#best doctor for plastic surgery kolkata
plasticandhand · 24 days
Brachial plexus injuries can have significant implication for movement and sensation in the arm, shoulder and hand. For prompt diagnosis appropriate treatment, get in touch with Dr. Anupam Golash. For more information visit the website.
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drpauls · 10 days
What are the Specialities of a Good Hair Transplant Clinic
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Hair loss is a common concern for both men and women. It can affect self-confidence and impact quality of life. Fortunately, hair transplant surgery has become a viable solution for restoring hair growth. But with numerous hair transplant clinics, choosing the right one is crucial. So, what makes a good hair transplant clinic in Kolkata? Here are some key factors that you may consider:
Experienced and Qualified Surgeon
The surgeon is the most critical factor in your hair transplant journey. Look for a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon with extensive experience in hair restoration procedures.  Experience translates to better technique, leading to natural-looking results and minimal complications.
Proven Track Record and Positive Reviews
Research the clinic's reputation. Look for online reviews and testimonials from past patients. Satisfied patients are a strong indicator of the clinic's success. Check before-and-after photos to see the quality of their work.
Modern Technology and Techniques
Hair transplant techniques have evolved significantly. Leading clinics use advanced methods like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles, while FUT removes a strip of scalp with healthy follicles. Both techniques have advantages, and the best choice depends on your specific needs. The clinic should be equipped with the latest technology to ensure a safe and efficient procedure.
Clear Communication and Personalized Consultation
The best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata prioritizes clear communication. During consultations, the doctor should explain the procedure in detail, discuss your expectations, and address any concerns you may have. They should also conduct a thorough scalp examination to assess your suitability for a hair transplant and recommend the most appropriate technique for your case.
Ethical Practices and Transparent Pricing
Beware of clinics offering unrealistic promises or significantly lower prices than the industry standard. Ethical clinics provide honest consultations and transparent pricing structures. They should explain all associated costs upfront, including medications and aftercare instructions.
Focus on Natural Results
The ultimate goal of hair transplant surgery is to achieve a natural-looking hairline. A skilled surgeon will meticulously plan the hairline design, taking into account your facial features, age, and hair density. They should aim for a hairline that complements your overall appearance and blends seamlessly with existing hair.
Comfortable Facilities and Supportive Staff
A clean and modern clinic environment fosters confidence.  The staff should be professional, courteous, and knowledgeable. They should answer your questions patiently and address any concerns you might have before, during, and after the procedure.
Commitment to Aftercare
Hair transplant surgery is not the end of the journey. A good clinic offers comprehensive aftercare instructions and follow-up appointments. They should be available to address any concerns or complications that may arise in the healing process.
Why Choose Dr. Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solution?
At Dr. Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solution, we understand the importance of hair loss and its impact on individuals. We are committed to providing the highest quality hair transplant services in Kolkata. Our team is led by Dr. Paul, a highly qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon with a proven track record of success. We use the latest technologies and techniques to achieve natural-looking, long-lasting results.
During consultations, Dr. Paul personally meets with each patient to understand their needs and recommend the most appropriate hair transplant approach. We prioritize clear communication and transparent pricing.  Our comfortable facilities and supportive staff ensure a positive experience throughout your hair transplant journey.
Taking the Next Step
If you are considering hair transplant surgery in Kolkata, Dr. Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solution is the ideal choice. We offer superior services with effective results and a commitment to your satisfaction. Contact us today for a free consultation and discuss how we can help you achieve a fuller head of hair and regain your confidence.
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kaayakalpindia · 20 days
Benefits and Potential Risks of Gynecomastia Surgery in Kolkata | Kaayakalp
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Making the decision to have gynecomastia surgery in Kolkata can change your life and has both advantages and disadvantages.
Understanding Gynecomastia:
Gynecomastia refers to the enlargement of male breast tissue. It can arise due to puberty, hormonal imbalances, alcohol, medications, malnutrition, or underlying health issues.
Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery:
1. Enhanced Aesthetics: Achieve a flatter, more contoured chest, boosting self-image.
2. Improved Confidence: Experience increased self-confidence and comfort in personal and social situations.
3. Clothing Choices: Enjoy the freedom to wear various clothing styles without self-consciousness.
Potential Risks:
1. Scarring: Surgical procedures may result in scars, but their visibility diminishes over time.
2. Infection and Bleeding: Proper postoperative care significantly reduces the risk of infection and bleeding.
3. Anesthesia Risks: Though rare, anesthesia-related complications are mitigated by the expertise of the surgical team.
Mitigating Gynecomastia Surgery Risks:
To make sure the Gynecomastia surgery goes well, it's important to take good care afterward. Keep the surgical area clean, take it easy for a while, and don't do any heavy activities. Also, make sure to go to all your follow-up appointments. By following these things and communicating openly with your doctor, you can lower the chances of any problems.
Mitigating Risks with Kaayakalp:
At Kaayakalp, our team of best plastic surgeons, led by Dr. Vikram Singh Rathore, prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction. By making a personalized plan that helps in understanding the patient's needs and requirements, we lower the risk involved with the procedure. Selecting Kaayakalp for gynecomastia surgery in Kolkata guarantees you will receive compassionate support during your journey of transformation.
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Which city is the best for surgery in India?
The choice of the best city for surgery in India can vary depending on several factors, including the type of surgery you need, your budget, and your preferences. India is known for its medical tourism industry, and several cities have world-class healthcare facilities and highly skilled surgeons.
