#best golf shirts for hot weather
missnxthingg · 8 months
pairing: Lando Norris x gf!reader (secret dating & childhood best friends to lovers) summary: Lando Norris and (Y/N) just started their relationship after years being best friends, but they are afraid that making things public might ruin what they worked so hard to build (based on 'I Know Places' by Taylor Swift) words: 3.8K - warnings: a few swear words and pure fluff! author's notes: Back into the fanfiction world, this time stepping into my newest obsession: F1. I hope you enjoy this new era!
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You stand with your hand on the waistline. It's a scene and we're all here in plain sight. I can hear them whisper as we pass by. It's a bad sign.
(Y/N) didn't know what was happening to her body. Maybe it was the hot weather in Monaco for the race weekend, or the small amount of breakfast she had before leaving the house. But every inch of her being was tingling, and it felt weird being under her skin. Out of all the times she had ever stepped into a Formula One paddock, this was the first one she ever felt like she was about to faint. After all, everyone was onto to find out her little secret.
Lando Norris, her best friend since she was only four, was at the McLaren garage when she arrived with all of his other friends. He was just doing his job; talking to sponsors and being the sunshine boy he has always been, making a good impression on people that needed to be impressed by him. But the conversation between Zac Brown and one of his team’s investors was long forgotten when his eyes spotted (Y/N) in the middle of the crowd.
She was simply walking alongside Max and his girlfriend, Pietra, when their eyes crossed in the paddock. Lando cracked the biggest smile and fixed his eyes on hers for a second, only to get his attention called by Zac again. He was soon dragged into the conversation again, only to be dismissed a few seconds later. Then, he played a whole scene, worthy of a goodman Oscar film.
The wind was blowing on his hair as he paraded towards her in the paddock, his curls moving beautifully with the pace. His hands were resting on his waistline, one of them sneaking under his McLaren shirt. She always thought he looked beautiful in his work attired, but damn it, this time Lando looked flawless in them. He had a soft smile resting on his lips and he could feel the heart beating out of his chest, wanting to jump onto (Y/N) from the second he saw her. Yet, he played it cool for the entire walk towards her. Nobody could know about them.
At that point, it had been three months and a couple of weeks since Lando and (Y/N) had finally got together after years of unconditional love and pinning after the other. They had met at a very early age, when their fathers used to golf at the same field every Saturday morning, and had been best friends ever since. After a while, they just couldn’t deny that their friendship had become something else, after years of her coming to all of his races in karting, F3 and, later on, F1. After all the times he rooted for her in university and had taken care of her when things got too rough. They just couldn’t deny they were in love with each other.
But Lando’s experiences with public relationships hadn’t been exactly… pleasant. So they both agree, after much talk, to keep it a secret from everyone to not ruin anything between them. This was too precious, and delicate, to have the bad energy bring them down right at the beginning of things. And ever since then, they had been so good at doing so. Yet, his fans had caught that something had shifted in the long term friendship. So now, they had to be very, extremely, careful.
“Took you too long”, he commented, shrugging as he stood right in front of (Y/N).
“Max was really enjoying the courtesy breakfast from the hotel”, she smiled at him, looking at his face right through her lashes. Lando just couldn’t help it, thinking she looked too cute, and he wrapped his arms around her, face burying in the crook of her neck.
“I’m glad you’re here”, he kept his voice low, only for her to hear it.
“Always”, she sneaked a kiss on his cheek before he moved onto talking to Max and Pietra.
Lando has showed affection for (Y/N) so many times before, with the hugs and tiny kisses here and there, but everybody knew it was different this time. Maybe it was the long starings or how they’d linger longer on the hugs. Or maybe it was him wanting to be around her every second he could. But the gossip social media pages and the whispers were getting louder. (Y/N) noticed it when they walked towards the McLaren motorhome, one of his hands soft resting in the middle of her back.
“Did you see that?” One girl whispered to her friend as she passed by, but (Y/N) couldn’t listen to the reply. All the whispers were deafening, and she wanted to scream. They weren’t a good sign.
Something happens when everybody finds out. See the vultures circling, dark clouds. Love’s a fragile little flame, it could burn out.
When Lando finally closed the doors to his driver room, (Y/N) felt the weight being lifted from her shoulders. She audibly sighed, and her boyfriend looked at her in worry. For a second, they looked at each other and laughed at their situation. They were damned.
“They are 100% onto us”, (Y/N) whined and Lando agreed with a nod, before pulling his girl for a hug. “Shit, we were doing so great with the hiding. I thought it was really going to last”.
“My fans should be hired as private investigators, I swear to God”, he joked before pulling her face up for a kiss. “Didn’t get a good morning one when I woke up”.
“Well, I can’t help it if you’re an early bird”, she giggled, leaving countless small pecks on his lips again. “I was tired from last night”.
“I finish you off just good, didn’t I?” He cheekily smirked before turning to his closet, pulling the fireproof undergarments he was required to wear before the suit. 
“I didn’t need to know that”, Max commented as he opened the door and quickly was scoffed by Lando.
“Didn’t invite you to the conversation, mate. Get the fuck off my room!” Lando joked, but Max still found his spot on the couch. Pietra came in a few seconds later, settling close to (Y/N) just so they could laugh at the boys.
“We came in to say good luck on the race”, Pietra said, pulling Lando for a quick hug. “We know we’re late and that you need a moment with our girl. But just wanted to wish you the best”.
“She came to wish you the best. I came for the A/C”, Max joked, closing his eyes with the nice temperature of the room. Lando threw a cushion at him, making everyone laugh. Their brotherhood was the best. “But you know, we’ll be rooting for you and shit”.
“I know, mate”, Lando held his hand out to Max, who got up with his friends help. Even though they banter all the time, the boys hugged and smiled with their interaction. Just like (Y/N), Max had been there for Lando for as long as he could remember. 
“We’ll let you alone with your lucky charm”, Max winked at (Y/N), who smiled widely at him.
They had barely closed the door when Lando attacked his girlfriend’s lips once again. (Y/N) was taken by surprise when she got lifted off the floor once again, but quickly melted into the kiss, slowing the speed down just to the soft pace that she liked.
“Easy there”, she said against his lips.
“My lucky charm”, he said back, not stopping the kiss for a single second. “Gonna make me get a podium just by being here. I got pole yesterday just because of you”.
“That’s what I’m talking about”, she smiled, breaking the kiss apart to speed him up. “Come on, you need to get dressed”.
“Wanna see me naked that badly?”, he joked, taking off his shirt to start changing into his race attired.
“I don’t need that. I already saw it last night”, she winked and Lando melted, bursting into laughing.
“I love you because we have the same sense of humour”, he took off his trousers, giving his girlfriend the view he knew she wanted to see.
“Well, but it’s never a bad sight to see”, (Y/N) smiled. Behind closed doors, it was so easy for them to be a couple. Her heart felt safe and it was like no one in the world could harm them. But anxiety always gets the best of her. One moment she was laughing and joking, and the other she was on the verge of hyperventilation.  
Lando noticed it, though. “What’s wrong with you?”, he sat next to her, only wearing his underwear, when he saw the quick change of humour on his girl. From the very first moment he laid her eyes on her in the paddock, he could sense she was off.
“I love you so much, you know?” (Y/N) let a tear fall down for relief, and Lando quickly wiped it off with his thumb. “I don’t want them to ruin what we have”.
“They won’t ruin this, I promise you”, he pressed a long kiss to her cheekbone and she spilled a few more salty tear, they met his lips in seconds. “You’re safe inside my heart”.
“I can just see them ruining this for us, you know? The public”, she admitted. “The whispers and the blurry distanced images on social media. The comments.”
“I told you not to read the comments, baby”, Lando shook his head in disapproval and (Y/N) shrugged. “My love, this thing between us has been here for years. If everybody finds out, I will do everything that I can to protect you and what we have, okay? Don’t worry about it”.
“Okay”, she replied, hugging him once again. “I love you, Lan”.
“I love you too. So much”, he admitted, kissing the crown of her head.
Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes and guns. They are the hunters, we are the foxes. And we run.
Before he went on to continue with his pre-race routine, Lando stayed in his room for a while longer, just letting his girlfriend hold him for a little while. He was fucking terrified of the Monaco Grand Prix, specially because the race was very tricky; a driver against track kind of race. So having his girl alongside him calmed his heart. He had pole position. He was going to make it all worth it.
“Remember that I’m always with you”, she kissed him again before they got out of the room.
All Lando wanted to do was hold her hand until he was required to be inside his car, but since their situation was delicate and everyone already thought they were together, he just couldn’t risk it. So he held her hand for as long as he could, but had to let it go by the time they got close to the sea of photographers, all waiting for the pilots. (Y/N) stayed behind, ready to meet Max and Pietra to watch the race from the hospitality. He got one last look at her, who waved at him, giving a shot of confidence to his body. He could do it. And most importantly, he was going to give everything to bring this win to his girl.
Max quickly found (Y/N) lost between the crowd and pulled her to sit with all of Lando’s friends. The race was about to start, and the cars would be out at any second now. And yet, all she could think of was a group of people, sitting right behind her, and whispering while staring at her back. Annoyed, she turned around and squinted her eyes at them, making the group shut up. They were one hundred percent talking about Lando and her; it was visible because of the way they stared at her wrist, with one of his bracelets shinning brightly for the whole world to see. She brought it up to her hand, holding the number 4 charm between her fingers. It would be fine.
“I know why you’re like this for the entire morning”, Max whispered close to her ear. “Don’t worry about people. He loves you so much. Nothing bad is going to happen”.
“Yeah, I know that”, she nodded at him. “I love him so much too”.
(Y/N) let go of the bracelet, only to hold Max’s hands. They had been best friends too for the longest time. So after Lando, he was the one who provided her so much comfort and safety. Pietra did too, so it was nice when she left her post next to her boyfriend to hug (Y/N). 
Baby, I know places we won’t be found. And they’ll be chasing their tails trying to track us down. Cause I know places we can hide.
