safyresky · 1 year
Bernack! Fusion Lawyer
A late night treat for u all that I promised AGES ago, please enjoy the most unhinged instalment of Fusion AU: Bernack (have yet to think of a decent name for them u just cannot mix Jack/Bernard's names it just does not work. Jernard? BACK?!?!?!? BARACK? OBAMA?!?!?!?!!?!?!?), Fusion Lawyer.
I have barely edited these notes. I have only made them legible (3am Dani has bad spelling which is funny bc it's already atrocious with how fast I type) and I am NOT joking about the time this was originally written at:
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Please note that these are like BARE BONES ideas. LORD KNOWS (now that I have reread it) if this is still the situation I'd have fucking bernACK appear in, but A TREAT FOR U ALL ANYWAY. I HOPE.
AHEM. Let's begin.
It starts with a dare to Jacqueline, with love, ur horrible friend Charlie
they're chatting about some odd and strange magical things, and Charlie cracks a joke about Leprechauns and gold
to which Jacqueline replies "dude. that's legit. And you know gnomes? garden gnomes? yeah they're accurate to size you see in stores and they constantly throw hands with the leprechauns about who owns the gold
Charlie is like. ur fucking me
Jacqueline's like I am NOT! I will even bring you over and SHOW U
Charlie's like BET!
And Jacqueline goes AIGHT CHOOSE A DAY
Anyway Charlie ends up being unavailable but he has activated his pal's trap card and Jacqueline, of course, hunts down Elle
"hey dude," she says, once she finds Elle. "wanna go stake out some gnomes and leprechauns so I can win a bet against Charlie?"
And Elle is like "It's March. OF FUCKING COURSE I DO. Nothing's happening round these parts rn let's fucking GO BESTIE
So off they fuck!
And after a very strange series of events, Elline is around, and she is fucking RUNNING from the leprechaun authorities bc they think she is stealing the gold
She fails and is captured by them
They think she is a gnome spy
Elline is like "I'm really not? I'm a sprelf, and I'm just tryin to prove a point to my horrible friend Charlie who constantly makes silly challenge bets with me and they end up like this
which is funny bc we're always like "wow our legends need to stop having silly contests that end with trouble"
"I'm half hypocrite on the sprite side"
Elline is like really I'm not a spy. not a gnome spy. i swear. i dont even want the gold. i get paid v well and have so much pirate treasure it's fine honest
and the leprechauns are like THEN WHY ARE YA COMING OVER FROM THE GNOME FRONTIER?!@?!?!
Elline is like.
This is a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation dot jpeg
Charlie runs into B, who's like, hey, have you seen Elle?
And Charlie's like maybe! I think she's out with Jacqueline. See, Jacquie and I were gonna do a thing, but I had another thing, but I finished the thing early and was going to call Jacqueline out on the gnome and leprechaun thing, but she's not around at all
and nor is Elle! So I'm guessing she took Elle with her instead!
Bernard, knowing full well how those two magibeans be: oh FUCK
Prior to this, Charlie ran into Jack who was like hey junior. you seen Jacqueline around
and he said the same thing to Jack!
Jack, also knowing full well how those two magibeans be: OH FUCK
are they talking about elle/jacquie or the gnomes/leprachauns? we'll never know (it's the latter but this works for the former too I am realizing)
And Elline is like I HAD A POINT TO PROVE
so off they fuck and go to post bail and the leprechauns go oh no no NO. THEY are getting a TRIAL. We can't let the gnomes think we don't know. They need to know. They need to know we know their TRICKS.
And the front desk leprechaun goes "oh NO you do NOT. closed court, only the plaintiff, defendant, lawyers, etc. no visitors. unless ur their lawyer which i KNOW ur not. so BYE."
Jack and B are FUMING
B: I'm head fucking ELF I know enough about magibean law to be a LAWYER.
B: you did-you-what? why?!
