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* happier series ( part i, part ii )
* pull the trigger bell series ( part i, part ii )
* i can’t be someone im not anymore series (au) ( part i, part ii )
* erase the pain  ( one shot )
* ill wait for you ( one shot )
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toomanyfandomssss · 3 years
His Girl - Six
He had sat back against the cave wall when the girl spoke up again. "Can you tell me a story to help me fall asleep?"
He thought for a moment before replying, "Like what?"
"Tell me how you met Violet."
Bellamy smiled at the mention her name. "Violet?" he questioned. Charlotte nodded for him to start. "We met a year and a half before Octavia was caught."
Violet Kane stood against the wall of the Ark as she watched families collect their rations. She always felt guilty for being the daughter of Marcus Kane; a member of the counsel and second in command to the chancellor. She felt guilty because she knew she never had to worry about going hungry. She felt guilty that she couldn't do anything to help the poor families that had to go without because they weren't high enough on the hierarchy to be given the same amount of care as she was. Until, she had an idea.
Every time Violet had received her rations she'd give them to a family in need. She knew that the plan wasn't foolproof as she would need some of those rations to survive, but she had only kept as much as her body needed to survive.
Sometimes, Violet  would take extras to give out. Not too often considering if she has gotten caught she'd be arrested.
As she watched each person grab their set of rations, a certain person caught her eye. A tall brunette boy was standing in line and he seemed to be nervous. His face showed it all. That, and he kept looking around while clenching and unclenching his hands. She kept her eyes on him as he watched the guards hand out rations. When it was is turn he seemed like he wanted to say something to the guard but decided against it. The whole ordeal confused Violet.
After everyone had collected their rations and the guards dispersed, Violet had snuck into the room where all the extra rations were stored. She once again managed to take an extra so she could leave it for someone who needed it. The only question is who would it be this time.
Walking through the Ark Violet had come across the boy from earlier. She had decided to be nosy and follow him. Eventually he had stopped at what she assumed was his room on the Ark. As he went to open the door a dark haired woman came out. Violet hid behind a corner.
"Did you get it?" the woman asked frantically.
"No." the boy replied sheepishly.
"Why not?" she reprimanded him.
"I just wasn't able to mom." the boy replied harshly, pushing past her into the room. The boys mom followed after him, yelling things Violet couldn't make out from where she was.
When the door closed she waited a few minutes before walking up to it and placing the extra rations she had taken in front of it. She knocked on the door before quickly bolting down the hall to her room.
From then on, the extra rations Violet has taken managed to always end up in front of that same room.
One day, when she has set the rations down at the door she heard a deep voice behind her.
"So you're the one who's been leaving the rations."
She gasped as she turned around. When their eyes connected she felt world shift. He was sure he stopped breathing.
"Um yeah, I'm.. sorry."
He laughed, "Why the hell are you sorry sweetheart?"  "You have no idea how much you have helped me." He held his hand out, "I'm Bellamy."
She smiled, making his heart skip. "Violet."
Next chapter will be longer
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finnsgrin · 3 years
Period Pain - Bellamy Blake
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Bellamy Blake x reader
From my Wattpad: inanoncriminalwayy
GIF: bellamyblake
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Word count: 2,345
Published: September 24, 2021
TW: Menstruation, blood, mentions of nausea, some sexist comments, cursing
Spoilers: None
A/N: I wrote this for my lovely friend who is dealing with a rough period. I love you, C, and I hope you feel better🥺 Here is some Bellamy fluff for you! Also, I didn't proof read this, so, sorry for any mistakes!
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Punching the number code into the keypad, you grumble to yourself as Murphys words ring in your head.
"God, why are girls even allowed on the scouting team? They're always too busy checking their hair. Why don't even need guns to fight off the grounders. We have (Y/N) here to scare them off. Is it just me, or is she crazier than usual today?" Murphys sexist comment was delivered with a smirk.
It probably didn't help your case that in response to Murphys asshole comment, you lunged at him, and hit him hard in the face with your elbow.
"IS THAT CRAZY ENOUGH FOR YOU MURPHY, IS IT?!?!" You had screamed at him.
You would have done some significant damage if Lincoln and Miller hadn't pried you off of Murphy.
"See what I mean? Crazy bitch." Murphy mumbled that last part under his breath, and it was a good thing Lincoln and Miller had both of your arms pinned behind your back, or you would have attacked him again.
"Murphy, enough!" Kane had hissed. He was head of the scouting group today, and it was too damn early for any of this nonsense.
"Murphy, you're on latrine duty." Kane continued, snatching the walkie talkie from Murphys hands.
"What?! That's so not fair!" He retaliated.
"What's wrong, Murphy? Not man enough to do it?" Harper smirked from her post, and Murphy shot her a death glare.
Murphy was still sulking as he walked out of the room, and you breathed a silent sigh of relief that he was gone.
You had to admit, Murphy had some balls saying something like that. Todays scouting group consisted of you, Miller, Lincoln, Monroe, Harper, and Octavia. Any one of you could easily take Murphy on. In fact, Harper had beat him in a sparring match just last night. What drove him to say such a thing was beyond you, but, Murphy usually never thinks before he speaks, so, It didn't entirely shock you.
What you had even done to warrant such a comment was beyond you. You had barely spoken two words to anyone that morning. Your guess was that Murphy was just talking to hear himself.
"(Y/N), you're off too. I want you to go back to your quarters, and get some rest." Kane continued.
The two men let go of you, and you shook your head quickly.
"Sir, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I promise, I-"
Kane cut off your apology by holding up his hand.
"(Y/L/N), you're a good kid. I've never had any troubles with you before. Honestly, Murphy had it coming. He's said one too many misogynistic comments. I'm not allowed to punch kids, so, thanks for doing it for me." Kane gave you a small smile, and everyone in the room let out a laugh.
"So, if I'm not in trouble, why are you kicking me out?" You questioned, confused.
"You're pale as hell, (Y/N)." Miller answered for Kane, and Kane nodded in agreement.
"I feel fine." You said.
Okay, that was a lie. You felt like complete garbage. You were nauseous, and achy, and your skin was cold and clammy.
"Seriously, go get some rest. We'll have someone else take over for you." Kane extended his hand to you, beckoning you to hand over your walkie talkie.
You sighed, disappointed that you were missing out on todays scouting mission, but, admittedly, also kind of relieved that you could just go lay down and take a nap.
Everyone shot you looks of pity as you exited the room. You loved scouting missions, and everyone knew it. This was the first time you would ever missed one.
On your walk back to your dorm, you spotted Jackson, who gave you a friendly smile.
"Hey, (Y/N)! I thought you were on a scout?" The doctor took a moment out of his busy schedule to converse with you.
You sighed heavily, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you fought off an approaching headache.
"I was, until they sent me away. Said I looked sick." You used air quotations on the last two words, rolling your eyes.
"I'm gonna be honest. From a medical professionals point of view, you look like hell, (Y/N)." Jackson rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Gee, thanks. Is that your official diagnosis?" You scoffed.
"Just being honest. Come to medical if you start to feel any worse. Drink lots of fluids." Jackson gave you a quick pat on the back as he hurried off to help an injured man who was being carried in.
