#best grid app for instagram free
softmaniainfo · 1 year
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groovyladyturtle · 1 year
Grids App For Instagram Free Activated Download-2023 Full Version
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No more internet for you (Pierre Gasly)
Since Pierre seems to be a danger on the Internet, you have to cut the problem from the source
Note: english is not my first language. I'm sorry that I didn't think this had potential at first because the longer I thought about it, the more I wanted to write it as a funny and breezy thing
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
Tw: references to smut
Switching your laptop off at the end of the work day, you tidied your desk and placed your belongings inside your backpack, checking if you had everything before closing the office and making your way out, ready to head home so you could see your boyfriend. You hadn't seen Pierre yet since you left the house early to go to your university office and he had arrived back from Monza around lunchtime if everything went according to the plan he had.
Unlocking your car, you placed your backpack on the back seat, unzipping it so you could retrieve your phone from the pocket it sat in since your afternoon break, bringing it wirh you when you sat on the driver's seat.
Turning your mobile data, you check your personal e-mail, only seeing a few newsletters from online shops you buy from before the notification bar showed that you had a few messages on your group chat with your friends. Making a mental note to try and schedule something with them and Pierre, since he was home for a bit after the triple header, you opened the app to see what they were talking about.
From Anna: I never took you for that type Y/N, you always looked like missionary to me, or maybe some ankle on his shoulder action but never that
From Marie: Nah, I mean, have you seen how Pierre looks at her butt? It's obvious that that's how they like it, even I would do her like that
From Louise: Don't you remember that time that she insisted that she wouldn't wear the tiny bikini bottoms from her favourite set when we visited them? I bet Pierre got handsy and she couldn't hide the marks
You read the messages and did not understand why, all of a sudden, your friends were mentioning your sex life. Did they want any advice? You weren't exactly unexperienced since Pierre liked to experiment a lot in the bedroom and you didn't mind it either, the trust you built on eachother over the years making it a lot easier. Wanting to know what they were on about, you typed a reply.
From Y/N: I love you guys, we've shared our youth together, the good and the bad, but why are we talking about my sex life all of a sudden?
Louise was quick to reply while you saw that Marie was typing.
From Louise: Y/N, dear, please go and see your boyfriend's photodump from Monza
From Marie: if this is the last time we ever have the chance to get a message through to Pierre, please tell him that at least he's going with a good bang in the bag
Opening the Instagram app, you flick through the pictures, seeing him the blue t-shirt you loved so much, specially against his tanned skin, the thermometer picture that you had nagged him about to send you everytime he took it and then a few more from the garage until you reached his Twitter inquiry for what grid position he would start on race day, given the amount of penalties the other drivers had, and pressing to see the comment section, you found the top comment replied by your boyfriend of four years, the damned dog emoji staring back at you as you looked at the screen.
Exhaling, you opened the app the communications service that had installed their service at your shared apartment had provided you with so you would be able to control who got on your WiFi (if there was something that living in student housing taught you was that sometimes people want the things without having to pay for them, and that remained an attention point for you) and blocked Pierre's devices from your shared house's WiFi, deciding that your boyfriend had had enough Internet for the time being.
Just as you were about to turn on the car, your phone pinged with two notifications, one from your group chat and the other from a text from Pierre
From Anna: I could think of worse ways to go honestly, Pierre is a lucky guy, still such a shame to see him go like this though
From Pierre: Mon coeur, I think there's a problem with our Internet connection
Opening your apartment's door, you heard what you assumed was Pierre's feet making their way to the entrance while you took your coat and shoes off, setting then aside as you placed your backpack in its usual place. Pierre stretched his arms to greet you, having not seen you in a few days and having missed you a lot, dropping them when he sees the crease between your eyebrows, "What's is wrong, mon coeur?", he asks genuinely worried. Looking up at him, you pushed your glasses to rhe top of your head, "Why did you go and tell everyone about what we do in the bedroom?", you out it simply, watching how his lips tilted as a smirk made its way into his handsome face that threatened to could your thoughts, "Now the whole world knows Pierre", you tried to reason. Chuckling, he tried to grab your arms, your reaction to step back almost like a reflex, "C'mon baby, it's funny, and at least people won't ask anymore", he smiled "and you and I both know how much you like it", and there was those blue eyes who had a way of persuading you, almost like magic.
"Oh my goodness, what if your family see it? Your mother has Instagram, oh no, no, no", you said mortified, you could deal with people from the internet you'd never see in your life but his mother? That was a no go.
"Mon ange, I doubt that she will get what it means, and even if she does, it's not like she thinks we don't do anything", he said, clearly not as bothered as you by the fact that he was talking about his mother acknowledging your sex life. You were all for "we all do it so we should all talk about it", but you thought it would hardly be a fun conversation to have with the in-laws, 'yeah, sure, I like it when your son has his hands on me like that'. Nope, that is not dinner conversation appropriate. "Besides, aren't you always saying people should be more open about their sex lives and speak about it with no taboo and all", and oh, how much did you want to squish that handsome face into oblivion and make him regret the smart remark. It's true, you had never been shy talking about with friends but the whole internet was a different level.
