#ben: 🥺💖
mangosaurus · 1 year
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can we talk about this. can we please talk about this.
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babygirlbenpaul · 26 days
♡ ben paul x reader headcanons !! ♡
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he leaves you for travis
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nothinggold13 · 4 months
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“Well, what is it, then? Must be something pretty big not to have noticed me.”
Doctor Who - The War Machines
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
Ugghhhh I gotta work on my animatic again 😭
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kakashihasibs · 2 years
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Ough i love him 🥺💖😭
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ballumville · 2 months
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What I loved the most about the Ballum love is how sweet and tender Callum and Ben could be with one another.💖🤗
Damn those EE writers and producers!!!!!🥺😡👎
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unix10x · 2 months
Hey guys! I made a series of cute drawings of Ben! 🥺💖
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I was really missing making a beautiful page in my sketchbook, but in the end, I decided to finish it digitally.
About changing the coloring, you know how I am—always looking for lazier ways to achieve satisfying results.
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dailycupofcreativitea · 6 months
AHHHHH you're playing kingdom hearts? Please report back with your thoughts when you feel up to it it's my special interest 👀
Okay here are some thoughts I've spammed to my friends in the last few days! (BTW I read the manga already for the first game so I basically spoiled it but I was still equally as shocked when these things happened in the game lol)
By the way, spoilers below for anyone who hasn't played!
General thoughts:
SORA IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE 🥺 The voice actor voiced him PERFECTLY, he's exactly the perfect combination of hopeful, friendship, little kid, strong heart, over confident at times, stubborn, sweet. 😭💖
Told a friend I love Sora in a different way than I love Gohan, here were my thoughts: Gohan is more quiet, sweet, gentle, burdened with a lot of power that he seems hesitant to use and slowly builds his confidence throughout the show, I relate to Gohan a lot, sweet cinnamon roll that must be protecc, but forced to protecc others, etc etc Sora is sweet and gentle but loud, has a HUGE heart and he uses it to protect his friends with 100% confidence (he's more like Goku in that way), his heart is just unwavering and he doesn't seem to doubt himself often (at least in KH1), funny and goofy and his stubbornness can get him into trouble sometimes but his bonds with his friends give him strength, I don't relate to him but I would love to draw inspiration from him
"Shonen protagonist done by Disney" vibes (as put aptly by @genisflyingkites)
Riku is so insanely jealous of Sora it's hilarious, he's overall kind of a jerk and even Kairi said she wanted to leave the island without him, but also Riku is 15 and hormonal and Maleficent got to him so I don't really blame him for it
Donald and Goofy are way less annoying than I assumed they would be, I like that they seem refreshingly mature?? Donald is stubborn and beefs with Sora a lot and Goofy seems like he has a good head on his shoulders and is a deep thinker
Also I keep seeing memes of Donald constantly getting knocked out in game and being useless but for me Donald ALWAYS comes in clutch with the elixirs and ethers
That scene where Maleficent tells Riku that Sora replaced him and Kairi with Donald and Goofy was sad in both the manga and the game but what REALLY made my jaw drop was that SORA LOWKEY FELT THE SAME:
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(Yes he was fighting with Donald at the time too but LOOK AT HIS FACE!!! 😭🙏)
If Riku talked to Sora for more than 10 seconds at a time literally all of this would be resolved XD LIKE!! Sora is literally trying to find them! Riku please!
This scene had my sister and I's JAWS ON THE FLOOR:
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It was low blow after low blow! I read this in the manga too but somehow it hit harder in the game!