Your footsteps feel heavy, and you sway a bit to the side. Maybe it was a good thing you were being sent home.
Your boyfriend, Bellamy, was working with Clarke, Abby, and Monty today as they discussed the plans of rationing, and you were grateful he wasn't in your shared room to see you in such a state. He had so much to worry about, and you didn't want to add any stress to his plate.
When you enter your room, you kick off your hunting boots that were just a little too tight. It felt good to have your sore feet be free.
Your queen sized bed that you share with Bellamy is still a mess from the hurry you two were in this morning to get to work. You curl onto Bellamys side of the bed, breathing in his comforting scent of gun powder, and pine.
A deep ache resignates in your abdomen, and you groan, flipping onto your side and curling in the fetal position. Maybe you were catching the nasty stomach bug that was going around Arkadia.
You sigh as the pain eases, and close your eyes as you fall asleep.
When you awake, your mouth is dry, and the pain is worse. You remember Jacksons advice on staying hydrated, and sit up to get a glass of water.
You feel wet and sticky, and you wonder if you had sweat through a fever. You groan, and stretch. The clock on the wall says it's 12:15. You've been asleep for almost four hours. Bellamy sometimes comes back to your room for lunch, and you two talk about your day so far.
When you stretch, you feel something warm tricked down your leg, and you freeze in your tracks.
"Shit." You curse as you look down.
Your eyes are met with a dark trail of blood running down to the floor.
You whip around, and gasp when you see the giant blood stain on the white sheets. Bellamy could NOT see this.
You begin tearing the the blankets and pillows off of the mattress, your heart pounding as more blood pools at your feet.
The door gives a beep as it is unlocked and opened. It's too late to remake the bed.
Bellamy walks in, two plates of lunch balancing on his arm. Today, it's mashed turnips, and boiled deer meat.
He smiles as he walks in, but his face falls as he's met with your panicked expression, and the bloody bed sheets.
"Babe, what happened, are you okay?" He quickly sets the food on the desk in the corner of your room, and makes his way to you.
"I-" Before you can even say anything else, tears begin to uncontrollably fall from your eyes, and you break down into sobs.
Of COURSE it's your period.
On the Ark, people with periods were given a shot every three months to stop their period, as the Ark was incapable of providing pads and tampons to everyone. Sometimes, if they were low on the vaccine, you were given menstrual cups, but, in all honesty, that rarely happened.
Now that you were on the ground, there was no way to make the medicine, and Mount Weather had been blown up last week, so those with a uterus were being hit hard and fast with their period.
"Oh, princess." Bellamy took you into his arms, holding you close, and rubbing your back in a comforting manner.
"I'm - I'm sorry. I'll - I'll clean it up." Your words were broken as your emotions ran rampant. You were in pain, and felt sick, and you were so embarrassed.
"No, no, don't even worry about it. You go get in the shower. We'll have some cuddles when you get out. Does that sound nice?" Bellamy whispered in your ear, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
You pulled back, shocked by his words.
"You forget I helped raise my sister for 15 years." Bellamy chuckled as he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"I picked up some soap and put it in there last night. Take your time." His eyes were kind, and he wiped away your tears with his thumb.
"Thank you, Bell." You whisper.
If you had the energy in you, probably would have burst into tears again right then and there.
The walk to the shower is short. It's only a few feet away, but drops of blood still litter the floor.
You turn on the water, and wait for it to heat up.
As you strip, you almost pass out from the amount of blood in your pants.
Seriously, there was probably enough blood there to heal a dozen mountain men from radiation poisoning.
You take a deep breath in an attempt to control your nausea, and step into the shower. The water feels nice as you let it run over your body, cleaning you of sweat and blood.
The comments from earlier this morning make sense now. Looking pale, the mood swings, the dizziness...
You wash yourself with the soap Bellamy had brought home, and turn up the heat of the water in a desperate attempt to soothe your contracting muscles.
You were in the shower for maybe 10 minutes, just trying to wash away the grossness you were feeling, when you hear a knock at the door.
"Babe, can I come in?" You hear Bellamy on the other side.
"Yeah." Your voice is small, and you hear the door open.
The sliding glass door to the shower is fogged up from the heat of the water, but you can make out Bellamys clothed figure in the doorway.
"I put your pajamas by the fire outside so they could be a little warm. There's also some thick cloth, and clothes pins you can use to make sure you don't bleed through anything." Bellamy sets your clothes on the toilet seat.
"Thank you." You whisper.
Bellamy gives you a smile, a nod, and closes the door.
You stay under the hot water as long as you can until it manually shuts off. There's only so much heating the Ark can power.
You frown as the water turns off abruptly, and quickly dry off before blood can start flowing again.
The cloth and clothespins pinned to your underwear aren't very comfortable, but they're better than nothing, and it gives you some peace of mind knowing that you won't bleed onto the sheets again... hopefully.
The pajamas Bellamy set out for you are a pair of dark sleep shorts, and one of Bellamys shirts.
The warm clothes feel lovely against your skin, and you smile at the small act of kindness your boyfriend thought of for you.
You make sure your soiled pants are in the dirty laundry hamper before you exit the bathroom.
Bellamy isn't in his usual work clothes which consists of a bullet proof vest, and dark pants, and thick and heavy boots. He's wearing a pair of boxers, and an old tee shirt.
"I took the rest of day off of work so I can help take care of you." Bellamy explained before you could speak.
You give a small smile, and cross over to the bed where he's laying on. The sheets are fresh and clean, but he's laid a black towel on your side just incase of any accidents.
"That's sweet, Bell, but you didn't have to do that." You smile, and plop down next to him.
He immediately takes you into his arms, holding you close to his muscular chest.
"Octavia told me what happened today. How you freaked out at Murphy."
You open your mouth again, ready to defend your actions.
"I'm not gonna scold you. The shit probably deserved it." Bellamy chuckled.
You smiled, curling in deeper to his chest.
You liked how nothing was ever too serious with Bell. He didn't pressure you to talk when it wasn't serious.
A sudden wave of pain overtakes your entire body, and you flinch, a small scream protruding from your lips.
"Babe, babe, are you okay?" Bellamys eyes are flooded with worry, as you clench your eyes shit, your face contorted into pure pain.
You curl tightly into a ball, and your hands instinctively go to your stomach, where you wish you could rip out your uterus right then and there.
Bellamy sees where your hands are, and he takes his hands to replace yours. His hands are large, and warm. He gently lifts up your shirt, and begins to massage at the tense muscles  contracting beneath your skin.
"Jesus, babe." He whispers as you whimper at the contact.
"It hurts, Bell." You groan, tears rolling down your cheeks and into your ears.
Bellamys heart breaks at the sight of you. The girl he loves in pain. He would take it all from you in a heartbeat.
"Do you want me to tell you a story?" Bellamy speaks softly as he runs away at a knot in your stomach.
You nod, feeling a little sleepy. The hot shower relaxed your body, and stories always help relax your mind, especially when Bellamy tells them. His voice is just so soothing.
You nod, yawning.
Bellamy begins to tell a story about Aphrodite. He loves telling you stories about the goddess of beauty, because she reminds him so much of you.
