#best unknown places in Vietnam
travelernight · 1 month
Vietnam’s Best-Kept Secrets Top 10 Hidden Wonders Revealed
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Kaiju Week in Review (January 21-27, 2024)
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Godzilla Minus One made awards show history in both Japan and the U.S. this week. Its Oscar nomination for best Visual Effects is the first of the series (Godzilla [1998], Godzilla [2014] and Godzilla vs. Kong were previously shortlisted) and the first for any Japanese film. Small wonder Takashi Yamazaki, Kiyoko Shibuya, and their team went berserk when the nomination was announced. The other nominees are The Creator, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Napoleon, and Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One. According to IndieWire, The Creator has the edge, but Minus One could very well win. And while it naturally made less headlines in the Anglosphere, Minus One also picked up a whopping 12 Japan Academy Film Prize nominations, exceeding Shin Godzilla's 10.
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Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color is now in North American theaters. I was intrigued enough to make it my fourth theatrical viewing of this movie, but in the end it did basically strike me as a gimmick. Godzilla Minus One was shot digitally with sets designed for color, so making it actually look like a film from the 40s was always going to be an uphill battle. Even with the regrade, there wasn’t a ton of contrast in most shots, and some of the scenes taking place at night were quite hard to see. Still, apart from the Odo Island massacre, I found the Godzilla scenes as gripping as ever.
Thanks to Minus Color, Minus One made $2.6 million this weekend, crawling back into the box office top 10. Its total in the U.S. and Canada now stands at $55 million, third among all foreign-language films released in the U.S.
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Brush of the God, Keizo Murase's directorial debut after a lifetime in movies, is finally complete. It'll play at the Osaka Asian Film Festival in March (link contains more images), and hopefully travel overseas very soon. Murase will also receive an Association Special Award at the Japan Academy Film Prize.
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Clover Press shipped out copies of Godzilla & Kong: The Cinematic Storyboard Art of Richard Bennett to Kickstarter backers, myself included. It's an excellent art book, and there are plenty of deleted and altered scenes mixed in with more familiar sequences. Believe it or not, Bennett drew the panel above for Kong: Skull Island—they considered having James Conrad (Tom Hiddleston) flash back to an encounter with King Ghidorah in Vietnam. Not sure how that would've worked, as Ghidorah is generally not one to lie low for a few decades, but it's the first I've ever heard of it being considered. I'm hoping to post some more scans soon. Here's the order link.
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Minecraft social media accounts teased a crossover with the Monsterverse, in what's likely to be the most high-profile of the Godzilla x Kong video game collaborations. The Mobzilla mod was created over 10 years ago, so this is long overdue.
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The big toy news this week was Titanic Creations revealing the digital sculpt for its Yongary figure. This guy's had even less figures than Gorgo - I can only think of one, and very few of them were made - so expect massive demand. New Godzilla toys were also on display at London Toy Fair, both at the Playmates booth and among the plushies made by an unknown company.
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planerot · 8 months
Age is confusing in the World Of Cars universe and I wanna rant a bit.
I'm currently in the very, very early pre-planning and research phase for a Planes fic idea I want to write, and I decided to try and do some calculation for character ages. Not really plot relevant, but a good frame of reference to have none the less.
I decided to try and figure out Cabbie's age first, since he's presumably the oldest.
I always thought the idea that he was apart of the Korean war (and by extension Vietnam war) was just very popular fanon, but no! It's actually mentioned in the Meet the Planes book.
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The Korean war took place from 1950 to 1953, meaning that, during 2014, the time the movie was set in/released, he could be around 64-61 years old assuming he was made (born? manufactured?) explicitly for the war.
This causes problems for me! In the canon cars universe, if I'm not forgetting anything, it is unknown whether or not characters are just...brought into this world as adults or if they have a childhood like real people. It also could be very possible that cars characters live longer then humans on account of them being vehicles.
Even then, I want to make this fic a human AU, meaning I have to slap on an extra 18 years to make it actually possible for a human Cabbie to join the military.
This means he'd be about 82-79 years old.
I'm all for having old characters in my fic, but Cabbie is also an aerial firefighter and I don't know if they'd let someone that old still work.
I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place, haha. Do I keep the fact he was in the Korean war, the one piece of real backstory we have for him, and just kind of wave away the age issue? Do I retcon the Korean war stuff and make him be much younger, thus making it more plausible he's still apart of the team, but removing a large part of his character both canon (which, to be fair, isn't a lot) and fanon wise? I honestly don't know what's the best option tbh
EIther way, Cabbie is a really cool characters based off a cool, old plane model and thus causes me MANY issues because of that old plane model.
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southeastasianists · 4 months
After being abandoned as a French resort built in 1919 in colonial Vietnam, Bà Nà Hills was rebuilt and redesigned as a theme park. The beauty of Bà Nà Hills is unmatched. Majestically rising from the Da Nang region below, the only way to access this place is through a cable car ride. Make no mistake, as this is one of the best and longest cable car rides in the world, offering a 360-degree view overlooking the greenery below.An attraction is the Golden Bridge, a bridge meant to look like a thread being held by the hands of God. This is likely the most popular attraction of Bà Nà Hills. Beware though, because the bridge is overly congested with private groups of tourists trying to snap a photo on the bridge, which is just wide enough for a few people to pass through. Additionally, the entirety of Bà Nà Hills is built as a replica of the old French buildings in the once-abandoned resort. Separate from all the new buildings, a few ruins have been preserved. Bà Nà Hills has gone to its furthest extent trying to replicate what it once was, playing French music in the background and rebuilding cobbled roads.From a culinary standpoint, Bà Nà Hills is diverse, unique, and has many options. There are many French cafes and restaurants, but also restaurants with Vietnamese, Italian, and other foods. There’s also a lot of alcohol available, especially at the Beer Barrel, a giant barrel-shaped building with a bar inside. You can also visit the wine cellar, built inside the mountain with long tunnels, fireplaces, storage rooms, and more. These cellars were all created over a century ago by the French to store wine.Bà Nà Hills is also known for its unpredictability. The weather, 5,000 feet up, is subject to change at any time. Some days, Bà Nà Hills might be sunny and bright, while others might be cloudy and dark. Although Bà Nà Hills has become a tourist attraction, its presence is still unknown to many visitors in Vietnam.
