hoshiookami-a · 4 years
@belovedtenth​ - from this
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The goddess was perplexed. She was no stranger to time travel, she had done it a few times, after all. But this was different. Clearly, this one had come from ahead of her, rather than behind.
Amaterasu yawned. He had heard her speak, then? He must be able to view her celestial markings, flames dancing upon her back as the divine mirror floated. She could sense a great sort of power from this man. 
“You are a strange man. How did you get here? Portal, perhaps?” Her head tilted, puppy-like even at her stature and size.
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lightcreators · 4 years
@belovedtenth​ continue from here
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An easy smile spreads on his features. “Ah yes. The beautiful young wife, of one Anakin yes? I have heard of you a thousand times over from Anakin himself. Though you must forgive me, that I do not remember him describing you as so beautiful and enchanting. He fails to capture what grace you have in person.” He bows to her gently, and the time lord hardly bowed to anyone. “It is good to finally meet you.”
It  must  had  been  the  same  sensation  Obi-Wan  had  feel:  a  short  discomfort  to  realize  choice  of  omission  of  past  events,  pretending  than  none  of  this  had  happened.  She  didn’t  really  came  in  person  for  get  informed  since  her  husband’s  Master  had  preferred  advised  at  once  her  son  ----  still,  regardless  of  duties  into  the  Senate,  sadness  get  recollected  into  his  expression.  They  were  both  linked  towards  an  important  silence  who  allowed  existence  inclining  into  a  warm’s  atmosphere  ---  they  both  knew  how  the  other  timeline  was  mean  to  be  cruel,  cannot  be  forgotten,  and  how  tragedy  was  laying  around  into  the  corridors.  How  far  would  be  able  to  tell  to  the  concerned  Time  Lord  about  their  mental  health,  when  every  concerned  player  was  focused  into  the  role  sending  to  them,  following  their  own  script  but  having  to  following  strict  rules  meanwhile  be  more  or  less  aware  of  how  immense  the  universe  was  ?  How  many  revelations  she  will  be  able  to  share  with  the  Doctor  about  a  happiness  illusion  who  was  preserved  regardless  of  the  new  elements,  regardless  how  nothing  wouldn’t  be  like  before  ?
Once  upon  a  time,  she  had  been  blinded  with  too  much  love  and  powerless  towards  the  interest  of  her  husband  about  his  visions  —  the  beginning  of  something  higher,  only  an  indication  there  was  something  more  within  him  —  into  a  distorted  reality  he  didn’t  wanted  to  happens  asking  to  a  celestial  being  to  seeing  a  other  side  if  he  was  failing  into  darkness.  In  one  way  or  another,  her  ‘wish’  created  the  origin  of  the  disaster:  the  end  couldn’t  not  anticipated  surely,  but  their  space  captain  concerning  temporary  companions  of  her  and  Obi-Wan  show  the  slow  degradation  of  the  Time  Lord  who  wanted  giving  them  a  rightful  happiness  —  avoiding  Dark  Vader  to  exist  at  all  cost,  and  avoiding  also  the  abandonment  caused  by  their  father  for  her  children…only  the  first  became  true.    The  second  was  the  reason  of  the  worst  mistake  of  a  witch  they  had  witnessed  frontally.  She  saw  the  universe  she  thought  she  knew  to  break  up  in  an  impossibility  and  the  false  reassurance  she  gave  to  a  son  of  other  timeline  (at  least,  the  initial  first  time;  not  the  second  when  it  was  already  fated)  would  burn  into  nonexistence.  Not  even  a  scenario  her  Ani  would  have  been  able  to  imagine.  Not  even  a  truth  she  would  be  allowed  to  say  anymore.  For  his  own  benefits,  this  emotional  immortal  had  to  remaining  distant  of  the  reality  of  what  happened  during  the  accomplishment  of  saving  Anakin.  For  the  sake  of  a  logic  who  trapped  them  constantly,  she  will  have  to  blooming  stronger  for  her  love.
