#bellanaris surana
cilant-lis · 1 year
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rhian's inventory (surana version)
awright, i’ve had enough item design for the next 3 years
1. Bellanaris - An enchanted greatsword that has been with Rhian ever since they became apprenticed to Clan Sabrae’s warrior master. The rune in the pommel was recovered from the remains of the staff belonging to Rhian’s late father, so they may always feel that he is aiding them in battle from the Beyond.
2. A Dalish longsword. Made of ironbark, with a grip of embossed leather and halla horn hilt. Light enough to be mistaken for a dagger, yet with sufficient reach, it’s a shining example of the mastery of elven smiths.
3. Dagger - An extremely powerful but unstable blade, taken by force from the hands of shemlen scavengers looting an elven tomb in the Brecilian Forest. Keeper Marethari allowed Rhian to keep the sword, after she made the enchantment more stable and safe. The flame-like etching on the pommel and the blade honours Elgar’nan, the Elvhen God of sun and vengeance. 
4. A ring made of halla horn, fashioned to look like a leafless branch embracing the finger. A single flower of polished pink quartz blooms in the centre of the ring, a hope of spring after a long winter, a promise to make it through the hardships. Rhian received this enchanted ring from Merrill, as a parting gift, with a promise that she will always remember the love they shared. 
5. A whetstone. Made of quartz, usually hanging from Rhian’s belt.
6. June’s knot belt. Unfinished. A craft to keep Rhian occupied on the road. They’re slowly getting a hang of the complicated pattern.
7. Halla cashmere shawl. Rhian got this shawl from Ashalle on the day they came of age.
8. Sword oil of the most expensive kind.
9. The Heirloom Necklace from the game
10. A compass
10 (again, whoopsie): Sewing and mending supplies
11. Maps of Ferelden. Rhian is the pathfinder of the group.
12. Andruil’s amulet. Made of ironbark, Rhian often uses it to pray to the goddess.
13. Rhian’s halla horn pibgorn.
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ghilenan · 4 years
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A liddle gift I did for @sternenstaub28​ a couple of days ago 💜
Artist Tip: When you can’t choose between two versions of a drawing, mash em together into a gif 😎
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sternenstaub28 · 5 years
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My friends surprised me at exactly midnight of my birthday with this great piece from @spring-forth-from-my-mind
I love the style and her gentle expression
I love it! And I love that they surprised me! Thank you!
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ravenqueen89 · 4 years
oc kiss week: maternal kiss
further offerings for @ockissweek​ featuring: @sternenstaub28​‘s amazing OCs Bellanaris and her adopted daughter Ma’Serannas, and a cold night at Kinloch Hold.
  The usual hush falls over the room once Bellanaris finishes her bedtime story, the children either asleep or well on their way to it. Bella always checks on them  anyway, walking from bed to bed, the softest light emanating from her staff. She makes sure they're all properly covered in the blankets she's made for them, because Kinloch Hold is always damp and always cold in the wintertime, whispering sickness into lungs and depleting health potion stocks. Bella spends summers knitting every time she has a free moment just to be ready for winters like these.
When she reaches the bed where Ma'Serannas is curled up, the girl is facing away from her but Bella can hear her sniffling and that says all she needs to know. It's been a difficult day for the child once more, the scent of smoke still clinging to her after she set a corner of the library on fire, the consequence to a templar speaking unkindly to her for leaving books everywhere. Wynne and the First Enchanter had intervened, but Ma'Serannas was sent to the dormitory, where she was left alone all day.
Bella was kept away until now, and sorrow poisons her chest when she sees a tear roll down Ma'Sera's cheek. Bella kneels next to the bed and brushes the girl's ginger hair away from her face, whispering soothing words to her and wishing desperately that she could protect her. The girl hasn't spoken a word since arriving at the Circle, and Bella doesn't know if she ever will. Her emotions are in constant turmoil, affecting her magic, making it react. Bella tries to spend as much time as possible with her, talking to her, teaching her, but she has too many duties that get in the way. Her heart hurts whenever Ma'Sera is out of her sight, and Bella has always been protective over the children but this is different. The moment this ginger-haired girl with fire bursting from her appeared in her life, Bella knew they'd be connected for life.
