#bessie holland
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5x6 ‘Happy Birthday Vera’ 
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citizenscreen · 10 days
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Bessie Love and John Holland in MORALS FOR WOMEN (1931), directed by Mort Blumenstock
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thexfridax · 6 months
D.E.B.S. at 20: a Queer Cult Classic
Bessie Yuill Photo: Sundance/WireImage
There is a secret film hidden within the shadowy sapphic corners of Letterboxd. Some call it escapist trash, some call it an underrated cult classic, fools call it a male fantasy. It calls itself D.E.B.S. As other early-2000s chick flicks like Charlie’s Angels and St. Trinian’s have been reevaluated and embraced for their candy-floss aesthetics and campy wit over the years, the lesbian community was quietly reclaiming its own equivalent with 2004’s D.E.B.S.
The precursor to contemporary high-concept lesbian films like Bottoms, the spy flick is filled with something that queer female moviegoers still often yearn for: fun. That includes Jordana Brewster and her era-defying eyebrows as the impeccably named supervillain Lucy Diamond, John Woo–style fight scenes that parody the action genre in the same way as Charlie’s Angels, and a cheerfully cheap aesthetic where spies run around in plaid schoolgirl skirts.
D.E.B.S. was written, directed, and edited by filmmaker Angela Robinson. While “unapologetically queer” might be an overused phrase, it does apply neatly to Robinson. The Chicago-born director’s first project was a short film called Chickula: Teenage Vampire, calling on the long history of vampiric queer women that began with 1872’s Carmilla.
Her love of playing with genre led her to later put a lesbian spin on the movie musical by writing the underappreciated Girltrash: All Night Long and exploring polyamory in a period biopic about the creators of Wonder Woman, Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. On the small screen, she also burnished her lesbian credentials by working on several episodes of The L Word.
When D.E.B.S. started life as a short film, Robinson described it as “a story about a trio of superspies who are all chicks. I love all the comic-book characters: Charlie’s Angels, Batman, Josie & the Pussycats … But I always wanted them to be gay and they never were, so I wrote my own.” Success at Sundance led to Sony snatching the short up and deciding that D.E.B.S. should be a full-length feature.
Two decades later, the joy of this movie lies in the details. The tone is immediately set by a gravelly voice-over telling us that there is a secret test hidden within the SAT to recruit young female superspies (and establishing that, like Bottoms, this is a film aware of genre archetypes and willing to push believability). Our main character Amy (Sara Foster) is an academic overachiever — like many lesbians overcompensating for their perceived failure to live up to social norms. Her perfect score on the secret SAT test makes it even more scandalous when she falls for the aforementioned supervillain Lucy Diamond.
Queer friend groups may delight over the nostalgic frosty eye shadow and lip gloss worn by the D.E.B.S. (which stands for “discipline, energy, beauty, strength,” naturally) at all times. Flip phones, CGI holographic screens, and Goldfrapp’s appearance on the soundtrack will also remind you that you’re watching a film made in the early 2000s. And many will squeal when they spot Holland Taylor, over a decade before she came out, as the academy’s head.
Admittedly, the special effects are goofy enough to cross over into comedy, especially when our girls are abseiling into a restaurant or climbing walls with plungers, and the lighting could be charitably described as resembling teen soap operas of that era. But the chemistry between Amy and Lucy is crackling enough that YouTube compilations of their scenes have racked up hundreds of thousands of views online. Their fun enemies-to-lovers plotline begins with the pair pointing guns at each other and quickly progresses to a whirlwind romance (the other D.E.B.S. think Amy’s been kidnapped and launch a national manhunt, just as many friend groups have had to organize rescue missions for lesbians on weeklong first dates).
You could argue that espionage serves as a metaphor for the closet and that Amy is such an effective spy because she’s used to lying to herself about her sexuality. But that almost seems like too much weight to put on this meringue confection of a genre spoof: Its campiness liberates the characters to inhabit a fun, exaggerated universe with no serious homophobia or consequences. Guns are used, but the so-called superspies have such consistently terrible aim that there are no real casualties. And Lucy Diamond’s supposedly nefarious crimes are all reversible — the murders pinned on her are revealed to be misunderstandings, and she returns all of her stolen goods in order to win Amy back.
When this live-action Totally Spies with a lesbian twist debuted, it only made $97,000 and was dismissed by critics. But there were enough moviegoing gays impressed by its snappy dialogue, fun romance, and stunning supporting cast (including Meagan Good, Jimmi Simpson, and Devon Aoki with a French accent) for its reputation to grow online over time. In forums and YouTube comment sections, young girls were asking, “Are there any lesbian films where they just fall in love and have fun and don’t die at the end?” Their answer was D.E.B.S.
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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First thing Bessie did when she moved into her new place in StrangerVille was plant a bizarre fruit. Locals Meredith Roswell and Leslie Holland came over to welcome her to the neighbourhood.
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theficplug · 2 years
Actors on Actors , Tom Holland.
Tom Holland x Actress ! Black Reader
warnings: none, just pure fluff.
You and Tom are invited by Variety to do the Actors on Actors interview together.
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“I know that outings for us these days are pretty rare, but when you gain twice your body weight and everyone's constantly watching you like a hawk it's a bit difficult to be as open.
We try to keep our careers separate as much as we can.
Sometimes things come along that peak your interest and you just can not pass it up.
I have been a fan of the Actors on Actors series for a long while. I’ve watched them all and each time my respect for the craft grows immensely. Thank you Variety for having Tom, our little special co-star, and I.”
You say nodding to the camera to pan down on the little raven curly haired one and a half year old tugging on the hem of your silk black dress with one arm and clinging to your sparkly black coat with the other.
“Say hello Dakota. H-e-l-l-oooo”
Tom sounds out to the little brown eyed boy and he looks up to laugh at his father for a moment. 
He wraps his arms around your waist before bending down to pick up the little boy and he gives a small wave to the crew.
“Papa sounds funny?”
You ask and he nods before laughing at you pulling a funny face.  
"HeeLLoooOOO DaaAAkkooTTaa"
Tom says again imitating a whale call and Dakota loses it as he holds onto his father's face watching him make the funny faces.
"Pa" he shrieks , letting his little rice grain teeth show for the camera.
You both smother him in kisses and raspberries and the little boy falls against you both in a fit of laughter and squeals.
"If I don't hand him over to Sydney we'll be here all night. He's literally our best friend." Tom says pretending to gobble his little twin's hand before handing him over to your assistant and taking your respective spaces in the chairs to get the interview started.
Tom lets out a long sigh before reaching his hand out for you. You shake your head and roll your eyes before letting him place a kiss on your hand and sitting back properly into your seat. 
“Hi baby.” he coos softly.
"Hi Tom. How are you? Did you have an alright trip here?"
You ask as if you both didn't arrive together.
“You’re too far away.” He pouts before sliding your chair close enough for him to rest his hand comfortably on the inside of your knee before snapping himself into “professional mode”.
“Right, so I just want to jump right into it. Firstly, congratulations on all of your nominations this year. If anyone deserves it, it’s you. Dirty Jazz, I think received a solid 10 minute standing ovation at Cannes and honestly it could’ve went on forever. You told the tumultuous and incredible story of Lucille Anderson often known as Lucille Bogan or Bessie Jackson. A jazz- blues singer in the 1920s and 30s with a vibrant sexuality and look on life. You were truly brilliant.”
