theneurologist 27 days
Spinal Decompression Surgery: Causes, Precautions, Treatment, and Postoperative聽Care
Spinal decompression surgery, a procedure aimed at relieving pressure on the spinal cord or nerves, is a crucial intervention for individuals suffering from debilitating spinal conditions. In Nashik, where quality healthcare is of utmost importance, understanding the causes, precautions, treatment, and postoperative care associated with spinal decompression surgery is essential for patients seeking relief from spinal issues.
Causes of Spinal Decompression Surgery:
Herniated Discs: When the soft, gel-like material within a spinal disc protrudes through a tear in the outer layer, it can compress nearby nerves, leading to pain, numbness, or weakness.
Spinal Stenosis: This condition involves the narrowing of the spinal canal, often due to the overgrowth of bone or tissue, resulting in pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.
Degenerative Disc Disease: As discs between vertebrae deteriorate over time, they can lose height and compress nearby nerves, causing pain and discomfort.
Spinal Tumors: Abnormal growths in or around the spinal cord can exert pressure on the nerves, necessitating surgical intervention.
Traumatic Injuries: Severe accidents or trauma to the spine can cause fractures or dislocations, leading to spinal cord compression and the need for decompression surgery.
Precautions Before Spinal Decompression Surgery: Before undergoing spinal decompression surgery, patients should adhere to certain precautions to ensure optimal outcomes:
Medical Evaluation: A comprehensive medical evaluation, including imaging studies like MRI or CT scans, is essential to accurately diagnose the spinal condition and determine the most suitable treatment approach.
Discussion with Surgeon: Patients should have a detailed discussion with their surgeon to understand the risks, benefits, and expectations associated with spinal decompression surgery.
Preoperative Instructions: Following preoperative instructions provided by the healthcare team, such as fasting before surgery and discontinuing certain medications, is crucial for a smooth surgical experience.
Treatment and Postoperative Care: Spinal decompression surgery typically involves removing bone or tissue to alleviate pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. Postoperative care plays a pivotal role in facilitating recovery and preventing complications:
Pain Management: Patients are often prescribed pain medications to manage discomfort in the initial stages following surgery.
Physical Therapy: Engaging in physical therapy sessions helps strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine, improve flexibility, and enhance overall mobility.
Gradual Return to Activities: Patients should gradually resume activities, avoiding heavy lifting or strenuous exercises until cleared by their surgeon.
Follow-up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are essential to monitor healing progress and address any concerns or complications.
Exercise After Treatment: Incorporating specific exercises into the recovery regimen can promote spinal health and enhance postoperative outcomes:
Core Strengthening Exercises: Exercises targeting the core muscles, such as planks, bridges, and pelvic tilts, help stabilize the spine and reduce the risk of future injuries.
Flexibility Exercises: Gentle stretching exercises, including yoga or Pilates, improve flexibility and alleviate muscle tension in the back and surrounding areas.
Low-Impact Aerobic Activities: Activities like walking, swimming, or cycling provide cardiovascular benefits without putting undue stress on the spine.
Spinal decompression surgery in Nashik, individuals requiring spinal decompression surgery can find comprehensive care and expert guidance at reputable healthcare facilities, ensuring a smooth journey from diagnosis to recovery. By understanding the causes, precautions, treatment options, and postoperative care associated with spinal decompression surgery, patients can take proactive steps towards regaining spinal health and overall well-being.
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theneurologist 1 month
Understanding Spinal Decompression Surgery: Causes, Procedures, and Postoperative聽Precautions
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Spinal decompression surgery is a procedure aimed at relieving pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots caused by various conditions. It's often considered when conservative treatments fail to provide relief from symptoms like back pain, numbness, or weakness. In this article, we delve into the causes leading to spinal decompression surgery, the complexity of the procedure, and the essential precautions for a successful recovery. Additionally, we spotlight Dr. Eshan Nerkar, recognized as one of the best neurologists in Nashik, known for his expertise in successfully performing spinal decompression surgeries.
Causes of Spinal Decompression Surgery: Spinal decompression surgery becomes necessary due to several underlying conditions, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or spinal tumors. These conditions can result in compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots, leading to debilitating symptoms such as severe back pain, sciatica, numbness, or weakness in the limbs. While conservative treatments like physical therapy, medications, or injections may provide temporary relief, surgery becomes an option when symptoms persist or worsen.
