#bobby fanfic
kgyeomiex · 1 year
Diamond & Regrets
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“Sometimes people leave before we’re done needing them.”
Humiliation is what you’ve experience… You had two options either fight through it or let it go and start over. You did what you thought was best and decided to start over… You were tired of looking like the bad guy because of the decisions you make. For once everything was working in your favor until the past comes back and bit you in the ass. Is there anyway you can ever move on or is there a reason behind this?
*Trying something new and adding gifs throughout the story*
Previous story: Just For A Little Bit (M) Part 1
Previous Chapter: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Part 5
Your Point of View
To be honest you weren't sure whether telling Jiyong that you spent time with Mino today was important... You two don't hold secrets, but you were afraid that if you were to briefly mention this minor detail it will blow out of proportion.
You looked at him and debated with yourself...
Maybe it's best if you do mention it regardless if it's a big deal or not. It's better if he hears it come out of your mouth than someone else.
"What did you do today?" You asked as Jiyong continued to drive looking directly at the road.
"I have been running back and forth with meetings, I was getting ready to run out of there." Jiyong has been telling you about his intention of possibly coming out with a new solo album but he's still in the process of putting everything together before doing so.
"Have you started to work on any new songs," you ask him. He glanced over at you and smiled.
"Of course, I have 2 new songs written already,"
"When will I be able to hear them," you ask, and he just smiles.
"Soon... Maybe."
you glanced over and noticed the small notebook he keeps for his song lyrics sitting there in front of you. Even though you were beyond curious to see what he's been working on, you were going to wait until he showed you the final product.
"How about you? How was your day? Tell me all about it," there was no way you couldn't mention Mino as part of your day... After all, you did spend time with him.
The last thing you wanted was for him to find out about this information from anyone else.
"Well, I was taking advantage today and used my time to shop. However, I couldn't get much shopping done because before I knew it, I suddenly bumped into Jihoon and Mino, and they asked if I wanted to go out and eat with them. I couldn't be rude, so I went out to eat with them, we went to the bar for a little but now here I am," you said as you stretched over to hold his hand.
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He glanced over at you and nodded his head.
"Well, I'm glad that there isn't going to be any awkward tension if I take you to more parties," Jiyong says and you just nod your head.
To be honest this wasn't the reaction you were expecting to come out of Jiyong. For some odd reason, you were kind of hoping he would have been bothered at least a little by the idea of Mino and you hanging out...
The only reason you wished he would have shown a little more of a reaction is because you wanted that reassurance that he likes you... But you know what, maybe it's better he doesn't show that he's bothered. He must trust you and that's all that matters.
"Well, you already know my views on parties," you reminded Jiyong and he smiled.
"I'll change your mind eventually,"
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"We will see about that," you said smiling and he smiled in return.
Maybe Jiyong being unbothered about the situation is for the best? Did you want a jealous boyfriend again? Look what happened between Mino and you...
After comforting yourself you suddenly felt relieved that this relationship was different. 
After being out the whole day, you were finally back at home. As you walked over to your bedroom, you dropped off your keys on your nightstand. As you were about to remove your coat, you stopped and looked over at the collection of vinyl.
It's weird...
Before you even went to that party, these vinyl’s did not affect you. To be honest you had forgotten that vinyl’s were something Mino and you used to share. But after seeing him buy more... The memory of the two of you going shopping for vinyl began to appear in your head. How the two of you would play your favorite album, lay in bed and talk, laugh, and absorb the music that was playing in the background.
You weren't necessarily missing Mino, but the memories the two of you hold were suddenly revisiting your mind. It's inevitable to prevent yourself from being some type of way.
All that's in the past, it doesn't matter anymore. You were in a whole new relationship... At least you think it's a relationship. Jiyong hasn't technically asked you to be his girlfriend officially...
You shook your head and ignored your thoughts.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and touched your cheek. Instead of overthinking like you usually do, you should probably relax, have a self-care day, and mask it... Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.
One thing about you is if you miss breakfast, and you remain the rest of the day hungry, you happen to be one of the crankiest people on this planet. If you don't eat you catch yourself getting ready to fight everyone and everything.
Even though you were running late to head to your office, you didn't care. Right now, the only thing you were worried about is making sure you got your morning coffee and some kind of bagel, a sandwich... SOMETHING.
You walked into your favorite coffee shop and luckily since you have become a regular, one of the workers took one look at you and started to prepare your usual order.
At this point, they should just have your picture on the wall.
You felt your phone vibrate. You pull out your phone from your pocket and there you see your assistant already calling.
Should you pick up the phone? Maybe it's something important?
Just as you were about to answer, you don't know what made you look around the cafe but when you did, you took one look to your right, and you spotted a familiar face.
Maybe if you look away you won't get noticed...
You were spotted.
It was Jinhwan. You have no problem with him whatsoever. You just didn't know what to expect anytime you encountered him and that was the only thing that had you worried.
As you tried looking away, from the corner of your eye you noticed him approaching you. You decided to completely ignore your phone call and wait till Jinhwan approached you.
As he caught up, you looked over at him and smiled.
“I knew it was you. I wasn’t sure for a second” Jinhwan says as he caught up and you smiled.
“I thought the same thing when I saw you.” Lies, you knew it was him.
“Well, I’m glad I ran into you. I wanted to ask you something” You were slightly scared of what his question was going to be, but you nodded your head.
“What’s up?”
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He looked over at you and smiled.
"Well, I know this is probably weird for me to ask out of the blue especially since we haven't had an opportunity to catch up... But I am having a birthday party tomorrow night in Octagon. I was going to invite Jiyong but now that you're here I was hoping you can let him know and the both of you come along."
You already weren't much of a party person... But you felt bad to decline such an offer.
"Sounds like a good time... I'll let Jiyong know." Jinhwan smiled.
"Perfect. I hope to see the two of you there," you nodded your head and both exchanged goodbye with one another.
It's amazing how the world works... You went from going MIA to everyone in YG after breaking up with Mino and didn't come across a single soul until you started to date someone else from YG again...
Now you see them left and right... And see them anywhere you go.
After the day you had, you came straight home and didn't hesitate to get comfortable quick. You grabbed a pair of sweats, a T-shirt, and your slippers. You threw your hair in a bun and sat down on the couch ready to watch a movie until you decided to go to sleep.
Just as you were slowly dozing off the movie you felt your phone vibrate right next to you. As you grabbed a hold of your phone, without looking you answered the phone.
“Hello,” you mumbled into the phone.
“Did I wake you up beautiful?” You hear Jiyong's voice on the other side of the phone.
“No, I was still awake,” you sat up and decided to wake yourself up.
“Babe,” you know he had something to tell you.
“Yes? What’s up?”
“I have to head over to Tokyo for a photo shoot,” well that’s great. You were planning to ask him about Jinhwan's party but now that he can’t seem to make it… what was the point of telling him?
“That’s short notice,” but you weren’t surprised. Jiyong always had events that would occur at the last minute because of his job.
“I know, they told me I have to catch a flight tonight.”
“How long will you be gone?” You asked him and he sighed.
“I think they said a week,” he was going to leave you for a whole week… wonderful.
You weren’t planning on telling Jiyong about Jinhwan's party but for some reason you felt like you were holding a secret back from him. So, although you had no intentions of saying a thing you decided to tell him anyway.
“Oh… I know it’s pointless to tell you now, but this morning I bumped into Jinhwan. He invited both of us down for his birthday party tomorrow night but since you won’t be in town, I’ll just let him know we can’t go,” you said waiting for Jiyong to respond.
To be honest you were expecting him to agree and the conversation to end from there, but you were wrong.
"Why don't you go?" Jiyong encouraged the idea, and you froze.
It's not like Jinhwan was your ex or anything but Jinhwan is friends with Bobby and there is 99.9% that Bobby was going to be at that party. On top of that, you were pretty sure Mino was going to be there as well.
Although you ended the tension with Mino, you still felt like it would be awkward and weird for you to go to an event where you will be in the same room as your ex and someone you had a situationship with.
“Why would I go?" You were curious to hear what Jiyong was going to say.
"Well, why not? Aren't you friends with Jinhwan?" you were still surprised. I was about to comment on your ex being there and Bobby, but you didn’t bother.