As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Dwarka is a well-developed area in Delhi, and there are several good hospitals in and around Dwarka where you can find quality medical care. However, for specialized or complex surgeries, people often prefer to go to more established hospitals in central Delhi or other major cities. One such hospital is the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi, which is renowned for its medical expertise and state-of-the-art facilities. AIIMS is one of the top hospitals in India and offers a wide range of surgical specialties.
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Please keep in mind that the availability and quality of healthcare facilities can change over time, so it's essential to research and consult with healthcare professionals for the most up-to-date information on the best surgery hospital in Dwarka Delhi Maharaja Agrasen Hospital Dwarka.
Some of the top cities for surgery in India:
Mumbai: Mumbai is a major medical hub in India with numerous well-established hospitals and healthcare facilities. It is known for its advanced medical technology and highly experienced doctors.
Delhi: The capital city of India, Delhi, is home to some of the country's top hospitals and medical institutions. It offers a wide range of medical specialties and advanced surgical procedures.
Chennai: Chennai is renowned for its medical tourism industry and has a reputation for providing high-quality healthcare services. It is particularly known for its cardiac and organ transplant surgeries.
Bangalore: Bangalore is another city with a rapidly growing healthcare sector. It boasts modern hospitals and a skilled medical workforce, making it a popular destination for various surgeries.
Hyderabad: Hyderabad has emerged as a hub for medical tourism, especially for treatments related to cardiology, orthopedics, and gastroenterology. It offers state-of-the-art facilities and experienced medical professionals.
Kolkata: Kolkata has several reputed hospitals and healthcare centers. It is known for its expertise in various surgical fields, including oncology and neurosurgery.
Pune: Pune is gaining recognition for its healthcare services, particularly in the fields of orthopedics, cosmetic surgery, and joint replacement surgeries.
Chandigarh: Located in northern India, Chandigarh is known for its quality healthcare institutions, particularly in the areas of orthopedics, ophthalmology, and plastic surgery.
When choosing a city for surgery in India, it's essential to consider the following factors:
Specialty: Different cities may excel in specific medical specialties, so choose a city that aligns with your specific medical needs.
Hospital Reputation: Research the reputation of hospitals and doctors in your chosen city, including patient reviews and success rates.
Cost: India is known for offering high-quality medical care at a fraction of the cost compared to many Western countries. However, prices can vary, so consider your budget.
Travel and Accommodation: Think about travel logistics and accommodation options, as medical tourism often involves traveling to another city or country.
Language: Ensure that you can communicate effectively with the medical staff, as language barriers can sometimes be a concern.
It's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider and possibly seek advice from medical tourism agencies to make an informed decision about the best city for your surgery in India. Additionally, consider obtaining any necessary visas and ensuring that you meet all medical and legal requirements for treatment in India.
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drgguha · 11 months
What Exactly Is a Belly Tuck? Better Top Know Them Before You First Step
A stomach tuck is not weight reduction surgery; however, liposuction may be used in conjunction with the treatment to remove extra fat and create a more sculpted appearance. It's vital to understand that a stomach tuck will not help you lose weight, and the results will be lessened if you gain weight in the future. This popular technique eliminates extra skin and fat while also tightening your abdominal muscles to give you the toned, flat tummy you want. Abdominoplasty or belly tuck surgery may be your best option for maintaining a consistent, younger-looking shape.
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Who are the best candidates for the procedure?
While a stomach tuck might be a life-changing treatment for some people, it is not for everyone. People who have had major weight loss or pregnancy and have extra skin, strained or divided muscles, and persistent fat in the abdominal area that hasn't responded to diet and exercise are generally ideal candidates. To have the greatest outcomes, you should be at or close to your target weight before surgery.
What to anticipate before you actually get it done?
You will have a thorough consultation with the best plastic surgeon in Kolkata prior to surgery. When selecting a surgeon, it is critical to conduct thorough research. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in belly tuck surgery. Examine their qualifications, get recommendations, read feedback from previous patients, and examine before-and-after images of their work.
During this time, you will obtain more specific answers to inquiries such as "What is a tummy tuck exactly?" and talk about what the treatment entails, as well as your objectives and lifestyle. Your doctor will also go through the risks and advantages with you. To get the finest long-term results, be open and honest during this talk.
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trip-to-nature24 · 1 year
Top 10 Hair Transplant Clinic in Kolkata
In recent times, hair loss is the most common problem in our society. Millions of people are suffering from hair loss problems. Some of the causes of hair loss are pollution, family history, stress, and more. There are many specialist hair transplant clinics in Kolkata. The cost of hair transplants in this city Kolkata is also very affordable.
Here is the list of the 10 best Hair transplant Clinic in Kolkata.  
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Elation Hair & Skin Clinic 
With various branches in this city, from the one in Ultadanga to Rashbehari Avenue and then some, they offer their patients the safest, most advanced, and most effective medicines and a somewhat wider range of medicines in cosmetics. Additionally non-cosmetic areas - such as FUE and FUT hair transplants, stem cell therapy, P.R.P.  Treatment, Preventing Premature Hair Growth, Acne & Scar Correction, Stretch Mark Reduction, Tattoo Removal, Birthmark Removal, Sun Tan Removal, Rhinoplasty, Breast Augmentation & Reduction, Double Chin Correction, Permanent Hair Removal, C Anti-Aging, Therapy and many other restoratively demonstrated drugs.  They have taken it upon themselves to clarify the procedure, in a great way on the web and likewise one can book a meeting with the arrangement of dermatologists they need to serve on the web. 
