#besides hope i miraculously die in my sleep lol
tytopls · 1 year
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lisinfleur · 5 years
Whenever your eyes open...
The Request:
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Author’s Notes | This one got me crying...  Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ivar x Reader Info | Modern Age AU, requested by @lol-haha-joke​ for 5CW7 Words | 1005 ⁑ Warnings: Absolutely HEAVY ANGST. Mentions of medical care and coma. Caution is recommended: The following content may be triggering.
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Someone left the flowers disorganized again.
"Hvitserk never learns, does he?"
Ivar's voice echoed through the room without an answer as his slow steps were heard along with the sound of his cane, approaching the nightstand beside her bed.
His hand slowly fixed the vase position, organizing the flowers the way he knew she used to like. And he cleaned some few leaves that fell from the bouquet, along with some petals.
"It's time to change them again... But it will be easier if my stupid brother finally understand his butt is not intangible and stop moving around hitting it on things," he complained, remembering the many times he saw Hvitserk coming closer to the bed and then bumping into the nightstand or even into the vase itself, disorganizing the flowers...
She never liked disorganized bouquets. Nor repetitive sounds.
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That constant beeping from the cardiac monitor should be driving her insane.
"I wish I could turn this shit off," Ivar sighed, sitting at the chair beside the bed, checking on the monitor, trying to at least diminish the volume of that sound "But I can't. We need to keep hearing it, love. The same way I want you to stop hearing this shit, I think I'll go insane if this shit ever stops beeping..."
His hand slid through the bed, reaching her hand, checking the access for the serum he was already so used to see, clean, sometimes exchange by himself.
To have her in that situation wasn't something recent. But Ivar could say it was hurting him as if it was the first day... Always hurting as if he was in that hospital hall once again, desperate.
His thumb caressed her motionless hand and he sighed.
His memory torturing him once again throwing him back on that horrible day. Showing him the last time she had held back his hand when receiving that simple touch he missed so badly now.
"I miss you, love."
His eyes landed once again on her, portraying the whole situation one more time: on the bed, she was laying like the sleeping beauty from the Disney movie. However, no loving kiss was ever able to wake her up from that eternal dream. And it was no spindle that threw her into that shitty endless sleep.
A heavy drunken bastard was her spindle... A damn runaway car was the spinning wheel.
By the grace of the gods, or the blessing of her fairies, his precious Y/N didn't die in that cursed day. But she fell asleep. Forever.
And since that day, Ivar's life was reduced to care for her, speak to her every morning, speaking to her every night, sometimes sleep in the chair beside her bed - even knowing it would hurt his back and bones next morning.
But sometimes he just wanted to feel that his life wasn't completely changed. He just wanted to feel the warmth of her hand in the middle of his hands, now that he could barely hold her in his arms. He couldn't kiss her anymore, nor feel her embrace; nor hear her laughs that would surely bring the sun to his cloudy day.
She was just there... Every morning, every afternoon, every night, laid, like a beautiful princess, cursed to that endless sleep until the gods decided he suffered enough to have her waking up.
Or she suffered enough to deserve the definitive rest.
Sometimes, Ivar saw himself hitting the wall with his fists, thinking maybe it would have been better if she had indeed died in that accident. She wouldn't be forever locked in that bed, while the life was passing through her and she wasn't able to enjoy it.
But he would repress these thoughts almost as soon as they showed up. Even feeling it was selfish of him to keep her alive that terrible way.
There was still hope. The doctors said there was a chance that she could suddenly wake up, as long as she was alive. Some people spent five, six years that way, and then, the miraculous day came and they just woke up as if the whole and horrible time without them was nothing but a terrible dream.
To live without her was completely insane. Every time he crossed that door from her room to the world outside, Ivar felt like leaving a whole dimension behind to go into another universe where she doesn't exist.
The whole time seemed to be stopped inside that room - despite the fact he could see she was getting older. There were four years now...
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Gently, he picked up her favorite hairbrush from the nightstand and carefully, Ivar started brushing her hair the way she used to do every single night. She used to have that routine every night that he tried to keep, despite some small changes like adding the medical cares and taking out things like removing makeup she wasn't using anymore. But the great majority of her daily routine for the night, Ivar tried to keep working, brushing her hair every day slowly; or carefully spread some moisturizer on her feet, legs, arms; some proper moisturizer for her face as well, and balm for her lips. Ivar learned the names of the products she used to have and bought always from her favorite brands. Everything was kept the way she liked. He still had hope.
One product at its time, Ivar focused on finishing her whole routine, tenderly noticing the beep was slower: she was relaxing. Her body would always relax after the time he had the habit to dedicate to her. And his voice would always cause alterations in the exams where her brain waves were being measured, such as her heart beating as well.
She was there.
She could hear him.
She could feel him.
Ivar was sure she would come back to him. Someday...
"Until this day, my love, I'll be here. I'll always be here for you, my queen. Whenever your eyes open, I'll be here by your side to say hello."
