#being pinned by the throat i slowly start getting weaker and they praise me for being good and relaxing
witherbythesword · 3 months
I feel like a fucking feral animal that needs to be pinned down by the throat and stabbed.. i mean fucked argh no what i wanted to say.. is i need to be fucking sta
#nsfwtext#loosing my marbles#thinking about fucking provoking them#acting out#scratching them#to make them violate me and fuck me to pieces because i need it so so much#but they just think it's cute#poking fun at me for being so desperate for them#being pinned by the throat i slowly start getting weaker and they praise me for being good and relaxing#fucking me oh so slowly and it's NOT ENOUGH#but it's all I am going to get#struggling#trying to fuck myself back into them#but it just makes them press harder#until I am all still#like a little doll#teary eyed from my endless need and how feeling them rut into me so gently doesn't give me any relief.. it just makes it worse#feeling like going crazy and breaking down while they push a finger into my mouth to suck on#slapping me and then going back to chockeing me.#feeling my arousal built more and more#wanting them so much it doesn't matter if it's pleasure or pain begging to be kicked or fucked harder or cut or punched or skull fucked#just anything to truely feel them#argh#i am about to start biting people i need this#thinking about the times someone made me hurt so bad during a scene i felt like I need to throw up#like me brain was all pain and somehow it still got worse with each hit#that pain is so bad i feel like blacking out#saying yellow and#how just one touch was enough to flip the switch and what was pain just a second before was now arousal uggh am so needy for pain rn#when you are so full of pain in a scene it's like your consciousness morphs and all there is is you and pain and your partner
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suckerforsmut · 10 months
F!xFive, both characters are over 18, submissive Five, teasing, verbal degrading, no smut
Five was never the type to not be able to comprehend something, but one thing that he could not comprehend was how he suddenly became so submissive a couple of weeks ago with y/n.
He didn't understand, or even how he let it happen. His only problem though was that he was in denial and that deep down he wanted it to happen again. Just that he didn't know how to make it happen again.
But then he remembered that it was because Y/n hadn't touched him once that week, not even the slightest. Up until that one night, he still remembers it as clear as day.
The way her hands were all over him, what made him weaker was the praising. It made him feel so stupid that of all things to get flustered and weak by.
That wasn't her job, it was his. At least he thought up until now.
He was practically questioning a couples sex life now. He had no idea if this was even normal or not, but he just laughed at the idea of him being submissive.
Which he wasn't, is what he tried to convince himself.
Five watched as y/n sat in the living room, reading some papers that were left on the counter. "What are you planning over there?" Five said suddenly.
Y/n turned around, confused as hell by what he was talking about. "What?" she replied, Five rolled his eyes and walked over to her slowly. "Don't 'what' me, you know what I'm talking about"
She just laughed and turned back around, "I really have no clue Five, so enlighten me a little-" she says reading one of the papers.
Five stayed quiet while he came over and sat on the other end of the couch away from her, not long after he sat with her she got up and went to the other room.
Five watched her leave, wondering what was wrong. "Well what the fuck? Did I do something?" He mumbled to himself while he picked at a thread on the arm of the couch.
An hour had passed by and Five came in the room that y/n was in once again, this time she was writing in a journal. "I know that you're there Five, no need to be quiet," y/n says, not looking up at him.
He came farther into the room and closed the door and put his hands in his pockets just watching her. "I know what you're thinking, and I know that you're going to deny it-" y/n started.
"And that is exactly?"
Y/n continued with what she was doing, "You like being a submissive, or maybe you like being a switch. Who knows, but you like it Five. And I've seen the way you've been acting all day, I know that you're thinking about me dominating you again. How I whisper the things I'm going to do to you before I ruin you, and trust me. I am going to ruin you more than I did last time.. so try lying to me, I dare you" she finishes closing her journal looking up at him.
Five hesitated, his mouth hung open while he tried to talk. He looked down at how y/n was tapping the journal that she was writing in. "What's in that?" he asked, trying to sound intimidating.
"That's none of your concern.. now be my good boy and come here,"
He laughed, in denial but hid it so well somehow and continued to stay put. "Hate to break to you sweetheart, but I'm not falling for that like last time" Five states taking a step forward.
"Oh but you will, I can tell you're trying to be intimidating. But you're not, and the way you've been silently begging for more these last couple of weeks is fucking pathetic," y/n smirked slightly as she watched Five finally show that he was nervous.