 Direct Hair Implantation
DHI is one of the best hair transplant facilities in Kolkata and a part of the DH Global Medical Group, which is seen as a pioneer in hair restoration worldwide due to its use of the latest and most advanced advancements and procedures.  These are taken to guarantee the best hair restoration therapy in Kolkata. Their DHI Kolkata facility has leading hair transplant specialists who are highly qualified and ready to offer only innovative systems and effective medicines that are unmatched in terms of quality and results. This is a direct result of the real concept of our interaction, which requires a complete and thorough analysis of the hidden explanations behind the problems of sparseness and baldness, evaluation of indications, and creation of a reasonable and feasible activity aimed at combating them. Most ideally.  Henceforth, due to this variability, one can enroll in the best hair restoration medicine in Kolkata.  Their exceptionally qualified and prepared clinical staff is committed to equipping their esteemed patients with the most refined and premium hair transplant procedures and manufactures baldness medicine by performing them with outrageous precision to achieve lasting results.
 Dr. Paul's
Dr. Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solutions, a leading hair, skin, and corrective treatment brand bring complete answers to your hair and skin problems, no matter how mature or deep they are. We need a 360-degree cutting-edge clinical approach to solve your problems. Our hair and skin specialist group include trained musicologists, cosmetologists, dermatologists, endocrinologists, trichologists, gynecologists, and board-certified transplant specialists that guarantee the highest level of treatment and care.
At Dr. Pauls, we understand the reality of what hair loss or hair loss can mean for a patient's certainty and undermine his self-confidence. This is why we have gained notoriety for providing the best hair loss, and hair loss treatment doctors in Kolkata and being the best hair loss, and hair growth treatment clinic in the city.
 Premtaru Laser Cosmetic Surgery Center (PLCSC)
Premtaru Laser Cosmetic Surgery Center (PLCSC), Kolkata, is known as one of the incredible hair transplant facilities in India. They have earned this qualification through their collaborative hard work, insight, expertise, and outstanding results.
They offer progressive, internationally recognized medicines to aid hair restoration and compelling answers to recover from rarity. Prepared experts and the team of experts, led by Dr. Manish Sonthalia, (Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon) (MBBS) (MS) (MCH), is posting excellent results and is specially engaged in teaching and improving human existence. Those affected by hair loss. 
 ATRI Clinic
ATRI Clinic has become one of the toughest facilities in the city. We can find a wealth of the absolute best hair transplant specialists and find a thing that is amazingly delightful. The most recent innovation is that using their capital and similar, they have the option of offering a state-of-the-art office at their stop. From selected symptomatic devices to leading medicines presented to patients, we are notable for their weighty administration. The causes of baldness are very different in nature. While some individuals experience untimely hair loss due to unnecessary stress and unhygienic conditions, others may attribute the same problem to natural problems. Experts at ATRI Clinic recommend the best hair restoration strategy for the best and equivalent to identify the specific cause.
For over 18 years, Kaayakalp Clinic has been diligently changing lives. There are many motivations for undergoing surface-level treatment, whether it's a laser procedure or a medical procedure, yet a more youthful result and a more refined presentation of one's appearance is usually the end product. Undoubtedly providing the right facial treatment to the ideal person is best felt by a plastic and cosmetic specialist. For a person looking for a restorative technique, the biggest test is finding the best cosmetic surgery clinic in Kolkata.
Led by Dr. Vikram Singh Rathore, the team of plastic specialists offers corrective treatment options. The group's ability, experience, and smooth approach make the medium the prime target for all superficial treatment techniques. The medium offers important conferences with proper guidance of the person's procedural requirements while strictly keeping up with one's classification. They likewise redo medicines dictated by singular requirements, combining different treatments for the last wonderful change.
 Bye Bye Baldy
Bye Bye Baldy uses both Follicular Unit Transplantation (F.U.T.) and Follicular Unit Extraction (F.U.E.), depending on the patient's decision, rationality, hair transplant site, and donor site conditions.  They are very practical and unlike hair transplant charges at various facilities in India, ByeByeBaldy offers the most reasonable treatment.  Likewise, they have experts with more than 10 years of experience and are capable of performing various hair transplant procedures such as FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction).
 ARHT Global
ARHT Global of A.J.C Bose Road, Kolkata is a leading player in the Hair Transplant Clinics category in Kolkata. This notable foundation operates as a one-stop objective to accommodate clients from various parts of the neighborhood and Kolkata. Throughout its journey, this business has established a strong presence in its industry. This conviction that consumer loyalty is as significant as their items and administration has helped the foundation acquire a huge base of clients, which continues to grow. This business employs people who are dedicated to their separate jobs and work extensively to fulfill the organization's natural vision and larger objectives. Sooner rather than later, this business means to grow its item and administration lines and consider a larger customer base. In Kolkata, this foundation occupies a significant area on A.J.C Bose Road.
 Kaya Clinic
With branches around the city at Kasba, Salt Lake, Kankurgachi, Kasba, Alipore, and Loudon Street and the sky is the limit from there, it is one of the largest and best skin health management centers in Kolkata. Apart from that, they have likewise sent their items which are seen as an outclass in the field and exceptionally compelling. Their system of specialists is absolutely amazing and even more remarkable is the array of medicines and the vast array of what they offer, which includes laser hair removal, anti-aging, pigmentation, acne/scars, hair loss, and a wide range of dermatologists' retail items.