"Well, we'll see how you like it without Internet for some time", you said as you passed him, sitting on the living room sofa and turning on the TV, making him realise that he had been blocked from the network, as every other device was working perfectly.
Approaching you, he spoke up "it was you! C'mon ma belle, you know I didn't mean it to be a bad thing", he said sitting next to you, "and maybe it's probably not even that bad", he offered, "How would you know? You can't see it because you can't be trusted around the big world wide web", you remarked. Were you really that mad at him because of it? A little bit yes, but honestly it had phased you already. So what, were you going to feel guilty that you had a really good sex life? No. But were you going to have a little fun making your boyfriend work for it? You bet your very nice ass you were, remaining quiet and ignoring his lingering and tempting touches.
Getting up a while later, you headed for your usual evening routine, hopping in the shower since it was hair washing day and you took your sweet time, even taking the opportunity to try the new body oil you had gotten over the weekend before putting you pyjama set on, drying your hair quickly airh rhe blow dryer and applying your night skincare products before making your way back to Pierre.
"I made your favourite for dinner, and I put extra cheese on yours just like how you like it", Pierre said quietly once you crossed the corner to the living area, seeing the table set up simply and yet beautifully, the smell from the food invading your nostrils and hitting you straight in the feels.
"I'm sorry I posted it like that, If I had known it would make you this upset I would have never even thought of it", he said as he grabbed your shoulders, pushing you in for a side hug and kissing your forehead, making you decide to end the act, wanting nothing more than to feel his embrace tight around you. "I'm not upset or mad, I just got caught by surprise I guess. I never thought you'd be that forward about it.", you explained, "if you want to, I can take it down", he offered, "Pierre, once in the internet it will be in there forever. And I don't mind it that much really. At least people know you have someone at home who treats you well", you said, grabbing the collar of the linen shirt he was wearing, tracing the outline of his chest hair that you loved so much. Smiling at you, he finally placed his lips on yours, his hands going straight to your butt and grabbing it so you could be as close to his body as possible.
You were sitting on the sofa after dinner, the news broadcast playing in the TV as you and Pierre looked at your phone screen, "everyone is having a blast imagining our sex life, there are some wild things in here", you said as you pointed out a few tweets and comments around the many posts about your boyfriend's comment, "Well, this one is not too far off, I'd day, seems pretty accurate", he said and you immediately flicked his forehead, "what? We might even get some new ideas from them, we haven't tried something new in a while", he said as he pushed your body impossibly closer to his, kissing your cheek as you kept looking, laughing when someone had come up with a good joke and blushing when things got a little bit too accurate and graphic.
"Goodnight handsome, je t'aime aussi", you said as you snuggled into your pillow once you both went to bed, Pierre settling himself so your back was glued to his chest and resting his arm on your waist, "So you'll let me in our WiFi again?", he pouted, "I'm going to sleep on your case", you said as you grabbed your phone and checked if your alarm was on for the next morning. "That's it", you huffed, "what did they say this time?", Pierre asked as he kissed your shoulder, noticing you had read something on your phone that led you to that reaction "Yuki just sent me the link to buy book called 'Breeding dogs for advanced practitioners'. I don't care if he's small and cute and friendly, next time I see him, he's going down".
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uswanth123 · 2 months
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Oracle APEX 19: Power and Simplicity in Low-Code Development
Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a robust low-code development framework that lets you quickly create modern, scalable, and secure web applications. APEX 19 represents a significant step forward, offering many new features and improvements. This blog post will dive into what makes APEX 19 unique.
Top Features of Oracle APEX 19
Faceted Search: This intuitive search component allows users to narrow down search results with dynamic filters. It’s perfect for creating robust data-driven applications where easy data exploration is key.
REST-Enabled Interactive Grid: This feature seamlessly works with external data sources and services. Fetch data from REST APIs and easily create interactive grids for users to view and modify remote data directly within your APEX application.
Improved Data Loading: You can upload CSV, XLSX, TXT, XML, or JSON files through drag-and-drop. APEX 19 offers smart file parsing for automatic data type and format detection.
Enhanced Universal Theme: Enjoy a refreshed User Interface (UI) within the development environment, with more flexibility and customization options. Build even more polished and professional web apps.
Collaborative Issue Tracking: Use a built-in issue-tracking system to track bugs, manage feature requests, and collaborate with a team. This helps streamline your development process.
Why Use Oracle APEX 19?
Rapid Development: Focus on defining application logic, not building complex web interfaces from scratch. APEX’s declarative development approach means less code and quicker results.
Database-centric: APEX is built directly on top of the Oracle database. Efficiently utilize your existing database assets and take full advantage of your SQL skills.
Enterprise Ready: Security, scalability, and performance are baked into APEX, making it ideal for business-critical applications.
Cost-effective: APEX is included with your Oracle Database license (and free to use with Oracle Database Express Edition), reducing the need for additional development tools.
Large and Vibrant Community: Benefit from the rich online presence of the APEX community for support and ideas.
