shot when bmol try to kill they’re 3 years old baby and reader try to sacrifice herself and dean have to hold her to not do something stupid and that he’s gonna sacrifice for the baby and she tell him to not do it because she prefer to die that live without him and that she will become like John and Mary understand what really that she love dean and save the situation? So much angst and dean that tell “do you think that I will be better without you, you are the best part of me” smut, fluff
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Mary, Jody Mills, Arthur Ketch, unnamed BMOL
Warnings: angst, injured Dean, BMOL assholes, characters death (implied too), violence, sad reader, fluff, comforting, smut, unprotected sex, fingering
“No! Dean!” You scream panicked when Dean jumps in front of your son to protect him. Ketch doesn’t flinch a muscle. Shooting Dean, he grins at you.
Shaking you see Dean falling to the ground. Bleeding he desperately tries to protect his child.
“Kill me, not my son,” he almost begs an emotionless Ketch.
“Hmmm … what a nice offer.”
“Please, don’t! Kill me. Let my son and Dean live. Take me down…not him. Please.”
“Baby? No, no. You won’t harm her! Take me. I’m the enemy. She doesn’t hunt anymore. She’s out of business. Y/N is no harm! Kill me! You know I’m dangerous.”
“Can you two decide whom shall I kill now? Decisions, decisions.” Ketch snickers aiming the gun at your son, then at Dean and in the end at you.
“Do it! Kill me! Dean needs to take care of our son. He won’t harm you!”
“Y/N, no. Please, Baby. Don’t do this. I can’t let you do this,” Dean pleas.
“I can’t let you die, Dean. Do you want me to become like John? Driven to have my revenge? Training our son to hunt the enemy? I can’t live without you, so I rather die.”
“Baby? Please don’t do this.”
“Dean, you will protect our son, I know it.”
“Do you think my life would be better without you, without your love? You are the best part of me! I can’t live without you, Y/N.”
“Dean, I know how she feels. She loves you and you love her. You need each other. Your son needs you two. Take me, Ketch. I betrayed you and the BMOL. You can kill me. Let my son and Y/N go.” Mary says.
“Can you three decide now who shall die first? I mean…do you really think I would let anyone live? You will die. All three of you. I came all the way to kill all of you. But I’ll show mercy. You decide whom I kill first,” Ketch snickers.
“You monster,” you yell holding your son into your arms to protect him with your body.
“Now, now. I will give you mercy. Let me kill you first and you won’t see your son and Dean die. Am I not merciful?”
“Ketch. This isn’t right and you know it,” Mary pleas.
“Stop trying to distract me! You will die today. All Winchesters will die. When I find Sam he will die too. What a pity he isn’t around to see his big brother and the rest of his family die. Look at you, Y/N. So desperate. Let me give you peace.”
“I swear if you hurt her,” Dean grunts pressing his right hand against the shot wound at his shoulder.
“Why are you doing this? We are on the same side. You and we want a world without monster, Ketch. Let my son and his family go and we can hunt together.”
“Mary, Mary. You were useful I have to admit. But you outlived your usefulness. Now you are only a leftover we have to get rid off. Now chose whom shall die first or I’ll choose.”
“Take me,” you whisper.
“No, Baby. Please. I love you, don’t do this.” Dean begs.
With trembling fingers you stroke his cheek softly. Laying your son into Dean’s lap you look at Ketch and nod.
“So you will be the first to die?” Ketch snickers grinning at you. But his grin fades when he sees Mary aiming a gun at him.
“I think you should die first,” Mary says.
“You can kill me but my men with killing all of you either way,” the British man of letters says.
“No, they won’t!” Sam yells storming into the library with Castiel and Jody at his side. “I’m sorry to tell you but your men are out of service…forever.”
“Well you asked us who shall die first and I think it is you,” Mary says smiling before pulling the trigger. A surprised expression on his face Ketch falls to the ground.
“You okay?” Sam asks.
“No, Dean got shot. He’s bleeding,” you sob.
“Let me help,” Castiel says tapping his fingers to Dean’s forehead.
Wound healed Dean kisses his son's forehead softly. Carefully picking your son up Castiel checks on him.
Still shaking you almost jump into Dean’s lap to let the tears fall. Sobbing and whimpering you won’t let him go.
“Shhh, …we are safe. No one will harm us.” Dean soothes you.
“The headquarter is destroyed. The boss, at least the one working for them in the US is dead. I’m sorry we were late,” Sam says.
“You came just in time, Sam. We distracted them as long as possible. Thank you all.”
“Well, the girls are waiting for me. I will take my leave and call you later,” Jody says.
“Thanks, Jody,” you whisper.