 Dr. Batra's
Dr. Batra's Homeopathy is the largest chain of homeopathic facilities with over 225 centers across India, the UK, UAE, Bahrain, and Bangladesh.  Out of more than 400 homeopathic specialists, including dermatologists and hair specialists, the specialists have treated nearly 10,00,000 patients with an achievement rate of 91% validated by AQA.  Hair Loss (Alopecia, Scalp Psoriasis, Seborrheic Dermatitis), Skin Diseases (Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Vitiligo), Children's Health (Tonsillitis, ADHD, and more), Depression, Women's Health (PCOS, Menopause, PMS, Leucorrhoea), Asthma, Allergic  Rhinitis, bronchitis, infertility (calculating male infertility), weight management, migraines, piles and thyroid (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism). 
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severefangladiator · 2 years
Knee Replacement Surgery: Answering 3 FAQs
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The worn-out ends of the bones and any residual hard cartilage are removed during a knee replacement procedure, and they are replaced with plastic and metal components. Your joint may move more freely because of the plastic's ability to mimic firm cartilage. Your knee can flex thanks to the artificial joint's interlocking components, which also increase its stability. Now, the best knee replacement surgeon in Kolkata answers some of the most Frequently asked questions about it.
Is now the ideal time to get a knee replaced?
When to get a knee replacement is not something that can be determined with absolute certainty. The primary justification for having it done is discomfort, but if you have exhausted all non-operative options, such as lifestyle changes, anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and injections, it could be time to consider surgery. Surgery is also done when the knee gets deformed or bend due to wearing of cartilage and bone.
How much discomfort can I expect following surgery?
After your procedure, there will undoubtedly be some discomfort, but the surgical team will make every effort to limit it to a minimum.
What types of activities will I be able to do?
After knee replacement surgery, the majority of patients need an assistance device (walker, crutches, or cane) for around 3 weeks, however, this varies greatly from patient to patient.
After 6 to 8 weeks, you can also engage in low-impact activities like swimming, walking, and using a stationary bike. You might ask your physical therapist for advice on how to gradually introduce new activities at this time. Consult the best knee replacement doctor in Kolkata to know more.
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Medical Courses in India
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
April 25, 2019
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
Pursuing a medical courses in India is far tougher than taking a decision to become a doctor. But, hats off to those who pursue their studies with as much as interest as when they were dreaming to become a doctor. Also, the zeal to serve others, the passion to think of other people’s wellness and the drive to come out of comfort zone and look what best you can do for others, so that people can feel every beat of life and make most of it;  is not a small thing to have in one’s mind. Similarly when youth is going behind technology, there are few who understand the price of one’s life and opt medical. Because no matter how much wealth a person hoards, it’s just incomparable to health.
Furthermore, the Medical Council of India is the regulatory authority which has laid down rules and regulations to medical education, so that good education standard can be attained by every medical student.  There are various medical courses in India that have been running from long, everyone have their own importance, you can choose according to your area of interest. Have a look:
Top 5 Medical Courses in India:
It is one of the most popular medical courses in India. It’s full form is bachelor of masters and bachelor of surgery. Medical entrance exams are conducted on a National Level and State Level to select suitable medical students for undergraduate medical programs. The MBBS degree holder can run their practice as a physician because they possess good knowledge for every right disease. While the total MBBS duration is 4.5 years academic education + 1 year mandatory internship.  Some of the popular entrance exams for MBBS are given below:
AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): Most prestigious entrance exam
AIPMT (All India Pre medical Test): Conducted by CBSE
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore: Minority run  private & research institute
Armed Force Medical College (AFMC): Manages by Indian Armed Forces
2. BDS:
BDS is the only educational and professional program of dental surgery in India. It offers knowledge and skills related to general dental anatomy. The full form of this medical course in India is Bachelor of Dental surgery. BDS includes the treatment as well as prevention of a wide range of diseases of the mouth. Certainly, the main objective of the dentistry program is to produce a dentist who is socially acceptable and is able to work safely & effectively on patients in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and oral diseases. The duration of BDS degree ranges from 3 years to 5 years.
Popular BDS entrance exams are:
Banaras Hindu University  Medical Entrance Exam
Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical Entrance Exam
Christian Medical College Entrance Exam
Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Exam
All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test
Amrita University Medical Entrance Exam
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges Exam
3. BHMS:
BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery. BHMS is an undergraduate degree program in medical field. Furthermore, this medical course in India treats patients with the help of heavily diluted preparations of chemicals. While, it is an ancient medicine form originated from Germany. Also, it works on the principle of stimulating body’s immunity to heal oneself by giving small doses of highly diluted substances. BHMS course is of 5½ year duration including an internship. The best homeopathy colleges in India are:
National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata
Shivaji University, South Maharashtra
Motiwala Homeopathic Medical College, Gangapur
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital
4. BAMS:
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) is an integrated Indian Degree in the medical field. This degree program is conferred to those students who have studied the modern medicines and traditional Ayurveda. Ayurvedic science is one of the ancient medical systems of the world. It traces its roots to the Vedic period. Also, BAMS is 5 and a half years course. Best ayurveda colleges in India are:
Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolhapur
5. MD/MS:
MD is a post graduation degree, stands for masters in medicines and MS is a post graduation degree stands for masters in surgery. Both of them are a 3 years course for medical Graduates (MBBS) that deal with the branches which do not require surgical skills. MD is awarded in both non-clinical as well as clinical branches.
Likewise, the future prospects of MD and MS as medical courses in India are generally same. An individual who completes MS becomes a surgeon whereas the one who takes up MD is a physician. Finally, a surgeon can work in place of a physician with more study of medicine while a physician cannot be a surgeon. In contrast, financially, a surgeon can earn a lot more money than a physician, if he or she is skilled.
