#benjamin rozenfeld
jewishsimming 1 year
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10th July 1915.
Mr A. Rozenfeld, "Lone Oak" Farm, 1128 Old Mill Road, Henford-on-Bagley.
Dear sir, It is with deep regret that we write to notify you of the death of your son, Benjamin Rozenfeld, on the 2nd of June 1915. The cause of death was killed in action.
Any personal effects of the deceased, if found, will be addressed to the War Office and marked as 'Effects', and you will be notified by telegram upon their arrival.
I am Your obedient Servant,
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vampireadamooc 8 years
Shout out to the 3D and CGI Effects Crew on ALVH
all 722 of you.
This is part 2
Sam Prebble...creature technical director: Weta Digital
Jeremy Preissner...IT Supervisor: Stereo D LLC
Esdras Prudente...rotoscope artist: Method Studios Vancouver
Derek N. Prusak...stereoscopic editorial supervisor
Juan Carlos Quintana...senior stereoscopic compositor
Gunnar Radeloff...visual effects artist
Ula Rademeyer...lead texture artist: Weta Digital
James Raiz...matte painter
Karthic Ramesh...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Kade Ramsey...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Troy Ramsey...senior paint artist: Weta digital
Craig Douglas Rattray...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Justin Ray...stereoscopic compositor
Jorge Razon...cg supervisor
Marco Recuay...visual effects supervisor: Scoundrel
Benjamin J. Reesing...visual effects
William Reges...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Patrick Reilly...visual effects artist
Gerard Retulla...stereoscopic depth artist
Pedro Luis Reyes...stereoscopic compositor
Steve Rhee...additional visual effects editor
Mike Rhone...visual effects
Jason Richardson...stereoscopic compositor
Leroy Riche...stereoscopic depth artist
Bryce Rieger...compositor: method studios
Mike Rim...stereoscopic compositor
Agustin Rios...depth artist
Alexandra Rizek...visual effects production manager: Bazelevs
Andrew Robles...digital artist
Arturo Rodriguez...stereoscopic depth artist
Katherine Rodtsbrooks...lead stereoscopic compositor
Lisa Dawn Rogolsky...rotoscope artist
Casey Rolseth...cg lead: Method Studios
Zachary J. Rose...visual effects coordinator
Elliot Rosenstein...fur groomer
Brogan Ross...technical director (stereoscopic conversion)
Kuba Roth...visual effects
David Rozenfeld...compositor
Jance Rubinchik...lead animator: Weta Digital
Tumi Rufai...stereoscopic depth artist
Ryan Jae Wook Park...visual effects artist
Ruben Salazar...digital compositor
Dylan Sanchez...digital compositor
Theodore M. Sandifer...stereoscopic artist
German Sandoval...stereoscopic artist
Eric Sanford...lead stereoscopic compositor
Sankarasubramanian...paint & rotoscoping supervisor: BOT VFX
Tiago Santos...digital compositor
Mag Sarnowska...compositor
K L Sateesh Varma...bg prep artist
Davis Scott Porter Saunders...stereoscopic supervisor
Eric Savino...depth artist
Steve Sayer...visual effects artist
Adrian Scherger...stereoscopic assistant editor: StereoD
Sebastian H. Schmidt...visual effects artist: Weta Digital
Marcus Schoo...software developer
Daniel Schrepf...stereoscopic roto lead
Jameson Schultz...stereoscopic lead: StereoD
Brian Schumacher...stereoscopic supervisor
Raymond R. Scott Jr....stereoscopic roto artist
Michael Scott...stereo compositor
Dennis Sedov...visual effects production supervisor: Bazelevs
Carsten Seller...animator
Keith Sellers...senior compositor: Soho VFX
Paolo Emilio Selva...software developer: Weta Digital
Den Serras...senior technical artist: Deluxe
Paul Seyb...visual effects
Marnie Shachar...texture artist: weta digital
Rasoul Shafeazadeh...matte painter
Hitesh Shah...producer: BOT VFX
Stanislav Shapetskiy...compositor
Sam Sharplin...digital modeler: Weta Digital
Aurynn Shaw...production engineer: weta digital
Ahmed Shehata...CG supervisor: Spin VFX
William Sherak...stereo executive producer (Stereo D)
Sainath Shinde...international production: Stereo D
Jay Shindell...visual effects
Eric Sibley...stereoscopic supervisor
Tim Sibley...lead effects artist: SPIN VFX
Adnan Siddique...lead roto artist
Keith D. Simpson...rotoscope supervisor: The Base Studio
Kalyan Sirna...matchmove artist: Rotomaker studios
Joao Sita...digital compositor: RodeoFX
Lori Smallwood...senior animation technical director
Stephen Smart...wrangler: Weta Digital
Corey Smith...stereoscopic compositor
Marc Smith...camera TD: Weta Digital
Rick Smith...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Robert Snyder...senior in-house compositor/cg artist
Jordan Soles...chief technology officer: Rodeo FX
Joseph Soloway...rotoscope artist
Reyffer Sousa...compositor: Atomic Arts
