#being socil
adamcytryn · 7 months
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Zuko :D
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fernwing143 · 24 days
That one time I was doing a co-op on pjsk and the game wouldn't load after the room filled so everyone (except for one) started talking to each other and it ended up being a lot of us going "I love you!" and it was mostly me (had a Len card), someone with an Emu card, and someone with a Mafuyu card saying that and we'd send messages like "I love you!" to each other and then I randomly went "Emu!" "I love you!" and the Emu card person responded with "I love you!" and the person with the Mafuyu card went "Len!" "I love you!" so I instantly responded with "Mafuyu!" "I love you!" and we waited for a bit and someone with a Rui card started talking too (there was a person with a Nene card and they said nothing :p) and all of us just kept sending "I love you!" and "Wait for it..." and then I kept sending the "Err" sticker and Rui was like "Are you sure?" whenever someone said "Wait for it!" Sadly, Emu ended up leaving the room (they were so sweet I was sad) and someone new with a Nene card joined and Mafuyu and I were like "Hello!" and the game still wouldn't load and Mafuyu kept going "Len!" trying to get my attention like over and over and then before I could respond the room disbanded and I was so said bc I wanted to see what Mafuyu wanted to say. Never in my life have I been in a lobby for any game with ppl as friendly as these guys 😭
In most other games in the lobby I try being social (I only do that online real socilization is EWWW) and ppl will be super rude and be like "Omg Fernwing stfu up" and then I'll be sad bc I just wanted to be nice. I kid you not I played a game one time and said "gg" and someone else was like "literally shut the hell up" and I was like WELL DAMN BITCH I WAS TRYING TO BE NICE BUT I GUESS NOT and had it not been for Roblox tags I would've cussed that asshole out
ALSO I think I found the cards everyone used (im not 100% sure with Rui and Mafuyu but I'm pretty sure they're the ones that were used but I know for a fact everyone elses was correct)
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NOT ME HAVING THE MOST BORING ASF CARD (my tablet doesn't let me do much other than play the rythm part of the game, buy new songs, and view mini conversations) SO I CAN'T GET NEW CARDS OR WATCH THE STORIES UNTIL I GET A NEW PHONE RAHHHHHH
i mean at least i got everyone in the right order we were in while we were in the waiting lobby
I even got the Nene I hardly got to talk to after she joined when Emu left hehehehe
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ibrithir-was-here · 9 months
So Lu has taken mannerisms from her dad such as using slang and maybe being an extroverted socialite
Oh Lu has definitely got traits from all of the Suitor Squad +her name from Lucy of course
Outgoing socilate--Arthur (and Lucy too)
Sharpshooting/slang --Quincey
Insatiable curiosity and absolute willingness to put herself in harms way--100% Jack
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
this video is very good in regards to biosex being a socil construct and not absolute rules, in my opinion
the sciguys podcast also has some videos on it, but ive not been able to watch any of them all the way through yet so i cant be sure that theyre good (that and im not a biologist (yet))
and happy birthday to whichever dinosaur you saw last (thats not one of yours)
holy thirty minutes batman
(adhd + busy phd student = I'm gonna take your word on that)
but yeah it's really not that hard when you're more familiar with the sheer range of intersex trait suites in humans
like, OBVIOUSLY acting like one's genes + chromosomal makeup + hormones + organs are all always associated with each other in the exact same way is ludicrous. we've just been so normalized to it that we forgot to look
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mystorl · 6 months
Hey Howdy Hey Frendo! Hopefully I’m not bothering you, but sense you seem to be the only other bleed fan on tumblr ( who’s still active) I just want to ask if you have any headcannons, and if so, what are they?
Again sorry if I’m bothering you
Sincerely, Quill
(oh don't worry about bothering me!) Alrighty I got like, a few. So lets jot them down!
Wryn: -One half of me wants to think her hair is dyed and her nautral hair color is the orange hair that player 2 Wryn has, the other half says thats pink is just her nautral hair color.