Lando wasn’t a great fan of alcohol, but the taste of champagne on his lips after finishing P2 in Monaco felt so good. A weight taken off his shoulders to have finished on the podium. It wasn’t a win, but it was definitely the best result he had in his mind. “I’m just glad I finished the race”, he thought.
Staring down the podium, he found his girlfriend standing so excitedly for him, jumping up and down with the result. And as if it was possible, his smile widened at the sight and he shook the bottle to splash just enough to reach her downstairs. He was so happy. Genuinely happy, on top of the world, and no one was going to bring him down.
The post race interviews were taking too long for him, who desperately wanted to celebrate with his team, his friends and (Y/N). But when his PR team finally called him back to the garage, he went rushing to see the people he adored the most. He hugged a few people from his team as he arrived, and Max was the first friend he found and shared a long hug. From over his bestie’s shoulders, he spotted (Y/N) standing behind, with proud tears brimming her eyes and a big smile painted on her face. Lando immediately let go off Max and pulled his girlfriend just to hold her for a few seconds.
They could hear the cameras clicking around them and the people calling Lando, but he was in a trance. When (Y/N) was there, it was like the entire world didn’t exist. He was P2 in Monaco; the race that stresses him out so much from the very early moments of his career. And his girlfriend, the person he loved the most in the world since he was a little kid, was there to celebrate it with him. Life couldn’t get any better.
“My boy”, she whispered in his ear, her mouth very well hidden between them so no one could read her lips. “I’m so proud of you. I love you so much”.
“Thank you for being here. I love you more, baby”, his lips were also hidden, and it pained him that he just couldn’t openly say those words to her. “I can’t wait to kiss you, oh my God. I’m going insane”.
“Just a few more minutes”, she held his face between her hands and pressed a kiss to his cheek before giving space for other friends to talk to him.
Zac Brown took the longest time with Lando, giving him the post race pep talk he always needed. And by the end of it, at the rush of the moment, he admitted his new relationship to his boss, who laughed at the admission.
“I knew you were head over heels for this girl”, Zac said, giving Lando a few taps on the shoulder. 
“We’re just keeping it a secret, between the closest friends, so nobody can ruin it”, Lando added to his confession. “But, yeah, (Y/N) is my dream girl and you know me. Can’t keep shit from anyone. I just wanted you to know”.
“Go celebrate it with her! You still have a few hours until we fly to Spain for the next race. Take her somewhere nice”.
“Where? This whole city is crowded with paparazzi and cameras. I just can’t risk it, Zac”.
“I know a place you can take her”.
Lights flash and we’ll run for the fences. Let them say what they want, we won’t hear it. Loose lips sink ships all the damn time. Not this time.
His driver room was getting too small to fit his love for (Y/N), and Lando felt like those four walls would eventually burst from the flames of his heart. He was getting irritated by having to hide it from everyone. But having her holding him and pressing delicate kisses to his face made him feel like everything was going to be just fine.
“I want to go out to celebrate it with you. Properly, as boyfriend and girlfriend”.
“Very funny, Lan”, she crossed her arms and he arched his brows at her attitude. “If you can magically find a public place, we can just be boyfriend and girlfriend without the prying eyes, I’ll gladly let you take me there”.
“Lucky for you, I have the best boss in the world.”
The paddock was absolute mayhem after the race, specially the bridge that connects it to the marina, where all the boats were anchored for the weekend. Lando tried to be subtle with (Y/N), not holding her hand as they walked in public, but after almost losing her among the people and the cameras flashing on his eyes. With much effort, he found her hands and laced them together, just so they wouldn’t get lost.
“Lando, what are you doing? People will see us”.
“Let them say what they want. I don’t fucking care”, he tightened his hold on her hand and dragged her to the marina. There were a lot of parties happening around the docks, with people enjoying their time post race to get drunk with other millionaires, who travelled all the way to Monaco for the luxury of the weekend. (Y/N) was actually very confused with where they were going.
“Why are we here?” She frowned, but he ignored, too busy looking for Zac around the place. His boss was waiting next to the boat, talking to the people who take care of his boat. A smile flashed on Lando’s face when he saw that everything was already arranged perfectly for him.
“Lando! (Y/N)! It’s all nice and ready for you”, Zac smiled at the girl, taking her hand to shake. “I talked to the commander, they are going to take you to a private place and I made sure they had a nice dinner prepped for you two, okay?”
“You’re the best, Zac. Thank you so much”, Lando hugged his boss and then let it go to help his girlfriend get into the boat. “And please delay my flight for another day, boss!”
“I’ll try my best, kid”
Lando and (Y/N) hid inside the boat while it shipped away from the shore. They were served with champagne as they waited for their getaway. Their boat was very tiny compared to the other ones that were anchored for the race weekend, but it was enough for a couple getaway for the night. Zac probably paid the team to keep their mouth shut and, that way, they could enjoy being together outside his flat for once.
“Okay, this is perfect”, she giggled, pressing a kiss to Lando’s collarbone, exposed by his button-up shirt. “God, today was so stressful for me. I’m actually tired”.
“Oh, me too”, he giggled. “I mean, I’m getting tired of all the hiding. Kind of want to go around screaming that I have the best girl in the world as my girlfriend”.
“Lando, we talked about this”. (Y/N) was afraid of the response she would get once they were public. If there’s someone who was going to suffer the consequences, it would be her. She would have to deal with the comments and the bad shit from the internet; not him.
“Loose lips sink ships”, he quoted the words his girlfriend said a few weeks before. “Not this time, okay? I won’t let people do this to you”.
Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it, my love. They are the hunters, we are the foxes. And we run. 
Enjoying this night with each other had been a dream come true. The peace, the quietness and the privacy from the ocean was everything they need. Somehow it gave them hopes that, even though it was hard, everything was going to be alright. After having dinner, prepared by the boat’s chef, they decided to enjoy some alone time out on the boat.
Lando took some amazing pictures of (Y/N) on the boat and they had a really fun time doing a small photoshoot. They pushed each other playfully and threw compliments that easily heated up each other’s cheeks. Not to mention the funny faces she did for the camera, making him think he couldn’t love her more. She was it for him.
“I hate being a broken record, but I do think your fans are on the verge of finding out about us”, (Y/N) broke the silence between them, that was filled by soft music they put on for their small photoshoot. “I mean, right now, I can just see their miraculous minds creating theories of why we left holding hands today. Or why did you linger longer while hugging me after the race”.
“Do you trust me?” Lando put his hand out for her and she laced their fingers together, as a silent ‘yes’ for her boyfriend. “You need to stop thinking that going public is an absolute nightmare scenario, alright?”
“I’m overreacting, aren’t I?”, she scrunched her nose and sighed. “I know. It’s just, I don’t know how you deal with the fame. It feels like we’re foxes and they are hunters, trying to catch us all the damn time”.
“Then we’ll keep running from them for as long as we need to”, Lando promised, pulling her closer to hug her.
(Y/N) took a moment to admire her boyfriend’s beauty. Her head resting on his shoulder and fingers trying to touch every inch of the skin of his face. “I’m so lucky to have you, Lan. It makes me feel so stupid that I waited too long to say that I loved you for the first time”.
“Well, I’m the luckiest too”, he said with the most beautiful smile on his face. “Without your endless support, and the love you sent me all day, I wouldn’t have performed so well today. Or any other day in my career. It doesn’t matter if you only get to kiss me now. You’ve been the most amazing person in my life for years now. I’m so glad I have you, (Y/N)”.
“I promise we don’t have to keep this a secrecy for much longer, okay?”, she rubbed circles on his cheekbone and looked between his eyes. 
“We’ll run for as long as you need us to. And when you’re ready, the whole world will know how much I love you. I swear to God, I’ll buy thousands of drones to write a message in the sky just so everyone can know how much I love you”, he joked, making (Y/N). “But while you’re not ready, I know places we can hide”.
Baby, I know places we won’t be found. And they’ll be chasing their tails trying to track us down. Cause I know places we can hide. I know places…
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author's note: I don't have a taglist for F1 yet, so feel free to add yourself for future work! Hope to see you around soon. Come chat with me about the teams, I promise I'm nobody's hater on the grid.
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copperbadge · 11 months
Lying in bed this morning, working on a bit in the novel about defining "shoulder season" for the reader, I realized what my personal aesthetic is currently: Tourist Gothic.
Tourist Gothic as a fashion statement is based on the following precepts.
1. Comfort. Comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing is rarely glamorous, but I'm not here to win Drag Race. I'm on vacation and wearing what best combines 'I like how I look in this so you don't have to' with 'I can wander around a strange place for hours.' If everyone you meet is someone you'll never see again, their opinion of you is irrelevant.
2. Loudness. My traveling companions need to be able to spot me easily. A bright floral print or a weird hat is just the thing. (Protip if you like me are prone to wandering away from the group, a really weird hat is the best way to make sure they can find you. I have a newsboy cap with wings sewn onto it for just such a purpose.)
3. Delight. Where else but on vacation can I wear my Costco Hot Dog t-shirt? On vacation it's appropriate whether I'm at a sausage sizzle, a football match, or an art museum.
4. Utility. If I have to, I can wash my entire wardrobe in a hotel room sink. The socks can be soaked and frozen in a plastic bag to use as an ice pack. Everything has pockets and nothing hurts.
5. Sincerity. Nothing a tourist wears is worn ironically. Commitment to the bit must be total.
The central precept of the look is that one is too concerned with both comfort and adventure to conform to dress code. I don't want to blend in, I want you to take me to the best local cuisine you have and overcharge me for it. I am here to admire your architecture and support your economy. Now just apply all that to everyday life, and boom. Tourist Gothic.
If you're wondering how this differs from everyday Dad Wear, your average Tourist Goth has slightly higher emotional investment in sandals and sunscreen and a lower commitment to belts overall.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk, so glad to see so many of you are wearing golf shorts.
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kyletogaz · 12 days
what do you think kyle would wear when he's on leave? 🥺 i feel like our pretty boy would be the best dressed out of everyone
so i did this by season bc i’m extra
- winter, you’ll see him in sweaters with some nice trousers (maybe jeans, khakis, etc), cardigans over his long sleeved tops, puffer jacket, timbs, the sweatpant/sweatshirt combo.
