#best defence ai blog writer
Empower Your Defence Blogging Journey with AI
In the dynamic landscape of defense and security, effective communication through blogging is essential for informing the public, shaping policy discourse, and sharing expert insights. However, the traditional approach to the defense AI Blog Writer often comes with challenges such as time constraints, resource limitations, and the need for specialized knowledge. Enter AI-powered blogging tools, poised to revolutionize the defense blogging journey by empowering users with advanced capabilities and efficiency. AI offers a transformative solution to streamline and enhance the defense blogging process. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, AI-powered tools can analyze vast amounts of data, generate high-quality content, and assist users in various aspects of blogging, from content creation to optimization and dissemination.
One of the key advantages of AI in defense blogging is its ability to automate and expedite the content creation process. Traditional methods of researching, drafting, and editing blog posts can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. With AI, users can input a topic or set of keywords, and the system can generate well-structured, coherent articles within minutes. This enables defense bloggers to produce a steady stream of timely and relevant content, keeping their audience engaged and informed. Moreover, AI-powered tools can help users discover new insights and perspectives by analyzing vast datasets. By scanning through news articles, scholarly papers, policy documents, and social media posts, AI can identify trends, correlations, and emerging issues in the defense sphere. This allows defense bloggers to stay ahead of the curve, providing fresh and valuable insights to their audience.
Another significant benefit of AI in defense blogging is its ability to optimize content for search engines and social media platforms. AI can analyze audience preferences, identify relevant keywords and topics, and suggest strategies for improving visibility and engagement. By leveraging AI-driven insights, defense bloggers can enhance the reach and impact of their content, attracting a larger audience and fostering greater influence in the defense community. Furthermore, AI-powered tools can assist users in maintaining consistency and quality across their blogging efforts. By analyzing existing content and identifying patterns in writing style, tone, and structure, AI can ensure coherence and professionalism in blog posts. This helps to build brand identity and credibility over time, establishing the blogger as a trusted source of information and analysis in the defense field.
Despite the numerous advantages of AI in defense blogging, it's essential to recognize its limitations and potential challenges. AI-driven content generation may lack the human touch and nuanced analysis that comes with human expertise. Users must therefore exercise critical judgment and supplement AI-generated content with their own insights and perspectives to ensure accuracy and relevance. In conclusion, AI has the potential to empower defense bloggers by streamlining the content creation process, uncovering new insights, optimizing content for visibility and engagement, and maintaining consistency and quality across blogging efforts. By leveraging AI-powered tools, defense bloggers can enhance their productivity, influence, and impact in the defense community, contributing to a more informed and vibrant public discourse on defense and security issues.
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5614
Jalsa, Mumbai                     July 1/2,  2023                  Sat/Sun 11:57 PM
🪔 .. July 02 .. birthday greetings to .. Ef Ef Madhuri Dharanipragada .. Ef Sanjay Patodiya from Kolkata .. Ef Jayesh Brahmbhatt from Gujarat ..
And .. dear Avni Rathi , the CONQUEROR from Solapur .. your birthday was on May 22 , and we regret missing it , because we didn't know , but now we know .. you have our wishes and affection always and of all the Ef Family .. keep conquering 💪🏽 .. love ❤️ ..
And .. wishes for the Amar Akbar Anthony Film screening tomorrow Sunday 2nd July at BFI ( the British Film Institute .. UK’s lead organization for Film ) under the brand ICONIC ..
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never ever thought that this film would be seeing a day like this .. but the genius of Manmohan Desai had other ideas .. his first Production under his banner .. and what a complete joy to be a part of it .. 
Much has changed since then .. but this lives on .. as do most others ..
And the debates on AI continue .. many have reacted to the informal mention on this page and have commented on its veracity and its drawbacks .. society, morals, defence, secret services .. the list is endless .. and we move on ..
Anxious now how the morning papers shall portray this bit of the Blog .. 😁 
Autobiography .. !!! 
Many do insist that it must come from me .. and it amuses me .. I have nothing autobiographical about me .. Babuji did , and his, in 4 volumes, became iconic and ably rewarded .. the best reaction coming from the pundits of literature and the literary world that ..
“ your prose is better than your poetry” !!
Then on set I came across a book being used as a prop that volumed various quotes on various topics .. and on ‘autobiography’ this came up :
‘An autobiography is an obituary in serial form with the last instalment missing.’ ~ Quentin Crisp 1908 - 99 The Naked Civil Servant ( 1968 )
for some strange reason the book on set .. had its title covered with paper that read  Bonsai Plants .. 
Bonsai represents miniature .. I guess minimalistic for a book on quotes was an apt thought .. he haha ..😂
There were many more .. but I refrain .. that strain, brings pain .. for the ability of the copywriter to make it in sensationalist headlines would be compromised ! 😳
Ahh heh .. I be too naughty in my write .. disruptuous , mutinous , recalcitrant  .. but then the liberty of express , plays uniformly , does it not  .. especially for the 1.4 + billion .. ypj’s
be in good stead dear readers and writers .. the path to the glory hath been disrupted by the diversionary lanes to the ultimate destination ..
So was I able to make this readable in compete with the morrow HL  ..
Love and regard as always ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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mikemortgage · 5 years
Face recognition researcher fights Amazon over biased AI
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Facial recognition technology was already seeping into everyday life — from your photos on Facebook to police scans of mugshots — when Joy Buolamwini noticed a serious glitch: Some of the software couldn’t detect dark-skinned faces like hers.
