spacebell · 4 years
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moodboards (37/?): Madi (The 100)
“That's right, I did it because I love you.” “I have to do this, and you have to let me.”
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cupcakeblake · 5 years
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bellarke meme: 7 fanfictions
Never Say Never - @selflessbellamy (x)
On the subway, Clarke snaps a Polaroid of him before he can block the lens with his hand: His head is leant back, looking up and probably wishing that the top of the train was made of glass so he could see the star-speckled sky — he looks relaxed, dreamlike, as the soft orange light falls on his face.
She loves this one.
“Don’t you have enough photos of me?” he asks with no real heat. In fact, his voice is marked by a delicacy that makes her heart flutter.
“You know I don’t. I’m going to plaster them on my ceiling.”
(When Clarke's six years old, Bellamy's the boy in the tree, her best friend. At eighteen, she's not sure that she can call him that anymore, and of course that's when everything crumbles.)
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bellamythology · 7 years
you'll always be the one that keeps me crazy inside
for @bellsblake! happy birthday hannah <3
fluffy high school prom au, friends to lovers with a bit of fake dating ;)
rated: teen+ [ read on AO3 ]
Clarke often teased Bellamy by saying that he could read through anything, that it would take the book spontaneously combusting in his hands to startle him out of his literary worlds, but it was clearly not true. Case in point: he looked up now as she stormed into his living room, scowling at her phone.
“What happened?” he asked, carefully bookmarking his page before setting the novel aside. This had all the makings of a minor crisis, and he wasn’t sure yet whether to be more concerned for his best friend or whatever (whoever?) had pissed her off. No one could hold a grudge like Octavia, but no one could plot revenge like Clarke and that was scarier, in his opinion.
“I thought you and Raven decided to go together after you found out Collins was a two-timing bastard. Something go wrong?”
“Luna asked her, and she said yes. I’m happy for her, of course,” Clarke added hastily. “You know she’s had a bit of a crush on Luna for years, and they’re really cute together. But I don’t want to go alone, and I don’t want to third-wheel them. Plus Finn’s been trying to get me alone — he just won’t take the hint that I don’t trust that ‘this time I’d be his one and only,’ nor do I want to be — and I don’t feel like dealing with that all night.”
Bellamy sensed a scheme coming. “So what are you going to do about it?”
Sitting up slightly, Clarke looked him directly in the eyes with an expression he knew all too well.
“Oh, hell no. Don’t drag me into another —”
“Please, Bellamy? I need you.”
“I said no, princess.” And it was one of the hardest things he’d ever done, considering she was giving him that look and saying a line straight from his guilty fantasies.
“Okay, I didn’t want to play this card, but … you do still owe me for giving your sister the girl talk so you wouldn’t have to. And I’ll pay you fifty bucks.”
He groaned, knowing she had him there. “Is this your formal asking? I thought promposals were supposed to be fancy.”
“I’ll make you a poster tonight.” Issue settled, Clarke flopped comfortably against him — he hoped she couldn’t feel how fast his heart was pounding; after being friends for so long, he really should have better control over his physiological reactions to her proximity, but his princess just had that effect. “In the meantime, what are you watching on Netflix?”
The Princess [crown emoji]
Meet me outside Kane’s classroom after school?
I’ll be there.
As luck would have it, Bellamy was held up on his way to meet Clarke for what he was eighty-percent sure was a ridiculously extravagant promposal.
“Hey man, do you have the soccer practice schedule? I might’ve lost mine.”
“Might have? How do you — Actually, I don’t want to know. Look, Murphy, I’ve got to run; message me later and I’ll send you a copy.”
To Bellamy’s surprise, Murphy moved to block his path. “Do you think promposals are too sentimental?”
“What?” (Was John Murphy blushing?)
“I was thinking about asking Emori, but I dunno if she’d think it was too — never mind. You don’t care.”
“Murphy. Hey, listen to me. Anyone can see the way Emori looks at you, and the way you look at her. The way you gravitate toward each other. You should ask her.”
“Huh.” Murphy looked thoughtful, and Bellamy was about to try again to get past him when Murphy’s phone chimed. Pulling it out from his back pocket, he glanced at the screen and grinned. “Anyway, I’ll get out of your way now. You’ve got your own promposal to worry about.”
And with that he was gone, leaving Bellamy wondering how Clarke had managed to recruit him before he remembered that she was waiting for him, and he’d much rather be wherever she was.
