#Aunt Evelyn
the-real-tc · 1 year
Fic Update! Bad Business: Ch. 12 A Place Called Heartland
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Chapter 12:
A Place Called Heartland
To the childless wife he gives a home, and gladdens her heart with children.
- Ps. 113
Hudson Hawk: Your Eye on Hudson
Bad Business in Hudson
If you've been following the local news lately — and it's hard not to — you'll be very aware of all the sinister events that have unfolded in our fair town over the past few weeks. Thanks to the dogged efforts of the Hudson Police and that of the neighbouring Calgary Metro Police, however, it looks like justice will prevail in the sordid murder and murder-for-hire cases that have come to light.
To recap: Mrs. Valerie Stanton of Briar Ridge Stables was shot to death while horseback riding up at Lookout Point. Also targeted for death was one Lisa Stillman of Fairfield Stables. One detail that came to light was that the horse Stanton was riding at the time of her death belonged to Stillman. This raised a troubling question: was Stillman the intended target with Stanton being the unfortunate victim of mistaken identity, or was it all a terrible hunting accident?
Nothing could have been further from the truth, as the culprits turned out to be much closer to home; their reasons much more disturbing. Facing various and sundry criminal charges are: Tanner Gunn, Theresa Haywood, Stanley Belmont, Jesse Stanton, and William Ulrich.
I know what you're probably wondering: Is Jesse Stanton related to Valerie Stanton? The answer is a resounding "Yes". He's the son of the same late Valerie Stanton, and Briar Ridge heir. He's been charged with soliciting a killer-for-hire to murder his mother. His reasons for so doing will probably come to light in the upcoming trial, or not. Whatever his reasons, what makes things all the more troubling is he decided to try to kill Lisa Stillman when the insurance payout for his mother's policy was held up due to the police investigation into her death.
Adam paused as he tried to summarize the facts of the case as he knew them. He stared at his laptop screen, wondering now if he had the right to be typing this story in his blog at all. After all, he knew the people involved. By now Georgie must have told the family at Heartland Ranch the Hudson Hawk was his chosen sobriquet.
An unconscious frown tugged at Adam's mouth. His conscience was nagging him. It had been easier when he could hide behind the anonymity of a screen name; he could pretend there was some distance between himself and the subject of his blog posts. Now...
So while he had the blessing of his parents to continue this blogging endeavour, Adam closed the file without saving it. Instead, he decided to check with Alberta Fish and Wildlife to see if they had anything new to report about the elusive bear that had been implicated in the attack on Herring and the man whose body he and Georgie discovered at the Dude Ranch. Doubtless when it was eventually found, it would be destroyed. Such would be the fate of any wild animal that targeted humans instead of other wild animals.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Somewhere on Highway 2, Due North.
"I'm glad she's finally feeling up to having visitors," Rachel said as Lou navigated the SUV to the hospital.
Lou glanced at her, then chanced a peek back at Ben, who was staring out the window at the passing scenery, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
"It was driving me crazy having to wait," Rachel continued. "I still can't wrap my mind around everything that's happened. It's like some bizarre dream I'm waking up from. Well, nightmare is more like it. Thank God it's over."
"I can't believe everything that's happened, either," Lou quipped, thinking back to the night Amy shot Jesse, and how Chief Parker had been able to tell the rest of the family Lisa was alive.
Rachel's joy at learning her only sister had indeed survived the attempts on her life was tempered by the fact she had been led to believe the opposite.
"I thought I was coming out here to say 'goodbye' to her," Rachel commented, her voice just above a whisper. "I thought I was never going to see her again. And I know I shouldn't be upset the police couldn't tell us the truth right away—to protect her and all that—but I wish..."
"But it's gonna be okay now," Lou said reassuringly, filling in the silence when Rachel did not verbalize the rest of her train of thought. "She'll be so happy to see you two."
The rest of the family had elected to stay back at Heartland for the time being so as not to overwhelm the recovering patient. It was expected Lisa would be discharged within the week, anyway, and Georgie and Katie were already excitedly making plans for a 'Welcome Home' party of sorts, and the imminent arrival of Aunt Evelyn.
From his position in the backseat, Ben quietly spoke up: "I keep going over in my mind the time I spent at Briar Ridge. I remember being jealous of Jesse Stanton at the time because of all the 'toys' he had. He seemed to have anything and everything he wanted. I remember thinking how much I'd love to have a Ducati like his, and how my parents' splitting up meant I might be able to guilt one or both of them into getting me one. Then I thought, hey, maybe my rich aunt could. What she did buy was jumps for Red so I could practice at Heartland. It took me days to finally thank her. Days. What a shallow, ungrateful idiot I was.
"To think... to think Jesse was riding that same damned bike when he shot my aunt..."
"For what it's worth, Ben," Rachel eventually uttered with a smirk, "There's no way I would have been giving you a Ducati back then, no matter how guilty I felt about the divorce, and neither would your Aunt Lisa."
South Calgary Health Campus
Lou tapped her knuckles lightly on the door to Lisa's room.
"Yeah, come on in," Jack called from within.
Upon hearing this response, Lou let Ben and Rachel go ahead of her. Despite expecting this visit from her family, Lisa felt a lump forming in her throat at the sight of her sister and nephew, and instant tears flooded her eyes. Rachel crossed the floor quickly to her sister. Lisa readily received the gentle but fervent hug that lasted several seconds.
"Hey, Rachel," Lisa uttered. "Thanks for coming. I'm so glad to see you."
"I thought I'd lost you," Rachel murmured, voice choked with emotion as her eyes brimmed.
"I know," Lisa responded as Rachel released her. "I'm sorry. You know I never wanted to put you—any of you—through that. But the decision to keep you in the dark wasn't mine. I never wanted to cause you any grief—"
"We're just glad you're going to be okay, Aunt Lisa," Ben put in hurriedly, also approaching Lisa for a hug of his own.
"Ben," Lisa said warmly while accepting his embrace, "it's so good to see you."
"Ben's right," Rachel said. "All that matters is you're going to be okay. The people who did this to you are in custody and you're still with us. That's what's important. Oh, my goodness, let me look at you..."
Rachel spent a few moments taking in the bandage that still graced the left side of Lisa's forehead, and then noticed the sling on her arm. What she could not see beneath the hospital gown were the sutures sealing the incision where the chest tube had been inserted, and the additional bandage covering the patched-up bullet wound.
Shaking her head, Rachel said, "I'm so glad you're alive, sis. You look like you've been through hell and back."
"I feel like it, too," Lisa uttered wryly.
Jack rubbed her forearm in a comforting manner at this comment. He could not abide thinking she was in any discomfort.
"Rachel, I'd like you to meet Jack," Lisa said, motioning towards her husband.
"Jack," Rachel said with a wide smile, moving to hug the man her sister married. "At long last, we meet in person. I'm sorry it took something like this to bring us out here."
"Good to finally see you in person, too, Rachel," Jack said heartily, holding her tightly for a few moments before releasing her.
"Hi, Jack," Ben said, reaching over to shake the older man's hand. "It's been a while."
"Yes it has!" Jack rejoined, grasping his step-nephew's hand. "It's good to see you again, man."
"Jack... I want to thank you for being there for my sister when that monster tried to... you know..." Rachel trailed off. "You saved her life."
"Yes, Jack," Lisa said, sending a broad smile in his direction. "My hero..."
Jack did not wish to think about or speak any more of the night he found hitman Earl McCann trying to suffocate Lisa, so he quickly shifted the conversation to a more mundane topic.
"Well, I guess Aunt Evelyn should be getting in soon?" he asked, doing his best to sound upbeat about it.
"Yes, Grandpa," answered Lou, also sensing his discomfort about the former subject. "Her flight gets in tomorrow night."
"Oh, Aunt Evelyn," Lisa groaned, closing her eyes. "She'll never forgive me for putting her through all this!"
"Of course she will," Rachel rebutted. "I talked to her yesterday. Lisa, all she cares about is that you're alive and safe. You said it yourself: the decision to keep what was going on confidential wasn't in your hands. You were at death's door at the time, for heaven's sake! Nobody's blaming you."
At this, Lisa nodded. "Thanks, Rach. I needed to hear that."
"Anytime," Rachel said. "Someone's got to knock some sense into you."
"Right," Lisa said. "And thank you for not making cracks about my 'hard head'."
"Oh, rats! That was going to be my next joke," said Rachel, feigning disappointment.
"Well, I, for one, am glad for your 'hard head', Lis," Jack said with a small smile. He traced a thumb near the bandage below her hairline, once again so grateful the weapon Jesse had used was not as deadly as he intended it to be.
A Couple Days Later
Heartland Ranch
"They're here!" Katie cried excitedly, rushing from the porch into the house upon seeing Jack and Lisa pulling up into the yard.
"We're home, Lis," Jack said, putting the truck in park.
"Hmm," Lisa murmured, slowly peeling open her eyes. She had not intended to fall asleep during the drive home, but too many nights of poor sleep in the hospital meant her body craved rest. Jack's steady driving and the purr of the truck's engine proved to be a fairly good natural sedative.
"Wow, how long was I out?" she asked.
"About half an hour," Jack chuckled. "I didn't realise my company was that boring."
"Oh, you," Lisa said, realising he was jesting. Now that she was coming to full awareness after her brief nap, she finally noticed the yard was not quite as empty as it normally was. "Um, Jack... What's with all the cars and trucks..?"
"You have a lot of people who wanted to welcome you home, Lis," Jack explained. "Come on. Let's get you inside."
Jack opened the door on Lisa's side and carefully eased her down. "Slow and steady, now," he advised, gingerly supporting her on the way to the house.
Though she was feeling miles better than when she first woke in the hospital, Lisa allowed Jack this expression of care for her well-being. After all, she knew first-hand how challenging it could be when the person you loved most was resistant to help of any sort.
Almost as soon as she entered the house, Lisa was met by Evelyn.
"Darling," the older woman uttered, taking her niece's face in her hands before hugging her tenderly. "I'm so relieved you weren't taken from us like that... When Jack called me... oh, I thought my heart wouldn't be able to endure it. But you're here. It's a miracle."
"I'm so sorry I had to put you through that, Auntie," Lisa said sincerely.
"Nonsense," Evelyn stated flatly. "Lou and Rachel explained everything. The police did what they had to do to keep you safe and to flush out the guilty parties."
"Then I'm so glad you understand," said Lisa with relief.
"Jack, don't be a stranger," Evelyn chided, at last noticing him. "Come here. I want to kiss the man who saved my niece's life."
"Hello, Evelyn," Jack said, allowing her to give him a peck on the cheek.
Evelyn leaned in to Lisa. "Doesn't he ever shave, darling?" she asked in a low voice, though Jack managed to hear, anyway.
"Only when the mood strikes him," Lisa answered with a chortle, patting Jack's face playfully. "But I love him, anyway."
"Yes," Evelyn said seriously. "And he loves you. And that's really all that matters, isn't it?"
Tim approached just then. "Everybody's waiting in the living room," he announced, somewhat impatiently, then amended his tone. "Is Lisa okay?"
"I'm fine, Tim," Lisa replied. "I just didn't expect something like this when I got home."
"Let's go," Evelyn said perkily. "Can't keep your well-wishers waiting."
Lisa sank into the middle of the couch, deeply touched by the gathering of dear family and friends that afternoon. She was further impressed by the efforts Katie and Georgie put in to decorating the space to enhance the celebratory mood of her return home.
"Do you like what we did, Lisa?" asked Katie with expectant enthusiasm, grinning widely. Georgie stood by, also waiting to hear what Lisa would say.
"It's beautiful, both of you," Lisa responded, taking in the large 'WELCOME HOME, LISA' banner, streamers, balloons, and cheery tea lights. "This was so very thoughtful of you. So special."
Heartened by this praise, Katie zipped over to where Peter stood with Lou and happily told them that Lisa loved her handiwork.
Everyone took time to express to Lisa their happiness that she was going to be okay after her brushes with death. But there were two people in particular Lisa knew she was more than obliged to see and to publicly commend.
"Ty; Scott," Lisa spoke up, grabbing the attention of everyone. The two veterinarians looked uncomfortable under the sudden scrutiny of the others.
"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your quick actions that day out on the road," said Lisa. "I don't remember any of it, but I'm eternally grateful you stopped and helped."
"Of course, Lisa," Ty said.
"We would have stopped for anyone in distress, Lisa," Scott added. "It just so happened we knew you."
Neither man was able to say anything further, as memories of that incident were still difficult and disturbing.
"We're just glad you made it, Lisa," Ty said.
"Right," Scott said in agreement.
"Thank you, both of you," Lisa said, once again fighting back tears.
An hour or so slipped by. Lisa could feel her energy starting to wane; friends such as Caleb, Jen, Mitch, and Scott made their departure. At length, only the family remained in the living room.
Before it got to be too late, and before Lou lost her nerve, there was something she had to get off her chest. "I know we don't always see eye-to-eye, Lisa," Lou said tentatively, "but the truth is you're very special to me, and to all of us here. It felt like losing my Grandma Lyndy and my mother all over again when we thought the worst had happened to you..."
Lou suddenly could not continue.
"I felt the same way, Lisa," Amy put in. "After my miscarriage, and after everything you shared with me, I was devastated at the prospect I was facing another personal loss... but you're here, and I'm so glad."
"And I..." Georgie started, but was unsure if she could continue. She looked to her mother, who nodded some encouragement. "I didn't know what to think of you when I first met you, Lisa. I thought you were some rich snob who was going to take Jack's time and attention away from me—"
"Oh, Georgie, honey..." Lisa murmured.