To be fair you weren’t even sure that he even knew about Bobby…
“I mean… you know how I feel at parties.”
“Just got for a little. I feel bad I can’t attend but you can go on both of our behaves” You were speechless to see the support you were receiving coming from Jiyong, but you decided what the heck… what could go wrong?
Mino and you have officially cleared the air and then Bobby and you well… That’s a whole other story.
Eventually, you both began to talk about other things until you ended the convo and caught yourself falling asleep. 
There you were standing in front of Octagon with a gift in your hands.
After Jinhwan invited you to his party you were hesitant about coming. But what did you have to lose? You are all civilized adults who can come together as one and be around one another without wanting to kill each other...
Plus, everything that happened was in the past. You were fortunate enough to clear the air with Mino but not so much with Bobby.
Who knows if Bobby has any hatred toward you... It appears to be only one way because on your end you didn't hate the guy. What happened and there was not a thing you could do about it.
You took a deep breath and walked in.
Neon lights were flashing left and right from all sorts of directions. The music was loud enough to hear the bass go off. You saw many different faces hoping to spot someone you knew.
Just with your luck the first person you happened to spot was Mino at the bar.
You were hoping to find Jihwan, but it was hard when there were people all around... Maybe you should approach Mino and have him help you find Jinhwan.
You slowly made your way to the bar.
As you approached Mino you noticed that he was in the middle of a conversation with one of his members. You were planning to walk off and look for Jinhwan yourself but as you were getting closer, they both stopped talking.
Mino's back was facing you so the person talking to him could see you approaching. As you were there and close to the two his friends looked at you and then at Mino.
"It appears that you have a guest,"
"Guest?" Mino says extremely confused, he looked over his shoulder and you were awkwardly standing there feeling bad for interfering with the conversation.
"Y/N, hey," he stood up from his seat and smiled as he saw you right in front of him.
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"Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," you blurted out and Mino's bandmate Lee Seung-soon shook his head.
"No, not at all! Y/N, right?" He asked and you nodded your head.
This isn't the first time you're meeting Mino's bandmate. When the two of you were exclusive at one point, you met them a few times but never really had much of a conversation with their hectic schedule. It was more like hi and bye and that was about it.
"Yes, I'm surprised you remember," to be honest you were expecting to have to reintroduce yourself to his friends, but it seemed like they remembered exactly who you were.
"Of course! After all, Mino wouldn't shut up about you," after that go blurted out, you glanced over at Mino and noticed his eyes widened at the sudden confession that way.
Mino wouldn't shut up about you? Is this recent or was this when you broke up?
You were becoming slightly curious, but you could see just from Mino's facial expression how uncomfortable he was starting to become. To avoid creating an awkward environment in today's party you just smiled and looked at Lee Seung-soon.
"It's a pleasure to see you again," Mino noticed how you didn't ask any further questions and seemed relieved.
If this was the old you, then you probably would have asked him questions or made remarks to get an answer but that's all in the past. You're with Jiyong and that's all that matters.
"Where is Jiyong?" Mino asks you and you look over at him.
"He had to travel for work, but I am here on behalf of both Jiyong and I... By the way, have you seen Jinhwan? I want to give him his gift," you said as you lifted your gift bag and he looked at the bag and then looked around.
"I did see him, but then he disappeared."
You took one look to your right and there you see Bobby and Jinhwan talking to one another.
"There is the birthday boy, I'll see you around," you told Mino, and he nodded his head and you approached Jinhwan and Bobby.
You watched the two talk to one another as you approached them.
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At least as you walked up to them, they stopped talking and immediately noticed your presence.
"Y/N! You made it. Jiyong texted me telling me he wasn't going to make it and I was afraid you were going to bail on me," Jinhwan says smiling from ear to ear and you shook your head.
Even though you were hesitant to come to the party in the first place, you still decided to come because, at the end of the day, Jinhwan was never rude to you in any way. He always managed to make you feel welcome and included.
"I had to make an appearance even if it's for a little. Which by the way before I forget. . . "You lifted your hand and showed him his present in your hands, "Happy birthday."
You handed him his present and he smiled.
"You didn't have to!"
"But I wanted to, it's the least thing I can do after all you invited me here," you said and then looked over at Bobby who had his eyes on you.
"Hey, Bobby,"
"Hey Y/N," for some reason there was still awkward tension between the two of you and you were hoping that this tension would clear up sooner or later.
"Well since it's my birthday, you have no choice but to take a drink with me," Jinhwan says, and you hesitated a bit.
You weren't much of a drinker, if anything you tend to get nice easily, but one drink won't hurt anyone.
"Just one drink,"
Jinhwan nodded and you followed both Jinhwan and Bobby to the bar.
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What ends up being one drink leads to a few more than you anticipated. After allowing the drinks to help you loosen up and allow you to forget all your problems you were genuinely enjoying yourself.
You ended up meeting new people and before you knew it you happened to make new friends and were out on the dance floor dancing to each song that came out.
"Do you want another drink?" Hyeryeon asks you and you shake your head.
"If I take another drink, who knows what I am capable of doing," you weren't in your five senses, however you were still in a sense aware of what you were doing.
"Aw come on just one drink," Subin insisted but you decline the drink.
"What I need is water,"
You excused yourself from the girls and walked over to the bar hoping to get a cup of water to sober you up.
"Excuse me," you tried to get the bartender's attention, but it was crowded by the bar, and it was hard to get service. Awesome.
"Y/N," You looked to your left and noticed Mino right next to you.
This man has been popping up out of nowhere.
"Mino, how are you enjoying yourself?" You asked him and he shrugged.
"Can't complain, but I am not having as much fun as you are," He commented, and you smiled.
"It's nice to loosen up for a change. Sometimes I feel like I feel too uptight and care about what people think...." you realized you were starting to blab a lot more than you probably should.
"I can tell. Coming back for another drink?" Mino asked and I shook my head.
"Well, more like a drink of water. I better sober up or who knows what I am capable of doing," as you said that Mino's eyebrows arched.
"What do you mean?"
The both of you suddenly started to look at one another and for some reason, you caught yourself looking at his lips. Mino's lips were always soft... Now that he has a lip piercing... you were curious how that must feel when kissing him.
You looked back up to his eyes and shook your head and snapped out of thoughts.
"Ooo Nothing... Just ignore me,"
You were pretty sure Mino caught on to what you meant however instead of questioning you he just smiles.
Ah, he is still cute…
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You knew that this was alcohol-speaking. You wouldn’t be thinking this way if you were sober or even if you were with Jiyong.
“Ima head to the bathroom,”
You told Mino and he nodded his head.
You walked over to where the bathroom was and pulled out your phone. Maybe if you hear Jiyong's voice you can ignore this random temptation you have to kiss Mino.
As you approached the bathroom doors, you stepped to the side, leaned against the wall, and began to look through your contacts. Without thinking twice, you clicked on Jiyong's name and began to call him.
The phone began to ring.
One ring…
And then at last you heard his voice.
“Mmm hello?” He sounded like he just woke up… shit.
“Oh! Were you sleeping?” You blurred out.
“I was, but that’s okay. What’s up?”
You now felt bad for selfishly calling him.
“Oh, nothing… I just missed you and wanted to hear your voice… but it’s okay you should go back to sleep,” you tried to rush the call, but Jiyong stopped you.
“You’re fine, I don’t mind ever being woken up by you.” Jiyong always knew what to say.
“Don’t say that you’re going to make me miss you more,” you pouted, and you can hear him chuckle on the other side of the phone.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll be back home in no time.”
You felt so much better hearing that.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to sleep, talk to you tomorrow?”
“Of course, I’ll call you when I wake up,” the both of you exchanged byes and you hung up.
Okay… you have Jiyong.
What you two have is exactly what you need.
As you got off the wall you were about to walk away until you noticed someone leaving the bathroom and you saw Bobby.
You two meet again.
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You could walk away… cross that you should be walking away but you were feeling bold. You walked up to Bobby and looked at him.
“Can I ask you something?” You told Bobby and he nodded his head.
“Do you hate me?”
