#being sunad
blitzsleftboot · 1 year
Kenny x Leigh
*I would walk into the new high school I was going to I would see this guy in a white tank top and a black mask with gray sweatpants As he would walk up to me* Kenny: hey I am Kenny what’s ur name pretty boy?” *I would say * my name is Leigh Kenny maybe we can hang out sometime
Kenny: ofc we can darling~*he would say while walking awayg
*I would walk over to Stan and look at him looking at kenny * what’s wrong stan??
stan: nothing. Just smting.*he would grab my hand and walk to our class together and sits down next to me and I would look over at kenny and blush a bit and look at stan with a bit of a jealous face but wouldn’t really show it
*as soon as class ended I texted Kenny “hey want to hang later today <3” I would put my phone in my pocket and grab my backpack and walk to my house and right when I was at the middle of getting to my house kenny texted me back *
Kenny*”ofc doll lets go to the Icecream shop later today? “ leigh: “sure I will meet u there at 5:30pm!*i would keep walking to my house and it being 5:10 so I would run and get ready I would wear a skirt with a tshirt and some long black socks and white leg warms with platforms and walk out my door with a hoodie and walk to the ice cream shop it NOWW being 5:30* where’s ke-*kenny coming in with a hoodie and some orange pants and a his mask ofc and his blonde messy hair*
Kenny: suprise u came doll<3 *he would say while walking up to me and hold my hand and go get ice cream *
what flavor ? I will pay Kenny *i woukd say as pulling out at 30 dollar bill *
Kenny: hm.. a sundae? OOHH YES !! *pays for the sundae and sits at my seat and doesn’t see stan coming in the ice cream shop
stan:.. hey y/n!!*he would say woukd a jealous tone and Kenny would look behind him *
Kenny: hey Stan why don’t u come join us?
Stan: sure.*sits next to me really close and holds my hand I would look at Kenny seeing he’s a bit jealous I would say *sunades are here!!!
*grabs a spoonful of Icecream and eat it * mhm!! It’s so good!! *looks at stan and Kenny*
Soo áre u guys gonna eat Icecream or just glare at EACHOTHER??
Author notes: SO SORRY LEIGH THIS WAS SO SHORT I HOPE U LIKE IT so sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger it’s 1am and I am tired I promise I will try finishing it later today!!
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anime75 · 1 year
Kiba x Reader
Warning's: Fluff at the end, mentions of kidnaping, blood, slight descriptive
So you were hanging out with your friends (Kiba, Hinata, Naruto) when you got called in by Lady Sunade for a mition.
She wanted you to go on a solo mition to get some information about some scetchy people who were on their way to the naboring vilage the vilage hiden in the sand and Sunade wanted to make sure they were not a threat.
Of corse you were extatic consitering it had been a month since your last mition due to being hospitolized and then Sunade givng you a mandatory vacation. let alone now she was giving you a B Maybe an A ranked mition, that's what made you exited.
So you packed a small bag knowing it was going to be a day or two long trip.
You set of at don to get a head start and to cetch up with the target's.
You payed a lot of atention to the traks that they had left behind. and that was so you had an idea of what rout they were taking to get to the sand vilage.
You folowed them for about a hour since you left and you finaly cought up with them. folowing them for about an hour or two they noticed you but acted like they didn't so you didnt know they knew you were their.
once it started getting dark they set up camp and you folowed suit soon after.
Once the target's had been sure you were sleeping they took action
They carfully tied you up carful not to wake you up.
The next morning you woke to being caryed not so gentialy through the forest. (aparently you needed to work on being a light sleeper)
Of corse you tryed to kick scream and escape but to no evail they had tied your arms behind your back taped your mouth shut and tied your legs together.
That first night you sent an SOS signal back to the vilage hoping that they would get it in time. Thank whatever god above was watching that made the people forget to take your flairs. but they had taken your wepons.
It was the third day of being held captive and you were starting to lose hope.
You had learned the "Target's" Name's they were Sakon, Jirōbō, and Tyuya. (this is like my version of the sasuke rescue mition just a lot diferent)
Aparently they were DEFINATLY a threat to the sand vilage even with Gara being the kazekage.
Another day or two had passed and you were thinking things like "will anyone come for me?" or "I bet I don't mater to them not even my "friends".'
But little did you know that your friends Kiba Naruto Hinata and a few others were running as fast as they could to get to you.
And one fatfull day about a weak after you sent the SOS and about two day's away from the sand vilage the rescue team/your friends, had gotten to you.