Jack: long story. got bored, needed to make the law work for me, went to law school.
so anyway. some kinda crazy discussion happens for sure that ends in ELLINE NEEDS A LAWYER
They're like this is batshit insane. absolutely crazy
but you know, so is leprechaun court, and gnome court???? gods forbid
they have a brief discussion about concerns given that when jack fused with elle, they had to get separated by force courtesy of berline, v scaring and scarring, very jarring, do NOT want a repeat of that
but in the end they can put aside their differences/worries/concerns bc their loved ones are in TROUBLE.
so they do it. they fucking fuse.
you know slannen the elf from ella enchanted? yeah. That's basically bernack
he appears, he looks SO normal. It's actually surprising.
he has a briefcase
he knows a LOT about LAWYER STUFF
they are the ULTIMATE lawyer
they have the boston accent
they shove over some leprechauns like IM WALKIN HERE
they go BACK to the front desk, put their card down (which somehow they have an official business card???)
"I'm here to represent elline. it's non negotioable"
and BARGES into the courtroom
And Bernack is like this is me slash us getting your asses out of LEPRECHAUN jail. this was so stupid. why did you do this.
Okay shut up, don't say ANYTHING. let me do the talking
Elline is like. I am concerned about this but also, intrigued
She like. does the thing where u zip ur lips and throw away the key
Bernack is like good choice. Also, keep an eye on me, if this goes south we'll need to pull a jackington
Elline (unzips lips) how would u like your death
Bernack: the less memes the better
Elline, the meme loving fuck: i make no promises (rezips lips, folds hands, sits and smiles)
Elline is basically ready to stab That Bitch at any given moment, but also, living for the chaos that is about to ensue
and chaos DOES ensue
the trial is stupid. it's rigged. bernack has to run loop holes around loop holes around loop holes. That's okay tho that's his specialty, loopholes and clauses
there is an ace attorney reference. multiple maybe even
this is SPARTA reference that ends with Elline kicking someone
but ANYWAY the trial is beyond frustrating because the leprechauns are STUBBORN and WANT to make a big move like showing the gnomes their spy apprehended, and so finally bernack is like I am AT my LIMIT and snaps their fingers or something and suddenly, fire!!
Of course, Bernack immediately thinks ARSON?????
He's perturbed but also. Intrigued. And also, burning the courtroom sounds great at this point it's been HOURS
And Elline thinks back, thrice as loud, ARSON! BURN IT DOWN! DO IT! LET'S BUST OUR ASSES OUT OF HERE. AHHHH
You'll never guess what they do
FIRE. That's what
And they trash the courthouse and book it
They win the case by default
Bernack's like TOLD YA I'D GET YOU OUT OF THERE as something explodes
Bernack's like COOL GUYS DONT LOOK BACK AT EXPLOSIONS as he pulls out shades and rushes away without looking behind him
I don't THINK they'd need to be forced apart. Pretty sure Jack and Bernard would be like "I've had enough of this guy" and just like. poof back to themselves
But not before giving Elline a piece of their mind
they high five and get iced cream or something.
idk man.
I feel like these are the most chaotic fusions that could exist. Chaotic in positive???? ways?????
Anyway back at the NP Elline kicks down the door to Charlie's room like GOT UR PROOF BUCKO, AND WE GOT TO DESTROY A COURTHOUSE!
And Charlie's like ): NOT because he was proven wrong but bc he did not get to destroy things with them ):
and that's the story of BERNACK! FUSION LAWYER!
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lmelodie · 1 year
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To distract form the raging dumpster fire that is the series, I ended up going ham on a little fusion character. Left over from my little stint in Fusion AU city. I can and will fuse just about anything and anyone, and I got bored so I PLAYED GOD. A Mother Nature and Jack Frost fusion? Thats Jericho baby!
The only reason that they exist is because i thought it would've been really cool for this fusions whole thing to be based around natural disasters. I ended up kinda loosing that thread, but their hair is based on a storm cloud :)
If Bernack is the fusion lawyer, this is THE FUSION COURT JUDGE. Not only because they are judgey, but because Jack cant help himself in trying abuse such immense power while they're fused, and tries to exert some strange and self beneficial laws and boss people around. And that means they are the alpha leader and they will put themselves in charge of any situation, no matter how small. Im thinking their kinda like the cool enby wine aunt/uncle, they still care a lot, but theres also a lot more leeway. 
I wanna make it clear that they can also be a bit of an uneven mess, but it’s LEAGUES BETTER than Julian. Which is why i only half attached their arms to show that they're a little more balanced to not need a full other set of limbs.
