#bella cullen gif
p1xiemeat · 3 months
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"𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑, 𝐼 𝑠𝑎𝑤 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒, 𝑝𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑. 𝐷𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑. 𝐼𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠? 𝐻𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑠 ℎ𝑖𝑚𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓, 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑡, 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡."
~ 𝑬𝒅𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏
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cece693 · 30 days
My Wolf (Dark Jacob Black x M! Vamp Reader)
This was a request, and I would post the original, but it would reveal the plot twist.
Summary: Jacob killed the Cullens for you—being rejected by the boy he loved—what else would he do? But was he really the one who orchestrated all this?
tags: dark Jacob, death, plot twist, reader isn't what they seem, Cullens bashing
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Becoming a vampire was supposed to be a new beginning—a chance to stand alongside Bella and the Cullens, to be part of something greater than yourself. At first, it was everything you imagined: strength, speed, and the comfort of a family who understood what it meant to be different. But there were darker sides to this new life that no one had warned you about—the endless thirst, the gnawing emptiness that came with immortality. Still, you tried to adapt, to embrace the life you had chosen.
But then there was Jacob.
What began as harmless infatuation soon morphed into something darker, more twisted. He followed you everywhere, his presence an unsettling shadow that grew more oppressive with time. He couldn’t accept what you had become, and his feelings turned into something far more dangerous. You found yourself trapped between his growing obsession and your own struggle to adjust to this new existence.
When Jacob finally confessed his feelings, you tried to let him down gently, explaining that there could never be anything between you. But your rejection only fueled his rage. His eyes darkened, his body trembling with barely contained fury, and in that moment, you knew you had lost him.
He was no longer the boy you once knew; he was a beast unleashed.
Emmett was the first to fall, his strength no match for the fury of a heartbroken werewolf. Rosalie followed, her beauty marred by the brutal force of his claws. Alice and Jasper were next, their bond shattered like glass beneath his relentless assault.
And then there was Bella.
You stood there, motionless, as Jacob’s fury turned on her. Your sister—your blood—reduced to nothing but a casualty of a war she never saw coming. But as she lay broken, her eyes searching yours for some comfort in her final moments, you offered none.
Because deep down, this was what you had wanted. You had orchestrated it all.
Jacob was nothing but a tool, a means to an end. You had played on his obsession, his unwavering need to protect, to love, and twisted it into something monstrous. You had whispered words of rejection, knowing it would push him over the edge, knowing he would seek revenge in the only way he knew how.
And as the Cullens fell, you felt nothing. No remorse, no regret. Only a cold satisfaction that finally, after all the lies and deception, they were paying for what they had done to you. For turning you into this…monster.
When Jacob looked at you after Bella succumbed, you let out a tiny smirk. Even in his madness, he knew you were the one who had set him free. And so, you kept him around. Not out of love, not even out of gratitude, but because he was yours now. A weapon you could wield as you saw fit. As long as he behaved.
The Cullens had tricked you, but you had outwitted them all. And now, in the ashes of their downfall, you stood as the victor.
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k-fangirledits · 4 months
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mjpvrker · 1 year
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they are beauty,
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they are grace,
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they will kick you in the face.
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Best Friend🍂
Summary: Being Seth’s best friend was never a dull moment, always there to cheer y/n up until one day he suddenly stops talking to her and she’s left confused and hurt
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“Hey Seth are you still coming over today?” I asked over the phone feeling all warm inside just talking to him
“Of course wouldn’t miss it for the world!” We exchanged goodbyes and I just waited for him to come over
Ever since Seth and I became friends when we were kids, around 6, every Friday we would have a movie night and never once did we miss one
I heard a knock on my door and there he was, smiling like usual, his long hair blowing in the wind as if he was a model
“Well are you going to let me in or just stare at me” he laughed as he pushed by gently and threw himself down on the couch
I blushed and closed the door going to sit next to him
“So what are we going to watch tonight?” He asked as he threw a blanket over the both of us and pulled me to lay down against his chest, it was normal for us but probably looked different from the outside
“Its up to you! I’m fine with anything” I said as I handed him the remote and snuggled into the blanket
Moments like these were what I held onto, I’ll never know when he finds the one and then I won’t have this anymore, so Friday night were what I waited for every week
He turned on an old 80s movie and we laid in silence snacking on gummies and watching
“How’s everything been?” He asked as he combed his fingers through my hair
“Tough, I’ve barely gotten any sleep lately”
“She still screaming at night?” He asked
“Every night since he left”
Bella was my sister and ever since her boyfriend, Edward, left she’s been miserable, I’ve tried everything to cheer her up but it doesn’t seem to work, me and dad don’t know what to do with her, maybe if I was closer to her maybe I’d know how to help but, we haven’t lived together for years until she came back a year ago, we just have to wait until she comes to terms with everything
“Maybe you could come have a sleepover at my place, get some rest” he hummed
“Id love that but you know how Leah feels about me ever since bella returned” I sighed
Me and Leah use to be friends but then bella came back and she turned to glaring at me, leaving the room every time I’d enter and I never knew why
“She’ll get better I hope, I’ll get sleep eventually, maybe I’ll camp out outside” I laughed feeling sleep slowly creep up on my from the warmth he was creating
“Get some sleep now” he hummed again lulling me to sleep
I woke up to the sun in my eyes but I noticed the absence of the warmth that I loved, I opened my eyes and he was gone it was just me on the couch wrapped snuggly in the blanket
I got up with the blanket draped over my shoulders, I walked to the kitchen and dialed the Clearwater residence
“Hello!” I heard that sweet voice of Seth’s mom
“Hi Mrs.Clearwater it’s y/n I was wondering if Seth was there? He left last night without waking me and I wanted to make sure he made it home safe”
“Oh ya, he came back late last night, he said he wasn’t feeling well and he’s come down with a fever”
“Oh no, tell him to call me when he feels better, could I come over and bring him soup?”
