#ben stillman
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“When Heartland ends, I hope the last scene is everyone having a family dinner together. I feel like that table is almost a character at this point - it's been in basically every episode“
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the-real-tc · 1 year
Fic Update! Bad Business: Ch. 12 A Place Called Heartland
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Chapter 12:
A Place Called Heartland
To the childless wife he gives a home, and gladdens her heart with children.
- Ps. 113
Hudson Hawk: Your Eye on Hudson
Bad Business in Hudson
If you've been following the local news lately — and it's hard not to — you'll be very aware of all the sinister events that have unfolded in our fair town over the past few weeks. Thanks to the dogged efforts of the Hudson Police and that of the neighbouring Calgary Metro Police, however, it looks like justice will prevail in the sordid murder and murder-for-hire cases that have come to light.
To recap: Mrs. Valerie Stanton of Briar Ridge Stables was shot to death while horseback riding up at Lookout Point. Also targeted for death was one Lisa Stillman of Fairfield Stables. One detail that came to light was that the horse Stanton was riding at the time of her death belonged to Stillman. This raised a troubling question: was Stillman the intended target with Stanton being the unfortunate victim of mistaken identity, or was it all a terrible hunting accident?
Nothing could have been further from the truth, as the culprits turned out to be much closer to home; their reasons much more disturbing. Facing various and sundry criminal charges are: Tanner Gunn, Theresa Haywood, Stanley Belmont, Jesse Stanton, and William Ulrich.
I know what you're probably wondering: Is Jesse Stanton related to Valerie Stanton? The answer is a resounding "Yes". He's the son of the same late Valerie Stanton, and Briar Ridge heir. He's been charged with soliciting a killer-for-hire to murder his mother. His reasons for so doing will probably come to light in the upcoming trial, or not. Whatever his reasons, what makes things all the more troubling is he decided to try to kill Lisa Stillman when the insurance payout for his mother's policy was held up due to the police investigation into her death.
Adam paused as he tried to summarize the facts of the case as he knew them. He stared at his laptop screen, wondering now if he had the right to be typing this story in his blog at all. After all, he knew the people involved. By now Georgie must have told the family at Heartland Ranch the Hudson Hawk was his chosen sobriquet.
An unconscious frown tugged at Adam's mouth. His conscience was nagging him. It had been easier when he could hide behind the anonymity of a screen name; he could pretend there was some distance between himself and the subject of his blog posts. Now...
So while he had the blessing of his parents to continue this blogging endeavour, Adam closed the file without saving it. Instead, he decided to check with Alberta Fish and Wildlife to see if they had anything new to report about the elusive bear that had been implicated in the attack on Herring and the man whose body he and Georgie discovered at the Dude Ranch. Doubtless when it was eventually found, it would be destroyed. Such would be the fate of any wild animal that targeted humans instead of other wild animals.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Somewhere on Highway 2, Due North.
"I'm glad she's finally feeling up to having visitors," Rachel said as Lou navigated the SUV to the hospital.
Lou glanced at her, then chanced a peek back at Ben, who was staring out the window at the passing scenery, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
"It was driving me crazy having to wait," Rachel continued. "I still can't wrap my mind around everything that's happened. It's like some bizarre dream I'm waking up from. Well, nightmare is more like it. Thank God it's over."
"I can't believe everything that's happened, either," Lou quipped, thinking back to the night Amy shot Jesse, and how Chief Parker had been able to tell the rest of the family Lisa was alive.
Rachel's joy at learning her only sister had indeed survived the attempts on her life was tempered by the fact she had been led to believe the opposite.
"I thought I was coming out here to say 'goodbye' to her," Rachel commented, her voice just above a whisper. "I thought I was never going to see her again. And I know I shouldn't be upset the police couldn't tell us the truth right away—to protect her and all that—but I wish..."
"But it's gonna be okay now," Lou said reassuringly, filling in the silence when Rachel did not verbalize the rest of her train of thought. "She'll be so happy to see you two."
The rest of the family had elected to stay back at Heartland for the time being so as not to overwhelm the recovering patient. It was expected Lisa would be discharged within the week, anyway, and Georgie and Katie were already excitedly making plans for a 'Welcome Home' party of sorts, and the imminent arrival of Aunt Evelyn.
From his position in the backseat, Ben quietly spoke up: "I keep going over in my mind the time I spent at Briar Ridge. I remember being jealous of Jesse Stanton at the time because of all the 'toys' he had. He seemed to have anything and everything he wanted. I remember thinking how much I'd love to have a Ducati like his, and how my parents' splitting up meant I might be able to guilt one or both of them into getting me one. Then I thought, hey, maybe my rich aunt could. What she did buy was jumps for Red so I could practice at Heartland. It took me days to finally thank her. Days. What a shallow, ungrateful idiot I was.
"To think... to think Jesse was riding that same damned bike when he shot my aunt..."
"For what it's worth, Ben," Rachel eventually uttered with a smirk, "There's no way I would have been giving you a Ducati back then, no matter how guilty I felt about the divorce, and neither would your Aunt Lisa."
South Calgary Health Campus
Lou tapped her knuckles lightly on the door to Lisa's room.
"Yeah, come on in," Jack called from within.
Upon hearing this response, Lou let Ben and Rachel go ahead of her. Despite expecting this visit from her family, Lisa felt a lump forming in her throat at the sight of her sister and nephew, and instant tears flooded her eyes. Rachel crossed the floor quickly to her sister. Lisa readily received the gentle but fervent hug that lasted several seconds.
"Hey, Rachel," Lisa uttered. "Thanks for coming. I'm so glad to see you."
"I thought I'd lost you," Rachel murmured, voice choked with emotion as her eyes brimmed.
"I know," Lisa responded as Rachel released her. "I'm sorry. You know I never wanted to put you—any of you—through that. But the decision to keep you in the dark wasn't mine. I never wanted to cause you any grief—"
"We're just glad you're going to be okay, Aunt Lisa," Ben put in hurriedly, also approaching Lisa for a hug of his own.
"Ben," Lisa said warmly while accepting his embrace, "it's so good to see you."
"Ben's right," Rachel said. "All that matters is you're going to be okay. The people who did this to you are in custody and you're still with us. That's what's important. Oh, my goodness, let me look at you..."
Rachel spent a few moments taking in the bandage that still graced the left side of Lisa's forehead, and then noticed the sling on her arm. What she could not see beneath the hospital gown were the sutures sealing the incision where the chest tube had been inserted, and the additional bandage covering the patched-up bullet wound.
Shaking her head, Rachel said, "I'm so glad you're alive, sis. You look like you've been through hell and back."
"I feel like it, too," Lisa uttered wryly.
Jack rubbed her forearm in a comforting manner at this comment. He could not abide thinking she was in any discomfort.
"Rachel, I'd like you to meet Jack," Lisa said, motioning towards her husband.
"Jack," Rachel said with a wide smile, moving to hug the man her sister married. "At long last, we meet in person. I'm sorry it took something like this to bring us out here."
"Good to finally see you in person, too, Rachel," Jack said heartily, holding her tightly for a few moments before releasing her.
