#best drapery panels
bbkingston1 · 5 months
Exquisite Windows Drapes for a Stunning Ambiance
 Elevate your home's allure with these luxurious draperies, meticulously designed to harmonize with any decor style. Embrace the beauty of fine craftsmanship and redefine your ambiance with our unparalleled selection of window drapes.
Learn more: https://saveonblinds.com/collections/drapes
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cafemagie-magie · 2 years
Howdy! First I just wanna say you're a really great artist, one of the best I've ever seen, and I love every single one of your LWA fanarts! And if you don't mind, I just wanted to ask how you learned to draw? I've always wanted to learn, but I'm not sure how to learn the fundamentals and progressively get better until I'm as great as someone like you. If you know any books, videos online, exercises/habits, or any resource to look up and learn how to draw and slowly get better, that'd be great!
Hi! Thank you very much, I’m touched by your kind words ^^
I give you Diakko but theyre motivation coaches to wish you the best ! Have fun with drawing, it's one of the best thing on Earth!
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It took some time to answer because I wanted to write a document with a lot of resources, so you and other fellows can use it :
To answer the first part of the question, I always loved doodling with a pencil and replicating manga panels like Dragon Ball, Naruto... also I love scientific illustration and fashion design! Never took art classes, but went to an art club in high school^^
I have a pencil and watercolour self taught art background, drew since 9 but with a lot of art breaks (the most recent one lasted 4 years because of pharmacy studies), digital art came very late when I hit 23 (January of this year, got an iPad!🥳🎂) and I learned it with the resources stated in this shared document :D
Now for the second part, let's say every artist have their own art planet, like the Little Prince 😊
You have your art home,  and realism is the house foundation to you build up other skills on it. The first skill associatied with foundation is observation : when you look at something...how does it work? Why is this moving like that? What are the simplified shapes of it? 
Near you home, you can plant your favourite artists seeds from other art planets in your own art garden to be inspired by them. They'll bloom into different flowers, scents and colors... they'll inspire your work as you progress :D it's like pretty things to admire and look up to! To keep you on the go and learn from them! (It works with the library metaphor too, like having a collection of your fav artists, subjects, reference...)
 Then you build up solid walls for your house, by learning/practicing technical things like figure drawing, life drawing, drapery... with these, you can already have a lot of fun!
Adding windows will bring you some fresh air as you'll explore colour theory, light and shadow... at this stage, traditionally or digitally, you'll be able to create really cool sketches/llustrations! You can always use references and observe them to understand the light source, a particular scenery, or some tricky anatomy position, etc...so you can incorporate it in your drawing.
Then you can make your house bigger by adding new rooms: learning how to draw specific things like detailed backrounds, animals, weapons, machinery, everything you'll be interested in...if you started with humans only for example.
Later on, you can decor your house with things like art style, aesthetics, that little somtheing that makes people recognize your works...these come naturally as you progress so dont worry too much about it!
Building a comfy house takes time but it's your home and even if there will be struggles/frustration... enjoying the process is key to a happy artist journey ^^
Hope this helped, and you can always dm for more specific things, if needed (or ask anonymously again, I’m shy so I’ll understand lol)
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drownmeinbeauty · 10 months
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There's a small, smart exhibit about textile designer Dorothy Liebes at the Cooper-Hewitt museum called A Dark, A Bright, A Light: The Designs of Dorothy Liebes. Liebes, who started as an artisinal weaver in San Francisco in the 1920's, established a design studio in New York that served an astounding array of architectural, fashion and industrial clients. She designed handbags with Coach, dresses with Bonnie Cashin, car seats with Pontiac, and fabrics with DuPont, developing colorful textured weaves that feel, today, like a fevered, pre-hippie brand of mid-century modernism.
The display is engaging, incorporating dressed mannequins, upholstered furniture, design sketches, photographs, print advertisements, textile samples, and best of all, yardages from some of Liebes' most innovative weaves. These, displayed hanging, are truly joyful. They incorporate surprising asymmetrical motifs, figures in bold relief, and unconventional materials like cellophane, aluminum, vinyl, wood, and even, in one panel, a measuring tape.
But my experience of the show and impression of Liebes were marred by the captions. Pieces on display here include: Mexican Plaid (1938), Shangri La (1947), Chinese Ribbons (1947), Drapery Panel for the Persian Room at the Plaza Hotel (1950), "Noh" Jacket and "Panung" Style Skirt (1957). The show champions her, correctly, as a design pioneer and accomplished businesswoman at a time when women weren't welcomed in design professions. It was also, clearly, a time when Americans practiced a zany, carefree exoticism. I wouldn't describe this as appropriation, because the works here don't seem to resemble traditional textiles from any of the foreign cultures named.
Nonetheless these names leaves a stinging aftertaste. There were Mexican, Chinese and Persian populations in the United States at this time Liebe worked. This exhibit takes her work very, very seriously. Will works by Mexican, Chinese or Persian artists be considered the same way?
Photographer unnamed, Dorothy Liebes Studio, New York City, ca. 1957; Dorothy Liebes Papers, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
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wellpresseddaisy · 2 years
Long Ago (and far away)
Part 7
Not wanting, Severus mused, was so much easier when your hand wasn't tucked into the crook of a very tall and broad gentleman's elbow, and you weren't being gently but firmly led places. 
For a Saturday, Diagon Alley was thankfully quiet, which he put down mostly to the appalling damp. They'd stopped at Madam Malkin's first. Hers weren't the best quality, but they'd needed quick and serviceable. A bit of a glamor over his face kept her from asking too many prying questions as she made adjustments to a ready-made suit and over robe. And Riddle being charming about lost luggage put paid to questions about him. But now they headed toward the bank, and Severus found himself nervous. If the Goblins took offence, or worse, blamed him...he swallowed down nerves.
"Are you certain you're up to this today?" Riddle asked, voice warm with concern.
"I'd rather get this done today," Severus replied quietly. "I would like to have one day of quiet."