Jonas Sperl...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Marco Spitoni...previs artist
Stephen T. Spurlock...stereo compositing artist
Frederic St-Arnaud...matte painter: Rodeo FX
Mike Stadnyckyj...compositor
Albrecht Steinmetz...camera lead: Weta Digital
Andrea R. Stephens...production coordinator: Deluxe 3D
G. Allen Stewart...stereoscopic conversion artist
Matteo Stirati...modeller: Weta Digital
Joshua Stirling...roto artist
Nicholas Stocker...stereoscopic artist
Bobby Stockport...visual effects artist
Justin Stockton...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Frederick George Stuhrberg...3d scanning
Allison Sturdy...stereoscopic depth artist
Kamalakar Suryavanshi...stereo compositor
Adrian Sutherland...digital compositor: Soho vfx
Josh Swanson...compositor: Stereo D
Sarah Swick...visual effects producer: Soho VFX
Mike Swiegot...visual effects artist
Raqi Syed...lighting technical director
Ronald Tacsion...rotoscope artist
Ronen Tanchum...effects technical director
Eric Tang...lead creature technical director: Weta Digital
Rob Tasker...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Andrew Taylor...shader writer: Weta Digital (as Andrew R. E. Taylor)
Brandon Taylor...digital compositor
Sandy Taylor...production manager - camera dept
Beau Teora...visual effects artist
Brandon Terry...visual effects editor: Spin VFX
Christopher Terry...lead stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Radley Teruel...digital artist
Kieran Tether...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Ainslie Thomas...project manager: Soho VFX
Craig Thomas...visual effects production coordinator: Weta Digital
Patrick Thompson...digital compositor
Eric Timm...stereoscopic artist
Robert Tobin...senior stereoscopic artist
Kar Hung Tom...system administrator: Rodeo FX
Egor Tomskiy...previz artist: animator
Audrea Topps Harjo...creatures production manager: WETA Digital
Viviana Torrellas...stereoscopic depth artist: Stereo D
Mariko Tosti...shaders coordinator: Weta Digital
Benoit Touchette...senior staff: Rodeo FX
Adrien Toupet...effects technical director: Weta Digital
Joseph Towe...junior compositor
Micole Toyloy...senior digital artist: Factory VFX
Derek Tracy...stereoscopic compositor
Khuong Tran...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Thomas Tran...Desktop Administrator (as Tomas Tran)
Tuong-Van Tran...effects technical director
Mark Victor Trappett...render wrangler
Chris Treichel...stereo production coordinator: Stereo D
Marjolaine Tremblay...senior staff: Rodeo FX
Gabriel Tremblay-Beauvais...CG artist: Rodeo FX
John Treusch...visual effects artist
John Trotter...stereoscopic compositor
Adam Trowse...digital compositor
Iyi Tubi...paint and rotoscope artist: Atomic Arts
Melanie Rose Tucker...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic painter
Barry R. Tuttle...visual effects coordinator: The Base Studio
Kraig Tytus...vfx assistant coordinator
Jimmy Uddo...visual effects production assistant
Alexey Uskov...cg supervisor: CGF
Elliottness A. Valentin...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Luke Vallee...digital compositor
Josiah Van Arsdel...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Sherin Varghese...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Aurelio x. Vera Jr....lead stereoscopic compositor
Fabrice Vienne...CG artist: Rodeo FX
Douglas Peter Viljoen...rotoscope artist
Isaac Von Leu...digital effects artist
Anton Voytenkov...character rigger: Spin VFX
Reed Wade...production engineer
Ghanshyam Sureshbhai Waghela...Visual effects artist, StereoD
Chris Walker...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Brenda R. Wallace...production engineer
Kendrick Wallace...visual effects producer
Gwyneth Walton...visual effects artist
Jeffrey Warnhoff...depth artist
Gregory Watkins...rotoscope artist: Method Studios
Mark H. Weingartner...visual effects director of photography
Ashley Whitaker...visual effects
Faith Whitehead...depth artist
Jason Wilson...visual effects artist
Jay Wilson...stereoscopic compositor
Nicholas Wilson...senior digital modeler: Weta Digital
Ryan M. Wilson...stereoscopic artist
Greg Winhall...cg modeler
Andrew Winters...visual effects artist
Chris Winters...senior lighter
Garrett Winters...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Teresa Winters...layout technical director: Weta digital (as Teresa Hooper)
Paul Wojdylo...lighting artist
Alex Wolfe...stereoscopic artist
Bruce Woloshyn...sequence supervisor: Method Studios
Steve Won...vfx line producer: Method Studios
Clare Woodford-Robinson...digital modeler: Weta Digital
Noel Wright...compositor
Peter M. Wu...stereoscopic depth artist: Stereo D, LLC.
