#like the green one with the sunflowers. it was cool they seem v cool
strawberryhierophant · 5 months
Coffee Date (short story)
He was afraid she might not show, but more afraid she would.
The voice was honey. Wes looked up from his phone. The cafe was packed, noisy. She leaned over his table, the V-neck of her sunflower-yellow blouse dangerous. It offered Wes a glimpse at her small, pert breasts. The skin glistened. She smelled of lilacs.
She took a seat, smiling. Wes wondered if she could detect the drop of gin he'd thrown back in the car before he'd hurried into this awful crowd. The people made him nervous, and he felt himself glancing over his shoulder as he said, "Nice place. I've passed it before, on my way to work. You've been here?"
"My favorite spot," she said, motioning for a waiter, "I come here for a late night coffee sometimes."
"Coffee before bed? Isn't that bad for sleep?"
"It helps me," she said. The waiter took her order: honey latte, iced, almond milk.
Wes rubbed his forehead with one finger, trying to wipe away the layer of glistening sweat. He wished they'd chosen a different time. Mornings at a cafe. Of course it would be busy.
"Would you like to sit outside?"
It felt like a plead. Wes saw a hint of confusion in her eyes and changed the subject.
"I love the vibe in this place. Most coffee shops around here have an industrial feel. This one feels... more like a regular room."
"Right!" She almost exploded with exuberance. "It's like a cool combination of rustic and eclectic with nature themes. Did you notice the terrariums on those shelves over there?"
He hadn't.
"I did!" Wes nodded aggressively. "There are so many." But he was looking at the barista, who was looking at him. Tight lips, oval face. Did she recognize him from somewhere? He hoped not. He took a sip of his coffee. His mouth felt dry.
"I've always loved nature," Alice said as the latte arrived. She sighed appreciatively, staring into the large white mug. "My biggest dream is to own a farm someday. Sheep, cows, chickens. Just a little place in the country. Wide open air."
The crowd seemed to press in around them.There was no doubt about it now. The barista was watching him. Her shifting eyes kept darting in his direction.
Sweat dripped down Wes' back. It tickled his spine. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, turning away from the counter, away from the prying eyes of the barista.
"And quiet."
"Mm," Wes agreed.
"That's why I love Natural Ground."
What was she talking about now?
"It's not cold or stuffy like some other cafes. All the green is so inviting, don't you think?"
A woman at a neighboring table leaned in and whispered something to her male companion, who promptly burst into a fit of laughter. Tickling sweat trickled down Wes' spine.
"Natural Ground," he repeated. "Is very inviting."
Was that the name of the cafe? He couldn't be sure. He couldn't remember.
"What about you?" Alice asked. "Do you have a dream?"
The barista was on the phone. Who was she calling. Outside, he thought he saw the flash of lights.
"Something you'd like to do?" Alice went on. "Somewhere you'd like to go?"
Her eyes glimmered with curiosity, with genuine interest.
"There is, as a matter of fact."
Alice leaned in, elbows on the table, the mug of coffee cradled in both hands.
"Actually, I could show it to you."
Alice's eyebrows shot up. A flicker of mischief flashed in her eye.
"We just got here," she said.
A very tall man rose from his table and walked menacingly towards their table. His hands were large and the knuckles went swinging past Wes' head, dangerously close. The barista was occupied with a customer.
"It's a one-time invitation," he said, forcing a devious smile. "Take it or leave it."
Alice placed her coffee down.
"Well," she said, "Aren't you interesting. What sort of trouble are you trying to get me into?"
Wes shot a glance behind him. The tall man looked him in the eye as he disappeared into the bathroom.
"You'll have to find out," he said, taking her hand. When he rose from the table, he was surprised, and relieved, that she followed his lead.
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robitherat · 2 years
telling u guys this bc nobody else in my life cares lol but today was my schools club fair and it actually went very well for the creative writing club!!! only like 2 people came up to tell us they hate writing, we only had one fake sign-up (douchebag dude in my class signing his girlfriend up as a joke. I crossed it off immediately) AND we got like 4 or 5 new ppl to sign up!!!!! i think the fact that i told our sponsor not to put out suckers or any candy def helped bc every single year prior we had ppl come up, take a handful of candy and walk away without even like. acknowledging us so. that was cool. almost broke a couple of plastic bowls bc they’d keep trying to grab even as i took the bowl away because apparently near-adult aged people don’t know how to keep their fucking hands to themselves. N e ways im actually kind of looking forward to the start of club next week this is such a nice, interesting change yay
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mr-styles · 4 years
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Hello, I’m Harry Styles and tonight I’m going to help you drift off to sleep with some soothing words and calming music. A sleep story, just for you. With all the busyness of your day, I know how hard it can be to get to sleep. So I thank you for choosing this story, and me to help you. I wish you a wonderful night’s sleep. So make yourself comfortable. Take a deep breath in, and then out. In, and then out. And when you’re ready, close your eyes.
Have you ever wondered what happens when you sleep? Where you go and what you feel. The places that you seek.  When you start to drift away, your mind becomes a book that writes itself, then fades away before you wake to look.
Tonight we’re gong to think about anything you’d like. So first let’s visualise some scenes to see us through the night. Settle back and clear your mind. We’re heading somewhere special, beyond the world of consciousness, to places more celestial.
I’d like you to imagine now, you’re there beneath the stars, which, when you pause to think about it, actually you are. As you focus on the darkness, right before your eyes, fill the scene with glinting lights to emulate night skies.
Think about the things you cherish most and those you love. And then allow yourself to be embraced from up above. The power of the universe, meanders through your mind. So come with me and let’s see what the two of us can find.
Let’s travel now to moonlit valleys, blanketed with heather. The kind of landscape you and i could dream about forever. Imagine lazing on the ground, succumbing to the charms of blades of grass we now caress with fingertips and palms. A gentle scent of cedar wood is floating on the breeze, a gift from mother nature and her nearby cedar trees. We’re gazing at the night sky now, marveling at infinity. So allow your mind to wander to a peaceful new vicinity.
Picture this: a rich green forest, damp with morning dew. Inhale the morning air as we explore, just me and you. Leaves create mosaics in every shade of green, as gentle birds son mingles with the babbling of a stream.
Dappled sepia sunlight cuts through branches overhead, as dew drops fall from leaf to leaf like glistening strands of thread. The dew drops finally coalesce, forming satin beads. Occasionally they kiss our cheeks. Small pleasures, quenching needs.
Holding hands, we stroll until we chance upon a brook. It’s cool clear water, mirroring our faces as we look. The shimmering reflection shows us smiling from above. The word we think but dare not speak is l-o-v-e. Love.
Now we snuggle on a raft, and drift for endless hours. As willow trees sway in the breeze and blossoms fall in showers. Gently swaying to and fro, we look up at the sky and watch the clouds above us forming shapes as they pass by.
The wisps of cloud swirl slowly, tinged with tangerine and pink. And as they fade, the sunset gives us cause to muse and think, of places we should visit and oceans we could cross. For some who wander through this world, there’s grace in being lost.
Passing by a waterfall, our thoughts sway to and fro. And time begins to fade and blur. Beneath the moon’s pale glow, a symphony of tumbling water loves and mesmerizes. Nature’s soundtrack to our dreams, assume so many guises.
Strolling on a sidewalk now, as rain begins to fall. Its gentle pitter-patter holds us deep within its thrall. The raindrops rhythm briefly slows, then intensifies. Peaceful and benevolent. A gift from moonlit skies. The fragrance that the rain creates upon the concrete surface inspires yet relaxes, and focuses our purpose. To shift our minds to neutral and allow our thoughts to drift. And recognise the rainfall as a mesmerising gift.
Sheltering beneath a porch, we watch the rain pour down. Though now the time has come to leave this moonlit town. A gentle breeze wafts through the trees. It causes leaves to stir. And then the rain relents and fades, as time begins to blur.
We find ourselves upon a shoreline, lounging by a lake. While crickets chirp in nearby reeds, it’s hard to stay awake. The scene feels like a watercolour - soft diluted tones. As looking down we see each other. Laughing, skimming stones. The stones skip on the gleaming lake and ripples start to form. And though the sun has dipped from view, we feel content and warm. Herons drift on thermals, high above a sun bleached pier. And in the trees beyond the lake, we glimpse a passing deer.
Strands of cloud unfurl like ribbons in the orange sky. Mirrored on the lake now, like a painted butterfly. In the distance, mountains beckon, capped with pristine snow. The kind of sight that dreams evoke when hearts and minds let go.
Contemplating nothingness. A scene takes shape before us, and as it sharpens in our thoughts, we hear a distant chorus. The dampened sound of silence that only snow can bring, surrounds us with its calming vibes and touches us within.
Glistening snowflakes fall in flourish, mountain rivers freeze. The powdery slopes look beautiful and fresh snow dusts the trees. Somehow now, we’re in a cabin, taking in this view. As a fire crackles in the corner, just for me and you. We linger for a moment, or maybe it’s been hours. For when we blink and look again, our vistas waft in flowers. Another destination lulls us. Closer now it seems. Perhaps it’s real, or just another chapter in our dreams.
Drifting in and out of sleep, our thoughts take us elsewhere. To an island fringed by swaying palms. Lush beyond compare. A path winds through the mangroves towards a distant beach, that underlines the turquoise ocean, now within our reach.
Eventually, we feel the powdery sand right beneath our feet. The sun above now blessing us with gentle, soothing heat. We hear the lilting sound of surf breaking up ahead. While spiral shells and pearly shards determine where we tread.
Finally, a lapping wave engulfs our sandy feet. It seems to pause and ruminate, then gradually retreat. We dig our toes in cool, wet sand, then sit and face the sea. And let the sand wash over us. Alone, just you, and me. Staring at the nothingness that stretches on forever, our thoughts dovetail and unify in tune, two minds together. As minutes turn to hours, we drift off somewhere new. And visualize a stay away, to a door we now walk through.
Imagine now a meadow on a balmy afternoon. Birds, and bees, and rustling trees create a summer tune. Flanked by fields of sunflowers, hand in hand we walk. As the gentle sounds of nature surrounds us while we talk. The sunflowers give the scenery a warm and golden hue, while hazy sunshine softens our idyllic, rustic view. As we roam past hedgerows, a farmhouse sits alone. Its open shutters pressed against uneven walls of stone. A garden winds around the house, and daisies poke through grass. A bench that’s lived through countless summers creaks as we walk past. We wonder if the house is empty. Once loved - but no longer. The thought of passing time inspires a feeling that grows stronger.
This feeling washes over us, lost between a sigh. And as the sun begins to set, we stop and wonder why. Gravity caresses us and pulls you close to me. Then the scene begins to fade, our new reality.
Deeper, gradually deeper, we drift and now transcend to unfamiliar places too surreal to comprehend. Slowly we capitulate, as sleep begins to call. Entwined in dreams and shifting scenes, we drift and gently fall.
Friendly faces, glorious places. Things we hope to do intertwine with snapshots. Some of me, and some of you. Moonlit valleys, verdant forests, gazing at the ocean. Summer meadows, tranquil sunsets, steeped in pure emotion. The tenderness we feel when we are close, two minds as one, surrounds us and connects us, but we’ve only just begun. For now, we dream together of all that is to follow. And know that sleep will keep us safe, from now until tomorrow.
Maybe all the memories that we’ve gathered here tonight, are all dreams now remembered, or wishes in plain sight. No matter what, they’re with us now, for this night and forever. And every time we close our eyes, they’re yours and mine to treasure.
Goodnight and sleep well.
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callmeelle22 · 3 years
Blue Dream IV
Pairing: Iris West x Barry Alen
Rating: E
Chapter Word Count:
Summary: A series of sporadic dates between Iris and Barry turn into something more, a story in its own making.
Chapter I: Primetime
Chapter II: It's Cool
Chapter III: Anything
Chapter IV: Comfortable; It feels like butterflies fluttering or sparks flying or whatever other cliche Iris could think of. It’s like slow-dancing all alone after dinner in a half-cleaned kitchen, easy and intimate. It feels like warm honey on her tongue, slow and sweet and overwhelming. It’s pillowtalk, baby; lay your head on my pillow, say, "oh-ooh"; way you're touchin' my body, say, "ooh-ooh"; i ain't lovin' nobody but you; you, you, you make me, the kind that starts as whispers in the dark and becomes deep, lazy sex with only the moon there to light the way. (Read below or on AO3 linked on the chapter title.)