Take It to the Next Level
Oracle APEX 19 is more than just features; it’s a powerful low-code platform that simplifies web app creation. Whether you are a seasoned developer or a database professional, APEX 19 empowers you to deliver solutions quickly. Want to see firsthand what it can do? Experiment and build something small to get a taste of its abilities.
You can find more information about  Oracle Apex in this  Oracle Apex Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for Oracle Apex  Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  Oracle Apex here – Oarcle Apex Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class Oracle Apex Details here – Oracle Apex Training
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unogeeks234 · 2 months
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Oracle APEX: The Low-Code Powerhouse for Web Application Development
Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a low-code development platform in the Oracle Database. It empowers developers of all skill levels to create sophisticated, data-driven web applications with speed and agility. Let’s explore what makes APEX a compelling choice for modern web development.
What is Low-Code Development?
Low-code platforms streamline application development using these core principles:
Visual interfaces: Drag-and-drop components and wizards replace extensive manual coding.
Pre-built components: Reusable UI elements, data connectors, and logic modules accelerate development.
Abstraction: Complex technical details are handled behind the scenes, allowing developers to focus on business problems.
The Benefits of Oracle APEX
Accelerated Development: APEX dramatically cuts development time. It allows you to build robust, enterprise-grade applications in a fraction of the time compared to traditional coding approaches.
Ease of Use: With its browser-based environment and intuitive tools, even those with less coding experience can successfully build applications in APEX.
Scalability and Security: APEX apps run on the robust Oracle Database, which ensures scalability for large datasets and provides enterprise-level security features.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: Applications built with APEX are inherently web-based, seamlessly running on desktop and mobile devices without platform-specific adjustments.
Cost-Effective: APEX is included with your Oracle Database license, making it a highly cost-effective development solution.
Key Features of APEX
Declarative Development: Define what you want the application to do, and APEX handles the underlying implementation details.
Database-Centric: APEX is tightly integrated with the Oracle Database, making it ideal for building apps that heavily leverage your data.
Component-Based Architecture: Extensive library of reusable components for charts, grids, forms, navigation, and more.
Responsive Design: Build apps that automatically adapt to different screen sizes.
Customization: Extend functionality with PL/SQL (Oracle’s database language) or JavaScript when needed.
When to Use Oracle APEX
APEX is a versatile platform well-suited for:
Internal Business Applications: Quickly develop tools to streamline workflows, manage projects, and automate processes to improve efficiency.
Data-Driven Dashboards: Create interactive dashboards and reports that offer insights into your business data.
Modernizing Legacy Applications: Replace outdated spreadsheets or aging client-server applications with modern, web-based solutions.
Departmental Applications: Empower individual teams or departments to solve their specific problems with tailored apps.
Getting Started with Oracle APEX
Oracle Database: You’ll need an Oracle Database (licensed or free version)
APEX Workspace: Set up an APEX workspace on your database, or try the free service on apex.oracle.com.
Tutorials and Resources: Access the wealth of learning materials on the Oracle APEX website and community forums.
Transform Your Development with APEX
Oracle APEX is worth serious consideration if you’re looking to streamline web application development, deliver solutions quickly, and empower more developers within your organization. Start exploring and unlock the potential of this powerful low-code platform.
You can find more information about  Oracle Apex in this  Oracle Apex Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for Oracle Apex  Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  Oracle Apex here – Oarcle Apex Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class Oracle Apex Details here – Oracle Apex Training
Follow & Connect with us:
For Training inquiries:
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Mail us at: [email protected]
Our Website ➜ https://unogeeks.com
Follow us: 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unogeeks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnogeeksSoftwareTrainingInstitute
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tillzzy · 7 months
Instagram Posts
I drew inspiration from the content shown by Beryl bikes and also from my research into student led branding to target my target audience (students aged 18-25). I also used my app design as inspiration to keep my branding consistent.
I want to focus on community, motivation and the concept of my brand being a bike hiring brand for the whole academic year. I also want to showcase the bikes that I designed, Bliss Bike parking (bike racks) and also the app design. I will be designing 6 posts to share.
general ideas for posts:
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Initial Draft - community cycle post
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use of branding logo as the circle is effective, eye catching and vibrant
use of logo in the corner reiterates the branding
colour scheme is bright but not overwhelming
legibility is clear
clear visual hierarchy using text size - I wanted to use bold type for all type so it can be clearly read
more details about the cycle would be shown in the caption of the post if it was to be an actual event - maybe direct people to caption in the post?
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added check the caption for more details - directs viewers to find out more
perhaps too much text - will ask critical friend for feedback
Did you Know? - Initial Draft
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source of motivation for viewers - encouraging them to go for a bike ride and help their mental health through exercise
gentle encouragement - not too aggressive and more of a friendly tone of voice which is what I want to convey
creating a safe place and community
layout of the circles makes the text not look centred - needs adjusting.
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adjusted the layout of the circles slightly - looks a lot better, text looks more centred and it looks less complicated.
type is easy to read and stands out clearly
I added a cream background to the circles to tie the colour scheme in with the other posts when they are seen on a grid. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I will ask my critical friend for feedback.
