#ben garrison cartoon
cadavidson · 9 months
Ben Garrison Cartoons: Klaus Schwab, WEF Land Grabbers exploit victims of Maui, Hawaii Wild Fires
Ben Garrison Cartoons: Klaus Schwab, WEF Land Grabbers exploit victims of Maui, Hawaii Wild Fires The Venture Vultures Circle Maui   The Vultures Are Circling….Lahaina residents heard no sirens and many were forced to make a hasty escape. Now that the town is destroyed, will the residents be able to hold onto their land and rebuild? Perhaps, but many globalist billionaires undoubtedly have a…
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skittypilled · 8 days
they’re gonna have so much fun with this in apush 30 years from now
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aric · 2 years
The Onion really did some amazing work clowning on Ben Garrison.
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"The Drama Queen"
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radiofreederry · 8 months
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Normies may be asking why Ben Garrison is still drawing cartoons about Hillary in 2023. Real Benheads are wondering why he’s drawn her with both shoes in this one.
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wetthandss · 7 months
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g man looks like a ben garrison cartoon
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gusty-wind · 7 months
Ben Garrison Cartoons@GrrrGraphics
New #bengarrison cartoon #ChinaJoe Welcomes The Boss
Schwab and the Marxist Democrats admire China for the dictatorial power wielded by the communists there. They want for the same situation for America. President Xi came here in order to make Biden look like a statesman ahead of the 2024 election. Xi wants his paid-for patsy to get another term. Trump is strong and was on of the few presidents to stand up to China. Biden is weak and can barely stand, and the majority of Americans can’t stand him either.
much more at https://grrrgraphics.com/china-joe-meets-his-boss/
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nyantria · 4 days
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FAUCI- Lock Him UP
Cartoon published 06/04/2024
GOP softballs at Fauci Hearing...except for MTG who brought the fire.🔥
Fauci pushed social distancing and masks—even though he knew they don’t work. Even little kids who were least likely to catch Covid were force to wear masks during their key development years. Schools, churches, and small businesses were shut down thanks to Fauci. He pushed dangerous vaccines even when they did not work. Not only did millions die from Covid, millions more were injured and killed by the vaccine. Fauci doesn’t care because he’s a sociopath. Remember, he sent millions of taxpayer dollars to fund the torture of beagles for no good scientific reason whatsoever. Fauci had no problem murdering dogs, and he had no problem murdering humans.
Marjorie Taylor Greene called for “Mr.” Fauci’s imprisonment. She refused to call him a doctor (as do I) and was admonished for harming the decorum. She held up facts and evidence of his his lies and hypocrisy.
Lock him up!
— Ben Garrison
Lock Fauci Up – GrrrGraphics
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txttletale · 1 year
Please please PLEASE roast the Kansas state flag it’s literally so detailed it’s embarrassing
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this shit makes me the fucking joker. to add insult to injury they write KANSAS on it. like that just says it all doesnt it. tons of tiny little stars and horses and oxen that are ant-sized and then it still has to have a label on it like a fucking ben garrison cartoon because it doesnt trust the merits of its visual symbolism to carry it. Sad!
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kynndr3dd-synn3 · 25 days
A Pocketful of Liars...Judge Merchan's Kangaroo Court
New Ben Garrison Cartoon
Michael Cohen, serial liar, and Stormy "I blacked out and don't remember" Daniels go for a ride in the Kangaroo's pocket. Now NY Appeals Kangaroo Court upholds the gag order on Trump-
How corrupt is NY?
Read the rest at https://grrrgraphics.com/merchans-kangaroo-court/
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cadavidson · 1 month
Branco, Ramirez, Ben Garrison Cartoons: Columbia University protests and other Brainwashing Crimes
Branco, Ramirez, Ben Garrison Cartoons: Columbia University protests and other Brainwashing Crimes New Ben Garrison: If their signs told the truth… Now we see the progressive college crowd venting their outrage and vitriol about it all, but their statements and signage show that they really haven’t given the matter thorough thought. For one thing, ‘Gays for Hamas,’ is a howler. Any Hamas…
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A U.S. District Court Special Master has confirmed that the Ashley Biden diary is real and was conclusively proven to be true. Ashley Biden personally confirmed the diary to be authentic. National File exclusively reported in October 2020 on the diary, in which Ashley Biden describes her childhood showers with her father. NATIONAL FILE senior reporter Patrick Howley, who broke the story, appeared on The War Room with Owen Shroyer to discuss the latest developments (watch the show here).
“Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma,” Ashley Biden wrote in her diary, referring to childhood sexual trauma. Ashley Biden also wrote in the diary about “showers with my dad” that she felt were “probably not appropriate.”
The National File Twitter account reported: “U.S. District Court Special Master CONFIRMS @PVeritas_Action had actually confirmed the Ashley Biden Diary was LEGITIMATE. Ashley Biden confirmed BY PHONE CALL that the diary was, in fact, hers. Project Veritas believed that the diary was, in fact, authored by Ashley Biden. The Special Master finds that “the documents are not protected by the qualified journalist’s privilege.”
The National File Twitter account reported: “SDNY chillingly finds that communications surrounding how a leak might have occurred within the organization are NOT subject to journalistic privilege. National File, whose staff has broken such stories as the Ralph Northam “Blackface / Klan Hood” scandal & the Cal Cunningham affair, did not originally acquire the diary. We have never heard from either Federal Authorities or SDNY with respect to this matter.”
Cartoonist Ben Garrison recently called out Joe Biden for the Ashley Biden childhood showers scandal, as first broken by NATIONAL FILE in 2020 within the contents of Ashley Biden’s diary.
Ben Garrison’s cartoon, entitled “Hit The Showers Joe” parlays the disturbing Biden revelations into a poignant punchline on how Biden’s behavior has damaged the Democrat Party and created more acrimony in our national conversation. Ben Garrison’s work taps into the collective unconscious by portraying recognizable images and revealing the fundamental toxicity lurking beneath.
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Since the publication of the diary’s contents, Joe Biden’s conduct with children has been under scrutiny. Biden has been caught in precarious situations with children, as captured on film. Evidence includes the video of Joe Biden appearing to grope Maria Piacesi, the niece of Republican Senator Steve Daines. Maria Piacesi later confirmed that Joe Biden pinched her body.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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Um…why does this political cartoon by Ben Garrison feel like Pete should be both insulted and complimented?
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"Bad Dog, Worse Dog"
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radiofreederry · 2 years
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Congratulations to Ben Garrison for bringing racist caricatures of the Irish back to American political cartoons
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agoodcartoon · 1 year
i cant believe BEN FUCKING GARRISON make a cartoon dunking on Adams
ive even seen cyanide and happiness dunking on him
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