#nightmare vs error twitter
cornmayor · 17 days
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[Updates everyday]
All polls are on my twitter account (yes I know not here, sorry xD)
Seraphim (The Thought by TratserEnoyreve) vs FellSwap Sans (FellSwap Gold by Blackgum)
Fell (UnderFell by Fella/Vic) vs Color (OtherTale by Super Youmna)
Cross (XTale by Jael Peñaloza) vs Murder (DustTale by ask-dusttale)
Swap (UnderSwap by p0pcornPr1nce) vs Fatal!Error by Xedramon
Error by CrayonQueen vs Horror (HorrorTale by Sour-Apple-Studios)
Saness (UnderPants by Sr Pelo) vs Killer by Rahafwabas
Epic (EpicTale by yugogeer12) vs Reaper (ReaperTale by Ren)
SwapDream by Song_A and Litemong vs Nightmare (DreamTale by Jokublog)
Insans (Alive by tatatale) vs Crossbones (TS!Underswap by Team Switched)
Ink (_____Tale by Comyet) vs Bill!Sans by Hwamyong
Fresh by CrayonQueen vs Outer (OuterTale by 2mi127)
Slash by ProductionRoxy vs Ganz (GZTale by NyriaTamare)
Dream (DreamTale by Jokublog) vs Pale!Ink by Unu-nunium
Fresh!Ink by Comyet vs Therapist by tehRogue
Geno (AfterTale by CrayonQueen) vs G!Sans by Borurou (EchoTale by Yoralim)
Arz by DanielaVE vs Lust (UnderLust by NSFWshamecave)
Round 1 results
FellSwap Sans (FellSwap Gold by Blackgum) vs Fell (UnderFell by Fella/Vic)
Cross (XTale by Jael Peñaloza) vs Swap (UnderSwap by p0pcornPr1nce)
Error by CrayonQueen vs Killer by Rahafwabas
Reaper (ReaperTale by Ren) vs Nightmare (DreamTale by Jokublog)
Crossbones (TS!Underswap by Team Switched) vs Ink (_____Tale by Comyet)
Fresh by CrayonQueen vs Ganz (GZTale by NyriaTamare)
Dream (DreamTale by Jokublog) vs Fresh!Ink by Comyet
Geno (AfterTale by CrayonQueen) vs Lust (UnderLust by NSFWshamecave)
Round 2 results
Fell (UnderFell by Fella/Vic) vs Cross (XTale by Jael Peñaloza)
Error by CrayonQueen vs Nightmare (DreamTale by Jokublog)
Ink (_____Tale by Comyet) vs Fresh by CrayonQueen
Dream (DreamTale by Jokublog) vs Geno (AfterTale by CrayonQueen)
Round 3 results
Cross (XTale by Jael Peñaloza) vs Error by CrayonQueen
Ink (_____Tale by Comyet) vs Geno (AfterTale by CrayonQueen)
Semifinal results
Error by CrayonQueen vs Geno (AfterTale by CrayonQueen)
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pokegalla · 2 years
If Error wins he’s replacing Nightmare as love interest and I’m making a short story of his victory.
If he wins.
Which might actually happened I just voted recently lol. And he’s winning. Welp! Let’s see!
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steamberrystudio · 6 years
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Weekly Update 11/22/2018
Hey everyone! Happy Thanksgiving to our US followers!
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So, want to quickly update you on what all is going on. We have gotten more testing feedback – a few small lurking errors have been pointed out. We've been fixing those as they come in. "Fix" lists are continuing to get smaller and smaller.
We really want to thank everyone who has beta tested for us at any stage because without testers, we'd just be…lost. Basically.
The game is so long and there are so many small and large branching scenarios. We tried really hard to make sure that choices have a significant impact on the story flow whenever possible – not only does that mean that each choice you make (and there are 307 choice moments within the game) can sometimes result in a quite different scene right then and there, it also means a choice you make in chapter one can cause small or large variations in later chapters. On top of that, some branching scenarios are cumulative which means they only unlock if you've accumulated enough good or bad choices throughout the game to that point.
It means that replay value is pretty high (especially for Completionists!) but testing is kind of a nightmare. You can't just save on every choice screen and go back to change your choices. You really have to play through the whole game multiple times to see and unlock everything and test every ending, CG, scenario, etc.
Without our group of really dedicated and thorough testers, the game just would not be as polished as it is now. So we are just incredibly thankful to anyone who has volunteered hours of their time to test this game for us.
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In addition to the fixes, we've got a long list of small things to do – like adding in all the remaining extras we've been gathering up. That just means going in to find the scenes where they're meant to be used and setting them up.
We coded in our final credits sequence as well. I was telling our testers that I was surprised how different it feels to have an ending actually fade to black and roll credits vs just popping you back into the main menu as it has until this point. We've also commissioned a new track for the credits as well.
And, finally, there’s a list of stuff to double check - stuff like making sure  certain moments have the right transition listed or the right song is playing in a few key scenes. The To-Do list is shrinking by the day, though. So we’re continuing to inch closer and closer to that moment of being able to go “OMG IT’S FINISHED!”
In the meantime, because we are so close - if you can tell other people about ourgame, please do so. We’ve tried to spread the word all during development but, in the end, the people who can spread the word further than we can are you guys. So if you can, please just spread the word, share the project with people, show them the demo...and let everyone know the project is nearing completion. We’d really appreciate it! 
We’ll keep you guys posted on where things stand, and we’ll see you next week! And back to working hard!
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Patreon | Twitter | Demo | 
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Mad Time Trio watching the Nightmare vs Error poll results on Twitter lol my camera looks terrible :’) (this was also a pretty rough sketch) Dust belongs to ask-dusttale-blog Horror belongs to Sourappletweets Killer belongs to Rahafwabas
0 notes
motogpfanpage · 7 years
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Let’s wrap up this season review with our very own MOTOGP 2017 AWARDS!
Man of the Year : Marc Marquez (duh!)
The man to beat, or - like his rivals on track would rather say - the man that should be locked in a room in the middle of the desert without any escape possible. Hard to imagine who could stop the spaniard from becoming the cherry on the top of the Racing cake.
Helmet of the Season: “El Diablo” - JL99 // “Nicky” - AI29
We cannot choose.
We loved Jorge’s “El Diablo” helmet for the amazing dark red design with the eyes on it. It looked stunning.