Age Group Most Affected: While spinal conditions leading to decompression surgery can affect individuals of all ages, older adults are more commonly affected due to age-related degenerative changes in the spine. Conditions like spinal stenosis, which involves narrowing of the spinal canal, tend to occur more frequently in the elderly population. However, younger individuals may also require spinal decompression surgery, especially in cases of herniated discs or spinal injuries.
Complexity of the Surgery Process: Spinal decompression surgery is a complex procedure that requires precision and expertise to achieve optimal outcomes. There are different approaches to spinal decompression, including laminectomy, discectomy, or spinal fusion, depending on the underlying condition and the extent of compression. During the surgery, the surgeon carefully removes a portion of the bone or disc material that's causing pressure on the spinal cord or nerves, thereby creating more space and relieving the compression. The procedure may involve the use of surgical instruments, such as microscopes or endoscopes, to ensure accuracy and minimize tissue damage. Post-surgery, patients are typically monitored closely in the hospital for any complications and are gradually introduced to physical therapy to aid in recovery.
Precautions After Surgery: After undergoing spinal decompression surgery, patients need to follow certain precautions to promote healing and prevent complications. These precautions may include:
Spinal decompression surgery in Nashik by Dr. Eshan Nerkar: Dr. Eshan Nerkar is renowned as one of the best neurologists in Nashik, with a specialization in spinal surgery. With his extensive experience and expertise, Dr. Nerkar has successfully performed numerous spinal decompression surgeries, helping patients regain mobility and improve their quality of life. His compassionate approach to patient care combined with advanced surgical techniques has earned him recognition and trust among his patients and peers alike.
Conclusion: Spinal decompression surgery is a valuable treatment option for individuals suffering from spinal conditions causing compression of the nerves or spinal cord. Understanding the causes, complexity of the procedure, and postoperative precautions is essential for patients considering or undergoing this surgery. With skilled professionals like Dr. Eshan Nerkar leading the way, patients can rest assured that they are in capable hands, receiving the best possible care for their spinal health.
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theneurologist 1 month
Find Relief From Cervical Neck Pain at Top Clinics in聽Nashik
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Are you struggling with persistent neck pain that disrupts your daily life? You're not alone. Cervical neck pain, affecting the upper spine, is a common problem with various causes. If you live in Nashik, finding the right treatment clinic can make a world of difference in managing your pain and regaining your mobility.
This blog post explores some of the top cervical neck pain treatment clinics in Nashik and the different treatment options they offer. We'll also provide insights into factors to consider when choosing a clinic to ensure you get the best possible care.
Understanding Cervical Neck Pain
Cervical neck pain can arise from various factors, including:
The pain can range from mild discomfort to a sharp, stabbing sensation. It might also be accompanied by stiffness, headaches, and even numbness or tingling in the arms.
Treatment Options for Cervical Neck Pain
Fortunately, numerous treatment options can effectively manage cervical neck pain. Some of the most common approaches offered at clinics in Nashik include:
Physical therapy: This involves targeted exercises and stretches to improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and correct posture.
Manual therapy: Techniques like massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments can help loosen tight muscles and improve joint mobility.
Pain management: Medications like anti-inflammatory drugs or muscle relaxants may be prescribed to manage pain and inflammation.
Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese medicine practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain.
Lifestyle modifications: Maintaining good posture, applying heat or ice therapy, and practicing relaxation techniques can significantly improve pain management.
Top cervical neck pain treatment clinic in Nashik
Here's a brief overview of some of the reputable clinics in Nashik known for their expertise in treating cervical neck pain:
AXON Brain & Spine Clinic Nashik : Known for their team of experienced physiotherapists who utilize a personalized approach to pain management.
Offers a comprehensive range of treatment options, including manual therapy and acupuncture, along with pain management solutions.
Specializes in non-invasive treatments for neck pain, including physical therapy and lifestyle modifications.
Choosing the Right Clinic for You
When selecting a clinic in Nashik for your cervical neck pain treatment, consider these factors:
Doctor's qualifications and experience: Choose a clinic with doctors who specialize in treating neck pain and have a proven track record.
Treatment options offered: Ensure the clinic offers a variety of treatment options to cater to your specific needs and preferences.