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fitundheil · 1 year
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Ich bin der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben. Niemand kommt zum Vater als nur durch mich. Johannes 14,6
Von Ann-Christin Bernack
Zwischen Ruhrgebiet und Sauerland (NRW) klafft seit Ende 2021 eine Lücke: Die Rahmedetalbrücke bei Lüdenscheid ist für den Verkehr komplett gesperrt. Neben offensichtlichen Auswirkungen wie lange Staus, verstopfte Umleitungen und einer vollen Innenstadt sind auch Firmen, Familien und Freundschaften von dieser Trennung betroffen. Sie leiden darunter, und teilweise kommen Existenzängste auf. Ende Februar 2022 erzeugte die Brücke wieder medialen Wirbel: Eine Künstlergruppe trug mit ca. drei Tonnen Farbe ein Kunstwerk auf. Mitten auf der Brücke prangt nun der Slogan »Lasst uns Brücken bauen«.
Natürlich erinnert uns diese Botschaft an die entstandene Distanz und Isolierung im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie und das Kriegsgeschehen in der Ukraine. Ich musste angesichts dieses Spruchs aber auch über den wahren Brückenbauer, den wirklichen Friedensstifter und umfassenden Retter nachdenken: Jesus Christus. Durch seinen Tod am Kreuz wurde er für uns zum Brückenbauer. Jesus hat die Kluft zwischen Gott und Menschen, die durch unsere schlechte Taten - die Bibel nennt sie Sünde - entstanden sind, überbrückt. Die Verbindung zu Gott ist damit wieder hergestellt. Jesus ist der Weg zu Gott geworden. So stellt er sich auch selbst vor: »Ich bin der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben! Niemand kommt zum Vater als nur durch mich« (Johannes 14,6).
Jesus Christus ist die einzige Möglichkeit, die Trennung zwischen Gott und Mensch zu überwinden. Anders als im Beispiel der Autobahnbrücke gibt es für den Weg zu Gott keine Umleitungsstrecke. Die Verbindung muss durch die Brücke, die Jesus Christus durch seinen Tod geschaffen hat, wiederhergestellt werden. Sind Sie bereit, diesen Weg zu gehen?
Frage: Welche Trennungen haben Sie in Ihrem Leben schon erlebt?
Tipp: Jesus Christus ist der einzige Weg zu Gott. Es gibt keine Umleitung.
Bibellese Markus 9,14-27
Aus https://www.lebenistmehr.de/leben-ist-mehr.html
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SALT LAKE CITY — Officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations Salt Lake City Field Office apprehended five unlawfully present noncitizens convicted of sex offenses during a nationwide enforcement effort Oct. 22 through Nov. 4. The law enforcement action conducted by ERO resulted in a total of 138 arrests nationally, including some with an executable final order of removal.“This operation is emblematic of ICE’s mission to enhance public safety through strategic use of its legal authorities,” said ERO Salt Lake City Field Office Director Michael Bernacke. “These sex offenders will be removed from the U.S., ending and impeding their ability to further victimize residents of Nevada and Utah.” This enforcement operation was implemented to address unlawfully present noncitizens convicted of sex offenses. Cases amenable to federal criminal prosecution may be presented to the appropriate U.S. attorney’s office. Arrested in the Salt Lake City Field Office area of responsibility, which includes Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana: A 36-year-old citizen of Guatemala in Las Vegas, convicted by the District Court Clark County of felony attempted sexual assault against a child less than 14; sentenced to a minimum of six years with a maximum of 15 years in prison A 41-year-old citizen of Mexico in Las Vegas, convicted by the District Court Clark County of felony open or gross lewdness in the presence of a child or vulnerable person; sentenced to 48 months prison A 34-year-old citizen of Mexico in Las Vegas, convicted by the District Court Clark County of open or gross lewdness; sentenced to 69 days jail A 37-year-old citizen of Mexico in Tooele, Utah, convicted by the Third District Court, Salt Lake County of sexual battery; sentenced to 364 days jail A 25-year-old citizen of the Philippines in Reno, Nevada, convicted in the Second Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada in the County of Washoe of soliciting a child for prostitution and placed on probation for an indeterminate period of time not to exceed 24 months  ICE officers make case decisions in a responsible manner, informed by their experience as law enforcement professionals and in a way that best protects against the greatest threats to the homeland. Noncitizens placed into removal proceedings receive their legal due process from federal immigration judges in the immigration courts, which are administered by the Executive Office for Immigration Review. EOIR is an agency within the U.S. Department of Justice and is separate from the Department of Homeland Security and ICE. Immigration judges in these courts make decisions based on the merits of each individual case. ICE officers carry out the removal decisions made by the federal immigration judges. In fiscal year 2021, ERO arrested 12,025 individuals with aggravated felony convictions. Offenses associated with noncitizens arrested in FY 2021 included 1,506 homicide related offenses, 3,415 sexual assaults, 19,549 assaults, 2,717 robberies and 1,063 kidnappings. Members of the public can report crimes and suspicious activity by dialing 866-347-2423 or completing the online tip form. Learn more about ICE’s mission to increase public safety in your community on Twitter @EROSaltLakeCity.
