#best area to visit in Costa Rica
fincarosablanca · 2 years
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daughterofcain-67 · 6 months
𝙾𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 : 𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎
(Soldier Boy x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: just a conclusion of this story where Y/N finally get their happy ending and Ben gets the life he’s always wanted 🩷
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Ben being self conscious of future parental abilities, Y/N being reassuring, the smallest amount of angst if you squint, but mostly just pure fluff 🥰
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One Year Later
You hadn’t dreamed of returning to the states. You and Ben have had such a blast exploring the world together, seeing places you had only wished you could have seen before. You had no idea how beautiful other countries were.
You and Ben had visited France, Italy, Greece, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Peru, Thailand, and New Zealand. The two of you had seen so much over the past year and it had been the best experience you’ve shared in your life, and the best part that you were able to share it with Ben with no one chasing either of you. Neither of you had to be on constant guard for Vought or The Boys, neither of you were on any watch lists because both of you were presumed dead in America. So that gave you and Ben the freedom to roam wherever you wished.
It genuinely seemed to help Ben too. He didn’t have as many flare ups and there weren’t any other explosions. The nightmares he had seemed to subside at least a little. You truly thought that this adventure was helping Ben, that retirement looked good on Ben.
For the past couple of days, you and Ben had gone to Canada after hitching a ride on some cargo plane - your main form of transportation at this point. The two of you were staying in some cabin in the mountains. It must’ve been some sort of guest home to someone because there was still furniture in the cabin despite there. Not being any sign of anyone staying in the building for a while.
Ben was asleep and you were currently laying in bed beside him, staring at the ceiling. You knew it I would only be a matter of time before you and Ben would be on the move again. Maybe a different part of Canada, maybe a small area so the two of you could finally have that fresh start. Maybe the two of you could end up having a cabin like this of your own. After all, you still had some money left - before you and Ben left the country you went back to your bunker where you had a safe full of savings. You were glad you never touched it because well, it would now give you and Ben a start for wherever you both decided to permanently retire.
Suddenly, you could feel movement from beside you and when you looked down you saw Ben’s eyes shut tight. You could tell he was grinding his teeth and when you looked down, you noticed he was clutching down on the bedsheets tight, so tight that his knuckles looked white.
Another nightmare.
You moved to where you were laying on your side and you placed your hand on Ben’s chest as you tried to shake him awake.
“Ben? Ben wake up! Come back to me, Babe.” You urged and you shook him a little harder and his eyes finally shot open.
You let out a breath of relief before you lifted a hand and gently caressed his cheek, causing him to look at you and his gaze softened.
“I woke you up, didn’t I?” He said before he looked away from you but you shook your head and kissed his cheek.
“I’ve been up for a while. You didn’t wake me.” You promised sweetly as you wrapped your arms around his torso as best as you could as you laid down again.
“Want to talk about it?”
“It’s just the same stuff… Little less intense than before. Not by much.” He told you and you frowned softly, knowing he was dreaming about his time in Russia then his time with Mallory.
You snuggled closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder, only to feel him move and he kissed the crown of your head.
“Less intense is a good thing… right?” You asked softly and you felt him take a hold of one of your hands before he flipped it upward.
“It is. And they getting fewer and further between.” He reminded you and pressed his lips against your palm, causing you to smile a little.
“Well… why don’t we find something to do to get your mind off of it?” You asked and he shifted his head so he could look at you.
“What do you have in mind?”
“Well I was thinking…” You trailed off, a little hesitant to bring it up because you weren’t sure how he was going to take the suggestion.
“Y/N, you know I’m not good at these guessing games. I’m not a mind reader.” He told you and you bit your lip a little. Then you moved your hands away to sit up while you formulated your thoughts.
“I was just thinking that… well, we’re close enough to the states without crossing the border again. Vought, Homelander, they all think we’re dead so they aren’t a threat and they haven’t been one for the past twelve months. Do you think it would be possible to finally… I don’t know… settle down maybe?”
Ben heard the delicate tone in your voice and he could tell that this must’ve been on your mind for a while. It was comforting to know that you were beginning to think the same thing that he was. The former hero slowly sat up with a little groan before he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his lap before he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“How long have you been thinking about it?” He asked gently.
“Not long honestly… right before we cane to Canada actually. Middle of the flight on that cargo plane.” He heard you confess and he smiled a little, wondering what got you started on thinking about it on a flight of all places.
“So… where is you’re thinking of settling down?”
“I dont know.. I like this cabin, maybe we can build one a little bit bigger though. Just incase.” He heard you say and Ben lifted a brow.
“Just incase of..?”
“Oh you never know. Maybe we can make some friends here in time and maybe we could have little gatherings and what not.” You said a little too quickly, making Ben a little skeptical. But he decided to shrug it off for now.
“You really think people are going to want to he friends with former American supes turned fugitives?” Ben asked and you smiled.
“No, but I’m sure they’ll want to be friends with Ben and Y/N who are just a couple that moved into the community.” He heard you say and he grinned a little before he looked down at your hand, admiring the band on your finger.
He recalled how happy the two of you were when you both had your simple wedding. Nothing too extravagant but you both ended up getting your rings a little later but it was perfect. You had the little ceremony in New Zealand, bought the rings in France, and had your honeymoon everywhere else. All of this was definitely a unique experience for him but he wouldn’t change it for the world.
“So we won’t be telling them about… well everything.” He said and you nodded.
“The point of a fresh start is to leave everything behind, remember? A clean slate, one where we aren’t heroes and we can just enjoy retirement.” You reminded and he nodded a little.
“Well… I suppose I like the idea of a cabin here. It’s peaceful and quiet.” He said as he thought about it.
“Why don’t we go into town today and see if we can find somebody to talk to about the cabin and everything?” He suggested and he watched as your eyes lit up with the idea.
“Okay! I’ll go get ready.”
Ben felt you start to move away from his touch and he smiled at how happy you seemed to be. Although for the past week or so you had seemed happier than usual. He couldn’t help but wonder why but he was assuming that it was simply because you were thinking of staying here in Canada. It must’ve been something simple.
As he watched you scramble around the room to get dressed, you turned around and looked at him and you smiled beautifully at him.
“Are you gonna get dressed or am I gonna have to drag you out of bed?” You asked him, causing Ben to chuckle to himself before he finally sat up and tossed his legs over the side of the bed before he started to stand up.
“I’m coming, I’m coming. You’re much too energetic for me this morning.”
“I told you, I was already awake before you woke up.” You reminded him before you finished getting dressed.
“Yeah I guess that’s true.” Ben agreed before you spoke again.
“By the way, we should go to the grocery store while we’re going to town. I need to pick up a couple of things.”
You and Ben had been in town for the past couple of hours and you’ve already looked into a couple of people to discuss buying property. Price checking never hurt anyone after all.
But when you and Ben both found a price you could work with the both of you made the arrangements. They gave you an estimate of when the cabin would be done so you and Ben would have some sort of time frame. You just had to hope the owners of the cabin you and Ben had been crashing in wouldn’t be making an appearance anytime soon while your new home was being built. So you two were on the way to the store.
While you were at the store, you and Ben grabbed some groceries. Naturally Ben grabbed a liquor of his choosing, not much to your surprise.but as the two of you roamed around the store you noticed a couple with the woman carrying a stroller. You happened to glance and you saw the most beautiful little girl sleeping with a stuffed blue dog from some cartoon. It warmed your heart and filled you with serotonin, but you tore your gaze away and started to think.
“Do you think you and Homelander would have had a good bond if you were there to raise him?” You asked as you started to step towards the baby clothes.
Ben glanced toward you and realized you were looking at some of those onesies, the tiniest clothes he had ever seen really but he wondered why you were bringing all of this up. Then he started to grow suspicious and wondered if he should wait about asking about his suspicions.
