#benefits of mycorrhizal
headspace-hotel · 2 months
im reading a lot of research about the mycorrhizal network because this is a HUGE emerging area of research and there is so much new stuff coming out its sooooo neat
So basically "the mycorrhizal network is how trees send each other nutrients and help each other" is wrong,
but the main reason people were mad at it—because they thought everything in the ecosystem is selfish and competitive acting for its own interests—is much wronger.
How come?
Well...fungi aren't just a postal service for trees. They have lives of their own! Plants aren't just controlling the mycorrhizal network to send nutrients where they want, they are communicating with the fungus and negotiating the terms of that relationship.
The genetic basis in plants for forming the mycorrhizal symbiosis is old. REALLY old. Like, "before plants even came onto land" OLD. Other forms of symbiosis, like what legumes have going on with the Rhizobia, are using the same genes to do their thing. There's a LOT of genes involved with creating the symbiosis, including some redundancies just to be safe, and we're only just now starting to understand them.
Why so many genes? What are all these genes for? Everything! Communication chemicals, hormones the other partner will respond to, flipping switches in the other partner's genes. There was a lot of arguing over which partner, the plant or the fungus, was "controlling" the partnership, but this question turned out to be total nonsense. Both symbionts have to recognize each other, respond to each other, prepare for symbiosis by adjusting how their genes are expressed, form the symbiosis, and continuously negotiate the relationship by exchanging chemical signals. Both can actively select the partner that offers the best benefits. There's even experiments where it's been shown that if the fungus turns parasitic, the plant will start secreting fungicidal chemicals. (But also the mutualist fungi in the experiment outcompeted the parasitic one when the pots were seeded with both.)
Mycorrhizal symbiosis is an incredibly intimate relationship. Like, the fungus produces special organs that literally grow inside the plant's cells, and the plant is actively participating in allowing this to happen. The plants and fungi have genes for hormones used by the other species, they have soooooo much stuff encoded in their DNA for interacting with their symbionts, it's like, blurring the lines for whether they're even separate organisms. There are SO many chemicals involved in communication between them and we only understand a few of those chemicals.
This is SO MUCH COOLER than if the plants were just using the fungus as a passive conduit to communicate with and support each other. The fungus is actively participating!
We were fools and assumed there had to be one partner that was "in control," but both plant AND fungus have to initiate and to some extent they're each engaging on their own terms! Or maybe it's better to think of them as one and the same organism?
We're also finding out that there's a lot more types of mycorrhizal symbiosis than we thought (at least five) and a lot more variety in how it works.
And that's not even getting into fungal endosymbionts—fungi that live inside plant cells completely instead of having part of them be outside and in the soil. They aren't considered mycorrhizae because they're fully inside the plant cells and not connected with any soil fungi network but they do a lot of complicated things we don't understand and interact with the plant's other symbionts.
Fungal endosymbionts produce a lot of chemicals that are useful to the plants in some way, and it turns out, that a lot of them kill cancer. Seriously, we've gotten a LOT of anti-cancer drugs from these guys. I think it's because they have to bypass the plant's immune system, but they also fight each other/other little guys that get inside plant cells, so they kind of...are part of the plant's immune system?
And what's MORE
Is that plants and fungus aren't the only things part of this system! There's also bacteria that are symbiotic with the plants and fungi! Even the endosymbiont fungi have bacteria that are endosymbionts inside THEM. Double endosymbiosis.
I think I read one paper saying the bacteria use the fungi to get around? Like that's how Rhizobia find their way to the legume roots in the first place? Have to double check that one
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treelandcaledon · 1 year
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dynomyco · 2 years
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Which Plants Benefit From Mycorrhizal Fungi?
https://www.dynomyco.com/blogs/blog/which-plants-benefit-from-mycorrhizal-fungi – Mycorrhizal fungi are beneficial for the majority of trees, plants, shrubs, and edibles. For example, rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers, cranberries, and blueberries can use specially formulated products.
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csolarstorm · 6 months
Xerneas and Yveltal are Fungi: Let Me Explain...
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Source: Bulbapedia, Wikipedia, Bulbapedia, Enchanted Nature
Xerneas and Yveltal are my favorite legendary designs. There's something weirdly alien about these bio-luminescent approximations of fauna, like they're trying to look like animals and failing. I've always thought they looked a little bit...fungal.
Xerneas and Yveltal are like batteries. They're life energy brokers; Xerneas distributes life, while Yveltal drains it. Supporting and draining life is one of the main characteristics of fungi. In fact, it's like their whole thing.
Some fungi have a mutualistic relationship with their hosts, where they actually benefit their health. And in general, fungi are essential to supporting the ecosystem. Then there's fungi that are simply parasitic.
Fungi can also go dormant, as well as their spores. Staying still is their thing, just chilling in dark places. Xerneas and Yveltal's dormant forms are especially weird, showing just how anomalous these creatures are.
Now allow me to lichen fauna to fungi.
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Sources: Bulbapedia, New Forest Pics, Wikipedia, Mushroom Diary Blog
This is xylaria hypoxylon, also known as Stag's Horn fungus. (Not to be confused with Yellow Staghorn.) It reminds me a lot of the dormant form of Xerneas, or the "deactivated" form it takes in the PC.
Stag's Horn is also bio-luminscent, which means the tips of the fungus faintly glow - much like the tips of Xerneas's antlers.
Speaking of the first legendary Fairy Pokemon, mushrooms are often associated with fairies. Fairy Rings are circles of mushrooms that are connected by mycelium underneath. (I'll get into mycelium in just a second.) There are too many myths about Fairy Rings to get into here, so for now I'll just point out the Fairy Ring around Valerie's Gym in Laverre City.
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Sources: Bulbapedia, Sussex Wildlife Trust, Enchanted Nature, UK Wildlife
I'm not sure whether Bulbapedia or Dr. King on Pokemon Amino first likened Yveltal to Devil's Fingers, but the similarities are uncanny. Like Yveltal emerges from its cocoon, Devil's Fingers emerge from what is called their "egg stage". I tried to find the least unsettling picture of this that I could. Enjoy...?
I mean, what kind of bird turns into a cocoon, anyway? Honestly though, fungus isn't supposed to hatch from an egg either, so this is all mixed up.
Okay, so Xerneas and Yveltal are based on different aspects of Yggdrasil. But if you were going to design Pokemon based on Yggdrasil, the World Tree that connects the universe, wouldn't you base it on fungi rather than an actual tree? Mycelium can actually partner with the roots of plants and other fungus to create a widespread beneficial mycorrhizal network, a truly interconnected ecosystem of organisms.
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Source: BBC News - How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other
And that's why Xerneas and Yveltal are fungi. Or it could be part of their inspiration, at least. They're not necessarily inspired by these specific fungi, but I think the concept may be part of their design. Either way, Gen VI is especially fun to research!
Reviewed by @fluffybunnybadass.
Check out my posts about Pokemon Legends: Z-A:
Poll: What Does the Λ in Legends Z-A Symbolize?
Pokemon Legends Z-A: What Is the Λ?
Is Z-A Just Zygarde-A? (%1000 Zygarde and the Fragments of the Tree of Life)
Aaah, it's an A! Is the A in Z-A the Tree of Life?
How much longer am I going to have to wait for a freakin' Unova remake?!