Trevor Wyatt...rotoscope and matchmove coordinator
Piotr Fox Wysocki...senior texture r&d and look dev artist
Junying Xu...texture artist: Weta Digital
Vladimir Yakovlev...digital compositor
Tuba Yalcin...effects technical director: Method Studios
Marvin Yanez...stereoscopic roto lead
Jose Yapor...visual effects artist
Viki Yeo...texture artist: Weta digital
Michelle Yhan...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Danyo Donghyun Yoon...previs artist
Joyce Young...lighting techical director: Weta Digital
Marvyn Young...visual effects producer
Kian Zand...digital compositor
Patrick Zentis...matte painter
Tristan Zerafa...digital compositor
Pedram Ziaei...digital artist
Lakshmi Ziskin...3D Producer: StereoD
Valery Zraghevsky...concept artist
Pankaj Brijlani...visual effects artist (uncredited)
Caleb Carr...rotoscope artist (uncredited)
Cody Charfauros...producer: rotoscopy (uncredited)
Colin Cunningham...lighting lead: SOHO VFX (uncredited)
William Jackson...digital artist (uncredited)
Hetal Jain...visual effects producer (uncredited)
Raechel Kasprzak...digital production manager (uncredited)
Goran Kocov...lead matchmove artist (uncredited)
Kire Maslov...matchmove artist (uncredited)
Radhakrishnan...rotoscoping artist: BOT VFX (uncredited)
Scott Squires...additional visual effects supervisor (uncredited)
Andy Wright...render wrangler: weta digital (uncredited)
Edward Paul Yu...compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
0 notes
jewishsimming 1 year
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Summer brought with it the news that there was to be a war, following the assassination of a Windenburg duke.
Jacob was the first to carry the news, already having attained the rank of second lieutenant - he had joined up shortly before his and Sarah鈥檚 wedding.
Benjamin was the second to express his wish to join up.
Aaron was not nearly as enthusiastic. "I began my studies only a year ago," he said, reluctantly, when Ben asked him if he was going to enlist.
It devolved into an argument - the ugliest fight they've had in years, and certainly the closest the brothers have ever come to blows.
Avram listened quietly while Jacob explained what the news meant for them. It didn't escape his notice that the young man studiously avoided expressing his wish one way or another. Avram, of course, knew he was far too old to enlist. With his lumbago and his stiff knees, he would be a liability rather than an asset.
In reality, Jacob knew he had no choice but to go. The only other way was a dishonourable discharge, and what would that mean for his young family? His wife, his children... Rachel and Sam, and another on the way. He dreaded having to break the news to Sarah.
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jewishsimming 2 years
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Updated pictures of the Rozenfeld siblings: Benji, Aaron, Perl and Golde, taken 1909.
Who do you think should be the heir?
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jewishsimming 2 years
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jewishsimming 3 years
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And one for an older Benjamin!
Check this page for genetics.
CC links under the cut. If I don鈥檛 list it, it鈥檚 in the game.
Look #1 - Everyday
Outfit | Stockings
Look #2 - Everyday
Suit | Boots
Look #3 - Everyday
Jacket & Breeches
Look #4
Look #5
Tam | Outfit
Look #6
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jewishsimming 3 years
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I did a lookbok for Benjamin too!
CC links under the cut
Look #1 - Everyday
Overalls | Socks | Boots
Look #2 - Everyday
Hat | Suit
Look #3 - Sleepwear
Look #4 - Party
Look #5 - Summer
Hat | Sailor Suit | Socks
Look #6 - Winter
Hat | Coat | Mittens
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jewishsimming 3 years
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1894 - 1895 family photos!
Top left: Esther, Avram, Sarah and baby Benjamin, taken 1894, just after Benny got his first trousers. Big boy clothes for him :O
Top right: Esther, Sarah and Benny, mid-1895. If you look closely you can see Esther is ~in the family way~
Bottom left: Sarah in her best dress, taken late 1894
Bottom right: A close-up!
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jewishsimming 3 years
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I took some pictures of Esther and Avram鈥檚 second child and son, Benjamin.
Which one do you like best?
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jewishsimming 3 years
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The older Ben and Sarah have gotten, the more chores they have on the farm.
It鈥檚 a bit of a slog, Ben thinks, to get up at cock鈥檚 crow in winter, when the air is so chilly and cold that his fingers have trouble grasping the chicken feed. Although, he must admit, by the time he鈥檚 cleaned out the coop, chased the chickens out into the pen (he gets a savage sort of pleasure at seeing old Babka and Henye screeching and running as fast as their little chicken legs can go) and scattered handfuls of feed around, he鈥檚 warmed up alright and the air is sort of fresh. He enjoys watching his breath steaming in the air and the sun coming up.
Then it鈥檚 off to breakfast, and helping Dad tend the fields, and by mid-morning he, Yanke and Avi can go fishing by old man McMillan鈥檚 pond.
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