- spring, he’ll wear windbreakers, joggers, track suits (or just the pants), henleys, short sleeved shirts if the weather is good for it. i think he’d look cute in one of those thin hoodie shirts.
- summer, he’s in hoochie daddy shorts and tank tops, with the occasional crop top. it’s crazy how many pairs of those shorts he has in closet tbh. he’ll also wear basketball shorts with a pair of slides if he doesn’t feel like dressing up (it’s hot ass hell, who are we looking cute for)
- fall, he wears turtlenecks (always has a chain on when he wears them), combat boots (he has a fav pair of docs), hoodies, sweatpants, jeans, a peacoat, yes he owns a pair of chelsea boots
- for special outings, kyle loves to wear silk shirts, fitted trousers, a nice tux with cufflinks, blazers. and you know he loves a good button down when he’s going out. he also likes to dress like he’s going golfing sometimes (he’s not even doing that, he hates golf)
- jewelry wise, i see him wearing flashy things, things that sparkle & glint when it catches in the light.
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samiwife · 1 year
Hi again can you do Headcanons and Preferences for Julian Casablancas ? I never found nothing about him, I would really love + the way you think and write it's perfect!
Of course! I love doing these. By far my favorite things to write! Also thanks for the support and request!!!! <3
Headcanon and Preferences 𓆩⟡𓆪 (Ft: Julian Casablancas)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
Always sings for you
Tries to take you on tour but you always say no
Playing with his hair is a constant
You wear his leather jackets
He always wraps his arms around you
He's unbelievably funny
He's also very wise and mindful
You could talk to him for HOURS
Sleeps face down like a corpse (haha, I'M SORRY)
He's insecure about his lips (thinks they're too thin)
He always snuggles his head in your chest
You make fun of his style a lot
Gets jealous easily
Pouts when he's jealous
He doesn't know it but he has MUSCLES
Radiates gentlemen vibes
Does everything for you like opening car doors, carrying you to bed, etc
He makes funny faces when alone with him
Speaks so many languages
Loves touring
Eats so little (it concerns you)
He drinks and smokes (which you hate)
Wears nice black boots with tank tops
When he wears belts, it kills you
Chugs energy drinks
Draws a lot but also writes song lyrics a lot
His smile is everything
Flirts with his fans
Has the funniest stares when he looks at you
You sometimes help dye his hair
Very medium-sounding moans during sex
HOWEVER, he is very good at doing oral
His tongue is a skill
Him fingering you drives you crazy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He sings when he's alone
Gets slightly embarrassed when you hear him sing
Has a lot of vintage music stuff like a CD player and records
Would wear fake mustaches to make you laugh
He loves to make you smile or laugh
Holds your hand when you're scared
Piggyback rides are common
He may be insecure about his lips but he is a good kisser
Loves eating dessert
Would choose sweets rather than an actual meal
Loves comedy films and watches them with you all the time
Hates studying and books (thinks they're for nerds)
Also hates going shopping but does it for you
He can be very mean sometimes
He makes fun of you like how you make fun of him
Playfully pushes you and hits you
Always fake cry when you slightly hit him
He always wears funny T-shirts
Also loves Disney movies
Has an undying love for Mickey Mouse (LMAO)
Makes his own loom bracelets
You mock him for having a shirt that looks like a mechanic would wear
His morning voice is so hot
Rides his bike but he sometimes falls off it
Great with babies but terrible with kids
He tries to act like an older brother in front of kids
He acts like a father with babies
Overpacks while traveling
His nails are always clean and neat
Has crooked teeth but it's okay
For some odd reason, he loves playing golf
Hates cold weather
Always looks like a grandma when the weather is cold
He gets sick easily
You steal his necklaces and bracelets
His favorite vacation spot is NYC
Speaks fluent French
Speaks French to confuse you
He's kinda dumb but you always teach him
He loves music class
Has strong political views
Loves learning about philosophy
Loves learning about space and planets
Has glow in the dark stars around his bedroom
Has the weirdest decorations in his room like a rocksalt lamp and stalker-like pictures of you
His favorite animals are lizards
He tries to skateboard but he keeps falling
Lastly, he kisses you a lot on the lips, cheek, chest, and much more. He also tries his best to make a better life for you. He talks about marriage a lot with you.
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lyrenminth · 1 year
Golf lessons
"No, no like that" you clenched your jaw after hearing Justin's voice. He was irritated, you were irritated. His perfectionism made him go further and try his best. You loved it, just not so much when he applied it to you. "Justin, I am holding it the way you say it" He had his arms crossed, making him look buffier and stronger. You got the idea of learning golf, but you were bad at it. Justin was trying to teach you, but most time you just ended up arguing. He was usually patient and collected. Usually. "No, you don't" You left the golf stick and sighed. "I need a rest" You pass him and went to the golf cart, looking for shade. He joined you a bit later. "You need to practice more, you are improving" he put his golf stick in the bag. He was wearing a white cap, and his Nike clothes as usual. The dirty blond hairs stick out from the cap. He needed a haircut. You sighed, looking at the green fields. The weather was nice, not so hot. "You are a bad teacher" you mumbled. He snorted. "Do you think so?" "Hot, but grumpy" you declared. He grinned. When Justin smiled at you, your heart would jump a heartbeat. You felt better, knowing he wasn't mad at you. You were irritated, but not mad either. "Can we get an ice cream or something?" you asked. "We haven't finished" "I finished" You looked at each other in silence. Your boyfriend was cute. "Blue is your color, baby" you said, referring to his shirt  "make your eyes bright and beautiful, like the ocean" He rolled his eyes and blushed like a little kid. "Don't" You laughed. He got closer, and push you aside to take the steering wheel. "No! I wanted drive" you complained. "Never" "Are you scared we ended up in a pond?" "I am more scared you roll over someone" you friendly pushed him, and he barely moved. He glanced at you and put your cap correctly on your head. "Very pretty" he said before looking forward. "Where are we going?" "There is a restaurant in the club" he explained "they have ice cream and other types of foods" "So, is this a date?" "Babe, we are married" "Married people have dates" Before arriving at the club, you made him stop the car. No one was around, so you took your chance. He frowned at you, waiting. "Give me a kiss so I know you are not mad" He looked at your lips. "I am not angry or mad" "But you don't wanna kiss me?" He looked around, looking for people when everything was clear he leaned to kiss you. You took off your cap, to kiss him deeper. Your hands went to his face, pulling him closer. You broke the kiss, feeling lightheaded. "I love your kisses" you whispered, recovering your breath. "I love you" he said in return. You were happy to know, he wasn't angry.
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my-wayward-son · 1 year
Trans truths #5
It’s often the clothes that count most for validation and passing.
This tip, though primarily a clothing, touches on many other subjects. Feel free to send an ask if you’d like more information on something. I do intend to circle back around with some other posts addressing the other stuff. The idea with these posts is to give you info in small bites.
So— A major thing that comes along with starting T is… sweat. Your face, your back, and anywhere skin touches skin (or when skin touches a medical device, such as a feeding tube, insulin patch, prosthetic silicone sleeve, etc.).
When purchasing a new wardrobe, focusing on light fabrics, wick-away materials, and affordable quality goods is the way to go.
Here are my shopping secrets:
Cotton t-shirts—you will need a ton of them, even if your closet is already stocked. Changing shirts multiple times a day is not only ok, but also beneficial to keeping your body bacteria/acne free. I know I’m a little high-brow when it comes to labels, but I put my trust in Abercrombie and it’s brother-brand Hollister. Quality is great, most basic T-shirts are 100% cotton, and there are numerous basic fits (crew, v-neck, henley…) to suit your preferences. The basics frequently appear in the clearance section at about half price from the new collection, so they’re often surprisingly affordable. You can order up to 10 of the same item at a time, so if you find your wonder-fit, you can stock up.
Shorts and sweats— I recommend wearing shorts as often as possible. If they’re not your thing, consider at least wearing them at home for the sake of comfort. Old Navy’s Breathe On collection is my go-to for shorts and athletic pants. The athletic pants fall like Addidas new material trousers (the ones with the side stripes). The shorts are a 9” inseam (I think, based on how they fall on me), set with an elastic waist with a drawstring, and made of the softest blend of new materials I have ever felt in my life. Seriously, their quality rivals LuluLemon and other high end brands. Not only is the fabric soft as a cloud, but it’s incredibly thin, and still extremely opaque. A couple caveats: These are definitely athletic style. The price and color availability varies wildly depending on the season (up to $30 regular price and as low as under $10 when on sale). Be careful to purchase from the adult men’s section; the children’s section also has Breathe On items, but they are extremely poor quality. No idea why.
Hoodies— The best I’ve found is the Alternative Eco Zip Lightweight Hoodie, which is available on Amazon at this link: Alternative Men's Eco Zip Lightweight Hoodie https://a.co/d/dUCmpwt . They vary in price from $40 to under $20, depending on the size and color availability, but these hoodies are absolute life savers. They’re a cotton and new material blend that is both super soft and very thin, making them a go-to for fall and spring weather. They’re so light and comfy that they can be worn in hot weather too, for buildings with extreme air conditioning and situations with a lot of sunlight exposure (they’re not UPF, but opaque enough to keep you covered).
Socks— I’m a stickler about quality and fit, so I turn to Bombas for all my sock needs. They are a bit pricey and rarely on sale, but they’re also very charitable— one pair bought is one pair donated to folks lacking clothing resources. They have about a million styles and fits, but the athletic styles (running, golfing, sports, etc.) are quite thin and sweat-absorbing, regardless of the material blend. Bombas socks do live up to their reputation as the “perfect sock.” They don’t slip down your foot with wear, the arch support is amazing, and they last forever (seriously, I’ve have a few pairs I bought six years ago that are still in circulation.).