“I’d hope so. I didn’t have any kind of bond with my old man, so I’d hope that I’d do something different and be better for Homelander. But obviously Vought had other plans.” He said.
“What about Ryan?” You asked and you gazed up at him.
“What do you mean?”
“Well if you had the chance, if you chose not to listen to Butcher… would you have stayed with Vought and helped raise Ryan?” You questioned.
“I really don’t know. I don’t think that option would have been open anyway even if I wanted it to be. Vought got rid of me once because they didn’t want me to know about Homelander. I doubt they would have let me stay just because I’m the runt’s grandfather.” Ben said and put his hands in the pockets of the jeans he wore.
“I think it would have gone well. If you had the chance anyway. I’m sure that you could have raised Homelander well and had that father-son sort of bond.” You insisted but you could tell Ben wasn’t really convinced.
“Look at the way things turned out with my team. No wonder they left me to rot with the Ivans without a second thought. If that’s how I am as a leader of a team then what the hell kind of a father would I be?”
Your heart sank at his words and you reached out before you took one of his hands. Ben intertwined your fingers out of habit and you spoke again while giving his hand a soft squeeze, “You’d be the kind of father that learned from the mistakes of his past. The kind of father that would be able to help your child get past similar issues if the time ever came up.”
He didn’t exactly respond but he looked at some of the clothes you were looking at. Then you placed a hand on his arm.
“Ben, the fact that you’re think about all of this now and the fact that you don’t want to end up like your father only proves that you’re stepping in the right direction.” You encouraged. He nodded hut you could tell that he wasn’t fully convinced. There were times when Ben was sort of a hard man to persuade. You figured this would be one of those things that just needed some time for him to adjust to.
“On a different note… what do you think we should have for dinner tonight?” You changed the topic, to which Ben let out a hum.
“Well… what about burgers or something? That seems like it would be pretty simple.” Ben suggested, though you couldn’t help but feel nauseated by the amount of grease that came with eating a burger. Ben must’ve taken notice.
“Why the cringe? I thought you liked burgers.” He said.
“I do, normally. Lately I think the grease from certain things has been messing with me.” You admitted, causing Ben to tilt his head a little. You noticed the concerned expression on his face.
“Is it something you need to go to a doctor for? Maybe we should find one while we’re in town.” You shook your head.
“No, I don’t think it’s bad enough to need a doctor. I think it’s one of those things that will be resolving itself soon.”
“How can you be so sure about that? What if it’s something serious?”
“Ben? Trust me, I’ll be okay. It takes a lot more than a little sickness from grease to kill me.” You promised.
Ben grunted with skepticism and reluctance but he wouldn’t fight you on this. Not unless it would get worse and he needed to drag you to a doctor himself. But he couldn’t help but wonder when things changed. He cleared his throat as he tried to think of some other suggestion.
“Well there’s always spaghetti, something easy. Maybe we could grill some chicken or something.” Ben said.
“That could work. Why don’t you pick up the ingredients for that? I have something I have to look into.” You told Ben before you leaned up and kissed his cheek. Before Ben could say anything, you were already gone.
Ben watched you leave, checking you out before he shifted his attention and went to get the groceries.
He thought about the pieces of the conversation where you started asking him about Homelander. He wasn’t sure how he should feel about his son anymore, even in your little hypothetical world where Vought as out of the equation. Would he be well equipped? He knew you were trying to be encouraging about his parental abilities, but he still felt like he wouldn’t be a good father, even if he wanted to be.
However, what Ben was wondering the most was what brought that conversation on in the first place? Sure he supposed neither of you had talked about Homelander within the past year so he supposed you had the right to be curious about it. But he wondered why you wondered about it now. Maybe he’d ask you about it on the way home.
Or rather the place you would be calling home until your cabin was built.
He couldn’t wait until the both of you had a cabin though. He was ready to finally have a permanent little spot to call home. Ready to have a special place where you both could reside for the rest of your days, a fortress of solitude, a place where you could finally be alone and unbothered by anyone. It most of everything he wanted.
You found yourself at the vitamin section and you picked up what you needed. You definitely had some news to share with Ben, but you weren’t exactly sure how to tell him. You knew that Ben was growing suspicious of you though, and you were glad he didn’t exactly question you further about the problems you had with grease. It wasn’t your fault the smell of it made you queasy now that you were pregnant!
After you grabbed the prenatal vitamins, you walked over to the register and bought them yourself separately and double bagged the bottles before you started looking for Ben again somewhere in the grocery section.
You wished he believed in himself a little more. Sure he had some issues with his leadership, but you hoped that once he would find out about his kid he would start becoming a little more confident in his abilities.
You found Ben looking at different pasta sauces as if he couldn’t decide on which one he wanted to pick. You smiled to yourself before walking over and you slipped your hand into his. He looked down at you and your heart still seemed to flutter at the sight of his smile but then he looked at the shelves once more.
“Can’t decide if we should get normal spaghetti sauce or if we should get Alfredo.” He admitted.
“Well, why don’t we get both? Whatever we decide to use tonight we can use the other one sometime during the week.” You suggested.
“I think that’ll be fine.” Ben agreed and he grabbed both and put them in the basket but then he noticed the bag in your hand.
“You went and bought something already?” He asked.
“I did. But it’s just some personal stuff that I didn’t want you to wait on me for.” You said, hoping he’d buy the excuse. Luckily for you, he didn’t pry.
“If you say so.” He seemed a little short and you could tell he wasn’t sure if he should necessarily trust your behavior. You didn’t blame him for the skepticism but you still wanted to figure out the right way to tell him the news, you wanted to make sure he would take things well which was why you brought up Homelander.
By the time you both got back to the cabin, you decided you’d go and take a shower before you’d get a head start on dinner for you and your husband. Ben stayed in the kitchen to put the other groceries away.
As Ben was putting groceries away, however, he noticed one of the bags were double-bagged. Growing curious, Ben decided to peek inside and when he did he found something he hadn’t expected to find.
“What the hell?” He muttered to himself as he picked up a bottle of vitamins and when the label, he was shocked.
“Prenatal vitamins?” He read the label out loud and he looked at what else was in the bag you bought.
Inside the bag, he found a some pens and some stickers that looked like they belonged in some sort of scrap book. There was a book that was sort of a week by week guide of what to expect when you had a baby on the way. Ben heard the bathroom door upstairs and he knew you were coming. He ran a hand through his hair before he put everything down on the table.
Ben turned around when the footsteps stopped and he found you there, clutching the towel you must’ve been drying your hair with and you were dressed in one of his shirts and some leggings. The look on your face was nearly unreadable. From it looked like, Ben thought it was some sort of fear, but what did you have to be afraid of?
“So… I guess I forgot to bring the bag upstairs with me.” You finally said and he watched you walk over, draping the towel over one of the chairs as you started picking up the items Ben put on the table.
“How long have you known and decided not to tell me?” Ben asked.
“Ben, I didn’t decide not to tell you. I’m not shitty enough of a person to do that to you.” You began, feeling kind of offended that he would phrase it like that.
“I know this is something you’ve always wanted and we’ve talked about it before. I wanted to figure out just how to tell you, wanted it to be, you know, at least special. But I wanted to know if you still even wanted kids after you found out about Homelander and Ryan.” You explained.
“Which was why you were asking about it at the store…” Ben finally realized.
“Yeah… that about sums it up.” You sighed and you sat down in one of the chairs in the dining room and you looked back up at him, “Are you upset with me?”
“Upset?” Ben questioned, unsure why you’d ask a silly question.