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turtlesandfrogs · 2 years
So on dendryte's suggestion, I read a paper called "Feed your friends: do plant exudates shape the root microbiome?", and it is awesome and filled with ideas that were new to me, and all in all was very exciting. Like, I didn't even know about/remember border cells, and they apparently do a whole lot! I'm back from work now, so now I'm going to share the Questions I have, and am going to spend the weekend looking for sources on:
1. As crop rotation was developed for a tilled, monoculture system as a way to address the disease issues that pop up in such a system, is crop rotation actually beneficial in a no-till, truly polyculture setting where care is taken to support mycorrhizae?
As we know know that plants alter the population of bacteria in the soil, and that these population compositions differ between plant species, is it possible that there might be some benefits to planting the same crop in the same location if you're not disrupting microbe populations through tilling?
2. Since we know that applications of nitrogen can cause plants to kick out their symbiotic fungal partners, increasing their vulnerability to pathogenic fungi & drought, might it be better to place fertilizer outside of the root zone so as to force the plant to use the mycelium to get at it?
How far can mycorrhizal networks transport mineral nutrients? Are they capable of transporting all the mineral nutrients plants need? In other words, can I make a compost pile in the middle of the garden and be lazy and depend on the fungal network to distribute the goods?
3. How deep can fungal hyphe go? In other words, in areas with shallow wells, and thus fairly shallow water tables, can we encourage mycorrhizae enough to be able to depend on them for irrigation?
4. For folks on city water, does the chlorine effect plants' microbiome both above and below ground?
5. When do plants start producing exudates? If you had soil from around actively growing plants of the same species you're sowing, could the bacteria and fungi play a role in early seedling vigor & health?
6. Has anyone directly compared the micronutrient profiles of the same crop grown in organic but tilled settings against those grown in no-till, mycorrhizae-friendly settings?
7. Since we know that larger molecules, such as sugar, can be transported across fungal networks between different species (Suzanne Simard is where I first food this info) , have we checked for other compounds created by plants? Say, compounds used by plants to protect against insect herbivory?
8. Since we know blueberries use ericoid mycorrhizae rather than endo- or ectomycorrhizae (which are the two types used by most plants), but gaultheria (salal & winter green) use both ericoid & ectomycorrhizae, and alder uses both endo & ectomycorrhizae (and fix nitrogen too!), and clover use endomycorrhizae, might blueberries be more productive if there's a nearby hedge of salal/wintergreen, alder, and clover? Willows and aspens also both use endo & ecto, so they could be included, and the trees could also be coppiced for firewood or basketry supplies.
I'm going to spend some time this weekend reading research papers. If anyone happens to know any that address these (or related questions), please send them my way!
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sommerlyrik · 20 days
“You’ll notice that in all these stories about shared mycorrhizal networks, plants have been the protagonists. Fungi have featured inasmuch as they connect plants and serve as a conduit between them. They become little more than a system of plumbing which plants can use to pump material between one another. This is plant-centrism in action. Plant-centric perspectives can distort. Paying more attention to animals than plants contributes to humans’ plant-blindness. Paying more attention to plants than fungi makes us fungus-blind. ‘I think many people elaborate about these networks more than they should,’ Marc-André Selosse told me. Some people talk about trees benefiting from social care or retirement, describe young trees living in nurseries, and say that life is easy and cheap for trees living in a group. I don’t much like these views because they portray the fungus as a pipeline. This is not the case. The fungus is a living organism with its own interests. It is an active part of the system. Maybe it is because plants are easier to investigate than fungi that many people take a very plant-centric view of the network.’ (…) Surely we stumble into plant-centrism because the relevance of plants to our lives is more obvious. We can touch and taste them. Mycorrhizal fungi are evasive. The language of the Wood Wide Web doesn’t help. It is a metaphor that tugs us into plant-centrism by implying that plants are equivalent to webpages, or nodes, in the network, and fungi are the hyperlinks joining the nodes to one another. In the language of the hardwar that comprises the Internet, plants are the routers and fungi are the cables. | In fact, fungi are far from being passive cables.”
Entangled Life, Merlin Sheldrake
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learnplants · 2 months
Today, we have another fungus! It's yellow or orange, it's a woodland favourite, it's coveted by chefs, it smells like apricots, any guesses? That's right, it's "Cantharellus cibarius" or the chanterelle!
Chanterelle is the common name for not just a single fungus, it's actually a while load of them, all in the Cantharellaceae family! They appear in coniferous forests and broadleaf forests, between summer and late autumn, and has a fruity smell when they're first picked!
The cap is a funnel shape, that's wavy and smooth, which is why it's name is derived from the greek word "kantharos" which means tankard or cup! The cap is orange or yellow, depending on its maturity, and underneath, it has ridges that look like gills, running all the way down! It has fake gills, that run along the outside as well, and the 'stipe', which is fancy for stalk, is smooth and the same colour as the cap!
You have to be very careful if you go looking for chanterelles, as there are several lookalikes, that are all quite poisonous, such as the false chanterelle or all kinds of jack-o'-lantern fungus!
Chanterelles in the UK are fairly common to find, but they're very localised! They'll be found in mossy areas in coniferous forests, and in broadleaf woodlands! Something quite neat is that they've formed a beneficial relationship with birch and pine trees in Scotland, called a mycorrhizal relationship!
In history, there are records that chanterelle mushrooms have been eaten by people as early as the 16th century, and became very popular with the nobility due to the spread of french cuisine, meaning it became a symbol of wealth! Even now, they're very difficult to get your hands on because no one has found a way to commercially farm them, meaning they all have to be harvested by hand through foraging! It's eaten all across the world in highend restaurants, due to it's delicate flavour and texture!
Chanterelles also have a few health benefits! They contain high amounts of vitamin C and D as well as very high amounts of potassium! They also have 8 essential amino acids, and they have very strong anti-viral and antibacterial properties, and a high amount of anti-oxidants, and a bunch of stuff to help with bad cholesterol, treating thrombosis and it improves liver function! Talk about a super food!
Overall, Cantharellus cibarius or the chanterelle is an absolutely amazing fungus, found in specific parts of the UK, in high quantities, and are incredibly healthy for people! If you liked learning about the chanterelle, feel free to like or repost, maybe leave a comment, and give me a follow for more plants and fungus information!
Now, without further delay, here is the chanterelle!
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cookie-nom-nom · 2 months
The Impacts of Agricultural Practices on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
By popular demand (one single person) I present a semster's worth of research into the scientific uncertainty surrounding Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as pertaining to agriculture because oh boy. is there some uncertainty. Which is a boring way of saying the world is ripe with potential and the mycology is a blossoming field of research! Yippee!
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have potential to increase the efficiency of modern agricultural practices due to its beneficial impacts on crops. AMF are a broad category of fungi species that live in the soil and connect to the roots of plants, forming symbiotic relationships between them and other plants connected through the mycelium network. Due to their fine mycelium and ability to extract nutrients from inorganic compounds, AMF can access nitrogen and phosphorus from the soil and exchange it with for carbon compounds generated in photosynthesis by their plant hosts (Hodge and Storer 2014). This can provide crucial, often limiting nutrients to crops which otherwise deplete the nutrients in the soil with each harvest. AMF have also been found to increase plant resistance to pathogens, drought, or salinity (Cheng et al. 2023; Buysens, de Boulois, and Declerck 2014). However, the benefits of AMF to crops vary wildly, and in the wrong conditions AMF can become parasitic to their hosts (Hodge and Storer 2014). The complexity of AMF networks makes it difficult to ascertain their impacts, with variables such as available nutrients, soil conditions, or species involved in the symbiosis changing the results of studies. One component of addressing its potential use comes from examining how current farming practices impact the effectiveness of AMF for agriculture and the uncertainty obfuscating it.