Patient reviews and testimonials: Read online reviews or ask for recommendations to get a sense of other patients' experiences.
Clinic location and timings: Opt for a clinic conveniently located and with timings that fit your schedule.
Cervical neck pain shouldn't hold you back from living an active life. With the right treatment approach from a qualified clinic in Nashik, you can experience significant pain relief and regain control of your well-being. Remember, early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for a successful recovery.
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theneurologist 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Spine Surgeons and Treatment in聽Nashik
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Back pain is a common ailment affecting millions worldwide, often stemming from spinal issues. In Nashik, individuals experiencing debilitating back pain seek solace and treatment from expert spine surgeons. This article delves into the importance of spine surgeons, when to consult them, precautionary measures, and highlights the best spine surgeons in Nashik for those in need.
When to Consult a Spine Surgeon: Back pain, especially when persistent or severe, should prompt consideration of consulting a spine surgeon. Additionally, symptoms such as radiating pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the limbs might indicate underlying spinal problems. Patients with conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, or degenerative disc disease often benefit from spine surgery.
How Spine Surgeons Help: Spine surgeons specialize in diagnosing and treating disorders of the spine through surgical interventions when conservative measures fail. They employ advanced techniques such as minimally invasive surgery (MIS), spinal fusion, disc replacement, and decompression procedures to alleviate pain and restore function.
Precautionary Measures: Prevention is paramount in maintaining spinal health. Regular exercise, proper lifting techniques, maintaining a healthy weight, and ergonomic workplace setups can mitigate the risk of spine-related issues. Avoiding prolonged sitting and adopting a posture-conscious lifestyle also contribute to spinal wellness.
Treatment Options: Spine surgeons offer a spectrum of treatments tailored to individual patient needs. Non-surgical interventions like physical therapy, medication management, and epidural injections are often explored before considering surgery. However, when conservative measures prove ineffective, surgical options become necessary to address underlying spinal pathology.
Spine Specialists in Nashik: Nashik boasts a cadre of proficient spine specialists renowned for their expertise and compassionate care. Among them, Dr. Eshan Nerkar Dr. Nihar Shah, and Dr. Prashant Sonawane stand out for their dedication to patient well-being and proficiency in advanced spine surgeries. Their clinics offer comprehensive evaluations, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and personalized treatment plans to address diverse spinal conditions.
Best Spine Surgeon in Nashik: Dr. Eshan Nerkar emerges as a beacon of excellence in the realm of spine surgery in Nashik. With extensive experience and a commitment to innovation, Dr. Kasana specializes in minimally invasive spine surgeries, ensuring quicker recovery times and superior outcomes for his patients. His holistic approach, coupled with cutting-edge technology, distinguishes him as the premier choice for those seeking top-tier spine care in Nashik.
Conclusion: In the journey to alleviate back pain and regain quality of life, spine surgeons play an invaluable role. Nashik offers a fertile ground for individuals seeking expert spinal care, with renowned specialists like Dr. Eshan Nerkar leading the charge. By recognizing the signs, taking precautionary measures, and consulting esteemed professionals, individuals can navigate spinal issues with confidence, knowing relief is within reach.
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theneurologist 3 months
Understanding the Signs and Indications of Brain聽Tumors
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Welcome to Axon Brain and Spine, the forefront of neurological care in Nashik. If you or a loved one is experiencing concerning symptoms that may be indicative of a brain tumor, it鈥檚 crucial to seek the expertise of a specialized medical professional. In this article, we will explore the signs and indications of brain tumors, shedding light on the importance of early detection and introducing you to the best neurologist doctor in Nashik.
Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumors:
Changes in Vision:
Cognitive Impairment:
Personality and Behavior Changes:
Importance of Early Detection:
Early detection of brain tumors is paramount for successful treatment outcomes. At Axon Brain and Spine, our brain tumor specialists emphasize the significance of recognizing the signs and symptoms early on. Timely intervention allows for a more comprehensive and effective treatment plan, potentially improving the overall prognosis.
Meet the Best Neurologist Doctor in Nashik:
At Axon Brain and Spine, we take pride in having the best neurologist doctor in Nashik, specializing in brain tumors and neurological disorders. Dr. Eshan Nerkar, our esteemed neurologist, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With a patient-centric approach and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Eshan Nerkar is dedicated to providing personalized care to each patient.