And he was a fucking mess, he tried to swallow the sudden lump in his throat but just couldn't. "No I'm not-" he muttered looking down at the floor.
Y/n stood up from the edge of the bed, as soon as she was on her feet, Five blinked in front of her to try and pin her to the bed. Instead though, y/n knew he'd do that.
It quickly took a turn when y/n was the one pinning him to the bed, "Fuck you y/n! I'm not a bottom or a switch!" Five yelled. Her smirk grew bigger, "Love, I never called you either of those. Let alone think about it, but now that you've said something.."
"Please.. I'm begging you, I'm not a bottom or even submissive you know this" Five spoke, his tone sounding different then what it did a minute ago.
"Oh? So you beg now?" y/n teased, "Then if you're not I want you to get out from underneath me"
Five didn't want to admit it, even though you could see right through him. He was nervous, too nervous to even blink away. So he just stared up at her, hoping she'd get off of him.
Y/n let go of his hands but then grabbed onto his tie, pulling on it, it tightened slightly around Five's neck. He whimpered quietly as he tried to form the words to make a sentence that made sense.
"I can't.."
"Can't what?" y/n asked, pulling slightly harder on his tie. This time Five could feel the bloodflow being cut off, God this was really turning him on.
He shook his head, "I-I can't get you off of me" Five studdered, feeling like a complete idiot now. He turned his face away from her, he could tell that he was turning red by the way that y/n kept looking at his cheeks.
She let go of his tie and got up off of him, "So will you admit you're at least a switch.. possibly?" y/n still smirked as Five sat up and fixed his tie.
"No" he says standing up, he walks out of the room not long after giving her his response. Y/n sighed, "I love you too" she says to herself jokingly.
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i-love-you-all · 3 years
obviously sova dyed his hair blond because he is a pretty boy and he leans into it because he gotdamn KNOWS how pretty he is
For sure 100%. But also that gave me an idea and it was 1am when I wrote this but uhhhhh lol. (sorry for typos/grammar mistakes :p)
Rated Teen, ~1.4k words, fluff, just a random scene, Sova/Breach (of course it is)
If Sova had to talk about his flaws, he’d talk about his trusting nature, morals, and his more serious/naïve nature when it came to wit and sarcasm.
Those were all traits that generally received praise and rarely harmed Sova unless he was in specific scenarios that had yet to have ever occurred. It did show his biggest flaws though: his pride and false modesty. Breach knew that there was way more than just that but would never actually say it to Sova’s face. At least not while he was trying to score some attention from the blond man.
And he was already getting plenty right now.
While he worked on tuning the flash component of his arms, as Brim said that he wouldn’t assign him to another mission while it was malfunctioning, Sova was stretched out on their shared bed in this sad little motel room they rented after the mission in nothing but a pair of shorts. One arm was thrown over his head, showing off the toned muscles on that side of his body facing Breach. The other arm was holding onto a book he knew Sova wasn’t reading because he hadn’t turned to a new page in a few minutes. His lovely boyfriend was putting on such a show for him by just… looking delectable.
Had Breach been a weaker man, he would’ve already called it quits on his repairs and joined him on the bed. Kisses and cuddling were tempting when Sova was that good-looking. Because he hadn’t showed any intent on slowing down though, Sova got up at some point to get dressed.
Breach would need to apologize later, but this work wasreally important though.
“I need something from the store before it closes. Do you want anything? Food? Beer?”
He leaned back and thought for a second. “Could you order dinner for us on your way back? Anything you want, I’ll pay for it. I have all the tools I need right now though.”
His eyes followed Sova’s near predatory walk over to him. He was so smug, and for no reason. Well, the reason was made apparent when he felt a hand slip under his shirt and started feeling up his abs and pecs. He readily accepted the kiss, enjoying the view of the blond hair creating a curtain around them in this moment.
But when Breach was working, he didn’t appreciate too many distractions. With one last peck, he pulled back and smiled up at Sova.
“When you get back, I’ll stop working.”
Sova smiled back at him and nodded. “I’ll be back soon then, yes?”