Modern agriculture depends on ample fertilizer use to maintain yield output, which has heavy environmental costs, from excess nutrients causing eutrophication, to being carcinogenic and potentially radioactive, to the damage from mining and processing phosphate (Lubkowski 2016). One of the main advantages of AMF symbiosis is increased access to nutrients for the crop hosts, thus positioning it as a potential alternate source of nutrients. Understanding both the impact of fertilizers on AMF networks and how they compare in enriching crops is crucial when considering the potential of AMF in agriculture.
Over time, conventional fertilizers' usage greatly decreased the diversity of AMF species and their impact on crops (Oehl et al. 2004; Wang et al. 2018; Peng et al. 2023). Organic fertilizers resulted in nearly double the amount of AMF species compared to the plots using artificial fertilizers (Oehl et al. 2004). The composition of the fungal species was also different, with the species prevalent under organic farming more closely resembling those of a natural ecosystem. Furthermore, the dominant AMF species under long term, high intensity artificial fertilizer were less beneficial to crops (Peng et al. 2023). Potentially less efficient AMF species were selected for by high input farming as the crop would trade for phosphorous less readily due to the abundance from the fertilizer (Oehl et al. 2004). Less diversity in AMF resulted in decreased benefits to crops, suggesting that farming techniques that increase the diversity of AMF will be more beneficial to farmers (Oehl et al. 2004; Wang et al. 2018). However, Peng et al. found that the lower AMF diversity in fertilized fields did not cause lower crop yield, but did find increased soil stability and nutrient cycling (2023). As it was the diversity of the AMF being measured, the diverse and partially conflicting results are logical because of the different AMF species and dynamics present in each study. AMF diversity appeared to relate to multiple but inconsistent positive effects for agriculture and was clearly harmed by the use of conventional fertilizers.
Fertilizer negatively impacted the root colonization of AMF (Oehl et al. 2004; Sheng et al. 2012; Peng et al. 2023). Cultures taken from organic farming plots had a higher chance of inoculation and faster root colonization compared to traditional fertilizer use (Oehl et al. 2004). AMF species that quickly and more fully colonize roots would be highly valuable in modern agriculture, which prioritizes annual plants and thus would need to quickly renew relationships with AMF networks in order to benefit from the symbiosis. Potentially the particular species predominate under organic farming was well suited to swift colonization of the crops used. Alternatively, the diversity of the AMF species may have been the cause due to an increased chance of having a fungal species suited to the crop species. More testing is necessary to ascertain which variable has the greatest impact on root colonization.
Other indicators of fertilizer impact on AMF growth were not so clear-cut, as hyphal and spore density had conflicting responses to long-term fertilizer use. Sheng et al. posited that the limited benefits of AMF in fertilized fields could be attributed to added phosphorus causing limited hyphal growth in the top layers of soil, reducing the amount of root connections with crops (2012). However, Peng et al. found that hyphal length density increased with the addition of nitrogen and phosphorus in tandem but having neutral impact separately (2023). Potentially the negative impact Sheng et al. noted was influenced by a lack of nitrogen, but that would not fully explain the anathema results. Additionally, in two experiments fertilizer increased the spore density, potentially due to the fungi being in unfavorable conditions and consequently switching from an emphasis on hyphal growth to spores to increase their long-term survival (Sheng et al. 2012; Peng et al. 2023). In contrast, Oehl et al. found a decreased abundance of spores in fertilized fields (2004). The reason for the stark contrast in results is unclear, and could be contributed to different crop species, duration of studies, soil characteristics, or any other plethora of variables that without further study will not be elucidated.
Soil Organic Matter (OM) also influenced the relationship between AMF, fertilizer, and harvest due to influencing the amount of nutrients available to plants. The benefit of fertilizer on inoculated raspberries was significantly less pronounced in high OM environments, where the weight of berries had a negative relation to the amount of fertilizer (Chen et al. 2022). In low nutrient conditions with low OM and fertilizer usage, inoculated raspberries had small berries, potentially due to the host and fungi competing for limited nutrients. A similar trend was found with the fruit set, or percentage of flowers that produced berries. In an inoculated field with low OM, fertilizer increased the fruit set but in high OM it decreased (Chen et al. 2022). Furthermore, the highest fruit set belonged to an inoculated field with high OM and no fertilizer. Therefore, there is likely a limited range of available nutrients (whether from OM or fertilizers) wherein AMF are beneficial to crops, suggesting that future experiments concerning AMF and fertilizer must take pre-existing soil nutrients into consideration. Further testing is required to determine the optimal combination of OM and fertilizers to achieve the benefits of AMF, because as of yet the impact of nutrients on AMF networks is still not fully understood.
The AMF represent only one half of the symbiotic relationship, and so the hosts available to them greatly determine the impact of AMF. The harmful effects of annual monocultures are well established, resulting in decreased biodiversity and nutrient loss that could negatively impact AMF networks (Crews, Carton, and Olsson 2018). The prevalence of monocultures in modern agriculture raises the question of how the limited selection of hosts impacts AMF networks.
Crop diversity is clearly linked to AMF diversity. Oehl et al. suggested that the seven- year crop rotation method used in their experiment contributed to the high diversity of species, as they had more similar numbers of species in wild grasslands than is found in cropland that utilizes the same monoculture every year (2004). Intercropping systems were likewise found to sustain richer and more diverse AMF communities than monocultures (Lu 2018; Cheng et al. 2023). It is likely that the variety of the hosts provides a variety of symbiosis opportunities for differently adapted AMF species to bond with, thus increasing the AMF diversity and richness.
But as previously discussed, AMF diversity is not a clear indicator of benefit. Crop diversity may benefit AMF networks, but farmers are more interested in how that impacts crops. Intercropping results in a significant increase in yield compared to monocultures, known as over yielding. Cheng et al. found a positive correlation between intercrop yield and AMF diversity, though Wang et al. clarified that not all inoculated crop species in an intercrop system experienced an increased yield, further cementing how varied AMF-crop interactions are (2023; 2018). Lu hypothesized that the AMF nutrient transfers explained over yielding in intercropping system but due to confounding variables it was difficult to ascertain (2018). Notably, the yield benefits of intercropping were diminished in fields with high amounts of phosphorus from added fertilizer (Wang et al. 2018). Combined with the theory that less beneficial AMF were selected for in fertilized fields, the success of intercropping beneath conditions favorable to AMF suggests AMF could be a contributing factor to the over yielding phenomena found in intercropping and thus practice that support AMF are vital to intercrop systems (Oehl et al. 2004; Peng et al. 2023).
Annual crops dominate modern agriculture and thus their relationships with AMF are valuable to examine. The disruption of the soil from the tillage necessary for annual crops results in severe soil and nutrient erosion in a way that is unsustainable (Crews, Carton, and Olsson 2018). Tillage has a harmful impact on AMF due to severing the mycelium networks, so the practices associated with annual crops are already known to harm AMF communities due to severing mycelial networks and causing changes in nutrients (Peng et al. 2023; Sheng et al. 2012). Periods of bare soil between yearly annuals and destruction of weeds result in stretches of time when AMF have reduced host possibilities. Overall, the associated farming techniques used for annuals are not beneficial to AMF.