"I am sorry for upsetting your...well, your entire life, really. I did rather drop you in it." 
Riddle patted his hand where it rested on his arm.
"You are exceedingly lucky I had a headache." Severus answered with some asperity. "I tend to hex first when I'm not half blinded with pain. And I'm lethal."
"As well you should." Riddle chuckled, leading Severus up the broad steps and into the polished marble halls of Gringotts.
They took perhaps four steps into the bank proper before a Goblin approached them. Severus felt the magic of his glamor snap under the wards as the fierce guard regarded them.
"You will follow me." He ordered, turning on his heel and making for the private offices.
Severus and Riddle fell in behind him, and Severus tried not to startle when two guards melted out of the shadows to bring up the rear. Severus allowed Riddle to pull him closer, having a stern word with his ego as the older man settled a hand at the small of his back. Just because he was capable of handling any threats didn't mean he always had to. He supposed.
They were waved into the Head Goblin's office, the two guards taking up residence just inside the doorway as they moved further into the room. Severus had never been in any of the offices before. The dark paneling lining the walls, heavy, velvet draperies over the windows, and deeply plush carpeting combined to deaden almost all sound save the steady scratch of quill on parchment. An elderly Goblin sat behind a massive mahogany desk, head bent over a ledger book.
"I intercepted them, sir." The Goblin leading them bowed at the Head Goblin.
"Good, Hrafgallt. You are dismissed." The Head Goblin finally spoke. "And you two can sit."
He didn't give his name.
Riddle ushered him into one of the padded chairs standing before the desk and then seated himself. Their escort left, followed by the guards. When the door closed, Severus felt a privacy ward snap into place. 
"Between the two of you, you have created several headaches for me over the past twenty-four hours. I do not care for headaches, gentlemen." He steepled his fingers and regarded them seriously. "Though it seems that both of you are more victim than guilty party. This." He pushed a craggy crystal forward on his blotter. "Is a message crystal. It is much more reliable than leaving a memory. It appeared on my desk yesterday morning. It was recently housed in the Sinclair vault."
Severus thought he'd heard the surname somewhere. Beside him, Riddle stiffened.
"Yes, I see Mr. Riddle recognizes the name. Pierce your finger and swipe it across the base." The Goblin held a pocketknife toward Riddle, handle first.
Severus watched as Riddle took the knife and knicked his forefinger. He let the blood well for a moment before smearing it over the base of the crystal. A flickering figure snapped into view, stepping off the crystal and trailing a glowing thread of magic back to the rock.
"Hello, Da-Thomas, I suppose. Your Auntie Ro wishes me to send her love to you. We didn't get to know you in this incarnation, but Aurora tells me you grew to be a fine man. As the you who existed here is legally considered dead, your situation is perhaps a touch precarious. I wish to offer you adoption. It's not precisely done, but it's what I would have offered had Ro and I found you in our...well, reality, I suppose. It won't change you, but it will give you a name and a family. I hope you will accept this. No matter your decision, you are my heir and you will be cared for. Know that we tried to find you...hold that with you always, dear boy. May the light of your magic guide you always on the right path."
The figure faded away. Severus blinked, casting a sideways glance at Riddle who hadn't moved since the figure stepped off the crystal. Acting instinctively, he rested his hand over Riddle's forearm. Riddle startled then folded Severus' hand between his.
"They were very dear to me, where I came from. I would like to accept Martin Sinclair's offer of adoption." Riddle's voice came quiet and choked when he finally spoke.
"That, of course, makes my life much less difficult. Establishing an identity is tedious in the extreme. Sign here." The Goblin pushed a single sheet of parchment and a quill toward them.
Riddle took the sheet in his free hand and spent several minutes scrutinizing it before he signed. Severus only just quashed his curiosity.
"Congratulations." The flat, perfunctory way the Goblin spoke had Severus biting his lip. "You are now Darius Riddle-Sinclair, head of the Sinclair line. Will you submit to a lineage test?"
"I will, and thank you." Riddle-Sinclair (and didn't that answer why Tom Riddle never seemed to sit gracefully as his name) answered quietly. 
"It is not for you that I carry out my duty." The Goblin spoke quietly. "Your lineage and the vaults it will open will leave my domain stronger. Pierce your finger and apply seven drops of blood to this parchment. It has been treated."
Severus perked up next to Riddle-Sinclair. He'd had his students brew the potion and test it (one-on-one in his office at scheduled and staggered times) but he'd never seen it in official use. He resisted the temptation to scratch at the edge of the parchment. As much as he wanted to see if he could discern any differences in potion ingredients, he wouldn't disturb the test. 
Riddle-Sinclair again pierced his finger. Instead of leaving a smear, though, he carefully let seven drops fall. The surface of the parchment rippled like a Pensieve at each drop before it absorbed the blood completely. When the last drop fell, instead of being absorbed, it quickly traced the last generation of a family tree. Lines and names appeared and the parchment grew as it flowed back through the generations; not skipping secondary, tertiary, and even quaternary Houses. When the process concluded, Severus and Riddle-Sinclair leaned over the parchment. They nearly bumped noses with the Goblin.
Severus had never before seen a Goblin look so delighted and never wished to again. It involved a great number of teeth.
"As I had hoped, you are both the blood and Magic-sworn heir to Slytherin. And no connection to House Prince since the late eleventh century, which is always handy." He steepled his fingers and leveled a grave look at them. "I noticed Master Snape arrived under your chaperonage. I would be remiss if I did not warn you that continuing this would prove quite advantageous."
Severus barely smothered a snort. He'd never been an advantage in his life. And he was not thinking about the heir to Slytherin bit. There were only so many shocks one could absorb in a single day. A single weekend? In any case, he'd reached his limit.
"You have chosen," the Goblin continued as if Severus hadn't made a noise, "a young human of intelligence and…" he trailed off, actually taking in Severus' appearance. "He is at least correctly dressed, since you all set so much store by it.  And I presume you might have access to one of those hairdressers?"
