#best car loan rates today
drealty736 · 1 year
Dreality-Best value real estate Service Company in Noida
When it comes to determining the "best value" in real estate services and home loan providers, it can vary depending on individual needs and preferences. However, I can provide you with some general information on finding the best options in these areas.
Best Value Real Estate Services:
Research and compare: Take the time to research different real estate agencies or agents in your area. Look for their track record, customer reviews, and the range of services they offer. Compare their fees and commission rates to ensure they provide good value for their services.
Local expertise: Choose a real estate agent or agency with strong knowledge and experience in the specific area where you are looking to buy or sell a property. Local experts can provide valuable insights into market trends, pricing, and potential investment opportunities.
Transparent communication: Look for real estate professionals who communicate clearly and honestly. They should be responsive to your queries and provide regular updates on the progress of your transaction. Transparency in pricing and fees is also important.
Negotiation skills: A good real estate agent should have strong negotiation skills to help you secure the best possible deal. This includes not only negotiating the purchase or sale price but also other aspects like repairs, contingencies, and closing costs.
Best Home Loan Providers:
Interest rates and terms: Compare the interest rates, loan terms, and repayment options offered by different lenders. Look for lenders that provide competitive rates and flexible terms that suit your financial situation.
Loan options: Consider lenders that offer a variety of loan programs to meet your specific needs. This could include fixed-rate mortgages, adjustable-rate mortgages, FHA loans, VA loans, or other specialized loan options.
Fees and closing costs: Evaluate the fees and closing costs associated with obtaining a loan from different providers. Some lenders may have lower origination fees, processing fees, or closing costs, which can save you money in the long run.
Customer service: Look for a lender that provides excellent customer service and is responsive to your needs throughout the loan application and approval process. A reliable lender should be available to answer your questions and guide you through the process.
Reputation and reviews: Check online reviews and ratings of different lenders to gauge their reputation and customer satisfaction levels. Look for lenders with positive feedback and a strong reputation in the industry.
Remember, these are general guidelines, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your specific requirements when choosing the best value real estate services and home loan provider for your needs.
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prashantrathour · 1 year
HelloI hope you are doing well,My name is Prashant rathour from VEDIC AG...
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reuptakeinhibitor · 1 year
i bought a new car yesterday. her name is clem and i love her 🩷
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Am I the asshole for refusing to lend a friend money? 🐱🐱🐱🐱<- (for finding later)
I (28nb) have a friend (28m) who has recently had some problems with employment. He lost his job but has since found another. He is in a living situation with his fianceé where he pays half the rent.
Today he sent me a message asking, very politely, if he could have $59 dollars to cover his half of their rent. He made it clear in his request that he had not discussed this with his fianceé yet.
I said no - one reason being we recently totalled our car and depleted our savings putting money down on a new one (and those interest rates....still ouch), the other being that we've lent almost 1000k to a different friend of ours over the last two years, and haven't been paid back despite multiple verbal agreements.
We are a two income household making a combined 100k a year, but the majority of our income is spent on rent and our student loans. I feel bad because it seems surface level, $59 dollars isn't really that much of an ask. But looking at our broad finances, we're more in-debt to the institutions our loans are paid to than our actual income. We do, however, live comfortably and are privlidged enough to save some money most months. We do donate to causes, and have in the past given our friends places to stay for months at a time when they have no where to go / are in bad financial situations.
When this friend lost his job, I did help him by brainstorming with him on jobs he could do that would suit his sensory needs, and didn't involve customer service. I did research on multiple places close to him that would also suit his transportation limitations and pay him well while accentuating his skillset, and compiled links to the job listings. He has since been hired and onboarded at one of those jobs; he's a very sweet, genuine individual and I'm truly happy because I was also supporting him emotionally during this time and could see how hard this situation was on his mental and physical health.
The other reason I said no was this - he is getting married in one week from the time I'm sending this in. He made it clear in his message he had not talked yet about how he was short for rent with his fianceé. They live together, and go half on rent. I felt very concerned that he was bringing this to me first, and not to his soon-to-be-wife, who deserves financial transparency from her partner (as do we all). I don't think he ever intended to not tell her, but in my opinion money-matters should always be discussed with your significant other first in a healthy relationship.
I discussed this with my wife and she agreed. I told him we couldn't lend him the money and he said he understood. I also encouraged him to talk to his fianceé because she's his best friend and support. I didn't include my p-o-v that he should discuss money matters with her first and foremost because of their relationship and housing arrangement, because I'm hoping that's a conversation they can have in the immediacy?
But I still feel like an asshole and I'm not sure if it's because I said "No," because I have provided financial / housing assistance in the past to others and didn't this time, or because I actually am an asshole.
So - what do you think?
TL;DR - A soon-to-be-married, recently unemployed and then re-employed friend asked for $59 to cover rent. I have helped other friends in the past with rent and housing but said no because we can't afford it right now (which is true, despite being dual income) and also he hasn't discussed being short on rent with his finaceé / housemate yet.
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kensboytoy · 7 months
A Boy and His Doll (Ch. 1)
Title: A Boy and His Doll
Fandom: Barbie (2023)
Pairings: Ken/Original Character (M/M)
Ratings: General
Chapter: 1/?
An underpaid middle school librarian gets the surprise of his life when his childhood doll waltzes out of Barbie Land and into his workplace. When the two reconnect, both start to realize they have been chasing the wrong things in life.
This is singlehandedly the most indulgent thing I've ever written. I have selfshipped since I was a kid, yet Ken has blown every other crush out of the water. He means the world to me and I hope this fic can be a glimpse into why I adore him so much!
Quietly shelving books that preteens had shoved in various nooks and crannies around the library, things almost seemed peaceful for once. It was just before the final bell was due to ring and everything was finally quiet since class after class had descended upon the tiny library like wolves. The teachers tried their best to handle the large class sizes in an environment outside of the classroom and, well… At least there wasn't a ton of trash to clean up today. Just ripped up books that would either have to be taped up again or tossed in the ever-growing destroy pile.