He showers you in compliments and you try to confidently accept the praise , but after years together your husband still gives you butterflies.
“Lucille Bogan’s story was so important for me to get to be a part of. Especially at a time like this. One could say that like “oh every woman is sexually liberated and free and this and that”. But, we know that’s certainly not the case for most women and especially not black women. My craft , my story-telling, and my career will always be a love letter to black women. People love to dance and sing and laugh with us because they love to pinch and pull from our culture, our song, our grace, and our beauty but there’s not many that are willing to take in our truth and our humanity.
There's a living breathing human being behind the theatrics and melodies. Most recent indication of this is Megan Thee Stallion. She has gone through so much for such a young woman. She’s been called everything under the sun but a child of God. It should’ve been as simple as her telling her truth and then receiving an outpour of love. Right? But as always they want our rhythm but not our blues.
So, to be able to tell the story of Lucille- and all of her truth was an instant yes from me. Lucille was this multifaceted sensual, delicate, and powerful woman. She was singing in 1924 about how she enjoyed sex and the ways that she wanted to be pleasured. We went about getting her family's blessing and then from there I got to work. I watched all of the performances of her I could find. I listened to her voice and the way she spoke. I wanted to capture that raw confidence that she exuded. She pushed the envelope not only for bisexuals like me but also sex workers.
That was completely unheard of at the time. Ms. Bogan knew that she was an icon in every sense of the word and everyone else was going to know it too. A complete opposite from how I was feeling at the moment because I was around 12 weeks when we started filming so I wasn’t at my most confident and for every roll of my hips. There was a roll of nausea that was sure to follow.”
You say, chuckling softly and Tom nodded along fully immersed until he gives you a small pout at the memory of you having to endure that rough bit.
“I remember the times I would visit you on set and it was in the dead of summer and they’d have you dressed up in the most lavish coats and these sort of headpieces, and you were performing these songs and dances in 95 degree Alabama weather. So they had to have huge fans on you and like a gallon of ice cold water on standby.
I would just massage your back every 15 minutes to try and get you through. It was insane but the film was absolutely incredible. I am so proud of you.
The first time I got to watch you perform Shave 'Em Dry and you were shimmying that white fur coat down your body and then you threw yourself down onto the floor with it. I was so concerned at first because you were literally carrying Kota at the time, but they assured me that you had cushions on the floor and your knee pads. But , you just became her. I had goosebumps up and down my arms. I knew that you had something special on your hands. To watch you in your element was something I'll never get over. I’ve never heard you talk that filthily in my life either.” he states cheekily and you give him a coy smile before mumbling “that’s a lie”. 
Tom’s entire face goes a little funny as he covers his mouth with his question cards and shakes his head. 
“I’m just saying. They know that the storks didn’t exactly drop Kota on our doorstep. That’s all, love.”
You reassure him as you watch a crimson blush slowly make its way across his face. 
“Behave.” he warns, laced with a laugh and it’s loud enough for the crew to pick up on and they chuckle at you two flirting back and forth a little. 
You clear your throat and create a segue, but you knew exactly what that meant for date night later on. 
“But, thank you baby! First of all, The Devil All The Time is my favourite film of yours. And I know that the process was a tough one for you because it is a total contrast to beloved Peter Parker and a small step away from Marvel. To get into the mindset of Arvin, his religious trauma, and the almost southern gothic-y horror elements had to be a bit difficult ?
Because when you get those heavier roles you almost have a duty to the character to give them as much of a voice as we can. For the people who resonate with them to be able to feel seen and heard. I’ve always wanted to pick your brain about your process of reaching Arvin?”
You ask and you don’t miss the way that Tom is scanning your entire face and settles on your lips. 
He takes a moment to ponder your question, but he finds himself continuously getting lost in the way that you spoke so passionately and melodically. You were born to be a story-teller.
"Stop staring at my lips and answer the question Thomas!"
You playfully scold him and he nods his head while toying with his wedding band. 
"Yes ma'am."
He answers in a faux southern accent before fluffing his hands through his hair. 
"Ehm, during that time we were going through a bit of a rough patch. We had broken up and it felt like the big one. It felt like that was it and that we were never going to find our way back to each other. We dated other people and we went on our own adventures. But throughout the entire process there was this gnawing feeling. Loss. Grief. I grieved a million and one universes where we could've made it work and I was hoping that this would be one of them. It is. Thank God."
He adds and you take his hands into yours for a moment giving him a little reaffirming squeeze as you wait for him to continue.
"So, I let that sort of feeling guide me to tap into a modicum of what Arvin was feeling. That, love lost. That sort of grief. Because people grieve everyday, right? That’s something that connects us all. We're all trying to work through something that we don't have. Albeit, a version of ourselves, a loved one, or the loss of something/someone to believe in. I think that Arvin was grieving not only his parents but his loss of peace. And I think in some way I could connect to that because without you there was no peace."
You couldn't help but to lean in to kiss him. You decided to leave it "modest" and opt for kissing his cheeks and nose instead.
He scrunches his nose in response before giving you one back.
"Keep going." You whisper to him.
"During filming I leaned on Rob a lot. The way that he transformed and ran into this project bible raised in the air and high pitched southern accent first. It made me feel like I had to step up to the plate. I didn't grow up super religious in that regard so I did spend some time in small churches and gaining that insight into what that sort of connection to a higher power and faith can mean to most."
"That's hot, be careful babe." He whispers to you while holding the mug for you to have a sip of the chamomille tea.
"When I heard Robert's voice, I screamed! It was so creepy and off putting. Hated him throughout the entire film."
You added and Tom nods in agreement before sitting the emerald green mug down and offering you one of the strawberry pastries from the small table next to you both.
"Peter and Arvin are different but in a lot of ways they aren’t. They both lost their parents at a young age. They both were raised to try and do the right thing. Both, a little lost and always end up in situations they had no business being in at their ages. They are connected through that feeling of grief, self preservation, and coming of age. It's just that through writing we were able to laugh and kind of ride the wave with Peter. With Arvin the writing is very- cut and dry. The audience feels uncomfortable because he is uncomfortable and at times drowning beneath the wave. I’m sorry babe. Was that too long winded? I never know when to cut myself off. I’ll just keep going and going.”
He stammers nervously while sitting back to sip his own tea.
You admit to him half jokingly and he gives you a small nod.
“No, are you kidding me? You know that I could listen to you talk for hours. I wanna finish this conversation with you tonight.
We've also never really even announced that we’re married. We just started showing up one day with our rings, and only the sleuths know that we have a baby. Let alone talk publicly about the break up so this nearly feels like one big couple’s therapy session.”
“We already share so much of ourselves with the world through our art. I leave a piece of me with every character that grace your screens, and in the year of 2023 everyone knows everything. It just felt nice to have a moment in time where Thomas and I didn't have to open up the relationship to a third partner, the public. There were no analysis of our body languages towards each other or rumours that he was going to leave me for a very talented, very beautiful well known past partner.
Although, I did see a few of those after the TMZ announcements. Sorry babes I've got this one locked in for life.”
You state and he smiles giddily and happily for the camera before showing his wedding band. 
"I've seen some of you little sleuths talking about me wearing my ring on my pinky so that means that we must've gotten a divorce, right?" he asks you in faux concern with a small voice crack for dramatic effect.
You immediately follow his lead and hop into character with furrowed brows and a scowl on your face.