Severus bit his lip, silently damning his sense of humor. One did not have a fit of the giggles at Gringotts.
"We had agreed on one day only of my chaperonage. Severus has been very accommodating, given that I quite literally appeared in his sitting room." Riddle-Sinclair spoke stiffly, offended on Severus' behalf. "I have no wish of trapping anyone in anything."
"I did not speak of trapping. You would offer him the protection of your name and position, and he could offer you safe navigation through an unfamiliar world. There is no shame in continuing an advantageous match, no matter how it began," the Goblin chided. "There is a contract between you families of some antiquity. It was, thankfully, updated in the early nineteenth century. It's unexceptionable. The Slytherin line would be head of house, but all assets belonging to Master Snape are to remain his own. There are no clauses requiring children. And, of course, a guardianship clause but that's mere social convention."
"I did not speak of shame, but of…" Riddle-Sinclair stopped and turned to him.  "Severus, what is your opinion?"
"If I could be certain that I can fulfill the contract and that I will not be a possession, then I have no objections." He had never even considered he might be in this position one day. "I would consent to you as my head of house."
Even though he'd been presented (had circumscribed his own life with his choices), he'd never expected an offer. Provided he could read a copy of the contract first, he would agree.
"I would never ask you to be anything other than wholly yourself, Severus. And I would never ask for more than you are willing to give." Sinclair-Riddle held his hand tightly, looking deep into his eyes, face grave and earnest.
"I have never considered a...love match. Honestly, I had never considered any match. I'll need to be free to work. I will not desert my Slytherins. And I shudder to think of what would happen to Potions at Hogwarts should I leave at present." Dimly, Severus was aware that his hands had gone ice cold and a sharp tone sounded in his ears. He seemed to be negotiating from very far away from his body.
"I'll never proscribe your work life, unless your work is actively trying to kill you, Severus. You will always be your own person." The steady warmth of his voice slowly thawed Severus' chilled person.
"Then I will seek the shelter of your House, for as long as you wish to give it." Severus felt the nascent bond from the previous evening flare to fullness at his words, the ones he never thought he'd say.
"Only as long as you wish to keep it." Riddle-Sinclair sealed the bond with the old words.
"Wonderful." The Head Goblin broke the moment. "Here is a copy of the contract you just fulfilled. Generally, I recommend one actually reads the text before jumping into anything, but humans can be so precipitate. The clauses you just agreed to were added." He handed a sheet of parchment to each of them. "I also took the liberty yesterday, when the bond initiated, to have a selection of the Slytherin bonding bands brought up from your vault."
Severus stared as he set a tray on the desk and removed the velvet cover. Silver bonding bands sat in the deep green velvet, untarnished by time. Or polished by an enterprising goblin.
"How would you know…" Riddle-Sinclair trailed off, tracing gentle fingers over the bands.
"There is Old Magic at work here. We were informed, suffice to say. I'll have the appropriate paperwork backdated and filed for you so there will be no hint of your human impropriety, as unrelated house guests are frowned upon for you, are they not, Master Snape? Especially with certain things coming to light, as it were."
Severus felt himself flush. He hadn't even considered that the previous evening. Frankly, it was only his home's location outside the magical realm that saved him from complete ruin. It was likely they would have wound up here, in any case, even without a contract.
"If you could make your selection?" He tapped a finger on his desk, clearly wishing to be rid of them.
Severus really couldn't blame him.
"I'd like to read the contract, first, I think, before we get into bands." Riddle-Sinclair decided.
Severus stared down at the parchment in his hands, barely taking in the words. The only absolutes he could see were reasonable ones—that Slytherin, as the older house, would take primacy; that the Slytherin party would serve as head of the Family and House; that the Prince party, if they made a curtsey at their presentation would accept guardianship; and that his assets remained solely in his possession—that ran in line with upper class magical expectations. It was more politicking and asset protection than anything else, with the addition of social cover for him.
"This is acceptable." He spoke quietly. It would have to be acceptable, in any case. They'd fulfilled it before reading it by binding themselves magically.
He wondered if this happened frequently, or if, perhaps, these ridiculous happenings were only features of his life.
"It is. I confess myself thankful that we had sensible ancestors." Riddle-Sinclair agreed and turned to the tray of bands.
Traditions varied, but most of the Old Families preferred bands to rings for marriages. Bands kept out of the way of wands and, generally, any research one might do. They were also much more difficult to remove by force.
Severus watched as Riddle-Sinclair ghosted his fingers over the tray, stopping at one set of bands. He lifted them out, a simple pair of plain-wrought cuffs, made in the likeness of twining snakes. They clasped with twined tails, two snake heads entwined at the front. Emerald eyes winked in their settings.
"Hmm." The Head Goblin looked up from his parchment when Riddle-Sinclair went looking for discs. "An interesting and fortuitous choice. It is said those were last worn by Salazar Slytherin and his consort."
He held his wrist out to Riddle-Sinclair, letting him clasp the band around his left wrist. For something wrought of metal, it sat warm against his skin. He clasped the matching band around Riddle-Sinclair's right wrist, and felt something flare between them, bright and welcoming, when he clicked the clasp into place. Their magic entwined as the snakes of their bands, thrumming and warm, binding them together fully.
"Now, if you see the teller on your way out, you will receive your vault information. Master Snape, we will be in touch. You may, however, rest assured that you will not be held accountable for the actions of Consort Malfoy."
They both knew a dismissal when they heard one. Severus rose on shaky knees, appreciating the arm Riddle-Sinclair offered. 
How his life had changed so drastically in three quarters of an hour, he would never quite know.
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crazy-joes · 2 days
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"Sparkles and showstoppers stole the spotlight at the 2024 Tony Awards."