Her heart clenches when Ma'Sera turns toward her, still sniffling as Bella strokes her forehead, singing barely-audible fragments of lullabies until the tears stop and Ma'Sera offers her a shaky smile, eyelids heavy.
Bella tucks the colourful blankets around her, making sure there is no chance of a draft sneaking in, and then she kisses her forehead, hoping that it will be enough to ward over Ma'Sera's dreams. She watches over the girl until she's sure Ma'Sera has drifted fully into sleep, and then makes her way over to her own dormitory, where sleep won't come.
(extremely optional tip jar)
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empresstress13 · 6 years
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@sternenstaub28‘s Bellanaris and my Nehnara for OC kiss week! Nehnara may have hated the tower but good friends like Bella make it easier to handle (as do the libraries). Hand kisses during a gossip break! :)
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estellepoubelle · 6 years
Dragon Age Secret Santa/Wintersend 2017!
It’s that time of year again! And this year, I was given the lovely @sternenstaub28 to do something for! So, I wrote you a little one-shot using your OCs, Bellanaris and Mira (who I love, by the way). I really hope you like it, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday! 
And a huge thanks to @the-queen-of-thedas  and @right-in-the-vhenan for once again setting up a wonderful Wintersend!
“Sera, I had a thought. The next time we run into a line of enemies, I’ll pick you up and throw you!”
Sera snorted. “Get off.”
“No! This could work! I loft you over the front ranks, you land behind them to flank, mayhem ensues!”
“I can’t fly, you daft tit!”
“Think of the mayhem, Sera.” He got his face right in front of hers, waggling his eyebrows; “Mayhem….”
She shoved him off, but couldn’t hide her smile; “I’d get a wedge up something fierce!”
“Look, you and Varric are the only ones small enough and he’s…pretty dense.”
Varric tried to look offended through his laughter. “Ouch!”
Sera shoved him back again; “Well do some bloody presses!”
Bull got down on his knees in front of her, giving her puppy dog eyes...well, eye.
“Pretty please?”
“Sod off.”
Bull’s voice turned a little teasing now. “Come on, you don’t have to be scared…”
“Like piss I am. I’d like to keep living, you big lump.”
“Come on, think of the tactical advantage! No one is going to expect me to throw a tiny, terrifying elf at them! And then you get to stick them full of arrows! Everyone wins!”
Sera snorted again and turned back to making arrows. "Right, and when I'm stuck full of swords, I'll pull one out and stick it up your arse."
Bull groaned in disappointment, then sent a sidelong glance at Varric.
"So, Varric...do you want to give it a shot?"
The dwarf snorted from where he was tending the pot over the fire. “And risk damaging Bianca? I don’t think so. Besides, aren’t I too ‘dense?’”
"Ugh, you guys are no fun."
Varric looked up from the stew, a mischievous smile on his face.  “What about Griffon? She’s small and…elfy. Those seem to be your main requirements, Tiny.”
The Inquisitor, who had been practicing her control by keeping a ball of ice floating between her hands, didn’t even look up; “I’ll do it if Sera does it.”
She could practically hear Solas and Dorian roll their eyes from where they were sitting on either side of her as Iron Bull let out a shout of laughter. “Yes! That’s why you’re the best, Boss!”
Sera huffed and picked up her bow, moving towards Bull. “Fine, but only because I want to see Inky do it.”
The Inquisitor smiled and finally looked up, letting the ice dissipate; she did not want to miss this.  
Bull was practically bouncing in glee; “Right, I’ll throw you, and you try to shoot as many of those trees as you can. But…hmm. We need some enemies to throw you over.”