Wow, you could have asked him anything and the first question that popped into your head was that? Get A GRIP.
“Why do you ask that?” Bobby even seemed surprised by the sudden question.
“I don’t know. I just feel this unnecessary tension between the two of us every time we are in the same room. I know you and I didn’t leave in the greatest terms … and things happen for a reason, but I just feel like maybe you and I should clear the air.” Right now, was not the time to have a conversation like this but it felt like it…
“I mean I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I tried to talk to you before and you walked away.”
“Maybe I am afraid of hearing what you have to tell me,”
Without thinking twice, you blurted that out and your eyes widened.
“I thought you didn’t care what I had to tell you,” Bobby was suddenly confused by your sudden words.
STOP TALKING, you thought to yourself.
“You know what… you’re right. I should probably go.” you were about to walk away but you suddenly hear Bobby begin to speak again.
"Can I be honest with you,"
You looked at Bobby.
"I would be lying if I were to say I didn't miss having you around. . . I mean I know I screwed up in the past and that's my mistake, but I was hoping we could move past that. I know you are with Jiyong and because of this, I know I will be seeing you around a lot more. I was hoping maybe you and I can be friends. . . What we should have been from the very beginning," you were surprised to hear this come out of Bobby's mouth.
After the incident with both Mino and Bobby, you were upset for some time but eventually, you got over the whole situation when you decided to clean up your act and focus on yourself. Fortunately for you throughout your journey, you met Jiyong and have been good since.
You didn't think about Mino and Bobby since you saw them again but now looking at the scenario you wonder if the universe put all three of you in the same room again to fix the relationship between them and you.
They probably aren't supposed to be in your life romantically but maybe they have another purpose.
"Being friends sound good to me," you told him, and believe it or not Bobby finally smiled at you.
It's been a while since you have seen him grin the way he did.
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"Now that we have officially cleared the air, how about we go get a drink for old time take,"
You told yourself you were going to stop drinking for the night but one more drink won't hurt. . . right?
"Let's go,"
You had no intentions of drinking anymore but for some reason when Bobby happened to mention getting a drink you couldn't seem to say no. Instead, it sounded like a great idea, and you went with the flow.
The two of you ended up leaving Jinhwan's party without anyone around you being aware and found yourself in a bar nearby instead.
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Bobby handed you your drink and you smiled.
"Don't you think Jinhwan will notice that we are gone?" You asked Bobby and he shook his head.
"I highly doubt it, if we are being honest, I overheard some of the boys say that they were on a mission to get Jinhwan drunk... So, if they succeed, he won't even remember what happens tonight,"
Aw, poor Jinhwan. You giggled and got a hold of your drink.
"Shouldn't one of us be sober to make sure we get home safely?" you asked Bobby before taking a sip and he shrugs.
"I mean we should but what's the fun in that?"
Bobby grabbed his drink and he looked at you.
The both of you cheered and then took a sip of your drink.
*Bzz Bzz*
You felt the vibration of your phone right by your head. Instead of opening your eyes you stretched out your hand and began to feel around hoping to get a hold of your phone. However, the more you stretched out your hand you felt a body next to you instead.
Jiyong is back?
You opened your eyes, looked up, and automatically realized you weren't home. . .
You looked to your right, and you saw Bobby sound asleep...
To be continued. . .
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idiot-mushroom · 3 months
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my oneshot is turning into a whole ass slowburn (i hate it here)
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cosmicanakin · 5 months
𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 ⟢ | dean winchester.
adult content | minors do NOT interact.
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. dean winchester x female reader.
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. you and dean slip away from sam and bobby for a moment to indulge dean's neediness in the backseat of the impala.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒). smut (wrap it up folks), praising, explicit language, semi public sex, pet names, sam teasing both dean & reader.
kari's note ⟢ ݁⋆ i know that i've been slacking with writing nowadays, i'm so sorry. i was—am focusing on myself to better my mental health. but to make up for it, i give you this. so i hope you're taking good care of yourselves & i love you so much. xoxo <3
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you couldn't believe this was happening. here you were, bouncing feverishly on dean winchester's cock in the backseat of the impala, his hands gripping your hips as he moaned in pure ecstasy.
the case you were supposed to be working on with sam and bobby was the furthest thing from your mind right now. all that mattered was the delicious friction building between your bodies, the way dean's thick, throbbing length filled you up so perfectly.
"that's it, baby," dean growled, voice gravelly with lust. "ride my dick just like that. you're such a good girl, taking me so well."
you whimpered, your nails digging into the firm muscles of his shoulders as you picked up the pace, your hips rolling and grinding against him in a desperate rhythm. the sounds of your bodies joining together echoed through the confines of the car, only spurring dean on further.
"fuck, you feel so goddamn good," he groaned, his fingers tightening their grip on your hips. "my gorgeous little slut, riding me so fucking good."
the praise sent a shiver of pleasure down your spine, and you felt the familiar coil of tension building deep within you. you were so close, teetering on the edge of ecstasy, and dean could tell.
"go ahead, darlin', come for me," he demanded, his thumb brushing against your sensitive bundle of nerves. "show me how much you love my cock."
with a sharp cry, you surrendered to the overwhelming sensations, your body trembling as wave after wave of mind-blowing pleasure washed over you. dean followed closely behind, his hips snapping up into you as he spilled himself deep inside.
for a moment, the only sounds were the heavy panting of your breaths and the occasional contented hum from dean. then, finally, he pulled you down for a searing kiss, his hands caressing your flushed skin.
"damn, sweetheart, you're fuckin' perfect," he murmured, his lips trailing down your neck. "i could do this all day."
you chuckled breathlessly, your fingers tracing the strong lines of his jaw. "as much as i'd love to, we should probably get back to helping sam and bobby," you said, reluctantly lifting yourself off of him.
dean groaned in protest, his hands sliding down to grip your thighs again. "do we have to?" he whined, his eyes pleading. "i'm not done with you yet."
you laughed, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "yes, we have to," you said firmly, already starting to redress. "the sooner we get this case wrapped up, the sooner we can come back here and pick up where we left off."
dean pouted, but he knew better than to argue. with a resigned sigh, he began to clean himself up, already mentally planning all the ways he was going to ravish you once this job was done.
⎯⎯BONUS PART . ݁ ⋆
by the time you and dean finally emerged from the impala, faces flushed and clothes slightly disheveled, sam was waiting for you with a knowing smirk on his face.
"well, well, look who decided to join us," he quipped, his eyes flickering between you and his brother. "and just where have you two been, hmm?"
you felt your cheeks burning with embarrassment, your mind racing to come up with a plausible excuse. but one glance at dean's guilty expression told you that sam already knew exactly what you two had been up to.
"we, uh, we were just—" dean began, only to be cut off by the gruff voice of bobby, who came storming out of the motel room.
"where the hell have you two idjits been?" he growled, his brow furrowed in frustration. "we've been waitin' on you for over an hour! sam and i could've used your help, you know."
you cringed, fully prepared for the tongue-lashing you and dean were about to receive. but to your surprise, sam stepped in, his expression far too innocent to be believable.
"oh, i'm sure they were, uh, otherwise occupied," he said, his lips twitching with amusement. "isn't that right, you two?"
dean shot his brother a withering glare, but sam only grinned, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. you wanted nothing more than to disappear into the ground, your mortification notable.
"what the hell are you talkin' about, boy?" bobby demanded, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.
sam chuckled, jerking his thumb in your direction. "well, let's just say our dear friend Y/N/N here has been, uh, keeping dean "company" while the rest of us were working."
your mouth fell open in shock, and you could practically feel the heat radiating from dean's body as he shifted uncomfortably beside you. bobby's eyes widened with realization, and a gruff, disapproving grunt escaped his lips.
"oh, for the love of—" he muttered, shaking his head in exasperation. "you two idjits couldn't keep it in your pants for five minutes, could you?"
you felt the embarrassment coursing through you, and you resisted the overwhelming urge to bury your face in your hands. but dean, ever the quick-witted one, managed to find his voice.
