#beluga caviar cost
caviar-suppliers · 1 year
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Buttery with nutty flavors! Caviar is a high-calorie food that is high in protein, vitamins A, B12, B6, C, and D. You can order your favourite caviar: https://pearlcaviarqa.com/product-category/caviar/
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
The Librarian
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It was a meagre inheritance, as these things go. A small sum of money and an annual stipend, from a trust she couldn't access, and therefore didn't truly trust. Clara was grateful for the gift - and thankful to the distant relative for including her in his will, having received little from her own parents - but it wasn't the sudden windfall she'd read about in books. Nothing to write home about, and certainly no ancestral home to write it to.
Still, it was the price of freedom. She no longer had to work, if she didn't want to, and in truth she never had. Clara had never found a job that suited her - she had always been a housewife temporarily deprived of house and husband, a woman longing to be kept, a lady waiting on her leisure. Well, she had that now. It wasn't a life of luxury, if one counted such a concept in things, beluga caviar and brut champagne, diamonds and pearls and all of that, but at least she had the luxury of time.
The stipend supported her to do whatever she want, if what she wanted cost less than the average wage, which was sadly not the case. Clara had always felt a deep-seated desire to travel the world, to experience endless adventures in far-flung lands, but without a job she could barely save to afford one holiday. The stipend was swallowed by her living costs, the mundane tax of rent and bills and groceries. The life of her dreams would have to remain confined to her imagination.
So, in the absence of real world escapes, she became an avid reader instead.
Clara had never actually been to her local library before, but she'd passed by it a hundred times. It had never seemed like much, from the outside: a tired sheet glass front, on the corner between a retail bank and a hairdresser, with a row of benches just ahead. But the inside was different. Clara stepped through the revolving door one day in town, mostly just to get out of the rain, and found that in that single moment she was hooked.
The library was a whole new world within four walls. With sodden hair and tearful eyes, she walked into a labyrinth of shelves, rows of books separated only by vast stone pillars, a daunting anthology of every kind of text imaginable. It was a paper cathedral; a corridor of tiny hardback doors; a mosaic tiled with laminated stories. By the time Clara had opened her first book, she was already in love.
She lost herself inside that forest of paper and varnished wood, leafing through the pages of one book, rustling through the chapters of another, devouring them whole whilst the stacks drank her in. She read cover-to-cover, wall-to-wall, and dawn-to-dusk - or at least during the opening hours of eight to seven. She resolved to turn the whole place inside-out, one piece of paper at a time.
It started with the corner titled adult fiction, whatever that meant, but it didn't take her long to exhaust the library's supply: a few months, perhaps, but they flew by for a woman who had little else to do. One by one, she turned novel into familiar, filling her head with tales, honing her amateur taste with works of prose. Clara didn't discriminate: contemporary or classic, literary or genre, good or bad, she read them all.
She wept once she was done - the last book had been a real tear-jerking romance, on top of the finality of it all - but there were more worlds left to conquer. Clara delved into Young Adult, Middle Grade, all the way back into books that had more pictures than words, and more cardboard than paper. She cut clean through the non-fiction section, which had no demarcations for age, but probably should have. Some of that history had been gruesome - and that was without mentioning the scientific diagrams, which had taught her things Clara was sure nobody had to know.
But she didn't stop there. The library kept an archive of the local papers, and selected national broadsheets, and Clara read her way back through their more recent history, reported through the lenses of a present now past. She learnt to see the beauty in reference books, the poetry of trade directories; to read the stories in the shifting boundaries of a dusty atlas.
Then there were the marginalia. When Clara read cover-to-cover, that covered everything: the publication dates, the copyright, the profile on the inside of the dust jacket. She acknowledged the scribbled names of those who'd checked it out before; checked out the author's own acknowledgements. There were flaws, too. Sometimes she found foxing and dog ears, even the occasional grammatical correction in blue biro. She breathed it all in as one.
After a while, it wasn't even about the books. Clara learnt to read the patterns in the shelves, the books removed and not-quite-put-back: after adopting them herself, she helped them on their journey home. She had the order memorised, a sequence that she knew to five Dewey Decimal places. The world was her omnibus, and she knew how to read it like an open book.
Clara became more regular than regular. She was an ever-present, clocking in with the library staff and going home with them at night, or at least at the same time. She would greet them as they settled at the front desk, her hosts for the day, and found that they actually spent less time there than her. They all knew her as an inhabitant of the upper floors; and later, as the years passed and a new generation arrived with barcodes and scanners, as a fixture.
They asked her questions, sometimes, as she sat and read the messages on their new computers. "We're all getting name badges. What surname should we use on yours?" Well, that only seemed fair. The children who met the challenge of reading a mere ten books that summer had been rewarded with a whole sheaf of colourful stickers, and Clara had surpassed them all. Why shouldn't she get something to show for it?
Later, when she found her way into the staff break room and read their tea leaves, or the back of their coffee sachets, they said that they were digitising their personal records. Well, that made sense too: the books had been catalogued digitally for some years, and it was only natural for their readers to follow suit. Clara never did understand why they'd needed her bank details, but then she never noticed the salary that started to arrive every month.