Underwear— As all the internet buzz claims, MeUndies does make quality and fun products. Now, you do have to start a subscription in order to make them affordable, but once you’ve been on for ~ 7 months, you’ll have plenty ( just mind how long you compile laundry and you’ll be fine). The undies are super soft (new material blend), and the color and pattern choices are extremely amusing. If this is the first time you’re wearing men’s underwear, I recommend going with briefs (boxers are a little tough to wrangle with jeans and such, and boxer briefs can lead to an unfortunate cameltoe if you’re not wearing something underneath (however, if you have incontinence issues or use a catheter, the boxer briefs are great for holding everything in place). Additionally, briefs with an open fly make packing more comfortable (definitely more on that in a different tip post).
Pajamas— I highly recommend 100% cotton poplin pajama pants and shorts. The Gap makes great quality products, and they’re frequently on sale due to seasonal releases. For shorts, browse the men’s boxer section (just to be clear, I recommend wearing these as pajama bottoms, not actually as underwear.) They refresh the prints regularly, so more often than not, you can find some in the clearance section. The pants fall loosely with a straight leg cut, so no need to worry about curves (especially if you just wear them at home). They also have an elastic waist and a drawstring. The boxers also have an elastic waist. The one downside is that the pants and shorts can get super wrinkly in the wash, so you may want to fluff them after they’ve been in the washer and before they go in the dryer.
If there are any more clothing tips you’d like, feel free to drop an ask.
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golfaddictapparel · 8 months
Elevate Your Game with Stylish Golf Clothing and Apparel
Golf is a sport that demands not only skill and precision but also a touch of elegance and style. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a weekend warrior, the right golf clothing and apparel can make a significant difference in your game and overall experience on the course. In this article, we'll explore the world of golf clothing and apparel, providing valuable insights and recommendations to help you look and perform your best. Visit Golf Addict Apparel for a wide range of options to enhance your golf wardrobe.
The Importance of Golf Clothing and Apparel:
Performance Enhancement: Golf is a game of focus and precision, and your attire plays a role in your performance. Quality golf clothing is designed to provide comfort, flexibility, and breathability, allowing you to swing with ease and maintain your concentration throughout your round.
Weather Protection: Weather conditions on the golf course can be unpredictable. From scorching sun to unexpected rain showers, having the right apparel ensures that you stay comfortable and dry, allowing you to focus on your game.
Professional Appearance: Golf is often associated with a sense of tradition and etiquette. Wearing appropriate golf attire not only respects the traditions of the sport but also shows respect for your fellow players and the course itself.
Choosing the Right Golf Clothing:
When it comes to golf clothing and apparel, there are several key considerations to keep in mind:
Material Matters: Opt for moisture-wicking fabrics like polyester blends for hot and humid conditions. For cooler weather, choose clothing with insulating properties like fleece-lined jackets or vests.
Fit and Comfort: A proper fit is crucial for comfort and mobility. Ensure that your clothing allows for a full range of motion without being too loose or restrictive.
UV Protection: Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is essential during long hours on the golf course. Look for clothing with built-in UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) to shield yourself from the sun's rays.
Layering: Layering is a smart approach for varying weather conditions. A moisture-wicking base layer, a breathable polo shirt, and a wind-resistant outer layer can be combined to adapt to changing climates.
Style and Brand: Golf clothing doesn't have to be dull. Many brands offer stylish and fashionable options, allowing you to express your personal style while adhering to golf course dress codes.
Accessories: Don't forget about accessories like golf hats, gloves, and belts. They not only enhance your overall look but also provide practical benefits on the course.
Golf Apparel for Men and Women:
Golf clothing and apparel are available in a wide range of styles and designs to suit both men and women. Whether you prefer a classic and traditional look or a modern and athletic style, there are options for everyone. Some popular choices include:
Polo Shirts: A staple in any golfer's wardrobe, polo shirts offer a timeless and sophisticated look. They are available in various colors and materials to match your preferences.
Golf Shorts and Pants: Comfortable and breathable shorts or pants are essential for warm-weather rounds. Opt for moisture-wicking materials to stay cool and dry.
Outerwear: Jackets, vests, and pullovers provide protection against wind and rain, ensuring you can play comfortably in adverse weather conditions.
Skirts and Dresses: Women can enjoy a variety of stylish golf skirts and dresses that combine fashion and functionality.
Footwear: Proper golf shoes with traction and support are vital for maintaining stability and balance during your swing.
Golf clothing and apparel play a crucial role in enhancing your golfing experience, both in terms of performance and style. Investing in high-quality golf attire not only improves your game but also ensures you adhere to course dress codes and etiquette. Whether you're looking for classic polo shirts, weather-resistant outerwear, or stylish accessories, Golf Addict Apparel offers a wide selection to cater to your needs. Elevate your game and look your best on the golf course with the right clothing and apparel.
So, why wait? Explore the latest trends and innovations in golf clothing and apparel and elevate your golfing experience today.
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sportyconnect · 1 year
Golf is a sport that is as much about skill as it is about style. From the clubs you swing to the clothes you wear, every aspect of your golf game says something about you. And when it comes to golf apparel, nothing is more essential than the golf tee shirt. But what makes a great golf tee shirt? Let's delve into the world of golf tee shirts and explore how they can enhance your game and style. The Importance of Golf Tee Shirts Golf tee shirts are more than just a piece of clothing; they are a crucial part of your golfing equipment. A good golf tee shirt can affect your performance on the course. It should be comfortable, allowing for a full range of motion, and made of materials that can handle the elements, keeping you cool on hot days and warm on cooler ones. For those new to the sport, understanding the importance of golf tee shirts and how to choose the right one can be a daunting task. Thankfully, SportyConnect's guide for beginners provides a comprehensive introduction to all things golf, including apparel. Style and Functionality: The Perfect Blend When it comes to golf tee shirts, style and functionality go hand in hand. The perfect golf tee shirt should not only enhance your performance but also reflect your personal style. Whether you prefer a classic look or something more modern, there's a golf tee shirt out there for you. For instance, the Sim 2 Max Driver is not just a high-performance golf club; it's a statement of style. The same principle applies to golf tee shirts. They should be a reflection of your personality and taste, all while aiding your performance on the course. The Role of Golf Tee Shirts in Major Tournaments Major golf tournaments like the US Masters and the American Century Championship are not just about showcasing the world's best golfers; they're also a platform for displaying the latest in golf fashion. The golf tee shirts worn by the pros at these tournaments often set the trends for golf apparel. Elevate Your Golf Game with the Right Tee Shirt Golf is a game of precision, strategy, and style. While the first two aspects depend on your skills and experience, the style is something you can easily control. One of the key elements of golf style is the golf tee shirt. Not only does it make you look good on the course, but it also provides comfort and flexibility that can enhance your performance. At SportyConnect, we offer a wide range of golf tee shirts that cater to every golfer's unique style and needs. The Importance of a Good Golf Tee Shirt A good golf tee shirt is more than just a fashion statement. It's a functional piece of clothing that can significantly impact your game. When you're out on the course, you need a shirt that allows for a full range of motion. This is where golf tee shirts come into play. They are designed with a loose fit and flexible materials that don't restrict your swing. Moreover, golf tee shirts are made with materials that can withstand the outdoor elements. Whether you're playing under the scorching sun or in a light drizzle, these shirts can keep you comfortable. They are typically made with moisture-wicking fabrics that keep you dry and cool, no matter the weather conditions. Choosing the Right Golf Tee Shirt When choosing a golf tee shirt, there are a few factors to consider. First, you need to consider the fit. A shirt that's too tight can restrict your movement, while a shirt that's too loose can interfere with your swing. It's important to find a shirt that fits you just right. Next, you need to consider the material. Look for shirts made with moisture-wicking fabrics to keep you dry on the course. Some golf shirts also offer UV protection to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Lastly, don't forget about style. Golf is a game with a rich tradition and a certain level of decorum, and your attire should reflect that. Choose a shirt that fits the dress code of the course you're playing on, but don't be afraid to show off your personal style.
At SportyConnect, we offer a wide range of golf tee shirts to suit every golfer's needs. Whether you're a beginner learning the ropes at the Woodlands Golf Course or a seasoned pro competing in the American Century Championship, we have the perfect shirt for you. Golf Tee Shirts: A Fashion Statement On and Off the Course Golf is a sport of precision, patience, and yes, style. From the meticulously manicured greens to the sleek clubs and equipment, golf is a game that appreciates aesthetics. And what better way to express your personal style on the course than through your golf attire? In particular, golf tee shirts have become a staple in every golfer's wardrobe, offering a blend of comfort, functionality, and fashion. The Evolution of Golf Attire Golf attire has come a long way from the traditional knickers and argyle socks. Today, golf fashion is as diverse as the players themselves, with brands offering a wide range of styles to suit every taste. One of the most significant shifts in golf fashion has been the move towards more casual, comfortable clothing. This is where golf tee shirts come into play. Golf tee shirts, or golf t-shirts, are a far cry from the stiff, formal attire that was once synonymous with the sport. These shirts are designed with comfort and performance in mind, made from materials that are breathable, moisture-wicking, and flexible enough to allow for a full range of motion during your swing. Why Golf Tee Shirts? There are several reasons why golf tee shirts have become a popular choice for both amateur and professional golfers. First and foremost, they offer unparalleled comfort. Whether you're playing a full 18 holes or just hitting the driving range, a golf tee shirt keeps you cool and comfortable all day long. Secondly, golf tee shirts are incredibly versatile. They can be worn on the golf course, at the clubhouse, or even off the course. With a variety of designs and styles available, you can easily find a golf tee shirt that matches your personal style. Lastly, golf tee shirts are a great way to express your love for the game. Many golf tee shirts feature golf-related designs and slogans, allowing you to show off your passion for golf even when you're not on the course. Where to Find Golf Tee Shirts? If you're in the market for a new golf tee shirt, Sporty Connect is a great place to start. We offer a wide range of golf tee shirts from top brands, ensuring that you can find a shirt that fits your style and performance needs. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, a golf tee shirt is a must-have item in your golf wardrobe. So why wait? Start exploring our collection of golf tee shirts today and make a fashion statement on and off the course. Stay tuned for more golf-related content and tips on our blog. Happy golfing! #SportyConnect
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crazyblondelife · 1 year
Life Lately and Big Savings
This week at Bald Head Island has been the best! We’ve really made the most of our time here and these boys have slept so well after fun days at the pool and on the beach! Up until yesterday we had perfect weather but just as we were leaving to go on a sailing excursion, the sky turned grey and we only got to go out for about an hour before the rain started! Luckily, the weather is much better today and we’re going to try again this afternoon! Our boating excursion is always the highlight of our trip!