When he rounded the corner of the history wing, naturally the first thing he noticed was the glee in Clarke’s posture, all but bouncing up and down behind the poster she was holding up.
“You may BE LLAMe, but You’re my choice for a prom date.” He shook his head. “That’s pretty awful, even for you.”
“That’s not a no,” she pointed out, as if there were ever a question. “So, prom?”
It was then that Bellamy noticed the small crowd around them. He might not be very popular, but Clarke was; and in any case, prom askings always managed to draw a fair amount of attention. (It was something Clarke herself had complained about before, the peer pressure to say yes just because so many people were watching.) Among the gathered students was a disappointed-looking Finn Collins, who looked as though he wanted to object but wasn’t sure how to justify himself if he did.
“Of course, princess,” Bellamy said, instead of commenting on any of these observations, and staggered back a step when Clarke threw her arms around him. “You know I was joking about the promposal,” he murmured in her ear, gratified to feel her shiver and squeeze him tighter.
“You know, I wouldn’t have pegged you for the type. Just goes to show you that you can never tell what kind of person someone is, I guess.”
“Excuse me?” True to Clarke’s prediction, Finn Collins had been glowering in their general direction for much of the night. The surprise was that he was confronting Bellamy instead of Clarke, who was in the bathroom, and that he was doing it in the middle of the event. “Since when have we been BFFLs?”
“Haha, very funny. Seriously, did you blackmail her? Bribe her?”
It took him a second to figure it out. “Wait, you think I made Clarke come to prom with me?”
“Well, yeah! Why else would she be here with you, of all people?”
“Meaning, not with you?” Bellamy guessed, fighting the urge to snicker. Clearly Collins didn’t know Clarke nearly as well as he’d like to think, if he seriously believed what he was saying. “It may come as an unpleasant surprise to you, but we’re —”
“— dating,” Clarke cut in smoothly, tucking herself under Bellamy’s arm. “Bye, Finn.”
As they walked away, leaving him gawking in disbelief, Clarke sighed. “Sorry, I just figured that would be the most effective way to get him to shut up. Anyway, dance with me?”
“I don’t dance.”
“What, you don’t want to join our fine classmates in middle-school style swaying back and forth with room for Jesus in between us?”
“Tempting, but no thanks. How about we get a drink instead?”
She laughed at his half-joke, which was pretty good considering the most he’d hoped for was a half-smile. “You hate everything they’re serving. Plus, Monty and Jasper didn’t come, so odds are the punch isn’t spiked.”
“Damn, there go my plans for the night.” Clarke’s grin, Bellamy decided then and there, was the best thing he’d ever seen. Her happiness was contagious, as intoxicating as any alcohol or drug, and perhaps it was the source of the courage that allowed him to say, “You know you’re my favorite person?”
“Same for you.”
“No, listen.” He disentangled himself from her so he could make eye contact, needing her to understand. “I know you told Collins we were dating to get him to leave you alone because he was making you uncomfortable, and I’d never want you to feel like that with me. You know I’ll respect your boundaries, that if you say no I’ll back off immediately, and —”
“Bellamy, breathe.” She placed a gentle hand on his chest, right above his heart. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
The anticipation in her eyes — at least, he was pretty sure that’s what it was — gave him hope.
“Clarke, will you go out with me?”
If her amused smile was radiant, the expression she wore now was positively incandescent. “Of course. And for the record, I’ll never want you to leave me alone. I want to spend eons with you, Bellamy Blake.”
His own grin was probably ridiculous, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. “That’s good, I was really worried you’d —”
She cut him off by pressing her mouth to his, still smiling, and she tasted like joy.
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myohbellamy · 7 years
For anyone wondering what song was played at the end of tonight's The 100 episode, it's "Through The Eyes Of A Child", by Aurora. Such a beautifully perfect song choice. I know this cuz she's my favourite artist, and I'm hella proud of her for being a part of my fave show. <3 I highly recommend checking out her other music as well!
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notdestinedorchosen · 7 years
camp nano cabin!
so camp nanowrimo is happening next month, and i'm organizing a private cabin again this year so we can encourage each other to keep up with our goals! once you've created a project on the site, just lmk your username if you want in :) looking forward to writing with you guys!
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brimay · 7 years
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something new to hold
rating: mature
tags: canon-divergence, post season 3, unplanned pregnancy, angst, hurt/comfort 
summary: “If you keep trying to rob yourself of orgasms while you’re with me, you and I are going to have problems.” Bellamy just huffs, pressing a lingering kiss to her collarbone. “Whatever you say,” he sighs, but continues tentatively, “… You gonna stay tonight?”