-She is both super energetic, and a eepy fella at the same time. One second shes out and about, the next snork mimimi.
-She doesn't mind being around kids, but she does mind being swarmed by fans. The Rival: -He is 100% a softy deep down, underneath all that rough and tough ego he just wants to be loved and adored.
-He at least had to have a hand in making all of the core bosses, or maybe even was the one piloting them in the first game?
-Likes Wryn, as a friend. He's not into girls. Valentine: -Probbly grew up in a rich family, and her whole "villian" thing is just her getting some independence from her controling family.
-Unlike most of the cast her powers are indeed non-mechanical in nature. Wryn probbly uses jet boosters in her shoes and The Rival has the whole building robots n stuff, she can just straight up use her weird energy magic stuff.
-Was once hostile to the world, but over time she softened up, mostly thanks to Wryn. (And the two might have fallen in love :>) (and why not a few of the boss/side charaters):
Red Sprite: -She probbly has a TON of birds at home, she just uses robo birds in her fight cus she'd rather not have those ones die.
-Is buddys with The Ninja and Rex Rocket, shes the cool mom of the group.
-Probbly was unintentionally Valentine's gay awakening.
The Ninja: -Almost never talks, so most think their mute.
-Is buddys with Red Sprite and Rex Rocket, but they only come to hang out and play games, not a ton of socilizing.
-Thought of Wryn as "A worthy foe"
Rex Rocket: -Just a ball of sunshine, a little goober that likes rockets. :D
-Is buddys with Red Sprite and The Ninja, he keeps the group together with his optimism and joyfulness.
-Had no idea he was with the villains, Valentine just told him "hey you can shoot rockets all you want if you join us" and Rex was like "YEAAA"
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bcntbouquet · 6 months
Which type of love interest would you be in a dating simulator?
The socially akward brains of the team
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Socilization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it? Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
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arobinwithoutbatman · 8 months
What type of love interest would you be in a dating sim?
The socially akward brains of the team Socilization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it? Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
"I mean... I'm getting better?"
Stolen from: @lazaruspitreborn
Tagging: You
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theunknownmasks · 8 months
Which type of love interest would you be in a dating simulator?
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The socially awkward brains of the team
Socilization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it? Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
tagged: @immolatiism
tagging: @blossomingbellflower, @sacredpyre, @nevertem, @ka-go-me, @puremaidn, @arachnideus
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
You mentioned schooling was part of Mama's deal, how did she go about doing that and how many visits in had to happen?
She wouldn't have started anything schooling wise until they were mostly comfortable with the new arangement (Leo's suspision being the exception.) So i'd say probably a month in she'd start introducing some tutors, mostly to evaluate where they are academic wise. They're surprisingly good considering they were entirely homeschooled, and mostly via the internet (or April), but it's clear that their education wasn't exactly even. There are some subjects each of them excell at while the others not so much.
So the tutors jobs would mostly be getting those subjects they know less about, up to match their age groups as best as possible. Mama really wants them to start going school in the Hidden City as soon as they can (for education purposes and also socilization) but she wants them to be ready for that first. Which probably isn't something that happens until some point post krang.
Thank you!
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I'd imagine so. Like take the boys out to go shoping in the Hidden City or stuff like that. She wouldn't want to keep them cooped up in the hotel all weekend, especially since they're not really used to being out and about in the open like that and frequent trips would help them do so.
Thank you!
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Lol, that would be great! Leo's just standing there like "Where did all these unicorn plushies come from?" He pretty much convinces himself that they're not from mama b/c if they were from mama that would be a bribe and he wouldn't be able to keep them and he really wants to keep them! lol once he's not so paranoid about Mama tricking him into something then he's like 'ok yeah, that's definitely mama's doing. Thanks Mom!'
Thank you!
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Aww! This is adorable! I love it : )
thank you!
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probably the krang and/or shredder.
Thank you!
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Which type of love interest would you be in a dating simulator?