Customers would ask her questions too, no doubt recognising her from the badge as a connoisseur of these shelves. "Can you recommend me a book?" they'd say, with some impossibly abstract description of the kind of thing they liked, or an example of a precedent they'd like to read again for the first time. But she always could.
"I loved it," one customer told her, returning the latest book for her to re-shelve. "Thank you, yet again - this was exactly what I needed. I don't know how you do it, but it's like your suggestions are always perfectly tailored to my tastes."
"I try my best," Clara said, her eyes tracing the faded furrow in their brow, the newfound lightness in the way they held themselves, the smile that danced across their lips, and deciding what to recommend them next. "I suppose that I'm just good at reading people."
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colemanemma739 · 5 months
The Cost of Black Caviar in the American Market
Black caviar varies in price based on the type of sturgeon and the grading of the caviar. Beluga, for instance, is one of the most expensive, while Sevruga and Osetra offer relatively lower-priced alternatives.
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caviarben · 10 months
Beluga Sturgeon Caviar: The Crown Jewel of Gourmet Delights
When it comes to caviar, one name stands out as the epitome of luxury and sophistication: Beluga Sturgeon Caviar. Harvested from the mighty Beluga sturgeon, this caviar variety is celebrated for its enormous eggs, exceptional taste, and historic significance. In this guide, we delve into the world of Beluga Sturgeon Caviar, exploring its origins, characteristics, and how to savor its extraordinary flavors.
The Beluga Sturgeon: An Aquatic Giant:
Majestic Species: Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) is the largest freshwater sturgeon globally, with some individuals reaching lengths of up to 20 feet and weighing over a ton.
Caviar Source: This species yields the largest caviar eggs, often exceeding 3mm in diameter, making it a prized source for gourmet caviar.
Beluga Sturgeon Caviar Characteristics:
Pearl Size: One of the defining features of Beluga Sturgeon Caviar is the remarkable size of its pearls, which are among the largest in the caviar world.
Color Palette: The eggs of Beluga Sturgeon Caviar range from soft silver to deep black, with a lustrous appearance that captivates the eye.
Texture and Flavor: When savored, Beluga Sturgeon Caviar offers a unique texture—a harmonious blend of firmness and creaminess. Its flavor profile is often described as rich, buttery, and delicate, with a subtle hint of the sea.
Savoring Beluga Sturgeon Caviar:
To fully appreciate its flavors, serve Beluga Sturgeon Caviar chilled, ideally between 28-32°F (-2 to 0°C), preserving its nuanced taste.
When enjoying this exquisite caviar, use a non-metallic spoon to maintain its authentic flavors.
Keep accompaniments minimal, with options like blini, toast points, crème fraîche, and finely minced onions to enhance the caviar's natural essence.
Pairing with Elegance:
Champagne is a classic and elegant choice to accompany Beluga Sturgeon Caviar, as the effervescence complements its creamy texture beautifully.
For a clean palate cleanser, consider serving high-quality vodka, thoroughly chilled.
Dry white wines or craft beers can also provide delightful alternative pairings.
Sustainability and Responsibility:
Due to overfishing and habitat loss, Beluga sturgeon populations have faced significant decline, leading to conservation efforts and restrictions.
When purchasing Beluga Sturgeon Caviar, choose sources committed to sustainable practices, contributing to the conservation of this magnificent species.
The Price of Prestige:
Beluga Sturgeon Caviar is renowned for its unparalleled quality, making it one of the world's most expensive foods.
The rarity of the Beluga sturgeon and the meticulous process of harvesting contribute to its high cost.
In Conclusion:
Beluga Sturgeon Caviar stands as a symbol of culinary opulence and tradition. Its unmatched characteristics, flavor, and cultural significance have made it a coveted delicacy for generations. When you indulge in Beluga Sturgeon Caviar, you're not just experiencing a gourmet delight; you're partaking in a piece of history and luxury. Savor it responsibly, and let the splendor of Beluga Sturgeon Caviar elevate your dining experiences to extraordinary heights.
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bestercaviarinfo · 1 year
From Ancient Times to Today: Tracing the Fascinating History of Caviar
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Caviar is one of the most luxurious foods in the world, prized for its exquisite flavor and texture. This delicacy, made from the eggs of sturgeon fish, has a long and fascinating history dating back to ancient times.
Ancient Persia
The origins of caviar can be traced back to ancient Persia, where it was known as "khaviar." The Persians were the first to develop methods for preserving caviar, including salting and packing it in jars. Caviar was considered a delicacy fit for kings and royalty, and it was also used for medicinal purposes and believed to have healing properties.
Middle Ages in Europe
During the Middle Ages, caviar was highly prized in Europe, where it was mainly consumed by the aristocracy. It was served at banquets and used as a gift to demonstrate wealth and status. Russian tsars were particularly fond of caviar, and it became a staple food at their lavish banquets.
Decline in Availability
The popularity of caviar in Europe led to overfishing of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea, which caused a decline in the availability of high-quality caviar. This led to the development of caviar farms, where sturgeon are raised specifically for their eggs.
Caviar Farms
The first caviar farms were established in Germany and France in the late 19th century. These farms initially struggled to produce high-quality caviar, but over time, they developed techniques for raising sturgeon and producing caviar that rivaled the best from the Caspian Sea.