Annual crops also face the added complication of new plants having to re-establish their symbiosis with AMF. Due to the lag in benefit from AMF, short-lived plants may be less likely to invest in a symbiotic relationship with them. Perennial legumes with AMF networks had more growth than annual species, with increased nitrogen and phosphorous given to the crops (Primieri et al. 2021). It was possible the AMF reinvested in perennials over and over because they have proven to be good symbionts, whereas there was a time lag in reinvesting in a new year of annuals. Therefor agriculturalists using perennials may have even more investment in using practices that compliment AMF as they have an increased impact. However, the study’s results should be treated with caution as the perennial crop was an undomesticated crop species due to farming crops being mostly annuals and comparisons show that domesticated species can be less able to support AMF (Primieri et al. 2021). Because species react differently to AMF symbiosis, studies between annual and perennials were difficult to construct. However, combined with the associated practices of tilling and periods with decreased access to hosts, it is likely that AMF is more helpful to farmers in perennial systems. Though there is some uncertainty, the consensus of research is that perennial and diverse crops have more beneficial symbiotic relationships with AMF.
Pesticides, Herbicides, and Fungicides oh my!
Conventional farming heavily relies on utilization of hazardous chemicals to kill organisms that pose threats to crops, be they rivalrous weeds, hungry herbivores, or fungi plagues. While pesticides seek to target specific species or groups, the introduction of toxins in the environment often has unintended side effects that could be influencing mycorrhizal networks. Studies conflict greatly whether pesticides help or hinder AMF, in part thanks to the plethora of confounding variables involved.
The species involved in the system are a large factor in the effect pesticides have on AMF. Different AMF species have various methods of dealing with toxins in their environment, such as compartmentalization, producing protective molecules, and transporting pollutants (Hage-Ahmed, Rosner, and Steinkellner 2018). Therefore, the response an AMF network has to pesticides will depend on the predominant fungal strains. As AMF are in symbiosis with plants, their species are also relevant. The application of herbicides to weeds limits the number of hosts the AMF are able to rely on. However, in some studies the AMF were able to recover after a few weeks, though their ability to do so was dependent on the crop species they were partnered with (Hage-Ahmed, Rosner, and Steinkellner 2018). Other studies even found herbicides had a neutral or positive impact on AMF. Soil bacteria that associate with AMF can also vary in quantity and quality within the same field, especially species that biodegrade pesticides and influence their persistence (Hage-Ahmed, Rosner, and Steinkellner 2018). Due to AMF being symbiotic networks, the species at play, be they fungal, plant, or bacteria, can all highly influence how the system responds to pesticide disturbances.
Fungicides potentially pose a threat to AMF due to being designed to target fungi. At IC50 threshold to control a fungal pest, three fungicides had no impact on AMF except for flutolanil decreasing root colonization (Buysens, de Boulois, and Declerck 2014). Pencycuron had no effect on AMF at threshold concentrations and was contact based compared to the other tested fungicides, which were systemic and infiltrated the body of the plant (Buysens, de Boulois, and Declerck 2014; McGrath 2004). Potentially the integration of flurolanil in the host plant made it more hazardous for AMF. Alternatively, contact fungicides applied through foliar spray could be less likely to contaminate the soil (Hage-Ahmed, Rosner, and Steinkellner 2018). Azoxystrobin, like flurolanil, was a systemic fungicide but had lower systemic activity, which could be why it did not have adverse effects on AMF at the threshold level. Pencycuron and flutolanil were species specific fungicides, so the difference in impact could be attributed to increased effectiveness against a fungus similar to AMF species (Buysens, de Boulois, and Declerck 2014). At levels exceeding the threshold all three fungicides had significant negative impact on spore production, mycelium and root growth, and germination. Therefore, carefully choosing the type and quantity of fungicide is crucial to not harm beneficial fungal species.
When the pesticide is applied also greatly impacts the AMF as certain stages of its life cycle are more vulnerable to interference than others. Certain pesticides impeded germination, but multiple studies found that germination was not completely terminated, and that once the pesticide was removed germination was no longer impeded and AMF were able to establish (Buysens, de Boulois, and Declerck 2014; Hage-Ahmed, Rosner, and Steinkellner 2018). In early stages of its lifecycle, AMF had a limited time to find a host and will die if one is not found. Pesticide interference should be avoided in this stage so the AMF and crops can form symbiosis (Hage-Ahmed, Rosner, and Steinkellner 2018). Once established, AMF will be harmed if most of its plant hosts die, so non-selective herbicides can threaten them. They could depend on spores and colonized root fragments should they lack a host, however.
Pesticides vary in effectiveness based on environmental and agricultural conditions, confounding their impact on AMF. The history of the field being tested could greatly affect AMF networks. Practices like tilling and other soil disturbance made AMF colonies more vulnerable to being negatively impacted by pesticides, possibly due to not being as well established as an undisturbed network and thus less resilient. The sheer number of variables involved in studying pesticide’s impact on fungi deeply confound the results of studies.
The amount of exposure to the pesticide impacts to what degree AMF are affected, but it is highly influenced by confounding factors that make it difficult to assess its impact. Practices like tilling and other soil disturbance made AMF colonies more vulnerable to being negatively impacted by pesticides, possibly due to not being as well established as an undisturbed network and thus less resilient (Hage-Ahmed, Rosner, and Steinkellner 2018). The persistence of the pesticide depended greatly on soil condition, including type, pH, moisture, organic matter, and the ability for microflora to degrade substances, all influencing how much exposure the AMF had long-term (Hage-Ahmed, Rosner, and Steinkellner 2018). Furthermore, the type, dose, and application method of pesticide was dependent on the crop being grown, creating even more variation in AMF reaction, and thus confounding studies. In one experiment, going over the recommended dose of a pesticide could either impact the AMF negatively, positively, or not at all, but in another it reduced the effectiveness of symbiosis and the amount of phosphorus transported to the plant (Hage-Ahmed, Rosner, and Steinkellner 2018). Due to the variety of conditions impacting AMF exposure to pesticides, it was difficult to gauge their impact on AMF, and uncertainty in this aspect of studying agricultural AMF held great uncertainty.
The intense networks of factors involved in agriculture systems mean measuring the impact of farming techniques on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is difficult. Given the variety of the fungal species involved in AMF networks, it may not be fully possible to have fully accurate generalizations about the impact of farming. With each system of unique combinations of hosts, fungi, and other soil microbiota comes new dynamics to be studied. This is further compounded by soil conditions, nutrient availability, tilling, and potentially many other variables not discussed in this paper. Uncertainty is rampant in this area, particularly as the usefulness of AMF have been discovered only relatively recently. The most evident example is in the realm of pesticides, where the intensity of the variability of results obfuscates broader patterns. However, there is growing evidence that many conventional farming practices such as fertilizers, monocultures, and annuals are damaging to AMF colonies and potentially diminish the benefits they can offer crops. If farming is to become sustainable while still providing enough food for the growing human population, healthier farming practices must be utilized. Though there is uncertainty, there is also great potential once we understand the factors influencing successful AMF symbiosis.