The Popular specializations in MS and MD are:
The obstetrics & Gynecology, Endocrinology, Orthopaedics, Neurology and the Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Paediatric, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis and the Pathology.
Pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, Urology, Cardiac surgery, Cosmetic surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Obstetrics and the orthopedics.
So, usually it takes three years to complete the MD or MS but for s super specialization the student needs two years more after MD or MS.
Furthermore, some of the best Medical Courses in India & colleges offering post graduation in surgery/medicine are given below:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), Pune
Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore
Maulana Azad Medical College(MAMC), Delhi
University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital , Delhi
Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute(SRMC), Chennai
Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (AMU), Aligarh
Certainly, apart from them, there are few other medical courses in India which are also gaining popularity these days, some of them are:
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor in Unani medicine and surgery
Bachelor in Science in Nursing
Most noteworthy, medical is a noble profession, no matter which course you opt, but study with full of interest and practice your profession with full honestly, because with medical degrees, you are asked not to work with objects, stationery but with Human body, the most precious wealth of one’s life.
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Medical Courses in India
Popular BDS entrance exams
Popular specializations in MS and MD
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
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4 thoughts on “Top 5 Medical Courses in India”
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Nice post. …..I have geography, nutrition, biology and chemistry in my hs. ….what is the best career option for me?
MEWAugust 2, 2020 at 2:31 pmReply
Hi, as you have asked for the opportunities of pursuing a career after 12, we are giving few options that you may pursue according to your interest
1. Pursue B.Sc/B. A Nutrition or B.Sc Food Technology. It is a 3-year course focusing on a wide variety of topics, such as human physiology, basics of nutrition, food biotechnology, health, weight-loss strategies, human physiology, etc. The degree not only focuses on general health but also provides expertise in areas such as public health, maternal and child nutrition, etc. 2.B.Sc. Food Technology: It is a 3-year course that focuses on the safe use of food. Food technology is the process in which various principles of food science are applied to the selection, preservation, packaging and safe distribution of food. class 12th with any stream (Science with Biology is preferred).
3.D. Pharm (Ayurvedic Siddha Medicine) it’s a 2 years course
4.BOT (bachelor of occupational therapy • deal with physically, mentally, morally, and mentally challenged people. • manage the dysfunctions caused due to social, biological, and economic reasons.
5.Careers after a bachelor degree in Geography The careers for bachelor’s degree holders in Geography can include Geography teacher, Research assistant/associate in projects related to the environment, sustainability and social development, jobs related to Corporate Social Responsibility etc.
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optimisticanchornut · 3 years
Medical Courses in India
Medical Courses in India
April 25, 2019
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
Pursuing a medical courses in India is far tougher than taking a decision to become a doctor. But, hats off to those who pursue their studies with as much as interest as when they were dreaming to become a doctor. Also, the zeal to serve others, the passion to think of other people’s wellness and the drive to come out of comfort zone and look what best you can do for others, so that people can feel every beat of life and make most of it;  is not a small thing to have in one’s mind. Similarly when youth is going behind technology, there are few who understand the price of one’s life and opt medical. Because no matter how much wealth a person hoards, it’s just incomparable to health.
Furthermore, the Medical Council of India is the regulatory authority which has laid down rules and regulations to medical education, so that good education standard can be attained by every medical student.  There are various medical courses in India that have been running from long, everyone have their own importance, you can choose according to your area of interest. Have a look:
Medical Courses in India:
It is one of the most popular medical courses in India. It’s full form is bachelor of masters and bachelor of surgery. Medical entrance exams are conducted on a National Level and State Level to select suitable medical students for undergraduate medical programs. The MBBS degree holder can run their practice as a physician because they possess good knowledge for every right disease. While the total MBBS duration is 4.5 years academic education + 1 year mandatory internship.  Some of the popular entrance exams for MBBS are given below:
AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): Most prestigious entrance exam
AIPMT (All India Pre medical Test): Conducted by CBSE
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore: Minority run  private & research institute
Armed Force Medical College (AFMC): Manages by Indian Armed Forces
2. BDS:
BDS is the only educational and professional program of dental surgery in India. It offers knowledge and skills related to general dental anatomy. The full form of this medical course in India is Bachelor of Dental surgery. BDS includes the treatment as well as prevention of a wide range of diseases of the mouth. Certainly, the main objective of the dentistry program is to produce a dentist who is socially acceptable and is able to work safely & effectively on patients in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and oral diseases. The duration of BDS degree ranges from 3 years to 5 years.
Popular BDS entrance exams are:
Banaras Hindu University  Medical Entrance Exam
Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical Entrance Exam
Christian Medical College Entrance Exam
Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Exam
All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test
Amrita University Medical Entrance Exam
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges Exam
3. BHMS:
BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery. BHMS is an undergraduate degree program in medical field. Furthermore, this medical course in India treats patients with the help of heavily diluted preparations of chemicals. While, it is an ancient medicine form originated from Germany. Also, it works on the principle of stimulating body’s immunity to heal oneself by giving small doses of highly diluted substances. BHMS course is of 5½ year duration including an internship. The best homeopathy colleges in India are:
National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata
Shivaji University, South Maharashtra
Motiwala Homeopathic Medical College, Gangapur
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital
4. BAMS:
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) is an integrated Indian Degree in the medical field. This degree program is conferred to those students who have studied the modern medicines and traditional Ayurveda. Ayurvedic science is one of the ancient medical systems of the world. It traces its roots to the Vedic period. Also, BAMS is 5 and a half years course. Best ayurveda colleges in India are:
Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolhapur
5. MD/MS:
MD is a post graduation degree, stands for masters in medicines and MS is a post graduation degree stands for masters in surgery. Both of them are a 3 years course for medical Graduates (MBBS) that deal with the branches which do not require surgical skills. MD is awarded in both non-clinical as well as clinical branches.