But We also adored Andrea’s hommage helmet to Nicky Hayden. The simplicity of the design (simply “Nicky” written on the top of the helmet which was painted as a blue sky) made it gorgeous and stunning and the best fitting hommage. <3
Quote of the Year: Andrea Iannone - “Gang Bang” Tweet
After one hell of a race, Andrea Iannone took on twitter to share a picture of the fight at Phillip Island. The tweet simply said “GANG BANG” ... Has someone told him what it really means yet ... ?
Best Race of the Season: Phillip Island - 2017
Many races were amazing this season but Phillip Island was just extra special. The scenery, the non-stop fight, all of the different brands involve. Really, the only thing the Australian GP missed this year was the Ducati bikes fighting with the other. But that, my friend, would have made it, the race of the century!
Save of the Year : Marc Marquez - Valencia GP (save of the DECADE!)
Each and every save by Marquez is out of this world but the Valencia GP one was something else. 
I mean... It could have cost him a world title...!!
The “What do you mean i’m just a rookie” Award: Johann Zarco
Johann Zarco doesn’t give a damn F! about being a rookie. He doesn’t care about who else is on track either. We should have know that at the very moment Zarco made VR46 looked like a GrandPa’ at Losail...
Pass of the Season: 93 vs 04 - Austrian GP - Final Lap
It takes some ba*** to go head to head with Marc Marquez on a final lap of a race. When it’s for the win, it’s even more special !
“Error 404: Communication Faillure” : Mapping 8
You know what we hate more than team orders ? Hidden team order. Mapping 8 simply looked like the modern version of Star Wars’ Order 66.
Crash of the Season: Marc Marquez - Catalan GP 
Come on, there’s NO WAY you’ve forgot about that one! Marc Marquez suffered many crashes this season - as per usual - but he only had one in pit-lane... Off the bike... #Stilllaughingmyassoffthinkingofit 
The “Better than a Soap Opera” Award: SR/JM/MV and their girlfriends
I suggest you go have a look at each of these riders’ instagram and twitter account to understand... In other news, Scott Redding now has a sheep pet!
Nose Job of the Year: Andrea Iannone
Don’t even try to deny it Andrea. We saw the before/after photos...
Fan Question of the Year: “Your girlfriend or Racing” - Danilo Petrucci
The answer is even better really “either i change girlfriend or she starts working”. Wow! 
The “They all predicted it and... It never happened” Award: Vinales
After the pre-season tests, Maverick had already won the title if you were listenning to most experts... Like a famous 69 always said “That's why we line up on Sunday, you never know what's going to happen”.
Best “looking like a dumba$$” moment of the Season: Andrea Iannone - Phillip Island QP Session
Andrea Iannone wanted to get a tow from Marc Marquez at Phillip Island during the QP session this year. The spaniard had other plans. Better than an explanation, have a look at the whole scene here: #HowToLooseYourTow
The “Fans didn’t asked for that” Award: Valentino Rossi - Misano
For Valentino to miss a race - any race - it’s already a nightmare for the fans. For him to miss his home round, to miss Misano, there’s not even words to describe it... yet judging by the F-ING weather they had this weekend, i bet Vale was fine with not racing that day!
Weirdest looking fairing Award: Ducati
It’s a plane! It’s a Shark! It’s a Hammer Head Shark Duca-Plane Bike ! 
The “They didn’t see that coming” Award: Yamaha
They won 4 races. In total. In the whole season. ONLY 4 RACES !!!!!!
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Lupine Publishers | Lasik Enhancement; Lifting the Flap Vs. Surface Ablation
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Lupine Publishers | Trends in Ophthalmology Open Access Journal
Short Communication
Refractive errors re-treatment after primary Lasik treatment is known as Lasik enhancement, by exclusion of the causes of residual errors after Lasik treatment of refractive errors, residual errors may even be still a nightmare for not only the patient but also the surgeon. The factors that can cause imperfect refractive outcome after initial treatment by Lasik are variable and depend on the surgeon skills, selection and preparation of the case, and machine adjustment. The surgeon skills improvement is not within the scope of this article as it needs special attention to many points like training, corneal map reading and finally the decision of doing or not. The case selection and preparation are not that far to the previous point, but the tool is different as we need to analyze the patient data on the base of age, occupation, and the number of refractive errors. Meticulous refractive test and evaluation of refractive status of the patient including manifest and cycloplegic refraction tests, best corrected visual acuity recording including pinhole test and recording the final visual outcome after treatment by Lasik, all are important considerations. Machine adjustment, calibration and regular maintenance are three important factors controlling the dose of laser delivered to the tissue therefore they control the outcome of the procedure.
Indications of Lasik Enhancement
Unless the patient will get a great benefit don’t go for Lasik enhancement as the patient expectations may be out of the frame of the reality and increase the risk of complications. Criteria for eye retreatment were residual refractive error with patient noting suboptimal uncorrected vision, a minimum of 1 line of improvement between uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) and corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), and a stable manifest refraction of no more than a 0.50 D change in either sphere or cylinder documented over a minimum of 3 months. Only patients with a follow-up of 3 months or more post enhancement were included in this study [1]. Exclusion criteria were active ophthalmic diseases, abnormal corneal shape, concurrent medications or medical conditions that could impair healing, and calculated residual stromal bed of less than 250 mm.
Lasik enhancement by Flap Lifting
Advantages including Accurate and predictable results, same plane of ablation as in the primary procedure, Minimal discomfort and Quick visual rehabilitation pushed many surgeons towards this option in the residual errors retreatment after primary Lasik. Performing Lasik enhancement by lifting the Lasik flap has a lot of drawbacks and Complications such as; Difficult flap lifting particularly when the primary procedure is by femtosecond assisted Lasik, Epithelial disruption, Epithelial ingrowth under the flap, Flap related complications, Diffuse lamellar keratitis, infectious keratitis, Flap folds and micro striae, Flap displacement, Flap edge necrosis, Interstitial fluid syndrome and Post Lasik ectasia.
Enhancement by PRK on the Lasik flap
Advantages of the surface ablation on the flap include; easy surgical technique, suitable for thin corneas, decreased the risk of ectasia, suitable for patient who developed post Lasik dry eye, no flap complications and if there are post Lasik flap complications already occurred. Photorefractive keratectomy reduces the flap related higher order aberrations and flap wrinkles, folds or micro striae therefore it avoids the flap complications. Surface ablation on the previous Lasik flap has some disadvantages as well as adverse effects including; postoperative corneal haze due to activated keratocytes which may be controlled by Mitomycin C at the time of surgery or prolonged steroid use postoperatively. Inadvertent flap lift or dislocations in addition to the postoperative pain after the PRK are considered against the preference of many surgeons to the procedure.