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❝    No  doubt  you  have  been  attracted  by  the  presence  of  a  former  queen  who  has  not  forgotten  who  she  was.    ❞  She  welcomed  him  with  a  pleasant  amusing  sentence.  During  one  second  during  the  compliments  he  offered  her,  she  was  recollecting  her  Queen  years  into  her  homeplanet  —  all  the  work  she  pulled  into  a  mission  of  protecting  her  people,  standing  even  more  about  expanding  peace  now,  how  she  never  forget  any  of  the  terrible  lessons  she  learned  of  foolishness  price  during  her  childhood.  For  too  long,  she  reduced  herself  into  her  abilities,  to  push  behind  her  origin  because  their  private  relationship  was  delicate.  However,  now,  she  was  remaining  the  most  underestimated  asset    —  she  could  turn  into  a  symbol  of  peace  completely;  meanwhile  allowing  Ani  to  accept  slowly  the  truth  behind  the  appearances.    ❝  Oh    you  saw  how  enthusiastic  my  husband  is  once  my  name  is  spelled  !    ❞  Though  in  private,  he  might  be  surprised  to  learn  he  was  constantly  worried,  obsessed  by  this  wrong  sensation  treating  the  reality,  unsure  about  how  to  talk  about  his  children  meanwhile  showing  some  hurt  expressions  concerning  his  lack  of  parenthood,  that  confusion  sentiment  created  by  his  son.  There  were  days  when  they  were  a  couple  speaking  mutual  problems…there  were  also  instants  when  her  husband  seemed  completely  dissociated  of  everything.  Into  rare  moments,  they  seemed  to  be  both  strangers  to  each  other  —  as  she  was  loving  a  copy  of  a  husband…and  him  feeling  like  a  shell  of  the  man  he  should  be.    ❝  I  imagine  countless  questions  must  cross  your  mind.    ❞
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“Well I never tire of that reaction.” Ten is highly amused, like a prideful creature he’s quick to puff out his chest and appear unlike the noble Time lords but the true mad man with his box. “I don’t know how you stumbled into my box dear, but hey. You’ll be shocked to see that she’s much smaller on the outside my old girl. But don’t tell her that. She thinks the mightiest and strongest vessel in the world and I’d rather not damper that image to be honest.”
“Thinks?” Emma repeats, and there is no reason to doubt that because clearly there is some alien-ness at work, so without missing a beat, she smiles and pats the side of a wall, "No, he's right, you are massive and beautiful. Lots of lights, which I really appreciate." That said, she looks back to the man, alien who sounds British? inhuman like her? future person?, and grins because he has shown no sign he's about to kill her.
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 "I'm sorry I ran through the first door I saw, I'm... kinda about to get murdered here, so I was looking for something to help me not to. Be murdered," she adds unnecessarily, and then, out of responsibility: "But I'll look for another door now so I won't drive them to you. Any chance you got a stun gun or a bat you can hand me real quick?”  
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@belovedtenth​ continued from here [x]
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“Mm, I think we’re more alike than you know. Sleep and I have a complicated relationship.” River said with a small chuckle as she cradled her own mug that she’d brought through. “I wasn’t judging sweetie, just looking out for you thats all.”
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lover-of-wolves · 4 years
{ PREVIOUS } ;; @belovedtenth​
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Rotten luck. He finally felt RELIEF, thinking he’d found Caleb. And it was swept away by DREAD once more. He let go of the stranger, glancing around the crowd again. “ I...actually, maybe you can help me? I’m looking for my friend, I left him alone for a minute and I can’t find him anywhere. From a distance I just thought you were him. ” there was a LINGERING feeling of anxiety in his stomach. He had the sense that something was very WRONG with Caleb’s disappearance.
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wwxnka · 4 years
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“A broken TARDIS and a universe to sail her by - that’s The Doctor’s way...”
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@belovedtenth​ liked this for a one-liner.
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frostgrin · 3 years
@belovedtenth​  ,  continued from here
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     ❝ Relax and have a little fun will ya? ❞   Jack Frost says  ,  allowing a swift wind to raise him up into the air  --  floating.  He grins as he looks at the strange police box.   ❝ So you can see me huh?  That’s new.  Normally people can’t.  You must believe in me then!  Nice to be seen and heard.  What is that thing anyway? ❞   The wind carries him forth towards the strange police box  ,  a hand reaching out to touch it’s finish.  It feels as if it’s alive  ,  some sort of energy coursing through it.    ❝ What’s this anyway?  I’ve never seen anything like it  --  you like ol’ man north? ❞
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fiercesouls · 3 years
@belovedtenth​ || continued from here.
