overcomeandgrow · 4 years
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Good Morning! I like to be very intentional on how I spend my mornings as this helps me feel more in peace and control over how my day goes. Besides things we have no control over, most of the time our day goes by what we did that morning. Be sure to cut out sacred time for yourself each morning to create a day that is more fulfilling for you. Listen to your favorite podcast or audiobook that is uplifting, read the Bible or a book you are interested in that helps you spiritually. Affirm beautiful self serving quotes to yourself. Reflect, workout, whatever puts you in a great mood, do this each morning. #goodmorning #morningquotes #morningaffirmation #morningmotivation #inspiration #positivity #healingquotes #startingyourdayright #beingintentionaldaily #createabeautifulday #youhavecontrolofyourhappiness #createfulfillment #peace #serenity #foundation #saturday #overcomeandgrow https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-TqKZHD_D/?igshid=o996jluzegda
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cindyshames · 5 years
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I cannot believe it’s already March! This year is already flying by And we need to be intentional about our goals to succeed in life and in our business. Have you taken time to set your goals for March? Here are a free few ideas on setting your monthly goals- 🧡First to begin with reviewing your month last month looking at the goals you have reached in the goals you have not been able to reach. 🧡 This exercise gives you some clarity on where you are in your business and how you can make this month even a better month than last month. 🧡 be clear and intentional on the goals you are sitting for this month so you set yourself up for success. 🧡 Having a coach or an accountability partner really makes a difference in achieving your goals and getting you to where you need to be. 🧡Write down the steps you need to take to achieve your goals and make sure you review them every single day. Make March an incredible month for you - you’ve got this. please share your goals in the comments below I would love to see what you working towards. If you would like any support with goalsetting please feel free to DM me so we can look at your goals together. . . . #believebydesign #cindyshames #goalsetting #goalsetting2020 #march #marchgoals #marchgoalgetter #beingintentional #beingintentionaldaily #goals❤️ #businessgoals #lifegoals #settinggoals #makingadifference #intentionsetting #vision #accountability #accountabilitycoach #marchchallenge #businessmomma #mumpreneur #mumboss #mumbosslife https://www.instagram.com/p/B9NaaGkhQC8/?igshid=1ahkmwi9g5737
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