#being club president sucks ass 95% of the time but then theres the nice respectful freshmen that come up and its good again
robitherat · 2 years
telling u guys this bc nobody else in my life cares lol but today was my schools club fair and it actually went very well for the creative writing club!!! only like 2 people came up to tell us they hate writing, we only had one fake sign-up (douchebag dude in my class signing his girlfriend up as a joke. I crossed it off immediately) AND we got like 4 or 5 new ppl to sign up!!!!! i think the fact that i told our sponsor not to put out suckers or any candy def helped bc every single year prior we had ppl come up, take a handful of candy and walk away without even like. acknowledging us so. that was cool. almost broke a couple of plastic bowls bc they’d keep trying to grab even as i took the bowl away because apparently near-adult aged people don’t know how to keep their fucking hands to themselves. N e ways im actually kind of looking forward to the start of club next week this is such a nice, interesting change yay
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