Why were kids so destructive these days? Oswald sighed to himself as he ran his fingers along another torn cover. He didn't blame the kids, really. Junior high was rough, after all, and he certainly knew that the larger class sizes each year meant that so many of these kids were falling behind. Sometimes he wished he had pursued that teaching credential like he had dreamt of since he was young. That was a far and distant dream nowadays. Many of those silly childhood dreams were. Teacher. Cartoonist. Writer. This job barely paid the rent in Los Angeles, adding teacher expenses alongside student loans would be the final thing that would send him living in his car.
[Continue Reading or Read on AO3!]
The young librarian plopped down in his shoddy swivel chair to begin the process of rebinding all the destroyed books now piled up like an unstable mountain on his desk. It already took him through his lunch hour earlier, so he would just spend the rest of the day working on the daunting task. Somewhere in the faculty fridge, his salad was only getting more wilted and pathetic. It could wait. If he didn't do this now, it would just be another project to work on for hours after school and he loathed staying too late. Classifieds like him with no teaching degree weren't exactly encouraged to have more hours than what was on the schedule and the school had already warned him that there was plenty of time in the day to get all his job duties done.
Oz rolled his eyes at the thought. Administration was just so out of touch with what actually made the school run. When you get paid enough money, you stop caring if kids actually are thriving in public education or not. He let out a soft sigh as he booted up what was now considered an antique: the old Cover One machine. Lazily, he reached around in his drawer for his X-acto knife and gave a blank stare as he pulled it out. No blade. Seriously? How these little thieves got into his locked drawers was seriously impressive, yet mildly infuriating.
"Just take the whole thing next time," he muttered under his breath while reaching for his bag. Years of art supplies were stashed away in there, so he held his breath in prayer for a blade refill. "Shit!"
Of course it was loose. When did he ever have the common sense to put things in their proper cases? He carefully pulled the blade out and was thankful that the cut wasn't deep enough to bleed for more than a few seconds. A quick sucking on the tip of his index finger would heal him enough. Into the holder the blade went and Oz was back at the task of dissecting this book apart. As the blade sliced through the cover, severing it from the spine, Oswald winced. He was always so careful with his own books, always keeping them pristine while reading and never dared to even dog-ear the pages, he felt a bit guilty for the inanimate object he was holding. Hopefully books couldn't feel being tossed around and ripped apart. So many of them sat lonely and untouched on the shelves that he wondered which was a worse fate for something designed to be helpful to humans.
The librarian hummed to himself as he carefully cut off the dust cover before preparing a piece of adhesive to slide against the now bare spine. With the Cover One now warmed up, Oz delicately wrapped the book in wax paper before placing it in the machine. He firmly held the book steady until there were a few beeps signaling that it was done. Out the book came, almost for a breath of air, before he plopped it back in to let it settle for the next eleven minutes. He mused that he could try and fix some of the paperbacks while waiting for it to cool off when he heard the thick library door push open.
Figuring that it was one of the quiet kids coming in to retreat from the chaos of class dismissal, Oz’s face softened into a smile while he stood from his seat to greet them. However, when he saw the fully grown figure in a… cowboy costume? Oz paused. Having adults on campus wasn't unheard of, there were in fact many parents on a daily basis who came in and out even though they really should have stricter security measures at the school. But this person didn't really look like a parent trying to pick their kid up from school.
Was there an assembly Oz had forgotten about? Some weird yo-yo man teaching tricks to bored kids even in this day and age? Or maybe he was a cowboy teaching kids for a career day or something? But that costume didn't scream a real, genuine cowboy. Oz had grown up with vaqueros in Gilroy, watching them skillfully take care of the farmlands out there. And they did not look like this delicate, untouched pretty boy who had just strutted in.
Curiously, he elected to watch the stranger for the time being as nothing about the man really warranted him to freak out quite yet. It was actually a nice surprise. Oz sat back down in his chair and continued to work on his book repairs, his emerald eyes flashing up every now and then to see what the cowboy was up to. The man looked lost, like he had never been in a library before. He was staring at the ends of the isles, desperately searching for where a certain subject would be. Alright, he was starting to look pathetic enough that Oz had to help him out.
"Can I help you?" he inquired, sneaking up behind the cowboy.
There was a soft yelp from the blonde before he whipped around, baby blue eyes wide in fright. Oz was looked up and down before the stranger stood back up at his full height, eyes narrowed.
"You must be the keeper of these books?"
The question sounded almost impressed. Oz, obviously amused, gave a small nod.
"The one and only. What can I help you find?"
That caused the cowboy to look more relieved as a wide smile stretched across his goofy looking face.
"I'd like your books about men, please."
Oh. Oh? Well that was interesting. Was this man…? No, no. No need to make speculations. Just because Oz was gay didn't mean that every guy was. Though, with that outfit…
Oz shook the thought from his mind quickly, not wanting to assume that this pretty man was talking about the wide selection of queer books they had. He led the man to the non-fiction section before turning his head back up at him.
"Well, you'll have a lot to pick from, but I'd start here. Try the biographies and autobiographies if it gets too overwhelming," the ginger haired man offered with a smile. "If you have a better idea of… men, well, I can help you narrow it down."
The cowboy scanned the books for a moment, still seeming so puzzled. Oz might have to hold his hand through the entire library process wouldn't he?
"Do you have books about… the patriarchy?"
Oz blinked in surprise. Huh. Yeah, this guy was a weird one. Didn’t exactly scream incel but the request was a bit amusing coming from a handsome boy. He quickly walked down the isles to the war section and pointed out a few very outdated pieces of literature the school still somehow hung onto. The man ran his index finger along the spines before grabbing a few that interested him. Pleased with his selection, he beamed at Oswald. There was something charming and almost innocent the way he smiled. Like a proud child picking out their first book. Oz couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his heart at that.
"How about horses?"
Now that was a normal request. Fitting for the cowboy! Oz returned the smile and showed the cowboy their small selection. Wasn’t anything fancy, really. Perhaps an elementary school would have a wider selection. Back when he was a horse girl, that was the ultimate treasure trove of knowledge. Middleschoolers didn’t care about that sort of thing too much. ’That stuff’s for babies’ would be the usual complaint. So, the school barely kept anything fun in stock. Booooring! A total snoozeville. It’s like no kid could harbour a special interest anymore.