Comprehensive Diagnostic Approach:
When it comes to diagnosing brain tumors, our clinic employs state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and imaging technologies. From MRI and CT scans to advanced neuroimaging techniques, we ensure a thorough evaluation to precisely identify the location, size, and characteristics of the tumor.
Treatment Options:
Once a diagnosis is confirmed, our team of experts at Axon Brain and Spine develops a customized treatment plan tailored to the individual needs of each patient. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these modalities. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive care throughout the treatment journey.
In conclusion, recognizing the signs and symptoms of brain tumors is crucial for early detection and intervention. If you suspect you or someone you know may be experiencing symptoms related to a brain tumor, don鈥檛 hesitate to consult with the best neurologist doctor in Nashik at Axon Brain and Spine. Our commitment to excellence, cutting-edge diagnostic tools, and personalized treatment plans make us the go-to clinic for neurological care in Nashik. Remember, early detection saves lives, and Axon Brain and Spine is here to guide you through your journey to optimal brain health.
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theneurologist 3 months
Spine Surgery & Minimal Invasive Spine聽Surgery
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When it comes to spinal health, finding the right specialist is crucial for effective treatment and optimal results. In Nashik, the Axon Brain and Spine Clinic stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering cutting-edge solutions in Spine Surgery and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of these procedures, shedding light on what sets the clinic apart as the home to the best spine specialist in Nashik.
Understanding Spine Surgery:
Spine surgery is a medical procedure performed to address various spinal conditions that may be causing pain, discomfort, or restricted mobility. Conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease may necessitate surgical intervention. At Axon Brain and Spine Clinic, a team of highly skilled surgeons, led by the best spine specialist in Nashik, employs state-of-the-art techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.
Key Aspects of Spine Surgery:
Evaluation and Diagnosis:
Before recommending surgery, thorough evaluation and accurate diagnosis are paramount. The best spine specialist at Axon Brain and Spine Clinic utilizes advanced diagnostic tools to identify the root cause of spinal issues, allowing for a targeted and personalized approach to treatment.
Surgical Techniques:
Axon Clinic excels in employing the latest surgical techniques to address spinal conditions. Traditional open surgery and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery are two primary approaches. While open surgery involves larger incisions and more extensive tissue disruption, Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery utilizes smaller incisions, reducing trauma to surrounding tissues and promoting faster recovery.
Understanding Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery:
Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) is a revolutionary approach that has gained prominence in recent years. This technique minimizes the disruption of muscles and tissues, resulting in reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery. The best spine surgeon in Nashik at Axon Clinic is adept at utilizing MISS for a range of spinal conditions.
Advantages of Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery:
Reduced Tissue Damage:
One of the primary benefits of MISS is the minimal disruption to surrounding tissues. This leads to less postoperative pain and a quicker return to normal activities.
Smaller Incisions:
Smaller incisions mean less scarring and a lower risk of infection. Patients appreciate the cosmetic advantages of MISS, as the scars are barely noticeable.
Faster Recovery:
Patients undergoing MISS often experience a faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery. This is particularly crucial for individuals with busy lifestyles who want to resume their normal activities promptly.
Choosing the Best Spine Specialist in Nashik:
Selecting the right spine specialist is paramount for a successful outcome. The best spine specialist at Axon Clinic possesses a combination of expertise, experience, and a patient-centered approach. Here are some key factors to consider:
Credentials and Experience:
Ensure that the specialist is board-certified and has extensive experience in performing spine surgeries. The best spine specialist at Axon Clinic boasts a stellar track record and a wealth of experience in the field.
Patient Reviews:
Reading patient testimonials and reviews provides valuable insights into the quality of care provided. Axon Clinic has a strong reputation for positive patient experiences and successful outcomes.
Personalized Approach:
A patient-centered approach involves tailoring treatment plans to the specific needs of each individual. The best spine specialist in Nashik at Axon Clinic takes the time to understand the unique circumstances of each patient, ensuring a personalized and effective treatment strategy.
In conclusion, Axon Brain and Spine Clinic stand out as the go-to destination for Spine Surgery and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery in Nashik. With the best spine specialist leading the way, patients can expect top-notch care, advanced surgical techniques, and a commitment to optimal outcomes. When it comes to spinal health, choosing the right specialist makes all the difference, and Axon Clinic remains the trusted choice for individuals seeking the best spine surgeon in Nashik.