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spenglercore · 5 months
Tell us about the Big Damn Heroes incident where Ilse almost murdered Piotr
So, to start with: Piotr is the kind of guy who would rather suffer himself than let other suffer if he can help them. The man has a heart of gold and it's gotten his ass kicked more than once in his life. He's got a strong sense of justice and loyalty and would give you the shirt off his back or take on someone he knows is going to beat the shit out of him if means you'd be spared the harm.
At some point in his late twenties he joins the army as a tank mechanic and serves in both Korea and part of Vietnam. In the latter conflict, he gets set to a forward repair base when their foreman is KIA. He's slated to take the guy's place temporarily until his replacement arrives, and while he's there they end up having to go on tank recovery in hostile territory.
Now, retrieving an M48 Patton tank is almost always going to be An Affair in and of itself, depending on just how badly damaged it is. And if it was damaged enough that it couldn't be driven back to base, that means you've gotta send people out to get it, which requires a tank recovery vehicle (usually just another wholeass tank modified for towing) and also possibly do any repairs that it might need to even make it towable, and do so in the field.
This is what Piotr and his guys are doing when they discover it was a trap and they walked right into it.
So bullets are flying and people are diving for cover, of which there isn't much. Piotr is the guy in charge as far as the mechanics go, and he knows that the longer they sit there the more losses they'll incur. Yeah, they've got a guy on the radio yelling for backup, but between that moment and when backup actually arrives, IF it arrives at all, is an unknown quantity and a lot can happen in that time frame. Their best bet is to get to the recovery vehicle and beat a hasty retreat, while hoping the VC don't have any anti-tank weapons.
So this motherfucker decides that it's his job to get the recovery vehicle unhooked from the tank they were gonna recover and pile as many guys into it as possible while providing moving cover for anyone else so they can get out of the middle of things and into a more defensible position. Of course, this is a dumb idea, but Piotr can be dumb as a box of rocks at times. He's a machinist, engineer and mechanic, not a tactician.
He gives his dog tags to another guy, says the classic 'tell my wife and kid i love them' line, and then runs off. Miraculously, he's not instantly hit. Instead, when he gets to where the two vehicles are hooked together, he runs into an enemy soldier. Once again, he miraculously escapes injury or death by bayonet and instead brains the guy on reflex with the mini sledgehammer he had in his hand. Being close enough to see the effects of a hammer on a human head and watching the guy die is not something he was ever prepared for, and it's here that he locks up and gets hit. Not only does he get perforated, but his left knee takes a decent piece of shrapnel right to the joint and he gets a pretty nasty concussion and goes down.
Backup does arrive, and being concussed and panicky because holy shit he's been hit, Piotr gets uncharacteristically combative and gets his ass sedated before he's flown out to a MASH unit where he's patched up. But when he starts to come out of sedation, he's still combative due to having a traumatic brain injury and keeps saying his last name isn't Spengler, it's Kowalski, so not only can they not immediately verify his identity, he gets put in a medical coma for a while and is expected to recover but have chronic problems at absolute best.
While he's out, a clerical error occurs where he's mistakenly listed as KIA, and the corresponding letter is sent out to his wife, who is understandably distraught. Luckily, the day after she gets the letter, Piotr is brought out of the coma and it turns out he's just one of those lucky sons of bitches who recovers completely from the brain injury and nobody really knows why or how. And once he's been awake for a day or so, he finds out that he was mistakenly listed as dead and goes 'Oh fuck I need to call my WIFE.' Which he does, and when he explains that this whole mess is because he was trying to be a hero, he gets chewed out in German loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear.
Not long after that, he finds himself on his way home on a medical discharge because the cartilage of his left knee got pretty fucked up and he's no longer fit to serve. But rather than a warm welcome, Piotr is greeted with a halfhearted slap across the face and another tirade of German as Ilse goes off about what an ass he is, how he scared the shit out of her, about what a dipshit move that was taking off his dog tags and trying to be a hero, etc etc. The ride home is quiet and tense, as is getting settled in for the evening.
Once everything is put away and they're behind closed doors though, he pulls Ilse in for a hug and apologizes for putting her through so much. er emotions finally come out and she just sort of collapses into the hug and cries. Seeing her crying over the whole thing has more of an impact on Piotr than her being pissed enough to slap him; he goes to sometimes comical lengths to avoid causing her distress or otherwise upsetting her or making her feel bad, even on accident, and knowing that he did it anyway really eats at him for awhile.
Over the decades though, the time Ilse almost murdered her husband for being a shit idiot becomes something of a running joke.
Along with the time he got goaded into going streaking on a motorcycle.
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wanderingnork · 10 months
Military Horror Movies
So this one was a tricky one, because there just aren't a lot of military-focused horror movies out there. But I did manage to find a few! Here they are.
Predator (1987): A group of Vietnam veterans is sent into a deep South American rainforest in an attempt to deal with a Soviet-backed invasion. Things take a turn for the horrifying when they discover that there's a nearly-invincible alien threat hunting them. The characters are cut off from any kind of support. Even their most powerful weapons are useless. Humans are hunted by an unstoppable malevolent force, even more terrifying than a slasher or a demon. It's pitched as a sci-fi action thriller, but I believe that--despite the grand-scale violence, explosions, and hammy shouting--this is the most straightforwardly standard Horror Movie on this list.
Sputnik: Two cosmonauts return to Earth with an extra passenger. The movie focuses on how the Soviet military handles that passenger. Considering that this takes place during the end of the Cold War, you can imagine just what the military might want with a potential alien weapon. Also, the movie was released in 2020, six years after the Russian invasion of Crimea--two years before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Given that, the timing of a Russian movie that criticizes military excesses and misuse of power is...interesting.
