#beggar’s bazooka
scar22201 · 2 years
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beggar’s bazooka solly :)
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guarshroom · 1 year
Ok I've been very curious about what the majority of people think of the Scorch Shot. From what I hear it's pretty universally hated but I'd like some actual Data on it so with that said vote below
Feel free to reblog in the tags as to why you feel the way you do, I know I will. Maybe I'll finally be able to wrap my head around why.
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TF2 confession: I've never really played much Soldier with the stock Rocket Launcher or the Black Box. I've always chosen the stranger choices for his primaries and never even really given them a shot.
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brick-yknow · 1 month
Hypothetical, You wake up one day and realise that Valve put out a silent "Bug Fix" that makes every weapon in TF2 Multiclass. You find this out by getting killed by a Lenny Bind scout using the beggars bazooka and the PowerJack. How do you feel?
I immediately begin using the rocket jumper, jarate, and neon annihilator as heavy
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notmedicine13 · 2 months
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The Glue Sniffer
my soldier loadout for when I wanna play stupid Includes the beggar's bazooka Righteus Bison and the Escape Plan
originally uploaded to my deviantart on 4.26.24
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puella-1n-somn10 · 11 months
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Meet the Warlocks! Meet them Ȁ̵̬̯̖͉̐͒̀̕͠L̴̝̹̱̽͋̽́̾͋Ļ̶̦̥̇̏̈̈́̚͜͠!̴̢̡͓͉̞͒
Inspired by Candeloro's depiction in A Different Story, @bluethepearldiver and I were brainstorming on the idea of how the mercs' warlocks would look like in human forms the other day. After messing around with loadout.tf, we're glad to bring you the manifestations of our blorbos' despair, traumas, and obsessions!
Full details and items used will be under the cut.
Disclaimer; Spy's, Jane's, and Dell's warlocks were all made by Blue, including PG-1986's (Spy's warlock) loadout. The rest was made by me.
Bear in mind that I am still working on a good deal of them; the only one who is remotely finalized is Medic- and Tavish's and Mundy's are still nameless, for corn's sake. I tend to take my time with these buggers, so most of them are subject to change.
Becquerel, the thunderstorm/disaster warlock, with a hubristic nature.
Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul
Masked fiend
Biomech backpack
Orion's belt
Fuel Injector
Tomb wrapper
Flak Jack
Fortunate Son
Crook combatant
Searing plasma effect
Weapon: Boston Basher
Themes: Radiation (from all that Bonk! he's been drinking), speed, vermin, rabbits, natural disasters ("I'm a force of nature!"), lightning, war, his huge ego translating into his warlock being fucking huge, also humanity's hubris ending up biting them in the ass, victim of the apocalypse
Girra, the oracle of Tartarus, with an idealistic nature.
Blazing bull
Waxy wayfinder
Scrap pack
Hard-headed hardware
Lunatic's leathers
Charred chainmail
Burning flames effect
Weapon: Backburner
Themes: Hell itself, power metal music (ignore the fact that TF2 takes place in the 60's-70's), forged by fire, the uncanny valley, uncontrollable smiles and laughter, unawareness, accepting help from a burning hand.
PG-1986, the cloaked warlock. His nature is futility.
Bedouin bandana
Puffy Provacateur
Griffin’s gogs
Voodoo cursed spy
Backstabber’s boomslang
Weapon: L'Etranger
Themes: Post-apocalypse, civilians being the targets of these bloody conflicts, lone survival, loss of identity, regret, family curses, separation, tough measures, possible backstabbing, snakes, rabbits, hiding
Anthony Clement McAuliffe, the vermin warlock, with a patriotic nature.
Lieutenant bites the dust
Tin pot (Battered)
Chaser (grenades ver)
Lone survivor
Man in slacks
Grub grenades
Sharp chest pain
Weapon: Beggar's Bazooka
Themes: The reality that America is a pile of flashy garbage embedded on stolen land, pollution, propaganda hiding the truth by claiming it to be a land of the free, lead, vermin like raccoons and maggots, plastic, poverty
Pushkin, the guardian warlock, with a selfless nature.
