#bermuda cedar
cedarspiced · 11 months
play toys with me.
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type-greninja · 1 year
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Sun Room in New York Design ideas for a mid-sized cottage sunroom renovation with a stone fireplace, a regular ceiling, and a regular fireplace.
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pigs-in-art · 1 year
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Bermuda Settlers (1899-1900) by Winslow Homer
Bermuda Settlers – five wild hogs roaming a cedar grove – is Homer’s depiction of the first European “settlers” to the islands of Bermuda. Hogs were dropped in the water by 16th century Spanish and Portuguese sailors who used Bermuda as a navigational landmark when traveling to Mexico and beyond. They referred to Bermuda then as ‘Hogge Island.’ The sailors knew the hogs would swim to shore and breed – building a ready supply of food in case of emergency. The hogs became food for shipwrecks on Bermuda’s dangerous reefs as well as food for eventual British colonists. The hogs’ importance in Bermuda was such that in 1615 a rendering of one of them was featured Bermuda’s Hog Money, the earliest Colonial coinage produced in the English speaking New World. Bermuda’s current 1 cent coin also features a hog and Homers watercolor above was featured on a Bermuda postage stamp in 1987.
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ozma914 · 6 months
Being Allergic To Allergies
 When I complained to my surgeon that I was still having symptoms of sinus problems, he stuck a big metal tube up my nostril and worked it around for half an hour. Then he stuck it up my other nostril.
And now I no longer complain to my sinus surgeon--about anything.
Then he asked me how long it's been since I was allergy tested. It turns out people with allergies should be tested every few years or so, because in some cases allergies come and go, such as when you get older and your body starts to break down. Not that I'm describing me. Nope.
It had been ten years, so the next week they used up their entire supply of needles on me. If something swelled up and turned red, it wasn't a rebellious pimple: It was Mother Nature thumbing her nose.
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Mother Nature has a big nose.
My entire arm, upper and lower, looked like a Braille dictionary. I was allergic to everything on Earth, half of everything on the Moon, and dust from Mars.
Okay, so that wasn't really true. For instance, I'm not allergic to Timothy Grass, who I'm fairly sure is the lead singer for Three Dog Night. Much to my shock, I'm not allergic to ragweed. Also, although I once had an allergic reaction after fighting a fire in a pine woods, I'm not allergic to pine. There must have been some cottonwood, birch, ash, red cedar, walnut, oak or hickory among those burning pines.
My cat allergy was confirmed, but--surprise!--I'm no longer allergic to dogs. We still aren't getting another one, though: We had the perfect dog for a decade, and he's not so easily replaceable.
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Beowulf was very cuddly, and it turns out he never got his dander up.
Otherwise it was all the usual: molds, grasses, dust, politicians, and those dirty, nasty bed mites, which are much like politicians but with higher morals. Plants? Russian Thistle, English Plantain, Bermuda Grass--none a problem as long as I stay here in the good old USA.
Now, all but two of these tested at a "moderate" level. Only two read as severe and one of those was, naturally, Aspergillus, which can cause infections all over the place--including the sinuses.
It's a mold, which is a type of fungus, and (I learned) it can be really, really nasty. Being allergic to Aspergillus is like being especially susceptible to the Black Death.
Then came the real shock, and the second allergy testing at the "severe" level:
If you know my wife, you get why hearing that was like being ... well, kicked by a horse.
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An entire horse-sized battlefield, loaded with Mark-seeking guided dander.
 Emily is what's known as a "horse person".
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Wait--she's wearing my hat!
And what are we going to do about this? Well ... nothing. I mean, sure, Emily will clean up as soon as she gets home, but it's not like I'm going to demand she gives up horses. It would be like telling me to give up chocolate, something I'm NOT allergic to. You gotta do what you love.
As for me, I have to choose between allergy shots and trying to get rid of mold like Penicillium, Eicoccum, and that wonderful Asperigillus, all of which can be found on ...
Guess I'll take the shots.
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Hey ... are those books on my dusty carpet?
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Remember: Every time you don’t buy a book, I start sneezing. Save my sinuses.