The Lair: In which a team of American/UK soldiers and allies, stationed in Afghanistan, unintentionally awaken unsettling alien creatures in an abandoned Soviet bunker. Full disclosure, this is a movie I vastly did not like. It's very enthusiastically in favor of western militaries invading Afghanistan (despite the best and most complex character being a member of the Taliban, I loved Kabir so much and his actor pulled that role off so well), among other issues, and that was enough to put me right off. However, it is very definitely horror, and the handling of the alien creatures themselves is good. Plus they use practical effects which. Always lovely.
28 Days Later: Taking a completely opposite perspective here on the military, soldiers in this movie take advantage of the chaos of a zombie apocalypse to misuse their power and weapons to commit atrocities. While containing what might be one of the most tense and frightening scenes in horror fiction (the opening walk through silent London), it manages to also turn the military characters in a more viscerally awful threat than an entire zombie horde.
Godzilla (2014): This falls under a little-discussed and controversial genre called "epic horror." The existence of the genre is debated. Classic horror tales with ghosts and serial killers are up close and intimate, taking place in closed, small-scale settings where ordinary characters become extraordinary by confronting or even surviving the horror. Epics are big, lengthy stories about extraordinary deeds and characters whose exploits take place on a great scale, maybe even confronting gods or other cosmic entities in their adventures. Epic horror, then, is about extraordinary characters on a wide stage confronting vast and malevolent beings which they may not be able to defeat, or only defeat at a dreadfully high cost. I'd argue that Beowulf's first two sections (Grendel and his mother) qualify as an epic horror on their own, and even the attack of the dragon has elements of a horror tale. Stephen King's The Dark Tower series is frequently cited as a modern example. This entry to the Godzilla franchise, dealing with heroic soldiers in desperate and perhaps futile battles against massive entities of unknown origin, would definitely count as an epic horror.
Food for thought: Why are so many of the threats in these movies alien or alien-adjacent? What role do guns play? Do they make the horror (alien, zombie, kaiju) less threatening, or does the type of weapon not matter? Does horror have to be intimate and small-scale in order to be truly considered horror? If yes, then what do you think about movies like Nope, Cloverfield, or any movie involving large-scale zombie hordes? Do you think that "epic horror" is a genre, or do you think that it's a bit absurd? How much would you agree with the statement that, in The Lair, the real monsters are actually the movie's main characters?
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Name: Aslan Jade Callenreese Ash Lynx
Series: Banana Fish
Continuity: 2018 Anime
Age: 18
Height: 5'11"
Birthday: August 12th
Birthplace: Massachusetts, United States
Orientation: Biromantic / Asexual
Species: Human
Occupation: Gang leader
Father: Jim Callenreese
Mother: Unnamed (unknown status)
Sibling(s): Griffin Callenreese
Ash Lynx, or Aslan Callenreese, was born in Cape Cod to his father and his second wife. Yet he never actually knew his mother because she walked out on his father when Ash was just a few months old, leaving him to be raised by his father and brother.
Yet his father was honestly terrible. He was an alcoholic and was extremely neglectful so he gave all legal rights to raise Ash to his brother, Griffith. Griffith absolutely loved his little brother and was the one person that Ash cared about more than anything, yet even these happy memories with his brother didn’t last.
Griffith chose to leave for the army when Ash was six years old, he was immediately shipped off to Vietnam. (Iraq in the anime). This left Ash all alone with his father, who definitely wasn’t happy to be left with Ash again even if he had no involvement in his life.
It’s at the age of seven that he was raped by the coach for the local little league which deeply traumatized Ash. Though his father notified the police about it, they didn’t believe him so his father simply told Ash “Let him do it again but ask for money next time.”. Ash was raped repeatedly by this coach until the age of eight where he chose to take matters into his own hands and used his father’s gun to kill his rapist.
It’s then the coach was uncovered to be a child murderer and was labeled the “Cape Cod Blue Beard” and Ash was found not guilty for killing him by means of self defense. This killing made Ash the talk of the town where everyone harassed him with questions about what happened, his father saw the toll it did on Ash so he sent him to live with his aunt.
This did not go well as Ash was already severely traumatized and never even made it to his aunt’s house. As a runaway kid in New York, he was immediately kidnapped by a group of child traffickers for prostitution. He’s immediately sent to a place called Club Cod. A club owned by mafia don, Dino Golzine, where Ash is absolutely horrified by it but he has to learn how to survive in this new situation if he didn’t want to end up dead the way the other kids secretly would if they preformed badly enough.
He learned how to be extremely charismatic and entice the politicians and other mafia members in this club, even unfortunately staring in adult films and photoshoots that he’s since been trying to destroy for his own pride. To this day, camera clicks when he's not asked for a photo are still a huge trigger for him as the memories of these 'photoshoots' and 'videos' come flooding back.
He caught the eye of Dino Golzine who personally took Ash as a personal sex slave or “pet”. Dino would then teach Ash everything of someone in the upper class, including fine dining and extremely high education which later resulted in Ash having an IQ of 210. Not only was he raised like someone in the upper class would, but he was taught to fight and shoot where he’d learn how to use a handgun and knife by a profession Russian assassin named Blanca.
At fourteen, he fell in love with a very nice girl but it never went anywhere as she was killed immediately once it was assumed she was Ash’s girlfriend. He never even got to tell the girl he loved her, and it was a sign for Ash that he simply can’t let people get too close.
When he was fifteen, he was sent to juvenile detention for killing three people where he met his best friend, Shorter Wong. It was seeing Shorter’s gang in Chinatown that he slowly gets the idea to start a gang.
Yet these thoughts of pulling up one stops when he finally found his brother Griffith in a dirty old hospital for unnamed Vietnam soldiers (a regular hospital in the anime). Griffith was completely handicapped and many doctors assumed he was brain dead but Ash knew he was still alive so he got him out of the hospital and into his dingy old apartment with his roommate, who was a little boy he befriended.
