#best spine specialist in Nashik
theneurologist · 6 months
Spine Surgery & Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery
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When it comes to spinal health, finding the right specialist is crucial for effective treatment and optimal results. In Nashik, the Axon Brain and Spine Clinic stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering cutting-edge solutions in Spine Surgery and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of these procedures, shedding light on what sets the clinic apart as the home to the best spine specialist in Nashik.
Understanding Spine Surgery:
Spine surgery is a medical procedure performed to address various spinal conditions that may be causing pain, discomfort, or restricted mobility. Conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease may necessitate surgical intervention. At Axon Brain and Spine Clinic, a team of highly skilled surgeons, led by the best spine specialist in Nashik, employs state-of-the-art techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.
Key Aspects of Spine Surgery:
Evaluation and Diagnosis:
Before recommending surgery, thorough evaluation and accurate diagnosis are paramount. The best spine specialist at Axon Brain and Spine Clinic utilizes advanced diagnostic tools to identify the root cause of spinal issues, allowing for a targeted and personalized approach to treatment.
Surgical Techniques:
Axon Clinic excels in employing the latest surgical techniques to address spinal conditions. Traditional open surgery and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery are two primary approaches. While open surgery involves larger incisions and more extensive tissue disruption, Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery utilizes smaller incisions, reducing trauma to surrounding tissues and promoting faster recovery.
Understanding Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery:
Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) is a revolutionary approach that has gained prominence in recent years. This technique minimizes the disruption of muscles and tissues, resulting in reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery. The best spine surgeon in Nashik at Axon Clinic is adept at utilizing MISS for a range of spinal conditions.
Advantages of Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery:
Reduced Tissue Damage:
One of the primary benefits of MISS is the minimal disruption to surrounding tissues. This leads to less postoperative pain and a quicker return to normal activities.
Smaller Incisions:
Smaller incisions mean less scarring and a lower risk of infection. Patients appreciate the cosmetic advantages of MISS, as the scars are barely noticeable.
Faster Recovery:
Patients undergoing MISS often experience a faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery. This is particularly crucial for individuals with busy lifestyles who want to resume their normal activities promptly.
Choosing the Best Spine Specialist in Nashik:
Selecting the right spine specialist is paramount for a successful outcome. The best spine specialist at Axon Clinic possesses a combination of expertise, experience, and a patient-centered approach. Here are some key factors to consider:
Credentials and Experience:
Ensure that the specialist is board-certified and has extensive experience in performing spine surgeries. The best spine specialist at Axon Clinic boasts a stellar track record and a wealth of experience in the field.
Patient Reviews:
Reading patient testimonials and reviews provides valuable insights into the quality of care provided. Axon Clinic has a strong reputation for positive patient experiences and successful outcomes.
Personalized Approach:
A patient-centered approach involves tailoring treatment plans to the specific needs of each individual. The best spine specialist in Nashik at Axon Clinic takes the time to understand the unique circumstances of each patient, ensuring a personalized and effective treatment strategy.
In conclusion, Axon Brain and Spine Clinic stand out as the go-to destination for Spine Surgery and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery in Nashik. With the best spine specialist leading the way, patients can expect top-notch care, advanced surgical techniques, and a commitment to optimal outcomes. When it comes to spinal health, choosing the right specialist makes all the difference, and Axon Clinic remains the trusted choice for individuals seeking the best spine surgeon in Nashik.
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neurospinenashik · 8 months
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drpawar · 2 years
Arthritis Treatment in Nashik – Dr. Pritam Pawar
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What is Arthritis?
An inflammatory joint condition called arthritis makes joints enlarge. Bones meet in parts of the body called joints, which are referred to as joints. The movement of the bodily parts connected to a bone by a joint is its purpose. Swelling in one or more joints is the exact definition of arthritis. There are more than a hundred different forms of arthritis, each with a unique aetiology and course of treatment. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most prevalent forms. The top spine specialist in Nashik and a provider of arthritis treatment in Nashik is Dr. Pritam Pawar.
Joint discomfort is a symptom of arthritis. Polyarthritis is the term for arthritis that affects four or more joints simultaneously. The signs of arthritis typically become apparent with ageing, although they can occasionally strike suddenly. Although it can occur in children, teenagers, and younger adults, it is most frequently found in adults over the age of 65. Overweight individuals and women experience it more frequently than males do.
What are the Symptoms of Arthritis?