Challenges Post
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app interface preview for new followers
don't think the background goes (used a free mockup from FreePik)
margin on the left side isn't wide enough - too close to the edges
type itself is good, communicates efficiently and effectively - easy to understand, clear
visual hierarchy is clear
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coloured background works better - actual hand im not sure is sucessful I think I'm going to try illustrate this element instead and see how it works.
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I adjusted the margin and added some visual elements to tie it in with the other posts. I am going to draw a hand and a phone and see how it compares to the mock up version.
How to sign up Post
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easy to read and understand
showcases product
instagram grid perspective - wha the first page would be (would be 3 more pages that a user can swipe through to view how to sign up)
perhaps a bit too crowded with the circles - downsize a bit
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smaller circles are more effective in this case - doesn't complicate the composition as much
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i tried to add the orange in the background and I think this looks better - tie in the design on the bike and shows cohesive branding throughout
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increased the size of the bike and the text - more clear and prevents the circles from over powering the focal point of the post
showcasing concept
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illustrations show people using the bikes
text explains the concept - perhaps a bit too long?
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slightly shortened. It is a bit tricky to shorten as all content included is necessary.
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testing another coloured background - undecided what works best I will chat with my critical friend for feedback
tips and tricks
advice for people who aren't as familiar with bikes
offering support and connoting to a community behind the brand
friendly language and the use of punctuation helps create a more approachable tone of voice
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Mumbai Airport to Install 2D Barcode Scanners for Passengers to Scan Their Tickets from 26 January
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To ease the entry for Mumbai passengers to T1 and T2, the CSMIA (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport) is starting off with 2D barcode scanners from 26th January. The scanners will be installed at both international and domestic airports. The authorities also shared a demonstration video on the CSMIA Twitter handle. For this, the passengers have to keep the digital or hard copy of the ticket for scanning. Increase the brightness of the device when showing the barcode. Also, verification of government ID will also take place.
After the video was posted by CSMAI, users asked about the introduction of DigiYatra at the Mumbai airport. DigiYatra enables BEST (Biometric Enabled Seamless Travel Experience) through facial recognition technology. CSMAI responded that the launch of DigiYatra is yet to happen and to stay tuned for details of the process and updates and that they look forward to serving you continuously. DigiYatra was rolled out on August 15 at Bangalore International Airport Ltd (BIAL) and Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL).
The Hyderabad International Airport also introduced the beta version of DigiYatra App for helping people with paperless travel and to get past multiple identity checks. The barcode stores information in a square-shaped grid made of a series of pixels. A QR code safeguards the data and includes phone numbers, website URLs, and up to 4,000 text characters. It was in the year 1994 that the first QR code system was invented by a Toyota subsidiary – Denso Wave, a Japanese company.
As for the 2D barcode scanner, people are confused, and the users had several questions in mind. One of them asked if they have to carry multiple boarding passes to show before check-in if flying internationally, or if they will require to check in the baggage twice. Another user said that there is no free seat option for web check-in. But at the counter, the free seat option is available for first-row window seats. A user also enquired if passengers who need wheelchairs and special assistance are allowed to do web check-in or not and if the ticket will suffice for them.
Visit: - https://www.jsbmarketresearch.com/news/news-mumbai-airport-introduce-2d-barcode-scanner-26-january
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freeappall · 2 years
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veryutils · 2 years
VeryUtils Online Image Editor
VeryUtils Online Image Editor is an online graphics editing tool using HTML5. VeryUtils Online Image Editor works in all modern browsers that support HTML5. VeryUtils Online Image Editor lets you create, edit, enhance images using HTML5 technologies on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, etc. systems. You can embed it into your Web, Desktop and mobile applications easily.
VeryUtils Online Image Editor is an online painting application. You can do all the paint related works using this app. VeryUtils Online Image Editor operates directly in the web browser. You can create images, paste from the clipboard (ctrl+v) or upload from the computer (using menu or drag & drop). Nothing will be sent to any server. Everything stays in your web browser.
VeryUtils Online Image Editor is the best online image editor using HTML5. Edit, adjust your images, add effects online in your browser without installing anything.
License Types:
* One Time Purchase for Source Code License (You can install and run it on your own servers) Personal License -- USD$59.95 Commercial License -- USD$299.95 One Year Maintenance Service (Optional) -- (+USD$599.95)
* Subscribe to Our Cloud Service (We are provide FREE Maintenance Service forever)
USD$19.95 per month
USD$199.95 per year
Key Features: layers, transparency, offline graphics editing, filters, HTML5, Photoshop alternative General Features: open, edit, save images, various drawing tools like Magic Wand tool, Clone tool, erase, fill, color picker, colour selector, layers, pencil, brush, shapes, trim, flip, rotate, resize, transparency, zoom, grid, EXIF data, crop, export/import layers data, paste from clipboard, 30 various filters including blur, Tilt Shift, perspective, denoise, vignette, auto colorize, auto adjust colors, decrease color deapth, histogram, gradients, Hermite resample.