"hey, come on, it's not our fault you two were taking forever!" he protested, his tone defensive. "we were just, you know, passing the time."
sam burst out laughing, slapping his knees in amusement. "oh, i'll bet you were," he chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "just try to keep it in your pants from now on, huh? we've got work to do."
with that, he turned and headed back towards the motel room, leaving you and dean to face the wrath of a thoroughly exasperated bobby. as the older hunter launched into a lecture about professionalism and work ethic, you couldn't help but wonder if this was the most embarrassed you'd ever been in your life.
but as you glanced over at dean, the sheepish grin on his face told you that he wouldn't have had it any other way.
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scarylarry376 · 3 months
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Babe, stick to the board - Lian_mail - A Goofy Movie (Movies) [Archive of Our Own] PLS GO READ THIS IF U LIKE MAXLEY FICS CAUSE UGH its like my fav..
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amidnightjen · 1 year
“A toothbrush?” Hen repeats, eyebrows high and tone extremely dubious.
“A toothbrush,” Eddie confirms.
“Your girlfriend broke up with you because of a toothbrush?” Ravi clarifies, he’s not the only one seeking that clarification either, Eddie can tell he beat Chim to the question only because he didn’t have his mouth full.
“Yes,” Eddie confirms (again), sounding a little more disgruntled this time about it.
Chim finally swallows his mouthful to ask, “Is this like a metaphor?”
Eddie shrugs. “I don’t know.” And he doesn’t, that’s the thing. He’s got no damn idea why a toothbrush (of all things) had Marisol breaking things off before they’d even really gotten started.
“I’m going to need more than this,” Hen says. “What kind of toothbrush?”
Exasperated, all Eddie can say is, “I don’t know - a toothbrush.”
“I mean,” Chim says thoughtfully, “did she not like the colour? Were the bristles too hard? Maybe it wasn’t about the toothbrush but the toothpaste on the brush - do you have weird toothpaste taste?”
That earns Chim a confused look from everyone but he just shrugs which Eddie finds fair because he honestly doesn’t know. “I don’t have weird toothpaste,” Eddie defends.
“I like your toothpaste,” Buck announces, dropping down into the chair beside Eddie. “Why are we talking about Eddie’s toothpaste?”
“We’re talking about Eddie’s toothbrush,” Hen clarifies and even as she does, she looks like she can’t believe that’s a sentence she’s found herself saying.
“Eddie’s toothbrush?” Buck repeats, sounding just as confused as when he thought they were talking about toothpaste.
“Not my toothbrush,” Eddie groans. “It wasn’t even mine!”
“Wait,” and this comes from Bobby who looks as though he can’t believe he’s joining in this conversation, “Marisol broke up with you because of Christopher’s toothbrush?”
“Marisol broke up with you?” Buck says, “Sorry man.”
Eddie waves off Buck’s words, he’s not all that broken up about it honestly, just genuinely stuck on how a toothbrush could possibly be reason enough to break up with someone. “No it wasn’t Chris’ toothbrush, Jesus.”
“I’m so confused,” Buck said.
“Me too,” added Ravi.
But Hen, Hen had a look on her face and there was a note in her voice he couldn’t identify as she asked, “Whose toothbrush was it?”
And Eddie has no idea why that is suddenly explanation enough for everyone.
Well except Buck.
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darlingboydiaz · 6 months
do y'all ever think about the fact that bobby is literally chris' grandpa? like yeah, bobby is a father figure to buck. but buck is also chris' second dad.
that's a dynamic i am reminded of whenever i see eddie and bobby interact outside of the fire station and it's a dynamic that should be explored more overall.
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castiwls · 5 months
"uh-oh, i'm falling in love."
being Bobby's adopted daughter and falling in love with Dean... [requested - anon]
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You were around 15 when your parents were killed in a hunting incident and as a result, Bobby ended up taking you in.
You’d spent the first few months sulking around the house, something which began to worry Bobby as months passed and your behaviour seemed no different.
He knew he had to break your behaviour somehow but he was completely stumped. That was until one day he woke up to John quickly shoving his sons in the door before running off to do go knows what. 
Silently cursing the man out he quickly invited the two boys inside before continuing with breakfast (now for 4 people). 
“Who are they?” You looked up from the book you’d been reading, frowning in slight confusion at the two boys who were currently standing in the doorway. The younger of the two smiled brightly before almost tripping over himself to see what you were reading while the older silently gapped in the doorway. Since when did Bobby have a daughter?
After this, you quickly found friends in both the boys. 
While Sam was someone who you could talk to about lore and any other books you might have been reading, Dean was someone who you were able to fully confide in.
Over the three weeks the boys stayed you and Dean quickly became inseparable and for the first time in months, you didn't feel grief-stricken constantly. You actually felt happy.
Over the years Sam and Dean became a constant in your life. As you grew older Bobby began letting you go on hunts with the Winchesters (something which Dean enjoyed more than he would admit.)
Over time though you felt a slight shift in your feelings towards the older boy. Every time you saw him or even heard his voice butterflies would swarm in your stomach and your cheeks would quickly grow hot.
The shrill ringing of your phone pulled you from your book. A small frown played on your lips as you noted the name on your screen. “Hello?” Placing your book down you crossed your legs sitting up properly on your bed. “Hey. I didn’t wake you right?” Dean sounded sheepish almost as he spoke. At the sound of his voice, a small burst of butterflies exploded in your stomach. “no..no I was awake.”
Late-night phone calls quickly became an almost daily occurrence whenever you weren't together, and when you were together these phone calls were exchanged for late-night diner trips just the two of you.
Every day you felt yourself falling harder and harder for Dean Winchester and little did you know he felt the same. 
After Sam had gone to Stanford Dean had showed up on your doorstep only hours later, his eyes red as he’d quietly asked to stay the night.
He’d ended up staying for a few weeks after that. You’d spent every day together over that time simply listening to him talk about what had happened between his dad and brother and how he was scared for Sam being on his own.
As happy as you were that Sam had gotten out it broke your heart slightly to see how Dean was handling the situation.
Over this time you’d found yourself more than once falling asleep beside him (something which Bobby wasn’t too happy about) and you’d also felt yourself grown closer and closer to him.
He’d allowed himself to be vulnerable around you, something which you knew was hard for him. The idea that he trusted you enough simply left your heart fluttering in your chest.
During these few weeks, Dean quickly found himself falling further and further in love with you. He’d known for a while now that he had feelings for you but the way you’d allowed him to unload onto you and made him realise how utterly in love with you he truly was.
One night when you’d both been sat on one of the old cars in the scrap yard he finally felt his feelings bubble over.
The world was quiet as you and Dean both sat watching the stars above. You knew he had to leave soon, his dad had been relentless with his calls saying that Dean needed to come back to his job and that he’d had enough time. Truthfully you didn’t want him to leave. Over the last few weeks, you’d grown used to the warmth of him beside you. “My dad’s coming in the morning.” Dean turned to face you. “He insisted this time.” He frowned, rubbing his thumb over your hand. “What time?” You asked quietly turning to look at him. “He didn’t give one,” Dean answered. You both fell slightly for a moment, simply gazing into each other's eyes. As if being pulled in by a magnet you felt your body move on its own until you met Dean halfway. As his lips pressed against yours you felt his hand cup the back of your head while your own moved to his knee.
After that night your relationship changed. Neither of you actually asked the question but the unspoken promise was there. Dean Winchester had stolen your heart and it seemed you had also stolen his. 
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aureum-cordis · 7 months
Lost & Found, Part 2
A/N: Hey again! Here’s Part 2, I didn’t want to make y’all wait too long for it. DogDay actually finds you in this part! The same warnings as from before apply, make sure to check out the first part if you haven’t already. Thank you for checking out this fic! Check out the other parts here: Part 1 , Part 3
Yet as the orange dog neared the doorway and slowly opened the door, it was then that he noticed the small shape amidst the darkness. It was huddled near a bed, resting against the frame with a mangled plush in its hands as it wept into the soft body of what had once been some sort of animal.
A realization dawned on him in an instant, it was one of the children. Several questions flooded his mind, the most abundant of which contained some form of concern as to how this small child had survived.
Upon beginning to enter the room, his hand made contact with a plank of wood that groaned in protest under the added weight. The sound made him wince, his eyes immediately darting to the child in the room.