You were passed out due to a sleeping jutsu they used on you.
A battle soon broke out Hinata Ino and Sakura Bringing you back to the leaf vilage with a stop every once and a wile to heal some of your wounds a little so you wernt practicaly bleading out.
Evventualy Sakon, Jirōbō, and Tuyuya retreated going back to whatever pit's of Hell they came from.
When you got back to the vilage you were put in hospitol care witch you were upset about due to the events during the last month. and the reson you were so exited for the mition in the first place and getting back on the feald.
After talking to Sunade you needed to stay the night maby two in the hospitol so that made you a little grouchy.
Then you got a few visitors it was Ino Hinata and sakura
They had come to keep you company and to tell you that the others would be back soon mostlikly needing medical atention.and to explain how kiba demanded a search party when he found out about the SOS and he almost went bazerk.
When everyone did get back someone was outside your door...Fighting?
He fought his way through the nerces and docters telling him that he needed treatment and you needed rest. but eather way he fought through even Sunade to see you and know for himself that you were ok.
It was kiba when he bursed through the door.
He wasnt wering his jacket and was covored in blood some probobly not even his own becasue of the cent was diferent. and Akamaru wasnt with him witch was worying.
He was breathing heavy like he had ran a mile withought a second of stoping.
"Y/N!!" HE Exclamed
He was worryed out of his mind
"Are you ok?! how long were you out?"
He asked practicly running to you giving you a hug then pulling back to look at your bandaged body with consorn evidant in his tone.
"Can I get you anything or-"
He was cut off by you pulling him in for a kiss, it took him a moment to comprehend what hapend before putting one of his hands on your weist and the other behind your head to cradle it and to return the geture.
WHen you both stoped to get air you spoke
"Don't worry I'm fine If anything I should be asking you that."
you say with consorn in your voice and looking at his body witch was covered in wounds including two stab wounds one being in the shoulder and the other being in his ather fit tosro.
He chuckled
"Like what you see?"
He say's with a flirtatious tone.
He was definatly fine if he was able to have his goofy flirtatious self back.
You roll your eyes and grab him by the coler of his shirt annd kissing him. when you stoped you smerked.
"your fine if you can flir-"
you were cut off by a rather pationate kiss then you were let go
"I want more~"
Kiba says with a smerk and a quick Lick of his lips
you say with a shocked blushing experetion
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beingsunad · 3 years
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jett-dawson · 4 years
enough talk about ships. let’s talk ship NAMES
concepts i have (PS i’m bad with ship names)
- jade x ruby - jaby? that’s kinda bad. rude? OH MY GODMDODK imagine their ship name being “rude”
- jade x skyler - jayler? skade? oh my
- sunny x jade - sunade? janny? yikes
- violet x skyler - vyler? skylet? like that second one lol
- ruby x skyler - BSMSJS RULER nah jk but these are so hard
- sunny x ruby - sunby? runny? ok this is a nightmare let me stop
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Please talk about Dan the Rebound.
Based on this thread, this Diary Entry, this post I made and probably whatever headcanons mention Dan.
The Second War is long and we have no solid time line. So HA I create it however I want. :P Meaning to many things overlap but oh well.
It’s obvious I’m not a huge fan of Dan Kato. But I still respect canon enough to not like totally ignore it… for the most part at least. My “main verse” could be considered the headcanons I have for Tsunade and diary entries. Since those essentially tie into each and ever thread/are inspired by a thread. Even if they are overlapping but we won’t talk about that.
Dan is a rebound. More towards an accidental rebound but one that still happened. Now I bet you’re wondering why or how and look I’m still trying to process it too cause Tsunade just told me. A bunch of things play into this too that causes Dan to be a unknown rebound. The relationship between Orochimaru and Tsunade, Nawaki’s death, my headcanon on how Dan was originally part of an arranged marriage for Tsunade, and Jiraiya in general for example.
I bet you’re wondering why I also mentioned Jiraiya. I promise it’s important and I’m not just wishful-filling for myself to talk about the Sannin all together. I’ve always pictured the said trio as a little be awkward towards each other once they hit a certain age. Between their bodies developing more and the sudden realization that oh yes they do like each other it’s harder to miss the unresolved feelings. So instead of acting on these feelings they all just ignore it and kind of hope it goes away, only it doesn’t.
It’s obvious of Jiraiya’s crush on Tsunade and in return she ignores him no matter how much she actually wants to return his feelings. It isn’t right, isn’t seen as the person she should be with considering her last name. Tsunade is well aware of her status in the Leaf. So while she returns his feelings she won’t ever be with him, at least not now.