Chapter V: The Way
Chapter VI: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
Chapter VII: I'm in Love with You
Chapter VIII: Blue Dream
Set the tone, when it's just me
And you alone, never lonely
In the room, breathin' slowly
Oh, you know me, yeah
At a quarter to one on the next Sunday afternoon, Iris finds herself sitting in her living room, waiting for Barry. Her week has been a relatively good one. She thinks they might be over the hurdle of a new semester—learning the personalities of each other—and Dr. Jamison had been on top of her own game, which meant Iris had been able to as well. She’d spent her Friday night watching Bridgerton, well, as much as the hazy cloud of blue diesel had allowed her to, and on Saturday, she’d spent several hours at Jitters typing up a new story for What a Life You’ve Lived. This story had featured an older woman who, years before Loving v. Virginia had made her marriage legal, had lived in relative obscurity with her white husband, dating and laughing and loving in secret.
Yeah, she’d shaken her head at that too.
She doesn’t know where they’re going today, so she’s dressed in a casual emerald green wrap dress, with a deep v-neck and long sleeves, that hems just at her knees. She opts for flat sandals just in case. His number is still unused, though she’s taken the steps to lock it into her phone. She can’t tell why she doesn’t call him, can’t make out why she’s, apparently, too afraid to just reach out to the man. She doesn’t know what they’re doing, outside of this date, or what his goal is. Linda would definitely describe her as being too chickenshit to find out. She obviously doesn’t disagree.
She’s decided that it’s casual, because aren’t most situations these days casual? And it makes more sense than the thought that lives in her head; the alternative doesn’t fit as neatly in her mind. The alternative is, is a little chaotic because that would add layers to the way he grins at her, and to the way he oscillates between awkward and bold when he talks to her, and to the way that she can never completely get the feel and taste of him out of her mouth. The sensation makes her think of runny ice cream, sweet and sticky and dripping, so much so that before she knows it, her hands and her face and her heart are all covered in it.
The doorbell rings.
Iris jumps up to answer the door and he’s standing there, in black jeans and a gray t-shirt, and she’s always struck by how good he looks in such casual outfits. His hands are stuffed down into his pockets and a grin is etched onto his face. He leans into the door when it opens, shoulder on the frame.
“Hi, beautiful.”
The compliment is unexpected and she turns away to grab her bag, to hide the blush that warms her cheeks, even if he wouldn’t be able to see it on her skin.
“You ready?” he asks.
She nods. “Yeah, let’s go.”
They are about fifteen minutes away from Lake Lanier when Iris realizes that’s where they’re going. The ride is pleasant. They don’t talk much outside of a few sentences regarding how their weeks were. Instead, they listen to some rock music Iris has never heard before and Iris alternates between staring at the road and staring at the intricate flowers tattooed on his arm. She recognizes some of them, roses and chrysanthemums and sunflowers, but there are far more that she doesn’t, especially when she remembers that the bouquet goes all the way up and over his shoulder. She decides she’ll ask him about it later.
The trail for the lake comes into view and Barry turns his Jeep onto a barely paved road, his pale fingers caressing the wheel as he expertly maneuvers the vehicle. He drives past where Iris and Linda and their classmates spent countless summer afternoons, past the trail that leads to where her dad had taken her and Wally camping when, at 12, Wally had realized that he was the only of his friends who’d never been.
They come to a stop, moments after Iris wonders if this might be where bodies get hidden, next to a towering oak tree. They’d lost the trail about a mile back and Barry’s four-wheel-drive was a match for whatever grass and rock and mud they rolled over.
Iris steps out of the Jeep and looks around, momentarily in awe. Out this far, the lake looks serene in a way she’s never seen before. It’s quiet, but it isn’t. Even in a midsize city like Central City, there is always something happening; there is always lights and noise and music. Here, the sound of nature takes the stage: the clicking buzz of cicadas and the chirping songs of birds and the gentle wave of the lake. The look of it is surreal, the pale blue of the water and the vibrant dark green of the trees, those slowly giving way to the oranges and reds of fall.
“Wow,” Iris murmurs.
“It’s great, right?” Barry says.
She turns and finds him with his trunk open. She walks around back to see him gathering picnic supplies, a woven picnic basket, a thick red gingham picnic blanket, and a cooler. There’s also another blanket to stem the feel of the wind so close to the lake. She grabs the picnic basket as he handles everything else and she follows him as they set up a few feet away from the bank, on a soft patch of grass to cushion them.
“I wasn’t expecting a picnic,” Iris tells Barry as she settles on the blanket, taking off her shoes and setting them on the edge.
“No?” He grins over at her before resuming his task. He’s unpacking the basket, pulling out saran-wrapped sandwiches, containers of fruit and vegetables with dip, and ziplock bags full of popcorn. A look in the cooler shows her some waters, several beers, and an equal number of mini wine bottles.
“Where’d you think I was taking you?” he wonders.
“I don’t know,” she says. “Like a movie or something.”
He grins, this time slower; and it shouldn’t, but it makes Iris think of the last time she’d seen him, slow and heated on her living room couch.
“That can be our next date,” he says.
“Who says you’re getting another date?”
He looks up at her and it’s the same one he’d given her when he asked her why she didn’t call, the expression a touch calculating. His head is tilted and his eyes are darting all over her face. She wants to turn her head, turn away from his gaze, but she can’t. Because she thinks that she’s hoping he does find what he’s looking for her, that he can help her to find it too.
“You didn’t say that we were going on another date” he says, finally. “But I have fun when we're together, Iris, and I, I think that you do too."
He goes back to pulling items out of the basket, this time a container full of cookies, and Iris starts grappling with whether or not she can take what he says at face value. It’s a flaw, she knows, the doubt that seems to come far too automatically. She wishes that she could blame it on something tangible—on parents who hadn’t been there or boyfriends who’d lied or friends who didn’t have her best interests at heart. That isn’t the case, though. Her mom had been there as much as she could and she had never had enough boyfriends for it to really make a dent. Linda has never even thought about doing her wrong, and her family might be the very best part of her.
But everything in her body catches at the thought of this man being someone she likes, someone she adds to the rotation of people in her life, people who’ve only become occasional brunches and too quick phone calls. What would it feel like for this man—and his smile and his touch and the way that she feels like she knows him when she doesn’t—to become a part of that rotation, until the discomfort of the entire situation makes him taper off altogether?
She blinks out of her daze at the sound of Barry’s voice, looking down to see him holding out two bottles in front of her, one a lager from a local brewery, the other a chilled bottle of Chardonnay.
“Hey, are you alright?”
“Yes,” she answers him quickly. “Just thinking.”
“About me?” he asks, his grin wide, cheeks faintly pink, and the look of him is so adorable that Iris shakes her head as she grabs the wine from him, failing to curb the smile that lifts the corner of her mouth, failing to keep the thoughts, the whenever i get around you, i lose it; lose it, from seeping in.
“Let’s play twenty questions.”
Iris is halfway into her mini-wine bottle when Barry voices the suggestion. For the time being, they’ve been merely sitting, drinking, basking in the day. The weather is gorgeous and Iris likes that the only thing to distract her is the constant tweeting of the birds, or the soft splashes of the fish in the lake, or the steady sound of Barry’s breathing.
“Okay,” Iris agrees, “but twenty is a lot.”
“Ten, then?” he hurries to say. “Five each?”
He shifts on the blanket so that he’s lying down on his side facing her, head propped in his hand. Her own back is propped against the tree, her legs stretched out and crossed at the ankle.
“You first.”
“Alright.” He pauses, looks up towards the sky as if he’s thinking, and then asks, “What’s your favorite book?”
She is surprised by the question, though she isn’t sure what she thought he might ask.
“I’ve got a lot of favorites,” she says, because it’s true. Books, stories, became an escape early on, from a home that had been too fragile, that had felt like it’d come crumbling down with only a mere gust of wind. “But one that still sits with me is Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. I read it for the first time in high school.”
He smiles at her. “Tell me about it.”
“It’s about a woman named Janie, who was raised by her grandmother who’d been enslaved. Janie’s a romantic; she wants freedom and love. But her grandmother wants her to have security. She’s got a series of suitors: an old man who treats her like the help, essentially; a man who becomes mayor of this all-black town, who only props her up as this thing, this ornament that must look and act like he wants her to; and Tea Cake, a younger man who’s passionate and selfish and possessive. And in all of it, Janie is discovering herself, exploring what she does and doesn’t want. She steps up and she fights back and she learns to dismiss what others have to say about here.”
Barry hums. “She reminds me of you,” he says, “this Janie woman.”
He catches her gaze, holds it. Iris catches the way his eyes track the features of her face. She can never find it in her to shrink away, almost like she’s beholden to the force of him.
“She seems passionate; fanciful. Alluring.”
She’s never wanted to blush as much as she does around him and her face feels warm, tight. She swallows from her wine bottle, still looking at him.
“You are,” she starts, and then shakes her head.
“I am…?” he urges, mouth grinning, eyes wide with mirth. He reaches out and grabs at her ankle, fingers grazing her skin. Her skin tingles beneath his fingers, a slow rush of heat flooding through her. Apparently, Barry has discovered a new erogenous zone.
“Something else,” she answers, finally.
“Somehow I don’t think that’s what you meant.”
She looks out at the lake for a brief moment. “It’s not, but I haven’t figured out what I do mean yet.”
He’s silent for a beat. “Okay. Your turn,” he says and Iris is grateful for the reprieve.
“What’s a country you’ve never been to that you’d like to visit?”
A wistful smile curves his pretty mouth. “That’s easy. Ireland.”
“Yeah?” she asks softly.
“It’s where my mom's family is from,” he continues, touching at her ankle even as he looks away from her. She wonders if he realizes he’s even doing it, tracing along her ankle and then up the length of her calf and back down again.
“My mom was born here in Central City,” he explains, “but her parents were born and raised in Ireland, moving here when they were a couple of months pregnant with her.” She knows she doesn’t mistake the melancholy in his voice. “We’d been planning for a trip after I graduated high school. Since dad was gone, it wasn’t as easy to save up for a long summer trip like that, but we were working on it, before she was killed. I’m still working on it.”
He gives her another smile, this one tinged with hope, and the urge to comfort him is strong. But she knows that there is no real comfort for missing a mother, so instead, she moves from her spot against the tree. The movement confuses Barry, who has to move his hand away from her ankle, but his frown clears when she lies beside him, her head on his shoulder.
“I’ve always wanted to go to Italy,” she tells him. “My best friend Linda’s parents live in a large immigrant community. People from all over live there. It was like heaven for me when I really started getting into writing; so many stories. Obviously, not everyone wanted to tell their business to a 15-year-old, but Mrs. Bianco had no qualms about it.
“Mrs. Bianco has three sons, relatively the same age as me and Linda, one right after the other, but no daughters. So for much of high school, we were her surrogates. My dad worked a lot and so did Linda’s parents, getting their restaurant off the ground. So we’d go over to Mrs. Bianco’s after school to do homework and she’d feed us all these baked goods, cannolis and these things called bombolinis, which are like doughnuts but better. And she’d tell us all these stories about growing up in the Italian countryside and going to college and meeting her husband before they came here, the excitement of it all. She made it sound so beautiful.”
Barry reaches over and touches her, long fingers touching lightly at her arm before they wrap around her wrist. He rubs at the skin on the inside of her wrist. The move feels like a deliberate way for Barry to maintain contact, but also like more. Like the last time he’d come to her apartment, and she’d felt the touch to her ankles at the very core of her, she feels so now. It’s subtle, but it’s there, in the slight clench of her belly, in the low throb of her pussy. It’s been a long time since she’s been with anyone like this — cause I feel so comfortable with you; you make me comfortable with you—easily aroused and just as easily comforted. Her last relationship had been with a man named Eddie, a graduate student she had met early in her senior year of undergrad. He had been sweet, but they had both been so busy all the time that they had felt like work too. With Barry, there’s the newness that comes with a relationship, the giddiness at talking to him, being near him. But this seems like something else, something greater, something that tells of why she can’t stop thinking about this man.
“Why did you invite me over,” Barry asks, “that Friday night?”
She exhales shakily, a little unnerved by him. “Well, you asked me to dance?”