“Its probably best if you stay away for a while, don’t want you coming down with this either, but I’ll tell him you called dear” and with that she hung up which was not like her at all
I called back everyday for a week and it was the same answer for the first few days, that he was just sick but after the first few days they stopped answering and it was worrying me, Sue, Harry or Seth never treated me like this and it hurt to be completely honest
I didn’t have many friends at school and since Seth was my best friend and went to a different school down at la push, it kinda sucked being in this position
“Hey sweetie you okay?” I turned on the couch to see dad at the door coming back from working
“Oh I’m alright, ummm have you talked to Sue or Harry lately?” I asked
“Ya Harry is coming by later why what’s up?”
“Have they said anything about Seth?”
“Harry mentioned he was under the weather, did something happened between you guys?” He asked sitting in his lounge chair
“I don’t know, we had our movie night last week and I fell asleep but when I woke up he was gone and hasn’t called since and you know he doesn’t do that and tonight is our movie night again and…and I’m just worried, what if maybe I did something to upset him” I asked as my voice waivered
“Hey don’t stress I’m sure it’s nothing, maybe you should go out, clear your head for tonight”
“Maybe you’re right” I sighed as I got up grabbed my headphones, jacket and shoes and head out to the forest paths behind the house
I kept walking through the woods until I reached the cliffs where I knew some guys would recreationally jump
I sat down near the edge feeling the cool wind blow against my skin calming me down, still listening to the music Seth showed me
I stayed like that for a while until the sky turned orange and purple as the sun set
I stood up to leave but when I turned around I was met with glowing eyes
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thegamingcatmom · 7 months
Okay but yall remember how, in the books, Alec actually used his powers, fully intending to blast everything he got at The Cullens & Co., only for Bella´s shield to put a damper on his mood by blocking him, just like she did Jane? Like, this was the moment ppl could actually see Bella´s shield because Alec´s fog surrounded it, making it look like a giant dome.
...And what did we get instead?
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That scene would´ve been fucking epic to watch on screen. Can you imagine the fog surrounding them all? Slowly climbing up the dome-like structure that is Bella´s shield until it meets in the middle - right on top - obscuring everyone´s (including the moviegoers´) sight because all light was blocked out? Can you imagine the dramatic music playing in the background, sounding a bit like thunder almost?
Can you??
Cause I sure as hell can and I´m still salty af we didn´t get to see it.
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source: https://twilightsaga.fandom.com/wiki/Alec
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>They Love Baseball.
>quick note, I could've done so much better with this if I started from scratch but this was from my fic I'm writing on Wattpad. I took out a lot because there's so much context needed for it to be understandable, so this is like a simplified one-shot.
>Reader and her friends playing Baseball at school with the Cullens.
>Post breaking dawn (aka vamp Bella)
>Also Jasper has better control over his thirst now.
>Reader is a new(ish) student and doesn't know of the Cullen's...situation🧛🏻"
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°Reader's Pov°
I walked up to the classroom door only to see everyone was already in there..and the anxiety set in. Fuck. I walked past the door hoping to merlin that sir didn't see me while I built up the courage to go in. I stood against the wall of my classroom as I heard the rejester, my name being called and there being no response, only increasing my feeling. This is why I always try and make an effort to get to school early..so I'm not the last in with everyone staring at me. Don't get me wrong, I am so not keen on the cramped halls and all the loud voices but it beats me awkwardly strolling into class late, having to give an excuse to the teacher and bypass all my classmates to my seat.
I removed my hands away from my face as a comfortable wave of calmness infiltrated my emotions. The anxiety was washed away and the fear was replaced with subtle confidence. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes only to notice Jasper by my side leaving about an inch of space between us.
"Jasper?" I said, relieved to see him again. After we became somewhat friends, he and his siblings weren't in school for a good week.
"Are you okay?" he asked, somewhat concerned. By now, he had placed his hand on the small of my back. My breath hitched at the contact, but ultimately returned to normal as my eyes met his.
"Uhm..yeah, I'm okay now. Thanks." I said, pretending not to be unbelievably relieved to see him. "where have you been?" I asked, the curiosity taking over me.
"Sorry, me and my family went camping for the week. I should've said, but it was pretty last minute." he said, a little smile playing at the corner of his lips when he talked.
"It's..it's okay. Just missed you that's all" I said, oddly confident.
He smirked, and his eyes darkened slightly. "Missed you too. C'mon let's get inside." he said, taking my hand and bringing me through the threshold of the door.
"Oh, there you are" Sir simply said. I felt the calmness fading and the anxiety slowly creeping back. "Try not be so late would you?" he asked as I took my set next to Jasper "Yes..sorry sir, I had a flat tire" I lied, but he seemed to buy it as he finished marking me in and continued the lesson. My friend, Glenn, sat on the other side of me and he nudged me slightly. "Hey are you alright? I saw you walk past the classroom just then..is everything good?" he asked.
"No..yeah I'm fine I just got a little nervous is all, nothing to fret over" I said, smiling timidly.
Jasper cleared his throat. "everything alright?" he asked, tucking his chair in a little, a hint of worry still lacing his words. I smiled at him "Yeah, thank you for helping out" I said back, my voice barley above a whisper, but he heard me still.
"Anytime, Y/n/n" he said, his smile returning.
Glenn shuffled in his seat, seeming uncomfortable. "you good?" I asked as he gained my attention. He smiled sheepishly "never better, just a little bit cold is all" he said.
Jasper rolled his eyes and started to work again.
☬⚊𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐩⚊𝐏.𝐄⚊☬
We all lined up outside the changing rooms, but first the teacher (Miss Leigh) did the register.