Locking of the joint
Decrease of joint range of motion
Weakness in the joints
The range of motion may also be reduced as a result of arthritis, and the skin around the joint may become reddish. Mornings are worse for symptoms. Due to the swelling that the immune system's activity creates in rheumatoid arthritis, you could feel exhausted or lose your appetite. Red blood cell count also drops, and the person may experience a mild temperature. Untreated rheumatoid arthritis can lead to abnormalities in the joints.
What Causes Arthritis?
The main contributors of degenerative arthritis are unintentional wounds, an unbalanced metabolism, a family history of the condition (such as osteoarthritis), infections, and an overactive immune system. When possible, treatment plans focus on the particular causes of arthritis. In your joints, cartilage is a strong but flexible connective tissue. It shields the joints from the pressure and force that come with movement and motion. Some types of arthritis are brought on by reduced amounts of this cartilage tissue. An injury to the joints might accelerate the cartilage's normal deterioration. A person is more likely to get arthritis if there is a family history of the condition.
Rheumatoid arthritis is yet another typical form of arthritis. It's an autoimmune condition. It happens when the body's immune system attacks the tissues. Invading and destroying a joint, Rheumatoid Arthritis is a synovial illness that eventually affects the bone and cartilage within the joint.
What is the Treatment for Arthritis?
Treatment options include
Non-pharmacological treatments include joint replacement surgery
Joint replacement surgery
Physical or occupational therapy
Other joint assistive devices
The purpose of treatment is to lessen your current discomfort and prevent further joint damage. To lessen discomfort, people use ice packs and heating pads. To help relieve pressure on aching joints, some persons also use mobility support tools like canes or walkers. It's also crucial to work on your joint functionality. To achieve the best outcomes, a doctor could also suggest a combination of therapy modalities. Dr. Pritam Pawar strives to deliver the greatest and most dependable patient care services, and he offers the best arthritis treatment in Nashik.
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pushp123 · 3 years
Best Spine Specialist in Nashik | Dr.Prasad Kasliwal
Looking for the best spine specialist in Nashik? Contact Dr. Prasad Kasliwal he provides the best spine treatment at Pushp Hospital. Visit Pushp Hospital for the best spine specialist in Nashik.
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akansha198-blog · 5 years
How to avoid spinal problem
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How to avoid spinal problem
Exercise is one of the most significant ways we can increase our longevity, improve our health, and decrease our pain and suffering. Proper exercise can improve flexibility, increase strength, and even reduce back pain. Knowing the best exercises to improve your health or decrease your pain is essential to a workout plan or a pain management program.
Eat right.
Eating a balanced diet with the right amount and variety of vitamins and nutrients can reduce back problems by nourishing the bones, muscles, discs and other structures in the spine. ... It is essential for bone health and helps maintain the necessary level of bone mass throughout the lifespan, and especially in old age.
Sleep sideways.
When done correctly with the proper body alignment, sleeping on your side can reduce both joint and low back pain, as well as chronic pain associated with long-term conditions like fibromyalgia. Another benefit to sleeping on your side is reduced snoring, a common symptom seen in obstructive sleep apnea.
Maintain proper posture.
Good posture involves training your body to stand, walk, sit, and lie in positions where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement or weight-bearing activities.
Good posture is also known as neutral spine. When we have good posture, the muscles surrounding the spine are balanced and supporting the body equally
Good Posture:
Keeps bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly.
Helps decrease the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces.
Decreases the stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together.
Prevents the spine from becoming fixed in abnormal positions.
Prevents fatigue because muscles are being used more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy.
Prevents backache and muscular pain.
Contributes to a good appearance.
To Achieve Good Posture You Will Require the Following:
Good muscle flexibility
Normal motion in the joints
Strong postural muscles
A balance of muscles on both sides of the spine
Awareness of your own posture, plus awareness of proper posture which leads to conscious correction.
With practise, the correct posture for standing, sitting, and lying down will gradually replace your old posture.
Reduce stress.
Stress is a common condition that can have serious adverse effects on an individual’s quality of life and health. It occurs when an individual feels too much pressure that they are unable to cope with. In response to stress, the body produces stress hormones (e.g. corticosteroids) and their heart rate and blood pressure rise. Stress occurs every day and is a normal part of human functioning. It can have some benefits, such as increasing motivation, but excessive or chronic stress can lead to health problems.
