trouticecream · 1 year
[ He isn’t easily impressed.  Not now.  And certainly not in the past.  But, one thing that never fails to chip away at otherwise rigid and exceedingly high expectations would be the concept of heroism.  Of the idea of selflessness and good put into action.  It’s why he had always enjoyed all those fictional stories of magical worlds and the heroes within them as they’d rise up against impossible odds and defeat all manner of threatening evils.  And in turn, why upon arriving on Earth at a time far beyond what constituted the present, his attention had almost immediately been drawn to the conflict that had occurred on Nowhere islands a few years prior and the individuals that terminated it.  The conflict which had fuelled a careful and discreet collection of data on the alien's part–hidden and undetected by the life-forms of that time–from afar as he sized up the overall situation and assessed the environment from various purviews.  The incident at the heart of the conflict itself is very regrettable–for reasons he dares not focus on for more than moment, gone and passed in the blink of an eye alongside the nauseating sensation that inevitably comes with it–but if there is any good to come out of it, he supposes that it would be that a greater power has now been re-established out of dormancy and into a position where the Earth can be more adequately protected.  Where it had been lacking before–humans are still only human, Chosen or not, after all–now things had been rebalanced. The Earth is now secure... provided that the 'Dragon' (as the inhabitants of these primitive human civilizations call it) itself does not turn on the very life-forms he suspects it was designed to protect.
But, that isn’t what has most prominently captured his attention.  No.  While he has more than a few questions about this greater power and a desire to gather more data about it so as to discern its truest nature and mechanics… the heroes behind its awakening seem just a bit more interesting at the moment.  Or more accurately, the one which had the actual power to do so.  Lucas.  Such a feat certainly required high quantities of courage, tenacity, and more so than anything else, a special sort of selflessness and kindness that not every life-form can muster.  He’s only human, but nonetheless every bit of what a Chosen One is supposed to be and more, even long after the conflict itself has concluded.  That much the Psion himself had long since ascertained after a few days of more concentrated observation of him, following the broader and more preliminary data collection procedures implemented upon his initial arrival on Earth.  And perhaps, though he would not make such an assertion aloud for its limited utility (and admittedly, his own aversion to what such an action entails, beyond the baseline meaning), those heroic qualities and impressive achievements to match, would effectively categorize Lucas as… – ‘cool’, for the lack of a better descriptor.  True heroes are ‘cool’ and so, given how closely the human’s personal characteristics match up with the exact parameters of a true hero, it is only logical to conclude that Lucas must be ‘cool’ as well.
‘Cool’ enough that it warrants closer observation.  Intrigue beyond assessing beings at their shallower levels and towards deeper machinations instead.  Almost inexplicably so, were it not so fundamentally intertwined with the pursuit of knowledge (and something a little more, but it's so irrelevant at this point that he doesn't dig any deeper than that).  But, such a thing certainly requires a more nuanced and calculated approach.  One designed to not only provide a substantial and innocuous enough reason to initiate a more direct social experiment (read:  a social interaction), but to facilitate an environment where the observed traits in question have an optimal opportunity to emerge and propel the resultant trajectory.  No simple interaction, but maybe an elaborate setup posing a fake problem to solve, of sorts.  The qualities of heroes often emerged as focal points upon being put to the test by trials and tribulations.  Or more simply, a quest.  Personal experiences vindicate that much at least, but this particular situation would not even remotely approximate the level of danger embodied by his invasion attempts of the Earth in the past.  No.  Of course not.  He does not want to put anyone in true harm’s way unless it is absolutely necessary and this? decidedly does not constitute such a case, no matter how much his own curiosity pulls him towards such extremes at times.  The manufactured situation would need to pose low enough risk levels in light of Lucas’ abilities that it would be virtually no different than situations dealt with on a more ordinary basis.
To that end, prior to this moment now, Gregory had gone through the trouble of meticulously devising a quest (from its ‘story’ to the setup), with himself at the center of it as the one that requires assistance.  With all the pieces now set into place, the Psion psionically distorts his form so as to appear human and approaches the residential building where the Chosen One in question is supposed to reside.  Previous data collected from afar dictates that this should be neither an inconvenient time or day to initiate the quest, but all the same, if his predictions turn out to be incorrect then he will simply have to modify his plan accordingly.  Now just before the door to the residential building in question–having wasted little time in teleporting over–at a respectable distance (neither too close nor to far away), small fingers close into a fist and with some slight delay in action (if only to ensure that this is the correct course of action to take as opposed to taking a more direct route instead) he takes to delivering three evenly-timed knocks against its wooden surface.  Then, he simply waits.  Patience is key to pulling off successful military operations and this situation, is ultimately no different. ]
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recklessinventor · 1 year
@beinfriends​ | abbot and abbey
Jeff was still getting used to everyone knowing of him here in Tazmily. It felt oddly like being a young child at Snow Wood again - a small, isolated place where everyone knew everyone, just much warmer in climate. It also helped the comparison that here, too, everyone knew him because of his father. 