Pocket medic
Spiral sallet
Big steel jaw of summer fun
Purity fist
Fortune hunter
Batter's bracers
Kapitan's kaftan
Cerebral discharge effect
Weapon: Brass Beast
Themes: Guarding, old tales being passed down through generations, the harsh winter, flames, defenses, steel, gentle strength- with a dash of bloodthirst ofc, leadership.
Asclepius, the warlock of reconfiguration. His nature is wonder.
Voodoo cursed medic soul
Second Opinion
Blighted beak
Wings of Purity
Vicar's vestments
Main cast (critical)
Infernal Grip effect
Weapon: Vita-saw
Themes: I don't feel like copying and pasting every little detail from that megapost, folks. Here's him without the mask, tho!
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Robert, the bell warlock, whose nature is bewilderment.
Texas ten gallon
Teufort tooth kicker
Fancy spellbook
Something special for someone special
Flared frontiersman
Iron fist
Underminer's overcoat (paint sweater)
Electric hat protector
Weapon: Southern Hospitality
Themes: Repentance, faith in a higher power, trust, regret, loss, holiness, sainthood, blueprints, transhumanism, mourning
Prince Tavish's crown
Whiskey bib
Lordly lapels
Sole saviors
Shin shredders
Fireproof secret diary
Rings of fire effect
Weapon: Loose Cannon
Themes: Royalty, abandonment, sudden loss, honor, plants, ghosts, family curses, loyalty.
Crocodile smile
Wet works
Lil' snaggletooth
Bruiser's bandana (clean)
Final frontiersman
Scoped spartan
Eldritch horror effect
Weapon: Sydney Sweeper
Themes: Hiding away, efficiency, rain forests, underwater, approval- or lack of it, being out of place
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huggingtentacles · 1 year
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
>stickies are only capable of activating via manual input, and thus exempt from the land mind ban
>You can use improvised weapons in combat so long as they don't violate another restriction. The Beggars Bazooka might count since it is inherently inaccurate.
>Incendiary weapons are not currently banned unless air dropped.
>The medic could be seen as actively engaging in combat and thus a valid target since ubercharges negate enemy weapons.
>Additionally the restrictions on targeting medics assume any injured soldier is out of the fight, whereas the medigun can restore a grievously wounded person to life in seconds.
Things that would be war crimes:
>The spy engages in perfidy. Not only does he disguise as an enemy combatant for the purpose of engaging in hostilities, he also disguises as a protected class (medic) to infiltrate enemy lines.
>Jarate would count as a chemical weapon, along with the Sydney Sleeper.
>In meet the medic, the Medic treats a PoW inhumanely
>At the end of every round, one side will target and summarily execute surrendering enemy soldiers.
Still not as bad as what you do in an average CoD campaign.
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snom-with-a-bazooka · 2 months
Do you have a beggar's bazooka? I hear some people love those.
cc_( õ )_) What? I just- I just have a regular bazooka. What- what are you talking about?
cc_( O )_) Oh, maybe that guy- maybe that guy who we rejected from the military could be of- could be of use?
cc_( - )_) I forgot his- I forgot his name, but it was something along the lines of Soldier? Snomdier? I can't- I can't remember.
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toriel-2 · 10 months
both the direct hit and the beggars bazooka are high damage soldier primary alternatives but one is high aim intensive and really good at taking out sentries and one is no aim and really bad at taking out sentries. i dont have the beggars but ive seen enough beggars gameplay to say thats probably true
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thethecamthe · 2 years
If valve ever adds an Australium Beggar’s Bazooka I hope to god it’s just the regular weapon with gold spray paint on it lol
Keep the theme of it being garbage lol
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guarshroom · 1 year
TLDR at the bottom
Hot take: The Scorch Shot is an interesting weapon that is more than a long range fire starter IF the user has good aim and an understanding of how to utilize its knockback effect
What I mean by this is if you observe how the knockback works with it, you will notice that more often than not if you directly hit an enemy with the scorch shot it will cause the target to pop up a few feet rather than knock the enemy backwards. Not to say the latter doesn't happen but more often than not the former is the case.