Likewise, the future prospects of MD and MS as medical courses in India are generally same. An individual who completes MS becomes a surgeon whereas the one who takes up MD is a physician. Finally, a surgeon can work in place of a physician with more study of medicine while a physician cannot be a surgeon. In contrast, financially, a surgeon can earn a lot more money than a physician, if he or she is skilled.
The Popular specializations in MS and MD are:
The obstetrics & Gynecology, Endocrinology, Orthopaedics, Neurology and the Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Paediatric, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis and the Pathology.
Pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, Urology, Cardiac surgery, Cosmetic surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Obstetrics and the orthopedics.
So, usually it takes three years to complete the MD or MS but for s super specialization the student needs two years more after MD or MS.
Furthermore, some of the best Medical Courses in India & colleges offering post graduation in surgery/medicine are given below:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), Pune
Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore
Maulana Azad Medical College(MAMC), Delhi
University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital , Delhi
Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute(SRMC), Chennai
Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (AMU), Aligarh
Certainly, apart from them, there are few other medical courses in India which are also gaining popularity these days, some of them are:
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor in Unani medicine and surgery
Bachelor in Science in Nursing
Most noteworthy, medical is a noble profession, no matter which course you opt, but study with full of interest and practice your profession with full honestly, because with medical degrees, you are asked not to work with objects, stationery but with Human body, the most precious wealth of one’s life.
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Medical Courses in India
Popular BDS entrance exams
Popular specializations in MS and MD
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
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4 thoughts on “Medical Courses in India”
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Nice post. …..I have geography, nutrition, biology and chemistry in my hs. ….what is the best career option for me?
MEWAugust 2, 2020 at 2:31 pmReply
Hi, as you have asked for the opportunities of pursuing a career after 12, we are giving few options that you may pursue according to your interest
1. Pursue B.Sc/B. A Nutrition or B.Sc Food Technology. It is a 3-year course focusing on a wide variety of topics, such as human physiology, basics of nutrition, food biotechnology, health, weight-loss strategies, human physiology, etc. The degree not only focuses on general health but also provides expertise in areas such as public health, maternal and child nutrition, etc. 2.B.Sc. Food Technology: It is a 3-year course that focuses on the safe use of food. Food technology is the process in which various principles of food science are applied to the selection, preservation, packaging and safe distribution of food. class 12th with any stream (Science with Biology is preferred).
3.D. Pharm (Ayurvedic Siddha Medicine) it’s a 2 years course
4.BOT (bachelor of occupational therapy • deal with physically, mentally, morally, and mentally challenged people. • manage the dysfunctions caused due to social, biological, and economic reasons.
5.Careers after a bachelor degree in Geography The careers for bachelor’s degree holders in Geography can include Geography teacher, Research assistant/associate in projects related to the environment, sustainability and social development, jobs related to Corporate Social Responsibility etc.
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dcarticle · 3 years
Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men: 3 Proven Ways to Grow Hair
More than sixty percent of men  in India do an online search for best hair treatment in India at some point in their lives. Loosing hair in a patterned manner when you are in your thirties is very common  and you are not alone in seeking a quick and easy baldness treatment. Hair loss is a different experience for every person, some are comfortable with the blading and to some it is  cause of embarrassment.  Most men seek best hair treatment in India because they feel they don’t look attractive enough.  Timely consultation with the best hair specialist will put you on the right path to the correct hair loss treatment in Mumbai.
If you have been feeling inadequate because of the hair loss and you are still young then you should consider a hair growth treatment . The first step is to not to go snooping around google for hair treatment in Mumbai.  There is possibility that you will be misguided by companies who want to take advantage of your disturbed state. For best hair treatment available in India you have to do a deeper research on best hair fall treatment in India.
When it comes to hair loss treatment in India, the soon your start the better because once the hair follicles become closed or scared they cannot be treated. Given below is a comprehensive guide to top three hair loss treatment in India that lists the top three hair growth treatment and baldness treatment for men that are tried and test by the best hair doctors in the world and are known to produce effective results.
QR678 hair growth treatment: QR678 hair treatment is one of its kind treatment that controls hair loss and increases hair growth in a natural manner. The credit of this breakthrough invention goes to the two brilliant doctors Dr Debraj Shome and Dr Rinky Kapoor, co-founders of chain of plastic and cosmetic surgery centres in India, The Esthetic Clinics.
QR678 is a mix of growth factors that have been identified at major components of hair growth in human scalp. The growth factors are specially formulated to reverse the hair loss into hair growth. QR678 solution is injected in the scalp using very thin injections. The whole process is pain free and without any side effects. QR678 is on the top of the list for best hair treatment in India because the results are thicker and healthier hair that do not fall off after the treatment is over.
QR678 can help treat hair fall because of androgenetic alopecia, hair fall because hormones, stress, skin disorders, radiation treatment, medications, scalp infections,  and other natural triggers. Hair treatment cost using QR678 is a fraction of other hair loss treatments in Mumbai.
Finasteride for hair loss treatment in India: This hair loss treatment is second on our list because of its ability to treat male pattern hair loss by blocking the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT hormone blocks the essential supply of hormones to the hair follicles and finasteride hair fall loss treatment in Mumbai is a prescription oral drug that can stop hair fall when taken regularly.  Finasteride can also cause the hair to grow back and improve hair density. However the effects stop if you stop taking the medication.