That revelation sparked the Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher to launch a project that’s having an outsize influence on the debate over how artificial intelligence should be deployed in the real world.
Her tests on software created by brand-name tech firms such as Amazon uncovered much higher error rates in classifying the gender of darker-skinned women than for lighter-skinned men.
Along the way, Buolamwini has spurred Microsoft and IBM to improve their systems and irked Amazon, which publicly attacked her research methods. On Wednesday, a group of AI scholars, including a winner of computer science’s top prize, launched a spirited defence of her work and called on Amazon to stop selling its facial recognition software to police.
Her work has also caught the attention of political leaders in statehouses and Congress and led some to seek limits on the use of computer vision tools to analyze human faces.
“There needs to be a choice,” said Buolamwini, a graduate student and researcher at MIT’s Media Lab. “Right now, what’s happening is these technologies are being deployed widely without oversight, oftentimes covertly, so that by the time we wake up, it’s almost too late.”
Buolamwini is hardly alone in expressing caution about the fast-moving adoption of facial recognition by police, government agencies and businesses from stores to apartment complexes. Many other researchers have shown how AI systems, which look for patterns in huge troves of data, will mimic the institutional biases embedded in the data they are learning from. For instance, if AI systems are developed using images of mostly white men, the systems will work best in recognizing white men.
Those disparities can sometimes be a matter of life or death: One recent study of the computer vision systems that enable self-driving cars to “see” the road shows they have a harder time detecting pedestrians with darker skin tones.
What’s struck a chord about Boulamwini’s work is her method of testing the systems created by well-known companies. She applies such systems to a skin-tone scale used by dermatologists, then names and shames those that show racial and gender bias. Buolamwini, who’s also founded a coalition of scholars, activists and others called the Algorithmic Justice League, has blended her scholarly investigations with activism.
“It adds to a growing body of evidence that facial recognition affects different groups differently,” said Shankar Narayan, of the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington state, where the group has sought restrictions on the technology. “Joy’s work has been part of building that awareness.”
Amazon, whose CEO, Jeff Bezos, she emailed directly last summer, has responded by aggressively taking aim at her research methods.
A Buolamwini-led study published just over a year ago found disparities in how facial-analysis systems built by IBM, Microsoft and the Chinese company Face Plus Plus classified people by gender. Darker-skinned women were the most misclassified group, with error rates of up to 34.7%. By contrast, the maximum error rate for lighter-skinned males was less than 1%.
The study called for “urgent attention” to address the bias.
“I responded pretty much right away,” said Ruchir Puri, chief scientist of IBM Research, describing an email he received from Buolamwini last year.
Since then, he said, “it’s been a very fruitful relationship” that informed IBM’s unveiling this year of a new 1 million-image database for better analyzing the diversity of human faces. Previous systems have been overly reliant on what Buolamwini calls “pale male” image repositories.
Microsoft, which had the lowest error rates, declined comment. Messages left with Face Plus Plus weren’t immediately returned.
Months after her first study, when Buolamwini worked with University of Toronto researcher Inioluwa Deborah Raji on a follow-up test, all three companies showed major improvements.
But this time they also added Amazon, which has sold the system it calls Rekognition to law enforcement agencies. The results, published in late January, showed Amazon badly misidentifying darker-hued women.
“We were surprised to see that Amazon was where their competitors were a year ago,” Buolamwini said.
Amazon dismissed what it called Buolamwini’s “erroneous claims” and said the study confused facial analysis with facial recognition, improperly measuring the former with techniques for evaluating the latter.
“The answer to anxieties over new technology is not to run ‘tests’ inconsistent with how the service is designed to be used, and to amplify the test’s false and misleading conclusions through the news media,” Matt Wood, general manager of artificial intelligence for Amazon’s cloud-computing division, wrote in a January blog post. Amazon declined requests for an interview.
“I didn’t know their reaction would be quite so hostile,” Buolamwini said recently in an interview at her MIT lab.
Coming to her defence Wednesday was a coalition of researchers, including AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio , recent winner of the Turing Award, considered the tech field’s version of the Nobel Prize.
They criticized Amazon’s response, especially its distinction between facial recognition and analysis.
“In contrast to Dr. Wood’s claims, bias found in one system is cause for concern in the other, particularly in use cases that could severely impact people’s lives, such as law enforcement applications,” they wrote.
Its few publicly known clients have defended Amazon’s system.
Chris Adzima, senior information systems analyst for the Washington County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon, said the agency uses Amazon’s Rekognition to identify the most likely matches among its collection of roughly 350,000 mug shots. But because a human makes the final decision, “the bias of that computer system is not transferred over into any results or any action taken,” Adzima said.
But increasingly, regulators and legislators are having their doubts. A bipartisan bill in Congress seeks limits on facial recognition. Legislatures in Washington and Massachusetts are considering laws of their own.
Buolamwini said a major message of her research is that AI systems need to be carefully reviewed and consistently monitored if they’re going to be used on the public. Not just to audit for accuracy, she said, but to ensure face recognition isn’t abused to violate privacy or cause other harms.
“We can’t just leave it to companies alone to do these kinds of checks,” she said.
Associated Press writer Gillian Flaccus contributed to this report from Hillsboro, Oregon.
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