#Brain and Spine
theneurologist · 3 months
Understanding the Signs and Indications of Brain Tumors
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Welcome to Axon Brain and Spine, the forefront of neurological care in Nashik. If you or a loved one is experiencing concerning symptoms that may be indicative of a brain tumor, it’s crucial to seek the expertise of a specialized medical professional. In this article, we will explore the signs and indications of brain tumors, shedding light on the importance of early detection and introducing you to the best neurologist doctor in Nashik.
Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumors:
Changes in Vision:
Cognitive Impairment:
Personality and Behavior Changes:
Importance of Early Detection:
Early detection of brain tumors is paramount for successful treatment outcomes. At Axon Brain and Spine, our brain tumor specialists emphasize the significance of recognizing the signs and symptoms early on. Timely intervention allows for a more comprehensive and effective treatment plan, potentially improving the overall prognosis.
Meet the Best Neurologist Doctor in Nashik:
At Axon Brain and Spine, we take pride in having the best neurologist doctor in Nashik, specializing in brain tumors and neurological disorders. Dr. Eshan Nerkar, our esteemed neurologist, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With a patient-centric approach and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Eshan Nerkar is dedicated to providing personalized care to each patient.
Comprehensive Diagnostic Approach:
When it comes to diagnosing brain tumors, our clinic employs state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and imaging technologies. From MRI and CT scans to advanced neuroimaging techniques, we ensure a thorough evaluation to precisely identify the location, size, and characteristics of the tumor.
Treatment Options:
Once a diagnosis is confirmed, our team of experts at Axon Brain and Spine develops a customized treatment plan tailored to the individual needs of each patient. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these modalities. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive care throughout the treatment journey.
In conclusion, recognizing the signs and symptoms of brain tumors is crucial for early detection and intervention. If you suspect you or someone you know may be experiencing symptoms related to a brain tumor, don’t hesitate to consult with the best neurologist doctor in Nashik at Axon Brain and Spine. Our commitment to excellence, cutting-edge diagnostic tools, and personalized treatment plans make us the go-to clinic for neurological care in Nashik. Remember, early detection saves lives, and Axon Brain and Spine is here to guide you through your journey to optimal brain health.
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excessive-moisture · 5 months
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capitolhospital · 2 years
Best Spine Surgeon in Jalandhar — Capitol Hospital
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Department of Neuro Surgery
Through world-class, patient-focused care; innovative clinical and laboratory research; and specialized training, Department of Neuro Surgery at Capitol provides complete neuro-surgical expertise to patients; both clinical and surgical with cranial & spinal diseases and disorders. Our specialists offer an array of services including cerebro vascular, spinal, functional, traumatic, tumor, and pediatric neurosurgery.
The Department of Neuro Surgery at Capitol is fully equipped to perform all types of surgeries for a wide range of illnesses.
These include:
Congenital diseases of the brain and spine and other illnesses affecting children
Tumours of the brain, spine and spinal cord
Vascular diseases such as aneurysms and vascular malformations
Degenerative disc and other spinal diseases
Instrumentation of the spine and the cranio-vertebral junction
Diseases of the pituitary gland
Stroke and hemorrhage in the brain and spinal cord
Brain tumours (Supra Tentorial and Infra Tentorial)
Skull base tumours
Spine tumours
Anterior Cervical Micro Discectomy
Lumbar Micro Discectomy
Head injuries
Spine injuries
Paediatric Neurosurgery:
VP shunt surgery
Congenital anomaly correction
Brain & spine tumours excision
Spinal dysraphism anomaly correction
Spine Surgery
Stabilization of fracture spine
Spinal tumors
Stroke surgery
Medical management of Neurological disorders:
Seizure disorders
Movement disorders
Parkinson’s disease
Disorders Treated
Brain tumors:
The management of brain tumors includes treating benign and malignant tumors.
Vascular disorders of brain:
Capitol is one of the few hospitals in the region treating abnormalities of the blood vessels of the brain and spine. This includes aneurysms and vascular malformation of complex types.
Traumatic and other spinal disorders:
Age related and other degenerative conditions of the spine like disc prolapse, spondylolisthesis, complex craniovertebral junction anomalies and other conditions of the vertebral column like traumatic spine fractures are treated here regularly. In treatment options, we offer range from routine microdiscectomies to artificial disc replacement surgeries of the lumbar and cervical spine.