"Hi, Jack," Ben said, reaching over to shake the older man's hand. "It's been a while."
"Yes it has!" Jack rejoined, grasping his step-nephew's hand. "It's good to see you again, man."
"Jack... I want to thank you for being there for my sister when that monster tried to... you know..." Rachel trailed off. "You saved her life."
"Yes, Jack," Lisa said, sending a broad smile in his direction. "My hero..."
Jack did not wish to think about or speak any more of the night he found hitman Earl McCann trying to suffocate Lisa, so he quickly shifted the conversation to a more mundane topic.
"Well, I guess Aunt Evelyn should be getting in soon?" he asked, doing his best to sound upbeat about it.
"Yes, Grandpa," answered Lou, also sensing his discomfort about the former subject. "Her flight gets in tomorrow night."
"Oh, Aunt Evelyn," Lisa groaned, closing her eyes. "She'll never forgive me for putting her through all this!"
"Of course she will," Rachel rebutted. "I talked to her yesterday. Lisa, all she cares about is that you're alive and safe. You said it yourself: the decision to keep what was going on confidential wasn't in your hands. You were at death's door at the time, for heaven's sake! Nobody's blaming you."
At this, Lisa nodded. "Thanks, Rach. I needed to hear that."
"Anytime," Rachel said. "Someone's got to knock some sense into you."
"Right," Lisa said. "And thank you for not making cracks about my 'hard head'."
"Oh, rats! That was going to be my next joke," said Rachel, feigning disappointment.
"Well, I, for one, am glad for your 'hard head', Lis," Jack said with a small smile. He traced a thumb near the bandage below her hairline, once again so grateful the weapon Jesse had used was not as deadly as he intended it to be.
A Couple Days Later
Heartland Ranch
"They're here!" Katie cried excitedly, rushing from the porch into the house upon seeing Jack and Lisa pulling up into the yard.
"We're home, Lis," Jack said, putting the truck in park.
"Hmm," Lisa murmured, slowly peeling open her eyes. She had not intended to fall asleep during the drive home, but too many nights of poor sleep in the hospital meant her body craved rest. Jack's steady driving and the purr of the truck's engine proved to be a fairly good natural sedative.
"Wow, how long was I out?" she asked.
"About half an hour," Jack chuckled. "I didn't realise my company was that boring."
"Oh, you," Lisa said, realising he was jesting. Now that she was coming to full awareness after her brief nap, she finally noticed the yard was not quite as empty as it normally was. "Um, Jack... What's with all the cars and trucks..?"
"You have a lot of people who wanted to welcome you home, Lis," Jack explained. "Come on. Let's get you inside."
Jack opened the door on Lisa's side and carefully eased her down. "Slow and steady, now," he advised, gingerly supporting her on the way to the house.
Though she was feeling miles better than when she first woke in the hospital, Lisa allowed Jack this expression of care for her well-being. After all, she knew first-hand how challenging it could be when the person you loved most was resistant to help of any sort.
Almost as soon as she entered the house, Lisa was met by Evelyn.
"Darling," the older woman uttered, taking her niece's face in her hands before hugging her tenderly. "I'm so relieved you weren't taken from us like that... When Jack called me... oh, I thought my heart wouldn't be able to endure it. But you're here. It's a miracle."
"I'm so sorry I had to put you through that, Auntie," Lisa said sincerely.
"Nonsense," Evelyn stated flatly. "Lou and Rachel explained everything. The police did what they had to do to keep you safe and to flush out the guilty parties."
"Then I'm so glad you understand," said Lisa with relief.
"Jack, don't be a stranger," Evelyn chided, at last noticing him. "Come here. I want to kiss the man who saved my niece's life."
"Hello, Evelyn," Jack said, allowing her to give him a peck on the cheek.
Evelyn leaned in to Lisa. "Doesn't he ever shave, darling?" she asked in a low voice, though Jack managed to hear, anyway.
"Only when the mood strikes him," Lisa answered with a chortle, patting Jack's face playfully. "But I love him, anyway."
"Yes," Evelyn said seriously. "And he loves you. And that's really all that matters, isn't it?"
Tim approached just then. "Everybody's waiting in the living room," he announced, somewhat impatiently, then amended his tone. "Is Lisa okay?"
"I'm fine, Tim," Lisa replied. "I just didn't expect something like this when I got home."
"Let's go," Evelyn said perkily. "Can't keep your well-wishers waiting."
Lisa sank into the middle of the couch, deeply touched by the gathering of dear family and friends that afternoon. She was further impressed by the efforts Katie and Georgie put in to decorating the space to enhance the celebratory mood of her return home.
"Do you like what we did, Lisa?" asked Katie with expectant enthusiasm, grinning widely. Georgie stood by, also waiting to hear what Lisa would say.
"It's beautiful, both of you," Lisa responded, taking in the large 'WELCOME HOME, LISA' banner, streamers, balloons, and cheery tea lights. "This was so very thoughtful of you. So special."
Heartened by this praise, Katie zipped over to where Peter stood with Lou and happily told them that Lisa loved her handiwork.
Everyone took time to express to Lisa their happiness that she was going to be okay after her brushes with death. But there were two people in particular Lisa knew she was more than obliged to see and to publicly commend.
"Ty; Scott," Lisa spoke up, grabbing the attention of everyone. The two veterinarians looked uncomfortable under the sudden scrutiny of the others.
"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your quick actions that day out on the road," said Lisa. "I don't remember any of it, but I'm eternally grateful you stopped and helped."
"Of course, Lisa," Ty said.
"We would have stopped for anyone in distress, Lisa," Scott added. "It just so happened we knew you."
Neither man was able to say anything further, as memories of that incident were still difficult and disturbing.
"We're just glad you made it, Lisa," Ty said.
"Right," Scott said in agreement.
"Thank you, both of you," Lisa said, once again fighting back tears.
An hour or so slipped by. Lisa could feel her energy starting to wane; friends such as Caleb, Jen, Mitch, and Scott made their departure. At length, only the family remained in the living room.
Before it got to be too late, and before Lou lost her nerve, there was something she had to get off her chest. "I know we don't always see eye-to-eye, Lisa," Lou said tentatively, "but the truth is you're very special to me, and to all of us here. It felt like losing my Grandma Lyndy and my mother all over again when we thought the worst had happened to you..."
Lou suddenly could not continue.
"I felt the same way, Lisa," Amy put in. "After my miscarriage, and after everything you shared with me, I was devastated at the prospect I was facing another personal loss... but you're here, and I'm so glad."
"And I..." Georgie started, but was unsure if she could continue. She looked to her mother, who nodded some encouragement. "I didn't know what to think of you when I first met you, Lisa. I thought you were some rich snob who was going to take Jack's time and attention away from me—"
"Oh, Georgie, honey..." Lisa murmured.
"I never got to say I was sorry for that," Georgie went on in a rush. "And Lisa, I'm sorry for all the mean things I said about you. I'm so sorry. I-I never knew my grandparents or my great-grandparents, for that matter, but you've been everything I could have ever wanted in a great-grandmother, and more."
