prettyfelt · 3 years
beguilcd sent “ i’m listening. ” ( riff )  |  ‘𝐬𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲’ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.  |  accepting !
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“  you...  you  shouldn’t  involve  tony  in  this.  ”  the  haunted  look  in  tony’s  eyes  as  confided  in  her  at  the  museum  had  struck  a  nerve  so  deeply  in  the  pit  of  maría’s  stomach.  that  look  was  enough  to  give  her  the  courage  to  initiate  the  conversation  at  hand.  riff  was  tony’s  friend  but  he  was  different.  he  made  her  anxious  in  a  way  she  couldn’t  quite  place  but,  she  had  to  do  this  for  tony.  for  his  peace  of  mind.  for  him  to  be  able  to  see  the  change  he  wanted  so  badly  for  himself  through  to  its  completion.  “  he’s  trying  to  change  for  the  better.  ”  with  a  sigh,  the  anxiety  melts  away  and  she  begins  to  speak  freely.  “  and  —  and  i  don’t  know  what  i’ll  do  if  something  happens  to  him.  ”  /  @beguilcd​
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@beguilcd asked: “  why are you smiling at me like that?  ” / opal @ fearne?
Fearne shook her head, eyes wide with confusion at the question. “I--I’m just smiling, that’s how I look all the time,” She insists breathlessly. She fluffed her hair and bit her lip. “There’s a lot to smile about when you’re thinking about vacation, you know?” She really couldn’t wait to ride on an air ship and head to another brand new place, not that she fully understood this place yet.
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airshari · 3 years
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@beguilcd​ said :  ❛ i told you before. i’m not gonna let anything in this world nor the next harm you. ❜ 
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          ❛ 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐭? ❜ her eyes are wide and brimming with fear. how far will vax go to protect the people he loves? at the cost of his own life? at the cost of all he means to the people he’d die to keep safe? ❛ I don’t... your sister can’t lose you –– I can’t lose you. ❜ beside the fear there is rage, and beside the rage there is grief. every day is another small loss, another step he takes away from all of them, from life itself, and towards the raven queen and her crimson pool of death. 
and keyleth? she’s powerless to do anything. they can fight beholders, they can battle dragons, but when it comes to one goddess’ wants, they’re helpless? ❛ you don’t have to accept this. we can fight it. we can fight her and we can win. didn’t you hear vex earlier? we’re vox fucking machina. ❜ a tear slips down keyleth’s face, hot on her cheek. ❛ we need you, vax. I need you. ❜ 
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cutsequel · 3 years
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the   brutal   murder   of   maureen   prescott   shocked   woodsboro   ,   tatum   never   knew   what   grief   entailed   and   she   could   not   imagine   what   sidney   is   going   through.   arm   wrap   around   her   best   friend’s   shoulder   ,   wishing   this   would   be   a   nasty   nightmare   for   everyone   involved.   “   sid,   ”   she   whispers   before   enveloping   her   into   a   hug.   this   wasn’t   fair.   there   were   no   words   tatum   could   say   to   make   it   better   but   she   was   going   to   protect   sidney   with   her   life.   who   could   be   so   sick   and   twisted   ?   
“   you   are   staying   at   ours   tonight.   ”   tatum   says.   she   knows   hard   days   are   coming   for   sidney.   she   didn’t   know   where   billy   was   but   it   didn’t   matter.  
@beguilcd​ liked for a starter for sidney !!
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rpcsitivity · 3 years
shoutout to my in the heights fam; beguilcd, losuenitos, barrioleft, cafeserved, museagerie! they've been so welcoming & i love plotting with them so much!! such a joy to have on my dash!! <3
@beguilcd @losuenitos @barrioleft @cafeserved @museagerie
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parvamundiarc · 3 years
“I want to be near you. I want you to hold me.” / -nat
MEMES? MEMES. | always accepting!          ( @beguilcd )
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          The show of vulnerability was rare, so rare in fact that Bucky didn’t quite trust it at first. He held his place, watching her, reading her face, her body language, replaying her voice in his head over and over until that initial distrust dissipated. Now, after that, it was all clear: Nat needed him. Him, of all people.