Postoperative visual acuity fluctuations add another adverse effect to the technique [2].
Technique of PRK over the Lasik flap
Epithelial removal to expose the stroma is the corner stone of the procedure either using Ethanol 20% application for 20-30 seconds on the proposed area for the stromal exposure is the classic technique which is easier, well known to most of the surgeons and guarantees the whole epithelium removal and well exposure of the stroma but mechanical scraping may contribute to some undesired complications such as flap wrinkles, dislocation and button holing [3]. Another technique of epithelial removal to expose the stroma for ablation is the phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) which uses the excimer laser in removing the epithelium and bare the stroma for work.
Selection of the technique of retreatment of residual errors or regression after primary Lasik surgery is a big challenge and affects the outcome of the procedure; surgeons prefer the easy and predictable technique as advising the patient for a second procedure will not be comfortable and causes some worries. PTK-PRK on the Lasik flap is an easy technique and suitable for small residual errors and regressions in which you will never mechanically touch the cornea so decrease the chance of flap dislocation, wrinkling or button holing. Epithelium thickness is 50-60 microns in normal central corneas and it is variable according to many factors so actual thickness of the treated corneas should be measured meticulously before PTK-PRK.
Complications such as dense haze and sometimes scarring particularly if injured the Bowman’s layer of the cornea still the most challenging drawbacks of the technique.
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yunusamin · 4 years
Therefore, I recommend that you start with the building blocks before you even look at machine
Everyone gets out of the car, and you all munch on some snacks as you walk around the parking lot and enjoy some fresh air. As you turn around, you spot your four-year-old daughter, casually leaning on the grill, sporting her cool shades, and eating a banana. You smile and decide to snap a picture. Andrew is a writer from Orlando, Florida and father of three. He has contributed writing to the Washington Post, McSweeney’s, Parents, Scary Mommy, Weekly Humorist, Fatherly, Human Parts, and City Dads, among others. He enjoys scrolling Twitter and avoiding small talk at all costs. For more, visit his website and follow him on Twitter and Facebook. It’s a sign of humility. To adopt that mindset, it shows one has a drive to learn. To me, this has been the key aspect in my development as a writer, thinker, and person. It’s the main reason I started a learning community.
Unfortunately, Audi’s PR people won’t have any nice memories from posting this exact picture on their Twitter account. In fact, they’ve probably had nightmares ever since.
Are there more predictors than these three? Of course. People often respond with something like this: “What about [insert trait]?” Yes, what about it? The point of this article is not to create a definitive list of success predictors. I don’t believe such a thing exists because success remains a subjective topic.
If you’re like that, you’re making life very hard for yourself. Why would you go through life with so much resistance? Because that’s what it comes down to. When you kick against every wall, you’re resisting outside perspectives. One of the most frustrating is, how elusive perfection has been. By that I simply mean free of typos or grammatical errors. It seems no matter how many times I reread or rewrite, somewhere down the road a simple error can and does still surface. One of the most harmful traits in life is the opposite of having a drive to learn. If you think you know it all, don’t listen to feedback, and are stubborn, I don’t think you can ever be truly successful.
http://pelayosdelapresa.es/syv/real-madrid-vs-shakhtar-donetsk-jp.html http://pelayosdelapresa.es/syv/real-madrid-vs-shakhtar-donetsk-jp1.html http://pelayosdelapresa.es/syv/rm-sd-viv13.html http://pelayosdelapresa.es/syv/rm-sd-viv11.html http://pelayosdelapresa.es/syv/rm-sd-viv12.html https://ruwall.com/ls/real-madrid-vs-shakhtar-donetsk-jp.html https://ruwall.com/ls/real-madrid-vs-shakhtar-donetsk-jp1.html https://ruwall.com/ls/rm-sd-viv13.html https://ruwall.com/ls/rm-sd-viv11.html https://ruwall.com/ls/rm-sd-viv12.html https://rumito.ru/web/real-madrid-vs-shakhtar-donetsk-jp.html https://rumito.ru/web/real-madrid-vs-shakhtar-donetsk-jp1.html https://rumito.ru/web/rm-sd-viv13.html https://rumito.ru/web/rm-sd-viv11.html https://rumito.ru/web/rm-sd-viv12.html https://www.spottv.pro/Live/r-m-v-s-d-1.html https://www.spottv.pro/Live/r-m-v-s-d-2.html https://www.spottv.pro/Live/r-m-v-s-d-3.html https://www.spottv.pro/Live/r-m-v-s-d-4.html https://www.spottv.pro/Live/r-m-v-s-d-5.html
My assumption is that as an aspiring Data Scientist, you’ll want to fully understand the concepts and details of various machine learning algorithms, data science concepts, and so forth.
You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Simply aspire for being content with your own life. That’s already a very high aim because so many people are miserable. And if you can’t have it all? So what? At the end of the ride, you’ll be happy. And that’s what matters the most.
Britney Spears is Publicly Being Held Hostage by Her Abuser and the US Court System Her latest loss in court will mean that despite global support through the #FreeBritney Campaign, she’s not going to…medium.com
The amount of entitlement in this case is absolutely astonishing… and that’s exactly why #MeToo survivors are fighting tooth and nail to bring justice to those who have had to stay silent for so long.
Over the past two years, I’ve learned several things that I wish someone could have told me, like whether to focus on programming or statistics first, what resources I should use to learn new skills, how I should approach learning new skills, etc…
Why Justin Bieber’s Alleged Victims are Only Now Choosing to Speak Out We saw it when #MeToo was at its height, and we’re seeing it again — over 6 years later, and these stories are coming…medium.com
Andrew is a writer from Orlando, Florida and father of three. He has contributed writing to the Washington Post, McSweeney’s, Parents, Scary Mommy, Weekly Humorist, Fatherly, Human Parts, and City Dads, among others. He enjoys scrolling Twitter and avoiding small talk at all costs. For more, visit his website and follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
Commenter Andreas wrote: “The rim alone would probably cost me more than one month’s salary. Who’s supposed to buy these environmentally destructive, expensive pieces of crap? You deserve to go bankrupt, German car industry.”