"OK guys, you'll be playing different sports, we'll have two teams for baseball, and 2 teams for volleyball, so after you're all changed, please get into groups of 6" Miss Leigh said, gripping her clipboard, ready to asses the students who needed to be. Glenn, Jess, Luke, Bradley, Isla and I, had all locked eyes as if we silently agreed that we were a team.
"Alright guys stop talking and get changed!" She ordered, shoving everybody inside their designated changing room.
Me, Glenn, Jess, Isla, Luke and Bradley were a team and we had to play against Jasper, and his family at a game of Baseball.
The Cullen's had brought all of the equipment over to the pitch, Jasper dropped the bag of bats at my feet, "you guys bat first" he said. I picked up a bat, and rested it on my shoulders. Not gonna lie, I felt like Harley Quinn.
"That's alright, i'm the one with the wicked curveball" I said, swinging the bat back around, immitating a hit.
"Oh well, I think we can handle that.." he smirked.
Glenn came up from behind me, again, and rested his arm around my shoulder. I very slowly and slyly shook his arm off, I didn't want to seem too rude, Glenn has only ever been kind to me so far.
"Is Hale bothering you Y/n?" He asked.
"No Glenn, Jasper isn't bothering me, we were just talking.." I said, smiling at him.
"Got a problem?" Jasper asked, raising his arms slightly.
"Don't start, can we just play baseball please?" I said, walking off. I got into position when Luke came over to me. "Y/n, just a warning...The Cullens...they love baseball" Luke said, randomly.
"Okay, and?" I asked, a smile tugging on my lips.
"They're very competitive" Luke said, seeming like he was putting it simply.
Bradley took a bat, and I swear I heard some laughing as if they thought this first round was going to be so easy. Alice did a really weird but really cool looking bowl, it was kinda attractive not gonna lie...
Anyways, Bradley struck the ball as hard as she could sending it flying across the field. About two of Jaspers teammates went after it, while Bradley sped around the pitch and made a home run.
She made her way through our team, with high fives, hugs and fist bumps, until Luke was the last person to congratulate her. She couldn't decide what to do, she went to hug him but then swiftly rose her hand to high five him, only to change her mind again to a fist bump. Luke slowly put her arm down "Well done, Brads.." he said through small giggles, subconsciously not letting go of her hand.
' OH YES! They don't call me Y/n, Little Miss Match Maker for nothing! Wait..no one calls me that..nevermind...still cute tho. '
Edward, who was nearby, threw his head back, laughing.
' I swear to God, if this man conviently laughs at another thing that I think, then i'm officially convinced he's inside my mind '
"Are we playing Baseball or what? Edward, stop laughing and focus!" Rosalie hissed.
At that point I understood what Luke had meant before.
"Alright babe, it's just a game!" Emmett said smirking.
Jess picked up the bat and waited for Alice to bowl her the ball. We all took our turns, some attempts were more successful than others..and in total we got a score of 4 home runs.
Time to switch.
We all started walking to the opposite sides of the pitch and into each other's previous positions. I went to hand over my bat to Jasper and just as he was about to take it, I dropped the bat his feet. "Your turn, cowboy.." I said, trying to hide my amused smile.
He kicked the bat up into his hands and caught it "That's alright, i'm the one with the wicked curveball" he said, mocking my accent.
I laughed a little before attempting his "Yeah well, I think we can handle that.."
He hid his laughter and headed to stand by the rest of his family.
Glenn and Isla briefly squabbled over being pitcher before Isla gave up and joined me in fielding. Glenn got ready to serve the ball to Emmett, nowhere near matching Alice's bowl, but still throwing it with a lot of force. Emmett held the bat with one hand and kept his eye one the ball. His family egging him on, as they were lined up behind him.
Out of nowhere, just as Glenn served, there was a crash, someone's car had rolled down the hill of the car park. Almost everyone's eyes had gravitated toward the truck, so no one was really paying attention, including me.
"Y/N LOOK OUT!" I heard Alice shout from across the pitch.
I snapped my head back around to see what she was talking about, until for a split second I saw the ball that Emmett had hit, fly straight toward my face. I braced myself, scrunching up my nose and bringing my hands up to shield my face. Only for a different hand to reach out infront of me, and catch the ball before it even touched me.
He threw the ball back over to Emmett, aggressively, purposefully hitting him in the chest. "Watch it." Jasper warned, Emmett held up his hands jokingly in surrender.
Jasper turned back to me. "Don't get distracted next time, alright" he said, winking before jogging back over to join Edward in their line up.
I didn't even get to say thank you.
"So am I out then?" Emmett questioned, throwing his arms up. The ref had walked off, either out of boredom or to sort out the car. Probably the latter.
Emmett threw the ball to Glenn, then sat down anyways with Rosalie.
Glenn then served to Bella. Bella swung the bat with one hand and hit the ball all the way into the forest, before speeding off around the pitch.
I ran after it. 'what sort of main character moment was that?' I thought, running to catch up with the ball.
I picked it up after it landed ahead of me and saw Bella approaching the home base.
"LUKE!" I yelled, to give him a heads up.
I built up all my strength and launched the ball forward. It was now Bella Vs the ball. Which one would make it to home base first? Bella looked up and saw the ball, and tried her best to run as fast as she could.
Luke caught the ball and placed it on home base, just as Bella had reached there.
"...You're out.." The game's ref noted, walking back out of nowhere with a pencil in her ear.
I walked back over to my team and celebrated with them.
'How's that for a main character moment? ' I thought, sarcastically. 'Guess she just wasn't fast enough.'
Edward quickly faced the other direction and shook his head, smiling.
Bella went and sat down next to Rosalie. Rosalie smirked as she saw her walking over to her and said something along the lines of "How did it feel being you this time?"