Buysens, Catherine, Hervé Dupré De Boulois, and Stéphane Declerck. 2014. “Do Fungicides Used to Control Rhizoctonia Solani Impact the Non-Target Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Rhizophagus Irregularis?” https://doi.org/10.1007/s00572-014-0610-7.
Chen, Ke ID, Jeroen Scheper, Thijs P M Fijen, and David Kleijn. 2022. “Potential Tradeoffs between Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculation, Soil Organic Matter Content and Fertilizer Application in Raspberry Production.” https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0269751.
Cheng, Yunlong, Xing Xu, Yang Zhang, Xudong Gu, Haohie Nie, and Lin Zhu. 2023. “Intercropping of Echinochloa frumentacea with Leguminous Forages Improves Hay Yields, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Diversity, and Soil Enzyme Activities in Saline–Alkali Soil.” Agronomy 2356: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13092356.
Crews, Timothy E., Wim Carton, and Lennart Olsson. “Is the Future of Agriculture Perennial? Imperatives and Opportunities to Reinvent Agriculture by Shifting from Annual Monocultures to Perennial Polycultures.” Global Sustainability 1 (2018): e11. https://doi.org/10.1017/sus.2018.11.
Hage-Ahmed, Karin, Kathrin Rosner, and Siegrid Steinkellner. 2018. “Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Their Response to Pesticides.” Pest Management Science 75 (3): 583–90. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.5220.
Hodge, Angela, and Kate Storer. 2014. “Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and Nitrogen: Implications for Individual Plants through to Ecosystems.” Plant and Soil 386 (1-2): 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-014-2162-1.
Lu, Xingli. 2022. “Effect of Intercropping Soybean on the Diversity of the Rhizosphere Soil Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Communities in Wheat Fields.” Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2100014: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1002/clen.202100014.
Lubkowski, Krzysztof. 2016. “Environmental Impact of Fertilizer Use and Slow Release of Mineral Nutrients as a Response to This Challenge.” Polish Journal of Chemical Technology 18 (1): 72– 79. https://doi.org/10.1515/pjct-2016-0012.
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Peng, Zhenling, Nancy Collins Johnson, Jan Jansa, Jiayao Han, Zhou Fang, Yali Zhang, Shengjing Jiang, et al. 2023. “Mycorrhizal Effects on Crop Yield and Soil Ecosystem Functions in a Long- Term Tillage and Fertilization Experiment.” New Phytologist 2023: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19493.
Primieri, Silmar, Susan M Magnoli, Thomas Koffel, Sidney L Stürmer, St ̈ Stürmer, James D Bever, and W K Kellogg. 2022. “Perennial, but Not Annual Legumes Synergistically Benefit from Infection with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Rhizobia: A Meta-Analysis.” New Phytologist 233: 505–14. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17787.
Sheng, Min, Roger Lalande, Chantal Hamel and Noura Ziadi. 2013. “Effect of long-term tillage and mineral phosphorus fertilization on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a humid continental zone of Eastern Canada.” Plant and Soil 369 (1-2): 599-614. http://dx.doi.org.webster.austincollege.edu/10.1007/s11104-013-1585-4.
Wang, Guangzhou, Chengcheng Ye, Junling Zhang, Liz Koziol, James D Bever, and Xiaolin Li. 2018. “Asymmetric Facilitation Induced by Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Leads to Overyielding in Maize/Faba Bean Intercropping.” Journal of Plant Interactions 14 (1): 10-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/17429145.2018.1550218.
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hqsenvs3000w24 · 6 months
"wood-wide network"
I've read some great blog posts from classmates about the coolest things they know about nature. After taking a few minutes to ponder it, I found myself looking at the trees around me and remembered learning some cool things about trees. 
The most amazing thing that I know about nature is that trees can communicate with each other. Trees in every forest are connected to each other by underground fungal networks. In the sciences, these are referred to as mycorrhizal networks.  Using these networks, trees can share water and nutrients in addition to communicating. These networks are often used to send signals regarding drought or disease. Those signals can be chemical, hormonal or slow-pulsing electrical signals (Grant, 2018). In these forested ecosystems, you will also find mother trees, which are the oldest and largest trees in the area. These trees can draw water and nutrients up from deeper soils making them available for younger, more shallow rooted seedlings (Grant, 2018). 
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The first time I heard about this was during my time at SOES. I was out on a hike with a group of students and the specialist leading us stopped at one point to discuss it. He gathered the students up and asked them to find the biggest tree in the area. Once they had located the tree, Richard started to explain how that one tree was helping all the other trees around us through this underground network. It was very interesting to hear it told as more of a story instead of just spitting out the scientific facts. I found that the students were more engaged, and they also had the opportunity to ask questions. 
Simard (2018) presents evidence that these mycorrhizal networks act in a similar way to neural networks. It is a lot easier, when learning about new topics, if you can put it into a context that is familiar. For this idea that trees communicate, it is sort of similar to a human family. Messages are sent, resources shared and the older help protect and shelter the young. This is one of the most simplest ways we can think of this topic, and yet it is also the one I connect to the most. We, as humans, have come a long way from thinking that trees and forests are simply a resource awaiting harvest. We started learning these organisms are alive, and although we are still missing much understanding of how they work, this scientific breakthrough of mycorrhizal networks is a huge step in understanding forest dynamics. 
We now know that cutting down one tree will not just affect only that tree, but all the others surrounding it. In our textbook, it is mentioned that to look at the past means people are calling for a better future (Beck & Cable, 2018), I believe that this discovery is something that will one day have been a historic event. In the future we will look back to when we first discovered that forests and trees have these connections. It is another connection between humans and nature that will one day benefit society. 
All for now :)
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. SAGAMORE Publishing.
Grant, R. (2018) Do Trees Talk to Each Other? | Science| Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved March 12, 2024, from https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-whispering-trees-180968084/#
Simard, S. W. (2018). Mycorrhizal Networks Facilitate Tree Communication, Learning, and Memory. 191–213. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-75596-0_10
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orgrevolution · 1 year
From Soil to Harvest: Maximizing Crop Yields with Biological Seed Inoculation
In the world of modern agriculture, where the need for increased crop yields is paramount, biological seed inoculation has emerged as a powerful tool. This technique, which involves the application of beneficial microorganisms to seeds before planting, offers a promising solution for farmers looking to boost productivity while minimizing environmental impacts. In this article, we will explore the science behind biological seed inoculation and how it maximizes crop yields, from the soil to the harvest.
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The Science of Biological Seed Inoculation
Biological seed inoculation is rooted in the symbiotic relationships that certain microorganisms can form with plants. By introducing these beneficial microbes to seeds, we set the stage for a harmonious partnership that benefits crops in several ways.
Protection Against Pathogens: A primary role of biological seed inoculation is to protect plants from harmful pathogens. Some microorganisms act as natural biocontrol agents, outcompeting disease-causing organisms and reducing the need for chemical pesticides. This natural defense mechanism safeguards crop yields and reduces environmental contamination.
Enhanced Nutrient Uptake: Beneficial microorganisms play a pivotal role in improving nutrient uptake by plants. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can utilize, reducing the reliance on synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, increasing the absorption of vital nutrients like phosphorus and potassium.
Stress Tolerance: In an era of changing climate patterns, plants often face environmental stressors like drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures. Biological seed inoculation equips plants with the tools to withstand these challenges. Some microorganisms produce stress-resistance proteins or enhance root growth and water retention.