"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THOSE PAPERS I SERVED YOU LAST MONTH WEREN'T ENOUGH? GOD, WHY WON'T YOU TAKE A HINT!" you ask before leaning in to grab his face and place the softest kiss to his lips.
"I just wish I knew how to quit you..." you say quoting Brokeback Mountain, one of the films that inspired you both to become actors.
He breaks character and rests his cheek against your hand for a moment.
"But yeah guys, my ring is just a bit small. It always has been and I'm in the middle of two films right now. I haven't had the time to get it resized. Leave me alone!" he says the last half, jokingly in the Peter Parker voice.
“Speaking of waves. Your next film! Cat’s out of the bag. You’re going to be in The Little Mermaid live action remake. I am so excited to see you in it because you’re honestly just already a real life Disney princess and this is one that Dakota can actually enjoy and he gets to see mummy sing and be all pretty as one of the sisters of Ariel! What was that like?” Tom asks, still smiling proudly at you like a Cheshire cat.
“First of all, two Disney checks in one household! So, there will be foundations, organisations, and communities being poured into. Just give us a year! My team read the email to me and I said THE MOUSE? I’ll be there by tomorrow. UNDER THE SEA. SHALALALA MY OH MY. YOU WANNA KISS THE GIRL.
Clearly,  I wanted to audition for Prince Eric and they said no. So, that was a bummer that you couldn’t see my on-screen happily ever after with Halle. I pitched for Erica and Ariel but they said give us some time and I will be holding them to that.
In all seriousness, it was one of those pinch me opportunities. When it knocks at your door you have to welcome it in with a charcuterie board and wine waiting for it.
I knew that I eventually wanted to be apart of something less gruelling and a film that our Kota-bear could enjoy too because he loves anything with singing and bright colours at this stage.
I remember seeing my favourite cousin. She knows that she’s my favourite cousin too. Hey girl! She was playing the role of the hairdresser that melted Tina Turner’s hair off with the relaxer in What’s Love Got To Do With It.
I remember watching her and knowing then and there that if she could be on screen like that then so could I. It was a foot in the door. Halle and everyone that was a part of the project were dreams to work with and the representation that she’s bringing to the company is beyond. It’s something that little brown and black children have been waiting for since the dawn of time. It’s here. We are here.” You say definitively and nod your head towards the camera.
“This is also one step closer to working with Angela Bassett. Angela, we met once in a Met Gala bathroom and I’m sorry you had to see me taking a “breathing break” while sitting on my fiance’s lap eating Jolly Ranchers but this is me absolutely shooting my shot.” you plead as you turn and look directly into the camera. 
Tom places his hands over his chest and throws his head back laughing at how cute you are.
You’ve been in this industry for years and have so many accolades of your own but you still look at everything with fresh eyes like you’re just playing dress up and meeting your idols every time you walk on set. 
“How do you feel about taking on such big shoes to fill? I know that you were absolutely losing your mind when you got this role. Because not a lot of people know but you have been grinding since you were just a little tadpole on the waves with thee Naomi Watts but this is the role that kind of skyrocketed you into the public eye. Apart from you being a part time Rhianna impersonator.” you laugh and he gives you a side eye over his mug before you continue. 
“We had been together for 6 months when you got the call and you were just floored. I kept having to remind you that it’s real and wasn’t an “accidental email”. Your mum cried I believe. I mean we all kind of did to be honest. It was a core memory for sure. We were also out at dinner at the time and I’m sure scaring every other customer there. We were all just cheering and holding onto each other and crying.
  And then the nerves settled in and you thought about not only filling Toby’s shoes but also the shoes left by Andrew. And at the time most of the fan reception of Andrew’s version was just- a lot. I personally loved his version of Spiderman. I thought that it felt authentic to him and the lens that he wanted to tell Peter’s story through. But some of the original stans were not having it. I remember that there were think-pieces being written before you had even gotten the script.” You watch as Tom weighs the question and his answer for a moment. 
“Well, first things first. I remember you telling me the best piece of advice that I could have possibly been given. You told me that “yes, of course you want to honour the groundwork that Toby and Andrew had both laid down for this beloved character but you also want to trust your own instinct and intuition about what feels real and right to you”.” Tom says and you hum and nod in agreement. 
“You said whether they love you or hate you, your job is to tell a story. No matter how you tell that story as long as it feels real and right to you, someone’s going to resonate with it. And from there the pieces of the puzzle just kind of came together.
We may not have all have been bitten by radioactive spiders. But, we've all been teenagers before. We've all experienced that feeling of wanting to know all that there is to know but not knowing how to digest all of it. The little awkward quips and quirks of growing and becoming yourself is Peter Parker. He’s so imperfectly perfect and he’s always going to be a big part of what I’ve done in my career. Getting the accent down was one of the hardest bits because I am so painfully British and the way that we speak is just different. So, to just stay there in his zone for days at a time I would bring Peter home with me. I love that the fans love him so much. I love the way that he seems to STICK with them. See what I did there.” He says laughing at his own joke and you shake your head at him.
“He’s like this all day! His dad jokes kicked in long before he was even an actual dad! Get a load of this guy. Please don’t cast him in any comedies any time soon. No, actually diapers are expensive. Please cast this dilf of the year in all of the comedies, thank you.
I think that authenticity is what really brought your version of Peter to life. He's a larger than life superhero but you made him seem like everyone's childhood best friend. But also YES I remember. We would be lounging around at home and you’d just casually go “ do we have any cold waTER bOTTLES”. Peter lived with us for about 5 months until you got the accent down perfectly. Now you just slip in and out of it at the most random times.” You say and his eyes widen at the dilf of the year comment. 
“Dilf of the year? Please don’t get them started, that's going to be a hashtag by this afternoon.”
He groans and you lean into him , blowing onto his cup of hot tea with a smirk plastered on your face before taking another sip of his tea. 
“I said what I said.”
You retort quietly and he holds the mug to your lips and gives you a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“And with that. This has been Actors on Actors for Variety with the Hollands. Please, be sure to watch the others if you haven’t already! Take care.”
“That's brilliant baby, nothing more to add. Oh, and be sure to watch The Little Mermaid in theatres on May 26!” You add before blowing a kiss to the camera. 
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toychest321 · 2 years
Since I havent been able to find any myself, here's some Barbie news for January 2023! (Special thanks to Barbielist Holland on Wordpress)
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First off is the 2023 Birthday Wishes Barbie (#HJX02), whose dress looks like the monkeys paw result of someone's wish that barbiecore fashion made a resurgence
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Then there's the next member of the Inspiring Women series: Bessie Coleman
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We've got our first look at the 2023 Barbie Looks collection: (from left to right) #13-HJW80, #14-HJW81, #15-‎HJW82, #16-‎HJW83, #17-HJW84, and #18-‎HJW85. Personally I prefer the silver and black outfits from the 2022 line
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There's going to be three new Barbie Loves The Ocean dolls! For those unaware, these dolls are made from oceanbound plastics, wear recycled fabrics, and fully closed recyclable packaging! The first two look gorgeous (left to right, #HPL94 1 and #HLP93 2), and Barbie (#HLP92 3) is... also there (it's the uneccessary ruffle on the dress, sorry Barbie)
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There will be three new Fashionista fashion packs: #‎HJT17 1 (which I feel would be best completed with a cowboy hat), #‎HJT19 2 (which would probably look better with a white collared shirt underneath), and #‎HJT18 3 (unfortunately not as good as the other two, the top looks too simple imo and the stitching on the skirt is awkward)
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And I'll end the post off with this absolutely incredible doll vanity playset (#‎HJV35), it carries a modern look while simultaneously being distinctly Barbie! I wish the seat had actual fur, but that's a minor gripe.