"Thank you for that," Lisa said, eyes misting, looking at the family that had been grafted onto her heart. "Thank you all. And I want you to know I feel the same way. You know, I had a full life before I met Jack. A life I thought I loved. I thought I was living my dream life. But I look back now and see I didn't realise how sad and empty my heart was. I love you all very much. My life and my heart are full now."
Later that Evening
Dinnertime was over. Jack helped settle an exhausted Lisa into bed where she dropped off to sleep in minutes. It was early still, and after all the social activity of the day, Jack decided he needed to clear his head for a bit, so he brewed a cup of tea and escaped to the porch.
He had been there only a few minutes when he heard the sure creak of the door. Someone was coming outside and he turned expectantly to see who it was.
"There you are," Rachel said to Jack, softly closing the screen door while exiting the house.
"Hi, there," Jack said amiably from his position on the porch bench. "Have a seat."
"Thank you," Rachel said, and joined him. A few seconds later, she added: "It's every bit as lovely here as Lisa and Ben described, Jack."
Jack merely nodded.
"We haven't had a chance to really talk yet," said Rachel.
"No, we haven't," Jack said in agreement, though he wondered what Rachel might want to talk about.
"It's years too late, but I want to thank you for offering to put Ben up when I was going through my divorce," Rachel said. "At first, I wasn't thrilled with the idea when Lisa told me that 'plans had changed'; that he wasn't going to be at Fairfield; that he was going to be boarding at some place called 'Heartland'. But after Ben got over his own issues, he admitted he actually didn't mind this place so much, and he was sorry he didn't appreciate it enough at the time."
Jack nodded again, thinking back to how sullen Ben had been in those days. "Divorce is never easy on anyone, especially when there's kids in the mix," he said, remembering some of the ways Lou and Amy struggled to cope in the wake of Tim and Marion's divorce.
"I love my sister to bits, Jack," Rachel said. "She's my big sister, you know? I idolized her growing up. I was relieved she would be the one to take over the family business because I sure didn't want to be responsible for it. She seemed to be happy when she married Dan and moved to the U.S., but we both know how that all turned out. That time in her life changed her, Jack, and not for the better. I wish only happiness and love for her, and I'm so glad you're in her life, because it's clear you're the one who can provide those things for her."
"Well, I'm glad she's in my life, too," Jack admitted, though that hardly covered the length and the breadth and the height of things when it came to expressing how he felt about his wife.
"I don't know what fair wind blew you two together," Rachel said, "but I pray you two stick together."
"That's the plan," Jack said, thinking back to that evening at the Open House when he first laid eyes on Lisa Stillman. Never in a million years would he have guessed what the future would bring him after that chance encounter.
"You wouldn't happen to have a brother who's just like you out there somewhere, eh, Jack?" Rachel said with a laugh.
"No, no. Just me," Jack responded with a smile and a quick laugh of his own. "I think they broke the mold when they made me."
Rachel looked over at him, seeing his features in the light streaming from the kitchen window. "I think you're right about that, Jack. My sister is a very lucky woman."
"I think I am the lucky one," Jack said with sincerity. How many people get a second chance at love in their lives?
"Yeah..." Rachel said. "Well, goodnight, Jack. Thanks for loving my sister the way you do. You've saved her life in more ways than you'll ever know."
The younger Stillman sister leaned over and gave Jack a kiss on the cheek.
"Goodnight, Rachel," Jack replied.
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heartlandtfln · 1 year
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“(915): Any time you've had a failed relationship, I blast No Sex for Ben by The Rapture and dance around my room. I wish I was joking.“
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Red Dragon: I can hold the world in my hands. Gran’ma Ben: No you can’t. Red Dragon: *picks up Stillman* Yes I can
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rosalyn51 · 1 year
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NEW still photographed by Patrick Redmond
Screen International NEWS First look at Anthony Hopkins and Matthew Goode in ‘Freud’s Last Session’ BY MICHAEL ROSSER 11 APRIL 2023
Babylon Berlin star Liv Lisa Fries has joined Anthony Hopkins and Matthew Goode in the cast of Freud’s Last Session, which is in its final stages of filming in Ireland.
A first look at the film, in which Oscar-winner Hopkins plays Sigmund Freud and Goode plays author C.S. Lewis, has been released by WestEnd Films, which handles sales alongside US-based CAA Media Finance.
German actress Fries plays Freud’s daughter in the film, which is set on the eve of the Second World War and sees the founder of psychoanalysis invite Lewis to debate the existence of God.
Further cast announced today includes Jodi Balfour, known for Apple+ series For All Mankind; Stephen Campbell Moore of Epix recent adaptation of War Of The Worlds; Jeremy Northam, who played UK prime minster Anthony Eden in Netflix’s The Crown; and Orla Brady of Star Trek: Picard and Into The Badlands.
Freud’s Last Session is being directed by Matt Brown and was written by Mark St. Germain with revisions by Brown, based on the play by the same name. Producers are Alan Greisman, Rick Nicita, Meg Thomson, Brown, Hannah Leader, and Robert Stillman. Irish producers are Tristan Orpen Lynch and Aoife O’Sullivan of Subotica Productions.
The project reunites Oscar-winning production designer Luciana Arrighi with Brown, having previously collaborated on 2015’s The Man Who Knew Infinity. Cinematographer Ben Smithard, who previously worked on The Father with Hopkins, has also joined the project.
Costume designer Eimer Ni Mhaoldomhnaigh, Bafta award-winning make-up designer Morna Ferguson (The Wonder) and editor Paul Tothill (Atonement) complete the creative team.
WestEnd Films and CAA Media Finance announced several sales last year that saw Sony Picture Classics secure a multi-territory deal, including North America.
The film is an Ireland-UK co-production made with support from Screen Ireland and the UK Global Screen Fund.
Financing has been provided by Media Finance Capital, LipSync Productions, M.Y.R.A. Entertainment and a pool of independent financiers including 14 Sunset, Movieland Entertainment, the Solomon Directive, the Travelling Picture Show and Lipper/Daly Entertainment.
*Like Jeremy Northam, Jodi Balfour plays Mrs. Kennedy in The Crown. Matthew is Lord Snowdon. Stephen Campbell Moore is in the Downton Abbey movie. Ben Smithard is the DOP. GOODE connections!!! Can’t wait.
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kwebtv · 3 months
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The Citadel - BBC One - January 20, 1983 - March 24, 1983 / PBS - November, 1983 - January 1984 (Masterpiece Theatre)
Drama (10 Episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
Ben Cross as Dr. Andrew Manson
David Gwillim as David Hope
Clare Higgins as Christine Barlow / Manson
Tenniel Evans as Dr. Page
Gareth Thomas as Dr. Philip Denny
Michael Cochrane as Freddie Hamson
Cynthia Grenville as Blodwen Page
Colin Baker as Richard Vaughan
Jane How as Mrs. Vaughan
Tim Wylton as Ben Chenkin
Don Fellows as Richard Stillman
Beryl Nesbitt as Annie Hughes
John Nettleton as Charles Ivory
Raymond Bowers as Dr. Llewellyn
Dilys Price as Mrs. Llewellyn
David Pugh as Joe Morgan
Dyfed Thomas as Dai Jenkins
Jack Walters as Old Thomas
Richard Davies as Dr. Watkins
Janet Davies as Mrs. Watkins
Carmen du Sautoy as Frances Lawrence
Avril Elgar as Nurse Sharp
Oliver Ford Davies as Reverend Parry
Michael Gough as Sir Jenner Halliday
Charles Kay as Mr. Hopper
Buster Merryfield as Professor Challis
John Welsh as Sir Robert Abbey
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heartlandians · 1 year
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EXCLUSIVE: Beau Mirchoff, who last appeared in the CBC hit show’s first season, has closed a deal to return to ‘Heartland’ 16 years later. Mirchoff teases that “Ben has left his jumper dreams behind him and is ready to cowboy up when he returns to Hudson”.