Oswald carefully pulled out the only book that was specific to horses and watched the man’s eyes go wide. Eager hands snatched it up, thumbs dancing along the cover as if he was trying to actually pet the horses plastered all over the book. That goofy smile never faded from the stranger even for a second.
“Yes! Yes…” The man was giggling. “This is perfect - do I have to pay for these?”
He suddenly looked very worried, full of cautious optimism searching Oz’s face for an answer while protectively clutching the handful of books to his chest. Oz let out a soft chuckle and shook his head.
“Normally you’d need a library card but, uh, you’re not a student. ‘sides, no one will miss those books if you took them. I think the last time anyone even looked at those books was more than a decade ago. They’d probably end up in a landfill soon anyways.” Playfully, he shot the cowboy a wink and pressed his index finger to his own lips. “Just keep quiet about it, ‘kay?”
There was that sweet smile again followed by frantic nodding.
“Of course! Your secret is safe with me, bookkeeper.”
“School librarian, but I kinda like bookkeeper better,” Oz laughed.
“Well, bookkeeper, I shall take these fine books and bid you ado,” the cowboy grinned, tipping his hat to Oz.
As the cowboy turned to leave, Oz reached out to grab his hand. It was so instinctual - like he was afraid of saying goodbye to this stranger. He couldn’t just let him go so easily. Maybe he could ask him what his deal was. Anything to spend another minute with him.
When their fingers grazed against each other, his mind exploded with visions that suddenly froze every muscle in his body and completely immobilized him.
Visions of him being very little with a doll in his hands. The only doll he ever had growing up. Ken. His Ken doll that he found in a pile of cheap toys at the flea market his family vended at. The one that caught his eye underneath the mountain of stuffed animals he normally would jump at the chance to pick through. Still in his tattered box. Oz never thought he’d be able to afford something so nice. His usual toys were old and discarded ones no longer wanted by their owners. Broken, unbranded, or simply just cheap fast food toys that other children grew tired of. The kind old lady selling the doll had given it to him for all the change he had rattling around in his pocket that day once she saw the quiet child’s nervous excitement just holding the box.
How very careful he was taking such an exquisite toy out of the box. Delicately opening the packaging and saving what he could before holding Ken tightly against his chest. Tears had rolled down his cheeks from just how happy he was to own something so nice. A little dollie all of his own. He’d be oh so careful to love and cherish this Ken for as long as he could!
They were inseparable. Ken was always in his coat pocket wherever he went. Despite being so young, Oz made sure to play with his toys as gingerly as possible. Ken was handled especially tenderly. Always getting a nice long bath in the sink after spending the whole day outside. Then getting tucked into a makeshift bed made out of tissues or scraps of fabric samples Oz’s mom let him have. All set up nice and cozy on the dresser next to his own bed so that he could keep Ken closeby. With Ken around, nightmares didn’t stand a chance.
Memories like this had been long locked away by Oz’s deep-rooted trauma. Yet now they were pouring in uncontrollably.
“Ken?” Oswald’s voice cracked as tears flooded his vision. It was so soft and uncertain. Surely this was a dream. It couldn’t be his Ken, right?
It looked like Ken had been hit with the same realization. His twinkling blue eyes were wide like a deer in the headlights as he searched Oz’s face. Immediately, his arms were around Oswald, holding him tightly. A laugh bubbled up from him and he just kept squeezing. So afraid to let go.
A memory. Ken had a memory! He wasn’t sure if he ever had one before, but it felt so nice. Brand new, a bit scary, but… he could feel something deep inside him that he had never felt before. The only thing he could compare it to was the feeling he had been chasing whenever Barbie looked at him. What was that funny feeling that made him feel so full?
“Oz! Wow!” He couldn’t stop himself from letting out excited little laughs of disbelief. “Is that really you? Look at how much you’ve grown…”
Clutching onto his old friend, Oswald was overcome with emotion. His smile was wide and shaky as he began to sob softly into Ken’s shoulder. Those were words he always craved to hear from loved ones since his transition. No one had ever said something so sweet to him.
Worried that he had upset his dear friend, Ken pulled back enough to closely examine the weeping man. Oz wasn’t frowning, no there was still a smile on his face, but why did he cry? Was he not happy to see him? Had he said something wrong?
“You should be standing in my curio cabinet at home,” Oz’s voice cracked, teary eyes looking up at his doll. “How…”
“You kept me?” It was Ken’s turn to be surprised.
“Of course I did.” Carefully, as if he were afraid that Ken would disappear like a fading dream, Oz cupped his doll’s cheek. “I tried to keep all my toys that my family didn’t haul off without me knowing.”
Ken remembered those people - they weren’t very nice. As the memories continued to trickle into his plastic brain, he could recall the nights Oz would cry after being berated by his aunt and uncle specifically. He had been so scared after his parents passed away. Hugging Ken close to him every night even though he was all grown up. How desperately Ken wanted to hug him back and tell him he was okay. To protect his boy. He could feel that protective surge swell in his chest, arms tightening his hold onto Oswald. Now he could properly hold his boy.
It was an unfamiliar feeling to be held like this. Sure, Oz gave plenty of hugs to his friends even as an adult. This was far different from that. His body tensed up for a moment like a frightened prey animal unable to move. However, the longer they stood in the embrace, he felt himself relax into Ken’s touch. The tears couldn’t stop themselves as soon as they cascaded back down his cheeks. Safe. For the first time in more than a decade, Oz felt safe.
“I’m so happy I found you again,” Ken murmured, dipping his head down to rest against Oz's.
“How is this possible, Ken? I - I’m not having one of those hallucinations again, right?” Nervously, the librarian pulled away so that he could stare into Ken’s eyes. It was so bizarre that Ken looked so human and yet still very dollike. “You feel real.”
“I am real!” Ken puffed out his chest and gave a bit of a flex to show off. “Does this not totally look real?”
There was a giggle from Oz as he placed a hand on the firm bicep that was being showcased. The fact that Ken was such a show-off was rather charming, he couldn’t lie. A true himbo like the human had always imagined.