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poem-today · 7 months
A poem by Andrew Marvell
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Where the remote Bermudas ride In th’ocean’s bosom unespied, From a small boat, that row’d along, The list’ning winds receiv’d this song. ‘What should we do but sing his praise That led us through the wat’ry maze Unto an isle so long unknown, And yet far kinder than our own? Where he the huge sea-monsters wracks, That lift the deep upon their backs, He lands us on a grassy stage, Safe from the storm’s and prelates’ rage. He gave us this eternal spring Which here enamels everything, And sends the fowls to us in care, On daily visits through the air. He hangs in shades the orange bright, Like golden lamps in a green night; And does in the pomegranates close Jewels more rich than Ormus shows. He makes the figs our mouths to meet And throws the melons at our feet, But apples plants of such a price, No tree could ever bear them twice. With cedars, chosen by his hand, From Lebanon, he stores the land, And makes the hollow seas that roar Proclaim the ambergris on shore. He cast (of which we rather boast) The Gospel’s pearl upon our coast, And in these rocks for us did frame A temple, where to sound his name. Oh let our voice his praise exalt, Till it arrive at heaven’s vault; Which thence (perhaps) rebounding, may Echo beyond the Mexique Bay.’ Thus sung they in the English boat An holy and a cheerful note, And all the way, to guide their chime, With falling oars they kept the time.
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Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
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bermudianabroad · 9 months
a classic that will probably be all sorts of confusing so here's a handy cheat sheet under the cut for the items mentioned.
a chick-de-village (or kiskadee) in a paw paw tree two cassava pies three codfish cakes four Bermuda Onions (shout out to Stephen King for mentioning them very briefly in The Shining ((they're the only onions Dick Hallorann will buy because *characterisation reasons*)) fiiiive golden longtails on a chaaaain (seems like every woman of a certain generation has one of these.) six conch shell blowers (this one might be self explanatory). seven cedar shoe horns eight Cup Match t-shirts (Somerset vs St. Georges ((go st georges...))) nine gombeys dancing ten limestone moongates eleven Somerset churches (Somerset is like... way up country. take your passport.) twelve Dark and Stormies (don't drink all at once acegirls and boys.)
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discoverhowitworks · 1 year
8 Worst Plants for Your Allergies
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As the seasons change, many people suffer from allergies caused by pollen in the air. However, some plants are worse than others when it comes to triggering allergy symptoms. In this article, we will discuss eight of the worst plants for your allergies and how to avoid them. - Ragweed is one of the most common allergenic plants, and its pollen can travel for hundreds of miles in the wind. It typically blooms from August to November and produces large amounts of pollen. - Oak trees are also highly allergenic and produce large amounts of pollen in the spring. Their pollen can cause severe allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to it. - Grasses Many different types of grasses can cause allergies, including Bermuda grass, Timothy grass, and Kentucky bluegrass. Grass pollen is most prevalent in the late spring and early summer. - Birch trees are one of the most common causes of springtime allergies. Their pollen can cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. - Sagebrush is a common allergenic plant in the western United States, and its pollen can travel for long distances. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. - Mountain cedar is a type of juniper tree that grows in the southwestern United States. Its pollen is highly allergenic and can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. - Ambrosia, also known as ragweed's cousin, is another common allergenic plant that produces large amounts of pollen. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. - While goldenrod is not a highly allergenic plant, it is often mistakenly blamed for causing allergies. In fact, its pollen is too heavy to be carried by the wind, and it is actually pollinated by insects. However, its blooms often coincide with ragweed, which can cause confusion. To avoid these plants and their pollen, there are a few steps you can take: - Stay indoors during peak pollen times, such as early morning and late afternoon. - Use air conditioning instead of opening windows to cool your home. - Wear a mask when gardening or doing yard work. - Avoid hanging clothes or linens outside to dry. - Take allergy medications as directed by your doctor. By following these steps and being aware of the worst plants for your allergies, you can reduce your exposure to pollen and enjoy the outdoors with less discomfort. Read the full article
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dibley-yacht-design · 2 years
Lyman-Morse LM46 Semicustom Performance Cruiser
Lyman-Morse LM46 Semicustom Performance Cruiser.