The trip took a ridiculously long amount of time. Breach was finished with his repairs within the first hour, took a shower and caught up with his phone notifications in the second, and even contemplated picking up the book Sova was reading. At some point, he wondered if he should send Sova a message asking if everything was alright. And while no one would dare kidnap or attack the Russian machine that was his kind boyfriend, there was no reason for the trip to take this long.
Eventually, he roamed the room that he had barely looked at since they booked it for some extended time off after a mission. As he rummaged for snacks around the small kitchenette that they both refused to touch, he found a small box of hair dye. It was obviously Sova’s because it definitely wasn’t his, but as he scoffed at the picture of the blonde woman, it did make him reconsider Sova’s appearance. From the buzzed sides and his eyebrows, Breach already knew that Sova had brown hair, but it did make him consider what he would look like with his natural hair. Just as handsome as a face, but with a darker frame falling onto his shoulders.
That clearly was the best time for Sova to return though, bag and takeout in one hand, and the other helping him take off his boots. He brought with him the smell of fresh air and snow from outside. When he felt the hand snake up his sides, Breach actually flinched. It was just all so cold. God, he hated missions this far north – and in the middle of winter!
“Were you considering doing your hair as well?” Sova teased, taking the box from Breach’s hand while placing the bag on the small counter at the same time.
Breach leaned down to chase Sova’s lips as they came close, but never actually touched. “No, I was looking for something to eat and I found this on the counter.”
He knew there were times when Sova’s patience was thin, especially when the object of his desires was standing in front of him. To be fair, Breach loved being able to force the hunter to give into his wants first by just standing there. “But you prefer this, no?”
“Enh, I don’t mind either way.”
Sova snaked his arms around his neck and gave Breach easy access to his chest and torso. Breach was hungry, hadn’t eaten since the mission ended yesterday where Sova forced a couple granola bars down his throat right as he began his repairs, but as Sova threw off his hoodie, those thoughts were fading fast. He kept his arms around Breach as Breach explored his body, now with nothing between Sova’s skin and his metal hands. Unlike Breach,
“You know that all this muscle is just for show, right?” Not that Breach minded. But really, the vanity of the man in front of him never failed to impress him. Or exasperate him.
“Yet you’ve never beaten me when we spar.” He said it with such a sneaky grin that Breach wanted to kiss it off of him, but that’s just what Sova wanted. There was no doubt that Breach would give up eventually, but just not right now.
Gods, the man in front of him just looked so good, and he knew that Sova knew this which was almost worse. “You’re such a show-off.”
“I thought I was pretty.”
And that… That made him scoff. “Where’s all that modesty gone now, hm?”
“I never called myself that. Those were your words. Don’t you remember?”
“I’ve never said that in my life.”
“’That pretty boy Sova sure looks like a hero.’ That’s what you said when you first met me.” Yes. Breach did say that once to him. But he thought that Sova had walked out of earshot. “Don’t you still agree?”
And that smug grin was getting to be too much to bear. Breach leaned in and pressed his lips to Sova’s pushing him towards the nearest wall – anything to help support him for what he wanted to do next. No, he wouldn’t talk about how gently he brushed Sova’s hair, or how much he groped his chest, his arms, his legs and butt, or even how good he looked pinned to the wall with Breach’s arms holding them up above his head while he could do nothing but softly bang his head against the wall behind him while Breach dismantled him using just his mouth.
An hour later while Breach was shovelling food into his mouth, Sova walked over to him again and just leaned against his body. From the lack of clothes to the messed-up hair, Breach could only assume that he had just woken up again.
“Do you want me to heat up your food?”
Sova hummed contentedly and nodded his head. “Thank you.”
With a sigh, he put the container down and stood up slowly. The entire time he was heating up the food, he could feel Sova watching him. It was almost unnerving except that when he turned to look at Sova, he was met with a soft smile and a loving gaze. When he returned, and handed Sova the utensil, he was surprisingly brought in for another kiss.
“You’re so needy. If you were anyone else, I’d kick you out already,” he joked.
He received a quick nip on his bottom lip and a lick afterwards.
Breach pulled away to pick up his bowl again and just looked at the man in front of him. “But you’re very handsome.”
Sova’s eyes sparkled with an eagerness he didn’t often see.
With a sigh, he continued, “And pretty. You’re so pretty that if you ask nicely enough, we can go again after dinner.”
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brookeandrylee · 4 years
Chapter Six
Brooke was dissapointed when Ry pulled away, but smiled internally when she kissed her. She frowned again when Ry left and was bright red when she saw the toy she had found.