“C’mon, dollie. I didn’t mean it like that.” He gave him a reassuring pat on his arm. “You know that my brain plays tricks on me.”
Ken’s boisterous behaviour faltered for a moment as he looked at his boy.
“You still see those… monsters?” he quietly asked.
“Sometimes. It’s not as scary like it was back then.” Oz gave a sheepish smile, feeling bad that he was causing Ken to worry so much. “I take medication to help now.”
Those arms were back around him, pulling him in for another hug.
“I won’t let them get to you. I can fight them for you now!”
How could Ken so easily make all the years of trauma slip away like it was nothing? Oz had been fighting for so long on his own, trying to make a life for himself in this crazy world. And now his doll was human-sized and a walking, talking being that somehow waltzed back into his life? He didn’t believe in fate. But this was one hell of a coincidence.
“But how are you here, Ken? I don’t understand.”
“That’s easy! Barbie was trying to find the little girl who was playing with her. Something about cellulite - whatever that is. Lots of transportation. And now we’re here in the Real World!”
Staring at him like he grew a second head, Oz cocked his head to the side.
“Barbie? I never had a Barbie. Did you… find a Barbie?”
Suddenly, Ken felt very warm. His face was red hot! That was weird. He was plastic. Was this another funny feeling he didn’t quite understand?
“Well, yeah. It’s Barbie and Ken, you know?”
Oz’s face softened at that.
“That’s sweet. My Ken has a Barbie. Huh.”
“Wh-what?” That blush was growing deeper. Ken looked nervous. But that funny feeling was growing when Oz called him his Ken.
“Nothin’. ’s just cute that you found your girlfriend. Is she here too?” He peeked out the window of the library, glancing through the crowds of preteens. Nothing loud and pink out there.
“She’s uh. Doing her own thing.”
Oz’s brow shot upwards and he tried his best to suppress his grin.
“Well, don’t let me keep you, Ken. Go on, go to her.” He pulled away from his doll, heart feeling achy at the thought of Ken leaving. But if Ken had a Barbie, he wasn’t going to keep him from her. Looks like his doll didn’t need him anymore.
It was Ken’s turn to grab Oz’s hand.
“I wanna stay with you longer. I’m sure she’ll be fine.” It was surprising to Ken that he was saying all this. Normally, he’d do anything to trail in Barbie’s shadow in the hopes she’d so much as look at him. But that didn’t seem to interest him right now. Not with his boy right in front of him. Something was telling him that he needed to stay with Oswald. “Please?”
Oz couldn’t say no to such a sweet face. How could anyone?
“Okay, okay. You’re really twistin’ my arm here,” he joked. Ken immediately let go, panic on his face. “Oh, no! I was just teasing! It’s an expression.”
The librarian turned his head to the stack of books on his desk. He should have stayed to finish the daunting work and not have even more on his plate for the next day, but…
Oh, come on! His childhood doll springs to life and he’s just supposed to go back to his mundane day job? Nuh-uh. He was going to spend as much time as he could with Ken in case he was plucked away back to wherever the hell he came from.
“If you give me ten minutes, I’ll wrap up everything here and maybe we could…” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his head nervously. “Go back to my apartment or something?”
Ken lit up at that. Like an excitable dog, he was practically bouncing up and down. Then he realized he may be looking very uncool and tried to stand up straight to posture himself as calm and collected.
“That would be rad.”
“You can go over to those bean bags and chill for a bit - I’m sure you wanna read those new books you got.” Oz smiled, pointing to a circle of janky bean bag chairs that had seen much better years.
Oh right. The books. Ken had almost forgotten about the books he was carrying, fingers curling against the thick spines of each one. Somehow, he wasn’t that intrigued to explore the topics of this world that he had been so curious about not even ten minutes ago. That didn’t matter to him when Oswald was right there.
“I can read that stuff later,” he shrugged. “No big deal.”
Oz tried to bite back a laugh at the fact that Ken was trying to act so smooth after nearly bursting at the seams getting these books just a short bit ago. Was he wanting to impress Oswald now? What a silly doll. He simply gave a little nod and began to tidy up the books he had been rebinding, taking notice as Ken shuffled closer to try and take a peek. Oz didn’t mind the audience. Having his doll near him felt safe. A warm feeling that pooled in his belly that he hadn’t felt in so long. Maybe Ken could stick around longer before he went back to his dollhouse. Did Ken have a dollhouse? He’d have to ask a million questions about where Ken came from when they got back home.
The little flutters in his chest with Ken nearby were so bizarre. Was it excitement? Nervousness? There was a frenzy of emotions running through him all at once due to the fact that his doll was lifesize and following him around like a lost puppy. Such a sweet face. He could feel his own face grow warm with the threat of blush rising to his cheeks. Shit, when he went red, it was so painfully obvious! So he tried to hide his face with his long copper locks of hair and turn away from Ken as much as possible when tidying up. Maybe since Ken was so oblivious he wouldn’t notice his human getting flustered.
And he didn’t, thankfully. The doll was too occupied with watching what Oz was doing with his hands. How gentle they were with the tattered books lining his desk. Ken smiled to himself. Of course his boy was careful - he remembered how well taken care of he was when he was Oz’s doll. There was something swirling around in his own chest at the thought of it. Kens were merely accessories for Barbies and not typically played with on their own. Yet, with all the memories filling him, he now knew that he had been loved by his human. Looks like it wasn’t just Barbie that had someone! His half smirk was wide on his face with just how smug he felt. There was someone out there that loved Ken for being Ken. Wow!
“What’s that look for?” Oz chuckled, bag slung over his shoulder and car keys in hand as soon as he walked back up to Ken.
“Nothing!” Ken lied. Had to still play it cool. Couldn’t mess this chance up! “Just… ready for our hangout sesh.”
Oswald looked skeptically at Ken before he absentmindedly reached for the doll’s free hand. Their fingers laced together and Oz was pulling him to the door. It felt so natural that neither of them had questioned how sudden this was. Just bashful glimpses at one another like two shy kids holding hands for the first time.
“Alright, cowboy. Let’s go home.”