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shelli-gator · 4 years
Appreciation Post
There’s a man out there, fighting the good fight for the Briefcase Buddies. He’s got our backs. The Oscar goes to Chad Bernacke, our hero, our friend, our shipping brother in arms. He’s a dirty shipper just like the rest of us and he’s POWERFUL.
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Guy: Two rooms for the night please. Chad: Sure thing!
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(look at this Prince pretend to look at an empty book)
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Chad: Uh oh! (So sincere Chad)
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Chad: Sorry! But I only have one room left.
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Chad: You’ll have to share~
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Look at how he looks at US (the viewers) when he says that. And does he look/sound sorry at all? Not even in the slightest.
He took one look at them and he was like, “Oh you two are vibing? Let me help with that.” Also, take note of how empty the hotel is. One room left? Sure Chad. I bet it only has one bed too. Twin bed, nice and cramped? I know your game.
This man is our hero. We stan for Chad.
Have some bonus pics.
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longwindedbore · 4 years
The stock market is at “an all-time high”. Why? How?
Is the Stock Market worth $30Trillion or is it a Scam? You tell me.
Here’s some History regarding the total value of all the companies in the Stock Market:
2005 = $15 Trillion$$ total
Then the BIG crash
2008 = $11.8 Trillion$$
Bush/Cheney/Bernacke shhhh secret ACTUAL bailout borrowed from the future taxes (actually idk what if any was put in the Market but, I assume, it went somewhere. So for illustration putting the whole flocking buffalo chip in the Market)
2008-2014 = $8 trillion bailout
All new Initial Public Offerings 2010 to 2019
10 years = $480 Billion$$
Capital invested in stock market
TOTAL = $20.2 Trillion$$
2019 alleged valuation $30 Trillion$$
Difference = $9.8 Trillion. Or $17.8 Trillion if we consider that somebody sometime has to pay back the $8 Trillion bailout.
RECALL. Only Existing capitalization plus new IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) equate to cash investment in a Public Company. The Company’s value in excess of cash investment has to involve their success in selling whatever they are selling.
Is it likely that every company has [a] sold so much that they they [b] made a profit so large that it doubled or tripled their cash investment?
In the above equation the Profits have to make up in the Total Market Capitalization for [c] Sears, Toys-R-Us etc etc etc going belly up and losing all the Investments in their defunct companies.
REMEMBER that ALL the millions of dollars of daily sales of stocks do not involve one penny of Investment added to any the Publically traded companies. The trading involves new suckers -excuse me- savvy investors buying stocks from savvy sellers who previously bought the stocks from savvy sellers who previously..
Essentially the process is like a scalper selling Frye Festival tickets. The purchaser thereby hoping that they can sell the tickets for more.
Unfortunately, at some point the “Festival” is found out to be a fraud and collapses.
The US stock market had collapsed 47 times in 230 years. 8 times catastrophically. One collapse every five years or so.
Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme seems very much like the stock market. Though Madoff’s collapsed a lot less often.
Or rather, when Madoff’s collapsed it was seen for the scam that it was and not restarted?
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kaythaney · 3 years
6 years ago this week I sat in a conference room in the @Alinea offices with @nickkokonas @danimalnelson @jlueck and @bernacks and we discussed what we were going to do at @Tock. I took a few photos of the whiteboard that first day: pic.twitter.com/7yyTrjEheO
— Brian Fitzpatrick (@therealfitz) December 10, 2020
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otisscott65 · 3 years
Tus clientes compradores de bienes raíces te engañan?