"Uh... well I actually only recently brought that one in... in the hopes that something like this might. H-happen" she admitted bashfully. God this girl knew how to keep Brooke on the edge.
“Oh?” Ry asked? “Something like this?” She laughed at her. “And you want to say that you’re not whoreish.”
Ry set down the harness and began to untie Brooke. Kissing her neck and back lightly as she did. As the ropes loosened, she rubbed the marks on Brooke’s wrists and ankles. Once the rope dropped to the floor, Ry reached her arms around Brooke’s body, grabbing her throat and breasts from behind.
“Fuck kitten, your nipples are so hard.” She teased as she flicked at her nipple, lightly choking her in the process.
She removed her hand from her throat and moved in down her body, until it sat between Brookes legs.
She pushed her middle finger passed Brooke’s thighs and began teasing her clit. Ry hadn’t planned on getting so invested while they were still in the ground, but she couldn’t jeep her hands off of her. It’s as if they were tethered to her body.
She moaned in Brooke’s ear and she continued playing with her nipples and clit. Ry’s tongue danced along her neck and ear. God she was so sexy.
“Cmon, kitten, turn around for me.”
Brookes face was flushed, if she kept teasing her like this she was gonna cum right where she was. "I-I'm not" she responded bashfully.
The sweet moment of care brought a smile to Brookes face, her wrists and ankles were mildly sore, but in the best way imaginable.
The sweet moment didn't last long however, she soon felt Ry's arm around her throat as her nipples were teased. "Fuck!" She gasped, her sensitive nipples were her absolute weakness, and she had just given Ry that information by her response.
Brooke was paralyzed by the pleasure from her sensitive clit and breasts. She heard what Ry had said, but it didn't truly register until a moment later when she finally shifted, and turned to face the girl.
Ry’s eyes moved across Brooke’s body, taking in the view. She stood up, looking down at Brooke and placed to fingers under her chin, begging her to stand as well.
As Brooke stood, Ry lifted her onto the desk, kissing her in the process. “How could anyone’s lips taste so good?” she thought
She removed her tongue from Brooke’s mouth. “Close your eyes princess” Ry said as she walked over to the harness. She stepped into it, pulling it up and fastening it around her and positioning it inside of her.
She slowly pushed the cock inside of her, letting out a quiet moan as she did. God it felt so good. She could feel her knees get weaker the deeper it went in..and it wasn’t even on yet.
Nervously, she turned it in to the first setting. Instantly she feel forward, her eyes rolling back in her head as she caught herself on Brooke’s knee. Brooke was definitely going to like this.
Ry places her hand on Brooke chest and pushed her into a laying position. She stood above her, hungry for her moans. Ry lifted her hips and slowly entered her professor.
Brooke complied easily with the silent orders of the hot young woman. The wood was cold against her ass, but it was a nice change.
Brooke moaned eagerly into the kiss, loving the way Ry tasted in her mouth. She pouted when Ry pulled away, but closed her eyes quickly. She loved the feeling of being submissive to her.
Brooke felt her wetness increase when the soft moan escaped Ry's lips. When she heard the vibrations begin she knew what was coming.
She leaned back on the desk, keeping her eyes closed like she was told. The vibrations reached her before the actual cock was inside, she opened her legs wider and lifted her hips, giving the girl better leverage to actually fuck her.
"Shit" she whispered, feeling the thick silicone push against her. Ry had no trouble slipping it inside her soaked pussy. She had never used this specific toy with someone before, and Ry being the first made it that much hotter.
Ry pushed forward, slowly. She watched as Brooke’s legs quickly spread apart as she pushed further into her. Ry grabbed Brooke’s hips and pulled her toward the end of the table, effectively pushing the vibrating cock completely inside her. As Ry’s hips made contact with Brooke’s, she could feel the vibrating silicone that was inside of her push deeper. She thrusted harder against Brooke, loving the feeling of the cock inside her.
Ry lifted Brooke’s legs onto her shoulder’s and began thrusting, harder, and faster.
“Oh fuck Brooke” she gasped.
The sensation was immediately overpowering, but Brooke was determined to keep going. Her legs shook with the vibrations of the cock inside them.