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At Sunday's 77th Annual Tony Awards, Angelina Jolie and Brooke Shields were among the glamorous stars who attended the event, which celebrated excellence in live Broadway theatre. Here are the standout looks from the 2024 Tony Awards red carpet at the David H. Koch Theatre in New York City. 1. Alicia Keys wore Gucci Singer Alicia Keys wore a red wine bejeweled Gucci gown with a matching slim leather belt and opera gloves. The burgundy off-the-shoulder dress added elegance and old-school glamour with sequins stemming from the hem and neckline. Keys' sleek bun balanced the grandeur of her dress, paired with her archetypal minimal makeup. Her red carpet look feeds into the monochromatic trends from street style to runway. 2. Angelina Jolie in Versace Furthermore, layered in rich Renaissance drapery, actor Angelina Jolie stunned in this Versace showstopper. The sage green velvet gown had a draped neckline and ruched waist, creating a delicate and romantic silhouette. The star paired a matching wrap and bohemian bangles to give an air of nonchalance, complimented with some undone caramel curls. Her daughter, Vivienne, wore a complementing emerald vest, wide-leg trousers, and a white button-down blouse. Truly, Vivienne dressed down her look with a pair of black all-star Converse. 3. Ariana DeBose stunned in stained glass. Actor Ariana DeBose, who served as host for the Tony awards, dazzled in a lilac and chamomile mosaic dress by Oscar de la Renta. The strapless tea-length ballgown featured blue, yellow, green, and black hues made from individually dyed acrylic pieces that fit together like an avant-garde puzzle. Oscar de la Renta's exRenta'st of lighting and color made DuBose's lDeBose'sarkling evening showstopper. 4. Brooke Shields rocked Crocs Actor Brooke Shields wore a sunny Monique Lhuillier plunge-neck gown with coordinating yellow Crocs. Shields was unapologetic about her shoe choice after having toe surgery on both feet, exclaiming, "I could'" couldn't heels!" Her bold "dress featured a waistline bow and pleated skirt with a center-back slit. She accessorized with a structured gold clutch, stacked bracelets, and pearl earrings. Shield's position and look to match echoes this summer's fashion trends of block-wearing primary colors. 5. Billy Porter in a bejeweled suit and overcoat Furthermore, the waistcoat collar featured diamond-like jewels, complementing the water-like drips splattering onto his oversized jacket. Additionally, the cuffs of his relaxed-fitting suit trousers featured matching jewels, drawing the eye to his pointed-encrusted boots. Porter sported a bold black and silver eye shadow to match his monochromatic showstopper to tie the look together. 6. Nicole Scherzinger in Nicolas Jebran In a departure from the neutral palettes, singer Nicole Scherzinger donned a striking hot pink Nicolas Jebran mermaid gown. The gown featured a sheer panel, embellishments, and a puff hemline. Scherzinger accessorized with Cicada and Maison H jewelry and sported a one-shoulder dress with a skinny scarf and draped waist. Her makeup followed the sultry sunset trend, with warm, smoky tones complementing her tousled side-part bun. Scherzinger looked lovely in her bold hot pink mermaid gown, which had a sheer panel with embellishments and a capacious puff hemline. The 45-year-old star sported a one-shoulder dress with a skinny scarf and draped waist, accessorizing with Cicada and Maison H jewelry. Scherzinger kept her glam more relaxed, wearing a tousled side-part bun and warm smoky makeup that called to the sultry sunset makeup trend of the moment. 7. Daniel Radcliffe in bespoke Todd Snyder Meanwhile, Merrily We Roll Along to musical star Daniel Radcliffe, who wore a lavender Todd Snyder tuxedo with a matching bow tie as he attended with his girlfriend, Erin Darke. Moreover, the actor picked up the gong for best actor in a musical. His unexpected custom purple piece complemented Darke's silver gown, which was bursting with embellishments. Additionally, the couple's attire harks back to the season's inspired palette of pales and pastels. 8. Sarah Paulson wore Prada Receiving her first-ever Tony Award for her role in Family Appropriate, Sarah Paulson wore a silk white Prada gown with sprawling black sparkles. The dress featured an exaggerated boat neck with pointed shoulders and white ruffled ornaments on the arms. Additionally, Paulson paired the shimmering monochromatic look with bold crimson lipstick and dangling Mindi Mond earrings. 9. Maleah Joi Moon in Marc Bouwer Maleah Joi Moon dazzled in a black and silver Marc Bouwer gown with matching gloves. For her role in Hell's KitHell'sthee, the best actress winner, she sported a floor-length swirling sequined dress with spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline. Additionally, she accessorized with dazzling open-ended hoops and an ashy-plum lip, which, paired with the soft grey gown, quintessentially evoked the 90s. 10. Rachel McAdams stuns in a translucent slip gown. Additionally, Canadian actor Rachel McAdams kept it simple with a sheer black gown, an asymmetric silk white neckline, a plunging back, and stacked silver jewelry. Her white manicure was highlighted with multiple diamond rings and bracelets. To allow the dress to shine, the 45-year-old forwent a necklace and opted for a pair of delicate silver earrings. Read the full article
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sudarshan21 · 4 days
What materials are best for office interior work?
Selecting the right materials is essential for creating durable, functional, and visually appealing office interiors. From flooring and furniture to wall finishes and countertops, every material choice impacts the overall look, feel, and performance of the workspace. In this guide, we'll explore some of the best materials for office interior work and the factors to consider when making your selection.
1. Wood
Wood is a timeless and versatile material that adds warmth, character, and sophistication to office interiors. Whether it's used for flooring, furniture, or wall paneling, wood brings a natural element into the workspace and creates a welcoming ambiance. Hardwoods such as oak, maple, and cherry are popular choices for their durability and aesthetic appeal. Engineered wood products like plywood and MDF offer cost-effective alternatives without compromising on quality.
2. Metal
Metal is prized for its strength, durability, and sleek appearance, making it an excellent choice for office interior work. Steel, aluminum, and stainless steel are commonly used for furniture, fixtures, and architectural elements such as partitions and railings. Metal finishes such as brushed or polished stainless steel add a modern touch to office interiors, while powder-coated options offer durability and customization possibilities.