That's all for now, take care doll fans!
(Source: https://barbielistholland.wordpress.com/2022/07/05/2023-news-about-the-barbie-dolls/)
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friend-crow · 2 years
I'm not sure what is happening but @promiseiwillwrite tagged me with these instructions (I guess???): I think the Original tag game required only ten songs, selected at random from a playlist.
TBH I don't have that many playlists, as I listen mostly to albums, but since it's now October I'll give you the results of putting my "Americana Magic" playlist on shuffle.
Lucifer's the Light of the World - King dude
Satan is Real - the Louvin Brothers (I guess shuffle is set to Satan today)
Haunted House Blues - Bessie Smith
Clap Hands - Tom Waits
Tiger Mountain Peasant Song - Fleet Foxes
Mojo Hand - Lightnin' Hawkins
Out on the Wine Dark Sea - Jolie Holland
She's My Witch - Kip Tyler
Cross Road Blues - Robert Johnson
Fire and Brimstone - Link Wray
Tagging @serpentandthreads cause you seem to be into music challenges. Anybody else who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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Kitty Flanagan and the understated phenomenon thats Fisk
Australian comic and author Kitty Flanagan will reprise her position because the baggy-brown-suited suburban solicitor subsequent week when the ABC’s award-winning sitcom Fisk returns for a second season. The quirky comedy centres on the shifting fortunes of Fisk, a high-flying solicitor who falls from grace in Sydney and finds herself within the low-rent, will-and-probate apply of Gruber & Gruber in suburban Melbourne. Not solely did the understated sitcom ring a bell with Australian viewers when it hit our screens final yr, it beat a bunch of big-budget opponents to say greatest comedy on the 2022 Sequence Mania awards in France. Flanagan says the success of Fisk highlights how a lot Australian audiences like seeing their very own locations and tales on tv. “That mentioned, there’s numerous strain on to create content material sturdy sufficient to compete with all the opposite stuff that’s on the market,” she says. “Whereas Australian audiences will at all times offer you a good go and take a look at an Australian-made present, they gained’t stick round when you serve up garbage.” Becoming a member of Flanagan once more on the Gruber & Gruber workplaces are fellow comics Julia Zemiro, Marty Sheargold and Aaron Chen – together with some favorite “visitors” within the type of Glenn Robbins, Stephen Curry, Denise Scott and Marg Downey. Flanagan informed The New Each day it was necessary for her and writing accomplice Penny Flanagan – her sister – to get the important thing forged again collectively. “When Penny and I had been writing, we knew we needed to have sure individuals again. Folks like Glenn Robbins and Marg Downey are really easy to put in writing for; they’ve such unimaginable comedy instincts and at all times handle to ship the traces even higher than you heard them in your head. “Denise Scott had a tiny position as a e book membership member in season one, however was so humorous, we needed to write her a much bigger position in season two.” Flanagan says Bessie Holland and Alex Papps had been additionally ensemble forged members who couldn’t be missed for this season. “Stephen Curry did a pitch-perfect model of an annoying thespian/theatre aficionado… And I adored having Broden Kelly from Aunty Donna be part of us… as a result of I actually love that mixture of pure stupidity delivered completely straight-faced, which is one thing he does brilliantly.” Zemiro, who performs pushy accomplice Roz Gruber, says that whereas the collection was written by two ladies, it had a common enchantment. “We had such wonderful suggestions from season one. I’ve been in a pub, surrounded by middle-aged males who had been quoting traces again at me,” she says. The adaptable Flanagan – who scored her first Logies win in June with hottest actress – is more and more known as a “nationwide treasure”, a label she hopes to dwell as much as. “What I hope it means is that my comedy appeals to a broad vary of Australians,” Flanagan says. “My favorite factor is when individuals inform me that their youngsters or primary-school-age children watch Fisk. That’s my dream – to amuse individuals of all ages and demographics. Get InReview in your inbox – free every Saturday. Native arts and tradition – coated. Thanks for signing as much as the InReview publication. “With Fisk, we got down to make a present that you can watch with out having to ship your children to mattress first… Nobody is getting nude, having intercourse or kicking anybody’s head in.” Season two of Fisk premieres nationally on ABC TV and ABC iView on October 26 at 9pm. Season one is obtainable to look at now on iView. This text was initially revealed on The New Each day.   Help native arts journalism Your help will assist us proceed the necessary work of InReview in publishing free skilled journalism that celebrates, interrogates and amplifies arts and tradition in South Australia. Donate Right here Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 days
Jesse Layne Holland resting angels in heavenly peace edit Jackson Bryce Dupree, Jonathan Tinning, Barbara Ann Tinning, Jennifer Lewis Tinning, Joseph A. Tinning Jr., Mary Frances Tinning, Michael Raymond Tinning, Nathan Tinning, Tami Lynne Tinning, Timothy M. Tinning, Bernard Curtis Brown II, Asia SiVon Cottom, Rodney Dickens, Dana Christine Falkenberg, Zoe Elizabeth Falkenberg, Charles Stevens Falkenberg, Leslie Ann Whittington Falkenberg, David Reed Gamboa-Brandhorst, Daniel Raymond “Dan” Brandhorst, Ronald Lerma “Ron” Gamboa, Christine Lee Hanson, Dr Sue Ju Kim Hanson, Peter Burton Hanson, Juliana Valentine “Miss J” McCourt, Juliana Valentine McCourt, Ruth Magdaline Clifford McCourt, David Jerome McCourt, Roselind Nadine Earles, Devan Brooke Duniver, Demetrius L. Townsel Jr., River Rilley, Madison Kae Stubbs, Chloe Rae Margaret “Coco” Wiegand, Cullen Micah Bivens, Autumn Marie Sorenson, Shae Mattie Keats-Hammond, Malik Jadarius Watkins, Harry Acklam, Barbara Ann Allen, Kysen Zee Allen, Athena Angeles, Bessie Barker, Dakota Thomas Bates, Elicia Bolivar, Erica Marie Botello, Meagan Lindsey Bradley, Ashley Elizabeth Carro, Darian Reese “Fat Daddy” Coon, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Louis XVII, listen everyday a young kid is dying no matter what happens in life no child deserves what happened or what happens everyone everybody look hug your kids hug someone next to you hug your family members or friends hug a loved ones because one day soon you don't know what might happen next for everything life throws at you or a loved one that passed away in your life pray for them we all gotta pray for them and stick them in our hearts where one day we can honor them until one day we will see them again soon maybe not today maybe not yet maybe not tomorrow maybe not next week or next year who knows just know that they are still with us in our hearts like in a song where Santa Claus is waiting to be missed it's something like that get up on your feet and pray for your peace pray for people and Children around you pray for animals and anything you see get up on your feet and pray throw your hands up and pray come on throw your hands up throw your hands up throw your hands up
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Descendants Hiatus Masterlist
*these ocs are not currently being scrapped, just lacking inspiration so I'm putting them on hiatus to see if either I decide to scrap some of them (or put them up for adoption) or if inspiration will come back to me – in at least half of them I'm pretty sure it's just about not vibing with faces or just lack plot ideas so I don't want to give up on them yet
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Name: Arden Of DunBroch
Story: A Change Of Fate
Parents: Merida
Face Claim:  Hailee Steinfeld
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Name: Bessie Sawyer
Story: Curtain Of Charity
Parents: Becky Thatcher & Tom Sawyer
Face Claim: Saorise Ronan
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Name: Chryseis
Story: We Could Be Immortals (Just Not For Long)
Parents: Poseison
Face Claim: Holland Roden
Poseidon isn’t a hero.  He’s a god, yes, but not a hero.  His granddaughter Ariel is a hero, his nephew Hercules is a hero, but Poseidon is not a hero.  So no one is really sure why his youngest daughter has just started at Auradon Prep, only days after Ben announced the impending arrival of four villain kids.  But Chryseis knows.  Mal, daughter of Maleficent, is also the daughter of Hades, and the Olympians are afraid.  And Chryseis, only sixteen and still learning to be a goddess, is the only person who can find out her intentions, the only person who can stop her from potentially destroying Olympus.
