#bellaluna darling
huntsvillegossip · 10 months
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Hello lovelies,
First off, I’d like to thank everyone who has volunteered to help with the reconstruction efforts in town. It is in times like these that we get to see the town coming together as one and make the best of things. Sadly, it appears that even in the face of tragedy, the reporting never stops—you all have been quite busy sending information my way to sort through. 
We all are very much aware about Miss Josie Reigh’s antics at the last town event, causing the Garcia brothers to come to blows over her, with my sources telling me that the two have just now become on speaking terms again. It must have been quite rough on the oldest considering he’s about to become a father of what I hear is quite the bunch of babies. For a moment, I was convinced that he had knocked two women up, until Miss Reigh very publicly declared who the father of her child actually is. A warning to the masses: if you decide to go home with Mercy Wainwright, you should know that he may be lying about his sterility, if Miss Reigh’s literal slap to the face is to be believed. Thankfully, it seems her new boytoy was able to reign her in. Her taste in men may be questionable, to say the least, but Gabriel Westfall seems harmless enough. At least the baby is going to the lovely Chris and Emma Winters, which is a much more stable home environment, considering how much family they now have to help support them.
Moving on to another frequent flier in our column, Jessica Sinclair has reportedly set her sights on yet another man, repeatedly spotted being quite cozy with Jerico Leeds. However, it seems the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree considering she appears to have more of her parents’ adulterous ways in her than she likes to advertise. We all know that the eyes of young men have a tendency to wander when a pretty face is involved, but I don’t think that Bellaluna Darling will be too happy with how you seem to be trying to place yourself directly in her man’s line of sight. Jessie, sweetie, he may be nice, but you of all people should know better than to try to steal another girl’s boyfriend.
Not to insinuate that the menfolk are the only ones capable of infidelity, which is a lesson that Hunter Hilton seems to have learned the hard way after only weeks of declaring Valeria Moreno as his girlfriend. The two were spotted at the festival holding hands only to end up arguing about her other bedroom partners which, as we have previously reported, are both varied and plentiful. No official news of a breakup has been reported, but he was seen storming off after their dispute which I can only assume means the two just weren’t meant to be. Especially since we do have reports that Miss Moreno has upgraded one of her other conquests to the role of boyfriend. Congratulations to Cain Barlowe for locking down quite the popular young lady.
However, I did have my doubts that Mr. Hilton and Miss Moreno were even an item to begin with. Word on the street is that the actual heartbreak to report is between him and one Guillermo Reyes. Sadly, Mr. Reyes doesn’t seem to have changed much since high school. Allegedly, he’s dating Eagan Connolly, but based on what the crowd saw Mr. Hilton and Mr. Reyes had quite the explosive breakup at the festival. Apparently, the name Liam Jefferson came up more than once, so it looks like Mr. Hilton just can’t move past that rejection. Although I do have to side with him in this instance. If my boyfriend punched me in public, I would also tell him to fuck off and snap at him that we’re done.
Now, if you think that relationship drama is a young person’s game, I would beg to differ on behalf of our older residents. I was volunteering as usual at the resident home and was told about quite the tiff between Claire Forbes and Phoenix Romero-Sawyer. It seems their friendship ended due to the former’s unreturned feelings for the latter. However, I do think we might need to have our residents' eyes checked, because the Romero that Miss Forbes has been seen with as of late is not our fire captain, but our game warden Mallard Romero. Miss Forbes is teaching us a valuable lesson here: if you can’t have the one that you want, you can always settle for someone who looks just like them.
In lighter news, congratulations are in order to Antonio Estrada Jr and Mylene Karimi! It looks like all that was needed for these two to run off into the sunset together was to leave the Commune, and so we wish them the best in their engagement, and that they continue to enjoy their newfound freedom. They sure do look a lot happier than Sandra Quispe. The poor thing seems so stressed despite the new help around the house.
Finally, while things in Huntsville can never go as expected, I’m sure none of us expected to see movie star Joey Albright step into our small town. The man hardly looks a day over 35, and it appears the reason for his arrival is none other than our very own Hope MacGillivray. Let us all celebrate another happy couple enjoying their engagement. Although the two may want to avoid the local police department if they want to stay happy and engaged.
Lovelies, with all the tragedy in our town, it really is great to see so much love going around. Good luck again to all who are helping with reconstruction efforts and try not to give the Reyes Ortega twins too much trouble. They really are doing the best that they can in that family.