You slowly lull off to sleep as Bellamys hands massage away your cramps, and his voice soothes away all of your worries.
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Parings: Bellamy Blake x gn!reader (season 3)
Summary: After Bellamy returns from the Grounder Army massacre, tensions start to form between Bellamy and Y/N. (also i’m not very good at summaries, so i apologize.)
Warnings: mild language, mentions of murder, minor mention of vomit (not significant enough to put a warning, but just in case) CHARLES PIKE
Word Count: 822
As soon as the gates to Arkadia open, your eyes lock with his. Bellamy and Pike walk side by side with the rest of the small group behind them. Bellamy’s face is set in a passive expression. You try to read him but he’s not giving you much to go off of. Pike steps forward looking over the small crowd that has gathered in front of the gates.
“Everybody, listen up. Less than 24 hours ago you elected me as your Chancellor. Every action I’ve taken since and every action I will take will be to achieve one sacred goal. The creation of a self-sustaining, prosperous, and safe Arkadia.” You lock eyes with Octavia, the both of you disgusted with Pike.
“This morning on a muddy field,” You feel a small amount of bile starting to creep up your throat as you hear Pike say what you were dreading. “Our people paid tribute to those who have been taken from us by sending a message to the Grounders. This land is ours now!”
Everybody cheers around you and you can’t even make yourself look at Bellamy.
“Resist, and you will be met by force. Fight, and you will be greeted by death. Today is a new beginning. Mark it down, remember it, just like the Grounders will remember it!” Pike finishes with the ghost of a smile on his face. The crowd cheers once more and you search for Bellamy, desperately hoping he had nothing to do with the massacre of the Grounder army. Instead you watch him follow Pike with an unreadable expression.
You slowly make your back to your quarters that you share with Bellamy. It’s been about two hours since you watched him leave to meet with Pike. You’re about to go search for him when you see the door knob slowly turning. Shortly after Bellamy comes in looking exhausted. Once he sees you his expression morphs into a blank one.
He clears his throat. “Hey,” He begins softly before you cut him off.
“Do you have any idea about what you’ve done?” You ask him sharply. He turns away from you and sits beginning to take his boots off. You let out a huff of air before you continue, “Please tell me you had nothing to do with what went down there?” You say your voice barely above a whisper. He gazes up at you and you can see the conflict on his face. You slowly breathe out and sit on the small bed in the corner of the room.
He stands and heads towards the small bathroom in your quarters turning on the shower. Bellamy discards his shirt and you see many bruises and cuts littering his body. You grab the mini med kit from your backpack and gesture for Bellamy to follow you into the bathroom. You quickly clean his wounds making sure that none of them will get infected. Once you're finished you leave the bathroom leaving Bellamy to take a shower.
You’re not sure how long you were sitting on your shared bed, but you decide not too long because you hear the water turn off. Shortly after you see Bellamy come out fully dressed. He sits beside you but doesn’t say anything. A few minutes go by before you decide to break the silence.
“Why?” Is all you say for now. Bellamy looks at you contemplating his thoughts. “You and the others murdered an army that was sent to protect us.” You state trying to make sense of it.
“That ‘army’ could have attacked us at any given moment.” Bellamy says defensively.
“Don’t you realize that if an army wasn’t going to attack us then, Lexa will certainly send one to wipe us out now.” You explain trying to get him to see his mistake.
“Pike has a plan.” Bellamy says slowly.
“Don’t tell me that you trust that asshole now.” You say condescendingly. He doesn’t say anything. “Bellamy, he’s a power hungry, egotistical dickhead.” You shift your position so you’re looking Bellamy in the eyes.
“I’m just saying, maybe Pike’s right?” He says. “I mean all of our problems have been caused by the Grounders.” Bellamy finishes.
“What about Lincoln?” You question trying to get Bellamy to see some sense.
“I don’t mean Lincoln.” He says sharply.
“Then what?” You ask. “It’s not like we aren’t a part of the problem too.” You finish. Bellamy stays silent staring at the metal floor. Looking like the conversation is over for now you stand up heading to the door.
“Where are you going.” Bellamy questions confused. You pick up your small pack from the floor.
“I’ll room with Raven tonight.” You say quickly. He just looks at you without protesting. You take that as your cue to leave. Heading out the door, you quickly turn around before calling out “I love you.” You don’t stick around to hear his response.
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blake-bellamyblake · 6 years
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Imagine: bellamy trying to be subtle when checking you out.
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multiimaginewriter · 6 years
currently writing for
the 100 : 
All characters 
harry potter : 
Golden en marauders era 
riverdale :
All characters 
anne with an e : 
All characters. 
to all the boys i've loved before : 
Peter Kavinsky and Josh Sanderson.
marvel  : 
Peter Parker 
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dreamerbellamy · 7 years
Character: Bellamy Blake
Based on this prompt: “It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.”
  “Oh god.”
It’s 3am on a frosty Sunday morning in November when a cab pulls up outside the Blake residence and the light from the car’s headlights causes Bellamy’s to look up from the book on Ancient Roman Art and Architecture (leisure reading for someone with a Ph.D in History) and frown deeply at the sight just outside the window.
Lincoln, his sister’s long-term boyfriend, seemed to be ushering a heard of drunk idiots up the pathway to his front door. Bellamy counted as they walked - seven. Lincoln, Miller, Monty, Jasper, Octavia, Raven and you. Bellamy takes his bookmark and places it in the book on the page he was on before putting the book on the table, stands, and then walks to the front door to let the drunkards in.
“People will have to sleep on the floor.” Bellamy says without so much as a greeting whilst Lincoln half-drags Octavia and Raven into the house.
“Don’t be dramatic.” Lincoln replies. He sounds sober, which doesn’t surprise Bellamy. It takes a lot to get Lincoln drunk.
“I assume you’ll be sleeping in O’s bed,” Bellamy says as the rest of the gang stumble through the door, Jasper giggling uncontrollably while Miller looks like he’s seen death. “that leaves five people and three couches.”
“Let Jasper sleep in your bed with you.” Lincoln suggests, looking over to Jasper who was giggling so much that he couldn’t breathe and started coughing. Bellamy grimaces.
“Sure. That’s gonna happen.” Bellamy drawls, turning away in the direction of his bedroom. Lincoln grunts.
“Then take y/n, she’s reasonably chill for a drunk.”
“I can still hear you, you know.” You reply from your seat on the floor with Monty in a monotone that Lincoln and Bellamy completely ignore. “And I’m not drunk, I had less than you.” You point out, but Lincoln only shrugs. He has a high tolerance.
“You can’t make someone sleep on the floor, Bellamy. And she’ll be the quietest and most behaved.” Lincoln argues.
“Or you could be a gentleman and give me the bed.” You smirk at Bellamy. “I know you have a sleeping bag somewhere around here….” You add, causing Bellamy to stare you down, glaring.