Read more under the cut...
April Fools!
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Movie Review | Pearl Harbor (Bay, 2001)
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I think among Michael Bay auteurists, Pearl Harbor is considered his worst movie as it's the one where his personality is least evident. As a guarded admirer of Bay, I'd held off as a result, as guarded admiration has its limits and what I've disliked from Bay I've really disliked. But coming off a viewing of Ambulance, which I loved, and a rewatch of Bad Boys II, a movie I've finally warmed up to, I figured that these would be the conditions most conducive to my appreciation of this movie and finally gave it a go. I can see where the Bayheads are coming from. This is Bay's attempt at a prestige picture, a World War II weepie made with his usual blockbuster production values, and it's executed with all the enthusiasm of a kid sullenly trying to eat his vegetables so that he can finally have dessert, or squirming uncomfortably in his Sunday suit. (I'm going with two metaphors here.)
The central romance is dead in the water. Like Top Gun, this is a case where the love story seems driven more by the kind of handsome compositions that the impossibly attractive stars can be cast in rather than any actual romantic chemistry. But where that movie at least convincingly evoked a sense of camaraderie between its male co-stars (the shirtless volleyball scenes didn't hurt), all the characterizations and plot points are recycled tropes from better movies, enacted without much grace. (You can see the movie awkwardly enact the Walk during a prep montage, but without any of the rousing qualities or sense of cool better versions of the sequence have captured.) I will say that I don't think that the actors are at fault. I think the narrative on Ben Affleck, Kate Beckinsale and Josh Hartnett has been that they're not very good actors (blatant bullshit in the case of Beckinsale, judging from her scene-stealing work with Whit Stillman, and Affleck has at least received some level of reevaluation), but you'd need to be an awful good actor to salvage lines like "I think World War II just started!" (Affleck briefly channels his douchebag charisma from Mallrats after feeling betrayed by Hartnett and Beckinsale, but this is shortlived.) This movie invites obvious comparisons to Saving Private Ryan and Windtalkers, two sentimental World War II movies from around the same time (the former likely made this one possible), but for whatever faults you can cite with the other movies, Spielberg and Woo are sentimentalists at heart and believe in what their movies are selling. Bay's worldview, which to his credit has evolved over the years, is too crass and mean-spirited to give life to this love story. It's telling that his next movie, Bad Boys II, is likely is most corrosive.
Of course, the real reason to see this is its enactment of the Pearl Harbor attack, which the movie follows up with the Doolittle raid. Bay's direction springs to life here, like the aforementioned kid sneaking his vegetables to his dog and finally diving into a big bowl of ice cream, or tearing off his tie and saying all the cuss words he couldn't at church. (Perhaps the two metaphors are excessive, but I stand by them.) This is a sequence that might actually be appreciated by Bay's detractors, as it's unusually coherent by his standards, without sacrificing the energy level or grandiosity afforded by his editing style and production values, respectively. (He retains the lessons of Top Gun in giving some level of spatial coherence to the flight sequences.) Bay structures these sequences similar to the climax of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, one great battle sequence with individual set pieces contained within, giving some shape to the mayhem. All that being said, there is perhaps less tact than one would like in a depiction of a real world event, as Bay captures the carnage a bit too lovingly. (One particularly egregious moment has him following a bomb dropped by a Japanese plane all the way to the moment of impact, something he did again in 13 Hours, although it felt a little less crass there as it seemed more in tune with the characters' mortality.) So I understand those who took issue with these sequences, but as someone who struggled through the interminable romantic scenes with only brief dogfights to ease the pain for the first hour and a half, I enjoyed them quite a bit. I'll feel bad another day.
As a historical epic, this is also often derided for being woefully inaccurate, but offers some of the usual fun in seeing awkward renditions of famous historical figures (FDR is played by an especially hammy Jon Voight), as well as recognizable faces in the numerous supporting roles, usually saddled with extremely on the nose dialogue. Most will rightfully cite these as flaws, but I got a kick out of seeing the likes of Mako and Dan Aykroyd in World War II cosplay. I particularly enjoyed the presence of Michael Shannon, who plays his character in the same register as the one he played in Bad Boys II. Given that his character here is a war hero while the other one is a Klansman, I preferred him here. And it goes without saying that the movie looks great, a cross between the golden hour hues of a classic Bruckheimer production and the grainy immediacy of Janusz Kaminski's work in Saving Private Ryan. So there are definitely things to enjoy here, if you can tune out, like, half the movie.
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thoughtswordsaction · 4 months
Twist & Writhe Premiere New Song & Announce Debut EP
Photo corutesy of the band. Pennsylvania band, Twist & Writhe, announced their debut EP and released a new single, All Things In Time. Twist & Writhe was started by guitarists Ben Vardjan and Alex Slagle with a desire to create a band that encapsulated all of the member’s musical influences with no boundaries. With the addition of bassist Jay Stillman and drummer Leighton McCleaf, the…
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reveriehq · 1 year
mw villains? 👀
we love villains so much, so buckle up for quite the list! ( small disclaimer i know some of these characters might not be considered villains so these suggestions are of characters who at some point have been the antagonist or antagonistic )
from fandoms already present: selina kyle, posion ivy, leonard snart (dc comics), nate gray (the infernal devices), myul mang (doom at your service); marina andrieski (the magicians); kang sujin (true beauty); katherine pierce, klaus mikaelson, marcel gerard, silas, freya mikaelson, rebekah mikaelson (tvdu); peter hale, theo raeken, violet (teen wolf); the handler, the sparrows: marcus, fei, ben, alphonso, sloane, jayme (the umbrella academy); raven  darkholme, harry osborn (marvel); kylo ren (star wars); clove, cato, finnick odair, johanna mason (the hunger games); georgina sparks, juliet sharp (gossip girl); faith lehane, anya jenkins, glory, spike, drusilla, angelus/angel (btvs).
from fandoms we would love to see: victor vale, eliot "eli" cardale (villains series); ok eultae (bulgasal: immortal souls); ursula, captain hook, hans, mother gothel, anastasia & drizella tremaine, queen of hearts, maleficent (disney / fairytales); lee nayeon (all of us are dead); sharpay evans (hsm); cole turner, the stillman sisters (charmed); amber freeman, richie kirsch (scream 5); crowley, ruby, meg masters (supernatural); regina george, janis ian, cady heron (mean girls); shego, dr. drakken (kim possible); prudence, dorcas, agatha (caos).