Promotion of Growth and Development: Certain microbes, known as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), actively stimulate plant growth. They achieve this by producing growth hormones, solubilizing nutrients, and improving root development, resulting in healthier and more vigorous crops.
Benefits of Biological Seed Inoculation
The adoption of biological seed inoculation offers a multitude of benefits for both farmers and the environment.
Reduced Chemical Dependency: By decreasing the need for chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, biological seed inoculation reduces the environmental footprint of agriculture. This approach aligns with sustainable farming practices that prioritize environmental stewardship.
Improved Soil Health: Over time, biological seed inoculation can enhance soil health by promoting beneficial microbial communities in the soil. This leads to improved soil structure, nutrient cycling, and overall soil fertility.
Consistent Crop Yields: Biological seed inoculation ensures more consistent and reliable crop yields, even in challenging environmental conditions. This stability is crucial for food security and economic sustainability.
Cost Efficiency: While initial investment costs may be higher, long-term savings are achieved through reduced chemical inputs and increased crop productivity. Farmers can reap the benefits of a healthier bottom line.
Biological seed inoculation represents a paradigm shift in modern agriculture. By harnessing the power of beneficial microorganisms, we are not only maximizing crop yields but also reducing the environmental impact of farming. This approach aligns with the global imperative of producing more food while preserving our planet's resources. As we continue to unlock the potential of these microscopic allies, we are taking significant strides toward a more sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural future. It's a journey that not only benefits farmers but also ensures a more secure and sustainable food supply for generations to come.
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botanyone · 1 year
You dont have to lose pavements to grow trees in cities
You don’t have to lose pavements to grow trees in cities https://ift.tt/JYseDm6 A recent study by Arianna Grassi and colleagues, published in Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, investigated the impact of different types of soil sealing on the communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonising the roots of two shade trees commonly found in urban areas: Celtis australis and Fraxinus ornus. The researchers found that impermeable pavements, such as monolithic asphalt, caused shifts in the composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with the roots of these trees and impacted the percentage of mycorrhizal root length. The research could help protect trees in urban environments. The soil beneath our feet is home to a vast and intricate web of organisms, including arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. These fungi play a crucial role in plant nutrition and health, enhancing their ability to absorb nutrients and water from the soil. Unfortunately, urbanisation and impermeable pavement materials have led to soil sealing, disrupting this vital ecosystem. In their article, Grassi and colleagues cite research showing that Tilia, Linden or Lime trees suffer in areas with low fungal diversity. The authors state: “To the best of our knowledge, no information is available about the effects of pavements suitable for water sensitive urban designs, such as permeable and porous pavements, on AMF communities actually colonizing the roots of shade trees.” Grassi and colleagues tackled the problem by examining the roots of European Hackberry and South European Flowering Ash growing in Vertemate con Minoprio, a little way north of Milan in Italy. The trees were planted in 2012, and in 2020, the pavements over the trees were removed. That allowed the biologists to take root samples from the trees and see what fungi had colonised them. Grassi and colleagues observed a fungi community similar to the fungi in the unpaved soil when the root zone was covered with permeable pavements. This provides valuable information that can be used to reduce the disturbance caused by specific types of soil sealing on AMF symbionts, ultimately benefiting urban tree health. The study identified 45 different types of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, with Sclerocystis and Septoglomus as the most abundant phylotypes, accounting for 84% of the genetic sequences revealed. The predominance of Sclerocystis species in the roots of both tree species under impermeable pavements indicated their high and unexpected tolerance towards harsh environmental conditions. These species could be used as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inocula. Inoculating the soil with these fungi, specifically selected for their proven resilience in paved sites, would allow planners to exploit their ability to boost biogeochemical processes fundamental for energy fluxes and plant nutrition and health. By revealing how different pavements impact the fungi that symbiotically nourish trees, this study provides guidance for creating urban infrastructure that fosters tree health and longevity. Permeable pavements, in particular, could help sustain diverse, robust fungal communities essential for supporting trees in the often challenging conditions of cities. With more trees, cities can enjoy cooling, pollution reduction, and other benefits these fungi-tree partnerships provide.  READ THE ARTICLE Grassi, A., Pagliarani, I., Cristani, C., Palla, M., Fini, A., Comin, S., Frangi, P., Giovannetti, M., Turrini, A. and Agnolucci, M. (2023) “Effects of pavements on diversity and activity of mycorrhizal symbionts associated with urban trees,” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 83(127916), p. 127916. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2023.127916. The post You don’t have to lose pavements to grow trees in cities appeared first on Botany One. via Botany One https://botany.one/ April 13, 2023 at 06:19PM
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
An attempt at summarizing the controversies that embroil mycorrhizal network research:
a bunch of scientists are miffed at how the media has taken "plants communicate and distribute nutrients through the mycorrhizal network" and run with it, finding the "mother tree" thing too anthropomorphizing and too presumptive about something very poorly understood
unfortunately all of the major models for understanding the mycorrhizal network are anthropomorphizing, even the more competition-centered ones...to the point that papers discuss whether the network is a "capitalist" or a "socialist" system
But, setting aside the question of whether trees can "intentionally" do something or be altruistic...how do we know the plant is the one in control? Are the trees "sending" nutrients or is the fungus taking the nutrients and sending them to other trees? Wait, how do we assign agency in a system like this at all? Isn't it unscientific to assume that any part of the system, fungus or plant, is consciously acting? Wait...are they actually separate organisms with their own interests, or is it more accurate to view all the members of a mycorrhizal network as one big super-organism? (Wait, is it anthropomorphizing to consider organisms as having interests? If yes, how do we describe what's happening using language?)
Basically, yes we have demonstrated and established that nutrients move from one plant to another plant in the mycorrhizal network, including from fully grown trees to saplings, plants in sunlight to shaded plants, and other things that are definitely fun to interpret as one plant "helping" the weaker plant. However, we don't actually know the intentions of plants, so for all we know, the fungus could be doing everything. Or it could be completely stupid to describe any of it as "one individual organism in the network Intentionally Does A Thing."
Big Problem: Although a shit ton of research is being done, most research in the mycorrhizal network is done on very simple networks of 1 or 2 plant species with a handful of selected fungal inoculants in otherwise sterile laboratory settings. These conditions do not reflect the natural world at all.
in fact, experimental conditions used to study mycorrhizal networks are mostly completely unlike anything that would ever exist...you know, Outside,
most of the research pertains to agriculture and there are many demonstrated benefits, and many farmers are ALREADY using methods to promote mycorrhizal networks, but my guess is that it's not as simple as matching crops up to fungal inoculants that help them for instant 20% yield increase, at least in Real Outdoor Soil with an existing microbiome and seed bank.
Roughly speaking, 50% of mycorrhizal associations benefit seedling establishment, and the remaining 50% are themselves split halfway between "no effect" and "negative effect." Doesn't this mean that the mycorrhizal network is not always chill and altruistic?
Well, those findings might mean absolutely nothing either way, since in a field-setting plant community, there are dozens if not hundreds of fungi species (the diversity and number of specialists increases in later-successional communities) that are part of the mycorrhizal network, and through them any given seedling might be linked to a thousand different plants.
Some researchers find it puzzling how so many mycorrhizal partnerships seem to have no effect. Maybe the effect only comes online in certain conditions?