"I never got to say I was sorry for that," Georgie went on in a rush. "And Lisa, I'm sorry for all the mean things I said about you. I'm so sorry. I-I never knew my grandparents or my great-grandparents, for that matter, but you've been everything I could have ever wanted in a great-grandmother, and more."
"Thank you for that," Lisa said, eyes misting, looking at the family that had been grafted onto her heart. "Thank you all. And I want you to know I feel the same way. You know, I had a full life before I met Jack. A life I thought I loved. I thought I was living my dream life. But I look back now and see I didn't realise how sad and empty my heart was. I love you all very much. My life and my heart are full now."
Later that Evening
Dinnertime was over. Jack helped settle an exhausted Lisa into bed where she dropped off to sleep in minutes. It was early still, and after all the social activity of the day, Jack decided he needed to clear his head for a bit, so he brewed a cup of tea and escaped to the porch.
He had been there only a few minutes when he heard the sure creak of the door. Someone was coming outside and he turned expectantly to see who it was.
"There you are," Rachel said to Jack, softly closing the screen door while exiting the house.
"Hi, there," Jack said amiably from his position on the porch bench. "Have a seat."
"Thank you," Rachel said, and joined him. A few seconds later, she added: "It's every bit as lovely here as Lisa and Ben described, Jack."
Jack merely nodded.
"We haven't had a chance to really talk yet," said Rachel.
"No, we haven't," Jack said in agreement, though he wondered what Rachel might want to talk about.
"It's years too late, but I want to thank you for offering to put Ben up when I was going through my divorce," Rachel said. "At first, I wasn't thrilled with the idea when Lisa told me that 'plans had changed'; that he wasn't going to be at Fairfield; that he was going to be boarding at some place called 'Heartland'. But after Ben got over his own issues, he admitted he actually didn't mind this place so much, and he was sorry he didn't appreciate it enough at the time."
Jack nodded again, thinking back to how sullen Ben had been in those days. "Divorce is never easy on anyone, especially when there's kids in the mix," he said, remembering some of the ways Lou and Amy struggled to cope in the wake of Tim and Marion's divorce.
"I love my sister to bits, Jack," Rachel said. "She's my big sister, you know? I idolized her growing up. I was relieved she would be the one to take over the family business because I sure didn't want to be responsible for it. She seemed to be happy when she married Dan and moved to the U.S., but we both know how that all turned out. That time in her life changed her, Jack, and not for the better. I wish only happiness and love for her, and I'm so glad you're in her life, because it's clear you're the one who can provide those things for her."
"Well, I'm glad she's in my life, too," Jack admitted, though that hardly covered the length and the breadth and the height of things when it came to expressing how he felt about his wife.
"I don't know what fair wind blew you two together," Rachel said, "but I pray you two stick together."
"That's the plan," Jack said, thinking back to that evening at the Open House when he first laid eyes on Lisa Stillman. Never in a million years would he have guessed what the future would bring him after that chance encounter.
"You wouldn't happen to have a brother who's just like you out there somewhere, eh, Jack?" Rachel said with a laugh.
"No, no. Just me," Jack responded with a smile and a quick laugh of his own. "I think they broke the mold when they made me."
Rachel looked over at him, seeing his features in the light streaming from the kitchen window. "I think you're right about that, Jack. My sister is a very lucky woman."
"I think I am the lucky one," Jack said with sincerity. How many people get a second chance at love in their lives?
"Yeah..." Rachel said. "Well, goodnight, Jack. Thanks for loving my sister the way you do. You've saved her life in more ways than you'll ever know."
The younger Stillman sister leaned over and gave Jack a kiss on the cheek.
"Goodnight, Rachel," Jack replied.
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findafight · 8 months
Been thinking about another time travel au...
But this time, it's Robin. Just. Robin. She lands the Friday before Will goes missing, and she immediately assumes Steve went with her. Because of course he time traveled with her, why wouldn't he?
Until she gets to school and sees Steve flirting with Nancy and joking with Carol and Tommy. His eyes glance over her without recognition and she realizes she's alone. She panics every morning period until deciding to just go up and corner Steve at lunch and explain to him, try to prove to him she's actually his best friend from the future, and get help.
It ends up with her sitting on the floor of the boys bathroom crying, holding onto (a very confused and mildly freaked out) Steve's hand, and telling him that her day has sucked because how do you even deal with timetravel without your best friend? How do you deal with trying to save the world without them? She can't do this without him and she's freaking out and she wants her best friend back.
And Steve going "hey, uh. Okay. So... you're my friend in this weird future you're trying to stop? Prove it."
Which is something Robin can do. She stares at him for a long time, thinking, and Steve's huffs
"yeah okay. Super weird prank or whatever. Don't bug me again." And goes to stand up but Robin tugs his hand towards her and stops him.
"you are so impatient! I'm trying to think of something to say that won't freak you out and has actually happened! Gimme a minute!"
And Steve raises his eyebrows but he does wait.
"your aunt Ev." She says, finally. "She was your favourite grownup. Loved star trek. You cried so hard when she died and- uh. At her funeral, your dad got mad at you."
Steve blinks at her, brows furrowed."How...how did you know that? Nobody knows that."
Robin smiles. "Dingus. I'm your best friend from the future. You did."
Steve frowns. "Tell me something else."
"okay" she nods "you and Tommy tell everyone both your first kisses were with Carol but the day before you kissed each other."
"what the fuck."
"do you believe me now? Because seriously I need your help with this but I can keep going."
Swallowing Steve nods. Gives her a hand up.
"great. Okay. So, I think we need to tell Jonathan and Nancy about this. Then go to Joyce and Hopper. I'm not quite sure? You were always better at gameplans honestly."
"what about Tommy and Carol?"
She looks at him, and tilts her head (the same way he does) thinking. "Sure. Why not. They'll be suspicious why we're so buddy buddy now anyways."
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ask-wylde-and-co · 8 months
*the winds of the Void howl outside the Railjack as it weaves between planets, asteroids, and other celestial bodies at FTL (Faster Than Light) speeds. At the helm is Doctor Wylde, who has temporarily switched his body out for one modeled after the Orokin, and decorated himself in the regalia of House Entrati. Blake, Emma, and Oswald are playing in the nursery with Natah. Slyvan is basking in her enclosure, Janus and @love-lust-clown are probably snuggling somewhere, and Evie is getting her butt kicked by Odin at a chess-like game called Komi. Also on the ship - if they accepted the vacation invitation - are @xen-or-xavier-wylde, both @emily-and-r, @p3nny-bakes-cookies, @thad-the-jock, @natethemurderbean, @solvar-the-drone, @v-the-worker-drone, @v-the-murder-drone, @theblackcubeofdarkness, and of course the Railjack's crew.*
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cute-chamomile · 4 months
I wasn't expecting to learn an old rumor today regarding my great aunt (my grandpa's sister) and a close female friend of hers living together and ALLEGEDLY being in a relationship with eacbother in their 30s until her friend's brother arranged marriages for both of them within 6 months, but I guess 2024 is just a lesbian year, huh
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aunt-kats-chats · 1 year
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Evelyn Clawthorne doodle
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Forgive me if I'm forgetting something as it's been a bit since I did a full reread, but are we going meet Evelyn at any point? I feel like hee dynamic with Read and Annie could be really interesting
Oh, Evelyn is putting in a full on appearance in the Izzy and Mary have a day together fic.
I keep wanting to put her in somewhere, but that story finally gives me a place she naturally fits!
It won't go into depth about her connections to everyone else in that story I don't think, so I will say that she has become a weird aunt to Charlie and Alma. Naturally Alma adores her and hangs out at her place as often as possible.
She doesn't really have much of a relationship to Charlie until he really gets into horror books and then he starts quietly asking her about burial practices to fact check things he's reading and she realizes of the two Bonnets, Charlie might actually be more literally morbid than Alma, who enjoys the trappings and sort ethereal parts while Charlie is more "so what bits rot first?" She is the aunt that gets everyone cash instead of gifts, calls them both 'kiddo' like she's forgotten their names and also hands down sage life advice like 'do not mix beer and hard liquor'.
Doug thinks she's a great friend for Mary and also hides when she's around because he finds her slightly terrifying.
The Revenge staff doesn't meet her en masse. Izzy does, but that's for the story. Lucius by proxy does and thinks she's amazing, takes literal notes on her entire vibe. The Swede encountered her once, wholly unrelated to the Bonnets, he was bartending an event for some extra cash and she actually liked one of his weird cocktails, so friend for life even though he didn't catch her name.
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do you see my vision.
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ghorbanis · 6 months
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If anyone understands making mistakes out of scientific curiosity, it's me. I was working for Leekie because there were things I wanted to know, about evolution, genetics. I know what it's like to cross the line. That doesn't determine your future. That's what your aunt taught me. Love defines us.
Orphan Black: Echoes | 1.09
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the-real-tc · 2 years
Bad Business Ch. 7: Every Breath You Take
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Chapter 7
Every Breath You Take
Shooting Victim Identified
Hudson Times—Print Version
May 3, 2019
Nadir Jutley
Hudson Police have released the identity of the motorist shot yesterday on Range Road 292. 53-year-old Lisa Stillman was found unconscious in her SUV by Hudson veterinarians, Drs. Scott Cardinal and Ty Borden at approximately 12:15 p.m., local time.
Stillman was found to be suffering from two gunshot wounds. She was transported by ambulance to the South Calgary Health Campus where she underwent emergency surgery and is currently listed in critical but stable condition.
Police are asking for the public's assistance in the matter. Anyone who may have witnessed anything suspicious on the road at the time of the shooting is asked to call local police or the RCMP. In particular, authorities hope to speak with an individual riding a motorcycle who may have passed Stillman and might be able to provide further details. Thus far, police have no motive or suspects in the attack.
Hudson Chief of Police James Parker expressed his concern for Stillman, and for the safety of citizens of the town. However, he stressed there is no reason to believe there is any danger to the public at large.
Lisa Stillman is the owner of Fairfield Stables, a renowned thoroughbred racehorse breeding facility in Hudson that was established in 1951 by her late father, Matthew Stillman.
• Email: nadir_jutley
The ringing telephone cut through the silence that Friday morning. Jack pulled himself from the kitchen table. The call display indicated it was from the hospital, causing his heart to jump.
"Hello?" he answered after picking up the receiver. "Yes, this is Jack Bartlett."
He listened while the voice on the other line spoke a few words. Amy and Tim watched him carefully, both on edge.
"Thank you," Jack said once he heard everything the other party had to say. "Good-bye."
"Grandpa?" Amy asked, trying to read his expression. "Is everything okay?"
"Yes," Jack answered, his heart exulting and mind spinning with the information he had been longing to hear. "Lisa's awake. She's regained consciousness."
"Oh, Grandpa, that's great news! I'm so happy!" Amy exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around him in happy relief.
"Great news, Jack," Tim said, slapping Jack on the back.
"I've got to get up there," Jack said.
"Of course. I'll take you," Amy said. "Let me just get Lyndy ready. You're still okay to get Lou from the airport, right, Dad?"
"Yeah, sure," Tim said. "You two go on. Tell Lisa I'm happy she's doing better, Jack. God knows what an insufferable bastard you would become if she didn't make it."
Jack just shook his head while a lopsided smile tugged at his mouth. "Shut up, you idiot," he said.
"Just sayin'," Tim quipped, always needing to have the last word.
Upon arriving at the hospital, Jack hurriedly returned to the ICU floor. The despair he had felt throughout the sleepless night before had lifted completely. He approached the nurse's desk expectantly. "I'm Jack Bartlett," he announced. "My wife was admitted yesterday. Lisa Stillman."
This nurse, different from the one yesterday, did not have to consult her records.
"Ms. Stillman has been moved from the ICU to another room, Mr. Bartlett."
"You mean she's not here?" Jack asked, disappointed he would be delayed in seeing her.
"No, she's not," the nurse confirmed. "Let me find out for you which floor she's on now, okay?"
A few minutes later, Jack was at last on the correct floor, but he would be disappointed yet again. The nurse on this recovery ward informed him: "She's resting again now, Mr. Bartlett. But you can go sit with her as long as you don't disturb her."
"You go ahead, Grandpa," Amy said while holding onto her sleeping toddler. "Lyndy and I'll wait out here for you for a bit."
Jack patted his granddaughter's shoulder. "Thank you," he said.
"Hey, Cowboy..."
Jack jerked his head up at the sound of the thin, wispy voice. Lisa was looking at him through tired, heavy-lidded eyes.
"Lis..." he whispered in awe, thinking he would burst with joy at seeing her conscious again. He had drifted off to a shallow nap while sitting at her bedside thanks to the lack of rest the night before, now all he wanted to do was keep his eyes open to be sure they were not deceiving him.
Jack forced himself not to overwhelm her, so he refrained from peppering her with all the frantic questions that were burning within. He instead sucked in a deep, steadying breath before taking a measured approach. "I am so relieved you woke up. How're you feeling?"
Lisa blinked slowly, as if considering how to answer. "Terrible," she eventually replied, after swallowing a couple times.
"Here, let me get you some water," Jack said quickly, reaching for the cup on the bedside table. He brought the straw to her lips and she drew a quick sip.
"Thanks," she rasped, throat still raw despite taking a drink. He put the cup back after intuiting she was satisfied for the time being.
"Are you in pain?" Jack asked anxiously.
A grimace crossed her face as she nodded in the affirmative. "Head," she muttered. "Arm... and side..."