Just looking at this picture and remembering the day brings me so much joy! The boys dressed up in their July 4th swimsuits and I’m wearing a cover-up from Zara.
We had the best dinner for the 4th…chicken, burgers and hot dogs on the grill with the traditional sides! We have a big table in the house and we can all eat together so it’s very lively!
Cute little Bristol with his striped overalls and camo crocks!
We have such a large group that we had to go out on 2 sailboats! You can see how grey the sky was, but the breeze was so nice and the water was still pretty calm! Thankfully we made it back to the house before the rain started and it was a crazy storm! We were so stir crazy by the time it was over that we hopped into the golf carts and went out to dinner!
And I know, if I don’t link my blue blouse, people will be asking so…believe it or not, this cute linen shirt is from H&M and it’s only $35! It’s oversized and perfect to wear as a swimsuit coverup or with shorts and of course, white jeans!
I’m going to be talking about the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale often over the next couple of weeks and sharing my favorite picks to make it easier for you to shop! Every day, Nordstrom adds new items to the sale and when something sells out, they restock if possible so I’ll be keeping you posted on those items! I’m also going to Nordstrom on Monday to try on things and show you my favorites in real time so be sure to check out my Instagram stories!
I hope you all have had a great week so far! Happy NSale Shopping!
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golfclothesformen · 2 years
Stay Cool and Comfortable on the Golf Course: The Importance of Moisture-Wicking Fabrics in Golf Clothes for Men
Golf is a sport that requires a lot of physical activity and a lot of time spent outdoors. As such, it's important to wear the right clothes to ensure that you're comfortable and able to perform at your best. One of the most important considerations when it comes to golf clothes for men is moisture-wicking fabrics.
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Moisture-wicking fabrics are designed to pull sweat away from the skin and move it to the surface of the fabric where it can evaporate. This helps to keep you cool and dry, even on hot and humid days. The fabrics are also quick-drying, so even if you do get wet, you won't be left feeling damp and uncomfortable for long.
When it comes to golf clothes, moisture-wicking fabrics are particularly useful in the shirts and pants you wear. Golf shirts made from moisture-wicking fabrics are lightweight, breathable, and designed to keep you cool and dry. They come in a variety of styles, from traditional polo shirts to more modern, athletic-inspired designs.
Golf pants are also available in moisture-wicking fabrics. These pants are designed to be comfortable and flexible, allowing you to move freely and easily. They are also designed to be breathable and quick-drying, so you won't have to worry about feeling damp and uncomfortable during your round of golf.
In addition to shirts and pants, there are other golf clothing items that are made from moisture-wicking fabrics. For example, many golf socks are made from moisture-wicking fabrics, which can help keep your feet dry and comfortable. Some golf gloves are also made from moisture-wicking fabrics, which can help keep your hands dry and comfortable.
When it comes to choosing golf clothes for men, moisture-wicking fabrics are an important consideration. These fabrics are designed to keep you cool and dry, even on hot and humid days, and they can help you perform at your best on the golf course. So if you're looking for golf clothes that will keep you comfortable and help you perform at your best, be sure to look for moisture-wicking fabrics.
In conclusion, when it comes to golf clothes for men, moisture-wicking fabrics are a must-have. They are designed to keep you cool, dry and comfortable while you are playing golf. Whether you are looking for golf shirts, pants, socks or gloves, look for those made from moisture-wicking fabrics. And always make sure to consider the weather and temperature before you hit the course, and choose the right clothing accordingly. This way you can make the most of your time out on the golf course and have a great time playing the game you love.
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alex123456moralas · 2 years
 Best Places to Visit in Los Angeles
About Los Angeles
The sprawling city of Los Angeles, in Southern California, is filled with year-round attractions and things to do. It has long been known internationally in the film and entertainment industry, particularly for Hollywood, a place that has drawn aspiring actors and actresses from across the country for over a century.
Today, LA is a culturally diverse city with a reputation for being the creative center of America. The thriving culinary scene, incredible shopping, outstanding museums, and fun family attractions are some of the top things to do in California. And with abundant sunshine and moderate to hot weather throughout the year, a suitcase typically includes shorts and T-shirts for almost any visit.
Here are some list of the best tourist attractions in Los Angeles.
1. Universal Studios Hollywood
Universal Studios Theme Park is known for its mind-blowing rides based on blockbuster movies, but it is also a working movie studio and an attraction everyone can enjoy. The highlight for most is the ever-changing selection of rides, ranging from simulators to roller coasters. Favorite movie and TV-themed rides and sets include The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, The Simpsons, Transformers Jurassic World. The Ride and Despicable Me Minion Mayhem.
To save time standing in long lines consider purchasing a Skip the Line. Front of Line Pass at Universal Studios Hollywood. This handy ticket gives you a one-time fast entry to each of the park's rides, attractions, and shows, as well as behind the scenes access to select attractions.
When you are tired of the rides, you can check out CityWalk, a three block entertainment area, with shopping, dining, and theatersand also enjoy our night show . Another option is a guided tour of the studios to explore behind the scenes of some of Universal's most popular movie sets. The VIP Experience allows you opportunities to see the sets and areas not open to the general public.The most popular things in Los Angeles is seeing a mountain view with the help of telescope.
Address: 100, Universal City Plaza, Universal City, California
2. Griffith Park and Griffith Observatory
Griffith Park, in the eastern part of the Santa Monica Mountains, and covering an area of 4,210 acres, is the largest city park in, Los Angeles. It's home to the Los Angeles Zoo, the Griffith Observatory, a planetarium, and a Greek theater. It's also home to golf courses, tennis courts, hiking trails, and a riding center created for the 1984 Olympic Games.The view from mountains of our city is looking awesome.
On the grounds are exhibits and telescopes. The main highlight is a look through the, Zeiss telescope, used for viewing the moon and planets. You can use the telescopes free each evening the facility is open. Also, on-site are solar telescopes used for viewing the sun and mountains.
The park and observatory are named for Griffith J. Griffith, who donated the greater part of the parkland to the city in 1896, and willed funds to the city for the creation of the observatory.And the help of Griffith J. Griffith Finally park and observatory are ready. The park and observatory is looking awesome and attract a large no of tourist. 
3. Disneyland Resort
Just outside l. a. , Disneyland is California's premier family vacation destination, attracting visitors since the 1950s. Disneyland Park, with rides and experiences in elaborately created theme sets, is what most of the people picture when they imagine Disneyland. The Disneyland California Adventure Park, created during one among the expansions, holds even more action and adventure, with seven lands supported movie themes.
Relatively new the scene are several Star Wars-themed rides. They include Star Wars Rise of the Resistance and therefore the Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run. The rides are within the new Star Wars Galaxy Edge area, which is filled with shops and restaurants made out to look like the Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu.
Beyond the rides and Disney characters wandering the streets, the resort also offers a complement of features and services for a complete vacation. Hotels, restaurants, shopping, and every one kinds of entertainment options are available at Disneyland Resort.
Anaheim, home to Disneyland Resort, is additionally worth exploring on a weekend trip. Several outdoor dining and shopping areas extend from the park throughout the town , including the historic downtown core of Anaheim, referred to as Central City.
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seepiner · 2 years
Nime zoom it golf
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Weather Style – taking all of the benefits of the weather range and providing an all colour design, take your style further with the weather style series available in a range of neutral and bold colours.Īqua Control – for golfers who need the extra protection for the wet weather, the aqua control series uses specially coated kangaroo leather for added durability. Weather – featuring breathable lycra whilst protecting your hands from the elements, the weather range is the perfect all-round golf glove that promises high performance no matter the change of weather or time of year. The added benefit is you will no longer have an uneven tan on your hands, whilst maintaining performance form the Cabretta leather grip. Sun Style – Perfect for hot weather conditions, our sun style range incorporates a breathable, UV-permeable Powernet material. From wet weather gloves that keep your hands dry and firmly gripped, to those designed specifically for those hot days, we have developed a number of innovations that will ensure whatever the conditions, you can keep your performance going unaffected. Our range of Zoom Golf gloves for sale provide a smart solution for many different situations when out on the course. Glove 2.0 is the future of golf performance. ZOOM is the biggest innovation in this category for decades.
They fit like a second skin and deliver a new level of connection to your golf club. ZOOM is a new generation of performance golf gloves. Premium Cabretta leather golf gloves that are comfortable and look great, you can mix and match colours to suit your style. ZOOM gloves have 80% less wrinkles, stay in perfect shape much longer than traditional golf gloves for sale and with an enhanced connection to the club, improve feel and feedback.Īll our golf gloves for sale are produced from the best premium materials, ensuring an optimal fit and fantastic feeling on the golf course. No longer will you need to ‘wear them in’, instead feel that perfect fit from first use. ZOOM gloves are in perfect shape the minute you start wearing them, ensuring you can play your best golf from the moment you make your first swing. FLEXX-FIT golf gloves online ensure the right fit every time. Our gloves follow the lines of your hand with an ingenious mix of flex zones and are designed to accommodate various hand sizes and create a natural, second skin fit. From the material used to the way it fits your hand precisely, our range of Zoom Golf gloves for sale will change the way you play.įLEXX-FIT technology ensures that the glove follows the contours of your hand for a natural fit. That’s why at Zoom Golf, we have set the bar high and developed a new generation of golf gloves that improve on the classic design in every way. For many years, the glove itself has stayed relatively similar in design and has lacked innovation. Golf gloves have been an essential accessory for golfers of all generations, providing that extra grip needed to perfect your swing. To get the detailed instructions on where to find this setup settings, we advise you read the entire setup article available from Zoom here.Discover the unique Zoom Flexx-Fit System and improve your performance with Zoom one size fits all golf gloves. You’ll find the ability to upload the background picture or video of your choosing in your zoom settings. To add a zoom background, open the Settings tab of your Zoom and go to the Virtual Background section. Bird’S Eye Photo Of Grass Field Golf Zoom Background Green Leaf Tree Near Pond Golf Zoom Backgroundġ0. Man Playing Golf During Daytime Golf Zoom Backgroundĩ. Man In Red T-Shirt And Black Pants Playing Golf During Daytime Golf Zoom BackgroundĨ. White Golf Club On Green Grass Field Golf Zoom Backgroundħ.
