#mylene karimi
huntsvillegossip · 10 months
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Hello lovelies,
First off, I’d like to thank everyone who has volunteered to help with the reconstruction efforts in town. It is in times like these that we get to see the town coming together as one and make the best of things. Sadly, it appears that even in the face of tragedy, the reporting never stops—you all have been quite busy sending information my way to sort through. 
We all are very much aware about Miss Josie Reigh’s antics at the last town event, causing the Garcia brothers to come to blows over her, with my sources telling me that the two have just now become on speaking terms again. It must have been quite rough on the oldest considering he’s about to become a father of what I hear is quite the bunch of babies. For a moment, I was convinced that he had knocked two women up, until Miss Reigh very publicly declared who the father of her child actually is. A warning to the masses: if you decide to go home with Mercy Wainwright, you should know that he may be lying about his sterility, if Miss Reigh’s literal slap to the face is to be believed. Thankfully, it seems her new boytoy was able to reign her in. Her taste in men may be questionable, to say the least, but Gabriel Westfall seems harmless enough. At least the baby is going to the lovely Chris and Emma Winters, which is a much more stable home environment, considering how much family they now have to help support them.
Moving on to another frequent flier in our column, Jessica Sinclair has reportedly set her sights on yet another man, repeatedly spotted being quite cozy with Jerico Leeds. However, it seems the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree considering she appears to have more of her parents’ adulterous ways in her than she likes to advertise. We all know that the eyes of young men have a tendency to wander when a pretty face is involved, but I don’t think that Bellaluna Darling will be too happy with how you seem to be trying to place yourself directly in her man’s line of sight. Jessie, sweetie, he may be nice, but you of all people should know better than to try to steal another girl’s boyfriend.
Not to insinuate that the menfolk are the only ones capable of infidelity, which is a lesson that Hunter Hilton seems to have learned the hard way after only weeks of declaring Valeria Moreno as his girlfriend. The two were spotted at the festival holding hands only to end up arguing about her other bedroom partners which, as we have previously reported, are both varied and plentiful. No official news of a breakup has been reported, but he was seen storming off after their dispute which I can only assume means the two just weren’t meant to be. Especially since we do have reports that Miss Moreno has upgraded one of her other conquests to the role of boyfriend. Congratulations to Cain Barlowe for locking down quite the popular young lady.
However, I did have my doubts that Mr. Hilton and Miss Moreno were even an item to begin with. Word on the street is that the actual heartbreak to report is between him and one Guillermo Reyes. Sadly, Mr. Reyes doesn’t seem to have changed much since high school. Allegedly, he’s dating Eagan Connolly, but based on what the crowd saw Mr. Hilton and Mr. Reyes had quite the explosive breakup at the festival. Apparently, the name Liam Jefferson came up more than once, so it looks like Mr. Hilton just can’t move past that rejection. Although I do have to side with him in this instance. If my boyfriend punched me in public, I would also tell him to fuck off and snap at him that we’re done.
Now, if you think that relationship drama is a young person’s game, I would beg to differ on behalf of our older residents. I was volunteering as usual at the resident home and was told about quite the tiff between Claire Forbes and Phoenix Romero-Sawyer. It seems their friendship ended due to the former’s unreturned feelings for the latter. However, I do think we might need to have our residents' eyes checked, because the Romero that Miss Forbes has been seen with as of late is not our fire captain, but our game warden Mallard Romero. Miss Forbes is teaching us a valuable lesson here: if you can’t have the one that you want, you can always settle for someone who looks just like them.
In lighter news, congratulations are in order to Antonio Estrada Jr and Mylene Karimi! It looks like all that was needed for these two to run off into the sunset together was to leave the Commune, and so we wish them the best in their engagement, and that they continue to enjoy their newfound freedom. They sure do look a lot happier than Sandra Quispe. The poor thing seems so stressed despite the new help around the house.
Finally, while things in Huntsville can never go as expected, I’m sure none of us expected to see movie star Joey Albright step into our small town. The man hardly looks a day over 35, and it appears the reason for his arrival is none other than our very own Hope MacGillivray. Let us all celebrate another happy couple enjoying their engagement. Although the two may want to avoid the local police department if they want to stay happy and engaged.