“You invited me over because I asked you to dance?” His tone is incredulous and she laughs.
“No, I mean. It’s the club. People just dance, right? And here you come, rocking those hips unlike any white boy I’ve seen, and then you walk up and ask me if you could dance with me. I thought it was polite.”
Barry rolls over so that he’s long against her side. He moves his hand from her wrist to press on her belly, rubbing his thumb lightly. He plants his mouth right next to her ear. “If you think I’m polite, I’m doing something wrong.”
She catches his eyes. “I don’t know,” she says, smirking at him. “Maybe you are. Maybe you need to work on that.”
She lets the taunt hang, for just a moment, and then she rolls over to kiss him. She licks at his mouth, turning the kiss more passionate in seconds. Their positions change, Barry rolling her onto her back.
“I think I can make you beg,” Barry whispers against her mouth. “I was always told that was impolite.”
Iris doesn’t get a chance to say much else because suddenly, Barry is between her legs, his head dipping down under her dress.
“Barry what?”
As is his annoying habit, he doesn’t respond to her right away. He pushes her dress higher, exposing her belly and the bright yellow lace of her panties. She inhales sharply at the feel of his breath on her belly before he plants a kiss there.
“Ask for it.”
She catches onto his game immediately and her eyes flash. “No.”
His answer is a grin and then, without much preamble, he dips his tongue into her belly button. The action makes her hips raise automatically, and he brings her back down by gripping her hips. He continues down, tongue laving at her skin, fingers running up her torso and down again until they hook in the top of her panties and he starts to pull them down.
Iris can’t describe what it is she’s feeling at the moment. He’s only just touched her, only just planted a few sloppy kisses on her stomach. But her skin is tight with anticipation, her breathing deeper as she waits to see what he’ll do. She wonders, rather absently, if they’re currently being watched by any of the animals she hears living out here by the lake; but then Barry widens her legs and opens her up with the tips of his index and middle finger and she stops thinking altogether.
He holds her open for a long moment, just looking, just breathing against her, and she tries to hold still until she can’t, wiggling her hips a little, hoping it makes a finger slip inside of her.
“You’re ready to ask for it?”
He drags his gaze away from her sex in order to meet her eyes. They’re the glassy that lets her know that he isn’t as unaffected as he’s pretending to be. That momentarily strengthens her resolve, knowing that maybe he really does feel like this too, that she’s not the only one losing her head in this sexual haze that seems to be moving way too fast and way past normal.
She shakes her head at him.
“No?” he questions. “Not even if I do this?”
Fingers still holding her, he licks her, a long swipe of his tongue. She inhales again at the feel of his wet tongue, lets it go in a noisy exhale when he does it again. And then again and then again, and Iris starts to rock against him, trying to get more of his tongue or his fingers or something. She quivers above him, her thighs opening and closing, and she feels like a butterfly, fluttering and alight, hovering over a precipice.
“Shit, ” she moans.
And then, he stops. He fucking stops.
“Or this?” he continues, and pushes his fingers in. It’s harder than she likes, more like a stab, and she jerks her hips.
“Softer,” she tells him, and he obliges, moving slower, caressing instead of fucking into her. “ Yes, like that.”
Barry hums around her. The vibration makes her hips rock up, and he circles her clit with the tip of his tongue, sucking on it. He looks up at her again. This is the face she wants to remember for the rest of her days: his dazed eyes, his flushed cheeks, his wet mouth.
“Ask me for what you want, Iris,” Barry licks his lips. “Beg me, baby, please.”
Her heart is pounding and she wonders how a game of question and answer got her here. But they are here, she’s here, quivering with the need to come, with the fact that Barry looking up at her like this, begging her like this, makes her feel more desirable than she’s ever known she could.
“Can you eat me, Barry? Please? ”
Iris has never seen a dirtier smile. “With pleasure.”
He really starts to eat her, then. He kisses at her lips, tongues her down in a sloppy, wet tongue kiss that makes her cream drip out of her, drip down her thighs. She rocks against him, closing her knees around his head when the touch of his tongue to her clit gets to be too much, opening herself wider when wants his tongue back in her, licking and tasting and fucking her. Needing something to do with her hands, she grabs at his hair, pulling at the strands, scratching at scalp, at the back of his neck. That is how she comes, she doesn’t know how much later. But it’s like that: with Barry holding on to her hips, face buried in her slick; with her knees opening and closing, with her hips bucking, with her begging him, “please, Barry, fuck, yes, please, Barry. ”
It takes her a while to come down and when she does, she says the first thing that she can think of. “God, you’re so goddamn annoying.”
Barry bursts out laughing into her stomach, arms wrapped around her.
“What is something that you want out of a relationship?”
They’re sitting up and eating now, Iris several feet away from him so she’s not tempted to wrap her thighs around his face again. She’s chosen the turkey sandwich on wheat bread and a handful of grapes. The sandwich is really good and Barry must think so of his own handiwork because he’s already done with one and unwrapping another. Although, Iris thinks, he likely did work up an appetite.
She can’t say what makes her throw out the question. The skepticism of starting something with him is still there, but laughing after sex like that, coming from sex like that, well. Iris can name that she might be a little whipped by this smooth-talking, world-class fucking white boy.
He chews a bite of his sandwich and swallows before he turns to her with an answer.
“I’m a simple guy, I think. I work a lot; crimes wait for no one so I would want someone who understands that. But in my time off, I like to do things like this, and festivals and running too, so someone who likes that too.” He wipes at his mouth with a crumpled napkin. “But out of a relationship in general, I guess I want companionship, laughing. Communication and patience. Fidelity.” He shoots her a grin. “Good sex.”
Iris rolls her eyes, but she returns the smile. “Did you have that in your last relationship?”
“Ah,” he interrupts, “it’s my turn for a question, Iris.”
She throws her own balled up napkin at him. “Fine. Shoot.”
“What do you look for in a relationship?”
She shoots him a glare.
“What?” he laughs. “It was a good question and I want to know.”
“Okay. Um,” she takes a swig from her newly opened wine. “Whew. I don’t know that I’ve thought about this in a while.” She bites at her bottom lip and lets out a long breath. “A lot of the same things you said, I think. I do love laughing, even if I can get lost in my own head angst sometimes and I’d like someone who realizes that. I’m pretty busy, between school and work and What a Life You’ve Lived, but I make time for the people I want to make time for and I would wish my partner would do the same. Fidelity is also important to me too; communication. I love music and dancing and movies so someone who’d want to do those things with me.”
Barry wriggles his eyebrows. “Good sex?”
“A plus, for sure,” she agrees.
That gets her to thinking about another question she has, one she’s more hesitant to voice. She could get an answer she likes, one that keeps the mood they’ve got going here. And the vibe right now is so good. She can’t remember a date like this, one so simple. Eddie had been courting careers in law and so much of their time together had been spent out at fancy dinners while he’d tried to smooze whoever he needed to that week. It’d been fun sometimes, to see what stories she could get out of the politicians and law officers, but that’s not a date, at least it wasn't to her. During undergrad, dates meant studying together in the corner of a library until one or both of them got the urge to make out behind a shelf of books. And high school shouldn’t even really count. But here, today, this feels like a date. It feels like butterflies fluttering or sparks flying or whatever other cliche Iris could think of. It’s like slow-dancing all alone after dinner in a half-cleaned kitchen, easy and intimate. It feels like warm honey on her tongue, slow and sweet and overwhelming. It’s pillow talk, baby; lay your head on my pillow, say, "oh-ooh"; way you're touchin' my body, say, "ooh-ooh"; i ain't lovin' nobody but you; you, you, you make me, the kind that starts as whispers in the dark and becomes deep, lazy sex with only the moon there to light the way.
But she steels herself and risks asking anyway. “Barry, do you, uh, have a lot of sex, then? A lot of one-night stands?”
Barry’s eyes are wide when he looks at her. He’d been cleaning up their trash, putting napkins and wrappers and empty bottles in a small grocery bag and the question makes him look up sharply. It makes her want to retreat, but she’s already put it out there and she’s extremely curious if she happens to just be one in a line of girls that this surprisingly suave man has beguiled with easy laughs and mind-blowing sex.
“I'm asking because you are, you’re good,” she mumbles, (but, understatement), “and of course, you don’t have to answer me but I just… I'm wondering if…”
She trails off when he stops what he’s doing and crawls over to her. He hovers, making her lean back a little in order to see all of his face. It’s a pretty face, the dark eyebrows over those eyes, the lips that she knows get even pinker when they’re dripping with her juices, the faint moles along his cheeks and jaw that doesn’t detract.
“There are no other girls, Iris,” he tells her, and he seems so sincere as he looks straight into her eyes, as he places a hand on the side of her so she’s clouded in the clean, citrusy smell of him. “I know that we’re just hanging out and obviously, you do what you want, but no, I… I’m a one woman kinda guy. Going home with you was an anomaly, one I certainly don’t regret. But it’s not a thing I do. I haven’t been with anyone else since my last relationship months ago.”
She stares at him, hoping that she can believe him. “Alright.”
She nods again, this time with a little smile. “Yeah, okay.”
Neither of them asks their final two questions. Barry says that it’ll give them something to talk about when he sees her again. Iris just thinks that today’s been a whirlwind of a day and it’d be nice not to be on the spot anymore. The ride back to town is just as easy as the ride down. Easy listening plays from the radio—'cause I feel so comfortable with you; you make me comfortable with you; i feel so comfortable with you; you make me comfortable with you; you make me—and Iris settles into her seat for the half-hour drive, full and sated and comfortable. She must doze off because before she knows it, Barry is pulling into the parking space next to her Kia and he’s opening the door for her.
“Come on, sleepyhead,” he says, smiling down at her as he grabs her hand to pull her out of the seat.
“I’m sorry for falling asleep on you.” She stumbles a little as she follows him up the stairs and he grips her hand tighter.
“Don’t worry about it,” he tells her. “I take pride in the fact that I’ve put you to sleep every night we’ve been together.”
She doesn’t even pause as she yanks her hand away and slides past him to her door. “You’re such a dick.”
Barry chuckles, sidling up behind her as she sticks her key into the lock. He gives her a soft kiss on the skin between her neck and shoulder.
“I thought you said I was polite,” he breathes, before nipping at her skin. She closes her eyes at the feel of his mouth on her, the light nips of his teeth, the slick glide of his tongue behind it. He pulls up all the way behind her and wraps both of his arms around her waist.
“You are,” she moans when one of his hands glides down and settles hard over her crotch. “Even when you’re telling me to beg, you say please.”
He licks a longer stripe across her skin, pulls a larger patch into his mouth, cups her pussy in the palm of his hand.
“But you called me a dick, Iris. Am I polite or a dick?”
She arches into him. “You’re a polite dick.”
He stills against her and it takes a moment for Iris to realize that he’s laughing again. He’s got such a nice laugh, deep and bright. “Damn, Iris.” He turns her around, still with a wide grin on his face. He leans down and kisses her, pecks her lips once, and then twice, and then a longer one that curls her fingers around his neck. He doesn’t immediately let go when he pulls back.
“I want to ask one of my last questions.”
She licks her lips, chasing the taste of him. “Okay.”
“Am I in the running?” He asks the question clearly, though in a voice just above a whisper. “Am I someone that you could want to be..”
She doesn’t need him to finish the sentence to say what she’s feeling, even if she’s terrified of what it might eventually mean for her. “I really think that you might be.”
“It’s a might I’ll take.” He nods at her door. “Good night, beautiful.”
She turns to go into the apartment. “Good night, Barry.”
The door is almost closed when he calls back. “Hey, Iris?”
“Call me this time.”
You make me
You make me
You make me
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
A/N: Just a fair warning this is not the only sunflower related idea I’ve had recently with my baby Eskel *cough* sunflower vol 6 prompt fic may or may not be in the works *cough* Don’t forget that if you want to be on my taglist, you have to go here!
Warnings: no plot, just fluffiness
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: A thrilling chase through a sunflower field does that count as a summary
You hummed a soft tune as you pulled weeds from your garden. Eskel was just outside of the garden, helping to repair a board that Lil Bleater had hit in an attempt to gain access to your garden. 
The little heathen managed to snap the board and then ducked into the garden, prancing over to the vegetables. 
You tore your attention away from your plants to look at the sun setting just behind the trees. Clouds were moving in slowly, thunder rumbling quietly in the distance. The day was drawing to a close and yet you felt a little bit of excitement bubbling in your veins. Rain would be coming. You loved the rain. 