Today, caviar is produced in many countries around the world, including the United States, Italy, and China, with the most prized varieties still coming from the Caspian Sea region. The best quality caviar is still incredibly expensive and is reserved for special occasions and the most discerning of palates.
Types of Caviar
The Caspian Sea is home to four species of sturgeon that are used to produce caviar: Beluga, Osetra, Sevruga, and Sterlet. Beluga caviar is the rarest and most expensive of all, with prices reaching up to $20,000 per kilogram. Osetra caviar is also highly prized, with a milder flavor and a slightly nutty taste. Sevruga caviar has a more pronounced flavor, while Sterlet caviar is the smallest and least expensive of the four types.
From mass harvest to sustainable production
Over the years, the demand for caviar has caused sturgeon populations in the Caspian Sea to decline rapidly. This has led to the imposition of quotas and regulations on sturgeon fishing, with the aim of preserving these species for future generations. In recent years, there has been an increasing trend towards sustainable caviar production.
Black caviar alternatives
Some farms are also using alternative fish species, such as paddlefish and whitefish, to produce caviar that is similar in flavor and texture to traditional caviar. There are also more affordable options available, such as caviar made from the eggs of other fish species or imitation caviar made from vegetable ingredients. While these options may not have the same prestige as traditional caviar, they can still provide a similar flavor and texture at a fraction of the cost.
In conclusion, the history of caviar is a testament to its enduring appeal and status as a luxury food item. From its origins in ancient Persia to its current global popularity, caviar has a rich history that spans centuries and continents. While the luxury food item has faced challenges related to sustainability and accessibility, the development of caviar farms and the exploration of alternative options have helped ensure that this delicacy remains available to discerning palates. Whether enjoyed as a symbol of wealth and status or as a delicacy for special occasions, caviar remains a fascinating part of culinary history and a true delight for the senses.
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go2goio · 1 year
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jdpink · 1 year
The ensuing price battle was dubbed the "Beluga caviar war" by the New York City media.[2] Macy's initially went after Zabar's by placing a 14-ounce box of Beluga caviar on sale for US$149.[1] Klein quickly, and happily, lowered Zabar's own price of the Beluga roe in order to undercut Macy's sales, which forced Macy's to lower its own cost to US$129, which was considered a bargain in the caviar market.[2] Not to be outdone, Klein again lowered the Beluga price to just US$119 for a 14oz box and sold the product at a loss rather than lose to Macy's.[2] He correctly anticipated that the ensuing positive publicity and public relations for Zabar's over the dispute would more than make up for the negative loss of selling the caviar for such a low price.[2] Thus Klein was able to beat Macy's in terms of sales and public relations.
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lastfrontierh · 1 year
What Level Skier Do You Should Be To Heli Ski
The helicopter will solely carry teams led by accredited native guides. To consider particular person abilities, the guide will ski with the group off-piste earlier than the helicopter pick-up, with honest evaluations saving serious consequences in the backcountry. When Heli-skiing the insured don't have the prepared access to this support structure Heliski and you're really counting on the experience of the guides and pilots to find out the danger ranges. In addition you may be closely reliant on mechanical means to get to the highest of a mountain and flying especially in a high alpine setting could be extraordinarily hazardous.
Our packages embody every little thing from heliskiing to guided ski excursions; heli-scenic tours to split boarding programs - with costs ranging from simply €99pp. We guarantee we will Heliski discover you one of the best snow of your vacation. The Beluga caviar of ski experiences is an altogether much less dangerous, but however intoxicating and addictive expertise.
With a course that's adapted to you and your stage, you can progress in one of the best circumstances, discover new practices and perfect your approach. A diversified weekly programme, to enjoy your vacation on the snow in a unique way. Protectivity Insurance is a specialist in niche commercial, leisure and lifestyle Heliski insurance. Protectivity presents a range of insurance coverage merchandise, together with Event Insurance, Pet Business Insurance and Personal Trainer Insurance. We’re pleased to supply tailored cover from AXA XL, a number one supplier of insurance in the sports activities and leisure business.
We respect that the previous few years have created uncertainty for travellers and although the impression of the pandemic has eased, we'd still like you to have the power to e-book with confidence. Click here for our Covid-19 Travel FAQ's and Holiday Promise. For all up coming vacation information you presumably can go to out Holidays page.
It is the coldest and driest of all the continents on Earth, making it essentially the most challenging and equally rewarding of its sort – a desert of virgin snow ready to be explored by these daring enough to accept its call. Heli-skiing is the final word expertise for the powder-hungry skier who prefers the unbeaten observe and the surprising twists that come with it. The greatest and most original places on the earth offer untold wonders from remote runs under the midnight solar to being flown to untouched peaks of the Antarctic. Thank you very much for the full day off-piste guiding final Friday. I was fully exhausted by the end of the day which is a sign of a unbelievable day.
You may even see them in Britain, though it pays to move to Scotland and, even better, specifically to the Shetland isle of Unst, the northernmost inhabited part of the UK. Best of all, when you time your visit for January, you would additionally catch the Viking-inspired Up Helly Aa competition in Lerwick on Mainland. Seriously here – that is, the game of tacking across the frosted floor on reclining windsurf-sled type vessels.
