alienoryva · 8 months
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Bellegere Otherys
("black pearl of braavos & Brown pearl")
Bellegere Otherys is the courtesan in Braavos called the Black Pearl. She is descended from the first Black Pearl of Braavos, also named Bellegere Otherys, and Aegon IV Targaryen(Rhaenyra and daemon grandson). Her mother, Bellonara Otherys, was the previous Black Pearl before her.
The kindly man offers Arya Stark the opportunity to become a courtesan. If she wishes, the Faceless Men will send her to the Black Pearl or the Daughter of the Dusk.
"She's descended from the dragons, that one" —Merry, to Cat (Arya Stark)
(cr art) : Rae Laverge
(cr source) : asoiaf web
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donewithwoodenteeth · 11 years
I love your arya meta. There needs to be more arya meta writers out there!
Thank you!!!!
I totally agree, I hope more Arya meta appear. There's not enough of us in my opinion. Of course, I always want to talk or read about Arya so that may be it haha
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jojenradarchive · 11 years
crying over dis blog
yeah, it’s pretty saddening, isn’t it?
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thisslight · 11 years
bellegereotherys replied to your post: ✍ !
lolol. some neighborhood kids and I would watch movies together, mute them, and dub them over on tape and we thought they were masterpieces. so that’s similar. maybe. possibly.
LOL we actually still do that with one of my brother. When we are watching TV but everything is boring, we mute it and try to improvise dialogs. I suck at this but my brother is hilarious.
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cromwyll-blog · 11 years
oh god, I just stalked the ever-loving shit out of your stunning blog. please do not be alarmed by the numerous number of likes and reblogs that might pop up on your dashboard.
aww omg
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robb-stark-archives · 11 years
Random Fact about you - I got an iPhone two days ago and already beat every free level on Star Wars Angry Birds, contributing to the most unproductive weekend of my life. Unless you want to count killing pigs dressed up as stormtroopers as productive.
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gendrie · 11 years
I like that you live an arya stark appreciation life
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veinsofmantra · 11 years
I took an ~8 month hiatus from tumblr for school and work's sake, and the actual reason why I decided to fuck it all and come back, was because I couldn't stand looking at your graphics pop up on my dashboard without reblogging them and crying tears forever at their beauty. What's even more embarrassing is that this is the complete truth bc once I came home drunk and went to check my friend's tumblr and saw your 'the climb' photoset and started bawling wuuut idek...
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thisslight · 11 years
✍ !
Story from your childhood:With my brothers, we used to write very short scripts and make them into movies. Sometimes we were the characters but most of the time we used our stuffed animals, we attached strings to them to make them move. I still have the videos.
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xylodemon · 12 years
Ooh, I love these things. Okay, so who's your favorite ASOIAF character? Which one can you most relate to/are most like? UMM uhh sorry if these seem like essay questions- I promise they're not!
LOL essay questions! Don't be sorry. I don't mind at all!Let's see, favorite character... that's a solid tie between Jon and Stannis. I love them both so much, and it's reached that irrational fannish space where I can't even explain why. I JUST LOVE THEM THEY ARE FLAWLESS.I think I relate the most to Arya. I was quite a bit like her growing up, in terms of behavior and temperment.
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gendrie · 11 years
hmmm 7, 10, & 15 :)
thanks :D
7 - Favorite Sigil and Words?
Sigil - Stark direwolf. Words: Martell - Unbowed Unbent Unbroken
(answered 15)
10 - Who do you think will sit on the Iron Throne in the end?
no one. that thing better get melted down by dragonfire or something lol.
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