It’s easier to ignore all this when they split up. Jiraiya staying to look over the Ame orphans and Tsunade and Orochimaru back to Konoha doing who knows what. During this time I’m sure this is where their relationship really took off. They were already closer to each other then Jiraiya for most parts. If you look at this headcanon, this is one that plays into Tsuna’s reasoning's for disliking perverts. Which assists in Tsunade being closer to Orochimaru longer. Fuck you Kishi for not having a good timeline for us.
So Orochimaru and Tsunade. An unlikely pair but one that her family would approve of. It helps that Hiruzen probably also comes around a lot of babbles about how great they’re all doing to Mito or Tobirama. Ta-da a friendship happens and which only develops more and deeper as time goes on. Which toppled into this thread? Kind of? It pre-dates the war and Nawaki’s death. It’s all accidentally of course too! Which makes it better cause they’re diving into unknown waters.
So they develop a very private relationship. One that even her family members are unsure about for a very long time. They find out eventually how ever that may be (Mito finds out first). From then on up until Nawaki’s death it’s still a really private relationship. Then it all changes.
Because a death in the family isn’t an easy thing. Tsunade had always been close to Nawaki and for Orochimaru to be his Sensei yet let him go so recklessly into the field Tsunade is feeling a bit to much of everything. He knows how Nawaki is and should have been stricter with him but also Tsunade knows how Nawaki is and even if Orochimaru was it doesn’t mean Nawaki would listen. She can never muster up enough anger to feel truly angry at Orochimaru or Nawaki. She loves them to much.
Thus leading to the split up that happens to them. Tsunade can’t reach Orochimaru no matter how hard she tries and whatever is going on in Orochimaru’s mind Tsunade has no idea. This all leads up to, well the meeting in where she meets Dan Kato. Her little brother had just died -inserts a time- (timeline what? Hahaha) and she needs to go and figure out how to make it happen where a medical ninja is going to be on every single team. So when she gets rebutted and denied and this blue-silver haired prince (hahaha) comes up defending her opinions rather then Orochimaru (who wasn’t there?) and even Jiraiya? She feels that flutter in her heart she hasn’t felt since Orochimaru started pulling away from her.
Dan doesn’t carry the weight of her teammates. He’s new, fresh, and believes in the same dreams as her. He smiles freely and yet had experienced a death of a sibling as well. So when Orochimaru seems done with her and Jiraiya is someone in her delicate world that people would scorn at she flocks and wraps herself around someone who knows little to nothing about her. She can mold herself into whatever she wants. Dan becomes her rebound. Someone she doesn’t necessarily love maybe but someone who she can learn to love for sure.
Dan is a lot softer. He’s easier to lie to and get anger with and discuss dreams that seem impossible. He’s all in all a dream that Tsunade knows it out of reach because that isn’t their reality. But she only comes across Dan, you think by chance, but really because of Mito. She noticed first what was all happening. It takes some time but she eventually finds a torn up arranged marriage between the Senju and Kato family. Gets in contact with them and eventually plans the whole thing. Mito wants her Granddaughter happy and if takes meddling and fixing what little she can she’ll do it. (TO WHICH I CAN”T FIND THAT STUPID HEADCANON  I HAVE ABOUT DAN AND TSUNADE BEING IN AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE.)
So Dan is the rebound. Tsunade doesn’t know where her axis is spinning anymore but knows that Nawaki is gone, Jiraiya wouldn’t be approved of, and Orochimaru just won’t talk or look at her. Everything from before is swept under the rug. Tsunade doesn’t doesn’t bring it up and no one else does either. Acting like it never happened. It hurts but that’s why she puts so much time and energy towards Dan.
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phantom-le6 · 4 years
Episode Reviews - Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3 (6 of 6)
Carrying on our run of episode reviews for Star Trek: The Next Generation, it’s time to look at the last two episodes of the show’s third season.
Episode 25: Transfigurations
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
The Enterprise discovers a crashed escape pod in an unexplored star system. Investigating, they find there is one critically injured passenger in the pod, and the crew brings him aboard the ship. Dr Crusher determines the survivor will live due to the stranger's own amazing recuperative powers. Crusher also notes that the survivor's cells are mutating in some way.
 A couple of days later the stranger finally awakens, but has no memory of his life or identity. The crew decides to call him "John Doe". Some time passes and John has recovered physically, but still has amnesia. In addition, from time to time he suffers from severe pain which is somehow tied to his ongoing mutation. He also begins emitting strange, bright energy bursts. John soon learns that he is able to use this energy to heal injuries, as witnessed by Crusher when he aids a patient in her Sickbay.
