#best friend!jinhwan x reader
inliar · 3 years
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word count: 5.3k
jinhwan x reader
you have the uncanny knack of running into kim jinhwan exactly when he needs it. he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t intrigued.
a/n: support ikon on kingdom!
the first time you meet him, it’s at your friend’s debut stage. once upon a time, you and your friend, yerin, had been trainees together in a decently small company. but while her skills only grew over time, morphing into something fascinating and breathtaking that deserved to be shown to the world, yours had stagnated. it wasn’t for lack of effort – you had put just as many hours into dance and vocal lessons as the others –  but it was, probably, for lack of passion.
at some point, you had stopped emphasizing with your fellow trainee’s heartfelt speeches on their dreams of debuting, and it was around then that you realized you weren’t meant to be an idol in the same way they were. it was alright, though, because if anyone out of the two of you deserved to debut, it was her. you’d never felt any regret after terminating your short trainee agreement with your label.
but your friendship had never ceased, and you’d kept in regular contact with yerin, as well as the other trainees set to debut in the rookie group. you often took to reminding them to eat their meals, or to take breaks in between lessons, because you’d experienced first-hand how thoroughly unchecked passions can blind a person to their obvious needs. 
finally, their efforts had culminated into a debut, and you wouldn’t miss their first stage for the world. their manager, minseo (who, in a different timeline, might have been your manager as well) was kind enough to let you visit them face-to-face in their waiting room for the music program.
“nervous?” you ask, taking in yerin’s brightly-coloured romper and her bleached, curled, strands of hair. it’s such a far departure from the tracksuits and messy ponytail you’d often seen her sporting during early morning dance practices, but it somehow suits her better than anything else you’d ever seen her wear.
“excited.” she responds instead, with a frightening degree of certainty. it must be nice, you think, to have something you want so desperately and unfalteringly. but watching your best friend get to live out her dreams is almost just as nice.
you nod, feeling the corners of your lips quirk up. “have i ever told you how proud i am of you?” you say, lightheartedly, suppressing the urge to ruffle your hand over her well-styled hair.
“no, but since it’s coming from you, i know you mean it.” she says with such sincerity that you feel an unexpected surge of pride lodge itself into your chest. 
you clear your throat. this won’t do. she hasn’t even performed yet and you’re already turning into a sentimental mess. “i’m going to go get myself something to drink,” you say, excusing yourself. “do you want anything?”
her eyes brighten. “ooh, can i have an orange soda?” she asks, before pausing and turning around. “wait, manager-nim, am i allowed to drink soda before a stage?”
minseo tears her eyes away from her phone and straightens up. “as long as it’s not something that will rapidly stain your teeth, it should be fine. are you thirsty? do you need me to get you something?”
you pipe up. “oh, it’s fine, i can get it. you should stay with the group, unni, you’re the manager.” then, you raise your voice and direct it towards the rest of the girls. “hey, guys, i’m getting yerin a drink from the vending machine. does anyone else want anything?”
“oh, can i have a canned coffee?” you hear one of the members – jiyoung’s – voice ask.
“me too!” hyemin’s voice adds.
“vitamin water, please!” mirae’s voice calls.
you tally the drinks up in your head. two canned coffees, an orange soda, and vitamin water. you hold up an ‘okay’ sign with your hand and nod. jiyoung jokingly salutes in return.
“can i pay you back?” minseo offers, pulling out a credit card that most definitely won’t work on the rickety vending machines you’d seen on your way to the waiting room.
you shake your head dismissively. “it’s just a couple of drinks, and besides, i have a ton of coins i need to get rid of. you can buy me a meal later, yeah?” you offer, and minseo nods. “at this rate, i’ll have to hire you as my assistant.” she jokes, lightheartedly, and you smile. you wouldn’t mind that at all.
you recite the list of drinks to yourself as you make it out of their waiting room and towards the vending machine. two canned coffees, an orange soda, and vitamin water. two canned coffees, an orange soda, and vitamin water. two ca—
the small sound shakes you out of your mantra and, instinctively, you turn towards the noise. judging by the obvious frustration radiating from the person in front of you and his relative position to the vending machine, you figure he just kicked the poor thing.
“are you alright?” you ask, tentatively, and the person in question turns to face you. 
oh. it’s kim jinhwan. from ikon.
you try your hardest to suppress a smile. yerin loves ikon. she’d be so jealous to know that you ran into one of the members today, and in such an innocuous way at that.
“yes, sorry.” jinhwan offers, looking almost sheepish. “the machine stole my money, and-”
almost on cue, you hear a voice call out in the distance. “hurry up, hyung! you said it’d only take a few minutes!”
jinhwan’s expression instantly sours, and you nod in understanding. “what did you try to get, sunbaenim?” you ask politely, turning towards the machine and scanning its contents.
“just an energy drink. but i guess i’ll be fine without it.” he explains, trying a little too hard to sound lighthearted and unbothered. 
you identify the drink in question and punch in its code. after feeding your coins into the machine, you watch as the suddenly functional appliance pushes the energy drink out of its row and into the bottom of the machine.
squatting, you grab the drink and hold it out. “please, take this.” you offer as you stand up, suddenly noticing how heavily the foundation under his eyes is applied. you inwardly frown. he must really need the boost. “it’s the one you wanted, right?”
he doesn’t take it, instead opting to stare at it instead. “i couldn’t, i don’t have any more change on me right now.” he says, despite eyeing the drink longingly.
“hyung! we have to go!” the voice from before calls out again, insistently. he turns towards the voice before turning back to you, conflicted. you put on what you hope is a reassuring smile before pushing the drink with a little more force into his hands. instinctively, he takes it.
“please don’t worry about it, it’s just a drink. good luck with your stage, sunbaenim!” you cheer, gently. 
he looks at the drink, then looks at you, then glances behind him at what you presume to be his waiting room before looking at you again.
“jinhwan hyung!” the voice demands with an intimidating undercurrent of finality, leaving no more room to stall. you tilt your head towards it meaningfully.
“i.. thank you.” he finally says, tightly, before turning around and running away. satisfied, you turn towards the vending machine. what did your friends ask for? right, two canned coffees, an orange soda, and vitamin water. you punch the drink codes in, methodically inserting all of your loose change you had been trying to get rid of for so long, and add an extra coffee in for minseo for good measure. if she’s going to make good on her dinner promise, and you know she will, she should get a little something in return.
(you would have gotten her something even if you didn't coerce her into buying you food. a part of you thrives at the feeling of taking care of others, and you dimly wonder if that means anything.)
the next time you meet him is yet another case of being in the right place at the right time, for lack of a better phrase. 
you’d spent a good portion of your school days active as a trainee. so, when you’d eventually exited the entertainment industry, you were strikingly behind all the other students your age in the cruelly competitive system that was korea’s education system. you were planning on taking a gap year to figure out exactly what you wanted to do with the rest of your life (which was generally frowned upon, as students were expected to naturally know these things), but minseo had saved you from that fate. “since the girls have been getting a little bigger recently, i’ve been given the permission and the budget to hire an assistant manager.” she had explained through a spontaneous phone call, her voice crackling over the receiver as you shifted your cellphone to your other ear. “if i can trust anyone to care for them the way that i do, it’s you.”
“will it be okay?” you had asked, not against the proposition but not wanting to get her in trouble. “i have no managerial experience, and i’m in the same age range as the members. i don’t want the company to come off as unprofessional.”
she had reassured you that you wouldn’t be working on anything that she wouldn’t teach you to do first, and that, as long as you didn’t boast about your age, it would be fine. “i was allowed to write the hiring criteria, and if you just happen to be the perfect candidate, then so be it.” she had said, and you could almost imagine the conspiratorial wink she would have shot in your direction if you were talking face to face.
and so your reentrance to the entertainment industry had begun; except this time, you were on the other, more secluded, side of the stage. you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t considered being a manager before; you’ve always been the type to take care of others, and when minseo had joked about taking you on as an assistant before, a secret part of you had taken it a little too close to heart. but you had never actually expected her words to become a reality.
the job isn’t too hard to pick up. you’re assigned a lot of small yet useful tasks, like calling the salons and confirming hair appointment times, or writing the minutes for meetings about comeback concepts. sometimes, your only role for the day is simply coaxing minseo unni into stopping and taking a lunch break. you’re busy, for sure, but not yet at the juggling-octopus level of the senior manager, who is somehow able to coordinate every other task and responsibility that involves the group simultaneously and all without fail. while you just have to confirm the things she’s already set up, she has to do all the preparation work.  you’ve seen her meticulously arrange and assign each member’s schedules, all the while keeping an eye on album sales and concert venues and security payroll and feedback from their vocal or dance instructors. just by looking at her essay of a to-do list that’s propped up on her desk, you understand why the company gave her the permission to hire an assistant.
the most important responsibility she had given you, however, was to be the first line of contact with the members of the group. “you know them better than i do, so i think you’d do a better job of helping them out. they’re not too fussy, so it shouldn’t be too hard to work with them? just keep an eye on the members, and check on them every now and then. of course, let me know if you need any extra help.” a very harried minseo had told you, while on hold with the videography company who, annoyingly, hadn’t confirmed what time they were coming in tomorrow to film the dance video for the group’s upcoming comeback.
“yes, of course.” you had replied, fully intending to not do just that. you were going to avoid adding any responsibilities to minseo unni’s workload at all costs.
there wasn’t much that you needed to do. occasionally, you needed to get the members drinks or snacks while they were in their waiting rooms before music show performances, or make sure that they checked in with you before they went out anywhere. to help with this, you had gotten into the habit of carrying a backpack with you at all times, fully stocked with the necessities: an assortment of the member’s favourite snacks, an epipen for hyemin’s peanut allergy tucked in a small first aid kit, extra hair elastics, pads and tampons, and various sets of phone chargers. 
“you’re already, like, one of those overprepared asian mothers that carries everything in her massive purse, and you’re barely an adult.” yerin had snickered one day while you reorganized your bag in their dorm.
you had grinned, teasingly pushing her away. “it’s this overprepared asian mother that has your precious pocky at hand, so watch it.” you’d warned, shaking the snack box in the air. 
“don’t shake it!” yerin had yelped, cradling the cookie sticks protectively against her chest. “you’ll break them.”
it was the last week of promotions for the group’s third mini album, and you had just finished supervising the stage hands as they finished setting up the stage. satisfied, you grab your backpack from the chair it was lounging on, thank them for their hard work, and beeline for the exit, wondering if you can run into the girls before they get called down for their pre-stage interview.
“—ust going to have to wait, we don’t have any on hand right now.” you hear a gruff sounding voice say, and subconsciously, you look towards the source of the noise.
just across the hallway from you is what appears to be a very tall manager and a very short idol, judging from the casual apparel the taller is wearing and the shiny, glittery jacket the shorter one has on. the one in the glittery jacket is clutching at his shoulder in obvious discomfort. 
“how long do you think it will take?” the shorter asks, letting go of his shoulder and rolling it back, and you’d recognize that voice anywhere. yerin had recently been studying his stage habits by watching his fancams on repeat, and at this point, his voice was engraved in the back of your mind. it’s jinhwan, again. (“i can’t believe you got to meet jinhwan sunbae before i did,” yerin had pouted when you had told her about your previous encounter. “but why did you call him sunbae? he’s not technically your senior anymore.”
“so i used to be a trainee, and old habits die hard. sue me.” you had defended yourself, protectively, before making a mental note to stop doing that.)
“i’m not sure. i’m not supposed to leave the shooting site, and no one else has answered my calls yet. do you think you’ll be able to do the stage without a patch?” the manager asks.
the idol who you now recognize as jinhwan winces, and you take that as your cue to dig through your bag. after finding what you’re looking for, you take a nervous breath and walk towards the pair.
“hello,” you greet tentatively, bowing. the two of them turn to face you, and politely bow back. you don’t miss the way jinhwan’s face grimaces ever so slightly as he does so.
“i’m really sorry if i’m being invasive, but i happened to hear what was going on.” you start. at that, you offer him the pair of pain-relief patches you were clutching securely with both of your hands. “please, take these.”
the two of them pause, taking a second to read the upside-down text on the packaging. in hindsight, you probably should have held it so the text was facing them. “won’t you need them?” the manager asks, eventually looking back up at you.
you shake your head in denial, eyes wide. “no, no. i always have extras in my bag. besides, the ones my members use most often are the ankle patches, so i won’t miss these.” you explain, taking a short, meaningful glance at jinhwan’s shoulder before pushing the packages into his manager’s hands. 
he takes them. “thank you,” he says, gratefully, and you smile. 
“yes, of course.” you reply, taking another quick glance at jinhwan. he’s staring at you, expression carefully blank, but, upon making eye contact. he bows his head. “thank you,” he says as well, and you pause. there’s something in his tone that sounds off, but you can’t quite pinpoint what it is. 
you don’t have time to stand there and think about it, though, because your group is going to get called down for their interview any minute now. and while you don’t technically have to be there, minseo said that it would be a good idea for you to monitor them. “just so you can get used to your job,” she had said, and you agreed. it would be entirely selfish to back out on that now, just to stand and meaninglessly analyze a person you had no connections with.
“i … have to go now.” you begin, tentatively, ignoring the pressing feeling in the pit of your stomach thats begging you to stay and figure out what feels so wrong. “good luck on your stage, sunb- i mean! jinhwan-ssi, and i hope your shoulder feels better.”
you bow, reflexively, trying your best not to make a weird face out of embarrassment, and jinhwan bows back. “thank you, again.” he reiterates, and you turn to leave.
it’s only after you’re absolutely sure that you’re out of their line of view before you let yourself cringe. sunbae? you tried to call him sunbae? you really, really, need to get out of that habit. what kind of interaction was that?
‘but is he okay?’ a smaller, more insistent, voice in the back of your head asks, and you frown. you don’t know. 
in between your last memorable encounter and the next one, you see him a few times. your group passes by him in a few music programs, you run into their group at a hair appointment, and a few other miscellaneous encounters as such naturally occur. but you never interact. as a manager, it’s not your job to play buddy-buddy with other idol groups, especially if they’re not even in your company. you’ve always done a very good job of staying out of the spotlight, and, as a manager, most people don’t spare you a glance. jinhwan doesn’t even look in your direction.
you’d be lying if you said you weren’t disappointed.
the third time you meet him is not, for once, at a music program. you’re in hapjeong-dong, meaning to visit a friend who’d recently moved into the area. but she’d last-minute changed her housewarming party time to a dinner party instead of a lunch meetup. by the time you’d got the memo, you were already halfway across seoul on the subway. since you hadn’t eaten anything yet, and you no longer had lunch plans, your first stop is at the first ramen shop you see after you exit the terminal.
“i’m afraid we’re a little full at the moment, ma’am, and the only seats available are at the counter. will that be alright?” the hostess asks, smiling warmly.
“yes, that’s great.” you say, and you let her escort you to the counter and hand you a menu. you prop up your purse and your housewarming gift on the chair next to you before taking it, thanking her.
as you’re flipping through the menu, mentally calculating how much more you’ll be able to spend this month, you hear the tinkling of the bell at the front door signalling another customer. a cursory glance around the relatively full counter area lets you know that there’s only one seat left, and you’re hogging it with your bags. you quickly take them off the only available chair and bend down to set them on the ground below your feet.
“... and here you go, sir, i’ll be back with a menu shortly.” the bubbly hostess says, smiling politely at the customer whose face you haven’t seen yet. you straighten up, taking a quick look at the hostess and the customer before turning back to look at your menu. 
“yes, thank you,” the customer says, and you freeze. you must be hearing things. there is no way that you are eating lunch next to kim jinhwan in a random restaurant.
the customer sits down next to you, and you shoot another quick look at the man who is taking off his mask. who is most definitely kim jinhwan. 
do you … do you say anything? idols deserve to eat in peace, so should you pretend not to recognize him? but won’t sitting in a stony, awkward silence as you eat next to each other be even worse? you contemplate burying yourself in your phone for the entire meal, before realizing that you left it in your purse. and there’s no feasible way that you can grab it without having to scoot back your chair, get off the stool to open your bag, and sit back up on it again. 
unfortunately for you, he looks in your direction as you’re gaping at him, panic-struck. the resulting eye contact is unbearably awkward on your end, but he looks at you as if he’s trying to remember who you are.
“pardon me, but are you the one who … with the pain-relief patch?” he asks, gesturing slightly with his hands as he sits dodwn. it’s vague and awkward, and if he did that to anyone else they’d be very confused, but you know exactly what he means.
you blush a little. there’s nothing else you can say now. “yes, uh, i think that was me.” 
“and … the vending machine?” he ventures.
your eyes widen a little at that. that was so many months ago. he still remembers? “the energy drink, right? that was also me. hello, jinhwan-ssi.” you offer, tentatively, bowing your head slightly. at this point, there’s no use pretending you don’t know his name. he bows his head in return.
“may i ask for your name?” jinhwan asks, tentatively.
“oh, ah, i’m ______.” you respond. “it’s nice to meet you, officially.” 
jinhwan nods in agreement, seemingly taking in all the new information for a few seconds. after a short pause, he continues. “do you also work in the entertainment industry?” he asks, slowly. 
“yes, i’m an assistant manager for kyubie, a new girlgroup at AB entertainment,” you introduce yourself. it still feels a little strange to say that title out loud. assistant manager. you’re an assistant manager.
“ah, i see.” jinhwan says, smiling a little as he processes the information, and you politely smile back. a part of you wants to help him carry this conversation out, but the other, more dominant part of you is just as socially awkward as he looks like he feels and is absolutely incapable of doing such a thing.
“you look quite young for a manager,” he offers, as an odd semblance of a compliment, and you take it in stride.
“i get that a lot! i actually used to be a trainee at AB, but i ended up becoming a manager inst!—ead …” you start, mouth running itself as it struggles to fill the awkward silence, before you register what you just said. 
“i, uh, i wasn’t supposed to say that.” you mutter, loudly enough so its audible but quietly enough to express your regret.
jinhwan, for what it’s worth, only looks placidly amused. “don’t worry, i won’t say a word,” he assures you. he doesn’t ask for any more details or for an elaboration on why it would be a secret. you’re grateful for that.
“thank you,” you say, trying not to let the relief show itself too heavily in your tone. if he notices it, he doesn’t say a word.
“i should be thanking you. for the drink and for the pain-relief patches, before. i don’t think i could have done my stage without either.” he assures you, kindly. “i didn’t get to thank you properly before.”
you shake your head in denial. “no, no, don’t worry about it. i get what it’s like to always be running low on time. and you did say thank you! i didn’t feel underappreciated, or ignored, or anything like that.” you explain, letting out your first real smile since the beginning of the conversation. 
(you miss the way his eyes linger on it for a beat too long.)
“i’m glad that you think that, then,” jinhwan says, faintly, as the hostess comes back with his menu that he barely even scans before ordering. you, too, order, ignoring the meaningful glances she’s throwing at the two of you. that’s a misunderstanding that can be resolved in the unlikely chance it becomes an issue.
“so,” jinhwan starts, “tell me about your group.”
and you’re gone.
conversation flows surprisingly easily once the two of you find your common ground. as a manager and as a friend, you have a lot to tell him about your members and how they act. “one of them, my friend, actually, she’s a really big fan of yours.” you mention, offhandedly. you’ve gone long past the point where you’re trying to filter yourself. 
“is that so?” he asks, calmly, and you grin.
“yeah. she was really jealous when i told her that i met you before,” you laugh, “and she’ll probably be a little bit jealous that i met you again today.”
“what about you?” he asks, and then looks a little bit startled. almost as if he hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“i’m sorry?” you ask, despite knowing perfectly well what he’d meant to say. you do your best to not blush.
jinhwan, having seemingly decided to just go with it, smiles. “are you a fan of mine, too?” he asks, and oh, your cheeks are not supposed to feel this hot.
“i, uh—” you flounder, trying to think of a way to answer this professionally, before a strangely brave crevice of your mind tells you to be honest.
“before? i don’t know. but now? probably.” you admit, which is good enough for jinhwan.
he doesn’t push it (probably because you looked like a tomato just then and he wants to save your blood pressure), and instead steers the conversation back to your life as a manager and his funny anecdotes in the entertainment industry. for someone who is so soft spoken and looked so thoroughly awkward when you first met, he tries incredibly hard to keep the conversation flowing and comfortable. you’re half in awe at his easy going nature.
you eat slowly once you get your food, selfishly wanting the conversation to last longer, but eventually there are no more noodles left in your plate and half of the lunchtime rush has already cleared out. jinhwan excuses himself to pay, asking you to watch his jacket, and you grab your purse and your housewarming gift from the floor while you wait. your phone tells you that it’s been nearly two hours since you entered the restaurant, and you must have suddenly forgotten how to read time, because there’s no possible way you had spent that long talking with jinhwan.
he eventually comes back. he puts his mask on and grabs his jacket from the back of his chair, and you take that as your cue to head to the payment counter. “i’m here to pay for my order,” you say, pulling out your wallet, and the checkout man shakes his head. 
“you’re already paid for,” he explains, and you frown. “pardon me?” you ask, unsure if you heard him right.
“the gentleman who sat next to you has already paid for your meal,” he clarifies, and you stand there for a moment.
“are— are you sure?” you ask, confusedly. the checkout man nods. “here’s the purchase receipt if you want to be sure.”
the sound of the front door bell tinkling draws your attention, and you turn to see jinhwan’s figure leave the shop. “thank you!” you exclaim hurriedly to the counter, mindlessly stuffing the receipt in your left pocket before booking it out of there.
by the time you get to the outside of the shop, jinhwan is a good ten meters away. “jinh—!” you start, and then stop. yelling an idol’s name in public is most definitely not a good idea. 
you’ve never been the most active, but you run after him anyway. thankfully, he’s not making an effort to run away from you, because you wouldn’t be able to catch up with him then. 
eventually, you catch up with him as he’s waiting for a pedestrian walkway to turn green. “jinhwan-ssi!” you call, furtively, and the man in question turns around to face you.
" ______.” he says, curiously. “what are you doing here?”
“you paid for my meal.” you state, and he looks at you like it’s obvious. 
“yes, i did.” he says, frowning a little. the pedestrian walkway turns green. he doesn’t make any effort to move.
“can i pay you back?” you ask, hand instinctively going towards your wallet in your right pocket.
he laughs a little at that. “why would you pay me back? this is my thank you for the favours you did for me.”
“you don’t have to pay me back! i did those things because i could. besides, a vending machine drink and a pain-relief patch costs much less than a meal.” you argue.
“then, consider it like i’m doing this because i can.” he counters, and its very hard to object to your own logic.
“can i at least buy you coffee or something as thanks?” you ask, as the pedestrian walkway turns red once more. 
at this, jinhwan pauses, before he sighs. “i have vocal practice in half an hour, so i can’t right now. but—” he continues, seeing the look of disappointment you already knew was on your face, “did you get the receipt from the checkout guy?”
“the what?” you ask, confused.
his face pales. “oh no, did you not take it?” he asks, suddenly looking scared, and you remember mindlessly snatching the receipt from the checkout man’s hands. you clumsily pat through your pockets a little before pulling a slip of paper out from your left pocket. “no, i have it,” you say, holding it up, “but why?”
jinhwan sighs. “turn it over,” he says, and you do.
in pen, a phone number is scribbled over the back of the receipt. “jinhwan,” it says in neatly printed letters next to it, and you fight back the urge to smile. you probably do a terrible job of it, too.
“text me when you’re free, and we can do coffee sometime, yeah?” jinhwan offers. you can’t see his face well because of his mask, but the tips of his ears are red. it’s stupidly endearing.
“i will,” you promise, because how could you say no to that?
the walkway light turns green once again. jinhwan waves as he crosses the street, and you wave as you stay behind. its only after you’re absolutely, positively sure that he’s out of sight that you let yourself grin, burying your too-hot face into your hands. 
if you just played your cards right, you have a date with kim jinhwan.
(you text him the very same day, and make plans for coffee the next week.
you treat him to crepe cakes and lattes, and he pouts, claiming that the crepes were too much and now he just has to take you out to make up for it.
before you can tell him that no, it’s fine, it’s your treat, he has movie tickets for two booked and emailed to your account.
you agree to go, but only if you get to buy the popcorn.)
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noona-clock · 4 years
The Counselor - Part 2
Genre: Teacher!AU
Pairing: Bobby x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: Alcohol/drinking
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 2,415
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The good thing about the first week of school was that you were far too busy and exhausted to be vigilant about any sexist remarks your new principal might have made. He hadn’t said anything glaringly terrible when he spoke on the morning announcements, and that was about as much as you could take in for the time being. So, if he’d said anything behind the scenes or in passing, you were blissfully unaware of it.
The bad thing about the first week of school was that you were far too busy and exhausted to do anything. You barely cooked real food for yourself once you got home, and you really could only manage taking a shower and picking out your clothes for the next day. Once you’d done that, it was nothing but mindless television until your eyes were too heavy to stay awake -- which only felt like a few hours.
You knew this wouldn’t last long -- the hustle and bustle of a new school year would eventually turn into a routine, and you would suddenly find you had more energy to do things. But, right now, you truly could not fathom even looking at a test much less actually creating, administering, and grading one. For twenty-five students. Per class.