Minoxidil: Hair specialist in Mumbai use Minoxidil as the first line of defence against hair fall. Minoxidil is available in the form of lotion or foam, which is to be applied on the scalp.  The compounds in Minoxidil rejuvenate  and increase the blood supply and circulation in and around the hair follicles that causes them to grow in size and thus prolonging the growth phase of each follicle. 5% solution of Minoxidil is prescribed to treat male pattern baldness. The results are visible in six to nine months.
The cost of hair loss treatment is actually worth the price that you will pay for enjoying a scalp full of healthy hair and the compliments that you will get for your new  and younger look. The Esthetic Clinics and the best hair clinics in Mumbai generally use a combination of three best hair fall treatment in India to ensure quicker and effective results. Consult a good trichologist in Mumbai to know about the options available for you.
QR678 Hair Growth Treatment for Hair Loss & Baldness- Before & After Photo Results in Men and Women
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6.Best Hair Treatment in Kolkata
7.Best Hair Treatment in Ahmedabad
8. Best Hair Treatment in Pune
9.Best Hair Treatment in Nashik
10.Best Hair Treatment in Surat
11.Best Hair Treatment in Delhi
12.Best Hair Treatment in Lucknow
13. Best Hair Treatment in Raipur
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plasticandhand · 24 days
The best doctor for plastic surgery in Kolkata has brought this Slideshow for you to unveil the surprising facts about tummy tuck surgery.
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kaayakalpindia · 1 year
Factors Influencing The Cost Of Rhinoplasty In Kolkata | Kaayakalp
Rhinoplasty, or nose realigning surgery, refers to a group of procedures used to correct defects and enhance nasal proportions. Rhinoplasty surgery can help to correct a bridge bump (dorsal hump), nasal width, a twisted nose, a prominent nasal tip, nasal tip, post-traumatic deformities (nasal injury), and internal valve collapse.
Since the nose is a central part of the face, it contributes significantly to overall facial beauty and a pleasing appearance. A straight and symmetrical nose enhances one’s attractiveness, whereas a crooked and deformed nose detracts from it.
Rhinoplasty cost in Kolkata
In Kolkata, the starting price for Rhinoplasty is INR Rs.15,000.
Rhinoplasty costs an average of INR Rs.85,000 in India.
In Kolkata, the upper limit for Rhinoplasty cost is INR Rs.2,00,000.
The factors determining the cost of Rhinoplasty in Kolkata
The nose surgery is still the most intricate plastic surgery on the face, which is why it is more expensive than other surgeries. It usually requires close focus on every aspect and structure. The surgeon must primarily consider the aesthetic outcome while determining the proper functioning of the nose. Furthermore, the cost is heavily influenced by the complexities of the surgery.
The cost of the surgery depends on where it is performed. The cost of a nose job in India is lower than in European countries. In Kolkata, at Kaayakalp, rhinoplasty is done at an affordable price.
The cost of Rhinoplasty in Kolkata will depend on the surgeon’s fees, expertise, and goodwill. Following that will be the anesthesia fees you will be required to pay for the procedure. Finally, there will be lodging costs. It includes the expense of staying in a clinic or hospital room after the surgery. With, Kaayakalp, you can be confident that there will be no unexpected medical costs and that the fees will be reasonable and appropriate for the services provided.
The cost of Rhinoplasty in Kolkata depends on the surgery’s complexity.
Open Rhinoplasty
It is employed to perform more extensive nose reshaping. A small incision is made under the nasal tip, between the nostrils, during the surgery. This method gives the cosmetic surgeon complete access to the nasal structures, allowing him to model the nose to the desired shape.
Closed Rhinoplasty
The incisions in this method are made inside the nostril. This procedure is used when patients require minor nasal structure corrections to achieve the desired results.
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
Dermal fillers are used in some cases to reshape the nose without surgery. It is performed by injecting a filler into specific nose areas to smooth out bumps, reshape the nasal tip, and correct nasal structure. The outcomes of this approach are only temporary, but they are also cost-effective.
Benefits of Rhinoplasty
The surgery not only improves facial harmony by improving nose proportions, but it also boosts self-confidence.
Corrects sinus issues, snoring issues, headaches, a deviated septum, and chronic nasal congestion.
Revision rhinoplasty allows for adjustments that were not possible during the initial rhinoplasty surgery.
It improves breathing in people with birth defects. The broken nose is also repaired during this surgery.
Reduces the nasal bridge and tip.
Compared to other countries, the cost of Rhinoplasty in India is lower. Most doctors and surgeons in India provide the best and highest quality of care to their patients, and hospitals have well-experienced and trained nursing staff to care for them.
In addition, most facilities have ultra-modern infrastructure that provides the best ambiance for patients and contains the most up-to-date medical equipment to perform Rhinoplasty. As a result of these factors, the number of foreign patients in India is increasing. At Kaayakalp you can have access to the best facilities for Rhinoplasty at an affordable cost.
Book your appointment today.
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gynaecologist01 · 2 years
Infinite Cancer Care with complete medical efficiency
Are you looking for the best cancer treatment option in Salt Lake? Then visit a cancer specialist at Amri Hospital, Salt Lake for the best healthcare treatments. It is the first multi-specialty hospital with top-notch healthcare providers, focusing on more than 220+ beds capacity. The hospital gives significance to more than 20 specialties with absolute technological diversification for each patient. You can have compassionate care for cancer problems through the adequate use of the latest technologies with brilliant oncologists.
So, care, quality, assurance, and compassion have been the pillars of this medical institute. The hospital’s staff have never compromised to ensure complete care for cancer patients.