Hollow Bastion is a great OST and I've been listening to it on repeat. The map is also pretty nice but I wish I could explore more without heartless appearing every 5 seconds
Actually I also liked the OST "A Day in Agrabah"
I beat Riku's ass in 10 seconds and it was glorious (Ansem is a whole other story...still working on it)
Every single cutscene had the words "light" "darkness" "friendship" "heart" "memories" repeated over and over again to form a cutscene (I saw this in a Youtube video and thought it was incredibly accurate XD)
My sister and I were CRACKING UP during this cutscene because it made NO SENSE
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It just kept getting more and more non-sensical XD
I think Aladdin was my favourite world so far but tbh they were all pretty cool (Sora's Halloween Town fit was so cute! Also I loved flying around by Big Ben, and then getting the glide feature)
The Maleficent Dragon boss was really hard, cool, and fun; Tinker Bell really came in clutch
Also I gotta say this game is really hard to play because the control are so annoying, the jump function is annoying (I keep falling off and misjudging his jump), it keep glitching cause it's connected to the cloud or something, the directions are too vague so I have to follow a walkthrough while playing, and I have to keep stopping between plays because I get motion sickness from the wildly spinning camera really easily -- despite all that I am indeed having a blast
I think that's all my thoughts for now :3
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beyazmantoluu · 3 months
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anneme hayatımdaki beyefendiyi artık anlatma vakti geldi. maalesef bazı durumlardan dolayı bu zamana kadar erteledim fakat çok şükür artık düzlükteyiz. bu yüzden de doğru zamanı kolluyorum. tabii o an gelene kadar da sürekli içimden nasıl anlatacağımı, nelerden bahsedeceğimi geçiriyorum. bulaşık yıkarken, evi süpürürken, dizi/film izlerken, yolda yürürken, arabada giderken. haliyle içim dolup dolup taşıyor ona doğru. çünkü bir insan nasıl bu kadar güzel sevebilir bilmiyorum. aklımdan her seferinde onunla ilgili başka bir şey geçiyor ve ben her seferinde bir şeyleri yeniden fark edip mutluluktan havalara uçuyorum. şu an yazacaklarımı yazmayacaktım bazı şeyleri tetiklememesi ve belki okuyanlar için kötü şeyleri hatırlatmaması açısından ama özellikle anlatacağım bu olayda daha çok iyi anlamıştım, onun bana yuva benim de ona yuva olduğumu. gece 4.17 de hatay'daydı malum gecede ve o bana 4.25te iyi miyim diye mesaj atmış, aramış. can havliyle çıkıp kurtulduğu anda beni aramış. hâlâ düşündükçe öyle tuhaf hissediyorum ki. o an aklına nasıl gelebildim, bilmiyorum. çok zor bir süreçti ama onun bana davranışı hiç değişmedi her an beni haberdar etti merakta kalmamam için. bu benim için çok büyük bir şey.
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sonra muğla'da çalıştığı dönem. saatlerce ayakta bulaşık yıkardı. bakın ben o yorgunluğa dayanamazdım. gece onbirde gelip mesajlaşmaya devam etmek isterdi ama yorgunluktan "sen yazsan ben ses atsam olur mu, böylece daha uzun konuşuruz" derdi. normalde kafada kurulacak bir dönemde bana öyle güzel vakit ayırıyordu ki şüphe duymaya fırsatım olmuyordu. vize/final dönemlerimde artık çalışamayacağımı, yorulduğumu söylediğimde hemen arayıp hadi bir de bana anlat derdi. gece bir, ben research konularımı anlatırdım. en çok sıkıldığım dersi o uykusunun arasında dinleyip bir de gidip araştırır şöyle bir şey de varmış, derdi. ertesi gün sınavdan çıktıktan sonra "şöyle şöyle soru çıktı" dediğimde cevabı bu mu derdi. yani nasıl beni o kadar iyi dinlemiş olabilirsin o saatte?? çıldırıyorum bunları düşündükçe. sonra dersin pdfini isterdi benim yorulduğum yerde o okuyup anlatmaya başlardı. sevgi gerçekten emek isteyen ve o emeği verdiğinde çok çiçek açtıran bir şey. çok seviyorum ve çok çiçek açıyorum, sayesinde. anneme de bu yüzden anlatırken çok rahat ve güvenerek anlatacağım. tek bir pürüz var o da sanal olarak tanışmış olmamız. sanal ama öyle selam naberle başlayan bir sohbet değildi olsaydı bugünlere gelemezdi zaten. neredeyse 5 ay birbirimizin ismini, yaşını, hiçbir şeyini bilmiyorduk ve merak da etmiyorduk. (tamam birazcık ediyorduk da amacımız flört olmadığı için konu oralara gitmiyordu) sevdiğimiz konular hakkında her gün sohbet ediyorduk sadece. (bir de sizli/bizli konuşuyorduk :d çok tatlı dönemlerdi 🥺) böyle çok yavaş ama ilmek ilmek oluşturulan bir ilişkiydi. hoof bilmiyorum ama asla gizlemeyi düşünmüyorum bu konuyu. umarım korktuğum kadar tepki vermez bu duruma.