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Survey #277
“i think we could reach heaven if we go through hell”
What are you currently listening to? "Heaven" by Solence. Has your father met the boy you currently love? I don’t love a guy, just his memory. I don’t think it’s accurate to say “yeah I love him” when I haven’t spoken to/associated with him since one talk in 2017. Are you closer with your siblings or cousins? My sisters. I barely ever see/talk to my cousins at all. How many people have you really fallen for? Two. Next event you’ll wear a dress to: Probably not ‘til my sister’s wedding next year. Why did you last cry? Oh god it’s so cheesy but it was during the Unus Annus video where Mark, Ethan, and Amy were out in the desert watching Neowise and just talking about life and shit. I legit sat in silence just thinking for a while after I finished it. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Shit, not even 10 minutes. Sometimes not even five. I don’t do anything special at all, just get dressed, brush teeth, and comb my hair. Would you ever take back someone after they cheated? Nnnnope. How many arguments have you had with the last person you dated? Well considering we jumped back and forth from hating each other to being friends like five times as kids,,,, lmao. But on a serious note, it’s rare now. I don’t exactly count arguments tho. Do you want to see somebody right now? I wanna hang with Sara so bad mayn. Do you get distracted easily? YEAH. Do you think that someone has feelings for you? Yeah. Do you still talk to the person that you last kissed? On the daily. Are you easy to get along with? I think so. I’m chill with such a variety of people that you know you can be free of judgment. The only thing you’d have to understand is how quiet I am and that it does not equate to me being disinterested in you or anything, as people have apparently thought. Have you ever had a pet goldfish? As a kid. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? Yeah. Are you short? I’m of an average height for someone my gender, age, and nationality or whatever it’s called. Is there anything stressing you out currently? bruuuuuhhhhh I am ALWAYS stressed about something. What’s something that you cannot wait for? This fucking pandemic to end. Just wear your goddamn masks and stay in your fucking houses ‘n shit and maybe we’ll move forward. What was your favorite grade? So it’s super ironic: 7th. Which is when my depression manifested. I just have a lot of good memories with excellent teachers and friends. Are you afraid of shots? “Fear” is the wrong word for it, but there’s certainly a tense feeling before you get one. It’s not the needle that really hurts, it’s whatever medicine is being injected. Always stings. Were you an adorable baby? I was tbh, but I had nothing on my little sister. Nicole was so fucking cute. Are you happy with who you’re becoming? No. Do you want children? No. Do you change your phone background a lot? Not “a lot,” no. Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast? Definitely really slow. Really fast is nooot my style. I mean, neither is very slow, but I’d definitely prefer it and feel more secure in it. When applying eyeliner, which eye do you do first? Uhhh I think left? I do this so rarely that I don’t really know lol. How many exes have you talked to today? One. Are you tan? lol hell no. I never have been. Do you use any acne medication? I use a facial scrub to exfoliate and prevent acne, does that count? Is anybody in your family schizophrenic? If so, what is their life like? My half-sister I’ve never met. I know almost nothing about her so can’t answer the second question. Are you likely to crack under peer pressure? Not really, no. Are you emotional or very stoic? I’m emotional as hell. How many states have you lived in? North Carolina has kept me hostage my whole life. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yeah. Who did you last say “I love you” to? Me mum. How do you want to die? Eek, idk man. Part of me says fast as to avoid pain or a gradual, torturous decline in health, but at the same time I want my life to conclude after like… accepting it and not taking my last days for granted. I also don’t want the sudden surprise on my loved ones. Are you scared of spiders? Okay, so this is very situational. If a spider surprises me, I’m most likely going to gasp/scream/curse and try to get away. However, I find them very, very fascinating to watch and are beautiful and some even cute in their own right. I respect their existence and position in the ecosystem. I’ve held a tarantula before and even want two (… or ten) as a pet, so I can’t be THAT scared of them. Oh, and I’m much more likely to be spooked by ones with long legs and particularly small bodies. Idk, it’s weird. Do you have trust issues? fuck YES I do. Who/what was your last dream about? I know Jason was in it, but that’s no surprise. I remember someone randomly trying to kill me again lmao. Who was the last person you cried in front of? I’m sure it was Mom. Who was your last text from? Sara. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? The fuck is wrong with you if you sleep with it open?????????????? Have you ever "done it" in a hotel room? No. I don’t think we were ever in a hotel together, and besides, it’s p gross imho. I can’t say for sure I wouldn’t lmao but I hope I wouldn’t. Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No, that’s never made sense to me? My sister stole a traffic cone once tho lmao. She legit just wanted to do something sketchy. Highkey badass, amirite. Are you reading any books right now? I’m very slowly reading Wings of Fire: The Dark Secret by Tui T. Sutherland. I’m going through one of my junctures of little reading again, even though I’m enjoying the book as I do with the series. Who was the last person to send you a friend request on Facebook? Some dude I had no mutual friends with or anything. How recently did you wash your hands? Last time I went to the bathroom. Did the last person you kissed have facial hair? No. Who is the most intelligent person you know? Girt. Do you have younger siblings? If you do, are you protective of them? I have one sister younger by two years, and I’d kill for her even if we’re not all that close. What are the other members of your household doing at this moment? I’ve actually been home alone for around two weeks now and am MIRACULOUSLY doing totally fine. My mom had to take an urgent flight to NY because her mom is dying. Sadly much slower than they expected. She’s not in pain due to medicine, but nevertheless, it’s torture for her. She can't do anything. Do you have any neighbors that you don't get along with? Not really, but there is someone to our right that constantly has music playing outside, and sometimes it’s annoying. In the past week, have you slept past midday? No. I can’t remember the last time I did that. Name the last song that made you cry. “Lovely” by Billie Eilish, I think. It reminded me of Jason. Do you use Twitter? Not really, no. I only ever check it to look at Mark’s lmao what a shocker. The last time something scared you, what was it? One of my nightmares last night. A huge spider was hurrying towards my face from the wall and I actually scrambled out of bed irl, therefore nearly passing out bc I can't get up fast w/o getting extremely dizzy, oof. Who was your first best friend? Brianna. Are you still friends anymore? On Facebook, anyway. We haven’t talk-talked in many years. Who is your best friend right now? Sara. How old were you when you found out what sex was? I was in the 4th or 5th grade, whatever age you are then. I definitely learned later than most, it seems. Had no idea until sex ed in school. Name one quirk you have that drives people crazy? I pace badly, and I’ve been told by numerous people it makes them anxious. Who is your favorite Disney villain? Probably Scar. You gotta admit his scheme was pretty clever, and he had a BUMPIN song. Would you have children if a surrogate could carry it for you? No, I still wouldn’t. Do you have an account for any social platform that you rarely/never use? Yeah, like Twitter. What do you most frequently take photos of? Nature. Do you ever wear hats? What does your favorite hat look like? No. Have you tried any foods or drinks for the first time today? Which? No. Does anyone close to you smoke cigarettes? My dad. What was the last song you heard, that made you feel nostalgic? Motionless In White recently covered "Somebody Told Me" by The Killers. Is it awkward when you run into your ex? I don’t run into any of them. Do you prefer pasta, salad, or coleslaw? Oh, totally pasta. Coleslaw is fucking disgusting. Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? I hope. Would you rather pierce your tongue or lip? I have a vertical labret and did have snake eyes, and I adore(d) both; however, I prefer my lip ring. It’s like, a part of my identity by now lmao. Last time you were attacked by an animal? I don’t think an animal has ever seriously hurt me, instead only through playing too rough. I get scratches from Roman every now and again from it. How many times have you been engaged (if any at all)? Never. Have you ever been called something and you didn’t know what it meant? So one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever done is accidentally agree to being a martyr, because at the time, I thought it only meant like, you’d die for what you stand for, which in most serious cases, I would. I didn’t know that wasn’t the kind he meant; he meant I was trying to make shit all about me and throw a pity party about the breakup. I didn’t learn that was the “common day” definition until a long time after when I was no longer in contact with this person. Are your eyes sensitive to sunlight? VERY VERY VERY. Have you ever been busted for underage drinking? No. Do you have a picture of you and your lover kissing? I don’t have a “lover.” Have you witnessed a fight at school? So shortly after returning to class in the 10th grade, a girl deadass got stabbed in the neck during a fight nearby my classroom. I (nor my classmates) actually saw it, just heard. Safe to say the assailant was expelled, and the other girl was lucky to have her throat missed, though that was apparently what the other girl was aiming for. She went to the hospital of course, and that’s all I know. Who did you last get into a big argument with? Probably Mom. Do you drink lots of water? Sigh, no. What was the worst feeling you last felt? Before my last period I had a day of such bad cramping that I decided to go back on birth control. I originally started it for that but stopped to see how it would affect my mood, and now I absolutely need it back. Interested in anyone at the moment? Yeah. Do you know people with your last name that you aren't related to? Besides historical people, no. Are you guilty of texting while driving? ”I don’t drive, but I am so against doing that. Please don’t. It only takes a second of distraction for something to go wrong. Keep your eyes on the damn road.” <<<< This right fuckin here. Have you ever caused a lot of noise in a library? No. What was the last thing that completely took your breath away? I don’t know. When playing rock, paper, scissors which do you usually pick? Uhhh I think scissors? Have you ever tried to write a book? Yes, but they’re all projects I abandoned. Have you ever been hit by a chunk of hail? Not that I recall, no. Do you have high standards? Honestly yes when it comes to relationships (which is what I assume you’re talking about). Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle? Yeah. Do you know how to snap your fingers? Uh, yeah. Do you plan your outfits for the next day or just randomly choose? I choose on the spot, usually. Are you a bossy person? Definitely not. Is it true that if you don’t love yourself, you can’t love another? I fucking hate that statement. It’s absolute bullshit.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
Beth Greene was Always Gimple’s Sheriff
 Good morning Everyone! Please prepare yourself for some epic parallels! This is a bit lengthy so grab yourself a warm beverage and settle in for a few minutes.
This post is based 100% on potential, unconfirmed spoilers that were posted this week. I normally wouldn't do a post on something that's unconfirmed, but I believe very strongly that the spoilers are correct. Why? Because even though it's not something we ever theorized before, they fit in perfectly with Beth's narrative. They connect EVERYTHING across four seasons and are yet more evidence that Beth's return is only a few episodes away.
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Everything is below the READ MORE for those who don't want to be spoiled. So if you don't want potentially massive spoilers for this season—and kind of the rest of the series?—do NOT read this post. You've been warned.
Okay, so if you want to read the spoilers in detail, look at THIS POST that I put up last night. The gist is that they're pretty sure Carl is dying in the MSF. That totally sucks! I'm still heartsick about it. And again, the spoilers aren't confirmed so I HOPE their wrong, but I don't really believe they are. The reason is that we actually have tons of evidence for it, which I'll lay out in this post, but that we just never noticed before.  
Most of my fellow theorists have asked me if I saw this coming, because none of them did. And the answer is no, I didn't. I don't think anyone did. Even if something struck us at suspicious at one time or another, we just didn't think Gimple was ballsy enough to kill off Carl. *Sigh* I guess if we haven't learned by now that he's ballsy enough to kill off absolutely ANYONE, it's our own faults.  
The fact is that now, every evidence we've ever seen for Beth that involves Carl can now be seen in a new light, and makes SO much sense. I'm going to argue that this isn't about Chandler going to school. Gimple has been planning it this way since season 4, and I'll prove it to you.  
So let's start there. Let's go through various things that were probably foreshadows of Carl's death, but we just didn't realize it.
Season 4:
4x16: A
The sheriff's hat. In the famous scene where Rick puts the hat on Beth and calls her the "new sheriff in town," it falls off Carl first. It's so subtle, but it's probably a foreshadow not only of his death (no longer wearing the hat; because why else besides being dead would he ever stop wearing that hat?) but also that Beth was never going to return and take her place as sheriff until Carl's demise.  
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Also keep in mind that we saw Negan knock that hat off Carl's head twice last season. Once in 7x01 and again in 7x16.  
4x03: Isolation
There's a scene where Carl and Hershel go outside to collect berries so Hershel can make tea for those who are sick. I've always connected this scene to Beth (X). The reason is that they see a female walker who's leg is in a bear trap (Bear Symbolism). It just feels very Beth-ish. Imprisonment. Parallels to Beth stepping on the small game trap in Alone. Oh, and Hershel doesn't allow Carl to shoot the walker, which is a parallel to TF not shooting or stabbing Beth to make sure she wouldn't turn.
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Interestingly, there are some callbacks to S1 in this scene. A walker sits against a tree much like Jim did when they left him in S1. 
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And then there's an empty tent which is a callback to looking for Sophia (which is actually season 2). 
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The Sophia tent I understand because it's part of the "missing girl" theme, which we've seen around Beth a lot.  
But I never understood the S1/Jim reference. I never knew what the point of having that in the scene was. Now I do. In S8, when Beth appears (walker in the bear trap) there will be some season 1 stuff going on, which we are now seeing very heavily in S8, and will continue to see in 8x02. If you've read spoilers about the "familiar face," you know what I mean.  
So here's how this relates to Carl's death. Carl is very much the sheriff in this part of the story. Everyone is sick, Daryl/Michonne and co have left to go to the veterinary college, and when Rick and Carol leave to canvas for supplies, Rick leaves Carl in charge. That's why Carl insists on going out with Hershel, to protect him.  
So we're seeing a parallel of this now in S8. When Michonne said in 8x01 that this was Carl's show, it means that he's in charge, much as he was in this scene from S4. Even though Michonne is there, Carl is the sheriff. There's not a specific death omen in that scene that I can tell, other than Carl's general fatalism, but let's keep going.
After the prison falls, Rick has a heavy Beth parallel because he falls into a mini coma and sleeps for more than a day. Carl can't wake him up. So once again we see Carl being "the sheriff" by going to look for supplies on his own. He does assert his own independence and even yells at Rick that he would be fine if Rick died.  
