#best face moisturiser for men
handsomedevilindia · 2 years
Know the Causes of Dark Circles under the Eyes and the Essential Ingredients of the Best Dark Circle Removal Cream
In this competitive world, it is essential for men also to have good looks like women for fulfilling their responsibilities. But it is common for men to get exposed more to sun, pollution, work and other issues that spoil their skin more than women. Dark under-eye circles are a nuisance for women and men as they show tiredness to not look fresh and confident for facing daily challenges.
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pure-hill · 8 months
Buy Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin in India
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Purehill Face Moisturiser helps you to hydrate & regenerate your skin cells, leaving you with a radiant look and feel. Explore the best face moisturizers for dry skin in India, where hydration and nourishment come together. Rejuvenate your skin with these top-rated moisturizers, specially formulated to combat dryness and provide a radiant, healthy glow.
Buy Now:- https://mypurehill.com/collections/face-care
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uniqaya-lifestyle · 10 months
How to Choose a Face Wash for Your Skin Type
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Choosing the right face wash is like finding the perfect pair of shoes – it needs to fit just right. Your skin deserves a personalized cleansing experience that caters to its unique needs. Here's a simple guide on how to choose a face wash that suits your skin type.
1. Oily Skin: If your skin tends to get greasy by midday, opt for a foaming face wash. Look for ingredients like salicylic acid or tea tree oil, which help control excess oil without stripping your skin.
2. Dry Skin: Gentle, creamy cleansers are your best friends. They cleanse without over-drying, preserving your skin's natural moisture. Thus, it is vital to buy a face wash with hyaluronic acid or glycerin for an added hydration boost.
3. Combination Skin: Balancing is the key. A mild, water-based cleanser strikes the right harmony between cleansing the oily areas without dehydrating the dry ones. A face wash with aloe vera can soothe both zones.
4. Sensitive Skin: Fragrance-free, hypoallergenic cleansers are your allies. Ingredients like chamomile or oat extract can calm irritation and redness while gently cleansing.
5. Acne-Prone Skin: If you have acne-prone skin, look for cleansers with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to help keep breakouts at bay. Avoid harsh scrubs that could worsen inflammation.
6. Normal Skin: Lucky you! Your options are wide open. A gentle, hydrating cleanser will maintain your skin's natural balance without causing any disruptions.
Remember, consistency is key. Regardless of your skin type, cleanse morning and night, and follow up with a suitable skincare routine. Treat your skin like the unique canvas it is, and it'll thank you with a healthy, glowing complexion.
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Shop Uniqaya Vitamin C Foaming Face Wash For Oily & Dry Skin
Shop Uniqaya Vitamin C Foaming Face Wash For Oily & Dry Skin. Get naturally hydrated skin with our Vitamin C foaming face wash.
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moooxy · 2 years
Double Trouble (18+)
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Pairing: Dmitri Antonov (Enzo) x f!Reader | Jim Hopper x f!Reader
Synopsis: the night before the big reunion sparks feelings and desires… during strip ‘poker’.
Word Count: 3.6K
Warnings: Threesome, hair pulling, choking, stripping, gambling, deepthroating, spanking, very vulgar language…
AN: I’m so sorry this has taken so long to get out. I sped through the first part and when it came down to the smut I sort of avoided it for weeks.
The past few days had been eventful. Erratic, horrible, mortifying. But now, all was well (for the time being). It was finally time for you all to rest and calm down— it felt strange not having someone on guard at all times. You were picked up by Agent Stinson, and she profusely insisted that you all shower and get a good night's sleep before it was time for Hopper and Joyce to reunite with their kids. No one really knew what to do with Yuri, so he was put under Murray’s supervision (again).
Only the best hotel was chosen for the six of you. Yuri and Murray in one room, you and Joyce in another, and Hopper and Dmitri in the last. With it being such a short notice, the only hotel rooms were double beds— and it humoured you and Joyce just thinking about the awkwardness between the men.
Greedily, Yuri, Murray and Joyce called the first shower. You couldn’t be annoyed knowing you’d have more time than them in the shower.
“I can’t wait to wash my hair… and shave… and moisturise!” You dramatically grin, flaunting yourself over Dmitri’s lap. He’s sitting on his bed with you, Hopper is sitting next to Dmitri, leaning against the headboard.
Hopper nudges Dmitri, flashing him a devilish grin. It’d been their form of entertainment over the past few days— bonding over their attraction for you.
“Keep it in your pants,” Dmitri whispers over to Hopper.
Abruptly, you stand up and wander over to the huge bucket of clothes Stinson gave you all. You fish out a t-shirt with a cringey slogan, taking it as your pyjamas. There’s a red fabric peeking out under a pair of jeans, and curiosity gets the best of you.
Hopper almost winds himself when you squeal, he jolts upwards in shock.
You throw it over at Dmitri— and Hopper knowingly chuckles. “Shit, Antonov. Is that what you’re gonna wear to bed tonight?”
“Shut it, American.” He warns, picking the red thong from his lap and tossing it back to you. “We’d much rather see it on you, gorgeous.”
It takes all of your inner strength to stop yourself from turning into a blushing mess. Two can play at that game. “Who knew you were such a flirt, Dmitri? Maybe I’ll have to pay you a visit tonight…”
“Woah, woah,” Hopper chimes in. “I’m here too, sweetheart.”
“Hmmm, maybe I can convince Joyce to give you a surprise,” you playfully tease with a wink.
“Who said anything about Joyce?” Hopper retorts, all amusement stripped from his voice.
“Wow, I knew Dmitri was bad but you too James?” You giggle, emphasising his real name. He groans in annoyance, running a hand down his face.
“James?” Dmitri chortles.
“Don’t push it, Antonov. It’s Jim.” Hopper painfully replies.
“Oh my bad. We’re not at that level yet,” you wink.
Hopper opens his mouth to, without-a-doubt, berate you— but Joyce peeks her head through the door.
“Bathrooms free,” she says with a smile, drying her hair with a towel.
“See you later, boys,” you tease, picking up the t-shirt, the thong and a pair of shorts.
Once you’re out of the room, Dmitri speaks up. “Think you can swap rooms with her?”
“Definitely fuckin’ not. I want her too,” Hopper confesses and Dmitri hums like he’s well-aware of the statement.
“What about Joyce?” Dmitri can’t help but ask.
“What about her?”
There’s a selection of everything in the shower. High end shampoo and conditioner, hair mousse, strawberry scented body wash, a razor and moisturiser. It’s a perfect reward for being left dirty and unwashed for days in Russia. And as an extra, the hot water felt heavenly on your skin. You were sure the sexual banter with Hopper and Dmitri was just talk, but just in case— you shave everywhere.
After putting your clothes on, including the red thong, you go and find everyone. Your feet pad against the hallway floor, cold air flying to your bare legs. The shorts you picked out barely even showed, due to the oversized t-shirt you wore that probably should have been left for Hopper.
All rooms are empty, except for Hopper and Dmitri’s. When you enter, everyone is sitting on the bed, Yuri shuffling a deck of cards. Dmitri is missing— but not for long. The radio is playing lowly as you scan your eyes for the missing member of your group. Just as you shut the door, their en-suite bathroom door opens and Dmitri is walking out. He’s shirtless, water drips down his chest and abdomen, and there’s a towel around his waist. You feel your heart beat faster at the sight, you feel something erupt in your chest— like butterflies. You can’t help but ogle him in desire—
“Oooh! Love is in the air!” Yuri cackles, firmly pointing at you. Joyce and Murray look over and loudly laugh at the embarrassed look on your face— you’re mortified that you’ve been caught staring at Dmitri. He only flashes you a shy grin, putting a shirt on and coaxing you over to the bed.
The six of you played card games for what felt like hours. Yuri wanted something on the line, like money or drinks, but Joyce dismissed him like a naughty child. He didn’t step out of line after that.
With a yawn, Joyce gets up first. “I’m gonna hit the hay,” she says. Not long after, Yuri and Murray trot down the hallway to their shared room.
Dmitri didn’t want to say anything in front of the group, but he deems now a good time to tease you.
“Liked what you saw earlier, huh?” He asks, voice horse and accent as strong as ever. He’s grinning, leaning forwards towards you as if to say ‘my attention is all yours.’ Hopper continues to shuffle the cards, watching the scene play before him with a smug smirk.