La soleada Miami es una de las ciudades más grandes de los Estados Unidos. También es uno de los mercados inmobiliarios más calientes del mundo, reconocido por su clima soleado, sus hermosas playas y sus amables habitantes. También cuenta con algunas de las mega mansiones más impresionantes del mundo. Si mira alrededor de Miami, algunos verá casas realmente lujosas a un precio moderadamente bajo.
Busca apartamentos en venta en casas de laureles Medellín con necesidad de renovación en barrios de calidad. La peor casa en una gran área es realmente la mejor adquisición. Comprando la casa a un precio bajo, comprando las renovaciones necesarias te permite ofrecer la casa a un precio mucho más alto. Esta es una de las mejores opciones para cambiar de casa. Las casas en estos bonitos vecindarios exigen precios más altos, y se venden rápidamente.
Este podría ser el trato. Como tal vez usted podría haber percibido que la residencia está en una ejecución hipotecaria, su banco tiene a todas las personas que están siendo gravadas por todas las casas que usualmente están siendo embargadas. Esta pequeña maravilla fue vendida en 2005 por $315,000.00 tan pronto como el banco la tenga de vuelta los dueños anteriores tenían $207,000.00 en ella. apartamentos en venta en medellin laureles
La salida de la Reserva Federal, alias el Bernacke Backstroke. Con el fin de mantener los tipos de interés bajos, la Reserva Federal ya ha estado comprando títulos del Tesoro, títulos respaldados por hipotecas y deuda emitida por Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac por valor de 155.000 millones de dólares desde principios de 2005. A menos que salgan con cautela de los mercados cuando el método termine el próximo mes de marzo, pudimos ver un aumento de los tipos de interés y otra caída de los tipos de interés, típicamente en el sector de la vivienda.
Los blogs son las formas más populares de expresar la opinión de uno en estos días y el sector inmobiliario no es una excepción, poder conocer otra recomendación del campo - buscar un trabajo en el concepto de propiedad - es realmente una buena ayuda si lees los blogs de los expertos.
Sí. Se requiere una póliza de seguro de vida del propietario de la casa pagada (o un recibo pagado por una) al momento del cierre, por lo que se deben hacer los arreglos necesarios para ese día de operación. Además, involucrar al agente de seguros al comienzo del proceso de propiedad inmobiliaria podría ayudarle a ahorrar dinero. Los agentes de seguros son un recurso inteligente para obtener información sobre la seguridad en el hogar y eso da la posibilidad de mantener las primas bajas.
También producen herramientas de bajo costo y de alto resultado para la creación de redes - soy un aparato de redes tanto en la red mundial como fuera de ella - comunicación efectiva, mercadeo e incluso colaboración. Y por si fuera poco, las relaciones con los clientes se manejan mejor a través de este método. Así que si quieres comprar en el sector inmobiliario, ¡echa un vistazo en línea!
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billehrman · 6 years
2018: Taking Away Monetary Life Support Systems
As the global economies continue to accelerate entering 2018, monetary authorities’ “great experiment: QE” will slowly come to a close after 10 years. Economists will debate for years whether it was a success or even needed in the first place. Personally, I felt that it was a success, saved the global economies from sinking into the abyss and ended deflationary fears. So, I tip my hat to Bernacke and other monetary leaders for taking such a bold, unorthodox approach at a time of great need and despair in the world.
As we look into the New Year, the amount of QE universally will be gradually reduced until it is non-existent, followed by a gradual unwinding for the balance sheets reducing the billions upon billions of government and other forms of debt bought during this program. The Fed, ECB and BOJ balance sheets may never go back to where they were 10 years ago. However, reducing the balance sheets will give the monetary bodies the ability to do it again if needed sometime in the future. Let’s hope not!
There is no need to fret about the end of QE and the unwinding of the balance sheets even though this process is at the margin restrictive. It will not slow down the global recovery for several reasons: fiscal policies will competitively ease around the world led by the U.S.; bank and financial oversight will ease now that capital and liquidity ratios have risen so much; government regulatory policies will loosen and inflationary expectations will stay contained limiting future short term rate hikes.