Why Justin Bieber’s Alleged Victims are Only Now Choosing to Speak Out We saw it when #MeToo was at its height, and we’re seeing it again — over 6 years later, and these stories are coming…medium.com
Referring to an author IQ level in the title likely sent an inaccurate message. What I’m really talking about are tools, teams, actions and discipline. My own writing journey has taught me many things.
Anonymous tweeter “Yet another Boomer” said: “What sexist crapshit. What a shitty car. Cars like this kill children. Could you show any clearer that you don’t give a shit about the environment, life, and the future of our children? You’re a rotten shit-company, please delete yourselves.”
We all learn from each other. When you have the humility to learn from others, you will not only learn faster, you will also become a better person. That’s how generations should work.But it’s not complicated. We make success complicated by comparing ourselves to others. Instead of following our definition of success, we live according to how others define it. That’s how people end up thinking they are not successful.You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Simply aspire for being content with your own life. That’s already a very high aim because so many people are miserable. And if you can’t have it all? So what? At the end of the ride, you’ll be happy. And that’s what matters the most.In promoting their top-of-the-line A4 model — the RS 4 wagon — the image above thoroughly missed its mark — and caused a shitstorm of extraordinary proportions — especially among the German community. Let me translate some of the comments for you.The current generation should be better than the previous one. That might not be always true across the world. But on a personal level, we should all aspire to be better than the ones who came before us. Not because we want to beat them, but because we respect them.
0 notes
arizonagirldiary · 6 years
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Well, let’s not. Because actually we can’t.
I am not outspoken about all things Trump. Everything is so ridiculous to me that my only thoughts are about guessing when the nightmare will end. All of you people who have ever made fun of government policy wonks—don’t you wish they were in charge again?
A few thoughts on this very blustery statement.
Case law, through years of cases related to capital punishment argued before The Supreme Court (48 as of 2016), has narrowed and specifically defined when and how capital punishment can be applied. Capital punishment, or the death penalty, may only be sentenced for capital crimes. These crimes are defined as espionage, treason, and death resulting from aircraft hijacking.
HOWEVER. Capital crimes consist of the offense of murder. such as murder committed during a drug-related drive-by shooting, murder during a kidnapping, murder for hire, and genocide.
Simply stated, capital punishment is primarily sentenced for murder.
Not drug dealers. The misguided, speak-before-thinking, President does not understand, nor seek legal counsel, on the rule of law, case law, or the Constitution. Trump’s thinking is that drug dealers kill people therefore they should get the death penalty (paraphrased).
Flawed logic.
If this logic was true, then DUI manslaughter offenders should get the death penalty because they kill people. If a surgeon made a fatal error during a procedure, the surgeon killed someone and the death penalty would apply. If a domestic violence victim kills his or her’s abuser, they should be sentenced with capital punishment.
State and Federal courts are so backlogged with cases now, can you imagine the log-jam when courts are tasked with redefining how capital punishment is applied?
It’s absurd.
And so is the notion of sentencing drug dealers with capital punishment.
More Americans died of drug overdoses in 2016 than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War—the result of the U.S.’s opioid epidemic, according to Vox.com. I do not profess to know the answer to the very complex and horrific opioid addiction epidemic, although I imagine that the answer lies somewhere within a partnership of physicians, rehabilitation programs vs. incarceration, Big Pharma, and every other stakeholder in this uphill battle.
But this I do know. Empty threats made by the President of the United States, made in public or on Twitter, made specifically for the purpose of attention-grabbing attempts to change the news cycle away from him and an adult film star, well...
...talk to your lawyers. Being his own counsel and firing everyone in his way worked so well for President Nixon. History will tell how well it works for you.
Wikipedia List of United States Supreme Court decisions on capital punishment.
Death penalty offenses. ProCon.org.
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christiluv · 7 years
Dear President Trump
The Democrats keep blocking me from writing you at Whitehouse.gov, because they have essentially ruined my life, so now I must write this open public letter to you, because it is the only way to reach out to you.
......................... ABOUT YOU .........................
Dear Mr. President,
First and foremost, I'd just like to say that my family and I voted for you in 2016, and you are the 1st GOP presidential candidate that I myself have ever cast my vote for at the ballot box. We have GREAT respect for you, your WONDERFUL family and your PHENOMENAL empire, which you have created.
We admire your strength and intelligence, The First Lady's beauty and style, and your kids' grace and poise, following in your footsteps of greatness. We are very proud of you and all the amazing things you have accomplished. We think you're doing a FANTASTIC job!
We also hope that your party falls in line and works with you to get more done, so that you can win again in 2020 as well as in the midterms, and do more good work for "We The People".
You are most certainly-- a "winner"!!! --And we LIKE your tweets!
..................... ABOUT US ....................
~ ME ~
I'm a writer, who's been writing since childhood, won awards for both singing, songwriting, poetry and essays, and I beat out hundreds of teens, chosen to write for The Orlando Sentinel Newspaper as teen journalist and music / concert reviewer.
I studied writing and film in college, wrote, produced and directed the film short, "A Babysitter's Nightmare", and also collaborated with my writing partner / Mom, to write, produce and direct the music video "Love Dance". I've been a church youth leader, who wrote several newsletters and an advice column, and I have a strong social media presence, writing blogs, Youtube "TV" videos, audio books, and a soap opera, "The Young and The Powerful".
Between Facebook, Youtube and Twitter,  I have gained over 10K fans, with songs trending at #1 on ReverbNation for over a year now, and my video / audiobook, "@VirginLoveTV presents The Top 3 Reasons Why I Stopped Dating-- A #VirginSecrets #RealTalk Chat with Christi Luv", and GarageBand album, "@GirlPowerTV presents #CrowdfundThis Til We #RevivePOPmusic!" --An Original Song Sampler CD & MP3, out on Soundcloud and ReverbNation, and soon to be on Amazon.
Some of the novels I've authored include The Book Club Elite acclaimed YA paranormal romance mystery adventure, "Chris Taylor's Hunting Love: The Curse of The Blood Red Seductress", the MG superhero fantasy action adventure, "Chris Taylor's Angel Wars: Comet & Lady Phantom Rise", and the YA murder mystery conspiracy thriller, "The Killer Secrets of Skyler Stone: My Funny Valentine", as well as many screenplays, titles, and a catalog of hit blockbuster commercial concepts, including the inspirational YA paranormal romance mystery drama, "Love Me Tender: The Existence of Sound".