3. Glass
Glass is a versatile material that adds transparency, lightness, and sophistication to office interiors. Glass partitions, doors, and windows allow natural light to penetrate deep into the workspace, creating an open and airy atmosphere. Tempered or laminated glass is preferred for its safety and durability, while frosted or tinted options provide privacy and visual interest. Glass tabletops, countertops, and decorative accents are also popular choices for their elegance and versatility.
4. Laminate
Laminate is a practical and cost-effective material for office interior work, offering a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures to suit any design aesthetic. Laminate flooring, countertops, and cabinetry provide durability, scratch resistance, and easy maintenance, making them ideal for high-traffic areas such as reception areas and breakrooms. Additionally, laminate wall panels and partitions offer endless design possibilities while providing durability and acoustic benefits.
5. Fabric
Fabric adds warmth, texture, and comfort to office interiors, making it a popular choice for upholstery, drapery, and acoustic panels. Durable and easy-to-clean fabrics such as polyester, nylon, and vinyl are preferred for office furniture and seating due to their stain resistance and longevity. Textured fabrics such as wool, linen, and cotton add visual interest and tactile appeal to office interiors, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.
6. Stone
Stone is a luxurious and durable material that adds elegance and sophistication to office interiors. Natural stones such as marble, granite, and travertine are prized for their beauty and unique veining patterns, making them ideal for countertops, flooring, and accent walls. Engineered stone products such as quartz offer the look of natural stone with enhanced durability and consistency, making them a practical choice for office interiors.
7. Sustainable Materials
Sustainability is an increasingly important consideration in office interior work, with businesses prioritizing eco-friendly materials and practices to reduce their environmental footprint. Sustainable materials such as reclaimed wood, bamboo, cork, and recycled metal offer environmentally responsible alternatives to traditional materials. Low-VOC paints, adhesives, and finishes minimize indoor air pollution, while energy-efficient systems and green building practices promote resource conservation and environmental stewardship.
In conclusion, choosing the best materials for office interior work involves considering factors such as durability, aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. Whether it's wood, metal, glass, laminate, fabric, stone, or sustainable materials, each material has its unique properties and benefits that contribute to the overall design and performance of office interiors. By selecting high-quality materials that align with your design vision and performance requirements, you can create office spaces that are not only beautiful and functional but also durable, sustainable, and conducive to productivity and well-being. One can achieve these by getting in touch with the renowned design and build firm such as Flipspaces, who can help you with the same.
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dmm15 · 9 days
What materials are best for office interior work?
Selecting the right materials is essential for creating durable, functional, and visually appealing office interiors. From flooring and furniture to wall finishes and countertops, every material choice impacts the overall look, feel, and performance of the workspace. In this guide, we'll explore some of the best materials for office interior work and the factors to consider when making your selection.
1. Wood
Wood is a timeless and versatile material that adds warmth, character, and sophistication to office interiors. Whether it's used for flooring, furniture, or wall paneling, wood brings a natural element into the workspace and creates a welcoming ambiance. Hardwoods such as oak, maple, and cherry are popular choices for their durability and aesthetic appeal. Engineered wood products like plywood and MDF offer cost-effective alternatives without compromising on quality.
2. Metal
Metal is prized for its strength, durability, and sleek appearance, making it an excellent choice for office interior work. Steel, aluminum, and stainless steel are commonly used for furniture, fixtures, and architectural elements such as partitions and railings. Metal finishes such as brushed or polished stainless steel add a modern touch to office interiors, while powder-coated options offer durability and customization possibilities.
3. Glass
Glass is a versatile material that adds transparency, lightness, and sophistication to office interiors. Glass partitions, doors, and windows allow natural light to penetrate deep into the workspace, creating an open and airy atmosphere. Tempered or laminated glass is preferred for its safety and durability, while frosted or tinted options provide privacy and visual interest. Glass tabletops, countertops, and decorative accents are also popular choices for their elegance and versatility.
4. Laminate
Laminate is a practical and cost-effective material for office interior work, offering a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures to suit any design aesthetic. Laminate flooring, countertops, and cabinetry provide durability, scratch resistance, and easy maintenance, making them ideal for high-traffic areas such as reception areas and breakrooms. Additionally, laminate wall panels and partitions offer endless design possibilities while providing durability and acoustic benefits.
5. Fabric
Fabric adds warmth, texture, and comfort to office interiors, making it a popular choice for upholstery, drapery, and acoustic panels. Durable and easy-to-clean fabrics such as polyester, nylon, and vinyl are preferred for office furniture and seating due to their stain resistance and longevity. Textured fabrics such as wool, linen, and cotton add visual interest and tactile appeal to office interiors, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.
6. Stone
Stone is a luxurious and durable material that adds elegance and sophistication to office interiors. Natural stones such as marble, granite, and travertine are prized for their beauty and unique veining patterns, making them ideal for countertops, flooring, and accent walls. Engineered stone products such as quartz offer the look of natural stone with enhanced durability and consistency, making them a practical choice for office interiors.
7. Sustainable Materials
Sustainability is an increasingly important consideration in office interior work, with businesses prioritizing eco-friendly materials and practices to reduce their environmental footprint. Sustainable materials such as reclaimed wood, bamboo, cork, and recycled metal offer environmentally responsible alternatives to traditional materials. Low-VOC paints, adhesives, and finishes minimize indoor air pollution, while energy-efficient systems and green building practices promote resource conservation and environmental stewardship.
In conclusion, choosing the best materials for office interior work involves considering factors such as durability, aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. Whether it's wood, metal, glass, laminate, fabric, stone, or sustainable materials, each material has its unique properties and benefits that contribute to the overall design and performance of office interiors. By selecting high-quality materials that align with your design vision and performance requirements, you can create office spaces that are not only beautiful and functional but also durable, sustainable, and conducive to productivity and well-being. One can achieve these by getting in touch with the renowned design and build firm such as Flipspaces, who can help you with the same.