"I can get the nurse or the doctor," Jack said, already rising up to get someone.
"No," Lisa spoke with more volume. "Don't go... just yet."
"Okay," Jack said, settling back into the chair, brushing her cheek gently to reassure her he was not going anywhere. "I'll just use the call button, then."
"Mm-hmm," she agreed, eyeing Jack as he pressed the device at her side. A few beats of silence passed before she spoke again. "What happened... to me? The doctors haven't told me anything yet... or maybe I was too out of it to remember if they did."
Jack searched her face. The dark circles under her eyes stood in contrast to the frighteningly wan pallor of her skin. "What do you remember?" he asked, hoping to forestall discussion of the trauma she had endured.
She reflected carefully before replying. "I-I was driving to a meeting, wasn't I?"
"Yes," Jack confirmed with an encouraging nod. "You were. Do you remember anything else?"
"I can't quite," she murmured, frowning with the effort of trying to recall the details of that drive. "There was a guy..."
Upon hearing this, Jack stiffened in his seat, pulse quickening. Maybe she would remember. Maybe they would be able to find her shooter and bring him to justice, effectively ending this nightmare. "What 'guy'?"
"On a motorbike," Lisa sighed. "He was trying to pass me on the road. I think he was afraid to risk it... did we have an accident? Did something hit us?"
Jack shook his head.
"Oh, no. Please don't tell me I hit him."
A soft, sad smile formed on his lips at the misery on her face at the thought she might be the one responsible for her current predicament. "No, no," he said to reassure her. "You didn't do anything wrong, Lis."
"Oh. Good." She sighed, blinking in relief to have that fear assuaged. "What, then?"
Jack was spared having to reply when a wiry nurse with short salt-and-pepper hair appeared at the door.
"Is everything okay?" she asked, looking in at the two of them.
"She woke up from her 'nap'," Jack stated.
"Wonderful!" declared the nurse, whose name tag identified her as 'Cheryl'. She strode into the room purposefully, immediately checking Lisa's vitals and asking about her pain levels.
"I have a terrible headache. But... my arm and side... hurt the most," Lisa responded tiredly. "Pain is about a seven or eight out of ten, maybe?"
"Remember there's a tube in your side," Cheryl said, "but I'll get the doctor to see if we can do something about increasing your pain meds to take the edge off—now that you're fully awake."
Lisa nodded. "Okay. Thank you."
"Be right back," the nurse said, smiling at the couple as she departed.
"Do you remember anything else?" Jack prodded when he was sure they were alone again.
"Mm-mm," Lisa mumbled, giving her head a slight negative shake.
Jack could see her lack of recall was frustrating her. He made the decision right then to give her the truth, without any dissimulation.
"Lis," he began slowly, finding it difficult to formulate the words even though he had gone over in his mind a hundred times what he knew about the heinous actions that brought her here. "You went off the road on the way to the meeting. We're not sure exactly what happened or why, but... Someone shot you."
His words struck a chord of distress in her, frazzling her nerves. Her face crumpled in confusion and Jack noticed a perceptible uptick in her heart-rate monitor.
"Shot...?" she uttered fearfully, unable to make sense of this piece of news. "Wh-why? Who would...?"
"We don't know. We were hoping you would be able to tell us something," Jack said, placing a hand over hers in comfort, delicately trying to avoid the I.V. port and lines. "Now, Chief Parker has got people investigating. But it's like I told him: my beautiful wife doesn't have an enemy in the world who would want to do something like this."
"I can't—I don't understand," Lisa said, still not recovered from the shock of Jack's news. "I have no memory of that... I—there must be some mistake..."
"I talked to Chief Parker," Jack said calmly, trying to ground her and bring her some peace of mind. "Like I said, he's got everyone he can looking into this, okay? We're going to catch who did this."
And he'd better pray I don't catch him first, Jack thought to himself.
Lisa sighed and nodded. "Okay."
Hudson Police Headquarters
"Chief, the hospital just called," Patterson informed her boss. "Lisa Stillman has regained consciousness."
"That's good news," Jim said. "You and Kavanaugh get up there right away. We need to get her statement about what happened as soon as the doctors will let you speak with her."
"All right," Patterson said. "We're on our way."
Lou's hurriedly booked flight from New York was scheduled to arrive early that afternoon at Calgary International Airport. The entire time in the air was spent in dread remembrance of a similar trip years ago. That time, she knew she would be coming home to a dead mother and a comatose sister, the result of an accident that occurred during a crazy rescue mission to save Spartan. Lou wondered what would be awaiting her this time. The shock of hearing that her grandfather's second wife had been shot had still not worn off.
What on earth did you get yourself into, Lisa? Lou questioned silently. This is going to kill Grandpa if you don't make it. I saw what losing Grandma Lyndy did to him, and what it did to him when we lost Mom. So you'd better live. Oh, why is this even happening?
"Dad!" she called out to Tim when she spotted his cowboy-hatted figure waiting for her outside the Arrivals gate.
"Lou, honey," Tim said, giving her a quick hug. "Good news. Lisa woke up. Jack's with her right now."
"Oh, thank goodness!" Lou exclaimed, happy she did not have to ask the question about Lisa's state of health. "I was so worried."
"Yeah, we all were," Tim said as he motioned for her to head to his truck while taking her suitcases. "But it looks like she's going to be okay, so we can probably stop worrying."
"That's a huge relief," Lou said. "Do the police have any idea what happened?"
"The police are clueless," Tim replied gruffly. "No leads except there was 'some guy' on a motorcycle."
"That's too bad," Lou said. "I don't even know what to think about all this."
"Yeah, it's a real mess," Tim said as they reached his truck.
"Dad," Lou began tentatively, biting her lip. "What about Amy? How's she doing?"
"She's better, I think," Tim answered plainly. "She's not as mopey and depressed today, anyway."
"That's good," stated Lou. "I guess things are looking up, then. I don't think this family could take much more, honestly."
"Yeah, it's been rough," Tim said in agreement. "Listen, I've got to stop in at Maggie's on the way home. You mind? It's been overwhelming with everything going on lately."
"You haven't let a couple family crises get in the way of your duties at the diner, have you, Dad?" Lou chided in mock reproach.
"Absolutely not," Tim said. "After all, isn't that why you hired Jen? To make sure things run smoothly while you're away?"
"Yeah, yeah," Lou quipped. "Let's go. I'm tired and I want to call Katie and Peter when I get home so we can arrange for her to come back now that everything is improving."
South Calgary Health Campus
"The police are here," Nurse Cheryl announced to Jack and Lisa. "They would like to speak to Ms. Stillman about what happened."
"Don't know how much I can tell them," Lisa said, feeling better now that the pain was back within tolerable levels. "I don't really remember much."
"That's all right. You just do your best, okay?" Jack said encouragingly. "Tell them what you told me, and they'll take it from there."
Lisa nodded and a small sigh escaped her lips. "Okay. I'll try."
Jack stepped out of the room to make way for Detective Kavanaugh and Detective Constable Patterson to enter and to give them some privacy.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Stillman," Kavanaugh said. Both he and Patterson seated themselves so Lisa did not have to strain to look up at them. "I'm sorry we have to meet again under such awful circumstances."
Lisa looked warily at the pair. "Good afternoon," she replied, somewhat guardedly.
"How are you feeling?" asked Patterson.
"Better than I was a couple hours ago. Thank God for good pain meds," Lisa remarked with a sardonic twist of her mouth.
"Good, we're glad to hear that," Patterson said. "Think you can answer our questions about what happened yesterday?"
"I'll try," Lisa replied.
"Thank you," Patterson said kindly. "We appreciate you're willing to talk with us."
"We'd like to go over with you the details—as you can recall them—of yesterday afternoon when you were shot," Kavanaugh said. "Thanks to Drs. Cardinal and Borden, we have some idea, but we're hoping you can fill in the blanks."
"Okay," Lisa said with a slow nod. "What do you want to know?"
"Tell us about the drive in to Calgary," Kavanaugh started. "Did you notice anything strange or unusual during that drive?"
"Yes," Lisa answered after a brief moment of consideration. "Sort of."
"Explain what you mean by 'sort of', please," Kavanaugh said.
"There was someone riding a motorcycle who kept trying to pass," Lisa said.
"Can you describe this person?" asked Kavanaugh.
"Not really," Lisa replied. "The memory of it is hazy right now. I'm pretty sure he was wearing a helmet so I couldn't see his face, and I think he was wearing a black jacket."
"Was there anything else about that jacket that was distinctive? Logos? Patches?"
"No, sorry," Lisa said. "Either I'm not remembering, or there weren't any at all."
"Okay, thanks, Ms. Stillman," said Kavanaugh.
"Do you think you could perhaps tell us what kind of motorcycle he was riding?" Patterson asked.
Lisa shook her head once in the negative. "Honestly, I don't think I could. Sorry. I mean, maybe it was something on the sportier side? My grandson-in-law—that's Dr. Borden—had a Norton, and whatever this guy had didn't look anything like that bike. 'Sleek' is probably a word I'd use, but that is all I could say."
"What about the colour?"
Lisa closed her eyes and tried to remember if she had, in fact, seen anything distinctive about the bike. "Red, maybe?" she finally answered, opening her eyes to look again at Patterson. "I mostly saw it in my mirrors. I can't be positive. I'm sorry."
"All right, thanks for trying," Patterson said, her blue eyes showing a little disappointment. "Tell us instead a little more about your drive to Calgary. Is this something you do on a regular basis? What was your reason for heading there?"
"I belong to a private investors' group. I was heading for a meeting with them."
"Who knew you were going to be attending this meeting?" asked Patterson.
"Well," Lisa began thoughtfully, "besides my husband and our family members at Heartland—maybe a couple of my staff at Fairfield—only the members of the investors' group."
"Is this meeting a regularly scheduled thing?" Patterson asked. "Is there a specific reason your meeting was yesterday?"
"Yes, you see, we've, uh, lost a member recently," Lisa began, sucking in a ragged breath as she remembered Val, wincing slightly at the immediate discomfort in her side this activity brought.
"And who was this member?" asked Kavanaugh.
"The late Val Stanton," Lisa answered. "We were meeting because her son, Jesse, is interested in taking her place in the group. We were going to vote on his membership at this meeting."
This piqued Patterson's interest. "Were all the members keen on Jesse Stanton's admission to your group?"
"Oh, yes," Lisa replied. "It was really just a formality to vote him in. Jesse is fully in charge of Briar Ridge now that Val is gone. He'd like to continue her legacy with the group. Nobody in the group had any problem with that as far as I know."
"When was the last time you heard from Liam Comox?" asked Kavanaugh.
Lisa's brow buckled. "Liam Comox?" she repeated, surprised by the turn this line of questioning had taken. "I haven't seen him in years. Not since I fired him and reported him to the Steward's Office."
Kavanaugh continued: "Has he been in touch with you since? Any phone calls? Threatening letters? Emails?"
"No," Lisa said, wondering how on earth these detectives even knew about her former jockey. "Nothing like that at all."
"Thanks, Ms. Stillman," Kavanaugh said.
Patterson jumped in again. "Ms. Stillman, I'm going to ask a very difficult question now: are you and your husband having any marital issues?"
The shock that registered on her face should have been enough of a clue for the law enforcement officers they had taken the wrong tack, but Lisa responded anyway:
"Most certainly not," she said emphatically.
"I know we touched on this earlier when you spoke to us about Val Stanton's habit of 'flirting' with your husband, but have there been any infidelity issues in the past we should know about, on either side?" Patterson pressed.
"Zero," Lisa said in a clipped tone.
"You and Dan Hartfield were previously married," Kavanaugh stated in a matter-of-fact manner. "Why did that relationship end in divorce?"
"If you're really asking if Jack Bartlett had anything to do with my divorce, the answer is 'no'," Lisa said, trying not to lose her temper. "My relationship with Dan ended because he was a lousy husband and was more interested in what I brought to the table for our business interests. I hadn't even met Jack when I was married to Dan."
"Then would you say your divorce was an amicable one?" asked Patterson.
"Mostly, yes," Lisa replied honestly. "We remained business partners afterwards, and we're still very civil to each other."
"Do you have a will, Ms. Stillman?"
Lisa suspected this question might be coming, but was still taken aback when Det. Kavanaugh asked it.
"Yes, I do," she answered, trying to sound as calm as possible.
"And who's the main beneficiary?"
"My husband, Jack Bartlett."
"How much does he stand to inherit?"
"On paper, you're worth millions in assets, Ms. Stillman," said Patterson. "Let's be frank—"
"Yes, let's, " Lisa said, growing more indignant these officers were insinuating Jack might be the reason she was lying in this hospital bed.
"I want to emphasize right now that you're safe with us, Ms. Stillman, and we can make sure you stay that way if what happened to you is domestic in nature," Patterson said earnestly before asking the next question. "Do you think your husband is behind this attempt on your life?"
"Absolutely not," Lisa stated, her eyes burning like coals. A knot of discomfort bordering on nausea was gathering in the pit of her stomach and her head was starting to pound.
"You seem very confident of that," Kavanaugh said, noting her shift in tone and demeanour. "It has not escaped our notice you're significantly younger than your husband—"
"Look, if you think my husband is some kind of murderous gold-digger," Lisa interrupted tersely, sending both detectives a piercing glare, "let me make something perfectly clear: I am the one who pursued Jack. I am the one who wanted to get married. It took him nearly seven years to ask the right way, but I can assure you he wasn't after my money, and he still isn't. In fact, he is uncomfortable with the notion he'll have to deal with Fairfield if anything happens to me."