But the thing is...it's not true. Later that night, Carl starts to cry and say he can't do it by himself and he was wrong. Now, this is one of my favorite Carl-centered scenes. I've always seen it as beautiful and sad and human, so I'm not knocking it in the least.
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But we do have some interesting juxtapositions here. We sort of see Carl's weakness, in that he can't be by himself. And yes, he's a kid and you can't reasonably expect something like that from most kids, but most other characters could have gone on without Rick. Even at Carl's age, Daryl would have been just fine, lol. Meanwhile, we have these Rick/Beth parallels of being in a coma, not able to wake up. Carl even comes close to shooting Rick, but doesn't. Then Rick wakes up from his mini coma and is fine.  
I'm not even saying I see a specific death omen here. Just that it's interesting. Carl's weakness along side a sheriff awakening from a coma.  
Season 5:
5x02: "You are not safe." This speech from Rick to Carl was even in most of the promos. Now, granted, nothing happened to Carl right away, but I think it's significant that it was said in S5, not long before Beth is shot. It's a foreshadow that eventually, something might happen to Carl. Rick says, “It only takes one second. One second and it’s over.” Sounds pretty ominous.
5x08: Deleted scene from Coda. The one where Rick and Daryl talk on the roof.
I'm SO side-eyeing this scene now where Carl is concerned. We TD-ers have always seen it as a sweet moment between Rick and Daryl. One of understanding and solidarity. It's Rick's way of telling Daryl that he understands that Beth and Carol mean as much to him and Carl and Judith do to Rick, and that Rick will back him up with whatever needs to be done to keep these women safe.  
But now look at it in terms of Beth returning just as Carl dies. Everything Rick has done since S1 has been about keeping Carl safe, and of course Judith is part of that too. Rick actually tells Daryl that here. Then, right after, Daryl loses that person (Beth) that meant so much to him.  
So what we're seeing is a theme about Daryl getting Beth back just as Rick loses Carl. I'm not sure I’m illustrating this very well. It's crazy-intricate.
Think of it this way: Rick has almost lost Carl many times (S2 shooting, his humanity in S3/S4, shot in the eye in 6x09) but Carl has always come back from these things. Carl has gotten many returns. (Everything gets a return). Beth, of course, has not. So Rick has had a great deal of time with Carl, and much of it is miraculous because Carl SHOULD have died in most of these situations, but didn't.  
So Rick talked about doing anything to keep his kids safe. Then Daryl lost his person. So when Rick loses HIS person (Carl) in S8, mirroring Daryl's loss in S5, that's when Daryl's person (Beth) will return,
So in 4x16, the sheriff's hat falls off Carl and Rick picks it up and puts it on Beth. New sheriff. New arc. New hope. New loss.
5x08: “I get it now.” This has less to do with Carl, but what is only a short time later, Beth stands in the hallway of Grady toe to toe with Dawn. She says, "I get it now," which is all about her future leadership. I've always said this shot of her between Rick and Daryl shows that she'll rise to be a leader of the group on par with both of them. (Details HERE.) But it's means more than that now. She'll actually take over as leader for Rick and lead beside Daryl. (I'll explain that more in a minute. Bear with me.) So we have evidence of her leadership, right before Daryl loses her in a way that was referenced by Rick, only in his case it was about Carl and Judith. See what I mean? Holy crap!
5x16 Conquer: Can we please appreciate this shot one more time? Carl, Judith, and the music box. Just like Carl, Judith and Beth were all present in the flashback scene of 4x16. I'd never actually connected these two shots in this way before, but holy cow!
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Season 6:
Not tons to add here. It IS important that Carl protected Judith when the wolves showed up, and that he and Enid are kinda paralleled with Bethyl off and on. Making more sense as to why now.  
6x09 – No Way Out  
I already talked about Carl being shot in 6x09 and Rick really freaking out when he was sure he'd lose him. (Foreshadow anyone?) But I'm also kind of thinking about Denise now. We've already established how monumental her parallels to Beth were. So I'm just side-eyeing the fact that she worked on Carl and saved him. Yes, I know she's the doctor and who else would have worked on him, but they didn't have to parallel her so heavily with Beth. And once again, while her "saving" him might suggest that Carl lives, it's really an anti-parallel.
It's actually a lot like the Deer Theory. When the deer lives, the character dies. When the deer dies, the character lives. (Wonder if we'll see a deer around Carl's death at all.) This is similar. Carl lived after being shot in 6x09. And Denise is a Beth proxy. Denise died only a couple of episodes later. So when Beth is revealed to truly be alive, Carl will die.
6x16 –  Last Day on Earth
Now check out what Carl says to Rick just before the saviors start whistling and surround them. "We can do anything. And we will. What happened to Denise. I'm not gonna let anybody die like that again."
Whoa? Seriously? If Denise = Beth, then when Beth lives... See what I mean? So I was thinking that maybe Carl would die protecting Judith. But maybe he'll die protecting Beth? No idea really. Either way, I think he'll go out as a hero, protecting someone. It also suggests that whoever he protects will be in danger of dying like Denise. A crossbow bolt to the head? If that almost happens to Beth but doesn't, it will be ultimate validation that we were right all along about Denise parallels.
Season 7:
I already mentioned that Negan knocks the hat off twice, which is pretty huge. 
(Negan/Carl’s Hat Gif)
Also, in the second lineup in 7x16, when Negan is going to kill Carl, Carl looks up at him and says, "You won't win." That was one thing that was always suspicious to me. And no, I never actually thought they would kill Carl. But even so, I always felt like he was being a little too accepting of his own death, rather than fighting it.  
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So now is probably a good time to mention this next thing as well. I firmly believe that they use death fake outs and close calls as foreshadows of actual deaths down the line. We certainly saw it with Glenn. He had death fake outs in both S4 and S6, and then eventually we did lose him. Same thing with Carl. His "almost" death foreshadowed his actual one.  
Of course it's nearly impossible to pin down who will go next or when it will happen because 1) Every character has had close calls and could potentially die at any time and 2) they move so slowly that even if a character is dying in a few days, it might STILL be two seasons away, lol.  
Season 8:
So remember in my Details and Foreshadows post about 8x01, I talked about 1) Michonne saying this is your show, which I said is a theme we've seen before and is always equated with death or the missing girl. This just goes to show how Beth's arc is tangled up in Carl's, and again, if he's the sheriff, then she's about to appear, just as the walker with the bear trap did in 4x03, at the same time as the S1 callbacks.  