Thank goodness you were just a math teacher. If you had to read almost 150 two-page essays like the Literature and History teachers did on a regular basis... you probably would’ve quit years ago.
But you didn’t, so you hadn’t!
You truly did love teaching, don’t get me wrong. It was exhausting, and your work environment could change from year to year depending on your bosses and co-workers. But at the end of the day, you knew there wasn’t another job out there that would leave you feeling as gratified and fulfilled as teaching did.
But... right now... on Friday afternoon... you were just exhausted.
The last student had left your room for the week, and you had trudged over to your desk, plopping down onto your chair and letting your head fall onto your desk with a gentle thud.
A few moments later, you heard footsteps shuffling toward your door -- but you didn’t even have enough energy to lift your head up and see who it was.
You had a pretty good guess, though.
“You made it!” came Bobby’s voice soon after the footsteps moved from the vinyl flooring of the hall to the carpet of your classroom. “The first week -- the hardest week -- is over.”
You simply let out a very weak cheer, and Bobby chuckled gently as his footsteps approached your desk.
When you felt him lean on the edge, and when you felt his hand pat your back a few times, you managed to loll your head over to the side so you could shift your eyes up to him.
“I don’t think I can get up,” you muttered, your words just a bit garbled since your cheek was pressed against the surface of your desk.
“Well, I’m not helping you, so you’ll have to find the strength.”
Sighing, you replied with, “Can you at least promise to go have dinner with me somewhere -- somewhere that serves alcohol, preferably. That would be a good incentive.”
That half-smile of his appeared on his lips, and he nodded. “I will absolutely promise you that.”
You were just about to lift your head up lazily when you heard a timid knock on your door.
“Ms. Y/L/N?” a soft, female voice said.
You sat up quickly, eyebrows raised as you saw a student from your third period class hesitantly standing in your doorway. You couldn’t remember her name yet, so she obviously was not one of the troublemakers -- those names you remembered instantly and would never forget for as long as you lived.
“Yes,” you answered before forcing a smile. “Hi, sweetie. What’s up?”
“I -- I was wondering...” she started, clutching her math textbook to her chest and taking a couple of cautious steps inside. “I’m just really not good at math, and I know I’m going to struggle in your class, so I was hoping I could... get some extra help? Do you know of any tutors or anything?”
Bobby piped up then, standing from your desk and turning toward the door. “I can help you find some tutors.”
For some reason, though, you actually wanted to help this girl yourself. First of all, she was adorable and quiet and shy. Second of all, she was self-aware and not afraid to ask for help directly from the source. Plus, she wasn’t a troublemaker, so there was a good chance you would actually like spending time with her.
And helping her out after school meant you got to procrastinate planning lessons and grading assignments. Always something you prioritized.
“Oh, no, I can help you,” you interjected before the girl could accept Bobby -- Mr. Kim’s -- offer. “Are you free after school on... Wednesdays or Thursdays?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the girl answered immediately with a hopeful grin. “Wednesdays are good.”
“Perfect. Come here as soon as you can next Wednesday?”
The girl nodded and wished you a nice weekend before turning on her heel and scurrying out of your room.
As you opened your notebook with all of your class seating charts to see if you could remember her name, Bobby said, “Uh, don’t you remember the new admin policy about after-school activities?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?” you muttered. You stopped flipping through the notebook when you got to the chart for your third period, narrowing your eyes in concentration to try to visualize where the girl had decided to sit.
“Principal Howell’s new policy. He talked about it during the staff meeting on Tuesday morning... No after-school activities without his approval. Even the sponsors for the existing clubs and stuff had to go see him to get approved.”
Your brow furrowed immediately, and you momentarily lifted your gaze to look at Bobby as if he were crazy. “This is tutoring. It hardly qualifies as an activity.”
Bobby just replied with an expression that clearly said Okay, but don’t look at me if you get in trouble, I tried to tell you.
You pursed your lips and continued, “Like, every teacher does after-school tutoring at some point! He really wants every teacher in the whole school to come to him to get it approved? Doubtful.”
“Okay, okay,” Bobby relented, holding his hands up to ward off your defense. He then took a few steps toward your door and added, “Are you almost ready to go?”
“Yes, let me just make a note on my calendar...” You grabbed a pen, and when your eyes landed on the seating chart once again, you cried out a triumphant (but soft) Aha! 
Victoria! Her name was Victoria.
“Meet you at El Torero?” Bobby asked from your doorway.
At the mention of your favorite local Mexican restaurant, you nodded quickly. But then you added, “Jay’s after?”
A fairly popular bar was right next to the restaurant, and since you didn’t have a taste for beer or margaritas (which is all they sold at El Torero), you were looking forward to a fun mixed drink or two at Jay’s after eating.
“You got it,” Bobby confirmed before stepping into the hallway and heading toward the nearest exit.
After scribbling down “Victoria tutor after school” on your calendar next Wednesday, you hastily stood up, grabbed your bag, and cheerfully locked up your classroom for the weekend.
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“Get whatever you want,” Bobby said as the two of you slid into a booth at Jay’s, a popular locally-owned bar you tended to frequent during the school year. “It’s on me tonight.”
“Ooh,” you marveled, a delightfully pleased expression overtaking your features as you reached for a drink menu. “Why, thank you, kind Sir.”
“My pleasure,” Bobby chuckled.
As you began to skim over the multitude of drink choices, you almost commented that you didn’t even know why you looked at the menu anymore; Jay’s made the best Sidecar you’d tasted in your entire life, and you’d been too cautious to ever try anything else.
But then you saw a new drink on the menu -- its name was in green instead of black and there was a star next to it, so it was hard to miss -- and the description sounded quite intriguing.
Before you could bring it up to Bobby, the owner of the bar -- Jinhwan, himself -- appeared at your table.
“What’ll it be tonight, guys?” he asked with a friendly smile.
You and Bobby had been coming here ever since you’d started working together, so Jinhwan knew the two of you by name at this point. He was practically your friend, though you never saw him outside of the bar.
“Hey, Jinhwan,” you greeted, returning his grin. “What’s this new drink?”
The bar owner’s face immediately lit up, and you could’ve sworn you saw his cheeks turn just the barest hint of pink. “Ah, yes -- it’s one I created for my girlfriend, I just added it earlier this week.”
“Wow, that is adorable,” you gushed. “It’s her favorite or something?”
“She’s not a big drinker, and whenever she came in, she would just get a bottle of cider. So, I wanted to create something she would actually like. I had her test all different versions of it until she finally didn’t have anything she wanted to change. Took me almost six months to get it right, but now, here it is.”
Well, if that wasn’t the cutest thing you’d ever heard.
“I’m definitely getting that then,” you told him, slipping the menu back in the metal holder at the end of the table.
Bobby held up two fingers, and Jinhwan nodded, murmured a You got it, and then turned back toward the bar.
“God, that’s so cute,” you said with a slightly furrowed brow once Jinhwan was out of earshot.
Bobby raised his eyebrows at you as he crossed his arms over the tabletop and leaned forward. “Is that a dream of yours? That one day your boyfriend will name an alcoholic drink after you?”
You reached for a napkin, crumpled it up in your fist, and then threw it at his face.
“Shut up,” you laughed softly. “I mean, if my boyfriend owns a bar, then, yes. I would love for him to do that.”
“But only if he owns a bar.”
“Yes, only if he owns a bar.”
“What about if he owns a restaurant?”
“Then, obviously, I want him to name a pizza after me,” you answered without hesitation.
“But what if he doesn’t own a pizza restaurant?” Bobby asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Do you really think I would date a guy who owns any other type of restaurant?” you pointed out. “Free pizza for life is the only acceptable compensation for dating someone who would barely be home -- because owning a restaurant is a lot of work.”
“So, if you met a guy who was completely your ideal type -- looks-wise and personality-wise -- but he owned a burger place, you wouldn’t date him?”
You blinked a few times before sputtering out a confused laugh. “I don’t -- can we move on, please? We don’t need to continue talking about my non-existent dating life.”
Bobby let out a sigh and leaned back against his seat, moving to tap his fingers on the edge of the table. “Okay, what should we talk about? Work?”
“My love life and work are not the only two options for conversation!” you retorted. “What are your plans for the weekend?”
A hidden smirk tugged at Bobby’s lips, a clear sign he was satisfied with how he’d teased you and was now ready to move on. “I’m meeting up with Donghyuk to play some basketball.”
“Oh, he’s the.... um, the doctor, right? The one who moved?”
Bobby nodded.
“Man, it’s a shame he moved,” you sighed. “He was super cute. ...Is he still single?”
“No,” Bobby chuckled. “He met someone there. I think he’s going to propose, actually.”
“Well, when you meet her, please tell her she’s a very lucky woman.”
One of Bobby’s friends from college, Donghyuk, was probably one of the cutest, smartest, kindest, and sweetest guys you’d ever met. You had definitely been interested in dating him, but you’d had a boyfriend at the time. And after your break-up, when you’d been ready to think about moving on, he had moved away for a job. And now he was going to get married, apparently!
“Two lucky women, actually,” Bobby corrected you.
Your eyebrows shot halfway up your forehead. “...Excuse me?”
“His girlfriend has a daughter.”
Your expression immediately relaxed, and you let out a soft chuckle. “Oh, got it. Yeah, definitely two lucky women.”
Bobby leaned forward again, and if you didn’t know better, you would’ve thought there was a slightly awkward look about him. “You... can come with me, if you want. If you want to tell him yourself.”
“Come with you? To play basketball?” you smirked. “No, thank you. But give him my regards.”
“I mean, you don’t have to play. You can, like, watch or something.”
You were about to answer that you were fine -- watching basketball seemed almost as bad as playing basketball, but Jinhwan returned with your drinks before you got the chance.
“Enjoy,” he grinned after setting them down on the table. “Happy Friday.”
You reached for the glass in front of you, lifting it up slightly and nodding your head toward both Jinhwan and Bobby. “Happy Friday, indeed,” you replied with a beaming smile.
Bobby followed suit, and then the two of you took a sip.
Your eyes widened as the sweet but tart drink hit the back of your throat. Jinhwan, obviously wanting to see how his customers were liking the new addition to the menu, had stayed by your table, so you shot him a very impressed look.
“Tell your girlfriend she has excellent taste in alcoholic beverages,” you said.
Jinhwan immediately looked very proud and pleased, and he lifted his shoulders smugly when he said, “That’s not the only thing she has good taste in. But, I will.”
As you took another sip when Jinhwan turned to leave, you made Bobby promise to only let you drink two of these.
...But then you made him promise to come with you again next Friday.
He agreed to both, like the good friend he was.
Part 3
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tacojisung · 4 years
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Part 1
✾ Pairing: Yandere!Seonghwa x reader
✾ Warnings: Yandere behavior, Swearing, Kidnapping, Stalking, Violence, Obsession, Possessive natures, and weird creepy shit going down bro.
✾ Genre: Fluff, Some Angst, Humor, Yandere themes, Smut/Mature
✾ Words: 1k
✾ Summary: Your neighbor next door seemed too nice and welcoming.
✾ A/N: Nice simple start to this series, although as I wrote the last few sentences I actually was getting spooked myself and since it’s 2am, I need sleep bro. Enjoy broski’s!
Update! Will be under construction!
Timestamp | Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2
A loud thud sounds from your room as you dance about in your new kitchen, placing utensils in drawers. You shrug it off as you hear loud cheering and more rukus coming from your neighbor next door. Why couldn’t your neighbor just be the old lady in A2?
You continue to place more stuff in their rightful place around the kitchen, trying your best to ignore your neighbor and his loud ass friends. Because you just didn’t want to become that neighbor and storm over and kick his ass along with his friends’ asses for being so damn loud and banging the walls with what sounded like a ball - which who the fuck even plays soccer inside? Well, little kids do when they're bored out of their mind and want to live wild for once and then run away when their mom finds out that they broke one of her most expensive vases.
“Hey! Did you know that you have five year old neighbors?” Jinhwan asked as he walked into the living room, carrying a few empty boxes with him.
Turning around to look at him with a blank face you replied, “You don’t fucking say?”
He frowns at you just as he was about to say something back when Bobby and Yunhyeong appear from the hallway to your bedroom and bathroom.
“Bathroom is all set and clean! Man, I wish I could have my own place, sadly I’m still dorming with these idiots.” Yunhyeong throws more empty boxes to the pile Jinhwan has made, flopping himself onto your couch.
“Hey, at least these idiots help you clean sometimes!”
“Yeah, whenever I ask Hanbin to help me clean he goes to you guys and threatens you or manipulates you to do it for him.” Jinhwan stares at Yunhyeong.
“It’s true man, he does do that to us.” Bobby speaks up from the counter behind you, his gaze not leaving whatever he has in his hand.
“He once manipulated me to clean Kihyun’s car after he was the one that had spilled choco ice cream all over the dash.” You say as you breathe deeply. A traumatizing memory for you since Kihyun had literally thought you were the culprit that his dash in his car had smelled of ice cream for an entire week, but luckily he had forgiven you and had a recording of what really happened that day.
“Doesn’t Kihyun have a dash camera in his car?”
Putting the last dish in the cabinet above you with a little help of your step stool that Donghyuk and June had gifted you - which you had cursed them out since they had made plenty of jokes about how short you were and that you just needed a little help to reach places without having Chan or Mingyu help you.
Turning to Jinhwan you smiled. “Yeah he does!” You chuckle as you remember vividly as Kihyun had called you to apologize and say that he had seen that Hanbin was the one who had spilled the ice cream, and that he would make it up to you since he had a video of Hanbin driving his car, that he had borrowed to get to a meeting that day and that after the meeting he was at he had gone to an ice cream parlor, and drove around the city in which he had made a sharp turn, which resulted in him using the brakes hard as a another car was going to make a u-turn.
“He has three camera’s in his car. The dash board one, the bumper one and he has one hidden in the dashboard in case someone decides to steal his car.”
All three guys start laughing as hard as they can as another loud thud sounds from your bedroom, following with a loud “Oh shit!”
You roll your eyes at that. Stupid neighbor and his friends.
“So-so, that means Hanbin never saw that camera?” Bobby says, a hand on his stomach.
You smirk as you look over to him, but you frown as you look at what is in his hand. “Are those my panties?!” You point at him as he stops laughing, Jinhwan and Yunhyeong stopping as well.
Bobby looks down and immediately pulls them behind his back. “No?”
“Give them back.”
“Bobby.” He starts backing out of your kitchen and walking backwards to the living room as Jinhwan and Yunhyeong stare at you both.
“Give it!” You yell, running after him as he takes off. Both of you run in circles around your living room until he runs off to your room and shuts the door on you, locking you out of your own new room. “Bobby, I swear to god if you don’t open this door-”
“You’ll what?” He yells back from the other side of the door.
You growl lowly, an angry pout present on your lips. “I will punch you in the throat and tear out your spine and shove it so far up where the sun doesn’t shine.”
You can hear Bobby chuckling. “Why does that turn me on a little?”
“That’s because you're weird and like weird shit!” Yunhyeong yells from the living room.
“And because you stole Y/n’s panties before and keep them in a secret place back home!”
“And you once told us drunkenly that you had a thing for when girls are dom with you!”
“Oh my god…”
The sound of the lock clicks as the door opens and Bobby’s red face is shown, your panties in his left hand. “Give me those.” You say, snatching your panties back and pushing Bobby out of your room.
“Thanks for exposing me guys.”
“Anytime!” Jinhwan laughs with Yunhyeong, the sound of two people high-fiving being heard from the living room.
As you walk towards your dresser you feel as if someone is watching you, but as you turn around you see that Bobby isn’t there and is most likely already in the living room with the other guys. You frown to yourself and put back your panties that Bobby had originally taken out of your drawer. 
Looking around your finished unpacked new room, you feel those eyes again, but you don’t know where they are coming from. Must be the realization of moving alone. But you feel as if it is not just that. With a shrug of your shoulders, you turn and leave your room, your neighbor and his friends finally quieted down as you make your way to your living room to challenge your friends to a game of Mario Kart.
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kpopwrld · 4 years
On Stage
Genre: fluff (🌸) ; best friends to lovers
Pairing: Kim Jinhwan x Reader
Word Count: 760
Requested: yes/no
Warnings: none
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You and the iKON boys were best friends since middle school and never grew apart from each other. You saw from up close their every step since leaving high school, to the auditions, survival programme and finally their debut. It was no secret that you had a special spot to Jinhwan, well, except for him. But it also was no secret for the iKON boys that he felt the same, except for you of corse.
You were very close to all of them but specially Hanbin since he was the first one you met in the group and Jinhwan would always glare at the both of you when he saw you together, without you noticing. He loved both of you, he just wished you were closer to him instead, he was jealous and thought you had feelings for B.I.
Today they were having a concert in Seoul and like any other of their concerts, you were backstage helping them get ready.
"Stop moving! I can't do it properly." You said to June trying to style his hair. He sighed but finally stopped moving.
"Hi, June are you ready? And stop giving Y/N a hard time." Jinhwan says as he walks in and places a kiss on your cheek, a regular thing but never failed to make you blush and fortunately for you, he never seemed to notice.
"I'm just finishing his hair and he's good to go. Are you ready?" You say as you finish styling June's hair.
"If you could help me with my tie... We're starting with a slow song so we wanted to wear appropriate clothes." He says and you nod, walking to him and helping him fix his tie.
"That's my cue. Don't make out too much love birds, we'll be on stage in a short while." June says as he leaves the room laughing.
"I would punch him if I could." Jinhwan says and you just smile as he stares at you. "You look pretty up close."
"Are you saying I look ugly when I'm not this close?" You joke.
"Wha- no. That's not what I-" he stops talking when he sees you laughing. "You love seeing me flustered, don't you?"
"I actually do." you laugh and look at him. He looks back at you and you both stare at each other for a while before you finally break eye contact.
"Okay, all done, you can go now. Good luck." You smile and walk away.
It's been an hour since they went on stage and you were backstage watching them and singing along to their songs. They were having so much fun, they were truly happy and so were their fans, cheering for them nonstop. Suddently someone calls you to the room next to the stage and you run there think something was wrong.
"iKONICs today is a very important day to me... I am in love with someone and even though I don't know if she feels the same, I'm gonna shoot my shot... Y/N?" Jinhwan calls and looks at the door backstage waiting for you to walk on stage. You don't know what's going on untill someone pushes you on stage. You try to run off but Chanwoo stops you.
"Come here." Jinhwan says and you walk to him. He holds your hand and looks in the ways. "We have known each other for a few years now, you've always been by our side and I am thankful for you. But... I have never seen you as just a friend. Y/N I'm hopelessly in love with you and I'm sorry if I'm embarassing you by confessing in front of my fans but I wanted this to be special and I wanted them to know who is the girl I love. You're so important to me and I was so scared of losing you, that's the only reason I didn't confess earlier." By now you were in tears. "Please say something."
"I love you too." You hugged him tight, letting your tears flow. The crowd and the members cheered as Jinhwan held you with a huge smile on his face.
Bobby turned to the crowd and started chanting "Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her" and everyone joined.
Jinhwan, pulled away, looked in your eyes smiling and put a strand of hair behind your ear, leaning in and kissing you softly. It was like everyone around you disappeared, it was only you and your new boyfriend, like nothing else mattered.
And it was true, nothing else mattered, he was all you needed.
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What did you think? Hope you enjoyed! :)
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kpopmalereader · 4 years
happy, pt.2 ; jung chanwoo
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• summary: happy, pt.2 • pairing: jung chanwoo x male!reader • word count: 1644 • to do
happy ; pt.1, pt.2
“Group meeting,” Chanwoo answers before anyone asks. “That’s why I’m here, I want to have a group meeting.”
He managed to catch everyone in the living room. A small box-fan whirs on the coffee table, Chanwoo clicks the speed lower and pushes it to the back edge of the table. The tension grows with every pace Chanwoo takes as everyone else in the room pretends to relax.
Chanwoo stops pacing after a few minutes and stands behind the table. He picks at the peeling paint on the fan as he talks. “I want to talk about my boyfriend.”
“Chanwoo,” Hanbin starts.
Chanwoo holds his hand up to stop him. “Just listen.”
They seem to be paying attention to him, he can’t tell if their focus is a good or bad thing.
“Y/N is a good person. You don’t know anything about him because you choose not to know anything about him. I’ve tried to tell you about him and every time I’ve mentioned him one of you rants and raves about how bad of a person he is.” Chanwoo pushes his hair back.
The plan Chanwoo is carefully concocting in his mind shakes and wobbles but waking up to your beautiful face, watching your glasses slide down the bridge of your nose as you concentrate on new designs, the effortless charisma that exudes from you as you pour and mix drinks at the bar, Chanwoo’s want for you to be close to his friends, to have his favorite people know and enjoy being around each other. Those things are enough to push his hastily made plan into the spotlight.
Chanwoo repeats. “He’s a good person. He’s an amazing artist, he’s fiercely protective, he takes care of his family, sends them money, calls any family he can as much as he can, he gets upset if I stay out too late, he checks my temperature every hour if he even hears a cough, he’s such a good person. His job, being covered in tattoos, those aren’t good enough reasons for you to judge him like you have. How many times have you guys asked to meet him? I don’t think I’ve heard any of you ask about him, meanwhile, he asks about you, wants to meet you, listens intently anytime I mention you.”
Nobody makes direct eye contact with Chanwoo and he continues.
“I want you to meet him today.” Chanwoo crosses his arms, shaking his head when expressions of disagreement appear. “I don’t want any questions or objections. I need you to meet him, see who he really is. I know you’re going to end up liking him. You’re meeting him, today. I want you to see where he works, how he is, who he is. It’s not up for question, everyone in the car.”
“Chanwoo!” The receptionist leans forward, pulling her headphones off. “We’re not supposed to be taking any walk-ins today, but I would be willing to give you a piercing or two without putting it on the books.”
Chanwoo shakes his head. “Is Y/N still with his client?”
“Do you want me to go tell him you’re here? See how long it’ll be?”
“Yes, thank you.”
The receptionist walks into the backroom. Bobby walks to one of the walls, looking at the tattoo designs and pictures tacked on the wall. Chanwoo looks over at him and points at a specific picture on the wall.
“That was Y/N’s first big tattoo he did alone. He worked on a bunch of smaller tattoos, working his way up, working with the other artists, but the person that one is on. Austin, I think his name was. He thought Y/N’s work and drawings were amazing and asked him to do this huge piece across his back. It’s still the biggest piece Y/N has ever done.”
“He drew it himself?” Bobby asks, inspecting the big picture and the smaller ones circling it.
“Did everything himself. Austin is like a tattoo aficionado. His word in the business is a big one and after he finished the tattoo, Austin spread his name around. Now he’s a huge name in the business and people beg for appointments and seating at all hours.”
The receptionist returns and sits back in her seat. “And when we open the all-day walk-ins we have lines going down the block. He’s made himself a big name, people come from all around.”
Junhoe and Yunhyeong look at the different piercings while Jinhwan joins Bobby looking at the different tattoo options. Donghyuk and Hanbin join Chanwoo in the middle of the room.
“What’s that?” Donghyuck points to a gumball-machine in the corner.
“They are tattoo vending machines.” Chanwoo points to one end of the room. “They start at fifteen dollars and go all the way to one hundred dollars. You pay, turn the dial, whatever design you get, you get it tattooed.”
Your client walks out of the closed room, smiling at Chanwoo and the receptionist as they walk out.
“Hey Chanwoo.” The client grabs a package of bandages from the front desk. “You thinking about getting anything?”
Chanwoo scrunches his nose. “No, I don’t think so. Is that your last appointment?”
“Yep, left arm down, now to work on the right. It’s a shame Y/N gets booked so far out, he’s one of the best.”
“I’ll make you a deal,” Chanwoo smiles. “If you can tell my friends here how good of a tattoo artist and person Y/N is, I will put in a good word for you.”
Everyone begins to pay attention to the client and they pull their sleeve up. They slowly rotate their arm, pointing out a few tattoos.
“Well, you can see for yourself how talented he is. He’s my go-to artist and added a free nose piercing for being a ‘frequent flyer’.” The client nods his head and lets his sleeve fall. “And as for personality, he is wonderful. He gives amazing advice, he knows when someone needs to talk, he put in a good word for me at his old bar, and even though he left and started that new place the managers liked him enough to trust him. Speaking of that bar though,”
“Yeah, thank you.” Hanbin smiles and nods his head. The client walks out. “We get it, Chanwoo.”
“No. I want you to hear about him, meet him.”
“But you don’t need to corner someone who he stabs with a needle thousands of times.” Jinhwan shakes his head. “We’ll meet him, but you don’t need to ask everyone he knows about it.”
You step out of the tattoo room, stretching your shoulders out. You smile down the hallway at Chanwoo, spitting a piece of gum into the trashcan. Chanwoo waves you down and you straighten your back. You take a deep breath before walking down the hallway, a hopeful and friendly smile on your face.
“What kind of bird is this?” Junhoe asks. You raise your eyebrows and look at the drawing he’s pointing to. “This one, do you know what kind it is?”
Your eyes light up. “Chickadee.”
Junhoe nods with an appreciative grin. “It’s on the wall a few times, and in a few of the books. Why?”