“Anytime! Stay safe. Call me if any of those assholes survived.”
After Jody left the bunker Castiel, Mary and Sam took care of the dead BMOL members. Meanwhile, you tried to calm your still crying son down but you fail.
Humming an AC/DC song Dean is gently holding his sleeping son. Starting to cry again you watch your husband with your little boy. You almost lost both of them today.
Peacefully sleeping your son babbles lying in his bed. Holding his favorite plush toy in his arms he looks so vulnerable.
“Let’s have him some rest,” Dean whispers.
Not able to leave the room on your own you let Dean pick you up to carry you into the bedroom.
Helping you changing into your nightgown…well an old flannel stolen from him Dean can’t take his eyes off you. A shy smile on his lips he kisses your forehead softly.
“Sam and Castiel warded the bunker. No one will ever get into it uninvited, Baby.”
“I was so scared to lose you or our son. I couldn’t think straight.”
“Shhh…Y/N we are safe. Our son is safe. We should rest a bit.” Dean whispers.
“I need to feel you, Dean.”
“Feel me? Are you sure?”
“Please. I need to know you are here. I want to feel your touch.”
Tracing your jawline with his thumb Dean lowers himself to kiss you softly. Tugging at his shirt you cause him to almost crush you with his weight.
“You really want to feel me, Baby.” He chuckles.
Slowly unbuttoning your flannel he tilts his head to alternatively suck at your nipples. Trembling fingers move through his already messed up hair.
A tender kiss planted to your collarbone Dean moves his fingers to your clit. A low groan leaves his lips when he parts your folds. Drawing slow circles around your swollen bud he watches your face.
Smiling at your husband you fist his hair when you feel your stomach tighten. Holding back the screams you bite your lip when you fall over the edge.
Already panting you watch Dean kissing your collarbone. Lips bruising your neck he rubs his cock against your core.
Moaning you spread your legs wider. His lips never leave your skin when he enters your warm heath slowly.
Feeling the wide stretch you close your eyes, only enjoying Dean’s tender kisses. Moving slow and even he wraps his arms around your body.
Your arms slung around his neck you bring him down for a soft kiss. Thrusting faster into you Dean can feel your walls tighten.
To make sure you come first he places your legs around his waist. Hands places at each side of your head he starts pumping harder into you.
Your stomach already tightens when he snakes one hand between your connected body’s to harshly flick your clit.
A silently scream dies on your lips when you climax around Dean’s member. Giving you three, four more hard thrusts your husband comes too. Lips crushing onto yours he fills you with his hot seed.
“I love you, Dean.”
“I love you too. Please never try something like that again. Never try to sacrifice yourself again. I can’t let you go, Y/N.”
Smiling you gently caress his scruffy cheeks with your hands.
“I can’ let you go either, Dean. Never.”
“Then we won’t let each other go…”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster-deactivat, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18,   @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @cocklesbelli, @anushay1998, @voltage-my2dlove, @wayward-gabriel, @fandom-princess-forevermore
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags        
@spnfamily-thewinchesters, @love-my-not-natural-babies, @supernatural-bellawinchester, @butifulsoul125, @lyinginthegingerlocks, @mirandaaustin93, @hawaiianohana15, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester, @20gayneen, @x2closebut2farx, @janicho88, @thefaithfulwriter, @dreaminemz, @negans-lucille-tblr, @sadwaywardkid, @akshi8278, @hhiggs
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hekate1308 · 6 years
Tourist Attraction
More siren!Cas AU guys. Enjoy!
“Let’s add a refugee camp for ghosts“ Dean mutters to himself, “That seems like a reasonable idea. Just like living amongst a bunch of monsters”.
Not that he normally complains about it. He’s just a bit nervous, that’s all.
But then that’s probably normal, considering it’s close to Halloween and the teens are crazy about their haunted mansion at this time of the year.
On the other hand... Dean’s pretty sure he has forgotten what normal feels like, these days.
And so, here he is, standing on the second floor of a haunted house, making sure the windows are secure.
Someone groans next to him and he rolls his eyes. “Reginald, you know I’m not going anywhere.”
The ghost of an old man appears and looks at him forlornly before vanishing again. Not Dean’s problem. If he wants an annoyance that ca just appear randomly, he usually gives Crowley a call.
Speaking of which – a few crashes downstairs later, the demon show up. “What have you done with Reginald? He’s clearly upset.”
“He was in the way” Dean informs him, “And do you think these windows are strong enough?”
Crowley looks at the locks. “Rather sure no normal teenager could get in.”
Dean nods, then looks away.
“Alright, what is it, Squirrel? That’s not like your usual cheerful self.”
He sighs. “I had a fight with Cas, okay?” he admits.