 In the meantime, Geordi La Forge has determined the pod the Enterprise discovered was a kind of storage device. Geordi is also able to interpret a star chart and find the location of John's home planet. However, John's memory has begun to return, and he senses that he must not go back to his home planet yet. A day or so later, a vessel intercepts the Enterprise, and John declares he has to leave. He tries to steal a shuttle and an energy burst accidentally knocks Lieutenant Worf from a walkway, resulting in a fatal fall to the floor below due to a broken neck. John then uses his healing powers to revive Worf and heal his injuries. Prevented from escaping, John explains that he wanted to leave as he is becoming a danger to himself and the crew.
 Captain Sunad of the intercepting ship communicates with the Enterprise, announcing he is from the planet Zalkon and that he wants John returned to him. He explains that John is a criminal who has been given a death sentence. Captain Picard considers the situation, but refuses to release John to the Zalkonians without more information as to the charges. He contacts the other ship and mentions John's strange powers, which alarms Captain Sunad. Sunad immediately triggers a device which causes the entire Enterprise crew to become unable to breathe. John resists the device and heals everyone aboard the Enterprise with one bright flash of his energy.
 His memory now restored, John transports Sunad to the Enterprise using his powers. John explains that his race has reached a new stage in evolution, in which they are evolving into beings of energy. His homeworld's government fears what is happening and, telling the population it is a deadly sickness, kills any who show the signs of change; John and others aboard the ship were escaping from their homeworld when attacked. John then becomes the first to complete the transformation, becoming invulnerable.
 John offers to help Sunad make this transformation as well, but Sunad still refuses. John sends Sunad back to his own ship, warning him that their government can no longer keep their people in ignorance. The Zalkonian ship then leaves the area. John bids the crew good-bye, transforms into energy and departs the ship. While it's not known where John went, the implication is that John left for his homeworld so that other Zalkonians would have the chance to evolve and join him.
As with quite a few other TNG episodes I’ve reviewed to date, we’re getting a lot of story or concept theft from the world of Marvel’s X-Men.  The whole concept of the guest alien undergoing a sudden evolutionary change and exhibiting powers beyond their control reads like a classic X-Men storyline if ever there was one, and I have to wonder if Star Trek would have even made the effort a few years later once the classic X-Men animated series began to air.  That being said, the episode isn’t bad; it’s just fairly unoriginal, save for some of the effect the guest character has on Geordi by making him more confident with women.  This was a good, and long overdue, development for Geordi considering he was trying to convince Reg Barclay he was ‘just shy’ a few episodes back. Yeah, um, if Barclay’s ‘just shy’, Mr La Forge, then you should be a totally confident lady-killer by comparison. Since La Forge doesn’t become that until his contact with “John Doe”, maybe he should have chosen his words in ‘Hollow Pursuits’ more carefully.  This kind of inconsistency is where TNG’s general aversion to larger story arcs is basically showing through.  End score on this episode, 7 out of 10.
Episode 26: The Best of Both Worlds (Part 1)
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
The Starship Enterprise responds to a distress call from a Federation colony and arrives to discover the colony gone. The Federation suspect the Borg, cybernetic humanoids that the Enterprise crew encountered over a year ago (in the episode ‘Q Who’).
 Starfleet Admiral Hanson arrives onboard the Enterprise with Lt. Commander Shelby, an expert on the Borg, who assists the crew in determining the cause of the colony's disappearance. Hanson informs Captain Picard that Commander Riker has been offered the command of a starship and suggests that Riker take the position, having turned it down twice previously. Although there is tension between Riker and the ambitious Shelby, who wants to take over Riker’s position of first officer, they confirm that the colony was attacked by the Borg. Hanson advises Picard that another Federation vessel encountered a strange "cube-like" vessel before sending a distress call that ended abruptly. Enterprise moves to intercept and confronts a Borg cube.
 The Borg demand that Picard surrender himself, which he refuses and is puzzled by; during the initial encounter the year before, the Borg showed no interest in the ship’s screw. Although initially deterred by Enterprise's shield modulation, the Borg lock the vessel in a tractor beam and begin cutting into the hull. Shelby suggests randomly changing the frequency of the ship's phasers to prevent the Borg from adapting to the attack, which frees the vessel. The Enterprise escapes to a nearby nebula, where Lt. Commander La Forge and Ensign Wesley Crusher adapt a technique suggested by Shelby to modify the deflector dish to fire a massive energy discharge capable of destroying the Borg cube. The Borg flush Enterprise from the nebula, board the ship, and abduct Picard. The Borg Cube moves at high warp speed towards Earth, with Enterprise in pursuit.