It was then that you looked up from the plush animal in your hands and finally noticed his presence. Panicked sobs and desperate attempts to back away from him were your way of trying to escape. DogDay was equally as panicked, knowing that he had to find something to soothe you and quick.
The last thing either of them needed was for CatNap to become aware of their presence. At this point, you had crawled under the bed in an attempt to get away from him, something that tore at his heart at that very moment. Tears ran down your face in streams, running down your nose as you began to hiccup from the intensity. DogDay lowered himself to the floor, attempting to mimic some form of submission.
His plush ears tilted back and his tail was held low and wagged slowly, his approach was inchmeal, but that was intentional. You were terrified of his very presence, he knew that he needed to do something to prove that he wouldn’t hurt you. His chin rested on the floor as he laid down a short distance away from the bed you took cover under.
Your sobs continued for several long minutes, pawing at your eyes with balled up fists to try to stop the steady flow. DogDay was patient, he would remain here for as long as you needed to feel comfortable.
He knew that staying here forever wasn’t an option, but his fear of CatNap’s presence had since dissipated upon noticing you.
You were so small, tinier than you should’ve been at such an age. Your skin was pale from the lack of sunlight and he could see your ribs through the tattered and dirty shirt you wore. Malnutrition plagued your already petite body, it was a miracle you had lasted this long. The bags under your eyes and the way your eyelids hung low were signs that he recognized as symptoms of sleep deprivation.
The intensity of your weeping had lessened as you peered out from under the bed at him through blurry eyes. He remained still, the only things moving were his and the slow wag of his tail. Slowly, you crept closer to him, hesitating every now and then as if you expected him to lash out at you.
But the orange dog was motionless, allowing you to come to him at your own pace. You tentatively stuck a hand out toward his head, the other still clutching the mangled fabric of the plush like a lifeline. DogDay lifted his head slowly and met your hand with his muzzle as well as his nose, to which you didn’t pull away, much to his surprise.
Instead, you began to pet him, running your hand along the fur of his chin. He wasn’t sure how to react at that moment, but you seemed more than content to keep stroking his dirty and matted fur, so he would allow it. Your eyes were swollen and red from crying, but now only a stray tear or two ran down your small cheeks.
Your breathing was still ragged and weak as your lungs attempted to gather oxygen from the stale air in the building. The orange dog allowed you to continue to run your hand along his head, when he noticed that you had moved closer to him. You placed the plush toy down by your side, DogDay watching with slight confusion when suddenly your arms wrapped around his head, which was relatively around the same size as your body.
You buried your small face into one of his downy ears, holding onto him as if he would vanish if you loosened your grip in the slightest.
Gently, he placed one of his hands on your back, careful to not frighten you as he did so. You grabbed handfuls of his fur, which he didn’t mind, knowing well that you were just a terrified little kid.
DogDay knew you didn’t deserve this, none of the children had warranted the horrors they were forcefully dragged into solely for daring to exist. Your weak little body shook like a leaf in the breeze as you held onto him and he used his hand to support you.
He hushed you softly, feeling tears soak into the fur of his ear that you still had your face buried in. “I’m here, you're not alone anymore. I won’t let anything happen to you.” His voice was quiet and gentle as he spoke, the sound startled you but as you listened to his words, he noticed that you relaxed substantially.
The muscles of your small frame had been taut prior, yet the words he spoke seemed to register in your fear-addled mind and set you at ease. Now that you were calmer and seemed to accept his presence, he deemed it to be a good time to return to the others.
He wasn’t sure how long they had been in this room, but he knew that staying in one place for far too long was a death sentence. Slowly, he lifted his head and broke the embrace in order to meet your eyes. You made a sound of protest, disliking the way he had moved away from you, but you looked at him in confusion as to why he had pulled away.
“It’s not safe here, will you come with me? I think I might need your company, I’m not brave enough to do it alone.” His words were far from the truth, anyone with sense would know that. There was no way he was going to abandon this child here, there wasn’t even the slightest chance that you would leave his sight.
But he had spoken that way as if he were the one that needed the child rather than the other way around, with the way you nodded and despite the circumstances, even allowed a small smile to grace your tear-stricken face. It was the sign he needed to know that it had worked, allowing you to feel stronger in such a horrible situation.
You were a brave child and DogDay knew that, you wouldn’t have lasted this long if you weren’t. He could only imagine what you had been through, what you had been forced to witness. But those thoughts could be addressed later, his main priority was returning to what remained of the Smiling Critters with you in tow.
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veryberryjelly · 6 months
almond milk, two sugars
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evan buckley x fem!reader
lyric prompt ; 'i pay attention to things that most people ignore' - all american bitch - olivia rodrigo
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your time at the 118 may not have been very long compared to some of the other firefighters tenure, but it had so far been the best six months of your life.
your hours were adaptable, even if you had regularly worked twelve hour shifts every day.
your coworkers were friendly, so much so that any free time you had, you often spent with them.
whether it was going to the gym with eddie, having dinner with hen or grabbing coffee with buck before or after a shift.
and you loved doing all of that with them.
which was why you always hated cancelling plans on them.
but sometimes it was unavoidable.
which was why you had to message buck that you were running late so you couldn't grab coffee this morning.
your phone hadn't charged so you had no alarm to wake you early enough to grab coffee.
but that also meant that you were uncaffeinated as you hurried into the station for the beginning of your shift.
once you arrived and you saw that there was no urgency for you to rush around, you slowed down, put your things in your locker before climbing the stairs to the kitchen to make yourself a coffee.
you greeted those who were sitting on the couch as you made your way over, going straight for the coffee pot.
as you reached for it you noticed a takeout cup beside it with your name scribbled on the top.
your brows furrowed softly as you picked up the cup, expecting it to be trash that you had forgotten to throw away, but when you found it to be full your brows furrowed softly.
thankfully, the questions you hadn't been able to ask yet were answered when you heard a voice behind you.
"i grabbed you a coffee on my way in."
you turned to find buck stood with an identical cup in his hand, presumably filled with his regular order.
" figured you wouldn't have time this morning and i thought i'd spare us all your decaffeinated wrath "
his words caused a laugh to bubble past your lips.
" thank you, i'm sure the entire team is grateful for your generosity" you joked as you took a sip of the coffee, unable to stop the smile spreading over your face when you realised he had gotten your order right.
" and i am very grateful to not have to drink crap. how do you know my order ?" you hadn't been to coffee with buck often enough for him to know your order so well.
" i pay attention to things that most people ignore. " he explained which just made your smile widen .
" well it is very appreciated, thank you. and i promise i'll be ready to meet tomorrow morning "
there was a brief silence as you picked up your coffee and took another sip, but buck quickly broke it.
" how about we meet tonight instead? "
his question caught you off guard and caused a slight tightening in your chest.
" for, like a date ?" you questioned, wanting to clarify the nature of this meet up.
" yeah, for a date "
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princessfbi · 3 months
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The Beast You've Made of Me
The moon was so big. So big and beautiful and full and bright. She said sing my children. Sing. Sing for me. Bobby shifted first. His wolf was big. Powerful. Black fur that bled into white making the coat almost grey along his back. Red flashing eyes and a pull that said alpha alpha my pack my family sing sing with me. And Buck… Buck was… Buck was wolf. Buck was wolf wolf wolf.
An AU inspired by the Green Creek series by TJ Klune.
Read on Ao3
Rated: E | Multi Chapter | COMPLETED
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qsmpzine · 4 months
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✨INTRODUCING OUR AMAZING CONTRIBUTORS!✨ Each of these awesome creators have joined the team to create Chronicles, a tribute zine to the QSMP eggs and their stories.
Check them out, and follow us for further news and for sneak peeks of Chronicles!
(tags and roles for each contributor under the cut!)