“It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed. Just this once.” He finally replies before turning to Lincoln. “But I’ll only take her if you get up early to make the breakfast tomorrow.” Bellamy bargains with his sister’s boyfriend, giving him a look of irritation before eyeing you. Having been Octavia’s best friend for the past four years, Bellamy was familiar with drunk you and knew that you were tipsy but not drunk and would probably just want to sleep without causing a fuss or throwing up. Looking at Jasper, who was now coughing hard, he thinks at least he wasn’t dealing with a sloppy drunk.
“Deal.” Lincoln shrugs, unaffected by the condition. He walks over to you and helps you up, and when you’re on your feet Bellamy is already gone to his bedroom. Saying your goodnights to your friends as you walk out of the room you make your way to Bellamy’s bedroom, the biggest of the rooms and in your opinion the most relaxing and inviting, despite the owner.
Bellamy’s rummaging through the drawers of his nightstand when you enter the room, he pulls out a few things and inspects them before finally flinging one on the bed and throwing the rest in the drawer.
“You can wear that tonight.” Bellamy states, nodding toward the old Led Zeppelin shirt he’d put on the bed. “With my body heat and the covers you’ll be warm enough.” He adds, when you raise an eyebrow at it.
“Cool.” You shrug, taking the shirt and retreating to the en suite bathroom to change. Once you put on the (too big) shirt you return to the bedroom to find Bellamy already under the covers, lying with his bare arms above the covers. He was shirtless, you could see from his naked shoulders that he was. But you didn’t let it faze you as you walked over to the bed, pulled back the covers and got in. Bellamy reaches over and turns off his bedside lamp, the room descending into darkness.
“It’s freezing.” You state, shoulders shivering now that the heat of the alcohol in your system has worn off.
“You’ll heat up.” Bellamy replies, his tone indifferent.
“Bellamy.” You say, looking at him pointedly. Your best friend’s big brother sighs, knowing very well that you hated the cold.
“Mhm. Come here, you wimp. I’ll warm ya up.” Bellamy suggests, opening his arms for you to cuddle into him.
“You naked?”
“Of course not, idiot.”
“Just being cautious.” You smirk, scooting over and pressing your body against his as you place your head on his chest. In the silence you can hear his heartbeat clearly and become momentarily mesmerised by the sound. You’d never been this up close and personal with Bellamy before.
“Don’t act like you wouldn’t love it.” Bellamy replies sarcastically, rolling his eyes softly as he settles in the bed before his whole body relaxes and he closes his eyes.
“Can’t deny that.” You reply in a similarly teasing tone. Bellamy’s chest vibrates with a chuckle. “You know, for all the complaining you do about me, I think you love me really.” You tell him matter-of-factly.
“Oh, really?” He replies, an air of amusement mixed with curiosity in his voice. “Why do ya think that?”
“Well, who else would you let share your bed?” You question in a confident tone.
“Lincoln. He’s an amazing big spoon.” The man lying next to you answers dreamily, causing you to giggle into his chest.
“You’re so into him. I’m telling Octavia.” You tease, causing Bellamy to let out a small gruff laugh.
“Like hell you will.” He replies with a sly grin as he gently pinches your side, making you jump and giggle. You lightly smack his chest in return before cuddling into him further. The atmosphere was unexpectedly comfortable laying in bed with Bellamy, who you’re only so much as given a quick hug to before on his birthday- but you both knew that you cared about each other more than you let on for the past few years.
“You asleep?” Bellamy mumbles a few minutes later as you drift in and out of consciousness. Too tired to reply, you simply lay resting your head on his chest as your breathing starts to even out and you’re closer and closer to sleep.
“Goodnight, you dork.” Bellamy says in a sweet tone, leaning over to kiss your head lightly. And then you’re asleep.
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adoringalycia-blog · 8 years
Imagine Bellamy being distracted by you walking by.
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“Bellamy, are you listening to me?” Clarke asked Bellamy, who was clearly being distracted by something completely else - and not in a very subtle way.
“Huh, yes, of course..”
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Pull The Trigger Bell (Bellamy Blake imagine x reader)
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WARNINGS: death, sad 
You couldn't have ever dreamt or thought this moment would happen. Bellamy Blake stood in front of you, stopping you from moving while the gun in his hand was pointed towards your chest where your heartbeat picked up every time he inched towards the trigger with his finger, your arms raised. You didn't know this Bellamy, you didn't know what to say.
"Don't make me do this" Silence had suffocated the two of you for too long for him to blame this all on you, it didn't make sense.
"No one is making you do this, Bellamy" Your heartbeat felt like it was beating out of your chest, the sweat beads growing in population on your forehead as stress took over your body, would he pull the trigger.
"I have an order to kill any grounder on sight. No exceptions" His eyes weren't the usual mocha colour, instead they were almost dead like a light brown but almost faded, his lips wore a scowl as he looked at you in disgust. Like you had never met before. "What happened to you"
"Reality hit, and I realised who the real enemy was. Standing right in front of me, breathing the same air" He grew closer until his gun laid on your chest, but you didn't make any effort to rip it out of his hands, you didn't believe he would do it, well, you hoped.
"I didn't kill three hundred of your people" His face dropped slightly at the horrible memory but his stance only became tenser and his face darker, you placed your hands on his instead of ripping the gun from his hands which he was ready for you to do, you lifted it, bringing the gun to your forehead, between your eyes. His heart plummeted several levels, he couldn't do it.
"If you're so sure that I'm the enemy, pull the trigger Bell" His eyes glistened in the sunlight, as tears formed in his eyes, his stance dropping before he regained himself as his eyes travelled down the barrel until his eyes laid on yours. Tears falling freely down your cheeks, biting your lip to stop the sobs from escaping your lips.
But your mind went blank when you heard the gun click, the safety was on. His eyes widened until you brought your fist to his face, knocking him to the ground. His gun flying out his hands, which you quickly retrieved this time his arms were up in the air as an act of surrender but you weren't having remorse for him. "You were really going to kill me"
It's almost like he lost his voice, hell, he lost the right to even look at you as his eyes locked towards the ground, not wanting to see the tears falling from your eyes. "Nothing to say huh? Now you have nothing to say!"
"If you're going to kill me get it over with" his voice rough, it surprised you
"Even if I have a burning hatred for you and I could never look at you the same. I'm no killer," you pulled out the cartridge out of the gun, making sure all the bullets were gone before throwing it off and tossing the gun back to him as you backed away, hoping you could find somewhere to stay because you weren't staying here with him.
"I hope you get better and become yourself again" Your voice began to get quieter as you backed away from his crouched figure on the ground, his eyes still not meeting yours. "Because I will never love a killer" They finally meet yours before you turn and run, you run like hell. Like it's the only thing you can do until you find the peace you would keep running until you were a safe distance from Bellamy Blake
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finnsgrin · 3 years
Bellamy Blake - “What are you smiling about?”
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Bellamy Blake x reader
From my Wattpad: inanoncriminalwayy
GIF: nomattertheoceans
Bellamy Blake | "What are smiling about?"
Word Count: 2,138
Published on: Friday, November 13th 2020 (Happy Friday the 13th!)
TW: None
Summary: After Jasper is speared by the Grounders, Bellamy takes you on a walk, to calm you down, proving he's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be. Bellamy fluff!!