The Lyman-Morse LM46 performance cruiser Hopgrasser is a stirring rendition of the Maine builder's new semicustom line.
Read more about the Lyman-Morse 46
The cold front had passed overnight, and even though it was the middle of July, the fresh northwesterly off the coast of Camden, Maine, had the crisp, clear aura of an early fall morning. In other words, it was a perfect day to go for a sail. Happily, given that I’d found myself aboard just about the ideal yacht to do so: a slick new Lyman-Morse LM46, a semicustom homegrown beauty constructed at the longtime Maine builder’s facility in nearby Thomaston.
Hopgrasser, the first of two LM46s to emerge from the shed, was company president Drew Lyman’s personal ride, so named by his young daughter, who’d found it linguistically challenging to put the “grass” in front of the “hop.”
The unique name is in keeping with a special, quite inimitable sailboat. Designed by New Zealander Kevin Dibley, a naval architect renowned for his flat-out race boats and graceful performance cruisers, the LM46’s objective is fourfold: light but solid build; handsome yet functional lines and accommodations; prowess in light, inshore breeze; and the power and strength for offshore sailing, including events such as the Newport Bermuda Race (which Hull No. 2, Arcadia, knocked off this past summer).
We’ll start with the build, the first of many things that separate the LM46 from the majority of contemporary cruisers; after all, these days you don’t see many wooden boats at your typical boat show. Lyman-Morse earned its reputation and butters its bread by employing cold-molded, infused-epoxy construction with Douglas fir and Western red cedar. An internal carbon frame stiffens the structure, and ties in the shrouds and titanium chain plates (the rudder and stock are also carbon). The composite deck is laminated with a foam core, again in the dual interests of less weight and more strength. My question about what wood was used to fashion the lovely cabin top was met with a laugh: Turns out it’s all composite (keep it light!), to which a vinyl adhesive with a wood pattern is affixed. Tricky.
In profile, this is one of those rare yachts that looks extremely quick and maneuverable just sitting alongside the dock. The understated sheerline dips ever so slightly from bow to stern, accentuating the low-slung, minimalist coachroof. A dedicated carbon sprit forward is home to both the ground tackle and the tack fitting for off-wind runners and reachers, and gives the profile a businesslike effect. Unlike so many modern boats, there’s no hard chine; in fact, the hull tapers inward in its after sections, a design that does the opposite of a chine and narrows the beam, the thinking being there’s less drag when sailing off the breeze. There’s also less freeboard than we’re used to seeing in most new production boats. To my eye, it’s all very striking.
The boat is powered with a straightforward 12-volt system with a Mastervolt Combi charger/inverter, a 60-amp alternator, a solar panel atop the cockpit dodger, and a set of lithium-ion batteries. The B&G Vulcan 7 instrumentation package is standard. A Yanmar 80 hp diesel with saildrive, coupled with a Max-Prop feathering propeller, supplies the propulsion under power.
Interior details were hardly an afterthought. The forepeak has a centerline queen berth, with access from each side. Alison Langley
As a semicustom boat, the LM46 has quite a bit of leeway in the belowdecks layout and accommodations, but the rather traditional setup on Hopgrasser suited me just fine: galley and nav station at the foot of the companionway, opposing settees/berths in the main saloon, a head and shower forward, and an owner’s stateroom forward. (And a real sea berth to starboard, for which I’m a total sucker.) A single head on a 45-footer is also unusual these days, but a second head is an option.
I wondered aloud about the two quarter berths aft, both wide open and not stashed behind doors, which I thought was in keeping with the airy quarters but something you’re more likely to see on a racer than a cruiser. “If you want privacy,” Drew Lyman said with a laugh, “get yourself a hundred-footer.”