AUTHORS Mad - @mad-c1oud Roxy - @thanotaphobia Bee - @edgarallanpoestan Bee - @bonesandthebees LilyTiger - @ Lily_tiger01 (twt) JURI - @notsoembarrassed Roy - @duckmumbo likenjay - @quackityaoi Catherine Amber - @q-nihachu atthebell - @atthebell Raven Darkwood - @ravendarkwood Eico - @eico-23 Max - @dewdropple Shlook - @shlooksnook voidkiddo - @voidratwrites Bebebe - @itsbebebrainrotting Artfulstar - @artfulstar Summer - @mesothulass Glades - @sunflowersteps (+carrd) Tides - @blocky-tides Mystic - @itsnotmystic
ARTISTS feminetomboy - @feminetomboy Grace - @greensun Kristophwhy - @kristophwhy Cas - @casart foog - @pppuri Jaime - @routeriver Pod/Purple - @ anonymous_pod1 (twt) ComfyMoth - @comfymoth Turtlecase - @qjaidenhere JATthetrashrat - @theentertainerjester Glitterstarly - @glitterstarly FGHNiki - @fghniki Kai_QS - @ Kitkat_Mist (twt) Miro Myrsky - @oreegaanoo LaReecck - @ LaReecck (twt) shblackwood - @shblackwoodart Lish - @ lish_lishii (twt) Korylly - @ korylly (twt) Sonny - @ S0NSHlN3 (twt) Smille_c - @smille-c mqrss_ - @ mqrss_ (twt) Sinopiah - @snopiah Crow - @islayuri Hochu Hlep - @ hochuhlep (twt) Red - @redyrmes Icoboo - @ Icoboo (twt) bzlgrmpf - @bzlgrmpf beetrix20 - @ Beetrix20 (twt) CanaryCherry - @ canarycherry.art (insta) HereOnlyVoid - @ hereonlyvoid (twt) tibie_arts - @ tibie_arts (twt) Valictini - @valictini Firexima - @ firexima (twt) Tazy - @ SPACEBITZ (twt) taternots - @patorucho Glades - @sunflowersteps (+carrd)
MERCH ARTISTS Hochu Hlep - @ hochuhlep (twt) croudjay - @croudjay Gwen - @itsgwencayyye mercymarcy7 - @ mercymarcy7 (insta) Valictini - @valictini yeoldeghostofmushrooms - @yeoldeghostofmushrooms cyburnya - @cyburnya Tazy - @ SPACEBITZ (twt) pikany - @ Pikany_Galaxy (twt) Cloudster - @ Cloudster_Clown (twt) Glades - @sunflowersteps (+carrd)
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
hi hi
idk if you’re accepting requests but if you are pls could i request an evan buckley where he has a gf/wife and a baby but the 118 doesn’t know, and maybe one day reader/kid is injured and they either turn up at the fire house or the 118 is called to the scene and buck has to come clean about his secret wife/gf and kid?
thank you bestie, i love your writing <3
lover - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif from @eddiemunsens
a/n: what tswift album do u guys think the 118 are 🤭 also what happens to yn is inspired by an episode of s19 that i love sm it’s so funny :))
buck knew the second y/n got pregnant that he wasn’t leaving. two years of dating is a short time to have a child, but they loved each other more than anyone. they knew they could give a child a good life, so they went with it.
all three of them moved to la, so buck could work with the LAFD and y/n could get to a higher position at work. their life there was immaculate. their little family was thriving, so buck put a ring on her finger. he didn’t even hesitate to buy the biggest one he saw, because he loved y/n the second he met her, and he emotionally couldn’t wait anymore. the words husband and wife rang in his ears, making him drop a dumbfounded grin.
no one at work knew, he didn’t really know what they thought of him. his team knew he was too fine to not have anyone, so they figured he was just with some girls here and there. the last thing they expected was a child and a fiancé along with it. it never came up in conversation, but buck still didn’t bother. he didn’t want to face any judgement from people that he didn’t already get from his family. the constant scrutiny about his age and his girl was exhausting.
now, neither of them would’ve changed it for the world. buck can’t imagine himself happier or in a life without them. it hurts him to even consider what would happen if y/n and his little boy weren’t there. he always gazed at them playing, sometimes just wanting to observe their brilliance.
buck knew he would have to explain to his team that he’s married, and that doesn’t mean he’s ashamed. he wants the world to know, but he doesn’t want y/n to be hurt by opinions from other people. he didn’t realize how soon he would have to until the alarm rang and until dispatch came through with the address. it was their house. the house where buck and y/n raised their son and the one where either could be hurt. every single scenario waved over buck, making him panic more by the second.
“you good, kid?” bobby asks, taking note of his bouncing knee.
“uh.. yeah! yeah, i’m fine,” he lies. buck hasn’t been with them for more than a year, so they just pass it along, not knowing any better. buck climbs out of the truck, grabbing a few tools before sprinting toward the house. now, the teams more alarmed. what is it about this house is making him act like a maniac?
“y/n?” buck calls out, running around trying to find her.
“kitchen!” she yells out, sounded distressed which only makes buck move even quicker. when he walks in, he immediately notices her leaning over the sink, her hand in the disposal. bobby and the rest of his crew walk in behind him, the four of them standing in the kitchen staring at her. “well?”
“oh-“ bobby moves, starting to gather some more tools out of his bag.
“what the hell happened?”
“i dropped my ring down, and i was trying to make him lunch,” she nods to the baby, sitting on the floor happily, clearly having no idea what’s happening. “i don’t even know why i tried to grab it, like some idiot!”
“hey,” buck says, walking over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. “you’ll be fine, y/s/n is fine, yeah?” she looks up at him and nods, brushing her hair with her free hand.
“should we know the kids name too?” chim asks, giving buck a completely bamboozled expression. y/n passes buck the same face as hen walks over to check her hand. buck can’t get around it this time, and he wants them to know for once.
“um, guys,” he starts. “this is my fiancé, y/n and my son.”
“your what?” hen shouts, peeking her head out from behind y/n’s shoulder. she gives hen an awkward smile and buck stands there stiffly, worried about their reaction. everyone looks around at each other in shock that buck has his own family, and they didn’t even know.
“why didn’t you tell us?” bobby wonders.
“because i didn’t know how you’d react! i’ve heard it all from my parents, i didn’t need any more.”
“buck, we would’ve welcomed you no matter what your home life is. we’d love to get to know you and your family despite how it might’ve happened,” hen tells him, kindly. buck is confronted with immediate love, something he’s not to familiar with other than when his shifts end and he’s in y/n’s arms again. he’s surprised to say the least. he expected at lease some judgement, but there was nothing of the sort in the room.
“i’m thrilled you’re all having a nice moment here,” y/n interrupts. “but can we maybe get my hand out of my sink?”
buck and bobby pull the cabinets open and start drilling at the pipes underneath. buck secures the ring in his fingers before beaming up at y/n, showing her that he found it. “i got it!” he replies excitedly. “thank god, i don’t know if i have insurance for this thing. cost me my left leg,” he whispers to bobby. once they fully disconnect the system, hen slowly drags her bloody hand out and wraps it up. she hisses at the contact of the gauze and antiseptics. chimney starts to clean up the rest of the supplies, as hen treats the wound.
“so,” chimney begins. “when’s the wedding?”
“time and place, chim,” hen tells him. “time and place. but, yeah, are we invited?”
“yes,” buck says, obviously. “you’re invited.” he moves over to scoop his baby off the ground, carrying him over to his friends. they all speak to him in their little baby voices, and y/n watches with a shining smile on her face. buck knows he did the right thing, but he wishes he didn’t wait as long. now, he is certain that he has two solid families.
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starrvsn · 8 months
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𝟒𝟏𝟏. some of the ficitonal characters from the boys in the boat, reactions to you giving them flowers :)
STAR LEFT A MESSAGE! hi friends! i know i haven't posted in a while but i just recently watched the boys in the boat and i absolutely loved it! especially the cast, full of fine talented men- so here's a little something about them with more to come! if you have any requests or ideas about them please let me know!
INCLUDES ⠆joe rantz, don hume, bobby mach, george hunt and chuck day (just some of the characters im partially attached to…)
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after their first win of the season, you greet bobby with a bouquet of flowers themed after the school's colors— immediately giving him praise and compliments about their win today. you knew he had a rough past season with the last crew, now seeing him with a new crew he trusted, something he was so passionate about. you were excited for him!
when he asks where this all came from, you shrug the gesture off as if it was nothing. stating that the flowers just reminded you of him and just had to give them to him. a wide smile tugs on his lips as he accepts them, his hand caressing yours gently. he appreciated them more than you knew. pulling you close, he presses a kiss on the crown of your head. caring less about his damp uniform or the loud crowd around you, just you and him.