The celebrations are most colourful within the north Indian states of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi. Livigno, the duty-free, high-altitude Italian resort is providing comparatively low-cost heliskiing for a restricted period. Tignes supplies an enormous number of diversified terrain for skiers and boarders from challenging off-piste powder to leisurely cruising runs.
In 1962 he used a chopper to take people half means of a ski trip, however they still needed to spend hours trekking to reach the summit. Valgrisench is a wonderful village sitting at 1664m simply 28km off the principle Aosta Valley and offers a few of the finest heli-skiing terrain in the Alps. It presents more than 50 high altitude touchdown websites with diversified terrain catering for all levels of skier and snowboarder. Our Sports Accident Insurance is designed to guard you while heli snowboarding in the UK. The coverage supplies a range of benefits including private legal responsibility and income protection. By their very nature, these one-day periods can not match the intensity of any single day of a week in a heli-skiing lodge.
Heli-skiing is the entry of distant off-piste terrain by helicopter. Clients and their certified guide are flown from the valley or mountain heli-pads to a choose few peaks. The shoppers and their gear are dropped off and the group heads off on backcountry, off-piste descents. Heli-skiing provides the possibility to flee the crowds and access private of playgrounds with sensational terrain and snow. You are an skilled and confident off-piste skier capable of deal with most snow varieties and situations, you can ski steep slopes (30 degrees+) and make brief turns in gullies and ski by way of trees.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from "Jungle 2 Jungle"
Hey, bonehead, moron!
Keep your pencil to yourself!
Get out of my way.
You call that a hunch?
I call that an opportunity.
You're not still leaving, after what you did in there?
You give me that same patronizing little speech every time you play one of your stupid hunches.
I am outrageously pleased to meet with you.
He who knows what a woman wants, knows everything, but not even God knows that.
You look different.
I have a boat waiting.
I don't want any money.
Hey, stop! You can't leave me here!
What you're doing is very unprofessional!
Come back here!
I'm gonna need all these clothes back, right where they came from, all right?
Bring on the bachelors.
There's something that you don't know.
I figured you'd be happier that way.
You thought this would make me happy?
How long before you noticed I was gone?
Why didn't you talk to me?
Excuse me. The real world calls.
Look, I was right. I was right!
Coffee has gone crazy.
I realized that I had lost you somehow.
God, it's good to be good!
This is nuts. This is nuts.
This is unbelievable.
This is unforgivable!
It's a territorial thing.
No! Don't touch that!
You wouldn't happen to have a place where I could stick that, would you?
Talk about your wind instruments.
I gotta admit, this isn't easy for me.
I don't have any regrets.
Well, I have regrets.
Maybe I can teach him about commodities.
Baboon! Baboon!
Cut, infection, death !
So, you understood everything I said last night.
These shoes cost me $500.
Scared of snake?
I do not eat snake.
I have a whole 'nother life where I live.
I'm a trader. That's what I do, okay?
Don't move! There's a giant spider on you!
I don't want to hurt you, but I will.
I will crush you like---a bug!
This place is a nightmare!
The hair on your chest reminds them of a monkey.
Here, if you make a promise, you keep it.
Get on. It's just a moving sidewalk.
You do have a reason, right?
Oh, God, I'm dead !
Where are all the animals?
Just wait it out. Something will happen.
You can't always depend on a natural disaster.
We can hope for an assassination.
Behave yourselves here!
Something better happen fast, or I'm gonna throw your butts out the window!
What do you hotshots think about when you make these deals?
I'll shout, I'll yell, I'll scream as much as I want.
Look up! It's an alien circle with Mickey Rourke's picture in it.
Catch the damn spider, will you, please?
Wow! Nice shot!
I missed you. You never called me.
Just act natural.
So, did you miss me, darling?
There's a Fashion Channel?
So, what did you bring me?
You brought back a child.
This is my female.
Is there anything special you like to eat?
Great earrings.
Before you pee, you lift the seat. After you pee, you put the seat back down.
I'm gonna die up here.
Don't you ever, ever, ever do that to me again!
When I tell you to do something, I mean it. Do you understand me?
I was just worried about you out there. I really was. All right?
When I saw the shoulders on this gown, I plotzed.
A little champagne?
What is taking so long with the food?
I don't eat meat, I don't eat dairy or nightshade vegetables, and, of course, I don't touch preservatives.
We eat cat.
We are not going to eat the cat.
You had no right to change the rules.
Are you saying that I knew that I had a child?
Well, if I had a child, I certainly would have known.
So now you're saying that you having a child is my fault?
This is cereal. It's just corn, brown sugar, yellow #5 and zinc oxide? They've added a sunblock to it.
I'd like to be around you, but, but I'm obligated to go.
You won't shoot any more animals?
You're probably in the bathroom, making yourself look beautiful.
You can never have enough pictures of your kids.
On top of everything else, didn't I tell you to wait in the apartment?
I've got a life here. I can't change everything just because you showed up.
Get out of the street! Come on!
This is a dangerous jungle.
No, you're not a man.
You are an adolescent.
You are free to do whatever you want.
There are no guarantees.
This is speculation.
When can we expect payment?
Now we're laundering money for the Russian Mafia?
You cannot walk away on this, please.
Tastes like lizard guts.
I haven't danced like that since I was a little kid.