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Rose had almost become used to this life by now - she got a THRILL out of the adrenaline that fuelled their adventures. Perhaps it made her crazy to enjoy danger this much, but at least she was being true to herself. When they made it back to the TARDIS, Rose had paused a moment to catch her breath before turning towards him, her eyes immediately filling with concern at seeing his slumped form. In seconds she was by his side, turning his face towards her and bringing their foreheads together, immediately relaxing against him. The safest Rose had ever felt in her life was right here by his side; it seemed laughable, considering they were always looking for danger, but it meant more than just surviving. The Doctor felt like home in a way Rose had never felt before, and it was this that drew her to him like moth to flame. “Hey. Don’t even go there. I’d rather have crazy with you than normal back at home. ” She whispered, her free hand finding his and lacing their fingers together. “Look, we got out of there in one piece, and you saved a lot of lives. That’s what matters.” It hurt her to know that this was weighing down on him.
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redlineoffate-moved · 4 years
@belovedtenth​ [x]
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"Well then, be careful. I won't be around and there will be no one to watch over you so you don't get in trouble."
Rose smiled. She enjoyed traveling with the Doctor more than anything else. He opened a new world for her, many new worlds and she appreciated this and did not want this fairy tale to end. Especially when the Doctor has long become for her something more than just a friend.
"I hope the laundry doesn't take long. Mom and I catch up our lost time and everything will be fine. It's a great vacation too."
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therapardalis · 4 years
[ @belovedtenth from here.]
Send “🏥” for a starter of my muse visiting yours in the hospital.
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“So you wanna tell me how you ended up here?” He laughs to her, crossing his arms. “A hospital bed really doesn’t suit someone like yourself. At least not to me. I’m not a real doctor so if you had gotten hurt on my watch, I wouldn’t have been able to properly help ya. I just have that title in a more--metaphorical sense.” He takes the wheeled stool usually reserved by the doctors, and takes a delightful spin to her bed side. “But I am glad you are all fixed up. Nasty Hospitals are though. Last one I was in was run by evil nun cats.”
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“Only if you promise not to laugh.” He already has laughed, just a bit, but it was only a tiny one and she’s not awfully serious anyway. Add to that it’s a relief to see someone actually chatty and fun, instead of medics either harried or overly stern. Not that the second kind can be blamed, because she’s a prickly patient at the best of times. “I was fixing roofing tiles on a barn and fell off the ladder.”
Of all the things she’s tackled and survived, something as stupid as missed footing on a rung is why she’s here. But again, at least now there’s a break in the monotony to keep her from going stir crazy. “Metaphorical, huh?” And she’ll get to the ‘evil nun cats’ part in due course, “So I can’t use you as an excuse to get out of here any quicker?”
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the-owlchemist · 4 years
@belovedtenth​ ❤’ed for a starter
【 ★ 】Though by no means would Noctus ever describe himself an  archer  in place of an alchemist that wasn’t to say he didn’t know how to care for his bow like one. It was important to do upkeep, especially maintenance on the quality of the string, while so far from home. Since finding a replacement were it to snap might be... difficult.
  Noctus sat on the floor for ease of comfort, his bow before him, as he idly ran wax along the string. The alchemist’s observant gaze however was fixed upon the mystical console of the ship; one capable of travelling the stream of  time  as well as the ocean of stars. The Celestial Plain, from how Noctus understood it. But... considering he was tending to what was  essentially  a weaponised stick ( which shot other weaponised sticks ) Noctus knew he was somewhat out of his league entirely grasping this one.
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   ❝ Forgive me if I’m not following correctly, but— ❞ He paused, trying to think how best to word his enquiry.  ❝ If this ship can travel the celestial plain is there any reason we haven’t encountered any stars yet? I was thinking we’d have met at least some of Polaris’ sisters, if not the North Star herself. ❞ Momentarily setting aside his bow and wave, he leaned over in a stretch towards his satchel where he withdrew an old tome. The alchemist falling into silence as he flipped between the pages in hope of an answer. 