Wanting to earn better money and try to figure out what the hell happened to his older brother, Ash started up a gang in Manhattan at the age of sixteen and works under Dino Golzine. He has plans to expose him and everyone else once he hears about this “Banana Fish” that is supposedly connected to Dino and his brother.
While Ash can be very serious but crack a few jokes, he struggles a lot with his personal demons. He’s suffered so much that he easily can risk his life doing something because he’s been through so much that dying simply isn’t a big deal to him anymore. He can be philosophical as well but absolutely terrifying to deal with if you’re on his kill list. He can shoot right between the eyes at a far distance without much trouble and skilled with his fists and knives.
He’s also very sex repulsed, having been abused for so long by it that all he can view sex as is simply the easiest way to get what you want so Ash only every offers sex if he needs information, money or manipulate someone to get what he wants. The act disgusts him, to a point of nausea, that he refuses to get intimate with anyone. Even if he managed to fall in love, the overwhelming repulsion of sex is too much for him to make an exception.
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gaywatermelonbread · 1 year
More info about ur codz ocs?
I have alot of zombie critters...So how about I give fun facts about them! ^^
There's about 12(13 if you count primis ida as a separate oc) of these guys, hints why I'm jist gonna make it like a fun fact thing. All facts of them under the cut.
Ida(OG/Ultimis) - Ida, genuinely, loves cooking. Since she had to cook for her and Richtofen(her "brother") when they lived together, her fondness of cooking grew on her. It was a past time she longs for now, but hopefully will be able to do. If she does fins the time, she makes the best Käsekuchen(German cheesecake)
Ida(Primis) - She only became a scientist to spite Richtofen. Due to their heated argument, Richtofen made a very unwelcome comment on how she's probably the stupidest person he ever met. Now, she lives comfortable in her secret lab where she grows mushrooms and other veggies that she had genetically modified to grow in human made light
Gunther(Child Ida)- He is a lover of space. He once told Richtofen that when he gotten older  he was going to go to the moon...
Bobby - He actually helped raised some puppies during his youth and continued to do so when he took over his fathers mafia. He is a big dog lover, but he is allergic to them sadly
Scarlett - Her dog plushie is based on a rl plushie called Bonzo the dog during 1920s! Her parents gotten it from a yard sale for her so she can at least have a "friend" to keep her company when
Sarah - She was a teacher for kindergartens before the zombies came along. She uses ASL for her classes as she speaks due to her and her brothers mother going deaf in her older years
Sammy - He used to work as a carpenter before quitting when he was drafted for the Vietnam War...but that was a bust when his sister tried to take his place and the zombies came
Edgar - The definition of the shy guy that listens to heavy metal. He's embarrassed by it, but will honestly die if Stuhlinger founds out about it. He was just going through an edgy phase that he never really gotten out of
R.O.B. - A robot designed by an unknown japanese scientist to keep an eye on the wild life/test subjects in shi no numa. This robot would record its finds so the research and finds will never be forgotten. It really loves the animals, and tries it's beat to never harm any living things
John - He's actually AroAce! Even though his story shows differently, he later finds out that he never liked it in the first place. He does become a better person after the whole MPD thing, and he wrapped up in a different universe where 5 adult children claim him as their dad
Lifmos - They are fascinated by the concept of love. How humans come together and be so affectionate to one another. How it changes from different people. It was  probably the proudest creator of humans moment for them
Solsif - Has memories of every cycle, of every universe. Being the protector of universe isn't the beat, especially when you're missing your friends that had to have their memory wiped
Zelmesh - This guy...them right their...are the definition of hopeless romantic. They love Lifmos and their ideas, and honestly will try to always be there for them. Just an alien in love with another alien
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I've been thinking about something that I haven't seen anyone else post about, but I thought I'd share it with you.
I watched the original Top Gun after I saw TGM and I realized something;
Maverick's dad was a naval aviator who died when Mav was a kid during the Vietnam war, Mav's mom never really got over it, and Mav applied to the naval academy but SOMEONE PULLED HIS PAPERS so he had to take the long way to be a naval aviator.
Rooster may have Goose's genes and mannerisms, but he had Maverick's childhood.
Their dad's both died in a plane related incident (Goose died in a training accident, Duke died during a dogfight saving the rest of his squadron)
Their mom's never really moved on (in the original movie Mav said it, with TGM it was implied because when talking about her death no significant others or additional children are discussed)
They both applied to the naval academy and someone else had their papers pulled (it's not explicitly said who did it to Mav, but we all know Mav pulled Rooster's papers)
Maverick was probably so sad and devastated for Bradley for basically his entire life because he knew how awful it was to lose your dad as a kid and watch your mom suffer for it, and to have someone actively stand in the way of your goals and ambitions because your dad died.
(also there's some low key parallels between Penny/Mav and Rooster/Phoenix but I'm not gonna get into that)
Pulling Rooster's papers definitely killed Maverick more than he let on because he basically put the final nail in the coffin for Rooster having a very similar, and lonely, life that he'd been leading. It probably felt like he did his best to make Bradley's situation better (cause Rooster had Mav, but no one checked on Mav or acted as an uncle towards him) but ended up in the exact same place wondering if any of it was worth it because Mav got betrayed by an unknown person, Rooster got betrayed by one of the people he trusted most in the world.