The Qunari turned with a smile to those seated around the fire.
“Dorian? You could play a scary Vint magister.”
“I don’t need to play a ‘scary Vint,’ I am one,” Dorian snarked back as he sent a wink at the Inquisitor, who laughed.
Bull rolled his eye and turned to Solas, who only sent him a look; he moved on quickly to the Seeker. “Cassandra?”
Cassandra made her patented disgusted noise, but the Inquisitor noticed the small smile tugging on her lips; “Keep me out of this, Bull.”
Bull sent a desperate glance at the last figure near the fire.
Blackwall sighed, but got up from the tree he’d been leaning against; “Suppose that leaves me then.” Once in position at the copse of trees Bull had pointed at, the warrior brandished the stick he’d been carving.
*ahem* “Grr, argh, I’m a scary bandit and I’m going to get you!”
Sera started cackling, her laughter stuttering into a scream as Bull lifted and then launched her over Blackwall’s head.
Then, everything seemed to slow. Sera seemed to hang in the air above Blackwall, her eyes now focused on her new ‘enemies.’ Her hand drew back, once, twice, three times, sinking arrows deep into the wooden enemies with each draw of her bow.
Then, everything seemed to speed up again as the elf landed, spun, and knocked Blackwall’s legs out from under him.
And for a moment, everything was still.
Then Sera was cackling again, now rolling around on the ground next to Blackwall, who groaned and thumped her with his stick. Bull’s laughter was uproarious as he ran forward to scoop the little elf up onto his shoulder, parading her around for all of the Companions to see. Varric stumbled over, chucking, to help Blackwall up off of the ground. The Inquisitor was leaning against Dorian she was laughing so hard, and she saw Solas and Cassandra desperately trying to conceal smiles out of the corner of her eye.
A head poked out from one of the tents; “Could you at least try to keep it down out here?” Vivienne scolded, already knowing it wouldn’t do any good. She sighed and withdrew again when Bull only laughed louder.
Sera tugged on one of Bull’s horns directing him towards the Inquisitor. “Inky’s turn! Try and beat that, fancy-britches!”
Bunch of idiots, Mira thought fondly as Dorian took her hand to help her up.
Perhaps, answered a small, rarely heard voice in her own head: Bellanaris. She faltered slightly as images rushed through her head; Alistair being chased around camp by Barkspawn; Sten passed out on his back with cookie crumbs absolutely everywhere, his head pillowed on an equally unconscious Oghren; Zevran hanging by his ankle from a tree after trying to mess with Morrigan; that one time that Leliana and Wynn somehow started a singing contest amongst the companions, (Shale had won, to everyone’s surprise).
But overall, there was a sense of happiness and contentment, of family, and she smiled as Cole’s voice came from her side, his hand gentle on her shoulder; “If it makes you smile, both of you, then isn’t that all that matters?”
Mira grinned as she made her way towards her friends.
Maybe they’re idiots.
But they’re our idiots.
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effelants · 6 years
Oc fact swap: Bella (Bellanaris Surana) is afraid of flowers after Zevran told her how many can be used in assassination attempts and now only likes to be gifted herbs or things she knows for certain won't hurt anyone/are not poisonous. Related to that, she's basically a frontline medic and thinks someone really should have taught her these things.
Ahhhh, flowers! I love all these flower headcanons.
They just... make me think of Moira, because flowers are so her thing. She’s actually interestingly the complete opposite of Bella in this matter! She’s interested in the poisonous properties of plants, as she uses them to make poisons. The magic she uses is quite weak, and she can’t really fight effectively with it. She’s learned archery to compensate, and uses poisons to make up for lack of skill in that area as well.
OC FACT SWAP! Send me a fact about your OC and I’ll respond with a related one about one of my OCs!