You scratch the back of your head, Chanwoo can see your ears going red. “I had a mentor when I first got into art and tattooing, he was obsessed with animals and symbolism, especially birds. He had a big tattoo of an albatross. Albatross are said to be teachers, they guide you, challenge you. He said I was a chickadee.”
“What’s the symbolism of-”
Chanwoo answers for you. “Unfathomable positivity, courage. Surrounded and loved by good people, I check those two boxes. Trusting, always willing to listen and offer help.”
You clear your throat and move on as your face becomes redder and redder. “Since then, I’ve wanted a chickadee tattoo. I draw them whenever I’m upset or need to take my mind off of things. But because of how much I want one, I can never pin down a style or place that feels perfect. I’ll probably end up tattooing twenty on myself.”
“You can do that?” Yunhyeong asks. He repeats. “Tattoo on yourself?”
You nod and show a spot on the back of your wrist. “This was the first time I worked with glow-in-the-dark ink, wanted to test everything out on myself first.” You pull your shirt up to show your inner forearm, another on your other hand. “I’ve got a few on my legs too. It’s an easy way to practice and fight off boredom.”
“How bored can you be? Don’t you work two jobs?” Jinhwan asks.
“I do. I work here during the day and then most nights I work at the bar.” You shrug, bumping shoulders with Chanwoo as you turn to the door. “I don’t like sitting still.”
“Do you own the bar? Your last appointment said you opened the place.” Hanbin’s eyebrows pull down in question.
You nod slowly. “I do. Me and two of my friends opened it when I graduated.”
“He got his four-year degree early, finished his tattoo apprenticeship, and opened a bar in the span of a few months.” Chanwoo brags. “Then met me and his life got even better.”
“I’m not arguing.” You smile. “It was stressful for a while but it’s very rewarding. I can be a CEO when I want, I can be bartender, give very affordable tattoos without worrying about paying rent.”
Chanwoo smiles at Hanbin as the other guys ask you more questions. “So?”
“He seems nice. He has a stable job. He’s been watching you out of the corner of his eye, he seems to care for you.”
“I could have told you that without forcing you to come here.” Chanwoo joins you and rolls his eyes at some of the questions. “I think they like you.”
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jiwonscologne · 4 years
Love is a Triangle
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Double B x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
 In the next morning, I wake up to Hanbin shirtless, with his head in the level of my belly and holding my arm while peacefully sleeping, and Jiwon with his arm around my waist, hugging me. I can't see his face because I'm facing Hanbin. I could be here all day and thankfully, I can, it's Saturday. I wish I knew what time it was. Since Jiwon is still here, it's probably early, he always wakes up first. I sigh carefully, so I don't wake up Jiwon with his arm on my body and I lift my free arm to touch Hanbin's hair. I admire him, sleeping. Breathing in and out, so quietly.
 - Summer? - I hear Jiwon's voice behind me. - Are you awake?
 - Yes. - I answer without turning around.
 - Do you want to get up? - Ugh, I love his morning voice, it's so raspy and manly.
 - What time is it?
I feel Jiwon move on the bed, checking the alarm clock.
 - 11:39 am.
 - Oh, it's late. Yes, I would like to get up.
 - Ok, I'll let you go. - Jiwon chuckles and removes his arm around me. His laugh always makes me want to laugh.
 - I can't get out though.
 - Why?
 - Lift a little bit and see for yourself.- Jiwon does as I say and smiles, when he discovers Hanbin is grabbing my arm.
 - He's so cute. - Jiwon grabs my shoulder and stares at Hanbin. We watch him like we're looking at a baby.
 - I will never get tired of this. - I face Jiwon.
 - Me neither. - He smiles and kisses me.
 - Did you wait for him? Last night?
 - Yes.
 - Is everything alright? - Did they fight more?
 - Yes, don't worry. - Jiwon gets out of the bed, trying not to be too trembling. - We should let him sleep.
 - How do I get out? - I point at my arm. - It has a Hanbin on it.
Jiwon chuckles. - Take it slow and replace your arm with a pillow. I do what he advises me, plus a quick kiss on Binnie's hand and  a good morning kiss for Jiwon.
 We get to the kitchen.
 - What do you wanna eat bunny?
 - I already ate. - I confirm that by looking at the frying pan under the counter and a ripped pack of noodles next to it. Jiwon usually wakes up really early, goes eat breakfast and then, goes back to sleep. It's almost a routine so I'm not surprised but I admit sometimes I would prefer he wouldn't do it because I feel lonely eating by myself. - Don't you wanna eat again?
 - Hmm, I'm not hungry although I can cook for you and Bin.
 - Alright, but don't you think he's going to wake up only at lunchtime?
 - No, he can't, we have that photo shoot, remember?
 - Ohhh, with Dazed, right? I totally forgot about that. - Sigh, even on the weekends they have to work.
 - Exactly. I'm going to wake him up after I finish your breakfast. - Jiwon goes to the fridge. - What do you wanna eat?
 - Hmm, some muesli with fruit. - I can't get used to eating full meals in the morning even though I'm in Korea for five years now. - You don't have to do it, just cook for Hanbin.
 - Hey, I said I would do it so I'll prepare it. What should I make for Hanbin? - He takes the milk off the fridge.
 - Maybe some rice with veggies and...an omelet?
 - Which veggies? - He takes carrots off the fridge and looks for more vegetables. Of course a bunny would pick the carrots first.
 - Let me help you. - I get up.
 - No! I don't need help. Eat your cereal. - He pours milk in the bowl and the muesli.
 - What about the fruit?
 Jiwon starts peeling an apple while I begin to cut the carrots and zucchini. He looks at me after finishing my fruit salad.
 - What are you DOING? I told you to sit and eat.
 - You need help, you take too long. - I say, determined, while I put a frying pan on the stove to cook the vegetables. He ignores what I say and prepares the rice and breaks the eggs into another frying pan.
 - What are you guys doing?
 - Good morning Binnie! - I look behind me. Hanbin has his t-shirt on again. - We're cooking breakfast for you.
 - No, I'm cooking, you're just getting in the way. - Jiwon grabs the veggies I just chopped and throws them into the pan.
 - Yeah, right. If it wasn't for me, you would still be deciding which vegetables you should cook. - Hanbin smiles at my answer.
 - Good morning gorgeous. - Jiwon approaches him and kisses him. I smile at them and check the omelet. It's ready. I turn the stove to zero.
 - What about you? Aren't you going to give your boyfriend a good morning kiss? - Hanbin comments.
 - Yes, just a second. - I put the omelet on a small plate in front of Hanbin's place on the table. I go around the table to kiss him. He smiles, satisfied. He's so cute.
 Jiwon finishes the rice and the veggies while I eat my breakfast.
 - Thank you, babe. - Hanbin says. - Oh baby, I almost forgot. - He turns to me - We’re having dinner with the members and they said we could invite you, do you wanna come?
 - Oh yes! I miss Junhoe so much.
 - What? - Jiwon eyes widen.
 - What? - Hanbin’s next.
 - I mean...It will be fun, I haven’t seen them in a while. - I correct myself so I don’t sound so excited.
 - What are you saying, you saw them two weeks ago?! - Hanbin says, confused.
 - I think we should end this conversation. - I say, so I don’t get killed by my two jealous boyfriends.
 - You miss them often? - Jiwon asks.
 - Of course. I’m their fan and friend.
 - Is this why they invited her? They miss her too? - Jiwon asks Hanbin.
 - Now that you’re asking that, I think you’re right! - Hanbin realizes.
 - Look, boys, if you didn’t want me to go, why did you mention this to me in the first place?
 - No, we want you to go because we don’t want to leave you at home alone. I thought that was your reason too. - Jiwon says.
 - Of course. But I really like them so it’s normal that I miss them! Ok, let’s stop talking about this.
 - I think it’s best that we do because I’m getting mad. - Hanbin states.
 - Whatever. - Jiwon gets up and goes to our bedroom. Sigh.
 They get so jealous when I talk about them. What do they think, that I’m going to date the whole iKON group? For Christ’s sake.
 Hanbin eats his food and goes to the bedroom too. My heart hurts. I hate to see them like this.
 - Boys? - I enter the bedroom and see them sitting on our giant bed, watching their cell phones. - Is everything okay?
 - Yes, I’m sorry. - Hanbin takes my hand when I sit on the bed with them. - We just...we’re used to being the center of your attention.
 - Yes so when you talked about them like that we kind of flipped, I’m sorry. We love you. - Jiwon hugs me.
 - I love you too. - I smile. Hanbin joins our hug.
 - Let us prove how sorry we are. - Hanbin smirks.
 - Now? Don’t you have to get rea... - I get interrupted by Jiwon’s wet neck kisses on me. I close my eyes and breathe deeply, enjoying his lips touching my skin. Hanbin starts to touch my legs and running his hands through my body until he unbuttoned my shirt and kisses me roughly on the lips, while I feel Jiwon sucking on my skin, definitely leaving marks later.
 - Would Junhoe kiss you like this? Would he make you feel this way? - I just wanna laugh about what I just heard because they didn’t let this go yet but they would probably get upset, so, I control myself and answer what they want to hear:
 - No, baby. Only you can make me feel this way.
 - That’s right, only we can make you feel pleasure. - Hanbin replies. - Only we can love you like this.
 They are so protective of me they sometimes don’t realize they’re getting upset over little things like this when they don’t need to.
 We spent more half an hour touching and kissing each other until we realize it’s time for them to get ready for their photo shoot when my phone buzzes with a message.
 We take a shower and dress up. They prefer to eat after so they look in good shape for the photographs. We arrive at the place and surprisingly, the other iKON members arrive at the same time. I wanted to say hi and talk to them for a little bit because I didn’t know it was a group photo shoot, therefore, I had no idea they would be here, but I decided to grab some food for them and myself while they do their thing. I eat carefully at the restaurant and take my time, so I don’t disturb them while they’re working and then I come back one hour later. When I get there, Donghyuk, my Binnie and Yunhyeong are posing for the photographer and the others are sitting down or standing and talking to each other. I go to Jiwon, who just took off a long white coat.
 - Hi babydoll, did you eat? - Jiwonie gives me a kiss on my cheek.
 - Yes, and I brought you some. - Jiwon searches in the bag with a happy face.
 - Thank you so much! - He kisses me again on my face.
 - Hi Summer! - Junhoe says.
 - Hey, how are you? - I greet him with a kiss and I immediately feel Jiwon's eyes on us.
 - Summer! - Chanwoo calls.
 - Chanwoo! - My sweet voice appears. I hug him.
The rest of the group ends their part of the photos right when Jinhwan comes to greet me. We always got along very well since him, Jiwon and Hanbin used to spent a lot of time together.
 - Hi Summer baby. - Jinhwan says, carelessly. Hanbin eyes Jinhwan. Uh-oh. He’s about to die, that’s Hanbin’s nickname for me.
 - What did you say? - Hanbin gets closer to us.
 Jinhwan smirks. - Cool off, I was just teasing you.
 I exhale deeply. Hanbin's face is tense but he relaxes once I talk.
 - How was it, baby? Are you hungry? - I put my arms around his neck.
 - I don't know if it's over yet. - Hanbin looks at the plastic food bag next to Jiwon.
 - Did you bring food?! - Hanbin says, excited. - Oh, I'm starving! - Of course he is, it's 3:44 pm. - Thank you, you're a peach. - He searches what's in the bag and opens the package.
 - Long time no see, Summer. - Yunhyeong turns to me, after my boyfriend's attention changes to the sushi.
 - Indeed! I didn't know we would see you before dinner. - Donghyuk admits.
 - Yes, me neither but my friend canceled on me so I decided to come.
 - Hanbin. - The male photographer calls and he goes to him. He comes back after talking to the man.
 - So, they want to take a last group photo and then, they want to take more photos outside, on a rooftop two miles from here since the weather is nice today.
 - Oh, I think I should go home then. - My uncle lives in Korea, before I moved with Hanbin and Jiwon, I lived at his house. For that reason, we see each other often and today he's coming to our house to check on me.
 - Yes, please go baby. Don't be late because of us. - Hanbin turns to them while Jiwon helps me dress my denim jacket. - Alright! Everyone back into the vans! - He yells so they obey. He's so hot when he plays the leader. - We have work to do.
 - Have fun with your uncle baby girl. - Jiwon grabs my face and kisses it. - I love you, we'll be back to you soon.
 - Yes, I'm sorry we're not going home with you Summer baby. - Hanbin pouts. - Say hello to your uncle for me. - He kisses my cheek.
 - Okay, good luck! - I walk away.
 - Wait! - Hanbin runs after me. - I'll call the cab for you.
 - Don't run from me, you idiots. I want to help too.
 Hanbin and I smile to Jiwon's comment. Sometimes he feels like a dad to us because he's one year older. I think he feels the responsibility to look after us.
 When I get home, I see my uncle standing at the doorway, waiting for me.
 - Oh, there you are. - He closes the magazine he was reading and lets me pass to open the door.
 - Sorry. - I unlock the door and let him come inside first. - I was at a photo shoot with iKON. Hanbin and Jiwon had to finish it so I came alone. So...do you want some tea or coffee?
 - Some tea would be nice. - He looks around our house. - The place looks great, you decorated the walls and added some rugs.  - I start preparing the tea.
 - Yes, thanks. - The last time he was here was almost after we moved in.
-I can imagine your mother saying how much she likes the colors of the walls. - I chuckle because I can picture it too. - Do you miss her?
 - Yes, of course. And my siblings too.
 - When was the last time you saw them?
 - Hmm. - I think for a bit. - Five months ago. I took some holidays and went to visit them.
 - Oh, I think that was around the time I went to the US for some business and I saw them too. - We both sit on the table after I bring the cups of tea. - How's Jiwon and Hanbin?
 - Full of work, like always. - Uncle gives me a sympathetic smile. - No, but they're good, they're good.
 - And you?
 - I'm great, I finally think my life is stable. - I smile, proudly.
 - I'm happy for you, it doesn't even seem like the scared girl I knew five years ago who came to a whole new country, with a different language and culture.
 - Oh, I adapted I know but I'm telling you, it feels great when I see you so I can speak in English again.
 We talk for about an hour and then he leaves. I text Hanbin and Jiwon to know if they're gonna be long.
MESSAGES                                                           3 people
Today, 5:56 pm  
                                                                                                                                                        You: When are you coming home?
Bunny: We're about to leave, baby girl.
 I decided to check what's playing on TV but suddenly I remember it's time for "Romance Is a Bonus Book", the drama Hanbin and I watch together. I try to control my temptation to watch the new episode but I'm so bored I can't think of anything else to do right now. So I watch it. In fact, I watch the whole episode, 1 hour and 6 minutes. Jiwon said they were about to go home, how are they not here yet? My phone starts ringing. It's their manager.
 - Hello?
 - Yes, Summer? Hi, it's Jaeho. I'm sorry for disturbing you but one of the vans of the iKON members suffered an accident, it crashed into a car and your boyfriends were in the van... It's not that serious but I thought you should know they're at the hospital to get checked out since Bobby was in the front with the driver. - I gulp, in shock. - He continues to talk but I can’t listen, my ears are blocked by my impact of the second sentence.
 - I-I hum...which hospital?
 - Bumin Hospital Group.
 - Thank you, I'll be there in ten minutes. Goodbye. - I turn off the call and I get into my car as fast as I can.
 My heartbeat is so high I can actually hear it. I can't believe this is really happening. One day everything is so perfect and the next day, all I've built is crashing down. Jaeho said it wasn't serious but I can't help but worry. They are everything to me, I can't imagine my life without them.
 I arrive at the hospital and go to the receptionist of the urgency room.
 - Hello, I'm Summer Evelyn Parks, could you tell me where are the patients Kim Jiwon and Kim Hanbin, please? - The lady is writing their names on the computer.
 - Are you related to them in any way?
 - Yes, I'm their girlfriend.
 She gives me a funny look. I don't have the patience for this right now. I wish I could just enter without being followed by security.
 Jaeho appears and calls me. Before we go, he tells the lady that I'm with them. Their manager makes me follow him to a big private room. There are about ten beds in it. Being famous sometimes has benefits. The first one I see is Hanbin, sitting on the edge of the bed. I run to him, he gets up and hugs me tight. I sigh.
 - You're okay. You're okay. - I comfort myself and I kiss him.
 - I'm okay. - He pets my hair.
 - Where's Jiwon?
 Hanbin points to the bed next to Donghyuk's. He's laying down. I feel like my heart is about to come out of my chest again.
  - Jiwon. - I call him and he gets up. I notice he has a small compress on his head.
 - Baby girl! - He hugs me. - I told you not to call her.
 - I didn't! - Hanbin replies. - I made Jaeho do it...
 - Are you okay? What happened? - I start shooting questions like an arrow hits the target.
 - Oh, I'm so glad you weren't there. - Hanbin admits.
 - I was on the passenger seat with the driver and everything was normal until the car in front of us did an abrupt braking and then we hit. There wasn't time to stop the van. So then, the airbag fired but I hit my head on the side of the car because I was sitting in a weird position. - My face says anxiety, sadness, and pity clearly because Jiwon has the urge to respond to that. - Don't worry, I'm okay baby.
 Tears start falling from my eyes. - Are you really?
 - I am, don't cry, please. You're making me sad.
 - You’re making us. - Hanbin corrects him.
 - He hugs me again, worried about me. - I know you were probably really shaken up about us, right? - I nod and let him hold me. - It's alright, I understand. But as you can see, we're fine. Nothing happened. We're here with you. It's not our time yet, you still have many years to put up with us. - I smile, almost forcefully. He wipes the tears off my face and kisses me.
 - Does that hurt? - I point to his head.
 - No, it's not that bad, I don't understand why they had to put a whole compress on a scratch.
- We canceled dinner plans. - Hanbin informs me.
 - Are they okay? - I ask about the rest of the members. - Yes, our Jiwonie was the only one to get hurt. - Hanbin pouts.
 - Maybe we should baby him like he does with us. - I put a happier face.
 - Yes! - Hanbin agrees.
 And so, we do. - After we get out of the hospital with the doctor's orders, of course. We cross the street holding his hands, Hanbin covers him with a blanket as soon as he sits on our house's couch, I cook dinner and I give him spoons full of rice and meat.
 - What did you do this afternoon? Were you still with your uncle after Jaeho called you? - It still hurts to imagine the accident but I try to calm down and simply answer Jiwon's question.
 - No, he left early. I watched a random show and "Romance is a Bonus Book".
- You watched “Romance is a Bonus Book” without me? - Hanbin strikes.
 - After a car accident, that's what you worry about. Good to know. - Jiwon teases him.
 - Noo, I love you too babe, I’m so glad you’re okay! - Hanbin kisses him. Aw, they make my heart melt. - Now, you. - Hanbin changes his face to serious.
 - I...I'm sorry, I was bored and… - I try to excuse myself.
 - Shut up, I'm mad. - Hanbin turns his face to make a scene. - I can’t believe you watched it without me! We always watch it together.
 - Please forgive me? I love you? - I get closer to his face and I try to kiss him.
 - Don't talk to me, traitor.
 - If you don't forgive me, I will kiss you forever until you do. - I start to give him a lot of kisses.
 - Okay. - He pretends like he's upset.
  Jiwon looks at us. - Tch, you're so desperate for love. - He refers to Hanbin, of course.
 - You’re gonna love today’s episode, they… - I get interrupted.
 - Don’t tell me spoilers! - Hanbin whines.
 - No, I was just going to say that…
 - No, I don’t want to know! - Hanbin says, covering his ears.
 - But...ugh!  This is so hard, I really want to tell someone! - I whine.
 - I do, tell me. - Jiwon speaks. I smile, excited and I whisper into his ear. He sighs and smirks to Hanbin, consequently teasing him for not knowing.  - Okay, I think I’m going to bed now, I’m pretty tired.
 - Ok, I’m going with you. - I say while I get up.
 - But… - Hanbin starts. - okay, I’m gonna watch the episode and then I’ll go too.
 - I didn’t wanna say this but I wanted him to come to bed with us. - Jiwon takes his shirt and his pants off, which leaves him only with boxers on. I don’t understand how they sleep almost naked every day but still manage to have their bodies hot.
 - Me too bub. It was a hard day, I want you both by my side.
- Binnie?
He exhales in relief. - You scared me. Is everything okay?
 - What if you come to bed with us now and I watch the episode with you tomorrow?
 - Okay, sounds good.
 We lay down together next to Jiwon, one on each side, and he breathes, satisfied.
 - I’m so glad nothing bad happened. It could’ve been worse, you know? - I say, looking up at our beautiful chandelier.
 - Don’t worry about that baby. - Hanbin replies.
 - No, it couldn’t. We would never leave you alone in this world. - Jiwon says, looking at the ceiling. I look at him and I smile. He always finds a good and positive answer to say. - I turn to him and I hug him, closing my eyes to fall asleep. - I love you boys. - I kiss Jiwon’s arm. Hanbin smiles to Jiwon.
 - We love you too. - They whisper.
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yeoldotcom · 5 years
hanbin; three seconds
pairing; hanbin x reader
word count; 4.5k omg
genre; office au, fluff, soulmate au
summary; you and hanbin had worked together for years but it only took three seconds to change everything
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a/n; that summary is so bad dhjkshg but hanbin is such a cutie!
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Work was easy to you. There was nothing to stress about, nothing to trigger a mood swing or anything of the sort, and no loud bosses either. Since it was only punching in numbers, answering phones, presenting information and a bit of persuasion here and there, it was easy work. And of course, you liked easy work.
The people you worked with only added to the nice environment and made it a better workspace. First there was Bobby, your desk mate. He had the desk across from you which is why you coined the term ‘deskmate’. He was a goofball and only sometimes did his overly happy work mentality overwhelm you.
Next was Chanwoo. He was more on the serious side, although he still had a huge and intricate personality. He found a lot of things that were ironic to be funny, and so did you which made it really nice to be around him since you could share a laugh. He worked two desks away from Bobby.
Junhoe was someone that you wouldn’t exactly say you were close with, but he would say you to were the best of friends. He would always somehow find you as you were in the break room or just at your desk trying to work and he would distract you either by flirting or just... being weird. He was cool, but you tried to keep your distance. Thankfully, he worked across the office.
Yunhyeong was another one of the people you enjoyed being around. He was a good worker, had a good sense of humor, and he was.. kind of cute. Of course, you’d never admit your small crush, but you enjoyed glancing at him from across the office.
Jinhwan had never really been someone you were close with either, but unlike Junhoe, he would agree. You both never had a reason to talk except for when the printer wasn’t working or if you were in the same elevator. Of course, you’ve had some conversations but you didn’t talk often. He was one of the more ‘chill’ people at the office in your eyes.
Donghyuk was probably your favorite person at work. He was always cheerful but it never was too much. He knew when you were in a bad mood and when it was alright to play around with you. He sat in the desk next to yours so it was no wonder you both were practically best friends.
Lastly, Hanbin. You and Hanbin had worked together for years but you never got close enough to really know how he was. You heard about him though. He was practically the best worker at the office so the CEO would always pick him to present new ideas to the public. You hadn’t had many opportunities to talk to him though. Because of that, you couldn’t really figure out his character.
You figured that you wouldn’t ever get to actually talk to him anyways because you never crossed paths. This day wouldn’t be any different though, you were sure.
It started off as a normal day, nothing throwing you off. You arrived at the office and set your things down at your desk, getting settled to prepare for the day ahead of you. Almost immediately though, Junhoe, Chanwoo and Donghyuk were around your desk with gossip.
“Y/N, did you hear?” Junhoe started off, crouching next to your desk.
You raised an eyebrow at his hushed tone, looking around to the other two men around you, “No... I just got here. Is it something important?”
“Of course! We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t,” Donghyuk said matter-of-factly as he lightly shoved your shoulder.
You took in his words, turning towards your desk but jumping a bit when you felt Junhoe’s breath on the side of your face. “It’s about Bobby,” he whispered, slowly backing away from you.
You let out an awkward laugh, “Okay guys, this is kind of weird. Why are you all acting like this?”
Chanwoo spoke up for the group, “Bobby found his soulmate.”
Ah yes, soulmates. The one thing that almost everyone had in the world. There were some people who didn’t have them, of course, but the majority of the world was destined to be with someone.
You and the idea of soulmates was a rollercoaster ride. When you were growing up, you had always thought that finding your soulmate would be a magical experience. You were looking forward to it with every ounce of your small heart.
And then you turned 15 and got your first and last boyfriend. You adored him, and you thought he adored you too. And he did adore you... until he found his soulmate. For him, it was the words on his wrist. You could say them as often as possible but it wasn’t the same as when she said them to him, and his reaction to her words. You could play pretend but the fact of the matter was that your wrist was blank and his had his fateful sentence on it.
When he told you the news, you swore that you would never put your heart through that ever again. So, ever since then, you hadn’t been in a relationship. That was 6 years ago and you still swore off dating. At least until you found the one you were fated to be with.
So with your history with the concept of soulmates, you didn’t exactly know how to feel about being presented with this information. Sure, you were super happy for him. He found the one he was supposed to be with, of course you were happy, but you weren’t really one for office gossip like this so you really had no idea why they were telling you.
“That’s great,” you smiled, genuinely meaning your words, “It was going to happen eventually.”