~ MOM ~
My Mom is a veteran performer of stage, tours (Marvelettes, Platters), TV, Broadway, Film ("Hair!", U. A.), and recording (Motown, CBS), with songs published ("Maybe, Maybe Not", "Smile", E.M.I. Italy), and a studio singer on film soundtracks ("The Point", "Lion King"). She's written poems, stories, and stage plays since youth, later wrote, produced, and directed many summer youth productions, and has received awards from The Orlando Bureau of Recreation, Young Adults Progressive Club, NY Chamber of Commerce & Ohio Mayor's Office Recognition Awards for her work, presented by S.T.A.A (Support The Artists of America).
She wrote, produced and directed a PBS TV documentary, "Did You Know? Well You Should!", which won wide acclaim, was a journalist and theatre / film critic columnist for 5 years with The Orlando Times Newspaper. Affiliations include ASCAP, SAG - AFTRA, WGA, and FMPTA, with her PBS broadcasted TV special, "@BlackHeroesTV presents #HEROisTheNewBLACK!"--a positive documentary film series pilot, and "@GirlPowerTV presents #SupportHiddenLegends 2 #SaveMusicLegacies" Blog Journal, coming soon to Amazon.com.
Some of the novels TP has authored include The Book Club Elite acclaimed YA psychological drama suspense mystery, "T.D. Perkins' The Boy Next Door", and the YA social human interest drama, "T.D. Perkins' In His Shoes", as well as many screenplay scripts, titles, and a catalog of hit blockbuster commercial concepts, including the YA romantic horror mystery comedy, "Bite Me!".
Together, we write both fiction and nonfiction, in multiple genres, with an eye for promoting better positive role model characters of more diverse colors, heroes, and the spiritual power and beauty of God. We also write our novels as screenplays, with the end goal of producing them as blockbuster films. We have also written and compiled over 20 blog-journals together, including, "@MySoulFireTV presents The Hi-5-IQ Homeschooler's Guide To Critical Thinking ~ An Educational Textbook Series Overview & Notebook", which will be out soon on Amazon.
......................................... ABOUT OUR FAMILY .........................................
We are The Perkins Family. We've volunteered, donated, and hosted fund-raisers for other peoples' noble causes, and given to many charities, regularly over decades. On the creative front, we have conscientiously woven important social and moral causes into all of our written works, music and productions, and seek to educate and enlighten as well as entertain. We live in a racially mixed middle class neighborhood in Altamonte Springs, Florida. Born into a blended melting pot of Native American, Black and German blood in our ancestry, we come from a great family legacy of American History.
I spring from a noted genius musician and arranger dad, who graduated from a military academy.My grandpa was a military Veteran and former Sergeant, who fought for our country in World War 2, and lost his left hand. My great grandfather William Warley-- a Black Newspaper Owner / Editor / Publisher and NAACP Leader-- fought in 1917 to racially desegregate the housing communities in Louisville, Kentucky, with the historic U.S. Supreme Court case of Buchanan vs Warley-- and WON-- which is why he named her grandma "Victoria"-- for their/our "VICTORY". My uncle served in The Air Force, and other family members have served in various positions, or are currently serving our country and faith in other powerful ways. So the work we and our family have done and still do has given back to others in multiple ways. We look forward to giving back even more in creative ways.
.......................................... ABOUT THIS LETTER ..........................................
The reason why I'm writing you this letter is because some (and perhaps many) of us over in The I-4 Corridor purple swing state of Florida are being persecuted by at least 1 of 3 organized entities-- Utilities, Inc, Duke Energy, and an unidentified biological engineering agency that has been abusing their power in our home.
Utilities Inc and Duke Energy have cut off our-- and other peoples'-- water and power, over stupid technicalities and errors that were their fault or their orchestration, and there has been no compensation for all the business, health, and sanity that was lost from it.
We have consulted lawyers and are considering our lawsuit options to sue them. But what we need from you is your attention to the fact that these companies have no competition-- and that is why they get away with murder, hurting millions of seniors, veterans, and shut-ins all over the state and country.
Many people have worked hard but are still living paycheck to paycheck because the fields that they are good at or have expertise in do not pay them well, or no one will give them a better gig than what they have-- or they're too old or too sick to matriculate in the rough and tumble job market. These people need protection from vulture monopolies-- and competitive capitalism is the answer.
Won't you stand up for healthy competition for the monopolies that control peoples' lives?
We are literally starving artists, as there is no food in our fridge right now, but we are hungry for more than just physical tangible food--
We are hungry for change.
We are hungry for truth.
We are hungry for triumph.
We're also hungry for food--
But right now, we are passionately hungry for justice.
Will you help us fight back against the tyranny of the greedy monopolies that dominate our daily lives?
Before we file an official lawsuit against these companies, preferably this month, we are asking you or your people to step in and make an example of our utilities company and power company, using our situation to show why Free Market Capitalism-- the realm that you MASTER like a KING-- and the competition that makes it work-- are all so important to our society-- and to show that people-- especially those who have health problems, disabilities, and/or are aging seniors, who've worked all their lives and deserve a break now-- should not live and die on computer glitches and stupid procedural technicalities-- or company error.
It would also prove to all the ridiculously dumb haters and lying traitors out there that you really do care about people of color too, cause you're not racist like they try to slander you as, and it also shows everyone that you're so likable and winning that you got a socially conservative Independent (me) and Democrat (mom) to vote for you in 2016-- simply because--
--you just got it like that.
Either way, you would be doing good for good people, all over Central Florida, as well as doing good for a family that just so happens to come from a historic legacy of noble American History, honorable military veteran service, and uniquely creative giftedness.
We are suffering terribly-- constantly hungry and stressed out-- and I do believe that The Agency directing such negative things in our lives is savage, vicious, inhumane, abusive, haughty and vile. The evil way they torment us is cruel and unusual punishment-- and it needs to stop, like yesterday.
Please use your power to make them STOP doing bad things to us. Please rescue us. We put our hopes in Obama and he let us down. So now it's your turn. Please be our hero and show our old liberal friends-- and new conservative ones-- why we voted for you.
We are desperate for relief-- as ANY relief is GOOD relief at this point, and if things don't let up, I will have to hitchhike at night on the highway, to the ocean-- just to escape the pain and torture of it all.