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weeklysalesmeeting · 2 years
Selling with Confidence
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“Lisa Stillman is the most manipulative person on Heartland. Starting with Ben she caused all kinds of trouble. She interfered repeatedly in Lou’s business. She tried to gain favor with Amy when she needed a horse fixed. Lisa desperately tried to make Jack spend more time in France then he wanted to. Even walked out on Jack when refused to live the hoity toity jet set lifestyle.“
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the-real-tc · 2 years
Bad Business Chapter 2: For Better
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Author's Note: Thanks for all likes and re-blogs so far, everyone! I appreciate the encouragement. Here's the next installment. Things are still relatively calm, as you'll see. This time we have a small side plot involving what I'd call Heartland magic, you know, that not quite true-to-life horse-healing stuff that's nevertheless entertaining (or at least I hope it is). While it may seem like nothing much is happening in this chapter, I can tell you it's laying a foundation, so pay close attention.
Special thanks to tnwalk7rach for her help with this chapter as she provided invaluable information. Any inaccuracies are solely my fault, as creative liberties were taken.
Chapter 2: For Better
"I'm so glad to get that announcement out of the way," Amy sighed after making sure Lyndy was tucked in safely for the night. "It was driving me crazy keeping it a secret. As it is, I think Lisa and Lou were getting a little suspicious."
"I'm relieved to get it out of the way, too," Ty said in agreement.
"You're not planning to bubble-wrap me again this time, right?" Amy said to her husband as they prepared for bed.
"Uh... No," Ty said, a grin creeping up on his lips. "I think I'm over that 'super-over-protective' phase."
"Well, good!" Amy said while sliding under the bedsheets. "Because bubble-wrap spooks the horses."
"Does it, now?"
"Mm-hmm," Amy replied with a mock-serious nod, brushing her fingertips across his chest. "Noise-sensitive equines could be set back weeks just by being exposed to the stuff. Snap-crackle-pop! Instant horse trauma."
"Now you're sounding like an old Rice Krispies cereal commercial," Ty said, snuggling in close to Amy. He rested his chin against her shoulder and brought an arm over her belly.
"Ty..." Amy began slowly.
"How would you feel about it if I decided to ride during this pregnancy?"
Ty hesitated before answering, leading Amy to believe he was not thrilled with the idea. "I think... if your Ob/Gyn says the risks are minimal, then I think you should follow her advice," he finally answered.
"You didn't really answer my question," she said.
"What do you mean?"
"Be honest: would you or would you not be okay with it if I got the all-clear?"
Ty inhaled sharply. He knew Amy was not trying to bait him, but he felt cornered, nevertheless. "Amy, I will always have your safety and that of our baby as my highest concern. But I know I can't bubble-wrap you. I don't want to be that guy who dictates everything his wife does because he's too insecure. If you want to ride this time around, then go for it."
"Okay," she said. "I'll see what the doctor says when I go in for my check-up."
"All right," he said agreeably, but to Ty's ears, his wife did not sound as if she fully believed him.
"Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?"
After donning one of Jack's old shirts that she had claimed for sleepwear, Lisa looked at her husband over her shoulder with a quizzical expression. "No. Why do you ask?"
"Tonight," Jack said, moving to stand close behind her so he could place his hands on her shoulders. "You didn't make a peep about being the reason why Scott can take on Cassandra as full partner at the vet clinic."
"Why should I have? It was a group decision," Lisa said, trying to deflect any praise.
"Mm-hmm," Jack murmured, bringing his lips to her cheek. "And who was it that brought the clinic to the group's attention in the first place?"
"Well, I may have suggested it," Lisa conceded. "And though I voluntarily abstained from the final vote, the rest of them still had to unanimously choose to support Scott."
"That could not have been an easy task with Dan Hartfield being involved," Jack grunted, trying without success to hide his personal disdain for the man.
"Actually, Dan helped convince the others," Lisa said. "Some of them were concerned there was too much of a personal interest on my part since Ty is family, after all. I pointed out Ty has his own practice at Heartland with Amy apart from the clinic, and Dan mentioned how much Scott has done for all of us in the horse business in Hudson."
"Really," Jack said dubiously.
"Yes. And you'll never guess who seconded the motion."
"Val Stanton."
"I have to say I had my misgivings when Dan roped the two of you into this," Jack said with a shake of his head, "but I admit I was wrong in this case. This little investors' group has been doing a lot of good."
Lisa did not reply immediately, but simply gave a cold, abstract "Mm-hmm."
Jack instinctively interpreted her chilly response to mean she was thinking once again about Lanny and Paige. "I heard about the reward the group is offering in the Barick murder case," he said quietly, lowering his hands from Lisa's shoulders to encircle her about the waist. "Your idea again?"
"No. Tanner Gunn's idea," Lisa answered, turning now so she could wrap her own arms around his frame as she leaned into his chest. "It was an easy decision to put up the reward money. After all, Lanny was one of the original members of the investors' group... That poor family..."
"Yeah," Jack said, now rubbing a gentle circle into Lisa's back. "I sure hope someone out there can provide answers."
"Me, too," Lisa said with a soft sigh. "You should have heard Paige's family at the memorial and press conference today, Jack. It's been a year, but the pain there is still so raw."
"I tell you, if someone had done that to Marion, I wouldn't have rested until her killer was brought to justice," Jack said passionately. "As it is, losing her in that auto accident wasn't easy, either. But it was an accident. It was something I could come to terms with, even if it wasn't fair."
"That must have been a terrible time for you. For all of you," Lisa murmured. "I wish I had known you then. I wish I could have been there for you."
"I know. But you're here now, and I'm grateful."
"I wish I had been able to meet her," Lisa said wistfully as they separated and climbed into the bed. "I knew about her only vaguely, which is really a shame."
"The two of you would have got along very well," Jack declared.
"Really? You think?"
"Why, sure. You love horses. Marion loved horses. She would have liked the way you treat your animals and staff at Fairfield."
"Would she have liked me—with you?" Lisa asked. It was a question that occasionally occurred to her, but had never found an opportunity to broach the topic with Jack.
"Oh, I don't think that would have been a problem for her," Jack said dismissively, pulling the covers over them both.
Lisa raised an eyebrow. "Having a step-mother younger than she was wouldn't have been strange?"
"'Strange'? Naw. She would have loved you, Lis. Where is this coming from all of a sudden?"
"Oh, I don't know. Just thoughts about family, I guess," Lisa said, lying back while Jack switched off his bedside lamp. "Amy's announcement... Things are going to be busy around here again with a new little person. I love my life with you and everyone else at Heartland. But sometimes, I wonder..."
"You wonder what it would be like if you'd had kids of your own," Jack said knowingly, inching nearer to her. Lisa slid readily into his arms, bringing her head to rest beneath his chin.
"Yeah," she whispered. "But then I think, if I had been able to carry the ones I lost to term, I think: I would want them to be exactly like the family I have, right now."
"Well, good," Jack said happily, kissing the top of her head. "Because I think if Marion had been able to choose the kind of woman to look after her children and grandchildren, she would have chosen someone exactly like you."