Browser Support: * Chrome * Firefox * Opera * Edge * Safari * IE 9/10 and later versions
VeryUtils Image Editor Highlight Features: * Files: open images, directories, URL, data URL, drag and drop, save (PNG, JPG, BMP, WEBP, animated GIF, TIFF, JSON (layers data), print. * Edit: Undo, cut, copy, paste, selection, paste from clipboard. * Image: information, EXIF, trim, zoom, resize (Hermite resample, default resize), rotate, flip, color corrections (brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, luminance), auto adjust colors, grid, histogram, negative. * Layers: multiple layers system, differences, merge, flatten, Transparency support. * Effects: Black and White, Blur (box, Gaussian, stack, zoom), Bulge/Pinch, Denoise, Desaturate, Dither, Dot Screen, Edge, Emboss, Enrich, Gamma, Grains, GrayScale, Heatmap, JPG Compression, Mosaic, Oil, Sepia, Sharpen, Solarize, Tilt Shift, Vignette, Vibrance, Vintage, Blueprint, Night Vision, Pencil, also Instagram Filters: 1977, Aden, Clarendon, Gingham, Inkwell, Lo-fi, Toaster, Valencia, X-Pro II. * Tools: pencil, brush, magic wand, erase, fill, color picker, letters, crop, blur, sharpen, desaturate, clone, borders, sprites, key-points, color zoom, replace color, restore alpha, content fill. * Help: keyboard shortcuts, translations.
How to embed VeryUtils Online Image Editor into your web page?
-- To embed this app in the other page, use this HTML code:
[iframe style="width:100%; height:1000px;" id="VeryUtilsImageEditor" src="https://veryutils.com/app/image-editor/" allow="camera"][/iframe]
-- Enable VeryUtils Online Image Editor to open an online image file automatically,
[iframe style="width:100%; height:1000px;" id="VeryUtilsImageEditor" src="https://veryutils.com/app/image-editor/?url=https://veryutils.com/images/picture.jpg" allow="camera"][/iframe]
-- Enable VeryUtils Online Image Editor to open an online template file automatically,
[iframe style="width:100%; height:1000px;" id="VeryUtilsImageEditor" src="https://veryutils.com/app/image-editor/?url=https://veryutils.com/app/image-editor/images/test-collection.json" allow="camera"][/iframe]
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dritaknowledge · 2 years
Mybrushes for macbook pro
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There's no training included in this package. How to Import Grid Builder Into Procreate on the iPad Pro We have. These brushes are just tools, and your results depend on your own artistic style, painting skills, and level of experience with the Procreate app. The Ultimate Procreate Brushpack Procreate Brushes Procreate Apple Pencil Apple Pencil. Note: The images included on this page are examples of what I have painted using these exact same brushes, stamps, and papers, but I can't gurantee that you can paint exactly like I do simply by using these brushes. The brushes work with Procreate app version 5+ on iPad & iPad Pro These are the same brushes, stamps, and paper textures that I have customized over time for myself and use them to paint the artworks you can see on my Instagram, and I hope that they will help you create beautiful artworks as well :) It is an awesome alternative app to Microsoft Paint for Windows and Apples. Users can draw in straight Lline, rectangle or circle shape. SketchBook in 2022 by cost, reviews, features, integrations, deployment, target market, support options, trial offers, training options, years in business, region, and more using the chart below. for Mac OS X 10.6.8 and above, iMac, Macbook Mini, Macbook air, Macbook Pro. What’s the difference between MyBrushes Pro, PaintTool SAI, and SketchBook Compare MyBrushes Pro vs.
It has a brand new cool GUI and supports Symmetrical Painting. MyBrushes Paint for Mac app is the best Mac paint tool to paint on Mac. Unique Paint Studio for Mac: INFINITE canvas size. Those of you who have used my brushes before will recognise the usual classics but. I've been using Procreate to paint my watercolor style floral artworks for some time now, and due to the increasing demand from my audience, I have finally decided to make my custom brushes available to the public. MyBrushes Artist Community is proud to announce the newest version 5.3 of MyBrushes Pro which is the most powerful iPad drawing app nowadays. Download and install Mybrushes-Sketch,Paint,Design v2.1.6 for Android. Over 60 Free, Unique Procreate Brushes Available Pro-Quality Textures.
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webcamkilop · 2 years
Beebeep messenger plugins
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Beebeep messenger plugins download#
Beebeep messenger plugins free#
Las estaciones ambi transmiten 24/7 musica para relajación, meditación, estudio, descanzo, jugar videojuegos, destejar o simplemente para escuchar de fondo mientras trabajas en el escritorio.Īndroid Studio es el entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE) oficial para el desarrollo de apps para Android, basado en IntelliJ IDEA. Alexandra Video Library.ĭownload YouTube videos in MP3 with tags and lyricsĮscucha estaciones de radio de musica ambiental atravez de internet. Fast filtration in the view and powerful advanced search. Automatically retrieving data from the internet. Features: - Lot of fields with information about the film. You can completely customize your movies in a list or a grid, add detailed information, tags, posters, view technical information about the file and use advanced search. Small, fast, but powerful video library, written in C++ with Qt5 Alexandra Video Library - a simple and comfortable program for organization and management of the your video library. The frontends shipped heavily focus on customizability. Extensions can also be implemented using embedded Python modules or via a CGI approach in any language you want. Plugins can be used to create modular frontends or native extensions. The plugin based architecture makes it extremely flexible and powerful. Technically it is a keyboard launcher written in C++/Qt. The icons are used in many of the official GNOME applications like eog, Evince, system monitor, and many more.Ī sophisticated, plugin-based, standalone keyboard launcher written in C++/Qt Albert is a unified and efficient access to your machine.