We believe in you.
And I believe that as soon as this letter meets your eyes-- or your reader's eyes-- you'll come to our rescue and save our day, like The Big Man On Campus that you are. Because you are The Leader of our FREE World, The Head of our State, The Commander In Chief who WE voted for and supported the candidacy of, from jump street. We knew you were gonna win as soon as you said you were running!
That's how much faith we had in you!
So whether you get personally involved or you delegate someone on a lower level to get involved with this case, I know in my heart, soul, and gut that somehow you will help to fix this mess-- cause God put you in power to fight for the PEOPLE and make RIGHT what all the incompetent apathetic LOSERS do WRONG.
Because THAT'S who you ARE.
We are on your side, we have always been on your side during this election cycle, and we will remain standing by your side-- if we have any legs left to stand on by the end of this summer, month and week. Cause we're falling apart at the seams and when I prayed to God to deliver us, He told me to go directly to you, surpass all others, and reach out to the one in the highest office--
--and that's you.
Our last remaining hope...
Thank you. God Bless you. And if you see fit, we also welcome you to help support our efforts to help seniors, veterans and shut-ins in our Christian, faith-based Angel Hearts Art Club crowdfund project to raise funds to help the community at Patreon.com/SoulFireTV, and our effort to cure painful issues like my medical matters at Patreon.com/CureMeTV.
Thank you for reading this. We hope to hear from you or your people soon. We know you're busy dealing with crazy psycho dictators and whatnot... Hope all is well! :) And thanks so much for saving us all from this indecent hell!
God Bless!
Sincerely, Christi Luv AKA Chris Taylor 407-227-3710 / 407-788-8986 / [email protected] ReverbNation.com/ChristiLuv / MyArtHaven.WixSite.com/Shop
Patreon.com/CureMeTV (To Pay For My Medicine)
Patreon.com/ChristiLuv (To Support Other Causes Including: Angel Hearts Art Club for Seniors, Vets & Shut-Ins & Crowdfund To Turn Our Positive, Original, Inspirational Teen and Young Adult Reading Novels Into Graphic Novels)
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foodoliplife · 5 years
Points in five game $498 Womens Cedric Paquette Jersey
Read More >> The unofficial start of the 2017 Cheap Jerseys NFL NCAA Tournament is tonight, which means the deadline for completing your bracket is fast approaching. Vanderbilt: The Commodores finished strong by outscoring UNC Asheville 50 in the second half, getting strong efforts from Ryan, Shittu and Wetzell. Rhode Island , tallying two interceptions with one returned 24 yards for a TD…Finished tied for third on Baseball Jerseys Wholesale the team with eight tackles in the FCS semifinal at North Dakota State …Returned from a season-ending injury the previous season to become a second-team All-CAA selection as a redshirt sophomore in 2015, starting all 12 games and finishing with a Baseball Jerseys Wholesale career-high 88 tackles , two INTs Cheap NFL Jerseys USA and a forced fumble…Was named CAA Defensive Player of the Week vs. ”He did great things for the organization. 11, in Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif. 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airoasis · 7 years
Darrelle Revis feels no extra motivation ahead of season debut vs. Jets
ESPN. "For me throughout my career, it's always been about timing. I just felt where I was at in my training that I was fit and ready to come back and play football.''
The longtime Jet has nothing but fond memories of his time in New York.
"We have a long history ... I had an awesome time there," said Revis. "We had our runs, our AFC championships back to back that we missed out on. Great guys, great teammates that I've been around there. Most of my legacy was with the Jets, so I don't think it's anything (personal). I'm just on another team. This is my fourth ball club throughout my career, and now I'm focused on our team goals and what we're trying to do as a team and accomplish."
Revis doesn't believe that signing with the Chiefs would leave the fans angry.
"For me personally, I don't think there's any ill will or anything to take a stab at or get back at the Jets for any reason," Revis said.
Revis also admitted it's going to be "exciting to see" how he's received by the Jets crowd.
Tags:Darrelle Revis
GEICO SportsNite: Robby Anderson
Todd Bowles discusses Robby Anderson's rise to stardom in a season in which the Jets have dramatically exceeded expectations.
Todd Bowles discusses Robby Anderson's rise to stardom in a season in which the Jets have dramatically exceeded expectations.
Daily News. "I was taught to trust your preparation. That's what I did. That's the reason those plays were called in that certain situation."
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Ralph Vacchiano |
New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning stands in a tunnel with teammates before an NFL football game against the Washington Redskins in Landover, Md., Thursday, Nov. 23, 2017. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) (Patrick Semansky/AP)
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. - Imagine waking up from this nightmare of a season for the Giants just in time for Week 1 of the 2018 season. And there, just like old times, comes Eli Manning, running out of the Meadowlands tunnel.
Only this time he's wearing green.
It's crazy, right? And it probably makes no sense. It will look and feel to everyone like as much of a betrayal as if the long-time Giants quarterback signed with the Cowboys or the Eagles. Besides, a 37-year-old quarterback wouldn't exactly fit into the Jets' youth movement...
Tags:Eli Manning, Josh McCown, Ralph Vacchiano
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Robby Anderson
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GEICO SportsNite: Jets
Jets quarterback Josh McCown comments on Eli Manning's benching and the Jets prepare for a reunion with Darrelle Revis and the Chiefs.
The Jets (4-7) face the Chiefs (6-5) on Sunday at MetLife Stadium. Here's what's going on today…
Need to know
The Jets practice again today at Florham Park. SNY's Ralph Vacchiano will be attending practice this week. Follow @RVacchianoSNY on Twitter to keep up with all the latest Jets news and rumors…
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Will Bowles return next season?
Willie Colon and Jon Hein discuss if Todd Bowles will be the head coach next season and if it is time for a quarterback change for the Jets.
Brian Winters, Juston Burris, Matt Forte, Steve McLendon
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Follow @RVacchianoSNY on Twitter to keep up with all the latest Jets news and rumors.
In case you missed it on TJB
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Follow @RVacchianoSNY on Twitter to keep up with all the latest Jets news and rumors.
In case you missed it on TJB
Tags:Kansas City Chiefs
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Ralph Vacchiano |
New York Jets quarterback Josh McCown calls a play at the line of scrimmage during the first half against the Carolina Panthers at MetLife Stadium. (Ed Mulholland/USA TODAY Sports)
The future will have to wait. Again.