So yeah. Have fun with these cursed thoughts, they've been haunting me for months.
i think i got this ask last week and I left it in my inbox because I didn't have the emotional capacity to answer it. literally fuck this shit has been haunting me. our poor boys
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 4.2
1513 – Having spotted land on March 27, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León comes ashore on what is now the U.S. state of Florida, landing somewhere between the modern city of St. Augustine and the mouth of the St. Johns River. 1755 – Commodore William James captures the Maratha fortress of Suvarnadurg on the west coast of India. 1792 – The Coinage Act is passed by Congress, establishing the United States Mint. 1800 – Ludwig van Beethoven leads the premiere of his First Symphony in Vienna. 1801 – French Revolutionary Wars: In the Battle of Copenhagen a British Royal Navy squadron defeats a hastily assembled, smaller, mostly-volunteer Dano-Norwegian Navy at high cost, forcing Denmark out of the Second League of Armed Neutrality. 1863 – American Civil War: The largest in a series of Southern bread riots occurs in Richmond, Virginia. 1865 – American Civil War: Defeat at the Third Battle of Petersburg forces the Army of Northern Virginia and the Confederate government to abandon Richmond, Virginia. 1885 – Canadian Cree warriors attack the village of Frog Lake, killing nine. 1902 – Dmitry Sipyagin, Minister of Interior of the Russian Empire, is assassinated in the Mariinsky Palace, Saint Petersburg. 1902 – "Electric Theatre", the first full-time movie theater in the United States, opens in Los Angeles. 1911 – The Australian Bureau of Statistics conducts the country's first national census. 1912 – The ill-fated RMS Titanic begins sea trials. 1917 – American entry into World War I: President Wilson asks the U.S. Congress for a declaration of war on Germany. 1921 – The Autonomous Government of Khorasan, a military government encompassing the modern state of Iran, is established. 1930 – After the mysterious death of Empress Zewditu, Haile Selassie is proclaimed emperor of Ethiopia. 1954 – A 19-month-old infant is swept up in the ocean tides at Hermosa Beach, California. Local photographer John L. Gaunt photographs the incident; 1955 Pulitzer winner "Tragedy by the Sea". 1956 – As the World Turns and The Edge of Night premiere on CBS. The two soaps become the first daytime dramas to debut in the 30-minute format. 1964 – The Soviet Union launches Zond 1. 1972 – Actor Charlie Chaplin returns to the United States for the first time since being labeled a communist during the Red Scare in the early 1950s. 1973 – Launch of the LexisNexis computerized legal research service. 1975 – Vietnam War: Thousands of civilian refugees flee from Quảng Ngãi Province in front of advancing North Vietnamese troops. 1976 – Prince Norodom Sihanouk resigns as leader of Cambodia and is placed under house arrest. 1979 – A Soviet bio-warfare laboratory at Sverdlovsk accidentally releases airborne anthrax spores, killing 66 plus an unknown amount of livestock. 1980 – United States President Jimmy Carter signs the Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act. 1982 – Falklands War: Argentina invades the Falkland Islands. 1986 – Alabama governor George Wallace, a former segregationist, best known for the "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door", announces that he will not seek a fifth four-year term and will retire from public life upon the end of his term in January 1987. 1989 – Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev arrives in Havana, Cuba, to meet with Fidel Castro in an attempt to mend strained relations. 1991 – Rita Johnston becomes the first female Premier of a Canadian province when she succeeds William Vander Zalm (who had resigned) as Premier of British Columbia. 1992 – In New York, Mafia boss John Gotti is convicted of murder and racketeering and is later sentenced to life in prison. 1992 – Forty-two civilians are massacred in the town of Bijeljina in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2002 – Israeli forces surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, into which armed Palestinians had retreated. 2004 – Islamist terrorists involved in the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks attempt to bomb the Spanish high-speed train AVE near Madrid; the attack is thwarted. 2006 – Over 60 tornadoes break out in the United States; Tennessee is hardest hit with 29 people killed. 2012 – A mass shooting at Oikos University in California leaves seven people dead and three injured. 2014 – A spree shooting occurs at the Fort Hood army base in Texas, with four dead, including the gunman, and 16 others injured. 2015 – Gunmen attack Garissa University College in Kenya, killing at least 148 people and wounding 79 others. 2015 – Four men steal items worth up to £200 million from an underground safe deposit facility in London's Hatton Garden area in what has been called the "largest burglary in English legal history." 2020 – COVID-19 pandemic: The total number of confirmed cases reach one million. 2021 – At least 49 people are killed in a train derailment in Taiwan after a truck accidentally rolls onto the track. 2021 – A Capitol Police officer is killed and another injured when an attacker rams his car into a barricade outside the United States Capitol.
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riduan222 · 3 months
Hidden Gems: Uncovering Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations
In a world where travel has become increasingly accessible and popular, there's a certain allure to discovering destinations that remain off the radar of most tourists. These hidden gems offer a unique and authentic experience, away from the crowds and tourist traps. From secluded beaches to quaint villages nestled in the mountains, these lesser-known treasures beckon adventurous travelers seeking something extraordinary. In this article, we'll delve into the allure of off-the-beaten-path destinations and explore some of the most captivating hidden gems around the world.
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he Allure of Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations
While popular tourist hotspots certainly have their charm, they often come with crowds, inflated prices, and a sense of sameness. Off-the-beaten-path destinations, on the other hand, offer a chance to escape the tourist masses and immerse oneself in the authentic culture and natural beauty of a place. These hidden gems provide a sense of discovery and adventure, appealing to travelers who crave unique experiences and genuine connections with local communities.
Exploring Hidden Gems Around the World
Ronda, Spain: Tucked away in the mountains of Andalusia, Ronda is a picturesque town known for its dramatic cliffside views and historic charm. Visitors can wander through narrow cobblestone streets, marvel at the ancient Roman bridge spanning the El Tajo gorge, and explore the city's rich Moorish heritage.
Chefchaouen, Morocco: Nestled in the Rif Mountains of northern Morocco, Chefchaouen is famous for its striking blue-washed buildings and labyrinthine streets. This enchanting city offers a serene atmosphere, vibrant markets, and opportunities for hiking in the surrounding countryside.
Tulum, Mexico: While Tulum has gained popularity in recent years, it still retains much of its laid-back charm and natural beauty. Visitors can explore ancient Mayan ruins overlooking the Caribbean Sea, relax on pristine beaches, and swim in cenotes – natural sinkholes filled with crystal-clear water.