“But do you know who it was though?” Junhoe questioned, finally pulling up a chair and leaning closer to you.
You leaned back a little in response, “No... who is it?”
“The CEO’s daughter,” he whispered. That got you to raise your eyebrow. Although it was his life and you had no business sticking your nose or any amount of interest into it, it did have a sort of entertaining side to it. Bobby was fated to be with the CEO’s daughter. That didn’t happen every day.
As a result, the rest of the day was filled with your coworkers teasing Bobby about his soulmate and her position in the company. You didn't join in but it was a nice distraction to hear him stammer over his words because of his love life.
"Hey, Y/N," Yunhyeong tapped your desk, gaining your attention, "Can you take this to the CEO? It's just the monthly sales numbers."
"Oh, sure," you smiled, taking the folder and getting up from your desk.
Yunhyeong flashed one of his sweet smiles at you, making your heart almost fly out of your throat. "Thank you Y/N! You're the best."
Sometimes you wondered how it would be if you were soulmates with Yunhyeong. You knew it wouldn't happen because he had a mark on his wrist and you didn't. But only once in a while would you indulge in the fantasy of having him as a soulmate.
You would share secret glances, hold hands in the elevator, and leave work together. Maybe even a few secret kisses in the break room too. You let out an audible sigh as you continued your journey to your boss's office. It kind of hurt you to know that you wouldn't be his soulmate because you let yourself create such a vivid fantasy of being with him. You could imagine going home together, making him dinner, going out to restaurants together, but it wouldn't happen. He had a different soul-mark than you.
Every time you saw Yunhyeong in a short sleeved shirt, it would remind you that you could never be his.
Running along his left arm was a single black line meant to be his soul-mark. You didn’t have a physical one though, or at least not that you knew of. Of course when you were a kid, you searched everywhere for a physical mark but you could never find it.
Since people typically had the same type of connection that their parents had, it would explain why yours wasn’t physical. Your parents bumped into each other for their first meeting. Once they touched, a shock went through their body that felt as strong as a thunderbolt but didn't hurt. As soon as they felt the sensation, they both knew they were destined to be together. Yours wouldn't be exactly the same as theirs but from their history, you were positive it wouldn't be physical.
After thinking of your soul-mark, you decided to come back to reality, deeming it pointless to keep dreaming about a future with Yunhyeong when it wouldn't happen.
And at that exact moment, the universe decided to really... mess with you.
As you started to look up, you felt a force hit you, sending you to the ground. You tried to put your hands out behind you to break your fall, and they did... but they also twisted in a way that you knew wasn't good. They didn’t feel broken though, thank goodness. 
You let out a cry of pain and the person responsible for your fall crawled towards you.
"Y/N, are you okay?" A familiar voice asked, leaving you to forget about the pain for a bit.
You pressed your palms to the floor to try and lift yourself up to get a good look but the pain shot through your arm and you yelped, falling back down.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" Hanbin spoke out, crawling closer until his face was in view. He wasn't looking at you though— or rather he was but only at your hands at your sides, "Are they okay?"
"I think so," you said with uncertainty running through your voice as you slowly tried to move them.
As gently as he could, Hanbin pulled one of your hands towards him. You felt something stir in your stomach from the way he looked at them, as if they were fragile.
But then, when your right hand was fully encased in his, you felt it. 
You were sure you both felt it too because there was no way only you felt the shock run through your hand where he touched it. And it wasn't just a small shock either. It was a shock that ran from your hands all the way up to your head and mimicked a brain freeze.
You squeezed your eyes shut to try to get rid of the feeling but almost immediately after it came, it left. And that left you to the realization that you had definitely met your soulmate. 
But you just touched Hanbin. That couldn’t be right… right?
You opened your eyes and was met with Hanbin’s wide ones staring back at you. “Did you feel that?” He asked, a bit panicked.
You could only nod in response as he fell back into a sitting position, still holding your hand. This was weird. This was really weird. You both had been coworkers for a few years now. How had you not figured out you were soulmates until now? Shouldn’t you have bumped into each other before?
After a few moments, you obtained your ability to speak again but the only thing that came out was, “I have to get this folder to the CEO.” 
And in a rush to not lose your job, you quickly got up and scurried away from a confused Hanbin.
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You had gotten the folder back to the CEO and once you got back to your desk, you didn’t have any pending assignments you had to take care of so technically you had free time. The problem wasn’t with having time to talk to Hanbin though, it was what you were supposed to talk about. I mean, you had never really talked to Hanbin before you both bumped into each other so just going up to him and having a casual conversation was out of the picture since you wouldn’t know what casual was with him.
So, during the rest of the work day, you ignored the throbbing in your wrist and stayed at your desk, your eyes glued to the screen in front of you so that you weren’t tempted to look over at the man that you shared a fateful connection with.
“If you don’t take a break from the computer, your eyes can get messed up,” you heard someone say beside you. The sudden voice made you jump, which made them chuckle as you looked over your shoulder to see the culprit... which was Hanbin.
“Seriously, I don’t think you’ve looked up even once all day,” he frowned as you tried to find something to say to him.
The only thing you came up with was “I had a lot of work to do.” 
“So much that you hadn’t even looked at the clock yet?” He asked with the ghost of a smirk on his face. Your brows furrowed as you turned back to your screen to look at the time. 
6:07 PM. You should’ve gotten off work seven minutes ago. 
“I’ll walk you to the elevator,” he offered and although you were not trying to be in an enclosed space with Hanbin for more than one minute, you couldn’t bring yourself to say ‘no thanks’.
The walk to the elevator was quiet, but you didn’t expect it to be amazing or filled with conversation. You both were just walking to the elevator after finding out you were soulmates. Not awkward at all.
As you boarded the elevator with Hanbin, you thought about all the other random strangers who found their soulmates. They would bump into each other or say the fateful words or happen to see the same soul-mark on a complete stranger and tackle them into a hug. Why couldn’t you do that with Hanbin?
Every other girl in the office would’ve jumped at the opportunity to be Hanbin’s soulmate but you were his actual soulmate yet you couldn’t even form one sentence to say to him.
... Ah. Maybe it’s because you’ve worked together for years now and never had an actual conversation.
“Y/N,” Hanbin called out, gaining your attention for probably the third time today, “Let’s go. The elevator stopped—”
“Y/N! Hanbin!” You heard Junhoe call out, momentarily making you want to roll your eyes as hard as you could. But, alas, you refrained, “We’re having a little party to congratulate Bobby and his soulmate. Everyone has to go since the CEO is going too, so come on!”
Reluctantly, you trudged behind Hanbin and made your way to your coworkers who were gathered by the door of the building waiting for you both. Once you had made it to the group, they all started to file out of the door and onto the sidewalks to the grilling restaurant up the street. The one they always went to for company dinners. 
But you didn’t mind. The food was good there.
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The first half of the ‘party’— ‘dinner’?— was nice. You ate, you got to talk to a few of your coworkers, had some really nice conversations and got to know the people around you better. You even spoke to Hanbin a bit, although it was mostly to ask to pass certain seasonings and side dishes. But still! It counts! You went out of your way to talk to him even though he was sitting a little ways away from you!
But the second half... started to go downhill after Bobby directed a question towards you when Yunhyeong went to the restroom.
“So, Y/N, how are you dealing with your crush?” he asked in between bites as if it was the most casual thing he could ask in front of all of your coworkers.
Your heart practically stopped beating, wanting to look over at Hanbin but having to force yourself not to as if you were going against nature, “What? What crush?”
“Your crush on Yunhyeong,” he really— “We all know you like him, so you can’t deny it either.” Bobby continued to act nonchalant as though this was a normal thing to talk about. But you were freaking out.
“I don’t—” you swallowed thickly, feeling many curious eyes on you, “I don’t like him. I don’t know where you got that from but I do not like him.” The only thing you could try to do was deny the statement as much as you could. But if you thought about it— about him— you really didn’t have any feelings for him anymore. You could try to think up a few scenarios in your head where you were married or whatever but they didn’t hold the same kind of feeling that they did earlier today. Before you met your soulmate.
Bobby only sighed, finally putting down his food, “I’ve seen the way you ogle at him on your break. You totally like him!”
Bobby was bearable most of the time, but right now he wasn’t. 
“I do not like him. We aren’t fated together so I can’t like him,” you responded, looking him dead in the eyes to try to get him off the subject. But he didn’t budge.
“But you haven’t found your soulmates yet. Who says you can’t have a little fun before then?” He shrugged with a smirk. At that moment, while rolling your eyes, they stopped on Hanbin, who was looking down at his food with a blank facial expression. He wasn’t eating, he was just sitting there, staring at it as though it was a void that sucked him in and he couldn’t look away.
The thing that brought him back was your next statement.
“I already found my soulmate.”
As if he was trying to break a world record of fastest head turn... or his neck, Hanbin quickly turned to look at you with wide eyes and an ‘o’ shaped mouth. You had... actually acknowledged it.
Hanbin swore he was going to have to spend a little time trying to make you warm up to him but you had acknowledged it by yourself. The situation was less than ideal but still... it made his heart skip a beat. 
But you saying this made the whole table gasp. And apparently you said it right when Yunhyeong came back.
“Y/N found her soulmate? Who is it?” He asked as he pulled out his chair to sit down. You heard a few mumbles of agreement, people wanting to know who you were fated with, and you considered telling them. But you stopped.
Were you really going to reveal that Hanbin was your soulmate in front of everyone? How would they treat you both at the office? It was as if time stood still as everyone awaited your response. But just the fact that you were considering telling them was enough for him.
“Hey now,” Hanbin started, stealing the spotlight from you and practically saving your life, “She doesn’t have to tell us who she’s fated with. That’s personal.”
Junhoe groaned, “Way to ruin the fun.” 
You didn’t miss the small smile Hanbin shot your way when everyone went back to their regular conversations.
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After the company celebration, you all slowly made your way out of the restaurant. Everyone was still buzzing from the event so they were all deep in conversation. You though? You were still thinking about the way Hanbin helped you out back at the table.
There were a few more times where he intervened when you were asked something you obviously didn’t want to answer and there were times where he asked you small questions here and there to try to get you engaged in the surrounding conversations, but you were focused on that one time. Even thinking about it still made something erupt in your heart.
You wish your little ‘crush’ wasn’t revealed but it was and you had to deal with that. But rather than ignoring you or being mad that you liked someone directly before knowing about him, he helped you out.
And he even smiled at you!
And you didn’t know if it was because you were soulmates or because you had never really paid attention to Hanbin before now but his smile really did things to your heart. One too many times had your heart fluttered during the dinner and sometimes when you caught Hanbin looking over at you, you thought that you would love to have that gaze framed and displayed on your wall. But, of course, you pushed that thought away.
Before you realized it, everyone from the celebration had made it out of the restaurant and onto the street. People were getting their rides figured out and carpooling with others, and some were even too drunk to walk straight so they had to be carried and have a taxi called for them. Meanwhile you were just looking for a clearing so you could make it to the bus.
As you looked around the sidewalk, you noticed that Hanbin was weaving through the crowd. ‘It would be nice if he was trying to get to me,’ you thought but then shook those thoughts away when you saw that Hanbin was, indeed, making his way to you.
“Y/N, you ride the bus right?” He asked when he got to you. You could only nod as he smiled, “Let’s go then. The bus should be arriving soon.”
You said your goodbyes to the rest of your team and hurriedly made your way to the bus. Sitting down at the bus stop, you shifted a little, feeling a bit awkward sitting so close to Hanbin when all you could think about was his smile and how his hands would feel linked with yours. But he didn’t seem to notice.
“Hey, Hanbin?” You called out, wanting to break the silence and also just curious. He looked over at you with raised eyebrows, motioning for you to continue, “How’d you know I rode this bus?”
“Oh, I ride this bus too. You probably didn’t notice though since I sit in the back,” he chuckled softly while you let out a small ‘oh’.
Once the bus finally came, Hanbin led the both of you onto it and into a seat towards the back. The bus started to roll ahead toward your destinations but you hadn’t found anything to talk about. It wasn’t awkward silence that engulfed you both, it was still comfortable but you just didn’t want it to be there. You wanted to talk to him. 
And Hanbin wanted to talk to you too.
Truthfully, he had wanted to talk to you about a lot of things but he thought it would be weird to you. He wanted to talk to you before today too. But now that today’s events had happened, he decided that there was no better time to talk to you than now. Especially after you both had warmed up to each other as much as you had in such a short time.
“You know,” he started out, “It kind of made me sad to know that you liked Yunhyeong before.”
Your heart stopped for a second or two before you turned to face him, “Hey, I didn’t—”
“I know,” he interrupted with a laugh, “It’s in the past now anyways. But it still makes me a bit sad.” He let out a sigh, looking towards the window, “You know, I had a crush on someone before I found out too.”
“Really?” you frowned, “Then why were you sad about me having a crush?”
He took this time to turn towards you, and you noticed you both were a lot closer than you thought you were.
“Because you were my crush.”
You felt coldness rush over your face as you processed his words. While you were busy staring at Yunhyeong, Hanbin was busy staring at you. Oh my god.
Hanbin could only laugh at your reaction, continuing his ‘speech’, “I’m really glad I bumped into you today though. Out of the many people I could’ve been fated with, it just happened to be you. That makes me really happy.”
The smile on his face as he looked at you made it hard not to smile back.
“You being happy makes me really happy,” you managed to say to him, making his smile even wider.
A few moments passed as you both looked away from each other and towards the road in front of you. And after those moments passed and a mellow mood surrounded both of you, Hanbin reached for your hand slowly, locking your fingers together as you rode off into the metaphorical sunset together. When you didn’t move to unlink them, Hanbin smiled softly, looking down at where your hands met.
After a few moments of silence as you held hands, Hanbin spoke up, his voice barely in a whisper that you wouldn’t have caught if you weren’t paying attention, “I really like you.”
Maybe being soulmates with Hanbin wouldn’t be awkward at all.
When your stop came up, you started to get off the bus with Hanbin following you, not once letting go of your hand. When you were officially off the bus, you faced Hanbin with a frown, “This isn’t your stop.”
“I know,” he replied with a soft smile, “I’m walking you home.”
It felt as though your heart was a cord and Hanbin was tangling it up as if it wasn’t such an important thing. Hanbin’s gentle gaze on you made butterflies suddenly appear in your stomach and flutter around as though they had enough space to do so. You felt a smile inch its way onto your face but you tried to mask it with a frown.
“You don’t have to.”
Almost immediately after those words left your lips, Hanbin responded with, “I want to,” and suddenly you couldn’t mask your smile anymore as you turned to start walking to your apartment. Hanbin followed suit with an even wider smile than he had before because he caught the smile you were trying to hide.
As you neared your apartment, your steps started to slow down. You stopped in front of your building, turning to face him. “This is where I get off,” you sighed.
“Well then, I guess this is goodbye,” Hanbin said, adding ‘soulmate’ at the end with a teasing tone and a light smirk. 
You laughed, “See you tomorrow, soulmate.”
He smiled in response, “See you tomorrow.”
And as you entered your building, the memory of your hand in Hanbin’s still fresh in your mind, a blissful smile plastered itself onto your face as you thought back onto today’s events. This day was certainly not a normal day, but you were more than okay with that.
The one thing you were certain of was that you were definitely looking forward to what tomorrow would have in store.
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k-drabblings · 5 years
only then (pt. 3)
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Type | Genre: badboy au | fluff/angst Word Count: 947 A/N: Sorry for the ages long wait for this update (and that it’s not very long either). I’m pretty much inactive now that school has started. Can’t guarantee regular updates :(
part one two
It was almost 11PM now and the night was coming alive. There were a fair amount of people wandering the streets, debating on which bar or nightclub they’d end up in for the night. It wasn’t the classiest area in the neighborhood - at this time of night, even a somewhat unsightly female could expect to be cat-called at least once within the span of a block. 
Although you didn’t notice it, not a single hoot was heard as you walked alongside Jiwon. He was also relieved that you didn’t seem to be fazed by the cautious stares of the men who passed them by, and how they seemed to cross over to the other street instead of simply sharing the sidewalk. He couldn’t hold back a small smile at your obliviousness. He liked how you were giving him your whole-hearted attention as he continued to talk about his friends’ amusing antics.
And he would have walked you all the way back home if he hadn’t had to go to work. But you were even surprised (and thankful) that he had taken the time to even walk you down one long avenue.
But about a minute after parting ways, you realized you really needed to pee, and the closest place was back at the restaurant. So you ran back, just in time to see Jiwon walk into one of the sketchiest clubs in your small city. ... Perhaps he had walked you down the block because he hadn’t wanted you to see where he worked.  But you had already sort of figured that he worked there. Hanbin’s family owned the place after all. And you didn’t care. Working there wasn’t something to be proud of, but you never thought it was necessarily something to be ashamed of. But if he didn’t want you to know, then you’d play ignorant. You couldn’t help but smile at the thought that he perhaps cared about what you thought of him. He was a bit rough around the edges, but in a way, it was kind of charming and refreshing to be around.
The restaurant owner seemed delighted to see you again. “Jiwonnie’s pretty friend! What brings you back so soon?” You sheepishly explained that you needed to use the bathroom, and she gladly obliged, shuffling you along to the back of the restaurant. 
When you went to thank the lady for her hospitality, you saw her holding up a small plastic bag with two long foil rolls of kimbap. “Ajumma...” you mumbled in surprise. “What is this for?” As she passed you the food, she clasped your hands within hers. “... Please look after Jiwon.” The corners of her eyes wrinkled as she gave you a warm smile. “Please,” she repeated.  You nodded automatically, mostly because you couldn’t possibly bring yourself to say or do otherwise in front of this kind woman. You couldn’t help but wonder why the restaurant owner seemed to care so much for him. By the way he called her “Ajumma,” it was clear they weren’t related.  “He’s really a nice boy, you know,” the owner said, adding a small sigh at the end. You gave her a smile in return. “I know.”  You weren’t actually sure if what you were saying was true - you barely knew the guy. But the words had left your tongue even before you realized what you were saying.
“Yo, Jiwon. You’re late.” Hanbin glared, tapping his watch impatiently. “Again.”
Jiwon shrugged casually. “I had a debt to repay. My b.” He gave his leader a cocky smile. “I’d say it won’t happen again, but we both know I’d be lying.”
“What debt?” Junhoe asked curiously. “Money?”
“Nah. It’s nothing.”
Donghyuk smirked knowingly. Junhoe could be a little slow sometimes. Jiwon had fallen off the radar the other day after they got into a bit of a scuffle with a gang from two towns over, and they had feared the worst. Then, they most of them had noticed how he had returned neatly bandaged up - that was the strangest part. It had been clear that it was not a layman’s handiwork; Jinhwan had even greeted him with, “Wow, look who’s back looking like a nice little present. All you’re missing is a bow!” But Jiwon going to the hospital willingly, or the rival gang dropping him off at the emergency room, did not seem like likely scenarios.  Donghyuk knew Hanbin had asked Jiwon about it, but the rest of them hadn’t felt like poking and prodding an markedly injured friend at the time. But it seemed safe to assume this “debt” Jiwon was referring to was about that night. 
“So who is it?” Donghyuk asked in a hush tone, just out of Junhoe’s radius.
Jiwon raised an eyebrow. Donghyuk had always been one of the rather sharper tools in the shed. “It’s no one you know.”
Donghyuk rolled his eyes. “Hyung, you’re no fun.”
“Yep. I’m a bore.”
Donghyuk smirked. “It’s a girl, isn’t it?”
Jiwon’s eyes narrowed. How is this kid reading me so easily?
It was normal to share most of their daily happenings and such with each other - after all, unwavering trust between the members was the main reason why they were such a formidable group.  But Jiwon didn’t feel like sharing your information with the group. The less involved you were, the better. You ran with a completely different circle after all.
In fact, it would probably be best if he just cut you out now that he had “repaid” his debt. It wasn’t much of a repayment though, he thought to himself. 
He decided he’d keep you around a little longer... Just ‘til we’re even.
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ikonislife · 5 years
-Hanbin x Female reader
-Hanbin’s birthday project (:
-Hogwarts au, friends to lovers, school life au.
-Spellbound masterlist
-A/n: It’s been 30 days without iKON, without Hanbin. I miss Hanbin extra hard today and since Bobby + Donghyuk had finally posted again on their social, I figured it would be okay for me to post this. Here you guys go! The second to last part of Spellbound. I hope Hanbin’s getting all the rest and all the time he wanted with Hanbyul. I hope too that the rest of the boys are doing well, especially with the concert coming up... Their first without Hanbin.
-Also, this still doesn’t really change my hiatus. I just, really really realllllly miss Hanbin today...
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Chapter 7: Always Mine?
Somewhere between the little whines falling from Hanbin’s lips as you wiggled away from his grasp and the boy excitedly bounding back into the flagrant cloud of delectable dinner, it was decided that your official second date was happening, even if curfew just mere few hours away and the night dark, lit with naught but the stars and brilliant moon. Even now as you walked into the night, hand in hand with a bundle of bread and various condiment safely tucked in the book bag he had forcefully borrowed from Chanwoo (no doubt you’ll hear about it later tonight), everything still felt like a dream. Save for the few times he’d pull your hand up to his lips for a soft kiss, the rest of your trek toward the quidditch field was filled with tales of the past and hopes of the future. You had found out he has a little sister and by the bright smile on his lips and how his entire being seemingly lit up at your little questions about her, he adores her to the max. It was strange honestly, the soft way he spoke of her, doting over every little thing she did. You had encountered countless version of him, and still discovering new sides every day. Of course, there was captain Hanbin, ruling over his team with an iron fist. Then there was the cheeky boy, so carefree and happy, terrorizing the hallway with his friends. Most important of all, Hanbin, your boyfriend. He was always sweet, and caring but this new side, the family man, it was one you hoped one day you’ll have a chance to meet, as well as a chance to meet his sister. 
“The way you speak of your sister… I’m honestly a bit scare to meet her if I have to be honest.” “How so? She’s a lovely girl. I can say with the utmost confident that you’ll like her!” Beaming with pride, Hanbin smugly declared that his sister was the best in the world and you believed him. “Well, obviously I’d like her! But I’m worry since I’d have to get her approval. Not only so, I want her to like me too! What if she doesn’t like me?” Cautiously voicing your concern, counting your luck, it wouldn’t be too far off to think his sister might actually despise you for absolutely no reason. “You’re so cute. Don’t even worry about it, she might be a bit shy at first, but I can assure you, that’s not even a real worry.” Though Hanbin couldn’t see why you were so worry, already thrilled with the thought of you and him, taking his little sister out on an outing… His favorite girls, all in one place. Once more, you found yourself climbing the steps of the grand stands encircling the lush green field where your almost first kiss had been. And although Hanbin’s intention for leading you back to this wonderful place wasn’t clear, you found yourself following along happily, not the least bit curious as to the plan he had got up his sleeves. You’ve since learned to stop questioning the wonderful ways things happen around this boy. Once safely at the highest spots, Hanbin begins pulling things out from the bag you were now sure he had to have wrangled off the cold dead fingers of Chanwoo. It wasn’t much like your friend very much to let go of the bag he had charm to have endless storage space, spoke of it very fondly the first time your trio had gone picnic together… Boastful even, of the usefulness, even once called it his greatest creation. Perhaps you won’t need to do much convincing after all for your dear friends to let Hanbin hangs around. Just as your thought of Chanwoo dissipated with the gush of sudden bone chilling wind blowing toward the lake, your attention once more on the boy that was setting up quite a spread in the time you had let yourself lost within your thoughts. Two dining sets placed neatly across from each other, in between, a few candles Hanbin had so cleverly enchanted to twinkle and float. In a blink of an eye, the plates began filling themselves with dinner, fixings and all. You stared up at the boy in awe, watching as he beamed down brightly, quite content with himself at the little smile of amazement on your lips. “Woah, this is serious. I thought we were just going munch on bread and butter but… You’ve outdone yourself, good sir!” “Anything for you, M’lady!” He quipped teasingly.