Despite another dispiriting loss, and with the playoffs just about out of reach, Jets head coach Todd Bowles has again resisted making a quarterback change. Rather than turn to 26-year-old backup Bryce Petty or 22-year-old Christian Hackenberg, Bowles said he is again sticking with his regular starter: 38-year-old Josh McCown.
Tags:Bryce Petty, Christian Hackenberg, Josh McCown, Ralph Vacchiano
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Ralph Vacchiano |
Nov 26, 2017; Kansas City, MO, USA; Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Darrelle Revis (24) (Jay Biggerstaff)
The Jets are paying Darrelle Revis a little less than $6 million this season. So it seems only fair that he'll play in one of their games.
That, of course, will take place this Sunday when the 32-year-old Revis is scheduled to make his debut for the Kansas City Chiefs. He signed with them last Wednesday, eight months after the Jets released him. The Jets were pretty convinced Revis' NFL career was over when they cut him. Think he might have a little something to prove?
Tags:Darrelle Revis, Ralph Vacchiano
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Austin Seferian-Jenkins, Christian Hackenberg, Demario Davis, Josh McCown, Morris Claiborne, Muhammad Wilkerson, Wesley Johnson
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ArDarius Stewart, Austin Seferian-Jenkins, Brandon Shell, Brian Winters, Elijah McGuire, James Carpenter, Josh McCown, Matt Forte, Robby Anderson
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The Post's Mark Cannizzaro. "I was single-handedly the culprit for why we didn't score today in the red zone. I take full responsibility. If I catch both of those, it's a different game." 
Tags:Austin Seferian-Jenkins
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Should McCown remain at starter?
Jets Pre Game Live discusses the benefits of Josh McCown holding onto the Jets' starting quarterback role for the remainder of the season.
Jets QB Josh McCown may have had his best game statistically with the Green & White, but it was his fourth-quarter fumble that will be remembered in the team's 35-27 loss to the Panthers. 
The Jets didn't look like they were going up against the second-best defense in the NFL as they were going shot-for-shot with the Panthers all game long. They eventually took their first lead of the game, 20-18, early in the fourth quarter, and had the field position to open it up as well. But McCown made a crucial error by trying to throw the ball as he was being sacked, and instead, fumbled near midfield. 
Panthers LB Luke Kuechly would scoop it up and take it to the house to regain the lead, and the Jets wouldn't see a lead the rest of the afternoon. 
Tags:Josh McCown
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Ralph Vacchiano |
New York Jets wide receiver Robby Anderson catches a touchdown pass defended by Carolina Panthers cornerback James Bradberry during the first half at MetLife Stadium. (Ed Mulholland/USA TODAY Sports)
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- Jets wide receiver Robby Anderson looked like a Pro Bowler with his big performance on Sunday. But he looked small when he turned to the TV cameras and started begging for votes.
It's unfortunate, but that plea stole some of the spotlight from Anderson's six-catch, 146-yard, two-touchdown performance in Sunday's 35-27 loss to the Carolina Panthers. One of his touchdown catches was a dazzling display of athleticism. The other one was a testament to his football smarts and his chemistry with quarterback Josh McCown.
But after that catch -- a 54-yarder in the third quarter -- the 24-year old found one of Fox TV's cameras and said, "How about you vote for me for the Pro Bowl man, please?"
Tags:Carolina Panthers, Josh McCown, Morris Claiborne, Robby Anderson, Ralph Vacchiano
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Ralph Vacchiano |
GEICO SportsNite: FNNY on Jets
The Football Night in NY panel discusses what went wrong for the Jets, as a disastrous fourth quarter cost them late against the Panthers.
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- The simple truth is that the Jets were not ready for this. They weren't ready for the reset expectations, the competitive games or a playoff race in late December. They have proven they are far better, far more advanced than anyone expected three months ago.
But they are just not ready to win.
They'll get there (probably) but they're not there yet, as they showed again by throwing away yet another game in the fourth quarter. This time, they did it with the usual array of turnovers, drops and penalties, and they even threw in a punt return for a touchdown. In the end, they ended up losing 35-27 to the Carolina Panthers in another game they seemed poised to win.
Tags:Austin Seferian-Jenkins, Carolina Panthers, Josh McCown, Robby Anderson, Ralph Vacchiano
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Ralph Vacchiano |
New York Jets center Wesley Johnson cannot grab the ball after New York Jets quarterback Josh McCown fumbled for a turnover in the second half against the Carolina Panthers at MetLife Stadium. (Danielle Parhizkaran/USA TODAY Sports)
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- It's hard to call them the "same old Jets" because things aren't as bad and dysfunctional as they've been in the past. They are building something, even if the growing pains are increasingly painful.
But Sunday's loss, on the heels of a string of bad losses, sure did have the "same old" feel.
How else to explain the Jets once again holding their own against one of the better teams in the NFL only to maddeningly throw it all away in the fourth quarter, this time with their already thin playoff hopes clinging to the line? Their 35-27 home loss to the Carolina Panthers was their fifth loss in six games, and it felt like all the others. If only they hadn't made so many mind-boggling mistakes at key points late in the game.
Tags:Austin Seferian-Jenkins, Bilal Powell, Buster Skrine, Carolina Panthers, Josh McCown, Morris Claiborne, Robby Anderson, Steve McLendon, Ralph Vacchiano
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Jets Post Game Overtime: 11/26
The Jets Post Game Overtime studio crew hands out their report cards on Gang Green's performance in the 35-27 loss to the Panthers.
The Jets Post Game Overtime studio crew hands out their report cards on Gang Green's performance in the 35-27 loss to the Panthers.
Bowles and McCown on loss
Todd Bowles and Josh McCown discuss how the Jets' poor fourth-quarter mired with turnovers and penalties led to the loss against Carolina.
QB Josh McCown connected with WR Robby Anderson on two key touchdown passes, but the Panthers took control in the fourth quarter and escaped with a 35-27 win at MetLife Stadium on Sunday. >> Box score
Tags:Josh McCown, Robby Anderson
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Matt Forte, Morris Claiborne
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Vacc's 3 Keys to Jets win
SNY NFL Insider Ralph Vacchiano gives his three keys for a Jets victory over the Carolina Panthers on Sunday.
SNY NFL Insider Ralph Vacchiano gives his three keys for a Jets victory over the Carolina Panthers on Sunday.