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divineloanhub · 5 months
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williamcampbell · 11 months
Get Immediate Cash Using Car Title Loans Toronto For a Gender Reveal Party
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A gender reveal party is a celebration where the parents of the soon-to-be-born baby find out what their future child's sex will be. These parties are usually set up with pink decorations for girls and blue decorations for boys. To pull off this amazing feeling of having a boy or a girl can be a bit costly. That is where Apex Loans Canada offers your same-day cash Car Title Loans Toronto against your vehicle as collateral. You can get up to $25,000 for four years without credit checks with us.
Set Up an unforgettable gender reveal party using car title loans Toronto
1. Spend on the party venue: 
The type of venue that you choose for the party is going to depend greatly on your budget. Some will rent a hall and others may organize it at home. That is where our quick cash Car Title Loans Toronto will provide you with the needed funds for making that party a blast. We can give you up to $25,000 for four years without any hassle of credit checks and with no hidden charges.
2. Print gender reveal invitations:
Once you have chosen your venue and the approximate number of people attending the party, you can start preparing for the big event by printing out gender reveal invitations. You can take these invitations and pass them to your family and friends, so they know what day they need to be there. Fast funds from Car Title Loan Toronto can get you enough cash to print out the correct number of invitations.
3. Arrange your merchandise:
If you plan to decorate your party venue, you can organize your merchandise by shopping around. That is because you need enough decorations to make the party a success! Do not forget to include posters, balloons, party favors and paper goods for your guests. It would help if you used a few shades of blue for the boys and pink for the girls. Taking our quick cash Car Title Loans can help you do that without any cash flow stress. Our interest rates are low and so are our monthly repayments. We do not run any credit checks, so apply even with a bad credit score today.
4. Hire a photographer:
To make the party even more special, you can hire a photographer to photograph the moment. You can ask them for good-looking pictures of the party venue and the guests. A nice album will be essential for sharing these memories with your family and friends once you return home. Taking our quick cash Car Title Loans Ontario will help pay for their services because it comes with no stress of credit checks or employment verification. Apply online today and get approved within an hour. 
5. Decide on the gender reveal cake:
The gender reveal cake is the one thing that people always look forward to. It is the centerpiece for the gender reveal party. You can work with your baker to choose the perfect cake for your party. Enough cash from Car Title Loan Toronto is the best way to set up the desired cake without money issues. Our interest rates are as low as 10%, and our monthly repayments are just $100. We do not bother with credit checks or employment verification, so applying for fast cash loans is the best way to get started on your gender reveal party today!
6. Find a balloon guy:
Having enough cash from Car Title Loans Toronto is important if you want to hire a party planner. You can take out cash loans against your vehicle as collateral to get your hands on $25,000 for four years. The amount you will get depends on the current market value of your vehicle and not your credit score.
Apex Loans Canada is the best way to put your hands on immediate cash of up to $25,000. Our Car Title Loans Toronto term is up to 4 years and we have no prepayment penalties if you wish to pay off the loan early. We do not run any credit checks, so feel free to apply with a bad credit score today. To know more about our terms and conditions, contact us at tel:1-855-908-0908.
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classicquid · 11 months
Why is submitting an application for a Short Term Loans UK online quick and easy?
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You can apply online right now and avoid holding out for a response. The form is immediately sent, and you receive your response quickly. The majority of online lenders will immediately deposit your funds into your bank account when you are accepted, so you might receive the short term loans UK you require within hours of your application being accepted.
A short term loans UK is often a small, emergency-only loan with a short term. These loans can be applied for in an emergency and transferred the same day if you are authorized. Compared to personal loans, which take longer to arrange since the amounts are higher and involve more checks, they are often for lesser sums of money.
How can I pick the best Short Term Loans Online?
It's crucial to examine the available options in order to discover the loan and lender that best meets your unique needs because there are so many different types of loans and lenders available. Making a well-informed decision is crucial to your financial stability when it comes to unexpected expenses because you frequently need to make financial decisions very quickly.
Take into account every detail of the loan, such as whether or not you may repay it early without incurring penalties. Just how adaptable are they? What is the procedure for reapplying, should you ever need to borrow money again? The most crucial factor in this situation is how quickly you will receive the money. You can find the best short term loans online for you by carefully reviewing the material on lenders' websites.
Get £100 to £5,000 in Short Term Direct Lenders today.
Are you short on funds? Do you have any unforeseen financial obligations? In a hurry for your upcoming paycheck? You are unable to apply for a short term loans direct lenders because you lack a debit card. In that case, short term cash loans will offer you the most practical cash alternative to cover your immediate financial needs promptly.
You can pay off all pressing debts, such as credit card dues, revolving medical and phone bills, car repair charges, and other expenses, with the help of this short term loans direct lenders. However, in order to qualify for this credit, you must meet a number of minimum requirements, including being a permanent employee for more than six months, earning a minimum wage of at least £1000, being a UK citizen older than 18 years old, and maintaining a legitimate bank account.
Short term loans fall under the category of short term loans UK direct lender with a 30-day grace period. Lenders put a lot of effort into finding borrowers a loan agreement with affordable interest rates and a simple repayment plan. As a result, you will be able to return the money on schedule. Spend less time now and apply for short term cash loans to get the greatest cash for your demands. Extra fees, hidden costs, and application fees are not included in these financial services.
If you pick Classic Quid, our partner's lenders strive to fund every approved customer within 24 hours after receiving their application. This goal is true even if more checks are required to complete your application. After approving your application, they will often transfer funds to you within an hour.
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drealty736 · 1 year
Dreality-Best best value real estate Service Company in Noida
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financial-advice · 2 years
4 Keys to a Safe and Secure Financial Future
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As a small business owner, it’s important to have a safe and secure financial future. You can’t afford to be careless with your money, and you can’t afford to let your business go down in value because of an unsecured loan. With these 4 keys to a safe and secure financial future, you can make sure that everything is handled correctly from start to finish.
How to Protect Your Financial Future.
Your future depends on your plan for money. Make sure you have a forecast of your income and expenses, so you know where your money is going and how to save it. You also need to have a plan for paying off debts, if necessary. And if you take on any new debt, make sure you have an emergency fund in place to cover the costs.