“I just happened to glance over and then—“
“‘Glance’, sweetheart? You were drooling!” Hopper chuckles, noticing your cheeks flush red.
“Aw, she’s getting flustered now, aren’t you?” Dmitri sheepishly mumbles.
“Please can we change the subject?” You whine, shielding your face with your hands to ease the embarrassment.
“…I know. Let’s play strip poker,” Hopper proposes. Dmitri laughs loudly, agreeing.
You’re sceptical, “I don’t really know how to play poker…”
“Even better then,” Dmitri teases, poking your side. You playfully push him away, he’s still laughing. “What about blackjack then? Lowest or highest number strips.”
Hopper hums in agreement, both pairs of eyes loiter on you, waiting for a response. Finally, you sigh and nod. Dmitri can’t help but grin, rubbing his hands together like he’s about to start some drama.
Dmitri grabs a bottle of liquor from the cabinet tucked in the room, something he’d had his eyes on since he walked in. He’d been monitoring it with Yuri around, but he’d been only co-operative. He pours you drinks, insisting that you all drink beforehand to soothe the uncomfort.
Finally, you feel tipsy. Suddenly the radio captures your attention and your body is subconsciously swaying to the music.
“We’ll make this a fair game, yes? We wear three pieces of clothing: shirt, bottoms and underwear.” Dmitri starts and you hum in response. Then, he sits on the bed next to you and begins to shuffle the cards.
Ten minutes later, you’re all sucked right into the game. You’re missing your shorts, Dmitri is missing his jeans and Hopper is missing his shirt and his pants. Your heart aches at the sight of Hopper and how much weight he’s lost, but he looks happy with it and you know he would rather not talk about it.
You grin when you draw a 19. But surprisingly, no one else seems phased. You all decide to stick, presenting your cards to each other.
Hopper gets a 20, Dmitri gets 21. You groan, ignoring their laughs— you were the first to actually show something. You slip the thong off, your shirt covers your modesty. They mumble in annoyance, but you swatch their hands away and continue with the game.
“Wanna sit on my lap?” Dmitri asks.
“Or mine?” Hopper adds.
“Whoever wins this round can have me on their lap,” you say with a giggle.
“And if you win?” Dmitri asks.
“Then I get to stay right here and ogle.”
Hopper draws a 20, you draw a 23 with a dramatic groan and Dmitri draws an 18.
“Lucky bastard,” Dmitri mumbles.
Hopper pats his lap, you plop yourself eagerly onto his huge thighs.
“Ah ah sweetheart. Think you’re forgetting something.” Dmitri rumbles, sending heat straight to your core.
“Yeah you lost the round… still need to take this off,” Hopper whispers in your ear, hands pawing at your shirt.
You roll your eyes, taking the shirt off.
“ебать (fuck)…” Dmitri whispers under his breath.
“This is kind of backfiring on us, huh?” Hopper chuckles. “It’s taking all of my strength to not touch her…”
“Finish the game and then maybe you can touch…” you tease. Dmitris eyes light up, and you feel Hopper go rigid underneath you. “Winner gets to do whatever they want to me.”
“The stakes have been heightened,” Hopper grins. The next round, Dmitri loses. Him and Hopper are only in their underwear as he strips his t-shirt.
“Last game,” you say, getting up off of Hopper’s lap. You lean against the dresser, sticking your ass out and arching your back. Their eyes are trained on you, watching you seductively roll your hips. You playfully turn the music up, taking a swig of the tequila on the table. You’ve completely captured their attention — their eyes follow you when you sit on the bed with them. You shuffle the deck of cards, dealing them both two cards.
You analyse their faces, Dmitri’s lips twitch up and Hopper stays neutral. Dmitri sticks, leaving Hopper to gamble. When he picks up the card, he’s instantly grinning.
“Hope you have fun sleeping in the dog house, American,” Dmitri teases with a grin, flipping his cards over to reveal an ace and a ten.
“Hm?” Hopper nonchalantly replies, revealing his cards also. He has a seven, a nine, and a five — leaving them both with twenty one.
“Oh,” you realise, lips curling into a mischievous grin. “I think that means you can both play with me…”
“Well shit, sweetheart,” Hopper starts playfully. “You’re in for it now.”
“You asked for it, I hope you won’t run back on your word,” Dmitri says with his brows expectantly raised. He’s waiting for you to object, refuse, but nothing but a giggle leaves your lips. He stands up, pulling you up towards him. He pulls you into his arms, his hands sliding down your back which eventually fondle your ass. He looks down at you, his hot breath tickles your nose and his lust-blown eyes intimidate you. A presence behind you brushes against your skin, then the large body presses flush against your back.
Dmitri’s hands are adventurous and confident, whereas Hopper is slow and intimate. Hopper’s thick fingers tickle your pelvic bone, touching the bare area between your abdomen and your private areas. Then, you feel his stubble roughly rub against your neck. Your attention alternates between the two men — Dmitri would capture your attention by squeezing your ass a little too hard, Hopper would steal it by kissing your shoulder or trailing his fingers a little too far down.
Eventually, your attention is settled on the man in front of you. Your eyes fall to his poor, neglected lips and you desperately want to kiss him, shower him with attention just like you dreamed of doing ever since you heard him speak. You were attracted to both men, of course, but Dmitri was available and in closer reaching distance than Hopper. You never thought Hopper would be willing to do this considering his feelings for Joyce, but you were mistaken. He’d been wanting this as much as you.
“Kiss me,” you ask Dmitri, and he doesn’t hesitate to oblige. The kiss deepens, and you know Hopper’s beginning to feel left out when his hands abruptly cup your breasts. You pull away from Dmitri, a string of saliva conjoining the two of you together. Your head turns to the side, and Hopper’s lips are waiting for you. Lips latch onto your neck whilst you make out with Hopper now. Hopper is more sloppy, equally as good a kisser, but Dmitri was careful and precise with his lips — whereas Hopper is enthusiastically pushing his tongue into your mouth at the first given chance. Finally, a move is made:
“Let me have her first, American,” Dmitri groans, clothed cock rubbing against your thigh. He’s hard, painfully so, and clearly pent up with the way he was rutting against your bare skin.
“Hold your fuckin’ horses,” Hopper replies through the kiss, causing wet sounds to escape through parts of his dialogue. “Who do you want first, baby?”
“You know I can’t make a decision like that,” you say with a pout, and he nods like he’d been expecting that answer. “There’s a reason why I have a mouth and a—“ you cut yourself off, a grin forming on your face.
“You’re fuckin’ right, sweetheart.” Says Hopper.
Dmitri’s fingers tilt your jaw back to face him, and his lips capture yours once again. “Mmm, been waiting for this for too long,” Dmitri mumbles. You manage a breathily ‘yeah?’ through the kiss and he hums in clarification. “How do you want to do this, American?”
“You get her pussy, I’ll have her mouth,” he announces.
“Fine by me,” Dmitri agrees and you whine. “Sound good?” He asks you and you nod.
Immediately, Hopper sits on the couch and pulls you by the hips there with him. He sort of just looks at you for a moment, deciding which approach to take towards you. Fisting your hair, he abruptly pulls you to his mouth. The kiss is hot and heavy, his tongue plunges its way into yours. Dmitri watches, hands instinctively palming the ache in his boxers before he finally situates himself behind you. You’re on your hands and knees, kissing Hopper as your hand paws at his crotch. Dmitri’s eyes fall to your ass, your glistening pussy which is on perfect display for him.
“Jerk me off,” Hopper mumbles through the kiss and you nod. Your fingers wrap around his bulge in his boxers, squeezing and pumping. You hear him sigh in pleasure and you can’t help but smile. His eyes find yours, and you both just stare at each other for a moment. The silence in the room is erotically-charged, before fingers prodding at your entrance makes you yelp in surprise.
“Sorry, princess,” Dmitri chuckles. His middle and ring finger rub your clit in circles, he relieves his sore cock by lightly grinding against your ass. Dmitri’s pace of his fingers help you jerk Hopper off. You take him out of his boxers, slowly pumping him the same speed as Dmitri touches you. When his two fingers push inside of your hole, you can’t help but roll your hips in desperation. The feeling of his fingers inside of you burned, in such a euphoric way - you felt every hypersensitive curl of his fingers, every twitch, every pump. You felt him stretching you open, preparing you for himself.