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narutomaki · 5 years
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Here's 10 of my DAOC's
From left to right:
One Lavellan, Arkay Surana, Ivan Lavellan
Bellanaris Surana, Hannibal Cadash, Fen'Harel Sabrae
Bryis Surana and Eliot Mahariel, Byren Cousland, Yjin Cousland
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noctuaalba · 7 years
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Declan Aeducan // Bellanaris Surana for @sternenstaub28!
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dalishious · 7 years
Ostagar was built on top of an ancient elven burial site
So I was playing Return to Ostagar tonight with my current Surana, and was taking my time actually looking at the level design and whatnot. And I realized... The tunnels dug in by the darkspawn in the Tower of Ishal? They’re remains of an elven ruin.
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The wall decorations are the same as those seen in the Dalish origin elven ruins, and Brecilian Ruins in Nature of the Beast, what I believe is meant to represent Elgar’nan, as it resembles a skull that is for him. There are also statues of Sylaise and Andruil, the same that are seen in the Dalish origin and Nature of the Beast encampments. 
Ostagar was built by the Tevinter Imperium, in war with the Chasind and Avvar. And we know the Tevinters favourite past time was taking elven shit and claiming it as their own. And the Tower of Ishal specifically was built and named after the then-Archon. What better ‘fuck you’ message from Tevinter to the elves they enslaved, than building a tower over one of their burial sites?
I’m guessing it is a burial site because there are intact coffins strewn about. While many Dalish clans of the present bury their dead under trees like that of the Vallasdahlen, there are also actual sites/temples dedicated to burying the dead, such as Sundermount and Var Bellanaris. (And of course not all Dalish clans are in the vicinity of these sites, which is why the tree burial practices would be more prominent.) The Brecilian Ruins in Nature of the Beast were unique so far in that it was both a burial and site of worship. Which means these burial sites do date back to the ancient elves.
As awful as it is the Darkspawn invaded the tower, I guess we kind of have to thank them for uncovering this in the process? And I wonder if when someone eventually goes to patch up their tunnels, this discovery is spread around.
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flyingyarn · 7 years
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Bellanaris Surana. Grey warden and pain in the ass. Never again will I try felting eyes for a doll...
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fereldanrenegade · 7 years
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sternenstaub28 replied to your post “kinda wanna try something with my art. If anyone could lend me their...”
My main OC is Bellanaris Surana, who romanced Zevran, if you want to try an Origin character. I also have a dwarf boy (Declan Aeducan) who loves his beard very much, if you want to torture yourself with braids ;)
Declan x his beard is now my favorite ship, thankyouverymuch ;0 ...no, seriously. I want to draw that now. .__.
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sternenstaub28 · 4 years
It's not new but this fic fits the admiration and also the first time prompt for zev/warden week. Written by the amazing @ravenqueen89, featuring my warden Bellanaris and a talk.
[Rated G]
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ravenqueen89 · 5 years
the flickering light
next Patreon reward is for my dearest @sternenstaub28 who once again allowed me to write her amazing bb Bellanaris. here’s a glimpse into her pre-DAO days.
Fandom: Dragon Age Origins
Title: The Flickering Light
Pairing: Gen
Rating: Gen
Word count: 1468
Summary: Back in the Circle days, Bella told stories to the children. This is one such occasion.
Notes: young rebellious Anders cameo! werewolf story inspired by the legend of the Morbach monster! smol mages! slight hints of angst! whee!
When Bella walks into the children’s dormitory a hush falls over the room. She smiles when she notices all of them huddled on the floor amidst blankets and pillows in various states of wear, and all of them wearing scarves that she has made them. Kinloch Hold gets uncomfortably chilly and damp at this time of year and Bella spends most summers and early autumns knitting incessantly in rainbows of colours, making everything from gloves to throws. 