“thank you lovely, these are beautiful.”
he's absolutely speechless, it wasn't everyday a man would recieve flowers and don didn't think he would be one of them. his eyebrows jump to his hairline when he sees you at the entrance of the shell house with a bouquet of flowers in your hands. his breath hitches as he asks where you got them from and you reply kindly that they're for him, giving him a sweet smile which he returns. you wanted to congratulate him for making the team, it wasn't easy and all the effort he put in finally paid off. a faint blush falls on his cheeks as he takes them, a beautiful arrangement of daisy's and poppy's held by a piece of brown parchment. he takes your hand tugging you into a hug, squeezing you appreciatively. there weren’t enough words to describe how much he loved them,
"this bouquet might be just as pretty as you." now you blush, playfully slapping this arm as you continue to hold him close. he wanted to keep them alive for as long as he can and maybe get you a bouquet in return. later (few months) when he sneaks you into the dorms he see's the bouquet in a glass still thriving well, making your heart swell.
he's gotten several bouquets from several girls after winning gold in the olympics. he's received a many of gifts from different people but none of them felt as special as yours. when he saw you for the first time since their win in germany, you had planned to go out on a date to celebrate so when he comes to pick you up with his own bouquet in hand. imagine his surprise and delight when he sees you walk out of the building with your own bouquet in hand. he lets out a soft laugh in disbelief watching as you. a proud smile on your lips, almost skipping towards him.
"ever so original rantz?" you jokingly say, fiddling with the fabric of your dress. holding the flowers to him— they're almost identical to his except, he has your favorite flower in the bunch making your heart swell.
"i didn't know you were gonna get me flowers." he replies, ever so charming smile gracing his lips. you tell him you wanted to surprise him— a token of your appreciation for all that he's done, all the hard work he and all the other boys put in. he thanks you greatly, exchanging your bouquets. he presses a sweet, chaste kiss on your lips before interlocking hands and walking to your date destination.
george didn't really take mind to trivial things of interest like that, what his favorite flower was but he made a great deal to what yours were and he never missed the chance to give you flowers when he could— after any occasion he would give them to you. if you passed your exam or got into a fight, he'd get flowers to make it up to you. he didn't really expect to get his own flowers, as it really wasn't a thing.
so one day when practice was particularly grueling and draining, the last thing your boyfriend had expected was seeing you; with a small bouquet of flowers in your hands waiting outside the crews dorm. you were speaking with roger, keeping you company. "who are those for?" george announces himself, now standing between the two of you. you chuckle bidding roger goodbye as he leaves, now alone with your boyfriend— a timid smile forming.
"pretty flowers for a pretty boy." you proclaimed, holding out the bouquet to him. he huffs a laugh taking them carefully, admiring them. he raises a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, cradling your cheek— caressing it gently.
"these a perfect darling, just like you."
“a new admirer giving you flowers? giving me a run for my money?” chuck eyes the bouquet in your hands, noticing that there was none of your favorite flowers in them— what kind of admirer were they? you let out a soft giggle that sounds like music to his ears. he won't lie, a slight pang of jealousy hits him at the thought of another man giving you flowers but he'd ask you another day.
"no silly, they're for you." you reply, standing from the bench to give them to him. he lets out a small breath of relief, practically melting at the gesture. he takes a hand that was stuffed in his pocket to take the flowers from you, eyeing them carefully. you tell him that some of the flowers had meaning— like the red tulips and daisy's meaning love. his gaze softens as you continue to explain, a loving smile gracing his lips as he admires your face and the bouquet. lovingly, he plucks a flower from the bouquet and tucks it behind your ear
"you're so sweet you know that." his hand running down your arm, grasping your hand gently rubbing your knuckles. you almost swoon— tilting your head in admiration "well you deserve the best, i hope you know." he knows, with you around it's hard to forget.
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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newobsessionweekly · 1 year
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Evan “Buck” Buckley x fem!firefighter!reader
Fandom: 911
Fluff, smut
Summary: They have to shower after each of their firefighting operations and Y/n keeps catching Buck half-naked so often, that she asks herself if Buck specifically want Y/n to see him. And things heat up after a call.
Warnings: Probably poor quality smut, descriptive sex, mentions of blood, injuries.
Requested: No
Words: 1.8k
Requests are open for Buck / Eddie !
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Gif not mine, credits to the owner!
“Ok, but there’s two of us now, how come we have to share the same changing room with you guys ?” Y/n stops Eddie from babbling, tired of being afraid someone would peek at her naked body once she’d go out of the shower. Speaking of, just for the record, the shower is shared too.
“Come on, it’s not that bad. Hen’s been sharing changing room with guys for ages! And not only with us, dealt with worse!” Buck turns his head to stare at you out of those washed-out blue eyes while still chewing on his food.
You can’t lie, it didn’t bother you that much to share the locker room with the sexiest firefighters of LA, what really bothers you are the sneaky peak you and Buck been sharing.
Buck was some of the most wished-for firefighters in town and you can’t blame all the girls that are throwing at his feet. With those ocean blue eyes, one painted with that mysterious scar making girls wonder what’s the story behind that bravery and only after they go through his bed are served with the truth; it’s just a birthmark. His muscles are showing up in that uniform, popping out and taking any breath away in a shirt. And not to talk about the uniform. Anyone looks sexy in a uniform.
Leaving behind the looks, Buck is the most selfless person you’ve ever met in your life. He’d do anything to save every single one in a case, no matter is he’s crashed by a car, train, building or any other hard thing that could end his life on spot. He’s always ready to take that risk. You, on the other hand, are ready to follow the instructions.
He’s the most reckless person, but his heart’s so big it wouldn’t stop beating soon. And he knows that. His heart is not only beating for him, to keep him alive, it’s also beating for all the people out in the world that need help, that need him.
What really bothers you are not the looks he’s giving you with any chance, but the electricity you feel run down your spine every damn time he’s around you or even looking at you. His reputation isn’t a secret and all you wanna do is to avoid getting hurt.
You were zoned out for a while, playing with the food and ignoring all the voices around you. Only one stood up in the crowd and you’d recognise even in your sleep.
As alarm echoed through the station announcing a car crash with possible multiple injured, you sipped out of your coffee cup and jump into the paramedic ambulance.
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As you walk back into the station, covered in blood, you let the boys to take a shower first. You approach Buck, holding him back for an inspection.
“Could you be more reckless?” you hiss at him, looking down at his bruises and opened cut on his arm.
“I’m fine, Y/n. I just got the usual bruises.” you press a cold compress on his head before cleaning the cuts.
“And a concussion.” you rolled your eyes.
As he stood there, patiently waiting for you to get your job done, his blue eyes searched for your body. From head to toe, you are the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Smart too, very brave and bossy. Shame you didn’t want to stand up and ignore Bobby’s orders. You’d make a great team.
“You know I can take care of myself?” you did know that, what you didn’t know was why all of the sudden you decided to play the doctor on him.
You were scared when he jumped right in the middle of the flames to save a dog trapped inside a burning car. Your heart was racing like it would pop out of your chest any minute and your eyes filled with small tears. Just the smoke, you’d tell everyone.
When he returned safely with the small dog in his arms you could finally breathe out. All you wanted to do in that moment was to hug him and yell a little.
And yet, you didn’t know why your body would react that way.
“You’re all done right now. You should take a shower, you’re smelly.” he nodded.
“Thank you, doc!” he smiled.
You can’t help a smile, cheeks burning red. You liked that, all the funny names he called you all the time.
You made your way to the locker room, keeping your distance. Everyone was back in the kitchen upstairs, Eddie watching your moves. He could tell something’s going on between you two, all the looks, the way you’re inspecting Buck’s shirtless body, like you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
You remained in your underwear before heading to the showers. You really need to take off the blood. Hearing the water running down, violently hitting the floor, you soon realise it was coming from your usual shower spot, seeing Buck’s shape beautifully contouring on the curtain’s surface.
“You took my shower!” you screamed at him.