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Rich Cimini of ESPN. "Whether it is getting out of the pocket and scrambling, or just Cam being Cam, we have to make sure we keep him in the pocket and he doesn't have explosive plays."
Tags:Muhammad Wilkerson
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GEICO SportsNite: Jets
Ralph Vacchiano and Jeane Coakley discuss the Jets' preparations for this week's game against the Carolina Panthers.
Ralph Vacchiano |
Nov 12, 2017; Tampa, FL, USA; New York Jets quarterback Josh McCown (15) against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Raymond James Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports (Aaron Doster)
THE GAME: The Carolina Panthers (7-3) at the Jets (4-6) at the Meadowlands in East Rutherford, N.J., on Sunday, Nov. 26 at 1 p.m. ET.
THE WEATHER: Not a terrible day, with partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the upper 40s, but the wind could potentially be around 20 m.p.h. That could impact the passing games of both teams. Normally that would be an advantage for the Jets, but not necessarily here.
WHAT IT MEANS: It's kind of remarkable that after losing four of five in agonizing fashion the Jets are right in the thick of the playoff race....
Tags:Jamal Adams, Ralph Vacchiano
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billysdaysaway-blog · 7 years
Heathrow to Atlanta, Virgin, Upper Class
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12 APRIL 2017 So, you may recall that Virgin had an amazing one-route-one-day sale way back in November last year. If you don't, it was £1096 rtn in Upper to Chicago. I decided to bite the bullet, but for my dates, there were no direct flights (and in fact, the direct route has been dropped - a real shame.) and given that I am now an anxious flyer I wanted to fly on a more modern plane internally in the US. So that meant flying via Atlanta. It turned out to be quite fortuitous as it's a nice long flight, changing at Atlanta was a breeze, and it would lead to my first ever US domestic flight! There were to be some dramas with the booking on the way - I posted about them here, and at one point I started booking BA flights instead as VS were annoying me so much. It all started... (plays dreamy harp music)... ...when I asked my friend if she would be willing to go to Chicago. Unfortunately, by this time the super cheap fare had disappeared, but still, I had made a commitment, so that was that. Second issue: two days after my booking, the connecting flight no longer appeared on the VS website. Strangely, I could book it on the DL internet site. So, booking made, carefully ensuring that we were on the same flight, the booking was confirmed. Nothing more to do, except call VS and DL to link the bookings. Easy. A few months later, I received an email from DELTA regarding my pals booking. There had been a schedule change on the inbound flight, and the connection was no longer valid. Not to worry, they have reprotected my pal. ATL-JFK-LHR all on Delta. I log into Virgin to see my booking, Virgin have an alert to advise of a schedule change, but I have to call them to change. There now begins what I hesitatingly call a nightmare. I don't like hyperbole (I've told you that a million times!!!) but my goodness VS tested my patience. They couldn't help with the DL booking. And DL couldn't help with my booking. There was a schedule change because DL realised they could get more revenue from other passengers (honestly, that's what VS told me.) They eventually, after about 90 minutes of phone calls (75 of those minutes being on hold) got us back on the same flights. Only for, at regular intervals, the bookings to revert to the initial, now unworkable connection, and for DL to action a re-route, with VS playing catch up. Each time I called, I was told that the bookings were not linked. Each time I called, I asked could the bookings be linked. Each time I called, I was told that the bookings were now linked. The bookings were never linked. I even checked BA direct flights as by this point I thought about cutting my losses, and just going to the dark side. Then, a brainwave. While at the Clubhouse for a trip to Boston, I approached the desk there and explained the situation. In about three minutes they sorted both flights, and give me a printed itinerary for each booking. About a month before the flight departed, I received another ntoification of a schedule change - yes - I was back on the unworkable connection at Atlanta. Shouting at Virgin over Twitter, they assured me that there was an error on the website (!!!) and I was definitely on the same connection as my friend. I decided not to look at my booking after that. What was interesting is that DL were always more proactive with my friends booking than Virgin were with mine, even though we were all on the same flight. Online check-in opened and while mobile boarding passes were not available, I was able to collect a paper one at the airport. I tend to stay over at the Ibis Styles these days as it avoids very early journeys to Heathrow from the other side of London. The Ibis was fine as usual, and the next morning we jumped in an Uber to T3. I always love the Virgin side of T3 - it's a very welcoming sight! Check-in was fairly quick - I don't know what it is but I always end up behind seriously slow passengers at the Upper Class bag drop. This wasn't really an issue today as we were there early, to enjoy all the Clubhouse had to offer. Also as usual, security was quick. Virgin's private security channel is really amazing and a feather in their cap. Doddled through the duty free maze, and ended up at the steps. It's always interesting to see the Clubhouse through other passengers eyes, especially when you explain that all the F&B is complimentary. 
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We had a lovely breakfast, and then sat down by the windows overlooking American Airlines apology! 
We were checked on regularly and the overall atmosphere was busy, yet still sedate. 
The building work where the library used to be is finished, and it is now more dining tables, but feels like a natural extension.
We left the Clubhouse on the first flight call as I wanted to maximise the time on the plane, and to avail of the priority boarding. Well, you've got to! I was somewhat dismayed to discover we'd be on an A340-600, much preferring the seats on the A330 and 787. However, my memory must have been playing tricks on me, as the seats were very comfortable. Welcome drinks were served (water for me) and if I recall there were 250 pax on board. Upper was full. 
At take off I spied at tiny FlyBe Dash8 next to a 747. Flybe have started flights from Heathrow to Edinburgh and Aberdeen.   
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Service was lovely, and I went to the bar which was quite busy and had some nice chats with other passengers. Two of them were flying Virgin for the first time and were really impressed, having previously been Delta fans. That was nice to hear, and I could see why they felt like this: the crew were lovely, and nothing was too much trouble.
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I had a burger at the bar later, and then a scone, before going back to my seat to watch the end of Bad Moms. So, it was a happy Sealink and friend who arrived in Atlanta, slightly full of trepidation at my first US connecting flight, and of course, my first domestic flight. US Customs was a breeze, (I have Global Entry) but that wasn't working properly; so a very friendly customs agent helped me. I found everyone in Atlanta Airport to be friendly - I had been advised on the plane that I would notice a difference compared to New York and Boston. On to the DL lounge for our connecting flight to the Chicago - a simply fantastic city.
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