Spine tumors:
Various spinal tumors including meningiomas, schwannomas, ependymomas, gliomas etc are treated using most advanced intra-operative monitoring modalities to give an optimal outcome and maximize functional recovery of the patient.
Congenital disorders:
Disorders like congenital hydrocephalus, spina bifida and tethered cord are treated . Congenital craniofacial anomalies are managed in conjunction with the specialists of maxillofacial surgery and plastic surgery.
Brain and spine trauma:
The neuro surgical trauma care attend to wide range of brain and complex spine trauma which usually need emergent surgical treatment.
Services Offered
Brain Tumour surgery
Brain Aneurysm Surgery
Head Injury Treatment
Disc Replacement
Cerebrovascular surgery
Minimally invasive surgery- Stereotactic, Endoscopic and endoscope-assisted surgery
Spine surgery
Skull base surgery
The Department of Neuro Surgery at Capitol is supported by top of the line dedicated neurosurgical operation theaters equipped with:
Carl Zeiss Operative Microscopes
Kapalin Drill System
Neuro Endoscopy
Siemens C-arm machine for DSA
Digital recording and documentation facilities
Read more: https://www.capitolhospital.com/department-of-neurological-sciences/
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quartzitess · 6 months
They're still there. They're in there. They're in they're body but yet they're so far gone. the infections like a parasite and yet two was trying to fight it, they were scared and they wanted gaty. Not just to protect her but to feel the person that they felt close and comfortable around, and to take them both to the couch, they could've went for anyone. But they went for GATY. they could've killed her but they didn't. There's something so strangely endearing about that. Truly. Even when they're voice is being used to lure gaty in a sense I feel two geniunely wanted to help, they're so far gone, the little details, not just with how they move but with how they SPEAK. they're practically the host for a parasite and yet. They're still there.
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anexperimentallife · 29 days
"You said you had THIS thing, but now you're saying you have this OTHER thing?"
Buddy, have I got some news for you about something called "comorbidity." ;-)
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
I think what chronically upsets me about TotK is that. So much of it could have been so good with so little change.
I am into Zelda as a sacrificial, wondrous and silenced creature who must literally carry the blade of the hero as a wound inside her forehead and silently wait to be humanized again --and the injustice of a kingdom built on such a premice doomed to repeat itself, especially if the kingdom was founded on such dubious grounds to begin with. I am into Ganondorf forcing the present to reckon with the past through the most violent clash, forsaking everything that made him a person while sinking down into petty vindictiveness until no connection and no humanity remains, even though independance was what he was trying to protect in the first place. I am into Link as somebody trying to hold onto his most important connection to the world he once knew being used to force him into a conflict that has ultimately nothing to do with him (sure that's SS again but, it could have been explored even further). I am into Rauru as this self-important, self-made king who used his own association to godhood to live out a power fantasy that refuses to ever be acknowledge as such, maybe compounded by the fact he is one of the last of his species and feel, himself, the crushing weight of their fading heritage?
I don't know, the Tears of the Kingdom or something????
But, it all tragically depends on one crucial thing, which is to allow hylians to be wrong sometimes.
And it's wild to me how all of this incredible potential to comment on the series' history and the characters' role in it is just. Flattened into nothing, because Good must be Good and Evil must be Evil, and Hyrule must be righteous at literally every cost --even if it means nervously rewriting their own history through convoluted logic that rejects conflict and depth and vulnerability at every turn.
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tell me why schiaparelli’s spring 2024 haute couture collection…
has an accessory that just is The Spine
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saym0-0 · 29 days
//vintage rabbit
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this is how it went down guys trust me i was the circus tent
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thesexydancingcrepe · 11 months
When Somebody Loved Me 🌸
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Back when it was Jttw days & they were ⤴️ traveling with the group
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Modern day & maybe reincarnated Crepe ⤵️
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So naturally...
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EDIT: it's fixed now 😊
The more things change to more, they stay the same (at least that's something I hear often enough 🤷‍♀️)
Ramblings below
This is my own interpretation of modern day!Sun Wukong and what he became after the events Jttw. He's still the same powerful Sun Wukong we all know, & love (despite questionable morals), but He has full dad bod underneath his depressed, "but totally over it" single man pajama sweats. The blue bead on the end of his braid was made from Crepe's blue glass bead earring.