"Noted," Kavanaugh commented with a curt nod.
Lisa exhaled in relief the cops were unable to make their suspicions about Jack stick. This respiratory action again resulted in another localized jab of pain in her side.
"Thank you for giving us your honest answers, Ms. Stillman," Patterson said. "Can you think of anyone either in your personal life or your professional life who might want to harm you?"
"None," Lisa said.
"Think carefully, please," Patterson said.
"I'm sorry, I really can't," Lisa responded, losing all patience with this interview. "I just don't think I've ever made someone upset enough to want to do this to me."
Patterson smiled wryly. "All right, thank you for trying. I can see this isn't an easy thing to think about."
"Is that everything, detectives?" Lisa asked, barely hiding her discomfort now. "I'm suddenly feeling really tired and really lousy, and I think my pain meds are starting to wear off."
"We are for now," Kavanaugh said, looking to his partner. "We may have more questions later. Thank you for your cooperation."
"You're welcome," Lisa managed to articulate, though she was now bordering on retching while the headache was beginning to feel like a C-clamp screwed around her skull.
"We wish you a speedy recovery," Patterson said as she and Kavanaugh stood to leave. "If you remember anything else from that day, or if something new occurs to you that you didn't mention, please call us immediately."
"All right," Lisa managed to say.
"You still have our cards?" Kavanaugh asked.
"At my office."
"Here they are again," Kavanaugh said, as the two cops placed them on the bedside table.
"Thanks," Lisa said, not bothering to even look at the contact information as Kavanaugh and Patterson slipped out of the room. All she wanted now was to have Jack with her again and to close her eyes and rest.
They're only doing their jobs, one part of her mind argued. You know they had to ask those questions about Jack. She let out a slow breath in frustrated anger. But Jack would never hurt me! She argued back. But they don't know that, the other side rebutted. Lisa wore a frown as she contemplated this. She hated to think her husband would be the target of a misguided investigation into who had actually tried to end her life. What a complete waste of time and resources if they start hounding Jack. I need to do something about this...
Jack watched Kavanaugh and Patterson exit Lisa's room. They're done, he thought in relief.
"I'm heading back in to be with her," he said to Amy. "Thanks for bringing me here. Are you okay to ask Ty to come get you? You don't have to stay, and this is really no place for Lyndy to be for any length of time. I'll be okay to drive myself home later."
"Are you sure?" asked Amy looking at him carefully.
"Positive," Jack replied.
"Okay. I'll call Ty," Amy said, pulling out her cell. "Tell Lisa we're all so happy she's going to be okay."
"I will," said Jack. "'Bye for now. See you later tonight."
He stepped back inside Lisa's room and immediately noticed her low spirits.
"Hey, are you all right?"
"Not really," Lisa said in a low whisper.
"What did those cops say to you?" Jack asked with concern.
"I... I don't really want to talk about that now," Lisa said weakly, her stomach still unsettled and her head still aching. She also intuited Jack would be upset if he heard about the kinds of questions that had been asked of him. He had already been through so much in the past 24 hours, she wanted to spare him.
"Hey, did I tell you it was Ty and Scott who found you out on the road?"
She looked at him in surprise. "No," she uttered, face brightening despite her current miserable state.
Jack nodded. "They were coming back into town. They saw your Porsche and stopped right away. They saved your life, Lis."
"My angels," Lisa whispered. "Please tell them I say 'thank you.'"
"Well, you can tell them yourself when we bust you out of this joint," Jack said with a grin.
Lisa cracked a small smile. "Yes, I suppose I can."
"There's that smile I was hoping to see," Jack murmured happily, brushing his fingertips on her cheek.
"I think I need a nap," Lisa said.
"Then go ahead and have a nap," Jack said. "I'll be right here with you."
"Thanks," Lisa whispered, as her eyes drifted shut again.
Jack simply sat and watched while she dozed, hopeful the worst was behind them.
Hudson Police Headquarters
"Lisa Stillman was quite adamant her husband had nothing to do with her shooting," Kavanaugh said during their debrief with Parker of their interview with Lisa.
"She has had no contact from Liam Comox, and she could not name any other potential threats in her life," Patterson added.
"Hmm," Parker hummed with a frown.
"The only other connection we've come up with so far that links Stanton and Stillman is one Dan Hartfield," Patterson said.
"And all three of them belong to some investors' group that was meeting in Calgary yesterday," said Kavanaugh.
A knock on the door brought the conversation to a halt.
"Come in," Parker called.
"Chief," Constable Becket said, opening the door, "there's a man named Dan Hartfield who's demanding to see you."
"Speak of the devil," Kavanaugh muttered under his breath.
"What's this about Hartfield wanting to see me? What's his problem?" Parker asked, irritated at having been interrupted.
"The man's a nervous wreck," Becket responded. "He says he heard about what happened yesterday to Lisa Stillman. He says he thinks his life is in danger, too."
"Oh, does he, now?" Parker said, considering this piece of information. "Did Hartfield provide any proof to support that idea?"
"From what he's told me, he pointed to the fact that all the shooting victims in Hudson so far—Stanton and Stillman—were all part of some private investors' group he happens to belong to," Becket said. "He thinks there might be, and I quote, 'a hit list', and that he thinks he could be next."
"Patterson; Kavanaugh, go have a talk with him," Parker commanded. "See what he has to say for himself and this little investors' group... and why he thinks there might be a 'hit list', as he calls it."
"You got it, Boss," Kavanaugh said, as both he and Patterson made a hasty exit.
"Where's Chief Parker?" Dan asked upon seeing Kavanaugh and Patterson enter the room in which he was asked to wait.
"Busy," Kavanaugh said evasively. "We'll take your statement."
Dan scowled. "Okay, fine," he said. "As long as you take this right to him."
"If what you tell us is worth mentioning, we will," Kavanaugh commented dryly. "Now, we understand you have reason to believe your life is in danger?"
"Yes!" Dan exclaimed. "You need to believe me when I tell you someone is out to get the members of an investors' group I belong to. Someone out there obviously has a hit list, and he's already taken out three of us!"
"Three of you?" Patterson asked, surprised by this revelation.
"Yes! Please listen to me," Dan begged. "My life and all our lives in that group could be in danger."
Moved by Dan's palpable sense of fear, Patterson said, "Fine. Tell us everything you can."
"So Hartfield insists Val Stanton and Lisa Stillman were targets because of this investors' group they all belong to?" Parker said during his debriefing with Kavanaugh and Patterson following their interview with Dan Hartfield.
"He also brought up one that was not on our radar because it happened up in Calgary over a year ago, and it was listed as a home invasion-robbery gone wrong," Patterson said. "Husband and wife by the name of Lanny and Paige Barick."
"I remember hearing about that one," said Parker, growing serious. "Get me a list with all names of all those investors, pronto!"
"Hartfield already did. It's right here." Patterson passed a piece of paper to the chief that Dan had provided.
"This is the full list?" asked Parker after reading the contents.
"Barick, Stanton, and Stillman have all been hit," Parker said. "Hartfield is convinced he could be next. These other names: Stanley Belmont, Fred Garland, Tanner Gunn, Emma Fitzroy, Jesse Stanton, and Connor Wiebe... If Hartfield thinks someone is offing the members of this group, we have a lot of ground to cover."
"Chief," Patterson said slowly, "when Kavanaugh and I were questioning Stillman at the hospital earlier today, she mentioned the reason she was heading into Calgary that afternoon was to vote on Jesse Stanton's admission into the group."
"You think there's some connection between that event and all the shootings?" Parker asked.
Patterson shrugged. "I don't know," she answered honestly. "Stillman seemed to think Jesse's membership was pretty much a done deal, so maybe not."
"Another point worth mentioning: Hartfield had been romantically involved with Stanton, and he and Stillman used to be married to each other," Kavanaugh said. "He doesn't stand to gain anything if Stillman is out of the picture—nothing we've uncovered yet, anyway."
"Interesting," Parker murmured, wearing a pensive expression. "Think there's a life insurance policy he's kept up all these years?"
"Could be," Kavanaugh responded. "Jesse Stanton seemed to think Hartfield was just as rich as his mother, if not more so. But maybe if we go digging, we'll find Hartfield is strapped for cash. Could be motive to want Stillman out of the way, at least, and this whole 'hit list' thing is a smokescreen."
"It's worth looking into," Parker said. "We know Stillman and Hartfield maintained business ties after they divorced, but this little private investors' group... I want the team to dig a bit into their activity, too. See if we can find any reasons why someone would want to bump off the members, just in case Hartfield isn't just being paranoid."
"Yes, sir," Kavanaugh said. "We're on it."
Upon arriving at Maggie's, Tim immediately fielded questions from several of the regulars as to how Lisa was doing. He was able to pass along the happy news she was awake and on the way to recovery in the hospital.
"Oh, my gosh, I'm so glad you came in today, Tim," Jade Virani said in a rush, catching him between taking an order to the kitchen and picking one up. "Small-town gossip is insane. Everyone in here's been talking about what happened to Lisa."
"Well, she's awake now and doing a lot better," Tim said. "So whatever they've been saying can stop."
"You don't get it, Tim," Jade said, eyes shifting around the diner. "Some of your loyal customers are saying some totally dumb sh—uh, things."
"Yeah? Like what?" Tim ventured to ask.
Jade sidled up closer to him and in a conspiratorial whisper said: "Stupid stuff like maybe Jack did it so he could make it rich off Lisa's will."
"That's ridiculous," Tim snapped in a heated tone.
"I know," Jade said, "but it's what some people are saying."
Tim let out a breath in exasperation, also taking a quick glance around at all the patrons sitting at the tables and squeezed into booths.
How can they think Jack could be capable of doing that to Lisa? The thought was preposterous, yet, some of these so-called loyal customers evidently could not resist proposing the worst theories possible.
"Okay, get back to work, Jade," Tim urged. "We're not paying you to stand around. But if you hear anyone else saying they think Jack somehow wanted to get Lisa out of the way, you and the rest of the staff have my permission to deny them service. Better yet, kick 'em out and tell 'em not to come back."
Jade's mouth twisted into a conniving smile. "Can I just spit in their food, instead?" she joked rhetorically, and continued on to the kitchen.
That same day, a phone call took place between two people.
"We've got a problem. Lisa Stillman just woke up," the first voice uttered.
"'We', Kemosabe?" the other voice spat in derision, followed by a barrage of profanity. "You absolute idiot! It was foolhardy to go after Stillman when you did, but you got impatient!"
"C'mon, man, you know I'm running out of time. Help me fix this. If it wasn't for me, you would never have had access to—"
"Yeah, yeah, fine," the second voice interjected with annoyance. "But you've just used up all the currency you earned with that one, understand? No more favours. No more unauthorized moves. We lie low now for the next little while, got it?"
"Yeah, I got it."
"Good. And listen: if those vets become a problem—"
"Don't worry; I'll take care of them," the first voice said.
"I was hoping you'd say that, since you're the reason they might be a problem in the first place!"
Later that same afternoon, a new conversation took place between two individuals that would have been of great interest to Chief Parker and his team of investigators. Unfortunately, those law enforcement officers were unaware it was happening, and were therefore unable to act upon it.
"Is your man still in Hudson?"
"Yeah, probably. He says he likes the scenery and he likes bear hunting. I hear there's been some sightings around those parts lately."
"Tell him to forget the freakin' bears. I've got a different quarry for him again—of the human variety. This one's a bit of a clean-up job. I'm counting on your guy to finish it right."
"'Clean-up', eh?"
"Yeah. The first attempt was seriously botched."
"I'm insulted you didn't contact me for the job in the first place."
"Heh. If it had been my call, I would have brought your man in again for this one. But I have a maverick who thought he could take matters into his own hands. Went off, half-cocked, and left me with this mess."
"I see. Give me the details and he'll get it done. "
"The target is currently a patient in the South Calgary Health Campus. Her name is Lisa Stillman. I'll send you a picture, as usual. I really don't care how it's done; your man just needs to make her dead, and he needs to make it happen before she can be discharged. The sooner, the better."
"Hmm. The hospital is risky. Too many cameras, too much security, and too many people crawling around. My guy will want extra. Call it 'danger pay'."
"How much extra?"
"Ten grand."
"Done. And when he's through offing Stillman, tell him to stick around Hudson for a little while longer. I have a feeling there might be a couple other loose ends for him to tie up."
"Fine. The more, the merrier!"
After contacting Rachel Stillman in Montreal and Peter in Vancouver, Lou was finally able to reach Lisa's aunt, who was currently enjoying a cruise of the Mediterranean. The woman did not mind the late call, and had been anxious for word on her niece's condition.
"Do you need me to come out to Alberta?" Evelyn asked. "I can get off at the next port of call and arrange a flight."
"No, Evelyn, you can stay right where you are for now," Lou said calmly. "Lisa's out of the ICU. There's no need to come rushing back."
"Are you sure?" Evelyn's husky voice was filled with worry.
"I'm sure," Lou said. "We'll call if anything changes."
"All right. Tell her I love her, will you, please, Lou? I hope those doctors and nurses are taking very good care of her."
"I'm sure they are," Lou said. "'Bye for now."
With Georgie's excused absence from school, Adam and Wyatt paid a call on their friend, both to get her up to speed on missed schoolwork, and for moral support.
Georgie, however, was interested in neither. Her mind was turned to matters of justice.
"Adam, what's the latest on your father's investigation into what's happened to Lisa?" she asked, as soon as homework was delivered along with the expected but nonetheless welcome words of concern from the boys.