Eskel was knelt down outside of the garden, his hair pulled mostly out of his face. He had discarded his shirt sometime ago. The sun had been warm beating down on his back. 
You admired the way toned muscles rippled beneath ivory skin with every move he made. 
Feeling eyes on him, he lifted his head to meet your gaze. 
“What’re you looking at, doll?”
“Oh, nothing.” You sighed softly, biting back the smile that crept to your face. You stood up and brushed your skirt off. “Just admiring the handsome man I get to share a bed with tonight.”
“Is that so?” He went back to finishing up the fence, the corner of his lips turning up in a little smile. 
“Yeah. I was also thinking about how busy he is right now. Far too busy to pay attention to me.” You moved across the garden to lean against the fence next to where he was knelt down. “What a shame.”
“Give me just a few more minutes and I will be all yours.”
You frowned, resting your elbows on the fence. Your eyes flickered over to the field of sunflowers just behind Eskel. 
A thought came to mind and you pushed yourself away from the fence. You moved out of the garden, clasping your hands together behind your back. 
Eskel’s eyes followed you, curious as to what you were planning. You moved to stand behind him, one hand reaching around to cup his face. You turned his head so you could steal a brief kiss from his lips. 
“You’ll have to catch me first.”
With that, you darted off in the direction of the sunflowers.
Eskel watched you disappear into the field of green and yellow. He chuckled softly, wiping his hands off on his pant legs. 
“I don't think this is a fair game, doll.” 
Thunder crackled in the sky just above him. Water droplets hit his shoulders as a light rain began to fall from the clouds. 
“Are you scared you won't catch me?” Your voice came from the field. 
“More like I don't want to hurt your feelings when I catch you quicker than you think I will. You're not that good at hiding.”
You scoffed. 
Eskel kicked off his boots, not wanting to cause too much damage to the flowers you adored so much, and started moving towards the field. 
Your heartbeat was easy to pick up, racing with excitement. You giggled mischievously, the tall sunflowers swaying as you moved between the stalks. Your bare feet splashed against the now muddy ground. 
Then everything stilled and the only thing heard over the quiet rain was your heartbeat. 
“Well?” You called. “Are you coming to get me or not?”
“How do you know I haven't already found you?” Eskel rounded a corner of the field and stepped into the sunflowers. The mud provided footprints for him and your sweet scent lingered in the air. 
He spotted your Y/H/C hair through the thick stalks and grinned. 
“If you had found me already, you would've-!” A delighted squeal left your lips when you heard Eskel behind you. He made the mistake of pushing one of the sunflowers nearest to you and the plant bumped into you. 
He caught a very brief glimpse of your dazzling smile before you sprinted off again. 
“That's not fair! I found you!”
“You didn't catch me though!” You giggled. 
Thunder trembled the ground beneath his feet. 
“You're going to catch a cold if you're out here too long, doll.”
“Then you better catch me soon.” 
Eskel shook his head. Sometimes you could get so troublesome, but he enjoyed that about you. You were soft and quiet but sometimes, just sometimes, playfulness took you over. 
He turned his head to listen to you pass him just a few feet away. Somehow, you had made a circle. You were probably lost. 
Your footsteps faded away as you moved away from him. 
Your heart was pounding with excitement. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, blocking your ability to think properly. 
You came to a stop, thinking you heard something ahead of you. You opened your mouth to breathe through your lips, but you knew it was really no use. Your witcher could probably hear your racing heartbeat. 
The rain was cool and refreshing. It made your skin wet and your hair cling to your cheeks. Your thin shirt was also stuck to your form, leaving little to the imagination. 
You brushed a chunk of hair away from your mouth. 
Something moved behind you. You spun around, clasping your hand over your mouth to hide the giggle. 
Just as you were about to open your mouth to say Eskel’s name, arms wrapped around your waist. Laughter escaped your lips as he pulled you back into his body. 
“Got you.” His warm breath tickled your neck. “Can we go inside now?” 
You turned in his arms, putting your own arms around his neck. 
“Don't like the rain?” You teased, tangling your fingers in his dark hair at the base of his neck. 
“Don't mind the rain. Don't like getting wet.” He dipped his head down as if to kiss you but stopped at the last second. His nose brushed against yours, eyes fluttering shut. “Can I kiss you?” 
You smiled softly at his words, leaning forward to kiss the scarred corner of his lips. 
“I've told you a thousand times that you don't have to ask.” You spoke gently, lips ghosting over his jaw. “I'm yours. Do with me as you wish.” 
You felt him tremble just slightly beneath your touch. 
“Just…. Just don't want to scare-to scare you away.” 
The tension in him seemed to dissipate as he pressed his forehead to yours. 
“Nothing you do could ever scare me away. You're stuck with me.” 
A little smile crossed his lips. 
“Now, come. Let's go inside and get into some dry clothes.” You started to slip from his grasp but he had other plans. 
With one quick tug, you were pulled back into his arms and into a kiss. 
Your taste was sweet and comforting and more intoxicating than any liquor the witcher had ever consumed. You had this strange ability to steal his breath and jumble his mind with nothing more than a kiss or a smile. 
His hand came up to hold the side of your neck, his large hand covering the expanse of your neck. 
He pulled away, remembering that he needed to breathe. You could feel that he didn't want the kiss to end, feel his desire for more, for you. 
“We can take this inside.” You told him, grinning just a little. 
He nodded, allowing you to lead the way into your little cottage.
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @MishaFaye  @whitewolfandthefox @ayamenimthiriel @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @wolfyland07  @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @romancebibliophilia @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers  @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @crazybutconfidentaf @criminaly-supernatural  @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
Remember that if you want on my taglists, you have to go here :)
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shatteringsivan · 4 years
Harry Styles, dream with me, transcript
(0:00) Hello, I'm Harry Styles. And tonight, I'm going to help you drift off to sleep, with some soothing words and calming music. A sleep story, just for you. (0:24) 
(0:28) With all the business of your day, I know how hard it can be to get to sleep. So thank you for choosing this story, and me, to help you. I wish you a wonderful night's sleep. So, make yourself comfortable. Take a deep breath in, and then out. In, and then out. And when you're ready, close your eyes. (1:20)
(1:28)  Have you ever wondered, what happens when you sleep?  Where you go, and what you feel? The places that you seek. When you start to drift away, your mind becomes a book. That writes itself then fades away, before you awake to look. (2:02)
(2:11) Tonight we’re going to think about, anything you’d like. So first, let’s visualize some scenes to see us through the night. Settle back and clear your mind. We’re heading somewhere special. Beyond the world of consciousness, to somewhere more celestial. (2:44)
(2:55) I'd like you to imagine now, you're there beneath the stars. Which, when you pause to think about it, actually you are. As you focus on the darkness right before your eyes, fill the scene with glinting lights, to emulate night skies. (3:29)
(4:13) Think about the things you cherish most, and those you love. And then, allow yourself to be embraced from up above. The power of the universe, meanders through your mind. So, come with me and let’s see, what the two of us can find. (4:48)
(4:58) Lets travel now, to moonlit valleys, blanketed with heather. The kind of landscape you and I, could dream about forever. Imagine lazing on the ground, succumbing to the charms, of blades of grass. We now caress with fingertips, and palms.(5:32)
(5:41) A gentle scent of cedar wood, is floating on the breeze. A gift from mother nature, and her nearby cedar trees. We’re gazing at the night sky now, marveling at infinity. So allow your mind to wander, to a peaceful new vicinity. (6:15)
(7:00) Picture this, a rich green forest. Damp with morning dew. Inhale the morning air, as we explore, just me, and you. Leaves create mosques, in every shade of green. As gentle birdsong mingles, with the babbling of a stream. (7:33)
(7:44) Dappled sepia sunlight, cuts through branches overhead. As dew drops fall from leaf to leaf. Like glistening strands of thread. The dew drops finally coalesce, forming satin beads.  Occasionally, they kiss our chicks.small pleasures, quenching needs. (8:17)
(8:26) Holding hands, we stroll. Until we chance upon a brook. Its cool, clear, water, mirroring our faces as we look. The shimmering reflection, show us smiling from above. The word we think, but dare not speak, is L-O-V-E, love. (9:01)
(9:45) Now, we snuggle on a raft. And drift for endless hours. As willow trees sway in the breeze, and blossoms fall in showers. Gently swaying to and fro, we look up at the sky. And watch the clouds above us, forming shapes, as they pass by. (10:19)
(10:28) The wisps of cloud, swirl slowly, tinged with tangerine and pink. And as they fade, the sunset, gives us cause to muse and think. Of places we should visit. and oceans we could cross. For some who wander through this world, there’s grace in being lost. (11:02)
(11:11) Passing by a waterfall, our thoughts sway two and fro. And time begins to fade and blur. beneath the moons pale glow, a symphony of tumbling water lulls and mesmerizes, nature’s soundtrack to our dreams, assumes so many guises. (11:46)
(12:31) Strolling on a sidewalk now, as rain begins to fall. Its gentle, pitter patter, holds us deep within its thrall. The raindrops’ rhythm briefly slows, then, intensifies. Peaceful and benevolent, a gift from moonlit skies. (13:04) 
(12:14) The fragrance that the rain creates, upon the concrete surface, inspires yet relaxes us. And focuses our purpose, to shift our minds to neutral. And allow our thoughts to drift. And recognize the rainfall, as a mesmerizing gift. (13:48)
(13:59) Sheltering beneath a porch, we watch the rain pour down. Though now the time has come, to leave this dreamy moonlit town. A gentle breeze wafts through the trees, it causes leaves to stir. And then, the rain relents and fades. As time begins to blur. (13:31)
(15:17) We find ourselves upon a shore line, lounging by a lake. While crickets chirp in nearby reeds, it’s hard to stay awake. The scene feels like a watercolor. Soft, diluted tones, as looking down, we see each other. Laughing, skimming stones. (15:51)
(16:00 ) The stones skip on the gleaming lake, and ripples start to form. And though the sun has dipped from view, we feel content and warm. Herons drift on thermals(?) high upon a sun bleached pier. And in the trees beyond the lake, we glimpse a passing deer. (16:34)
(16:44) Strands of cloud unfurl like ribbons in the orange sky. Mirrored on the lake now, like a painted butterfly. In the distance, mountains beckon. Kept with pristine snow. The kind of sight that dreams evoke, when hearts and minds let go. (17:18)
(18:02) Contemplating nothingness, a scene take shape before us. And as it sharpens in our thoughts, we hear a distant chorus. The dampened sound of silence, that only snow can bring, surrounds us with its calming vibes, and touches us within. (18:35)
(18:48) Glistening snowflakes fall in flurries. mountain rivers freeze. The powdery slopes look beautiful. And fresh snow dusts the trees. Somehow now, we’re in a cabin, taking in this view. As a fire crackles in the corner, just for me and you. (19:24)
(19:32) We linger for a moment. Or maybe it’s been hours. For when we blink and look again, our vistas waft(?) in flowers. Another destination lures us. Closer now it seems. Perhaps its real, or just another chapter in our dreams. (20:04)
(20:50) Drifting in and out of sleep, our thoughts take us elsewhere. To an island fringed by swaying palms, lush beyond compare. A path winds through the mangroves, towards a distance beach. That underlines the turquoise ocean. now, within our reach. (21:23) 
(21:32) Eventually, we feel the powdery sand, right beneath our feet. The sun above now blessing us, with gentle, soothing heat. We hear the lilting sound of surf, breaking up ahead. While spiral shells and pearly shards, determine where we tread. (22:07)
(22:16) Finally, a lapping wave, engulfs our sandy feet. It seems to pause and ruminate, then gradually retreat. We dig our toes, in cool, wet sand. Then sit and face the sea. And let the sand wash over us. Alone just you, and me. (22:51)
(23:50) Staring at the nothingness, that stretches on forever. Our thoughts dovetail and unify. In tune, two minds together. As minutes turn to hours, we drift off somewhere new. And visualize a stairway. To a door, we now walk through (24:08) 
(24:18) Imagine now, a meadow, on a balmy afternoon. Birds, and bees, and rustling trees. Create a summer tune. Flanked by fields of sunflowers, hand in hand we walk. As the gentle sound of nature, surrounds us while we talk. (24:52)
(25:02) Sunflowers give the scenery a warm, and golden hue. While hazy sunshine softens, our idyllic, rustic view. As we roam past hedgerows, a farmhouse sits alone. Its open shutters pressed against, uneven walls of stone. (25:36)
(26:21) A garden winds around the house, and daisies poke through grass. A bench thats lived through countless summers, creaks as we walk past. We wonder if the house is empty. Once loved, but no longer. The thought of passing times inspires, a feeling that grows stronger. (26:54)
(27:04) This feeling washes over us, lost between a sigh. And as the sun begins to set, we stop and wonder why. Gravity caresses us, it pulls you close to me. Then the scene begins to fade, our new reality. (27:37)
(27:48) Deeper, gradually deeper. We drift and now, transcend. To unfamiliar places, too surreal to comprehend. Slowly, we capitulate as sleep begins to call. Entwined in dreams, and shifting scenes, we drift and gently fall. (28:22)
(29:06) Friendly faces, glorious places. Things we hope to do, intertwine with snapshots. Some of me, and some of you. Moonlit valleys, verdant forests, gazing at the ocean. Summer meadows, tranquil sunsets, Steeped in pure emotion. (29:39)
(29:48) The tenderness we feel when we are close, two minds as one. Surrounds us, and connects us. But we’ve only just begun. For now, we dream together. Of all that is to follow. And know that sleep will keep us safe. From now, until tomorrow. (30:23)
(30:34) Maybe all the memories that we’ve gathered here tonight, are all dreams now remembered, or wishes in plain sight. No matter what, they're with us now. For this night and forever. And every time we close our eyes, they’re yours and mine to treasure. Goodnight, and sleep well. (31:15)
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calamity-callie · 4 years
New Beginnings ~ Wiztober Day 1
Edited by @spiralcompendium
“So.” The single, stern word broke a heavy silence that had been present since their private airship left the port in Hamamitsu. “How was your first year at the Imperial City Dragon Academy?” Alia flinched. They had been hoping and praying that this question would never come but knew it was inevitable. ‘Why did it have to be this soon though?’ they cried internally, cursing themself for not already having a full speech prepared for this. “Well?” their mother snipped impatiently, interrupting Alia’s thought process. Under pressure to deliver positive results, they opened their mouth to reply and a flood of words poured out.