“You like his fingers inside you, baby?” Hopper teases, his hand roughly grasps your jaw, forcing you to look at him.
“Yes,” you breathe out, “feels so good.”
“It’s been so long, hasn’t it, American?” Dmitri chuckles, a squelching sound filling the room. Hopper hums in agreement.
Your back arches, causing your hole to tighten around Dmitri’s fingers.
“Fuck, you’re driving me crazy,” he rumbles. His fingers pull out of you, and it’s not long before you feel something rubbing down your slick pussy. This ‘something’ pushes at your entrance, it’s so much thicker than his fingers. You whine, head dipping down into Hopper’s lap as the oh-so familiar burning sensation of him stretching you out reoccurs.
“F-fuck,” you stutter out, mumbling into Hopper’s bare thigh. Hopper’s grinning when you look up at him, when Dmitri is fully inside of you.
“Well well, baby. You gonna use that mouth of yours to get me off?” Hopper rumbles, your hand on his chest feels the rumble of his gruff voice. You nod, immediately dipping down to get a taste of him. You open-mouthed kiss his raging head, feeling the moisture on your tongue. His head falls back, a sigh erupts from his lips and god— he looks like a fucking model. Dmitri slowly grinds into you, he’s waiting for you to get started on Hopper before he really begins to take what he’s wanted for months. “Don’t tease,” he snarls, teeth gritting and nose furiously pumping out air.
Taking him fully in your mouth is harder than it seems. He’s too long, too thick for you to comfortably suck — so it takes a whole lot more effort. You listened to him, not teasing and instantly getting on with it. He’s rock hard in your hand, wet, throbbing and starved.
The atmosphere alters quickly. Dmitri starts to speed up, your fist around Jim’s cock tightens, your mouth bobs up and down so much faster. The bulge in your cheek relentlessly nudges against the fleshy muscle, and Hopper groans when he notices it. His fingers wrap around your hair, pulling it away from your face. With his free hand, he caresses your cheek using his thumb. “So fucking pretty,” he grunts. “This is what you wanted, yeah? Getting fuckin’ pounded by one of us, suckin’ off the other? My, my, Antonov. I think we’ve been—“ he moans, “seduced.”
“This doll is behind it all?” Dmitri breathily replies, a sheen of moisture on his forehead. He pulls your hair from Hopper’s hand, lifting your head off Jim’s cock. “This cute face has seduced us?” He taunts. Your eyes open, meeting Hopper’s grinning face as Dmitri slams into you. The noises coming out of your mouth are involuntary now, you can’t control them, you weren’t aware you were even making them.
“Come on, honey,” Hopper soothes you. He firmly pats your cheek, “back to it. I’m almost close,” he says.
Your hair is let go, you feel two firm hands on your lower back. One occasionally spanks your ass, loud and firmly. You’re oh-so-desperately pumping Jim’s cock, taking him as deep as you can in your mouth. You feel him twitch and throb whenever you do something unexpected, and you feel you’re one step closer at cracking him.
“God, keep doing that and I’ma fuckin’ come,” Hopper groans. “Fuck,” he whispers to himself.
“Come on, big man. Take one for the team,” Dmitri whines from behind you. Only those two could turn fucking you into a competition.
“Shit, I will. I fuckin’ will,” his lower jaw collides with his top lip. “You ready for my cum, baby? You gonna eat it all?” He teases and you moan. The vibration of your voice pushes him over the edge and, before you know it, Dmitri leans forward to fist your hair. Your head is pulled up again, and shots of salty white spurt onto your face. You catch most of it on your tongue, swallowing as much as you can manage.
Russian is spewed from Dmitri’s mouth, and his cock is slapping against your slick folds. It pushes you over the edge, and you cum the same time as him.
Lights and spirits fade as you’re pulled into Hopper’s chest. Dmitri sits on the sofa next to him, chest heaving, but a wicked smile plastered on his face. He says nothing, only exchanging cheeky glances with Jim.
You wake up tangled between both men, in utter darkness. You shift slightly, and Hopper jolts up. When he realises it’s you that’s touching him, he relaxes.
“You okay?” He asks in a croaky, tired voice.
“Yeah,” you softly reply. You coax him to lay down again with you, his arm wraps around you and you’re pulled into his chest like a magnet. “Are you?”
“Yeah. Just not used to… safety yet, I guess.” He mumbles.
“Me too,” you reply. You hear his heartbeat and Dmitri’s quiet snores, you relish in the peace for a moment. “I should probably get back to my room,” you speak up.
“No, I’ll go. You stay with Antonov,” he reasons, and you barely protest.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, Joyce won’t mind,” he replies.
“Thank you.”
He only nods in the darkness before climbing out of bed.
“Hopper,” you grab his arm. He’s got a handful of his clothes, but he puts them on the bed to give you his full attention. “Jim,” you correct yourself. “Will you kiss me before you go?”
He doesn’t reply. You feel his breath on your face, and you know he’s leaning in to kiss you. It’s sweet, wet, full of desire and respect. It goes no further than a kiss, but it means so much.
“See you in the morning,” he says.
Light pools in as the door cracks open, but it’s quickly roped back into the hallway as the door clicks shut. You don’t remember much after that, despite strong arms encasing your body the whole night.
Dmitri treats you like a princess — like he’s playing his and filling in for Hopper’s place. He fucks you slow and lazy in the morning, he makes you cum using his fingers as morning light illuminates the room. His hands don’t leave your body, his sentences revolve solely around you, his thoughts are trained only on you. Dmitri is yours, he’s who you want to marry. He’s who you want to kiss, to wake up every morning next to, to share your life with. Hopper wants that with Joyce, and you’re all aware and okay with that.
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borathae · 5 months
Question, do the sanguis boys wax down there? I don't know why but because kook is a masochist I can see him waxing even his hole 🫣
Oooh good question 👀 HCs under the cut
never thought pubes to be a problem
on himself or his partner(s)
"We're all adults, aren’t we? Adults tend to have pubes. Where's the fucking problem with them?"
he does like taking care of his bush however
he likes trimming the misbehaving spots
and shampoos it daily
once a week, he even puts moisturising oils in them to keep them soft
they'll always have a faint clean scent to them
and sometimes hint from under the hem of his pants nfnfnf
go bush or go home
he fucking loves it wild and natural
the thicker and hairier the better
loves the look of it when there is so much of it, it comes out of the underwear
he loves painting it omfg
there is so many close up paintings of just his lovers' genitals and bush
you find him burying his face in a good bush and smelling it aggressively
he's a little unhinged like that
same with armpit hair
takes care of his own bush religiously
it may appear wild and unkempt, but trust that he spends minimum five minutes daily taking care of it after his showers
he is either natural, trimmed or clean
it depends on how he feels
when he’s natural, he washes them and moisturises them religiously
when he’s trimmed, he likes keeping his balls and hole clean because trimmed hair is too itchy for him around those areas
when he’s clean, Imma take your HC and say that he waxes himself
well, I think he lets someone else do it
it was an aesthetician at first, but then he got awkward about it
now he asks someone of the polycule to do it
OC would be careful about it and always warn before the rip + ask if he's okay afterwards
they would listen to chill R&B as they’re doing it and she would go all "super duper king spa" mode HSJSJS
Yoongi would be nonchalant and quick about it
he'd be all like "spread your ass more", "arch your back more", "kook stop wiggling, I know the wax is warm but I ain't gonna get your balls if you keep wiggling" and he'll ask if he's okay just once after everything is done
I can see him and Kook drinking whiskey as they’re doing it and either sharing silence except for Yoongi’s orders+Kook's complaints OR they talk about their shared interests
Tae would be either in grieving over the lost hair or make it sexual
listen. Kook really isn’t out to make it sexual but it gets really hard (pun intended) to stay soft when Tae touches him in such sensual ways.