"Sorry, Georgie," Adam said with a slow shake of his head. "My dad can't share details with me about an active case."
"Oh," Georgie said with a disappointed pout.
"But that doesn't mean we can't do some investigating of our own," Adam added.
"What—do we look like the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew to you?" Wyatt quipped.
Georgie made a face; Wyatt took the cue and quieted himself.
"Seriously, though," Adam said, "I have some theories."
"Like?" Georgie asked.
"Like the fact this is the second shooting to happen in Hudson where both victims were women who were in the horse business," Adam said plainly.
"Doesn't prove anything," Wyatt rejoined. "A lot of people in this town are in the horse business. It's, like, all you see around here. I mean, this town is practically built on equine-this and rodeo-that."
"Yeah, but not all of those businesses are as high-end as Briar Ridge and Fairfield," Adam pointed out. "They have some pretty exclusive clients. They're high profile. I've done some preliminary research. Fairfield is pretty famous in horse-racing circles, and not just in Canada. The same goes for Briar Ridge for showjumping."
"You think someone deliberately targeted Val Stanton and Lisa because of their high profiles in the equestrian business?" Georgie asked, stunned at what Adam was suggesting.
Adam calmly responded, "It's possible."
Wyatt snorted. "So, what—you think there's some psycho serial killer out there who's taking out women who train and breed horses for rich people?"
"No," Adam answered in his usual dry manner. "Serial killers tend to stick to a specific modus operandi. The news didn't provide a lot of details, but I've deduced Val Stanton was probably killed by a sniper with a rifle from a significant distance. Lisa Stillman was in her vehicle when she was shot, probably by someone with a handgun, and from close range. Val Stanton was shot once. Lisa Stillman was shot twice. Two completely different methods. It was clearly not the same person."
"Clearly," Wyatt said with a dubious shake of his head.
"Wait," Georgie said slowly, thinking now of the circumstances under which the Briar Ridge owner had died. "When Val was shot, she was riding Herring. Lisa had just lent him to Val so she could see if she wanted to buy him. What if—what if this has to do with Herring?"
"Why would someone kill someone else over a horse?" Wyatt sounded unconvinced.
Adam stared at Georgie. "How valuable is Herring?"
"Oh, I-I don't know," Georgie considered. "But Lisa's horses aren't cheap stock. He could easily be worth one hundred thousand, or more."
"A hundred thousand?!" Wyatt sputtered. "As in dollars? For a horse? You could buy a couple slick new cars for that amount."
"Not only that," Georgie said, looking between her two friends. "Olympic showjumping horses can be worth millions. And that's just the price of the horse. Stud fees is where the real money is for breeders like Lisa."
"'Stud fees'?" Wyatt echoed in confusion.
"You know, horse breeding?" Georgie said, searching his face for signs of comprehension.
"Whoa. People pay for that?" Wyatt exclaimed. "You mean, it doesn't just, like, happen? 'Born free'?"
Georgie rolled her eyes; Adam ignored his pal. "Georgie, what else can you tell me about this horse?"
"Um, not much, really. Lisa planned to have Herring as a hunter-jumper for when she goes on those faux fox hunts they do with the club. Then Val said she might be interested. Lisa's nephew's horse was the sire. I'm sorry; that's all I know." She shook her head while shrugging helplessly.
"See if you can figure anything else out," Adam advised. "There's got to be something special about him. He's still here at Heartland, right?"
"Right," Georgie replied. "We've kept him here since he belongs to Lisa, after all."
"You might want to consider keeping a close eye on him," Adam warned.
"Why? You think someone might try to steal him?" Georgie asked, suddenly uneasy at what Adam seemed to be suggesting.
"Maybe," Adam answered. "Right now, anything is possible, and Herring appears to be the only thing linking Val and Lisa."
South Calgary Health Campus
Despite wanting to stay awake, Jack eventually nodded off, emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion taking over. The turmoil of the past 24 hours soon played havoc on his dreamscape as phantom manifestations of Chief Parker and his investigators interrogated him about what happened to Lisa.
"Do you own any firearms?" the dream-Parker asked menacingly.
"A rifle," Jack replied, thinking Parker already knew the answer anyway.
"Does Lisa have a will?"
Jack knew he had to answer honestly. "Yes. Of course she does."
"And who's the beneficiary?" Parker asked.
"Well, I am," Jack replied.
The faces of the dream versions of Kavanaugh and Patterson seemed full of condemnation.
"But... that's all to ensure my—our—grandchildren and great-grandchildren will inherit the Fairfield property and business," Jack said, wanting to make them understand.
"I see," dream-Parker said, writing down notes on a notepad.
"Look, I don't expect to out-live my wife," Jack said, trying to keep his temper in check. "That will she made... she made it when she was worried about a possible health issue a couple years ago. It turned out to be nothing, thank goodness, and heaven knows I don't want to be saddled with a horseracing outfit. Lisa knows that. She was thinking of the kids, not of me."
"Mr. Bartlett, do you own a motorcycle?" Kavanaugh asked.
"No," Jack replied. "But my grandson-in-law does. A Norton." Wait, no, he doesn't, some part of Jack's brain argued. He sold it, remember?
"Mr. Bartlett, you're under arrest for the murder of your wife, Lisa Stillman," Parker said, reaching for a pair of handcuffs.
"Wait!" Jack shouted, fear building up inside him. "I didn't kill her! She's still alive! She's still alive!"
Jack awoke with a start at the sound of Lisa's voice.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Jack opened his eyes. Lisa was staring at him with a puzzled expression. "Hmph," he muttered. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"You were shouting in your sleep, honey," Lisa said.
Jack grimaced. "Uh, I had a bad dream."
"Want to tell me about it?"
"Not really," he answered, rubbing his face. The fear that had coursed through him when the dream version of Chief Parker was about to arrest him was already receding. "It was just stupid, irrational stuff. Didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's okay," Lisa said with a tired nod and a yawn. Her eyelids flickered shut and she drifted off to sleep again.
Jack sat himself straight up in his chair and resolved to stay awake this time, lest he slip back into another bad dream. Thank God that nightmare is over.
Chapter 8: Hunter and the Hunted
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findafight · 1 year
Okay but. Now I am thinking of transfem Evie Harrington starbara canon au where Barb is like. Preeetty sure she only likes girls. Possibly. But she's willing to give Steve a try. He's charming and goofy and listens when she says to cut out all that mean talk and is also, shockingly, very interested in her.
So she thinks sure, she'll try dating a boy. Feel like a normal teenage girl for a bit. It's fun and Steve listens when she tells him to back off. And she really does like him. So maybe she just likes mostly girls usually, and sometimes a boy. Mostly Steve, though.
But then she gets taken by the demogorgon and survives the Upside Down and everything is awful. Steve is still there, and he's worried and protective and so so glad she's back mostly safe. She thinks she might be a little in love with him.
They date, and it's nice and good and normal and Steve lets her set the pace with how to talk about the Upside Down. She does talk about it, and he talks about what happened in the right side up, and they both cry. Barb knows she loves him, and that he loves her. It's nice and comfortable, they kiss and have sex and saying it's love is probably fast but they've survived monsters apart, so now they want to stick together.
One day, maybe the spring or summer after round one, Barb convinces him to lay back and let her get him dolled up. They've got a free afternoon and she wants to practice doing someone else's makeup just in case. Also, it's fun. It's silly and they deserve a little silly. She doesn't really wear a lot of make up but she's got mascara, a couple colours of lipstick, rouge, and a whopping four different eyeshaddows. While Barb prefers the dark red lipstick, she thinks the lighter, cherry shade would be better for Steve. She curls his lashes (borrowed the curler from Nancy and forgot to give it back) and adds just a little pink eyeshadow, then blush around his cheeks. She's admittedly not very skilled or practiced, but it's definitely passable application. The finishing touch, though, is that Steve lets her style his hair, parting it to the side because of all the cowlicks, and letting its waves curl slightly around his face. She climbs off him and stands, looking down at him.
"oh. You make a very pretty girl, Stevie. Or. Hm... Evie, maybe? Wanna see?"
He pauses for a moment before crawling off his bed to the bathroom, and when he faces the mirror Barb can hear him stop breathing. It's just a moment, before he turns to her and smiles. Kisses her cheek and likely smears lipstick on it (which does give Barb a bit of a thrill, and little jolt of pleasure and longing and she doesn't want to think about that because she loves Steve. She knows she does. If people can be a little gay sometimes Barb can be a little Straight with Steve. She doesn't need lipstick on her cheek or to watch a skirt brush the ground or anything else like that when Steve is beside her.)
It isn't until after the tunnels that Steve brings it up. A week after, he's barely gotten the go ahead to slowly get back to school (he's able to do half days until the headaches get too much), they're laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, holding hands and just breathing together.
"Barbie?" He starts, and stops.
She hums, encouraging.
He sighs. "Do you remember when you...when you did my makeup?"
"yeah, I do."
"you called me Evie. Like my great Aunt, my favourite Aunt, I would've been named after if I was a girl instead of my great Uncle."
She turns her head to look at him, still staring at the ceiling, squeezing her hand tighter now.
"I did..."
"I need you to know I love you. I do. I really, really do."
She almost sits up, but stops herself. Whatever Steve is talking about is important, he's clutching her hand tightly but not looking at her. Instead, she squeezes back. "I love you too."
Steve's breath hitches. "I really liked it when you called me Evie." It's a whisper, a breath.
Barb squeezes his hand again.
"Barbie. I really, really, liked it. I wish it was my name." Finally he turns to face her, and his eyes are glossy. She reaches up to brush her fingers against a yellowing bruise on his cheek. "I wish I was that little girl that was named after her Great Aunt Evelyn and I could wear makeup like you did for me whenever I wanted and that I was a pretty girl."
Barb leans in to kiss softly, a brush of lips. "Maybe you are?" She doesn't know. Just knows that Steve, Evie? Is upset. She doesn't want to see someone she loves upset, and it seems like saying that may help. She doesn't know.
Breath hitches. "You think I can be? Just like that?"
Combing her fingers through her...through her lover's hair, Barb shrugs as best she can lying on her side. "I've never wanted to be a boy. But you want to be a girl. I think. I think maybe that's what makes you one?"
"yeah?" It's a tiny, cracking, word and Barb wishes she could help fix whatever grief is causing it.
"well. I don't think any people who aren't girls want to be girls."
Her lover shifts, enough that their foreheads touch. "And...would that be okay? For you? For...for us?"
Barb leans closer, so their lips brush when she speaks. "Pretty sure you're it for me, Evelyn Harrington. Whoever you decide you are, I'll love."
"and if I want to be your girlfriend?"
She grins, can't help pressing into a kiss. "Then I guess I've got the prettiest girlfriend in town."
Evie presses in for another kiss. "Mmh. No. I think that's me." Barb can feel her smiling against her lips.
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Assuming the farmer has social anxiety and they're really scared of approaching the towns people when they first moved in (except Lewis and Robin because it was practically forced interaction lol), how do you think the towns people approach the farmer or how long does it take for the farmer to approach them? Sorry if this sounds like a lot, you can write anything and any length 🥹🥹
Hey, dear anon 👋 Thanks for your ask ❤️
The question is quite interesting, by the way. I decided to write about all the residents of the Valley, so I apologise that the answer took so long. Anyway, enjoy!
How quickly the townspeople become friends with the shy Farmer:
Oh, the new farmer decided to visit the Saloon after all? Let them sit down, then. Gus noticed that the shy Farmer came here to meet new people, but they was still afraid even to address Gus himself and ordered dinner, sitting at the farthest table. He would be quite cautious and very polite to Farmer. However, you won't get a long conversation - other customers are waiting. So the Farmer will have to try their luck at friendship with Gus after hours. Considering his good-naturedness, it won't be difficult even for Farmer.
In Shane's case, a man who has no desire to get to know the new residents of this town (he hardly interacts with the locals either, except for his aunt and niece and maybe Sam) the time to get to know each other will be quite long. A year or more. It's going to be very slow, and most likely Farmer themself needs to make the first step towards friendship.
Clint didn't really care who it was that had come to their forgotten little town, which for some unknown reason he had also been brought to. The local blacksmith was hardly sociable, rather the opposite, a perpetually sullen and shy pessimist. Therefore, he will not actively seek acquaintance and friendship with Farmer. So the young grower of various crops needs to make the first step. It is better to start with amethysts, they are easier to get.
Given that Harvey is a rather good-natured and patient man, and also wants to maintain a good relationship with his patients, it doesn't matter who makes the first move - both Farmer and Harvey will quickly find common ground. A month, maybe a little less.
Grandma Evelyn will welcome Farmer with open arms. Having learned from Lewis that the new Farmer is very shy, she will be the first to start a dialogue and do everything she can to make her old friend's grandchild feel at home in the Valley. About from delicious baked goods sent in the mail, or simple greetings in the main square as she tends to the flowers. Even the shyest of people will want to make friends with her, such a sweet Granny!
Farmer doesn't have to worry about introducing themself to the strange man who lives in a high tower far from Pelican Town - Rasmodius is already the first to write a letter and the first to start a conversation when the youth crosses the threshold of his domain. Passionate more in the knowledge about the mystical 'Junimo', the Wizard pays no heed to Farmer's faint attempts to get to know him better. Maybe later, when he has some time free from magical research. He's not overly social, and he often speaks in riddles, but still quite a nice person. Albeit a bit odd, but in a year's time he can be called an unusual friend.