Love, Auntie G.
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exmcrtis · 9 months
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rosalie cullen - twilight shelby merrick - higher ground wanda maximoff - marvel
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ofescapisms · 7 months
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Bite Club Gang:
A little something about the Bite Club, they are a group of (mostly) girls and nbs in their 20s started by Sawyer and Lilith. They all wear matching jackets and have no issues throwing their fists around for the right cause. Sawyer always makes sure they all have working bicycles they can use to get around town as a group. They hang out but also so certain things in the community to help those who need it, for example helping vulnerable people get home before dark, fighting off any creeps from those who can't defend themselves, and making deliveries for the elderly who can't do so themselves.
Sawyer Axton, Lilith Blair, Bellaluna Darling, Izan Castillo, Narcissa Sakamoto, Saffron Aubert, Wren Romero, Georgette Hicks, Nadine Briggs.
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backmaskcd · 1 year
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(Owen Teague) [THE FORSAKEN]. Please welcome [JERICO LEEDS (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [24]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [STOCK WORKER AT FAMILY VIDEO]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. 
Full Name: Jerico Matthew Leeds Birthday: December 8 Age: 25 Hunter or Gatherer: Hunter Sexuality: straight Height: 5'11 Relationship Engaged to Bellaluna Darling
Jerico is the youngest Leeds sibling and, if you ask his mother, the worst thing to ever happen to her.  He was unplanned, as far as the Leeds kids went, and while it was fine at first,  his mother had a particularly hard pregnancy and they both had extensive hospital stays after the boy was born earlier than anticipated, and the family didn’t have a lot of money to begin with.
Being the youngest, his brothers picked on him relentlessly, especially as Jerico only got weird as he got older.  He loves anything weird, morbid or disgusting, finding comforting in horror movies at a young age.
His oldest sister was more of a mother to him than his actual mom was;  he never really had a lot of friends growing up, his tastes a little too out there and eccentric for most people.
Largely ignored, Jerico watched a lot of movies that weren’t age appropriate, and his mind was always full of some morbid or gristly thought;' it just isolated him from people even more. When the Leeds family decided they needed to move shortly before Jerico's fourteenth birthday, he simply opted to stay put. In any other circumstances, that would probably be cause for alarm, but he felt more free without his family anyway - their loss wasn't a huge deal.
The paradox changed everything - but privately, Jerico sort of thought it was for the best. His family had only been gone for a few months, and it was all hands on deck - so he was able to get a job and still feed himself. That's not to say he wasn't afraid of the monsters - he is - but if his family can never come back to Huntsville, he considers that a blessing.
Jerico is awkward and pretty bad with people, and he doesn’t really have anyone else to blame for that but himself; years of resentment built up a wall between him and most everyone else, be it from the rejection he felt from his own family or the way that the kids in high school made him feel for being different. His girlfriend is the only person he really feels understands him, but for his own sake, he is trying to be more social.
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huntsvillehq · 4 months
(Federico Russo) [THE ALOOF]. Please welcome [DAMIANO CLARKE (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [26]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [CARETAKER AT SUNSHINE DAYCARE (2YRS ROOM)]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive
(Diane Guerrero) [THE RUNNER]. Please welcome [SORAYA HUXLY (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [37]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [DELIVERY DRIVER AT HUNTSVILLE SUPPLY WAREHOUSE]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive
(Ty Simpkins) [THE TOWER]. Please welcome [CULLEN DARLING (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [24]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [UNEMPLOYED]. They are looking for [BELLALUNA DARLING] their [TWIN] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. 