Stowage for a weekend or month’s worth of clothes and gear. Alison Langley
This I discovered rather quickly as we motored out of Camden and hoisted sail, beginning with a powerful square-topped, full-battened Doyle mainsail. Lyman-Morse promotes simple sailing, with the ability to be off the dock with sails hoisted in less than five minutes. With that norther coursing off the mainland, the seaway in the lee was flat and fast: pretty perfect for trialing a boat that accentuates performance.
Surprisingly, there’s no backstay on the LM46, but rather a pair of check stays that require regular attention. The twin wheels, with Jefa steering, are situated just abaft the cockpit-wide traveler, and a double-ended German-style mainsheet arrangement trims the main, which has three deep reefs, which is my preference for long-distance sailing. It’s all smart and efficient, befitting a true racer/cruiser sensibility. 
Hopgrasser draws 6 feet, the shoal option that replaces the standard 7-foot, 7-inch composite fin with attached lead ballast bulb (the Bahamas is definitely in its future; alternatively, there’s also a 10-foot version for owners of a more competitive nature).
Sailing the boat is loads of fun, and certainly athletic. Lyman said he’s still learning the boat but has discovered that the sweet spot when sailing upwind is a 20- to 22-inch heel angle, which you dial in by constantly playing and tweaking the traveler and vang, as you would on a dinghy or certain one-design classes. The Doyle headsail is sheeted in not on tracks, but instead on movable leads with multiple trimming options, which on the LM46 is certainly an enjoyable part of the exercise.
On our test sail, the puffy breeze was all over the place, dipping to around 10 knots in the lulls and kicking in at over 20 knots in the gusts. The one consistent factor in all this was the sheer joy in driving this ultra-sensitive, highly responsive sailing machine. In the lighter airs, Hopgrasser registered about 6.5 knots in upwind mode; that ratcheted up to nearly 10 knots just cracked off slightly when it filled into the upper teens. As far as top speeds are concerned, Lyman said that the second LM46, Arcadia, saw 19.9 on its speedo during the dash to Bermuda. No question—it’s a slippery hull indeed.
The LM46 is not inexpensive, but it epitomizes what my wise old sailing mate Alvah Simon referred to as “heirloom quality,” something so fine and lasting that it might be passed along in one’s family for years and generations to come. Those are high aspirations, certainly. But in the case of Hopgrasser and her sisterships, they’re attainable ones as well. 
Lyman-Morse LM46 Hopgrasser Specifications
Read more about the Lyman-Morse 46
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autodaemonium · 2 years
Pronounced: sdhjuhrthiuhgtthkninrnhr.
Pantheon of: aclinic line, dead letter, maturity, extraordinariness, astatine, steadiness, immobility, interaction, primality.
Pronounced: iuhrpuhgruhktahsiahizthrlth Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Interaction: strong interaction. Immobility: inertness. Maturity: youth. Legends: turkish bath, care, grand circle, orchestration. Prophecies: inhibition, breakdown. Relations: əʃswəlbɪollərnŋʌsɪzt (contaminant), zrolʌaɪdmhikæriʒdməəf (mixed drink), sltəiəʊðrkvdfaɪdntðrh (ammonium carbonate), ðrsʌvʃhsætkmriəətɑlə (chestnut).
Pronounced: sltuhiuhoothrkvdfaidntthrh Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Interaction: strong interaction. Immobility: immotility. Maturity: youth. Prophecies: riptide, heimlich maneuver.
Pronounced: zroluaidmhikarizdmuhuhf Extraordinariness: unexpectedness. Interaction: gravitational interaction. Immobility: inertness. Maturity: youth. Legends: rack, pachinko, liberation. Prophecies: lock. Relations: əʃswəlbɪollərnŋʌsɪzt (pay rate), sltəiəʊðrkvdfaɪdntðrh (bermuda cedar), ðrsʌvʃhsætkmriəətɑlə (demantoid), iərpəgrəktɑsiɑɪzðrlð (tulipwood).
Pronounced: thrsuvshhsatkmriuhuhtahluh Extraordinariness: unexpectedness. Interaction: weak interaction. Immobility: immotility. Maturity: adulthood. Legends: entree. Prophecies: spectacular, death, trek, unitization, assembly.