he'll hold his cock at his tip and give it slow, "innocent" jerking movements as he applies the wax on his balls for example
or he'll be all like "there as well? There? Right there? I can’t seem to see any hair however. There you said?" as he pokes around the first few inches of Jungkook’s hole with his pinky
like. LIKE. Waxing with Tae will end in sex 98% of the time
sometimes he also asks Hoseok and I think he'll be a mixture of OC and Yoongi
he tries to be quick to make the pain as short as possible but he'll keep being apologetic and worried he hurts him too much
one time he accidentally apologised to Kook by giving his hole a "booboo bye" kiss instinctively JSJSJSJ
that moment was really awkward at first but then both men laughed about it
(Kook ended up pulling him in for a makeout session afterwards cause pretty best friends make out sometimes ayee)
has the biggest body image issues ever
please don’t ask him about his genitals or pubes
when he’s natural, he thinks he is the dirtiest, most unattractive rodent ever
which ends in him rapidly shaving himself, close to tears and in a pitch black room
(his vampire vision makes it possible)
and then once he's clean, he'll hate the look of it
cause now the focus is all on his dick and he hates it
please don’t ask this man about his pubes situation because he will break into tears on a bad day
I see him keeping it really neat and tidy
not too long, but not too short
he'll be so meticulous and shape them to perfect symmetry
I can see sharpe edges with him
he'll shave the parts visible from his briefs
and keep his balls & hole clean
like so, so clean and soft and pretty
he comes from porn, so he always makes it a priority to be presentable down there
how dare you ask about something so private
no on a serious note, I think he likes to keep his pubes short and his balls free
he shaves them
and his "bikini zone"
and his hole
which results in the most contortionist poses ever in the shower jsjsjs
one time, Emma offered to wax him
which they did and that was the first and last time Seokjin cursed at her Sjsjsjs
they never tried again HAHAHAHA
he currently lives in a hidden cabin in the woods with no connection to the outer world
so he has other stuff to worry about than his pubes Jsjsjsj
when he was free and in his glory, he kept it neat and tidy however
I can see him ordering his subs (slaves) to lick his pubes as humiliation because he'd keep calling them disgusting for it
or he'd shove their faces into them and order them to take a good wiff
like he saw pubes as a patch of power and a tool for humiliation
send tweet.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Hi lovely I was just wondering if you could write something for me so what I’m thinking is about young single mum with 2 kids who is out on one of her free nights and bumps into joe they start talking have a few more drinks and hit it off straight away she explains her situation that her ex had cheated on her and she was learning to love and trust someone again and that someone so happens to be Joseph he eventually becomes a big part of your life and you fall in love please make it as smutty and fluffy as you like thanks hun xx
Hello honey, sorry I was late getting back to you, I've been at work all day! Thank you so much for requesting, this is a damn cute idea and I hope you love reading it as much as I loved writing it and yaaaas, plenty of fluffy fluff.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff and smutty smut smut
Under 18's DNI x
Word Count: 3k
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Since Joe. Joseph Quinn x Mum!Reader Short Story Request.
Tonight, was the night you'd let your hair down and not have to be 'mummy'. Tonight, you were just you. Your two daughters were the loves of your life but once every fortnight your parents would take them off of your hands so you could have some fun.
You didn't rush getting ready just for the simple fact, you had the time to yourself. You soaked in the bath, shaved, moisturised, dried and styled your hair. You put a little more make up on than your usual natural look because why not? It was your night. You'd brought a brand-new outfit for your plans with the girls and the red dress hugged your body and complimented your skin gorgeously.
You'd arranged to meet your friends at one of your favourite bars in Central London, getting off the tube and walking through to get to it seemed like forever in your heels, but you were too excited to care.
Arriving just outside the bar before you went in to find them, you sat on the wall outside, going into your bag to pull out your cigarettes, putting one to your lips and scavenging in your bag to find your lighter, you caught a glimpse of it in your mind still laying on your countertop in the kitchen. For fucks sake. Looking around for someone who was possibly smoking near you, you sighted 3 guys stood huddling under a shelter from the cold towards the bar entrance, smoke blowing from their mouths, they were your only hope.
Walking up to them and putting on your best smile you cleared your throat behind one of the men stood looking away from you. "Hey, any of you got a lighter I can borrow? I left mine at home." The two others looked at you and shook their head and apologised before they pointed at the guy who turned around to look at you.
How familiar he was, his big sparkling brown eyes were looking right into your soul as you managed to keep your smile intact, feeling really quite awkward as a shudder ran straight through you. "Here you are, love." He flicked the click on the lighter and lit the end of your cigarette for you. You took your first drag which helped calm your nerves and blew out. "Thank you so much, have a good night all of you."
As you went to walk away you were whisked straight back around. "Are you on your own?" The man spoke. You shook your head.
"No, my friends are inside, just come to meet them for some drinks, just figured on a quick smoke before I headed in."
The other guys he was with gestured that they were going to get going and pulled their friend into the manliest most unsatisfying hug you'd ever witnessed, it was quite amusing really.
"Then I guess I'll be joining you in your smoke, I'm Joe." the cute little grin had not left his face.
"Y/N, nice to meet you. You look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?"
He looked away suddenly raising his eyebrows, taking a deep breath and turning back to you. "That depends where you've seen me."
The cogs turned in your head. No longer than 30 seconds later, you clicked. Joseph fucking Quinn.
"Okay, yes of course, I know who you are, my daughter adores Stranger Things, she's watched it at least 4 times over. You'd think an 8-year-old would be terrified; not that fearless child of mine, I knew I recognised you."
He let out a hearty laugh as his head tilted to one side, taking a longer drag of his cigarette. "I'm flattered. You've certainly got a brave girl then."
"Girls, the other's 5 and would jump out of a plane for fun, given the chance."
"And what about you?"
"They didn't get their levels of fearless from me, I'm sure."
Just then, you were both interrupted by one the girls you were supposed to be meeting that ran out of the bar yelling at your other friend, following her out rolling her eyes. She caught you in a quick glance. "Oh my god Y/N, I'm going to have to take this piece of work home, she's been drinking since earlier this afternoon, she saw her ex-boyfriend, screamed in his face and now is really upset. I'm so sorry for dragging you out."
You sighed and looked at your clearly inebriated friend who couldn't even stand properly. "That's okay, I'll go home and get an early night, get home safe... both of you." She gestured to your friend who was wobbling and holding onto the wall, clearly trying so hard not to vomit. "Love you." You gave each other a quick hug and grimaced at them both. Your night ruined.
Joe was loving the small scene of drama unfolding in front of him, he thought it was comical and it made him chuckle under his breath. You turned back to him once they'd disappeared into a yellow taxicab.
"So that's the end of my night then. Short lived."
"It doesn't have to be, come have a drink with me?"
You didn't know the guy and before your head could even talk you out of it you agreed. "Sure, why not."
Between walking side by side with Joe, him opening the door to the bar for you and gesturing you to go through first, you'd already figured he was a gentleman, a handsome one at that.
The time went by so fast, you and Joe had only agreed to one drink which quickly turned into six, seven and then eight, it's never one is it, who were you kidding? The more you got to know him, the more you liked him. It was so easy to understand why you'd seen so many girls crushing on this man, he was attractive and had the personality and humour to go with it, winning you the jackpot of being able to spend the evening with him.
"So, what about the girl's dad, is he around?"
You snorted as you took a sip of your drink, heavily resting it back onto the table. "Absolutely not, I caught him cheating on me after 7 years of being together, he tried to hide his side piece in the wardrobe of our bedroom, and I kicked him out that night. He's with her now and they've had a baby together and he's not even bothered to see his kids since." Taking another hefty gulp of your drink you continued. "Onto the quest of finding the one I guess, it's hard to love and trust someone in this day and age, especially when you've had to start all over."
Joe furrowed his brow and sighed, his eyes now showing a glimmer of sadness in them as he put his hand on your thigh. Your stomach was doing fucking flips. "He's that kind of person, well he's unlucky to lose you and your babies and you're clearly doing a better job on your own. Good riddance to him. You deserve so much more."
You clinked your glasses in a cheers with each other and continued with your night - occasionally sharing flirty remarks and subtle winks between the two of you.
You'd also found out that Joe lived so incredibly close to your house, so he agreed to share a taxicab back with you upon close of the bar, it was 2:30am and you were the last out, linking arms with him and laughing as you'd pretty much been all night, you'd not felt this good in a while.
As the cab pulled up to your house first, Joe said he'd walk you to your front door and insisted he'd go back on foot to his seeing as it was only 5 minutes away. As you opened your front door and lent on the wall, smiling up through your lashes at him, you bid him goodnight, sad to see it all end so quickly. "Maybe I don't have to go just yet..." You shook your head and without warning Joe threw himself at you, pushing you back and slamming the door shut before pinning you against your hallway wall, your lips didn't leave one another as he picked you up off your feet and you straddled his waist. You were trapped between him and the wall, your core practically twitching and your hole soaking from the sudden move he'd made. It'd been a while since you'd been handled this way. Joe broke the kiss; you were both panting for breath. "Where's your bedroom?"