And even lost within the soft banter of your last minute second date, nothing could ever escape the eagle-eyed captain as he lingered on the small shiver running through your body. You were still very much enthralled in the twinkles of the candles he had enchanted to float about, matching so brilliantly with the stars above when a gentle tap on your shoulder stole all your attention away. There he stood, with a sheepish grin on his lips and the slightest touch of peach on his cheeks, clutching a small bundle of fabric messily folded in his hands. You were mesmerized, as you always and always will be every time you look at the dear boy, though this time just a tad of confusion mingled within “Uhm, I have something for you, and I guess now is as good of a time as any because it’s cold and all so you might need it.” As always, every time Hanbin gets nervous, it seemed as though he forgoes breathing altogether just to say all the things he needed too, all in one breath. He rapped out his thought before shyly pushing the bundle of knitted fabric, crimson and gold into your lap. “Present? Already? But I haven’t gotten you anything yet…” You tugged at the bundle until it loosely draped over your folded knees, examining with the utmost care. “It’s nothing… I hope you don’t think I’m narcissistic or anything. But, uhm, it’s my sweater! Team sweater! Seemed I’ve grown a bit too much since last year so, I thought it’d be cool if, if… I mean you don’t have to accept it. It’s silly.” He chuckled nervously before letting his hand tugged at the sleeves, completely missing the wonder spreading over your features. “Hands off, mister!” You exclaimed happily, letting the soft, albeit worn fabric brushing delicately under your fingertips. The Gryffindor insignia embroidered proudly a bit frayed, everything told you the little thing was very well loved. In some way, that made your heart swelled even further knowing he had given you something that truly meant so much to him. “Turn it around!” He urged gently, sparkles lighting his eyes when he finally realized just how fond you already were with the thing, how careful you were. As instructed, you flipped the fabric to find a large “95” etched nearly the entire back side just below the spelling of his name. “I, I hope you don’t mind that it’s a little old… It was the first official piece of uniform I got from the team and, I wore it any chance I could. I just thought it’d be cool for my girlfriend to have something of mine.” He offered up an explanation that was far too earnest for your heart to handled, stretching across the way to pull the bashful boy into a big hug. Hanbin was glad, glad that you loved his present, and glad that you couldn’t see the embarrassment bursting from every inch of his skin this very second as he morphed into a human sized tomato. “Are you sure I can have it? It’s so nice!” You mused gently, still couldn’t believe that he had given you something so meaningful. Though your action betrayed your words for the sweater already being pulled over your shoulders. “Of course!” He chuckled, as you stood up and twirled. “It’s perfect. Thank you!” You pulled the sheepish boy into a hug, feeling his warmth permeating through the layers of fabric stacking upon your body. As the cool air began to settle over your excitement, you were glad for the sweater keeping you warm, glad for Hanbin. . “I know you said you don’t care but, I feel like I have to tell you about me and Jinhwan…” Guilt was still very much drowning your heart, burning the edge of your happiness with its flame even if Hanbin insisted nothing was wrong. You watched as his eyes longing for the stars, absentmindedly munching of a small piece of bread, though the calling of warm food was mere inches away from his hand. You owed him the explanation. “Sweetie, if it still bothers you, of course I’ll listen. But know, it’s not going to change at all how I look at you.” He said, wholeheartedly believed in you and in your words. How you’ve managed to stumble upon the two most incredible guys, you didn’t know. And although Jinhwan was the one that never was, you were glad Hanbin was here for the long run. You’ve known Jinhwan for as long as you could remember… the adorable boy that lived down the road. The adorable boy you had always associated with crisp sunshine of summer and the sweetest honey the adorable chubby bees could make. Even his home, painted a bright shade of yellow, a family owned café named Le Happy only solidified further in your heart that he was the out of this world, embodiment of sunshine and starlight. He wasn’t like the other boys on the block, always picking on you, always teasing you. Jinhwan was gentle, curious mind always assured that you’ll learn something new every time your mom would stop by his family’s café on the way home from the market. As your mom and his would linger to chat, he’d tugged at your hand, pulling you along to his room to show you something new, something he had gotten or just something he had learned. As far as your heart had known then, it belonged to Kim Jinhwan… And his too, seemingly belonged to you. You went to the same elementary, though not the same class for he was a year older, Jinhwan made sure you never spent a lunch, a single break alone. You’d walk to school, hand in hand, just as you’d walk home, side by side. Homework were done together and even after school program too. You were inseparable, spending every waking hours together… And every second lost to the sandman was every second dreaming about the next time you’d see each other. The day he had received his letter was the first time ever his parents had experienced a melt down from their usually sweet son. He had insisted, no school, no magic was worth it if you weren’t by his side. He cried, denying his very existent until you had punched him. It wasn’t hard, wasn’t enough to hurt the poor boy but it was enough to shock the living daylight out of him for you’ve never been one for violent. You held him in your arms for God knows how long as you hushed away his tears. “Nani, you have to go. You’re the smartest person I know, and you’re meant to do great things. That’s why you got the letter! I’d be so mad at you if you don’t.” You repeated the sentence over and over again as he sobbed in your arms. You promised to be there every break and to write him every chance you’d get. Nothing would change, you insisted even if you knew everything had already began to change. Reluctantly, that following autumn, you sent him off to the train station knowing this year will be lonelier than all the last. Distant seemed to have only strengthened your friendship for Jinhwan didn’t let go of your hand that following summer, not even through your families’ nightly dinner together. Then that fateful night came, the night when you had showed up at his door, clutching too, a letter in your hand. You had already been crying and it didn’t stop when Jinwhan too, broke down. The next second you were engulfed in Jinhwan, and suddenly, adventuring into a whole new world didn’t seemed so terrifying any longer. Your heart drummed erratically as Jinhwan tugged you along the cobblestone path of Diagon alley, objects, creatures you’ve never before seen plastered the small busy street.  His smile was nothing short of proud as you gasped in awe at absolutely everything and anything, looking to him for all the explanations. He was there when you chose your first wand, there when you bought your first cauldron. You had opted to adopt a little black puppy (first year the school had expanded their choices of guide animal), a choice Jinhwan applauded, but very importantly, a choice his little kitty approved of. In many ways, his cat Pepper was the perfect reflection of Jinhwan, dainty yet resilient, graceful but never one to back down from a fight. It felt like a dream, even as you settled into the little compartment on the Hogwarts Express chomping down on a tiny chocolate frog that Jinhwan had nimbly caught after you had made the mistake of letting it hop away. You had naively believed that this was it, this was the life you and Jinhwan meant to have, that nothing could ever go wrong. Though your perfect dream shattered the moment you caught his eyes in the crowd donning yellow, as the Sorting Hat proudly screamed through the hall… Slytherin. You could recall still the horror etching so deeply, so painfully on his features as the entire castle grew silent. The few whispered in shock soon turned to jeers and mockery as the days gone by. Derision then came too, the physical bully from the few pureblood families still hanging on to an old, outdated belief. You endured it all, never showed your pain even if Jinhwan knew full well what happened behind his back. So, he fought them, what else could he do but to defend his best friend even if it meant turning up in the hospital wing every other day. Eventually you isolated yourself, avoiding him in the Great Hall, texts and calls went unanswered. Though he never gave up, hunted you down and made sure every break you were with him, that you knew he was still very much here whether you wanted him to or not. But you couldn’t bear it, the sight of him bloody from fights, even if he smiled through it all. Your sweet boy stained by the hatred of others, so you asked him a favor, to pretend as if nothing happened, as if you were nothing. Though he protested, Jinhwan eventually gave in when he realized Junhoe and Chanwoo made for much better bodyguard than he could ever hope to be. Eventually too he fell in love with a beautiful Hufflepuff girl. You remembered still that one night in the height of summer spent in the boiling air, swinging in silent at the park you had spent much of your childhood in. He didn’t say much, and neither did you. But you could see it, the guilt on his face for not keeping his promise, for falling for someone else. “Jinhwan, it’s okay. Honestly, I’m happy you found someone!” You found yourself sadly uttering those words over and over again as your sweet best friend silently shed tears. He knew your relationship hadn’t been the same in a long time but it wasn’t like anyone was forcing either of you to deal with it. Yet now, in the face of a potential love, life was forcing his hand, forcing him to deal with the end of the era of you and him. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. I made a promise to be with you and I-“ His words lost in the wind of a summer night, barely enough to alleviate the sweat dotting your forehead. “Nani, we were kids. I’m not going to hold something your 6 years old self had said against you” You held his hand, then held him in your arms as he sobbed out endless apologies. That very following autumn you had the honor of meeting his girlfriend, one more friend to have your back in tough times, one more friend to hold you through trials and tribulation of being a muggle born Slytherin. “In a lot of ways, I knew Jinhwan and I would never end up together like we had so naively believed as kids. But it didn’t hurt any less, you know.” You lamented the relationship that never was, the relationship that you knew changed forever the moment you had gotten placed into Slytherin… “I guess we had always thought of me and him in that small town, not this…” You let out a sigh that was the perfect mixture of amazement and fear as your eyes longed for the glows of the castle in the distant. “It’s insane, you know. One day you’re completely oblivious and the next, your destiny is decided by an old wrinkly hat.” You never thought it, you as a Slytherin. Jinhwan had bet with all his might that you were to join him, if not, then Ravenclaw. Who would’ve thought you’d be shun by the one donning the same colors. Though most felt sorry for you, pity the fate of a Slytherin muggle born, none dare stepped in to help. The few that had hands in your harassment were far too powerful physically and socially for them to be against. “I’m so sorry.” Hanbin recalled all the time he had passed by you in the hallway, not a thought to spare for who would believe that in this day and age, the once strong held disdain for muggle born amongst Slytherin was still something of reality. Thinking of it now, of how well you had masked the pain, of him being celebrated by his classmate for being a muggle born, what a world different colors could make. It hurt, unfathomable even, how foolish he was being so oblivious to your suffering. He felt helpless, even if Hanbin didn’t know you then. “Don’t be!” You sighed apologetically, for ruining the mood and for the pout tugging on Hanbin’s lips. “It all worked out in the end. I thought I lost my best friend, but I ended up with a new friend. His girlfriend, she’s lovely and perfect for him in every sense of the world.” You pondered the memories of that following Autumn, when JInhwan had excitedly bounded your way, tugging a very scare Jisoo right toward the Slytherin table. She had thought he lost his damn wit, walking up to the table filled with all the intimidation this place had got to give as if it was his second home. Yet the second you had pulled her into a hug, Lisa too waving enthusiastically at a new friend that didn’t bleed green, her heart eased. “And, I met you!” your bright word lulled out a dreamy smile that banished the last bit of sadness lingering on his features. “I hope you’ll understand that Jinhwan will always be special to me… Of course in different way than how you’re special.” As your last thought of Jinhwan was shared with your boyfriend, the future of him and Jisoo weighed heavily on your heart. You wished them all the best in the world and prayed that the days to come will be kind. “Sweetie… I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I was mad or jealous. It wasn’t like that at all, I swear.” Letting his hand caressing away the frost harsh against your rosy cheeks, Hanbin desperate in conveying his thought. He never meant for you to understood his silent as anger nor jealousy. Though he was taken back by the intimacy between you and Jinhwan when he had first laid eyes upon the two of you, he was not once mad. “I can’t express how grateful I am, for how understanding you are.” You leaned further into his touch, elation, deeper understanding of each other drawing your heart and his so much closer together. If someone had told you just a few days ago that by this weekend end, you’d be having dinner… No, on a date with Kim Hanbin, you’d told them they need to get their head check. Yet now, munching away at the dinner he had so carefully packed, listening as he animatedly explained Gryffindor’s strategy, you couldn’t imagine being with anyone else, spending your weekend any other ways. Your sweet, innocent boy hadn’t at all realized why you had been giggling at his seemingly secret game plan… Questioning perhaps someone had spiked your food because why else would quidditch moves and technical jargons would be so funny. Wasn’t until you had gently reminded him that your own best friend was indeed the Slytherin captain and you were, through and through despite everything, bleed green and silver that he had frozen in his spot. The smile on his lips melted away quick as he suddenly grew red in embarrassment. You assured him, that the plan he had so meticulously poured his heart and soul into creating would never be spill from your lips. Even so, if you really wanted to, you couldn’t for not much of what was said made a lick of sense to you anyways. Though perhaps Hanbin was more shocked, mortified that he had so easily given up the plan he swore he’d guard with his life. “Speaking of top secret quidditch game plan…” His words drawn out, the spoon of pudding he had scooped up pushed about as his cheeks once more redden with bashfulness, teasing at your curiosity. “Will you come see me next weekend?” You could feel it, that sudden shift in your heart as the delightfulness of the heartwarming date slowly sinking to the pit of your stomach. You stayed silent, watching the sheepish grin still plastered across his lips, no doubt happy from the thought of you admiring him from the stand. “I’d be so happy to look into the crowd and see you…” He rushed out when nearly a minute pass and no answer was voiced, hope still very much coloring the universe behind his beautiful eyes. But you said nothing, staying silent as you let your gaze fallen over the spread of dinner that had now nearly been finished. “Baby, you okay?” Gentle finger nudged at your cheeks, he had thought the frosty wind had stolen his girlfriend’s soul when he pierced into your eyes and all he saw was sadness. “I- I don’t know, Hanbin…” Your voice cut out as your brain went into overdrive calculating very carefully the next few words. You knew how much quidditch meant for your dear boy, and you knew nothing would make him happier than to have his very first girlfriend cheers him on at every game. But you knew also what you were, what you bring, and it wasn’t something you wanted for Hanbin. “It’s okay, Y/n. You don’t have to wear my sweater or cheer for me. I just wanted you to watch me play, just knowing you’re there is already enough for me.” Busying gathering and sending back the dirty dishes to the kitchen with a wave of his wand, Hanbin explained, knowing it must be hard for you being caught in between your best friend and your boyfriend. But just thinking of you sitting in the crowd, excitement coursing through your veins as you look on with all the adoration you have for him sparkling in your eyes, it sent him to heaven just thinking about it. Even if it meant you’d be sitting in the ocean of green and silver, even if you could only silently cheer him on. Though as observant as he was, he missed sorely the emotion wrecking your heart. “It, it’s not that… Lisa told me countless time to cheer for you, knowing how big of a crush I have on you.” Though the reason behind your rejection was still burning his mind, hearing how supportive your friends were toward him, Hanbin was happy. “I just, don’t think it’s a good idea, me being at the game.” There was no good way of turning down your puppy of a boyfriend. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, it could never make up for the way shock ripped through his features. “W-Why? Did I say or do something…?” No word could express the confusion running through his mind. Just a second ago, you were eagerly listened on as he rambled about quidditch, even if you didn’t understand much of it. Just before that, well he had brought on the plan for a small trip during winter break, a trip to commemorate the new friendship that had brought everyone together. You had so enthusiastically nodding along, excitedly adding to the plans and all the muggle things you’d want for your friends to enjoy. Yet now, the way you were staring at him, all the guilt eating away at your soul as if you had just done something unspeakable… Hanbin didn’t understand it. “I’m sorry. I want to, I do, you have to believe me. I just don’t think it’s a good idea for me to be there.” Head hanging low, you mewled out sadly. How could you even begin to express the emotions rising in your chest, the thoughts, the reasons why you couldn’t be there for him. You had reached for his hand, balling up in his lap but your nerve gave out at the very last second. “It’s okay.” The sigh leaving his lips was nothing short of agonizing, even if that smile on his lips, bright as he stared off into the heaven above. Quidditch was the one thing he could be prideful of, knowing that he was better than most, the thing he could impress you with. He knew you had your reasons, but that didn’t help the disappointment drowning his heart as he glanced over the empty, dark field. “I’m so sorry…” You had started, tears brimming your lashes now, but he cut you off with a hug. A soft kiss placed upon your cheek as he whispered over and over again that it was okay.   “Hanbin…” You called for him, meek and sorrowful but he didn’t let go, only tightening his hold around your body.   “Don’t worry about it! Let’s head back, hmm? It’s getting late.” You hated it, hated that a perfect night was ruined from your own doing. You hated the way his eyes seemed so dim, almost as if you had broken the stars lighting those beautiful orbs. You knew he was trying his best, to hide the fact that your rejection had affected him far more than it should’ve. But you knew better, you knew it would hurt him but what else could you do? You needed to stay out of his way, stay far away from the game and you hoped one day, Hanbin will understand why. For now, for now all you could do is to clutch tightly on the large hand holding yours, and hoping that he’ll let you sooth the sorrow grinding at his heart. The walk back toward the Slytherin’s dungeon felt much like an eternity for the delightful conversation that had colored the beginning of your date absent. Hanbin refused to let go of your hand even if he did not once look back, silently moving forward as he processed the entire situation. It was only when the entrance that had become so familiar in his eyes once more greeted you both that he had turned around to look at you, sorrow in his heart only grew knowing it was time to part ways. “Go in, baby. It’s getting really late.” He nudged you forward, whispering solemnly, yet you refused to budge. You couldn’t leave, not like this, not when he was so down on himself. So you dove into the arms that tighten around your body out of sheer instinct. Yours too woven around his body and you dug your face into his tone chest, feeling the aching of your heart dissipating slowly as his hug only constricted further. Hanbin let his fingers carding through your hair, gentle kisses fluttering against it and he took in that all too familiar, comforting scent you always wore. He parted way, ready to send you off into the hand of the sandman but you only reeled him back in. Tiptoed, you did your best to plant a kiss on his lips. A desperate kiss, lingering, stilling as you basked in the softness of his lips, studied, committed to memories each curve, each wrinkle. You didn’t let go, didn’t let go until your own legs gave out as you stumbled backward but this time, Hanbin got you. He tugged you back into his chest, bending awkwardly to continue the kiss you had so sweetly given him… Though the one he returned was anything but. It wasn’t innocent, it wasn’t desperately sweet either as he guided you toward the stone wall. He pressed you tightly against the hard surface, hand cushioning the back of your head to be sure he wasn’t hurt you. This was far different from the shy first kiss you had shared, or the hundreds chaste one to follow. It was heavy and it was crass. Teeth knocking and gentle nibble that breaching the territory of pain were given to which you readily received. He loved the way your breath grew heavy, cashing his touch, relenting to every move had made. Sweetness of the pudding leftover from dinner mingling so perfectly with the bitterness of the tea left him craving more. So Hanbin tested the water, a brisk swipe of his tongue against your lower lip left him smirking when you readily greeted it with your own, lips parting to welcome him in. Hanbin felt like he could swallow you up this very second, still so insatiable even when you had just tugged his lower lips in between yours. Soft nips nearly sending him to heaven before you pulled away, pupils blown and rough breaths rushing through your teeth. Hanbin was wholeheartedly satisfied with the sight before him, the way he left you so breathless. He hadn’t known that a kiss could be so amazing, could riled his heart so but staring at you now… Cheeks redden, and lips swollen, fingers gripping so tightly unto his sweater, he was truly happy. Everything had been so unexpected, so unexpected that it left him spinning, wanting more. Though the chime of the large clock had called for him to hurry, calling for reality to return as he grew bashful, finally realizing what was happening. He could barely look you in the eyes as he whispered one last goodnight, hasty as the distant murmurs grew loud. Hanbin sighed, still yet ready to part way but not wanting to cause a scene, especially right in front of the Slytherin’s dungeon. So, he kissed you once more, on your lips, on your nose, and on your forehead before shooing you through the gateway before rushing off toward his own room.
The entire way back, he couldn’t help but relished in the sweet taste of your lips and how a single hug from him seemingly banished the sadness lingering in your eyes. He was so fucked, whipped in every which way possible for you and honestly, he couldn’t care any longer that you can’t come to watch him play. Hanbin was certain, so certain that after the whistle concluded the game had long been blown, you’d be right there celebrating his victory or soothing his lost in the privacy of your own world. And perhaps that would be so much better for you could love him uninhibited, without the prying eyes of the crowd and that was so much better than anything else. No matter what, it’d just be you and him, and that was all that matter. He couldn’t stop smiling, even as he laid his weary self onto his bed, even after Jiwon had forcefully shutting off the light, quoting that in-love Hanbin was far too creepy and insufferable for his liking. The thought of you so desperately clinging onto him, letting him kiss you, how willing you were and the implication of what that kiss might be in the far distant future left him elated. Even now, as the bit of guilt rising in his chest knowing just how sad he might’ve made you, reacting the way he did when he knew for all the action you take, there always is a reason. He thought of your little pout, and of the feeling stirring in your heart when he had so carelessly pushing you away, the feeling that had pushed you into that kiss. And no matter how happy he was that you kissed him, Hanbin was devastated that it was fueled by desperation. How could he have been so insensitive, right after you had poured your heart out to him, letting him in on something so personal. So, before drowsiness could take over, he pulled out his phone, hoping you were still awake.
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Though no replied was heard, Hanbin was glad still. Glad that he got two amazing dates with you in a single day, glad that you were no longer so shy around him, glad that he finally have someone to love. As he drifted off into dreamland, Hanbin prayed that you’ll be with him for a long while, prayed that no matter what lied ahead, you’ll let him be there for you always...
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ultsracha · 6 years
The Boyz
Friends to lovers! Eric Model reader x Q  Soulmate! Sunwoo iKON
Motivating their s/o’s studies Reacting to their s/o having braces Reacting to their s/o having motion sickness Reacting to being called your ideal type Gifts they would give you Dates w/ iKON iKON as texters Jealous! iKON 2 Jealous! iKON Cuddling iKON Friends to lovers! Donghyuk  Soft! Donghyuk Rainy day! Donghyuk Donghyuk asking you out Friends to lovers! Bobby Boyfriend! Bobby Friends to lovers! Hanbin Birthday! Hanbin Boyfriend! Hanbin Bestfriend! Hanbin Soft Hanbin 2 Soft! Hanbin Friends to lovers! Jinhwan Jinhwan asking you out Friends to lovers! Yunhyeong Cooking lessons w/ Yunhyeong Dinner w/ Yunhyeong Friends to lovers! Chanwoo Dating Chanwoo Boyfriend! Chanwoo Coffeeshop! Chanwoo Travelling w/ Junhoe Rainy Day! Junhoe Junhoes confession Birthday! Junhoe
Stray kids
Zombie apocalypse! Woojin Zombie apocalypse! Changbin Soulmate! Chan Boyfriend! Chan Boyfriend! Jisung Friends to lovers! Jisung Hyunjin helping you dance Boyfriend! Hyunjin Gifts they would give you Boyfriend! Felix Best friend! Seungmin
Sanha asking you out Boyfriend! Jinwoo
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jimindiors · 5 years
killing me → kjw
i thought i’d be indifferent about breaking up / but there’s one habit of yours that i have / not being able to throw things away / foolishly, these feelings remain / something that feels like regret / opposite from you who is doing great / i’m half dead
pairing: kim jiwon x reader
genre: angst
word count: 1345
warnings: none
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a/n: this is the first work i’ll be posting on here so go easy on me! i also wanna say thank you to @boobykim @jiwonthirst & @abobhoe for being so kind and supportive and urging me to post this! <3
Jiwon was sure he would be able to move on and see the sunlight again when she finally gave up on him. The fight they had was explosive — so horrible that Jiwon almost knew there was nothing he could do to ever get her back. And he thought he’d be fine with that.
He stood in the shower, cold water running down his back but him barely feeling the coldness. Nowadays, he couldn’t feel anything. He was numb, it was almost like she had ripped away his ability to feel. He found himself thinking about her day and night. When he rummaged through his drawers and found a small tidbit she’d left behind, he’d practically sink to his knees, wondering why this was hurting him so badly.
Everything reminded him of her. Everytime he’d open up the camera roll on his phone, his sharp eyes would zoom in on the folder of photos he still had saved of her; all of their memories he should’ve long forgotten. It was like he was simply unable to move on, something he hadn’t anticipated at all. Sure, he’d been through a breakup before, but those breakups had never been as hard as this one.
Why was he hurting so damn bad? She was just a girl, wasn’t she? She was just like the other girls he had dated. Nothing was different about her, Jiwon tried to convince himself.
Jiwon took a deep breath as he stared at the one book she had probably forgotten to swipe off his desk when she had come to collect her things — while he was recording at the studio. It was a bloody book. He didn’t even like reading. And he was never going to see her ever again. It wasn’t like he could return it to her. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to throw it away. The fact that it belonged to her was stopping him from tossing it out. It was silly, ridiculous even, but Jiwon couldn’t help but feel like that was the only thing he had left of her.
He looked away from the book. He wasn’t supposed to hold on. He wasn’t supposed to cling onto her. He was supposed to reach out, grab the book and dispose of it. He was supposed to forget her.
But no matter how hard he tried, no matter how many late night conversations he had with Jinhwan and Hanbin and Donghyuk and almost everyone else — even Junhoe — about how he really, really needed to let go of her, delete her from his system, nothing ever left. Not the feelings, not the memories. Nothing left. Everything remained.
The regret kept Jiwon up at night. He stared up at his ceiling, despite not really being able to see it as his room was pitch black. Sometimes he’d reach over to the right side of his bed, hoping to feel her bare skin on his fingertips, but all he felt was the rough, cold material of his bedsheets. Jiwon couldn’t breathe as he sobbed into his pillow. He had never cried over a girl before. It hurt even more when he smelled her scent on his pillow and he realized that she had used his pillow instead of the one she had picked out herself. He realized that she once loved him.
He wondered what happened to them.
“Babe, you really need to throw that away.” Jiwon commented, plopping onto the chair in front of his gaming computer.
She pouted, her hands wrapping around her dark blue shirt as she pulled it to her chest. The colour was practically washed out and Jiwon needed both his hands to count the amount of holes that was in that damn shirt, not to mention the food stains. She looked up at Jiwon, her bottom lip sticking out.
“But I love this shirt,” she protested. “It’s been with me since I was like 11.”
“How do you still fit in that?” Jiwon laughed, shaking his head slightly. “You’re literally in your mid-twenties now.”
She shrugged, fingering the material of the shirt. “I can’t throw it away.”
Jiwon grinned at her bowed head as she stared at her beloved shirt. “Yes, you can,” he replied, sounding utterly fond. “Some things just have to be thrown away, baby. Then you can make space for newer things.”