“What? You two fighting? What next? A spontaneous thunderstorm? The earth opening up and swallowing both of you?”
“Crowley –“
“It’s about as probable as you two actually fighting, I’d say. And now instead of working it out, you are standing in an abandoned house in the middle of a dark forest with a demon.”
“You’re family, and no one can call this house abandoned.”
Not anymore, not since they’ve made a habit of rescuing ghosts and taking them here where they can haunt the place to their delight without causing any trouble.
“Yeah, well...” As always when he’s too open considering their friendship, Crowley doesn’t quite know what to say at first before he recovers. “Still, shouldn’t you be at home cuddling your hubby and talking everything through?”
“I – he – we –“ Dean sighs.
“I think you’ve now used most words for you two there are, so if you could get to the topic at hand –“
“It’s just been a few difficult weeks.”
They always knew that finding a place for monsters ion human society would be, but this month... the religious nut jobs are at it again, explaining that anyone who gives a monster just a moment of their time is damned (and man, being damned feels pretty awesome then, is all Dean can say about that), and so many people still have prejudices that it sometimes seems like nothing will ever change.
And his and Cas fight was about... nothing as well, if he’s being honest.
Crowley sighs. “Let’s deal with this elsewhere.-“
A snap of his fingers later, they’re at Crowley’s, the demon bringing him a glass of Craig without asking. “So, now tell Daddy Crowley what’s wrong.”
They stare at one another. Then, Dean slowly replies, “Let’s never do that again. Ever.”
“Fair enough. So, what’s going on? Normally you two are too lovey-dovey to even consider fighting.”
Dean’s shoulders slump. “It’s been difficult. Bela’s being harassed for “turning into a monster spokeswoman”, there have been a few incidents at the library, and even at my shop –“
“Who do I have to kill?”
“I mean it.”
“I know but that doesn’t mean you should.”
Crowley pouts and Dean wonders how other demons would describe him, these days. “I could at least make their life a living hell –“
“I said no” Dean says firmly, even though it is touching just how much Crowley cares for them. “I just need to apologize, and –“
“How about we all make sure you got an evening all to yourselves?”
Dean’s eyes widen. “You mean no supernatural disturbances whatsoever?”
“Exactly that.”
“But –“
“Squirrel, we survived before you came along, we will manage one evening.”
And so, on the next day – he and Cas haven’t really been talking, but he hardly expected him to – Dean gets home earlier than his husband for once and makes dinner.
“Dean?” Cas calls out as soon as he comes home.
“In the kitchen” he answers and when he turns around, Cas is standing in the doorway, looking at him as if he’s the best thing he’s ever seen. “Cas –“
A moment later, they’re lying in each other’s arms. “I don’t like it when we’re fighting” Cas admits.
“Same here. It sucks. Let’s not do it again.”
Cas raises his head from Dean’s shoulder and smiles. “Good idea.”
“And guess what? Crowley promised me that there’d be no interruptions tonight.”
“Seems like when we’re fighting, the whole neighbourhood starts freaking out.”
Cas chuckles. “Sounds like them. Monsters tend to be a bit melodramatic.”
“I hadn’t noticed” Dean says drily. He reaches out and touches Cas’ cheek. “Dinner and a movie?”
Cas nods.
As it turns out, they get pretty lucky. Dean would have considered it a feat if Crowley managed to keep his promise for two hours; in fact, they only get woken up around 4 am.
His phone rings and he sighs as he turns around, Cas a comforting warmth pressed against his back. “Looks like something happened.”
“It always does” his husband murmurs against his skin and Dean smiles. That was one hell of an evening, if he says so himself.
“Crowley” he greets the demon, “What is it?”
“Sorry, Squirrel” and he actually sounds like he means it, “But there’s a problem at the haunted mansion –“
He groans. “We’ll be there immediately.”
Too bad Sam’s on a conference. If it means what he thinks it means, they could use a lawyer about now. “Get up sunshine, we got ghosts to calm down.”
Cas grumbles but complies.
When they arrive at the mansion, Bela’s waiting for them. As always, she’s perfectly made up, and Dean wonders if she’s truly human. “What’s going on?”
“Seems like some human teenagers can’t stay away when they hear the words “dangerous” and “haunted””.
Dean sighs. “Where are they?”
“Crowley thought it prudent to keep them inside the house, to show that the ghosts we keep around are harmless.”
“Thanks. You gonna write about it?”
Bela nods. “Better it comes from us than from another source.”
“You’re right” Cas answers, “otherwise people would assume we are trying to keep it a secret.”
“Plus it’s their fault anyway” Dean decides, “This is a ghost sanctuary, no humans allowed.”