Save money and invest for your future One of the best ways to protect your financial future is by saving money and investing it in long-term projects. You can do this by setting aside money each month into savings or investment accounts, or by using a budgeting system to track how much money you’ve saved so far and where it’s going. You could also consider buying stocks or bonds, which can offer natural benefits like stability and growth over time.
Don't let your money go to waste Another great way to protect your future is not to spend unnecessary funds. If you don't use your funds wisely, they may end up in the bank unused or in bad investments that will hurt you down the line. For example, if you're spending more than you earn, make sure to track that information and use it as a guide when making decisions about what to spend next year or even beyond.
Get a loan if you need it If something comes up that forces you into debt but doesn't meet all of the criteria set forth in subsection 1., such as being unable to pay back installment loans within a certain number of months or being unable to meet other financial obligations such as mortgage payments etc., then a loan may be appropriate for you."
How to Protect Your Wealth.
A financial plan is an important step in protecting your wealth. It will help you create a budget and figure out how to save money, invest for your future, and obtain a loan if needed. A financial plan should also include strategies to protect your estate from creditors.
Save money One of the most important things you can do to protect your wealth is to save money. Allocate a percentage of your income towards savings so that when times get tough, you have enough left over to cover expenses. Be sure to use tools like Bank rate's Personal Savings Calculator or Nerd Wallet’s Budget Calculator to help with this process.
Invest for your future Investing for your future is another important step in protecting your wealth. By doing something that will benefit both yourself and the future generations, you can ensure that future Generations will be able to enjoy the same opportunities as you have today. This includes investing in stocks, real estate, or any other type of investment that could provide opportunities for growth in the years ahead.
Get a loan if you need it If you find yourself in a difficult Situation where you cannot afford essentials such as rent or food on your own, obtaining a loan may be necessary. A loan could come in handy for things like buying groceries on the go or buying car new without having down payment made beforehand. Just be sure to research the loan type and the terms before getting one. By following these4 keys, you can protect your wealth and have a secure financial future.
How to Protect Your Assets.
It’s important to have a long-term investment strategy in place for your money. This means ensuring that you have a variety of investments, including stocks, bonds, and real estate. You should also be diversified across different asset classes so that you can avoid too much vulnerability to one particular financial event or trend.
Diversify your investments Another key factor in protecting your assets is diversifying your investments. By splitting your money among several different assets, you’ll help to reduce the risk of any one investment losing its value quickly. Additionally, by keeping up-to-date on financial news, you’ll be able to anticipate changes in the market and make informed investment decisions accordingly.
Stay up-to-date on financial news Keeping abreast of financial news can help keep you informed about potential risks associated with your finances and ensure that you are as well protected as possible while on vacation. By following up with your bank branch or checking account regularly, you’ll be able to stay ahead of any potential problems and get the best deal on commodities or goods while traveling.
Be prepared for volatility Volatility is another fear that travelers often experience when planning their trips—particularly those who are new to the stock market or investing his or her money outside of a traditional banking system. In order to minimize these risks during travel, it’s important to have a solid plan for managing funds and stocking away cash in case of an unexpected dip in prices or currency fluctuations (remember: always use common sense when investing!).
Protecting your financial future and wealth is important, but it's even more important to protect your assets. By having a long-term investment strategy and being up-to-date on financial news, you can stay safe and protected in the event of volatility. Protecting your assets also means being prepared for any potential emergencies that might arise. Thanks for reading!
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shellharbours · 1 year
Car Sales With Finance - What You Need To Know?
You have a dream car in mind and you would like to own it. You have saved up some money, but not enough to buy it outright. What can you do? You may want to consider professional car sales Illawarra wide with finance.
This is a great option for those who want to buy their dream car and have good credit scores but don't have enough cash on hand at the time of purchase. Here are some things that you need to know about car sales with finance:
Everything About Car Sales With Finance 
What is the significance of car sales with finance?
Car sales with finance are a significant event in your life. It is important to know how to get a loan for buying a car and what the best way of getting one is. This will make the whole process much easier and you will be able to get the best deal on a loan.
There are many different types of loans available for those who want to buy cars but not all of them have good terms and conditions attached to them, so it's important that you know what you're looking for when choosing one before signing up for anything at all!
It's important to know what your options are, so you can make sure you get a good deal on your car loan. Let's take a look at some of the most common types of loans available today and what they mean for you as a buyer.
How does it work?
This is a quick and easy process. No paperwork, no hidden fees and no deposit are required to get started.
As soon as you've chosen your car and put down a deposit, the finance company will work out how much it will lend you based on the value of your chosen vehicle and the amount that you can afford to pay back each month. The finance company will then transfer this money directly into our bank account so we can order your new car!
Once you've received your new car, you'll be able to make your first payment. This will usually be the same amount as your deposit, but it may vary depending on how much finance you've taken out and what interest rate has been agreed between you and the finance company.
What additional costs could be incurred?
There are a number of other costs you may have to pay when buying or selling a car through finance. These include:
Fees for the loan‚ such as establishment fees and early repayment charges.
Fees for insurance, including third party cover, theft/fire/theft (TPFT) cover, comprehensive cover and bond registration fee.
Fees for registration‚ including vehicle registration certificate (VRC), driver’s license transfer fee (DLTF), licence disc replacement fee (LDRF), duplicate vehicle inspection sticker replacement fee (DVISG) and roadworthy certificate replacement fee (RCRF).
There are also other additional costs which differ from one dealer to another depending on what they offer their customers such as stamp duty on purchase sale agreements or motor trade insurance.
Buying a car is one of the biggest investments you will make in your life. With the help of financing, buying a car from car sales Illawarra becomes even more affordable and convenient. However, before signing up for any loan or finance product, it’s important to know all the details about how much you are getting into and whether or not it’s right for you.
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finiscope · 12 hours
Affordable Best car loan services in Delhi | Car loans in Delhi | Finiscope
Looking for the best car loan services in Delhi? Discover Finiscope unbeatable car loan solutions tailored to your needs. Enjoy competitive interest rates, flexible repayment options, and swift approval processes. Whether you're buying a new or used car, our expert team is here to help you drive your dream car with ease. Explore the best car loans in Delhi today with Finiscope!
