hcneycakc-blog · 6 years
Text → BC🎮
aston: good morning, birthday girl
aston: i have been awake since the crack of dawn (literally) because mia wanted me to make sure i said happy birthday. if you want to tell this child that you can't message people that early in the morning, feel free because she never listens to me
aston: what do you have planned for today?
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tosinistolive · 6 years
📱Nika 📲 Brooklyn
Nika: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARLING! I wish you all the best, especially everything your heart wants and then everything that mine wants for you and that is: a lot of amazing sex, a lot of amazing days spent with me, a lot of laugh, love and happiness... and I love you so damn much so once again, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY DEAR B.! LOVE YOU 💕💕💕
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venomform · 6 years
someone walks up to her , her gaze shifting to the other’s features and she could tell straightaway that the woman was concerned - like herself - tasmim , alejandra doesn’t want to ask the question , but she does - her voice is rushed - words a mess. “  have you heard from anton ?? i texted him last night , he didn’t reply - and this morning , and today - i don’t know where he is  ” -  she doesn’t want to hear the answer , she already knows what it is , but she’s going c r a z y. where was he ?? “   tasmim , i need to find him - i can’t let anything happen to him - i’m losing my mind i can’t   ” - she shakes her head , the thought tears through her heart - it tears through her entire being , her sould - it wrecks her - “  i can’t fucking lose him.  ”
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wrathfillcd-blog · 6 years
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the first thing he notices when he steps into his room is that there’s a cat on his bed. a cat. adorable, lovable, precious little kitten. his brows furrow together, confusion settling onto his features as his gaze then lands on tas standing there with a beautiful smile on her lips. he steps closer, eagerly but carefully, as if he’s scared the kitten will be frightened and run away. there’s a note beside him, but bash doesn’t reach for it quite yet. instead, he turns to tas again. ❝ hey, you ─ who’s this little dude? ❞ // @bencvolentways › TAS VARMA.
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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❛    LISTEN  BUD  IT’S  NOT  WHAT  YOU  THINK  BUT    the  fact  remains  the  same  ❜    a  sly  grin  wears  on  his  lips  like  a  mask  made  for  the  very  situation  he’d  stepped  himself  in  .  no  ,  he’s  not  drinking  ---  but  he’s  certainly  eyeballing  the  boisterous  man  that  was  bragging  on  how  quickly  he  was  going  to  take  that  familiar  face  home  .  ❛    she’s  actually  with  me  ,  so  why  don’t  you  go  and  uh    …  push  yourself  on  some  hapless  hag  at  the  old  cougar  bar  down  the  road  ,  hm  ?    ❜    he  waits  a  moment  ,  watches  the  anger  forming  in  the  other’s  eyes  before  he  eventually  stormed  off  and  he  turned  to  brooklyn  with  a  shrug      ❛    no  need  to  thank  me  ,  i  was  bored  ❜  @bencvolentways  ❤ ‘d  for brooklyn.
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svrrenders-blog · 6 years
mariana woke up that morning to a text on her phone from leela: ‘be ready for me to pick you up at eleven’. never one to turn down an adventure, she’d simply shot back a quick ‘ok?’ and then rushed to get ready. 
there was a knock on her door at exactly eleven, just as she was tugged her boots on her feet, and when she pulled it open she was greeted by leela’s grinning face. “let me just grab a water bottle. am i allowed to ask what we’re doing today?” @bencvolentways
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vernaculare-a · 6 years
🖐 – high fiving them ( leela and Mel)
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a  laugh  filters  past  their  lips  as  their  hands  collide  in  a  victorious  high-five.  it  had  been  hours  since  their  shopping  adventure  for  the  perfect  valentine’s  day  dress  for  each  of  them  and  finally  they’d  found  the  ones.  “  those  petran  men  won’t  know  what  hit  them.  ”
// @bencvolentways
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silentkept · 6 years
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she couldn’t think of an adequate answer on the spot, when dearest tasmim asked the night of the celebration what her resolution for the year was. as foolish as it was pointless, that was what went on to plague the deepest crevices of her mind for the following days to come. it was the source of her many restless nights, the cause of her grumpy mornings and random afternoon naps. then finally, when she least expected it, an answer dawned upon her like the morning sun would on the far east of the horizon. new years resolutions were almost always broken by the majority of the population, but there was something about them that felt so hopeful. “ tas, i finally know what i want my new years resolution to be. ” despite being a couple of days late, grace wanted to share it with one of her closest friends over a warm mug of coffee. the twinkling in her eyes almost rivaled the gorgeous emeralds that clung to her earlobes as she shot the brunette a wide, toothy smile. “ i-i’ve decided i want to be a better cobra.. i-i.. — i want to be better. a stronger person. like you and everyone else. ”
@bencvolentways / ♡’d 
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slyfingers · 6 years
🌃 : your muse knocking on my muse’s door late (any of my muses!!)