2) Then there's what that Savior said to Rick about how he would beg, and his son would still die. I didn't think Carl would die when I heard that. Only that there would be death in his arc. Wrong on the first count, right on the second. The death in his arc will be his own.
So the idea is that Rick's Old Man Coda is just like the picnic dream in 7x01. It's his vision of a perfect, peaceful future, but someone in it (Carl) isn't actually alive in reality. I think this story telling technique is fascinating because they introduced it to us in 7x01 so we'd be familiar with what it is. They're using it again, but this time they aren't telling us who died. It will be revealed slowly as we go along.  
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The second flash forward, of the Rick with the red eyes beneath the cross, is most likely Carl's funeral.  
The other foreshadow that I didn't even mention in my previous post is when Rick tells Maggie that when the war is over, he'll follow her. That could symbolically point to Beth (that he'll be following a Greene sister) but really I think it's both. Just because Beth leads doesn't mean Maggie won't still lead Hilltop in some capacity. Or it could just be a general foreshadow that Rick simply won't be leading anymore.  
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One more outside-the-show evidence? I was talking to my buddy @paolo_pedini (IG) about this. He told me that he wasn't surprised Carl is dying, mostly because Comic Book Carl is so different than TV show Carl. I don't read the CBs, so I wouldn't know this, but he told me that the two are so different, he's never understood how TV Carl will ever get to be CB Carl. And he doesn't mean it as a knock on Chandler's acting. Not at all. But the vibe is just different. In the show, Carl is very Glenn/Hershel/Beth-ish. He's very compassionate and all about helping people. And in the CBs, he's just not that way.
Now granted, at any point, Gimple could feasibly do a story line for Carl that would change his outlook and attitude toward life, but he's been on the show since S1. Shouldn't Gimple have been moving him toward that point all along? It's like they didn't even try. Just more evidence that Gimple never planned for Carl to survive into adulthood.  
Everyone take a deep breath and process. It totally sucks that Carl is dying. I didn't want that at all. (I'm very upset!) But do you see why I think they're right? How it makes sense for every step along the way and shows that Beth was never going to return until Rick lost Carl?
Links Back to S4, S5, and Beth
This is where things get crazy-epic. So another thing we discussed in our FB group when we all started freaking about these spoilers was whether Rick would die. Not that we think they'd kill off both Carl and Rick in the same season, but it's a valid concern. If Carl dies, and he's what Rick has been living for and protecting for 8 seasons, it's not outside the realm of possibility that Rick will simply fizzle out and die physically as well. I'm here to tell you that's NOT how things will play out. Why? Because of Hershel.
We actually have a few evidences we can point to. First is the Old Man Coda. Just the fact that Rick is dreaming or thinking about the future tells me he'll be in it.
Also, I've always said that, despite what Kirkman says about killing off Rick, Gimple would never do that. Lots of story tellers get away with doing that sort of thing, and some with great success, but the fact remains it's not a particularly great story telling technique. You should always end with the character you start with. Gimple is too good a story teller to pull a stunt like that. The show started with Rick. It will end with him too. I'll come back to this, as it's probably the biggest evidence of everything I'm saying here and the reason for the title of this post.  
First, let's talk about why I'm sure Rick will survive Carl's death.  
Ties to Grady:
First, back to Grady. Remember THIS POST I did after season 6, about how weird and annoying it was that they focused so much on Dawn's backstory. We just didn't care and wanted to know other things, but they kept telling us about Captain Hanson who was the leader at Grady before Dawn. They went out of their way to tell us that the two of them weren't rivals. He was her mentor, in fact. She loved him (platonically) and they were very close. Now, we all know that if Beth is really dead, the Grady story line was one ginormous waste. No one living (apparently) took anything from that arc, so it was entirely superfluous. Of course we believe Beth IS alive, so Grady wasn't a waste. It was all about her.
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In considering that, I theorized that Dawn's back story MUST be a foreshadow of Beth's arc. There's no other reason for them to include it. So I thought that captain Hanson would = Rick. Rick would crack at some point, and Beth would step in for him as leader. Guys, we're about to see that happen.
I'll admit I thought we were seeing it in S7. Rick definitely cracked under the pressure of Negan and Glenn's death. By the end of 7x01, he was sniveling, snot-covered mess. But he came back from that and was very strong in standing up to Negan in 7x16 and now so far in S8, he's been the badass Rick Grimes that we all know and love.  
So, if Rick came back from Glenn's death, came back from all the traumatic times he thought he'd lose Carl, etc., what would actually crack him to the point of shattering? The only thing would be losing Michonne or one of his children. Rick and Michonne talked about the possibility of losing one another last season and how they have to go on. Yeah, that kind of points to it being Michonne, but based on what the spoilers said and all this stuff above, I think it'll be Carl. I think the real foreshadow in their convo in 7x12 was that, even after epic loss, no matter what that is, they have to be able to go on and lead their people. Rick is not going to be able to do that for at time.
Now, I know that Hanson being killed by Dawn may make it seem like Rick will die. In the Hanson story, Rick = Hanson and Beth = Dawn. But 1) I've always said that Beth won't kill Rick. She's a better person than Dawn was and will have a great deal of MERCY for Rick. In a twisted way, Dawn did mentor Beth, but Beth learned what NOT to do from her. ("I get it now.") And 2) There's season 4a and Hershel.
Ties to Season 4a:
Let's return to 4a. And hold onto your butts because this level of planning on Gimple's part may just blow your mind.  
Remember the "we get to come back" theme? Most people only remember it from Rick's epic speech to the Governor in 4x08, but it actually started way before that.
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In 4x01, after Rick's encounter with Crazy Walker Chick/Clara, he went back to the prison and told Hershel all about it. You can tell Rick is depressed that he was unable to save Crazy Walker Chick, unable to keep her from taking her own life. Hershel talks him through it. 
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Check out how interesting this convo is:
Hershel: Some people are too far gone. You're not. You tried to help her.
Rick: How that woman wound up. I got close to that. If I lost Carl and Judith. If I lost this place--
Hershel: Not then, Rick. Not even then. You came back. Your boy came back. You get to come back. You do...