"Would she?"
"You love them as if they were your own," Jack said earnestly. "You've been able to do things for them I couldn't, and I'm not just talking about money."
"All right, it's true you have spoiled them more than I ever could, but it goes beyond that. You're generous with your time, your advice, and your business expertise," Jack stated. "For example: If it wasn't for you, I might not have been convinced to let Lou have her Dude Ranch on the family property."
"And see how beautifully that turned out," Lisa said contentedly, instantly remembering a magical winter's night at that same Dude Ranch, cabins strung with bright lights, and the exchange of rings and vows.
"Yes, for the most part, you're right about that," Jack said with a soft chuckle, his mind also drifting back to the same winter's night, and the joys that followed since.
Sleep came easily to the happy couple, secure in each other's embrace.
Two Weeks Later
"Dr. Hawthorn has given me the all-clear," Amy said as Ty opened the truck door for her. "She says everything looks good and it's okay for me to ride during the first trimester."
"That's good, Amy," Ty said, hoping he sounded genuine.
"It is," Amy said. "Now, are we ready to take on our latest client?"
"I think so," Ty said, as he started the truck.
"Great," Amy said with a smile while she buckled her seatbelt. "Because he's supposed to be arriving with his horses just after lunch."
Earlier that morning, Amy had received a call from a potential new client named Marvin Clancy about a case of foal rejection.
"Bring them to Heartland as soon as you can," Amy had advised. "My husband is a vet, so if there's something medically wrong with the mare, he can determine the issue. If it's something behavioural, I'll get to the bottom of it."
Now as the couple drove back home, they compared notes.
"Did you find out if it's a maiden mare?" Ty asked.
"No, but we can ask when Marvin arrives," said Amy.
"Okay," Ty said. "Is the mare showing any signs of aggression?"
"Fortunately, no," Amy answered. "Marvin told me she just won't let the little one suckle and seems to be fearful of it."
"Hmm," Ty murmured. "Could be a few things going on in this situation."
"Right," Amy said. "I can't wait for us to figure it out. We make a great team, Ty."
"I know," Ty said with a grin. "I love working with you at Heartland."
"I'm thinking it's probably still way too early for this foal to be weaned," said Amy, picking up their topic at hand.
"Yeah," Ty said. "I'm a little worried because it could be really difficult to find a surrogate on such short notice. If push comes to shove, we'll start a bottle-feeding regimen, obviously."
"You up for some late-night feedings, 'Dad'?" Amy teased.
"Practice for when Number Two arrives," Ty replied smartly, reaching over to rub Amy's belly.
"Good answer," Amy said, giggling at the ticklish sensation resulting from her husband's touch. "On a related note, I'm looking forward to having you as my birth partner this time around, Ty."
"What, your dad isn't your first choice? Didn't he do a good enough job last time?"
"Umm, let's not go there," Amy replied, rolling her eyes and laughing.
Due to the unusual circumstances of the mare's rejection of her foal, Marvin Clancy was obliged to trailer them separately.
"Sassy was not too pleased when I tried to transport little Windy with her," he explained. "I know it's best for the foal's first trailering to be with its mama, but mama wasn't having it."
"Well, you managed to get them both here," Ty said, "that's the important part. How old is Windy?"
"Six days old," Marvin answered.
"And have you started bottle-feeding him?" Amy asked.
"As soon as we noticed Sass wasn't feeding him," Marvin replied. "My wife and I have been in the stable pretty much since he was born, keeping an eye on things, getting him used to being around people. It's the first foal born on our farm, so it was a pretty big deal."
"So this is Sassy's first foal?" Amy asked of the Quarter Horse.
"No, it's her third," Marvin answered, "but the first she's had on my farm. I bought her two years ago from a friend. He said she'd had two before."
"Hm," Ty said reflectively. "And no indication she rejected the foals in those instances?"
"None at all," Marvin said, "which is why it's so concerning. I'd like to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible, obviously."
"Did Windy at least get some of the colostrum?" asked Ty, wanting to ensure the newborn had benefitted from the early nutrients and antibodies that first milk provided.
"Yeah, he suckled just fine the first two days," Marvin said. "But by day three, Sassy-girl started avoiding him and wouldn't let him feed."
"Okay, I'll do an examination of Sassy and run some tests to rule out a few things like mastitis or something more serious," Ty said.
"And if it's not something medical?" Marvin asked, sending a knowing glance in Amy's direction.
"Then I'll take over," Amy said. "For now, we'll keep up with the bottle-feeding routine. In the meantime, we should both try putting out some feelers into the community to see if there's a mare nearby that can come in as a nursemaid—as a last resort."
"All right," Marvin said with a hint of reluctance. "I'll try."
"Good," Amy said. "We all want what's best for these two, right?"
"For sure," Marvin said with a smile. "I'll call tomorrow to check in."
"Sounds good, Marvin," Ty said, shaking the man's hand. "We'll be in touch."
Next Day
"We can definitively rule out mastitis or any other problem affecting Sassy's mammary glands and milk production," Ty informed Marvin over the phone. "No indication of inflammation, swelling, ulcers, or tumors."
"Well, that's good, right?" Marvin asked.
"It's a good start," Ty acknowledged. "It means Sassy isn't rejecting Windy because she's experiencing pain or discomfort due to nursing."
"Okay, so what do we do next?"
"Well, we're continuing with bottle feeding, but Amy is going to turn them out into the paddock today and observe how they interact," Ty said. "Sometimes, horses don't like being cooped up in a stable. It could be Sassy just wants some space."
"But y'all are still handling Windy and getting him used to people, right?"
"Right, when we feed him," Ty replied.
"But nothing more?"
"What do you mean 'nothing more'?" Ty asked.
"I mean, I had hoped you and your animal-behaviour specialist wife would be more pro-active with the, y'know, the imprinting process," Marvin said, an edge of irritation creeping into his tone.
The concept of imprinting was not foreign to Ty, but it was one both he and Amy discouraged their clients from attempting too early on in a foal's development.
I don't even think I need Amy to diagnose what's up with Sassy and Windy, Ty thought ruefully. Marvin and his wife have probably been too hands-on with this poor foal, and his mama doesn't like it.
"Marvin, I'm sorry to disappoint you," Ty said as calmly as possible. "It's been our experience that over-handling a newborn foal can be detrimental to the bonds it's supposed to develop with its mother in those critical early days."
"Yeah, but this horse expert guy we follow on YouTube makes the point that the earlier you imprint on your horse, the easier he'll be to train up," Marvin argued. "He's a published author. Says de-sensitizing them early makes 'em more docile and more likely to trust humans."
Ty, not wanting to sound combative, said, "Mr. Clancy, I know there are plenty of people out there on the Internet with plenty of opinions, and I'm glad you're interested in doing what's best for Sassy and Windy, otherwise you wouldn't have brought them here, right?"
"That's right," Marvin said in agreement.
"So I'm asking you to trust me and my wife," Ty said. "There's still plenty of time to get Windy to 'trust humans', and my wife can even help you with that process. She's gentled wild horses; she knows what she's doing."