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View instagram photos on desktop 4K Stogram allows to view and download instagram photos and videos on desktop.ĭownload online video 4K Video Downloader allows to download video and audio content from YouTube and other services in the high quality as fast as possible and to save this video on your computer.Ĭonvert video to mp3 4K Video to MP3 allows to extract audio from any video and save it as mp3 file.ĭownload online audio 4K YouTube to MP3 allows to download audio content from YouTube and other services in the high quality as fast as possible and to save it as mp3 on your computer.ĭefault icon theme of GNOME This package contains the default icon theme used by the GNOME desktop. Save your slideshow in the best quality for your iPhone or share it on Facebook. Advanced face-recognition technology helps not to miss your important persons. Just add your favorite photos from Instagram or from your computer, select the music, apply gorgeous effects and transitions.
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4K Slidshow Maker is an easy and free app to create slideshows.
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tonkichart · 2 years
Photobricks app for android
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Pause the work profile to take a break from work apps and notifications.
The appearance of the Play Store app varies by device manufacturer and Android version, but the work version is always marked with a briefcase. If you don’t see an app you need for work, you can request it from your IT support person.
Open the work version of the Google Play Store to see all of the apps your organization has made available to you.Ĭontinue to use the work version of the Play Store to search for and install other apps for work. To see how it appears on other Android devices, see the examples at the bottom of this article. This folder is automatically created during setup. On some devices, work apps are in a work-designated folder on the home screen. Work apps appear alongside your personal apps or within a Work tab in your app drawer. Swipe up on the home screen or select Apps to access the app drawer. If you're using a custom launcher, work apps can appear in places other than the app drawer or home screen folder. Use the version that's marked with the briefcase for work-related tasks. For example, you could have two Outlook apps. Personal app (no briefcase)Īfter you've set up the work profile, you may see duplicate apps on your device. Some screen readers and voice assistants identify work apps by saying "work" before the app name. Work apps are marked with a briefcase badge, while personal apps do not have a briefcase badge.
To learn how to set up a work profile, see Create a work profile and enroll your device. They also can’t reset or wipe your device. They can’t access the personal email, apps, settings, and data. Your IT support person can only manage the work-related email, apps, settings, and data on your device.
Tell the difference between work apps and personal apps.
The work profile lives on a separate part of the device so that your personal things stay private and unaffected by work.
Change your cover photo or profile pic of Facebook using this collage maker.A work profile is set up on an Android device to separate work apps and data from personal apps and data.
Decorate your home with photo collage.
For any occasion, make greeting cards and gift these cards to your friends and family and make them happy.
Then share your foto grid with your friends on Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Add special effects, text, stickers, etc.
Fit your pics in the grid using various orientations and resizing features.
Foto grid freeload!!! Designed and Developed by: Trieffects Technologies
You can also create your art foto grid.So, don’t be confused and install this photo grid collage app for free from google play store on your Android phone. You can create a photo collage of your best photos. A huge collection of layouts, stickers and text fonts are also available. You can also add art photo effect to your pictures. You can either select your pictures from the gallery or click pictures from the camera and then you can apply editing like crop, resize, zoom-in, zoom-out, etc. It is the best pic grid collage app which gives you the freedom to show your art.
Ğasy to share edited pictures on social networks like Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.ġ00% Free Art Foto Grid Collage Art Foto Grid CollageStill in boredom? Just get out of it guys…… try the new creative foto grid collage maker for Android……… Art Foto Grid Collage.
Ğasy to create foto grid as well as a photo collage.
đ00 layouts, 50 stickers, 50 text fonts, single finger zoom-in, zoom-out, rotation, etc.
Ğasy to edit and add cool effects to pictures.
So, don’t be confused and install this photo grid collage app for free from google play store on your Android phone. Still in boredom? Just get out of it guys…… try the new creative foto grid collage maker for Android……… Art Foto Grid Collage.
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ftjust · 2 years
Turbocollage mac
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You might have a suggestion for a feature or you might like to report an issue you faced. AirDrop collage to your iPhone and post it to Instagram or WhatsApp from your iPhone.Export collage as JPEG, PNG, or TIFF to send it to a print shop or to print it from the local printer.Configure text font, size, color, opacity, and alignment.Use picture or color as collage background.Drag a picture on another picture to exchange them.Pan and zoom pictures within their frames.Customize the number of rows and columns in a Grid collage.Invoke intelligent algorithm to minimize cropping of images in Mosaic collage.