Jasper was up next. He span the bat around in his hands, hitting the end of it away from him, then catching it the right way up, swirling it in small circles behind his head. Something about that caught me so off guard...he did that and I was instantly trying to somehow stop the butterflies deep in my stomach as if they were gonna burst out at any moment. I snapped back to reality replaying his 'don't get distracted' in my mind. He hit the ball with force and sped off around the pitch I watched the ball fly towards me at full pace several feet above me in the air. I ran with it, trying to maybe catch it. It lowered and I jumped backwards, determined to catch it. And I did.
I held the ball up as he was about 5 feet away from home base. He turned and saw me walking back, baseball in hand and couldn't help but look to his feet and smirk. He walked to his team, and sat down with Rosalie, Emmett, And Bella not taking his eyes away from me.
I threw the ball to Glenn gently, and winked at Jasper. His signature smirk appeared and he looked down sheepishly.
"Didn't get distracted.." I said to myself, returning to my position. And he looked up, as if he heard me.
We played a few more rounds for the rest of the lesson, the Cullens ended up beating us, only by two though! And apparently that was the closest anyone's ever been so...it's a personal win.
While taking a sip of some of Bradley's water, Jasper walked over to me. "Good game, hotshot.." he said, looking me up and down.
"Well, I'm more than just a pretty face, cowboy" I said, taking a step forward.
"Are you sure about that?" He quizzed, tilting his head to examine my face.
"Oh I'm sure, I wiped the floor with your ass..well not the floor...the grass really" I said, reffering to my catch.
"Really? Last I checked..we did beat you guys?" He said, looking behind him at his family.
"Still, we came rather close..best competition you've had? " I questioned.
"and how would you know that? You're still new here sweetheart." he teased.
I titled my head and squinted my eyes slightly in response to his „sweetheart„
"What's with the nicknames, darling?" I teased him, calling him out.
"I- uh..what? You call me Cowboy all the time and plus, am I not allowed to call you nicknames now? You seemed to like it before..you're cheeks would go red and you'd hide your smile. Don't you trust me? Don't you appreciate me? you seemed to this morning.."
"Did i? Or did you give me no choice?" I countered. "And why all the questions?"
"Nah, you trusted me. I could tell." he said, walking back into the sports hall. He turned around, and began walking away. His uniform clinging to the muscles on his back. "You're welcome by the way" he spoke, referring to earlier, as he continued back up and inside the hall.
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
Cullens dealing with your absence
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Edward Cullen
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He pours all of his energy into Bella and distracts himself
He’ll choose to spend the time that he would usually spend with you with Bella instead
Bella becomes a stand in for you and she receives his possessive and controlling behaviour
Instead of complaining to you, he complained to Bella
Instead of controlling your wardrobe, he controlled hers
This is partly the reason that Bella wanted to get you back, she couldn’t handle edward at his most possessive
He’d help his family search for you and would use his ability to search his fathers allies minds to make sure none of them were secretly harbouring you
His method of distraction doesn’t really work and just increases his anger and frustration
Jasper hale
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He deals with your absence by searching for you at all times
He skips school to search for you in the woods because he can’t listen to the rumours or why you weren’t in school
He searches around the wolf territory when he has free time to avoid esmes cries of grief
He would be the support of the family by controlling emotions and making them feel happy enough to get through the day
Every time he hunts a deer, he no longer makes sure they feel calm and wants them to be distressed
He wants to look in their eyes which are so similar to yours and watch the fear run into them
He knew how much you loved deers and it felt like a revenge for you not being there
He also thinks the fearful look in their eyes matched yours perfectly
Alice cullen
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Alice spends her days in your room while trying to watch you through her visions
She skips schools and only feeds when Jasper brings her blood packs
She is constantly trying to trigger her visions of you
She goes to the extreme when Jasper offhandedly remarked that if she wanted to know your next move, she should put herself in your shoes
So she has Carlisle commit the violent actions that he would on you to her
She gets beaten and starved and nothing helps her see you
The odd vision she would have would be vague and unhelpful
The only one that held meaning was a vision of your eyes turning from their golden colour to a deep red
Your captors were forcing you to drink from humans
She told this to only Carlisle who curses under his breath and sends her away
Emmett Cullen
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Emmett is hurt and angry, so he takes it out on the rest of the world
He goes to school and becomes the stereotypical bully
He’s rude and cruel to his fellow classmates
Especially the ones who were nice to you
He calls people names and if they stand up to him he beats them and then uses Carlisle’s money to bribe witnesses
This caused rumours to circle that you had died or something which only made him more upset
Because in his mind that could very well be true
You could be dead and he wouldn’t be able to do anything
Rosalie hale
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Rosalie denies that your gone
She goes through her day like she usually would with you by her side
She would still lay out your clothes and draw your baths
She would still prepare your binding bandages and pins
She closes and leans against your door while talking to you like you were having another locked inside day
She chooses to not listen when people ask her where you are in school
She still chooses to wait outside what would have been your classes for you to come out
She even went as far as dirtying your clothes to wash them after
Everyone tries to snap her out of it but she refuses
In her eyes, your just on lockdown and that’s why your not attending school
Ignorance is bliss for Rosalie
Esme Cullen
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Esme spends her days grieving and crying with no tears
She sees it as he daughter being dead, so she treats it like that situation
She clutches your clothes in her hands and cries into them as she sniffs your scent
She plots revenge on your kidnappers
She plots on breaking each limb off separately before snapping their heads off and burning them to ashes which she’d use to make a necklace to wear as a sign of what happens when you hurt her daughter
She starved herself in grief and says that she wants to join you in the afterlife, even if you aren’t dead
She only feeds when Carlisle commands her and she feels through the mate bond that he is hurting by seeing her falling apart like this
Carlisle Cullen
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Carlisle spends his time contacting his allies to get updates on their searches and seething in anger
Obviously he’s worried about you, until Alice talks about your new diet
Your clearly living the time of your life while you have them all searching for you
He destroyed your room Once in rage and when everyone tried to stop him, he used his command as their maker to order them to leave
He deals with the volturi and begs for their help which was an embarrassment for him but he just wanted his daughter back
He breaks most things in his office and feeds viciously from the animals you seemed to have connected with even if the taste disgusted him
What makes it worse is the mate bond
He can’t stew in only his anger because the mage bond is forcing him to comfort his mate in her sadness and in turn feel that sadness
Whenever his anger feels too much, he envisions ways to punish you when you arrive back in his clutches
And this time he’s going to get creative…..