Parasitism, mutualism and commensalism aren't fixed types of relationship, and two partners in the mycorrhizal network can and do switch between the three constantly. This is another problem: the experiments don't usually follow both partners in a plant-fungal pairing to the end of their natural lives, and it's been shown that a fungus can be mutualistic early in a plant's life and later on become more parasitic (for example). Or that a fungus can be beneficial in poor soil conditions and become parasitic in rich soil conditions.
But...is this really best understood as a situational switch between types of symbiosis, or can we judge it by the net effect on both partners throughout their life spans, or...my brain is breaking
Like, a fungus that mostly decreases the fitness of the host plant, BUT becomes very helpful in the presence of extreme drought...is it a parasite or mutualistic partner?
Some researchers lean toward a source-sink model where nutrients tend to flow toward plants that are most lacking and away from plants with most abundance. This is a rough approximation of something ridiculously complicated
Plants can and do select fungal partners to pair with and reject fungi that contribute fewer benefits.
Fungi also appear capable of selectively distributing resources based on the fitness of the host, or at least they did this one experiment where the fungus was connected to two different trees and researchers ripped all the leaves off one of the trees. This caused the fungus to divert its nutrient flow to the undamaged tree (throwing in its lot with the tree most likely to survive). However, we're not sure if this would happen in a forest or other natural plant community, since in the lab, the fungus was totally dependent on the two trees for survival and there were no other participants in the network. So basically, it's kinda like those behavior studies on captive wolves?
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market-insider · 1 year
Biostimulants: Tailoring Solutions for Crop Performance Enhancement
Biostimulants are substances or microorganisms that are applied to plants, seeds, or the surrounding environment to enhance plant growth, development, and overall health. Unlike fertilizers, which primarily provide essential nutrients to plants, biostimulants work by stimulating natural processes within the plants themselves. They contain various biologically active compounds, such as amino acids, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, and plant hormones, which can improve nutrient uptake, enhance stress tolerance, and stimulate beneficial microbial activity in the rhizosphere. Biostimulants can be derived from natural sources, including seaweed extracts, humic and fulvic acids, beneficial microorganisms (such as mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobacteria), and other plant-based substances. They are commonly used in agriculture, horticulture, and turf management to promote plant growth, increase crop yield, improve nutrient efficiency, and enhance the resilience of plants to environmental stressors. Biostimulants offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to optimizing plant performance and supporting sustainable agricultural practices.
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Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Biostimulants Market Report
The biostimulants market has witnessed significant developments in recent years due to growing awareness about sustainable agriculture practices and the need for improving crop productivity. Manufacturers are continuously improving the formulation of biostimulant products to enhance their efficacy and ease of application. This includes the development of concentrated liquid formulations, water-soluble powders, and granular formulations that ensure better nutrient absorption and distribution in plants. Biotechnological advancements have played a crucial role in the development of biostimulant products. Biotechnological techniques such as genetic engineering, microbial fermentation, and extraction processes are being used to produce biostimulants with higher concentrations of active compounds, improved efficacy, and targeted functionalities. There is ongoing research to better understand the mode of action of biostimulants and their interaction with plants. This research aims to identify specific physiological and biochemical mechanisms triggered by biostimulants, including hormonal regulation, enzyme activities, gene expression, and nutrient uptake pathways. The findings help in optimizing the application of biostimulants for maximum plant response.
Companies are focusing on developing biostimulants tailored for specific crops or plant species. These specialized products consider the unique nutritional and physiological needs of different plants, ensuring targeted benefits and improved crop performance. Several countries have started implementing regulations specific to biostimulant products. These regulations aim to define product categories, establish quality standards, and ensure the efficacy and safety of biostimulants in agricultural practices. The introduction of regulations provides clarity to manufacturers, distributors, and farmers, fostering responsible growth of the biostimulants market. Microbial-based biostimulants, such as beneficial bacteria and fungi, are gaining attention in the market. Researchers are exploring different microbial strains and their interactions with plants to unlock their potential in improving nutrient uptake, disease resistance, and overall plant health. Farmers and agronomists are incorporating biostimulants into integrated crop management practices, including precision agriculture and sustainable farming systems. Biostimulants are being used in combination with other inputs like fertilizers and crop protection products to optimize plant health, reduce chemical inputs, and improve environmental sustainability. The biostimulants market is experiencing global expansion, with increased product availability in various regions. This expansion is driven by rising demand for sustainable agriculture solutions, government initiatives supporting organic farming practices, and the need to address environmental concerns associated with conventional agricultural practices.
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Harnessing Biological Agents for Organic Nematode Control in Crops
Nematodes, microscopic pests that attack the roots of crops, pose a significant threat to global agriculture, leading to reduced yields and stunted growth. While chemical nematicides are often used to control these pests, their negative environmental impacts have led to the growing adoption of organic farming methods. One of the most effective approaches is utilizing biological agents for organic nematode control, which not only targets harmful nematodes but also promotes soil health and sustainable farming practices.
The Role of Biological Agents in Nematode Control
Biological control agents are natural organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and predatory nematodes that target and suppress parasitic nematode populations in the soil. These biological agents work by infecting, feeding on, or disrupting the life cycle of nematodes, reducing their numbers without the need for harmful chemicals. This eco-friendly approach is gaining traction in organic agriculture due to its effectiveness and sustainability.
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Key Biological Agents for Organic Nematode Control
Fungal Biological Agents Fungi are one of the most widely used biological agents for nematode control. Species like Trichoderma and Pochonia chlamydosporia have shown great potential in managing nematode populations. These fungi parasitize nematode eggs and larvae, effectively reducing nematode reproduction. Moreover, they enhance soil health by improving nutrient availability and promoting plant growth, making them a valuable tool for organic farmers.
Bacterial Biological Agents Certain bacteria, such as Bacillus thuringiensis and Paenibacillus polymyxa, are known for their ability to control nematodes. These bacteria produce toxins that target nematodes, disrupting their digestive systems and causing death. Additionally, bacteria like Bacillus subtilis promote overall soil health by supporting beneficial microbes and helping plants develop stronger root systems, making crops more resistant to nematode damage.
Predatory Nematodes Not all nematodes are harmful to crops. Predatory nematodes, such as Steinernema and Heterorhabditis species, feed on parasitic nematodes and other soil-dwelling pests. These predatory nematodes release symbiotic bacteria into their prey, killing them quickly and efficiently. Using these natural predators as biological control agents allows farmers to manage nematode populations while maintaining soil balance and biodiversity.
Mycorrhizal Fungi Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, improving the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. These fungi also create a physical barrier around plant roots that protects them from parasitic nematodes. By enhancing plant root systems and boosting overall plant health, mycorrhizal fungi indirectly help reduce the impact of nematode infestations.
Benefits of Biological Agents in Organic Nematode Control
Environmental Safety Unlike chemical nematicides, biological agents do not pose a risk to the environment. They are specific to their targets and do not harm beneficial organisms such as earthworms, pollinators, or other helpful soil fauna. This makes them ideal for organic farming systems that prioritize environmental sustainability.
Improved Soil Health Biological agents not only control nematode populations but also enhance soil health by increasing microbial diversity and improving nutrient cycling. Healthier soils are better equipped to support crop growth and are more resilient to pest attacks, leading to higher yields over time.
Sustainability and Cost-Effectiveness Biological agents are a sustainable alternative to chemical inputs, reducing the reliance on synthetic pesticides. Once established in the soil, many biological control agents can persist over time, providing ongoing protection against nematodes without the need for repeated applications, which can lower input costs for farmers.