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theneurologist 3 months
Unveiling the Best Migraine Headache Treatment in Nashik: A Guide to Finding the Top
Living with migraines can be an overwhelming challenge, impacting not only your daily activities but also your overall quality of life. In Nashik, where the bustling city life meets the serene landscapes, finding the best migraine headache treatment becomes crucial. This article aims to shed light on effective migraine treatment options available in Nashik and guide you to discover the best neurologist in the city.
Understanding Migraine Headaches:
Migraine headaches are more than just a severe headache; they often come with additional symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and even visual disturbances. Dr. Eshan, a leading neurologist in Nashik, specializes in diagnosing and treating migraine headaches. As we delve into the intricacies of migraines, it鈥檚 important to note that seeking professional help is the first step towards effective management.
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Best Migraine Headache Treatment in Nashik:
Comprehensive Evaluation:
Dr. Eshan鈥檚 approach begins with a thorough evaluation of the patient鈥檚 medical history, lifestyle, and triggers. Understanding the root cause of migraines is crucial for devising a personalized treatment plan.
Advanced Diagnostic Techniques:
Utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques, Dr. Eshan ensures accurate diagnosis. This may include imaging tests, blood work, and neurological examinations to rule out underlying conditions contributing to migraines.
Medication Management:
Tailoring medications to each patient鈥檚 specific needs is a key aspect of Dr. Eshan鈥檚 treatment approach. From pain relievers to preventive medications, the goal is to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.
Lifestyle Modifications:
Beyond medications, lifestyle modifications play a pivotal role in managing migraines. Dr. Eshan provides guidance on dietary changes, stress management, and sleep hygiene to complement medical interventions.
Alternative Therapies:
Recognizing that every patient is unique, Dr. Eshan may incorporate alternative therapies such as acupuncture or biofeedback to enhance the overall treatment plan.
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Best Neurologist in Nashik:
Finding the best neurologist is crucial for effective migraine management. Dr. Eshan stands out as a leading neurologist in Nashik, known for his expertise, compassionate care, and patient-centric approach. With a commitment to staying updated on the latest advancements in neurology, Dr. Eshan ensures that his patients receive the best possible care.
Why Choose Dr. Eshan for Migraine Treatment?
Specialized Expertise:
Dr. Eshan specializes in neurology with a focus on headache disorders, making him a go-to expert for those seeking the best migraine headache treatment.
Patient-Centric Approach:
Patients appreciate Dr. Eshan鈥檚 personalized approach, taking the time to listen, understand, and involve them in the decision-making process.
Cutting-Edge Technology:
Dr. Eshan鈥檚 clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technology for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, ensuring that patients receive the best care available.
In the picturesque city of Nashik, where migraines can disrupt the tranquil lifestyle, Dr. Eshan emerges as a beacon of hope for those seeking the best migraine headache treatment. By combining advanced medical interventions, personalized care, and a commitment to patient well-being, Dr. Eshan stands out as the best neurologist in Nashik. If you are on the quest for relief from migraines, consider reaching out to Dr. Eshan for a comprehensive and effective treatment plan tailored just for you. Your journey towards a migraine-free life begins here.
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theneurologist 3 months
Cervical Neck Pain
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Suffering from severe cervical neck pain can drive a lot of discomfort to most of the individuals and may hamper their regular activities. However, there are various diagnosis methods through which a doctor can determine the severity of your neck pain and accordingly treatment methods. The most crucial aspect to managing your cervical pain is following a correct neck posture and giving it proper rest. This blog piece will discuss the cervical neck pain condition and the best treatment options available to ease your pain.
Understanding Cervical Neck Pain
Basically, it is the pain resulting from osteoarthritis or cervical spine spondylolysis, causing changes to the discs, bones and joints, since they connect with the neck. The Cervical Neck Pain holds various levels of intensity- from moderate to severe and each comes with specific ways of treating it. The pain in the neck can pose uncomfortableness, since the neck provides flexibility and support to our entire body posture. There are many reasons for this pain, however, considering proper exercises and some prescribed medications can help you overcome your painful condition.
Possible Cervical Neck Pain Reasons
Listed below are the most usual reasons behind the Cervical Neck Pain that you are facing:
A laceration in your neck or the spine area immensely triggers the cervical pain conditions.