Whoa. Massive foreshadowing there. It's all about Carl and Judith. Rick thinks if he lost Carl, he couldn't come back, which is while he'll end up like Crazy Walker Chick for a time. But Hershel tells him that even then, he can come back. *So crazy to see stuff like this from 4x01 that STILL hasn't been fulfilled!*
In this scene, it's obvious that Rick doesn't entirely believe what Hershel says. He doesn't contradict him, but he's skeptical. It's not until he's facing the governor in 4x08 that he really learns and believes that people get to come back. He has to believe it at that point because he's begging the Governor not to bulldoze their home. That's why Hershel gives that heartbreaking smile just before he dies. It's the smile a mentor whose pupil just learned the lesson. 🙁
So how does all this tie together?
Think of it this way. 4a was one huge foreshadow, not only of Carl's death, but of Rick's reaction to it. At the beginning of S4, Rick is NOT the leader at the prison. And why is that? Because of Carl. It's like he tells Daryl when they're digging graves. Daryl is asking Rick if he'll come back and be a leader in the middle of the virus crisis again. 
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Rick refuses because he's afraid of losing Carl. "I almost lost my boy..."  
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But through the course of 4a, Rick slowly realizes he was wrong to not be the leader. By the time 4x08 happens and the prison falls, he's already decided to be the leader again. And after 4x08, he's back to being the sheriff.  So he gets to come back, even after he loses Carl.
Now let's talk Hershel. There are a few ways in which Hershel is paralleled with Beth in 4a. There's this picture on the wall that suggests Oceanside, the Java Saves cup, which is a Jesus reference. And even he and Michonne represent the prisoner exchange at Grady. But I've never been able to come up with a truly satisfactory reason why they use Hershel for some of these parallels.
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Granted, he's a Greene. And her father. She's a lot like him. So maybe it’s not rocket science. But even so. Especially with things like the ship painting, why show that with Hershel? HE won't be alive when Oceanside comes into play. Why not show it with Maggie? Or Daryl? I think I finally understand why.  
Think of it this way: when Rick wasn't leading at the prison, who was? Daryl for one thing. 
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They made a big deal about how Daryl was getting all kinds of love for helping people, and the prison's residents really looked up to him. As with all things Daryl, he was handling mostly the physical stuff. Hunting, feeding people, keeping the fences up, and bringing new people in (foreshadow of him scouting with Aaron for Alexandria, btw). But he wasn't the de facto leader. He wasn't the one everyone looked to for moral guidance and decision making. Who was?
Hershel. Even Daryl looked to him to make decisions and then Daryl got it done. 
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So now we're going to see this again. It's a repeating arc. (I always say things foreshadow or parallel one another, but it's not like 4a wasn't its own arc. It totally was. If you don't believe me that this show repeats arcs, go check out @angelthefirst1's amazing metas about it. She'll convince you. ;D)
Rick will actually lose Carl this time, and have to step down from leadership because he can't handle it. Daryl definitely will lead. If you STILL haven't read @thegloriouscollectorlady's 4 Arcs for 4 Communities theory (even though I've told you to like a 100x ;D) do so now. She predicated months ago (has it been a year?) that Daryl and Beth would lead together.  
So you can see that Beth will actually step into Hershel's role at the prison. Daryl will lead with her and take care of the physical side of things, but Beth will be the de facto leader everyone looks to for guidance and decision making.  
More than that, I think just as Hershel taught Rick that he could come back, Beth will be instrumental in guiding Rick back and helping him come back from Carl's death.  
What was taught and foreshadowed by Hershel will be fulfilled in Hershel's daughter. The new sheriff in town. That's why Rick won't die.  
What I'm saying is that Gimple planned it this way from the get go. From 4x01 when Gimple took the reins of the show, he structured it as this massive redemption arc for Rick. We're now heading into the darkest part of that arc, when he actually loses Carl.  
But Beth is a huge part of that. She was never going to return until Rick needed her so desperately. This is why she's the coda. Why she's the song bird and the hope that will keep the group going when Rick simply can't. We really couldn't have understood all of this back in season 5. Or 6. Or 7.
I want to add in some thoughts that @thegloriouscollectorlady shared with me because they're just so damn beautiful.
Back to the iconic hat/new sheriff in town scene.  
TD has always argued that one of the reasons this MUST means something is that it seemed entirely unnecessary for Beth to be in the scene. On the surface, having this flashback seemed to be an explanation about how/why Rick became a farmer and about, you know, Carl. So we always argued that there had to be a reason for them to bring her into the scene. I know I've said many times that it might have made more sense for Michonne to be in the scene because she's closer to Rick and Carl. And again, the reason they didn't was because they needed to put the hat on Beth for symbolic purposes.  
But it's so much more than that now. Obviously her being there wasn't unnecessary, even putting that hat aside. She's tied up with this arc of Carl's death and Rick stepping down as leader.
And as @thegloriouscollectorlady observed, this scene becomes epic, even when it comes to just Rick and Hershel. They didn't put any other characters (I.e. Daryl, Michonne) into that scene because they didn't want them there. This scene is about the relationship between two men and their children.  
Remember that this happened before Rick and Daryl became brothers/Rickyl. And of course they were good friends back then and leaned heavily on one another, but their brotherly relationship didn't solidify until after this happened.
I would argue that at this point in time (the flashback) Rick might have actually been closer to Hershel than to Daryl. The relationship was different, as Hershel was his mentor, but he went to Hershel as a confidant in 4x01, not Daryl. (Just gonna throw out there that at that exact same time, Daryl went to Beth about Zack. Are we seeing the emotional intimacies in these relationships?)
So in this scene we have a representation that Hershel's child (Beth) will save Rick's child (Judith) at the moment he loses his son (Carl). The younger generation rises up as the older one falters. The new sheriff comes to town.
Do you see the plan? Gimple has been heading toward this since Daryl, Sasha and Ty hit the Big Spot and Michonne rode in on a horse.  
I also think this is why we’ve seen so many things pointing to S8. Yes, it has everything to do with Beth’s return, but I also think it’s because S8 is where we’ll start to see the fulfillment of the foreshadowing set up in S4.
Let me also say that, although I still think Carl’s S8 arc may lead to Beth, all of this has made me realize that it may just be symbolic too. Carl will “bring” Beth into her sheriff/leadership role. But it may still be literal as well.
Back to Kirkman. Kirkman has always said that he would eventually kill off Rick and Carl would take over. Though I've never been a fan of that idea, for some reason this has given me more respect for it. (No, that's not particularly logical, but it's the truth.)  