Reduced Risk of Resistance Continuous use of chemical nematicides can lead to resistant nematode strains. Biological agents, however, offer a natural and diverse method of pest control that reduces the likelihood of nematode populations developing resistance, ensuring long-term effectiveness.
Challenges and Considerations
While biological agents are a promising solution for organic nematode control, they come with certain challenges. Success depends on environmental conditions such as soil type, moisture, and temperature, which can influence the efficacy of the biological agents. Additionally, the introduction of beneficial organisms must be carefully managed to ensure that they do not disrupt the existing soil ecosystem. Farmers must also remain patient, as biological agents often take longer to show results compared to chemical treatments.
Harnessing biological agents for organic nematode control offers an effective, sustainable solution for managing harmful nematode populations while promoting healthy soils and crops. By using fungi, bacteria, and predatory nematodes, farmers can reduce their reliance on chemical nematicides, improving environmental outcomes and supporting long-term agricultural productivity. As sustainable farming practices continue to grow, the role of biological control agents will become increasingly important in fostering resilient, eco-friendly food production systems.
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spooktastic2devlog · 14 days
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This is Carl Murcshroom, My OC
He appears in dreams of those who consume hallucinogenic fungi. He is a collective hivemind of mushrooms that spreads across the land. He preaches that humans should abandon their individualistic mindsets, because it leads to social segregation and practices that benefit those in power at the cost of the surrounding nature. Instead he argues we should all let fungi control our brains through regular consumption. Once he takes control of a human, they become a worker for the hivemind. Upon completing their assigned tasks they dig themselves holes in the soil and become fertilizer for new plants and new mushrooms to grow.
Glory to the mycorrhizal network.
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rupalic · 2 months
Agricultural Microbials Market to Showcase Continued Growth in the Coming Years
The agricultural microbials market refers to the sector involving microorganisms that are used in agriculture to enhance crop productivity and sustainability. These microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa that provide benefits such as improving soil health, nutrient uptake, pest resistance, and crop yield.
Key Factors Driving the Agricultural Microbials Market Growth
Sustainable Agriculture: Growing awareness and demand for sustainable farming practices are driving the adoption of agricultural microbials. These microorganisms offer a natural alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Environmental Regulations: Stricter regulations regarding the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture are encouraging the use of microbial products.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in microbial formulations and delivery systems are enhancing the efficacy and adoption of these products.
Increasing Food Demand: The rising global population is increasing the demand for food, pushing farmers to seek more efficient and sustainable ways to boost crop productivity.
The agricultural microbials market size is expected to generate a revenue of USD 12.6 billion by 2027 and is estimated to be valued at USD 6.4 billion in 2022, at a CAGR of 14.6% from 2022 to 2027.
The agricultural microbials market is segmented based on:
Bacteria: Includes nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, etc.
Fungi: Includes mycorrhizal fungi, Trichoderma, etc.
Viruses: Viral biopesticides targeting specific pests.
Protozoa: Less common but used for certain niche applications.
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Soil Treatment: Enhancing soil health and fertility.
Seed Treatment: Protecting seeds and improving germination.
Crop Protection: Biological control of pests and diseases.
Post-Harvest: Extending shelf life and reducing spoilage.
Crop Type:
Cereals & Grains: Corn, wheat, rice, etc.
Fruits & Vegetables: Apples, tomatoes, leafy greens, etc.
Oilseeds & Pulses: Soybeans, lentils, etc.
Others: Specialty crops and forage.
Agricultural Microbials Market Trends
Advancements in Microbial Technology
Genomic Research: Advances in genomic sequencing and microbiome research are enabling the development of more effective and targeted microbial products.
Enhanced Formulations: Innovations in formulation technology are improving the stability, shelf life, and efficacy of microbial products, making them more practical for widespread use.
Integration with Precision Agriculture
Data-Driven Farming: The integration of microbial products with precision agriculture technologies allows for more precise application, optimizing their benefits and reducing waste.
IoT and Sensors: Use of IoT devices and sensors in fields to monitor soil health and crop conditions can help in timely application of microbial products.
Regulatory Support and Government Initiatives
Subsidies and Incentives: Governments are increasingly offering subsidies and incentives to promote the use of biopesticides and biofertilizers.
Regulatory Frameworks: Development of clearer regulatory frameworks for microbial products is facilitating their market entry and acceptance.
Rise of Biofertilizers and Biopesticides
Biopesticides: Increasing incidences of pest resistance to chemical pesticides are driving the use of biopesticides, which offer a sustainable alternative.
Biofertilizers: Growing awareness of soil health and the benefits of biofertilizers in enhancing nutrient availability is boosting their adoption.
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How are large-scale investments in R&D by key companies impacting the agricultural microbials industry?
Major players in the agricultural microbials industry, like BASF, Bayer, and Sumitomo Chemicals, are investing heavily in research and development (R&D) and strategic acquisitions to expand their offerings of beneficial microbial products. This trend is expected to fuel significant growth in the market. For example, BASF’s new multipurpose facility allows them to produce a wider range of biological crop protection solutions for the booming Asia Pacific market. Additionally, collaborations like BASF’s partnership with Vipergen and Bayer’s work with Thrive are accelerating the discovery of sustainable solutions that minimize environmental impact and empower smallholder farmers.
North America holds the largest agricultural microbials market share
North America stands out as a major agricultural exporter. Abundant water resources, vast arable land, and a spirit of agricultural innovation among its farmers fuel this strength. Additionally, well-developed infrastructure facilitates the efficient movement of goods. Government policies further solidify this advantage. The Agricultural Improvement Act, for example, demonstrates a commitment to organic farming through dedicated research funding and trade promotion efforts. Even with a decline in overall farmland, Canada’s agricultural sector is experiencing a surge in practices utilizing biofertilizers and biopesticides, reflecting a growing focus on sustainable methods.
How do top agricultural microbials companies aim to enhance their market position in the agricultural microbials industry?
A global leader in crop protection, Bayer CropScience champions sustainable agricultural practices. Part of the Bayer corporation, this segment offers a comprehensive range of solutions, including high-quality seeds, improved plant traits, innovative biological and chemical crop protectants, digital farming tools, and extensive customer support. Bayer leverages a vast collection of over 125,000 microbial strains to develop new and beneficial products through genetic diversity. Additionally, they focus on RNA interference (RNAi) techniques for efficient crop protection solutions. The acquisition of Monsanto further bolstered their research in RNAi technology, expanding their capabilities to deliver advanced crop protection.
FMC Corporation, a leading agrochemical company, empowers growers globally with innovative solutions. Committed to environmental responsibility, they champion sustainability across their fungicide, insecticide, herbicide, and Plant Health segments. Notably, the Plant Health segment, offering a diverse range of plant protection products derived from natural sources like microorganisms, has seen significant growth in recent years.
Formerly the agricultural division of DowDuPont, Corteva Agriscience became an independent company in 2019. With its headquarters now in Indianapolis, Indiana, and a global network spanning over 140 countries, Corteva operates through Global Business Centers and regional offices. They leverage a robust infrastructure of over 150 research and development facilities and 92 manufacturing sites to deliver innovative solutions to farmers worldwide. Corteva operates in two core segments: Crop Protection and Seed.
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