A/N: I know that when the acid fog came, Bellamy got stuck in the cave but for the sake of the story just pretend he made it back to camp:) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
"(Y/N), you need to relax." Monty Green, one of your best friends laid his hand on your shoulder as you both stood in the top level of the dropship where Jasper lay, dying.
"Relax? Monty, he's dying." You hissed between clenched teeth.
You knew you weren't helping the situation. In fact, you were making it worse, and you didn't deny it. Monty was just trying to remain as his positive upbeat self.
"He's my friend, too, (Y/N). But worrying about this isn't going to make things any better." Monty replied with a clenched jaw, and tears in his eyes, clearly getting frustrated now.
You sighed, upset that, once again, Monty was right.
Although your constant fretting released some of the fear and anxiety that had built up inside you the last 48 hours, it wasn't a healthy way to express your emotions.
Even if it felt really good punching John Murphy in the face when he threatened to kill Jasper.
"You should go outside. Take a breather." A deep voice spoke from behind you.
Bellamy Blake stood in his stolen guards uniform, his face sporting streaks of dirt, and a concerned frown.
You scowled, appalled by the very idea of it.
"What, so you can kill him? Get it over with? One less mouth to feed? No chance in hell. I'm staying right here." You seethed at the older boy, and crossed your arms over your chest.
Bellamy raised his eyebrows, and, dare say a SMIRK tugged at his lips?
He quickly composed himself, and cleared his throat, speaking through chapped lips.
"I told you. No one is killing anyone." Bellamy spoke.
You just laughed, and jabbed your hand in the direction of the ladder where Murphy had nearly succeeded in climbing up, and killing Jasper.
"Yeah? I might believe you if not an hour ago Murphy hadn't been two strides away from slitting Jaspers throat." You seethed.
"I wasn't here. I was out in the fog with Charlotte, I had no control over Murphy or anyone here." Bellamy retorted.
"Will you both shut up?!" Monty hissed, taking both you and Bellamy by surprise. It wasn't often that anyone saw Monty get upset at anyone.
"(Y/N), you need to get outside. It isn't good for you to be in here. The fog has passed. Bellamy will go with you. I'll stay here with Jasper and lock the hatch." The poor Green boy massaged his temples, fending away an approaching migraine.
But this offer still wasn't good enough.
"He'll try and take my bracelet off, Monty. We can't trust - ."
A shiny glisten caught your eye, and you leaped back once you realized that Bellamy had pulled a knife from his boot.
You were prepared to attack, but frowned in confusion when he extended the weapon to you.
"Take it." He spoke.
You blinked, unsure.
Bellamy gave an impatient sigh, and gently placed the knife in your hand.
"That's my only knife. I'm not gonna try and take your bracelet." He explained.
You gripped the knife tightly, and turned to Monty.
"Check him." You nodded towards Bellamy who stood with a dumb founded expression.
"(Y/N) - ."
"Check him, Monty, now." You repeated.
Monty sighed, and turned to Bellamy, who had his eyebrows raised.
Monty gestured for Bellamy to put out his arms to the side so he could pat him down.
Bellamy let out a dry laugh, but allowed Monty to awkwardly pat him down.
"This is ridiculous." Bellamy grumbled.
"You'd do the same if it were Octavia laying there." You reminded him.
Bellamy became quiet, and the energy in the room grew more awkward by the minute.
"He's clear." Monty sighed, turning to you.
"Satisfied?" Bellamy grumbled.
You just rolled your eyes, and walked over to Jasper, whose breathing had become more slow and shallow by the minute.
You brushed away his long shaggy bangs which had become stuck to his forehead with sweat.
Your eyes, frantic with worry met Montys.
"He'll be fine, (Y/N). I'm not gonna let anything happen to him." Monty gently reassured you.
You nodded, and placed a gentle kiss on Jaspers forehand.
"I'll be back soon." You whispered.
You made Bellamy go down the hatch first, and then did a quick sweep around the room to make sure no one was hiding waiting to pounce on Jasper.
"Be safe." Monty whispered.
You gave a curt nod, and climbed down the ladder, holding the knife in your teeth, and making sure to hear the barricade being placed in front of the hatch so no one could get up to Jasper.
"You gave the crazy bitch a knife?" Murphy stood from his seat, and approached Bellamy, his jaw taut.
"Unless you want to be punched in the face again, Murphy, I suggest you shut the hell up." You growled.
Murphy blinked, and took a step away from you.
Bellamy pressed his lips tightly together, suppressing a laugh.
"Let's go." Bellamy cleared his throat, and walked out of the dropship.
You walked a few hundred feet from camp, still in earshot of the loud delinquents building the wall.
Spending your whole life trapped in space, you would think that the ground would be the dream. And, it was.
For a while.
The air didn't taste as sweet as it did two days ago. Maybe the poison fog that just passed had something to do with the air quality, but it just wasn't the same. In fact, you doubted it would ever be the same.
Jaspers moans of agony replayed in your mind like a broken record, and no matter how far you strayed from the dropship, you couldn't shake the feeling that he was calling for you.
"Did you hear something?" Bellamy frowned at you as you repeatedly checked over your shoulder.
You shook your head, and sighed.
"No, sorry. I just keep thinking that I hear... nevermind."
You quickened your pace, and Bellamy jogged up to you.
"Hey," He placed a hand on your shoulder, and offered you a kind smile.
"Your boyfriend is gonna be just fine. Clarke and the others will be back with the poultice soon, and-."
"Wait, wait, what did you just say?" You interrupted him.
Bellamy raised his eyebrows, confused.
"That Clarke and the others will be back soon?" He repeated the last part of his sentence.
"No, no. You called Jasper my boyfriend." You chuckled.
"Is he not?" Bellamy asked.
You laughed for the first time in days.
"No! Jasper is like my brother. So is Monty. I can't believe that... wait, does everyone think we're dating?" You questioned him.
Bellamy looked at you for a second, and shook his head.
"No, no... I was just... I just thought you two... forget it." Bellamy waved his hand and dismissed his explanation.
"That's like me accusing you of dating..."  You frowned, trying to think of someone you had noticed Bellamy spend a lot of time around.
"Of dating who?" Bellamy pressed, gently nudging your arm.
You sighed.
"I don't know. There isn't a girl down here who you haven't slept with. Besides Octavia and Clarke. And Octavia would be illegal." You smirked.
"I haven't slept with you." Bellamy winked.
You opened your mouth, words failing.
"You're gross!" You shoved him to the side, as he laughed.
You walked for a few more minutes before you turned and noticed Bellamy occasionally glancing at you and smiling.
"What are you smiling about?"  You raised an eyebrow.
Bellamy shrugged nonchalantly and fixed his eyes ahead of him.
"You're kind of pretty when you don't have a stick shoved up your ass." Bellamy said.
"Is-is that supposed to be a compliment, orrrr?" You laughed.
Bellamy turned back to look at you, and gave you a second wink.
"Whatever the hell you want it to be."
You rolled your eyes, your cheeks involuntary turning a light shade of scarlet.
"We should probably head back." Bellamy noted.
It's true. You were pretty far from camp. But, truth be told, you were enjoying the quiet. And, Bellamy wasn't too bad of company.