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lightcreators · 4 years
@belovedtenth​ continue from here
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Pouring over a large, old text he hadn’t realized how long it had been since he had moved from that spot. A smooth white desk, with a semi-cushioned roll wheeled chair, all courtesy of Luke’s kindness as he made himself at home at his base. Ten was intrigued by this planet and world’s culture so he busied himself with reading whenever Luke was in meetings or busy off on his own missions. Once he heard the sound of the cup hit the desk’s smooth surface he turned his head and saw the young jedi. A fondness would always linger in those eyes, for him--and for the family he had around him. “My goodness Luke, you needn’t spoil me.” He chuckles as he takes a long, warm sip from the mug. “I see you came back in one piece huh? That’s good. I sure hope you have a good tale to share with me then while I take my reading break.”
Usual  perception  of  a  Game  Master  was  how  easily  he  could  have  total  control  of  his  chessboard:  deciding  where  the  story  will  lead,  which  conclusions  and  which  meaning  was  supposed  to  be  hear,  which  decisions  the  pieces  will  take  remove  any  kind  of  surprise…when  daily  life  would  be  just  another  game  awaiting  spectators  for  their  opinions.  Theoretically,  a  chessboard  based  on  free  will  risk  out  of  control  points  even  for  the  Game  Master  since  outside  elements  weren’t  from  his  cause,  to  be  unbalanced  —  which  was  true  but  generated  always  an  inner  mocking .  Did  witches  feared  independence  of  pieces  to  growing  into  something  more  of  what  they  were  supposed  to  be  written,  did  witches  feared  uncontrollable  reactions  of  their  toys  ?  How  exceptional  his  chessboard  survived  was  based  completely  on  notion  of  free  will  —  regardless  if  he  was  the  Game  Master,  he  remained  single  piece  among  others. As  Luke  Skywalker,  even  the  Rebellion  indebted  him,  he  was  another  member  of  their  team:  politics  tactics  and  selfish  ambitions  within  people  of  the  side  he  was  wouldn’t  hesitate  to  bring  danger  over  his  face,  to  using  him  if  necessary  or  accepting  a  sacrifice  on  his  part.  Though,  from  a  personal  perspective,  it  was  less  obvious  of  the  Jedi  Council  from  the  other  timeline  having  no  shame  about  pulling  too  much  on  Anakin  —  which  was  ironic,  since  as  a  last  Jedi  there,  he  had  to  considerate  how  he  was  going  to  create  a  new  Jedi  Order  without  reaching  same  problems.  Talks  were  into  other  approach,  since  that  quest  was  personal  on  their  eyes:  building  another  government  meanwhile  removing  last  pressure  of  the  Empire.  Although  involved  into  meetings  for  this  goal,  diplomatic  role  returned  to  her  sister  —  expecting  such  responsibilities  into  her  shoulders  and  knowing  herself  a  movable  pawn.  It  was  understandable  with  Mon  Mothma  ambitions:    she  needed  best  elements  on  her  side  for  allow  this  bright  future.  Like  Han  Solo,  he  was  mostly  inclined  to  roll  his  eyes  when  it  was  concerning  power  occupation  than  feeling  interested  —  he  didn’t  wanted  such  kind  of  things…  As  an  actor  director  he  acknowledged  their  desires,  inviting   them  not  be  attracted  by  temptation  ;  knowing  it  will  be  their  choice.  —  impacting  them  directly  on their  decisions.    