Jiwon stared at the stupid blue shirt that she loved so much. He was holding it in his hands, clinging onto it, one of the last things he had of her. He wondered if she missed the shirt. She loved the shirt a lot, and Jiwon never really understood why. It was just something she was attached to, she’d never been able to let it go. She was a borderline hoarder, she’d keep things that were tattered and torn, sometimes even almost completely destroyed, claiming they carried ‘memories’. Jiwon would make fun of her, not realizing that a day would come when he felt the exact same way everytime she crossed his mind.
“I saw her just now,” Chanwoo piped up softly, not meeting Jiwon’s eyes as he spoke. “She’s here, in Korea.”
When she and Jiwon broke up, she had taken only a few necessities and flew back to her home, her family and her friends. She had cut off contact with Jiwon, until she returned to Korea to grab the rest of her things. She didn’t speak to him, and he didn’t even know she had come back until he came home from recording and noticed all of her things were gone. That’s when it hit him that it was really over, he had really fucked up this time and he couldn’t take it back, not now, not ever. She had made that clear when she severed ties with him completely, resorting to blocking not only his number but even going as far as to block him on Instagram and even Twitter, an app he didn’t even use all that much. She really wanted to get rid of him, and as much as he hated that, he had to respect her wishes. It was the least he could do after absolutely shattering her heart.
“Yeah?” Jiwon prompted, although his head screamed at him to shut up, sit there quietly and eat his food. “Who was she with?”
He almost didn’t want to hear the answer when Chanwoo’s eyes visibly widened and his lips turned pale. He obviously wasn’t expecting Jiwon’s question, and he clearly didn’t want to answer it because he knew Jiwon wouldn’t necessarily like what he had to say.
“Her best friends. You know them,” Chanwoo said as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, regretting bringing her up at all. “And, uh, this guy. I don’t know his name-“
Jiwon had heard enough. He calmly put his chopsticks down, whispered a ‘thank you’ to Chanwoo for telling him this and stood up, retreating to his room. He felt everyone’s pitiful gazes burning into his back, and he hurried into his room, slamming the door behind him. He pressed his back against his bedroom door and slid down, teeth digging into his bottom lip to suppress his sobs. Nothing stopped the salty tears to roll down his cheeks. Jiwon had never cried so hard before in his life.
But then again, he’d never regretted anything so much in his life than letting go of her. It was the biggest mistake he had ever made. A part of him was empty. Nothing would ever complete him like she did, and he had to live with that for the rest of his damn life because of what he did to her.
Jiwon threw his head back, his hand clutching at his chest as he physically felt his heart ache. A sob slipped past his lips, and he hoped to God none of his friends heard it.
Jiwon was completely and utterly broken. He knew he’d never be able to piece himself back together again. He hoped she took care of the part of him that she had taken with her.
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noona-clock · 5 years
You’ll Find Me
Genre: College!AU
Pairing: Hanbin x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Words: 4,133
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“Yunhyeong,” you whispered, leaning forward in your seat and tapping him on the shoulder. You were currently in the backseat of his girlfriend’s car, on your way to a cabin up in the mountains.
For winter break this year, you and a bunch of your friends from university decided to hole up in a cabin together for a whole week. There would be skiing and snowboarding and hot cocoa and cozy fireplaces and...
You’d had a crush on Hanbin, Yunhyeong’s roommate, for almost a year now. And while you were pretty sure he liked you back, neither of you had been brave enough to make the first move.
Until now.
“Hmm?” Yunhyeong hummed, not even looking up from his clipboard.
“You’re assigning the rooms now?” you asked, still whispering. Though you weren’t sure why. It was just you, Yunhyeong, and his girlfriend in the car. And both of them already knew about your crush on Hanbin.
“Yep,” Yunhyeong nodded. 
Yes, you were all adults and were perfectly capable of choosing your own rooms, but... to be honest... when all of you got together to do something, things turned out a lot better when Yunhyeong planned out every detail. If left to your own devices, you were pretty sure everyone would end up sleeping on couches because you would all just say, “Oh, yeah, I don’t care. Doesn’t matter to me.”
Before he could scribble anything else down on his paper, you said, “Could you... assign me and Hanbin to the same room?”
Yunhyeong raised his eyebrows and finally looked up, glancing back at you over his shoulder. “You’re finally going to do something about that crush of yours?”
“Okay, I’m not going to do that,” you answered hastily. “But... I figured... it might be easier to talk about it at night. Like, when we’re both tired and -- And there’s an uneven number of boys and girls, plus you two are sharing a room, so there’s bound to be another room with a boy and a girl, and --”
“And it’s cold so you have to snuggle up under the blanket together to keep warm,” Yunhyeong’s girlfriend chimed in with a sassy smirk.
“Okay, no --”
But you cut yourself off because, yes, that was definitely part of the reason why you wanted to share a room with Hanbin.
You saw a smile spread across Yunhyeong’s lips, and he shot his girlfriend an amused but adoring look before looking back to his clipboard. “All right,” he announced as he scribbled something down. “Roommate assignment... complete!”
“Thank you,” you beamed, reaching over his headrest to ruffle his hair. Unsurprisingly, he immediately leaned forward and wasted no time in fixing what you’d just messed up.
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“All right, is everyone here?” Yunhyeong called out after setting down his and his girlfriend’s suitcases in the living room of the cabin.
A few people murmured a ‘yes,’ and Yunhyeong searched around the room just to be sure they weren’t lying.
“Perfect,” he murmured before holding his clipboard up. “I assigned everyone rooms, so listen up. Junhoe and Jinhwan, Bobby, Donghyuk, and Chanwoo, Amy and Emily, Trish and Rachel, and... Hanbin and Y/N.”
You tried not to let it show that you already knew this would happen; you had to bite the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling shamefully. And, to make it easier, you didn’t look over at Hanbin who was already sprawled out on the couch. Making eye contact with him -- or even seeing his reaction to your room assignment -- would most certainly bring a blush to your cheeks.
“I’m going to make dinner in just a few hours,” Yunhyeong continued. “So, everyone get settled, do whatever you want, and we’ll eat around 7.”
“Yes, sir!” Junhoe replied, bringing one hand up to his forehead in a salute.
Yunhyeong pursed his lips and said, “Ha ha, very funny. You know, if I wasn’t on this trip, you would know! You would be able to tell that no one planned anything --”
And this was your cue to leave.
You grabbed your duffel bag and heaved it over your shoulder, secretly patting Yunhyeong’s girlfriend on the shoulder before heading off toward the staircase.
The other four girls followed you, and when you reached the top of the stairs, you stepped to the side to let them get ahead of you. On the website listing for the cabin, you’d seen that two of the bedrooms were equipped with bunkbeds while the rest had king or queen-sized beds.
Obviously, you would prefer to share a bed with Hanbin, even if it might be a little awkward at first. But the two of you were friends, it’s not like you barely knew each other! And the guys most likely would rather have the bunk beds because... guys are weird like that. Female friends have no problem sharing a bed with each other, but male friends sharing a bed with each other? It just doesn’t happen. At least, you’d never seen it happen.
And, just as you’d suspected, the other girls quickly claimed rooms with only one bed, leaving three bedrooms remaining upstairs: two with bunk beds and one with a queen.
So... you slipped into the room with the queen-sized bed and set your bag down on the floor with a soft sigh of relief. So far, everything was going according to plan.
As you were taking your clothes out and hanging them up in the closet, you heard thundering footsteps coming up the stairs. The five single boys were approaching, obviously, and they all headed straight into the rooms containing bunk beds.
Another sigh of relief.
Finally, just a couple minutes later, you heard one more set of footsteps coming up the stairs. These were much more relaxed, though, and you knew by the sound alone they belonged to Hanbin.
Your heart started to race as you slipped one of your sweaters onto a hanger, and just after you hooked it over the clothes rack, you heard the soft footsteps shuffling into the room.
“Hey,” Hanbin greeted, and you glanced over your shoulder toward the door.
“Hey,” you replied. “Sorry, there’s an uneven number of boys and girls, and the boys took the rooms with the bunk beds, so...”
“Oh, it’s fine.”
“I can sleep on the floor --”
“No, no,” Hanbin interrupted, setting his own duffel bag down on the floor. “No, it’s fine.”
You simply shot him a close-lipped grin before turning back around and continuing putting your clothes away.
You heard him unzip his bag, and then you heard him take a breath.
Geez, were you really paying that close attention to his every move that you heard him take a breath?
“Are you going to -- No, never mind,” he said with a soft chuckle. “You don’t like the outdoors that much.”
A small smirk tugged at your lips before you turned back around to face him. “Am I going to what?”
“I was going to ask if you were going to ski or snowboard, but then I remembered how you’ve literally always said ‘no’ when I asked if you wanted to come hiking with me.”
Despite the fact that going on a hike with Hanbin would mean getting to spend lots of time with him, you had always refused because... well, you much preferred to stay indoors. Especially if it was cold and/or snowy outside.
“You will find me on the couch reading a book with a mug of hot chocolate for the whole week,” you told him with a grin. “You have fun out in the snow. I will stay indoors in a controlled climate, thank you very much.”
“Will you go outside for one day?” he asked as he came to join you in putting his clothes away in the closet.
And there went your breath. 
He was standing so close to you now, you could smell his shampoo. Feel the brush of his sweatshirt against your arm. See every inch of his perfect, handsome face.
...Oh, boy.
Maybe actually sharing a room -- sharing a bed -- with Hanbin hadn’t been such a great idea after all.
“I -- I’ll think about it,” you stammered.
You had no idea if you really would, but at the moment, you would say anything if you thought it would make Hanbin the tiniest bit happy.
“I’m probably going to go on a hike now,” he murmured. “Do you wanna come?”
“Are you sure that’s safe? You’ve never been here before, what if you get lost?”
Hanbin shrugged and glanced over at you. “You’ll find me.”
“And how will I do that?” you chuckled.
“You know I’m leaving, so if I don’t come back before dinner, then you’ll know I’m lost. But if you come with me then we can at least get lost together.”
The idea of being a part of Hanbin’s ‘together’ was incredibly tempting...
But you still shook your head and let out an awkward chuckle. “No, thank you. But please don’t get lost.”
“I’ll do my best,” he assured you.
And you knew Hanbin well enough to know that his best was always, always good enough.
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Of course, you spent the next few hours worrying about Hanbin.
...Okay, that’s not entirely true.
You spent the next few hours playing board games with your friends. But you were worrying about Hanbin at the same time! You just hid it well because you were so competitive and focused on winning.
But when the cabin door opened as you were helping set the table for dinner and Hanbin’s cold-nipped face appeared, you actually did let out a soft exhale.
“Just in time!” Yunhyeong called out. “Dinner is served, let’s all sit down and eat!”
The hustle and bustle of thirteen people eating dinner together prevented you from asking Hanbin how his hike was; most of the meal was spent praising Yunhyeong for the delicious food and making plans for the week.
You thought maybe the two of you could wash dishes together, but Bobby and Donghyuk volunteered before you had the chance.
And then Yunhyeong herded everyone into the living room to watch a movie. Junhoe and Rachel sat on either side of you on one of the couches, so even a whispered conversation with Hanbin was out of the question. ...But then Hanbin fell asleep not even ten minutes into the movie, so sitting next to him would have been useless, anyway.
Hanbin ended up sleeping through the entire movie, and when Chanwoo woke him up when it was over, you thought you heard him murmur something about staying down here while everyone else went up to get ready for bed.
One of the reasons you liked Hanbin so much was because he was independent. He always did his own thing, even if nobody else wanted to. He was true to himself probably more than anyone else you knew, and that was just immeasurably attractive to you. 
But, on the flip side, the fact he wasn’t coming up to bed right away made you anxious. You wanted to ask him about his hike. You wanted to lay in bed and engage in a quiet, murmured conversation. You wanted to hear his soft voice through the darkness and feel your heart fluttering. If he didn’t come up to bed soon, you were afraid you would fall asleep before any of that could happen.
So, you took your time brushing your teeth and doing your skincare. You took your time changing into your pajamas (even though it was far too cold to be undressed for long). You took your time settling under the covers. You got out your phone and scrolled through as many social media sites as you could for as long as you could.
Finally, just as you were about to plug your phone in for the night and give up, the bedroom doorknob turned.
Hanbin opened the door slowly and quietly, tiptoeing in without a sound. But when he looked up and saw you were still awake, he almost jumped with surprise.
“Oh,” he breathed. “I thought you would be asleep already.”
“No, I -- uh -- I got caught up watching dog videos on Reddit,” you admitted with a soft chuckle.
“Send me some. I’ll watch them before I fall asleep,” he murmured before ducking into the en suite bathroom.
“Yeah, sure,” you answered. You unlocked your phone, scrolling through one of your favorite dog subreddits and sharing some of the cuter videos with him in a text message.
Just after you plugged your phone in and put it on the nightstand, Hanbin emerged from the bathroom. You held your breath as he shuffled toward the bed... grabbed a pillow... and tossed it down onto the floor.
He was going to... sleep on the floor?
“Are you sure?” you asked with a frown. “You don’t have to sleep on the floor.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I can sleep anywhere, pretty much.”
“O--oh. Okay. Let me know if you need an extra blanket or anything.”
Hanbin hummed in response and then the room was quiet.
After a minute or two, you opened your mouth to ask about his hike, but then you heard him chuckle softly and let out an ‘aww.’ Obviously, he had just watched one of the dog videos you’d sent, and you had to close your mouth and press your lips together to keep from squealing because he was so adorable.
You let him watch the videos in peace for a bit before you bit the bullet and cleared your throat. “How was your hike? I never got a chance to ask you when you got back.”
“It was great,” he replied. “Beautiful. Cold but beautiful.”
“Did you see any animals?”
Hanbin let out a quiet laugh before saying, “You know me well. Yeah, I saw lots of squirrels and some deer.”
“Good thing it’s winter, otherwise you might have seen some bears.”
“True,” he murmured. “What did you do while I was gone?”
You felt pathetic that his question made your stomach flip, but it did. He was interested in what you’d done, and that just made you happier than it should have.
“We played some board games, that was about it.”
“Did you win?”
“Of course, I did,” you told him, not doing a thing to hide your confident pride.
Hanbin chuckled approvingly before letting out a soft sigh and saying the dreaded seven words: “Well, I’m going to go to sleep.”
“Okay,” you murmured, turning on your side and pulling the blanket up to your chin. “Good night.”
“Night,” Hanbin replied.
You must have been a lot sleepier than you realized because, after you closed your eyes, the next thing you knew... you were waking up again.
Your eyes fluttered open, and the first thing you heard was what sounded like someone rummaging around in the closet. And when you focused your gaze in that direction, that’s exactly what you saw.
Hanbin -- shirtless Hanbin -- rummaging around in the closet.
“What’re you doing?” you mumbled groggily.
Hanbin jumped a little before glancing over his shoulder at you. “I -- I’m looking for another blanket. I can’t sleep, it’s -- it’s too cold.”
“Well, first of all, you would be warmer if you put a shirt on,” you yawned, knowing Awake You would kick yourself for saying that. “Second of all, just sleep in the bed. I won’t bite.”
You watched as Hanbin paused... and then you saw his shoulders lift slightly before dropping, making it obvious he’d just let out a sigh.
You weren’t sure how to take that.
But then he closed the closet door and turned toward you, tiptoeing to the bed and lifting the covers next to you.
Once he’d settled in, you scooted over closer to him, moving to put an arm around him so you could share your body heat.
“What are you doing?” Hanbin asked hurriedly, and you immediately paused.
“I was... going to... help warm you up?”
Oh, god, that sounded weird.
“I -- I --” Hanbin stammered. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
Even though he was most definitely right, you pressed on. “But you’re freezing. I can see you shivering from here. And it’s not like I’m trying to do it in a... I mean, it’s just platonic. I’m not --”
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea.”
You let your arm fall to the bed, your brow furrowing slightly. You were just trying to help. Yes, you did have a crush on him, but you weren’t trying to feel him up or anything. You just wanted to help him get warm again!
But, apparently, he didn’t think that was a good idea.
You hastily turned over to face away from him, your brow furrowing even more. “Okay, sorry,” you retorted. “Forget I said anything. Good night.”
“No, Y/N --”
“Forget about it,” you interjected.
Hanbin let out a deep sigh, and you closed your eyes so you could attempt to fall back asleep. Hopefully, you could sleep the embarrassment off.
Only a few moments later, though, you felt movement in the bed. And you almost lifted your head to look, but then you froze when you felt...
Hanbin first hooked his leg over yours. And then he slid his arm over your waist. Your heart stopped, of course, and when you felt him press his cheek against your shoulder, it dropped down to your stomach.
“Sorry,” he mumbled once he was all settled behind you.
“Sorry for what? You’re the one who’s freezing,” you whispered, surprised you could even say anything at the moment.
“I just... thought it would be awkward.”
“It’s only awkward if you make it awkward.”
“Which I do. A lot,” he admitted with a soft laugh. You felt the rumble of his chest against your back, and truly, you thought both your stomach and heart would just fly right out of your body.
“This... this isn’t so bad, though, is it?” you pointed out, moving your arm to cover his. You were so tempted to link your fingers together, but you resisted. That would make it awkward. “There is definitely such a thing as platonic cuddling.”
“Yeah, I just...” Hanbin paused to take a breath, and when his exhale fluttered over your ear, a chill ran down your spine because of it. “I just always... thought... you kinda... liked me.”
Your heart which had previously been stopped because Hanbin was so close and cuddling with you was now beating about a million times per second.
“Wh-- what?” you breathed. “You thought --”
“I mean, it’s fine that you don’t, I just --”
“No, I do,” you said with a bit more force than you’d intended.
Wait, what?!
Did you really just --
You just admitted that you liked Hanbin.
To Hanbin.
You felt him freeze behind you, his arm around your waist stiffening. “You... do?” he asked, and you could have sworn he sounded shy.
Well... you couldn’t really take it back now, could you?
“...Yeah,” you whispered. “I have for a while.”
You shut your eyes and anticipated him removing his arm from around you. He would scoot away, probably even sleep back on the floor or go into one of the guys’ rooms.
But instead, you heard him say, “Me too.”
Not even allowing yourself time to think about it, you turned over to face him. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” you asked breathlessly.
“I said... me too. I’ve liked you for a while.”
You simply stared at him, your eyes searching his face although you had no idea what you were searching for.
“Have you, really?” you finally asked.
Hanbin nodded.
“Why... why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” he countered.
A tiny smile spread across Hanbin’s lips, and your heart did about three somersaults in your chest.
“I never told you because I didn’t think you liked me back,” he admitted a bit bashfully. “I would ask you to go on hikes with me, but you always said ‘no.’“
“Wait, you asked me to go on hikes because... you like me?”
“Well, yeah. I wanted to spend time with you. But I thought you didn’t want to spend time with me, so --”
“I always said ‘no’ because I hate being outdoors. I didn’t want to whine and complain in front of you because then you would see how annoying I am and never want to date me.”
Hanbin’s smile grew, and he shook his head. “You’re not annoying. Trust me, I know annoying. Yunhyeong is my roommate. You’re actually one of the least annoying people I know. One of the only people I feel like I could spend all my time with and not want to end up committing an act of murder.”
You let out a soft laugh, and as you stared at his smile... heard his words... you felt an uncontrollable urge to kiss him.
So, you did.
You leaned in and gently pressed your lips to his -- gently and briefly, not wanting to overwhelm him or scare him off.
“I think that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” you whispered once you’d pulled away.
Hanbin moved his arm to reach up to your face, tucking your hair behind your ear and running his thumb across your cheek. You noticed his own cheeks were flushing, though it was too dark to truly tell how much. 
“So, uh... the fact that we ended up in the same room? Is that --”
“I asked Yunhyeong to put us together,” you admitted with an embarrassed chuckle.
“So, he knew?”
You tipped your chin in a tiny nod.
“And he never told me? That’s really hard to believe.”
“I know,” you grinned. “Usually, he can’t keep his mouth shut. I think he’s just a little too scared of you to tell you something that important, though.”
Hanbin furrowed his brow, his lips turning down into a thoughtful frown. But then he said, “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
You laughed again, and then you scooted as close to him as you could get, tucking yourself underneath his chin and pressing your ear to his chest.
As you heard the gentle thud of his heartbeat, you had to close your eyes, forcing yourself to drink everything in. You just couldn’t quite believe this was happening. You had admitted your feelings to Hanbin, and he had admitted his own right back. You’d kissed him. He was holding you tightly, one hand combing through your hair at the back of your neck.
It was heavenly.
But then you felt Hanbin take a breath, and he said, “Can I ask you something?”
You were extremely reluctant to pull your head away from his chest, but you did, anyway. “Yeah, of course,” you replied softly.
“Will you go on a hike with me now?” he asked. “I promise I’ll hold your hand to help you over the rocky parts.”
A smile tugged at your lips, and you playfully rolled your eyes. He wasn’t going to give up on this, was he?
Well, since it was so important to him, you figured you should at least give it a shot. But not without getting something in return.
“I will... on one condition.”
“And what would that be?” he asked with one raised eyebrow.
“I will go on a hike with you one day if you spend one day inside with me,” you offered.
“Done,” he accepted, not even hesitating a little bit.
“...Just like that?”
“Just like that,” he nodded. “I like to go on hikes and be outside in nature, but I also like being lazy.”
You almost jerked your head back in surprise. You had no idea Hanbin was ever lazy; he always seemed to be working on something whenever you saw him.
“Yeah, bet you didn’t know that about me, did you?” he smirked.
“I did not,” you agreed.
“Well,” Hanbin began, tightening his hold on you and pulling you back to his chest. “Now that I know you like me, too, I can open up to you more. You’ll learn a lot of things you didn’t know about me.”
Your brow furrowed, and you shifted your eyes suspiciously as much as you could, even though Hanbin couldn’t see you doing it. “...Like what?”
“You’ll see.”
“Oh, that doesn’t sound ominous at all.”
Hanbin just chuckled softly, and you bit your lip to keep from smiling like a total goofball.
You would have to remember to thank Yunhyeong for going along with your plan because, as it happened, it turned out perfectly. About as perfect as any plan could hope to be.
And that actually explained Hanbin -- at least in your eyes. He was about as perfect as any man could hope to be.
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chanxoo · 6 years
All for Rain
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→ Pairing: Jinhwan x Reader
→ Genre: fluff, smut ― painter!au
→ Word Count: 5.893
→ Summary: After having his creativity robbed from him, Jinhwan finds himself unable to pick up a single paintbrush. Even in his favorite gloomy weather, all inspiration seems to have dissipated. It’s not until a shy girl shows up in the rain does he finally regain the inspiration he had since lost.
→ Gifted to: @akutagawahakuryuunosuke
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The longer he stares at the blank canvas, the more he feels the frustration begin to pool in his chest. No amount of mindful meditation can quell the anger that eats away at him, the utter disgust he feels when he realizes that no matter what he produces, it will as be in vein. No longer can he look at his own work without wanting to immediately toss it out, the fear that once again, everything he worked so hard for will be quickly taken away the moment someone sees his latest piece. At least that’s what happened the first time, the first time when he finally felt brave enough to share his work, only for someone to see it, replicate it, and get all the credit in the region’s prestigious Fine Arts journal. There is no record of his work, he’s a nobody. No one would believe a nobody.
 And yet he continues to sit here as if all inspiration will come back to him instantaneously. The belief that all the pain will go away the moment he just lets himself go, painting everything that comes to mind and whatever else comes afterwards. He’s in denial. He’s delusional. There is no possible way for him to pick up the pieces, so what more can he do but give up? That’s exactly what he should do. He should just quit. Throwing the paintbrush on the floor, he makes his way into the kitchen. All around him, everything is quiet except for the gentle sound of rain hitting the window. It’s a shame that even in this weather, the weather that’s given rise to so many of his paintings, nothing can be done. Putting the kettle on the stove, he decides against anything other than tea, knowing that if he were to down a few beers, he would feel a bit better temporarily, but by tomorrow, he will only scold himself. He doesn’t need more reasons to despise his own existence. Considering it is falling upon night, he rules out caffeinating, instead choosing a blend of lemon and ginger in hopes of relaxing, and if he’s lucky, prepare him for sleep later on. Only if the nightmares allow him to rest.
 Looking through the window, he sees nothing but the pouring rain, a mass of dark clouds and not much of anything else. Even in the building across the way, no lights are on, only adding to the drab environment surrounding his home. One thing he loves most about living on the second floor is that he can watch both the world and the people from the perch by the window, garner inspiration from all walks of life so long as the timing is right. He can learn a lot just by sitting there, both about himself and the world around him. To him, everything carries its own beauty and one day, he hopes he can open a gallery just to showcase all of it. Show everyone that there is so much to be appreciated in the world. Even the things that no one cares to notice.
 He supposes this will simply be another one of those failed nights, during which he can do nothing but hate himself for not protecting his work. A coward for not confronting the asshole who so quickly ruined him. It’s been a long time since then. But the wounds still feel fresh.
 Hearing the whistling from the stove, he returns to the empty mug, filling it with boiling water until it almost reaches the brim. He does this, always, filling it the point where he can’t even move it without possibly spilling and scalding his hand. But to him, nothing is better than these small dangers in life, the ones that test his abilities to not make a fool of himself, just as he done once before. If only he could muster the courage to make a friend or two.