He’d replied to questions with affirmations that he was Dr. Andonuts’ son many times before in his life, always pretty aware of the large shoes he had to fill. On Nowhere, though, no one knew of the contributions his father had made to science, and really didn’t know much about him at all besides that he was from the past, and dealt with technology.
That was a rarity here, and Jeff felt almost like he was intruding on the village by having it with him. 
There were a few people that were interested in it despite... whatever had happened before Jeff arrived in this time. Like the young couple that had approached him now about Tony’s Walkman he’d borrowed before his trip in the Phase Distorter. Dr. Andonuts had talked about the Tazmily residents before: that many of them didn’t understand or held biases against modern (or ancient?) technology, but the ones who were intrigued, like these two, he’d bluntly said would not leave him alone about it. 
Jeff didn’t mind explaining what it was, though. The couple seemed nice enough, and he figured it would be polite to try and be nice to his father’s neighbors.
“Oh, this?” He takes off the headphones and shows them the little gray device. 
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“It’s a portable music player from my time. Bands record songs onto tapes, and then you can listen to them. You can try it, if you want.” Hopefully they liked The Who.
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gildead · 1 year
with apologies to @beinfriends (especially Lucas)
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"Sorry about... s-scaring your neighbors."
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pktearsoftazmily · 1 year
// @beinfriends​
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This... This was not his Claus. In fact, he couldn’t even be sure who this was. It looked like Claus, though... There were differences. The younger boy was hesitant, exhaling slowly, deeply through his nose to keep a calm composure. Lucas never made any attempts to harm Claus, not a single time, it just wasn’t in his nature to do such a thing. However, his mind started to race with a ton of thoughts, suddenly thinking about Tanetane Island.
No. No, no. I refuse to allow those memories to cloud my eyes before me now. I am not there, I am here, in the present. I do not have to imagine, I do not have to eat anything to survive right at this moment. If... If he should attack, I will just do as I did before; defend myself.
It took a long whole before Lucas had gained the courage to muster any kind of word.
“H... H-hello.” it was soft, almost meek. The boy looks terrified, yet in his eyes, he held some courage despite his anxiety rising. After all, he pulled the needles of the Dark Dragon, he was one with the dragon, so did he have anything to worry about? Honestly, did he really have anything to worry over?
Yes. Because this was Claus, the image of his own beloved older brother. The one person he could never harm, not even if his life was on the life. Claus meant so much to him, so... So he couldn’t allow himself to attempt to prepare an attack to defend himself. He just couldn’t do it. Not to Claus.
Lucas is unable to maintain eye contact.
“H-hi there... I-I’m sorry, I think I... I...”
Nope, he couldn’t do it. Lucas just prayed Claus wouldn’t harm him.
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madeimpact · 1 year
10, 26 for the munday meme??
Shh pretend it's still munday || @beinfriends
Gonna answer 10 under a cut because it talks about some of the, uh...more difficult subject matter in End of Evangelion
∗ 26﹕ who  was  your  very  first  muse ?  would  you  consider  writing  them  now ?
I answered this already, but just to humor the question, I'll refer back to my other answer last time this question came around the blog. Old Vocaloid self insert that predates tumblr.
Hm...I dunno if I'd consider writing her as she last was before she kinda retreated into the recesses of my brain. I'd probably end up completely reworking her into her own OC ( she was already sort of evolving into her own character in her later stages anyway ).
∗ 10﹕ is  there  a  piece  of  your  character’s  canon  that  you  refuse  to  accept ?