The socially awkward brains of the team
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Socilization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend.
Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it?
Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
Tagged by: @asea0fmxses
Tagging: @thehealerhairpin , @the-thread-of-muses , @slayingblades , and anyone else who wants to!!
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aamaranthiine · 8 months
What type of love interest would you be in a dating sim?
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The socially awkward brains of the team. ( From x )
Socilization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it? Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
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tagged by: @todesgeduld tagging: @draconxs @climatact @medicus-felini & you!
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fxrtunas · 2 years
Which type of love interest would you be in a dating simulator?
The socially akward brains of the team Socilization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it? Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
tagged by: @veinblooded @theblackestnlght @poppydedicant waaaahh thank u guys!!! <;33
tagging: oh god who hasn't been tagged uhhh alksjflksajf @tsckcyomi @avalcn (marven? :3c) @laplacemail (aeron!) @arathina (shiro!) @blaackbiird @ritterblood @drachenblood @thancrxdwatxrs @minarcana @paradoxeyed @aceparagon @forgesahead @swiftdeception AHHH AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS JUST TAG ME
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veinblooded · 2 years
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Which type of love interest would you be in a dating simulator?
— the socially akward brains of the team
socilization doesn't come easy to you. you might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. for that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. but when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. they will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. you like being the reliable friend. you don't get crushes easily, but when you do, you don't really know how to handle them. they feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. there's no way they like me back, is it? what if I ruin it? what if I'm reading way too much into it? remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well.
tagged by: @austerulous​​ — hehe thank you i love this :3c
tagging: @ichorcoded, @firstbless, @brightblessed, @zorkaya, @turnsorrow, @knightshonour, @ragelit, @fxrtunas, @macrocosmic-star, @echobled (wyatt), @reapcrbunny, @adenial, @worldly-diversity​ (louis), and anyone else who is interested!
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princeminnow · 1 year
vent //
is prolly a councidence tha i couldnt visit my bes frend an go party las week cuz he cudnt buy ticket ther like said wud cuz he lost he job and tha hes not texting back this week cuz he dos that sometimes cuz he sociL battery rjns out fast but both happen back back make me feel mayb im be punished for be bad
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wish wasnt so needy sensitive. i kno hes dealing w stufff thas hard on he an dosnt need worry bout sad scardy cat me. wanna b ther for him tho an cant if he wont talk me but he usuly does when needs help
hes 2 nice to hurt me on purpos. but hard not blame self for breaking rules didnt know, cuz that happen all time in school when frends suddenly dont like me
makes me rly rly rly sad miss party btw. was looking ford to it a lot an get rly rly rly sad wen ppl talk bout it
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bunbunpawz · 2 years
Jirai Drag
I went to a gay street, and a gay bar. In japan often, drag, crossdressing and transgender is related to being gay, so a lot of gay bars have drag and transgender and crossdressing people. In anyway, I don’t drink alcohol usually, so we ordered soft drinks. Originally it was my friend that wanted to go, to socilize and talk to people. Sadly I was too shy to walk in when it was full and when it was less full there weren’t much not Japanese people to talk to. However, I can Japanese. (albeit broken) So I ended up having a conversation with a really pretty onee san. We talked about Jirai kei~! She asked me why I got into it, she asked me how many years I’ve been wearing it, asked me if I go out to play in Shibuya to which I replied with “no, kabukichou” lol her reply was “ah, of course” she asked me if I am a mymelody girl, or kuromi, to which i showed her my plushie, cinnamoroll. She critizied me because I did not have the jirai kei make up. I don’t like putting on make up most of the time and I dont do Jirai Kei make up because I don’t think it looks good on me and its just a bother. I told her that and she seemed to understand. I never expected this kind of event to relate to jirai kei, but that was really nice.
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the-expatriate · 2 years
Stolen from @kansaisdragon ♡
[Click the link here!]
Her Result:
The socially awkward brains of the team!
Socilization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you.
But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it.
You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time.
There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it?
Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
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