“No, Sweetheart. I’m not.” He finally answered and he reached out and moved the chair you were sitting in before he knelt down in front of you, “I’m honestly thrilled. I’m still not quite sure about how my parenting skills will be but I think I’ll have some time to figure it out.”
You smiled when Ben took one of your hands and gave it a comforting squeeze, “I’m kind of disappointed that you didn’t get to tell me in the way you wanted to.”
You laughed a little, “Well, it’s not like you can forget about it now for me to find a way to tell you. So I guess this kind of saves me some brain work.”
Then it was Ben’s turn to let out a little chuckle. Afterwards he stood up and you snickered when you heard the way his knees popped. You looked at him and he pulled you up by the hand before he wrapped your arms around you in a sweet embrace. You smiled as you let your head rest on his chest. You heard the way his heart seemed to beat faster than normal, making you wonder if it was excitement, nerves, or some other emotion he was feeling.
“You still haven’t told me how long you’ve known.” He commented before he planted a kiss on the top of your head, you hummed softly.
“I don’t know… maybe a week and a half now?” You said in more of a questioning tone since you couldn’t remember exactly.
“You mean before we hitched a ride on the cargo plane?!” Ben said and he pulled away from you, looking at you as if you’d gone mad, “Are you crazy? We could have stayed in the last country we were in before we came here. Isn’t that dangerous for you to be flying in the condition you’re in?”
Somehow you knew Ben would get protective the moment he found out you were expecting. Although you couldn’t complain about it too much. It was sweet in its own way.
“It would have been dangerous if I were further along. I know I’m less than a month in, at lest I think so. So it couldn’t have been that bad.” You tried to reassure and you watched Ben’s jaw tighten, displeased with the response.
“We need to find a doctor and they’ll tell us how far along you are. It’s a good thing you suggested we settle here this morning.” He said and you rubbed the back of your neck.
“Well I wasn’t exactly going to suggest we go somewhere else anytime soon.” You admitted with a slight chuckle trying to lighten the mood. Ben exhaled a little before he leaned down and tried to kiss you on the forehead, but you pulled away.
“Nope. I want one on the mouth.” You pointed your finger to your lips.
When Ben leaned down to grant your little request, you ducked down and got out of his grasp. Ben gave you a look of confusion and you had a mischievous look on your face. “Gonna have to catch me first, Soldier Boy.”
Ben watched you turn on your heel and you scurried out of the front door into the cabin. He wasn’t sure where the sudden playfulness came from but he thought it was cute that you thought you could slip away and get away with it. He gave you a few seconds of a head start before he ran after you.
He continued to run until he caught sight of you running through the trees. He smiled to himself and he picked up the pace a bit and he watched as you stopped at a creek. You looked to either side as if you were trying to figure out which way to turn but by the time you stepped foot in one direction, Ben turned you around to face him and he had a smirk on his face.
“Caught you.” He smirked and you giggled before you cupped his cheek just as he leaned down and captured your lips with his.
You smiled against his mouth and you felt one of his hands roam down just to settle at the small of your back as he pulled you closer, as if he didn’t want you to run off again. When you pulled away, his forehead was on top of yours and your thumb caressed the top of his cheek.
“Why don’t we stay here for a while? It’s a pretty day and we’ve never sat here at the creek since we’ve been here.” You suggested softly and Ben smiled and rolled his eyes.
“You’re something else, aren’t you?” He said.
“Nothing, Sweetheart. Just quit running off like that. Especially right now. Or there may be consequences.” He said, making one of your brows arch upward.
“What kind of consequences?” You smirked.
“The kind of consequences where I make sure you won’t be able to run anywhere.” Ben said with a smirk, causing your cheeks to turn a deep shade of red. Ben chuckled deeply at your embarrassment but then he held your hand and he walked with you a little closer to the creek.
You were right. It was a beautiful day and Ben sort of wished the two of you had come out here sooner. He sat down in one spot of grass before he pulled you down into his lap. You sat between his legs and Ben had his arms wrapped around your smaller figure. One of his hands were on your lower abdominal area while his chin rested on your shoulder.
His mind started swirling again as he kept you in his arms. He couldn’t believe this was real. What if he wasn’t good enough to be a father? What if all of his worries he talked with you about earlier would come true? He knew he would never lay a hand on his kid like he did his teammates, you would definitely find a way to kill him if he ever did that. But Ben knew his father never his him but he was still an abusive fuck. He didn’t want to turn into a monster like that.
He’d never forgive himself if he did.
You could feel the way Ben was starting to tense up and you placed your hand on the one he had over your stomach. You knew he was worried about what would happen, you knew he had so many doubts in his mind, but you hoped that the further along you would get, the more confident he would be in himself.
“For the record, Ben…”
“You won’t turn into your father…”
Ben lifted his chin off your shoulder before he turned and looked at you. You turned your upper body to face him and you saw the look on his face, knowing he had so much self doubt in his mind.
“You’re going to be an amazing father without any of his influence. Our baby won’t end up anything like Homelander because they’ll have two parents who love them dearly. They won’t ever need for anything, and they’ll love you and admire you for everything you are just as I admire you for everything you are.”
Ben’s gaze softened, as did his demeanor, and he lifted a hand to caress your face, “And they’ll love you and admire you for the amazing woman you’ve always been. They’ll be lucky to have you as a mother.”
You hummed softly before you leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips once more.
When you pulled away, you leaned against his chest before you looked outward into the sky, admiring the sunset and the way it seemed to bounce off the water from the creek. You and Ben had a new journey ahead of you and while you and Ben may be from an older era, you knew this journey came just at the right time.
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icarusthelunarguard · 4 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Summer is right around the corner, so it’s time to start making your vacation plans. And we’re JUST the place to help you decide what to do and where to go. So get out your debit cards and get ready to plan your hotel stays. Remember, there’s a 30% Restocking Fee for any cancelled bookings. The Horrible-Scopes will not be responsible for any accidents, either mid-air or on the ground, to anyone using Ryan Air.
We’re suggesting you plan your vacation to Costa Rica. It’s relatively easy to get to from the USA and Canada, has reasonable prices, ridiculously clean beaches, and the locals are friendly. What’s not to love about this choice? So This Week… Make sure you book a visit to the Cloud Forest in Monteverde. It’s totally a magical experience! 
Where Aries went with a reasonable price tag, we’re sending you off an expensive one. Even booking through Costco you’ll be paying about $8,000 for 5 nights - but that puts you in an overwater bungalow, all meals, all flights and taxi to/from the airport - and the destination? Bora Bora! So This Week…  Your high school-level French won’t be needed for this trip, but we suggest a hard hat. You’ve heard of Australian Drop Bears? How about Bora Boran Drop Coconuts? That can be a thing.
Speaking of the Australian area of the globe, we’re sending you Fiji. No, they do not make Fiji-Brand Water there. But speaking of, bring a good camera with you because you’ll want to remember the water there to swim in. Just amazingly blue and warm water and you’ll enjoy every minute of it. So This Week… When you plan your vacation, just avoid Denarau Island. That’s where you’ll find the largest concentration of Australian Bogans visiting. If you don’t know what that term means, just ask an Ozzie - they’ll explain. 
Cancer Moon-Child 
We’ll make this one super straight-forward: Iceland! Try to imagine visiting a country that’s incredibly safe, welcoming, chilly, but built like it’s just one giant national park. It’ll be a great visit with a better-than-average chance to see the Northern Lights at night. So This Week… There is an incredible and authentic Ethiopian restaurant in Fludir, run by an Icelandic man and his Ethiopian wife. Some of the best food and coffee. You HAVE to get there and check it out!