Not giving proper rest to neck
Some people are stuck with jobs that require strenuous movements every day that put stress on their spines, causing wear and wear and tear conditions.聽
Dehydrated Spinal Discs
An individual may face dryness in the spine discs, creating pressure on them, causing chronic cervical neck pain conditions.
Herniated Discs
An individual usually suffers this when the discs of the spinal column develop cracks within, causing leakage of cushioning substance inside, putting pressure on the spinal cords and nerves. You must immediately see a medical expert in case you witness symptoms of cervical pain that may create numbness and pain to the arms.
Bone Spurs
When the bone expands in size, it presses against other spinal nerves and the spinal cord, causing severe cervical pain and this requires the person to immediately seek medical assistance.
Other Reasons- Not following the correct body posture, poor seating arrangements, incorrect mattress structure and much more.
Common Symptoms Include:
Tingling or weakness in the arms and feet as these parts directly link to cervical nerves.
Muscles spasms
Trouble walking or performing other everyday activities because of the inability to coordinate
Abnormal reflexes in legs and hands.
Neck stiffness
Aches in the lower back of the head
Diagnosis of Cervical Neck Pain
Mentioned below are some ways that a doctor may apply to diagnose the Cervical Neck Pain:
Physical test:
The medical expert may inspect the alignment of your neck and head to assess the range of motion of your neck which lets them analyze neck and supporting muscles to look for tenderness and indications of strain.
Imaging Tests:
The doctors may advise these tests to capture images of the cervical neck when they suspect you鈥檝e suffered a serious injury or suffering from extreme pain that isn鈥檛 getting better.
Medical History:
While diagnosing your cervical pain, the specialist may ask you for details about any previous neck injuries that you suffered that might result in whiplash or herniated disks. Moreover, you must provide details regarding your work schedule and other activities causing strain to your neck. After taking all these details, the medical expert will diagnose the pain based on the pain you are experiencing and how long you鈥檒l be facing the neck pain issue.
Being the most common diagnosis procedure, the doctors suggest X-rays to reveal issues in your bones or soft tissues, causing neck discomfort. The results could reveal problems with alignment of the cervical spine, fractures and slipped discs, along with the signs of arthritis.
The Magnetic Image Processing:
MRI is suggested to reveal problems in your spinal cord, bone marrow, nerves, and the soft tissue and even to diagnose any tumor or cyst in the body.
CT Scans:
The doctors usually suggest CT scans to diagnose cervical pain where MRI is not possible to reveal bone spurs or indicate bone loss.
Treatment Options
Mentioned below are some treatment options available for such conditions:
Medications: If the general painkillers don鈥檛 work, the doctors may recommend higher doses of medication to relax muscles in pain relief, while reducing inflammation.
Surgery: Usually the medical experts recommend homely remedies initially, however, in some cases, surgical procedures may prove good alternatives to treat cervical neck pain.
Steroid injections: A medical professional may inject steroid drugs near nerve roots or the muscles of the neck for a simple reason to alleviate neck discomfort.
Pain Management Home Remedies
Check out below:
Follow Exercise Routine: Practice exercises prescribed by your doctor to ease neck pain and increase mobility as avoiding these cause you to suffer a serious neck injury or a pinched nerve.
Alternate Cold and Heat: Inflammation can be reduced by using cold for example an Ice pack or placed in towel for a maximum of 15 minutes every day for in the initial 48 hours. After that, you can use the heat. Take a shower with a warm temperature or use a heating pad that is on the lowest setting.
Stress Reduction Techniques: Follow some stress management tricks, including meditation and mindfulness breath exercises to relax your tension situations that might cause neck pain.
Stop Smoke: Smoking can damage bone structure and increases the risk of the degenerative disc disease and delays healing.
Prevention Tips:
Practice good posture
Adjust your sleep position
Stay active
Don鈥檛 carry heavy weight on your shoulders
Exercise your upper back extensor muscles
Since we tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about Cervical Neck Pain for our readers, it is essential to note that visiting a trusted medical hospital for your treatment will maximize your process. Axon Health by Dr. Eshan offers top quality treatments for cervical pain by deeply analyzing and determining the root cause of your neck pain. Our well-trained professionals ensure that all the patients are treated appropriately in a comfortable period. Book an appointment with us today!
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