 Riker, now in command of the ship, prepares to join an away team to transport to the cube to rescue Picard, but Counsellor Troi reminds him his place is now on the bridge. Shelby leads the away team onto the Borg cube, where they are ignored by the Borg drones. The team locate Picard's uniform and communicator and then destroy power nodes inside the cube, forcing it out of warp. As the team prepares to transport to Enterprise, they see Picard has been turned into one of the Borg (the first time is seen to have been ‘assimilated’ by the Borg). The Borg contact Enterprise, with Picard stating that he is "Locutus of Borg" and to prepare for assimilation. Riker orders Worf to fire the deflector dish.
When it comes to episodes that have an impact on their own show and the wider franchise where there is one, ‘The Best of Both Worlds’ holds such status for The Next Generation, and rightly so.  Not only is it well-performed, but it brings back the best original villains TNG had produced up to this point, namely the Borg, and used them in a way that fundamentally redefined them and the show that created them in equal measure.  As a tech-obsessed threat, the Borg couldn’t have gone very far, since there’d only be so many times you could put the ‘tech’ (namely the Enterprise itself) in danger.  Having them develop to also be interested in people and the concept of assimilation driving that suddenly makes the Borg all the more terrifying as opponents, and when they assimilate the commanding officer from the show’s main cast, forcing the first officer to make a very harsh command decision, the show really does seem to be going where no one has gone before.
 This episode is where TNG stopped being compared back to the original show all the time and everyone started to accept it as its own part of the wider Trek franchise.  A good thing too, since a lot of what gets put into this episode and its sequel impacts down through this series and its spin-offs.  It’s also an interesting Riker story because we’re finally looking at why Riker keeps passing up one promotion after another, only for him to suddenly be forced into the command role against his will. Granted, we’ve seen Riker pass up promotions before, but they’ve always done this mid-season and without really focusing on it very well.  This time, it’s at the end of a season, and that means the cliff-hanger becomes all the more tense for the first-time viewer.  At this point, it’s a toss-up whether Picard is saved and the status quo maintained, or Riker becomes Captain of the Enterprise with Shelby as first officer and Picard lost.
 I’m not sure what else I can say at this point, especially considering that there’s a part 2 that needs something in its review when I start tackling the next season.  So, for now, I’ll close out by handing down a score of 9 out of 10. This episode gets a lot of points for being game-changing, but it’s Trek without much issue exploration, and I’m always reluctant to elevate Trek episodes that lack such added depth based on impact and performances alone.
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thesides · 7 years
Every time i was actually looking for it i couldn't seem to find it, of course it's just me being blind.. Anyway, i'll read whatever you write if you end up writing something tonight (or you know, whenever) I'm super envious of people who can write but i really love supporting fic writers! And you're just wonderful!
will you be my guide? [i’m blinded by your beauty]
“i’m not blind, i can see the way you look at them.”
Fandom: Sanders SidesWord Count: 987Pairings: Polysanders / Polyamsanders / LAMPAlt. Link: AO3 Notes: I… I have no idea?? It was originally a Warlock one but then my heart yelled, ‘NO MEDIEVAL’ so we’re back here. I might make this whole Medieval thing a full story, if y’all want?? Also, I know the asker wanted Polysanders and I really tried but I’m not 100% sure on how to write it and I didn’t want to offend anyone so it’s *there* if you can see it but i’m not too sure of it??Summary:
“He was no King.”
“You do know this will change everything.”
Roman stood unwavering, letting his cape flutter in the wind as he stood staring at the balcony and watched the sunset change the skies into the beautiful pastels he dreamed of. “Yes.”
“Everything, Roman.”
Silence -  the thing that Roman hated with a burning passion. It meant that there were too many possibilities, too many outcomes where he would lose his only ally in an ongoing war. It has to be done, Roman repeated in his head, it has to happen. It doesn’t matter what Virgil says, it has to happen. There was only one way to save the kingdom - and it had to succeed.