Pronounced: uhshswuhlbiolluhrnngusizt Extraordinariness: uncommonness. Interaction: electromagnetic interaction. Immobility: immotility. Maturity: youth. Legends: ritual, relinquishment, ransom. Prophecies: grind. Relations: sltəiəʊðrkvdfaɪdntðrh (phosphate buffer solution), ðrsʌvʃhsætkmriəətɑlə (conservator-ward relation).
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ishmains · 2 years
Kiwi for gmail or lite
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#Kiwi for gmail or lite full#
#Kiwi for gmail or lite plus#
Raised pilot house and workboat storage on fordeck.Kiwi for Gmail will appeal to any Gmail user thanks to its familiar interfaceThe app makes no effort to reinvent the wheel as far as Gmail is concerned: it basically provides a wrapper for the web interface, making the user experience an instantly familiar one. On deck lab space with wet room and main galley, double sleeping cabins for 12 crew forward. 28’ long aft deck with storage hold and engine room under. The PL80 concept adapted for long range hydrographic work. With 20’ beam and multi-chine hull for aluminum construction. Full flying bridge with additional small boat storage. Engine room under main saloon area with owner’s cabin under pilothouse, guest cabins and office area forward. Flush aft deck for boat storage over lazerette garage. A different arrangement again with stepped main deck. With 17’ beam and multi-chine hull for aluminum or steel construction. Single level flush main deck, engines aft.
#Kiwi for gmail or lite full#
Typical PL arrangement but with slightly raised pilot house and bridgedeck to provide a full width stateroom under the pilot house. With 15’ beam and multi-chine all aluminum or steel hull construction. Engine room forward of garage with owner’s full width cabin forward of that. Transom opening into huge lazerett garage for storage of boats and dive gear. Full flying bridge and large aft deck with roof over. A very different double-deck arrangement with main saloon and pilothouse on a completely flush main deck surrounded by full bulwarks. With 17’ beam and multi-chine all aluminum or steel hull construction. Engines aft and sleeping cabins forward under the boat deck. Raised pilot house with full Portuguese bridge over full width main saloons. Smaller versions of the PL80 with similar arrangements. Tender storage and outside cockpit with controls on flush main deck. Engine room aft, 16’ long full width main saloon, 8’ pilothouse, and 19’ long foc’sl. With 14’ beam and multi-chine all aluminum or steel hull construction. Owner’s suite forward and twin en-suite guest cabins aft under the boat deck. 62' aluminum ocean crossing sail-assisted powerboat with French canal capability. Large flush aft deck for tender storage.ĭawkins 62 Ketch-rigged Passagemaker Lite. Midships engine room and tank space for single or twin power.
#Kiwi for gmail or lite plus#
A large deckhouse with galley up, plus a full flying bridge, and sleeping cabins forward and aft. With 15’ beam and multi-chine aluminum construction. With good weather, a West Coast (U.S.)-to-Hawaii crossing could be made in less than eight days, and the 2,550 miles (4,103.8 km) from Bermuda to the Canary Islands can be completed in under nine. The possibilities for ocean-crossing performance with the PL 80 are impressive. All the way forward is another well deck, this one for safety while handling ground tackle. The helmsman is only a couple of steps away from line handling when docking the boat. She is built of fiberglass sheathed Japanese Cedar strip-planking on NC cut station molds. Passagemaker Lite Ataraxia is a Passagemaker Lite 46 plus, the "plus" indicating increased length for added interior volume over the original 46' design. The main machinery is completely isolated by a full-height watertight bulkhead. In this boat it has been adapted to a single mid engine configuration.Īnother feature is the aft engineroom there is no having to live around, or on top of, engines. The traditional PL arrangement of flush raised deck and sunken pilot house with bridge behind is still workable at 39’ LOA.
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art-of-bee · 3 years
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the taiga has been approved for several shelters! this one is a quite large natural rock arch made of crumbs from the mountain it's on. with fresh mineral-rich water nearby, and a view to die for, it's sure to be a popular spot for naps and nests.
the dino appearing for scale is a fully grown acrocanthosaurus
you might like to check out the first post i made on this subject to see what this is all about!