Fancy taking a trip to the European mainland? Don’t care - we’re sending you to Spain. It doesn't get much hype but it promises sun, sand, cheap beer, cheap food, and it delivers 100% of the time… on the experience, not delivering food to you. If you want to stay away from the British and German tourists, plan on visiting the Basque region. It's a little more akin to the Pacific Northwest in the US, with a nice cool climate, still with stellar food. So This Week… You likely didn’t learn Castilian Spanish, so you might be treated with kid gloves if you try to speak Spanish to the natives. At least they’ll respect the effort.
Some have suggested this location and it’s stirred up a nasty hornet’s nest of opinions. We’re suggesting you go to… OHIO! Now, yes. Ohio’s birthed a number of people who have gone on to intentionally leave the planet for space, but that’s not exactly a bad point. It could be said that they were simply looking for somewhere more exciting than Ohio, and not finding it on the planet, looked elsewhere. So This Week… Order a bottle of Loganberry Syrup to get your taste buds ready for a week at Cedar Point. You’re Welcome. 
Plan on getting SCUBA Certified because you’ll need it as you head off to Belize! We’re going to remind you to research “the Blue Hole” so you can stay away from it, but this will be an awesome underwater experience! Imagine what it’ll be like to swim with stingray, small sharks, lots and lots of fish, and even eels that you can touch! Nothing will come close to that first dive with your instructor. So This Week… Always fall backwards out of the boat when you’re going SCUBA Diving. Because if you go the other way your facemask will hit the floor of the boat.
Here’s a sleeper hit for you - and you best not go bragging about it to anyone: Northern Michigan. Giant sand dunes, beautiful bays, the Great Lakes, Mackinac Island… It’s like a different country compared to the rest of Michigan. The woodsy lake vibes with all the waterfalls are truly amazing. So This Week… Just remember that you are right next door to Ontario, Canada up there. Do NOT annoy the local bird life.
You’ll likely need a translator to help you out at times, but you’re slated to head out to Edinburgh, Scotland. Do your research and look up all the touristy places and stay way the hell away from them. You may love bagpipe music, but by the third day of hearing it incessantly, you WILL want to lance someone through the chest with a Claymore. So This Week… buy new socks and cushioned insoles for your shoes. Since EVERYTHING is uphill from there you WILL need them.
We’re sending you WAY up north to Juneau, Alaska. The wilderness is amazing to walk or trudge through, depending on what time of year it is and the weather. But even beyond the daylight hours, you’ll have an amazing view of the night skies - and again, a better-than-average chance of seeing the Northern Lights. So This Week… Make sure your passport is valid because if you want to head to Anchorage, that’s a 925Km (574Mile) straight-line distance, but that’s a 19 HOUR DRIVE! Do NOT run out of fuel on the drive!
We’ll suggest you consider Maui. Both the location and the animated character as voiced by Dwayne Johnson. We’re pretty sure most of you would LOVE to visit either one for various reasons. So This Week… Don’t even THINK about getting Maori tattoos on your body. They are painful and you WILL regret even trying.
You will be getting the best vacation location. No, seriously.. This is the vacation everyone else on this list is going to be asking to trade with you for. (*Grand Pause*) Grandma's house. Just Picture It - Cartoons & Silver dollar pancakes any time you want them, homemade spaghetti & meatballs, and fresh baked cookies before bed. So This Week… We’re not crying! You’re Crying! Shut up!
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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calyxthenerd · 6 months
“Onto the bus everyone! Our flight is in two hours, but as it is an international one and we are such a big group, we have to get there extra early!” Ms Bustier says as all her students pile into the bus, Marinette cocking her head at Max, who pats his hoodie pocket, where a glasses’ case lays and she nods, lowering her head and going to her seat next to Alya.
After a quiet ride to the airport, as it was very early, a stop for coffee at the airport, a very long journey through the airport and a chaotic plane ride, in which a good number of her students got lectured by flight attendants for being too loud, they were at the Juan Santamaría airport in San Jose, Costa Rica.
They met up with their tour bus driver after finally shaking the long line in customs, quickly going in to get to their hotel and take nap before their first tour.
They did a tour of the historical area in the city on the first day, the city was beautiful, but they all decided to head back when they saw a car on fire while they walked around, much to Alix’s protests
They spent the rest of the trip on the, much smaller, city of San Carlos, visited the beautiful Arenal volcano, went to one the aguas termales spa resorts nearby, Kim had to be taken to the hospital because he thought it was a good idea to run on the wet floor, made out of rocks, and hit his head, he whined the rest of their days there, because he, the swimmer, couldn’t go into the water!
Max did an experiment with the water’s pH, he had a briefcase with equipment to measure it and everything
Nathaniel refused to go into the water, instead FaceTiming Marc and showing him around the place, Juleka was with him, doing the same thing to her brother, until Rose coached her into the water, that made Nathaniel complain a lot because “us emo artists need to stick together!”
Marinette and Adrien were flirting quietly in a corner, but eventually got roped into a chicken fight by their best friends, Alya and Nino won, solely because of Alya’s willpower, they then were overpowered by Mylene and Ivan, because short girls rule.
Zoe was counting Alix’s time to swim across one of the bigger pools as they chatted about the best hair dye brands
Sabrina, free from Chloe since the blonde was currently in New York for one of her mother’s fashion shows, quickly got in the good favors of children who’s parents weren’t paying attention to them, she understood them, very well.
They then went to a family’s farm, that had a small airport inside as well, Rose and Mylene were overjoyed to hold baby sloths that appeared in trees nearby, they also got to swim in a river near the family’s house, much to Kim’s chagrin, who still couldn’t swim, Alix was tired of swimming and was climbing the trees, Nino was recording, Alya, Marinette and Mylene were shit talking the conservative grandpa who owned the farm, Rose, Ivan and Juleka were jamming on a corner, Ivan with bongos since he couldn’t bring his drums, Adrien was chilling by the river, his feet dipped in, Nathaniel was drawing everyone, he was currently on Juleka’s hair.
And as they all did their thing, all they could think about is that they didn’t want to go back to the chaos in Paris, but as Max checked his phone and clicked his tongue twice, making everyone’s heads turn to face him and he nods, muttering his transformation words and making a portal, as most of the other heroes transformed, leaving only Alix, who put in an earpiece, in case things got dire and she was called in, Max, Juleka and Nathaniel, who, also put in earpieces, Max dropping his transformation and feeding Kaalki, they all knew their jobs, Max was supposed to create a portal at the signal, Juleka was assigned to create the cover story, and Nathaniel was meant to distract the family if needed, and so they sat and waited.
The battle was quick and easy, the numbers quickly overwhelming the transformed victim of the day, and so, after Pigella comforted and delivered the victim to their home, Ladybug pressed her earpiece twice, sending their coordinates to Pegasus and giving the signal, and a portal opens in the rooftop they’re standing in, letting they go back to their trip to Costa Rica, but as they drop their transformations, they hear a gasp and a plate shatter, seeing their teacher and a young woman, the owner’s daughter, they recalled, who were bringing over some snacks, and they all came to the same realization:
They. Were. Fucked.
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thetrespasserfrontier · 7 months
(This is a short(ish?) story I am working on, a sequel to Michael Crichton's second JP novel, The Lost World. Basic premise is that Levine and Malcolm are returning to the island by themselves. Sort of coming up with the plot as I go.)
BEEP--BEEP--BEEP-- The alarm sounded. A startled bird flew off, making a short ruckus outside the window. A hand emerged from under the covers, fumbling absently for the source of the loud noise. BEEP--BEEP-- Richard Levine found the button, turned off his digital alarm. He rolled over to look up at the idle ceiling fan, stretching his arms out. He'd thought about waking early this morning, considering his plans for the day. But no, he'd decided, the morning routine would do fine as always.