(aka the one where there's no need to battle radiation, but Clarke and Bellamy accidentally create a new life... Together)
chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 .- chapter 6 -chapter 7 - chapter 8 - chapter 9 - chapter 10 - chapter 11 - chapter 12
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bonkaiqueen · 7 years
8 questions, 8 people
tagged by @fjrebolt, thank u babe <333
last movie you watched: miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children last song you listened to: fell asleep last night to pandora lol but the last one i remember was thumbs - sabrina carpenter :) last book you read: the great gatsby, f. scott fitzgerald the last thing you ate: kettle corn popchips (pre-school snack!) if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? in bed at home (i am so so exhausted) where would you time travel to? late 80s fictional character you would hang out with for a day? that’s hard omg, but i’m currently in love with gmw, so farkle minkus <3
tagging new-ish mutuals so i can get to know u better!! @spidermah @frostyperalta @justateenwolfie @wvldenshea @merrykristoff @evaschistad @christmasjilys @farlkeminkus + networks :))
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spacebell · 5 years
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moodboards (28/?): John Murphy (The 100)
"I don't scare easily.”
“But, we do what we do to survive."
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cupcakeblake · 7 years
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bellarke + interrupted love confessions
requested by @whyclarke
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spacecleavage · 7 years
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Friday is the best day to sleep in
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bellamythology · 7 years
as long as you keep comin’ round (2/4)
Rated: Mature Warning(s): Underage (Read on AO3)
part one・ part three・playlist 
“Dude,” Miller huffed, amused at Bellamy’s retelling of the incident. “I wouldn’t believe it, but it’s you.”
“Bellamy Blake, human disaster,” Raven agreed. “Come on. Just because she says she’s got a boyfriend doesn’t mean she actually does; that’s just what girls say. It’s basically an anti-douchebag reflex.”
Miller raised an eyebrow. “Like you’ve ever done it.”
She sighed dramatically. “In a perfect, non-patriarchal society, absolutely not. But some boys won’t take no unless it’s coming from another guy, so…”
“So — to return to the topic at hand, aka my actual crisis — doesn’t the fact that she said she had a boyfriend negate any signals she may or may not have been sending?” Bellamy let his head drop to the diner table. “Why are girls so complicated?”
“Hey,” Raven interjected mildly.
“Present company excluded. Raven Reyes, light of my life, you are the very opposite of complicated.”
“You calling me simple, Blake?”
He opened one eye to mock-glare at her. “There’s no winning with you, is there?”
“Tough luck.” Miller snorted. “Whatever happens with that girl, you’re still stuck with us.”
“I know,” Bellamy said, trying to sound more annoyed than appreciative.
After a minute, Raven sighed again and held up Bellamy’s own phone. (He didn’t know when she’d swiped it, and quite frankly he was a little scared to ask.) “This is her, right?”
Bellamy stared at the Facebook profile. “Do I want to know how you found this?”
His friends just exchanged a look.
“You could send her a friend request,” Miller pointed out. “Or just message her.”
“Way ahead of you.” Raven smirked, ignoring Bellamy’s protests as she typed away. Finally she set the phone down, turning it so they could read what she’d written.
hey it’s the nerd from yesterdays party.
what r u doing tonight?
“Fuck, Raven, she’s gonna think I’m a creeper and she’ll never talk to me again.”
But clearly he’d spoken too soon, because those taunting “typing” ellipse had just popped up. Seconds later, it disappeared. A pause. It reappeared. Then:
hey to you too
to answer your question, not much
movie w/ the bf
Miller raised an eyebrow at Raven, who shook her head. “The things we do for you, Bellamy. You owe us your firstborn or something. I mean, I’m not into kids, but I bet you guys’ll make really pretty babies. Probably worth something on Etsy, right?”
“What?” he said, still dazed at the fact that Clarke had actually texted back.
Raven and Miller exchanged another glance, this one more fond than exasperated and more resigned than anything else. “So what’s playing at the theater today?”
A flash of chestnut curls across the lobby caught Bellamy’s eye, and he did a double take as their owner caught sight of him at the same time. “Gina?”
“Bellamy, hey! And Raven, and Miller. How are you guys?” Gina’s smile was warm and sincere as she greeted them, but Bellamy couldn’t seem to focus on the usually stunning sight when he was still searching the room for a glimpse of blonde.