I've talked at length before about how I feel about the infamous hospital scene in End of Evangelion. EoE Shinji is just overall a very different, more vitriolic character compared to what we see in the anime. I'll go ahead and link this meta I reblogged a while back because I basically directly quote it whenever I'm asked about this, they were able to put the vague feelings I had into words way better than I ever could LMAOSDHKDFJLG
I don't really outright say it didn't happen, but rather I try to figure a mental process that's a little more in line with the anime that would result in...yanno...that. I just feel like it's a little bit more of a challenge to do it that way you feel? Writing it out entirely feels like the easy, "it's problematic therefore it doesn't exist" solution, which really doesn't work for what Eva tries to be. In the past I've explained it as a lapse in judgement that not even Shinji knows how to explain ( not the most satisfying or in-depth, I know, but this is something I've been struggling with for years ). With him strangling Asuka on the beach, I've written it as some combination of him acting on pent up rage about how Asuka treated him, plus him needing to know he exists in the physical world again, therefore being able to touch someone. Mind you — holding up a big flashing neon sign here so no one gets it twisted — that's not to say any of this is justified behavior. It's not. EoE Shinji does fucked up shit, there's no two ways about it. I've just...tried getting into Anno's head about the whole thing, I guess. I've tried to think whether there's a universe in which this stuff happens. And of course, I'd NEVER actually write this shit out in RP. Not the time or place.
I just...I have a lot of complicated feelings about End of Eva. I don't actively dislike it as a film overall — it has some good things that can connect back to the anime, like "anywhere can be heaven as long as you have the will to live" and Shinji's ultimate rejection of Instrumentality. But it's hard to reconcile several elements of it with the ending of the anime ( which I prioritize over EoE as the conclusion to anime Shinji's character arc ), even though I've tried over the years. Maybe it's just my weird reluctance to just outright change shit about canon, idk.
If anything, I guess my answer to all of this is my post-EoE verse where things start to rebuild and look up for the cast. It's something I like about the manga and rebuild — they're a little more unambiguously optimistic, which I think ultimately does Eva's message of self-love and self-improvement better service. Post-EoE Shinji is generally in a better place mentally and regrets his actions in EoE. He chose a world of individuality, which means he needs to take ownership of those actions and do better.
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beauzos · 1 year
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trying to figure out which of my promo assets was the final version is like trying to disarm a bomb bcs of how shittily i labelled them and how many versions i made trying to decide what looked best but i think i got them all. the one thing i really miss about not being in the rpc is i no longer have an excuse to make promos!! i wouldn’t say i was amazing at them but i thought i did good considering i’d taught myself everything and was using paint.net.  it kinda got me to appreciate graphic design a bit. even when they were simple, i had a lot of fun making them.  Claus’s was always my favorite one. i was really proud of it.
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masterporky · 1 year
Muse Aesthetics.
REPOST and then BOLD any which apply to your muse! Feel free to add to the list!
Stolen from: @finncomet
Tagging: @pktearsoftazmily, @recklessinventor, @beinfriends, @16hitthunder
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. scales. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercing. tattoos. strong. weak. sickness.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. words. books. household objects.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. opal. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. valley. swamp.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. tigers. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. sheep. cows. pigs. chickens. songbirds. bugs. spiders. maggots. flies. butterflies. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. boars. bats. bears.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. ale. mead. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. peach. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. bread.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. drinking. climbing. running.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. sandals. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. shorts. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. suspenders. masks. cowls. braces. tie clips. watches. glasses. sunglasses. backpack. visor. eye contacts. makeup.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. toys. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. magic. madness. sadness. sanity. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. pawn.
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beinfriends · 1 year
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( okay the new tumblr editor that they railroad new blogs into using is killing me to the point i'm thinking of clearing out the old beinfriends blog and moving back in there because i can still use the legacy editor there. i just found out i can't edit reblogs without doing some absolute horseshit and it's making me so mad KRHFH
if i knew it was going to be like this, i wouldn't have remade and would have just cleared out the old one to begin with. so be honest would you be mad if i moved to the old blog 🥺 )
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avunct · 4 years
@beinfriends said:  ‘ i won’t hesitate, bitch! ’ (kumatora @ duster)
The verbal warning was appreciated but not really needed, Duster dodges Kumatora’s playful punch easily. 
“If you were trying to sneak up on me, I don’t know if yelling is the best idea.” He adds, amused. The thief can always feel the hairs on his neck stand up when someone is behind him, anyway. It’s just all the training engrained into him. Simple as that.
“But hey, if you wanted to spar, you can always just ask.” It’s not like he goes anywhere without his toolbelt anyway, so he’s ready. Kumatora can bring it on!