For More Information Chek Our Website:- www.finiscope.in
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approved-autoloans · 3 days
Unlock Your Dream Car with Approved Auto Loans in Surrey
Owning a car is more than just a convenience; it's a gateway to freedom, mobility, and new opportunities. If you're in Surrey and dreaming of driving your own vehicle, look no further. With Approved Auto Loans in Surrey, your dream car is within reach, regardless of your credit history.
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Why Choose Auto Loans in Surrey?
Surrey is a vibrant city with a diverse population, bustling economy, and plenty of opportunities. However, public transportation might not always be the best option for everyone. Whether it's for commuting to work, running errands, or weekend getaways, having your own vehicle provides unmatched flexibility and comfort.
Auto Loans Surrey offers a range of tailored financing solutions to meet the needs of all customers. Here's why opting for an auto loan in Surrey is a smart choice:
Flexible Financing Options: Approved Auto Loans in Surrey provide flexible repayment plans that suit your financial situation. Whether you have excellent credit or have faced financial difficulties, there is a loan plan for you.
Quick and Easy Approval Process: One of the standout features of Auto Loans Surrey is the streamlined application and approval process. With minimal paperwork and fast processing times, you can get behind the wheel of your new car in no time.
Competitive Interest Rates: By choosing auto loans in Surrey, you benefit from competitive interest rates that make financing your car more affordable. This ensures you can manage your monthly payments without straining your budget.
Access to a Wide Range of Vehicles: Auto Loans Surrey connects you with a broad network of dealerships, offering a wide selection of new and used vehicles. Whether you’re looking for a fuel-efficient sedan, a family-friendly SUV, or a rugged truck, you’ll find the perfect car for your needs.
How to Get Started with Auto Loans in Surrey
Embarking on the journey to car ownership with Approved Auto Loans in Surrey is straightforward. Follow these simple steps to secure your loan:
Assess Your Budget: Before applying, evaluate your financial situation to determine how much you can comfortably afford to spend on a car. Consider factors like your monthly income, existing debts, and living expenses.
Research and Compare: Take the time to research different lenders and compare their loan offers. Look for favorable terms such as low-interest rates, flexible repayment options, and customer reviews.
Prepare Necessary Documents: Gather all the required documents, including proof of income, identification, and any other paperwork your lender might need. Having these ready will expedite the approval process.
Apply for Pre-Approval: Many lenders offer pre-approval, which gives you an idea of how much you can borrow and at what terms. This step can make the car shopping process more efficient and less stressful.
Shop for Your Car: With pre-approval in hand, visit local dealerships or browse online inventories to find the car that fits your needs and budget.
Finalize Your Loan: Once you've selected your car, finalize your loan with your chosen lender. Review the terms carefully, sign the necessary paperwork, and drive away in your new vehicle.
Driving your dream car is possible with Approved Auto Loans in Surrey. With flexible financing options, competitive interest rates, and a straightforward approval process, Auto Loans Surrey makes car ownership accessible to everyone. Start your journey today and experience the freedom and convenience of having your own vehicle.
Ready to hit the road? Contact Approved Auto Loans in Surrey today and take the first step towards owning your dream car. Click Here For More Details…
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Step into Excellence: The Top Tata Showroom and Dealership in Chennai You Must Visit - Lakshmi Tata
Contact Us Today!!!
Book Your Favorite Tata Car Today!!!
Discover the Premier Tata Showroom in Chennai
When it comes to purchasing a Tata vehicle, there’s no better place to visit than Lakshmi Tata Showroom in Chennai. This dealership stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering an unmatched blend of superior customer service, an extensive range of Tata vehicles, and state-of-the-art facilities. Nestled in the heart of Chennai, Lakshmi Tata provides a seamless and delightful car buying experience that leaves a lasting impression.
A Comprehensive Range of Tata Vehicles
Lakshmi Tata is renowned for its diverse and comprehensive range of Tata vehicles. Whether you are looking for a compact car, a robust SUV, or a commercial vehicle, Lakshmi Tata has it all. The showroom showcases the latest models including the popular Tata Tiago, the versatile Tata Nexon, the rugged Tata Harrier, and the luxurious Tata Safari. Each model is displayed with detailed information, allowing customers to make informed decisions based on their preferences and needs.
Compact Cars
For those seeking a compact yet efficient vehicle, the Tata Tiago and Tata Tigor are perfect choices. These models combine style, performance, and affordability, making them ideal for city driving. The Tiago's sporty design and the Tiago's sleek aesthetics appeal to young professionals and small families alike.
SUVs and Crossovers
The SUV lineup at Lakshmi Tata is particularly impressive. The Tata Nexon, with its bold design and advanced safety features, is a favourite among urban adventurers. For those who desire a bit more luxury and space, the Tata Harrier and Tata Safari offer premium interiors, powerful engines, and cutting-edge technology.
Commercial Vehicles
Lakshmi Tata also caters to business needs with its range of commercial vehicles. The Tata Ace and Tata Intra are reliable choices for small and medium-sized enterprises, known for their durability and cost-effectiveness.
Affordable Financing Options
Understanding that buying a car is a significant investment, Lakshmi Tata offers a range of financing options to suit various budgets. Whether you are looking for a loan with low-interest rates or a flexible payment plan, the finance team at Lakshmi Tata will work with you to find the best solution. They provide transparent and straightforward advice to help you navigate the financing process smoothly.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The Lakshmi Tata showroom is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities designed to enhance the customer experience. The spacious and modern showroom floor allows for a comfortable viewing of the vehicles. Additionally, the dealership boasts a high-tech service centre staffed by certified technicians who ensure that your Tata vehicle remains in top condition. Regular maintenance, genuine spare parts, and prompt service are hallmarks of the service centre.
Exceptional Customer Service
Visit our website for more information:- https://www.lakshmitata.co.in/
At Lakshmi Tata, customer satisfaction is paramount. The highly trained and courteous staff go above and beyond to ensure every customer has a pleasant experience. From the moment you step into the showroom, you are greeted with a warm welcome and personalised attention. The sales team is knowledgeable about all Tata models and is always ready to assist with queries, offer test drives, and provide expert advice tailored to your needs.