“Dragon Academy? Oh, it was great!!! The Imperial City is such a cool place, and I loved seeing the inside of the Imperial Palace - did you know it contains 75 bedrooms?! 75!!! Also -”
“Alia,” came the first interruption.
“Also it turns out I have a natural talent for gardening! See I joined the gardening club and I was the only first year in the history of the school to actually raise a maelstrom snap dragon to elder! A Maelstrom! Snap! Dragon! That’s senior level stuff!!! Oh oh also -”
“Alia…” their mother interrupted again, this time with slightly more insistence.
“- alsoalsoalso it turns out I’m real good at alchemy, too! So much so that a potions vendor in the city took me as an apprentice! My first job, and something I love too! Can you believe it?!?!? Also also oh oh also also also -”
“ALIA!” The third interruption came as a full on yell. They gasped, taken aback by the intensity. “You know exactly what I mean. I don’t care about your extracurricular activities, your clubs, or how many bedrooms the palace has. Your grades. Let me see them.”
“Well, I got one A, uhhhh...” Alia trailed off, panicking. Their off-the-cuff plan hadn’t turned out quite how they hoped. As they desperately tried to brainstorm ways to stall for more time though, their mother, growing ever more impatient, demanded yet again, “Show me your grades. Now.”
Defeated, a crestfallen Alia opened up their bag, pulled out an official looking envelope, and handed it off without a word. The seconds felt like hours as their mother peeled off the wax seal, opened the top flap, and pulled out the parchment inside. Her face morphed from concentration, to confusion, to rage. She opened her mouth as if to yell, but at the last second changed her mind. Putting the sheet back into the envelope, she simply said, “We will discuss this with your father when we get home.” Not a single word was uttered for the rest of the flight.
Some hours later, the two arrived at their home in Kembaalung. Their father initially greeted them with a smile and open arms, but their mother quickly trotted over to him and they began talking in hushed tones. After a moment their father turned with a grim face and said, “Alia. Go to your room. We will call you when we are ready to talk.” 
“Talk. Great. They want to Talk.” Alia laid on their bed, speaking their thoughts aloud, thankful for the magical soundproofing their parents tended to use during their private conversations. Looking over at the bookshelf on the opposite wall, they contemplated how things ever got to this point. The shelf was full of thick tomes on dragon magic: grimoires they could remember being forced to read and memorize for hours at a time, beginning as soon as they learned to read. They had every word of every thick volume on that shelf memorized, but not a single line made any sense. This collection of facts served them well enough to pass the entrance exam though, and they held out hope that maybe actual teaching would be the missing link; maybe seeing these incomprehensible concepts in action would be all it took to help them finally understand this strange breed of magic. Unfortunately as the school year wore on, they only found themself falling farther and farther behind, and though they aced every written test, they never managed to cast a single spell.
“I really just am a failure aren’t I,” they muttered, burying their face in a pillow. Their mind began to race with all sorts of possibilities. “I’m going to get lectured, I’m gonna be confined to the indoors for the whole season reading these awful books again and again, I’m gonna be kicked out, they’re never going to want to talk to me again, I’m a disappointment to the whole family…” Their thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud knock. Jolted out of their downward spiral, Alia slowly crawled out of bed and opened the door. Their parents, stiff and stern as ever, marched in as Alia sat back down on their bed. The silence was thick with tension when their father opened his mouth to speak.
“We are… disappointed in you, Alia. You failed every class.” The lecture began in a smooth yet stern tone, but Alia wasn’t fooled. The escalation was imminent. “I just… I just can’t believe you failed every class!” A thick lump began to form in their throat as his speech heated up. “You studied those books every day! You had everything memorized and aced the entrance exam! All of our hopes were riding ON YOU, ALIA!” As the lecture finally escalated to full on yelling, they felt tears begin to well up but tried their best to force them down as the lecture continued. “Have you forgotten that we are the oldest clan of warrior monks in all of Mooshu??? And now thanks to THIS-” he held up the parchment, displaying all seven failing marks, and the single passing grade “- OUR TRADITION IS OVER!! OVER!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH YOU HAVE FAILED US??? WHERE DID WE GO WRONG!?!?!?!”
Alia stood up and burst into tears. “I don’t know what more you want from me okay??? I read your stupid books, I memorized your stupid facts, I did everything you wanted me to do, but you never even cared about what I WANT!” Her father prepared to yell in response, but before he could Alia shouted again, “I never wanted to be a STUPID FUCKING WARRIOR MONK ANYWAY! I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!” With that, they stormed out of the house, leaving a deafening silence behind.
Dusk began to fall as Alia sat on a bench next to a frozen lake. Though it was the middle of summer, Kembaalung was always cold and snowy, and this night was no exception. They huddled in a blanket and began to sob uncontrollably. How had their life come to this? Through the frozen tears their mind began to wander into dark places again. “Where will I spend the night? Nobody here will take me in, they’re all monks… I don’t even have any friends… Does anyone even really care? I could just sit here on the bench and freeze…” 
Their thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a splash of green in their peripheral vision. They turned to look and, despite the freezing temperatures, a single young plant had sprouted out of the snow. Alia got up, walked over to it, then kneeled down, cupping their hands around the base. “You understand what it’s like, don’t you?” they muttered. With a pang of empathy, they cupped their hands closer and started softly singing. The snow around the plant began to melt as a single sunbeam materialized, piercing the night seemingly from nowhere. Alia sang louder and closed their eyes, truly becoming engulfed in their song, letting the melody flow through their entire body. As if channeling power from old Bartleby himself, the sprout grew, slowly at first but then quite rapidly. When the song came to an end, Alia, feeling calm and peaceful for the first time all day, opened their eyes. Before them was a now tall, proud sunflower towering in defiance over the whole cold landscape. They stared in awe for a short time, but were again snapped out of it upon hearing footsteps in the snow from behind.
“So it seems you do have a knack for gardening then.” The sharp voice instantly brought Alia back to reality. They turned their head and saw their mother standing there, arms folded. “I’ve come to collect you. Now, come.” Alia began to protest but realized that they didn’t have much choice. They grudgingly began following her back to the family home. 
The next morning, Alia trudged downstairs, awaiting the fallout of yesterday’s scene. As expected, both parents were seated and silently gestured for Alia to join them. As they sat down, their father began speaking. “Your mother told me of everything that happened at the lake last night. You channeled the Song of Creation, didn’t you?” Alia gasped, but before they could speak, their father continued. “We have decided you will enroll in Ravenwood, effective immediately. You are free to choose your own path from there.” Alia’s face lightened up for a moment as her father continued. “But there will be conditions. You may no longer associate yourself with our family. You no longer share our last name, you no longer share our lineage. You will be welcome here for short visits until you come of age, at which point you will be expected to find your own way. Do you accept this arrangement?”
 Alia sat, dumbstruck at what had just laid out before them. Leaving their home forever was a terrifying proposition, but after only a single minute of thought, they confidently said, “Yes. I accept.”
For the first time in their life, Alia saw shock on their parent’s faces. It was soon wiped off and replaced by the typical stony looks, but it was unmistakable. “V-very well,” their father stammered as the shock wore off. “We depart immediately. Your first day is tomorrow.”
------ One Week Later ------
Alia sat alone at a table in one of the many Wizard City student dining facilities, again deep in thought. “Was it even worth coming here?” they asked themself. “Classes are fine I guess, but I haven’t met any friends here, I don’t know anyone who lives here at all, my parents will probably never want to see me again… Oh, what have I gotten myself into this time… Maybe they’ll take me back if I ask -” 
“Mind if I sit here?”
The voice snapped them out of their spiral of thoughts as a girl who looked to be about the same age as them sat down. “First week’s rough, huh? I struggled to adjust at first too, but don’t worry, it’s gonna be great! Heyyyy, now that I think of it, I’ve seen you in some of my classes, haven’t I? You’re Alia, right?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” Alia responded somewhat hesitantly, holding out their hand to shake.
“My name’s Keira,” she said as she ignored the hand and went in for a full hug. “And I can already tell we’re gonna be best friends!”
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babiestspice · 4 years
Dream With Me - Harry Styles x Calm (full transcript) written by Steve Cleverley and Sanj Sen
**DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to this content and also I tried my best but all of the words may not be exact**
Hello, I’m Harry Styles. And tonight, I’m going to help you drift off to sleep with some soothing words and calming music. A sleep story, just for you. With all the busyness of your day, I know how hard it is to get to sleep. So thank you for choosing this story, and me, to help you. I wish you a wonderful night’s sleep. So make yourself comfortable, take a deep breath in, and then out. In. And then out. And when you’re ready, close your eyes.
Have you ever wondered what happens when you sleep? Where you go and what you feel? The places that you seek? When you start to drift away, your mind becomes a book that writes itself and fades away before you wake to look.
Tonight we’re going to think about anything you’d like. So first let’s visualize some scenes to snooze through the night. Settle back and clear your mind. We’re heading somewhere special beyond the world of consciousness to places more celestial.
I’d like you to imagine now you’re there beneath the stars, which, when you pause to think about it, actually you are. As you focus on the darkness right before your eyes, fill the scene with glinting lights to emulate night skies.
Think about the things you cherish most and those you love. And then allow yourself to be embraced from up above. The power of the universe meanders through your mind. So come with me, and let’s see what the two of us can find.
Let’s travel now to moonlit valleys blanketed with heather. The kind of landscape you and I could dream about forever. Imagine lazing on the ground, succumbing to the charms of blades of grass we now caress with fingertips and arms.
A gentle scent of cedar wood is floating on the breeze -- A gift from Mother Nature and her nearby cedar trees. We’re gazing at the night sky now, marveling at infinity. So allow your mind to wonder to a peaceful new vicinity.
Picture this: A rich, green forest damp with morning dew. Inhale the morning air as we explore, just me and you. Leaves create mosaics in every shade of green as gentle birdsong mingles with the babbling of a stream.
Dappled sepia sunlight cuts through branches overhead as dewdrops fall from leaf to leaf, like glistening strands of thread. The dew drops finally coalesce forming satin beads. Occasionally, they kiss our cheeks. Small pleasures,  quenching needs.