"Fuck babe" she groaned as her leg was lifted over the girls shoulder. Her hips bucking forward to meet Ry's with every thrust.
Ry’s knees banged against the desk as she fucked Brooke. The noises echoed inside the metal desk but Ry didn’t care, she didn’t care if anyone heard them. She just needed to cum.
Ry closed her eyes in ecstasy as she moved faster. “Ooooh Brooke, you’re so fucking tight” she moaned.
She held Brooke’s hips against the cold desk. She smiled as she moaned again, feeling sweat bead along Brooke’s skin. God the way she grinded was so hot, they were both working up quite the sweat.
Brooke couldn't keep herself quiet if she tried. The pleasure she was recieving from Ry's thrusts was too much. Strings of expletives ran from her lips as she was fucked into the desk.
"Shit I'm so fucking close I wanna... so bad. Fuck me harder, like the whore I am for you Ry. I wanna cum for you." She moaned, har back arching as she continued to grind her hips into her.
Ry sighed as Brooke arched her back. She could feel her get closer and closer as her the walls of her pussy tightened.
Ry pulled the vibrating cock out of Brooke’s pussy and lifted her legs, pushing her further back onto the desk.
With the extra room, Ry climbed onto the desk and set herself between Brooke’s legs. She sat on her knees as she reentered Brooke, leaning forward as she did so. She held Brooke’s wrists against the desk while she continued fucking her, harder and deeper with the new position. .
While holding her wrists she began biting and sucking on her nipples, feeling then get harder at only her touch.
Brooke was so close, sitting on the edge of a cliff she wanted nothing more than to dive off of.
But Ry pulled out and pulled her away.
"Fuck!" She groaned angrily, her hips falling back to the desk, the knot in her stomach receding.
She didn't have much time to be angry before her legs were in the air and Ry was on top of her once more, bombarding her body with pleasure.
Brooke wanted to scream in pleasure when she felt Ry reenter her. She felt her wrists being pinned against the desk and fought weakly to be able to touch Ry, eliciting a seductive moan as her nipples were teased by the girl.
Her tongue slightly sticking out of her mouth while she was fucked senseless. “Please Ry...I'm begging you.”
Ry bit at Brooke’s nipple, holding the between her teeth as she ran her tongue over it, watching Brooke’s mouth open as she begged. Ry loved seeing her so close, but her body was begging to cum as well.
Ry lifted her face and started kissing and biting at Brooke’s collar bone and neck.
“I want you to cum with me, kitten,” she growled into Brooke’s ear, biting harder and harder into her skin. If she didn’t leave any hickeys earlier, there would definitely be some now.
She felt herself climbing and climbing, as she held herself at the edge. She didn’t want to, be she would wait as long as it took until Brooke was ready too.
Her hands were getting white from holding Brooke down for so long and her legs were shaking as she pressed her weight into the woman beneath her. After sucking on Brooke’s nipples, one last time, she brushed her lips against Brooke’s.
“Fuck Brooke, cum for me.” She breathed as she kissed Brooke, hard.
Brooke moaned into Ry's mouth, her hip movements becoming erratic and sloppy as she climaxed beneath her. It was powerful, taunami waves of pleasure rushed over her as she convulsed around the synthetic cock.
She pulled away from the kiss, "fuck Rylee! Oh fuck I'm cumming, Ry baby it feels so good!" She praised breathlessly.
A moment later, she was limp. Her body giving out from the hard work and stimulation. She caught her breath, feeling too ashamed to open her eyes and see her student laying above her after fucking so ruthlessly.
"That was..." she paused, "Wow...”
She felt Brooke pushing harder and harder and with every push it sent shock waves through Ry. The cock inside her pushed deeper and deeper while she continued to fuck her professor.
Ry’s arms shook as she fell forward onto her elbows, her jaw stuck open as she moaned.
“Oh fuck Brooke,” she screamed. Ry was never particularly loud, but the sex was also never this amazing. “Jesus fuck Brooke, oh my god.” She bit down on Brooke’s neck, hoping her stifle her cries.
Ry finished and almost immediately felt Brooke go limp beneath her. She quickly pulled the fake cock out of her and promptly turned it off, sliding the harness off and dropping it to the floor.
Ry felt aftershocks quickly overcoming her as she collapsed next to her professor.
“Yeah....wow..” she replied breathlessly, her chest heaving and sweat covering her face.
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