Lovelies, with all the tragedy in our town, it really is great to see so much love going around. Good luck again to all who are helping with reconstruction efforts and try not to give the Reyes Ortega twins too much trouble. They really are doing the best that they can in that family.
Love, Auntie G.
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huntsvillehq · 11 months
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on october 31st, it started as a rumble: a low sound deep within the earth. the telephone poles and street signs began to sway. the ground shifted and opened up: a jagged split down the middle of main street, three feet wide and fifty feet long, revealing a black void beneath.
buildings cracked and crumbled. the huntsville bank lost a third of it's structure; the shelves in the library toppled and crashed into each other; pete's garage collapsed completely; the playground in the park slid to an angle.
the earthquake destroyed all the booths and stalls for the festival. a fire broke out in one of the haunted houses. a pipe burst, spraying the street with water. destruction and devastation reigned down upon main street.
it lasted a total of five minutes before the ground and dust settled and people were able to take stock of what just happened. Mayor Natasha rounded up the police and fire departments, sending them on a search and rescue to ensure everyone was recovered in some form or another and to put out the fires and check that every door with a protection rune remained intact.
shock and horror gained traction over the course of the next several hours, as reports came in. three individuals were killed and dozens were injured. Sunflower Parsons was declared missing, as her body was not recovered and no one could remember where they saw her last.
the list of deaths were posted the next morning: Minnie Garcia, Sammie Thompson, and Zoë Clark.
(below the cut are the people who were injured in alphabetical order. the muns can determine how severe the injuries are, up to and including loss of limb/disability. due to the nature of the disaster, those not listed can still have minor cuts and bruises. the event concludes on nov 11th, at which time no new event threads may be posted and we catch up to the ooc present. you will still be allowed to continue event threads until completion.)
Alessandra Nuwa Chen
Alexa Cruz-Dutton (10)
Andrew Richardson
Andy Flowers
Avery Cowling
Bowie Bardot
Briana Ryan
Calloway de la Luna
Claire Forbes
Cain Barlowe
Daishiro Takahashi
Daisy Theirry
DJ Cruz-Dutton
Domino Otto
Eagan Connolly
Edgar Wayne
Eldon Harcourt
Emma “Em” Dunford
Falco Romero
Halley MacGillivray
James Goldstein
Jane Doe
Jay Romero-Sawyer (15)
Jerico Leeds
Katarina “Rini” Roberts
Liam Jefferson
Lin Xiu
Mallard “Duck” Romero
Mylene “Myles” Karimi
Natalie Gray
Penelope “Penny” Lane
Peter “Rusty” Craven
Saffron Aubert
Salem Salazar
Sandra Quispe
Scout Garcia
Sicilia “Lia” Flowers
Spencer Holmes
Reggie Alson
Ricardo “Ric” Reider
Rosemary Felton
Valeria “Val” Moreno
Victoire “Vic” Dubois
Ward Langston
Wolf Lykaios
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ofescapisms · 9 months
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Mylene Karimi as: Rapunzel, Belle, Stephanie Brown
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ambercast · 1 year
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where: the huntsville library who: mylene karimi ( @ofescapisms )
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Camille finished up with her StoryTime Hour and went to clean up the area, not minding helping out after everything the library's staff had done for her. She looked up as Mylene approached with an armful of books. "Do you need help putting those away? I'm finished up here, so I have the time."