Without a word, he stepped closer, wrapped an arm around her to draw her in, the other holding her against his body once she was near enough. He held her tightly, but with enough space that she could break away if she wanted. Her words said she wouldn’t, but he knew her and would not close her in completely.
“Whatever you need.” Bucky pressed his lips to her hair, barely breathing out the words. “Always.”
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anyankaes · 3 years
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WILLOW ( @beguilcd​ ) said ‘ i just have some worries , as well as some concerns that could potentially turn into outright fears . oh , there they go . they are fears now . ’ 
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She watches RAPTLY as Willow spirals into what she is fairly sure from her exhaustive Human Studies is a brain crash. Like computers do when they break and stuff. but her brain. Her studies so far show it’s unclear what to when this occurs and it’s best to just wait it out until the human is normal again so Anya simply continues to eat her popcorn. A snack she has traditionally only seen eaten during entertainment but well, it’s tasty and she’s a rebel. Though... now thanks to Willow she might not be breaking societal rules, this IS rather entertaining.
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prodigalpercy · 3 years
@beguilcd​ also gets a smol starter for ron!
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      family gatherings always feel suffocating to him now  --  especially when he focuses on the one who was no longer present.  percy tries, though, for molly’s sake.  even though he has reconciled with the family, he still feels that things are tense. . .  and percy has secrets that he refuses to share with the family.  he will not tell them what he had done in the ministry;  he will not tell them what happened to him because of it.  instead, he will try to be present.  well, he is doing the opposite of just that as he stands outside the burrow, smoking a cigarette.  he needs to work out his nerves before going back in. . .  he hears a noise behind him and turns, blinking.  “oh, ron,”  he says, and he goes to hide his cigarette;  he’d never told molly he smoked.  “i  --  erm  --  don’t tell mum.”  
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prettyfelt · 3 years
beguilcd said: ‘ maria, i would never think that. ’ ( anita )  |  * love ♥ starters.  |  accepting !
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“ but  it's  true. ”  her  image  of  anita  is  blurred  by  building  tears.  maría's  heart,  once  full  of  hope  and  optimism,  was  now  irrevocably  shattered  and  marred  by  hate.  “ this  is  my  fault.  i — i  was  selfish.  i — i  never  should  have  sent  tony  to  that  rumble. ”  oh,  tony.  just  his  name  on  her  lips  was  enough  to  break  her.  tears  stream  down  her  cheeks  while  sobs  tore  past  maría's  chest.  “ and  now  he's  gone.  and  bernardo  is  gone,  and  chino... ”  her  hands  tremble  violently  as  she  hesitates  to  reach  out,  absolutely  petrified  by  the  thought  that  hatred  could've  hardened  anita's  heart  against  her.  “ lo  siento,  anita.  please  forgive  me. ”    /    @beguilcd​ 
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wickedlehane · 3 years
@beguilcd {willow} gets a starter!
“So, welcome to Big Bad Rehab,” Faith said, straddling a chair at Buffy’s table. The hour was late and most of the Scoobies had gone to sleep already (or at least, were sitting and staring at the ceiling in their own beds). But the Slayer couldn’t sleep, and she wasn’t shocked to see someone else couldn’t either.
Looking over at Willow, she took no pride in how shaken still the young wiccan looked. The Slayer had to imagine the comedown after dark magic was like a seriously bad trip coupled with the worst hangover of your life. She wasn’t exactly an expert in the subject, but Faith had had her fair share of bad deals in life, not the least of which being an eight-month coma due to internal hemorrhaging, brain swelling, and the nastiest love-tap from a designer knife that anyone could imagine.