"Up the stairs and first door on the right." Still hoisted in Joe's arms, he carried you up the stairs and into your room, laying you down on your bed before climbing on top of you to pursue the kiss further. Tugging at his shirt, he unbuttoned it and removed it instantly and moved down to kiss your neck, his lips felt so good. Sucking and nibbling lightly on your sensitive skin as goosebumps began to raise, he licked right over your sweet spot and right then and there, you wanted nothing more than for him to take you where you laid.
Joe pulled himself away from you, kneeling down on the floor and eyeing your whole body below you as he watched you undress yourself, you removed your dress, your bra and left your panties on for him to take off when he wished too. He eyed your tits first, licking his lips as he took a deep breath in. "You are fucking beautiful, love. You deserve to feel good and that's exactly how I'm going to make you feel." God, he knew just what to say.
He threw himself right at your chest where he licked around the hardening nub, flicking the other with his finger. His teeth slightly grazing which caused another bolt of electricity to run down your body, making you moan out. "You like that?" You nodded and threw your head back as he moved to the other and swapped motions. Leaning back up to kiss you, your tongues were now battling for dominance, the taste of him could of alone killed you, this was just too damn perfect.
Joe stood up before you and took his trousers and boxers off as his cock sprang up and stood proud. You eyed him up, extremely cock hungry before looking up to him to bite your lip. "Fuck. I want that inside of me. Now."
His eyes lit with surprise; they were darkened with desire for you.
"You don't need anything else?"
"No Joe, I'm ready for you."
"Fuck love, I'm so ready for you, get on all fours, now."
You slowly removed your sodden panties which practically tore off you from how wet you were and got into position. Not feeling any touch, you squealed a little when you felt Joe's tongue fall straight between you, licking through where he could get too. His groan at the taste for you gave him enough ammunition to want to fuck the shit out of you.
"I couldn't help myself, your pussy just called to me."
You giggled as you looked back, he lined himself up at your entrance before closing the distance between you both. Pushing his cock straight into you, not little by little, no; all seven inches in at once.
The moans filled your bedroom from the both of you as he started to pound you, his balls slapping against you. Without more warning, his hand came down hard on your ass, not once, but twice. You were a mess in front of him as your head fell, he quickly made sure that you didn't fall for long when he grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked you up to kneel straight with him. As he continued to fuck your hole relentlessly, one hand had a grip on your hair and the other hand leaned down to rub your clit vigorously. To say you were in heaven was an understatement.
"F-f-fuck, I'm so fucking close Joe."
"Let me feel you, love, cum on my cock."
Everything became too much, and your legs faltered as you fell to your orgasm. Joe let go of your hair and gripped onto your waist, keeping you upright as you spewed unintelligible words at him. Feeling your walls clench him tight sent his cock pulsating cum out inside of you, he didn't even feel it coming. "Jesus fucking Christ." he growled at the sudden throb of his cock as he buried his face at the back of your neck as you both rid out of your highs.
You went to clean yourself up in the bathroom and brought Joe a towel to clean himself with, you'd deal with that in the morning. As you laid down on your bed at your fucked out state, you offered Joe to stay the night to save him walking home. He agreed and before you knew it, one minute you were talking and the next you'd both passed out on top of the covers.
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You woke up to a banging at the front door, what time was it? You leaned up to glance at your phone as you yawned harshly. SHIT. 11am, your mum was bringing the kids back. Joe was still laid next to you, his arm draped over your side as he was stirred by the banging, you sat up immediately.
"What time is it?"
"Joe it's 11, my mums here to drop the kids home. Fuck, I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay, I can meet them, or I can slip away unnoticed, it's not a big deal. Unless it's not a one-night stand which usually isn't me and I can possibly take you out or have you over at my place for dinner one night then..."
Your smile beamed more than ever, ignoring the hangover headache that was attempting to consume you, you leaned over and pecked him lightly. "Oh, I'd love to."
He sat up next to you and stroked your cheek, leaning into your touch. "Just one more." he pushed his lips to meet yours and you shared the sweetest damn kiss of your life. Completely sober too. Joe seemed to learn quick that you weren't bothered about his fame, that you clearly only wanted the person before you, just him.
You left the decision up to Joe on what he felt comfortable doing, put on your dressing gown and made your way downstairs where your mum had let herself in and was folding her arms in the hallway. "Good night, darling?" You nodded. "The best." Your kids came running in from the living room and hugged you in unison, coming down to their level and putting your arms around the both of them you greeted them. "Hello, my beautiful's good night at grans?"
You said goodbye to your mum and took the girls to their shared bedroom to unpack their stuff. Leaving them to it and closing the door, walking back down the stairs you'd noticed Joe who had stealthily come down unnoticed and was opening the front door until his eyes caught yours. You ran down as fast as your feet would carry you and threw your arms around him. "How come you want to see me again, I mean." You nodded your head towards the ceiling. "I have baggage."
"When I feel a connection, I go with it. I definitely felt a connection with you last night, your 'baggage' as you call it is a part of you, love and I want to see where this goes." Over time in his life, Joe had learnt his gut feeling was mostly never wrong. He rested his hands around your back as you gave him a warm hug and leaned up to taste him one last time. "My numbers written on a tissue on your bedside table, text me soon, beautiful."
With that last chaste kiss, he walked away, turning back a couple of times, smiling and waving at you. You were hooked.
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The dinner you'd been asked out for went ahead that following weekend as planned and for the last 6 months you'd been dating, he'd met your daughters and created the most unspeakable bond with the two of them. Your oldest daughter had practically passed out when she learnt the new guy in your life was one Joseph Quinn aka Eddie Munson.
Joe had explained before that he'd got 3 younger siblings that he helped his parents with growing up, so he was always a hit with kids. And what a hit he was.
One rainy Sunday afternoon, he was sat on your sofa reading a book with your youngest who was perched firmly on his lap, leaning back on him feeling right at home whilst your oldest was next to him playing on her games console, occasionally shouting at Joe for not watching him play her game. You overheard the sound of them all laughing together as Joe told your oldest to let him show her how the game was done. Showing off was his forte, he enjoyed receiving praise off others and there were no two girls perfect to give him what he wanted but your girls. They loved him so much.
You wandered in quietly and lent at the doorway, watching them all giddy together, laughing joking and talking. A single tear rolled down your cheek, your heart was full and warm, and nothing could take away seeing this moment. Your family felt complete again. Joe felt a presence staring right behind him as he looked back to see you standing there. He patted down to the spare side of the sofa for your youngest to sit and he got up to come straight over to you. "Everything okay, baby?" He wiped the stained tear from your cheek, a slight concern hitting his face but also slightly confused that you were smiling. "I just love you, so much." The concern left quickly as he ran his fingers through your hair, tilted your chin up and planted a soft, slow kiss onto your lips. "I love you most, princess."
This was the figure you needed in your life, in your kid's life. Though he might not be around all the time, it'd make your time more special together. Your life couldn't have been better, especially since Joe.
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handsomedevilindia · 2 years
Use Best Quality Face Scrub Cream for Men
Facial skin is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. Keeping it clean and healthy is important to boost your confidence and overall self image. The Best face scrub for men can be a great addition to your everyday skincare routine. An exfoliating one offers numerous benefits and ultimately giving a healthy and youthful appearance. Scrubbing is also important for all skin types.
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annikin-annotates · 2 years
Oh hello 🌸
HeAr me oUt!! Steve is readers best friend. You know, he is kind of best friend you can take to the girls' night. Both of them put on a pink silk robe, apply a moisturizing mask of a suspiciously green color and drink wine (I don't like alcohol, so I'll have cherry juice in a glass). We listen to a glam rock band like Kiss and talk about how much I like Billy or something.
Me: sis why he is so hot. Did u see his neck?? Chest? I will kill anyone and betray the country for him. He is underestimated, misunderstood by society and-
Steve - lmao I know I see your behavior around him and this is disgusting. But i support you. U go girl 💅💅💅
Self-Care night HC’s with Billy and Steve
Set in an AU where Billy didn’t die
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Steve is super big on self-care he loves making sure his skin is clear and perfect.