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Hạ Long Bay, Vietnam: Often overshadowed by popular tourist destinations like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Hạ Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its emerald waters and towering limestone karsts. Travelers can embark on a boat cruise through the bay, kayak among hidden caves and lagoons, and spend the night on a traditional junk boat.
Sapa, Vietnam: Located in the remote mountains of northern Vietnam, Sapa is a haven for trekking enthusiasts and cultural explorers. Visitors can hike through terraced rice fields, encounter ethnic minority villages, and soak in breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding valleys.
Tips for Discovering Hidden Gems
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Research: Use online resources, travel blogs, and forums to uncover hidden gems and lesser-known destinations. Look for places that are off the beaten path but still offer unique experiences and attractions.
Local Recommendations: Talk to locals and seek their recommendations for hidden gems in their area. They can provide valuable insights and insider tips that you won't find in guidebooks.
Be Open-Minded: Embrace the spirit of adventure and be open to unexpected discoveries along the way. Sometimes the best experiences come from wandering off the beaten path and embracing the unknown.
In conclusion, off-the-beaten-path destinations offer a sense of adventure, discovery, and authenticity that can't be found in more popular tourist destinations. Whether you're exploring remote villages in the mountains or secluded beaches on a tropical island, hidden gems provide a chance to escape the crowds and experience the world in a truly unique way. So, pack your bags, step off the beaten path, and embark on a journey of exploration and discovery unlike any other.
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pnguyenst · 4 months
We highly recommend that you visit Con Dao as soon as possible. Con Dao’s tourism is still not heavily developed so there are fewer crowds and a lack of mega-resorts along the beachfront. We love how this beautiful island maintains its local lifestyle as many local restaurants close early by 9:00pm. If you’re into nightlife, then you’re out of luck as there isn’t any.
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tomorrowedblog · 5 months
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Friday Releases for January 19
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for January 19 include ORIGIN, The Kitchen, Another Code: Recollection, and more.
ORIGIN, the new movie from Ava DuVernay, is out today.
Written and directed by Academy Award nominee Ava DuVernay, ORIGIN chronicles the tragedy and triumph of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Isabel Wilkerson as she investigates a global phenomenon of epic proportions.
The Kitchen
The Kitchen, the new movie from Daniel Kaluuya and Kibwe Tavares, is out today.
Izi’s close to escaping The Kitchen, one of London’s last remaining housing estates. But when young Benji enters his life, he faces some hard decisions.
Sixty Minutes
Sixty Minutes, the new movie from Oliver Kienle, is out today.
MMA fighter Octavio (Emilio Sakraya) has one hour to make it to his daughter’s birthday party or he’ll lose custody forever. To reach her in time he turns down an important fight, which puts him in a dangerous position with some even more dangerous people. Suddenly Octavio isn’t only trapped in a ruthless race against time but also a chase through the entire city of Berlin that pushes him to his limits.
Sunrise, the new movie from Andrew Baird, is out today.
When an ex-cop named Fallon returns to the scene of a horrific crime, the residents of a rural town soon discover that this dark visitor is really a vampire who feeds on blood and fear. After he is befriended by a kind immigrant family, the instinctive killer is faced with a choice between revenge and redemption.
Wanted Man
Wanted Man, the new movie from Dolph Lundgren, is out today.
An American police officer must retrieve an eyewitness and escort her across the Mexican border after a cartel shooting leaves several DEA agents dead. When they discover that the attack was executed by American forces, he must decide who to trust.​
I.S.S., the new movie from Gabriela Cowperthwaite, is out today.
Tensions flare in the near future aboard the International Space Station as a worldwide conflict breaks out on Earth. Reeling from this, the astronauts receive orders from the ground: take control of the station by any means necessary.
Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell
Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell, the new movie from Thien An Pham, is out today.
Winner of the prestigious Camera d’Or for Best First Feature at the Cannes Film Festival, this enthralling debut from Vietnamese filmmaker Thien An Pham is a reverie on faith, loss, and nature expressed with uncommon invention and depth. The sudden death of his sister-in-law brings unexpected responsibilities to Thien (Le Phong Vu), who is reluctantly tasked with bringing his five-year-old nephew Dao to their countryside hometown. On the road, Thien is drawn into a search for his long-missing older brother, haunted and spurred forward by a series of sublime dreams that reignite suppressed memories, forbidden desires, and specters of his own youth. What began as a journey home becomes a pilgrimage marked by visual splendor and mystical overtones, a quest for understanding and certainty in a Vietnam that seems unable to provide any clear answers. As Thien battles with the existential question of what is worth living for, Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell interrogates the persistence and complexity of faith, not only in the spiritual but in the delicate beauty of earthly existence.
The Woman in the Wall
The Woman in the Wall, the new TV series from Joe Murtagh, is out today.
Lorna Brady (Ruth Wilson) wakes to discover a corpse in her home with no recollection of how it got there. When Detective Colman Akande (Daryl McCormack) arrives he’s drawn into a game of cat-and-mouse as he and Lorna search for answers in a small town full of long-buried secrets.
The Bequeathed
The Bequeathed, the new TV series from Yeon Sang-ho, is out today.
After the death of an unknown uncle, a woman inherits a burial ground and finds herself in the center of a string of murders and dark secrets.
Late Bloomer
Late Bloomer, the new TV series from Jasmeet Raina, is out today.
LATE BLOOMER is a half-hour comedy series following Jasmeet Dutta, a turban-wearing millennial struggling to find his place in life while balancing Eastern roots with Western ideals. Like many his age, Jasmeet feels behind in life compared to his peers, and working as a delivery driver for his mother’s Tiffin business isn't helping. Jasmeet’s video blog sharing his journey leads him to connect with a growing audience, but his increased popularity makes it harder to maintain his commitment to family and culture.
Another Code: Recollection
Another Code: Recollection, the new game from Cing and Nintendo, is out today.