I've been in this bathroom for hours!
Stay away from the door!
I'm gonna put it in the wastebasket.
It's still moving.
Put the thing back in its box.
It's as big as an ox!
A cat is a pet!
How do you know it hasn't already laid eggs in the apartment?
What if they miss one and it crawls into my ear while I'm sleeping and lays its eggs in my brain?
This is serious! We have to move!
You're blowing this out of proportion.
Look, if something dramatic has happened, it should be on film.
I look at something and see what it can be and who can wear it.
She doesn't like me.
It's not you at all. It's me.
Well, when you pick one to love, it's very different.
lt's a poecilia latipinna. They're from the Amazon.
You're walking around New York City with a million dollars in a suitcase?
Don't tell me. You're leaving.
You are the most important thing in the world to me, except for this other thing I gotta do now.
This better be an emergency.
Try everything once, I always say.
We'll manage to survive this, okay?
Beluga. Best caviar in whole world.
Believe me, shrewdness is not in the picture.
I told you. Time heals everything.
And this is supposed to be a bribe?
Now where is this champagne?
You're so feisty today.
What do you say we take the champagne and drink it in the bedroom?
I think what we have here is an intercultural misunderstanding.
You just downed $10,000 worth of sushi.
You started a wildfire in my yard.
Maybe you're overreacting?
I still don't understand the problem.
You have nothing to be upset about.
That's a pain that's here to stay.
Screaming's no way to deal with a child.
I'm a parent, therefore, I'm an idiot.
Anybody can land on their feet.
Don't make me lose temper.
Don't move! The spider could kill you.
Oh, that's gotta hurt.
I'm starting to really like that spider.
I have many enemies but none like that spider.
What do you say you and I get the hell outta here?
You know my back affects my work.
Money is honey.
Boys, we're gonna clean up.
Now that's a very big bug.
You're a professional.
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blueiskewl · 3 years
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The $6,000 Burger is the Worlds Most Expensive
There are also white truffles, Iberico ham and a sauce made with a Macallan single malt.
When someone is looking for something cheap and hearty to eat, few items hit the spot quite like a cheeseburger. Still, that hasn’t stopped plenty of chefs from trying to give the fast-food staple the luxury treatment.
The latest is Robbert Jan de Veen, of De Daltons diner in Voorthuizen, Netherlands. The cavalier chef’s burger, dubbed “The Golden Boy” because of its gold-leaf bun, takes something that you can still find on the Dollar Menu at McDonald’s and turns it into a decadent monstrosity that costs more than an Omega Speedmaster.
There have been plenty of expensive burgers over the last decade, but none can compare to Jan de Veen’s brainchild. The reason for its sky-high price? Some of the most expensive ingredients from around the world. It all starts with the patty, which is made from ground A5 Japanese Wagyu beef and chuck short ribs. It’s then topped with white truffles, Paleta Iberico Bellota ham, onion rings with Dom Perignon in the batter, Beluga caviar and king crab. All of this is between two halves of a saffron gold-leaf bun that also has some Dom in it. Even the condiments are luxe, as the “Golden Boy” is served with a barbecue sauce that counts Kopi Luwak coffee and Macallan single malt whiskey among its ingredients. De Daltons describes the burger’s flavor as being “intense” and it’s easy to see why.
So, what the final total for de Veen’s loaded burger? The advertised price is €5,000, or just shy of $6,000 based on today’s exchange rates. That makes it the world’s most expensive burger by a comfortable margin. That title used to belong to a burger at Fleur in the Mandalay Bay Casino in Las Vegas, which cost $5,000. But that burger, which featured wagyu beef, foie gras and black truffle shavings, also included a bottle of 1995 Chateau Petrus from Bordeaux, which accounted for much of its cost.
While $6,000 may sound like too much to some, the first “Golden Boy” has already been sold. Best of all, the proceeds will go to a local food bank, meaning that the unimaginably pricey sandwich will end up feeding plenty of folks.
By Bryan Hood.
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randomtimes-com · 3 years
The Golden Boy: world’s most expensive burger that costs 5.000€
The Golden Boy: world’s most expensive burger that costs 5.000€
The Golden Boy, a delicacy made with 100 percent Wagyu A5, Beluga caviar, king crab, white truffle, among other premium ingredients, has broken the record for world’s most expensive burger, with a price of about 5,000 euros ($6,000). The burger was created by Robbert Jan de Veen, owner of Dutch restaurant De Daltons, who came up with the idea while sitting in his restaurant pretending to get some…
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caviar-suppliers · 1 year
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Caviar is considered as a health booster due to its high level of omega-3 fatty acids. It is acceptable to consume it two to three times each week and enjoy not only the health advantages but also the delicious taste. You can order your favourite caviar: https://bit.ly/3mduxvq
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starkxmoods · 4 years
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Writer Au? Where Peter is a writer and he's making a book,a biography, of Tony Stark, so they have to meet up a lot and just talk about Tony's life, but after a while, Tony gets bored, so he starts asking the questions. He asks about the boy's life, and they get to know each other.
Edit 13.03.2020: Finally wrote the story! I'll post it below:
It was a Tuesday afternoon, Peter was waiting in front of the agreed-on restaurant, pen and paper in hand. He was wearing one of his best suits, black, with a red tie and a whitw shirt underneath, camera at his neck.