This has a few inherent benefits, the first and most important of which is that it severely messes with the aim of the victim ESPECIALLY SNIPERS. My theory is that the Scorch Shot is originally meant to be Pyro's answer to everyone's favorite infinite range point and click adventure hence the Darwin's Danger shield which does nothing but act as a hard counter to Pyro.
In fact, this mechanic can often be used to help Pyro deal with most classes that use hit scan/non-projectile weapons as those classes tend to require good tracking and meat shots to be effective. This allows Pyros to have a chance against something like Heavy, if not to kill the heavy but to buy time to run away as the Scorch shot will hold the enemy in place for a split second for pyro to either air blast them away or get around cover.
Going from that another, often less utilized, aspect of it is that it sets the target up to be finished off by another teammate which goes under utilized because in pub servers the person to person co-ordination is often hard to pull off for one reason or another. I've wittnessed this first hand by popping up an enemy soldier and my brother then deletes him with a donk.
In some niche cases it can even be used to flare jump. Yes it does have significantly less force than the detonator but it can be used to jump gaps that are slightly too long for Pyro to jump normally and even bypass some things that require multiple crouch jumls to clear.
Now, this isn't to say that most people out there don't use it as a means to be obnoxious and use it to build Mmmph on the Phlog (even I find that combo annoying and I Main Pyro). What I am saying is that the Scorch Shot is a weapon with a very low skill floor that has a decent skill cieling thst makes it even more obnoxious when properly utilized. It is a weapon that, with used well, gives Pyro the ability to approach from the front when they are a short range class with few good mobility options and generally most of the classes have better burst damage output than them.
Hell, I would say most classes have an obnoxious weapon that fit under the category of 'weapon that is used obnoxiously but can have some nuance to it'. Soldier's Beggar's Bazooka (Rockets go BRRRRRRR), Demoman's Stickies (sticky spamming), Engie's Sentries (especially the mini sentries!), and Spy's Deadringer (aka Spy's Get Out of Jail Free Card).
My point being I understand that the Scorch Shot can be an annoying POS when dealing with a Pyro that spams it all the time without even trying to aim and just lighting everyone on fire, but it can also be super cool weapon to use when you aren't soley aiming for Frags.
TLDR; Pyro TF2's Scorch Shot weapon is designed to be an anti-sniper/utility weapon that most people have reduced to being an obnxious fire starter that just used to annoy people
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cow mangler 5000 and the mini-crit buff for soldier in MVM.
" akstualli you need to use the beggar's bazooka 🤓 "
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I am collecting like-named individuals of fiction for the purpose of a funny little list (numbered but not in any order). So far, I have found the following characters enjoyable enough for one reason or another to include:
1. Nash from Lawbreakers
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Look at this little robot! He’s got a big shotgun I can’t find any good pictures of that fires in a 3x3 grid. He’s basically just Chappie but reprogrammed by an action movie line lover instead of Ninja and Yo-Landi (honestly that gives him less personality). I love him. He’s trans(humanist)ition goals.
2. Charlie Nash
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I don’t like Guile. I don’t like how Nash plays. But I like his look, so I like him. He’s not even really called Nash, but hell, I still like him.
3. Nash Bridges
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The man, the myth, the unfortunately a cop from a 90’s police procedural, Nash Bridges drives a car I don’t personally care for, but I owe him the name, so oh well. Nashman is pretty cool I will admit.
4. Walter Nash (Valkriya Chronicles)
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I love him. I love him. He wants to open a bakery. He’s an optimistic nihilist. He carries a big anti-tank bazooka. He has a charming accent. I love Walter.
5. Nash (Starman)
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I know very little about her because I have never cared for Starman, but she can turn into mist and she’s got a cool little haircut / goggles combo, so yeah. Also she’s canonically dead, so I can adopt her.
6. Brother Nash
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I’m in the process of trying to acquire these comics so I can read them, but he’s a werewolf! I love werewolves. Plus, from what I’ve seen, his personality is fun. And he’s a trucker. Love a good and simple character who isn’t.
