#best hr software in india
greythrsoftware · 7 months
Introducing the greytHR-Tally JV Integration: One-Click Payroll JV Posting to Tally
greytHR-Tally JV Integration
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Tally is India’s most popular accounting and ERP software and powers most businesses. And greytHR is India’s most popular HRMS, payroll and workforce management software on the cloud.
You already knew this, but here’s the good news. We are delighted to announce a seamless integration between greytHR and Tally for automatically posting various payroll journal vouchers (JV) every month!
The greytHR-Tally JV Integration brings you a bunch of benefits:
Enjoy one-click payroll JV entry after an easy, one-time setup
Save several hours on payroll JV entry each month
Minimize manual errors by eliminating spreadsheets and ad-hoc communication
Enjoy 100% security against data leaks with direct posting from greytHR to Tally
How Does It Work?
Without this integration, the payroll team needs to generate the payroll JV report from greytHR, then pass it on to the accounts team. The latter, in turn, manually enters this data into Tally. This process quickly gets complex and manual entry increases multi-fold, especially in larger organizations with a number of payroll components/cost centers.
Now, the greytHR-Tally JV Integration automates this process. Using the greytHR add-on for Tally, with a single click, you fetch the payroll JV from greytHR and post it to Tally, as shown above. It’s as simple as that.
Let’s Get Started!
If you’re a greytHR customer, simply raise a support ticket to enable this feature for your organization.
Check out our How-To Video and FAQ Section to explore this integration further.
Not a greytHR user? Discover how 20,000+ businesses are elevating their HR game with greytHR — book a free demo now.
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eazework · 1 year
Employee Helpdesk Software | Eazework
Eazework is a powerful HR management software that streamlines employee helpdesk operations with easy-to-use tools and features. With this solution, you can manage employee requests, track issue resolution, and automate HR processes, all in one place. Designed for businesses of any size, Eazework helps you stay on top of employee needs while boosting productivity and efficiency.
Visit Website - https://www.eazework.com/
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qandle1 · 1 year
How to select the best HR Software in India
Selecting the best HR software in India requires a systematic approach to ensure it meets your organization's specific needs. Here's a concise guide to help you make an informed decision:
·         Identify Requirements: Assess your HR processes and identify key areas where software can add value, such as payroll, attendance, leave management, performance reviews, or recruitment.
·         Scalability and Flexibility: Consider the software's scalability to accommodate your organization's growth. It should also offer flexibility to adapt to changing HR requirements.
·         User-Friendliness: Choose software with a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation. It should be easy to learn and use, reducing the need for extensive training.
·         Integration Capabilities: Check if the software integrates smoothly with existing systems like accounting or CRM software. Seamless integration avoids data silos and enhances efficiency.
·         Data Security and Compliance: Ensure the software complies with data protection regulations and provides robust security measures to safeguard sensitive employee information.
·         Vendor Reputation and Support: Research the vendor's reputation, read customer reviews, and evaluate their support services. A reliable vendor with a responsive support team is crucial for a smooth implementation and ongoing assistance.
·         Cost and ROI: Consider the software's pricing structure, including upfront costs, licensing fees, and any additional charges. Assess the potential return on investment based on the software's features and cost savings it can offer.
·         Demo and Trial: Request a product demo and trial period to evaluate the software's functionality and user experience firsthand. This allows you to assess if it aligns with your organization's requirements.
·         References and Recommendations: Seek feedback from other companies in your industry or professional network who have used the software. Their experiences can provide valuable insights.
·         Future Roadmap: Assess the software vendor's future plans and product roadmap to ensure ongoing updates and improvements align with your organization's long-term goals.
By considering these factors and evaluating HR software options based on your organization's unique needs, you can select the best HR software in India to streamline your HR processes effectively.
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omrasolutions23 · 1 year
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savvyhrms8 · 2 years
Best HRMS software for organisations- Savvy HRMS
Want to automate the process in your organization then Savvy HRMS best HRMS software provider help in automating the process in your organization. The software help HR reduce the workload and focus on other key responsibilities. The automated process help in saving time and in long run helps to increase organization growth.
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nyggs · 2 years
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lhsindia · 2 years
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LightHouse HRM, Best HRM software in India. human resources management system helps to eliminate much of the routine paperwork associated with HR.
visit at:
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falconhrms · 7 months
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ameotechinformatics · 7 months
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greythrsoftware · 8 months
Designing a Compensation Strategy for a Future-Ready Workforce
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Steps to Create a Winning Compensation Strategy
Start by gaining a deep understanding of the organization’s business strategy.
Evaluate the mission, vision, core values, and goals of the organization.
Know the key factors that help drive the company’s success.
Consider the type of organization and its competitive advantage.
Perform a job analysis to understand the various roles and skills and their value.
Establish a very clear compensation philosophy that is aligned with the goals of the organization.
Study the market and arrive at a competitive compensation package for each role.
Establish a good performance evaluation process with the right KPIs and metrics.
Build a total rewards system by considering work-life balance, remote opportunities, learning and development, and more.
Ensure effective communication for the employees to fully understand the compensation and benefits.
Engage regularly with employees to understand the effectiveness of the compensation strategy.
Measure the impact on employee experience, satisfaction levels, and success by using suitable metrics.
Visit the greytHR blog on the website and watch YouTube video.
Link - https://medium.com/@greytHRsoftware/designing-a-compensation-strategy-for-a-future-ready-workforce-8c12935921cf
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eazework · 1 year
Best Workforce Management Software in 2023
Eazework is the ultimate solution for businesses that are looking for the best workforce management software available on the market. This software is designed to help businesses keep track of their employees' performance, attendance, and productivity. With Eazework, you can automatically generate attendance reports, manage employee leaves, and keep track of your entire workforce from a single platform.
Visit Website - https://www.eazework.com/
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faxocjobs · 9 months
Best Places of work in India: Your Way to Profession Accomplishment with FAXOC
Is it true that you are on the chase after the ideal work in India? In a nation overflowing with open doors, securing the right position can be both energizing and testing. Fortunately, FAXOC is here to improve on your pursuit of employment venture. We've ordered a broad manual for the best places of work in India, so you can find the most amazing job you could ever ask for easily.
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omrasolutions23 · 1 year
 Best HR and payroll software in India
HR software is software designed to help manage all aspects of the human resources process, including recruitment, onboarding, payroll, employee benefits and administration, and performance management. HR software India The software helps streamline and automate many of the manual processes associated with human resources, making it easier for HR teams to manage their workloads more efficiently.
Hr Payroll software is a computer program that automates the processing of employee payroll and associated taxes. This type of software typically processes payments such as wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, and deductions. It is often used to generate reports, track employee attendance, manage benefits, and provide compliance with government regulations.
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savvyhrms8 · 2 years
Best HRMS software in India- Savvy HRMS
Searching for cloud-based HR software in India then Savvy HRMS provides cloud-based hr software with versatile features. The software is accessible from any place. The HR software help to ease the work process and help in saving time through an automated process. Moreover, the software has a user-friendly interface which makes it easy to use.
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shrmproats · 1 year
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hr-softwares · 1 year
HR Software in India - Infotrack
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Are you looking for best hr software in India? Contact infotrack systems is the leading hr management software provider company. Our comprehensive HR software offers streamlined solutions for payroll management, leave tracking, employee data management and much more. Try Infotrack software today and see how it can revolutionize your HR processes.
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