Getting out of bed, he straightened the sheets before going over to the dresser. Inside, various socks, arranged by color. He selected the grey ones, set them on the bed. Then a red shirt, khaki pants, black leather boots. He began to think as he put them on, his studies from the previous night reentering his mind. Predator-prey relations, crepuscular activities of modern animals. Coming into the dining room, he saw Romelia had prepared breakfast as always. Poached eggs, herb-baked potatoes, steaming early grey tea. He sat down to eat, continuing his thoughts. A crow landed on a branch outside his window. He noticed the scaled legs, the sharp claws. A fitting visit for a day like this, he mused over a sip of tea. Finishing and setting the plate aside, he picked up a book from the end table. The Fauna of East Africa. A helpful recommendation of Sarah Harding's. No sooner than he opened to the page he'd left off on, the phone rang. Sighing, he set the book down, picked up the receiver. "Levine." A familiar voice answered. "Good morning Richard. Ready for our flight this afternoon?" It was Ian Malcolm. Wonderful sense of timing as always. Levine glanced at the antique grandfather clock in the corner. "At seven o'clock in the morning, I suppose so. Our flight to Costa Rica doesn't leave for another seven and a half hours." "Don't forget," Malcolm chided, "we have to go over the final details with Doctor Thorne at nine." Levine hid his annoyance from his voice. "I'm not senile. Of course I remember. I'll be there." He paused. "It's a shame Sarah didn't want to accompany us this time. I'd love to hear her perspectives on the predator-prey relations we're to study." Malcolm chuckled. "I think Sarah is satisfied that mammals are her area, after her last visit." Levine sighed. "I'm sure you're right. A smaller team is probably for the best, this time. By the way is there any more word on Costa Rica's search for the source of the aberrant forms?" "Not directly. But recently there seems to be a sudden hush-hush on the subject. I'm fearing the worst; they may be planning something." "Hmm. A disturbing development. I suppose our expedition to Isla Sorna is well-timed, then." "Seems that way. Well, I have some things to finish up. See you at the garage." "See you there." Levine hung up, reflected a moment. It was unfortunate to be in a rush on such a sensitive matter. The study of these animals deserved time and patience, not a race against a second possible extinction. But then, he should be happy to have the chance at all. The video feeds from InGen's outdoor cameras were really a poor vantage from which to study what was probably the world's only extant population of Dinosauria.
Levine opened his book again and began to read. Just as he reached an explanation for male lions domining over multiple prides, the phone rang again. With a sigh of frustration, he set the book down and picked up the phone again. "Eh-hem. Levine here." "It's Thorne. How's your morning?" "Well. It would be fine, if my phone were not constantly interrupting my attempts to finish The Fauna of East Africa before leaving my apartment for two weeks. What is so pressing that it can't wait until my arrival this morning?" "Nothing major. Just that there are a few more details to go over with you and Ian than I thought. I'd like the two of you to come over at eight-thirty, if it's not too much trouble." Levine sighed. "I suppose that's fine. At this rate I might as well bring the book on the plane. I'll see you at eight-thirty, then." "Thanks, Richard." Thorne hung up.
* * *
As Levine prepared to leave, he gazed at the corkboard on his wall. Much of it was as he'd left it before his first visit to the island. Hints about a lost world and the whereabouts of Site B. There were of course some additions; aberrant forms had continued to wash ashore in Costa Rica and elsewhere, which he'd made sure to keep tabs on. The radio tag he'd sent to Malcolm rested in a plastic baggie, also pinned to the board. Most notable though was an article he'd found online, detailing Costa Rica's continued closure of offshore islands to tourists, with the strange note that their re-opening was expected in under a year. It troubled Levine more than he was willing to admit. He'd been relieved to be successful in procuring permission for a helicopter flight to the island, okayed on the basis of having research purposes, even though he and Ian had later decided to hire a private boat instead. After thinking a moment, he unpinned the article from the board to bring it with him and show it to Malcolm. He grabbed his suitcase, his new safari jacket, his hat, and left to drive his Ferrari to Thorne's garage.
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freneticfloetry · 11 months
nice ask week ask! how was your holiday?! (aside from the rona). any particular highlights? stand out food??
Update: IT’S NOT THE RONA! Three tests said so. Just a good old garden variety flu. My random covid immunity (shared with my sister, who works in a hospital) remains intact.
This jaunt down to Mexico was actually a work trip, not a vacation — we take our qualifying agent base on an all-expense incentive trip to various destinations every year, and it’s my job to plan it. The Yucatán is my second favorite area to visit in Mexico, after the Baja (peninsulas for the win!), and this particular resort (the Iberostar Grand Paraíso) was fantastic — the food, the property, the amenities, all of it. Best resort spa I’ve ever seen, hands down. But we took one agency group off property for dinner at Woodend, Curtis Stone’s new woodfire grill, and it was insane. Literally the best meal I’ve ever eaten in my life. The bread alone was life changing. We also sent a massive group to the local Cirque du Soleil show/dinner/VIP experience, and from the raves, I have a feeling we’ll have a hard time topping this one.
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Now to plan next year’s trip. Costa Rica, here we come.
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villamontana · 2 years
The 5 Best Things To Do In Isabela, Puerto Rico
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If you’re heading to the heavenly island of Costa Rica for a Caribbean getaway then you are pretty spoiled for choice. The island is full of incredible things to see and do; it is a place of rich culture, wonderful towns and truly incredible beaches.
San Juan is the island’s capital, but if you are based in the Northwest of the island and don’t fancy the drive then don’t worry; you won’t miss out on any culture or excitement!
There are several world class Puerto Rico Hotels on the beach in the area, like the luxurious Villa Montana. From here you can easily see the best of the island and not really have to drive anywhere.
So let’s take a look at the very best of the glorious Isabela.
Beachfront Boardwalk
Everybody loves a boardwalk so where better to start the list?
Stretching from Middles Beach to Jobos Beach is a fabulous boardwalk that allows you to take in the true coastal beauty of Puerto Rico. Enjoy the sand and crystal clear blue waters as you stroll to your heart's content. You can even hire bikes!
Playa El Pastillo
This stunning beach with rich, golden sands is the perfect place for a long walk. It stretches along the coastline just outside of Isabela and makes for a great adventure.
The waves are often rough so only strong swimmers should attempt to swim, and for the more adventurous amongst you there is the Cuevas de las Golondrinas- a massive cathedral-like cave that is only accessible during certain tidal patterns.
Isabela Town Centre  
Isabela town centre is the perfect example of a Puerto Rican town; plenty of excellent food, coffee, shops and historic sights.
You can visit a church from the 1730s, though to be one of the first structures built after Spanish settlers arrived. There are many other historic buildings as well as festivals, parties and amazing bars to visit!  
Pozo de Jacinto
Otherwise known as ‘Jacinto’s Well’ this incredible, natural structure is a blowhole. It’s a fantastic spot and the legend based around the blow hole is just as good.
Jacinto was a local farmer tending to hear one day when the sea dragged a cow through the rock arch. Jacinto tried to save the cow and was dragged away too. Legend has it if you shout ‘Jacinto, give me the cow!’ in Spanish, you will be splashed by the blowhole!  
Shacks Beach
If you're a snorkelling fanatic, then this is the beach for you. Known by the locals as ‘The Blue Hole’ there is plenty to see at this beach.
Swim with the local turtles as they rest in the warm shallow waters. Explore the underwater reefs rich with species of fish and marine life. There are even underwater caves you can explore, with the help of a diving guide of course.
Located just minutes from your room in the Villa Montana Hotel you can spend the day exploring, then head home to eat at the glorious Eclipse Restaurant.
Puerto Rico Rules
So there you have 5 of the very best bits of Isabela, Puerto Rico. If you are planning a Puerto Rico Wedding, or just a holiday with friends, you won't find a more memorable and stunning place to spend some time.