It is clear that momentum continues to build for an accelerating economy as we enter 2018: business and consumer confidence is at a multi-year high everywhere which has led to an acceleration in consumer spending, hiring and capital spending; inflation and interest rates remain incredibly low due to global competition, technology and the disruptors; financial capital and liquidity ratios have continued to rise, therefore there is more than enough capital to finance the continued expansion; fiscal policy changes are happening everywhere after years of restraint even in Europe although China may be tightening lending regulations at the margin which is a short term negative but a long term positive; and finally, corporate profits have taken off for the right reason—growth—not cost reduction.
None of this has gone unnoticed by the global stock markets as virtually every single one of them is at multi-year NEW highs. Will it continue in 2018 is the $64,000 dollar question and our answer remains YES!
But not all markets, industries nor all companies may participate for a host of reasons that we have been discussing for years. Change is everywhere and unless managements recognize it and are willing to make major changes in strategic planning and implementation, they are apt to not only fall behind but also die. Hence, we can create a long/short portfolio.
We are not surprised that holiday sales started with a burst with the biggest gains done over the Internet. There was a huge shift in sales origination to the internet even before Cyber Monday. While some of the box stores may survive, it is hard for them to profitability compete over time with such high fixed costs compared to a company like Amazon. Amazon and other disruptors will continue to enter new markets where sales volume is huge and delivery can be done overnight or even the same day.
I started Paix et Prospérité five years ago after a 6-year hiatus in investment banking after a 35-year successful run managing hedge funds. All to prove that it was not the asset class that was bad but the management of hedge funds as the class became over saturated reducing the quality of the management.
We have successfully outperformed all averages by a wide margin during this period. I attest our success to a number of things. First we are disciplined and allow our core beliefs to guide us; we are global investors having invested overseas since 1973; we have been mentored and have partnered with the best of the best including George Soros; we are open-minded always looking for change; we are independent thinkers and do our own research and we are always focusing on where we can be wrong and are willing to admit mistakes. We do not pretend to be all things to all people. We stay in our lane. We do not invest in areas and companies that we do not understand nor have first-hand research on.
The bottom line is that the preconditions for a market top are simply not present despite the run up this year. We continue to emphasize financials, namely major city centered banks, that will benefit from volume loan growth and a steepening yield curve; global industrials that will benefit from growth in capital spending that has been lacking for many years; technology at a fair price to growth; low cost, under leveraged industrial commodity companies as volume growth outstrips supply growth therefore inventory levels decline and prices rise; Chinese consumer and technology companies which will benefit from a shift in government emphasis away from production to consumption and special situations where managements have made the hard decisions to implement dramatic change to thrive in a globally competitive landscape.
Finally, we expect the U.S. government to not only pass major tax reform by early next year, but also a sorely needed major infrastructure program before elections in 2018. Patience is necessity to let all of this unfold as it is easy to take profits but there is more to come for the investor.
So remember to review all the facts; pause, step back and consider mindset shifts; look at you asset allocation along with risk controls; do independent fundamental research and …
Invest Accordingly!
Bill Ehrman Paix et Prospérité LLC
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motivationdriv2 · 4 years
Macroeconomics/Capital Markets/Investment Theory – Finance Technical Interview Questions
Macroeconomics/Capital Markets/Investment Theory – Finance Technical Interview Questions
Where do you think interest rates will be 1 year from now?
Who is Alan Greenspan and what does he do?
What do you think of Ben Bernacke and how is he likely to differ from Greenspan?
What do you think of the economy and interest rates?
What is LIBOR? How is it often used?
What does the yield curve currently look like, and what does that mean?
What happened in the markets during the past 3 months?
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lmelodie · 1 year
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Misc. Fusion doodles!! God, I love fusion au it's so chaotic and it has so much potential for so much EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE. I love it here in Fusion Au city. (Ramble thoughts under the cut)
BERNACK FUSION LAWYER (I always feel the need to say his full title and nothing less) was kind of a bitch to design lol. HOW ON EARTH DO YOU FUSE HEAD ELF AND WINTER SPRITE??? I had to do something with a wacky stripe pattern, but it was very hard to make something cohesive for him. Also, his hair was the same dilemma (how do you smooth back curly hair???) so it ended up being just a little Jurassic Park Jeff Goldblum ish. I'm not even mad about it. 