To be honest, in the Spring Year 1 Alex will first try to start a dialogue with the newcomer, but he will quickly lose interest and may not even remember the existence of Farmer at all. And if they do have a small dialogue, Alex is unlikely to remember it. The first step will be made by him, and taking into account that the young athlete will most often praise himself as a future sports star, the conversation will be... so-so. It will take a lot of time and Farmer's patience for Alex to reveal himself to be the real deal, not the boastful brat.
Like her regular dance partner at the Flower Festival, Haley doesn't seem to notice Farmer's presence at all, with only her sister constantly buzzing in her ear that someone has arrived in Pelican Town and settled on the old farm. Straightforward, sometimes tactless in her comments about the appearance of Farmer, and flippant - many who do not know Haley intimately will not have the best first impression. So it will take a lot of time (and self-control) to get to know her better.
Demetrius, preoccupied with his experiments, would not impose his acquaintance on the newcomer, only make polite introductions and inform them that his daughter also wanted to welcome Farmer. Stuck in his notes or constantly in the lab, Farmer will have to try a little harder to draw the scientist's attention to themself and make a friendly conversation. In principle, a few attempts during half a year - and they will quickly find a common language.
With Abigail, it would depend on her mood. Some days she will take a interest in the Farmer, ask questions and slowly become buddies. However, there are days when a fight with her parents or something else makes her mad, and the purple-haired girl can bark at Farmer in such a way that they have no desire to communicate further. But she is quite friendly, so friendship with her will start after a few months, and she will be the initiator.
Oh, Penny... Two very shy people who have exchanged greetings, and now stand in silence, absolute awkward silence... But interestingly, they will become friends pretty quickly, the key is to find a small interesting topic (Farmer will probably talk first) and the conversation will develop into another conversation, and another, and another. And *poof* - friendship!
Emily saw Farmer for the first time and was immediately like - instant mutuals. She feels Farmer's aura, the little sparks in their eyes, and realises they are going to be best friends! The girl will often invite Farmer to her house for tea, or to show her new outfits she has sewn. Maybe if they want to, she'll make something nice for them too? She is easy to get along with, and in a month Emily and Farmer will be besties!
Marlon is a man of few word, and not to say that he actively seeks friendship with the people of the Valley. He is a lone wolf by nature, and the only friend he can name is Gil, who, by the way, is also a man of few word. On the other hand, if Farmer feels uncomfortable with so many people in Pelican Town, Guild and two old adventurers will warmly welcome Farmer to their cosy base, treat them to campfire soup and share tales. So slowly but surely the friendship of the two older guild members with the youngest will form.
Grumpy, distrustful of new faces, a bit rude - George definitely wouldn't be called a conversation buddy. And he certainly wouldn't interrupt his favourite TV show to have a chat with the new Farmer. He's not trying to be rude on purpose, no. It's just that due to his advanced age he can be impatient, so the Farmer will have to be patient and make the first move to talk. Six or eight months is about enough time for George to trust them.
Jas and Vincent will behave completely opposite to each other: while Sam's younger brother needs only a few snails or a piece of pink cake to call the Farmer his best friend, Jas will be more wary, remembering that Aunt Marnie and Uncle Shane always said not to talk to strangers. However, if the shy farmer finds a common language with Marnie or Shane first, then Jas herself will take a step towards friendship. With Vincent it will be about a couple of months, for Jas longer, but they will soon understand that the Farmer is quite a good person and not boring adult.
Well, it's safe to say that it was Farmer who was the first to strike up a dialogue and friendship with Leo. The boy is very shy on his own, but parrot friends are his friends, so slowly but surely he and Farmer become friends. I would give it a year for Leo to fully trust Farmer.
Gunther is in the library most of the time, so the introduction only happened with Farmer when they brought an interesting artefact. Not to say that the museum keeper wants to be friends with them that much, but if they don't mind being pals - then Gunther won't say no. Or conversely, if the Farmer feels uncomfortable and too shy, he'll leave them alone. If Farmer is so interested, then let them visit Gunther more often, he has many interesting stories, and they'll become pals in no time.
Oh, a human? Here in the sewers? Please don't be frightened by Krobus, he's completely harmless, he'll even sell you interesting goods. Friendship? Oh, well, it can get very lonely in here. The Farmer's not going to harm Krobus, correct? Then, shall we be friends? Also polite and shy, Farmer and Krobus will quickly find common ground.
With her aerobics club, Caroline knows how difficult and scary it can be to get to know a new community. Some fit right in with their little group right away, some took a little more time. So Caroline will endeavour to make the atmosphere in her husband's shop as welcoming as possible for Farmer, just so they don't feel uncomfortable. 3-4 months of small conversations - and, well, a friendship began.
Caroline's husband, Pierre, on the other hand... Well, he'll be the first to engage in dialogue, that's for sure. Except that he sees Farmer first as a potential customer who needs to be wooed with tempting discounts on seeds and a friendly atmosphere so that they will definitely only buy from his shop. If Yoba has gifted the Farmer with universal patience, then they can try to bond with Pierre as buddies, at least, and not just as buyer/seller.
To Farmer's great regret, Morris is even worse than Pierre..... Social anxiety? No anxiety, because discounted merchandise at JojaMart will save the Farmer all the trouble! Marketing from Yoba, for crying out loud... If for some reason Farmer decided to give the chance to be friends with Morris, they'd have to try their best to talk to the perpetually busy manager of a huge company about something unrelated to that very company.
Willy is your man! Even if Farmer isn't too interested in fishing, the old sailor can still quickly become a good friend for a shy newcomer in Stardew Valley. Silently fishing, telling tales of his fishing adventures or just a little conversation - good-natured enough, he will become a good friend in as little as two or three months.
Heh, If a Farmer kid puts a free mug of cold beer next to Pam, she will already call them a friend! Ha ha! Eh, don't mind her, she's just kidding. But seriously, if you want Pam's favour, it would be a good idea to start with ale or beer, and then you can get to know her. If the poor shy Farmer is against alcohol, they could fill Pam up with a mountain of her favourite parsnips - and in one spring they'll be besties!
Sebastian is not what you would call an outgoing personality or conversation buddy, so Farmer needs to be the first to strike up a dialogue with the local emo. Sebby himself is also shy, and it takes quite a while for the first step towards friendship. Six to nine months, maybe a little sooner if Farmer and Sebby are in the company of Abby and Sam. You find friendship faster in a collective somehow.
Oh, there they are! The cause of much discussion and various rumours in Pelican Town over the last week! Oh, no no, nothing bad has been said. Elliott was just intrigued and eager to meet the new Farmer who had come from the big city to seek happiness in the Valley. He's only recently arrived too, you know. But the writer realises that moving to another place is tiring, and meeting a new community can be a bit scary. So when the Farmer is the first to give the sign, Elliott is happy to talk about his life and ask about the life of the new Farmer. Five months is enough time to build a strong friendship.
Although Leah lives alone in her cottage near the forest, the red-haired artist doesn't mind guests at all. So she is very welcoming to the new Farmer, who is trying to get over their nervousness and get to know all the residents. A big bonus if during their stay at Leah's house the Farmer decides to treat the her to some wild mushrooms or vegetables they've managed to grow on their farm. In a couple of months, the two neighbours will become real friends, constantly exchanging forest gifts and interesting stories.
If the Farmer loves animals, they already have Marnie as a friend. Always cheerful and optimistic - the new Farmer will quickly find common ground with her. Of course, she needs to get to know them better before selling her favourite animals, but she can already let the Farmer pet her favourite goats or cows if they are feeling stressed by their new acquaintances. Affectionate animals will immediately calm and cheer up the Farmer, + 10 point to building friendship with Marnie. Be an honest and decent person, don't forget to respect the animals, and then you'll become Marnie's friend in a few months.
Oh, Jodi had time to discuss with her friends all the rumours about the new Farmer who had arrived in the Valley. And the rumours were naturally different from reality, because Jodi hadn't expected them to be so shy. Oh well, everyone is different. She doesn't mind chatting to Farmer sometimes, but doesn't actively seek friendship, as she has so much to do around the house!
As for Kent... It's pretty complicated here. Tired and exhausted, he's trying to get away from all the horrors he's been through, and although he was the first to greet Farmer at the start of Year Two, he's not going to chase after Farmer and offer friendship. Kent is... trying to come round. So it may take Farmer more than a year to bond with him and let him remember that before he left Pelican Town, he had and has, in addition to a loving family, friends- old friends, and a new one too!
Oh, oh, oh! And Maru was just looking for the newly arrived Farmer to meet! New people in a small town are always interesting, so the young inventor doesn't miss the opportunity to introduce herself, not forgetting to recommend that they also introduce themselves to her parents and half-brother. Will gladly listen to the Farmer, or have no problem leaving them alone if they are still too shy and trying to get used to the local community. Three months is enough time for the two of them to hang out in the lab and discuss different topics like a nerds.
Please don't think that Linus is a rude and cold person, he is not. It's just that people's scepticism towards him and his chosen lifestyle has made Linus behave very cautiously around strangers. Though Stardew Valley villagers are more kind than in other places, caution never hurts. Farmer has to be patient to gain friendship with a wild man who happens to be very learned, kind and wise. But they will know this only when the Farmer gets to know Linus better, and that will take at least six months.
Oh, they moved in already? Sam heard that someone new is coming to the old farm. The musician doesn't mind new faces in the Valley at all, as this could be a potential friend to hang out with. Considering he's always chilling and a real soul of the company, it's easy to make a friendship with him right away. He has the personality of a golden retriever.
If Farmer isn't a spy of the Shadow People, then Dwarf doesn't mind getting to know each other at all. It's been a long time since he's talked to humans, and he has so many important questions that interest him so much (about milk, for example). Quite a bit surprised when the conversation makes the Farmer nervous and says they're shy. Well, they were the ones who broke through the rubble-filled passage to the cave with their pickaxe, so it's too late to be shy. And there's no arguing about it. As with the Clint, a mountain of amethysts is a guarantee of friendship with the Dwarf, so in four months he'll stop suspecting them of espionage. But it's not certain.
Wonderful! Robin and Lewis are pleased that, despite their shyness, the new Farmer has found common ground with some of the people of Stardew Valley already. Robin, by the way, thought she and the town mayor maybe had gone a little overboard by practically forcing their acquaintance on the poor Farmer, but she's glad it all ended well. And Lewis is just glad that their little community has been enriched with another resident.
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bananadramaaa · 4 months
What would Eden's palisman be like?
(I'm using the translator, so I don't know if it's written well, but I love your drawings)
Thank you! And you're absolutely fine, don't worry.
I'm thinking about mouse or rat palisman for her. In one of the asks about Eden I've mentioned an ideal scenario: she and Evelyn could start living together as a small quirky family after Caleb's death. A family of witch mum, half witch-half human kid & human aunt. So maybe at that time Evelyn helped her to create her own palisman.
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bejeweledblondie · 7 months
Fairytale Wedding
Captain John Price x F! Royalty Reader
Summary: a continuation of “A Knight in Shining Amor” After Y/N had recovered from her injuries she started to court Captain John Price. Even attending Trooping the Color with him. Soon a Royal proposal happened & the big wedding day is upon us
Warnings: Mention of a wedding night
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Y/N had been waiting for this day ever since she was the flower girl at her Aunt Mary’s wedding. Years of preparation went into this ceremony, all the way from the tiara she was to select from her grandmother’s collection to the flowers in her bouquet. She had waited years to find a man suitable for her, then came along John. He had saved her life & she grew fond of him. Over the past year they had been courting each other & attending formal events. However behind the privacy of the palace walls it was a whole different story. She was able to see that tender side of him & he was able to see her without all the Royal protocol. He was used to seeing her in a gorgeous ballgown, or all done up but he found her most beautiful in blue jeans.
So here she stood in front of the golden gilded mirror in her bedroom. Her wedding dress had been designed custom by Christian Dior & was adorned with beautiful floral appliqués representing each of the Commonwealth countries. It had a high neck resembling Grace Kelly’s iconic wedding dress & her veil was a cathedral length. The blusher draped over her face & went down to her elbows. She looked the epitome of what a royal bride was to be. John’s niece, Evelyn was in seventh heaven & couldn’t believe that his new aunt was a duchess. When she saw her new aunt in her wedding dress her eyes lit up.
“Auntie Y/N,” Her little voice squeaked out. She turned around to see the little girl looking up at her. “You are the prettiest princess I’ve ever seen.” She bent down & hugged the little girl.
“Thank you Eve,” Y/N replied. “And I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful bridesmaid.”
Price’s sister, Katherine & her sister now the Princess of Wales Caroline came in. Both were wearing the custom pale blue gowns that had been designed for them. Katherine picked up Eve & Caroline helped Y/N with the train.
“Ready to go?” Caroline asked. Caroline had already experienced her own wedding day & knew the jitters that Y/N was experiencing. Then started to walk out of the room & into the hallway. The private photographer they had hired was already snapping candid photos. Y/N started down the staircase & saw all of the palace staff watching her. She gave a soft smile in their direction they had seen her grow up & were a vital part of her upbringing. They were of equal importance to her that she shared this day with them.
She finally reached the bottom & walked to where the carriage was parked. Katherine put Evelyn in first & then helped Y/N with her gown. Caroline was near the steps into the carriage to lend a hand to make sure she didn’t fall. Once inside & seated next to Evelyn both ladies joined them. The foot man climbed up & grabbed onto the reigns.
“You ready your highness?” He asked.