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chaletnz · 2 years
Monteverde Cloud Forest
I was woken this morning by an alarm in the room next door going off constantly for over 30 minutes. How refreshing! Our adventure today was visiting a Cloud Forest in Monteverde that spans over 4000 hectares but only 2% of that is open for the public to walk through. Our guide Jean Bonilla took us through the endangered cloud forest and found us some animals and birds to look at. First we saw a lizard and a stick insect that looked like moss, then Jean took us to a spot he already clearly knew about - a partial nest hanging between some branches where a hummingbird was finishing up the work bringing twigs and moss to build it further. The cloud forest is basically a forest covered in cloud but due to climate change they are slowly disappearing and it affects the wildlife that live in them. The cloud forest is an 'evergreen forest' that depends on cloud cover for moisture and humidity year-round to maintain it's flora. There are certain wild avocados with a sweet orange flesh that grow only in the cloud forests that the native bird of Costa Rica, the quetzal feeds off and so they must stay nearby to survive on this diet. The cloud forest is also home to many "strangling trees" that grow from the top down and encase a regular tree. The tree eventually no longer has access to sunlight and will die and decompose inside the strangling tree. Jean found a tarantula hiding away in a hole, we all took turns shining his flashlight on it and looking at the red and black markings on it. The main predator for a tarantula is a wasp that stings and paralyses the spider, the wasp will then lay eggs in the spider and use its body as nutrients to incubate the eggs. Isn't nature fascinatingly gross!
We saw another hummingbird nest, this time the mother bird was feeding the little chicks regurgitated mosquitos. Jean set up his telescope and filmed it on Deme's iPhone since it was undisputed she had the best phone/camera of everyone so she'd get the photos and videos and then send them all to us. We reached a small waterfall where Jean showed the instagrammers of the group how to take the best photo of the flowing water for the ultimate effect. On our walk back to the main lodge and gift shop we passed a prehistoric tree that absorbs extra water like a camel so it can survive for years even without any rainfall to sustain it. We also briefly stopped to look at a different member of the coffee cherry family - the hot lips flower which looks like some red lips! I enjoyed that one so much I found a postcard with the flower to send to Alanna.
After the tour we stopped by Cafe Colibri which is the 'hummingbird cafe'. Basically they have bird feeders hung all around the cafe seating area outside so you can sit and sip your coffee, in my case a mocha, and watch the hummingbirds fluttering around and feeding.
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natuwa · 14 hours
Wildlife Volunteer Opportunities in Costa Rica: Protecting Biodiversity in Paradise
Costa Rica with its amazing rainforests pristine beaches and rich diversity is a global hotspot for Wildlife Conservation. It is home to just 5% of the total biodiversity of the world and the small central American country offers a unique opportunity for you to work hands on in protecting its extraordinary wildlife.
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From sea turtles to other animals’ wildlife volunteer programs and Costa Rica allow you to make a meaningful impact on the conservation of the endangered species while immersing yourself in the country's natural beauty and culture. In this guide you know everything about Volunteer opportunities in costa Rica.
Why should you choose Wildlife volunteer costa Rica?
Costa Rica’s commitment towards conservation is completely evident through its extensive network of national parks, wildlife reserves and conservation programs. But challenges like deforestation and habitat loss still threaten many of the species of the country.
The volunteer programs really focus on protection of endangered species like sea turtles and other bird species. You can help with monitoring the populations, safeguard the nesting sites and rehabilitate the injured animals. Furthermore, you can also work besides the biologists and researchers to collect data on wildlife populations and habitats. Researchers are especially important for developing strategies to protect the vulnerable species. Habitat restoration efforts like reforestation and the creation of wildlife corridors is important for maintaining the biodiversity of Costa Rica. 
Some of the best volunteer programs in Costa Rica
Costa Rica is famous for its sea turtle nesting beaches. You can play a critical role in ensuring the survival of ancient reptiles, especially the endangered species like the leather bag. You can patrol the beaches at night to protect the nests from the porches and help with the collection of eggs and also help in relocating the nest to safer areas. The sea turtle programs are typically based on the Pacific of Costa Rica.
Costa Rica is also home to Several wildlife rescue centers that just focus on rehabilitating injured or trafficked animals. You can help with daily care of animals like sloths and monkeys and other native species full you need to feed the animals clean the enclosures provide enrichment and also assist with medical treatments for the injured animals. You can participate in wildlife releases when animals are ready to return to the wild.
So above all you need to know that volunteering in Wildlife Conservation and Costa Rica is a fulfilling and a unique opportunity to make a difference in the world while experiencing the country's stunning natural beauty. By choosing the right volunteer program and committing to the cause you can leave a lasting impact on the wildlife of Costa Rica.
For more details visit our website natuwa.com
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rentalcosta4box4 · 5 days
Explore Costa Rica Adventures with Campervan Rentals
Discover the ultimate freedom in exploring Costa Rica's breathtaking landscapes with 4BOX4 Costa Rica's campervan rental services. Whether you're planning a trip through lush rainforests, scenic beaches, or hidden mountain paths, a campervan rental in Costa Rica offers you the flexibility to experience the best adventures at your own pace.
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With its diverse terrain and abundant natural beauty, Costa Rica has become a top destination for adventure seekers. From the Pacific to the Caribbean coast, travelers can explore a vast array of attractions, including active volcanoes, waterfalls, and national parks filled with wildlife. For those looking for a unique way to discover these sites, renting a campervan provides an opportunity to combine travel and accommodation, giving you complete control over your itinerary.
Why Choose Campervan Rental in Costa Rica?
Costa Rica’s popularity as an adventure destination is growing, and campervans are becoming one of the preferred ways for travelers to immerse themselves in the country's beauty. Instead of being tied to a single location or hotel, a campervan rental allows you to move freely and wake up to new scenery every day. Whether you want to spend the night near a serene beach or camp close to a national park for early morning hikes, a campervan gives you that flexibility.
With 4BOX4 Costa Rica, campervan rentals are designed to meet the needs of adventurers. Our well-equipped campervans come with comfortable sleeping areas, cooking equipment, and essential amenities to ensure that your journey is as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or an extended trip, our campervans make it easy to explore Costa Rica's rich landscapes while enjoying the convenience of having your accommodation with you.
Embark on Memorable Costa Rica Adventures
Costa Rica is a paradise for adventure enthusiasts, offering everything from zip-lining through rainforests to white-water rafting on raging rivers. However, one of the best ways to explore the country’s wonders is by taking a road trip in a campervan, which allows you to go off the beaten path and discover hidden gems. Some popular Costa Rica adventures include:
Exploring National Parks: With over 25 national parks, including the iconic Manuel Antonio and Arenal Volcano National Park, Costa Rica offers endless opportunities for hiking, wildlife spotting, and sightseeing. A campervan rental gives you the chance to camp near these parks, allowing for early morning excursions and late afternoon relaxation.
Chasing Waterfalls: Costa Rica is home to stunning waterfalls such as La Fortuna and Llanos de Cortez. With a campervan, you can visit these sites without the pressure of returning to a hotel. Pack a picnic, enjoy the scenic drives, and spend the day soaking in the beauty of these natural wonders.
Beach Hopping on Both Coasts: Costa Rica’s coastline spans both the Pacific and Caribbean, and with a campervan, you can effortlessly travel between surf spots, snorkel locations, and relaxing beaches. Experience the surf town vibes of Tamarindo or enjoy the crystal-clear waters of Puerto Viejo.
Why 4BOX4 Costa Rica is Your Perfect Travel Partner
At 4BOX4 Costa Rica, we aim to provide travelers with a seamless experience when renting a campervan for their Costa Rican adventures. Our fleet is well-maintained, ensuring you have a reliable vehicle for all types of terrain. Whether you're planning a beach road trip or a mountain exploration, our campervans are equipped to handle diverse conditions.