 Being in this ‘profession’, there is little opportunity to meet others, at least intimately, without the notion that there is a patron-artist relationship involved. But even those, often artificial, are less about him and more about his work. Which, if he’s to be honest, makes sense, but it only makes him feel less significant. Really, he as a person holds no significance at all. It’s tiresome, really, to pretend like he lives a normal life, in a normal studio, in a normal world, but that is only opposite to how it really is. He lives a lonely life, in a lonely studio, in a lonely world. But accepting that reality is even less ideal.
 Grabbing the handle, he walks as carefully as possible toward the seat by the window, doing his best to avoid the arts supplies that litter floor. Except for that one damned paintbrush that is clearly against him in every possible way.
 “Fuck!” Kicking it aside, he regains his composure, taking a moment before walking toward to window once more.
 Situating himself on the window seat, he glances at the world below, soft gaze staring at nothing in particular. From this angle, he can see people rushing undercover, bicyclists geared up in heavy attire, and he can even see the traces of tire marks buried deep within the mud. Underneath him, he watches as people file into the café that sits below his studio, either coming in away from the rain or for the well-known coffee blends the place offers. Everything around him seems perfect, and yet his entire universe feels as though it is crashing down on him.
 Mindlessly taking a sip, he immediately burns his tongue and if it were not for the mug being completely full, he likely would have just thrown the damn thing out the window. All he wants is to relax and yet everything is fighting against him. Taking a small breath, he returns his focus outside, only this time to be met with the sight of drenched clothing. Next to the building across the way, he watches as a young woman searches franticly, even going so far as to life up one of the trashcans and move it inside. Despite the rain, he can clearly see the desperation in her movements, and for a moment he wonders what she could possibly be doing dressed like that out in this weather. Alone in a t-shirt, she continues to ignore the awkward stares and horrendous weather, not batting an eye even when large drops from the building above lands atop her head.
 Considering the numerous reports of heavy weather, she somehow thought it was best to be in the dead center of the storm, not far from the lightening that plagued the hills in the distance. It’s not every day that he gets to witness stupidity that rivals his own, at least on some occasions, so it is only befitting that he is slightly amused. More curious than anything he supposes. He only wonders what exactly it is she is searching for, and why the hell she won’t just go home.
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“Coco! Coco!” Removing another plotted plant, you scan the surroundings for your dog, the one thing in this world that has brought you nothing but joy and happiness. Losing him is like losing your other half, and even if you have to stand out here for the rest of the night, frozen to your very core, you will absolutely do so. That’s how much he means to you.
 As you continue to search the alleyway, you feel your hope slipping. It’s been over two hours and you’ve found nothing – no clues, no witnesses. Just puddles of mud and litters of earthworms. You’ve done your best to hold in your tears until this point, but as you feel the aching in your back, the barrier you once had up breaks in an instant. The hot tears that fall down your cheeks become a stark contrast to the cold rain, and even though you feel very much alive, your mind is nothing but an empty chasm. You never thought this far ahead, what you were going to do if you didn’t end up finding him. Along the way, you had stopped by every pet store, even the animal shelter, to spread the word about the lost pup. Leaving your number and address, you hoped that you would at least hear something by now. But there’s been nothing but crickets. If Coco were to be out and roaming the streets, there’s no way he wouldn’t have been noticed. You don’t just walk past the cutest puppy with chocolate curls without at least stopping to greet it. That would be inhuman. But that only leads you to assume to worst. Kidnapping? Cold-blooded murder? You only hope he is safe and out of this weather. You will find him, that’s a promise to yourself as well. If only the wait didn’t hurt like absolute hell. If only you could convince your sporadic heart to give you a break.
 Standing up, you take one last look at your surroundings. You aren’t able to hear anything other than the patter of the rain against the awnings. Just the sound is enough to instill stiffness in your muscles. Holding your arms against your body, you try to breathe slowly, quietly, just enough to get your feet moving again. But when you see the flash of lightning, your instincts jump in and without a second’s notice, you drop to the ground just as the thunder rears it’s ugly head. God, it’s so close.
 In the reflection of the puddle at your feet, you notice a bright blue umbrella as it hovers above your head. Glancing over your shoulder, you lock eyes with a man who is likely no older than you are, wrapped in a heavy rain jacket with a scarf to match.
 “Are you alright?” He asks gently, not removing his gaze from yours. At first, you have no idea how to respond, more confused about where he came from and why he felt the need to even pay you any mind. You are caught in an entanglement of emotions, and longer you hold your tongue, the more you realize how crazy you must appear.
 “What’re you looking for?” The lack of expression on his face makes you slightly uncomfortable, unsure if he is genuinely interested or if he is just fulfilling his civic duty for the day. Despite these plaguing thoughts, you somehow find the will to respond.
 “I’m… I’m looking for my dog.”
 “What does she look like?”
 “Coco is a ‘he’. He’s brown, has curly hair and is the size of one of those French loafs at the supermarket.”
 “Oddly specific…” Crouching down, he becomes eye level with you, and just when you thought this situation couldn’t get any more awkward, he surprises you once again.
 “How long have you been out here?” Just as he speaks, he gawks at you from head to toe. If only you had something to cover yourself up with.
 “I… uh – two hours or so.” Returning your attention to the alleyway, you try to listen in on any sounds as possible clues, but just as it had been before, there is only the sound of rain.
 “I think you should take a break. You’re soaked.” For a moment, his words don’t even process in your mind and all you can feel is the cold penetrating your skin.
 “You’re gonna get sick. Let’s get you home.” Standing up, he waits for you to follow his cue, but with you still huddled on the ground, he recognizes that nothing he said had even been heard.
 When he delicately places his hand on your shoulder, you don’t even seem phased, instead moving so that you are beside him, hidden underneath the protection of the umbrella.
 “I don’t live that close to here actually… it would be a waste to go all the way home.” Not daring to make eye contact, you maintain your attention on the road ahead, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of brown fur scurrying between the potted plants.
 As he shifts awkwardly between his feet, you immediately feel guilty for all the trouble you seem to have caused. Maybe it’s best for you to just go home.
 “Well… I don’t want you to take this the wrong way or think I’m a creep or anything, but you can relax at my place if you want. I live in the room above the coffee shop behind us, you can sit by the window and watch out for… uh… Coco?” The small smile that appears on your face at the sound of his name catches you off guard, yet you can’t help your heart from beaming just at the thought of being able to hold him again.
 “Yeah… Coco.” In light of the current situation, you realize that his offer may not be the worst outcome. If anything, it will give you a chance to recharge, and considering the coffee shop is directly accessible, it likely wouldn’t hurt to grab some coffee. You don’t plan on returning home without him.
 “You know… that sounds nice. I’ll take you up on that offer. I’m just going to grab coffee first.” Nodding his head, he waits for you to lead the way, quickly following behind as he holds the umbrella above your head. With one focus in mind, you don’t even notice the way his jacket becomes victim to the downpour.
 Upon entering the shop, your senses are immediately filled with the scent of brewed coffee, and it’s as if for the first time in the past few hours that you are finally able to breathe. Walking up to the counter, you order your usual, a basic mocha to warm your numb hands and fulfill your sweet tooth. It already feels like the longest day in existence and yet night has only just begun. How you are going to make it to tomorrow without Coco, you aren’t entirely sure. But every part of you is holding on to that one sliver of hope.
When the mysterious man returns to your side, you quickly realize you had forgotten your manners.
 “I’m sorry, you did all this for me and I never asked for your name.”
“Ah… you can call me Jinhwan. Or Jay if you’d like. Either one works.” Nodding your head, you try to pin it to the front of your mind in hopes that you won’t forget. You were never great at remembering names.
 “How did you get Jay from Jinhwan? I guess there’s a ‘J’ in it, but that definitely isn’t the first nickname I would come up with.” Glancing over, you watch as he smiles brightly, the sight of his toothy grin only causing your heart to skip a beat. He became a whole different person the moment he stepped indoors.
 “Actually, it’s a sort of an alias. I’m an artist. I paint things. And that was the name I chose for the job. So most people I talk to know me through my artwork and inevitably call me Jay. My real name is Jinhwan, though.” Nodding your head, you can’t help but chuckle at the way he lit up just from talking about it.
 “I love that you’re passionate about your job. Not many people are these days.” His happy expression fades slightly, and even though he does his best to maintain his composure, you can’t help but notice the sadness in his eyes. But you decide not to push it any farther.
 Once your name is called, you quickly grab your drink, following his footsteps as he walks up the stairs hidden toward the back of the café. The creaking of the wood underneath your feet is slightly unsettling, and out of instinct, you grab the back of his jacket. It’s only when you reach the top of the steps do you realize the brevity of your impulsive habits.
 “You okay?” He asks, not bothering to turn around as he unlocks the door.
 “Yeah, fine!” The squeaking of your voice surprises you, but before you can even save yourself, you already hear him laughing. Embarrassing yourself truly is your trademark.
 Walking inside, you can’t help but appreciate the intricate details – the strung lights hung on faded wood, the small potted plants by the window, and of course the abundance of art supplies shoved into every shelf and every corner. The home of an artist really is a sight to be seen.
 “Sorry it’s a mess… I wasn’t expecting visitors. Ever.” Running his hand through his fringe, he takes a glance around as if it were the first time he was seeing his own home with new eyes.
 “You call this a mess? You should see Coco’s playroom a.k.a. my bedroom closet. It’s a disaster. This, on the other hand, is called an organized mess.” Everything seemed to have a place and even the supplies on the floor next to the piles of canvas seem like they had been lined up purposefully.
 “I guess I’ll take that as a compliment. Uh…” Clasping his hands together, he tries to collect his thoughts, and as you watch him struggle, you can’t help but smile.
 “I forgot what I was going to say. But!” Running over to the small dresser in the corner, you watch as pulls out a few articles of clothing, one of which is likely the brightest pink you’ve ever seen a man touch.
 “You can take a shower and change into these. I know you’re probably uncomfortable…” Despite doing your best to control your urges, you couldn’t help but watch his lips as he talked, trying to act normal as if his words weren’t making your heart do flips.
 “Thanks,” you grab the small pile from his arms, trying your best to control the rouge that has inexplicably taken over every inch of your face, “I really appreciate it.”
 Nodding his head, he leads you over to the restroom across from the kitchen.
 “The faucet is a little finicky sometimes so I can turn on the water for you. Do you take cold showers or hot showers?”
 “Who takes cold showers in the middle of a storm?” Realizing his mistake, he laughs it off slightly. That alone is enough to have you swooning.
 “Hot it is, then.” As you watch as he pulls at the handle, you realize the sheer amount of strength you have wouldn’t have nearly been enough to turn the water on. Even watching him turn it several times confuses the hell out of you.
 “Shouldn’t you get it replaced if it’s this difficult?” You are amazed he was even able to figure out this method in the first place.
 “It’s fine once you figure it out. It just took about 30 times to actually get it right.” Standing back up, he wipes off his hands on his pants, smiling shyly as he meets your eyes. The lighting in the bathroom is far brighter than anywhere else in this building, and for a moment, you’re convinced that you’ve been blinded by his looks alone.
 “Enjoy.” When he scurries behind you and out of the bathroom, you finally feel as though you can breathe. Being around him definitely put you on high alert. Closing the door, you take your time to pry the drenched clothes from your skin, basking in the feeling of the steam.
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The moment the door closes, his tense shoulders finally relax. He’s not sure why he can’t seem to keep his heart calm, but having you in his home, in his private space, is almost killing him. Not in a bad way, he supposes, but he’s never had someone come visit him and actually stay. This is a whole new world. If only he could figure out how to act like a normal human being with social skills, then he might be able to get through the next few hours. But what if you end up staying the night?
 Shaking his head, he tries to dispel these thoughts, his dropping blood pressure making him light headed. When he notices his cup of tea on the counter, he is quickly reminded of the original task at hand – finding Coco. He can’t help but wonder how this could have happened, how this dog managed to disappear and where the hell it could possibly be. He almost hurts for you, especially after having watched you search in distress despite the heavy rain. It’s heartbreaking… but hopeful. Clinging on to that hope, he knows the feeling all too well. It’s second nature to him, especially in an occupation that relies on luck and timing. There really was no guarantee. He feels similar to you in that way, something he hasn’t felt in quite a long time. Finally being able to relate to someone… but would he really be of any help to you?
 Taking a seat by the window, he waits patiently for your return. From his position, he watches once again as the world continues moving, and in the process, he hopes that he will stumble upon a small brown blob amongst the crowd. Just so he can see you smile.
 It’s funny to him how suddenly he had fallen for your charms. Even before he had walked outside, his body ached to simply talk to you. To greet you. You, out of every person that walked by, caught his attention. Not only that, but kept it. He was so curious about your existence, and as you maneuvered around, he felt the string around his heart pull. He doesn’t believe in fate. But if he did, then you would be his only proof.
 Even as he sits here, body anxiously waiting for you to finish, he realizes just how far he’s come. Small human interactions suddenly mean the world to him, even if they are awkward and uncomfortable. Yet, he feels surprisingly comfortable with you. He really can’t wrap his mind around it.
 Looking over his shoulder, he peers at the easel. From his position, he can only see the back of the canvas, and even though the other side is entirely blank, he feels as though the entire universe had spilled its contents. The mystery, the unknown, the beauty that lies in the eyes of beholder!
 Without hesitation, he removes himself from his seat, grabbing the paintbrush as he returns to the stool. A little water, a little cerulean, and his body has taken over. The strokes come out smooth, the watercolor spilling across the page in unchained fervor. The burgundy that follows, the onyx, the gradients that have come to litter his palette are the twins of emotions that had be stowed away for safe keeping. He is no longer the pushover, no longer the failure. He is his own artist, with his own talents. With his own muse.
 It’s not long before his arm begins to ache and what normally would have taken hours, ends in all of twenty minutes. Even for his own taste, it is oddly minimalistic, but that’s what makes it more beautiful to him. He gave everything he had, down to the last drop of inspiration and even if it appears unfinished, it’s exactly as he wishes it to be.
 “That’s… beautiful.” The sudden breath down his neck forces him to jump from his seat, never once having heard the water stop or even the door to the bathroom open. When he looks over at you, he watches as you step closer to the painting, taking his place on the stool as you analyze every inch of his creation.
 “I know this may sound crass… but you are so fucking talented Jinhwan. I was gone for like ten minutes and you somehow made this… I’m in awe. I’m … honestly, I’m speechless.” The rouge that invades his cheeks burns like scolding fire. Among the few compliments he has ever received, this is the one that really means the most to him. It is of you, after all.
  “I got the urge to paint and it kinda just… happened. I know I should have asked first but I couldn’t get the image out of my head.”
 “You even matched the color of my clothes. It’s so hard to explain, but it makes me sad… I mean, it’s me and I was sad, but this is a different kind of sad… like a –”
 “Hopeful sad?” He finishes, carefully watching the way your eyes light up.
 “Yes. Exactly that.” Reaching down, you grab the coffee cup that you had set aside earlier, taking a sip as if it were second nature to you.
 “I don’t know how you did it. But I’m glad you did.” Your smile becomes infectious, and before he realizes, his expression mirrors your joy. He feels giddy inside, happy and content as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. And for that, he is thankful.
 “Ah… I wanted to ask something of you,” you pause, “you can say no of course.” Nodding his head, he patiently waits for you to continue. At first he’s convinced that you’re going to ask him to keep it hidden away or destroy it. Maybe even give it to you. But the longer he sits there, the more anxious he inevitably becomes.
 “Is it okay if I sleep over? It’s really dark and honestly, storms terrify me more than anything else. You don’t have to worry about Coco… my dad texted me and said they found him at our neighbor’s house. I feel really guilty for bothering you like this, but I’m desperate.”
 “That’s great!” He exclaims, unable to hide his annoyingly over exaggerated enthusiasm.
 “Wait, really? Seriously, I can leave. I don’t want to burden you.” Putting his hands up, he tries to come up with an excuse to keep you around. Something that won’t result in him begging.
 “Having company is nice, please don’t leave.” Fuck.
 Your grin nearly rips his heart out, and for once he finds himself falling victim to something other than his own lack of creativity. You truly are something else.
“You know… I’m really glad this happened. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” Before he has a chance to respond, you return your attention to the painting. The fact that you’re mesmerized by it fills him with pride, but he can’t deny the fact that he’s as equally mesmerized by you.
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The hours had quickly passed as you both sat by the window discussing everything from art to favorite ramen joints, and even as the clock in the corner clicked past midnight, he was not yet ready to call it a night.
 “You’re probably tired. You can sleep in my room, I just washed the sheets yesterday. I’ll be up for a while out here, so call me if you need anything.” Even as he offers his best, the subtle pained expression tells him that there’s something more you might need.
 “I-uh… this is so awkward,” you swallow, “but um-can you –”
 One thing he hates more than anything else is his lack of control. He can’t deny the fact that when he wants something, he will usually try to get it, even if it means risking everything. And yet, he’s not sure what possessed him to kiss you so abruptly, but he knows that he needed to. He wanted to. Even if it meant you would hit him, run away and disappear forever, he was willing to give it up just for a moment of intimacy. A part of him hopes that you feel the same way he does, be it just a little. It’s strange to him, really, how utterly in love with you he is. Or, he supposes, it’s infatuation, but the urgency is there. It’s always there.
 But what catches him off guard is when you finally begin to kiss him back, when the shock subsides and you find yourself crawling into his lap. He can feel it in the way you tug at the hair on the nape of his neck, the way you bite his lips in desperation for more. He wants to give you the world, if he can, to repay you for returning his. And even as he wraps his arms around your waist, he feels as if he’s dreaming. The shockwaves that spread down his spine the moment you slowly grind into him – it’s highly addictive. His lungs ache to breathe, but he holds out simply because he can’t deny how sweet you taste. Your lips are velvet against his own, this small interaction putting every past relationship he’s had to shame. To become one with something that wasn’t misery is a fairly new concept to him, and he only hopes he can express how he truly feels.
Breaking apart, he immediately scans your expression for any signs of disgust, regret, hatred, but in the moonlight, he can only see your bright eyes and swollen lips. Fuck, you’re so beautiful. Leaning forward, you both meet again, this time all sense driven from your minds. Instead, he lets your bodies speak the words which can’t be spoken, remaining still as you push up the fabric of his shirt. You place your ice-cold fingertips on his skin as you explore every inch you can reach, goosebumps following quickly behind. He feels so alive, the way in which you steal his breath away, and even in the midst of a storm, the only thing he can hear is your heartbeat. The fabric, once free, is tossed aside into the darkness, soon followed by your own. Like this, he could stay forever, admiring your body which has given him so much inspiration. He kisses you gently, along your collarbone, between your breasts and down your ribs, until every inch is explored to his satisfaction. Placing his arms underneath you, he lifts you from his lap and carries you over to the small loveseat against the wall. There, he places you on his lap once again, hoping to never lose sight of your body for as long as he can keep his eyes open.
 You allow this, you grant him this wish, instead taking initiative to move the night forward. From what he can tell, you seem just as eager, moving aside to rid yourself of the sweats you had borrowed. It is then he realizes that you had not been wearing underwear this entire time, but considering the state of your clothes earlier, he can’t say he’s entirely surprised. Really, he just assumed he would never be able to witness it in all its glory. Yet, here you are.
 In one swift motion, you remove the clothes from his waist, leaving him exposed as you take your time to admire him. Albeit being slightly embarrassed, he lets you continue, now all too aware of the state of his own body. He is naked, he is on the couch, and even with your lust filled expression, he feels oddly out of place. He believes he is undeserving of you, but you don’t seem to mind him, and his only hope is that he can at least make you feel good.
As he watches you straddle him, his heart races, reality finally slapping him in the face. You place yourself above him, grabbing his erection as you slowly sink down. Even for this, he can’t manage to keep his eyes open, lost in the way your body feels around him. He’s harder than he’s ever been, and the snug fit is doing nothing to keep him sane. He waits it out, breathing erratically as you begin to grind against him, fingers digging into the flesh of his shoulders. He doesn’t have to look to know the expression on your face, he can hear it. He can hear the sighs as they fall from your lips, the skipped breaths as you start to move faster. All he can do is hold your hips and give you support, but he knows damn well that this will be over far sooner than he had originally hoped.
 “Jinhwan, look at me.” He knows it’s a command, but it’s one he can’t follow. Not if he needs the strength to hold out.
 When he feels your lips against his neck, he realizes that he made the wrong choice. This is your punishment, the vivid marks that will be left once you’re done. You suck hard on his skin, biting down in some spots and licking in others, and he swears the stars that are forming behind his eyes weren’t originally there. Yet he can’t help the way in which his erection twitches inside of you, every sensation bringing him closer and closer to the edge.
 “Fuck, I can’t wait any longer.” Your sudden outburst pulls him from euphoria, but just as he had left, he is quickly thrown back into the madness. The way you skillfully bounce on his shaft overpowers anything he had felt this entire night, and he can’t help but admire your stamina as you try to reach your own high. Even on the brink of orgasm, he can only focus on you, your image created by the dim lighting and the moans that have since gotten louder. Removing one hand from your waist, he places his thumb at your clit, rubbing to match the pace of your movements. Very quickly, he watches you fall apart, the quaking of your legs indicating that you are reaching your peak. He can feel your juices against his thighs, and as he lies back to witness you come undone, he knows that he won’t be falling too far behind. The slapping sound that resonates off the walls is like music to his ears, mixed in with the sounds of your groans, it’s a symphony. He watches carefully, the way your face contorts with pleasure, to help him hold onto reality. Even as you clench around him, a cry ripping from your throat as you cum, he’s not sure if he’ll be able to remove himself in time.
 “Cum in me.”
 “What?” He must have heard you wrong.
 “Do it Jinhwan.” Fuck!
 All it took were those few words to end him, for him to spill everything he had deep inside of you as if it were the most conventional thing in the world. You have his entire existence wrapped around your finger, and only after a few hours, you knew exactly how to use him.
 “Sorry, was that too much?” Opening his eyes, he looks up at you, watching as you push a strand of hair behind your ears.
 “No, it was perfect. Don’t worry.” Without warning, you remove yourself from his lap, and the cold air that rushes against his soft dick nearly kills him.
 “Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask, placing your chin on his shoulder.
 “Fantastic.” His monotone response isn’t even close to how he truly felt on the inside. Honestly, his dick hurts.
 “I’m sorry~” If he could give you a medal for being the most adorable human on the planet, he would. The cutest apology he’s ever heard, it’s almost as if the pain was nonexistent. Almost. 
 “I know you already took one, but how ‘bout we take another shower, yeah?”
 Nodding happily, you kiss him on the forehead, and just like that, his heart is healed.
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minjiwritesstuff · 6 years
Accidents Aren’t Always As Bad As They Seem (pt1)
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Pairing: Jinhwan x Reader
Genre: Angst, Smut
Summary: You break up with your boyfriend and it leads you to do things you never would have done before
Words: 1k+
Other girls would have gone to their girl friends for this kind of situation. You went to your best friend, Jinhwan. He was the one that understood you the most, sometimes even more than you understood yourself. You've both been best friends ever since school and never left each other ever since. People often mistook you for a couple but you just had a strong bound. So when your boyfriend broke up with you, it was natural for you to go to Jinhwan.
You knocked on his door as the tears were streaming down on your face, blurring your vision. When he opened the door you even wondered if it was him.
- Hey, what's wrong? he asked as he let you enter.
You simply let out a sob and he automatically took you in his arms, holding you tightly against his chest as one of his hand made its way to your hair. You cried on his shoulder for a good 15 minutes before being able to say a single word.
- It's Seongyong, he broke up with me, you said on a small voice.
Jinhwan looked at you and his heart broke. You seemed so broke yourself, so sad that he couldn't help but feel the pain too.
- I'm sorry, flower, he said while holding you close still.
Flower was the nickname he gave you almost as soon as you both became friends. You thought it was cute so you never said anything. Jinhwan's hand was still in your hair and it was slowly soothing you. You were still sobbing and it brought tears to your best friend's eyes. It took a few more minutes for you to calm down and when you did, Jinhwan looked at you.
- What you wanna do? You need to change your mind, he said with a small smile to help you cheer up.
- To be honest, I wanna get wasted, you said frankly.
- Good plan, your friend said with a small chuckle.
You smiled slightly and Jinhwan grabbed your arm, dragging you outside to his car. Once sat in it, he started driving to the nearest grocery store where you bought 4 bottles of wine.
- Isn't it too much? you asked a bit concerned.
- We never have enough wine, Jinhwan answered putting the last bottle in the small cart.
You smiled a bit and nodded. You paid for all the alcohol and drove back to his apartment. It was the beginning of a long night.  
The wine was pretty strong so you tipsy rather quickly. Soon you had three bottles of finished and let's be honest, you were both getting drunk.
- One luck you have your apartment, you say to Jinhwan before taking a sip of your wine.
- Why? he asked while pouring himself another glass, opening the last bottle.
- So like that, we can get drunk whenever we want, and it's nice to be drunk with you.
Jinhwan smiled and took a sip while you finished your glass. You took the bottle and pour yourself another glass. You both kept talking for a while until you had to get up to use the bathroom. Since you were sitting on the floor in the living room, getting up was harder than you thought. You got up with the help on the couch and you tried to stay still. Of course, Jinhwan was laughing at you and you whined.