“Sorry, doc! Problems with the other ones. They’re out of service.” Buck pokes his wet haired head out. “But you’ll free to join me, if you can’t wait!” he winks.
You can’t wait, the cold air embraces your naked skin, sending shivers down your spine.
“Move!” you demand, joining Buck.
You were full grownups after all, a shower isn’t that big of a deal. You’ve seen him half-naked countless of times before and you suspect he’d seen you as well.
Hot water pouring down your body felt like heaven. Warmth hugging you as perfect as this moment was, not minding Buck’s glancing down at your side.
You peak at him, causing your body to burn up in excitement. Every inch of you desired to be touched and you finger tips aches to trace the shape of him. To help him get rid of the dirt, of course.
His hand touches your arm, cleaning the wound you’ve won yourself today.
“You’re injured.” Buck whispered, so close to you now, can feel the warmth of his freshly minted breath.
“Just a cut, I’ll live.” you joke. Looking up at him, water was framing his face so sinfully. You watched a small thread of water paint his nose, those red juicy lips, then going down his chest, stopping at the lower part of his abdomen. Your eyes locked on his erection, and your hands caressing up and down his worked arms.
Buck cupped your cheeks, locking his gaze in yours. Forehead touching, he searched for your permission before hungrily brushing your lips together.
You splay your hands across Buck’s chest as he swirls his tongue around yours. He got you already high over his touch, but the kissing in out of this world.
He press you gently on the cold wall, water still flowing down over both of you, sneaking under your touch. Your body trembles as his hands wanders up and down, memorising your curves. He stops for a moment over your breasts, caressing one by one very carefully, like he would want to remember their shape. You racked your nails through his messy wet hair and down across his back, his lips escaping a little needy moan.
Buck pauses, lips barely touching, taking his time to look in your eyes as his hand went down. “You’re so beautiful!” You breathe the same air, you share the same desire. He admires your intoxicating beauty while shoving his hand between your legs, making you break eye contact and throw your head in pleasure back into the wall.
His lips ghosts over your neck and your fingers lightly run over his abs and down to his erection. Buck kisses you hard, like his life depends on it, like he’s addicted to your touch and wants to feel your name on his skin a whole lifetime from now on.
Moans and desire flying in the air, Buck plays with your wetness before he impatiently lifts your hips up, forcing you to hook your legs around his waist. You hold on into his shoulders, closing the distance between you, he pulled your hips up and down, setting a peace as he buried inside you.
Sinking into him, digging your fingers into Buck’s shoulder, the rhythm became incoherent as both of your bodies burned in indescribably pleasure. You want him as much as he wants you.
The Earth stops spinning and the whole world evolves around you two. That moment is about you and Buck, covered in exultation and savoury. You feel his pulse inside, fire pooling low in your abdomen, waiting for Buck to put it out for you.
He run his tongue over where your lips meet, your eyes running back in delight as your moans melts together under your kiss. A spring coiling tightly and then being release, both of you dissolving into pleasure under the hot warm water spreading your love into the air.
You stayed there, in that sweet embrace minutes before one of you could do something. You enjoyed the moment and rested on Buck’s arms, tears of joy welting with the water caressing your bodies. Buck didn’t want to let you go, afraid you’d disappear as soon as his eyes would open. Instead, he inhales your smell, so unforgettable. He’s convinced it’ll haunt his mind, his dreams, countless days from now on and he’s sure as hell he doesn’t want to forget any second you spent in that shower.
“I’m glad you came back safely today.” you murmured into the base of his neck, your fingers still lightly tracing his shape.
“Will always come back in one piece to you.” he answers, placing a soft kiss on your wet hair.
You raise your head, searching his beautiful eyes. Buck can’t help a smile, seeing you so vulnerable before him, still trusting him enough to let him admire you like that. He locked you lips again, this time so soft, afraid he’ll hurt you with just a touch. You melt on him with every touch.
“We should go back.” you broke the silence.
“Yeah, we should.” he agrees. “I’ll go first, take your time.” he kissed your cheek and disappeared behind the curtain.
When you returned to the kitchen, everyone was eating one of Bobby’s delicious meals. You grab yourself a plate and sat across Buck, avoiding his sight, afraid you’ll lose your sanity. You’re smelling like Buck and sex combined, the best combination you’ve ever smelled.
He locked your eyes and you both smiled like idiots, still drunk over the moment happened in shower, just minutes before, a few feet away from everyone else. But you don’t care, it was your moment.
“Don’t really wanna know what happened back there, you idiots! Stop devouring each other at table!” Chim jokes as your cheeks burn red again.
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heaartzzforcupidzz · 3 months
can you do catnap x reader smut with breeding kink and catnap going *feral* when reader says they want to have his kittens??
“Found you.”
Warning(s): smut, short story.
you were a new critter and nobody really talked to you except Bobby, Dogday, and Catnap but he only really came out at night.
Once the ‘scientists’ finally made your section that’s where you usually could be found. You were a mouse critter, centered around hiding. the kids loved to play hide and seek with you and so did, catnap.
Speaking of that, you were currently hiding as well as all the other children and Catnap had volunteered to find you all. It was quiet, almost too quiet. You had came out to check what was happening but upon getting out, there was Catnap. Just standing there.
“Found you.”
you tried to run away and make it to base but catnap had already grabbed you by your tail. He pulled you backwards and between his legs. His cock resting right above your cunt. You squeaked as he slid his cock over your slit after unzipping you. “ready?”
you were a moaning, crying mess as his cock rearranged your insides. His balls slapping against your ass as his hips worked themselves back n forth. His thrusts were vicious and determined. Like he had some type of goal. “Ah.. mouse.” He groaned as he felt himself nearing.
“Oh fuck, fuck- nap, give me your kittens~!!” You mewled out shamelessly. you were abit confused when his thrusts slowed and his ears went down abit. He stared at you for a moment before putting you on your hands and knees. Face down, ass up.
You were about to ask what was wrong but your words were cut short as he started to manhandle you. Like you were some kind of toy. “You want my kittens? I’ll make sure to give em all to you, pretty.”
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typicalopposite · 4 months
And so maybe I have been thinking a lot about the clipboard!118 proposal… and looking at it from the other side of things.
Tommy has had the ring a couple months now. He maybe, sorta, kinda impulsively bought it after their last date left him 100% sure Evan was the one. He just hasn’t figured out how to go about popping the question.
Logically he knows he could just casually ask him over a morning coffee, and Evan would be as speechless and emotional as if it were the most extravagant proposal to ever be proposed. But as much as Tommy would prefer a more casual approach, he still wants it to be something special. He wonders what would be most special to Evan.
And then the idea comes so easy.
The 118.
He goes to Eddie, spins the idea of getting everyone to help with the proposal. Eddie thinks it’s an amazing idea and he FaceTimes Hen and Chim to share the idea. Hen is the one to suggest the clipboard. Tommy has questions, but they all just vaguely insist its an inside joke that he will definitely get and Tommy leaves it at that.
He goes to Bobby and Athena’s next. Bobby isn’t Buck’s dad — Tommy has already set aside a day to speak with him and Buck’s mom regardless of the tension in theirs and Buck’s relationship — but he is extremely important to Buck and Tommy (hell anyone who watches their interactions) can see the feeling is mutual. Bobby couldn’t give his blessing fast enough.
The day comes and Eddie is off to start what will be a chain reaction of Buck being bounced around from person to person. After Hen takes him from Maddie and Chim’s, Tommy comes out from the room he’d been hiding in to ride with them to the station.
“You ready?” Chim asks, eyes turning soft as he straightens Tommy’s tie.
“Of course,” Tommy replies. He is, he really is. Maybe more than he has been for anything else in his life, ever.
“You got the ring?”
“Right here.” Tommy pulls the box out of his pocket.
“Is the ring in it?” Chimney asks, face now serious.
“Uhhh… yeah, it should be,” Tommy laughs.
“Have you checked…”
Tommy blinks, but Chim’s eyes are focused on the box. Tommy opens it and reveals the band inside.
Chim’s face softens once again, a big smile spreading across it and he pats Tommy on the shoulder. “Alright then… let’s go get you engaged.”
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