Photo Of Man Swinging Golf Driver Golf Zoom Backgroundĥ. White Golf Ball On Top Of Green Grass Field Surrounded By Green Leaf Trees Golf Zoom BackgroundĤ. Golf Ball On Green Grass Field During Daytime Golf Zoom Backgroundģ. Gray Steel Golf Clubs On Selective Focus Photo Golf Zoom BackgroundĢ.
If you are looking for other backgrounds, be sure to check out our full list of zoom backgrounds.ġ. All of our high resolution zoom backgrounds come courtesy of Unsplash which allow them to be previewed and downloaded quickly. Click the link titles or images to head to the high resolution image, where you can right click the image to save it. Now let’s get to our list of our best golf zoom backgrounds below.
If you don’t know how to set a virtual background on zoom, we have instructions at the bottom of this post. Raise smiles in your next Zoom call! An interesting zoom image background is always a conversation starter, or opportunity to lighten the atmosphere in your meeting. Find your next golf zoom background in our curated list of HD golf zoom backgrounds from green leaf tree near pond zoom background to man in red t-shirt and black pants playing golf during daytime zoom background.
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progolfar · 3 years
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If you are looking for the #best_golf_shirt_for_hot_Weather you are saying right lace. we can give you the best reviews about this golf shirt. you can choose here our listed product for your best golf moment. See here more details https://progolfar.com/best-golf-shirts-for-hot-weather/
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prohuntings · 3 years
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Do you have any idea about which #golf_shirt is best for you? yes, here including the top golf shirt for your better golf performance. just check and get your best products. https://www.facebook.com/Prohuntings/posts/407066314455964
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
hey i’ve got a request for tom holland x reader:)
so tom and reader have been secretly dating for a long time, only haz, tuwaine and harry know because tom lives with them and y/n has been coming around to see him. one night tom invited y/n to come round and stay the night, forgetting the rest of his family are visiting the next day and he introduces them for the first time? thank you!! <3
Girlfriend (t.h)
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snkjskjhsjskh this was so cute i had to write immediately <3 thank u for the request, hope you enjoy!
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
It wasn't always supposed to be a secret, honestly. At first you and Tom just agreed to keep things quiet from friends and family to avoid so many opinions while you got to know each other.
Tom of course couldn't keep himself totally quiet and found himself spilling to the boys one quiet night in, too happy in his new relationship he felt he'd burst if he didn't tell someone.
You followed his lead, telling your best friends but making them swear to keep it quiet. And then, keeping it a secret became almost fun. There was something so exhilarating about sneaking around, staying at each other's places and spending nights feeling like there was no one else in the world.
Naturally Tom introduced you to his close friends so you could spend the night at their place, and you found yourself really growing close to them, div behavior and all.
So here you were, basking in the early morning sun in Tom's bed as he snored quietly next to you. Downstairs you could hear a faint clatter of the boys going about their morning, preparing breakfast and making their teas.
Snuggling closer to Tom, you press yourself into his back and snake an arm around his waist, pushing one of your knees between his gently. He hums quietly, his hand slowly moving to hold yours over his chest. You press tiny kisses into the back of his neck, pushing yourself up on one elbow to reach over to his cheek. He chuckles, turning over to face you and opens his eyes slowly.
"Morning," you whisper cheekily.
He brings his hand up to your face, tracing the edge of your features gently.
"Morning, m'love" he rasps.
You poke his side as his eyes flutter closed again.
"Tommy," you whisper. "Don't go back to sleep."
"M'not" he mutters, as he promptly goes back to sleep.
You drag your finger up over his bicep, trailing up his neck and tracing the wonky line of his nose broken too many times. He scrunches up his face, tongue poking out to lick your finger as it passes over his lips.
"Ew, Tom!" you shriek. "That's so gross!"
"Wha- you'll make out with me for hours and you'll put my- but that's gross?" he says disbelievingly. "You're mental, love."
You roll your eyes and he reaches out in apology, opening his eyes and pulling you into his chest.
"What are your plans for the day?" he asks, changing the topic smoothly.
You shrug, snuggling into his warmth.
"Not much. Thought I might go shopping later if the weather doesn't get too hot."
He nods.
"I assume I won't convince you into joining me and the lads for a round of golf?" he says teasingly as you shake your head playfully.
"I would rather chop off my own-" your playful jab at golf is cut off by the slam of the front door and a chorus of voices and stomping of feet in the foyer. Both you and Tom frown, trying to figure out who it is.
It's when Harry says loudly up the stairs "Mum! Dad! Paddy! and who's that getting out the car...oh Sam! Forgot you were coming this morning!" that you and Tom snap into action.
"Oh, bollocks!" Tom hisses. "I clean forgot my family was coming over this morning!" he jumps out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and hunting around for a T-shirt.
"Your- what?" you shriek. "Your family? I haven't met your family!"
"Is Tom awake yet? Is he here?" the faint voice of Nikki echoes down the hallway.
"Erm, I think you're about to meet them darling," Tom says worriedly.
"Here, put some pants on." he chucks a pair of pyjama shorts at you, followed quickly by an abandoned T-shirt of his.
You slip into the clothes hurriedly.
"Are you sure you can't just chuck me out the window or something?" you ask. "It's not too far a drop and I bounce back easily."
"Hmm," says Tom. "Hard pass. You'll be fine, really. They'll love you."
You sigh, rootling through your overnight bag to find a hairbrush.
"Are you sure it's not- it's not too soon?" you ask. Tom pauses, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He pats the spot next to him, gesturing for you to sit.
"It's very rushed, but I think it's a good time for you to meet them," he says seriously. "I've been thinking about introducing you anyway. My family is important to me and so are you. I think we're ready to take this next step?" he trails off, searching for a reaction from you.
Your heart swells at his words and you nod. "I think so too."
He holds out his hand for you to take.
You nod.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
"Morning, darling." says Nikki as Tom enters the kitchen. She stands up to hug him, but stops short when she sees you hovering behind him, your hand still firmly grasped in his.
"Oh!" she says. "Hello."
"Hi." you say quietly, suddenly intimidated by Tom's whole family peering at you from their places around the kitchen.
"Mum, Dad, idiots," Tom starts. "I want you to meet Y/N."
"Hi, Y/N." says Paddy monotonously, not looking up from his phone.
"My girlfriend." Tom adds proudly.
You blush, enjoying the way he said that. You hadn't formally discussed a label for your relationship yet and it sounded really nice coming from his lips.
"Your girlfriend?" repeats Dom.
"Oh, hello darling!" gushes Nikki, sweeping you into a hug. "I'm Nikki, it's so nice to meet you!"
"Hi, Nikki," you say as you hug her back. "I'm so sorry, I usually don't wear my pajamas to meet new people, promise."
Nikki laughs, taking you by the arm and leading you over to the couch. You both sit down and she hands you a cup of tea.
"Right," she leans in like she means business. "Which embarrassing story from Tom's childhood do you want to hear first?"
All three of Tom's brothers follow you into the lounge, situating themselves on the furniture and the floor, always eager for an opportunity to roast their eldest brother.
Tom rolls his eyes, leaning over the back of the couch and putting his mouth right next to your ear.
"I think this is going well, girlfriend."
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
tysm for reading! reblogs, comments and feedback is appreciated <3
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nikoruistyping · 3 years
Caddy Gal || Tom Holland
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Golf!Tom x Fem!reader
Prompt: My friend requested I write an imagine/one-shot where instead of being an actor Tom ended up pursuing his hobby of golfing and he is now a famous renown golfer.
Summary: Tom has dragged you (his girlfriend) to the 2019 Sony Open event in Hawaii and well you both getting into a heated argument which then leads to making up later on.
TW: Fluff, Smut, Nudity, Adult Language/Swearing, Established Relationship, Oral sex (Fem Receiving), Petnames (Princess & Darling), Slight Dirty Talk, Vaginal Sex
Word Count: 5,168 
A/N: Can’t believe I’m posting my first One-shot on here! Hope everyone enjoys and all the likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Nine O'clock in the morning, Tom was eager to get on the golf course and start practicing for the tournament the next day. This was one of the biggest tournaments of the year and Sony decided to hold it at the most luxurious resort in Hawaii. He, of course, had to bring you, his lovely girlfriend along to accompany him and to well hold his caddy bag too.
There you two were both at the 9th hole, it had been exactly an hour of standing on the courses and watching Tom from afar. You're not gonna lie the way he rocked those golfing shorts and how tightly fitted his polo was, it was hard not to stare. You had his stylish but heavy caddy bag full of drivers and clubs slung over your shoulder and the sun was extremely hot that morning. There he was again for probably the 100th time this morning getting into his usual stance in front of the tee, the white golf ball perched on it. You crossed your legs, thighs being squished together due to the tight black golf skirt Tom had insisted you wear because not only did he like how good you looked in it but also because he wanted you to be dressed for the occasion, although he didn't mention the part where you carry his bag practically the whole time. You readjusted the bag on your shoulder, a cramp starting to form at the top, the weight was just too much and the golf cart was too bothersome to get to being very far away. You slide the bag off your shoulder placing it on the freshly cut grass, the base of it embedded in the grass as your hands laid on top of the open part of the bag where the clubs were sticking out. Your head flicks up as you hear the sound of metal tinging again the ball and you squint seeing the ball go flying for miles.