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heaveninawildflower · 3 years
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1) Three specimens of the Bermuda Cedar and of the Small Coned Fir tree.
2) Two specimens, one of the Pinaster, the other of the Large Cluster Pine.
3) Three specimens of the Larch tree in different stages of growth.
4) Two specimens, one of the Long Coned Cornish Fir tree, the other of the Balm of Gilead Fir.
Illustrations by Jacobus van Huysum taken from 'Catalogus Plantarum' of the Society of Gardeners of 1730.  Mezzotints printed in colours. Prints made by Elisha Kirkall.
© The Trustees of the British Museum.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Keith Pluymers’s No Wood, No Kingdom: Political Ecology in the English Atlantic is a triumph of Atlantic environmental history. It is Atlantic in the truest sense; Pluymers begins in England’s Royal Forests before taking readers on a tour of Ireland’s woods, Virginia’s sylvan landscape, Bermuda’s profitable nursery, and Barbados’s deforesting land. Pluymers’s chapters stand on their own as detailed studies of the political ecologies of wood in specific colonies away from the metropole. But he also has a gift for nesting these stories within one another and drawing out how varying locales were similar to or differed from one another. For example, when writing about how Bermuda’s experience was quite different than those of other Atlantic colonies, he still notes how, “as in Ireland and Virginia, there were frictions between transatlantic commerce and local demands on the landscape” (p. 133). Rather than depict a generic environment, his analysis is thus sensitive to how various environs shaped history. [...] The rhetoric of scarcity and abundance that pervades writing by metropolitan thinkers and colonial boosters alike, was more indicative of political and social beliefs than of simply having enough wood. The book, then, is mostly concerned with intellectual conceptions of trees and their varied roles as commodities. [...]
[S]truggles over changing exploitation of English woodlands -- both royal forests and wooded lands on estates -- were really conflicts over differing political ecologies as locals in need of firewood struggled with ship carpenters and others who used forests very differently. This chapter also surveys the development of England’s early modern forestry apparatus, which oversaw England’s vast domestic wood holdings. From England, Pluymers takes us to Ireland in “Creating Scarcity in Ireland’s Woods.” While early in the English colonial settlement of Ireland “the state, when it perceived Irish woods at all, had treated them mainly as wastes that reduced the taxable value of granted lands,” planters who were granted Irish lands “sought to mirror English techniques for estate management and treated Irish woods as resources to be husbanded and exploited as sources of profit” (p. 74). Periodically, amidst domestic English fears of wood scarcity and supposed deforestation of the Isles, the empire looked towards Ireland to provide a store of trees. To Pluymers, what connected colonies in the Atlantic, more so than people or commodities, were “fears of wood scarcity and competitive efforts to exploit woodlands,” which “created multiple, competing geographies built from the material world and ephemeral linkages” (p. 107).
Virginia, the subject of “The Political Ecology of Woods in Virginia,” had one of the most substantial alterations of political ecology in the English Atlantic world. For the first years of English settlement, colonists treated “Virginia’s woods as nuisances to be cleared rather than as commercially viable resources to be preserved with measures like those used in England and Ireland” (p. 109). Promotional writers and colonists, however, tried to turn these vast, seemingly untapped sylvan resources, either through trade in the trees themselves or their production of iron, into economically useful products. This lag before using Virginia’s forest bounty exemplifies the heart of Pluymers argument: as he puts it, “English colonists did not simply discover abundance across the Atlantic: they needed to create it” (p. 127). [...]
“Conservation and Commercialization in Bermuda” takes a somewhat different tack from the rest of the book, homing in on two different species of trees with similar ecological adaptations to Bermuda's environmental conditions that were valued very differently. Despite early experiments with turning a profit by exploiting mangroves, yellowwood, and other plants, colonists settled on Bermuda cedars and palmettos, with both serving an important function on the island.