He lives almost entirely on Flower Fruit Mountain, only occasionally coming down & and amazingly, he ended up finding an extremely familiar face 🤔✨️
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keets-writing-corner · 3 months
Alright everyone, buckle up and sit down. I was talking with @nerdasaurus1200 on another post and came to the conclusion that I need to write Sera meta so let's freaking GO
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I'm mostly gonna be talking about Sera, what we know about her so far, and what makes her tick (aka her fears) and why she's not a bitch/asshole the way apparently so many people like to portray her? (I've mostly just been hanging out with fan art and headcanons specifically about Lucifer in the fandom so I haven't seen these specifically, but someone approached me about how they liked m portrayal of Sera in my fic which was NOT that of an asshole and apparently multiple people are portraying her that way? Idk I haven't seen any but uh yeah let's talk SERA)
Characters are always the most important part of a story, and even if they're not a main character and/or the audience nor the writer know what they want/need, the writer at the very least needs to know How and Why a character makes decisions, instead of just "oh they're an asshole" So let's do that for Sera. Why is she making the decisions she's making? LETS GO
Let's start off by talking about what we know about Sera
She's at least as old as Lucifer, she was there for the creation of earth given the appearance of her silhouette in Charlie's exposition
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We know that the exterminations might have been Adam's idea, but it was HER decision to approve them
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We know that she's FOR SURE older than Emily
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and the other thing we know for sure about her is that she is the High Seraphim (we don't know WHAT that means exactly but clearly it is a position of authority and rule)
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So those are the things we know for sure:
She's about as old as Lucifer
She approved the exterminations
She's older than Emily
and she's the high Seraphim
Now I'm going to circle back to all of these points but I want to start off with her relationship with Lucifer
Unfortunately for all of us, the only thing we can say about their relationship with 100% certainty is that they for SURE know each other, either because they were essentially "coworkers" in the past, or because they're both the respective rulers of their realms (even if Sera has some people above her) and they're implied to interact with each other
(at the very least you cannot convince me otherwise that they don't interact. Someone had to have talked to Lucifer about the exterminations for him to have had "approved it" and we know it wasn't Adam because Lucifer hadn't seen Adam since he fell to hell until the finale, and we know that Sera was not only the one to approve said exterminations but also decreed that no one else in heaven know about them. She clearly must have spoken to Lucifer about it because there's nobody else left who had the authority to do that AND knew about them)
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So at the very least in present day Sera and Lucifer have some sort of professional relationship as leaders. And I'll come back to this because it's implied that this relationship isn't a very good one, but first let's talk about the past
full stop, we have NO IDEA what sort of relationship Sera and Lucifer might have had when he was still in heaven. But here's the thing, even if their relation was strictly "yeah I know them cuz I work with them, but that's as far as it goes" Lucifer's fall STILL would have been horrifying for Sera to witness. He was the same rank as her, probably no other angel except the elders likely ranked higher, and they still banished him. Charlie's storybook leaves it at that, but Lucifer implies it was violent in his debut episode.
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trauma is a funny thing when you think about it, you're just as likely to develop trauma by watching someone else be assaulted as you are for you to have been assaulted. And Sera was there, she likely saw the whole thing happen. So not only did Sera watch how brutal the elders could be to someone who questioned and disobeyed the order, but the fact that it was done to LUCIFER someone of equal rank and authority as her means that absolutely NOBODY is safe from the elders
and this is without taking into account that on some level, she and Lucifer had to have been close. There are no other seraphim in heaven besides her, the elders (who appear to be rather hands off and uninvolved) and Emily. Emily was likely created as a replacement for Lucifer, so at the time, it was basically just her and Lucifer as the only seraphim up there. They not only worked closely together, they likely had a close bond as well. Now I have my own head canon preferences as to what kind of bond, BUT let's ignore that and look at 3 options (although there are likely more, but huuu this post is gonna be long already so let's not push it yeah? )
option 1: equal peers. You are Sera and you've known Lucifer all your life. You two have "grown up" together, learned about the world and your powers together. You're comrades in arms! You know all of each other's secrets! You lean on each other for support as you lead heaven together. You work together all the time. Sure, he can be a little excitable at times but it's so much FUN right? This guy could be your bestie/brother. And you sit back and watch as the only ones with more authority than you, skewer him and banish him to hell for having questioned the order and now there's a metaphorical spear against your back at all times because you know it could have been you instead, and it could still be you if you don't behave
Option 2: Lucifer is your mentor. He's taught you everything you know. The ropes, your powers, the world. He's fantastic! You admire him greatly. He has such energy you could never hope to match. You put him on a pedestal, and in one fell swoop the only people he answers to destroy your mentor in front of you. You are now alone, without any more advice or guidance other than a warning to not step out of line as your mentor once did
Option 3: Lucifer is your apprentice. He's adorable! A little over enthusiastic but who doesn't love someone who's passionate about the things they like? He brings a wonderful energy and vibe, and... he's your responsibility. You try to reign in his wild energy only for the elders to step in and banish him because you failed him and now you know that the elders could do that to you too
So, I'll be honest, option 3 is NOT the one I'm biased towards, but if it ends up being that one, it would make Sera's behavior towards Emily extra heartbreaking. She already failed one apprentice, she will not fail another one, right?