Besides Tom being able to hit the ball that far you were more interested in how he looked afterward. His polo shirt lifting ever so slightly up showing a sneak peek of his abs, his happy trail being somewhat visible. His big muscular biceps flexing so hard it looked like his polo sleeve was suffocating them, god you wish you could just rip his shirt off him already. The way his leg muscles were clearly showing off his calves bulging thanks to all that hard work in the gym every day. What was even sexier than all of that was the way he would hold the club in the air in place after hitting it. The way his face was just so serious yet he had this glint in his eyes that only you had ever seen in one place when he was in bed with you. He held the perfect pose for a moment before turning to you and waving, a bright smile on his face, all signs of seriousness gone. He made his way to you jogging, the club twirling back and forth in his hands.
"Did you see the shot I made? That one had to be the best so far this morning." He asked his chest heaving up and down as you could tell he was out of breath just by jogging over to meet you and well who knows maybe something else was making him so out of breath. The sun was taking a toll on him and Hawaii weather wasn't exactly like the cold and brisk UK climate.
"Of course I did darling. You looked breathtaking out there. I'm sure you're going to do absolutely amazing tomorrow at the actual event." You say smiling as he hands you his club and you stick it back in with the others.
You feel his hands immediately snaking around your hips, spinning you around to face him as he lightly presses you up against his caddy bag, the only thing supporting your wobbly legs at that very moment. His lips immediately inches away from your ear as his hot breath hits you, whispering into your ear.
"Breathtaking huh? You don't look so bad yourself darling." He says pulling away slowly his eyes meeting yours, quickly scanning up and down your body. You couldn't help but be at a loss for words. This man would be the death of you, always teasing with that voice of his and knowing exactly what made you tick.
"God Tom, you're such a tease. I'm waiting for when you're actually gonna do something fun with me this weekend and stop making me carry your caddy bag. I'm your girlfriend you know, not your damn caddy gal." You say in a snarky voice, your tone not playful or flirty whatsoever.
He was clearly taken back by your response and raised his eyebrow at you, a smirk coming about on those soft pink lips of his.
"And who said I wasn't going to do something fun with you this weekend? You know how important this tournament is for me and I can't be slacking on practice but I promise after this hol-" He is cut off by you quickly pulling away from him, leaving his hands and arms empty of your body's presence. His facial expression clearly shocked and dumbfounded, he was in big trouble and not the good kind.
You purposely knock over his bag, the clubs falling out as you look back at him, your face still clearly mad at him. Regardless you had a plan in mind to get him to do exactly what you wanted. He just needed a little push to get him distracted from golf and more interested in you.
"Oops! Oh god, I'm such a clutz Tommy, I'm so sorry..." Your innocent voice comes out as you bend over to pick up the fallen clubs, your tight skirt clearly lifting up ever so slightly, Tom has the perfect view of your ass from behind.
"Since golf is more important than your girlfriend why don't you just go on and continue without your little caddy gal. If this is your definition of fun I don't want any part of it." You say in a more serious tone as you look up at him as your kneeling in a clearly suggestive pose, both your knees in the grass your thighs rubbing up against each other and your skirt hiking slowly up as you look up at him from the ground. A club in your hand as you make sure to point it at him before sliding it back in the bag. Your breasts bounce as you spring back up, and dust your knees off spinning on your heels walking off and back in the direction of the resort.
Tom was clearly stunned not only from how much you were seeming to tease him but also because you were mad at him, to him this was pretty hot but also he knew he wasn't gonna get what he wanted so easily. It was either golf or his girl and he couldn't ever say no to you.
"W-Wait Y/N! Come on darling! I'm sorry, don't be like that! You know you're more important!" He yells after you, trying to fast walk to catch up but your legs were walking just a tad faster than his and he was out of breath already, giving up. His eyes watched your beautiful figure walk off in the distance.
He takes off his glove and rubs his temples with his fingers clearly frustrated. He squints into the distance not being able to see you anymore and lets out an exhausted sigh.
"Good job mate, you fucked up. I swear she drives me mad but god do I love her." He says to himself before giving up not caring about practice anymore and grabbing his bag walking in the same direction as you were.
30 mins later...
You finally make it back to the penthouse suite, sliding your room key at the front door and letting yourself in. You take a deep breath annoyed at him but little fights like these never lasted long and you knew exactly how they ended, always with makeup sex. Knowing that he would eventually come back at some point you decide to take your time unwinding and actually enjoying the resort room for once. On trips like these most of the time, both you and Tom were always out either at a party, sightseeing or busy at press conferences all weekend. Not once did you guys actually enjoy the fluffiness of the bed or even take a dip in the jacuzzi.
You find a way to shimmy off the skirt and strip the polo from your torso leaving you in nothing but underwear. Your undergarments go flying onto the bed as you step into the bathroom running a warm bath to relax in. The bathroom is filled with candles so you take a match striking it and lighting a few to set the mood. The sweet smell of what seemed to be vanilla and mint filled the bath and you took a deep breath relaxing to the aroma. Squeezing some bubble bath soap into the water the tub soon fills to the top with bubbles that you submerge your whole aching body in. You tilt you head back sighing as the water starts to set in relaxing all your muscles especially your shoulder, no thanks to that heavy bag of his.
"Now this is what I call relaxing. I swear sometimes he can be so stubborn and this certainly isn't the first time he has ditched me for fucking golf!" You say a bit irritated but you still glance over at your phone on the counter not seeing the screen light up.
Minutes pass by and the pit in your stomach doesn't go away as you wonder what could be taking him so long to return. This was Tom Holland we were talking about, famous pro golfer, 3 time champion of the US Open, and the man who could finish an 18 hole course in a mere two hours almost setting the world record for putting so many holes in that amount of time. So what was taking him so long?
You had spoken too soon when you heard the front door open all the way from the bathroom and you had never jumped out of the bath so quick in your life. It was finally your time to tempt him and make him want you like no tomorrow. It was true what Tom had said at his last press conference, the two things he loved in this life were in his words "Golf and my girlfriend". So it's not like he could resist you now, could he?
You reach over to grab the white fluffy robe on the bathroom counter and wrap your body in it tying a loose knot in the front to close it. Your hair up in a perfectly messy bun as you shuffle out of the bathroom and into the bedroom but what you were looking at wasn't Tom at all. It was Tessa. She had jumped onto the bed and your underwear was hanging from her mouth so innocently as she decided to tear it to shreds.
"Tessa! Princess, I'm happy to see you but why are you chewing on mommy's underwear?! No, no, no!" You say rushing over to her and despite her doing something bad you couldn't resist petting her head and giving her a little hug.
"Ugh now, what am I gonna do? That was my favorite pair..." You say looking sadly over at your suitcase and you huff and puff annoyed but you could never be mad at Tessa she was basically Tom's baby and she was equally as loved by you too.
You go over to your suitcase sifting through your clothes tossing and throwing articles of clothing over your shoulder, pieces landing on the floor, others landing on the bed and some even on Tessa's head. She just whimpers and whines as she rolls around in your clothes, tongue sticking out panting. No underwear nor even a damn bra can be found in your suitcase and you furrow your brow in frustration.
"Ok, seriously what the fuck?! I know I packed more than one pair for this trip and I'm pretty sure you didn't eat them, Tess." You say turning on your heels to look back at her, those little puppy dog eyes of her staring back at you as she barks in response, her tail wagging back and fourth happily.
"If I find out one of the maids stole it I'm going to have a fi-" You're cut off by a familiar voice as you turn your head towards the double doors of the bedroom Tom standing between them holding what seemed like a beautiful black matching panty and bra set.
"You looking for these? What, cat got your tongue darling?" He said a smirk well on his face as his eyes clearly wandered to the white robe that was wrapped around your body.
You roll your eyes at him pretending to still be mad but oh how grateful you were that he finally returned to the room.
"Tom this isn't funny, I need those to go to dinner tonight. Don't think having Tessa come in here to soften me up means I've forgiven you." You say turning your head sighing but you walk towards him seeming reluctant but oh how you wanted him to just rip the robe off you right then and there, would he have the guts though?
He takes a couple of steps towards you throwing the undergarments he had just brought for you to the floor joining the other pieces of clothes. He threw off his baseball cap, letting his wild sweaty curls free, it was clear his eyes were filled with lust for you and he sure wasn't playing games.
"I think I'd rather see you in that tight black dress tonight without the panties and bra don't you think? Who needs those anyway? It just gives me better access," He paused biting his bottom lip taking even more steps towards you and you weren't stopping either.
"Plus I have no idea what you're talking about, having Tessa come in here to soften you up? Who could ever come up with a plan like that? Stealing all your underwear, hiding it, and then making you undress for me? How scandalous." A low chuckle coming from his lips as his eyes never left your body only focusing on you.
"Only a crazy man like you would come up with such an elaborate plan," You giggle at how silly he could be in such a situation.
"You don't have to steal my underwear to see me naked you know. All you have to do is just ask or maybe not even that you have to do..." Your voice trails off as your fingers creep down to your waist tugging slowly at the knot on the robe.
"So does this mean all is forgiven then?" He asks, god he could be so naive sometimes.
"I think you're gonna have to work a little harder than that. You can't walk in here and expect me to give in so easily," You say just as you're about to open the knot and let the robe open, you stop, immediately teasing him. Your steps are delicate as you stop just in front of him, your hands landing on his pecs, your nails playing with the fabric of his sweaty and damp polo.
"How about we subtract a couple of pieces? We are a bit uneven right now and that's not fair Tom."
Your fingers slowly dragging down the fabric, your fingertips being able to feel his abs through his shirt until reaching the hem and pulling it upwards. With his help, the shirt is on the floor in seconds as his lips curve into a smirk the more your fingers travel downward to the button of his shorts.
"I'm all about playing a fair game darling." His smirk only grows wider as your fingers play with the waistband of his briefs poking out of his fitted shorts.
"From now on, no more making me the caddy gal. Since 'Mr. Holland' makes so much money you're going to hire a proper caddy after I'm done with you. I get to watch from the golf cart, deal?" You ask or more like demanding as he nods his head in response.