“Fine,” Raven said after a while, kicking Bellamy as discreetly as possible. “Hi, Luna.”
“Hello, Raven.” Self-contained as ever, Gina’s best friend barely spared the rest of them a second glance. “What movie do you guys plan to see?”
“We hadn’t decided yet. Miller vetoed Rebellion, he’s waiting to see it with his boyfriend, but everything else is fair game. What about you guys?”
Bellamy lost track of the conversation about then, because there she was. Golden hair twisted into a low messy bun, blue eyes bright as she laughed at something one of her friends was saying, slim fingers intertwined with those of a floppy-haired, douchey-looking guy who must be the boyfriend.
Then she turned, her gaze meeting his, and Bellamy’s sudden sharp annoyance melted away as she dropped the guy’s hand to cross the room to meet him.
“Hi,” she said, her voice low and warm.
“You’re here,” he said, then immediately wanted to facepalm. Good job, Captain Obvious.
“I did tell you I would be.” Still smiling, Clarke half-turned as her companions came up behind her. The boyfriend stepped up close to wrap a possessive arm around her hips, sizing Bellamy up contemptuously. Bellamy tried not to bristle too obviously, but luckily Clarke didn’t seem to notice. “This is Finn. My boyfriend.
“And this is Bellamy,” Clarke continued, leaning back into him. He didn’t say anything, but there was definitely smug arrogance in the smirk he directed at Bellamy now.
The guy — Finn — jerked his head in greeting. “Hey, man.”
Bellamy nodded in response.
“What movie are you guys seeing?” Clarke went on, still oblivious to (or maybe just deliberately ignoring) the tense atmosphere. “We hadn’t decided yet, maybe we’ll join you. If your friends don’t mind.”
“Oh, yeah, I think that’d be fine.” Turning back to the others, Bellamy found Gina watching them, her expression politely blank, and waved her over. “Hey, Gina, this is Clarke. I met her at the party last night. Clarke, this is —” He hesitated. Clarke already knew who she was, of course, but he didn’t exactly want to let his crush know that he’d talked about her to a girl she didn’t know. After a few minutes of struggling for a descriptor, he settled on, “This is my friend Gina.”
“Hi, Clarke.” Gina smiled, but Bellamy’s eyes were on Clarke and he barely noticed. “It’s nice to see that Bellamy’s capable of making friends on his own. We’ve all been a little worried about his prospects next year, away from home and all of us.”
When Clarke tilted her head at him, he explained, “I’m going to UPenn next year. Classics major, hopefully. Most of the others are staying closer to home, so they’ve been making fun of my inability to function socially.”
“Oh, wow!” To his relief, she didn’t ask what he planned to do with his degree. Instead, she just smiled. “That’s pretty cool. Do what you love, right?”
He was helpless not to smile back. “Exactly.”
“The movie’s starting soon,” Raven said, somewhat louder than was polite for a public setting, but Bellamy was simultaneously grateful for and annoyed by the interruption. His feelings for Clarke were unfamiliar, this eagerness to impress her mixed with a strange surety that she would believe in him even if he fell flat on his face in the attempt.
“Hey, Roan’s having a party later. Will we see you guys there?” Gina was looking at Clarke, and Bellamy couldn’t shake the unsettling idea that she was pointedly not looking at him.
Clarke glanced towards him, who did his best to look encouraging. After a moment’s consideration, she said, “Sure. Bellamy, text me the details?”
“Or I could give you a ride,” he blurted.
Her smile was soft, even apologetic as she explained, “Finn loves every chance he gets to show off his car, I don’t think he’ll pass this one up. I’ll meet you there.” With that, she rejoined her boyfriend, letting him slide an arm around her waist, and Bellamy had to look away.
“So that’s her,” Gina said quietly.
“The girl you like.”
His head jerked up in alarm at that. “What? No, I —”
“It’s okay, Bell.” She met his gaze evenly. “Raven told Luna, and I overheard. She seems nice.”
“She has a boyfriend,” he said automatically, as much a reminder for himself as for her.
“Yes, and that’s unfortunate. I don’t know what she sees in him; of course you’d be a better choice.”
If you’d asked him just a few days ago, Bellamy would have said he wanted nothing more than for Gina to realize he’d be a great boyfriend. Now he found that it wasn’t nearly as satisfying as he’d dreamed.
“Oh.” As she so often did, Gina seemed to guess his thoughts. “Bell, you’re not in love with me.” There was no surprise in her voice, just sympathy.