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Playfulness  reached  immediately  his  features  when  he  welcomed  the  Time  Lord  with  a  mug  of  hot  chocolate  afterwards  invited  rest  of  the  meeting:  he  didn’t  take  one  since  eating  was  as  accessory  than  sleeping;  for  have  also  silently  eclipsed  within  happier  chats.  Excited  beeping  of  his  droid  looking  forward  to  seeing  him  in  the  middle  of  the  day  since  he  get  the  permission  still  echoed.    ❝  You’re  welcome  —  time  must  have  seemed  long  enough.    ❞  He  noted  with  silent  joy,  sitting  down  close  for  enjoying  a  good  conversation.    ❝  As  always  !    ❞  He  commented  naturally  —  facing  problems  with  his  X-Wing  was  possible…  unless  somehow  it  had  to  happens.  Besides,  he  found  that  remark  amusing  in  the  instant  —  wasn’t  like  he  lived  constantly  into  dangerous  realm.  Wasn’t  like  he  didn’t  want  remember  these  moments  when  he  didn’t  think  he  would  made  it  —  it  joined  memories  of  not  recollect.  ❝    You  will  never  run  out  of  interesting  stories.  I  asked  for  permission  some  time  ago,  independently  of  others  missions,  to  reach  Jedi  remains  in  order  to  group  them  together.  I  don’t  want  the  Empire  to  fall  on  it  or  find  interest  —  that  would  allow  to  be  saved,  archived,  and  protected.  I  found  some  leads.  I  promised  R2  later  to  stay  with  me  while  I  do  my  own  research.    ❞  There  was  an  intended  silence  before  an  increasing  of  his  smile.    ❝  Since  holomaps  are  wonderful,  I  was  thinking  you  might  love  join  me  —  show  you  density  of  this  universe,  some  planets  to  remember…also  update  my  knowledge.  That  would  be  more  enjoyable  for  you,  wouldn’t  it?    ❞
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thebadtimewolf · 4 years
+6 ||
@diversestimulation | @arkytiorthebadwolf​ | @belovedtenth | @quillborn​ | @adamstcphens | @askrosemarymckneal | 
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“Happy new year! How are we doing?”
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shibemuses-a · 4 years
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The Five Senses Sentence Starters [accepting] [x]
@belovedtenth​ said:  ​❝ it’s so bright outside today. ❞
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Snow litters the ground, glistening and bright. Perfect. Masking all imperfections, broken land and broken homes, broken people. Robin wanted it to cover her, and that was why she had resigned to laying in it, looking up at the sky until her eyes went numb and hazy, unfocused. In a sense, she was meditating, but it wasn’t good for her.
When the person spoke, it took her a second to come back down to reality, blinking hard to bring focus and clarity back to the world. The sun seemed all too bright, too low in the sky for her comfort.
“So it is. I don’t think the snow helps matters, reflecting it back at us.” Robin spoke quietly, and once she did, she was aware of how chilly this made her, and how her body was shivering.
What was she running away from, again?
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cordiformk · 4 years
“Hey, could you help me? I’m lost.”
“Yes! Of course!”
Lost, though, lost is a funny word, it’s one of those K has to think about for a second. People can be lost in more than one way. Lost in their physical surroundings, or lost in their way through life. K has been both in his time, more than once, and decides to prepare for both. He can help with both!
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He steps closer, stretched up on his toes as he moves, something of an unplanned dance-like elegance to his steps. When he’s close enough, he reaches out a hand to offer the stranger a pinecone he takes from his pocket. No explanation is given for this. 
“Where is it you’re trying to get to? Where did you come from?” 
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hoshiookami-a · 4 years
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comfort starters [accepting] [x]
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What a strange, lovely, painful world they live in. For everything good down here, there was also incredible sadness. She had seen it firsthand many times. Watched her beloved children fight one another, brother against brother. Watched mankind pour their hatred into the earth, rending it into ash.
They are both very old, very scarred souls. Cursed with immortality, of knowledge nobody could risk knowing. Of people’s hatred and of cruelty, but also of the good that could be had and lost all in the same breadth.
As the sun sets on their latest land in their travels, she moves to sit beside him, white fur smushed against a dark coat. Her body exudes warmth, like a personal heater. It’s filled with the feeling of everything turning out in the end, of comfort in all the words she could not say.
For a long while, his words hang in the air, the red sun dripping down into night. She thinks for a good long while, lets the words settle on her ageless mind, her soul.
Finally, Amaterasu spoke. Her voice was tired, but every bit the same warmth it held before such a topic came up.
“It’s hard for me to talk about such things as well. I will not expect you to tell me unless you feel ready to. My dear Doctor, life should be lived with eyes wide open. If we linger too long in the past, we will miss the beauty of what is before us.” She gestured with her long snout to the setting sun, the world an explosion of every color that made up the word Warmth.
“That is how I feel. But I will always be a shoulder for you to cry on, or an ear to hear your hurt. I am here.”
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