#belated contribution
animatedjen · 4 months
Eyes Closed - Cal Kestis ( watch on Youtube! )
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attackondrawing · 5 months
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shelter from the rain
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zombvibes · 1 year
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draw me closer as if we are two magnets
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rawkghoulsupreme · 7 months
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After Bed Time~
This... wasn't at all what the drawing started out as but it's a comfort piece anyways so HERE YA'LL GO <3
Ignore that I haven't figured out how to draw chest hair yet
Or why his lips are smudged and hair disheveled it's fine
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yangjeongin · 2 years
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fereldanbroth · 3 months
just thinking where did all the online DA guides come from? Certainly not all from official sources? I remember reading a note that the point system for Divine election isn't ''fully understood''... will we just have to figure The Veilguard stuff out ourselves? 😭😭
and by ''we'' I don't mean me bc I'm clueless, but thanks in advance to everyone deciphering DA game mechanics <3
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raayllum · 6 months
It’s his first Summit meeting, and the inside of Ezran’s shirt sleeve just won’t fold right.
Or Ezran and Aanya's first reunion during the timeskip
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pinnithin · 3 months
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funny moment from our campaign feat. reynin in his jammies and hartline covered in blood
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
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Guess what i got!!!! 🤩😃😃😃🤩
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tumbleranch-dorm · 11 months
(In this monologue, Ferd & Hunter are participants for the Symposium)
[Tumbleranch Side]
Good. the correct color schemes of the clothes were in order. While the shampoo, conditioner, cologne, tooth paste & brush are covered in plastic and then..........
C, you don’t have to pack my belongings when I’m the one who’s going.
nonsense, I must say that I’m a bit jealous that our lucky star was chosen for a 3 days trip even though the probability of Crowley’s lottery were predictably low. Although I’m supposed to be happy for you, Dorm Head so in order to show the utmost congratulations by helping stack all your things. It is also actually old habit of mine. You’re very much welcome
I can’t even tell if what you’re saying were you angry or sarcasm but I appreciate your nice gesture. Fufu~
D-do you really have to bring these much in 3 days?
Man~ this sucks! why can’t I go with dorm leader. I secretly sneak 15 papers of my name inside so I could get a chance but then all I get is to stay here with these 2 cranky pants
Quite being a whiny brat just because Crowley didn’t call you and your plain ol’ tricks didn’t go well
Hmph! few hours ago right after Ferd’s name, I saw you’d crossing your fingers begging your name to be called next like you were desperate
Ha?! You’ve been watching me!
you’re obviously mumbling so loud that I could hear you one seat apart. You just wanna be with Dorm Head so you can do your bodyguard duties and get easily pampered by him. Actually, that’s kinda nice. I can feel your pain so instead why don’t we raid Crowley’s office and—
First of all, shut it! who says I wanna get pampered by Boss and Second, I ain’t gonna raid his office with ya and Third, I’m his bodyguard after all. I should be on his side whenever he goes
too bad you’re nooot~ Any-way! how come Hunter has to go? He wasn’t at the meeting this morning!
I got called..........from Headmaster...........during my intern...........that I should come back...........and pack my things...........so..........I ran back..........here...........
Headmaster said Everyone are participating this Symposium by winning the lottery so I deliberately put Hunter’s name in his stead. I’m surprised as everyone your name got pulled out
well that still wasn’t fair. Hmph!
The only thing he could represent is to be a blockhead & keep staying silent
Unfortunately for you. I believe it is right for Hunter to go with Ferd. With his magic talent and calm composure, I’m sure one of the students of Noble Bell College will acknowledge us
I believe so, Mr. C. They will come to know how admirable we, pioneers, are and If one can asked us about our culture..........and other student dormitories, as well
it’s a good thing either of you aren’t in it because I know too well that you will cause much more trouble than throwing rampage & explosive devices for other school students..........even for me..........
Eb & Cole:
........hate to say it, I kinda agree with four-eyes.......I think. Guess the rest of us should start wrapping things up before Halloween
Precisely. That’s why it’s better for talented & hardworking people like you stay here to contribute something for a decent holiday event
this is..........like nervous?..........and pressuring..........me..........?
besides this is your rare opportunity to interact with new people and show your true colors to a different school. As long as I’m here, I can help you with your poor socializing speech
.........thanks.........I will.........do my best..........not to embarrassed..........myself
Well then now your luggages are settled, Leave all the responsibilities for the Halloween preparation to me, I’ll watch over the dorm during your absence. Have a safe trip, both of you
hey you, I trust you’ll stay with Ferd while you were there else I’ll beat you up if anything happens to him........that’s all I have to say. Bye
Fine~ but you better give me some cool souvenirs than boring ones when you get back. Take care~
Best of luck you three. I’d expect our haunted corn-field maze to have a best rating and most important of all, an enjoyable memory of this year’s Halloween
Clinton, Eb, & Cole:
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Headcanon that ahead of every single Fourth of Jvly that Cameron and Donna have been partnered for either work or life, Cameron has asked if they can bvrn an Americ@n fl@g, and that every year Donna has said because it’s too dangerous and it’s too much of a statement, but that as of June 2022, Donna’s position has been, “You know what? Go for it”
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
oh you mean our "offical nonbinary f&f character Cam Stone 101" entry in the lambda literary lgbtq+ anthology award-winning 2 trans 2 furious: an extremely serious journal of transgender street racing studies?