Either way, Sera is terrified of going against the elders because of what they did to Lucifer in spite of his rank. She knows first hand how harsh they can be and because of that, she will do everything in her power to make sure nobody around her falls into the same fate. No one will ever question the elders again, and she will lie and withhold information to make sure that happens
And we're just talking about the INITIAL banishment.
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Now why would Sera bring this up, unless what she was most afraid of wasn't even the initial banishment, but of the suffering she clearly knows comes afterwards? And why would she care or even know about the suffering? Well, if it's true that she and Lucifer were close, then regardless if she was spying on him or not the way we know heaven can do, she still watched a cute enthusiastic little angel go from this:
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to this
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all because because he suffered.
She watched him question, get banished, suffer, and change into someone she didn't recognize, in real time. And the worst part is, she's not only scared of what happened TO him, she's personally scared OF him and what he's become. He might be fallen, but he's still a powerful angel
And this segways into another bullet: she approved the exterminations, but WHY
Charlie's intro implies it was as some sort of punishment towards Lilith who was rallying the demons and they felt threatened
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But clearly there's more to this
So first thing I'd like to point out, Sera doesn't look happy about this decision. She mentions as much in the song "You didn't Know" when she outright tells Emily "It was such a hard decision" and earlier in the same episode she outright tells Adam she wouldn't have approved of this if she had known it'd make things "worse"
But this is incomplete. Something doesn't make sense. Sera clearly meets with Lucifer for certain matters as previously established, and Lucifer, in spite of his initial trauma "NO CHARLIE DO NOT TALK TO HEAVEN" knee jerk reaction, never doubted that he COULD in fact get her a meeting with heaven. He outright tells her at the end of episode 5
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He never says, "I'll try to get the meeting". He says straight up, I can do this. There isn't a doubt in his mind that he can get this meeting. He knows Sera will meet with him/take his call (idk how he contacts heaven) and will agree to the meeting. We don't really know WHY Sera agreed to this if she thought it was a bad idea and never really intended to entertain the idea to begin with, going as far as to tell Adam to rig the results and calling Charlie misguided. So what's up? Why on earth would she agree to it? Well...?
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Sera is scared of the demons of hell, hence why she approved the exterminations, but she's even MORE scared of Lucifer and folded to his request. (or idk maybe there's more going on here and she feels guilt about what happened to him so she folds to him sometimes idk, but for the sake of this meta, SHE'S SCARED OF HIM)
but here's what's kinda weird. Charlie's storybook only mentions LILITH'S involvement with the demons rising in power, not Lucifer. Sera later claims that they were uprising to Emily as the reason she's scared of them and that it's her job to keep everyone safe.
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Clearly SOMETHING happened between the creation of Hell and the exterminations being approved that involved BOTH the sinners AND Lucifer that made Sera scared of both. Sera doesn't seem the type to fear without reason. She fears questioning the order because that incurs the elders' wrath. She fears the elders because of what they did to Lucifer. She fears angels falling because she saw how much it hurt Lucifer. Sera is not the type to fear randomly. Clearly there is some sort of thing that happened that made it clear to Sera that Lucifer is to be feared enough to fold to his requests and that the sinners are dangerous enough that it justifies genocide.