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Hope you enjoyed :)
Love ya ❤️
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biblically accurate book characters :
bella swan - the twilight saga
“Bella is very fair-skinned, with long, straight, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her face is heart-shaped—a wide forehead with a widow’s peak, large, wide-spaced eyes, prominent cheekbones, and then a thin nose and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin. Her lips are a little out of proportion, a bit too full for her jaw line. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and more straight than they are arched.”
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otpmomentsblog · 2 years
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You’re impossible,” he said, and he laughed once—a hard laugh, frustrated. “How can I put this so that you’ll believe me? You’re not asleep, and you’re not dead. I’m here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away. When I told you that I didn’t want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy."
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s0urw00lf · 6 months
All the wrong things - pt 4
Summary: y/n gets the story on the cullens from Jacob and finally has a well needed weird conversation with Edward
FIC type: fluff/angst
Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader
Word count: 2.9k
Warning: cursing maybe?
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Y/n sat silently in the back door of the van eating Twizzlers and listening to her friends talk to each other as they put on their wet suits. Angela sat beside her, “I keep thinking Eric’s going to ask me to prom and then he just doesn’t,” She said, defeat laced in her tone. Y/n shrugged her shoulders “Why don’t you ask him? I mean you're a strong independent woman, take control.” She said turning to face her friend. Angela leaned her head to the side, letting a bashful expression cross her features“I am?” She asked. y/n nodded “yes.” She said immediately, nodding her head.
Jessica came up to Angela asking her to zip her suit, making y/n avert her gaze elsewhere and making eye contact with Jacob black, who had two others behind him. “Y/n,” he said smiling as he stopped in front of her. y/n smiled “Hey Jacob. Guys this is Jacob.” She introduced. “Hey, guys. How are you doing?” He asked Jessica and Angela in his usual bubbly tone. Both girls replied with ‘hi’ and Jacob took a seat next to y/n. “So are you like, stalking me now?” She teased. “You're on my rez, remember?” He clapped back, causing y/n to roll her eyes. Jacob took a quick look around at her friends “Are you surfing?” He asked. Y/n laughed at the question “Absolutely not” she said, offering him a Twizzler which he accepted and thanked her for.
Jessica spoke up from beside Angela “You guys should keep y/n company. Her date bailed.” She said. Y/n rolled her eyes discreetly, “what date?” Eric asked from the other side of the van, where he and Mike were zipping up their suits. Jessica laughs “She invited Edward,” she said. “It wasn’t a date, I was just trying to be polite.” Y/n said in a mocking ‘duh’ tone. “I think it's nice she invited him. Nobody ever does.” Angela said sweetly, “Yeah ‘cause Cullens’ a freak,” Mike said and Jacob’s friends agreed with him. “You guys know him?” Y/n asked curiously. “The Cullens don’t come here,” Jacob’s friend said, causing a silence. Y/n looked over to Jacob who shook his head and took a bite out of the twizzler.
Y/n and Jacob walked along the beach of “la Push” in silence before Y/n spoke up. “What did your friends mean by “the Cullens don’t come here”?” She asked curious. Jacob scoffed lightheartedly “You caught that huh? I’m not supposed to say anything about it,” he said contemplating. Y/n nodded “Well I’m not gonna force it out of you… how about a pinky swear?” Y/n said no longer walking but holding up her pinky with a smile. Jacob chuckled stopping as well as he turned to her “Pinky swear?” He teased. Y/n laughed as well dropping her arm “What? Don’t tell me I have to teach you about pinky swear” she teased back. Jacob laughed and finally held up his pinky which y/n linked with her own. When both their hands dropped Jacob began. “It’s just like an old scary story” he said, as they began walking again. “I won’t get scared, I promise,” she said jokingly, making Jacob smile before it quickly dropped.
“Okay, did you know Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?” He asked, y/n’s eyebrows shot up in surprise “Wolves? Like real wolves?” She asked, making sure she heard him correctly. He nodded “Yeah, that’s the legend of our tribe.” Jacob said. Y/n nodded “So what’s the story about the Cullens?” She asked. “Well, they’re supposedly descended from this like, enemy clan. My great-grandfather, the chief, found them hunting on our land. But they claimed to be something different so, we made a treaty with them.” He said. Yn took in the information as Jacob continued talking. “If they promised to stay off Quileute lands, then we wouldn’t expose what they were to the pale faces,” he said finishing his story with a smile. “I thought they just moved here,” Y/n said. “Or just moved back,” he said chuckling. Y/n laughed along with him, playing it off but internally she was even more intrigued than before. Both y/n and Jacob were startled by a scream coming from Angela who ran by being chased by Eric with a snake.
(I decided to end the scene here because I hated the way Bella kept pressing about the Cullens story and because I actually love Jacob)
When y/n returned home Charlie wasn’t home from work yet, so she decided to just go to her room and find something to do. She somehow found herself at her computer searching ‘Quileute legends’. She quickly found a bookstore that was in Forks Washington and wrote down the address.