bu arada sadece bana olan davranışları değil, ailesine, yeğenlerine, başka insanlara olan davranışları da beni çok etkiliyor. kısacası çok seviyorum, anlatmalara kelimelerim yetmiyor. annemi de sabah ezanıyla yürüyüşe mi çıkartsam acaba, yatsıya anca biter çünkü :d buraya kadar okuduysanız, maşallah deyip dua edip, güzel dileklerinizi gönderin lütfen, inşallah güzel geçsin bu süreç 🥺💖💖
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ghost4ghosts · 4 days
i wrote down my live reaction to jurassic world: chaos theory s1 for you🫵 to read it, under the cut
darius baby boy!!!
NOOOO BROOKLYNN😭😭😭 i knew her voice was recast but i never expected that
ben being a redditor is so funny and believable
i never participated in the fandom outside of posting a couple fics but i ship ben/darius, they're so cute!!!! does anyone else see my vision
poor sammy😭😭😭😭
give my guy darius a rest, he's been going through it 24/7 since he was like 14 (<-i do not know their canon ages)
someone give the writers a firm handshake and slap on the back bc i LOVE the character interactions so so much. i think they talk really realistically for teens
okay my guess isssss the dpw are somehow in on it
kenji #relatable asian american representation (including the shitty dad)
sammy🫶💖💖💖 i just love her
me the whole time during the end of ep5:
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who tf is that guy
the flashbacks😭😭😭😭
i'm having as much fun trying to guess the dinosaurs🦖
oh yaz🥺
mateo whistleblower?
is he filipino lol. new headcanon
dude this is wild oh my god
secret home?
so my guess is brooklynn was working undercover to expose the dino trafficking but got caught and they killed her
god i LOOOVE road trip stories
that awkward moment when your dead friend's ex wants to look through her phone but you spent like the past year blowing up her notifs because you miss her and aLSO YOU'RE IN LVOE WITH HER?!
😭😭they're bros😭😭
this guy's hat is so big lmfao
are those dinos brainwashed or sedated or something??
glowy eyes
ahh they're all together now
bumpy dead? bumpy sick? bumpy... pregnant?!
that woman is genuinely offputting, i LOVE her character design
dino fight!!!
so many people dying offscreen jfc
oh my god this is a lot
NO HAND?!/!?!
wait lol brooklynn still dyes her hair
all in all: GREAT television, feeds into my love of jurassic park, these kids need a BREAKKKK. i really like the art style+animation, it's so pretty!! they have glow in the dark dinos!!! i would genuinely recommend this and jurassic world: camp cretaceous if you also like dinosaurs and are interested in seeing 6 teenagers going through the wringer. its second season is coming out in a couple weeks and i'm EXCITED. i hope this story can be seen all the way through🤞
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gokyuzuevim · 6 days
İyiykiyiyiyiiiii ki doğdun canimmm ballimmmm nice yaşların olsun seni coook ama coook seviyorum 💖😍✨🫣😭🥺🥰😘🤎🥲🥺🙈🎀
Mervoşummm 🥹 nice senli yaşlarım olsun güzelim. Ben iyi ki doğduysam sende iyi ki varsın. Koccaman seviyorum seni en büyüğünden çok çok çok 😘😘🫶💕❤️😍
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alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
Hi!!! Congrats on the 500 followers!! 💖💖💖💖
Can I please have saying ''i love you'' in-between kisses with Poe or Santi from the Physical intimacy prompts? 🥺
Ahhh thank you so so much!!
You loved Santiago, you really, truly did, but sometimes his hard-headedness made you want to repeatedly bang your head against the wall. He was stubborn, but more than that, he never felt like he was good enough, no matter what you told him. Some days you just wanted to grab him by his shoulders and shake him while screaming about how much you appreciate him.
Santi is a giver, and he’d give away parts of himself until nothing was left if he needed to. He spends hours watching Frankie’s kids, driving Ben to his matches, going over Will’s speech material, and fixing any little thing around the house that might bother you. He’s spent days fixing creaky doors and stuck cabinets that you weren’t even totally sure were problems.