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gentletwin · 4 years
💬 ( can i get it w/ duster pls??? thank )
Arrow Lizard chooses your dialogue || @beinfriends || Accepting
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◣ ❀ ✿ ❀ ◥ ;
❝ He couldn’t’ve died at a worse time. ❞
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trouticecream · 1 year
[ Just... --ever-so-casually sticks a hand over his mouth, yellow fabric at his hoodie sleeve's end pressed against porcelain skin, as what sounds like muffled starts to laughter--tinged with a hint of amusement, part genuine and part something else--begin to emanate from the illusory 'human'. Finally, after having trouble grasping most forms of humor, something actually gets through, 'mean-spirited' as it is. ]
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recklessinventor · 1 year
Betelgeuse, Asteroid, Shooting Star!
space themed muse questions
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
"I mentioned the happy feelings when we went to go fight Giygas, though the other side of this was that I can't forget the feeling before and during that battle with it, either. Every time I think about that operation we had to endure in order to go into the Phase Distorter, the Cave of the Past... even looking at the Phase Distorter... it gives me this icy feeling down in my stomach and I get dizzy and can't think straight.
That tension is something that creeps up sometimes, especially after a nightmare, so unfortunately I can't forget that fear quite yet."
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? 
"Well... I'd like to help people somehow. I know I've been told I'd make an excellent engineer, but I think I'd like a career that I know really impacts others... So I would be doing that.
I'd also like to always be close with Ness, Paula, and Poo. And Tony, of course. And besides them... I'd like to have a family, I think. Even if I don't think I'd be the best parent, I know I wouldn't want to live alone. Oh, and I'd like a lot of pets."
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? 
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"I'm not certain... in terms of things, maybe the submarine I got to pilot? Though I don't know where I'd keep it. Perhaps... some more detailed records of when and where I was born, and who my family members are. I have no idea who my mother is, either... that information I really would like to know."
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gildead · 1 year
@beinfriends || apologies to lisa
Gold's body slowly turns around independently of his head, punctuated by the sound of his spine cracking and popping into place. The only tell-tale sign that something horrifying happened is the raw, angry line of red that forms on his pale neck, as if someone's sewed his head back onto his body.
He approaches, a stray beam of moonlight illuminating his face. Now that it's visible, it's clear that there's something in his eye.
Or rather, a lack of something.
Empty sockets stare at Lucas intently, the flesh lining them barely visible within the large empty voids in his skull. Something leaks out of them -- something black and tar-like, a bit too viscous to be blood. There's a trickle of it traveling from his mouth and down his chin as well.
Gold knows what he looks like. Perhaps he's a little too keenly aware.
They lift a sleeve.
It hangs limply as he reaches to his face, almost ragdoll-like in its movements. If Lucas were to look inside the sleeve, he wouldn't see a hand or arm... or much of anything, to be honest. His lower limbs and eyes are clearly not the only things missing on the ghost. Judging by how the edges fray and knit back together haphazardly, he's clearly putting in effort to conceal that.
He wipes the leakage from his face. It smears under his eyes, but otherwise he looks a bit cleaner. Tiny white pinpricks of light face into view within their sockets, their appearance obscuring the once-visible flesh within and casting a dim glow.
Gold opens his mouth - slowly, deliberately, as if moving too fast will cause his jaw to fly off.
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"They're... hungry..." He winces as he talks, clearly in pain. "Need... to eat..."
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royaltriofanzine · 4 years
this zine looks really great and i'd love to apply but i have a lot of reservations about the mod team "having previous zine experience" and then not listing concrete examples of said experience anywhere. could you please list the zines that the mods have worked on and the role they played in moderating? thank you!
Hello! I asked every mod for their mod experience, here’s what they said: Ree: Hosted the BeinFriends / BeinFoes Zine, WomenMadeFullmetal Zine, Shadowforce Zine, Poke Prism Project, and KindLie. Manages a shop, has also worked as a graphic designer for local projects. Kris • Teen Wolf Soulmate: Anchored (general mod) • Kimetsu no Yiba:Kimetsu no Stardom, Idol au (general mod) • Supernatural Quaranzine(digital only)(general, social media mod) • Danganronpa: Oumota Zine (general, social media mod) • Marvel: Marvel after a Midnight (social media mod) Have also moderated for bang events and character weeks. Suzu I don't have any modding experience, but I have a lot of beta reading experience Yu Nyx Spotlight: A TBHK zine (production & shipping) I had like to be a contributor more than a mod, so I have more contributing experiences than modding Soren Smash Zine, Persona Jeu De Cartes, Promare Tarot, Fe:3H Card Deck, Promare Ignite Zine, Persona Cookbook. Technically I carried over Rosebud at the last second. They’re all general mod except Smash and Ignite.