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Name: Prince Elias
Story: Myth And Mystery
Parents: King Raul & Queen Lucia
Face Claim: Frankie Rodriguez
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Name: Fleurette
Story: Seldom All They Seem
Parents: Flora
Face Claim: Julia Lester
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Name: Halle Finn
Story: River In The Rain
Parents: Huckleberry Finn
Face Claim: Kathryn Newton
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Name: Hayden
Story: Dying Is An Art
Parents: Hades & Maleficent
Face Claim: Jenny Boyd
Summary: Hayden was raised by Hades, knowing full well who her mother - and sister - was.  But Mal doesn’t know about her.  So for most of her life, Hayden hid.  She hid away in her dad’s cave and had very few friends.  And then Prince Ben summons five Villain Kids to Auradon - the son of Jafar, the son of Cruella De Vil, the daughter of the Evil Queen, the daughter of Maleficent, and the daughter of Hades.  But only Hayden knows the truth.  And now she has to keep her secret, and try to stop her sister and her friends from stealing the wand, but she might have to choose between her two missions.
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Name: Krystal Of Arendelle
Story: More Than Just The Spare
Parents: Anna & Kristoff
Face Claim:  Willow Shields
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Name: Lovetta Garou
Story: Hungry Like The Wolf
Parents: Big Bad Wolf
Face Claim: Kaitlyn Dever
Love Interest: Ben
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Name: Maisie
Story: Who Is The Monster (And Who Is The Man)
Parents: Esmerelda & Phoebus
Face Claim: Medalion Rahimi
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Name: Nasira
Story: Running On Raindrops
Parents: Raya & Namaari
Face Claim: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Name: Roisin Spriggins
Story: Children Will Listen
Parents: Red Riding Hood & Jack The Giant Slayer
Face Claim: Sadie Sink
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Name: Roni Philip
Story: Ever Ever After
Parents: Giselle & Robert Philip
Face Claim: Sophie Turner
Love Interest: Chad Charming
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apho-sappho · 3 years
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Art and writings in Anne Boleyn's prayer book. Second picture on the right is the signature of Henry Reppes and his wife, Elizabeth Reppes, more commonly known as Bessy/Bessie Holland.
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Updated screenshots for Wentworth Season 5 episode ‘Nothing But the Truth’
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vuigardarling · 3 years
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4x05 “love and hate”
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shesaved · 2 years
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@starlcved​​ said :   🌝   from bessie   //   send  me a  🌝  for  your  muse  to  rescue  mine  from  something.
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her breath is coming in quick gasps,   heartbeat pounding a steady beat in her ears.   “   what WAS that thing?!   ”   she manages,   still keeping her voice low for fear of its return,   pressing her back forcefully against the wall behind her as if she could force herself to melt back into it and escape their current predicament.   whatever it had been,   it had been like nothing she’d ever seen before in her life.   “   did it even have a face?   ”   maybe she’d just been seeing things,   she tells herself.   that thing couldn’t possibly have been real.
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
Marie Louise on the road (12)
We left the imperial tourists in Middelburg after a delightful (if a bit wet, thanks to Eugène and Bessières) afternoon at the ocean. Marie Louise continues:
Friday 11th May
On the 11th, the weather was dreadful all day. That did not prevent the Emperor from going a second time to see Flushing. I remained in bed with a good fever.
Now look at what you’ve done, Eugène and Bessie!
I don't know what happened to my iron health, it's all gone.
Beg your pardon, Madame, you’ve been talking about nothing but your precious health failing ever since you left Vienna in March!
I'm sure I owe it to the doctors who did nothing but drug me during the whole trip. [...]
Bessières and Eugène: Absolutely. We’re sure it was them!
Doctors: It was either drugging her or listening to her wailing...
Samedi 12 mai
On the morning of the 12th the Emperor held council. It is really not our fault that we heard everything, because the salon was near my room and the Emperor was of an awful intensity.
And the fact we pressed our ears to the door had nothing to do with it at all!
According to Catherine of Württemberg, Napoleon at this meeting once more dreamt of an expedition to England. His bad mood and subsequent shouting may also be explained by bad news from Holland: smuggling still going on and secret peace negotiations behind his back through Fouché and Ouvrard.
I was still feverish all night, and as I was very tired and the weather was terrible, I did not leave until two o'clock to take a carriage ride around the town [Middelbourg]. [...] On my way home I found the Queen of Westphalia in a very bad mood because I had not taken her with me, but she annoys me. She keeps asking me "Do you still love the Duchess of Montebello?" I have known her for two months and I have become quite attached to her. I couldn't help answering the Queen: "Sister, I don't change my friends like my underwear". What she told me there was a Queen's words. It is said that we don't know how to be really attached, but I am willing to show that there are exceptions in our ranks.
Apparently, this unexpectedly close friendship of a Habsburg princess and the cold and reserved daughter of some obscure gentry family did already raise some eyebrows this early on. But of course Catherine had her own reasons why she could not understand how Marie Louise would be this close to any of her ladies:
It is also true that the poor Queen is very unhappy with her friends. No sooner does she have one than the King makes her his mistress, and that is hardly the way to stay attached to them.
Which also explaines Catherine’s attitude towards the countess Liverstein two days earlier, as the countess apparently had just replaced another of Jérôme’s mistresses who had been sent home to Cassel. Apparently Jérôme mistook the household of his wife for his personal harem.
In the evening, the Viceroy led the Duchess of Montebello to engage in some contraband [...]
Napoleon: Tu quoque, fili?
[...] and see the bell tower of the cathedral church which is said to be very old.
I love the combination. Apparently, buying smuggled goods was something you could easily do while on a sightseeing tour through town. And I assume the duchess was sure that the viceroy of Italy at least would not visit any »maisons closes«. He could invite the ladies to his place.
It was decided that we would leave the next day regardless of the weather. I am very happy because although the island is certainly very attractive, I did not feel very comfortable to be obliged to stay four days in the same clothes.
In the evening we received the authorities, who are not very numerous and most of whom do not know French.
And this is where Marie Louise ended her diary, despite the fact that the journey continued for two more weeks. Maybe she did not have the time to resume it, or it was left behind in one of the many accidents that seem to have been a natural part of Napoleon’s travels. The imperial couple went via the chateau de Laeken on to Bruxelles next, and in the following two weeks (among other towns) to Ostende, Lille, Calais, Boulogne, Dieppe, Le Havre, Rouen and finally returned to Saint-Cloud on June 1st.