Use manual controls to design any Mosaic collage arrangement from scratch.Mosaic, Grid, Zig Mosaic, Center Frame and Photohive Patterns Use shapes on all or selected pictures in Advanced Pile.Use Instant Camera or Postage Stamp border styles in Regular Pile.Rearrange pictures into a grid-like arrangement.Rearrange pictures into photo wall arrangement.Increase/decrease size of all or selected pictures.Change pile order to bring more prominent pictures on top.Drag, scale, rotate, or crop selected picture.Shuffle to get a new picture arrangement.Choose from over 125 pre-designed Templates.Choose from a wide range of default sizes and aspect ratios.Use Undo/Redo for hassle-free designing.Export images as big as 12000 X 12000 pixels.Add an unlimited number of pictures to collage.Googles famous image organizer and photo editor picasa also has an inbuilt collage creator. Seven top level collage patterns, thousands of amazing collage design possibilities. Creating a photo collage with turbocollage app for mac. In almost all cases, you will get an arrangement that doesn’t crop the used pictures at all! TurboCollage comes with an intelligent algorithm to arrange pictures in Mosaic collage such that cropping of pictures is minimized. Professional designers, photographers, bloggers, and photo enthusiasts across the globe use TurboCollage to create photo collages, scrapbooks, contact sheets, design boards, mood boards, reference boards, greeting cards, comp cards, promotional images, event posters, disk covers, photo books, and invitation cards.Įase of use, versatility, and superb performance make TurboCollage the best collage maker for Mac. With an intuitive interface, TurboCollage gives you complete control over your collage design. Tie fond memories together into gorgeous picture mosaics. Setup a collage with a prominent center picture, arrange pictures in a regular grid, create a picture pile, or arrange pictures like a beehive. Fully-featured, easy-to-use photo collage maker for Mac.Ĭreate stunning picture collages on your Mac.
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globallong · 2 years
Photo blender image
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+ you can share created photo via facebook, twiter, instagram, mail (ex: gmail, yahoo) * Adjust the inner/ corner/ shadow/ scale + Filter, rotate, create memo texts, blur, focus photos with photo blender + you can create an image like scrapbook. + you can create splash image, blur image, square image with blur, mirror image with 3D effects, flare effect as well You can add your favorite emojis on photo.
+ post full size photo without croping, with blur background, shadow effects. Bad or good weather, you still can make photos better + Filter: many amazing filters, including beautify, retro, landscape, halo, black & white and all sorts of festive filters. Crop & Resize your images in different aspect ratio + Crop & Resize: Supports horizontal and vertical cropping & resizing. + Collage Maker: 300+ different collage templates for you to combine photos in different ways, you can even customize templates to suit your needs! Design your own photo creation! Anything is possible Amazing functions: Blender, Square Blur Image, Shape Effect, Scrapbook to create memo album, collage maker with hundreds layouts, Mirror Effect.
The most popular and free photo blender worldwide You can choose the collage templates and adjust the inner and outer. Photo blender maker pic will collage your 1-9 photos together. Photo blender pic also help you combine multiple photos with various layout and photo grids,with hundred layouts,backgrounds,and you can adjust layouts so make sensitive, in addtion to these,blur square size pic is the easiest pic stitching tools out there. Photo blender app, you can post full size photos on Instagram with no crop, with blur,mosica background, shadow to emphasis you photo to be art, with lots fantastic stickers. Photo blender app, Collage Maker, Mirror Image, blur image, splash image, scrapbook All In One! Photo blender app is a best photo blender to provide the square/collage and snap photo for instagram. Photo Blender Editor allow you to add text, stickers to your custom photos. With Photo Blender Editor, you can combine your ordinary photos to create beautiful collages. Its Unique user interface stands out from other apps.ĭownload Photo blender application directly from google play store.Photo Blender Editor is a best photo editor & blender effect application, help you have awesome photo collage from multi cut photo you touch. If you like this application give rating and share to your friends using social network sites like facebook, twitter, gmail, whatsapp etc. Share decorated photo blender image to your loved one. You can also Set them as Wallpaper and Share with your family and friends or loved one. You can flip two photos using flip button.įinally save decorated photo on sdcard using save button. Move or rotate or zoom selected photo and adjust them. Select one of two photos using buttons at screen bottom. Select two photos from gallery or take picture using mobile camera. * No web connection is required.How to Use: * Flip foreground and background photos each other. * Movable foreground and background blend photos for proper position. * Easily blend two photos to make them one. Proportions with a spontaneous crop adjustment and set your blend image transparency with easy swipe gestures!Gorgeous features for Photo blender app: This Photo Blender is an amazing app that can blend two of your photos into a single photo to build fascinating posters with simple taps. Photo Blender (Image mixture) is a simple but powerful app, it blends two of your Photos into a single Photo.
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longlucid · 2 years
Thinking rock android
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You can peruse Pinterest and some of your favorite feeds for color inspiration – or even make your own random palette with free apps like Coolors!
Wondering how to make your Instagram pretty? Try adding splashes of color to your visual planning approach!Īdopting an Instagram color theme isn’t as complicated as it sounds. Find your best natural lighting – try shooting by a window, or outdoors in mid-morning or mid-evening!įor even more easy tips to become a Smartphone photography, pro, tune into our free webinar with stock photo master Kayla Marie Butler of The Ivory Mix!.Turn on Grid Lines to make your photo composition even better.Use the AE/AF lock feature to set your exposure before taking your picture.