The next morning when y/n woke up she was pleased to see that the sun was making itself known. She quickly got ready for school and made sure to grab her ripped piece of paper with the address scribbled on it. At school she discretely (or so she thought) looked around in search of a specific person. “He’s not here,” Jessica said from beside y/n. Jessica was sitting on the table leaning back on her elbows sunbathing. “What?” Y/n asked confused. “ whenever the weather's nice the Cullen’s disappear.” Yn nodded slightly embarrassed at being caught “So what do they just ditch or something?” Y/n asked. “No, Dr. And Mrs.Cullen pull them out for like camping and stuff. Tried that with my parents… not a chance” Jessica said as Angela sat down next to y/n “Guys, I’m going to prom with Eric. I just asked him, I took control.” she said excitedly. Y/n cheered “See I told you,” she said hugging her. “Are you sure you have to go out of town?” Angela asked. “Oh yeah it’s kind of a family thing, can’t miss it” y/n replied. “Okay, we should go shopping before all the good dresses get cleaned out,” Jessica said before the bell rang. “At Port Angeles? Mind if I come?” She asked biting her lip in curiosity. “Uh yeah I need your opinion,” Angela said in a ‘duh’ tone.
Y/n sat doodling, barely paying attention as both girls tried on different dresses. They had both come out at the same time Angela in a teal blue almost and Jessica with a pinkish purple one with white gloves, as they rambled about the qualities the dresses bought out. Out of nowhere a group of guys walked passed knocking on the window and catcalling them, at that moment y/n had been so glad she’d decided against going to prom. She rolled her eyes and gave the guys a disgusted look “That’s disgusting” she said lowly looking back to her journal just as Jessica asked, “y/n, what do you think?” At this y/n looked back up. “You guys look great,” she said and both girls' shoulders slumped “You’ve said that about the last five dresses though,” Jessica said looking back to the mirror “I thought they were all pretty good” y/n sassed back. “You’re not really into all this are you?” Angela asked, y/n sighed feeling a little guilty “I just really want to go to this bookstore, I’ll meet you guys at the restaurant, ok?” She asked to shock the girls agreed.
It didn’t take y/n long to find the bookstore. The sun was setting fast causing an unsettling sensation to linger in her stomach. She found her book and paid for it before making an exit and starting back towards the restaurant where she was supposed to meet Jess and Angela. By now the sun was completely dark, and y/n had lost her way getting confused about which turn to take. As she passed an alley that looked familiar she began to walk down it but quickly changed her mind when the men from earlier today started walking toward her. She turned around and started walking back, as the men followed her. When she exited the alley she noticed more men walking toward her from that way as well. She was surrounded. Shed tried to move past them but they blocked her way “Woah woah woah, where you going pretty girl?” “Come drink with us” “Yeah you should come hang out with us” All the voices piled on top of each other and their breaths reeked of alcohol. Her breath began to pick up as her heart raced, “let me go” she threatened in a weak voice, but it became more firm as one of the guys laid their hands very low on her back “Don’t touch me!” She said as she kicked her guy in his area, just as a familiar car pulled into her sight stopping just before hitting the guys as they scattered around like rats.
“Get in the car” Edward demanded. Y/n was quick to follow his orders, feeling better about getting in a car with someone from school than staying out there. From what she could see, Edward had given them a threatening glare, she didn’t see his mouth moving so that’s all she could come up with. He got into the car and pulled forward again stopping maybe an inch from the guys before speeding out of the lot and back to the main road. “I should go back there and rip those guys’ heads off.” Edward threatened through clenched teeth. Y/n’s brows raised in shock “Uh no you really shouldn’t, that would classify as murder.” She rambled, as she grabbed the door handle in fear because of the speed he was doing in the car. “You don’t know the vile and repulsive things they were thinking” he argued mindlessly. Y/n looked over at him in confusion “And you do?” She asked. He hesitated for a second before saying “It’s not hard to guess.”. Y/n stared at him in silence for a second “Can you talk about something else? Distract me so I won’t turn around.” He said. Y/n racked her mind for something to say before settling with “Driving without a seatbelt is dangerous, you should buckle up” she said rambling again, he laughed “You should put your seatbelt on” he said. Y/n stared at him in shock at his mood swing but decided against saying anything
Y/n walked up to the restaurant where she was supposed to meet Angela and Jessica, only to find them walking out. “Hey, guys I'm sorry I-“ y/n started but was cut off by Angela’s worried tone “Where were you? We left you messages” Angela said, “yeah we waited, but we were like starving, so we..” Jessica trailed off as she saw Edward approaching. “I’m sorry I kept y/n from dinner< we just ran into each other and got talking,” he said flashing his not-seen-very-often smile, to anyone who knew y/n his statement would have been unbelievable but the two girls in front of her (one more than the other) were just happy to have Edward speak to them. Both girls were speechless at his comment “No, we understand I mean, it happens right?” Jess stuttered out smiling, “Um, we were- yeah we were just leaving so um, y/n if you wanna” Jessica pointed to the car they drove her in asking if she was coming with. “I think I should make sure y/n gets something to eat. If you’d like. I’ll drive you home myself” Edward asked looking right at y/n. She listened to the two girls on each side of her send ‘That’s so thoughtful’ and ‘yeah’s back and forth. “Yeah, yeah I should eat,” Y/n said. “Okay, we’ll see you tomorrow then.” They said. Y/n nodded as they turned around and walked up to the restaurant.
“Alright one mushroom ravioli,” the waiter said as she placed y/n plate down in front of her. “Thank you,” y/n said politely and sent the woman a tight-lipped smile, “yeah no problem,” she said before turning to Edward “So are you sure there’s not anything I can get you?” she asked him with a slight flirt in her tone. Edward glanced at her before settling his eyes back on y/n “No, no thank you” he said with a small smile. “Well let me know,” the woman said as she walked away. Y/n stared at him in wonder, “Are you not gonna eat? I mean I feel kind of weird eating in your face like this.” She said.