He was waiting for the famous Tony Stark, waiting to interview him for the biography he was requested to write about the man. The man who saved the world so many times after making so many weapons to destroy it.
It was around 9:37 when Peter saw the expensive car pulling up in front of him, a rounder-shaped man getting ouf from the driver's side, walking to the back and opening the door, seeing Tony Stark getting out of the car and walking towards him.
"Mr. Stark." The boy spoke softly, trying to repress the anxiousness from his voice.
The older man looked down at the smaller boy and took off his sun glasses, putting them in the breastpocket of his expensive suit.
"Mr. Parker. I see you've come early."
Peter nodded, starting to walk with Stark inside the restaurant.
"Yeah. On time is always late." He said with a small smile, while they walked to find their seats and soon sitting down.
The reserved seats were next to the upstairs glass, the view beautiful, making Peter's eyes shine from the moon light as it was already night out.
"It's really pretty here, Mr. Stark." The boy said, before turning his gaze to the man and giving him a warm smile. It was pretty clear he was new to the job, quite inexperienced, quite shy and nervous bit he was trying to get comfortable, to relax and not fanboy too much in front of Mr. Stark.
"Thank you. I picked it last second, tho. So it was the only one available." Tony mumbled, starting to look through the menu.
"Well then, whoever didn't book this table..Well it's their loss. It's super pretty. " Peter said with a small chuckle, starting to flip through the menu for something to order. Tho he didn't have a lot of money (that's why he took this job) so he wasn't going to ordwr anything too expensive.
"I might have a salad..with some water. What are you going to have, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked quietly, taking out his notebook and writing down a few things while waiting for the other to answer.
"Some Beluga's Almas caviar and Frrrozen Haute Chocolate ice cream sundae"
"Oh..wow..That's- That's..nice, Mr. Stark." Peter mumbled, smiling softly as he wrote down the things that Tony was going to eat, the fact that he said it so casually, as if the whole dinner wasn't going to cost hundreds.
"Yeah, well..That's what I usually get."
The man said it so casually, in his deep, gruffy voice, that for skme reason, it made Peter's skin tingle as he nodded, writing down his notes in a scribbly way, trying to compose his calm around the older one.
While they waited for the food to arrive, the two men talked, mostly about Tony's life, lifestyle, hobbies, tiny details, everything.
And soon, their food finally came, and then they started eating in silence. Not awkward silence. No, it was a comfortable silence that they both enjoyed.
A couple of questions later amd a few hours passed, the two parted away, Peter thanking the man for the dinner and for answering the questions, and Tony promising to do that again sometime.
And sometime came by sooner than later, and then again,and again, until one night, Tony called things off all of a sudden.
"Wait- Mr. Stark- Why? Did I do something? I'm sorry if I did, I-"
"-Hey, kid. Slow down,calm down. You didn't do anything, but it's just boring."
Peter was shakily holding the phone in his hand, trying not to hiccup. Was he really that boring?
"I'm sor-"
"No, none of that. It's not your fault, kid. I just get bored of people asking so many questions about my life. No fun, you know?"
"Please, Mr. Stark..I'm almost done with the book, I just need- Just- I'll do anything,Sir.." The boy was pleading, desperate to finish the book, to do a good job and be able to pay the rent, to keep himself and his aunt healthy, well fed.
"Anyhthing, hm? Well then..If that's the case, then..How about I asked the questions tonight?"
"W-wha- Wait- Uhm..Yeah..Okay, yeah, of course! Great! I'll uhm- I'll see you at out usual place, then?"
"Sure, see you there. And bring me a pen and paper. I like that pen that you always use. Writes nicely." Tony said,and the smirk kn his face could be heard through the phone, and it made Peter's face burn. Not only the smug tonw, but then fact that Tony actually noticed his writing, his pen, everything.
"Yes, sir!" Peter said before Tony hung up, and the first thing he did was run and take a shower, getting ready. But then again,he always got nervous when they had dinner together,but this felt different somehow. More special.
At 9:30 PM, their usual time, Peter was waiting in front of the restaurant, fiddling with his fingers nervously. When he saw Tony's car, his heart felt like it skipped a beat, breath getting caught in his throat.
Tony got out of the car, walking towards the younger male, dressed up in his most elegant suit, the cologne he was wearing being so strong that it made Peter dizzy.
"Good- Ah- Hello, Mr. Stark- Should we-" He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He was 21, for God's sake. He shouldn't act like a 15 year old. "Should we go to our seats, Sir?"
And to that, Tony chuckled, nodding, amused by the boy's nervousness.
They walked to their usual seat, by the window, the moonlight shining on Peter's face, making it look so pretty, his eyes sparkling as he looked up at Tony, shyly giving him the notebook and pen, chewing on his bottom lip softly.
Tony was taken aback by the lip bite,but he kept his emotions under control. After a few months of going to dinners woth the boy, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of him, feeling emotions he probably shouldn't be feeling around the boy.
Nonetheless, he took the notebook and pen, looking down at the blank piece of paper, and then back up at Peter.
"So..Tell me about your life."
And Peter did.