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briangarrett954 · 2 months
Elevate Your Interior Design with Better Blinds Offers Style and Functionality
Are you looking to enhance the beauty and functionality of your windows in Edmonton? Look no further than Better Blinds, your go-to source for exquisite drapery and blinds. We offer a wide range of window treatments that will transform your space and elevate your interior design.
With our drapery options in Edmonton, you can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room. From flowing curtains to tailored panels, our collection features a variety of fabrics, colors, and patterns to suit your personal style and complement your décor. Drapery not only adds visual appeal but also provides privacy, light control, and insulation.
In addition to drapery, our selection of Blinds Edmonton offers a practical and stylish solution for your windows. Whether you prefer the sleek and modern look of roller blinds or the classic elegance of vertical blinds, we have the perfect option for you. Our blinds are available in various materials, finishes, and operating systems, allowing you to customize your window coverings to meet your specific needs.
At Better Blinds, we understand that every home is unique, and our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized solutions. We take pride in delivering exceptional service and ensuring your complete satisfaction. From the initial consultation to the installation process, we are with you every step of the way, making sure your drapery and blinds meet your expectations.
When you choose Better Blinds, you can expect not only high-quality products but also competitive pricing. We believe that luxury and affordability can go hand in hand, and we strive to offer the best value to our customers. Our goal is to provide you with window treatments that exceed your expectations in terms of both style and cost.
Transform your windows and elevate your interior design with Drapery Edmonton. Contact us today for a free estimate and let our experts guide you in selecting the perfect window coverings for your home or office. Trust Better Blinds to deliver style, functionality, and exceptional service for all your drapery and blinds needs.
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jagjitveeradadhaba · 5 months
Different Types Of Decorations You Can Choose For Your Events In A Banquet
Banquet halls are famous because of their ample space, and the Banquet Halls In Daman are known for providing everyone with excellent quality hospitality services that too at reasonable prices. Today, here we are going to talk about different types of decorations you can choose for your event in a banquet. 
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Different Types Of Decorations You Can Choose For Your Events In A Banquet
Floral Decor: Fresh flowers or artificial floral arrangements can adorn tables, stages, and various areas, providing a natural and elegant touch to the décor. Centerpieces, bouquets, and floral arches are popular choices.
Lighting Effects: Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the ambiance. Use a combination of ambient, accent, and decorative lighting, including chandeliers, pendant lights, string lights, up-lighting, and LED displays to create a vibrant atmosphere.
Table Settings: Dress up tables with linens, table runners, or overlays in various textures and colors. Add tableware such as charger plates, napkin rings, and elegant cutlery to enhance the visual appeal.
Themed Decor: Create a specific theme for your event, whether it's rustic, vintage, modern, or seasonal. Incorporate thematic elements like props, backdrops, and color schemes to bring the theme to life.
Ceiling and Drapery: Utilize ceiling drapery, fabric swags, or canopies to transform the space. Hanging installations, such as paper lanterns, fabric panels, or floral chandeliers, can add drama and visual interest.
Signage and Displays: Use signage, banners, or digital displays to guide guests, display event information, or showcase branding. Interactive displays or photo booths can also engage attendees.
Candles and Candle Holders: Create a romantic or intimate ambiance with candles or candle holders placed strategically on tables, shelves, or as part of centerpieces.
Furniture and Seating: Consider unique seating arrangements, lounge areas, or specialty furniture rentals that complement the event's theme or add comfort and style to the space.
Art Installations: Incorporate art installations, sculptures, or wall hangings to add a contemporary or artistic touch to the venue.
Customized Backdrops: Install personalized or branded backdrops, step-and-repeat banners, or photo walls for guest photo opportunities or to highlight key areas.
If you or anyone you might know is searching for Banquet Halls in Vapi, then you don’t have to worry about anything at all, because the best banquet is here. 
About Veera Da Dhaba
Veera Da Dhaba is one of the leading names because it offers a wide range of hospitality services for all types of events. They are famous for their services and the ample facilities they offer for the occasion. 
Credit:- https://penzu.com/p/9d964b9ea572bc1f
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wadleyservices01 · 6 months
Hire the Best cleaning services to maintain the hygiene of your place and stay fresh
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When you hire professional cleaners, they bring a whole range of benefits to your place along with them. To keep your place clean has not the only reason that it must look good but also has numerous reasons attached to it. The cleanliness level in your office reflects the amount of effort you are putting in to carry your business to the masses.
Your staff didn’t sign up for the dirt and dust on their tables. They need a clean and fresh environment to work in. To keep your focus on business, you must hire any professional cleaners and get the work done. It will be cost-effective and also you will not get indulged in any of the management that is needed to get the task done. If you are in a small scale business, it would not be a wise decision to hire some permanent employees to get the cleaning work done.
There are a lot of companies providing a whole range of services including window cleaning services that could be very much helpful to keep your space clean. These professionals will save you a lot of time and effort as they are doing their job rather than you investing your time and effort which actually should be on the business. These professionals also offer blind cleaning repair and sales to your space and keep your office look elegant.
Some benefits of hiring these professionals are.
Trained professionals: The very first reason is that they are professionals and highly trained in the job they are doing. They can sanitize your place with all equipment and supplies needed for that even including pressure washing if necessary.
Less cost: As these professionals come with their own supplies they can get them at very low cost and eventually will help you in being cost-effective.
Saves time: The hiring of these services will save you a lot of time as you will busy keeping your focus on the business while these professionals do all the cleaning jobs.
These companies will also give you the services of solar panel cleaning if you are using the electricity through a solar-powered system. Along with all these services and benefits, cleaning services also provide property maintenance, cleaning of shades and drapery, and the thorough cleaning of rain gutters.