Best Oncologic Treatments by Oncology Department
The cancer care unit is focused on the practice of problems associated with cancer and seeking assistance for 24*7 worthwhile care to each patient in and around Salt Lake. Amri Hospitals is incorporated with a panel of excellent oncologists attending each cancer concerning causes including:
Nervous Problems
Appetite loss
Frequent urination
Losing function in one side of the body
The Hospital has outstanding oncologists focusing on the needs of the people in analyzing, diagnosing, and preventing the major symptoms associated with cancer.
Mostly, the hospital in Lucknow has a group of supporting staff, therapeutic services, physicians, and a team of resourceful oncologists. The hospital’s oncology department is assured of providing surgical, non-surgical intervention to attain the best treatment in cancer. Therefore, the hospital is adequately facilitated in aiming at multi-faceted operation facilities related to cancer with the means of surgical, non-surgical, and interventional techniques.
Modern Healthcare Intervention concerning Cancer
Here, the doctors are responsible for complete diagnosis, medications, and emergencies for all the patients of Salt Lake City. The hospital encompasses state-of-the-art treatment means to control all the issues responsible for cancer.
Apart from treating cancer causes, the hospital also offers the following:
Trauma Care
Internal Medicine
Pediatric Care
Kidney Transplantation
Bariatric Surgery
Emergency Care
Gastric Treatment
Cardiac Care
Plastic Surgery
Dental Care
Dental Sciences
Care for infectious disease
How can Credihealth help
Credihealth gives you the opportunity of receiving information from a well-trained team of experts as per their availability. You can get a doctor’s consultation by the adequate use of this website. For further information, one can contact the hospital by:
Address: 17, Lane, Central Park Road, Stadium Entrance Road, 16, Broadway Rd, opposite salt lake, JC Block, Sector-III, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700098
Phone: 8010-994-994
Website: https://www.credihealth.com/hospital/amri-hospitals-salt-lake-city/doctors
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calcuttacosmoaid · 2 years
The Recovering Process: Complication and Solution
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According to the best hair transplant surgeon in India, A hair transplant occurs when a plastic or dermatological surgeon transplants hair to a bald part of the head. Hair is typically moved from the rear or side of the head to the front or top of the head by the surgeon. The bulk of hair loss is caused by pattern baldness. Genetics has a role in this.
The remaining cases are due to a variety of factors, including:
 Who might benefit from a hair transplant?
A hair transplant can help you look better and feel more confident. The following people are good candidates for a hair transplant:
1. Men with male pattern baldness
2. Women with thinning hair
3. Anyone who has lost some hair from a burn or scalp injury.
 Hair replacement isn’t a good option for:
1. Women with a widespread pattern of hair loss
2. All over the scalp folks who don't have enough "donor" hair spots from which to transplant hair.
3. People who form keloid scars (thick, fibrous scars) after injury or surgery
4. People whose hair loss is due to medication such as chemotherapy.
 What happens during a hair transplant?
A surgeon uses a tiny needle to numb an area of your head with local anaesthetic after thoroughly cleaning your scalp.
FUT and FUE are the two basic methods for harvesting follicles for transplantation.
 In follicular unit transplantation (FUT):
1. The surgeon will cut a strip of scalp skin from the back of the head with a scalpel. Typically, the incision is several inches long.
2. This is then closed with stitches.
3. Using a magnifying lens and a sharp surgical knife, the surgeon then divides the scalp into small portions. These pieces, once implanted, will aid in the growth of natural-looking hair suggested by the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata.
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In follicular unit extraction (FUE), Hundreds to thousands of tiny punch incisions are used to remove hair follicles from the back of the head.
 The surgeon uses a blade or a needle to cut tiny holes in the area of your scalp that will receive the hair transplant. Hairs are delicately placed in these holes.
During one treatment session, a surgeon may transplant hundreds or even thousands of hairs.
After, the graft, gauze, or bandages will cover your scalp for a few days.
A hair transplant procedure can take up to four hours. About ten days after surgery, your stitches will be removed.
To get the full head of hair you want, you might need three or four treatments. To allow each transplant to properly recover, sessions are spaced many months apart.
 What happens after a hair transplant?
Your scalp may be sore, and you may need to take medications following hair transplant surgery, such as:
Pain medication.
Antibiotics to reduce your risk of infection.
To keep swelling at bay, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
After surgery, most people are able to return to work within a few days.
The transplanted hair is expected to come out two to three weeks after the treatment. This allows for the growth of new hair. 8 to 12 months after surgery, most people will notice some fresh hair growth.To enhance hair regrowth, many doctors give minoxidil (Rogaine) or finasteride (Propecia), a hair growth medicine. These drugs can also help to delay or stop hair loss in the future.
 What are the complications associated with a hair transplant?
Hair transplant side effects are typically minimal and resolve within a few weeks. They can include:
1. Bleeding
2. Infection
3. Swelling of the scalp
4. Bruising around the eyes
5. A crust that develops on the scalp after hair has been removed or implanted
6. Numbness or lack of sensation on the treated areas of the scalp
7. Itching
8. Folliculitis is the inflammation or infection of the hair follicles.
9. Shock loss, or sudden but typically temporary loss of the transplanted hair.
10.Unnatural-looking tufts of hair.
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You may continue to lose hair in non-treated areas of your scalp if you don't take medication (such as minoxidil or finasteride) or undergo low-level laser therapy according to the best hair transplant clinic in India. It's crucial to talk to your surgeon about the expected outcome and set realistic goals.
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