Edward huffed out a laugh before replying “No I’m on a um, special diet”. Y/n sighed looking down at her plate of food then back up at him “You gotta give me some answer” she said. “Yes, no, to get to the other side, 1.77245-“ “I don’t wanna know what the square root of pi is,” she said rolling her eyes. “You knew that?” He asked cheekily, y/n squinted her eyes at him. “you knew where I was, how?” She demanded. “I didn’t” he denied. Y/n nodded and began getting up “Alright-“ she said, and for once another emotion what looked to be panic crossed his face “Don’t leave. I-“ he said cutting himself off and letting out a sigh. Y/n sat back down, “were you following me? Did you see me out or something? I need answers,” she said, almost begging him to explain himself, immediately after she asked he spoke “I feel very protective of you,” he said. “So you followed me?” She asked looking away from him for a second before returning his gaze. “I was trying to keep a safe distance in case you needed my help and then I heard what those lowlives were thinking,” he said huffing out a laugh. “Hold on slow down, you heard what they were thinking?” She asked “So you read minds.” She confirmed.
He again huffed out a laugh and began looking around the restaurant “I can read every mind in this room, apart from yours” he said, the last part didn’t come as much of a surprise as the first part, she’d always been told she was hard to read even when her emotions were being laid out on a silver platter for everyone to see. He began looking around the room and saying what everyone was thinking. Until he got to her “And then you, nothing. It’s very frustrating” He said. Y/n nodded taking in the information, “I’ve always been told I’m hard to read, never thought anyone would mean it literally” Y/n said sheepishly. Edward laughed “I just told you I can read minds and that’s what you say?” He asked. “Oddly enough it doesn’t scare me. It’s familiar, I don’t know why” she said softly looking down at her untouched food but Edward heard her. He sighed making her look back up at him “What?” She asked. “I don’t have the strength to stay away from you anymore,” he said, staring into her eyes with an intensity she’d never seen before. “Then don’t” she replied recuperating his stare.
Driving back home was awkward, y/n felt the tension layered on thick. “I think I’m warm enough now,” she said and reached to turn off the heat, coming in contact with his hand who reached to do the same. His hand was cold, and y/n looked at him in wonder as he tensed“you could leave it on if you're still cold?” She suggested, at this, he visibly relaxed letting out a breath. He shook his head “no I’ll be fine it’s just nerves” he said. Y/n nodded not pushing him further as he reached to turn off the heat this time.
“Charlie’s still there can you pull in?” Y/n quietly asked him watching as the flashing lights of police cars passed them and surrounded the police station. “That’s my father’s car on the end,” Edward said softly. He said as he pulled into the parking lot and parked. “What is he doing here?” He asked face etched with confusion as they exited the car. “Carlisle, what’s going on?” He asked his father. “Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place. I just examined the body” Carlisle said. “He’s dead?” Y/n asked in shock. The doctor nodded “How?” She asked. The doctor shared a look with Edward “Animal attack” he said. “The same one that got the security guard down in Mason?” She asked. “Most likely” he answered. “It getting closer to town” “Y/n you should go inside, Waylon was a friend of Charlie’s,” he said. Y/n nodded and turned to Edward, “thanks for dinner and the ride, I’ll see you later” she said and walked into the station.
“Hey,” she greeted Charlie. “Hey,” he replied. After a couple of seconds of silence y/n spoke again. “I’m sorry for your loss,” she said sitting down beside him. “I’ve known him going on 30 years,” he said sadly. Not knowing what to say Y/n placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and he placed his over hers. Suddenly he started looking around “Don’t worry about it we’re gonna catch this thing. In the meantime I want you to carry this with you” he said pulling out a green bottle of pepper spray. Y/n grimaced “I’m not sure you-“ “It’ll give me some peace of mind” he cut her off before she could disagree. She took the bottle “Okay” she said. “Let’s go home,” he said.
@davinashifts333 @lilithskywalker @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads
Okay Ik it took forever for me to upload this but writing for twilight is hard when I’m trying to change up the perspective from Bella and Edward’s dynamic and morph it into my own kind of so let’s not say…
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louisbxne · 11 months
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cece693 · 5 days
Enemy (Edward Cullen x Werewolf GN! Reader)
Summary: Imprinting was supposed to be a good thing, not for you though. Fate seemed to be mocking you by having your imprint be a leech—Edward Cullen, to be more specific.
tags: gender-neutral reader, reader is a werewolf, post-Eclipse, Edward is your imprint, mentions of wanting to be dead, no established relationship
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You were on enemy land, yet you didn’t care. Let them come. Let them do their worst. Maybe it’d be a mercy, a reprieve from the torment you’d been living. The trees around you stretched endlessly, their branches clawing at the sky like the fingers of ghosts, haunting you with every step you took into Cullen's territory.
Imprinting on a vampire—it should’ve been your death sentence. An abomination, they called it. The whispers, the disgusted glares, the sneers from your packmates. Your family wouldn’t even look you in the eye. So, why not wander where you weren't wanted? Why not provoke those you should be avoiding?
A snap of a twig echoed through the forest, and you halted, every muscle tensing. You knew he was there. You always knew. It was a curse, this damn imprinting, a cruel joke from the universe to force you to feel everything for the last person you should.
“Edward,” you spat, the bitterness in your voice impossible to hide. “I know you’re watching me. You may as well come out.” Silence stretched and then he emerged—graceful, quiet, like a shadow having been given a form. His golden eyes were fixed on you with such an intensity, it made your blood boil.
“You shouldn’t be here.” he said, his voice irritatingly soft, like he actually cared about your wellbeing.
A laugh escaped you, the sound harsh and bitter in the stillness. “And where should I be, huh? With my pack? My family?” You took a step toward him, your fists clenching at your sides. “Because let’s be honest, they’d prefer me dead. I imprinted on a vampire, Edward. That makes me as good as a traitor to them.” You forced yourself to meet his gaze, defiance burning in your eyes. “And you—you hate me, too. Don’t pretend you don’t.”