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, damiano, soraya, and cullen. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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littlesimwitch-blog · 8 years
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Lucine transformed Luxuvius with much success! After several days of plasma fasting, Lucine decided that it was time for another midnight snack. Draven walked over to Bellaluna with a worried look on his face “Um...have any of you by any chance seen Lux anywhere? I haven’t seen him around in a couple of days now...” Lucine grunted under her breath. Her brows furrowed at the very thought of Draven and Luxuvius’ affair. Lucine closed the book she was reading and walked towards Draven. “Draven, we need to talk,” she said with a saddened voice; a great actress indeed! Draven rubbed his hand gently across his face, staring at her with a slightly annoyed look. “Yeah, sure...but have you seen Luxuvius anywhere?” Lucine closed her eyes and counted to ten. One. two. three. “UGH. No. I haven’t...but after we’re done talking we can look for him, okay? Knowing Lux, he’s probably just hiding out somewhere sleeping off his hangover. Come on, darling...” she grabbed his hand gently, a confused Draven pulled his hand away. “Wait...darling? Hand holding...? I thought you hated me and didn’t want to speak with me?” Lucine rolled her eyes and smiled. “I’ve had a lot of time to think...and now I think it’s time we speak. Shall we?” Lucine pointed to the dining room. “I..sure,” Draven said quietly as they both walked towards the dining room table. Lucine thought to herself “He didn’t even offer to pull out my chair for me...man, he must be somewhere else right now...” Lucine sat down across from Draven and took two glasses off of a silver platter next to her. “Here you are, I figured we’d be here for a while, so, I made us some bubbly!” Lucine smiled and handed Draven his concoction. “Thanks, Lulu,” he said. Lucine’s eye twitched at his little nickname for her. She couldn’t stand hearing it after everything he put her through! “So, here we are,” Draven said. “Yeah, here we are...” was Lucine’s response back to Draven. “I...I should have never splashed you with my drink. I am also very sorry for calling you names and...and...well, making fun of your fang size.” Lucine spoke with a very concerned yet fake tone to her voice. Draven chuckled, “That was a bit...harsh, and childish, but I forgive you. You had every right to be angry with me. I let you down...I said I’d be there for you, but I went behind your back and betrayed you. I was wrong to do so and you were right with your choice of actions.” Lucine interrupted him. “Well then, having said all of that, I hope you accept my apology.” Draven smiled and chuckled once again, “Yes. I do, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me as well?” Lucine dodged the question and lifted her glass in the air “To friendship, and whatever more may come from it!” Draven looked at her, slightly confused and raised his glass with her. “To friendship.”  Draven took a large swig of his drink. “Wow, this is refreshing! What ingredients did you use for this drink?” he said. “Well, if I told you then it wouldn’t be a family secret, now would it?” she smiled, resting her chin in her hand while staring at Draven in a very loving way. “True. Well, my compliments to the chef, Miss Lucine.” Draven put the glass to his lips again and took yet another large swig.  “You’ll have to make this beverage for our dinner parties in the future.” he smiled and took yet another large swig. “It’s truly delicious.” swallowing back the last gulp, he set the glass down on the table and crossed his hand in front of him. “Funny, Luxuvius thought it was disgusting...”Lucine spoke quietly.  Draven perked up, “Did you say Luxuvius? I thought you haven’t heard from him in a couple of days? Where is he? Where’d he go? Did he say?” Lucine interrupted Draven nervously, “No! I uh..I made this drink for him a long time ago, back in college, yeah. College. He uhm....hey, let’s go lay down, shall we?” Lucine stood up and put her hands on his shoulders. “Come on, let’s go...” Draven stood up. It was just then that Draven could feel his vision blurring and his head spun out of control. “Woah. The alcohol really got to me...and f....and fast.” Lucine smiled and grabbed him under his arm, leaning him against her shoulder. “Come on, love. Let’s go...you’ve had too much.” A “drunken” Draven chuckled, “Too much? I’ve only...I’ve only had one....one gl...one glass....you know, maybe I did drin...maybe I did drink too much...too much.”  Lucine “carried” Draven over to her secret door and lead him downstairs. “Where are we? I don’t...I didn’t...I can’t see.” Lucine became frustrated. “Come ON, Draven...we’re headed to the bedroom.” She rubbed her hand against his chest and down to his abdomen. “See? That’s nice, isn’t it?” Lucine leaned over and licked his neck. Draven shivered, “Mmmm...yes ma’am.”  Lucine walked past Luxuvius’ chambers and over to Draven’s. Luxuvius was sleeping up until he heard the cell door of Draven’s room open up loudly. “Lucine, what have you...what are you doing to us?!” Lux yelled out angrily. Lucine ignored him and closed the cell behind her. “There there, Draven. Sleep.” A confused Lucine stepped out of Draven’s cell, locking it behind her while she stared in on him. “Weird...he should have turned back into a human by now...why is this such a slow process for him...?!” she said out loud.  “Well, geez, Lucine...maybe it’s because he is a stronger vampire than us. Did you ever think of that? No, you didn’t because you only think of yourself!” Lux yelled out at her. Lucine turned around, her glowing yellow eyes and her sharp white fangs displayed angrily. “Myself?! MYSELF? Wait - I only think of MYSELF?! You left me at the party with him, a random stranger I only knew for a while...you left me there. Then, when you knew I had finally found somebody that I truly loved, you stole him from me! YOU stole him from ME!” Lucine slowly rose up about three inches off the ground, a faint, purple haze swirled around her. “You took the one thing that mattered to me and took him for yourself, all while I was in the SAME room, asleep!”  Lucine levitated slowly over to Luxuvius’ cell. “Don’t you DARE....tell ME...that I only think of myself.”  Suddenly, a moan came from Draven’s cell. Lucine hovered back down to the floor and turned around. “It’s starting...” she smiled happily and transformed into a bat, flying into his cell and transforming back into her vampire form. “Hello, Draven. How’re you feeling?” Draven looked up at her with an angry expression “What....what have you done to me, Lucine?!” Draven jumped up at her then fell to the floor in pain. “It hurts...everything hurts! What have you done?!”  Lucine stood over him “Does it hurt? Does it? I hope it hurts just as much as my heart did the moment you betrayed our love...and more! You remember that drink? That drink that you enjoyed ever so much? It was a curse vampirism concoction. Took me a long time to figure it out but OH MAN did I perfect it or what? You actually thought I would forgive you for breaking my heart? You thought I’d make you an “apology drink”? What do I have to apologize for? Really?” She glared down at him, her fangs showing more than ever. Draven looked up to her then over to Luxuvius. Shortly after, Draven’s body began shaking just like Luxuvius’ body did right before the transformation. 
Moments went by and then Draven transformed back into a human. When Draven came to, Lucine stepped toward him with a big, happy smile. “You see, Draven? I am not weak and powerless like you may have assumed. I can rise above, as you can clearly see...” Draven interrupted her “Why, Lucine? I understand what I did to you ... I understand it was terrible thing to do...and for that I apologize...but why turn me into a human? How does this benefit you?” Lucine chuckled, stepping even closer to Draven. “You don’t get it yet, do you? You’re in a cell...Lux is in a cell..has been for a few days now, actually. I haven’t left the house in a few days, either. Does it all make sense yet?” Draven shook off his dizziness and coughed. “What, you’re going to bleed me dry? Murder me?  Is that what you’re going to do?” Draven’s voice shook with anger and fear. “No, my love...I could never murder somebody...you...you and Lux are now my pets. My blood bags. You get it now? You’ll stay down here forever and supply me with delicious, sweet, warm blood. I will never go hungry again and I will do this to any vampire or human that ever wrongs me again.Huh! You know...maybe I could start a business! Lucine’s Plasma Pit Stop Shoppe. How’s that sound? Too long, huh? Hmm, how about The Plasma Pit! Hmm..Drinking dungeon? No, no. Ugh! I’m so bad with names. We’ll figure it out. Anywho, I’m stalling...time for a little snack!” Draven stepped backward and yelled “HELP! LUNA! MOIRA HELP!!” Lucine laughed loudly and mocked Draven. “Yes, LUNA MOIRA HELP ME PLEASE! Hah! They can’t hear you... now... calm down, my love...” Lucine stepped towards Draven and put him under her trance, biting down onto his neck and took in her fill. “Mmm, yes, yes...” Draven started to struggle, upsetting Lucine. “THE MORE YOU STRUGGLE THE MORE IT’LL HURT. I don’t want to hurt you, my love...” Lucine lifted Draven into the air and set him back down again,  suckling on his neck again, enjoying every minute. 
After her feeding, Lucine wiped her lips and set him back down on the floor. His body went limp as he lay in a temporary blood loss coma. “Thank you, my love. You’re sweeter than I ever imagined.” Lucine leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Good night.” Lucine few out of the prison cell and stood at the bottom of the staircase, staring back at Luxuvius.  Luxuvius leaned against the wall and slid down into a sitting position, resting himself on the floor. “You won’t get away with this...Lucine...” Lucine smiled back at Luxuvius and giggled. “Looks like I already have...” Lucine winked and walked up the stairs where she slammed the door behind her and turned off the dungeon lights. 
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huntsvillehq · 1 year
(danielle rose russell) [THE WANDERER]. Please welcome [BELLALUNA ‘BELLA’ DARLING (SHE/THEY)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [23]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [CASHIER AT FAMILY VIDEO]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. (rachael)
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, bellaluna. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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