Anders likes to laugh at her for the effort she puts into it but he only smiled when she gave him the new cover she made for that pillow he’d brought from home. That smile made something in her chest flutter wildly, but Bella got distracted from thinking about it by Anders getting into trouble with the templars yet again the very next day. She didn’t see him again until a week ago, and he’s not been quite himself since, the shadows under his eyes making his exhaustion apparent. He’s snapped at Bella several times already, focusing only on their usual conflicts and nothing else, but Bella has responsibilities in the Circle that he does not.
The First Enchanter has given her leave to hold weekly after-dinner storytelling evenings for the children. Sometimes Bella reads to them, but more often than not she tells them stories she’s learned throughout her years of exploring the Circle’s libraries and listening to the occasional visitors. She’s also learned from the other mages in the Circle, those who still remain and those who are gone. Stories are a great commodity to her. They allow her freedom and she wants the children to be comforted by them as she is. Anders doesn’t understand it, but the way the children smile at her is enough. She doesn’t need him to understand.
The room descends into its usual chaos when Bella offers the children dried fruit. The youngest, Faolan, not yet ten years old, follows her to the armchair where she usually sits and then clambers onto her lap. He rests his head in the crook of her arm and she knows it won’t be comfortable later but she can’t begrudge him the gesture. Faolan is also the most recent addition to the Circle and still remembers his mother’s arms. He is quiet and withdrawn with the exception of storytelling evenings.
‘Can we get a scary one this time?’ asks Lahela, the eldest of the group at twelve. She is very studious but also very stubborn, and due to join the apprentices soon. Bella hopes she will do well, but she’s never been able to protect all her charges and she knows that won’t change.
‘A scary one?’ Bella hums while the children stare at her, all murmurs of conversation ceasing. There’s only six of them but they are all close-knit, like Anders and her used to be. Bella hopes they won’t lose their closeness as they grow older and as the Circle demands more and more of them.
‘Let’s see. I know a story about a light that burns deep in the Brecilian Forest. This light marks the location where the last known werewolf was hunted down and killed. It is both warning and memory, this light, and it is said that something horrible will occur if that light ceases to be.’
Bella pauses while Faolan shuffles in her hold, and studies the attentive faces watching her. Most days no one can hold the attention of the six children in the room, but on these occasions it seems like nothing could shift their focus.
‘A long time ago, there used to be a village next to this lamp, a quiet village of hunters and their families. These hunters were the descendants of the werewolf slayers and they knew well that the light must always remain lit, but one night a storm ravaged the forest, tearing apart everything in its path. The villagers hid from the fury of the storm, but as it raged in the night they noticed something that made their blood run cold. For the first time in generations, full darkness had taken over that part of the Brecilian Forest. The light was gone.’
Several of the children gasp, covering their faces with their hands. Bella looks at Faolan to make sure that he is not too afraid, brushing his hair away from his eyes and winking at him, stalling the story until the others ask her to continue.
‘The leader of the hunters noticed that the light was gone, but the wind was so strong that she could not open the door. She could not get to the lamp. No one could. Darkness had fallen. The wind assailed the village until, suddenly, it stopped. Quiet descended and the huntress hugged her children and laughed happily, going to open the door. Before she could open it, the sound of howling rung across the forest, deafening and horrifying. It was not the howling of wind. It was the sound of the damned, the sound of terror. The huntress stepped away from the door, and just as she did something strong slammed into it with the loudest bang and her children screamed and-‘
The children scream as the door to the dormitory slams open violently. Bella’s magic almost flies into a shield around them until she notices the intruder’s face. Anders is almost howling with laughter, doubled over and very self-satisfied. Bella feels very tempted to whack him with her staff, but comforts Faolan instead, who is clinging to her, his heartbeat racing. The other children are still yelling at Anders, and Anders is still laughing, and it’s a miracle no templars have come running. Bella is not happy with Anders right now so she will not admit to it but she has missed the sound of his laughter. She rolls her eyes in his direction and settles back into the armchair with Faolan, ignoring Anders until he falls quiet and sits next to the children on the floor, stealing a blanket and a slice of dried apple.