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modelspacedesignsca · 8 months
Model Space Designs: Your Window Covering Experts in North York, Canada
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Model Space Designs, we are dedicated to transforming both residential and commercial spaces into showcases of style and functionality. Our address at 63 Wingold Ave Suite 201, North York, ON M6B 1P8, Canada, serves as the hub for our creative design team, ready to re-imagine your space with a selection of fabrics, drapery styles, energy-efficient blinds, motorization, and hardware. It all begins with a complimentary design consultation.
In-Home Consultation: Tailoring Your Space to Perfection
Our design consultations start with a comprehensive understanding of your style preferences and decor choices. Our skilled and certified designers take precise measurements to ensure a truly customized end product. During the consultation, we’ll discuss your priorities, be it privacy, heat reduction, or UV protection. This helps us present tailored options for hard and soft window coverings. We follow this up with tangible samples and recommendations to harmonize colors and styles with your home.
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We offer in-home consultations across the Greater Toronto Area, including Yorkville, Forest Hill, Etobicoke, Scarborough, Markham, Vaughan, and Richmond Hill. Let us help you achieve the best solutions for your space.
Superior Service: Where Style Meets Functionality
Model Space Designs, we are confident that our service and design expertise are unmatched. We take a personalized approach, ensuring your complete satisfaction. Our selection of fabrics and window covering options is unparalleled, allowing us to encapsulate your unique style with every design. Contact us today to learn more and kickstart the design process.
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Stylish and Functional Window Coverings
Our wide selection of products includes
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Solera Shades: Sophisticated light control. Specialty Shades: For unique window shapes. Motorized Shades: Modern automation at your fingertips. Vignette: Privacy softened with fabric. Roman Shades: Elegance and light control in one. Blackout Shades: Ensuring restful sleep. Duette: Customizable light and privacy preferences. Privacy Shades: When privacy is paramount.
Sheers: Enhance the view and invite the light. Motorized Drapes: Embrace the latest technology. Classic Contemporary: Elegance meets simplicity. Blackout Drapes: Shut out the world for rest. Modern Drapes: Clean lines for a sophisticated look. Loft/Condo Drapes: Transform any space into a modern oasis. Motorization: Elevating Convenience and Style.
Our motorized window coverings offer a unique and convenient way to enhance your home’s design. With features like automated timers for sunlight management, motorization is both intelligent and user-friendly.
Fabric: Transforming Spaces with Texture and Color
Choose from our unparalleled selection of fabrics to create custom window dressings that dramatically transform any space. From casual linens to elegant brocades, the possibilities are endless.
Shutters: Make a Visual Statement
Shutters are a preferred choice for homeowners and buyers alike, offering benefits like light control, privacy, and ease of use. Explore our selection of wood and vinyl shutters to complement your space.
Blinds: Stylish and Budget-Friendly
Our blinds come in a variety of materials to suit your taste and budget. Choose from options like Silhouette Blinds, Pirouette for privacy, Panel Track for a unique solution, Banded Shades for controlled light, and Luminette for maximum drama and light control.
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Contact Us
Name :      Model Space Designs
Address :  63 Wingold Ave Suite 201, North York, ON M6B 1P8, Canada
Phone :    +16478120745
Model Space Designs, we’re committed to bringing your design vision to life with our wide range of window coverings and expert design consultations.
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shadowydreampaper · 8 months
Bridal Shower Backdrop Ideas
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A bridal shower is a celebration of love, friendship, and the exciting journey ahead. These gatherings create lasting memories for brides and their closest friends and family.
While the focus is often on the bride, the ambiance and decor play a significant role in setting the tone for this special event. Enter the bridal shower backdrop – a canvas that can transform an ordinary space into an extraordinary celebration.
Whether you're a bride-to-be planning your own shower or an event planner seeking DIY bridal shower backdrop ideas, you're in the right place. This comprehensive guide is your ticket to discovering the most enchanting backdrop ideas that will make your bridal shower memorable.
Plus, we'll share savvy tips on where to find affordable and elegant table covers for parties, so you can achieve that picture-perfect look without breaking the bank.
Elevate Your Celebration with a Bridal Shower Backdrop
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At the heart of every memorable bridal shower is a captivating backdrop. It serves as an exquisite visual centerpiece that can elevate your celebration to new heights.
One of the key roles of a bridal shower backdrop is to enhance the aesthetics of the venue. It transforms a plain or ordinary space into a captivating setting that exudes warmth and sophistication. Imagine the bride-to-be standing in front of a beautifully designed backdrop that complements her beauty and provides a stunning backdrop for photographs.
These backdrops for bridal showers come in a variety of styles, blending the timeless with the contemporary. Traditional backdrops often feature delicate floral arrangements or flowing fabrics, invoking a sense of timeless romance. On the other hand, modern trends have ushered in creative alternatives. Think vintage furniture backdrops that infuse a touch of classic charm or hanging frames that double as decor and memory display.
Find the backdrop that perfectly creates an enchanting atmosphere for your celebration!
Amazing Bridal Shower Backdrop Ideas
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Here are some bridal shower backdrop options to help you decide which one best fits your bridal shower theme and style.
1. Boho Bridal Shower Backdrops
Create a relaxed atmosphere with a boho backdrop featuring woven macrame hangings, soft drapery, and earthy color palettes. Enhance the vibe with floor cushions, rattan decor, and vibrant flowers. Bohemian style embraces a mix of patterns and textures, so don't be afraid to layer rugs or tapestries for added depth.
2. Bridal Shower Backdrop with Balloons
Elevate the mood with an impressive balloon backdrop. Add a balloon garland arch as a focal point or balloon bouquets for a fun, whimsical touch. Metallic and pastel balloons can add a touch of sophistication, while vibrant colors create a lively atmosphere.
3. Sparkling Sequin Backdrop
Add a touch of glamour with a sequin wall backdrop. Sequins catch the light and create a dazzling effect. Choose from classic silver or gold sequins for an opulent look or experiment with colors that match your theme.