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lxvenderhxzehv · 8 months
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(Rose Byrne) [THE CON ARTIST] Please welcome [Mallory Clarke (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [47]-year-old [Visitor] who lives in [Town]. You may see them around working as a [unemployed]. They are looking for [Mylene Karimi] their [Daughter] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. (Pixie, 25, she/her, EST)
Name: Mallory Clarke Nicknames: Lori Age/DOB: 47 August 21st, 1975 Gender: cis-female She/her Sexual Orientation: Panxexual Personality type: The con artist Relationship status: single Occupation: Unemployed Destination: In Town Role: undecided Family: Daughter (Mylene Karimi)
growing up being the only child of a casino performer Mallory is very much her mothers daughter. While she didn't follow in her mothers footsteps in the entertainment industry she did stay in the casino scene as a cocktail waitress. The moment she was able to work she was on the floor. Usually being asked by some rich well to do man with too much money for his own good. She become an escort/sugar baby on the side to make a little extra money. Most of the men she met would shower her in jewelry and lavish gifts. Things he own mother became jealous of. Her mother began asking her for things for herself. Mallory did for as long as she could until it go to be too much for her and he mother got greedy. So Mallory went out on her own. Asking one of her many men to provide her with a place to stay
When she found out she was pregnant with Mylene she was out of a job for the 9 months she was pregnant. once she was born she kept Myles tucked away and hidden from the world so the men she was entertaining would never learn of the child she had. None of them would want that kind of baggage. Mallory started stealing from the men she slept with and entertained. which put her and her daughter in jeopardy
When Mallory came home to find the place a wreck, a few jewels missing along with Myles she figured it was for the best. it wasn't until one of the men she knew came bargaining in accused her of stealing millions of jewelry from his wife's things and if she didn't get by a certain time she was a good as dead. So she set out to find her daughter, of course she took her own sweet time tracking her down thanks to the rental car she got.
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demichq · 2 years
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morgan koval ( same account as mylene karimi )
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valdezhqs · 2 years
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welcome to boulder city tasha! please send in your account within 24 hours or the face claim maddison jaizani will be reopened. also please complete the checklist.  
{Maddison Jaizani ; cis female; she/her} hey isn’t that MYLENE KARIMI? the 28 year old HYBRID is known to be UPLIFTING and SARCASTIC. they have been in BOULDER CITY for ONE WEEK and always remind me of a runaway teen, the hype girl friend, choosing books over sleep, smiling to hide the pain. will they still believe what they’ve been told all their life? tasha, 29, est, she/her, n/a.
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darkesthourrpg · 3 years
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Please unfollow:
Cecilia Wellworth (Mumu Blog)
Mylene Karimi (Mumu Blog)
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huntsvillegossip · 1 year
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Hello Lovelies ~~
Well, let's give a big cheer to the wonderful electricians for fixing the power around here. It makes it so much easier to be able to work. These hands aren’t what they used to be, and trying to write up everything on pen and paper really did make it feel like we were living in medieval times. That being said, you all have been finding some very creative ways of keeping yourselves busy and entertained this past summer. 
It seems the Commune is very much struggling currently. We’ve all heard about poor Mr. Abernathy, which is a tragedy for all, and he will be very much missed. However, it seems there have been cracks in the foundation of that house long before this. Antonio Estrada Jr has been removed from his position as secondary leader of the house. Why this could be is anyone’s guess, though it has been shared he is also leaving the house altogether, alongside Mylene Karimi. Two long-time members leaving during such a somber time does put into question how well things are at the Commune. Is it possible Sunflower’s increased strictness could be doing more harm than good? So much for one big, happy family.  
There is also the matter of how well those two will adjust back into town life - especially for Antonio. Poor Mylene may well have to be the main breadwinner for those two. Once again, my sources tell me that Theodore Collins was brought up in regards to Antonio’s removal as second-in-command, since those two just can’t seem to settle down. Whether their grudge may escalate now that he’s no longer at the Commune remains to be seen.
Although speaking of Mr. Collins, he has been quite the social butterfly, seen once again cozying up with our very own Officer Morgan Vovk. Bit of an odd time to continue flirting with a taken woman who's trying to rebuild her family, if you ask me. But to each their own, I suppose. Who knows? Maybe Officer Vovk would prefer a younger man nowadays?
With no power it seems others have had the same idea of meeting up in the late hours of the night. Zoë Clarke has been spotted quite a few times now leaving Axel Addams’s house in the early mornings. Now I know she loves to conduct her own interviews, but it is highly doubtful the two are doing much talking during these meetups, don’t you think? If I may provide one piece of advice for the possible new couple: make sure to clarify how exclusive you are. Communication seems to be a pressing issue lately in this town. 