Kirkman always planned for Carl to inherit Rick's legacy of leadership. And it's his comic book series, so more power to him.  
But that was never true of Gimple. It's plain to me now that he never planned to follow Kirkman's lead in this regard. For him, it was always about Beth. We know he alone handled her arc in S2, purposely making her weak so we could see her become strong. Her character and her development were always his doing. His baby.  
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He always planned that Beth would inherit Rick's leadership legacy. In short, Beth Greene was ALWAYS Gimple's sheriff.  
Mr. Gimple, you are a freaking rock star. I have more respect for you as a story teller than any other I've ever come across. And trust me, I've come across quite a lot.  
Bethyl on, my friends. Bethyl on! And do take some time to mourn the fact that in only two seasons, the Atlanta Five will become the Atlanta Three.
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Update and Disclaimer: 
I wrote this post about three days ago, after the spoilers first broke, and I do stand behind most of what I wrote above.
Yesterday, this was found and posted in my FB group. Please note that some comments are either deleted or not visible, which is why it’s a little confusing.
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So it suggests these spoilers are untrue.
Let me first say that I HOPE they are, because I don’t want to lose Carl. And you know, if I am, then this post is mostly wrong. ;D 
But I still lean toward them being true. Let me explain why. We’re really looking at one of three possible scenarios here.
1. The spoiler site is full of crap. We’ve seen them be wrong before, especially over Beth stuff. However, I tend to think that’s not the case here. I could be wrong, of course, but for one thing, they said in teh original spoilers that it was unconfirmed, and we should take it with a grain of salt. It’s usually when they’re being super arrogant about things that they’re wrong. So I kind of think this is true, or at least they really believe it is. 
Also, they make a good point in the spoilers that they pieced both Bob and Beth’s deaths and departure from the show this way and were right both times. For things this big, they actually do have a good track record. It’s more the details that they get wrong.
2. Second possibility, the dude saying it’s fake is full of crap. We’ve seen AMC do things before to contain spoilers, and this could be that kind of attempt. This is definitely huge and something they would have wanted to keep under wraps. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if this is a tactic.
3. Both are right. Kind of. It could be that the dude is right about Chandler being on set and on the call sheets, but Carl is still dying. While I can’t back it up as fact (I don’t have a link or reference) I know I’ve read before that both Sarah Wayne Callies and Irone Singleton (Lori and T-Dog) were kept coming back to set periodically and were still on the callsheets after their deaths. That was to hide the fact that they’ve left the show. They’ve done this less in recent seasons as the actors want to move on to other projects quickly, but Chandler is young and going to school and it wouldnt’ be hard to have him stick around for appearances.
That said, my FB peeps who follow the Tumblrs of locals who troll the spoiler site have told me the locals have reported that they really haven’t seen Chandler in months. Something to consider. If he was there, chances are quite good they’d have seen him. But not absolute, of course.
So overall, this means that either could be right. Or both. Carl could be alive. Or dead. I’m kind of 50/50 on it right now.
I decided to go ahead and post this because, overall, I stand behind the symbolism. Obviously if Carl doesn’t die, the stuff about Carl’s death isn’t true. And not to sound insensitive, but it might be just a detail. Maybe Carl’s not dying, but SOMEone is (Michonne? Judith?) Rick’s red-rimmed eyes (damn those things are red!) and the cross he sits under do suggest a funeral and devastation on his part. Maybe Carl isn’t dying but something will happen that’s so debilitating, and Rick blames himself for it forwhatever reason, that he still loses his confidence and steps down as leader. 
I don’t know. But overall, no matter what the details are, I still think this template is a thing and that it will pave the way for Beth’s arc, which TD has been waiting for since season 4. 
If you got all the way through this, YOU, are a freaking rock star! 
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putris-et-mulier · 8 years
Deadpool & Rogue are going to be the next "it" couple
Since the beginning of Uncanny Avengers people speculated that Deadpool and Rogue were going to fall in love and so far they've just become good friends but now is a pretty good opportunity to turn that into a romantic relationship.
I've never made it is secret that I love Rogue and that when she isn't with Gambit my heart is broken. Unless it's bad writing I'm okay with seeing them get together with other people because they have an open relationship and if anyone could do polyamory, they could.
So Uncanny Avengers begins and I'm very suspicious of Rogue being on a team with Deadpool because they didn't seem like a good combination. They can certainly relate, they have a lot of common trauma and similar issues but Deadpool relies on humor to deal with it and Rogue doesn't laugh much, she shoves all her pain down and uses it to fuel her determination while fighting on the front lines and she's always fighting on the front lines.
Another thing I wondered about was Rogue being the team leader. Rogue isn't exactly a leader. Storm is a natural leader, she can handle the burden of being a huge population's only hope, she can command an audience of militants, and there's just something about her that demands respect and loyalty. 
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Rogue just really likes getting in and getting the job done, politics is not her thing.
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And she works really well when someone like Storm is calling the shots
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and Rogue hates the Avengers. She likes individuals that are and have been members but she was one of the very first mutants to ever fight them and she has lived through every one of their attempts to aid the genocide of mutants
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but Deadpool is super excited!
Rogue and Deadpool have never really met but they have run into each other in passing so Rogue does what everyone does and judges Deadpool on his reputation. Meanwhile, she secretly has been poisoned with the Terrigen Mist so her body is slowly becoming deformed while she slowly dies from a terminal disease
That's something Deadpool has lots of experience with so you know from the get go that they are going to at least commiserate
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Like I said, Rogue works well as a tank or free agent but she has hard time leading. On their very first mission everyone but Deadpool ignored her orders and went off to do their own thing.
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Deadpool seems to be one of the few people who understood and cared that Rogue being leader or even on the Avengers at all came with a lot of subsequent dangers because of racism
Deadpool also isn't a natural leader, like Rogue he works best when you just tell him where to go and let him do his thing. But he's loyal and even though it seems impossible he is more upset about casual racism toward her than she is.
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Cable shows up with bad news from the future as he is want to do and he is a leader, a leader both Rogue and Deadpool have worked with. He's also someone that Deadpool loves and respects immensely. Rogue isn't opposed to Cable taking over but before she entrusts him with her teammates lives she wants to know what his objectives are and surprisingly Deadpool agrees with her
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It's no surprise that the team is a mess. Captain America stuck a bunch of people of different races together, some pulled from segregated communities, to sell diversity to the media but as always he doesn't exactly understand racism and the team fractures. Cable, Rogue, and Deadpool stick together and actually work behind Captain America's back (which is huge for Deadpool) to find a cure for this poison that was exterminating mutants and stop the Red Skull who had taken the deceased Charles Xavier's brain and was using it to take over the world.