4. Rustic Backdrop
Achieve a rustic charm with wooden pallets, burlap curtains, and vintage touches. Mix in wooden crates, mason jars filled with wildflowers, and old-fashioned lanterns. To create a warm and cozy atmosphere, use string lights or candles in hurricane vases.
5. Floral Backdrop
Envelop your space in a sea of flowers. Choose soft, romantic blooms like roses, peonies, and baby's breath for a traditional look. You can also go bold with vibrant sunflowers or tropical blossoms. Use a flower backdrop wall or cascading floral arrangements for a stunning backdrop.
6. Geometric Backdrop
Modernize your bridal shower with geometric shapes. Use metallic or wooden geometric frames adorned with greenery, flowers, or hanging terrariums. Geometric backdrops are flexible and can be customized to match your color scheme.
7. Green Boxwood Backdrop
Transport your guests to a lush garden with green boxwood panels. These greenery wall backdrops offer a natural and refreshing feel. Enhance the look with fairy lights, lanterns, or even hanging flower baskets.
8. Macrame Hanging Bridal Shower Backdrop
Embrace boho-chic elegance with intricate macrame hangings. These beautifully woven pieces add texture and style to your backdrop. For an extra touch of bohemian charm, add in potted succulents or a macrame table runner.
9. White Fairy Light Backdrop
Craft a dreamy atmosphere with cascading white fairy lights. They create a soft and romantic glow. Use sheer curtains to diffuse the light and create an ethereal backdrop that's perfect for photos. Then, complete the enchanting setting for your bridal shower by styling your tables with stretch tablecloths.
10. Bridal Shower Photo Backdrop
Ensure every moment is captured with a photo backdrop featuring a sturdy photography backdrop stand. Personalize it with the couple's names or wedding dates. You can include props like oversized frames, flowers, or quirky signs to encourage creative photos. The backdrop stand ensures a professional setup for memorable snapshots, making your bridal shower even more special.
Where to Buy the Best Bridal Shower Backdrops?
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If you're wondering where to buy the best and budget-friendly backdrops for bridal showers and other celebrations, check out CV Linens. They are your one-stop shop for all your event needs, making it a convenient alternative to scouring Etsy sellers for your decor requirements.
Their selection also includes a wide range of event linens and decor, like the exquisite CV Linens charger plates. With high-quality products at affordable prices, CV Linens is your partner in creating the perfect backdrop for your special celebration.
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Drapery Curtains in Dubai
Drapery Curtains in Dubai redefine elegance and luxury in window treatments. Crafted from exquisite fabrics and adorned with intricate designs, these curtains bring opulence to your living spaces. Whether you prefer flowing drapes or tailored panels, you can choose from a wide array of styles and colors to perfectly complement your interior décor.
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rjhamster · 9 months
Hi There, The Best Fall Decorating Ideas For Your Home! On Sale NOW!
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crazy-joes · 1 month
Window Treatments Toronto
Custom Drapery: Elevate Your Home's Style
Article: When it comes to window treatments in Toronto, homeowners have a plethora of options to choose from. However, not all window treatment providers are created equal. For those seeking the best in custom drapery, blinds, and shades, CrazyJoes.com is the go-to destination. Located in the heart of Toronto, CrazyJoes.com has been providing high-quality window treatments for over 40 years. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and attention to detail sets them apart from the competition. With a wide range of fabrics, styles, and designs, CrazyJoes.com has something for every taste and budget. The Importance of Custom Drapery Custom drapery is not just a functional necessity; it is also a key element in a home's overall design aesthetic. The right drapery can add warmth, texture, and elegance to any room. It can also serve as a focal point, drawing the eye and creating a sense of cohesion in the space. CrazyJoes.com offers a vast selection of custom drapery options, from classic pinch pleat curtains to modern grommet panels. Their experienced designers work closely with clients to create the perfect window treatments for their homes. Blinds and Shades: Versatility and Function Blinds and shades are another popular choice for window treatments in Toronto. They offer a sleek, minimalist look that complements any decor style. Additionally, they provide excellent light control and privacy, making them a practical choice for any room. CrazyJoes.com offers a variety of blinds and shades, including roller shades, cellular shades, and wood blinds. Their team of experts can help clients choose the right product for their needs, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal functionality. drapery Sale The CrazyJoes.com Difference What sets CrazyJoes.com apart from other window treatment providers in Toronto? First and foremost, their commitment to quality. All of their products are made with the highest-quality materials and are built to last. They also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, giving clients peace of mind when making their purchase. Additionally, CrazyJoes.com offers free in-home consultations, allowing clients to see and touch the products in the comfort of their own homes. Their team of experts can provide guidance on the best options for their space, taking into account factors such as light exposure, privacy needs, and overall design aesthetic. Customer Testimonials Don't just take our word for it – see what CrazyJoes.com's satisfied customers have to say. With hundreds of positive reviews and testimonials, it's clear that CrazyJoes.com is the top choice for window treatments in Toronto. Frequently Asked Questions - What types of window treatments does CrazyJoes.com offer? CrazyJoes.com offers a wide range of window treatments, including custom drapery, blinds, and shades. - Does CrazyJoes.com offer free in-home consultations? Yes, CrazyJoes.com offers free in-home consultations to help clients choose the best window treatments for their homes. - How long has CrazyJoes.com been in business? CrazyJoes.com has been providing high-quality window treatments in Toronto for over 40 years. - What is the turnaround time for custom drapery orders? The turnaround time for custom drapery orders at CrazyJoes.com is typically 2-3 weeks. - Does CrazyJoes.com offer a satisfaction guarantee? Yes, CrazyJoes.com offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of their products. In conclusion, when it comes to window treatments in Toronto, CrazyJoes.com is the best choice. With their commitment to quality, wide range of options, and exceptional customer service, they are the go-to destination for homeowners seeking the best in custom drapery, blinds, and shades. Visit their website CrazyJoes.com to learn more and schedule your free in-home consultation today. Read the full article
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