"Can we stay here? Just a little while longer?" Your tone turned out to be a lot more childish than you wanted it to be, but after Bellamy checked over his shoulders a few times, he agreed.
You both sat down at the base of a tree trunk. Your worries were back now in full swing, and you wished you had something to take your mind off of Jasper.
"You're right. I would be acting the same way as you." Bellamy broke the silence.
"What?" You asked, confused.
He hesitated.
"Back at the dropship. You told me I would be acting as suspicious as you were if it were Octavia, and, you're right," His voice dropped to a whisper, and you craned your neck to hear him.
"I know how you're feeling, (Y/N)." He continued, turning to face you.
"What do you mean?" You pressed gently. Surely Bellamy couldn't understand the true terror of watching someone you love and care for so much in so much agony. Not being able to do anything. Nothing like this.
Bellamy hesitated once more.
"Hey. You can tell me." You placed your hand on top of his, and felt him relax.
"When Octavia was little, she got sick. Really sick. We couldn't do anything - my mom and I. If anyone found out about Octavia..."
His words were carried away by a gentle breeze.
"Anyway, she got better, obviously. But I remember. I remember feeling so scared, and so helpless, and... I just want you to know that you're not alone." Bellamy cleared his throat, and moved his hand away from yours.
"We should get back." He stood up, and brushed some dirt from off of his pants.
You nodded, feeling confused. A half an hour ago, you didn't want to leave the dropship, and now, you didn't want to go back.
The trek back was silent to say the least. No playful banter. No flirty winks or remarks.
Once the camp was in sight, something felt off.
It was too quiet.
Yes, campers were being loud and boisterous, and Murphy was busy ordering everyone around, but there was something missing.
No groaning Jasper.
"You okay?" Bellamy frowned, concerned.
You shook your head, your throat growing tight.
"Jasper... what if he's..."
Bellamy looked at the ground, struggling for words of comfort.
Although he had assured you that Jasper was going to be okay, he knew that it was more possible of him dying than surviving.
"You won't have to face it alone." He answered.
You nodded, taking a deep breath and walking into camp.
Your legs were shaking, and it felt like another wave of fog had rolled in affecting your thoughts, your vision, your breathing...
"(Y/N!)!" Finn ran from the dropship to you.
"You're back!" You exclaimed.
Finn nodded, and smiled.
"Jasper... is he..."
"He's asking for you." Finns words startled you. But it was a good startle.
Your face broke into a huge grin, and you turned to Bellamy who looked down kindly at you.
"Go on." Bellamy nodded towards the dropship.
You broke into a run, and scurried up the ladder where Jasper was laying, awake.
"Glad to see you're not a fellow shishkabob." He slurred.
"Jasper!" You took his hand, and held it close to your heart, happy tears streaming down your face.
You stayed with Jasper until it grew dark, and left him to rest.
You were sharing a tent with a girl named Harper, and you were exhausted. The last two days had been sleepless, since you had been worrying so much about Jasper.
You were just a few feet away from your shelter, when you remembered the knife Bellamy had given you.
You made a quick detour, and stood outside of Bellamys tent awkwardly trying to figure out how to make your presence known. Maybe he wasn't even in there.
"Can I help you?" A deep voice sounded from behind you, startling you.
You placed a hand over your pounding heart, and laughed once.
"I just - I just wanted to return this to you." You extended Bellamys knife back to him, and he took it.
You nodded, standing there for a few more seconds before deciding to walk away.
"(Y/N)?" Bellamy stopped you.
"I'm glad Jasper is okay."
Your lips curled up into a smile.
"Yeah, me too."
You both stood for a few more seconds, before Bellamy cleared his throat.
"Well... goodnight." He said to you.
You nodded, walking to your tent.
Today wasn't all that bad.
First, you got to punch John Murphy in the face with no consequences, next, your best friend was going to make it, and last, Bellamy Blake wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be.
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finnsgrin · 3 years
Bellamy Blake Preference - You’re Deaf
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Bellamy Blake x reader
From my Wattpad: inanoncriminalwayy
GIF: noorawinter
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Word count: 528
Published: July 26, 2020
TW: Deafness, anxiety, panic attack
Spoilers: None
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bellamy Blake
Confused was an understatement. Terrified was a better use of words. Of course, everyone else screamed as you were hurled from the sky and onto the ground. The only difference was that they knew what was happening, and you didn't.
Mary was your translator. She had been your entire life up until your imprisonment. Even then, she was there to sign for you when the guards spoke from underneath their masks and you couldn't read their lips. But right now, you had no translator. Just the cold realization that you were about to die.
Although you couldn't tell how loud you were screaming, you could tell it was loud, because your throat began to burn.
Zero-G was upon you, and a few rebellious teenagers unbuckled their harnesses and ventured out to swim in the air.
A boy sat across from you in a guard uniform. Conversation had probably taken place as to why he was even here in the first place, but unless someone signed it out, wrote it down, or spoke slowly, you would never understand what had happened.
The boy snapped in your face, bringing your attention to his lips, which were moving rapidly.
Tears streamed down your face as your breath hitched in your throat.
He spoke again, a frown on his face this time.
Shaking your head, you pointed to your ears.
Are you deaf? He asked.
You nodded.
His brown eyes were full of pity. That was always the case.
He turned to the girl who was next to him, and asked her something.
The girl shook her head, looking at you.
The boy suddenly waved his hands in the air, and seemed to shout.
You caught the words on his lips.
Does anybody know sign language?
All heads around you shook from side to side, and your stomach dropped.
Sign language was hard enough to learn. How will you learn when your instructor is deaf?
The boy snapped his fingers again, and he wore a look of determination on his face.
Can you understand me? He asked.
You nodded.
His lips twitched up into a smile.
Okay, good. What's your name? He asked.
You started to sign out your name, but stopped when confusion swept across his freckled face. You blushed as you remembered that he didn't understand.
His smile was kind as he spoke to you again.
That's alright. I'll figure it out. I'm Bellamy. Bellamy Blake. We're going to earth right now.
Earth? Earth hadn't been survivable for almost 100 years!
Your hands instinctively began to move, signing out your questions, but you stopped, frustrated. So you did the only thing you could do that could convey the proper emotion you were feeling right now.
You cried.
Your cheeks flooded with heat and salty tears trailed into your mouth. You began to wail loudly, and every single head turned to look at you. But you didn't care.
Bellamy's hands were now on your knees, and he softly pulled your fingers from your face which were busy wiping away tears. You struggled to read his lips through the veil of tears.
Hey, hey, it's okay. We're going to be okay. We'll figure this out. I won't let you be alone.
Although you couldn't hear him, you could tell that his words were spoken in a voice full of authority and truth.
And, you believed him.
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finnsgrin · 3 years
Bellamy Blake - “Isn’t this what you wanted?” Part 2
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Bellamy Blake x reader
From my Wattpad: inanoncriminalwayy
GIF: heartbellamy
Word Count: 1,875
Published on: Friday, November 20, 2020
TW: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: S3
A/N: Much requested by my sister, who claimed that the ending of the first part was a cliffhanger. Enjoy. Also, I understand that Miller wasn't with Pike, but I forgot he wasn't when I wrote this, so for the sake of the story just pretend he is apjppsoeods
Part 1
Bellamy Blake
"Isn't this what you wanted?" Part 2
As if things couldn't get any worse, the moment you got to Harpers door, you remembered that she was out on a supply run with Octavia, leaving her door locked, and you stranded in the hallway with tears in your eyes.