ALSO please welcome to the stag ae very very Beta concept of BLINTER FUSION! If I thought I had hair problems with Bernack, Blinter was a WHOLE ORDEAL. Thats just what happens when you directly mix fire and ice (I kind of like that their hair ended up as a little rainbow) But this is young Blinter just after the millennium war. Baby girl. Baby boy.
MY BOY, MY ONE AND ONLY JULIAN. I decided a little bit ago that Killian is a smoker now. Not anything excessive or addictive, but just enough to get on Jacks nerves. Especially when their fused. And as previously stated, when your fused with your bitter ex, there's going to be a lot of emotional baggage to try and avoid unpacking.  Hence the smoking :) he’s a mess and I love him :)
And last but not least, DITELINE FUSION!!! She’s so cool, I am obsessed. This one was honestly just for funsies! I didn't think too hard about it and just wanted to draw a very big very pretty lady. Dani you're going to have to fact check me on this one, but I can't remember if its Diteline or Jackie that's the biggest fusion out of everyone. But if it is Diteline, the mental image of Julian being VERY salty that the sunshiny, pastel goddess is bigger than him is SENDING ME. Her and Julian are mlm and wlw solidarity friends 🤝
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SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – Officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Salt Lake City Field Office removed a Mexican citizen wanted by law enforcement authorities in his home country on charges related to drug trafficking.Luis Hernandez-Huazo, 40, has a criminal history with convictions at both the state and federal levels. Hernandez-Huazo attempted to enter the U.S. illegally near Nogales, Arizona, April 6, 2000, and again near Douglas, Arizona Jan. 27, 2001. He was granted a voluntary return to Mexico both times. He then illegally entered the U.S. on an unknown date and location. ERO San Francisco encountered Hernandez-Huazo at the Monterey County, California Jail Oct. 26, 2011, following his arrest for child cruelty, false imprisonment with violence, and assault. ERO San Francisco lodged an immigration detainer the same day. The Superior Court of California, County of Monterey convicted Hernandez-Huazo of threats to commit harm resulting in death, false imprisonment, and cause great bodily injury to child, March 2, 2012. As the charges carried an enhancement for use of a weapon, he was sentenced to 365 days in jail. ERO San Francisco arrested and removed Hernandez-Huazo to Mexico, April 19, 2012. Hernandez-Huazo was arrested Oct. 15, 2020, near Douglas, Arizona, after he attempted to illegally re-enter the U.S. The United States District Court for the District of Arizona convicted Hernandez-Huazo of felony illegal re-entry April 6, 2021. He received eight months imprisonment for his conviction. ERO Phoenix arrested and removed him to Mexico, June 16, 2021. Hernandez-Huazo was again arrested June 24, 2021, near Yuma, Arizona, after he attempted to illegally re-enter the U.S. He was convicted by the United States District Court for the District of Arizona of felony illegal re-entry Nov. 5, 2021, He received 12 months imprisonment for his conviction. ERO Salt Lake City arrested Hernandez-Huazo Oct. 4, after confirming the outstanding fugitive warrant related to drug trafficking issued in Mexico. Hernandez-Huazo was removed from the United States on Nov. 3, with custody transferred to authorities in Mexico upon arrival. “The U.S. will not provide safe haven to foreign fugitives evading justice in their home countries,” said Michael Bernacke, field office director, ERO Salt Lake City. “As a public safety agency, ICE will continue to utilize its unique authorities to bring a consequence to criminal activity.” Members of the public who have information about foreign fugitives are urged to contact ICE by calling the ICE Tip Line at 1 (866) DHS-2ICE. They can also file a tip online by completing ICE’s online tip form.
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fitundheil · 2 years
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Seid fröhlich in Hoffnung, in Bedrängnis haltet stand, seid beharrlich im Gebet! Römer 12,12
Von Ann-Christin Bernack
»Komm mal bitte in mein Büro!«, sprach mich meine Schulleiterin auf dem Flur an. Im Laufe der Woche ging ich also ins Sekretariat und bat zaghaft um einen Termin. Die Schulsekretärin sah mich schmunzelnd an und sagte nur: »Geh einfach ins Büro!« Völlig irritiert, denn an meiner alten Schule war dies undenkbar, stand ich vor der Tür meiner Schulleiterin, klopfte und wurde ohne Termin einfach hineingebeten.