Holding hands, we stroll until we chance upon a brook. It’s cool, clear water mirroring our faces as we look. A shimmering reflection shows us smiling from above. The word we think, but dare not speak, is L-O-V-E --- Love.
Now we snuggle on a raft and drift for endless hours, as willow trees sway in the breeze, and blossoms fall in showers. Gently swaying to and fro, we look up at the sky and watch the clouds above us forming shapes as they pass by.
The wisps of cloud swirl slowly, tinged with tangerine and pink. And as they fade, the sunset gives us cause to muse, and think of places we should visit and oceans we could cross. For some who wander through this world, there’s grace in being lost.
Passing by a waterfall, our thoughts sway to and fro, and time begins to fade and blur beneath the moon’s pale glow. A symphony of tumbling water lulls and mesmerizes nature’s soundtrack to our dreams, assume so many guises.
Strolling on a sidewalk now, as rain begins to fall. Its gentle pitter-patter holds us deep within its thrall. The raindrops’ rhythm briefly slows, then intensifies, peaceful and benevolent -- A gift from moonlit skies.
The fragrance that the rain creates upon the concrete surface inspires and relaxes us and focuses our purpose, to shift our minds to neutral, and slow our thoughts to drift, and recognize the rainfall as a mesmerizing gift.
Sheltering beneath a porch, we watch the rain pour down, though now the time has come to leave this dreamy, moonlit town. A gentle breeze wafts through the trees. It causes leaves to stir, and then the rain relents and fades as time begins to blur.
We find ourselves upon a shoreline, lounging by a lake. All crickets chirp in nearby reeds -- It’s hard to stay awake. The scene feels like a watercolor -- soft, diluted tones as looking down we see each other, laughing, skimming stones.
The stones skip on the gleaming lake and ripples start to form. And though the sun has dipped from view, we feel content and warm. Herons drift on thermals high above a sun-bleached pier, and in the trees beyond the lake, we glimpse a passing deer.
Strands of cloud unfurl like ribbons in the orange sky, mirrored on the lake now, like a painted butterfly. In the distance, mountains beckon, capped with pristine snow -- The kind of sight that dreams evoke when hearts and minds let go.
Contemplating nothingness, a scene takes shape before us, and as it sharpens in our thoughts, we hear a distant chorus. The dampened sound of silence that only snow can bring surrounds us with its calming vibes and touches us within.
Glistening snowflakes fall in flurries, mountain rivers freeze, the powdery slopes look beautiful, and fresh snow dusts the trees. Somehow now, we’re in a cabin taking in this view, as a fire crackles in the corner, just for me and you.
We linger for a moment, or maybe it’s been hours, for when we blink and look again, our vista’s swathed in flowers. Another destination lures us, closer now it seems. Perhaps it’s real, or just another chapter in our dreams.
Drifting in and out of sleep, our thoughts take us elsewhere, to an island fringed by swaying palms, lush beyond compare. A path winds through the mangroves towards a distant beach that underlines the turquoise ocean, now within our reach.
Eventually, we feel the powdery sand right beneath our feet, the sun above now blessing us with gentle, soothing heat. We hear the lilting sound of surf breaking up ahead. Our spiral shells and pearly shards determine where we tread.
Finally, a lapping wave engulfs our sandy feet. It seems to pause and ruminate, then gradually retreat. We dig our toes in cool, wet sand, then sit and face the sea, and let the sound wash over us, alone, just you and me.
Staring at the nothingness that stretches on forever, our thoughts dovetail and unify in tune, two minds together. As minutes turn to hours, we drift off somewhere new and visualize a stairway to a door we now walk through.
Imagine now a meadow on a balmy afternoon. Birds and bees and rustling trees create a summer tune. Flanked by fields of sunflowers, hand in hand we walk as the gentle sound of nature surrounds us while we talk.
The sunflowers give the scenery a warm and golden hue, while hazy sunshine softens our idyllic rustic view. As we roam past the hedgerows, a farmhouse sits alone -- Its open shutters pressed against uneven walls of stone.
A garden winds around the house and daisies poke through grass. A bench that’s lived through countless summers creaks as we walk past. We wonder if the house is empty, once loved but no longer. The thought of passing time inspires a feeling that grows stronger.
This feeling washed over us lost between a sigh, and as the sun begins to set, we stop and wonder why. Gravity caresses us and pulls you close to me. Then the scene begins to fade, our new reality.
Deeper, gradually deeper, we drift and now transcend to unfamiliar places too surreal to comprehend. Slowly, we capitulate, as sleep begins to call. Intwined in dreams and shifting scenes, we drift and gently fall.
Friendly faces, glorious places, things we hope to do. Intertwined with snapshots, some of me, and some of you. Moonlit valleys, verdant forests, gazing at the ocean. Some are meadows, tranquil sunsets, steeped in pure emotion. The tenderness we feel when we are close, two minds as one, surrounds us and connects us, but we’ve only just begun. For now, we dream together of all there is to follow, and know that sleep will keep us safe from now until tomorrow.
Maybe all the memories that we’ve gathered here tonight are all dreams now remembered or wishes in plain sight. No matter what, they’re with us now, for this night and forever. And every time we close our eyes, they’re yours, and mine, to treasure. Good night, and sleep well.
-- written by Steve Cleverley and Sanj Sen for Calm.com
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the-sinistertype · 4 years
I don’t know why, but I really wanted to transcribe Harry Styles’ Calm sleep story. So I did.
(It is very hard to take dictation of a story meant to make you sleepy, fyi.)
“Dream With Me” Harry Styles for Calm
Hello, I’m Harry Styles, and tonight, I’m going to help you drift off to sleep with some soothing words and calming music. A sleep story just for you. With all the busyness of your day, I know how hard it can be to get to sleep, so thank you for choosing this story to help you. I wish you a wonderful night’s sleep.
So, make yourself comfortable, take a deep breath in…and then out. In…and then out. And when you’re ready, close your eyes.
Have you ever wondered what happens when you sleep? Where you go, and what you feel? The places that you seek? When you start to drift away, your mind becomes a book that writes itself, then fades away before you wake to look.
Tonight, we’re going to think about anything you’d like; so first let’s visualize some scenes to see us through the night. Settle back and clear your mind— we’re heading somewhere special; beyond the world of consciousness to places more celestial.
I’d like you to imagine now you’re there beneath the stars which, when you pause to think about it, actually, you are. As you focus on the darkness right before your eyes, fill the scene with glinting lights to emulate night skies.
[music break]
Think about the things you cherish most and those you love, and then, allow yourself to be embraced from up above. The power of the universe meanders through your mind; so come with me, and let’s see what the two of us can find.
Let’s travel now to moonlit valleys blanketed with heather; the kind of landscape you and I could dream about forever. Imagine lazing on the ground, succumbing to the charms of blades of grass we now caress with fingertips and palms.
A gentle scent of cedarwood is floating on the breeze; a gift from Mother Nature and her nearby cedar trees. We’re gazing at the night sky now, marvelling at infinity; so, allow your mind to wander to a peaceful new vicinity.
[music break]
Picture this: a rich, green forest damp with morning dew; inhale the morning air as we explore, just me and you. Leaves create mosaics in every shade of green as gentle birdsong mingles with the babbling of a stream.
Dappled sepia sunlight cuts through branches overhead as dewdrops fall from leaf to leaf like glistening strands of thread. The dewdrops finally coalesce forming satin beads; occasionally they kiss our cheeks small pleasures quenching needs.
Holding hands, we stroll until we chance upon a brook; its cool, clear water mirroring our faces as we look. The shimmering reflection shows us smiling from above; the word we think, but dare not speak, is L-O-V-E, love.
[music break]
Now we snuggle on a raft, and drift for endless hours as willow trees sway in the breeze and blossoms fall in showers. Gently swaying to and fro, we look up at the sky and watch the clouds above us forming shapes as they pass by.
The wisps of cloud swirl slowly, tinged with tangerine and pink; and as they fade, the sunset gives us cause to muse and think of places we should visit, and oceans we could cross; for some who wander through this world there’s grace in being lost.
Passing by a waterfall, our thoughts sway to and fro, and time begins to fade and blur beneath the moon’s pale glow. A symphony of tumbling water lulls and mesmerizes; nature’s soundtrack to our dreams assumes so many guises.
[music break]
Strolling on a sidewalk now, as rain begins to fall; its gentle pitter-patter holds us deep within its thrall. The raindrops rhythm briefly slows, then intensifies; peaceful and benevolent, a gift from moonlit skies.
The fragrance that the rain creates upon the concrete surface inspires yet relaxes us and focuses our purpose: to shift our minds to neutral, allow our thoughts to drift, and recognize the rainfall as a mesmerizing gift.
Sheltering beneath a porch, we watch the rain pour down; though now the time has come to leave this dreamy, moonlit town. A gentle breeze wafts through the trees and causes leaves to stir; and then the rain relents and fades as time begins to blur.
[music break]
We find ourselves upon a shoreline, lounging by a lake while crickets chirp in nearby reeds; it’s hard to stay awake. The scene feels like a watercolor— soft, diluted tones— as looking down we see each other, laughing, skimming stones.
The stones skip on the gleaming lake and ripples start to form; and though the sun has dipped from view, we feel content and warm. Herons drift on thermals high above a sun-bleached pier; and in the trees beyond the lake, we glimpse a passing deer.
Strands of cloud unfurl like ribbons in the orange sky mirrored on the lake now like a painted butterfly. In the distance, mountains beckon, capped with pristine snow; the kind of sight that dreams evoke when hearts and minds let go.
[music break]
Contemplating nothingness, a scene takes place before us; and as it sharpens in our thoughts, we hear a distant chorus. The dampened sound of silence that only snow can bring surrounds us with its calming vibes and touches us within.
Glistening snowflakes fall in flurries, mountain rivers freeze; the powdery slopes look beautiful and fresh snow dusts the trees. Somehow now, we’re in a cabin, taking in this view as a fire crackles in the corner just for me and you.
We linger for a moment… or maybe it’s been hours? For when we blink and look again, a vista swathed in flowers. Another destination lulls us closer now, it seems, perhaps it’s real… or just another chapter in our dreams.
[music break]
Drifting in and out of sleep, our thoughts take us elsewhere: to an island fringed by swaying palms, lush beyond compare. A path winds through the mangroves towards a distant beach that underlines the turquoise ocean now within our reach.
Eventually, we feel the powdery sand right beneath our feet; the sun above now blessing us with gentle, soothing heat. We hear the lilting sound of surf breaking up ahead, while spiral shells and pearly shards determine where we tread.
Finally, a lapping wave engulfs our sandy feet; it seems to pause and ruminate, then gradually retreat. We dig our toes in cool, wet sand, then sit and face the sea and let the sand wash over us… Alone, just you and me.
[music break]
Staring at the nothingness that stretches on forever, our thoughts dovetail and unify— in tune, two minds together. As minutes turn to hours, we drift off somewhere new and visualize a stairway to a door we now walk through.
Imagine now a meadow on a balmy afternoon; birds and bees and rustling trees create a summer tune. Flanked by fields of sunflowers, hand-in-hand we walk as the gentle sound of nature surrounds us while we talk.
The sunflowers give the scenery a warm and golden hue while hazy sunshine softens out idyllic, rustic view. As we roam past hedgerows, a farmhouse sits alone; its open shutters pressed against uneven walls of stone.
[music break]
A garden winds around the house and daisies poke through grass; a bench that’s lived through countless summers creaks as we walk past. We wonder if the house is empty— once loved, but no longer; the thought of passing time inspires a feeling that grows stronger.
This feeling washes over us, lost between a sigh; and as the sun begins to set, we stop and wonder why. Brevity caresses us and pulls you close to me, then the scene begins to fade on new reality.
Deeper, gradually deeper, we drift and now transcend to unfamiliar places too surreal to comprehend. Slowly we capitulate, as sleep begins to call; entwined in dreams and shifting scenes, we drift and gently fall.
[music break]
Friendly faces, glorious places, things we hope to do intertwine with snapshots, some of me and some of you. Moonlit valleys, verdant forests, gazing at the ocean, summer meadows, tranquil sunsets— steeped in pure emotion.
The tenderness we feel when we are close— two minds as one— surrounds us and connects us, but we’ve only just begun. For now, we dream together of all there is to follow and know that sleep will keep us safe from now until tomorrow.