And now to bring back the whole Sera is older than Emily. Emily didn't know this otherwise Sera wouldn't have needed to tell her. AKA Emily wasn't even around when said conflict happened. Sera not only had to go through something that clearly traumatized her to the point where she agreed that genocide was a reasonable response, but she had to go through that ALONE. Trauma is hard enough to deal with, but to have to navigate it alone really gives it some steroids it has no business in having
This genuinely makes me wonder how long the exterminations have to have been taking place. It probably took a WHILE for hell to gather up enough numbers that they started making buildings by the look of Charlie's storybook, AND THEN did something against heaven, so this was not happening from day one of hell, far from it. And this also makes me wonder how old exactly is Emily? She strikes me as extremely young
season 2 come out please, I'm working from CRUMBS here, there is so much we don't know
But yeah, all of this to say, Sera isn't just some alpha bitch who's prejudiced against demons (not to say there isn't bias there, there ABSOLUTELY is, ugh) but at her core, she's a leader who underwent a lot of trauma and she's full of fear and she makes decisions, rational, moral or not, based off of that fear. And yeah unfortunately, fear, especially trauma based fear, messes with us in ways we never would expect
a kind man may suddenly resort to violence. The confident argumentative person, may instead end up frozen. Someone who thought they valued their family all their life instead runs away. We may regret what we do in moments in fear, we might even logically know that we're making bad decisions, or decisions that go against our morals. Sera CLEARLY hates that she made the decision to approve extermination, but she holds onto it steadfast because it alleviates the fear
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Funnily enough, I don't particularly LIKE Sera. I dislike her microaggressions towards Charlie and her attempts to sabotage her efforts at the meeting by calling upon Adam. But as a writer, looking at the clues I got to say she's a very interesting character to me. She seems like a reasonable authority figure, but she's so full of trauma that she's letting her fear make all of her decisions for her
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sillysadduck · 2 years
took this idea from an anon who sent me christmas headcanons a while ago so have some Christmas fluff with FLUFFYBIRD KISS!!! OMG IMPOSSIBLE!!!
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mandyzoe · 5 months
jimmy is one of those characters that i genuinely forget isn’t canonically trans. like he’s so transmasc in my heart and soul that a reality in which he isn’t basically doesn’t exist to me. it feels unnatural. scary even
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wazzappp · 8 months
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Ok so Robbie’s biology is really fucking weird because a lot of it relies on ‘i dunno man MAGIC I guess’ (which is very on brand for him honestly). Because people can’t just. Run around on fire. It doesn’t work. BUT. One part that seems reasonable to mess with is how that fire gets started in the first place.
Fire needs oxygen to burn, and oxygen can be ignited with electricity. So I figure having a pocket in the lungs of more concentrated oxygen that also has little nerve clusters to deliver electricity might be enough to start a fire. Having the ignition to his transformation start in the lungs makes the most sense because it’s easy access to MORE oxygen so a chain reaction can start.
This is also fun because you can get stuff like sparking when suprised or annoyed. Which could let him cough up soot or maybe even steaming from the mouth like we see in the comics.
Also I REALLY wanted to mess with his heart. Hearts remind me of engines anyway so why not make it more literal? Robbie is dead. Like super dead. Exceptionally dead. The only reason he’s still up and moving is because of magic. So this would be where the magic bits of his ghost rider form starts peeking through. The ‘pistons’ that keep his heart beating are powered by magic and move in and out to force the heart to expand and contract in the same way they would normally.
(Yes I DID add rib engravings like in supernatural because it’s a cool idea I don’t care where it comes from)
Also! I am not smart enough to understand how the chemical composition of this would work, hence no diagram, but Robbie’s skin probably isn’t made out of the same stuff as most people’s skin. I think when he lights himself on fire there’s a chemical reaction on his ‘skin’ that burns it into the riders suit. So he is, in theory, running around in a charred skin suit like the worlds most fucked up burnt marshmallow.
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kc5rings · 1 year
*staring blankly at the ceiling, cigarette in my hand slowly burning away to nothing*
There is a solid chance that the identity of Specter is the originium in Laurentina’s spine manifesting a consciousness.
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bawltongue · 9 months
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nerveslikecobwebs · 1 year
I’m tired so here’s some Mikey pics
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