Why Choose Lakshmi Tata?
Choosing Lakshmi Tata means choosing a commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Here are a few reasons why Lakshmi Tata is the best Tata dealership in Chennai:
Extensive Vehicle Selection: From compact cars to commercial vehicles, Lakshmi Tata offers a wide range of options.
Expert Staff: The knowledgeable and friendly staff are always ready to assist you.
Top-Notch Service Center: Keep your Tata vehicle in peak condition with the help of certified technicians.
Visit Lakshmi Tata Today
If you are in the market for a new Tata vehicle, there’s no better place to visit than Lakshmi Tata Showroom in Chennai. Experience excellence in every aspect of your car buying journey and drive away with confidence in a Tata vehicle that suits your lifestyle and needs.
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carloansalesau · 13 days
Unlock Your Dream Ride with Car Loan Sales: Your Go-To for Low Doc Car Loans and Used Car Loans in Australia
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Are you dreaming of hitting the open road in your own car but feeling overwhelmed by the loan application process? At Car Loan Sales, we understand that obtaining a car loan can sometimes feel like navigating a maze. That’s why we specialize in making the process simple, fast, and tailored to your needs, especially with our offerings like the low doc car loan and used car loan Australia.
Why Choose a Low Doc Car Loan?
One of the biggest hurdles for many potential car buyers is the sheer volume of paperwork required by traditional lenders. If you're self-employed, a freelancer, or just someone who finds it challenging to provide extensive financial documentation, a low doc car loan might be the perfect solution. This type of loan requires minimal paperwork, making it accessible and convenient for a wide range of customers. At Car Loan Sales, we streamline the process so you can focus on choosing your ideal car rather than getting bogged down in administrative details.
Your Best Option for a Used Car Loan in Australia
Buying a used car can be a smart financial decision, offering great value and reducing depreciation costs. However, securing a loan for a used car can sometimes be tricky. That’s where Car Loan Sales comes in. We are experts in arranging used car loans in Australia, ensuring you get competitive rates and terms that fit your budget. Our team works diligently to match you with a loan that aligns with your financial situation, helping you drive away in the car you want without unnecessary delays.
Experience the Fast Car Loan Approval in Australia
Time is often of the essence when you're looking to buy a car. Whether you need a vehicle for work, family, or personal use, waiting around for loan approval can be frustrating. Car Loan Sales prides itself on offering fast car loan approved Australia services. We understand the urgency and are committed to providing quick and efficient loan approvals. Our streamlined application process and dedicated team ensure that you get behind the wheel of your new or used car as swiftly as possible.
Why Car Loan Sales Stands Out
At Car Loan Sales, our goal is to provide a hassle-free, transparent, and customer-centric loan experience. Here’s why we are the preferred choice for many Australians:
Expertise in Low Doc Loans: We specialize in low doc car loans, making it easier for self-employed and freelance workers to secure financing without the need for extensive documentation.
Comprehensive Used Car Loans: Our used car loan Australia service ensures you get the best deals on pre-owned vehicles, with terms and rates tailored to your needs.
Speedy Approval Process: With our fast car loan approved Australia service, you won’t have to wait long to drive away in your new vehicle.
Our dedicated team at Car Loan Sales is always ready to assist you through every step of the loan process. We believe in personalized service and work hard to ensure that each of our customers finds the perfect loan to suit their needs.
Visit Here
Drive Your Dream Today
Don't let the complexity of car loans keep you from getting the car you want. Whether you need a low doc car loan or a used car loan in Australia, Car Loan Sales is here to make the process simple and fast. Contact us today and experience the difference that a customer-focused loan provider can make. Let us help you get on the road with the best possible loan for your situation. Drive your dream car today with Car Loan Sales!
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paydayquid · 1 year
You Can Get Funds Anytime with the Help of Short Term Loans Direct Lenders
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For up to a year, I've been looking for little credit amounts. A variety of banks provide annual paycheck credits ranging from £100 to £1000. They give customers the option to spread out their short term loans UK online payments over a period of time, from a few months to a year, with the cost decreasing with each installment. There are no fees associated with applying, and even if it is approved, the credit is typically deposited into your record within an hour of approval.
Short term loans direct lenders UK have emerged as a major advance arranger in the United Kingdom during the past five to ten years, and banks' commitment to responsible lending and first-rate consumers receiving outstanding financial assistance.These short term loans UK direct lenders plans are fully supported by a few approved moneylenders because lenders are about simplicity and their easy-to-use adding machine allows customers to choose precisely the amount they want to obtain and for how long. This allows you to see clearly how much you will need to reimburse.
year payday credits, in which you would often be given a little advance of £100 to £1000, which would be paid back with real financing expenses on your following pay date within a year. If you have passed their checks for decency and reliability, you can always expect a speedy decision from a same day loans UK specialist and the money in your account swiftly in only 30 minutes after approval.
What Purposes Do Short Term Loans UK Direct Lenders Serve?
A short term loans UK direct lender functions similarly to a personal loan in that you are free to use the funds anyway you see fit once they are in your bank account.
Typical justifications for an urgent short-term loan include:
emergency money for a family event, appliances, and car repairs to pay bills or rent
Although they are expensive, short-term loans can be helpful if you are momentarily short on money or simply need a quick loan to cover an emergency.
There are a few midpoints where borrowers take out same day loans UK for around a month, usually just as they find themselves in need of emergency financial assistance. The temporary injection of cash is best utilized to address emergency expenses, such as a broken kettle, unanticipated auto repairs, extraordinary bank overdrafts, occasion charges, or a medical treatment fee that is not covered by the consumer's on-refundable wage. You can use the credit right away to pay down your debts, and then you can pay back the advance on your next paycheck.
What conditions have you to take after before applying for same day loans direct lenders? These are extremely common, such as the requirement that you live in the UK, that you are employed (low-maintenance or full-time), that you earn a monthly net pay of at least £500, that you are older than 18 years old, and that you have a bank account for receiving funds through direct deposit. It is essential for these credits that you also have a credit card.
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