“Yes I am! Let’s go!” She replied. Evelyn was practically bouncing in her seat it was the first time she was in a carriage & was absolutely elated. The childlike wonder of her future niece made Y/N wonder what her future children will be like. Soon they were off towards the large brass & golden gates of Buckingham Palace. Screaming crowds of people from all over the world lined the streets. Y/N waved to the people & Evelyn being the social butterfly she was yelled “hello” & waved. Katherine couldn’t help but laugh at her child soaking in the royal treatment.
The sun was out & shown down on the carriage. Y/N’s tiara she had on loan from her grandmother reflected off of the sunlight creating a bright effect. It just added to the beauty of the day. Finally they pulled up to the Westminster Abbey, & her dress was able to be put on full display. Katherine, Evelyn, & Caroline all stepped out before letting Y/N out. Caroline held out an arm while Katherine held onto Y/N’s bouquet & Evelyn.
Once Y/N was out of the carriage the already cheering crowds erupted into louder cheers. Katherine handed her the bouquet & held onto Evelyn’s hand as they started to walk into the cathedral. The priest was waiting for her at the front doors. He grabbed one her hands & gave her some words of endearment to help calm her nerves. Very similar to the ones he gave to John earlier.
At the alter John stood there staring at the thousands people. His team was in the second row all smiles. Ghosh was Simon today, he had ditched his skull mask for a clean shave. Soap showed up in a kilt to represent Scotland. Gaz was there for a good time & to represent his Captain. John hadn’t been this nervous since his first mission. He hadn’t felt this way about anyone ever, she was his whole world. He knew that the moment he visited her in the hospital. The organ started up & the choir started to sing a religious hymn. The crowd stood up & watched as the religious dignitaries walked first lead by the priest.
Then his beloved niece & older sister. He smiled at her as she waved excitedly while throwing petals. It made him wonder what the future children Y/N & him would have. Soon he saw his beloved, looking absolutely ravishing. She radiated pure love & the sunlight from the Abbey’s skylight make her sparkle. Tears started to well in John’s eyes when he saw her. Finally she had reached the alter, & after handing her bouquet to Caroline he took her left hand.
“You look beautiful.” He whispered to her.
“You look handsome.” She whispered back. He really did know how to pull off a British Army Officer’s dress uniform. The ceremony was long but the both of them soaked up every minute. Once the ceremony was complete, they had started to make their way together down the aisle. He had looked over to his team & Soap gave him two thumbs up. John shook his head & chucked.
After carriage ride through the streets of cheering of crowds who wanted to get a glimpse of the newly weds they had finally reached the palace. While the guests were starting to arrive for the reception Y/N & John along with their families were in the sitting room that the main balcony is connected to. John couldn’t stop staring at his bride, she was the most of beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. It was clear her inner beauty reflected outwards. She had bumped into him & he had grabbed onto her waist insuring she didn’t fall.
“Jonathan Price, that better be your sword poking me.” She giggled.
“Its definitely a sword my dear but one you’ll see later on.” He whispered back into her ear causing her to blush. It was soon time for them to grace the balcony that was looking out onto the crowds celebrating the wedding. It was customary the couples saved their kiss for the balcony with the entire royal family.
With Y/N & John in the front both families surrounded them. The crowds were screaming “kiss her” over & over again. John placed his hands at her waist & took her in for a deep kiss. The roar from the crowd was amplified once they saw them lock lips. Once they broke apart they rest their foreheads against each others.
“I love you.” She said & looked into his eyes.
“I love you more.” He said & pulled her in for another kiss.
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milesdickpic · 7 months
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.80
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HAPPY ONE YEAR OF HLG, BABES! It’s been a year since I’ve been writing for this universe and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you ❤️ thank you all so much 🥰
Hi, my lovies! Thank you for tuning in for another chapter! I want to thank everyone for being here with me and reading my HLG Series. You all mean the world to me and I wouldn't be where I am without all of you. I love you all so much! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: Everyone is finally going to meet the Bradshaw boys! How do you think everyone will react to Leia meeting her brother? 🤭
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: crying, cursing, mentions death, some sadness, but a whole lot of gushy love 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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Bradley’s POV
I made my way down to the lobby. Everyone had just arrived outside in the front. 
The first ones here were Austin, Phoenix, and Hangman. I went up behind them as they were all talking. I wedged myself in between all of them and wrapped my arms around their shoulders.
“Oh my gosh! Rooster!” Phoenix whipped around quickly and hugged me tight. “How are they?” She was bouncing with excitement. 
I hugged Hangman and Austin. “They’re great! We got to see baby boy b earlier this morning and they said he was doing a lot better today with breathing.” 
Hangman patted my chest, “That’s great, Bradshaw. How is momma doin?” 
I nodded, “She’s doing great. They’re all perfect.”
Austin rubbed my back, “Congratulations again, Bradley.”
I smiled and patted his back, “Thank you, Aus.”
Hangman rubbed his hands together, “So when do we get to go see them?” He looked at me excitedly. 
I sighed and brought him under my wing, “You guys will all get to see them after their big sister meets them.” 
Phoenix squealed in excitement. “I can’t wait for our Leia girl to see them!” She jumped up and down as she clung onto Austin. He chuckled and kissed her temple. 
“Speak of the princess.” Austin waved over to Phantom, Evelyn, and the girls. 
Austin squatted down and had his arms open, “Leia Rey!” She ran into his arms and hugged him tight. 
“Hi, my Austin!” He chuckled and kissed her head. 
Leia went over to give a hug and kiss to Phoenix. “Hi, Aunt Phoenix! I missed you!” Phoenix kissed her over and over again. 
Leia ran over to Hangman and jumped into his arms, “Uncle Jakey!” 
“Hey, honey!” He gave her a big kiss and spun her around. 
She came over to me and put her arms up for me to pick her up. “Holy shit. Have you gotten bigger, vapor girl? You’re so heavy!” 
“Daddy!” She giggled and kissed my cheek. “Daddy, why are we here? Are you okay?” She looked at me concerned. 
I nodded, “I’m okay, baby girl. We are here for mommy.” 
Her jaw dropped, “Is she okay?”
I smiled and kissed her cheek, “She’s doing a lot better now.” 
Leia nodded and looked at me with furrowed brows, “Can I go and see her?” 
“Of course, baby. We can go and see her now.” I kissed her temple before letting her down. 
I greeted and hugged Phantom, Evelyn, and the girls. As phantom greeted me he pulled me in close and whispered, “Congratulations, Brad.” And patted my back so Leia wouldn’t hear. 
Leia held my hand as we all walked through the hospital and went up the elevator. I let everyone know they could wait in the waiting area until I came back to get them. I held Leia’s hand and we skipped down to your room. I opened the door slowly. 
“Momma, Leia is here.” I sung to you through the curtain. I opened the curtain slowly. 
“Momma!” Leia ran over to you and hugged you. “Are you okay? What happened?” She looked at you with concern. You patted her hair back and looked at me with a smile. 
“I’m okay, baby.” You kissed her head, “Come and sit with me, my Leia Rey.” She climbed into the bed with you and sat. 
“What happened, momma?” You smiled at her and played with her hair. 
“I had to come to the hospital while you were at Kaia and Kamalani’s house. Your little brothers were ready to come out.”
Her eyes grew wide. “Momma!”
You giggled and kissed her cheek, “Do you want to meet one of your little bothers?”
She got onto her knees and bounced on the bed while nodding her head. I came around and grabbed baby boy A from the bassinet. I held him in my hands and kissed his nose. “All right, Leia Rey, I need you to sit back next to momma, okay?” She nodded excitedly. You helped her position her arms and I placed her little brother into her arms. 
She gasped. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open. “He’s so small!” She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. “Hi, baby brother. I love you so much!” Leia rubbed her nose gently to his. She placed a little kiss on his lips. She started to tear up. “Momma, daddy. I’m so happy.” 
“Oh my girl.” I sat down next to her and wiped her tears. You rubbed her back and helped her support baby boy A’s head. 
She looked at him in awe. She looked up at you and I. “Where is the other one?” She was concerned.
I chuckled and kissed her head. “He’s being taken care of in a very special room, my love.” 
“Is he okay?” 
I nodded and pinched her cheek, “He just had a little bit of a hard time breathing when he was born, so the doctor is helping him with his breathing.”
She nodded, “Can I see him?” 
You placed a kiss on Leia’s head, “You’ll be able to see him in 2 days when he is all better.” 
She nodded again, “Okay.” She looked back down at her baby brother in her arms. She looked up quickly to you and I. “Mommy, Daddy, can we name him Luke?” She looked at the both of us with wide eyes. 
I chuckled and rubbed my index finger along his cheek. “You wanna name him Luke?”
She nodded, “Yea! Cause I’m Leia!” 
You started to laugh, “I love you, Leia Rey.”
Your POV
Bradley left the room to go and get the rest of the family. You were holding baby boy A again as Leia looked on. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Bradley came back with everyone. 
They came in quietly with flowers and gifts for you and your baby boys. They all came in with excited expressions and gasping at the sight before them. Phoenix bounced her way over to you with her hands over her mouth. She gave you a hug and a kiss on the head and she leaned over the bed to get a look at the newest Bradshaw. 
“Oh he’s beautiful!” She covered her mouth as she looked at him asleep in your arms. 
Austin made his way around and leaned up against Phoenix to get a look at your baby boy. “My oh my. A lady killer he’s going to be, darlin.” He chuckled. Phoenix moved over and he placed a kiss on your temple. He placed his hand gently on him. “Oh my, he’s so small!”
Hangman came over on the side with Leia. He picked her up and sat on the bed next to you with Leia in his lap. He looked over at the little Bradshaw in your arms, “Oh boy, he is a handsome little guy.” He smiled as he looked on. He placed a kiss to your cheek. “You look good too, momma. Don’t even look like you’ve had babies.” He chuckled and you patted his arm.
“Thank you, Jake.” You started to laugh. 
They all moved out of the way so Phantom and his family could come and see you and the newest little baby. Evelyn sat on one side of the bed next to you and Phantom stood on the other side with the girls. 
Evelyn started to tear up, “Oh he looks just like Rooster when he was a baby.” She covered her mouth and placed her other hand gently on the top of baby boy’s head. “So precious.”
Phantom chuckled and hugged you, “He’s beautiful you two.” He got a better look at your son. The girls looked over the railing in amazement. They were smiling big at your son. 
After everyone met your son, everyone sat around cooing over him. 
Hangman came over to Bradley and wrapped his arm around his shoulders. “So Bradshaw, does baby Bradshaw have a name?” He said it loud bought for everyone to hear and become interested. 
Bradley chuckled and looked over at you. You nodded to him and he sighed. “He does.” He went over to you and gently took baby boy A from your arms. He removed his blanket to reveal his Darth Vader onesie. Everyone started to “aawh” over his outfit. 
“Oh shit, did you name him Darth?” Hangman started to laugh. 
Bradley rolled his eyes and shook his head. He brought his son’s head up to his lips and placed a kiss to his temple. “Everyone. This is our little Luke Nicolas Bradshaw.” 
They all gasped and covered their mouths. 
“HIS NAME IS LUKE!” Leia hopped out of Austin’s lap excitedly. 
Bradley started to laugh and shushed her. “Yes, baby girl. This is your little brother Luke.” Bradley got down on his knee and Leia came over to look at his onesie. 
“Hi Luke. I’m Leia.” She bit her lower lip and looked at her little brother. Everyone gushed over their little interaction. Leia placed a kiss on his cheek before Bradley stood back up. 
Everyone took turns coming over to see his little onesie he was wearing. After they all viewed baby Luke, Bradley placed him back in his bassinet to sleep. Bradley was still trying to recover from his injuries so his arms got tired quickly. 
Bradley’s POV 
I brought the adults to go and see our baby boy B. They weren’t allowed to go into the room so we viewed him from the window as the nurse held him up. Phantom came and patted me on the back as Evelyn hugged me.
“They’re beautiful, Rooster.” Evelyn laid onto my chest as she hugged me. 
I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her shoulder. “Thank you, Evelyn.”
“You’re gonna be a great dad, Bradshaw. You’re just like your old man.” Phantom patted my back and smiled at me.
I chuckled and gave him a smirk, “Thank you, sir.” 
Phoenix was hugging Austin as we all looked on to baby boy B. Hangman had his arms crossed and was smiling at him. Phantom and Evelyn went back to the room to get their girls so Phantom could bring them back home before he went back to work. Leia was going to stay with us and be taken home later by Austin, Phoenix, and Hangman. 
Austin came up to me and rubbed my back, “You have a pair of handsome little guys, Brad.” He chuckled as we looked on at baby boy B. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and squeezed him gently. 
“Thanks, Aus. For everything.” 
He shook his head, “No need to thank me. I know you would have done the same for me.” He patted my back again, “I’ll see you all back in the room.” Austin gave Phoenix a kiss on the head before he went back to the room to be with Leia and you.
Phoenix came over and wrapped her arms around my waist, She laid her head on the side of my chest. “Gosh, Bradshaw. You have boys!” She clung onto me and looked at my little boy. 
Hangman sighed and came to stand next to me. “God look at em.” He leaned closer to the window to look at him. “Does he look like you or y/n?” He chuckled as he waved at baby boy B with his finger. 
I wrapped my arms around Phoenix’s shoulders, “Y/n said the boys look just like Leia when she was born.” 
Phoenix and Hangman both looked at me with mischievous eyes. “So they look just like you.” The said in unison as they laughed. 
“Damn. Y/n is gonna have a run for her money with 4 of you in the house.” Hangman chuckled. 