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oh it was some simple little thing they had. it was dangerous.. being anywhere near this cobra... but yet. two am. there the read head was after a string of coy texts, flirty demeanour and a promise of no strings attached.. attention, even for the night. well daragh was more than willing to comply. the red head seemed to have this habit of literally getting into bed with the enemy. maybe these women from the cobras just.. sparked keen interest. 
however.. a woman of her word, bottle of jack daniels as some unspoken peace treaty. daragh stood outside, head leaning somewhat against the doorframe as she knocked. waiting for her to answer, daragh straightened once she heard the footsteps dulling from inside. and there she was. even despite this gangland warfare, the differences in the tattoos they both proudly displayed. an ouroboros and a lion. polar opposites but they weren’t to be paid attention to when the rest of their bodies were on display between sheets. 
“hello love.” she greeted with a coy smirk and a raise of the bottle. “let’s bust this lad open then..” she insisted, hand splayed on the council woman’s chest with a slight push backwards into her place, pale hand reaching back to close the door. 
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ofgriffith · 6 years
😭 : seeing your muse crying
THERE’S NOTHING THAT GETS griffith’s fight-or-flight response going more than the sound of crying, and he’s already a solid ten steps deep in plotting how to get the hell out of there when he does the worst thing possible. he makes eye contact. by some grace of a higher power above ( or maybe not ) he vaguely recognizes the cobra lawyer, and he offers a half-smile. ‘ things that bad on the snake side ? hey, it’s never too late to switch, yeah? we have an excellent welcoming committee. ’
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hcneycakc-blog · 6 years
[ ✪ ] our muses are stuck in an elevator together. ( pick any muse!)
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“oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” rio muttered, the elevator coming to a stop. rio and enclosed spaces? not the best, but workable. another person involved? hell no. clearing his throat, rio smacked his hand into the ‘emergency’ button a few times. “what a great time to need a lawyer, huh, lee?” 
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tosinistolive · 6 years
closed starter: @bencvolentways
         As she was waiting for Brooklyn to arrive, Nika was nervously pacing around her one-bedroom apartment. It was the second day of the new year, and as always, her new year couldn’t start peacefully, not by any chances. And of course, she needed to talk to someone, spill her soul out, search help because she wasn’t able to figure it out on her own, not by any chances. As soon as she heard the bell, the blonde hurried towards the door. “Come, come,” quickly pulling her long time friend into her home, “you have no idea how happy I am to see you, B.”
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honevlove · 6 years
leela, Tas, Brooklyn
WED: tas BED: leelaBEHEAD: brooklyn
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WED: brooklynBED: leelaBEHEAD: tas 
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WED: leelaBED: tasBEHEAD: brooklyn
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WED: leelaBED: brooklynBEHEAD: tas
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wrathfillcd-blog · 6 years
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cover me. cover my six and we’ll both get out of here with minimal damage. and once we do, we won’t get out of bed for an entire weekend. te lo prometo. her words ring in his head like a broken record ─ much like a few nights ago, on the rooftop of the very casino that went down in metaphorical flames tonight. except this time, he does want to stop it. he wants someone to knock him out just so he doesn’t have to hear her voice, so vividly in his thoughts, while she lays unconscious on that damn hospital bed. the lacerations on his cheeks ache and his busted lip burns, but he doesn’t care one bit. his gaze is glued on her figure, even as he feels his blood boil at the sight. // @bencvolentways
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
“You’ve got a fever. Of course I’m not going anywhere.” (tas x niko)
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❛    IT’S  THE  STRESS  ,  I’M  FINE    ❜    and  the  drugs  did  nothing  to  combat  the  boiling  heat  that  took  over  his  physique  ,  powerful  enough  to  force  even  the  most  stubborn  man  back  down  to  the  couch  .  he’s  ice  cold  but  on  fire  ,  sweat  beads  upon  his  forehead  and  he  looks  around  .  there  is  no  time  to  rest  ,  no  time  to  be  sitting  .  he’d  done  enough  of  that  already  .  no  ,  when  the  entire  organization  needed  him  ,  he  had  no  choice  but  to  jump  to  his  feet  and  get  back  to  work  .  yet  his  eyes  fall  to  the  soup  settled  on  the  table  ,  his  body  craving  the  warmth  it  could  deliver  as  shivers  traded  down  his  spine  like  spiders  making  their  web    ❛  if  you  could  put  that  to  go  ,  though  ,  i’ll  take  it  .    ❜
                 SOFT  SENTENCE  STARTERS  /  / @bencvolentways
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svrrenders-blog · 6 years
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mariana balanced coffee, muffins, files, and her purse against the freezing winter weather and her own clumsiness. even before her stomach had grown and thrown her balance off she’d had a tendency to trip over her own two feet; her situation was precarious. but she made it to leela’s office with very few problems, relief washing over her when heat replaced snow against her face. she smiled at the receptionist, but didn’t even have time to say hello before leela was stepping out of her office. “hey! leela! thanks so much for meeting me so last second,” she greeted, handing off the food items. “i just didn’t know who else to go to.” @bencvolentways
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