“I’m not.” He meant it to be a question, just echoing her words, but his voice betrayed his subconscious. “Oh. I’m really not.”
Gina hugged him, brief but tight, all friendly affection. “For what it’s worth, I’m rooting for you.”
“Can you, um — I don’t think I can sit there in that theater with them. Will you tell Clarke I had something to take care of, but I’ll see her at the party?”
“Of course. Wear something nice, alright?”
“Anything for you.” He managed a grin, but the joke fell somewhat flat.
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stevxrcgers · 8 years
clarkxblake ---> stevxrcgers
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notdestinedorchosen · 7 years
so i recently resuscitated my goodreads and you should totally add me ;)
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brimay · 7 years
Hi everyone! :) I recently hit 3.2K followers, which is absolutely amazing. Also, I’m going to Barcelona for a school trip on Sunday, and I’ll be away for a few days, so I figured that I’d do some blogrates before I leave. I haven’t done any in a while. 
Rules are as follows:
You must be following me
Reblog this post
Send me an ask with a ‘♥’
This is what the format looks like:
url: 1 ◇ 2 ◇ 3 ◇ 4 ◇ 5 ◇ 6 ◇ 7 ◇ 8 ◇ 9 ◇ bellamy blake
icon: 1 ◇ 2 ◇ 3 ◇ 4 ◇ 5 ◇ 6 ◇ 7 ◇ 8 ◇ 9 ◇ raven reyes 
theme: 1 ◇ 2 ◇ 3 ◇ 4 ◇ 5 ◇ 6 ◇ 7 ◇ 8 ◇ 9 ◇ hermione granger
sidebar: 1 ◇ 2 ◇ 3 ◇ 4 ◇ 5 ◇ 6 ◇ 7 ◇ 8 ◇ 9 ◇ noora sætre
updates tab:  1 ◇ 2 ◇ 3 ◇ 4 ◇ 5 ◇ 6 ◇ 7 ◇ 8 ◇ 9 ◇ ginny weasley
navi page: 1 ◇ 2 ◇ 3 ◇ 4 ◇ 5 ◇ 6 ◇ 7 ◇ 8 ◇ 9 ◇ monty green
posts: 1 ◇ 2 ◇ 3 ◇ 4 ◇ 5 ◇ 6 ◇ 7 ◇ 8 ◇ 9 ◇ clarke griffin
following: may we meet again ◇ f+ ◇ of course! ◇ always and forever 
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bonkaiqueen · 8 years
ANSWER 11, ASK 11, TAG 11 tagged by @fjrebolt <33 ANSWER 11
1. what time do you normally get to sleep? it depends, but anywhere between 10 and 2. 2. favourite read of 2016 (can be a newspaper/magazine/book)? so many omg, but i’m gonna go with lauren graham’s talking as fast as i can :) 3. describe an ideal day. this is kinda cliche now, but nETFLIX & CHILL™ !!! 4. do you have an arch enemy? no lol, unless you count my alarm clock in the morning? 5. using 5 words, describe the way you’d like to be perceived by others. generous, thoughtful, smart, and poised 6. using 5 words, describe the way you are perceived by others. stubborn, sometimes apathetic, sometimes obsessive  7. other than tumblr, what are the main things you use your computer for? email, fanfiction, and editing 8. what’s the first thing you do in the morning normally? use the bathroom 9. if you could be any age again, what age would you be? 18 10. if you could suddenly acquire any skill, what skill will you chose? (e.g. a language, dancing, a musical instrument etc.) this is acc really hard, because there are so many things i want to do but can’t. i guess i’ll go with knowing ASL 11. where do you feel most at home? next to people i love
ASK 11
1. what is your blood type? 2. what is the best compliment you have ever received? 3. what toppings do you like on pizza? 4. what is a song that makes you feel safe? 5. what are top 3 favorite movies? 6. are you usually early, late, or on time? 7. if you could go on an all-expenses paid trip to anywhere in the world for a month, where would you go and why? 8. do you have a middle name? what is it? 9. what do you miss the most from your childhood? 10. how do you feel about spicy food? 11. which fictional character do you most relate to?
ANSWER 11 (this isn’t 11 oops but the networks make up for it??)
@when-there-is-a-will // @sleep-siphoned // @kaiparker // @twdiariesx // @darkbonkai // @mysticfalls-originals // all my networks <333
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spacebell · 5 years
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moodboards (26/?): Harper McIntrye (The 100)
“Take care of our boy. “We save our friends.”
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