Despite her many complaints, she seems to have won a mostly positive first impression of the country, according to Savary. And she had probably also learned what to expect of her impetous husband, and that it would be a good idea to always have some fresh undergarments with her when travelling in his company.
An abridged and edited version of Marie Louise’s diaries was first published by Frédéric Masson. An English translation can be found here: The private diaries of empress Marie Louise. The first complete edition, with many additional footnotes, was published by Charles-Éloi Vial and is, as far as I know, only available in French: L’adieu à l’empereur.
These volumes actually contain some more travel journals, from 1813 (to Cherbourg) and from Rambouillet to Vienna after the fall of the empire in spring 1814. But while probably more interesting for the historian, they’re far less entertaining. Despite the duchess’s valiant efforts Marie Louise by that time seems to have picked up enough Parisian court etiquette to not write down things all too inappropriate.
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Get Away Driver
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Fandom: The Devil All The Time
Pairing: Arvin Russell x Reader
Part of a Series: Yes or No
Warnings: Spoilers! Don't read if you haven't watched the movie!/Lots of Angst/Some fluff/Mentions of death/Blood/Murder/Mentions of abuse/Mentions of Rape/Cussing/Gun Violence/Mentions of suicide/Mentions of baby death
Disclaimer: "The Devil All The Time" is not mine, Credit to lovely Creators. GIFS are not mine! Credit to owners! 
A/n: HI! I just watched the movie and it is fucking awesome! And I love Tom Holland and now I’m in love with another character he plays, Arvin Russel! Also, I don’t know if they gave a name to the cop who gave Arvin the news about Lenora being preggers but his name is Howard I’m pretty sure, I had looked it up. If I am wrong don’t come after me. Also I think he was in his very early Twenty’s and he was semi friends with Lenora, Arvin and Y/n. Please do not read if you haven’t watched the movie! I hope you like it! Thank you for reading!!
Summary: Y/n knew the young Russels all her life. She knew Lenora the day she was born, courtesy of both their mother’s being great friends. She met Arvin the day he moved there. Y/n loved Lenora like her own sister and Y/n loved Arvin. So when Lenora took her life and Arvin avenge her going on some type of murder spree, she went after him. To help him. 
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“ God damn-it Howard, just tell me what yah told the sheriff. Tell me where the fuck yah think he is. And don’t bullshit me either,” Y/n said staring the deputy down with a hard stare, trying to get much needed information out of him. To find her best friend’s brother, to find her friend, to find the stupid boy she was in love with. 
“ I can’t tell yah that Y/n, yah know that..”
“ And yah know me, and Arvin. And yah knew Lenora too. Arvin was only doing what he needed to do to protect ‘er, to avenge ‘er,” Y/n knew Howard had always liked Lenora but she was too wrapped up in god and running away from the boys that would torment her at school to notice. Sure, Y/n was using that to her advantage but she needed to use all that she had if she was gonna find Arvin. 
“ Don’t yah use that on me, look I care about yah guys. I know Arvin wouldn’t hurt nobody that didn’t deserve it. But I can’t tell yah where he is, and the Sheriff’s got it handled. He can take care of Arvin by himself, he don’t need a girl such as yourself getting in the middle.”
“ But he don’t know Arvin like I do. And that sheriff don’t use ever use his god damn head. I should know with how handled mah daddy,” Y/n and the Sheriff from Knockemstiff weren’t too friendly with one another. Back when Y/n was nothing but youngling, only 13 at the time, Sheriff Bodecker blew the head off her Daddy. Bedecker did protect her and her Mama that night. But Bodecker wasn’t there to help them. He was there for money her father owned him, and the man just wouldn’t give it up. So just seeing the man hit his daughter gave him enough reason to kill him and get his money. Y/n didn’t like how it went down, she’d seen the whole thing. All the yelling and the big shot gun. Got stricken across the face and then, her Daddy being shot. 
“ I just know that Sheriff is gonna do somethin’ to sent ‘im off and Arvin might do somethin’ he gonna regret. Please just tell me where yah think he is. I need to find ‘im Howard. I need to find him before he does somethin’ stupid again. Please.” 
Howard sighs, looking at the young girl in front of him. She was a good friend, he knew that much and he knew her since they were young. Arvin and him weren’t the best of friends, but they knew each other and that was enough. He knew Arvin cared for Lenora deeply and he’d do anything to protect her. And he knew Arvin loved Y/n, the two were so enamored in the other that they didn’t even know they held the same feelings. But with their feeling, he knew that Y/n was the best bet to help Arvin out of the hole he’s dug himself into. 
“ Alright, alright I’ll tell yah. But don’t get yerself killed, Kay?” Y/n nodded happily. 
“ We think he went back to Knockemstiff. Where he used to live as a kid, to his old house or somethin’... Now git, and don’t you tell nobody I to-” He was interrupted by the young girl hugging him tight. 
“Yah won’t regret this, thank you.” And then she ran to her truck and made her way to knockemstiff, hoping she wasn’t too late to stop Arvin from taking another life if he felt he had to. 
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Shit is a word that Arvin repeated over and over again in his head as the Sheriff pointed his shotgun at him, yelling like a mad man. I mean, Arvin would have done the same thing if his sister was killed and in a way he had when he killed the Preacher. The sick fuck had deserved to die. 
The Sheriff continued speaking, angry and drunk. Wanting so bad to kill the man who killed his sister. So when he finally found his hiding spot, he tried to shoot him wanting the bastard to die, wanting Arvin Russell to die. But sadly, he would not be getting his drunken revenge. The sheriff shot, trying to shoot the young boy only to shoot the fallen tree protecting Arvin and to get shot himself by the German Luger in Arvin’s hand. 
Arvin’s whole body felt shaky after he shot him, he hated the thought that he killed another person, another man. Someone who had family, who had a life unlike the other three he shot and killed. This man was a lawman, and the law would have his head for this. Arvin pulled out a small picture, it was of Sandy Bodecker holding a dead man in her arms. Arvin showed him, so that the Sheriff could see why he had to kill her because if he didn’t, he might’ve of been killed himself. So he sat there as the man died just a few minutes later even though it seemed like hours. Arvin stood up, exhausted and went to grab his Jacket to get ready to take off when he heard his name being shouted by a voice he knew all too well. It was Y/n. 
“ Arvin! Arvin Russel! I know yer out here!” Before Arvin could think, he scrambled behind the fallen tree, hoping she’d go away. He didn’t want to pull her into this, hell he’d left a letter for her too. Hoping his Grandmomma  would have given it to her. The letter was all about her staying away, but she couldn’t even do that. Arvin knew Y/n was too stubborn to listen when she had her mind set. Y/n never listened to reason when she got her mind set on something else. Which in this place was running after him after he said not to. 
“ Arvin please come out! I don’ts got a gun on me or anything. I have money and a truck, I even gots some clothes. I want to help yah. That ol’ sheriff is gonna be here any minute to get yah and I need yah to come with meh.” Arvin realized that she didn’t know the Sheriff already came, and that he shot him. He felt like shit that he was pulling her into this, that she was in this. This mess that he created. 
Arvin knew he couldn’t just sit there, expecting that she’d think he wasn’t there Y/n always knew. Arvin always suspected that she knew him better than she knew himself. He spoke, just wanting so badly for to leave him be so that maybe she could be safe,“ Y/n, I need yah to leave. I uh, I’ve done shit things and I don’t wanna pull yah down with me. Please don’t be stubborn for once in yer life and listen to meh.” He heard Y/n sigh, which meant she was close.