"Damn." You cursed as you racked your brain for the key code.
"Need some help?" A familiar voice sounded behind you.
Monty stood in a guards uniform, the bulletproof material looking strange on him. Never in a million years would you have envisioned him in the guard. Let alone the bad part of the guard.
Anger swelled in you, and although you knew that Monty didn't directly take a role in Lincoln's murder, you still resented him for playing the part and sticking at his Moms side when he knew it was wrong.
"You here to kill me too?" You set down your bag, and stared him straight in the eyes.
Although he was at least a foot taller than you, he still backed up, and pity glistened in his eyes.
"(Y/N), I didn't mean to - ."
"You could have talked some sense into them, Monty!"
"I didn't have a choice!" Monty hissed.
You shook your head, picking up your bag with your few belongings.
"There's always a choice." You whispered as you made your way away from him before you did something you would regret.
Maybe with Kane or Abby as Chancellor, the rules would be different.
Scratch that.
They would definitely be different.
Curfew was 9 pm for every citizen of the Ark, excluding the guard, of course. If you were caught out after curfew, no matter the reason, you were shocklashed if you were over the age of 16.
This new rule, including the shorted curfew, and the extensive punishment were mandated by Pike.
Your eyes scoured the walls of the corridors for a clock, but they were empty. You could tell that curfew was approaching, because little to no people were in the halls, and those who were, were hurrying back to their assigned quarters.
Even if you turned back now, there was no guarantee that Harper was back yet, and there was no way in hell you were going back to your room with Bellamy.
In fact, maybe you would stay out in the halls on purpose. Maybe this would result in you getting shocklashed, and Bellamy would finally open his eyes.
Maybe Bellamy would even be the one to do it to you.
"Weren't you arrested in the first place for being out past curfew?"
Jasper startled you as he spoke, leaning against the frame of his door, bottle of moonshine in hand.
You eyed him.
"Weren't you arrested for stealing booze?" You sneered.
He only laughed, his words becoming more slurred as he downed another gulp of his drink.
"Weed, actually. And if it wasn't for... Monty. Neither of us would have been sent down here in the first place."
It was strange what all could change in the span of a few months.
Jasper and Monty used to be inseparable. They were practically brothers. No one could tear them apart.
But now, Jasper spoke Montys name with venom.
"Aren't you due back at the castle with the King?" Jasper waved his drink at the direction, referring to Bellamy.
"I-." Your words were cut short as Nathan Miller rounded the corner. His eyes widened as soon as he caught sight of the both of you.
"Are you trying to get yourselves killed?" He seethed, his eyes darting to the left and the right, breathing a silent sigh of relief as he came to the conclusion that he was the only guard in sight.
Jasper lowered his drink, scrunched up his nose, and appeared to be thinking hard.
"Is this a rhetorical question?" He mused.
Miller turned red in the face.
"I'm not joking around, Jasper. You're lucky it was me who found you, and not Hannah." Miller hissed, clearly not in a joking mood.
Jasper only rolled his eyes.
"Even if you do kill me, what would I end up losing?" Jasper took another drink.
"If you keep talking suicidal, you're gonna end up losing your booze." Miller said.
Jasper seemed to sober up at those words.
"Well, goodnight then." Jasper turned, but Miller stopped him.
"I can't let (Y/N) roam free, Jasper. She's gonna have to stay here tonight." Miller explained.
Jasper shrugged.
"Fine. But I'm not sharing any of my moonshine." He slurred as he walked into his flat.
Millers wrist watched beeped, indicating that it was 9 pm, curfew.
"Hey, I can stop by your dorm and let Bellamy know that-."
"You can leave, is what you can do." You sneered.
Miller blinked, startled by your use of words.
Before he could say anything to this, Hannah Green rounded the corner, and raised her eyebrows at the sight of you, God forbid, two  inches outside of a dorm 1 minute past curfew.
Once she saw that you were talking to Miller, she sighed.
"I can let this slide, but just this once." She gave you a curt nod.
"Oh, will you?" You gave a mock squeal of gratitude, your smile sarcastic.
Hannah frowned.
"I don't like your tone, young lady." She said, her jaw taut.
"And I don't like your face, you power hungry bitch." You jeered.
Hannah gave a gasp of shock, and pulled out a notepad and pen from her pockets.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to write you up." She said.
You only laughed.
"For what? I didn't threaten you. I'm not even within slapping distance of you."
Her face grew a deep shade of scarlet.
"Is that a threat?" She spoke firmly.
"Do you want it to be?" You move forward, but Millers hands stopped you as he placed them firmly on your shoulders.
"(Y/N), enough," He pleaded, really not in the mood to arrest his friend tonight.
Hannah took a look at the door number of Jaspers dorm, and cleared her throat. Everyone knew Jaspers number. Everyone on the Ark had guided him home at least once when he was too drunk to walk properly.
"I'm going to let this go. I will assume that you are helping Jasper. But if you speak to me like that ever again, you can expect a night in lockup." Hannah held her nose high in the air as she strutted away.
As soon as she was out of earshot, Miller lit into you.
"Are you stupid, (Y/N)?" He hissed.
"Are YOU stupid, Miller? You know what you're doing is wrong." You jeered.
Miller was not in the mood for anymore arguing tonight, so he just let out a defeated sigh, and massaged his temples.
"Have a goodnight, (Y/N)." He spoke softly as he walked away.
Bellamy was a mess. He reread the letter that was left for him over and over again until his eyes ached, and his heart couldn't take it anymore.
It had been hours, and he felt like a complete ass for letting you be gone this long.
Even if he went out into the halls without his guard uniform, he knew without a doubt that he wouldn't get in any trouble, being a member of the guard and all.
He opened the door, but before he left, he took the letter that you left him, and folded it neatly into a square so he could carry it with him in his pocket.
It felt strange not walking with you. Almost as if the silence was too loud.
He nearly ran into Monty as he booked it through the halls and around the corner.
"Bellamy, what's wrong? Why was (Y/N) at Harpers door crying?" Monty wondered.
"She's at Harpers?" Bellamys felt a weight lifted off of his shoulders. You were safe.
Monty shook his head.
"No, no. Harper wasn't home. I-I don't know where she is." Monty stuttered.
Bellamy took no more time in conversing, and continued to jog.
"Bellamy? What are you doing out? It's past midnight." Hannah stopped him, a smile on her face.
"My- my..."
What was he even supposed to call you now?
"(Y/N), (Y/L/N), have you seen her?" His voiced cracked pitifully at the end of his sentence.
Hannah's eyes softened.
"I was down at Jasper Jordan's place when curfew started. She was there." Hannah explained, pointing in the direction of which you were.
"Thank you." He nodded gratefully.
It would make sense that you were with Jasper.
Next to Harper, Jasper was your best friend. And you both had something to bond over.