Uncover mysteries and visions of the past in this two-game collection, fully enhanced for the Nintendo Switch system.  In the Another Code: Two Memories game, previously known as Trace Memory for the Nintendo DS system, Ashley journeys to the solitary Blood Edward Island after receiving a letter from the father she thought was deceased. In the sequel Another Code: R – Journey into Lost Memories, previously unreleased in North America, an older Ashley will meet new individuals and unravel the memories of her dearly departed mother.
The Cub
The Cub, the new game from Demagog Studio, Untold Tales, and Gamersky Games, is out today.
From the creators of Golf Club Nostalgia and Highwater. Return to their whimsical, neon-lit apocalypse in a Jungle Book meets The Armageddon fusion. Parkour through the remains of humanity as a child being hunted, while catchy end-of-days tunes and curious survivor stories play on the radio.
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theattainer · 8 months
Sylvester Stallone’s First Blood Paycheck: You Won’t Believe How Much He Made for the 1982 Classic!
Sylvester Stallone’s First Blood Paycheck: You Won’t Believe How Much He Made for the 1982 Classic!
In 1982, Sylvester Stallone cemented his place in Hollywood history with the release of First Blood, the first film in the hugely successful Rambo franchise. Stallone had already found fame and fortune with 1976’s Rocky, but it was John Rambo that made him one of the biggest action stars in the world.
Reports vary, but Stallone was paid somewhere between $3.5 and $7 million for starring as the former Green Beret drifter struggling to adjust to civilian life. This was an astronomical sum for the time, especially when you consider that he had been paid just $35,000 for writing and starring in the original Rocky six years earlier.
So just how did Stallone score such a monumental payday for First Blood? Let’s take a look at Sly’s salary negotiations and the incredible success of Rambo to see how a simple script about a disenfranchised Vietnam veteran turned Stallone into one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood.
Rocky Puts Stallone on the Map
It’s hard to overstate the impact that Rocky had on Sylvester Stallone’s career. He was a struggling actor with just $106 in his bank account when he wrote the script for Rocky in 3 and a half days. Unable to sell the script unless he was attached to star, Stallone held out until producers agreed to let the unknown actor take on the iconic role of the Italian Stallion.
Made on a modest budget of just over $1 million, Rocky earned $225 million at the box office and won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Overnight, Stallone became one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. Given his immense contribution to the film’s success, Stallone was determined not to make the same mistake again with his future projects.
From a $35,000 Payday to $3.5 Million: Stallone’s Salary Soars
For Rocky, Stallone was paid just $35,000 for his work as actor and writer. But for the 1979 sequel, Rocky II, he earned $2.5 million thanks to a lucrative profit participation deal. Though the Rocky franchise had proven hugely successful, there were still questions about whether Stallone was a bankable star outside of the Italian Stallion role.
Stallone’s next non-Rocky film, Paradise Alley, was a box office flop, grossing just $3 million on a $5 million budget. But Stallone was about to prove his star power with First Blood. For the right to play John Rambo, Stallone is reported to have earned between $3.5 and $7 million upfront.
Some sources have claimed his final paycheck was closer to $3.5 million, which was still an enormous amount in 1982 for an actor without a long track record of hits. The higher estimate of $7 million likely factors in the percentage of gross profits Stallone is rumored to have negotiated from the first dollar. Either way, it was a massive raise over his previous non-Rocky projects.
How Did Stallone Earn So Much for First Blood?
So how did Stallone manage to command such an astronomical salary for First Blood? There are a few key factors that gave him leverage in negotiations:
Rocky proved his box office value. Though Paradise Alley had flopped, the extraordinary success of Rocky and Rocky II showed that Stallone could draw big crowds to the theater. This enabled him to demand a huge payday.
He was intrinsic to the film’s success. Like with Rocky, Stallone had penned the script himself and intended to star as the lead character. The producers knew that the film would not get made without him.
Competition for the role. Stallone reportedly had multiple studios bidding for the rights to First Blood in a competitive situation that drove up his asking price.
He held out for profit participation. On top of his large upfront salary, Stallone likely secured a deal entitling him to a percentage of the film’s gross profits. This would earn him tens of millions down the road.
Whatever tactics he used, Stallone’s huge payday for First Blood paid off in spades…
First Blood Becomes a Blockbuster Hit
First Blood was made on a budget of $15 million and wrapped after just 50 days of filming. Buoyed by Stallone’s star power and the popularity of the source novel, it earned $125 million at the worldwide box office.
While this was an excellent return on investment, the larger importance was establishing Rambo as a hugely popular character who could anchor an action franchise. Audiences couldn’t get enough of Stallone’s brooding, muscle-bound hero with a talent for explosive mayhem.
Like Rocky before him, John Rambo struck a chord with audiences and became ingrained in popular culture. As the man who created him, Stallone had given himself a valuable character to build new films around. And the profits from the first Rambo movie were just the beginning of a massive payday for Sly.
Stallone Earns $16 Million for Rambo: First Blood Part II
On the heels of First Blood’s success, Stallone was able to negotiate an even bigger payday for the inevitable sequel. For 1985’s Rambo: First Blood Part II, Stallone earned a phenomenal $16 million salary.
This was partly due to the leverage of First Blood’s box office revenues, which showed producers how popular the character had become. But the sequel also gave Stallone a chance to direct for the first time, giving him additional negotiating power.
The sequel was an even bigger hit, earning $300 million globally. Stallone, who was now established as one of the world’s biggest movie stars, had proved he could demand huge salaries upfront instead of having to wait on profit participation bonuses. Audiences couldn’t get enough of John Rambo.
And neither could Stallone…
Rambo III Brings Stallone $12 Million
In 1988, Stallone returned in Rambo III, for which he earned a paycheck of $12 million plus a percentage of profits. Though this was lower than the second film, it was still one of the largest salaries ever paid to an actor at the time. The third Rambo adventure saw the muscle-bound warrior take on Russian forces in Afghanistan.