Marvin huffed, and grudgingly accepted Ty's request of trust. "Fine. But if Windy doesn't train up right, you know who I'm blaming."
"Well, I think we can draw a very strong conclusion about what the problem is with Sassy and Windy," Ty said, as Amy came down from the loft after putting Lyndy down for a nap.
"Oh?" she asked, fully curious.
"Yep," Ty said with a curt nod. "I spoke with Marvin just now, you know, to tell him there's nothing physically wrong with Sassy, and he mentioned he and his wife bought into the whole early imprinting thing with foals. They were apparently in there handling Windy as soon as he was born."
"Oh," Amy said. "That actually could explain a lot about why Sassy is rejecting Windy."
"Exactly," Ty said. "I mean, I don't blame him for doing what he thinks is best for his horses, but in this case, it's doing more harm than good."
"Well, the good news is we can probably fix the problem because we've caught it early. Windy is due for another feeding right about now, but when that's over, it will be time to turn them out."
"That's what I told Marvin you'd be doing," Ty said.
"And it needs to be done now more than ever," Amy added. "In fact, I think I'll turn Sassy out right away. It will give her space, and maybe it will give her time to miss her baby. Her mothering instincts don't just disappear overnight; we just need to help her remember them."
To Amy and Ty's disappointment, however, Sassy showed little interest in Windy by the afternoon. The foal's full stomach meant he was not inclined to want to suckle due to hunger, but he knew his mother's scent anyway, and craved her maternal closeness. Sassy wanted nothing of it. Every time the foal neared, she distanced herself from him. The window to get Windy nursing again naturally would be closing swiftly, and the pair of horse healers fretted this might be a rare case when they would have to accept defeat.
By the next morning, Amy wanted to persist in turning Windy out with the rest of the horses after each of his bottle feedings. She decided to hold off introducing any sort of dry feed for the time being, just to give the foal more time to observe the adults foraging so he would get the idea. Sassy persisted in her avoidance tactics.
When Georgie arrived home from school that afternoon, she went immediately to saddle Phoenix for a round of jumping practice. She noticed Amy watching the latest arrivals on her way from the stables.
"How are they doing?" the teen asked her aunt.
"No breakthroughs yet," Amy replied. "But at least we think we know what the trouble is."
"Yeah? What is it?"
"The owners were trying to do something with the foal called 'imprinting'," Amy explained. "In theory, it's supposed to help the foal become used to humans so it's easier to train later on, but instead it can really interfere with the natural bonds the baby is supposed to have with its mother if it's done too early or too aggressively. Since there's no medical reason for Sassy to be rejecting Windy, we think it's the over-handling by humans that's turned Sassy off from her own foal."
"Gee, that's too bad," Georgie said in sympathy. "Poor baby. I hope you guys can work it out."
"Me, too," Amy said with a sigh. "Anyway, I'll let you get to your practice."
"Thanks," Georgie said, snapping her helmet chinstrap and pulling it snug. Remi, upon seeing Georgie mount up, scampered from her spot on the porch to be closer to the action.
"Here comes your shadow," Amy said with a chuckle, giving the dog a quick rub around her furry jowls.
"Hi, girl," Georgie cooed. "Did you come to watch me practice? Good girl!"
Remi snuffled and gave her tail a few vigorous wags before settling down on the sidelines to take in Georgie's practice rounds. But before long, the dog wandered off towards the paddock, drawn to the pair of new horses. She yawned once with an extravagant stretch, and sat herself down next to Amy.
The dog and the human looked out upon a few of the permanent equine residents standing lazily in the paddock, grazing about. Windy the foal, having discovered other large animals not his own mother the previous day, would take a few tentative steps towards a strange horse, then suddenly prance off, as if playing a game of keep-away. The elder horses generally paid the foal no attention. His mother, though, avoided him at each playful approach, trotting off in a different direction each time he chanced to get near.
"Come on, Sassy," Amy said under her breath after observing this behaviour for close to an hour. "Take care of your baby. We stinky people aren't going to get in your way anymore."
Remi huffed and whined once, as if picking up on Amy's exasperation. She got to her feet, gave her tail a few gentle wags, then padded over in Sassy's general vicinity.
Amy watched in awe as Sassy sniffed curiously at this canine invading her space. Remi tolerated this attention with perfect calm and acceptance. Next, Sassy's large tongue came out, giving Remi's snout a long lick.
"Pals for life now," Amy said, a grin spreading across her face.
Ten minutes later, Remi was lying down at Sassy's feet, and the horse was nibbling calmly at some grass. Windy, however, was wary of the dog, its earlier curiosity around new creatures evidently forgotten.
"I think we've had a breakthrough," Amy said to Ty that evening after another round of bottle-feeding Windy was complete.
"Oh? What happened?" Ty asked.
"The canine companion factor," Amy answered triumphantly. "You know as well as I do that some nervous and stressed-out horses respond well to a companion animal. I mean, remember that goat Lisa had with Fairfield Flyer's clone a couple years ago?"
"Right," Ty said, thinking of how the high-strung thoroughbred had benefitted from the smaller animal's presence in its stall.
"Well, this afternoon, it was like Remi knew Sassy needed a friend. She went right over to her, and that seemed to break the ice. Sassy let Remi get right up to her and even licked her."
"You're kidding," Ty said.
"Nope. Remi just lay right down next to her out there in the paddock for the whole afternoon," Amy said. "It's the most relaxed I've seen that horse yet. I'll let her stay out tonight with the other horses, but I'd like to try turning Windy out again tomorrow and see what happens."
"That's excellent," Ty said. "Fingers crossed that Sassy will let Windy nurse tomorrow."
"I have a feeling she will," Amy said. "Gut instinct."
"Well, sure hope your gut's right, 'cause I actually forgot how tiring these round-the-clock feeding schedules can be."
"Oh, having second thoughts, 'Dad'?" teased Amy.
"Never," Ty said, stretching over to kiss her.
True to Amy's "gut instinct", Sassy was not on the alert when Windy's spindly legs carried him towards her early the next morning. Amy and Ty had purposely not fed the foal at the appointed time in the schedule so as to encourage it to seek out "breakfast" from its mother.
"Ty, look," Amy said in an excited whisper. "She's not running away from him."
"I see it," Ty said, his own excitement building.
The couple watched as the foal, ears flicking, crept closer, drawn by the promise of his mother's warm milk. He stretched his tongue out to the teat, latched on, and started suckling. Sassy remained in place, completely unperturbed by this activity.
"He's nursing!" Amy cried happily.
"Yes!" Ty exulted. "Marvin is going to be a very happy man when we tell him."
"He sure is," Amy said. "But make sure he knows he needs to get himself a Shepherd now, because I have a feeling Georgie isn't about to give up Remi."
Indeed, the canine was still out in the paddock, snoozing peacefully near the nursing mother and foal in the dewy morning grass.
Two Days Later...
"I know I said it earlier, but thanks for deciding to come to this one with me," Lisa said to Jack as they climbed into the Fairfield truck in preparation for departure to the vast Westfield estate.
"I have to admit this whole faux fox hunt deal really isn't so bad, despite the presence of certain individuals," Jack chuckled, a wry smile partially hidden beneath his generous moustache.