Putting aside time to relax every day is an important strategy for reducing stress. For many people, reserving the time for relaxation may be the greatest challenge, so be proactive. It may be as easy as taking lunch and tea breaks at work. Reducing stress increases productivity, so time spent relaxing is ultimately time well spent. Relaxation time could be spent:
Reading a book or listening to music;
Playing with pets or children;
Performing a relaxation exercise (e.g. progressive muscle relaxation, in which each group of muscles is gradually and consciously clenched and relaxed in turn, while imagining tension flowing out of the muscles with each relaxation).
Quit smoking.
It's well known that smoking raises your risk for heart disease and cancer, including lung and colon cancers, but most people don't realize that smoking also can be a cause of persistent back pain. Research also shows smoking can make existing back pain worse. It's not entirely clear how smoking affects back health, but one possibility is that it narrows blood vessels. Narrowed blood vessels result in less oxygen and nutrients reaching the spine and, in turn, it becomes more susceptible to injury and slower to heal.
For more guidelines contact at Spine Care Clinic - Dr. Gaurav gujarathi, who is Spine specialist in Nashik
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mukesh-dhande · 3 years
For Back Pain Relief, Seek Treatment From One Of The Best Spine Surgeon in Nashik
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Severe back or spine pain can affect your everyday activities, so it's important to seek treatment from one of the Best Spine surgeon in Nashik as soon as possible to avoid the problem worsening. These spine specialists' vast and competent expertise is well-known around the world.
They've undergone extensive training from some of the world's finest spine surgeons, as well as exposure to the latest cutting-edge technologies for conducting minimally invasive spine surgeries.
Why should you go to a Spine surgeon in nashik?
They have the most efficient treatment options.
They have received training from all over the world.
In the area of spine care, they have the highest and most advanced qualifications.
They are compassionate and always willing to provide their patients with the best medical treatment possible.
They can be contacted at any time.
They have the most sophisticated hospital setups with the most advanced equipment and services for medical care.
Back pain is caused by a variety of reasons.
One or more of the following factors may be causing your back pain.
Long stretches of sitting or standing.
Adopting a sedentary way of life.
Insufficient physical exercise.
Daily exercise is missing.
Sitting with a drooped posture.
Bending often or for long periods of time
Inappropriate footwear.
Symptoms of back pain that need medical attention
Difficulty carrying out daily activities.
Some kind of back injury or trauma.
Back pain that persists and does not go away even after rest.
Fever and weight loss, as well as swelling in the back section.
Back pain that radiates down the thighs, just below the knees.
Back pain caused by spinal disorders
 Spine Injury: Spine injury may occur as a result of an accident, a sports injury, or work-related or lifestyle issues. Any such occurrence may cause vertebral misalignment or fracture.
Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a shift in the alignment of the spine in which the spine loses its normal form and becomes shaped like a C or S. Scoliosis is more common in girls than in boys.
Spinal Tumour: There may be a tumour in the area of the spine. A tumour can interrupt the normal functioning of activities involving the spine and cause intense pain. Corticosteroids to relieve inflammation and pain, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these are some of the treatment choices.
Spinal Stenosis: The tightening of the spine induces spinal stenosis, which decreases the cushion and places pressure on the spinal nerves. Bone degeneration, arthritis, and other factors may cause stenosis. Stenosis is treated by removing the damaged vertebrae or fusing the vertebrae together. As a result, the pressure on the nerves is relieved, and the spine is aligned properly.
Herniated Disc: The rupture or breakage of the cartilages that exist between the discs causes this. The rupture is caused by ageing, being overweight, lifting heavy weights, and other factors. This may result in the vertebrae rubbing together, causing excessive pain.
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Spine Surgery
If you’ve struggled with back pain for any length of time, then dr. Nikhil bhamre provides quality Spine Surgery in Nashik. you may be wondering if spine surgery is your only treatment option. Sometimes, surgery is the only treatment. However, there’s good news. The vast majority of back problems can be remedied with non-surgical treatments —often referred to as non-surgical or conservative therapies. And this special service offered by dr Nikhil bhamre the best Spine Surgery in Nashik.
Ageing, improper body mechanics, trauma and structural abnormalities can injure your spine, leading to back pain and other symptoms such as leg pain and/or numbness or even leg weakness. Chronic back pain is a condition that generally requires a team of health professionals to diagnose and treat. Before resigning yourself to surgery, consider getting opinions from several spine specialists. This investment of time and information-gathering will help you make an informed treatment decision that will best support your lifestyle and desired level of physical activity
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Why You Need a Doctor?
So why do you need to reevaluate your hectic life with an additional thing like locating a primary care physician and making a scheduled appointment?