Both trees “had adapted to Bermuda’s unique environmental conditions, developing root systems, bark, and leaves tolerant of high winds and salt spray” (p. 135). Cedars were a straightforward trade good; regulations protected stands so landowners could continue to make profits and because cedars could provide useful windbreaks to protect the island from storms. Palmettos, in contrast, “were an essential and omnipresent part of life in English Bermuda, but they did not yield any commodities salable in transatlantic markets,” so they were not initially protected (p. 143). Similar plants produced very different political ecologies on the island. [...]
Between 1627 and the 1670s, “most of the native woods had been removed and sugarcane fields dominated Barbados's landscape. For both early modern observers and modern historians, the pace and extent of ecological change sparked concern” (p. 167). Far from offering a simplistic narrative of declension from unbridled overuse, Pluymers argues that the “transformation of Barbados from a wooded island to a landscape dominated by sugarcane took place deliberately” (p. 169). It was the availability of other Atlantic sources of wood that ultimately saw “a shift toward a political ecology and geography of wood in Barbados, serving large plantation owners’ desires to maximize sugar production by emphasizing trade and connection to acquire resources” (p. 181). [...]
“Toward an Atlantic or Imperial Political Ecology?” uses John Evelyn’s Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest-Trees and the Propagation of Timber (1662) as a jumping-off point to analyze an English empire-wide political ecology. While other “historians have hailed Evelyn’s Sylva as a foundational text for English environmental thought,” Pluymers convincingly argues that it should “be understood as a work of political ecology,” as throughout the work he wavers “between full-throated calls for an English empire and concerns about cost and efficiency in the provision of timber” (p. 237). It is here that Pluymers knits together the English Atlantic he has described by noting how “Caribbean demand was essential to the changed landscape of wood in the English Atlantic,” as intercolonial trade “gave value to woods in Virginia and New England that fears of domestic scarcity had never provided” (p. 232). The political ecology of the English Atlantic responded to on-the-ground colonial concerns and enmeshed parts of England's empire in a broad system that had, as its lynchpin, policies and desires related to wood. [...] The book is indispensable for scholars of the early English Atlantic, environmental history, and historical political ecology. It surely will appear on reading lists for graduate students and -- because the chapters stand so well on their own -- could easily be digested by undergraduate students as stand-alone pieces or serve as an introduction to political ecology.
All text above by: Camden Elliott. “Review of Pluymers, Keith, No Wood, No Kingdom: Political Ecology in the English Atlantic (The Early Modern Americas). H-Early-America, H-Net Reviews. March 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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ceofjohnlennon · 2 years
"One day, John took Sean to the Bermuda Botanical Gardens where, under a cedar tree, he came across some delicate white-and-yellow flowers called a Double Fantasy. "It's a type of freesia," John explained, "but what it means to us is that if two people picture the same image at the same time, that is the secret." And then one night he wandered into Hamilton and, curious to find out what kind of music people were listening to, he went club-hopping — something he hadn't done since the mid-1970s in Los Angeles — and ended up at a spot called Disco 40. "Upstairs, they were playing disco," John would later tell me, "but downstairs I suddenly heard 'Rock Lobster' by the B-52s for the first time. Do you know it? It sounds just like Yoko's music, so I said to meself, 'It's time to get out the old ax and wake the wife up!'"
ㅡ From Jonathan Cott's book "Days That I Will Remember: Spending Time With John Lennon And Yoko Ono", 2013.
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manilasugar · 3 years
Furniture to Fit Your Lifestyle
Talking about a rich lifestyle involves many things. What's more, fine wood furniture is certainly a piece of extravagance living. Fine wood furniture assures you of solid quality without any trade offs. Consequently when we ponder fashionable living, quality furniture like Kincaid, Hooker and Stanley are one sure alternative for visit site here decorating our living rooms to fit our lifestyle.
Setting up an office basically requires the right sort of furniture and choosing the ideal space. Understanding your office and home requirements is important before you make a choice of what sort of furniture would address the reason you are looking for? It is always good to look in for functional furniture for home style. In case you are looking for a workplace in your home, Hooker furniture gives you alternatives in type of writing desks which are PC, console and wire the board prepared. You need to distinguish every single imaginable arrangement while searching furniture for your home office. Prostitute has been providing quality furniture since ages at an excellent worth. Prostitute furniture is known for its strength and top notch items. It is known for its stunning furnishings protecting appropriate sanding and wrapping up.