“ Arvin, I ain’t leaving. So get your ass up outta whatever place your hiding in before I make yah.” He sighed, he knew he wasn’t gonna be able to do anything to make her leave. He stood up slowly, time seemed to slow down as tears filled her eyes upon seeing him, running at him and hugging him tightly. Arvin wrapped his own arms around her and rested his head onto her shoulder. 
“ Yah big, dumb, idiot you...” She said quietly, hugging tightly like he might disappear if she lets go. Arvin sighs, feeling a strange sort of comfort in her arms. It reminded him of the comfort he used to have with mother, when she’d hold him or sing that old song ‘Bessie’. She pulled back before looking down to see the dead body, Sheriff Lee Bodecker. 
He heard her sigh,“ Where the Luger?” 
Arvin was surprised by how calm she was, seeing a dead body right in front of her. But then again, he knew Y/n. She’d seen things that even he hadn’t seen and he saw his pet dog being crucified and his Daddy taking his own life with a god damn pocket knife. Arvin looks down at the ground, where he buried his poor dog and his Daddy’s gun,“ I buried it.” 
“ Good, we don’t need nobody else dying cause yer trigger happy.” Arvin nods his head, not really having anything to say. 
“ ‘Kay, go git into the truck, I’ll be up there soon. I need a few minutes to send a few prayers for the man and such.” 
“ Look Y/n, yah don’t have to do thi-”
“ Go git in the truck Arvin. We’ll talk in a few. Just go git in the truck.” Arvin sighed, nodding before making his way up the hill to Y/n’s old black pickup. He opened the door and sat in the passengers seat. He knew he could’ve probably dipped out on her, tried to push her away so that she doesn’t get involved in this mess. But he knew no matter how hard he tried, she would just pop right back. Because she loved him, it was clear to him now that she loved him the same way he loved her. I mean, what kind of girl would drive all that way to knockemstiff just to pick up a boy she knew murdered several people. Girls in love.
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Arvin and Y/n sat in silence in the truck. Silence reminded Y/n of her Father. How her and him would sit in his black pickup truck, the same one she now drove in. They’d drive in complete silence, to a place where he could have his way with her when she was nothing but a child.
Y/n thoughts started to wonder, wondering if that's what the preacher did to Lenora, took her to a place in his car where he could get what he wanted, blinded by his sinful acts. She’s seen him do it to the Reaster Girl and he once tried to do with her. But she wasn’t stupid enough to get into a car with a man she just met, with a man that reminded her of a man she longed to forget but always stayed ingrained in her brain. 
Men like that are always blinded by sin, no matter how much they say they are a man of god, they are just the devil in disguise using god's name to cover up their tracks for what they do. She thought Lenora would've been safe, but that sadly wasn't god's plan. Arvin stared ahead, trying to keep awake as he tried to figure out something to say when Y/n spoke up," I do this cause I care about yah and yer all I have left. I donts got any family no more. At least nobody in coal creak. Your all I gots left.", the girl had started, causing Arvin to wake up a little. And he looked at her, watching as she gripped the steering wheel, so focused on the road but also focused on making Arvin know her reasons for helping him. For a helping a boy who's killed.
"We aren't blood related but we're friends, we're close enough to be family. Lenora was mah friend, but she was mah family. And what that preacher did, he deserved to die. That man reminded me too much of mah Daddy. I knew he was trouble from the start. I could see the way he did things, it was the same type of things mah daddy did. Those type of men, they always have a pattern. Mah Daddy did, and so did the preacher."
Y/n didn't speak of her father often, sometimes it was too painful to talk about. About the things he did to her and her mother. He'd beat them, and he'd use them in more ways than one. Using them to show off to the world what a man of god he was as the Father of a small Church. Or to use them as servants for his house to be picture perfect, not a thing out of place or there would be a price to pay. Or, he'd use them in the most sinful way of all, through lustful acts. And not just his wife, but his daughter too. Lenora had saved her most times, sneaking her into her home late at night or sometimes in early morning or during the day. And Y/n helped her with the boys at school, trying to get them to leave Lenora alone. It never worked, both Lenora trying to keep Y/n away from her Daddy and Y/n trying to keep Lenora away from the horrid boys at school. But they both tried, and for just that Y/n saw Lenora as family and Lenora saw her as family too.  
" Lenora didn’t deserve what happened to her. She was such a bright girl, she my best friend. She always helped, no matter if it was gonna hurt her in the end. She always helped.” Y/n paused, a small memory forming in her head and then into words.
“ Remember how Lenora used to hide me from mah Daddy? She'd sneak me in the window and yah'd hear it and come running to tell us to shut up before we woke up Grandmomma. Then you’d proceed to act like yah didn’t want me there, only throw one of yer shirts at me telling me it wouldn’t be the greatest thing for meh sleep in mah day clothes,” Y/n spoke, a small smile and chuckle leaving her, Arvin watched it. Watched how a memory with not good things embedded into it made her smile. Arvin never understood how Y/n could get so happy just by a single memory. Even memories that weren’t the greatest. Arvin thought it was probably because she didn’t have many good memories, only a few but they always had some type of her hurt in them but she still cherished them as much as she could. Mostly, all memories she had was her trying to save herself and her depressed mother from her Daddy, so not too many were happy. And because of  all those no good memories, Arvin rarely ever did see her smile like that, smile with really happiness and not just something phony so no one will worry about her. But Arvin knew, he always did. 
He hears her sigh," I wished she would've recognized the signs of a man like that. Of a man like mah father, she knew ‘im, we both pledged to stay away from men like that. But sadly, they always tend to get us one way or another. No matter what their relation is to yah, they always get yah." She pauses, thinking about Lenora for a minute, thinking about how she didn’t deserve that kind of abuse, about how she didn’t deserve to die, to kill herself.
“ What I’m trying to say, is who yah killed, they deserved to die, not the other way around. And thats why I’m helping yah, because yah don’t deserve whatever’ punishment the law’s gonna inflict on yah. You were Lenora’s brother and in a way she was my sister. So I’m looking out for yah, for her.” 
Arvin looked down at his hands, the same ones that held a gun, his Daddy’s gun,“ But aren’t I like those men, aren’t I turning into them? I’ve killed, Y/n. Not just the preacher. I’ve killed another man and a women, I’ve killed the Sheriff.”
“ And why did you kill ‘em?”
“ They were gonna kill me. T-the man had a gun, so did his wife. I shot ’im before he could shoot me and I shot his wife too. I had begged her to put down the gun. B-but she wouldn’t. And the Sheriff, he was gonna kill me cause the wife was his sister. ”
“ See, yah only killed to get rid of the horrible people who only intend to hurt yah. Yah killed with reason, not just cause yah were blinded by sin. And that Sheriff, sure he was a lawman, but he was a bad one. He deserved it as much as his sister. So no, yah aren’t like ‘em. That’s why I love yah, stupid. Because yah aren’t like them.” Arvin looked at her, all she did was stare straight ahead, focusing on the road. Arvin knew she had hard times with saying love. Even just saying love to people who were just family or friends. Love scared her, he knew that. It scared him too. Love to kids like them was a scary thing, because it didn’t come often and when it did it was ripped away from them. Slowly Arvin put his hand on her leg, to give her at least some sort of comfort, some sort of touch and maybe he needed the touch as much as she did too. 
“ I love yah too, yah know.” He said as he looked out the window.
“ I know.”   