Would be the one giving you tips.
“No, no. You do serum THEN moisturiser. Otherwise the serum isn’t gonna be able to do what it needs to and your skin is gonna get greasy”
He would talk boys with you, King Steve in a fluffy pink robe absolutely laying shit on you about your choice in men.
“Hargrove?? You’re shitting me, right? I mean I can’t stand the guy, but I see your behaviour around him; Disgusting by the way”
Would swirl is shitty $7 wine in his plastic wine glass like it was the finest wine on the market.
Laughs at the both of you when you have those sheet masks with the characters on them.
“Am I a Gorilla or Michael Myers?? Nobody can tell the difference”
Will change the music on you, its Duran Duran or nothing with this man.
“I’m not having two metal heads in the party, one is enough”
Loves hanging out with one of his three besties, the other two being Robin and Dustin.
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Does self-care but in a peacocking way
Deffs uses blue shampoo on his hair to keep it blonde
Won’t wear the fluffy robe but will sit only in his boxers and have you sit on him to apply moisturiser to his face.
“I can’t do it myself doll, my hand’s are broken” (His hands are totally fine he just want you to touch him).
Max joins a self-care night once, it ends with moisturiser being slung from the tub in fistfuls because Billy called her a pizza face.
Will subtly restock the little box you have at his house, so nothing is ever out when you come over.
This is a weekly occurrence. The three of you gather in the lounge room of the Hargrove-Mayfeild house and talk about everything.
You notice the Billy and Max’s relationship is changing along side Billy’s relationship with Max’s friends.
It’s all thanks to you and your little caboodle full of face products.
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
what are some of your big sister recommendations for products girl? You literally radiant big sister energy
firstly, appreciate that so much it means a lot 🥹🫶🏼
okay so like I could delve into a lot of products in different sub sections but I’ll try keep it as brief as possible! I don’t like clutter therefore I try buy with purpose I buy more expensive stuff for quality over cheaper stuff for quantity.
I travel a ton so good suitcases are a must!
I use the black American tourister Bon Air cases which are HERE however they’re hella expensive on the website I got mine at Costco so check there!
While travelling I use my beats headphones to block out crying children and annoying boyfriends which are HERE they are the best for noise cancelling you do not need the apple ones.
there’s more under the cut 🫶🏼🤍
athleisure & clothes:
I live & breathe by sketchers… call me old but I LOVE THEM. I’m on my feet a lot when I work in sports events like if I’m at a racetrack I’m on my feet 4am-11pm that’s a lot and on ice you need good shoes so these are my faves:
ultra flex 3.0
tough talk
other shoes I just buy from anywhere I know the quality is good, name brands don’t bother me. I have wide feet so things like vans & converse aren’t really my style because they break so easy.
fabletics have amazing leggings if like lululemon is not in your budget! They do a new joiners deal on leggings just remember to cancel your membership or you’ll be charged next month!
I get the define Powerhold high waisted 7/8 in short because I’m 5’6 and I prefer to see my ankle in trousers!
lululemon wundertrain high waist are good too!
lululemon align tank & as I said before this makes ur boobs look great
all of my hoodies are men’s from abercrombie or my own brand which isn’t live yet so watch this space all my sports apparel lovers
jeans are all curve love from abercrombie
bodysuits I live and breathe are either Abercrombie or Skims
I also get my daily leggings from love leggings
sunglasses are a massive must especially if you drive! I have a massive fat head which means my glasses need to be quite wide so I got mine from Dolce & Gabbana
My jewelry comes from a bunch of different places but some notable ones
my hockey number necklace from M Jewelrs
my name bracelet is from Etsy I also ordered one with my last name because I love it so much
Earrings I get from any worthy jewelry store it doesn’t need to be expensive.
not all of my makeup but my die for products!
Powder - Huda Beauty easy bake
Eyeshadow - morphe 9t
Contour/Bronzing - Pinkhoney BFF face frosting just a cheaper version of Chanel!
I had horrible cystic acne so I try not to overwhelm my skin with products! With that being said I use:
face wash: either regular dove soap bar or eucerin dermatoclean
toner: eucerin dematoclean toner
Eye cream: ole henrikson banana bright eyecream
Vitamin c serum: ole henrikson vitamin c
Moisturisers: Keihls ultra facial cream - if you can try get this out of duty free as it’s 1/2 the price! I get mine when I fly into Paris or Toronto or I get my mans to bring me it from Detroit airport
I also use eucerin hyalaron-filler day and night cream
Lip balm: eucerin acute lip balm
for my body I use all of the eucerin urearepair products
I also use their sunscreen everyday
I use olaplex EVERYTHING shampoo, conditioner, the conditioning treatment
I use fanola purple shampoo
and color wow styling products like the dreamcoat etc.
ariana grande cloud is the best smelling thing ever people hug me just to smell it & the intense one
Mugler angel
these sprays from bath & body works
warm vanilla sugar
vanilla bean noel
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filthforfriends · 1 year
I‘m not bashing your post. Neither am I completely disagreeing with you on the fact that something has changed. But I wanted to share my PERSONAL view of Damiano and his lifestyle/health. I love you and your blog so please don’t take this as me being an asshole I just wanted to chat to you about this. (Also high five bestie my dad and all men in my family are alcoholics and some are drug addist and everyone smokes!)
Damiano has for sure lost weight. I‘m sure it’s nit from drugs. He has said multiple that he doesn’t eat for a couple hors before concerts or performances in order to not throw up due to the exertion. And that he can’t eat after concerts because of the adrenaline and he feels like his stomach quote “closes“. When you are on tour and are performing most days of the weeks that means you skip at least one meal each day and with his schedule I‘m not surprised he’s lost weight. And that sucks. He needs a better and easier schedule and REST.
He also has changed with the new haircut. He looks very different. And another point is the makeup. Since our lord and saviour Chantal went on maternity leave Damiano‘s makeup has absolutely terrfied me. Their new makeup artist does his eyes very badly. He puts weird brow/red around his eyes and it makes him look half dead or high or seriously ill. It’s very strange because everyone else’s s looks are great and pretty similar to how Chanty used to do it but Dami’s looks are fucking weird. I hate it and it makes him look unwell.
Also I remember last year when they were in LA writing the album he posted a picture in Jeans and a Blauer that were very big on him and he rolled up the jeans and Giorgia commented something along the lines of “what’s up with the oversized clothes“ and he wrote “I lost weight their all too big now“. I believe he has great people around him and I also believe he is self aware. We know he used to be an athlete and is a very disceplined person. I think he is very tired and he has lost weight that is a fact. I also think the picture with nebuliser was meant as a weird artsy picture. He is resting it on a guitar stand because his voice is his instrument yk. That’s what I got from the picture. In their vlogs from 2018 you can see that he has always used nebulisers before shows. (Many artists do to keep the vocal cords and that whole area moisturised.) We also know that Damiano DELIVERS during concerts. When you are seriously unhealthy or extremely tired one of the first things to go is usually your voice and he hasn’t had any bug problems so far with his voice this tour. I thinks he is trying to take care of himself the best he can. (I know he should quit smoking though)
Also did you see all the skincare he travels with? That boy is a little granpa wellness king. I think he is ok. This European tour seems better as there time in between the cities for them to go home. Also Gio can be with him more and I think that helps him. He is also very close with hais parents as he said in multiple interviews and I‘m sure his Italian mom is raising all the concerns.
I do still agree he needs more rest always. And mayve I‘m totally wrong about all this. I just want to hear what you think ☺️
Love you Eden 🥰
I wanna be this emoji: 🥸
I’m not worried about Damiano’s weight and don’t think I ever have been. This anon that I responded to was, but no where do I agree with them.
Th first time I showed my mother a picture of Damiano she said “he has a face like a hatchet.” His face is very lean and angular, which happens when people are underweight but it’s just Damiano’s bone structure. He’s always looked that way. He’s also always worn brown or black under his eyes. I think if he’s started looking unwell recently it’s because he is.