She wouldn’t voice such thoughts out loud, but Faith didn’t hate the way this brought Red down a peg, just a little. Willow had always been the one who thought she was better than the rogue Slayer- or so Faith believed. A big, selfish waste. That’s what she’d said once upon a time. And look at all the good it did her- a few years in prison was literally the least she could do to set herself back on the right path once she’d fallen off. It was going to take Willow some time to get back there too. It would be a while before people stopped looking at her like a bomb set to blow at any moment. Faith understood that all too well.
So, maybe now the least she could do was try to offer some support. Whether or not it was warranted or wanted.
“I’m not gonna lecture you or nothin’, and I know no one ever likes hearin’ it, but I know what you’re feeling right now,” she said softly, leaning her elbows on the back of the chair. “You want something from the fridge?”
The food wasn’t exactly Faith’s to offer, but she figured she could hardly be blamed for a midnight snack if Willow was indulging too.
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willowdied · 3 years
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🧡 very interested in this for keyleth and vex. ❤️ and/or 💛 for any of my d&d muses + ariverane ❤️ yasha & beau? ~ @beguilcd​ 
all yes to vex and keyleth as well as yasha and beau ( i have. many emotions about the both of them ) AND! i would love to toss ariverane at any and all of your dungeons and dragons characters, be it trying out a ship or a friendship!! ( in particular with kaliope, vax, keyleth, and opal! but i am up for discussing anything with everyone ) but! feel free to shoot me a message i would love to do some plotting :) 
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isgull-moved · 3 years
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        it is, graziella wants to tell him, but she figures she   can spare him a little of her rightful anger for the time being.  she was sure riff already felt physically bad enough; as relieved as she was that he was brought to the hospital in time, graziella was furious that he was stubborn  ( and stupid )  enough to challenge the sharks to a rumble.  given his track record for getting into other things that alerted the cops, though, she couldn’t say she was all that surprised — but she was disappointed.  “at least you’re aware,” she mutters under her breath, moving to sit at the edge of the hospital bed.  “i’m glad you’re okay but... you almost died, riff.  you realize that, don’t you?  the jets almost lost you.”  and in a more controlled tone as her nails dug into her palms, graziella adds,  “i almost lost you, too.”
@beguilcd​‘s mark reiff said : ❛  it  was  my  fault .  ❜   /   meme : accepting !
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godblooded · 4 years
@beguilcd (x)
“ i am. ”
she mutters it pressed against nat, smaller than her as she is because... well, she’s so much smaller than everyone. avenger-wise, hilariously. but she doesn’t care because some are extra loving nat days and those days are the best days — the ones where stark feels more like a person than a ravaged mechanical monster, ugly with gears and guts.
“ what? a man can’t be soft? “
when she pulls back, her hand is open as if asking the rhetorical question but with less rhetorical. palm up and a goofy smile on her face. it’s plenty enough that she’s not wearing her prosthetic arm — she trusts nat, and in trusting nat she’s capable of letting herself be that kind of trusting. wow-wee, right?
“ well. a tin can can’t be? ”
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rulesxunbroken · 4 years
song of achilles rp starters
@beguilcd said: ❝ and perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. ❞ / -wanda
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Agatha’s head dipped, Wanda’s words seeming to strike a chord with her. “But, we keep living. For them.” She found herself saying. “Our memory keeps them alive.” She’s silent for a moment, as she considers this-- She had loved and lost; so had Wanda. The world felt black and white without them. In a way, she knew how Wanda felt- to simply watch someone slip away from this world was cruel. 
Agatha had sat in her own grief for centuries. “I’m unsure if it ever gets better, dear girl, but we do our best anyway.”
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proelio-procusi-a · 3 years
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@beguilcd​ asked: “I’m not going to leave you.” / vax @ vex
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“Don’t you know that you are stuck with me?” She joked though it only seemed to be out of place. Her voice shook slightly realizing how badly things could have been today.
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tckenbythesky · 3 years
You’re so imaginative, an excellent writer, and SUCH A SWEETHEART. And ily 💕
WHAT IS YOUR HONEST OPINION OF ME? | accepting!          ( @beguilcd )
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