Bela looks at him. “Obviously we are the exceptions” he adds.
“You are” Cas confirms. “Now let’s deal with this.”
The way he says it makes Dean already feel sorry for any eventual kids of theirs who decide to go through puberty.
Just like Crowley said, three teenagers are huddled together on the couch, Crowley standing in the corner, his eyes red, grinning at them. Dean resists the urge to roll his eyes. “Hey, Crowley. Hi guys.”
They jump.
“Just so you know, I’m human, my husband’s a siren.”
“You married a monster?” the oldest of them, a boy about sixteen asks, eyes wide open.
“Yes , it’s not that hard. When two people love each other, you see...” he begins, then stops when he realizes the three are actually trembling. He has to play this nicely, or they’ll all be in trouble. “Look, guys, you must have known this was not a good idea.”
“We were just curious” the girl in the group pipes up. “They said there were ghosts here, and...”
“And what exactly didn’t you understand when it came to –“
“But no one said anything about demons!” the older boy declares, glaring at Crowley, who is doing a remarkable job of keeping calm, Dean would say.
“And?” he asks, but Cas lays a hand on his arm and chimes in.
“Demons are not evil per nature.”
Crowley looks like he wants to object but knows better.
“Demons are simply monsters like the rest of us, and Crowley happens to be a very dear friend. You should be happy that he intervened; ghosts can grow rather irritable when their home is disturbed.”
“Their home? But –“
“This mansion was built especially so ghosts could feel safe” Dean says pointedly. “And no one should disturb them if they just want to peacefully enjoy their afterlife”.
“We just wanted to look” the smaller boy finally mumbles, looking very guilty, and Dean wonders if he was ever this young. It seems like an eternity ago.
But he didn’t have Cas back then, and that makes the aging more than worth it. “That’s alright, just remember not to do it again. And guess what? That nice demon is going to give you a ride home – and we’re talking beaming here.”
“You can’t –“
“But Squirrel –“
“Crowley” he says, and the demon acquiesces.
“Fine. But the next drinks are on you.”
He nods and soon enough, the three kids are gone, and Dean and Cas are left with a house full of nervous ghosts.
“Now, now, Reginald” Dean tries to calm him down, “we’re all a little nervous right now, there’s no reason to throw another pot at me...”
He would have questioned Crowley’s wisdom in putting anything in the house that could be thrown, but then ghosts liked to make a bit of noise from time to time.
Suddenly, he realizes something. “Wait a second – you wanted to scare those kids, didn’t you? That’s why they didn’t get lost in the forest.” Otherwise, they’d still be stumbling around, the old magic playing havoc with their senses. “But why?”
The answer is pretty obvious once it comes to him. Ghosts are meant to scare people. The same way Cas is meant to draw people in, and Crowley is meant to do his bloody rituals (no pun intended). “What are we going to do with you?” he wonders just as Cas steps in.
“i calmed down Natasha” he reports; the maid who started it all seems to like it when they call her that, so it stuck. “But I think –“
“They want to scare people, yeah” Dean agrees. “But they are trapped here. Do you think they’ll get angrier as time goes on?”
Cas blinks, then nods. “It’s a distinct possibility.”
Dean rubs his face with his right hand. “What are we going to do?”
“So the ghosts are a bit annoyed because we won’t let them be ghosty” Crowley announces, appearing in front of them. “I had a fascinating talk with the kiddies, and –“
“Yeah, we’ve got that far as well. But what are we going to do about it?”
Crowley looks at them. “What do you mean? An excellent deal, of course.”
Dean can only stare at him. “You don’t mean –“
The demon grins. “As always, great minds think alike.”
“I cannot believe you actually did this” Sam declares for the hundredth time in a row.
Dean shrugs. “The kids seem to like it.”
They definitely do based on the screams emitting from the mansion.
“When you called it a haunted house, I didn’t think it would become a tourist attraction.”
“You know we tried to keep people away in the beginning, but really, what’s the use if some want to be scared and the ghost want to do the scaring? Plus, we have Crowley to keep an eye on things – ”
Another terrified scream.
Sam winces. “Keeping an eye on things or helping the ghosts?”
“He’s having fun, that’s the most important thing. Don’t tell him I said that, though.”
So far, their haunted house has been a success. Bela has been freely advertising their new attraction in the press, and more than a few reluctant parents have already been dragged here by their children.
Maybe they’ll learn something, who knows.
At least they have hope.
Cas walks up to them. “Gilda’s and Rowena’s herbal healing potions are selling well” he reports. It was his idea to put a small shop in the house because – well, at this point, why not?
Dean kisses him. “Great news, sunshine.”
It is indeed.
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