‘What happened next, what happened?’ Lahela asks, but Bella waits until she is sure Faolan has recovered from his fright.
‘The huntress was known for her bravery, so she first made sure that her children were hidden well in the house. She then grabbed her weapon and used the fire in the hearth to light a torch. She opened her door, ready to face the werewolf, the same as her ancestors had done. She would not allow the curse of the werewolves to return to the land under her watch. When she stepped outside, she was met by darkness and silence. She walked towards the lamp, resolved to light it, but then she heard the sound of twigs cracking. The huntress turned around every each way, torch in one hand, weapon in the other. She could see nothing but she knew it was there, just out of reach, so she walked further into the forest, ready to catch the werewolf.’
Anders is braiding Lahela’s hair but Bella knows that he is listening as intently as the children. She’s not quite sure they’re breathing, but she hides her smile and continues.
‘In the morning, the huntress was gone and the rest of her hunters went to seek her. They searched and searched but all they found was the destruction the storm had left behind. After many hours, they turned to walk back to the village, and when they passed the unlit lamp they all stopped in the same breath. There, at the entrance to the village, were the huntress’ torch and weapon, lying on the ground. The new leader of the hunters lit the flame, but before it caught, the hunters heard a sound, the cracking noise of breaking twigs. They turned, again as one, weapons at the ready, and what they saw made them run, their weapons falling. Luckily for them, the light finally flickered into existence by the time they made it into their homes, and all fell silent once more. The village is long gone now, but the light has never wavered since. Sometimes, if the wind is right, travellers through the forest can hear that same howling that the huntress heard that night.’
There is a heavy silence in the wake of her words and Bella finds herself thinking once more about what it must be like, travelling through the places in her stories. There is so much to see, but for now, she has the children, and she has the stories. Anders looks at her as the children start talking all at once, asking questions that have no answers. Bella doesn’t know what her friend sees on her face, but it makes him reach out to hold her hand. For a moment, she feels free.
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empresstress13 · 7 years
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@sternenstaub28, as I said I attempted to capture your lovely Bellanaris Surana! ♥
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adragonageau · 7 years
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Since I mentioned being about halfway finished with my series recently, I wanted to do this so people could see the whole thing. :D Feedback welcome. Please reblog if you have the time!
My Series Masterpost:
Series title: The Forgotten Bard Tales http://archiveofourown.org/series/512260 Rated: M
Tales told by an anonymous bard about the heroes that shaped Thedas throughout the Dragon Age.
Book One: Dread Wolf Guides You http://archiveofourown.org/works/5651809 Synopsis: "Fen'Harel ma ghilana". Bellanaris Lavellan. Warrior and lover of Fen'Harel. But before she met The Dread Wolf, she was an ordinary warrior of her clan. No ships or triggers. Words: 3,787 Chapters: 5/5
Book Two: Collision http://archiveofourown.org/works/4236915 Synopsis: "...jealous of the life they could not feel, could not touch... in blackest envy..." Kinloch Hold. Growing up in a stone tower, always being watched, has a different effect on everyone. Some thrive, knowing they are protected. Others resist, chafing against the cold chains. Light consensual smut & mentions and depictions of abuse/rape *Ships: F!Amell x Cullen, F!Surana x Jowan, F!Amell / F!Surana friendship Words: 20,269 Chapters: 10/10