"It's a deal, as long as you get to wear the tight skirt while you're watching me then it's definitely a done deal." He says a little chuckle leaving both your and his lips at the same time as you nod your head 'yes'.
You do the honors of unbuttoning his shorts as they fall to the ground and he immediately grabs the knot you had done such a good job undoing that he whips your robe open in one easy swipe of his skillful hands leaving you standing completely vulnerable and naked right in front of him. He was no stranger to your body and neither you to his so why did you always blush and act shy when you were with him? Probably because you knew despite being rough he could also be tender with you and go slow but be fast all at once and it just made your blood boil for him.
"Now this is my idea of fun." He said before the next thing you know you're already scooching your way up onto the bed, Tessa jumping off of the bed and scurrying off to the living room.
"Took you long enough to realize the idea of fun I was talking about." You say rocking your hips as you curl your finger calling him over, a smile on your face as he crawled up on the bed hovering over your body.
His hands glued themselves to your hips squeezing your skin between his fingers. He leans down closer, his nose nuzzling into the crook of your neck his lips brushing against the delicate patch of skin. His muscular body pressed down and grinding against your naked one, a small muffled moan escaping your lips as you buck your hips against his erect cock that had been brushing up against your inner thigh. He was already hard just looking and smelling your scent, his teeth grazing your skin, gaining another moan from your lips before sinking his teeth into you. His soft lips peppering kisses every so often stopping and sucking at your skin leaving his mark trailing down your neck and to your collarbones.
Your hands find their way to the nape of his neck letting your fingers play with his loose curls pulling every so often as soft moans slip off your tongue. His hips grind harder against you the sound of your moans like music to his ears, encouraging him to keep going. His hands running up and down your sides, one hand sliding up to your breast squeezing and kneading it. Your nipple hard to the touch as his fingers played with it flicking his thumb over the top of the sensitive area.
"T-T-Tom..." Your voice was shaky, stuttering as you could feel your core pulsing with want and need for him. Just watching him on the course was child's play this was what you really wanted.
"Fuck, you smell amazing darling...I wanted to rip that skirt off you, right then and there on the course but seems like I'll have to save that for next time." His voice husky and almost growling as he says it just makes you more turned on than before.
"W-Well then promise me you will buy me another one after you rip it off me, will you?" You say but before you could even get a little giggle out his lips were on yours.
His soft lips pressed up against yours, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip asking for entrance. Your hands move from the nape of his neck to the sides of his face pulling him closer cupping his cheeks as you deepen the kiss. Muffled moans now leaving both of your lips as his tongue danced in unison with yours the kiss progressively getting sloppier. His hands wander slowly going down your side, his fingertip ghosting over your hipbone and going even lower down your thigh and squeezing so tight there for sure would be bruises. Your back arched in response to the roughness but neither of you minded to get a little rough once in a while leaving marks for the public to see. Despite being a major figure in the golfing community Tom wasn't afraid to show off that he loved his woman and that he had more skills other than hitting a golf ball for miles on end.
His lips pulled away slowly scanning over your facial features just by the lewd face you were making it made him even more eager to fuck you senseless.
"I promise...god you're so beautiful. I'm sorry darling, I've been neglecting you for too long." He says his voice low and throaty as he starts kissing down lower and lower until his lips reach your hip bone pressing kisses over the slowly forming bruises his hands had caused.
"Then show me how you make up for lost time and fuck me already." Your breath hitched as his free hand slowly trails over your stomach going even lower to your core, his fingertips teasing your clit.
Your fingers embed themselves into his reddish-brown curls as your hands push him further down till you were satisfied. He scatters kisses on your inner thigh trailing up till he reaches your entrance his tongue licking up your lips gaining a breathless moan from you as your fingers pull at his hair more tugging his head closer. You could feel his lips smile against your entrance and you tilt your head back against the headboard your moans only growing louder as your thighs are resisting to clench closed by how well his tongue is working into your heat. His hands gripped your hips keeping them steady as you had the urge to buck your hips against his tongue harder.
His lips pull away for just a moment to look up at you, his fingernails digging into the flesh of your inner thigh pushing your legs to stay open. His tongue poking out between his lips licking them as he takes his thumb swiping it across his bottom lip and biting it.
"You're so wet already for me princess..." He says lifting his head and peppering more kisses on your inner thigh seeing the way you shuddered and squirmed just by the touch of his lips on your skin just made him want to completely devour you.
Your breathing was uneven as he was clearly teasing you. He hadn't even let you cum and you knew that was just the start of his slow torture.
"I was already hot and bothered the minute I saw you swing your club this morning. Have I told you that you look so damn hot when you tee off?" You say biting your lip as he lifted his head up and ran his fingers through his curls shaking them loose, some stands landing on his sweaty forehead and sticking to the sweat.
He hooked his fingertips in the sides of his briefs pulling them down painfully slow, his cock springing up and laying flat up against his abs. A small moan escaped his own lips as he looked into your eyes full of lust, his eyes only focusing on the shape of your body, the scent of vanilla and mint radiating off of your skin. He grinds down on you till both your bodies, skin against skin, are both pressed up against each other. Your breasts pressed to his sweaty chest and his arms embracing you, holding you close to him as he positions himself right at your entrance. His hot breath hits your lips before pressing into you, a gasp coming from both you and him simultaneously. Your hands grip onto his back, fingernails digging into his skin as he slowly starts to move in and out of you slowly picking up the pace letting you adjust to his cock.
His lips immediately on yours, pants, moans, and grunts filling the room. As Tom picks up the pace thrusting faster into you, you scream his name over and over between wet sloppy kisses. One hand intertwining together with yours, an imprint being made into the mattress of both of your hands. You squeeze his hand so hard you thought you might break his hand by sheer force. His thrusts get sloppy the faster he goes sliding his cock so easily in and out of you, your walls pulsing around him as he let out a loud moan pressing you deep into the mattress his lips hiding in the crook of your neck as he tries to muffle his moans and groans, your name falling off his lips every few seconds. You turn your head slightly your lips brushing his broad shoulder as you manage to leave a few lazy kisses there.
"Princess I'm so close..." His breath running out as he pounds his cock into you so deep he was hitting just the right spot over and over again.
"M-Me too darling..." You manage to say before the both of you reach your climaxes at the same time.
 His hips buck into you one final time as your back arches off the bed his free hand sliding down your side and gripping your thigh as the pace slows down and he stops moving to lean forward pressing your body against his. His embrace wrapping you up in his arms his head lying in the crook of your neck as he catches his breath and he delicately kisses the side of your face. You stare up at the ceiling, your legs clenching around him pulling him close despite his cock going completely soft after cumming inside you. Your fingers find their way to his curls, stroking them softly as he hums content with the feeling of how relaxing such an action was.
"You haven't lost your touch darling and that totally made up for the lost time. I'm sorry for getting angry over dumb things. I know golf is important to you and you have enough room for both me and it." You confess realizing maybe you overreacted before. You never liked ending things badly and leaving even the littlest of fights unresolved.
He slightly lifts his head and rolls off to your side but still stays just inches away from you. You take the opportunity to wrap your body up in the soft white sheets that you're pretty sure room service would have a hard time cleaning the stains out of. He turns onto his side facing you his head propped up in his hand as his hazy coffee brown eyes look into yours.
"Well, I'm glad I haven't lost it just yet. No princess, I'm the one who is sorry. Lately, I haven't been giving you the attention you need...both emotionally and physically too. I know I get wrapped up in the whole golf thing sometimes but you will always be more important than all that. Plus I can tell when your body needs and wants me, clearly, you were in dire need." He says a smile growing on his face and you cover your face a bit embarrassed to admit you were being needy and you clearly just wanted more attention from him.
You lean a bit closer to him placing a softer kiss on his lips short and sweet as you savored his lips moving against yours. Your hair a mess and you gracefully pull the hair tie from it, as it cascades down the sides of your face and covers your shoulders. You notice he is staring at your every move and it makes you smile at how he looks at you in admiration even though you're nothing special. Well after all you were able to steal the place of "Tom Holland's Girlfriend" so that was an accomplishment right? You reach to cup his cheek, your fingertips gliding across his sharp jawline.
"You know I still have the candles lit in the bath and I even put bubbles in it." You say giggling as his eyes seem to light up at the words, this man was so pleased with such simple things, a true child at heart sometimes.
"Really now? Then we shouldn't let it go to waste." His eyebrows rise as he rolls off the bed standing up and already walking towards the bathroom.
You admire his ass from behind because yes you were a woman who liked a man with ass and he sure as hell had a good one. You roll around in the sheets groaning not wanting to move and he looks back at you in confusion.
"You know you can't stay there forever." He says sighing his naked figure leaning against the door frame, he looked like a perfectly chiseled statue right out of Rome when he was completely butt naked.
"I'll only join you if you carry me there." You say laughing into the sheets your eyes peeking up from under them looking at him as another award-winning smile is on his lips again, a chuckle coming from him as he rushes over to you his fingers playfully scratching you all over trying to make you laugh and giggle more.
"Ah! Tom! Stop! Stop! You know I'm ticklish!" You say between breaths from laughing too hard as you're able to lift the sheets up enough to distract him pulling him down onto the bed once again your body tangling together with his, the sheet had flown in the air gracefully covering the both of you and you're both caught in a giant laughing fit full of smiles.
As your body is pressed together with his despite being under the sheets (literally) you look at his beautiful eyes once more, it felt like the moment had frozen in time as you both just smile at each other loving the little moments of playfulness.
"Your so beautiful Y/N. I'm the luckiest man to ever exist." He says his nose nuzzling against yours.
"Then I must be the luckiest woman to fall completely and utterly in love with you. every single day." You whisper into the close space between your faces. The feeling of repeating the "I love you's" and "You're so beautiful" were constant but never tiring or old.
As you both laid in bed together with your bodies sinking into the mattress together it was all picture-perfect as you both knew, despite the little fights and arguments Tom's love for you and your love for him would be forever and always.
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READ PT. 3 of Famous Golfer AU
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