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Yes, not having hair to balance it out does bring more attention to his sharp cheekbones and jaw line. Regardless, his face is gaunt: dark around his eyes, no color in his cheeks. Undernourished, as in lacking whatever he needs to feel properly fueled for the day both emotionally and physically. (not as in body weight). Compare his eyes now vs. then. He can barely keep them open (like he’s exhausted, sickly, or dehydrated.) To be honest, he looks old and so does his skin. He’s aged a decade since his grandfather’s passing. (Which isn’t an insult superficial anons, it’s a concern)
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Anyway he’s some pictures of him making this same exact expression in the past year for comparison. Thank you for being so decent and reasonable♥️ kindness is never wasted♥️ I hope Damia’s health is prioritized by the people with whom he’s signed contracts. I hope they see that people really care and will advocate for him.
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imaginewarehouse · 1 year
Doc Halloran x Reader || Oneshot
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*Note: I've never written for Halloran before and I haven't seen the movie in a while so... I hope you enjoy this anyway? Sorry!!
Plot: Halloran believes that you are one of Leslie’s next targets so he insists that you stay under house arrest where he can protect you- but you definitely are not a homebody, and this is going to be harder than he thought. Not to keep you alive - though, he does have some questions as to how you’ve kept yourself alive all these years with the way you act, -, but just to keep you to behave yourself.
Warnings: Reader for sure has some daddy issues 😅😅 Also unedited so far.
“Oh that sounds like so much fun!! Oh- send me pictures, okay?? I wish I could be there!!” God, you really did. You would give anything to be out of the house right now, with your friends at the beach- but no, you think, squeezing some of your favourite scented moisturiser into your palm and balancing your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you begin to finish your legs. “No, Bailey, I’m not doing anything… just home… “  
Bailey asks why?? completely shocked to hear that you - an absolute party animal, - are staying home all day on a Saturday. “Uh-… “What do you say? A man approached you at work and said someone’s going to try and kill you so you need to stay at home? Sure, you’ve listened to men try dumber lines with you before so she’ll understand how you took the bait, but- how do you explain that you really, really believe him?? That you’ve seen the guy in the turtle mask, before?? Instead of trying, you just shrug. “I’m just tired!~ Felt like a lazy day.”
Okayyyy, your friend sighs. You aren’t sure if she totally believes you, but as long as she doesn’t argue- you’re golden. Well I’ll tag you on Instagram, and pin the location so you can come by if you change your mind.
“Thank youu, you’re the best- Ah!” Suddenly, seemingly all at once, the bathroom door flies open and Halloran yanks the phone away from you. Your jaw drops, unable to do anything with your hands still slippery from the cream as he holds it up to his ear.
“Sorry, Bailey, but Y/N is unable to talk right now. Please don’t call again, today. Thank you.” He says into the receiver, then hangs up and shuts the phone down completely; Pocketing it. You sit there and flush, guiltily looking away from the stern expression on his face like it physically hurts to look at it.
When he doesn’t move, you’re forced to indeed peak at him- at which point, you flash a nervous smile. “… Oops? Ha… I… Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“I’m keeping this for the duration of your house arrest.” Is all that he says, referring to your phone, making you drop your jaw and try to follow him as he leaves the room again.
“Hey! I- Oh, no.” Your feet are still slippery, too, so you sit back down immediately so as to not trip- and give a heavy huph. “Well, then. He’s a fun guy, isn’t he?... hm… “You pout, to yourself.
You quickly finished up moisturising your legs after that and tried doing a mask for 20 minutes, just to kill time- but you got bored quick, and threw it out. Not bothering to get dressed, because it’s your own apartment and besides, the doctor isn’t totally bad looking, you get up and leave the bathroom finally; Tightening the comfy, pretty robe you got at the cutest market, a couple months back.
Ahhh, you would love to be there again. You didn’t get to see all of the stalls, after the one with the cute soaps and the cuter attendant. In fact, after that, you didn’t seem much of that market apart from his car.
But- you would totally explore it properly, now! Given the chance! You haven’t spent this much time at home since you got your first bus ticket. It’s so boring, here. And you depleted your wine rack last night.
Wandering into the livingroom, you see Halloran on the couch and hold your hands behind your back, hovering behind him. “So... can I order food, or something?”
“Well what if I got you some, too? My treat. How do you feel about chicken?”
“Absolutely not. And I saw chicken in your freezer, just cook it.” Well, that’s that, then. You’ll starve.
Hmph… you flop on the couch, throwing your legs over Doc Halloran’s lap - though, you’re careful not to knock the laptop that you’re sharing the surface with, - and flashing him a big, sweet grin. Suppose he’ll have to entertain you, then. You’re being here is his fault in the first, place! Its only fair that he would make up for it with some of that dashing wit you know is in there, somewhere. Somewhere deep, considering the very serious way he has conducted himself so far.
“… is there something you want, Y/N?” He raises a brow, and you excitedly straighten up in your sitting.
“I’m just bored. Talk to me!~ What do you like to do?” That’s the first rule to making friends- show interest in them! Listen to them! Surely this stick-in-the-mud- uh… grump, won’t be any different-
“The quiet is always pleasant,” He just tells you, returning to his laptop- ignoring your legs entirely. Which is totally not on- you spend a lot of time shaving, waxing and moisturising those! They deserve more then that!
“Alright- how about you tell me more about Leslie then? Who is this guy- and is he cute?”
This gets a reaction out of Halloran, rattles him- making him turn slowly back to you with the most wuthering stare you’ve ever seen. Like a cowboy, you think, grinning teasingly. You always had a thing for the cowboys… the ones that don’t spit on the ground, at least. “Leslie, is a dangerous man with delusions of becoming a ‘Slasher’.” He rolls his eyes. “Like, the- one with the ski mask, and the… “Here, he makes a wiggly gesture with his hand, before shaking his head. “The finger knives. You probably shouldn’t be referring to him as ‘cute’.”
“So he isn’t, is what you’re saying?”
… he doesn’t take the bait. He’s a smart guy. Instead, he just nods and turns back to the screen in front of him. But with the laptops light shining on his face, you can see just the tiniest glimmer of a smile at your antics. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying to you.”
“Hm… “
Your allow silence for a few moments, trying to peer at whatever he’s typing, before suddenly there’s a knock at the door that absolutely jolts you, from surprise. A hand flies to your chest, feeling your heart hammer away inside. Oh my god. “Who is that??” You hiss, still recovering from your small stroke.
“You’re telling me you’re not expecting anyone? You didn’t order food?- “
“You told me I couldn’t!” You pout. Does he really think that badly of you? Goodness, you’ve only known eachother for a couple of days and the man thinks the same of you as all your teachers growing up.
“You didn’t invite any of your… little friends?”
Little friends? How old does he think you are?? How old is HE??? “No, Daddy, you told me not to… “ You set him with an evil, teasing grin, and he rolls his eyes.
“Alright.” Swift as the coursing river - you love that song, - Halloran moves his laptop to the coffee table and disentangles himself from your legs, and makes it to the door without making much sound at all- the long coat that he refused to take off despite the heating in this building being perfectly fine swooshing behind him. You get on your knees and move to the edge of the couch, where he was sitting before, so you can see if anything happens.
If it’s the guy in the turtle mask. The not-cute guy. The one that apparently wants to kill you, for some reason. Leslie.
“… is it him?”
“… No.” Halloran responds with certainty after a moment of peering out the mail slot, flipping the lid open only the tiniest slither so he can see.
“Hm, what do they look like?”
“… male, light brown hair, approximately 6’5, wearing a shirt that says… something I’m not about to repeat out loud- “
“Oh, that’s Tyler.” The antipathy in your voice is fully palpable- so much so that Halloran straightens up and looks at you, surprised at the less then pleased expression on your face as you turn and sit down properly, finally, one leg crossed over your knee; Arms crossed over your chest. “Ex-boyfriend. Shoot him if you must.”
Halloran looks at you again, and you’re sure he’s wondering how you knew about the gun he’s got with him, but really?? He’s underestimating you. At this point in your life you’ve figured out how to tell between the feel of a gun and a penis and this man has been painfully professional the entire time he’s been here. Not one erection.
… Unlike Tyler. Too many erections, there. Erections for you, for the girl down the street, for his best friend Craig-
“… I don’t think that’ll be entirely necessary, in this instance. Would you just come up here and ask him to leave, Y/N?”
Shaking your head, you get up from the couch and approach him, finger in front of your lips. “Just stay quiet, he’ll leave on his own.”
Tyler gives few more knocks on the door, too hard and too fast, exactly how you begged him not to do a million times after you installed the bell. “He can see that the light is on under the crack.” Halloran’s hand goes toward the doorhandle, but you catch his sleeve before he can reach it.