Book Three: A Smuggler's Chant http://archiveofourown.org/works/5669215 Synopsis: The tales say the not-so-heroic Maroth Tabris is a highly skilled smuggler and thief who preys on nobles. It's only after meeting the quick-witted Red Jenny and her merry band that he decides to give back to the poor. Some know him as a simple family man, but when Vaughan Kendells catches him stealing from his vault, the shem makes the mistake of punishing the wrong man's wife. They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but Maroth of Denerim is not a patient man. TW: Mentions of rape similar as it does in-game without explicit detail, also mentions underaged prostitutes, as well as light, consensual smut between a husband and wife. *Ships: M! Tabris x Nesiara, Shianni x Nelaros, M!Tabris x Aneirin, Sera x Red Jenny Words: 9,760 Chapters: 3/3
Book Four: What Has Been Wrought http://archiveofourown.org/works/6845023 Synopsis: Dragon Age: Origins, a story of the civil war & ravenous blight that shook Ferelden to its core. This tale is told through mutiple viewpoints as a weary band of travelers fight against demons, both metaphorical and real. A tale of bonds made and bonds broken in the dark shadows of war. *Ships: M!Tabris x Zevran, Past!M! Tabris x Aneirin, Past! F! Amell x Cullen, F!Surana x Jowan, Daveth x Morrigan, Daveth x Leliana, Words: 113,390 Chapters: 20/20
Book Five: A Trial of Faith http://archiveofourown.org/works/10733115 Synopsis: Melina Amell is King Alistair's chosen mage advisor after a year of fighting darkspawn at his side. Now, a new warden has come to Ferelden to investigate the darkspawn still threatening the countryside. When Melina is forced to go to Amaranthine as well, her faith is put to the test once again as she meets a familiar face and more than just the darkspawn threat. The events that transpire here will go on to effect the whole of Thedas. *Ships: F! Andras x Sketch, Merrill x Velanna Words: 11,274 Chapters: 6/15
Book Six: A Dance of Crows http://archiveofourown.org/works/10949664 Synopsis: Six months after the Blight, Zevran seeks to change the order of House Arainai. His need for revenge over the loss of Rinna and Taliesen has only grown stronger as time passes, but he can't take on the entire House on his own. So he turns to his former lover, The Dark Wolf, for help. But Maroth's pain and resentment might just be as strong as Zevran's wish for revenge. *Ships: angsty M!Tabris x Zevran Words: 5,695 Chapters: 7/7
Book Seven: Burning Shadows Synopsis: When Anders arrives in Kirkwall, his only thought is to rescue Karl. But even the best laid plans go awry. With nothing left, he stays in Kirkwall. When he's conned into helping the mysterious Sia Hawke, his whole life begins to change. When their goals conflict, he realizes not all change is for the better. *Ships: F! Hawke x Anders, Carver x Merrill **outlined**
Book Eight: Suledin Synopsis: A collection of three short stories full of Dalish lore, mysteries, and a little bit of angst and romance. Split into three parts. *Ships: 1. M!OC elf x Fenris 2. F! Mahariel x Tamlen 3. F! Lavellan x Solas, F! Lavellan x Felassan **outlined**
Book Nine: Holding Back the Sky Synopsis: Maroth Tabris. The Dark Wolf. After helping the Wardens defeat the Blight, he's spent the years making a name for himself as a thief and a scoundrel. Until the sky bursts open and he's left with a strange green mark on his hand. *Ships: M! Tabris x Zevran, F! Surana x Jowan, F! Amell x Cullen, F! Lavellan x Solas **outlined**
Book Ten: The Butterfly Assassin Synopsis: Lialah Tabris was abandoned to a Dalish clan after her mother died . Bitter and alone, she strikes out to make a name of her own to rival The Dark Wolf. But the world of Thedas is not always kind to a lone elf. No ships. **outlined**
Book Eleven: The Call of the Wolf Synopsis: It's been two years since Maroth Tabris closed the rifts and defeated Corypheus. When he hears word from a mysterious assassin that the Qunari are up to something, he calls for his old friends to help unravel the mystery. *Ships: M! Tabris x Zevran, F! Lavellan x Solas, F! Amell x Cullen **outlined**
There will also be a few one-shots and mini comics to be found here:http://archiveofourown.org/series/654866 (I recommend at least reading "Thief Sleeps in my Bed", which tells the story of how Sera meets "Red" Jenny and joins The Friends.)
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