In unserem Alltag kommen wir aber auch immer wieder in Situationen, in denen es gar nicht so einfach ist, die richtige Person zu erreichen. Manchmal müssen wir lange auf einen Termin warten oder wissen sogar, dass wir niemals einen Termin werden vereinbaren können, weil wir dazu gar nicht berechtigt sind. So wird wohl niemand von uns einen Termin bei der Bundeskanzlerin bekommen.
Vielleicht übertragen wir diese Erfahrungen auch auf unsere Beziehung zu Gott und denken, dass wir mit ihm nur zu einer bestimmten Zeit oder an einem ausgewählten Ort sprechen könnten, wie etwa in der Kirche. Vielleicht haben wir auch das Gefühl, dass nur andere dazu berechtigt wären, mit Gott zu sprechen. Doch Gott ist in vielem so überraschend anders! Er ist tatsächlich immer erreichbar für uns und wünscht sich sehr, dass wir mit ihm reden. Das können wir, indem wir beten.
Gott möchte, dass wir ihm alles erzählen, und dies können wir überall tun: bei einem Spaziergang durch den Wald genauso wie beim Autofahren. Wir müssen uns nicht erst an den richtigen Ort begeben oder einen Termin vereinbaren, sondern wir haben jederzeit die Chance auf eine Audienz bei Gott. Er hört uns zu und hat immer Zeit für uns - ganz ohne Termin!
Frage Worüber möchten Sie mit Gott heute sprechen?
Quelle: www.lebenistmehr.de
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otisscott65 · 3 years
Las últimas estadísticas sobre la economía y el mercado inmobiliario de Denver
La implicación de ponerlo en cualquier otra cosa que no sea un colchón podría ser aterrador. Sin embargo, los bienes raíces no deben ser vistos como una inversión promedio.
Los dos no se comparan realmente en. La única ventaja de alquilar va a ser generalmente liberada de la mayoría de las responsabilidades de mantenimiento. Pero al alquilar, pierdes la oportunidad de construir equidad, tomar en cuenta los beneficios fiscales, y protegerte contra las mejoras de la renta. Además, puede que no seas libre de embellecer sin permiso y que estés a merced del propietario de la vivienda. apartamentos en venta en laureles Medellín
Para expandir su interacción con los clientes y prospectos mientras que a la vez comparte su experiencia, debe ser consistente en su blog. Un blog erróneamente simple, lo haces amigable a los motores de búsqueda.
La salida de los federales, alias el Bernacke Backstroke. A pesar de las bajas tasas de préstamos, la Reserva Federal ya ha estado comprando valores del Tesoro, valores respaldados por hipotecas y deuda emitida por Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac por valor de 155.000 millones de dólares desde principios de 2007. A menos que salgan con cautela de los mercados cuando la posibilidad termine el próximo mes de marzo, podemos ver fácilmente una subida de los tipos de interés y otra bajada dentro del público objetivo de la vivienda.
Así que fui a Sacramento para reunirme con un estimado agente inmobiliario. Ya he informado al agente sobre mis preferencias. Condicionar la experiencia que el registro de selecciones excepcionales es realmente fenomenal podría ser un eufemismo. Terminé buscando durante 4 horas para encontrar dos posibles candidatos que despertaron mi interés y diseñé una oferta razonable. En el momento de escribir esto, estoy contratando a uno y esperando la respuesta de otro.
Escucho a la gente decir: "Mi esposa se divorció de mí y tomó la morada". ¿Esto ha sucedido alguna vez o es posible que para seleccionar los bienes se dividiera la popularidad en masa? Como si una persona llegara a casa y la otra tuviera otros apartamentos en venta en Laureles Medellín.
Los bienes raíces son una de las pocas inversiones que los hombres y mujeres no sólo pueden usar, sino que necesitan. Necesitas un punto de partida en vivo. Y los bienes raíces han demostrado sistemáticamente proporcionar un aumento en el valor en el pasado varios sobrepeso.
También producen herramientas de bajo costo y alto resultado para la creación de redes - estoy delirando acerca de la creación de redes tanto en el mercado en línea como fuera de línea - comunicación efectiva, mercadeo e incluso colaboración. Además de todo esto, las relaciones con los clientes se manejan mejor a través de estos métodos. Así que si quieres comprar en el mercado inmobiliario, ¡echa un vistazo en línea!
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