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vkelleyart · 6 months
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“It’s the least ridiculous hat I’ve ever been given,” Henry tells him. “It doesn’t even come with a matching tailcoat.”
“Nah, but maybe we can get you some Wranglers,” Alex says.
“Some chaps, perhaps.”
“I just told you not to talk dirty to me.”
- RED WHITE & ROYAL BLUE [Collector’s Edition] by Casey McQuiston
This piece was commissioned by the generous and wonderful Jonathan L who won my contribution for the Latinx Kidlit Festival auction: a free commission of two characters! I was so happy to have an excuse to revisit Alex and Henry last month, and share the final image in time for ACD’s birthday!
This picture has some additional goodies for fans of the books—and movies. With Jonathan’s help, I’ve planted TWELVE Easter eggs in this picture; see if you can find them all!
Happy Birthday, ACD (and a happy belated birthday to HFMW)! 🎉🎂🤠
PS: This picture is protected by Nightshade, which accounts for some articulation in the close-up. Steal it for AI at your peril. 😇
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quirrelli · 9 months
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here's my wildly belated contribution to the 60th anniversary
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occamstfs · 5 months
Higher Education
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Bit of a belated 4/20 TF! Reliving the heady days of his weed-filled youth may not help a professor's tenure track. Enjoy! -Occam
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It had been quite a while since Richard had cut himself some slack. He was on track to be tenured and the obligations and rigor involved gave him little time to himself. His department has really become more of a family to him than his estranged once loved ones. He spends more waking hours in this office than any room of his spacious home. Today he’s burning the midnight oil yet again as he mars a doctoral candidate’s thesis draft in red ink.
Seeing just how much of a scarlet mess he has left for this poor student he pauses to make himself a cup of tea. He certainly doesn’t want to be seen as too critical or crotchety, though he feels assured that his students know this. Upon returning to his desk he finds a small wrapped gift box resting squarely on the marked up essay. He knows precisely who it is from and chuckles as he looks at the kitschy weed-themed wrapping paper. 
Picking it up he hears something small and light shake around in the box. The tag reads: “Happy 4-20 Old Man, why not live a little- your favorite Candidate, Mac.” Slowly unwrapping it Richard smiles wistfully as he recalls way way back to when he was in undergrad. Walking down smoke filled dorm hallways bleary-eyed as he contributes to it. Just smoking grass on the main lawn welcoming anyone to open their minds at these little sessions. An alarm goes off on his computer shaking him from his reverie as he sets the gift down to respond to the pile of emails that have accrued today.
Richard begins his cookie-cutter responses to colleagues, scratching backs and brown nosing as need be to advance his own career. Not too long into this dull work however does he begin to smell that unmistakable skunky scent coming from Mac’s half opened gift. He scoffs and rolls his eyes, shocked that his subordinate would fully shepherd drugs into his office before pausing to remember that weed is legal here, in this state at least. He tosses the box in the bag making sure the scent can’t escape as he returns his attention to the ocean of busywork.
He cannot find purchase however as he finds himself impossibly distracted, the tea he made tastes bitter in his mouth and every so often he smells a whiff of the joint hiding in his bag. Richard rushes through a couple of responses before checking the clock and realizing Mac was right, partly that is. He can afford to head out a little early. It is a holiday of his youth after all, he thinks to himself smiling mischievously as he grabs his coat and heads to his home. 
Tenured he may not be but he makes enough to live incredibly close to campus. It’s about five so theoretically the work day is over anyway, but he lives close enough that should there be need he could easily return. He would be happy to even, he puts his hand in the bag and fingers the ripped paper of the gift box. Patting it as if to say maybe another time, though resolving to chew out Mac for such an inappropriate gift. 
Tossing his bag on a chair and entering his quiet home he pours himself a drink and heads to watch the daily news. As soon as it touches his lips though he spits it out all over himself. It was beyond revolting, for the life in him he can’t figure out why though? It’s what he always has as a treat isn’t it? He wipes up his mess and grills himself as to what on Earth caused him to do that. Going down the list of possibilities he finds himself distracted as wafting from his open bag is the impossibly alluring scent of Mac’s joint. 