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Believe it or not, research proves that those that have a primary care physician really live longer. They are not as likely to die from cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke and a number of other ailments. The main reason is straightforward: over time, you and your physician form a connection. You get to understand each other, which contributes to better health care by grabbing small health issues before they get serious.
A primary care physician knows how to manage everything from assisting you through a bout with the flu to spine pain and digestion difficulties, to discovering serious ailments like cancer and cardiovascular disease. They could treat virtually anything. Otherwise, they will get you to a physician who can. As time passes, your physician will be able to understand you as individual, not only your own body. You will build confidence and be in a position to discuss whatever's bothering you physically, emotionally and spiritually. That is important as issues in one or more of these areas may affect your overall health. Your primary care physician is the point one that assists you browse the medical jungle. He or she:
will help you discover the very best specialist if you want one. Knows about all the medications and supplements you are taking and search for potential interactions. Dictates the ideal tests and other diagnostics you want at every stage of your lifetime. Answers any queries you have about your care, wherever you get it, thus you're clear on all the specifics and a whole lot more. Your primary care physician is not only interested in you once you're ill. He or she would like to associate with you on a health and prevention strategy also. Think about your primary care physician your very best source for advice on matters like weight control, smoking cessation, help with alcohol and drug usage, and handling stress and stress. Regular Screenings. Your PCP will arrange or do to get screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol and much more. It is important to be aware that lots of serious illnesses are observed during routine physicals. We are discussing the top three quiet diseases which do not have any outward symptoms: high blood pressure, higher cholesterol and Type 2 Diabetes. Whenever these disorders are left untreated, they could have serious consequences. Additionally, many early stage cancers don't have any signs. Detecting cancer early gives you a benefit for effective treatment and cure. Should you set yourself with a primary care physician, it is a lot easier to get in for a consultation. In Wheaton Franciscan Medical Group we provide next or same day appointments for our patients who should see us right off - helping you avoid a urgent care visit and greater cost. Using a primary care doctor you trust is one of the most crucial things you can do for a life of good health.
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neurospinenashik · 9 months
Best Spine Specialist in Nashik
Dr. Eshan Nerkar, at AXON Brain and Spine, stands out as the best spine specialist in Nashik. With a stellar reputation and extensive expertise, Dr. Nerkar specializes in diagnosing and treating spinal issues with precision and care. Patients benefit from personalized treatment plans, encompassing the latest advancements in spinal healthcare. His compassionate approach and commitment to patient well-being make him the go-to choice for those seeking top-notch spine care in Nashik. Dr. Nerkar's dedication to improving spinal health, combined with AXON Brain and Spine's state-of-the-art facilities, ensures patients receive the best possible care for their spine-related concerns.
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theneurologist · 5 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Spine Surgeons and Treatment in Nashik
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Back pain is a common ailment affecting millions worldwide, often stemming from spinal issues. In Nashik, individuals experiencing debilitating back pain seek solace and treatment from expert spine surgeons. This article delves into the importance of spine surgeons, when to consult them, precautionary measures, and highlights the best spine surgeons in Nashik for those in need.
When to Consult a Spine Surgeon: Back pain, especially when persistent or severe, should prompt consideration of consulting a spine surgeon. Additionally, symptoms such as radiating pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the limbs might indicate underlying spinal problems. Patients with conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, or degenerative disc disease often benefit from spine surgery.
How Spine Surgeons Help: Spine surgeons specialize in diagnosing and treating disorders of the spine through surgical interventions when conservative measures fail. They employ advanced techniques such as minimally invasive surgery (MIS), spinal fusion, disc replacement, and decompression procedures to alleviate pain and restore function.
Precautionary Measures: Prevention is paramount in maintaining spinal health. Regular exercise, proper lifting techniques, maintaining a healthy weight, and ergonomic workplace setups can mitigate the risk of spine-related issues. Avoiding prolonged sitting and adopting a posture-conscious lifestyle also contribute to spinal wellness.
Treatment Options: Spine surgeons offer a spectrum of treatments tailored to individual patient needs. Non-surgical interventions like physical therapy, medication management, and epidural injections are often explored before considering surgery. However, when conservative measures prove ineffective, surgical options become necessary to address underlying spinal pathology.
Spine Specialists in Nashik: Nashik boasts a cadre of proficient spine specialists renowned for their expertise and compassionate care. Among them, Dr. Eshan Nerkar Dr. Nihar Shah, and Dr. Prashant Sonawane stand out for their dedication to patient well-being and proficiency in advanced spine surgeries. Their clinics offer comprehensive evaluations, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and personalized treatment plans to address diverse spinal conditions.