Edward’s expression tightened, but he didn’t break eye contact. That infuriating calm, as if nothing could shake him. It only fueled your anger. “I don’t hate you.” he whispered.
“Oh, don’t lie,” you snapped, shaking your head. “I know you do. How could you not? I broke up your happy little life with Bella, didn’t I? You were supposed to be with her, not be tied to…” You gestured toward yourself with a bitter laugh, “…whatever this is.”
A flicker of something crossed his face—pain, perhaps regret—but it was quickly replaced by his usual composure. “Bella and I were never meant to last,” he said with great honesty in his voice, catching you off guard. “We loved each other, but things changed. We changed. It was my choice to let her go.”
“Your choice?” You scoffed, narrowing your eyes. “Then why are you even here, Edward? Why bother with me? I’m just a mess—your sworn enemy, for crying out loud. If you hate this as much as I do, then do us both a favor and end it.”
He moved so quickly that you barely registered the motion. One second, he was standing a few feet away, the next he was in front of you, his hand gripping your arm with a surprising gentleness that left you frozen. His eyes bored into yours, a fire burning in their depths. “I told you, I don’t hate you,” he repeated, his voice edged with a hint of frustration. “And you’re not a mess, not to me.”
“You’re…” He hesitated, his jaw tightening as he searched for the right words. “You’re my imprint. I didn’t ask for this, nor did you, but here we are. And I…I can’t stand to see you like this. I won’t lie and say it’s easy,” he admitted.
“But that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. We can’t change what happened, but we can try to make something of it. Maybe we start with being friends?"
You barked a laugh, though it was devoid of humor. “Friends,” you echoed, tasting the word like it was foreign. “You think we can be friends?”
“It’s a start,” he said, his voice gentle but firm. “And maybe, in time, it can be more. If we both want it to be.”
The vulnerability in his words caught you off guard. You expected pity, maybe even indifference, but not this—this honest hope that things could be different. You let out a shaky breath, feeling some tension drain from your shoulders. “Alright,” you murmured, the fight leaving you. “Friends…We can try.”
A small, tentative smile crept onto Edward’s lips, and for a moment, warmth spread through your chest, easing some of the ache that had settled there. It wasn’t a solution, not by far, but it was a beginning.
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k-fangirledits · 4 months
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battlescas · 8 months
"Edward, you must get the venom out of Bella while I repair her head wound."
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lunajay33 · 8 months
Destiny Pt.6🐺 (Bonus)
Summary: Paul has just shifted to his new life as a wolf and feels empty without his imprint hoping he finds her soon, y/n just moved to forks to live with her dad and sister Bella and decides to go to the bone fire to make new friends
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It’s been a week since I moved in with Billy and Jake, and I’ve noticed I’ve gotten a bit better, I didn’t have to walk on eggshells and watch everything I do, plus Paul was able to come over all the time, I really loved Billy for allowing me to stay
Paul was laying in my bed as I was decorating the little room with the things I’ve brought over from my old room
I turned around and he was spread out just looking at me
“What?” I smiled as I jumped ontop of him
“You’re just beautiful” he laughed as he held my hips against his lap
“Stop that you know I don’t like all that attention” I said hiding my face in him chest
“Oh yes you do, I see the way you smile and blush after I say something like, how beautiful your eyes are, or the way you scream when you laugh, I know you love it when *I* compliment you” he poked as he rolled me over on the bed
“I suppose you may be right”
“See that’s my girl”
Those words went right to my heart, I can’t believe he’s all mine
“I love you Paul” I said softly as I placed my arms around his shoulders
He was quiet for a while but I could hear a growl or maybe some kind of purrr from his chest
“I’m sorry it’s too early I shouldn’t have…”
“No, I love you too, you’re my everything, my life” he took my hands and placed them against his chest
“You feel that?” The thrumming and warmth enveloping my hands
I nodded excitedly
“That’s my love for you, the love that will never die”
“Oh Paul how did I get so lucky” I said about to cry
For the rest of the evening we were wrapped around each other talking, sleeping, making out until Jake came barging in saying they had to go and patrol
“COME ON PAUL” Jake yelled from the front door
“You can come back here after patrol tonight that’s if you want!!” I smiled
“I’ll definitely see you tonight baby but don’t wait up for me, but I gotta go, love ya” he said running out with the boys all waiting there for him
I stayed up as long as I could before I had to go to sleep exhausted, I pulled on my matching pajama shirt and shorts and tucked myself in
Hours later I heard the front door creaking open and a bunch of rustling around, too tired to get up I just waited till I felt Paul lift the blankets and pull me against his chest
Feeling his worth lul me to sleep
“Night baby” he whispered as I fully feel into the best sleep of my life
The next morning I woke up to the sun shinning in my face, I groaned roling over to be facing Paul
The sun was highlighting all his stunning features, his brown hair, his tan skin
I ran my fingers through his hair as he started to wake up
“Morning my love” I smiled
“How was your sleep with your personal heater?” He laughed
“Good except for the part where someone snores loudly in my ear”
“Hey I was exhausted from patrol give me a break”
“Okay fine just this time” then the phone rang
I ran to the phone wanting to let Jake and Billy rest longer
“Hello Black residence”
“Y/n is that you?”
“Bella? Why are you calling” I said nervous as I felt Paul come behind me and wrap his arms around my waist
“Look im sorry for what i said, we want you back”
“Bella you can’t keep using me as your punching bag when you have problems, I deserve to be happy too, and I’m happy here” I said leaning in closer to Paul
“But Charlie talks about you all the time, you could atleast visit him” she said getting angry
“Well I can call him myself and work it out, I gotta go now” I said hanging up
“You okay?”
“Ya I just can’t get a break with her”
“How about I take you to the woods for the day and show you a good time” he smirked
“I’d love that”
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