For a time he just sits and stares at his bag, mulling over any real consequences there could be to just letting himself smoke just this once. He’s sure his colleague Dr. Bennet can barely go a school week without smoking away at least a day. Flicking the metaphorical angel off his shoulder he decides to go for it. It’s just one joint, what could possibly go awry.
The doctor takes one massive hit and remembers that whatever the kids are smoking today is leagues more intense than the kush he had back when. He coughs heartily and stumbles into his kitchen to get some water, smiling as he remembers the old adage that coughing actually gets you higher. He pours a cup for himself, spilling a tad over the counter and neglecting to clean it up.
Richard decides to throw on a record before returning to his joint once more. God he remembers loving nothing more than just sitting and watching his wax spin on his player as smoke danced in the air. He reclines back and immediately feels more at home. He’s lived here for almost a decade now and never has he felt more comfortable than this moment. He laughs at himself wondering why he’s waited so long to smoke again. Maybe he should text Mac and thank him?
At this his phone rings and he sobers up almost immediately, his first couple hits washed away as he sees a text from his department head. He holds the joint with his lips as he uses both hands to unlock his phone, smoke sailing wistfully past his eyes as he starts to read it. Sitting there looking at the bright screen of his phone alongside the ever increasing smoke though his eyes quickly dry and he sets it down. How important could it be anyway? The workday is over; he is under no obligation to respond, he reasons. Surely it’s nothing. He sets his phone down and goes to lie back on the couch and listen to his old music, taking another massive hit.
He struggles to kick his shoes off as they suddenly grow uncomfortable on his feet, almost as if they were a couple sizes too small, that can’t be right though as if his feet were growing in his old age. He laughs at the idea, picturing clown feet at the bottom of his thin legs, not seeing in reality that his feet are starting to strain his socks. Nor could he possibly notice as their odor begins to mingle with the overpowering smell of weed filling his den.
His phone vibrates again and he furrows his brow before his eyes glaze over as intended. His clothes all over begin to feel a little uncomfortable on his body. He grimaces wondering what exactly the move is before duh, this is his house! He hits himself on his head as he decides to just strip, he was always half naked smoking outdoors back then he may as well do so in his own house. Taking off his clothes he doesn’t notice as there is a skip in the record as it changes, the grooves warp, harden, and shrink as his pristine record collection diminishes into a massive, slightly disheveled CD collection. Richard certainly doesn't notice as he scratches at his chest, the only thought in his head as he rips his joint once more is “Man, I love this song.”
He giggles once more as he hears his stomach rumble and he recalls what a persistent issue the munchies have always been for him. In fact it was one of the reasons he quit back in his grad school, he simply couldn’t afford all the weed along with the food budget that satisfying his cravings demanded. Shouldn’t be a problem now though, he thinks, he is an, uh? Pausing as the haziness sets in his eyes burning pink as the thoughts in his head slow. He’s a professor right? Though his mind slows he continues his steady crawl to raid whatever snacks lie in his cabinet.
There he, surprisingly, finds a stoner’s paradise. The shelves are lined with chips and cheap pastries beyond imagination. He once more holds the joint in his mouth as he reaches deep to double fist some bags of chips, tacitly continuing to smoke as his stomach rumbles in jubilation. In his gluttony he drops bags to the floor and laughs letting the joint fall to the floor wondering if the five second rule applies to weed, guffawing some more. He hears his own voice in his head telling him to keep it down but as if he’s going to listen to that square.
He turns up his CD player’s stereo in protest as his inner monologue grows more agitated. Dude you’ve gotta turn it down, you share a wall with the neighbors. He stuffs his hand in the potato chips and starts devouring them as he reflects on this. Shares a wall? But that would be he lives in a duplex, or wait? He looks around his place and sees it smaller than he remembers it, right? Continuing to scarf chips getting grease all over his hands and face as, so far beyond his notice, it begins to produce more oil itself than it has in decades. 
Continuing to snack he hears his phone ring as his boss is fully calling him now. Stumbling up and over to his phone Richard doesn’t notice as his thighs begin to fill his underwear. He had lost a lot of weight from his long years of working and now that he is finally indulging once more it seems a healthy weight is returning. Rubbing together as he makes his way to the couch, the friction draws his attention to just how pleasurable physicality is when he’s high. Gosh he needed this. 
He grows distracted as he arrives at the couch, his phone stops ringing before starting up again as his Department head calls once more. Seeing her contact picture appear he says aloud, “whatever bitch” laughing like an ass as he hangs up on her and sets his phone to do-not-disturb. Once more there is a buzz in the air as the music set up changes once more. Phone now in hand he starts to play music the only way he has ever known, wrinkles and the few gray hairs that remained totally disappearing from his face as he presses skip on his phone and is awash in adoration as his all time favorite album starts playing. 