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madeimpact · 1 year
Character Study: Birds
tagged by: @beinfriends tagging: MUTUALS GO
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SPARROW || innocence. big dreamer. waking up too early. walking home. being afraid of meeting new people. slim hands. always cold. reading a book under a tree. the smell of the forest. missing your home.
EAGLE || independent. caring too much for others. sharp looks. walking through the city late at night. the tallest and most spectacular building. iron. being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
SWIFT || falling in love easily and heavily. traveler. the infinity of the bluest sky. storms. broken smiles. forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones. feeling out of place. mistrusting people. a fleeting romance.
CROW || feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot. prejudging. tight hugs that leave you breathless. a grey sky. serenity. intelligence. being left behind. chains. smoke. the pride of someone wise.
DOVE || petals. jealousy. being tired of living with the same old faces. whispered secrets. marble. sundresses. white clothes. the first sunset of winter. pride in who you are. learning to get over someone.
SEAGULL || family. golden light. the sea murmuring in your ear. summer afternoons. caramel ice cream. collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures. living breezy and carefree. swimming in the sunlight.
CANARY || artistic. getting excited easily. dancing and singing while you are alone. looking at your friends having fun. no phone. being afraid of judgment. spring. a meaningful gift. the first ray of sunlight.
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SPARROW || innocence. big dreamer. waking up too early. walking home. being afraid of meeting new people. slim hands. always cold. reading a book under a tree. the smell of the forest. missing your home.
EAGLE || independent. caring too much for others. sharp looks. walking through the city late at night. the tallest and most spectacular building. iron. being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
SWIFT || falling in love easily and heavily. traveler. the infinity of the bluest sky. storms. broken smiles. forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones. feeling out of place. mistrusting people. a fleeting romance.
CROW || feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot. prejudging. tight hugs that leave you breathless. a grey sky. serenity. intelligence. being left behind. chains. smoke. the pride of someone wise.
DOVE || petals. jealousy. being tired of living with the same old faces. whispered secrets. marble. sundresses. white clothes. the first sunset of winter. pride in who you are. learning to get over someone.
SEAGULL || family. golden light. the sea murmuring in your ear. summer afternoons. caramel ice cream. collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures. living breezy and carefree. swimming in the sunlight.
CANARY || artistic. getting excited easily. dancing and singing while you are alone. looking at your friends having fun. no phone. being afraid of judgment. spring. a meaningful gift. the first ray of sunlight.
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SPARROW || innocence. big dreamer. waking up too early. walking home. being afraid of meeting new people. slim hands. always cold. reading a book under a tree. the smell of the forest. missing your home.
EAGLE || independent. caring too much for others. sharp looks. walking through the city late at night. the tallest and most spectacular building. iron. being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
SWIFT || falling in love easily and heavily. traveler. the infinity of the bluest sky. storms. broken smiles. forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones. feeling out of place. mistrusting people. a fleeting romance.
CROW || feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot. prejudging. tight hugs that leave you breathless. a grey sky. serenity. intelligence. being left behind. chains. smoke. the pride of someone wise.
DOVE || petals. jealousy. being tired of living with the same old faces. whispered secrets. marble. sundresses. white clothes. the first sunset of winter. pride in who you are. learning to get over someone.
SEAGULL || family. golden light. the sea murmuring in your ear. summer afternoons. caramel ice cream. collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures. living breezy and carefree. swimming in the sunlight.
CANARY || artistic. getting excited easily. dancing and singing while you are alone. looking at your friends having fun. no phone. being afraid of judgment. spring. a meaningful gift. the first ray of sunlight.
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tazmiliancivilian · 4 years
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Warmth |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82% Intellect |||||||||||||||||| 58% Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||| 46% Liveliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Dutifulness ||||||||| 26% Social Assertiveness |||||||||||||||||| 58% Sensitivity ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Paranoia |||||||||||| 34% Abstractness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90% Introversion ||||||||||||||| 46% Anxiety |||||||||||||||||| 58% Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78% Independence |||||||||||| 38% Perfectionism |||||||||||| 34% Tension ||||||||||||||| 46%
tagged by: @twinsmily​​ from over at @beinfriends​ tagging: anyone who hasn’t done it yet i’m so late to this
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