Whether you’re taking professional-looking photos with your iPhone, or snapping lifestyle shots with your Android device… nearly every modern SmartPhone device can deliver jaw-dropping photos! You just need a steady hand, some patience and an eye for composing your photos in unexpected ways! High-quality photos aren’t out of your reach, even if you don’t have a fancy DSLR. Our list of tips for how to make your Instagram feed better wouldn’t be complete without this deceptively easy fix: high- quality photos! What matters is that you consistently use the same filters and settings for each photo to match the aesthetic that you choose! If you’re hoping to make your Instagram look better, it doesn’t matter how you choose to take your photos or process them. They have it down to a science and, wow, does it show in their amazing Instagram feeds. VSCO is the most popular app for processing Instagram photos with fashion and lifestyle bloggers.
Process each photo through filters, apps and/ or presets the same way (more on this later!).
Plan your Instagram content in advance for posting (spur-of-the-moment photos might be hard to fit into your styled Grid!).
Making sure each post fits the style that you create for your visual theme (more on this later!).
The exact placement of photos in relation to each other.
The types of photos or videos you’ll post.
So what do we mean by think like an editor? Chiefly, you’ll want to take these things into consideration when creating a nice feed on Instagram: This is the first small mental change to make to your Instagram posting process in order to implement a feed plan and create a cohesive look. You’ll want to start thinking about your Instagram feed as a whole entity and not as individual posts. Let’s unpack our tips on how to make your Instagram pretty and follow-worthy below! There are a few tips and tricks that beautifying your Instagram feed really simple through visually planning your Instagram posts. How to Have a Good Instagram Feed in 8 Simple Steps Ready to learn how to make your Instagram feed look good and rock the grid? Let’s dive in! When you’re thoughtfully trying to make your Instagram look better, by applying a theme or creating a cohesive look, you can create a style all your own. These harmonious grid effects are super effective in getting people to stop scrolling, like their images and even comment! On some of your favorite accounts, you may even notice subtle color nuances and styles that make the content POP 💥! So what is an Instagram grid, anyway? When you’re viewing an Instagram profile on your smartphone, you’ll see nine photos at once. Feeling like your Instagram feed is in a creative rut? Don’t worry, we’re here to provide you with 8 key tips on how to have a good Instagram feed and take your grid to the next level!
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bananaper · 2 years
Instagram download for pc windows 7 32 bit
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Instagram PC Simple Process of Downloading This photographic social network enables you to edit your own photos and videos, filter them, and add multiple effects, upload them, and get impressive likes from your followers. View Instagram Stories, like pictures, leave comments, and much more through the strongest platform of Windows. Windows 32 Bit | UptoBox | Up4Ever | ZippyShareįile size : 50 MB | Password : Download for PC Windows no doubts a wonderful release in 2016 for the users who want to change thumb swiping into mouse scrolling.
Windows 64 Bit | UptoBox | Up4Ever | ZippyShare
Open the Crack folder, follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file.Īlternative Software : 4K Stogram Full Version Grids For Instagram freeload Patch Full.
Extract files downloaded with the latest Winrar v6.1.
Disable antivirus and Windows Defender if needed.
Turn off the internet connection on the computer.
Download Grids For Instagram 7.0 Full Version.
How to Grids For Instagram 7 Full Crack on Windows
Grids app makes IG browsing on the desktop more interactive.
Grids is the best software to browse Instagram on a computer.
Supports Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7.
Bookmark accounts, location, hashtags, photos and videos.
Window panel size settings, so that photos remain clear and sharp.
Share posts, profiles, tags and locations through direct message conversations.
View and post stories on a personal account without any complicated issues.
In addition, there is a like button, comment, follow, search and explore.
Also, it has a notification feature to keeps you updated on the latest feeds.
The UI works pretty well in fullscreen or minimized mode.
It has a clean and intuitive user interface.
Switching from multiple accounts flawlessly.
Upload photos and videos from the Windows desktop.
Start managing your account on the desktop immediately. Fortunately, Grids For Instagram PRO 7.0.18 now supports Windows 10 64-bit Redstone.ĭo you want to download the best IG application for PC? Grids For Instagram freeload full version with crack is now available for you. Setting bookmarks, location and hashtags also can be done without a complicated process. We can adjust the size of the application panel so that the photos displayed remain clear and sharp. Also, whenever you want to change accounts, a switch between multiple accounts can be done in this application. You can also upload photos or video stories with just one click. That’s because all of the layout features have been designed extremely well and neatly. Moreover, the user interface of this software is also very easy to use. This software allows you to view, upload photos & videos, like, comment, and do all the Instagram features on a computer device.Īside from uploading and browsing, this new software can also see notifications and start conversations (DM) with friends.
One of them is Grids for Instagram full version which you can download for free in this article. There are many applications for managing IG accounts on the desktop computer. Grids For Instagram 7.0.18 freeload Full PRO (Windows)
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