Rogue and Deadpool are actually really good teammates, Deadpool even does things to remind Rogue of home and her family (the X-Men)
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(that's a signature X-Men finishing move Colossus and Wolverine use when they are tag teaming)
they even make their own signature move
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and they are badass
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Rogue puts her faith in Deadpool that he will have her back but still remained wary because he was still Deadpool and she still has all of her baggage and trust issues but suddenly the whole world changes.
Everyone is human, can't remember ever being superheroes, and the world runs like a 50s sitcom. Everyone but Rogue is happy. She's never lived in a world where at least one person wasn't constantly trying to abuse or kill her so even though she doesn't know what's going on she's suspicious of peace
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No one knows Rogue's real name so if someone isn't calling her Rogue they usually just call her a few names that sound like it fits and for some reason Rogue has always been fine with that but in this instance it's supposed to be weird
All the X-Men and the kids at their schools have extensive training in blocking psychic/telekinetic/mind control etc. so they can keep their privacy in all of the mutant compounds despite the fact that the biggest gossips are always psychic. Also so shit like this doesn't happen. Rogue arguably has the most training in this for someone who has no psychic powers and through her safeguards she makes herself remember everything and now she has to go find everyone else that is supposed to be on her/their team.
Luckily one of them, Johnny Storm, lives next door so she reminds him that he can control fire by lighting him on fire. Also, he thought his name was Chet
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Rogue doesn't give a fuck
Everyone is rounded up pretty quickly and Rogue wakes people up her own way
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(Ms. Marvel isn't on her team but she was bicycling by so Rogue snagged her)
No one knows where Deadpool is so Cable, and this is hilarious, has been on so many adventures with him he knows he just has to present an opportunity and Deadpool will appear so he calls 911 and Deadpool immediately shows up in a fire truck 
but he doesn't look like himself
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Every time Deadpool gets changed into his ideal body he looks like a 70s porn*
So Wade Wilson lives in this pseudo-universe as a "handsome" able-bodied man who is everyone's hero, a firefighter. It's kind of extremely sad and Rogue takes special care with him, much to Johnny's chagrin
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I think it's notable that Rogue just has to tell him something is going on and he immediately remembers who he is. Besides he and Rogue, it seems hard for everyone to accept that this picturesque life isn't real. The both of them grew up experiencing the worst of humanity (we don't really know about Rogue's childhood but she was raised into early adulthood by her mother's, so it still couldn't have been super easy considering they were all mutants and also a queer family in the 70s) they are both also very isolated in their own way, a peaceful happy world is so beyond their comprehension so it's artifice would be easy to deconstruct.
You don't see how Cable comes to but I'm pretty sure he immediately was like "not this shit again"
The current mutant genocide is getting worse and Captain America tries to use how much Deadpool admires and loves him to be his informant but Deadpool remained loyal to Rogue and Cable
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Captain America wants them to trust the government to save their race to which they said "LOL" and he and Cable fight but Rogue gets fed up
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Deadpool tries to explain to Captain America that he had no choice but to side with the X-Men because his daughter is a mutant and is going to die 
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Deadpool takes the dressing down but Rogue defense him
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They are both fired but they still stick together to discuss what they should do and Rogue suggest… Well, she suggests that they go rogue
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Rogue isn't a great leader but she's really great at heading side missions or defecting to get the job done with the more hands-on approach. This is up Deadpool's alley so they take off for adventure.
And one protecting the other has become my fetish
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We just recently got the conclusion of Rogue, Deadpool, and Cable's team up objective. The Red Skull is using Charles Xavier's brain to infiltrate everyone's brain 
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and eventually he finds a way to break into to Rogue's mind while she sleeps
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and they made a clubhouse with stuff they took from the Avengers
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So finally the Red Skull has to be confronted for the final battle and it relies on Rogue and Deadpool. No one has the ability to infiltrate Deadpool's mind because his psyche is so shattered so he's immune and Rogue has training to protect her mind and is one of the few people who can actually take him down so they get to it and call in any support they can get
Cute highlights:
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When the tide turns in the battle Rogue is overtaken by the powers of Charles Xavier's brain and the Red Skull has complete control over her, so he uses her as his personal weapon
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God, I love her
Thankfully Deadpool is used to things failing so he had a plan. Rogue kills Deadpool as much as she can, the Red Skull gets overconfident and let's guard down, then Deadpool sticks an old helmet of Magneto's on Rogue's head. Seems like that should have been the first thing they should have done but Deadpool getting himself kill over and over got her close enough and in a position where she could take the Red Skull down while he was unaware
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But Deadpool had intended to be the one to kill the Red Skull once Rogue incapacitated him but she had hurt him too much
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Deadpool is worried that Rogue is going to take it upon herself to kill the red skull as much as she doesn't want any more blood on her hands but the guy has Charles Xavier's brain inside of him so she goes home and the X-Men play operation
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That's it! That's their whole story so far. So, should they get together?
I'm biased but don't they make the best brOTP? I love their friendship so so much and it's great to see it slowly develop instead of the writers just miraculously having them get along because it's easier for the story.
Do I think they should date?
Hell yes I do.
It is nice to have genuine friendships in comic books, especially between people of different genders, but this is just too good. Because their friendship was such a slow build the sexual tension feels really organic and that's almost impossible to get in a medium like this. They haven't been friends forever and just because it was convenient they didn't suddenly hook up to further the plot. They are significant characters with significant back stories and the relationship doesn't contradict either of those things. They haven't been almost getting together and getting torn apart like you would have to sit through if story of the relationship was just about their romance.
I'm fine if they remain friends but (unpopular opinion) it would be an amazing relationship with a lot of potential between them; a lot of good and a lot of bad potential which makes the best stories. Unfortunately I don't think they will ever get this opportunity for a "slow build" in other books so how long it will remain interesting would depend on the writer. 
And the time schedule.
And whether you guys would buy those issues or not.
Let me know what you think. If you totally hate them together that's cool, I want to hear your perspective. What would you like to happen between them?
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