He sits there and just takes in the music as he rubs his slightly distended stomach. Grimacing as he thinks he should start hitting the gym. He hears Mac all the time talking about how much he loves hitting the gym high. His heart suddenly flutters as he thinks about Mac and grows giggly again. He feels a pang in his head that such behavior is inappropriate. He is a prof- He’s a? His mind strains to recall what exactly he is. His eyes search the room looking for any hints before landing on the TV seeing the Daily News that has been playing through it all suddenly turn to static before coalescing into the video game Mac was always talking his ear off about in office hours. In the once professors mind though the only thought present is, Fuck! I love this game!
Energy surges through his body as he searches for a playstation remote. His pulse races as his excitement grows and he feels a desperate urge to stretch. He feels as his tendons extend. Rubbing his arms across his torso he feels his increased weight begin to coalesce into firm yet weighty muscle. His hands twitch and scratch against his increasing strength as he controls on the couch, moaning and laughing at just how lascivious this pleasure is, his voice vibrating deeper as the pitch of the song and video game blast louder in his head. Haha wait a second, he thinks, I’m so fuckin’ sore I must already be going to the gym faded with Mac right?
He blushes and stretches some more, feeling his back arch and his tight torso stretches to its limit before surging beyond it. His arms raised behind his head they grasp at air and feel the sought after remote and a hat which he instinctively throws on. Ah this hat is Mac’s isn’t it! He is briefly confused once more as he tries to remember what exactly his relationship is with Mac. It’s? He’s, are they roommates? Rich looks around the room, eyes shifting to where there once was a record collection, no a CD stand? Why would he need either of those though haha, as if Mac’s apartment has space for that!
Mac’s apartment. The thought repeats many times over in his mind and his eye twitches as he feels a pain that the high cannot make pleasurable. Grimacing, he decides to try and focus on the game. Black ink slowly staining his body as he clicks buttons. After little time at all though he realizes, fuck, it’s been so long since he’d hit that joint hasn’t it?
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Pausing his game he uses his bleary eyes to scan his apartment floor for the roach. He didn’t drop it in the chip bag did he? He checks far too quickly to possibly see it before giving up. There’s gotta be an easier way to smoke some more right? Out of the corner of his eye he sees the rocks glass he was using as a stupid smile inches across his face. Through the haze in the room the only thing Rich can see when looking at such a cylinder is a bong. Rich reaches for it, the glass growing taller and embellishing as he does. In a fluid motion he snatches it and starts to stumble around and look for a lighter. 
Lucky for him in Mac’s apartment they seem to be scattered around as if they were decoration. Thinking of Mac his mind is a sea of conflict again and there is a sudden urge, a craving, a need to smoke right now. He lights the bowl and before he even inhales from the beyond filthy bong he is at ease once more. Smoke rocketing into his lungs he holds back a coughing fit before a giggle breaks the line and he loses control. 
Between each cough he feels himself lose something. He sees Mac and laughs at the idea that he could ever be in charge. Mac’s older than him, right? He sees an unfamiliar house that he could never afford as it turns to static and shrinks into a small one bedroom apartment that doesn’t even have his name on the lease. He sees a degree he sees multiple degrees and not only can he not imagine himself having the willpower to get them, he laughs at the idea that he would even want to sit through a single college course. Smoke fills the air as if he were hotboxing the apartment and he rubs his body as hair pushes its way out of his skin. He needs to shave, Mac like him smooth. 
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Feeling his body once more, flexing his bare body against the couch and rubbing his hands across his itchy stomach smiling without a care in the world or a thought in his head he hears a key turn in the front door. His eyes stay closed as his smile grows wider and the only man, the only thing, that matters to him in the world approaches. Mac stands over him, dressed in a suit as he clearly came from the campus and says, “Miss me, Dick?”
Dick’s eyes burst open more bloodshot than could possibly be healthy and he stares wordlessly, longingly, into the eyes of the man domineering over him. He’s a little confused at what the smirk on his face could mean, but Dick is confused most of the time, so he’ll just wait for Mac to explain! 
He doesn’t. Mac leans in close to Dick’s ear and just whispers, “Happy 4-20 Doc. Thanks for giving in.” Then puts his mouth over Dick’s before his mind could even recognize the words being said. He loses control instantly without a hand touches his cock as it expands heartily, no underwear to hold it or his cum back as he forevermore loses control over his mind, of his life. Not that he minds, how bad could life be with someone as nice and great as Mac watching over him! The two continue to make out on Mac’s couch, not caring for the cleanliness of the suit as the bong is knocked onto the table. From now on there is little at all that Dick would care about at all besides his master, his Mac.
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hunnipear · 2 months
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Lovebirds <3
Very belated contribution for Fizz x Ozzie week. They would have been done a lot sooner but Ozzie’s thighs are so powerful they kept crashing Procreate.
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