They talked for hours, much longer than they usually did, the entire conversation being about Peter's life. And Tony found out a lot. Like how his Aunt was in debt,hos he was bullied in school for being 'the gay nerd', how he never actually had a relationship, and how he was always trying his best to be good for and with others.
And Tony couldn't lie. He was attracted to the guy. So much so, that he put the notebook down, using both of his hands and taking Peter's hand over the table,holding it tightly, reassuring the boy that he was going to be there for him no matter what, and that from now on,if he needed anything, Tony would help him in any way he could.
The touch startled Peter, sending shivers down his spine,but sending blush rushing to his cheeks, coloring them red.
"Thank you, Mr. Stark."
"Please. Call me Tony."
From then on, Tony would invite peter on dinners in which they didn't need to talk about the biography. They'd just eat, relax, be happy in each other's presence. He'd invite the kid to stay over, just laying on the couch and watching movies, playing video games, enjoying each other's company.
Until one day, when Peter took Tony's hand while they were lying on the couch, brought it up to his lips and gave it a soft kiss, looking up at Tony through half lidded eyes.
"I think I really like you, Mr. Stark..." The boy whispered shakily,nervously holding the other's hand in his own, hoping to not get too bad of a reaction.
And that's when Tony pulled his hand back, instead wrapping his arms around the younger's waist and pulling him into a deep, loving kiss.
The biography was finished in a few months, but the aftermath of it was even better. Peter was now a famous writer, with Tony by his side. He didn't need the job anymore, as Tony was paying for everything he needed,but he actually enjoyed writing a lot.
And Tony, well, he was so happy, feeling so lucky to have Peter as his boyfriend now. And who knows, maybe in a few years, have him as his loving husband.
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colemanemma739 · 6 months
Golden Whitefish Caviar: An Affordable Luxury
Caviar has long been synonymous with luxury and exclusivity, often associated with a hefty price tag. However, Golden Whitefish Caviar breaks this stereotype, offering a delightful gourmet experience that's both accessible and affordable. This blog delves into the world of Golden Whitefish Caviar, exploring its unique appeal, characteristics, and why it's a sought-after choice for caviar enthusiasts mindful of price.
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Understanding Golden Whitefish Caviar
Golden Whitefish Caviar is harvested from the Golden Whitefish, a species native to the freshwater Great Lakes of North America. What sets it apart is not just its distinctive flavor but also its accessibility in terms of price, making it a popular choice for those new to the world of caviar or looking for a budget-friendly luxury.
Characteristics of Golden Whitefish Caviar
Appearance and Texture: This caviar is known for its small, crisp grains that range in color from bright gold to amber. The eggs are firm, offering a pleasant, crunchy texture that's a delight to the palate.
Flavor Profile: Golden Whitefish Caviar is milder compared to more expensive varieties. It has a delicate, slightly briny flavor with a hint of sweetness, making it a versatile addition to a variety of dishes.
Affordability: One of the most appealing aspects of Golden Whitefish Caviar is its price. It provides an affordable entry point into the world of caviar, offering a luxury experience without the exorbitant cost associated with more traditional types like Beluga or Osetra.
Culinary Uses and Pairings
Golden Whitefish Caviar is not just for traditional caviar settings. Its versatility makes it suitable for a range of dishes, from canapés and appetizers to garnishes on gourmet creations. It pairs well with light crackers, sour cream, or lemon wedges, and can also be used to elevate dishes like omelets or pasta. For drinks, a crisp white wine or a light cocktail can complement its flavor.
Sustainable and Ethical Choice
In an era where sustainability is increasingly important, Golden Whitefish Caviar is a responsible choice. The Whitefish population is well-managed and sustainably fished, ensuring that this delicacy can be enjoyed without environmental guilt.
Market Trends and Price Analysis
The market for Golden Whitefish Caviar has seen steady growth, thanks to its affordability and appeal as a gourmet product. Prices vary depending on the source and packaging, but generally, it remains one of the most budget-friendly types of caviar. This affordability has made it popular not just among individual consumers but also in restaurants and culinary events.
The Perfect Choice for Special Occasions
Whether it's a celebration, a special dinner, or a gift, Golden Whitefish Caviar adds a touch of luxury without breaking the bank. Its appealing price point makes it suitable for larger gatherings, where it can be served as a sophisticated appetizer or a unique addition to party menus.
Golden Whitefish Caviar is a testament to the fact that luxury and affordability can coexist. Its delightful taste, versatile culinary uses, and sustainable sourcing make it an excellent choice for both caviar novices and aficionados. The next time you're looking to add a touch of elegance to your dining experience, consider the golden appeal of this accessible delicacy.
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The Challenging Depths Of Man
I am, you may say, a "fish pervert".
As a scuba diver I am not unique in this regard. In fact, it is a poorly-kept secret that the vast majority of scuba divers are fish perverts. I mean, what other possible reason could we have for risking the kinds of death most men only dream of in the kind of steaming nightmares that come when the nights are humid and inescapable? What do you think we occupy our minds with in the diving bell eternities while we keep the bends at arm's length if not the undulating, shivering forms of fins and flippers?