Roman could make out Virgil stepping into the balcony behind him, his own partial cape billowing behind him. A cape fit for a King, a true King. His eyes locked into Virgil’s, and the latter turned away, facing the very same sunset. And for a minute, Roman found himself frowning. It was… almost scary to realize that they were both staring at the same sunset. Him, a Prince with a dying Kingdom, and Virgil, a bastard child who’d managed to rule the rebels. Him, a royal, and Virgil… the wrong, wrong type of noble. But here they were, standing on his quartz and marble plated balcony, staring into the sunset that very well might be their last
For some reason… That fact didn’t faze him as much as it should.
Roman leaned forward, crown dangerously tilted over the edge. He let his eyes trail across the kingdom below. It was once a beautiful kingdom, Roman recalled. It was a kingdom of riches, dances, and golden sunsets. The Kingdom of Sunader had been beautiful -  and now, the only thing that remained was the golden sunsets; The riches and dances only a facade to placate the dying world. There… There was only so much the Kingdom could take…
“I’m not blind.” Virgil’s gravely voice shook Roman out of his remorse, and he turned to face him.
“Pardon?” Roman didn’t stop leaning casually, but he felt the tension rise in his shoulders.
“I can see the way you look at them.” The wind blew towards them, harsh and unforgiving as Virgil’s words just were.
On a regular day… Roman could see himself stiffen at those words. He could see himself whipping around, aghast at the accusation. He could see himself denying it over and over again.
This was the end of it all.
This was no regular day.
So Roman just looked away, facing the golden sunset as it dipped across the land. He let his head tilt downwards and closed his eyes, letting the breath disappear across his lips. “You are too observant.”
“You are too prideful.” Roman could feel the hatred behind those words, the burning passion Virgil was all too known for.
It clashed violently against his own- Roman remembered the battles the two fought, anger burning in both of their veins. The blood soiled the fields more than actual earth and bodies toppled ontop of each other in a messy pyramid. Then it would be just him and Roman: A staredown, both too stubborn to lose, too stubborn to win… They always ended with no winner; For who could claim a Pyrrhic Victory?
Yet here they were again, claiming that very same achievement with only bitterness flowing through their hearts. There was no morality in War anymore.
There will never be.
Roman opened his eyes and clasped his hands over the rail. “You will still assist me, rebel.”
Virgil’s eyes bore into his, and Roman wanted to look away from the reflection in his eyes. “Do I have a choice?” Virgil hissed, gripping the railing.
“No.” If he could… If Roman could send Virgil off this plane, away from this war, away from the oncoming war that they were sure to win… He would. But that was never the case, was it.
“You won’t be able to face them.” Roman would, he would- “I won’t be able to face them.”
Roman looked straight up, the skies fading into the dim purple. “I know.”
“You know? And you still go to war?” Virgil’s voice sounded distant, almost, as if it wasn’t there.
“Oh, for what decision else can I make?” Roman glanced at Virgil, his heart leaping into his throat. “There is nothing else we can do, Virgil. This is the choice we must make. This Kingdom- We cannot let it fall.”
“You,” Virgil seethed, and Roman faintly noticed the bags under the rebel’s eyes. “You cannot let it fall. I- We had nothing to do with this! We were free! We were happy before you came into-”
“Don’t you dare act as if I forced my way!” Roman’s fist tightened and he glared at Virgil. “I loved all of you! And you- Patton, Logan, we all loved each other! We… I still do.”
And then there was the silence. This time… Roman cherished it for the last moments he would be at rest with Virgil at his side. For the days on, he and Virgil would be fighting against the world. For the days on, they would be fighting in a war they started, but didn’t want. For the days on… they would never see Logan and Patton the same ever again. Their love will crash and burn - flaming, struggling to survive in the aftermath.
“We will win.” Virgil murmured, his cape swishing as he turned away from Roman.
Roman dropped his gaze and focused on the sunset one last time. He leaned forward, struggling to ignore the burning in his eyes. I will not cry, Roman hoped, I will not cry. Shaking, Roman closed his eyes and leaned forward, a whisper on his lips. “We will win.”
He let the crown fall off his head.
“Logan Jupitanes and Patton Valentine, you are hereby sentenced to death.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I still love you.”
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beingsunad · 3 years
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beingsunad · 4 years
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sunad by Tiana Petrullo
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beingsunad · 4 years
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beingsunad · 4 years
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Sunad by Cara Friedman
Designed to grow old with you
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beingsunad · 3 years
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beingsunad · 4 years
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Sunad by Rosa Copado
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beingsunad · 4 years
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Sunad by Silvia Conde
Designed to grow old with you
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beingsunad · 4 years
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Sunad by Silvia Conde
Designed to grow old with you
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beingsunad · 4 years
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