Additionally, our team is dedicated to helping you plan the perfect adventure. We offer maps, insider tips, and recommended routes to ensure you make the most out of your campervan rental in Costa Rica. We also provide flexible rental options to suit different travel plans, allowing you to choose the vehicle and duration that fits your needs.
Book Your Campervan Rental in Costa Rica Today!
Costa Rica adventures are made even more exciting when you have the freedom to explore the country on your terms. With 4BOX4 Costa Rica’s campervan rental services, you can embark on a unique journey that takes you through Costa Rica’s natural wonders. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, renting a campervan is the perfect way to experience everything Costa Rica has to offer. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to create unforgettable memories—book your campervan today and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.
From rainforests to beaches, Costa Rica's adventures await, and with a campervan, you can explore it all at your own pace. Start your journey with 4BOX4 Costa Rica and unlock the magic of this beautiful country.
Read More : ​Discover Costa Rica with Camper Van Rentals: Embrace Pura Vida
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fincarosablanca · 1 year
Best area to visit in Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a beautiful and diverse country with so much to offer visitors. However, there are certain areas that stand out as the best places to visit when exploring this magical destination. One of those areas is Manuel Antonio National Park in Puntarenas Province. This park boasts stunning beaches, lush forests, and an incredible array of wildlife. Visitors can hike through the park's many trails or simply relax on one of its secluded beaches.
Another must Best area to visit in Costa Rica is Arenal Volcano National Park in Alajuela Province. This region is home to the impressive Arenal Volcano, which last erupted in 2010 but still provides breathtaking views for visitors today. The surrounding rainforest offers endless opportunities for adventure, including zip lining, white-water rafting, and hot springs soaking.
Read More: Travelling Guide for Costa Rica That One Needs
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jaco-royale · 6 days
Are you about to say goodbye to being single? Arrange a fantastic bachelorette party on the beach in Jaco for your pals with Jaco Royale, and make sure it's a night to remember. Jaco Royale offers you customised packages to enjoy the finest of Costa Rica for an unforgettable event, whether you're planning an exciting adventure trip for your buddies or want to throw your best buddy an amazing bachelor party. Whether you want to party all night or spend time in the great outdoors, you can visit areas rich in flora and fauna, forests, and beaches; take in breathtaking views of the mountains and beaches; dare to try new things like adventure sports or exhilarating water sports; enjoy a luxurious nightlife; or simply relax in the lap of nature.
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fastrepaircaree · 2 months
Coffee tourism is an exciting way to travel while indulging in your love for coffee. It involves visiting coffee-growing regions, experiencing local coffee cultures, and learning about the coffee production process. This guide will help you understand what coffee tourism is, why it's worth exploring, and some top destinations to consider.
## What is Coffee Tourism?
Coffee tourism is a niche form of travel where enthusiasts visit regions known for their coffee production. It combines the joy of discovering new places with the thrill of tasting high-quality, freshly brewed coffee. From farm tours to coffee tastings, coffee tourism offers a deep dive into the world of coffee beyond the cup.
## Why Choose Coffee Tourism?
### Immersive Coffee Experiences
Coffee tourism provides unique experiences such as farm visits where you can see how coffee beans are grown and processed. You might also attend coffee tastings and workshops to learn about brewing techniques and flavor profiles.
### Cultural Insights
Visiting coffee regions gives you a chance to explore local cultures and traditions. Each coffee-growing area has its own unique methods and customs related to coffee production, offering rich cultural insights.
### Support for Local Economies
By engaging in coffee tourism, you contribute to the local economy of coffee-producing regions. This supports small-scale farmers and local businesses, promoting sustainable and ethical coffee practices.
## Top Coffee Tourism Destinations
### Ethiopia
Ethiopia is often considered the birthplace of coffee. Here, you can explore coffee farms in regions like Sidamo and Yirgacheffe. Experience traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremonies and taste some of the world’s best beans.
### Colombia
Colombia is renowned for its high-quality coffee. The Coffee Triangle region, including areas like Manizales, Pereira, and Armenia, offers coffee farm tours and tastings. The stunning landscapes and coffee culture make it a must-visit destination.
### Costa Rica
Costa Rica is known for its eco-friendly coffee farms and lush landscapes. In regions like the Central Valley and Tarrazú, you can tour coffee plantations, learn about sustainable farming practices, and enjoy breathtaking views.
### Brazil
As the largest coffee producer globally, Brazil has a rich coffee heritage. Visit coffee farms in Minas Gerais or São Paulo to see large-scale production and learn about Brazil’s coffee history.
## How to Plan Your Coffee Tourism Trip
### Research Destinations
Start by researching coffee-growing regions and their unique offerings. Consider what type of coffee experiences you're interested in, such as farm tours, tastings, or cultural events.
### Book Tours in Advance
Many coffee farms and tours require advance booking. Look for reputable tour operators and book your tours ahead of time to ensure availability.
### Pack Accordingly
Prepare for different climates and activities by packing appropriately. Comfortable shoes for walking tours and a camera for capturing your experiences are essential.
## Conclusion
Coffee tourism offers a unique and immersive way to explore the world of coffee while traveling. By visiting coffee-growing regions, you gain a deeper appreciation for the journey of coffee from farm to cup. Whether you’re savoring Ethiopian brews or learning about sustainable practices in Costa Rica, coffee tourism provides unforgettable experiences and supports local communities. 
Embark on a coffee tourism adventure and discover the rich flavors and cultures that make coffee truly special.
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tucanestours · 2 months
Discover Paradise with a Catamaran Tour in Manuel Antonio
Embark on a journey of a lifetime with Tucanes Tours' Catamaran Tour in Manuel Antonio, where the splendor of Costa Rica’s Pacific coastline awaits you. This exclusive adventure promises an unforgettable experience, blending relaxation, excitement, and breathtaking natural beauty.
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A Gateway to Tropical Bliss
Manuel Antonio is renowned for its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and diverse wildlife. With Tucanes Tours, you can experience this tropical paradise from a unique vantage point – aboard a luxurious catamaran. Our state-of-the-art vessel is designed for comfort and style, offering spacious decks, shaded lounging areas, and panoramic views. Whether you are seeking a romantic getaway, a family adventure, or a fun-filled day with friends, our Catamaran Tour is the perfect choice.
Unparalleled Scenic Views
As you sail along the pristine coastline, you'll be captivated by the scenic beauty that surrounds you. The tour begins with a cruise around the breathtaking Manuel Antonio National Park, where you'll witness dramatic cliffs, hidden coves, and pristine beaches. Keep your camera ready to capture the playful dolphins that often swim alongside our catamaran, and marvel at the occasional sightings of whales and sea turtles.
Snorkeling and Marine Life Encounters
One of the highlights of our Catamaran Tour is the opportunity to dive into the crystal-clear waters and explore the vibrant underwater world. Snorkeling gear is provided, allowing you to swim among colorful tropical fish, intricate coral formations, and other fascinating marine life. Our experienced guides will lead you to the best snorkeling spots, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all skill levels.
Delight in Onboard Amenities
At Tucanes Tours, we believe in providing an all-encompassing experience. Our catamaran is equipped with modern amenities to ensure your utmost comfort. Enjoy refreshing drinks from our open bar, including tropical cocktails, sodas, and juices. Our friendly crew will also serve a delicious lunch featuring local flavors, fresh seafood, and delectable desserts. Relax on the deck, soak up the sun, or take a dip in the inviting waters – the choice is yours.
A Commitment to Sustainability
We are proud to operate with a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. Tucanes Tours takes great care to minimize our impact on the delicate marine ecosystem. Our catamaran is equipped with eco-friendly technology, and we adhere to responsible practices to protect the natural beauty of Manuel Antonio for future generations.