The fact that someone you loved and cared for was killed by someone you loved and trusted...
How much deeper could a bond get?
When he got to Jaspers, the door was cracked open.
Bellamy frowned, and gave a knock.
"(Y/N)?" He loudly announced his arrival.
A groan could be be heard from inside.
A half asleep, not even ten percent conscious Jasper stumbled to the door.
"What do you want?" He growled.
"Jasper, I need to see (Y/N)." Bellamy pleaded.
Jasper moved out of the way, too exhausted for anymore conversing. He gestured widly to the couch in which you had been sleeping on no more than two hours ago.
But you weren't there.
In your place, was yet another note, announcing your departure to the woods where you planned to run away and live a life with Trikru, where you could be free.
All of the blood drained from Bellamys face, and he patted his pockets, cursing when he remembered he wasn't wearing his uniform and didn't have his walkie talkies.
He shoved this note hastily in his pocket, and sprinted out of the room, out into the entrance of Arkadia, where the night air was cool, and the lights bright.
He panicked, swiveling around frantically trying to imagine which direction you would go.
He caught sight of you a few hundred yards outside of the fence.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" He screamed.
You turned around, his name almost passing your lips.
The sound of a gunshot answered him.
The crickets ceased their chirps, and time itself seemed to stand still as Bellamy watched your body crumble to the ground.
The watchman who had shot you realized his mistake as soon as he heard Bellamy scream.
That wasn't a Grounder.
Guards moved out past the gate, to examine the corpse.
They say you move faster when your adrenaline is pumping.
But Bellamy couldn't move fast enough.
"Don't touch her! Don't touch her!" Bellamy cried as a guard bent over to pick you up.
Your face was forever frozen. Your eyes wide with regret and heartache. Your lips beginning to form Bellamys name.
Bellamy let out a wail. It was a familiar wail.
It was the sound Raven made when she watched Finn die.
It was the sound Octavia made when she watched Lincoln die.
But this wail was different in a few ways.
It was full of more regret.
More sorrow.
As Bellamy held your bleeding body in his arms, the paper of the notes you had left crinkled in his pockets.
Both of them goodbye notes.
And Bellamy whispered the words he never got to say.
"It's you. I choose you."
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blake-bellamyblake · 6 years
Imagine: Bellamy watching you flirt with Murphy
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" y/n what are you doing?"
"are you doing this to try make me jealous"
"No bell I'm moving on, you broke up with me remember?"
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finnsgrin · 3 years
Bellamy Blake - “Isn’t this what you wanted?” Part 1
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Bellamy Blake x reader
From my Wattpad: inanoncriminalwayy
GIF: kris-lulu
Word Count: 928
Published on: August 26, 2020
TW: None
Spoilers: S3
Bellamy Blake
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” Part 1
With shaking hands, you scooped up your few belongings that currently resided in your shared flat with your boyfriend of three years, Bellamy Blake, and stuffed them in the tattered beige crossbody you had swiped at Mount Weather. Your mind scrambled itself as you unraveled your next move.
What would you do? Where would you go? It's not like you could just hop on a plane and fly to the other side of the country, like people used to do in the old books and films that were read and shown back up on the Ark in space. You were stuck in Arkadia.
Taking a moment to collect yourself, you gazed around the room and the memories that lingered.
The threshold of the sliding door where Bellamy carried you over the first day you were assigned your living quarters.
The small desk wedged in the corner where you sat sorting through papers and working on Ark files. Bellamy would often attack you with tickles when you got too stressed out.
The queen sized bed where the both of you shared intimate moments. Where laughs, and tears, and secrets were exchanged...
You fell to your knees, picking up one of Bellamys pajama shirts which he had carelessly tossed onto the floor this morning. You inhaled deeply, savoring the lingering scent of pine, and gun powder that you oh so adored...
Your shoulders began to tremble with sobs, and regaining the ability to stand on your own seemed impossible.
Finding a place to stay wasn't your biggest worry. Your best friend, Harper, would gladly take you under her wing. She was aware of the situation with Bellamy and fully supported you leaving him.
Leaving the room in the same condition as it was now seemed cruel, so you busied your mind and your hands as you picked up Bellamys dirty clothes, your crumpled up papers, and smoothed out the bedsheets to a crisp.
All there was left to do now was leave. It was both the easiest, and hardest part.
Slinging the bag over your chest, you triple checked that the note explaining everything was in its rightful place on the desk, and you slipped the promise ring off of your finger and placed it on the paper.
The familiar sound of the pin code being punched into the keypad next to the door outside made you freeze.
Bellamy stumbled in, clearly exhausted, and maybe even a little drunk. The night shifts weren't easy, but he wasn't supposed to be off work for another three hours.
He leaned in for his usual kiss, but immediately sobered up as soon as he took into account the state both you, and the room were in.
"What's going on?" His voice was gravely, and he swallowed a yawn.
You opened your mouth to explain, but, how were you supposed to explain this?
Bellamy figured it out for himself as his eyes focused on the silver ring he had found in the forest one of the first nights on the ground.
"You're leaving."
It wasn't a question.
"Why?" His voice was both dead, and filled to the brim with pain.
You swallowed, your throat tight.
"You know why."
The ground had changed the both of you, no doubt in that. The ground had changed everyone. But Bellamy... wasn't Bellamy anymore.
He was silent for a moment, taking in the severity of his past actions.
"It had to be done." He spoke in a monotonous voice.
"Bullshit!" You stormed, tears springing in your eyes.
"He died a hero." Bellamys voice grew thick with emotion.
"A hero that you killed, you bastard!" You shoved Bellamy harshly, his bulletproof vest sturdy underneath your hands.
"He was your sister's one true love, and you killed him!" You screamed.
Bellamy blinked, several emotions registering across his face all at once.
"I can't do it anymore, Bellamy." Your voice was just above a whisper.
"Isn't this what you wanted?!" Bellamy retorted, his face burning with rage.
"What is that even supposed to mean?!" You yelled, tears streaming down your face.
Bellamys fist came in contact to the wall above your head, and you flinched beneath him.
His expression immediately softened once he saw your frightened one.
"They killed Finn, (Y/N)." He told you.
Although you had been trapped in Mount Weather of the time of your best friends death, haunting images plagued your mind as dreams fought back and forth relentlessly with how it played out... What you could have done... How it could have been avoided...
"No. Clarke did." You spoke through clenched teeth.
Although you didn't hold a grudge against the girl for what she had to do, you still said this to get the point across Bellamys thick head.
"They were going to torture him!" Bellamy reminded you of the necessary fact.
"And we're gonna blame Lincoln for that?! His people did that, not him! Maya's people took our bone marrow, not her! Finn killed 18 innocent people, not us! You can't blame everyone for the actions of one!"
Bellamy put his head in his hands, and began to pace the room, something he always did when stress overwhelmed him. When his tear filled eyes finally met yours, he began to plead with you.
"Please, (Y/N)... I need you." His voice cracked at the end, shattering your heart furthermore.
But this needed to be done. You would not support his actions.
"Pick, Bellamy. Me, or Pike?"
His silence spoke enough, and you left without a word not even looking back.
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