No, we are humble fish fanciers and we do not care for, nor about, your judgement. You should not be surprised that we shirk society's expectations when we look death in its suboceanic rod-rich retinas every day of our damned lives. Within the first week of training a fellow diver, a fine boy from my own hometown by the name of Felix Trunkopolis, was crushed by a dropped anchor which had been customised to look like a gigantic pair of buttocks in tight-fitting lycra. Such tragedies are commonplace. His diving partner, Chudwick, having not warned him of the obvious danger (distracted as he was by a particularly alluring Pterois Lunulata), inherited the entirety of Felix's considerable debt and the burden of the nine monstrous Trunkopolis children. Chudwick accepted this burden magnanimously. Any of us would have accepted it likewise, because Diving Law states that it must be so.
We all know of the danger, and of the cost of inattention. Diver Law exists to keep us together, and to keep us alive, and is simple: if your diving partner perishes, you inherit their life's responsibilities. It is simple, clear, and extremely legally binding.
It is thus that we divers are bonded as brother and sister. Bonded in responsibility, in fraternity, and in fish pervertery. It is thus that we remain strong.
I, Phil Glanschirp, am a scuba diver. Or at least I was before James Cameron ruined my life.
Depending on who you ask in the diving community, James Cameron was either a missed opportunity, a charlatan, or an aberration. He was a missed opportunity because, despite his interest in oceanography and the power that he wields culturally, he did not include a single shot in Titanic of caviar being massaged out of a beluga sturgeonfish's asshole. He was a charlatan because, like so many other rich men with expensive hobbies, he expected to swoop in and solve all of our problems despite an almost total lack of experience. He was an aberration because he did not once express a desire to fuck a fish.
There are technical and logistical factors underpinning the incident, of course, but it is my sincere belief that James Cameron was turned into compressed bonechum at the bottom of the ocean that day because he did not develop the deep bonds shared by the diving community. The rest of us have spent person-years together drinking in semi-abandoned dive bars (pun unavoidable) where the marine air rusts the emptying beer kegs hungrily. We have been bored, together, alone, in steel bedrooms with a view of the infinite waterline, passing well-thumbed copies of Fishy Rendezvous Monthly amongst ourselves samizdatically despite the fact such material is not just allowed but encouraged. As we pull our hands to our chest ready to slip backwards from the deck into Andaman, deep green waters, we hold Diver Law to our hearts, each of us an oath-bound Hippocrates.
I must admit that, on a cosmological level, much of the blame for the misfortune I now find myself in must fall upon my own shoulders. My excellence in the field led me to deeper and more dangerous dives, which usually means being led deeper into the cold and lightless parts of the ocean. Those who dive past a certain depth -- the depth at which life loses its form and changes to vague, sexless creatures like urchins or sea cucumbers, also known as the "Pillusker Attraction Depth", i.e. the depth at which 1940s diver Proust Pillusker stopped feeling horny -- are viewed with utter suspicion.
Yet I allowed myself to lured by the usual siren songs of fame, money, and recognition when I joined the team of the Deepsea Challenger 2. Although the Deepsea Challenger mission had already reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench, James wanted to do another go-around as an excuse to delay his fifth divorce. And I was to be his wingman, travelling in a second ship to look out for any art deco bullshit that may have once belonged on the Titanic. He beckoned, and I came, and we dove toward the centre of the Earth.
And so it was that, on 7:42pm on the 21st of March, 2020, my submersible's video feed showed a crack appear along the glass of James' submersible all at once, as if smited. In that moment I knew there was nothing that could be done. Not even a second later the submersible was crushed, altered to an impossible miniature form as if it were a can of tomatoes under the heel of an industrial press, a jet of James sent firing out of a breach and into the water like a silly string of vicsera.
In that moment I knew there was nothing that could be done.
By Diver Law, I was bonded to James Cameron's earthly responsibilities.
I would have to write and direct the next four Avatar sequels.
I should be fine with being out of my depth. Christ. And yet I find myself floundering (stop -- you don't have time to be horny), this responsibility tied to me like lead weights around my ankles. I'm not any kind of director, let alone one who should be responsible for a multi-billion-dollar franchise. The lawyers have found no way around it and no way out. There must be four Avatar sequels, the money must be spent, and I must be the one to make it happen. But I cannot possibly do the thing that is asked of me. I cannot do what I need to do.
Am I not a creative being? Do I not ache and burst with the same pain and failure and urges as Melville, or Hemingway, or del Toro? I am large, I contain multitudes! Creation should not be rationed to only those qualified! Have I not something to say about this most human condition? The more I think of this burden of mine, the more it swells from itch to pleasure. I feel like my pipes will burst if I do not turn this tap, and fill to the brim these Avatars with myself!
I must do what I need to do. I will prove I am not just the man who had to make Avatar 2, 3, and 4 because I am legally bound to, and along the way if some of myself makes its way into the movies, would that be so bad? It is time for me to show the world who Phil Glanschirp really is.
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sognotoscano · 4 years
Happy #NationalCaviarDay from #SognoToscano 💥⁠ Did you know?? 👇🏽⁠ .⁠ 👑 The highest quality of Beluga caviar is called Almas, which means “diamond” in Russian. It is sold only by London’s Caviar House and is packaged in a round, 24 karat gold box, costing around 40,000 euros per kilo.😱⁠ .⁠ Enjoy the video we produced for #CaviarDay and tag a friend who is crazy for #Caviar 🤪
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