Other most popular furniture creating cedar chests and closets was from the makers of Kincaid who began their furniture producing organization in North Carolina. Both George and Wade Kincaid were known for their conventional styling, moderate costs and good quality. Kincaid principally focuses on five furniture styles to be specific, customary, country, European, relaxed/contemporary and West Indies. Conventional has fine gets done with drawers having metal pulls. The European nation designs are lavish and include Laura Ashley assortments. You can discover American inspired furniture in the relaxed/contemporary scope of designs, though the West Indies includes just the Bermuda Bay which gives a strange rich inclination. Kincaid surely attempts to give all rich preferences to its high profile customers. Kincaid furniture is currently a piece of La-Z Boy furniture organizations. It actually holds it brand name characteristics fabricating durable quality items.
The Stanley furniture organization targets upper-working class market dealing in bedroom, home office, dining room, living room, amusement room furniture. The proprietor, Thomas Bahnson Stanley established the Stanley Furniture Company Inc. in the mid 1920s.
Making an imprint in the realm of contemporary furniture designs, one needs to make the right sort of choice for their living style. Consequently, there are many online discount furniture websites that furnishes the best deal offers with extraordinary thoughts to decorate your home or office. These locales deal in discount of marked furniture accordingly guaranteeing elite online furniture administrations.
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97park · 4 years
The St Augustine Living The Easy Life!
St. Augustine Coastline, the easygoing, sun-loving, surfer sis to historical St. Augustine, comes to be the focus of buyers as the days grow much longer, the sun beams brighter, as well as the shorts and also flip flops come out. And also why not? Miles of level, white sand beaches, ice cream stores and also locally had walk-up taco joints, vast pathways made for cycling or running or pet dog strolling, and also outdoors restaurants serving traditional Florida oceanside food with an ice chilly beer on the side. St. Augustine Beach is exactly what the doctor gotten for stress-free living on the Florida coastline. St. Augustine Coastline, incorporated in 1959, encompasses just 2.5 square miles yet she's got an individuality as large as they come. Locals refer to life here as living "on the Island" given that the city is formally situated on Anastasia Island, simply southern of the downtown core of St Augustine Realtors proper, as well as island life includes some lovely cool benefits. It's an extremely sought after location in which to live.
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Oceanfront as well as oceanside apartments are prominent acquisitions as full time houses, second residences or income-producing holiday leasing homes. Pier Point and also Anastasia by the Sea apartments are right alongside the activity at the oceanfront Pier Park, where the regular farmer's market as well as Music by the Sea concert series along with celebrations bring residents with each other. Sea Winds and also St. Augustine Sea as well as Racquet Club are centrally located along "the Blvd", convenient to all of the stores. St. Augustine Coastline and Tennis Club rests at the south end of St. Augustine Coastline, anchored by a health and fitness club, swimming pools, beach accessibility as well as 8 tennis courts. The upscale gated Makarios condos are state-of-the-art for those wishing to have a 2nd home or live permanent at the beach. Eviction areas of Anastasia Dunes, Island Hammock, as well as Whispering Oaks use large single family members residences, lots of with pools and also sizable yards, located on streets shaded by twisted cedar trees as well as looming live oaks dripping with Spanish moss. Marsh Creek Country Club, the island's gated golf links neighborhood, features residences ranging from approximately 2,000 square feet to big high-end residences of about 5,000 square feet with sunset sights over the marsh. Bermuda Run as well as Sea Swarm, both gated, are situated along the ocean. Sea Nest is the epitome of high-end where oceanfront mansions in the Secret West design can be located along with smaller sized cottages along the rolling, silent, unethical roads of this more recent neighborhood.
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St. Augustine Beach never stops working to catch the hearts of site visitors, most of whom decide they just can not live without her and her island beauties. If sun and also fun as well as simple beach living are what you're seeking, St. Augustine Coastline can not be defeated.
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