Both knew exactly which individuals Jack was referring to. Upon arriving at their destination, they walked with their horses on leads towards an open area before Paula Westfield summoned Jack.
"Hold him?" asked Jack, handing Lisa the line tethered to his jumper for the day, a Fairfield horse named Striker.
"Sure," Lisa said, taking the line from him. They were early still, as only a handful of participants had arrived, mostly those directly involved in a more official capacity. Moments later, she heard a voice she instantly recognized calling out a greeting, so she turned in response to it.
"Hello, Lisa! I see you managed to drag that fine husband of yours to another one of these things," Val said with a dry laugh and a half-grin.
"Hi, Val. Yes, I certainly did," Lisa replied warily. She was never entirely comfortable when Val referred to Jack in such familiar terms. But I really need to remember Jack has known Val longer than he's known me, she thought, they're just friends.
Jack was oblivious to Val's scrutiny while he stood talking with Paula about his role in today's proceedings.
"I guess he had such a great time at the last one, he couldn't stay away this time, eh?" Val laughed again, this time a little too harshly for Lisa's liking. "My, he sure does look handsome in those breeches and that jacket, I'll say!"
"Mm-hmm," Lisa agreed with a tight-lipped smile.
"Let's hope the weather cooperates," Val chatted on. "No more freak snowfalls, please and thank you!"
Lisa was about to add "And no more drinking so much you can't stay on your horse, Val," but charitably stopped herself before making such a pointed dig at her former rival for Jack's attention and affection.
"That is a very fine animal," Val stated, nodding towards Lisa's steed.
"He's something, isn't he? His name is Herring," Lisa responded, glad for the change in subject. "You remember Ben, my nephew?"
"Of course I remember Ben. I seem to recall my Ashley had an eye for him while he was staying at Briar Ridge."
"Well, Ben's horse—Red—is the sire," Lisa said.
Val sent a dubious look at Lisa. "Red's the sire of Herring? Seriously?"
Lisa tried to conceal a laugh. "Seriously. I know, it's not a very creative name. It wasn't my idea."
"I might be interested in him, if you're looking for a buyer," Val said, stroking the horse's neck.
"Well, I did have another client interested in him earlier," Lisa replied. "But why don't I have Herring trailered over to Briar Ridge next week or so? You can try him out; see if he's what you really want, and we'll see if we can hammer out a deal."
"All right, sure," said Val. At that moment Paula dismissed Jack and called for Val's attention to deal with some other matter. "We'll talk soon, Lisa."
"Hello, Jack," Val said huskily, a bright smile flashing across her face as they passed each other.
"Val," Jack responded cordially, about to tip a non-existent hat before remembering his head was bare. He continued on to where Lisa was waiting with their mounts.
"What was that about?" he asked as he reached his wife's side, having seen the tail end of their conversation.
"Val might be interested in buying Herring," Lisa answered while staring after the other woman's retreating figure, somewhat surprised she had not found some excuse to linger in order to chat with Jack.
"No kidding," Jack uttered.
"Jack," Lisa began tentatively, "I know these kinds of events are out of your comfort zone, but I'll say it once more: I really appreciate everything you do to make it out here with me."
"Well, I seem to recall a fly fishing date that was out of your comfort zone some years ago," Jack said with a twinkle in his eye. "Not too many ladies would have agreed to that. But you went the extra mile and even bought all the gear, just so you wouldn't disappoint me."
"I knew I wanted to spend time with you and to get to know you better," Lisa said, gazing up at him with affection. "I wasn't about to let that opportunity pass me by."
"And I'm forever grateful you came," he commented, remembering how she allowed him to hold her close and guide her hands and arms while holding the fishing rod. It meant so much to him that she trusted him implicitly, even at that early stage in their relationship.
I caught a real beauty, he recalled saying to the kids when he returned from that date; his meaning slowly dawning on them as he shuffled inside with a very contented smile on his face.
"We should do that again sometime," Lisa said, reaching for his hand and taking it in hers.
"Sounds like a plan!" Jack answered heartily.
*** Chapter 3: Or Worse
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heartlandtfln · 2 years
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“Soraya: You'd look good naked in my bed. Ben: I look good all the time wtf“
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badgaymovies · 3 years
The Rental (2020)
The Rental (2020)
DAVE FRANCO Bil’s rating (out of 5): B USA, 2020. Black Bear Pictures. Story by Dave Franco, Joe Swanberg, Mike Demski, Screenplay by Dave Franco, Joe Swanberg. Cinematography by Christian Sprenger. Produced by Dave Franco, Elizabeth Haggard, Teddy Schwarzman, Ben Stillman, Christopher Storer, Joe Swanberg. Music by Danny Bensi, Saunder Jurriaans. Production Design by Meredith Lippincott. Costume…
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rosalyn51 · 1 year
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From Screen Ireland
First Look Image of Irish / UK Co-Production Freud’s Last Session Released
Posted: 11th April 2023
WestEnd films has today released the first image of Anthony Hopkins and Matthew Goode in Freud's Last Session, an official Irish / UK co-production proudly supported by Fís Éireann / Screen Ireland and the UK Global Screen Fund.
The two award-winning actors star as the legendary psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and writer and academic C.S. Lewis, prior to his Chronicles Of Narnia fame. Set on the eve of the Second World War, when at the end of his life, Freud invites iconic author C.S. Lewis to debate the existence of God. Interweaving past, present and fantasy, the film explores Freud’s unique relationship with his daughter Anna, and Lewis’ unconventional relationship with his best friend’s mother.
Filming is at its final stages in Ireland.
The film is being directed by Matthew Brown (The Man Who Knew Infinity) and written by Mark St. Germain (The God Committee) with revisions by Brown, based on the play of the same name. It is produced by Alan Greisman, Hannah Leader, Rick Nicita, Robert Stillman, and Meg Thomson. Irish producers are Tristan Orpen Lynch and Aoife O’Sullivan of Subotica Productions (Aisha, Joyride). Niamh Fagan is executive producer for Screen Ireland.
The project reunites Academy Award-winning Production Designer Luciana Arrighi (Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris, Howards End) with director Matthew Brown, the two previously collaborated on The Man Who Knew Infinity. Cinematographer Ben Smithard (The Son, Downton Abbey) who previously worked on The Father with Hopkins has also joined the project. Costume Designer Eimer Ni Mhaoldomhnaigh (The Banshees of Inisherin, Love & Friendship), BAFTA award winning Make-Up Designer Morna Ferguson (The Wonder), and Editor Paul Tothill (Atonement) complete the creative team.
Westend Films and CAA Media Finance are handling sales for the film. Sony Pictures Classics have bought the rights for North America, the Middle East, Turkey, India, Eastern Europe, (excluding CIS) Asia (excluding China, Korea and Japan), Latin America and worldwide airlines, and WestEnd have also struck deals across Australia (Sharmill Films), Scandinavia (Scanbox), Italy (Adler), Benelux (Just Entertainment), Portugal (NOS), Israel (United King) and Greece (Spentzos).
#GoodE buZZ #FreudsLastSession #can’t wait 
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