Maybe all the memories that we’ve gathered here tonight are all dreams now remembered or wishes in plain sight. No matter what, they’re with us now for this night and forever; and every time we close our eyes they’re yours and mine to treasure.
Goodnight, and sleep well.
[music to fade]
© Calm App, written by Steve Cleverley/Sanj Sen
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ahappyphjl · 6 years
Can I have a blog rate?
yeah of course! :)
color: bright yellow / pale pink / deep purple / glossy black / cloudy gray / burnt orange / ocean blue / vibrant red / burgundy / jade green
place: strolling thru a secret garden / under dim fairy lights / stargazing on a rooftop / surrounded by soft blankets / floating among clouds / having tea in an art museum / napping in a pillow fort
sound: ruffling of trees / chuckle of a loved one / ocean waves / chimes on the front porch / crackling of wood in the fireplace / crunch of fall leaves / turning the page of a book / a cat purring gently / music playing from another room
scent: roses / chocolate / jasmine / lavender / pine / rain / vanilla / coffee / ocean
time: dawn / morning / mid-day / afternoon / dusk / evening
a feeling: uncontrollable laughter / a warm hug / hearing your favorite song / butterflies in your stomach / having a cold beverage on a sunny day / warm fuzzy socks on chilly feet / seeing an old friend after a long time
overall vibes: sunflowers & giggles / bookstores & coffee / clouds & constellations / pastel colors & bunny slippers / vintage items & wall paintings / black ink & fashion magazines / ice tea & polaroid pictures
a lil’ msg: you’ve got cool reblogs and seem like a v nice person :)
am i following you: no sry bb :( / ayee now i am! / yes lov you!! / ahh i’d never unfollow ilysm :’)
want an aesthetic blograte?
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delicrieux · 7 years
l o v e { young!sirius black x reader }
warnings; sensitive topics
words; 1400
prompt; hi um could u do a young Sirius x shy fem wheelchair reader imagine were the reader is insecure and thinks no one will love her because of her disability but gets proven wrong with lots of fluff and a kiss and the reader gets embarrassed when the marauders walk in also the reader thinks its some crewel joke at first because she doesn’t think I guy like him would love her also id like to know how the marauders were to reader and Sirius as a couple I hope u can do this it would mean a lot xxx ( anon )
a/n; just throwin this out there. i hope no one takes this personally and doesn’t think i touched on the subject too lightly or not light enough, i dont want to hurt anyones feelings, but it is what it is. sending love and positive vibes your way. also, sorry for the wait xx
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You did not think someone will ever like you, let alone someone as popular and as carefree as Sirius Black himself.
You might be a little introverted, livelier of emotion rather than conversation, not forward though bashful. The sunflower colors of your uniform inform as much and the batch of parchment and books you always have in your grasp only confirm the suspicion that you fancy the company of a good book rather than a housemate or such. You were a sight for sore eyes in a social gathering mainly because you never attended those and an interesting conversationalist once a person looked past the shield of innocent eyes and red cheeks.
But this shyness did not come sudden and unexpected, no, it is the root of something that is a permanent part of you. You cannot walk. Perhaps you glanced away from a cute boy because you felt too open, perhaps you blushed like a rose from hearing a compliment because you did not feel like you deserved it, perhaps you chose solitude because you believed that that is the only way to avoid rejection. For what? For being a different shade of blue than the rest. You have friends, they love and cherish you, but the primal fear of rejection makes you recoil and think twice about engaging in chatter or accepting to accompany someone to the Green Houses. Loving oneself is the most difficult task in the world, and you came realize so early on.
You did not expect to be approached one leisure spring afternoon. The sun was at its peak and the heat and humidness of the rapidly approaching summer tinted the air along with pollen and flowers and freshly cut grass. A small patch of gravel mixed with grass, the very shore of the Black lake, was the only place where a cool breeze could be found and the gentle sway of tall trees growing just by the water provided a pleasant shade. You felt hot in your uniform, under the soft flowery blanket covering your lap, under those dreaded rays of the sun that created mirages on the skin of your knuckles. You exhaled. The lines of the book swam for a moment and you closed your eyes, feeling a bit lightheaded. You leaned back into the wheelchair and felt your skin coat with sweat. Perhaps you should leave and cool down inside. There are plenty quiet corners inside the castle. Your thoughts halted and startled you opened your eyes, turned your head sideways and let a nervous tremble shake your body as you noted the rapidly approaching figure. You had heard footsteps, but hoped that no one was coming for you.
Upon closer inspection that familiar figure melted into tar black messy hair and a cocky smile that belonged to no other than Sirius Black himself. He was not your friend. Merely an acquaintance, a boy that everyone knew in Hogwarts, along with James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. He had talked to you a few times, for reasons unknown– your lives are drastically different and you would prefer to keep that distance. He was charming, from the very first moment you had laid your eyes on him charisma was practically pouring out of him. Though knowing of him and his reputation, you had ordered yourself to focus on something else, at times someone else, to protect yourself from the fate of all of his ex-girlfriends – heartbreak. Not that someone like him would be interested in someone as shy as you, you thought.
He smiled. You were unsure was it the temperature or the rapid thumps of your heart that made your skin crawl with heat, but promptly you turned away from him and watched the water ripple. You heard a soft chuckle but refused to acknowledge him. You should have left when you had the chance.
“Well, it’s nice to see you too, (Name).” A faint moment of surprise – does he actually remember your name? A pleasant flutter of a smile made its way on your face and you glanced at your lap; you heard him find a seat next to you, the grass crunching below him as he did. “What you reading?” His question made you perk and you glanced at him: he sat cross-legged, curiously staring at the book in your lap with his head tilted gently to the side. He almost resembled a puppy.
“Oh, uhm…” Your voice came out rasp and you cleared your throat, the tips of your ears started to sting from the heat and you looked away again, “The Metamorphosis…I’m not sure if you had heard of it, but it’s pretty popular in the muggle world.”
He shrugged, “Nope. What’s it about?” He sounded genuinely interested and you couldn’t help but be slightly proud.
“It’s about a man.” You said quietly, “One morning he wakes up and realizes he turned into a bug.” Your tone fell a bit flat, “Following this…his work rejects him, even his family does.” He sat silent, in thought and open to the rawness of our voice. That was highly considerate of him, frankly you didn’t think Sirius Black had a considerate side or a side that enjoyed English literature. “It’s one of my favorite books.” You added to lighten the mood.
You gulped, fiddling with the paper pages and letting your fingers slide the inked surface, “I suppose I can…sympathize with the main character.” There was a smile in your voice, though he failed to catch one on your face, “Sometimes I feel pretty paltry too.”
If there is one word that would describe Sirius Black, it is persistent. Ever since the two of you shared that oddly intimate conversation he could not, for the life of him, stop thinking about you. His eyes would often search for you in the Great Hall, around a group of Hufflepuffs, or in your favorite places. Some might say he went out of his way to find you, to proudly recommend some novels, to sit next to you in class and jinx paper airplanes to land into your lap or hair (with no ill intent, of course).
James Potter smirks and shakes his head lightly while Remus sighs. The two friends watch as Sirius idly chats with you, his voice hushed but excited, with a smile so bright he could hardly contain it. James nudges Remus, motioning to their best friend, “Just look at him.”
He stole a kiss from you right after the first autumn rain had melted away. You sat frozen in place, unable to process anything other than the triumphant beats of your heart, the adrenaline rush and the pleasant buzzing sensation that began in your lips and spread like wild fire thought your body. The night’s air started to creep through the cracks in the windows and the world fell still before crashing back into motion. A flustered Sirius leans out and catches your gaze along with the meek breath of air that threatened to escape your parted lips. He gulps, straightens himself and runs a shaky hand through his hair. He seems surprised. Possibly just as you.
It takes you a moment to catch your breath and once you did the fever of thoughts rushed you so quick any words that were to slip out halted; dazed, you slowly look away from him and blankly stare somewhere over his shoulder. He kissed you. Sirius Black kissed you and now stands in front almost terrified, unsure whether he made a grieve mistake or not. It would be wise to ease him, to let this happy feeling flow through you and set you free, but you can’t stop replaying the taste of his lips.
A wheeze of a laugh draws your attention and for a heart stopping moment you think he is laughing at you, “I…” He trails off, “I probably should’ve asked you first. Rather than just…” Your gazes connect and you gulp. A smoldering blush fries your cheeks, the tip of your nose, even the sides of your ears and you bite your lower lip. Sirius cracks a smile, “I-I, well,-“ It takes a second for him to collect himself and before you know it, he is back to being the playful and cocky self. He grins. “First night as being my girlfriend, (Lastname).” He winks. “Better get used to surprise kisses.”
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fortheloveofeos · 7 years
Gimme dat sweet Promnis
Sorry this took a bit! I hope you like it :)
Prompto’s heart was big, sometimes too big for such a smallchild, and it hurt often from the things he saw. Having spent much of his timealone, he learned to care for himself very early in life and was quiteproficient at it. Before Noctis, he hadn’t had a person he could call a friendof trust with so many details about his life. After he’d been introduced toboth Gladiolus Amicitia and Ignis Scientia, his friend list tripled. Beneathall his jokes and his quips, he was a light-hearted individual that consideredhimself blessed by the Six to find himself in his current situation.
Noctis had all but ordered his friends to accompany him outthat night to one of the few clubs in Insomnia that could provide some privacyin the hopes that the prince wouldn’t be recognized. They had all dressed upfor the rare occasion of the four friends enjoying time together outside of theCitadel or one of their apartments. Noctis had long since ditched his behemothjacket where it lay over the back of the dark red couch that sat on. Gladio, ofcourse, had left his shirt open and had traded the leather pants of hisCrownsguard uniform for a perfectly faded pair of dark wash jeans and a pair ofcombat boots laced up his shins. Ignis traded his signature pinstripe shirt forone that a dark green – nearly the same color as his eyes appeared in theflashing and pulsing lights of the club. His jeans were dark and fitted and theperfectly cleans sneakers he wore somehow worked with the ensemble. Prompto hadfound a forgotten black v-neck shirt in his closet and had paired It with apair of skinny jeans and his ratty old pair of converse. While casual, the fourof them looked almost good enough to eat and they drew the looks of everyonethey passed. Luckily, they hadn’t been recognized.
They had claimed a half-circle couch that was hidden alongthe back wall of the club. An air of privacy was given by the sheer fabricsfalling in multicolored waterfalls from the ceiling to form “rooms” wherepeople could request a private show from the dancers hung in cages from theceilings or one wayward prince could drink in peace with his friends. “S’good.I love whiskey,” Noctis hummed as he swished the liquid around his cup. He hadmixed it with some sort of carbonated drink at first but as the night went onhe had taken to requesting the stuff without.
Gladio laughed as he sipped on his beer. “His majesty lookslike he’s had enough.” He shot a look over to Ignis. “I can get him back to thecitadel. You take care of blondie? Gladio finished his beer in one long drink.He snatched Noctis’ nearly empty glass, downed its contents as well, and hauledthe dark haired young man up by his waist. He snaked an arm around his Shield’scenter for balance but otherwise looked alright.
Ignis pushed his glasses up his nose out of reflex andnodded. “Alright. Let me know the both of you have made it in safely.” His LongIsland iced tea was still nearly full and he made no move to get up yet.
“Okay, mom,” Noctis waved a lazy hand in his directionbefore Gladio pulled him through the crowd and towards the entrance of theclub.
Prompto couldn’t help but snicker as he sipped on his owndrink. He had forgotten the name of it as soon as the waitress in the veryshort skirt had recommended it. It was blue and glittery and tasted like summer– and there was a lot of alcohol in it. He’d had two and his head was swimmingat just the right pace. He relaxed back into the couch and took a moment tostudy the strategist in his relaxed state.
The chilled glass was gripped lazily in his long andgraceful fingers while his other arm was slung over the back of the couch. Hisshirt was untucked and slightly wrinkled – both from sitting and dancingamongst the writhing bodies on the floor. His hair had been parted and gelledto the side rather than spiked up as usual. The whole look made him seem botholder and younger at the same time. Prompto hummed in appreciation before hehad even realized what he had done.
“See something you like, Prompto?” Ignis smirked as he sippedon his tea.