Book Your Catamaran Tour Today
Ready to experience the ultimate catamaran adventure in Manuel Antonio? Book your tour with Tucanes Tours and prepare to be enchanted by the beauty and tranquility of Costa Rica's Pacific coast. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply looking to escape the ordinary, our Catamaran Tour offers a magical journey that you’ll treasure forever.
Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to explore one of the world's most beautiful coastal regions. Visit our website or contact us today to reserve your spot and embark on a memorable adventure with Tucanes Tours.
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fishcostarica · 3 months
4 Must-Know Facts About Los Suenos Fishing Charters
Fishing is an incredible thing to be done in Los Suenos Costa Rica because it includes numerous skills and experience. Many anglers from various parts of the world visit Los Suenos in Costa Rica in search of the most extraordinary spots for fishing.
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Here are the 4 known facts about fishing in Costa Rica
One of the conspicuous elements in Los Suenos is the climate. For upbeat and significant fishing the weather conditions need to be wonderful and ideal.
Aside from that fishing area is also significant. The Los Suenos fishing charters help anglers would continuously go to the sea to find fishes like blue marlin, white fish, Tarpon, Roosterfish, Sailfish, Dorado, Wahoo, Roosterfish, and more.
Among many spots for fishing in Costa Rica the one spot that is constantly viewed as a heaven for fishing in Costa Rica is Central America. Los Suenos fishing packages in Costa help anglers find the best fishing spots for doing extraordinary fishing.
Los Suenos is a famous fishing objective in the nation and Los Suenos fishing is well known all over Central America. Here anglers can appreciate both freshwater fishing and sea fishing. The climate in Los Suenos for the most part stays lovely generally around the year and conditions are great for the ideal fishing outing trip.
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itineraryblog · 3 months
Discover the Best Area to Stay in Costa Rica: A Traveler’s Paradise Awaits
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Costa Rica, the gem of Central America, is a country that never fails to enchant its visitors with its rich biodiversity, stunning landscapes, and the warm hospitality of its people. Whether you are an adventurer at heart, a beach lover, or someone seeking tranquility amidst nature, Costa Rica has something unique to offer. But with so many incredible places to explore, finding the perfect spot to stay can be overwhelming. Let’s dive into some of the best areas to stay in Costa Rica and uncover why this destination should be at the top of your travel list.
Why visit Costa Rica?
Diverse Ecosystems: Costa Rica is home to a remarkable array of ecosystems, from tropical rainforests and cloud forests to arid plains and coastal regions. This diversity means you can experience a wide range of flora and fauna, often within a short distance of each other.
Adventure and Thrills: For those who crave adventure, Costa Rica is a playground. Zip-lining through the jungle canopy, white-water rafting down raging rivers, hiking up active volcanoes, and surfing on world-renowned beaches are just a few of the adrenaline-pumping activities you can enjoy.
Wildlife Galore: Costa Rica’s commitment to conservation has made it a haven for wildlife. Here, you can encounter monkeys swinging through the trees, sloths lounging in the canopy, colorful toucans, and even elusive jaguars. The sheer abundance of wildlife is one of the country’s biggest draws.
Cultural Richness: The Pura Vida lifestyle, which translates to “pure life,” embodies the Costa Rican approach to living. It’s about enjoying life’s simple pleasures, being in the moment, and embracing a stress-free attitude. The friendly and welcoming nature of the Ticos (Costa Ricans) adds a special charm to your travel experience.
Best Areas to Stay in Costa Rica
1. Arenal: For an adventure-filled stay, Arenal is your go-to destination. The imposing Arenal Volcano, lush rainforests, and rejuvenating hot springs make this area a must-visit. La Fortuna, the nearby town, serves as a convenient base for exploring the region’s natural wonders.
2. Monteverde: Known for its stunning cloud forests, Monteverde is a haven for nature enthusiasts. The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve offers incredible hiking trails and the chance to see unique wildlife species. This area is perfect for those who appreciate cooler climates and serene landscapes.
3. Manuel Antonio: Combining beautiful beaches with rich rainforest, Manuel Antonio is a top choice for many travelers. The Manuel Antonio National Park is famous for its diverse wildlife and scenic beauty. Whether you’re lounging on the beach or hiking through the forest, this area has it all. Continue Reading
Are you ready to learn more about the best areas to stay in Costa Rica? Click Continue Reading to discover detailed insights and plan your dream vacation today!
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FAQs: Best Areas to Stay in Costa Rica
1. What are the best areas to stay in Costa Rica for first-time visitors?
For first-time visitors, some of the best areas to stay in Costa Rica include Tamarindo, Arenal, Manuel Antonio, and Monteverde. These regions offer a great mix of natural beauty, adventure activities, and convenient amenities.
2. What is the best area to stay in Costa Rica for beach lovers?
If you love the beach, Tamarindo on the Pacific coast and Puerto Viejo on the Caribbean coast are among the best areas to stay in Costa Rica. Tamarindo offers lively beach activities and nightlife, while Puerto Viejo has a more relaxed vibe with stunning beaches and a unique Afro-Caribbean culture.
3. Where should I stay in Costa Rica for the best wildlife experiences?
Monteverde and Manuel Antonio are some of the best areas to stay in Costa Rica for wildlife enthusiasts. Monteverde’s cloud forests are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, while Manuel Antonio National Park is famous for its rich biodiversity, including monkeys, sloths, and exotic birds.
4. Which area is best for adventure activities in Costa Rica?
Arenal is one of the best areas to stay in Costa Rica for adventure activities. The region offers zip-lining, white-water rafting, hiking, and the chance to explore the majestic Arenal Volcano and its surrounding rainforests.
5. Are there any family-friendly areas to stay in Costa Rica?
Yes, Costa Rica has many family-friendly areas. Manuel Antonio is particularly great for families due to its beautiful beaches, safe swimming areas, and abundance of wildlife. Arenal is also family-friendly, with plenty of activities suitable for children and adults alike.
6. What is the best area to stay in Costa Rica for a romantic getaway?
For a romantic getaway, consider staying in Monteverde or Manuel Antonio. Monteverde’s serene cloud forests provide a peaceful retreat, while Manuel Antonio offers beautiful beaches and luxurious resorts ideal for couples.
7. Is traveling to Costa Rica safe?
Costa Rica is generally considered safe for travelers, especially in the popular tourist areas such as Tamarindo, Arenal, Monteverde, Manuel Antonio, and Puerto Viejo. However, as with any travel destination, it’s important to take standard precautions, such as keeping an eye on your belongings and avoiding isolated areas at night.
8. What is the best time of year to visit Costa Rica?
The best time to visit Costa Rica is during the dry season, which runs from December to April. This period offers sunny weather and is ideal for exploring the best areas to stay in Costa Rica. However, the green season (May to November) can also be a good time to visit, with fewer tourists and lush, vibrant landscapes.
9. Can I experience both adventure and relaxation in the best area to stay in Costa Rica?
Absolutely! Costa Rica offers a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation. For example, in Arenal, you can enjoy thrilling activities like zip-lining and then relax in the natural hot springs. Manuel Antonio combines beautiful beaches for relaxation with adventurous hikes in the national park.
10. How do I choose the best area to stay in Costa Rica for my interests?
Choosing the best area to stay in Costa Rica depends on your interests. If you love the beach and surfing, Tamarindo is a great choice. For nature and wildlife, consider Monteverde or Manuel Antonio. If you’re looking for adventure, Arenal is ideal. For a unique cultural experience, Puerto Viejo is the place to be.
For more detailed insights on the best area to stay in Costa Rica, continue reading here.
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