7. Nash Latkje (Suikoden)
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Look at that scarf! Look at the stance! Look at his smile! Love him. I can barely find anything about him, but the sparse gameplay videos I’ve seen of him make him out to be pretty fun. If anyone could explain more about him, I’d appreciate it.
8. Nashi (Magic: the Gathering)
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I don’t know where in the story he went from a teen or young adult to a little kid, but I’m just gonna kind of ignore that and focus on the art. Name’s a slight stretch, but I love my rat-boy-on-his-third-mom and all the weird shit he tinkers up.
9. Nash (Yu-Gi-Oh)
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Have I ever really been into Yu-Gi-Oh? No. Have I watched any of the shows? I watched some scenes of Nash and that one episode with Pegasus, but otherwise no. Do I still love how he looks as well as the Yu-Gi-Oh duelist look in general? Obviously! Look at how cool he looks! Wish he didn’t use sea creatures, but beggars can’t be choosers when the presented option is this good.
That’s all I have right now, but I’m keeping an eye out for more.
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tf2workbench · 2 years
Five seconds to launch
I love the Cow Mangler’s charged shot. It’s not always a good choice, but it sometimes is, and it’s so satisfying. If other rocket launchers had alt-fire options, what would they look like? I think I’ll make a post about that.
Black Box with Alt-Fire (+) Alt-fire: Consume your full clip to fire a shot that restores up to 100 health on hit (+) On hit: Restore up to 20 health (-) -25% clip size
Worth noting: unless otherwise noted, charged shots use Cow Mangler mechanics, slowing you down while they charge, which takes about two seconds.
You won’t be using this shot in the heat of battle, since - like the Mangler’s - it takes two full seconds to prepare. But if you use it from outside of battle, you can restore a significant chunk of health, and because the Black Box’s clip is smaller, you can do it more frequently than the Mangler’s.
The main risk with this weapon is that it’d be too passive, allowing Soldiers to sit back and spam charged shots to regain health easily. However, you’ll be very vulnerable while reloading, making it easy for opponents to punish misuse. We do run the risk of making users very difficult to kill while also keeping them out of the most interesting combat, though, which is something that would be good to iron out via playtests.
Air Strike with Alt-Fire (+) Alt-fire: Consume four rockets to fire a shot with +100% self push force and no self-damage [1-second charge] (+) Gain +1 clip size on kill, up to +4 (+) +65% attack speed while blast jumping (+) -15% self-damage from blast jumps (-) -15% damage (-) -10% blast radius (-) -20% blast radius while blast jumping
Notice that this shot always consumes four rockets, so you get better results if you’ve already increased your clip size. You can fly like an eagle, getting significant airtime to release your barrage(s). But once you land, you’ll probably have an empty clip, putting you in danger while you reload.
A mild concern is that this uber-powerful rocket jump could be used to traverse smaller maps very quickly, a bit like how Sticky Jumper Demomen always end up at the enemy spawn just after the round starts. However, because you’re almost immobile while it’s charging, and you have a hefty reload time, I’m inclined to say it’s probably less effective than just jumping normally.
Conclusions Adding an alt-fire functionality is a great way to give a weapon more depth (although we don’t want to make it too complicated!) In these cases, there are definitely potential problems, but I think the risk-reward dynamic is pretty well-balanced, giving users more interesting choices to make on the battlefield. At the same time, the charged shots have serious drawbacks that enemies can capitalize on, meaning that opponents can also have a good time fighting against these launchers.
Of course, there are several more rocket launchers that don’t have charged shots! What options would you give to the Direct Hit, Liberty Launcher, Beggar’s Bazooka (if that’s even possible), or even Rocket Jumper or stock launcher?
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rainofdauwuand0w0 · 2 years
You ever just look at a weapon in a game and go
“Hmmm….yep you are my favorite”
And then no matter win or lose, you just have fun?
That feels like it describes team fortresses two loose canon and beggars bazooka for me, I wanna learn them and get better with them, but they are also just so fun
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