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“ Put these on.” Y/n spoke throwing a black t-shirt and Jeans at him, the clothes landing on his head.
“ Why?”
“ Cause, they already know what yer wearing. If yah wear something different it’ll be harder to find yah, plus it’ll be better for yah to wear somethin’ cleaner.” Arvin sighed grabbing the clothes Y/n threw at him.
“ Also, I got somethin’ for yah. Here.” She then throws a pack of cigarettes at him. The pack hitting him square in the face making Y/n laugh. 
“ Yah know, yah could always just hand me the stuff instead of throwing it at me.”
“ Well where would the fun be in that?” Y/n said with a smirk and wiggling her eyebrows in a goofy way. It was dark out and Arvin sat in the open back of the truck while Y/n threw stuff at him that she’d packed. Arvin was surprised about how prepared she was. She packed all the necessitates. Like blankets and clothing, even food and water and even money. Arvin was grateful and lucky Y/n came after him, he would’ve been completely lost without her. 
“ Now git dressed. I’ll look away, don’t yah worry.” Then made a show of slowly turning around and putting her hands over her eyes. It made Arvin chuckle, he liked when he saw Y/n like this, all goofy and just plain smiles. It reminded him of Lenora, it reminded him of his mother. 
“ So where did yah get these clothes anyway? They look like mine.”
“ Yeah, I raided yer drawers. Grandmomma helped me too.”
“ She knew yah were going after me?”
“ Yeah, she does. She wanted me to find yah and to make sure yer safe. She said I’d be the only one to keep yer ass in line out here.” There was a moment of silence between the two.
“ I’m done getting dressed.”
“ Finally, I need some well deserved sleep and you are taking up our bed for the night. We’ll find something better tomorrow though.” Y/n hopped on the makeshift bed with all the blankets she had piled onto one another to make it more comfortable than it was on the back of the pickup truck. She laid down and looked up at the sky, a small smile on her face. 
“ Yah aren’t gonna change either?”
“ Oh, uh I uh, I forgot to bring a change of clothes. I was so focused on getting shit for yah and finding yah. I forgot some clothes for myself. But it’s fine.”
“ No it ain’t. Here, wear one of my shirts yah brought, I bet wearing that dress isn’t too comfortable.” Y/n raised an eyebrow at him. 
“ Is this just yer way of getting me to wear yer clothes. Cause yah could always ask.” 
“ Oh shut up and put on the clothes.” Arvin said with a little red starting to creep up on his cheeks, he was thankful it was dark out so she couldn’t see. Y/n laughed as she grabbed one of Arvin’s shirts, it was his white button up church shirt. Y/n had always wanted to try it on, it seemed comfy to Y/n, and it was. When Arvin could finally look, his eyes wanted to pop out of his skull, and in a way they were. There she was, in just undergarments and his white button-up. Arvin always hated that shirt but right then, he loved it. 
“ Alrighty, now it’s time for sleep. We got a lot of driving to do tomorrow cause we are going all the way to Cincinnati.”
“ What’s in Cincinnati?” Arvin asked as Y/n climbed in the back and laid down. 
“ My Uncle lives out there. I gave him a call at one of the phones while you slept in the Truck. He’s gonna keep us for awhile, he’s got an extra room and he’s gonna let us stay until we are able to leave and make a life for ourselves without the cops coming after yah.” She laid down looking up at the sky as she spoke. She never saw her uncle anymore, the man used to live with her and her parents when she was young. But one fateful day at age 10 he moved to Cincinnati and never really kept in contact. Y/n knew his number, always wanted to call him. There were multiple times where she wanted to call and beg him to take her away from her small house in Coal Creak. But she never did. When she called, the man was ecstatic when he heard her voice. He offered her to stay with him before she could even ask. It made her wonder how a man who obviously wanted her to be in his life never kept contact for many years of her life. But she already knew it was probably cause of her Daddy. The man never liked how his brother looked at her Mama and how she looked at him. How he seemed to act like more of a father to Y/n then her own was. 
“ You have an Uncle?”, Arvin asked popping Y/n out of her thoughts as he propped up on his elbow so he could look at her. As he looked at her, he started thinking about how beautiful she was. Even in the dark and with the dirt and the few stray leaves in her hair and even wearing his horrid old church shirt. He still thought she was just plain beautiful. 
“ Yeah I do, he used to live with me when I was younger. He’s a good man.”
“ And does he know what I did?” Arvin asked nervously.
“ I told him, he said it wouldn’t be any different if yah were in the war. Don’t worry, we gonna have a place to go. Yer gonna be okay. We’re gonna be okay. I got it handled,” Arvin couldn't explain how he felt in that moment, as he stared at her, knowing how Y/n was always there. Even when they were just kids and he was just plain lonely and to now where she's helping him get away from the law after killing. But all he knew, in that moment, was that he loved her and he wanted to tell her in the best possible way. Love to kids like him and her was a rare thing, so he decided he was gonna act on it. So he kissed her. 
From his propped up position he was able to swoop down and touch his lips to hers as she laid there looking up at the stars. Y/n was surprised at first, not knowing what was happening when realization hit her. Arvin Russell, her best friend growing up, the boy she loved was kissing her. So she kissed him back. Their positions changed through the kiss. Y/n now straddled his lap and her arms circled around his neck, one hand running through the back of his hair. Arvin sat below her, one hand on her hip and the other grasping the side of her face gently. Both putting all their love and passion for one another into that one kiss. They both finally pull away, both of their lips being swollen but big smiles on both of their faces, even Arvin who rarely showed smiles. But that just made Y/n appreciate them that much more.
“ Arvin...,” Y/n started, looking at him with so much love.
“ I love you’ Y/n. And not just as a friend or any of that shit. I love yah, I love you as someone I want by me like my Daddy wanted my Mama.” Y/n looks at him as if he just moved the moon. 
“ I love yah too. Always have, always will,” She speaks, with lovey, dovey tone to her voice before leaning down and kissing him again. Both got aroused fast from their positions and soon they both had one of the best nights of their lives. The lost of both of their innocents. Both of them were each others first and will also be their last.   
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It was sunrise when Arvin woke up, Y/n laid upon his very shirtless chest as her naked body stayed hidden under the blankets. The memories of what happened last night circles around in his brain, making him smile. He and Y/n had both lost their innocence last night in the back of her Black pickup truck. Arvin couldn’t remember a time of being so happy and feeling so loved like he was last night. Both knew it was a sin in god’s eyes, but they both hoped he’d forgive them since even though it was before marriage, they were still in love and in their eyes its not any different.
 Arvin looked down at her, entranced by how beautiful she looked, how pure she looked just sleeping all sprawled out on his chest, her hair all messy and a light pink dashed across her cheeks from the cold. He sighed, wishing this type of peace could last forever. That the two could just stay like that in the middle of the woods in the back of the truck just enjoying one another’s company. But he knew thats not how life always worked. 
Y/n started to stir, her eyes starting to slowly open as she let out a small yawn. Her nose scrunched up as she yawn, it reminded Arvin of a small Kitten. She was his little kitten. 
“ Mornin’,” Arvin spoke in his deep southern voice as he looked at her. She looked up at him, a small smile gracing her face. 
“ Good Mornin’, so yah ready to take off for Cincinnati with meh? You know you ain’t getting rid of me now?” Arvin smiled, swooping down to give her a gentle and soft kiss the lips before pulling away. 
“ And I wouldn’t change it for the life of me, Darlin’.” 
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