Heat rushed into Prompto’s cheeks before he downed what wasleft of his own blue summery drink. He stood so quickly that he bumped into thetable in front of him and knocked over several of the empty glasses. “I-it’sgetting late,” he stammered and made for the part in the sheer curtains thatwould lead him onto the dance floor.
With a sigh, Ignis finished his glass and followed theblonde out into the cool night. Prompto was several paced ahead of him but thestrategist used his long stride to catch up to him easily and slipped hisfingers through the blonde’s slightly clammy ones. “There is no need for you toact so nervously,” Ignis reminded him as they walked on. He was surprised thatPrompto seemed to steady on his feet despite the amount of alcohol he hadingested that night.
Prompto swallowed and nodded. His light hair fell into hisface and he used his free hand to brush it away. “You make me nervous,” headmitted with a sideways sheepish grin before turning his attention back to thesidewalk in front of them.
Ignis smirked and toyed with the skull necklace he so oftenwore. “Tell me, is that a bad thing?” he tightened his grip around the freckledfingers as he pulled him down a side street that would take them directly toPrompto’s apartment. The sharpshooter tended to be directionally challengedwhen it was light out. Given the darkness of the moonless night, Ignis knew hehad to be at least slightly confused.
A shaky breath escaped Prompto’s lungs as he fished aroundhis pockets for his keys. His fingers were slightly shaky as he looked for theright key. He whined when Iggy snatched the keys from him and opened his door,holding it open for him to enter first. “I guess it depends on the situation? Ijust…I don’t know how to act around you,” he admitted with a sad smile.
The Chocobo keyring jingled as Ignis put it in its rightfulplace on the peg by the door. He unbuttoned the dark green shirt he had wornall night and hung it on the coatrack. The black shirt he had worn beneathhugged his sculpted chest and accentuated his biceps perfectly. The squeakPrompto let out of the sight had him smiling. “I merely want you to beyourself. You are who I want,” he said plainly and made for the kitchen.
Groaning, Prompto trailed behind him life a lost puppy.“Yeah, okay. It’s not so simply for me. I’m different from you guys and I justdon’t want to…” he trailed off with a troubled look on his face before hoppingup onto the counter. Ignis tutted at the action but went about the kitchen ashe made a fresh pot of Ebony for the two of them. Knowing where everything was,he had the pot started in record time and shot Prompto a curious look as hestraightened his thoughts out. “I just want to be enough,” he mumbled under hisbreath.
Ignis had opened the fridge to pull out the remnants of thecake he had made a few days before but stilled as the hushed words filteredthrough his ears. He deposited the cake onto the counter and slammed therefrigerator door with more force than he had intended. Prompto gasped as Ignisplaced a hand beside either of his thighs, trapping the smaller blonde againstthe counter. “You are more than enough, Prompto. I do not want to you think youhave something to prove to me or to anyone. I am not concerned with station, ifthat is what bothers you.” He pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead beforegoing back to serving the cake and finding two empty mugs.
Their relationship, if that’s what it really was, was stillvery new. Ignis had been the advancer after Prompto had thrown a few flirtycomments his way. He had made a comment in similar nature to Gladio and hadnoticed the way Ignis’ grip on his pin had nearly snapped the metal object ashe had attempted to jot down something for Noctis. A few days later, Ignis hadappeared on Prompto’s doorstep early in the morning and unannounced bearinggifts of a homemade breakfast and coffee from a shop down the street. Theyhadn’t even made it through their croissants before Ignis had, true tocharacter, laid his feelings out onto the table and waited for Prompto to makehis decision. Their fate had been sealed with a nervous and admittedly sloppykiss.
Prompto snapped out of his thoughts when a warm mug of thesteaming liquid had been placed into his hands. The warmth helped settle hisnerves and the slightly bitter contents chased most of what remained of thealcohol from his veins. He hummed his thanks as Ignis settle himself betweenhis legs, the saucer of cake beside them on the counter. Noting that there wasonly one fork for the two of them, Prompto reached for the utensil only to havehis hand swatted away.
Ignis loaded the fork with some of the sweet vanilla cake,decorated with sunflowers and edible gold glitter, and took a bite. Promptowhined and Ignis laughed at his pouting. His blue eyes were wide and his lowerlip was jutted out as he looked at him through the fringe of his lighteyelashes. Reloading the fork, he smiled. “Open up, darling.” Prompto gaspedslightly but did as he was told. He sighed contentedly as the sweet cake lit uphis senses in contrast to the Ebony.
The two finished the cake and the Ebony quickly, neithermuch feeling the alcohol any longer. Ignis put away the dished before returningto his place between Prompto’s knees where he was perched on the counter.Leaning forward, he pressed their foreheads together. “You are more thanenough. You’re perfect. You’re mine,” Ignis sighed.
Giggling slightly, Prompto shuttered as the warmth fromIgnis’ breath fanned out over his skin. His lips were so close that they nearlytouched his as he spoke and Prompto was aching to close the distance. However,the sweet words had the younger man’s heart fluttering in his chest. “You meanit?” he mumbled self-consciously.
“Every word,” Ignis nodded and removed his glasses to placethem onto the counter. His green eyes were bright and honest as he stared intothe sapphire irises before him. His large hands cupped Prompto’s face andtilted his chin up so that he could see him more clearly. As if he knew theworry in Prompto’s heart, he spoke. “You do not need to fear me loosing me. Iwill always be here for you, I swear it.”
In answer, Prompto closed the small distance and crashed hislips against the chef’s. The kiss was sweet and hungry and need and sloppy andperfect. It were as if every feeling and worry had been poured into the actionand Ignis drank it up as if to reassure him and prove that his words were true.Prompto’s fingers tangled themselves in the tawny hair at the base of Ignis’neck and tugged slightly as he disheveled the perfectly groomed locks. Ignisretaliated by nipping at Prompto’s lower lip, trapping it beneath his teeth andtugging slightly.
Prompto growled at the action, pushing back gently againstIgnis to create some space. “No fair,” he spoke lowly with hooded eyes.
Running his fingers through his now messy hair, Ignis shothim a mischievous wink. “All’s fair in love and war,” the strategist spokeevenly.
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jaxonkreide · 7 years
32 Things About Me tagged by  -not really tagged, but @harunnn said I should do it
1)  ☆゚ Name: I dropped my real name several times in the past, but I’m honestly more comfortable with being called Jaxon :v It’s kinda replaced my real name in my heart 2)  ☆゚ Nickname(s): Jax, Jaxi.... a long time ago a piece of code called me cinnamon butt... there’s probably more that I’m forgetting right now 3)  ☆゚ Zodiac sign: Scorpio and/or Sagittarius. It’s weird everything seems split about where my birthday belongs 4)  ☆゚ Height: 170cm.... I’m smaller than almost anyone I know irl :c 5)  ☆゚ Ethnicity: German 6)  ☆゚ Birthplace: Germany  7)  ☆゚Sexual orientation: aroace 8)  ☆゚ Favourite fruit(s): Are strawberries fruits? If not banana and nectarine  9)  ☆゚ Favourite season(s): fall definitely. Also that certain time spring when the leaves of the trees are this soft green 10) ☆゚ Favourite song(s):  oh hmm... I haven’t really listened to anything lately :v I’ve been thinking about Xion and Vector to the Heavens a lot lately tho 11) ☆゚ Favourite flower(s):  Definite number one is the forget-me-not, but I also really like lilies, sunflowers, snapdragons (which are called lions jaw in german, but like hmm... a cute form?) and a lot more but I’m bad with names 12) ☆゚ Favourite book(s): man, I love a lot of books.... I’ve recently read the Tapestry series tho and am still really emotional about it 13) ☆゚ Favourite animal(s): BIRDS, but next to them I also really like especially foxes and cats (do dragons count and mythical animals count??) 14) ☆゚ Favourite beverage(s): I’ve only really been drinking tap water for a long time :v but next to that I really love strawberry and rooibos tea 15) ☆゚ Favourite fictional character(s): For absolute favorite it has definitely developed to be Xion from Kingdom Hearts and Toshinori lol 16) ☆゚ Dream trip: I dunno?? I kinda want to go to a bird cafe :o but I fear that they aren’t treated well there.... so I’d rather just meet friends around the world?? 17) ☆゚ Killed people:  now there has always been this inside joke between me and my rl friends to piss me off when I’m carrying this certain pencil, because I’ve definitely killed people with it before. I think I’m gonna leave it at that  18) ☆゚ Siblings: Yeeahhh... three older ones. One brother, two sisters. I’m the youngest 19) ☆゚ Horror films?: Nah, I have this certain thing where I have this very vivid imagination and I’m already kinda paranoid;; so I’m trying to stay clear of really graphic horror and the stuff. In the past it was so bad that I once thought I saw blood dripping down the windows;; haha....ha.............. I still have a hard time even walking downstairs in our house at night especially when I’m alone.... 20) ☆゚ Reason to smile: seeing mackerel, bad jokes... and good jokes, seeing others smile/laugh... happy stuff in general? 21) ☆゚ Questions you are always asked: Nothing really??  22) ☆゚ Favourite food(s):  uhmmmm spaghetti bolognese, bread dumplings (i think they’re called)... there are more but I’m forgetting the names just now + does german mole cake count as food? 23) ☆゚ A gift you currently want to receive: Kingdom Hearts 3 no, but seriously I don’t really know... some bird stuff? Just money?? I want to have enough for my drivers licence....... but that’s a lot 24) ☆゚ OTP: I’m not really an active shipper AT ALL??? I guess I really like Rokushi? (roxas x xion from kingdom hearts) But I don’t really know? Canon ships? Canon and healthy ships are just my OTP. BroTPs are my life tho. All about that friendship 25) ☆゚One thing that changed about you:  I was a very different person before like my dad died at age 6 I get told a lot (by my mom) :v but uhhmm I don’t really remember anything about that. So maybe I hated book until I was age 10 and my mom kept reading Jim Button to me unless I started reading on my own? When I was younger I also still identified as a girl. I didn’t like drawing until like I think 7th grade? And I got a friend that drew and started myself to fit more in. I don’t like that person anymore but drawing is still my passion. I used to have about hip long hair until I cut it last year. Best decision I ever made 26) ☆゚ Your first ship: ????????????????????? ok, completely honest Eragon from the book with the same name with myself. I was like 10 or 11 back then for fucks sake. And so my first story I ever really thought of was a gosh darn fanfic in which I was just cool and way better than eragon but still ended up with him. Heck yeah. Let kids do self indulgent stuff even if it’s self shipping...... heck, let anyone do self indulgent stuff... I still do self ships from time to time, just because it makes me feel better (also not really a ship, but let people think about their self indulgent stories where they get adopted by their fave character) 27) ☆゚ NOTP: any unhealthy relationship? bad chemistry? Incest and pedophilia? Yeah, all of those 28) ☆゚Fear that you want to conquer: ....picking up the phone, to ask again about stuff if you didn’t understand it instead of just trying to figure out what to do, not going outside because I fear to be seen by others I know or don’t, currently slowly conquering a heavy attention fear which I’ve slowly challenged again and again since creating this blog 29) ☆゚Favourite fanfiction(s): I honestly don’t read a lot of fanfics. I have kind of trouble starting to read any. Mostly I just read things come from trusted sources and I know to be good? But even then I have a few fanfics in an open tab for months already and I couldn’t read them yet... but I really like what sevi007 writes for the smile again AU, forgedobsidian has the beautiful aphelion and I still really like dotpp by tsukithewolf (it’s an undertale fanfic). Not tagging those people here tho lol 30) ☆゚ Favourite sport(s): CLIMBING;;;;; I really want to start climbing again.... I keep saying that and then use the excuse of my horrible left wrist to not do it, BUT I REALLY WANT TO GO THROUGH WITH IT AGAIN NO MATTER THE PAIN........ yeah, climbing is my passion 31) ☆゚ Birth of your blog: this one was created last year :v on 22nd march actually, but like I’ve been on tumblr with another blog since 2013, but I’ve never posted anything on that one, because of that attention fear..... it’s weird I have an attention fear but also really really want attention :// it’s a lose lose situation lol 32) ☆゚ Followers: 154 lol it’s been pretty stagnant for a long while :v I just talk too much and I don’t mind it. My blog isn’t just for everybody, so I’m especially grateful to anyone that IS here
Tagging: humm.... no one really? Anyone who wants to do it?
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