Best Spine Surgeon in Nashik: Dr. Eshan Nerkar emerges as a beacon of excellence in the realm of spine surgery in Nashik. With extensive experience and a commitment to innovation, Dr. Kasana specializes in minimally invasive spine surgeries, ensuring quicker recovery times and superior outcomes for his patients. His holistic approach, coupled with cutting-edge technology, distinguishes him as the premier choice for those seeking top-tier spine care in Nashik.
Conclusion: In the journey to alleviate back pain and regain quality of life, spine surgeons play an invaluable role. Nashik offers a fertile ground for individuals seeking expert spinal care, with renowned specialists like Dr. Eshan Nerkar leading the charge. By recognizing the signs, taking precautionary measures, and consulting esteemed professionals, individuals can navigate spinal issues with confidence, knowing relief is within reach.
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theneurologist · 6 months
Understanding the Signs and Indications of Brain Tumors
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Welcome to Axon Brain and Spine, the forefront of neurological care in Nashik. If you or a loved one is experiencing concerning symptoms that may be indicative of a brain tumor, it’s crucial to seek the expertise of a specialized medical professional. In this article, we will explore the signs and indications of brain tumors, shedding light on the importance of early detection and introducing you to the best neurologist doctor in Nashik.
Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumors:
Changes in Vision:
Cognitive Impairment:
Personality and Behavior Changes:
Importance of Early Detection:
Early detection of brain tumors is paramount for successful treatment outcomes. At Axon Brain and Spine, our brain tumor specialists emphasize the significance of recognizing the signs and symptoms early on. Timely intervention allows for a more comprehensive and effective treatment plan, potentially improving the overall prognosis.
Meet the Best Neurologist Doctor in Nashik:
At Axon Brain and Spine, we take pride in having the best neurologist doctor in Nashik, specializing in brain tumors and neurological disorders. Dr. Eshan Nerkar, our esteemed neurologist, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With a patient-centric approach and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Eshan Nerkar is dedicated to providing personalized care to each patient.
Comprehensive Diagnostic Approach:
When it comes to diagnosing brain tumors, our clinic employs state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and imaging technologies. From MRI and CT scans to advanced neuroimaging techniques, we ensure a thorough evaluation to precisely identify the location, size, and characteristics of the tumor.
Treatment Options:
Once a diagnosis is confirmed, our team of experts at Axon Brain and Spine develops a customized treatment plan tailored to the individual needs of each patient. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these modalities. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive care throughout the treatment journey.
In conclusion, recognizing the signs and symptoms of brain tumors is crucial for early detection and intervention. If you suspect you or someone you know may be experiencing symptoms related to a brain tumor, don’t hesitate to consult with the best neurologist doctor in Nashik at Axon Brain and Spine. Our commitment to excellence, cutting-edge diagnostic tools, and personalized treatment plans make us the go-to clinic for neurological care in Nashik. Remember, early detection saves lives, and Axon Brain and Spine is here to guide you through your journey to optimal brain health.
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neurospinenashik · 9 months
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Discover expert care for brain tumors in Nashik at Axon Brain & Spine. Our specialized team, led by experienced professionals, offers compassionate and comprehensive treatment for various brain-related conditions. Driven by a commitment to excellence, our brain tumor specialist doctors in Nashik employ cutting-edge techniques and personalized approaches to ensure the best possible outcomes. From precise diagnostics to advanced surgical interventions and post-operative care, we prioritize patient well-being throughout the journey. Trust Axon Brain & Spine for reliable expertise and dedicated care, providing hope and support to those facing brain tumor challenges in Nashik and beyond.
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neurospinenashik · 1 year
Best migraine clinic in nashik- Axon Brain and Spine
Axon Brain and Spine is the best migraine clinic in nashik. We have top-notch specialists and cutting- edge technology under one roof, thus ensuring quality treatment to patients
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pushp123 · 3 years
Best Spine Specialist in Nashik
Best Spine Specialist in Nashik Dr. Prasad Kasliwal has done hundreds of Spine procedures and spine pain treatment in Nashik. Make your appointment.
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pushp123 · 4 years
Best Spine Specialist in Nashik
Best Spine Specialist in Nashik. Book Doctor's Appointment Online, View Fees, User feedbacks, Address & Phone Numbers of Spine And Pain Specialists in Nashik.
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pushp123 · 5 years
spine specialist in Nashik
A brick-of-a-wallet being lugged around in your back pocket may be the cause of the shooting pain in your legs and buttocks.
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