“He’s not that bright. Just give him a minute… “While you listen out for Tyler to leave, you ‘let’ your hand wander from the doctors sleeve down his coat… to the pocket. He doesn’t seem to notice as you slip your phone out and into your robe pocket.
When Tyler’s heavy footsteps recede back down the hall and down the stairs away from your apartment, you give a smile- stepping away from Halloran. “See? There.” You waive at the door like its offering you a snack you don’t particularly like. “He probably didn’t even notice the light~ Wouldn’t’a thought to look!”
He nods, disconnecting off from you entirely and returning to the couch and his laptop. You feel victorious, feeling the weight of your phone - your beloved phone, your only link to the world! - heavy in your pocket. “Wonderful. Now I’ll get back to my work and you… “
“I’ll get out of your hair.” You wink and grin, heading for your bedroom.
“You’re not bored, anymore?”
Hehe- “Nope!”
Half an hour later you’ve made-up your face, squeezed into one of the tightest dresses you own and thrown your favourite shoes out onto the level outside your window. You just have to climb out, silently close the window again, then escape down the stairs, hail a taxi and you’re off to the beach!! You might even be able to get back before the Doc notices!
To hell with Leslie. Screw him. If you die, you’re going to die doing something that make you feel alive.
You’re out the window and putting on your shoes, when Halloran clears his throat.
You stop, immediately, and slowly turn to see him standing in your bedroom doorway; Arms crossed like a stern dad.
… oh no. Your weakness. Especially when they’re not related to you, and hot-
“Uhhh… “… How can you swing this so you don’t get in trouble?? “I dropped… my shoes out there? And… I was just getting them?? And- I like them, so I was just, uh… putting them on to come back inside, with-”
“Nice try, come inside.” Thank god he stopped you. Your babbling abilities are infinite, like Lorelai Gilmore’s, but definitely really not as good.
Huph. With the shoes on, heels dangerously high, you step carefully back into the room- but not carefully enough, it seems, as your left heel wobbles and you topple and fall the rest of the way inside.
Not face first to the ground, though, thankfully as Halloran manages to get to you and catch you in time- your face ending up buried in his shoulder instead, before he helps you to slowly stand up properly again. You’re closer together now then at the front door when Tyler was here, closer together then when you had your legs in his lap.
In the name of stability, or at least that’s all he needs to know, you hold his shoulders. His hands are still on your waist and you can’t help feeling that something is happening. Maybe its just in your head, maybe it is - because you’re bored, and attracted to him, -, but… the way that he’s looking at you, and he’s not immediately slipping off and away, just definitely feels… like something…
“Thanks!,” You give a smile. “I… um… “Are you flustered? Yes. Which is funny, because usually you’re the one flustering others. Oh- “Do you like my dress?”
He rolls his eyes, and you wander how in the world he can do that so close to you when you’re wearing your nicest perfume. But still, he says, “Yes, its lovely.”, and you take that as a sign, looking down and smiling to yourself at his words.
Without even needing to take in a deep breath, you step forward in order to press your bodies together, looking up at him again. Then, you take a deep breath. Because the words are the hardest part. “Do you think I’m pretty in it? Hm?”
“… I do. But- “
You hold up a finger- like hold on buddy, before you start with whatever its gonna be that you think will stop me here - your age, your ‘duty’, whatever, -, let me say one thing. “You do, huh?… so… well… “… you don’t actually have anything to say. Whoops. “- Uh, okay, you go first actual- “
Before you even manage to finish the ‘y’ in ‘actually’, Doc Halloran’s mouth is on yours suddenly. Immediately a moan slips out of you as he guides you back against the wall just by the window. You tilt your head to the side to make it more comfortable for him and then part your lips, making a squeak when he immediately rolls his tongue against yours.
While his eyes are closed, making out with you, you do the douche thing just this once- the End of The Breakfast Club thing- the Bender air punch.
Because fuck-yes.
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mantittude · 13 days
Buy Face Moisturiser for Men at Best Prices | Mantittude
Buy mens face moisturiser conveniently at the best prices on Mantittude. Suitable for all skin types, absorbs quickly & keeps your skin nourished & hydrated.
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colorbar1 · 24 days
The Psychology of Glow: How Skin Glow Creams Boost Your Confidence
When talking about skincare routines, products like cleansers, toner, serum, moisturizers, and sunscreens are usually mentioned. Despite their effectiveness, face creams rarely come up in discussions about skincare. Anti aging face creams or even skin glow creams influence our perception of ourselves and our interactions with the outside world by reaching into deeper psychological mechanisms. With their claims of brightness and energy, skin glow creams have been incredibly popular in the last few years.
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However, these creams do much more than only improve appearance; they also significantly contribute to increased self-esteem and confidence. In this blog, we'll delve into the intriguing psychology of glow and reveal how skin glow products can give people a boost of confidence and self-assurance.
Recognizing the Psychological Effects of Appearance
It’s important to understand that having a good appearance has very little to do with having fair skin. Face creams, like anti-aging face cream, nourish our skin, protect it against problems like fine lines and premature aging, and improve skin elasticity, hydration, and even skin tone. A healthy and nourished skin:
Improves confidence: research has shown that when we feel good about our appearance, it automatically improves our confidence and self-esteem.
Enhances social interaction: Having a good appearance and being comfortable with your look makes you approachable during social events, leading to positive interactions.
Professional success: Having healthy, non-dull skin helps us present ourselves properly. This overflow of confidence and ease can be very helpful during important client meetings and interviews.
Being confident, approachable, and doing well in a career can all contribute to our mental wellbeing.
Even the smallest task of using a glowing skin face wash can work wonders for your facial appearance.
The Growth of Skin Glow Products in the Cosmetics Sector
The cosmetic industry has released a profusion ofskin-brightening serums and creams in response to the increased demand for radiant skin. The components used in the formulation of these products are said to improve brightness, balance out skin tone, and give skin a natural glow. As celebrities and social media influencers support the glowy skin trend, more and more people are turning to these creams as a way to get the desired radiant complexion. If you are in search of good skin-glow products, you can check out Colorbar’s…
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Enriched with ingredients like water glycerin and niacinamide, this face cream’s light reflective pigments make our skin glow against light. Apply the cream, wait for 28 seconds, and see your skin transform into a healthy and bright canvas. This instant-glow cream is perfect for both men and women.
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Colorbar’s Luminous Glowing and Brightening Moisturiser is a 2-in-1 moisturizer and glow cream that moisturizes and brightens our skin. Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide, this moisturizing cream increases skin luminosity and reveals a healthy glow.
Glow's psychology is profound and touches on our core needs for wellbeing, assurance, and confidence. Skin glow creams provide people with more than just surface-level beauty; they provide them with the confidence and comfort to feel good about themselves. Through comprehending the psychological processes underlying radiant skin, we may effectively utilize its transformational potential to augment our general self-worth and inner brightness. Recall that genuine beauty comes from the inside out.
If you are looking to incorporate face creams into your skincare routine, you can check out Colorbar Cosmetics. They are one of the best cosmetic brands in India that sells high-quality beauty products. Along with face skincare products, you can also buy makeup products like foundation, highlighter, lipsticks, lip gloss, primer for combination skin, kajal, lip liner, and more. Shop Now.
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fuckingpieces-blog · 28 days
Best Men's Face Moisturiser 2024: A Comprehensive Guide
https://healthbeautyreviewer.com/best-mens-face-moisturiser-2024-a-comprehensive-guide/ Key Takeaways Topic Summary Understanding Skin Types and Their Needs Identifies the importance of recognizing one’s skin type to choose the most effective moisturizer. Top Moisturizers for Normal Skin Reviews of Neutrogena and Olay for ... Read the full article 👉 https://healthbeautyreviewer.com/best-mens-face-moisturiser-2024-a-comprehensive-guide/ #beauty #review
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handsomedevilindia · 2 years
Selecting the Best Men's Anti Pigmentation Cream
Pigmentation is one of the major issues that can take a toll on the skin and make it appear dull and aged. Uneven skin tones and increasing dark spots can be a key indicator that you need to change your skincare routine. To get rid of the blemishes, dark spots and growing pigmentation, you need to invest in the best Men's anti-pigmentation Cream or solutions.
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