On a final, happier note, we do have to congratulate our Principal Christoper Winters and Miss Emma Dunford on starting a family. While Josie Reigh seems to have continued her wild adventures, it seems she is learning the hard way that actions do, in fact, have consequences. Thankfully, the two have graciously agreed to take the future bundle of joy from her when the time comes. A wise decision in my opinion, the two are much more capable of raising a child. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to go enjoy some much needed AC. Although please try not to let things cool down too much around here. I’m always happy to provide a listening ear to you all. Love, Auntie G. 
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huntsvillehq · 8 months
(Rose Byrne) [THE CON ARTIST] Please welcome [Mallory Clarke (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [47]-year-old [Visitor] who lives in [Town]. You may see them around working as a [unemployed]. They are looking for [Mylene Karimi] their [Daughter] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. (Pixie, 25, she/her, EST) (SHHHHH DON’t look at me)
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, mallory. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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ofescapisms · 1 year
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(Maddison Jaizani) [THE CREDULOUS]. Please welcome [MYLENE KARIMI (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [27]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Background (emotional abuse tw) :
DOB March 2
Mylene was born in Las Vegas to a single mom who got pregnant after a one night stand, and the woman quickly realized she had zero interest in being a mother.
Myles grew up very secluded. Her mother had a variety of cons she used on men in order to keep living a lavish lifestyle, and although she had no interest in her daughter, she still felt possessive of the girl and always made sure Mylene knew she was completely dependent on her mother.
Technically, she was homeschooled. But in reality Mylene did her best to teach herself and be her own parent since she had none she could rely on. She never had the chance to make friends her age because her mother's constant criticisms and emotional abuse made her too shy and unsure of herself to approach others.
She became passionate for books, using them as an escape from her misery. She became a dreamer, often sitting at home just making up a better life for herself in her head.
When she was seventeen, Mylene finally got the courage to escape her mother after finding her birth certificate hidden away in her mother's things. She saw her father's name for the first time, and started planning to run off when she turned 18 and going on a mission to find him.
The day she turned 18, she grabbed a handful of expensive jewelry her mother loved and ran off while her mother was out. She pawned off the jewelry and used the money to buy as cheap a car as she could find, then set off to find her father.
She had never heard of Huntsville before, but she had to pass through the national forest on her trip and wound up at the fork in the road, having to take the path to the town she then would never leave.
It all felt like a strange story she would read about in a book rather than her actual life, but she slowly accepted that she had to stay in town. From the moment she arrived, she used her father's surname instead of the one she grew up with, the one bright side of all this was she was sure to never see her mother now.
As someone who had spent a lifetime craving family, she was easily drawn to the commune and once she started working at the library, she truly felt a sense of peace she had never known before.
Facts/connection ideas:
Mylene is a Gatherer
She can be shy but is always warm and welcoming, so I would love to have some close connections within the commune!
Myles doesn't quite understand the rules keeping her away from people from town, and is the type to want to befriend everyone she can. Because of this, I'd love some connections with people from town that she might have to keep on the down low to not get in trouble with the commune.
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ofescapisms · 1 year
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Mylene Karimi Fashion
Myles’ approach to fashion is basically either 90s vibes or simple dresses she can make or tailor herself with cardigans she can also knit. She loves a romantic shape and is a big fan of layering so that her clothes can be worn as many months of the year as possible.
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ofescapisms · 1 year
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Mylene Karimi Playlist
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huntsvillehq · 7 months
(Anthony Keyvan) [the Confidant]. Please welcome [Kaveh del Rosario (he/him)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [21]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [Stylist at Best Cuts]. They are looking for [Mylene Karimi] their [Half-Sibling] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
(Chelsea Clark) [the Karmic]. Please welcome [Nadine Briggs (she/her)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [23]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [server at Sammie’s Place]. They are looking for [Leia Tolentino] their [Cousin] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
(Emma Myers) [the Ball of Sunshine]. Please welcome [Poppy Hastings (she/they)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [21]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [Unemployed]. They are looking for [Connor Hastings] their [Half-Brother] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. (it is i)
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, kaveh, nadine, and poppy. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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huntsvillehq · 1 year
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Please follow Mylene Karimi.
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huntsvillehq · 1 year
(Maddison Jaizani) [THE CREDULOUS]. Please welcome [MYLENE KARIMI (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [27]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. (Natasha, 29, she/her, est )
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, mylene. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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