- Stop it! It ain't funny, you said with a big smile on your face.
- Of course it is! Have you seen yourself? He answered.
You made a face at him and walked, or mostly stumbled to the bathroom. You came back after and sat in front of him taking your glass. You both kept talking until the bottle was empty, which was about around 2 am.
- We should probably go to sleep now, Jinhwan said looking at you.
You nodded some and took your last sip of wine.
- Do we leave the bottles and the glasses here? you asked.
- Of course, we do, we're too drunk to bend over and pick them up, we'll fall if we try, Jinhwan said laughing, imagining the scene.
You laughed too and looked at your friend. With all the alcohol you took, he seemed taller. Maybe it was the fact that you were now laying on the floor for no reasons.
- What are you doing? Jinhwan asked as he tried to get up at his turn.
- Going to sleep, you answered.
- But it's not the room silly, come on, he said extending his hand towards you.
Jinhwan was as drunk as you, so he had difficulties to stand, he could really use someone's help but since you were alone in the house, he had to do it by himself. You looked at him and took his hand, trying to get up, but failing miserably. You laughed as your back landed back on the hardwood floor and Jinhwan laughed too, maybe even more. It took two more times to get you on your feet and once you did, you both walked to Jinhwan's room. You laid on the left side, not even taking your clothes off.
- You'll sleep like that? he asked as he took off his jeans to get in pyjama.
- I don't know yet, you said staring at the ceiling.
Jinhwan shrugged and grabbed some pyjama pants. Habitually he would've slept naked but since you were there he wouldn't. You then sat up and saw your best friend take off his shirt, exposing hidden tattoos. You smiled and watched. Normally you didn't mind, you changed many times in front of him, same for him, but today with all the wine you drank, his chest seemed to interest you more. You noticed his atom tattoo and then looked at your own arm, you had the same at the same place. You smiled more and looked back at Jinhwan. Seeing him change made you want to change too so you took off your jeans and bra, keeping your shirt and panties. Jinhwan looked at you and smiled slightly. He came and laid beside you.
- It's hot in here, you complained.
- Yeah I know, your friend answered with a sigh.
You looked at him and he looked back with different eyes than habitually. You got closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder. He smiled softly and wrapped his arms around you. It could have been a simple night if it stopped there. But it didn't. To say what happened was surprising wasn't quite right. It always had some kind of sexual tension in between you and Jinhwan but none of you ever paid attention to it. So while his arms were wrapped around you, his body moved to be on yours, trapping you on the bed. You would've never done this sober. Jinhwan had too much respect towards you for that, after all, you were his best friend. But the wine had this effect on him, it made his envy bigger. He respected you just as much, but he needed you more than normally did. You, on the other hand, you never would have done it sober because, first he was your best friend, and also because you were too shy. You weren't shy because he'd see your body since he already did. Of course, he didn't see everything but he once caught you in nothing but panties so he saw most of it. But you were shy because you didn't have a lot of experience in that and you knew Jinhwan had more.
- Are we really making this? he asked as he stopped kissing your neck.
You looked at him and nodded. Deep in him, he had that little thought. What will happen tomorrow? But that thought was so small and so deep into his mind that it was almost none existent. So Jinwhan simply nodded at his turn and went back to your neck. You let out a groan as he kissed near your throat. Your hand traveled to his upper arm, where he had his tattoo and you grabbed it. He then took off your shirt and started to kiss your shoulders, going down on your chest and coming back up to your neck. It made you moan softly and Jinhwan smirked. The foreplay felt good, but it was nothing compared to what came next.
The lust in Jinhwan's eyes was hypnotizing you. You were both naked and his eyes made sure to see every part of your smooth skin. His cold hand traveled from your shoulder to your side and stomach, sending shivers down your spine.
- You're so beautiful, he said smiling while looking back at you.
You smiled softly and looked back at him. The wine made you feel like you were in a dream so you had no reasons to be shy. Soon enough you felt Jinhwan enter you and it felt like heaven on Earth. You would have never thought thinking that of your best friend but it felt so good. It was way better than what you experienced. It almost felt like you were doing for the first time but without the pain. You knew it felt good for him too because as soon as he was fully in you he moaned, a moan that sounds almost like a groan. His hands grabbed yours and he intertwined his fingers with yours. He waited a few seconds before moving his hips like a God.
He was slow at first, wanting to make you feel loved but soon enough, his need became stronger, he wanted more, which was great because you wanted more too. His trusts became rough and faster and he let one of your hand go. He moved it to your throat and brushed his thumb over one of your hickeys he left earlier. You let out a moan as he gave a hard trust and he smirked some. As he was still brushing your hickey with his thumb, you looked at him. His thumb pressed on the hickey and it made you moan. Since the bruise was on the middle of your throat, it felt like he was chocking you and you liked the feeling. Jinhwan seemed to notice so he moved his hand a bit and started to choke you a bit just as he gave another hard trust. You moaned louder and he kept going, chocking you harder until you became slightly dizzy. He stopped chocking you after a few seconds.
When Jinhwan's name came out of your lips, he smirked and went faster again. Not long after that, you could feel yourself getting closer. Your legs began shaking and your breathing was fast. Jinhwan realized it pretty quickly and took this chance to tease you a bit but it didn't last long because you both came at the same time a few minutes later. After sliding out of you and taking off the protection, Jinwhan laid beside you and cuddled you again.
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iKON Preference | making it up to you
Pairing: iKON x reader
Summary: them making up to you for hurting you/fighting with you
Word count: 200-300 each, Jinhwan longer
Warnings: smut for jinhwan, fluff for others
Authors Note: There is a prequel to this, read first!
Note: Please remember that english is not my native language, so could have some spelling, grammar or tense mistakes.
You slowly started to turn your head from one side to the other as you woke up. Still dozy, your eyes flickered and the fact that your bedroom was still jet black let you know that it was still middle of the night. Only seconds later you realised why you woke up, as you turned your head to your right, not finding your boyfriend Jinhwan next to you, but feeling someones hand caressing your tummy. You looked down and saw the blanket moving as you felt your boyfriends hands roaming from your tummy to your thighs and back. His other hand slowly made it’s way to your right breast. The feeling of his skin on yours made you squirm slightly which told him that you woke up by his actions. Your eyes slowly got used to the darkness of the room as you felt Jinhwan moving upward under the blanket. He lifted the blanket and starred at you, as if he was waiting for your permisson to go on. You couldn’t keep a smirk inside as you placed your left hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer until your lips met. At first the kiss was slow and passionate but it became more intense and needing with every second. Jinwhan let go of your lips and kissed his way down your neck and chest, where he left a few light hickeys. You felt his hand caressing your inner thighs before he let his fingers move up and down your slit slowly. Your eyes fell shut as he kissed down your tummy and let one of his fingers slowly slide inside your wet folds. He kissed down towards your heat before he started to swirl his tongue around your clit, carefully adding a second finger. One of your hands reached for a pillow to hold onto while the other grabbed your boyfriends hair, who was now adding a third finger, making you squirm under him. Looking down, you saw Jinhwan looking up at you, smirking at how much you're enjoying his actions. Your eyes fell close shut as Jinhwan worked you closer towards your orgasm, knowing your body and following, knowing exactly what to do. You could feel the knot slowly building up in your lower stomach as you let out soft moans and lifted your back from the matress every now and then, trying to handle the pleasure your boyfriend gave you. After a few more minutes you felt your lower stomach slightly tighten and felt like you were about to explode. Your moans got louder as your boyfriend worked his fingers and tongue on you. "Cum for me, baby.", Jinhwan said, smirking, knowing exactly that you were just about to hit your high. It was all you needed to finally let go and let your high flush through your whole body. You felt yourself shaking under your boyfriend, who was trying to hold you in place with his hand while he let you ride out your high on his fingers before slowly pulling them out. He crawled up to you, letting his hands roam around your body, trying to calm you down while you were still lightly shaking, trying to catch your breath. You rolled over onto your side, grabbed his hand and pulled his arm over you. He carefully pulled you close and cuddled up behind you. You rested your hand on his, while he slightly stroked your tummy and placed kisses on the back of your neck, both of you falling alseep only minutes later.
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You stood in front of your apartment, taking a deep breath before slowly turning the key until the lock clicked and went inside. Step after step you walked towards the staircase, hoping you wouldn’t bump into your boyfriend, simply because you wouldn’t know what to say or do if you did. You heard that the shower was on, so you made your way up the stairs. Tiptoeing you walked to your bedrooms door, quietly closing it, hoping that he wouldn’t hear. The second you closed it you heard the shower turn off. You kept quiet, hoping he takes as much time in the bathroom as he usually does. Before looking anywhere else, you walked over to the closet and grabbed a bag. The second you were about to throw it onto the bed you stopped. You saw a black lace dress spread on it and a pair of black high heels on the ground. They weren‘t yours. Fighting tears, you started to push some of your clothes into your bag, sobbing at the thought of your boyfriend cheating on you after last night. Suddenly you heard the door open but you didn’t turn around. You didn’t say anything as you kept on stuffing your bag with your stuff. „Hey, you‘re finally here! W-What are you doing-Are you... packing?“, you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend. „Yes I am! And I think you know why.“, you said as you rushed around, not looking at him for a single second. „No, I actually don’t know. Could you stop for a minute and explain to me what’s going on? I know we had a fight yesterday but-„ „Yea we did, but I guess you had some fun without me tho, since this dress isn’t mine.“, you interrupted him, trying not to let show how much it hurt but you couldn’t help and let sobs out. It was quiet for a second before you heard Junhoe laugh.. you couldn’t believe it. „Baby if you would listen to me for a second I could tell you that I just bought this dress for you.“, he said but you didn’t realize instantly. „Don’t call me baby! I think we- wait what?“, you asked and turned around. You looked at him for the first time today and couldn’t believe your eyes. Slowly your eyes went up and down his body that had a white shirt and black jeans on. He held a black blazer in his right hand, nervously tapping his fingers on it. „I- uhm.. I thought I‘d take you out, to make up to you for yesterday. I know what I did was.. wrong and I‘m really sorry.“, he said, guilt in his eyes as he looked at you. „I booked us a table at [fave restaurant], we need to be there in like an hour so if you could get dressed...“, he said as he pointed at the black dress. All you did was wipe your tears away and started to laugh at how stupid you must‘ve looked. „I love you, idiot.“, you said and placed a kiss on his cheek before grabbing the dress and walking off to the bathroom. „I love you too.“
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The next day you woke up on your best friends sofa, hearing the door bell ring. You slowly made your way into the hallway. "No Jiwon, I don't think she wants to see you.", you heard your friend say as you walked around the corner to see your boyfriend in the door frame. "It's okay.", you say as you walk up to the door, signing to you friend that she could leave you alone. "Hey..", was all you said. "Hey baby, listen... I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday. I was so tired and I don't know what was going on with me, I just overreacted.", he said and took a step towards your. You didn’t really know what to say and he noticed. “I-uhm..I got something prepared at home if you...if you’d like to come with me.”, he broke the silence as he nervously smiled at you. “Give me 10 minutes.”, you said as you let him in and walked into the living room. “Actually..”, he nervously said, looking at his watch, “we kinda need to hurry.” You raised an eyebrow at him and asked:”What? Why?” “I’ll tell you when we’re in the car, okay? Please.”, he explained. You laughed at how cute he looked when he was nervous and started gathering your stuff before walking upstairs and telling your friend that you’re leaving. When the two of you finally sat in the car you asked why you were in a hurry again but he didn’t wanna tell you. “You’ll see when we’re there.”, was all he said. About 5 minutes later the two of you entered the apartment and you brought your stuff upstairs. You heard the door bell while you unpacket everything and come downstairs to your boyfriend getting the dining table ready. It was filled with all of your and his favourite food. “Hey, you’re wearing the wrong clothes!”, he said as you walked in and you just shot him a confused look. “Didn’t you see the clothes I put out on the bed for you?”, he asked and send you back upstairs where you found your boyfriends t-shirt lying on your bed. He had the biggest grin on his face when you came down in nothing but the oversized t-shirt he put out for you.
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As the sunlights shines through the curtains of your bedroom, you slowly open your eyes, rolling over in your bed to find it empty next to you. You streched before sitting up and finally making your way over to the door. Slowly, you opened it but there was no sign of your boyfriend being there, so you decided to take a shower. After you finished you slightly dryed your hair and wrapped your body in your bathing gown before walking downstairs. You had a quick breakfast before sitting down on the sofa, trying to find comfort even though you had no idea where your boyfriend was. When you finally found a good show on TV you heard the door open. You sat up and couldn't believe your eyes as your boyfriend entered the room. He was hidden behind a huge bouquet of red and pink roses while carrying two huge bags of what looked like something from the bakery. "Hey jagi... How did you sleep?", he asked, panting, as he walked over to the work top to put down the two heavy bags. "I-uhm.. Good I guess.", you answered, not sure what to do. "But what are you doing?", you asked as he stumbled over his own feet while walking towards you, slighly laughing because of his clumsiness. "I wanted to apologise. What I said yesterday..I shouldn't have. I was just worried about you.", he said, looking down into your eyes while holding out the roses. "Hanbin, that's so sweet. And I do understand that you're worried about me but you should understand that I can take care of myself.", you said, taking the roses and smelling them. "I know, and I do. I just overreacted. I'm sorry. But I brought cake and your favourite hot chocolate!", he said, taking your hand and placing a kiss on your cheek before starting to get everything ready for you.
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You were woken by the sunlight that fell into your room through the window next to your bed. Slowly you rolled over under your blanket to find the space next to you empty. You looked around and finally sat up, rubbing your eyes. While you stretched you suddenly heard your boyfriend walking around and listening to music downstairs. Still tired, you got up and took a shower, trying not to think of last night and how awkward it'll be when you go downstairs. When you got out of the shower you heard something rattle downstairs. You put sweatpants and one of your boyfriends t-shirts on to go, see what was going on. As you walked down the stairs you heard the music getting turned down. You entered the kitchen where you found your boyfriend, nervously smiling at you. "Morning.", you quietly said, still not really awake. "Morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?", he asked as he fumbled around with his fingers. "Good.", was all you could say before he walked over to you and took your hand. "I-uh... I got something for you.", he stuttered as he led you into the dining room. "I-..I prepared breakfast.", he said, excited. He took a step aside so you could take a look at the dining table. It was filled with everything you could ever imagine for breakfast. He even got you the hot chocolate from your favourite coffe shop. "Oh you really didn't have to do all this.", you said as you looked up from the table and smiled at him, feeling your cheeks flushing with redness. "But I wanted to. I wanted to make up for yesterday.", he said as he looked at you and you could feel his guilt. "It's okay, baby.", you said as you walked over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek before a short silence took over."Am I allowed to sleep upstairs again? The couch's really uncomfortable.", he broke the silence. "Yea, sure.", you laughed and hugged him before the two of you sat down to have breakfast together.
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“He’s cooking something.”, you heard Chanwoos voice as you entered the apartment of your boyfriend and his band members. You couldn’t keep a smile in, Chanwoo was your best friend and you know he‘s always hungry. “Not for you. Y/N is coming over, piss off.”, you heard your boyfriends voice behind the door in the kitchen. You looked down and decided to let them know you‘re there since they didn’t seem to notice you coming in. „Actually.. I‘m already here.“ „Y/N!“, Chanwoo almost yelled and ran towards you to pull you into a tight hug. While resting your head on his shoulder you smiled at Donghyul who was standing behind Chan. „Hey guys! How are you?“, you asked and got out of Chanwoos grip. „Great! So uhm..“, Donghyuk said and looked over at Song, who nervously looked over, „I think we‘re gonna leave you two alone, right Chan?“ He just nodded and they both walked off into one of the many rooms. Awkwardly you walked into the kitchen while playing with your hair. „Uhm hii..“, you said and made your way around the kitchen island. „Hey Jagi“, your boyfriend said despite the fact you had a little disagreement the last evening. You didn’t know what to do or say so you stood there in a weird silence. „Would you, uhm... could you help me with this?“, he asked and held out the wooden spoon. You smiled at the way he just played it off and tried to avoid any discussion before you walked up to him to take it from his hand. You dipped a small spoon into the sauce and tried it before putting in some more salt and stirring it. Only seconds later you felt Yunhyeong wrapping his hands around you from behind and resting his head on your shoulder. He let one of his hands slip down your arm and grab the hand you were stirring the sauce with before moving along. „I‘m sorry.“, he mumbled into your neck and placed a soft peck on it. You let your head slightly fall back agains his cheek and pecked a quick kiss on his cheek. „It‘s all right.“
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After last night you stayed at your best friends place since you didn't want to see Chan. You walked up the stairs that led to your front door and unlocked it. As you walked into the hallway you heard someone hectically walking around inside. You guessed it was your boyfriend Chan. As soon as you entered the living room and saw the suitcases you knew he was going to leave you again for promotion or whatever, you didn't even care at this point. "Oh, good you're here. We're gonna be late.",he said while stuffing his last few things into his backpack. "What do you mean, we are going to be late?", you asked, confused, only now realising that there also was your suitcase. "Yea, we are going to be late to catch our flight if you don't hurry up and grab your stuff from upstairs.",he said while running back and forth, stuffing more stuff into the suitcases and bags before handing you two tickets. "Can you take care of them? I'm sure I'll loose them.", he said and you looked at him in shock, finally understanding that he was taking you somewhere. You looked down and placed your hand over your mouth as you saw that he was taking you to the one place you always wanted to go. You had told him about it a million times but didn't think he actually ever listened. "Are you being serious?", you asked him. "Yea, so please hurry or we really are going to miss the flight.", he said, still not stopping packing for a single second. You laughed and walked up to him, grabbing his hands and pulling him close. "Can you stop for 2 seconds so I can thank you?", you asked, smiling up into his eyes. He didn't say anything, he just stared into yours as a smile built on his lips. "Thank you.", you said and hugged him tight. "Sorry.", he said and hugged you back. "But I really want to catch this flight to make up for yesterday so please could you hurry?", he asked and laughed as he let go of you. All you did was laugh and run upstairs, grabbing everything you needed.
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restlessmaknae · 6 years
snowy season
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You couldn’t imagine a winter without Junhoe by your side. Not anymore.
♦ Pairing: boyfriend!Junhoe x girlfriend!reader/you
♦ Genre: fluff, fluff, fluff (+comedy and some light angst in the beginning)
♦ Words: 1.5k
♦ Season Series with soft bf!iKON: Yunhyeong // Donghyuk // Chanwoo // Bobby // Hanbin // Jinhwan // Junhoe
♦ Dedicated to: @binkygee​ because she’s one of the sweetest, kindest, loveliest people I’ve ever met ❤️
♦ A/N: You can also check out iKONICShelves which is a brand new iKON network for writers and readers in the iKON fanfic community (all platforms!).
Snow used to remind you of the bad times. 
That was the time you couldn't escape from home, thus you couldn't escape from all the anger and frustration that your parents triggered in you. Everyone was convinced that you had a loving family, one that was perfect and flawless. The truth couldn't have been further from all the assumptions. Your parents were supportive ‒ in some cases. Your parents took your side ‒ sometimes. Your parents wanted you to be whoever you wished to be, and they accepted you just the way you were ‒ never. They always found something to point out, to criticize, to make fun of. That's why you used to spend so much time outside your house, let it be at the school library, at the mall or at the café with your friends. However, getting home at night in winter was more frightening than spending your time with your parents. Since you lived in the suburbs, only one bus came in every hour, and it darkened quite early. Not to mention that your neighbourhood wasn't the safest one either.
Ever since you met Junhoe, snow wasn't such a bad thing anymore. You met him at a Christmas market when you accidentally bumped into each other, the story of how you two met as simple as that. There was nothing extraordinary about that; you were with your brother and he was with his group of friends. You both apologized, then went on your separate ways. 
However, a week later, you noticed him in your favourite independent café where you frequently went because they had the best caramel latte in the city. Plus, they had one of the nicest staff which was a huge bonus when it came to eating (or for that matter drinking) out. You didn't come up to him because you didn't really have a valid reason to do so. Yet, you noticed him and he noticed you, a small appearing on both of your faces. Not until you visited the café next week, did you actually start talking. The café was crazy busy, and you could barely sit down, so you opted for the seat beside his instead of the one beside a creepy old dude.
Everything was history since then; you started out as mere friends, then friendship turned into something more serious. You started dating after two months of getting to know each other. You grew fond of each other through conversations above a steaming cup of café and through walks along the icy river that ran across the city.
Small wonder he always had something special for each winter you spent together. He exactly knew your relationship with parents, thus he tried his best to make you forget about your painful memories related to winter by creating heart-warming memories instead.
This winter was no different.
Junhoe couldn't stop talking about the annual Christmas market, suggesting more and more activities that were related to the winter celebration.
"How about ice-skating on the Town Hall Square? And there's also a carousel there. Not to mention that a week before Christmas, they'll hold an outdoor movie night when you can watch Frozen," he chattered happily, not giving a crap about the disapproving glances people threw in his direction.
You were having a chill afternoon at the independent café where you met, talking about your plans and duties in December. Your boyfriend was quick to bring up the Christmas market topic, much to your amusement. He was way too adorable when he got immersed into something.
"They play Frozen?" You raised a curious eyebrow at him. A movie night wasn't unheard of, if anything, it was a tradition during your city's Christmas market. However, you had never seen an animated movie in the programme book before.
"Yeah." Junhoe shrugged with that infamous deadpan expression of his. "You know, they want as many people as possible."
"You sure you've seen it right?"
"Yes, it was there. Come and join us for the winter fun ‒ Frozen at the outdoor cinema, December 17th, 7 pm," he cited as if it had been in the news, his unworldly expression making you chuckle. He seemed just as excited as if he had been someone 10 years younger, and his childish joy was contagious.
However, you couldn't deny that you were a bit suspicious, so you decided to check the facts for yourself. Frozen was indeed in the programme booklet of the Christmas market, though not in the way you had expected. It was mentioned in the kids' section. It was stated that they welcome kids up to the age of 14, and there was also a special discount for families. You didn't know how strict they were, thus you gave a call to the organisers.
"So you can't watch the movie if you are an adult?" You repeated the words, furrowing your eyebrows in question.
"Only if you are with a child under the age of 14," the woman on the other side of the phone stated flatly, her voice as bored as if she had been answering the same question over and over again.
You didn't know what kind of regulation was that and what was it for, yet a day after Junhoe first mentioned the Frozen movie night, he also looked into the issue, and found the very same result. Needless to say, he was disheartened. He was sulky for a while because he had already planned out how you would spend the whole day on December 17th. You felt guilty for doubting him, yet at least he didn't have to get to know about the whole thing on the spot. That would have been way worse.
You felt so sorry for Junhoe that you wanted to do something for him. After many failed attempts, you finally came up with an amazing Plan B. Though you needed to convince your 6-year-old cousin who told you at least thirty times that Frozen was too childish and cheesy for her liking before you bribed her with an entire month worth of chocolate, the plan was actually pretty good. Not just because you were the one who came up with it.
So on December 17th, you went to the Christmas market with your little cousin ‒ Daseul ‒ and your boyfriend, Junhoe. Those two didn't really know each other, small wonder Junhoe always whispered questions into your ears such as:
"Do you think she likes me?"
"Did she really laugh at my joke? Was it that good?"
"Would she be mad if I bought her something?"
"Relax, Junhoe," you reassured him with a pat on his back after some more questions. "She likes you, okay? She wouldn't be here if she didn't like you," you tried your best to soothe his nerves because truth to be told, Daseul was a very adamant and very strong-headed girl despite her age, so if she wanted to leave someone behind, she would do it without giving it a second though. Plus, she was hard to please, so seeing how she laughed and enjoyed herself beside Junhoe, you were sure she didn't plan on running away.
"Good." Junhoe let out a long, long sigh as if all the weight had been lifted off his chest.
"You are doing great. Just be yourself, she likes it," you encouraged him, and gave him a quick peck on his left cheek. Him, on the other hand, turned to you and attacked your lips, squeezing all of his gratitude into one very long, very passionate kiss.
"Argh," Daseul snorted from behind you. "You guys are gross," she huffed, turning her head to the little wooden houses instead of you two.
Junhoe was the first to back away, smiling sheepishly at her words. You two exchanged a knowing glance because that's exactly how you felt when you were her age. However, as time goes by and as everyone matures, love doesn't seem so gross anymore.
"Ah, kids these days." You shook your head, a mischievous grin plastered on your face. Junhoe reciprocated your reaction, turning back to watch her reaction.
"Ah, adults these days," Daseul added cheekily. Junhoe and you, you both burst into laughter seeing her theatrical reply. Even though she wanted to appear all fierce and mature, she was as adorable as a little puppy.
Needless to say, the rest of the night was full of teasing remarks on Daseul's parts, and after a while, Junhoe also joined in, his sassy side showing. They got along even better when they were teasing each other, thus you had the time of your life watching their interactions. Watching Frozen was just a tiny part of the wonderful day you spent together, the rest just as heart-warming and fun as the movie itself, if not more. You were supposed to be a family (at least for the movie night), and you had to admit that it wasn't even that odd.
After that day, you could totally imagine Junhoe as a father, and even though you would want to wait for a couple more years before having children, you were sure that he would make an amazing father.
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