It’s as if he thinks if he’s not doing something to be helpful, he’s not worth the space he takes up, not worth the love you give him. He couldn’t be more wrong, and all you want to do is make him see that, get it through his thick skull that you love him always, whether he’s retiling your bathroom floor or not.
It’s been a long few days for the two of you, and you’d barely been able to spend time together, so you thought a date night spent cuddled together on the couch while eating your favorite junk food would be the perfect end to the week. Santi, though, can’t seem to sit still, has all his nervous w every running under his skin and you can tell from the way his fingers move against your arm that he’s itching to get up, to fix something, to make himself useful.
You know him so well, in fact, that as soon as the movie ends and he starts to open his mouth, starts to rise from the couch, you shift as quickly as you can to straddle his lap, keeping him pinned in his spot.
“Can you just take a night and relax, please?” You ask, carding your fingers through his graying curls in a way you know makes him melt like butter.
“Honey,” you need to cut him off before he says something self-deprecating, because no one talks badly about your Santi, so you kiss him.
It’s soft and sweet and you can feel him relax under you, can feel his fingers flex and squeeze where they rest on your hips. You pull back, putting mere millimeters between you.
“I love you,” you whisper before kissing him again, just as soft but you can feel the pressure build, feel his desire brimming in the way he holds you close.
“I love you,” you tell him again, breaking the kiss for only a moment.
“I love you,” a third time, with barely enough space between you for you to form the words.
“I love you,” for the fourth time and you delight in the way Santiago whines for you with the slightest amount of distance between you.
“I love you,” again and again, until you feel like Santi finally believes you.
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br333 · 11 months
What is sam, justin, and Ben are going to be wearing this Halloween 🎃
I picked Over the Garden Wall costumes, since they felt very fitting for these guys :]
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(Y'know, I just wanna say for a sec how happy it has made me feel to keep seeing you sending me all these delightful requests about my lil oc's 💖🥺 Makes me feel like I still belong and have a purpose in this fandom again after feeling the complete opposite for a long time ;; Thank you so much, truly means a lot to me❤️)
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
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Thank all of you SO much for wishing me a happy birthday yesterday!! 🥺💖💖 I had a really great evening and all of your messages mean so much to me!
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kakashihasibs · 2 years
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They're too cute 🥺
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college kickin my ass rn but i came up with some songs that i really think resonate with some of the love interests 🥹🥹🥹 with these songs, i bring them with me in my heart wherever i go.. (NOT CLICKBAIT) (GONE CORNY)
🔮Once More To See You by Mitski (this is the theme for the years when Asra was planning to bring back MC MWAAHAHHA)
🔮Mr. Loverman by Ricky Montgomery (nother song rec for that specific period in Asra’s route ^^^ LOOOOL im going fru it fr 💔💔💔🤸🤸🤸)
🔮Ultimately by khai dreams (post-MC-resurrection.. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 if this song was any longer i would be INCONSOLABLE FOR WEEKS /hj WHY ARE ALL MY ASRA SONG RECS SO ANGSTYYYY)
🔮Funky At Heart (general theme for Asra’s route..🥺🥺🥺 specifically the “couples with hot drinks welcome us like we are one of them now” ugh this is fucking me up /pos)
💖Who Is In Your Heart Now by Studio Killers (THE WAY I CRIED WHEN I HEARD THE LINE “have you ever found something that you didnt even know youre looking for? an answer though you didnt hear the question” PLEASE THAT DESCRIBES NADIA’S ROUTE PERFECTLY IT GIVES ME SHIVERS…. ever since she saw MC at the tower.. I MISS MY WIFE IM GONNA THROW UP)
♠️Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives (when Julian was trying to push MC away at the start of his route 🥺🥺🥺)
♠️I Wanna Get Better by The Bleachers (UEEEE UPRIGHT ENDING VIBESSSS i love him so much im gonna shave his head)
In general
🔅Let’s Get Married cover by Mitski
🔅free love by HONNE (dream edit)
🔅Evening Star by Cannons
🔅Share Your Address by Ben Platt
UMM😅😅😅😅😅😅 IM SO SORRY THIS SONG REC LIST IS SO UNBALANCED HAHAHAHA if yall have any song recs please mention them in the replies 🥺🥺🥺 and if any of these resonate with u please lemme know too!! 🫶🫶🫶🤸🤸🤸
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