Phoenix got up on her tip toes and placed a kiss on my cheek. “I’ll see you boys back in the room. I wanna get a turn to hold little Luke.” She patted my chest and patted Hangman’s back before leaving. 
Hangman and I stood there with our arms crossed looking at my son. I saw a smirk appear on Hangman’s face. He turned to me with the cockiest grin. “So Rooster. Can I ask you a personal question?” He raised his brows.
I rolled my eyes and laughed, “Would it matter if I did?” I looked at him with a smirk.
He laughed came over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Would you a year and a half ago would have believed that you a year and a half later would have 3 kid and be married to the love of your life?” He continued to look at my son as the nurse began to settle him back into the incubator. 
I took a deep breath in and held it for a little. I licked my lips and narrowed my eyes as I began to think. I let my breath out slowly. I bit my lips and brought my hand up to comb my mustache down. “Hmmm.” I looked at him and he looked at me. “Y’know…” I looked down and bit my lower lip. “If I am being honest with you… No, I thought the mission was it for me. Thought I would possibly die there if I was chosen and that would have been it for me.” I pushed my lips together and looked back up at him.
He looked at me shocked. “Wow. That’s deep.” I nodded at him. He patted my chest and smiled, “Well I’m glad that wasn’t the case. You deserve all of this, Rooster.” He smiled and gave me a hug. 
I laid on his shoulder and patted his back, “Thanks, Seresin. I am also quite fond of us being friends instead of me wanting to slap you across the face everyday.” I started to laugh.
He pulled back and looked at me with furrowed brows, “Gosh, is that all we are? You’re friend zoning me, Bradshaw?” He raised one of his brows. 
I laughed and shook my head. I pushed him off of me. “Shut up, Bagman.” We took one last look at my son before we headed back to the room.
We got back to the room and Phoenix and Austin were cuddled up on the couch as Phoenix held Luke. I smiled as Phoenix had her pinky in Luke’s grasp. I went and sat with you on the bed. “Hey, sweetheart.” I kissed your temple. 
You laid against my shoulder. I winced slightly at the pain. You looked at me concerned. “Oh, Bradley, are you okay?” You rubbed my chest.
I nodded, “I forgot to bring my medication with me, baby, but I’m okay. Just in a little pain.” I kissed your head again. 
“Well let me see if the doctor can bring you something, so you’re not in so much pain, Brad.” You pushed the assistance button on your remote. The nurse came in quickly.
I went to go and sit with Austin and Phoenix. “Gosh, they’re freaking identical, Bradley.” Austin chuckled as he rubbed his index finger against Luke’s chest.
I laid back and nodded, “They are. We are going to have to put them in different outfits so they never get mixed up.” I chuckled. “Howeverrrrrr…. Baby boy B is bigger than Luke.”
Phoenix laughed, “Oh my gosh, no way? Luke is huge!”
I placed my hand on the top of Luke’s head and kissed him softly, “Oh but he is.”
Hangman came over and sat on the floor with his back against my legs. “I forgot to ask when we went to go and see him. Does baby boy B have a name?”
I nodded. “He does have a name.” I looked over at you and smiled. The nurse came in with some medication for me. I took it and sat back and relaxed into the couch. 
“What is his name, daddy?” Leia came over and sat on my lap. I looked at you again and raised my brows. You shook your head and winked. 
I looked at all of them and shook my head. “You’ll all find out when you meet him.”
Hangman spun around on his butt and slapped my leg, “Aww come on, Bradshaw.” 
I shrugged. “Sorry, per my wife it’s a secret.” I laughed as they all looked at you and I disappointed. 
The next day, they took baby boy B off the oxygen tube. They said that if he did well for the next 48 hours without it, he would be cleared to go home with us. We made our way over to the NICU to see our baby boy. You carried Luke in your arms as I pushed you in the wheelchair again. We made it into the room and you rose slowly from the wheelchair. I took Luke from you and you went over to see baby boy B. You put your hand into the incubator and caressed his cheek. 
“Hi, my baby. Mommy’s here.” The nurse came over and opened the incubator to let you grab our son. You picked him up and kissed him over and over again. You came over to me and we held our boys up next to one another. “Look at ‘em, Bradley.” You looked at our boys in awe. “They’re so precious.” You bit your lip and looked up at me. 
I kissed your lips slowly, “Just think, baby. Two days from now we will all be home.” I smiled at you and kissed you again. I looked at our little boy in your hands and gave him a kiss. “I can’t wait to smother you boys in love when we get home.” 
We stayed in the NICU for at least 4 hours just bonding with the boys. You tried to breast feed baby boy B. We changed his diapers a couple of times. He almost sprayed me down like Luke did whenever I changed his diaper. 
We switched boys. I held baby boy B as you fed Luke. I held him in my hands and brought his little face close to mine. I kissed his lips and rubbed the tip of my nose to his. I danced around the room with him.
“Sweetheart, What should I sing to him?” I looked at you and smiled as I bounced him around in my hands. 
You looked up and bit your lip. “Hmmmm.” You started to chew on your lower lip, “How about Little Wonders by Rob Thomas?” You smiled sweetly at me. 
I chuckled. “Perfect.”
I continued to bounce and rock our son gently in my hands. I was so lost in his presence. He was perfect. As I sang to him a little smirk appeared on his face. My boys were so full of joy already and they were only 2 days old. My heart was full. I had everything I needed in life. 
“All of my regret will wash away somehow. But I cannot forget… The way I feel right now… In these small hours, these little wonders…”
I placed a kiss on his little cheeks and it was as if he just relaxed into my hands. His head lolled back slightly and he was in a deep sleep once again. “I love you, baby boy. Daddy loves you so much.” 
It was time for us to all finally go home. We had been in the hospital for nearly four days. The doctors wanted to make sure you and the boys were recovering smoothly. You all had checks before you were to be released. Austin and Leia met up with us at the hospital. Austin brought the carseats for us. He and Leia brought them up to the room as we were getting ready to check you and the boys out. You changed into some comfy clothes. Then we changed the boys into new outfits to go home in. 
Your POV 
You were changing Luke into his take home outfit while Bradley changed baby boy B into his. They were both laying on the bed across from one another. 
“Oh you look so cute, Luke!” You giggled as you finished putting his outfit on. He was wearing a little flight suit onesie that you had custom made for the boys to go home in. Luke’s onesie had his initials on it and Baby boy B had his initials on his. There weren’t the flight suits you sent to Bradley as a surprise. These ones were different.
You picked up Luke and gave him kisses on his cheek. Austin held Leia on his hip and brought her over to look at her little brother Luke. “Momma, he looks so cute in his little flight suit!” She leaned forward and kissed his forehead. 
You placed him into his carseat and strapped him in. You fixed his little belt straps and caressed his cheek with your index knuckle. You went over to Bradley and laid on his bicep as he continued to change your little boy. He finished putting his little limbs into his little flight suit and he zipped it up. 
“There we go. All ready to go home.” He picked him up and blew a little raspberry into his cheek. He put him into his carseat and looked at you. “Sweetheart, I have no idea how to use one of these things.” He chuckled and looked at you with puppy dog eyes. “Please help.”
You rubbed his arm and helped him. “It’s like Leia’s carseat, Just make sure you adjust the straps like how Luke’s are. You turned Luke’s carseat so Bradley you’d look at his belt straps. 
Bradley buckled him in and chuckled. “Not bad for my first time, right, sweetheart?” 
You nodded and kissed his arm. “Perfect Bradley.”
Austin and Leia cam around the side the see them both. “Aww man, look at them together, Darlin.” Austin kissed Leia’s cheek. “You’re gonna be the best big sister ever.” He tickled her belly and she giggled. 
“I can’t wait for them to get home!” Leia looked at her bothers with excitement. Austin let her down and she went to get a better look at her brothers. He put a finger from each of her hands int their fists. She started to tear up. “You’re going to be my best friends, forever. I am so happy!” She wiped her tears from her face. She looked up at you and Bradley. “I love them so much.” 
Bradley got down on his knee and kissed Leia’s cheek, “You are the sweetest little babe ever, Leia girl.” 
Leia sniffled and wiped her eyes, “I’m not little anymore, daddy. I’m a big sister.” She started to giggle.
Bradley tucked her hair behind her ear. “You’re absolutely right, baby. But you will always be my little girl.” He kissed her cheek and pinched her chin. 
Bradley stood up and rubbed his hands together. “Now… Let’s get these little boys home so everyone can meet them properly.” He looked at you and kissed your head. 
Austin helped you into the wheelchair. Bradley Picked up both boys’ carseats and carried them.
“Hey, Bradley do you want some help with them?” Austin came over to Bradley with his hands out. 
Bradley shook his head, “No I’ll be okay. I want to carry them out.” He smiled at Austin. “But thank you, Austin.”
You looked at Bradley concerned, “Honey, are you sure? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
Bradley smiled at you and nodded, “I’ll be fine, sweetheart. Promise.” 
Austin threw yours and Bradley’s bag over his shoulder and pushed you in the wheelchair as you held your gifts in your lap, Leia held the boy’s bag over her shoulder, and Bradley carried the boys in their carseats. Everyone in the hospital congratulated you and Bradley as you made your way out to your cars. Austin had pulled the car up to the circle so you didn’t have to go far with all your stuff. Austin had Evelyn’s car behind the truck. He quickly transferred the carseat holders into the truck so Bradley could lock the boys in. Austin helped you into the car. Bradley locked the boys into their carseat holders and shook them a little bit to make sure they were secure. 
“I’m gonna go home with Austin!” Leia called over to you and Bradley. Austin grabbed the gifts from you and placed them into Evelyn’s car along with all the luggage and the boy’s bags. 
Leia and Austin both gave you a kiss on the cheek. “We will see you all at home. Drive safely.” 
Austin shot Bradley a wink before he picked up Leia and brought her over to the car. 
Bradley looked at you and smiled big as he grabbed your hand. “You ready to bring the boys home, baby?” He kissed your hand.
You smiled sweetly and squeezed Bradley’s hand. You looked back at the boys and nodded, “Show me the way home, honey.” 
AHHHHH! The boys are going home and everyone will finally learn baby boy B's name! How do you think they'll all react to his name? I hope you are all enjoying this story! I love you all! I'll see you in the next chapter, besties 🫶🏼
(SOME OF) The Bradshaw Boys' family is in the comments 🥰
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aunt-kats-chats · 1 year
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Designed Evelyn Clawthorne in Hero Forge
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jungle-angel · 6 months
Baby's first Thanksgiving with rip wheeler! please and thank you <333
Rachel.....dahling.....why must you make me an offer I can't refuse??!!!! (lol).
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Neither you nor Rip were awoken by the alarm on his phone that usually awoke the two of you during the work week, but rather, the cries of your four month old daughter, Evelyn.
"Relax sugar bear, I've got her," Rip groaned, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
You awoke again, maybe a few minutes or even a half hour, to the snow falling heavily outside and Rip re-entering your room with Baby Evie who had finally calmed down.
"You know young lady," he said, pretending to be stern with her. "Your momma needs her sleep too. We've got a big day ahead of us with all your aunts and uncles, your cousins and everybody coming over for dinner tonight."
You laughed and held out your arms to take Evelyn from your husband. "Did Rhett and the others call?" you asked him.
"Said they'd all be up from Wabang in the next hour if the snow doesn't get worse," Rip explained. "Gettin the house done's gonna be a pain in the royal ass."
You laughed as you sat back and let Evie feed for a little bit, knowing she was probably hungry. A savory smell coming from the kitchen caught you off guard. "Rip is somebody in the kitchen?"
Rip shook his head and shrugged. As soon as you could get out of bed and Evelyn had her fill, you took her right down to the kitchen to find Mo, Thomas Rainwater's right hand man, in your kitchen, peeling a rather large bag of potatoes Rip had gathered from the garden in the backyard.
"Well good morning sleepyheads," Mo greeted.
"Morning Mo," you chuckled. "How long have you been at those potatoes?"
"Been at'em for a good half hour," Mo answered. "Birds's all gutted and brining in the fridge. Don't know what the hell you want done with the corn though."
"Woah wait a sec, ya'll brought corn?" Rip asked him.
"And you mean to tell me you don't remember?" Mo questioned. "I got that shit from my neighbor."
"Wait, the old lady on the rez that owns the corn stand?"
"Of course it's the old lady you brain dead deer turd," Mo laughed. "She's the only owner of a roadside corn stand in the whole of Bozeman!"
Rip went down to the cellar pantry and came back up a few minutes later with the basket of corn, setting it beside the island counter in the kitchen. "Here's hopin we have enough."
"That shit'll feed a whole village for weeks," Mo told Rip as he peeled the potatoes. "Here, you take over the potatoes."
"Yes chef, anything you say chef," Rip chuckled.
"(Y/n) you want anything while I'm in here?" Mo asked you.
"Um just a coffee if you don't mind," you answered. It wasn't long before the coffee was brewed and Evelyn began making grabby hands for her uncle.
"Alright, alright sweetpea you come with me," Mo said, lifting Evelyn from your arms.
You slipped into the kitchen to help your husband peel the potatoes, shuck the corn and get everything ready for when the family arrived. "Well," Rip said as he began chopping the onions. "Not as chaotic as I thought her first Thanksgiving would be."
"Just you wait," you warned him. "John, Thomas, Kayce and Monica will all come traipsing through that door with something freshly dead and throw it on the counter."
Rip laughed before he kissed you. "Happy Thanksgiving sweet thing."
"Happy Thanksgiving you big weirdo," you answered.
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