Rambo III earned $189 million at the box office, demonstrating that the character still packed major firepower with audiences. And with a total budget of just $63 million, the profits flowed generously to the studio and to Stallone.
In just six years, Stallone had gone from a little-known actor paid $35,000 to one of the highest-earning stars in Hollywood thanks to the success of Rocky and Rambo. Though he had other hits like Cliffhanger and Demolition Man that paid big bucks, it was John Rambo that made Stallone a multi-millionaire megastar.
Stallone’s Rambo Salaries Total Over $30 Million
Adding up his reported salaries for the first three Rambo movies, Stallone earned over $30 million in upfront paychecks, not counting any bonuses or profit points. Factoring in backend profits likely boosts his total Rambo earnings from the 1980s close to $50 million.
For comparison, a $7 million salary in 1982 would be equivalent to over $20 million today adjusted for inflation. That explains why Stallone’s original Rambo paycheck raised so many eyebrows at the time. But the movie’s profits proved his drawing power.
Thanks to astute negotiating, Stallone was able to capture a huge share of the value created by his iconic characters. Rather than watch the studios make hundreds of millions off his work, Sly emerged from the 1980s as one of Hollywood’s richest stars off the success of Rocky and Rambo alone.
What Can We Learn from Stallone’s Blockbuster Deals?
So what lessons can we take from Stallone’s monumental paydays for the First Blood franchise? Here are a few of the keys to his success:
Create evergreen content and characters. Stallone crafted stories and characters that audiences couldn’t help but fall in love with. Their ability to anchor multiple films allowed him to keep earning big paychecks.
Negotiate ownership and upside. Stallone made sure he didn’t just earn a salary, but that he participated in the huge profits his creations generated.
Leverage competitive interest. By getting studios bidding for his projects, Stallone drove up his fees and prevented himself from being underpaid.
Be your own brand. By becoming intrinsically tied to characters like Rocky and Rambo, Stallone created huge demand to see him reprise these roles.
Don’t undersell yourself. Once he had a major hit under his belt, Stallone knew his worth and held out for salaries reflective of his drawing power.
Stallone had the foresight to negotiate deals that paid him handsomely upfront while also giving him a cut of his films’ continuing profits. While few people have created icons at the level of Rocky or Rambo, Stallone’s techniques offer lessons for anyone looking to maximize their value.
By crafting compelling stories, understanding his worth, and betting on himself, Sly became one of the highest-earning stars of his era. His paychecks for the Rambo franchise showed how you can graduate from an unknown to a multi-millionaire megastar practically overnight with the right leverage.
What do you think?
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My AIESEC experience
It’s a wrap! 
My whole 6 weeks experience in Vietnam has been amazing. Vietnam was initially not my first choice. I applied for Vietnam as my application from Taiwan didn’t give me any response. As a consequent, my manager encouraged me to choose Vietnam due to their quick response. I had a pleasant interview session with the Opportunity Manager for the project I applied, hence having a great impression on Vietnamese. It’s more like a casual conversation to achieve understanding and expectation in Vietnam whether I’m able to adapt the local life, we also chatted about my country, the convo held around 1 hour. I got accepted for the interview on the same day (I think everyone who applies will get accepted though)
I have never intended to go Vietnam, it was never in my bucket list. I know completely nothing about Vietnam except hectic traffic, Vietnamese cuisine, conical hats and history. My head was full with doubts and uncertainties when I made my decision for it. Besides that, I had to pay for Aiesec Fee to the local chapter in my uni which I don’t really know what was it for, they say it’s for facilitation fee but the ones who facilitates are volunteers too, they aren’t even paid for their job. I was anxious the few days before arriving to Vietnam. We had to pay IPS-incoming preparation seminar (a seminar where pay the local AIESEC facilitators in Vietnam) fee too when we reach Vietnam. VISA I had to apply for a visa too as I will be in Vietnam for more than 30 days. It’s my very first time applying visa, actually a visa is not necessary if I’m doing border run where the money spent on visa is equivalent/cheaper for a trip to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It came to my realization that most of the interns didn’t apply for visa too, they did a border run to Cambodia. I was so dumb that I thought that the payment to apply visa online is just enough. The online payment is just for the visa form. I had to pay $25 again when I arrive Vietnam. Lmaoooo the online payment for a form of 3 papers is such a scam. :P 
But of course, there will be risk of not applying visa as well. Sometimes things can happen unexpectedly like you are not allowed to leave your volunteering place or such.
OPS(Outgoing Preparation Seminar) & IPS(Incoming Preparation Seminar) There were lots of talks on becoming world citizen?- kinda pointless sometimes but I think it helps manages fear for people who are afraid of the unknown. We had lots of bonding activities in my campus for the OPS.
IPS was great! I really enjoyed the bonding session with the local Vietnamese and people all around the world coming Vietnam for volunteering. Blind spots Initially, I only wanted to volunteer locally. I didn’t know I signed up for the Global Volunteer where I get to volunteer abroad. I did ask my local chapter whether I’m capable enough to teach children even when I don’t have a teaching qualification. They say they will facilitate me. 
I didn’t really get a teaching training during my internship, but I did ask for suggestions on how to teach. (It’s actually volunteering but everyone say as internship I don’t even know why either). I guess not everyone comes with the same aim, I personally think interns in my place including me didn’t do a great job to empower the kids to learn English. Most of them were reluctant to learn English even till the last day I talked with them, they rely too much on Google translate during our conversation. I tried my best to learn Vietnamese, hence they only want me to speak Vietnamese not English :( Yeeks. 
I enjoyed my stay in the province, although it’s isolated from the city where everyone gets to hang out together quite often. I didn’t get my cert and departure support wasn’t that pleasant. heh Experience & Vietnam It’s literally amazing, it was truly an eye-opening experience for me. The only barrier was the language as it’s really hard to communicate in English in non-touristy area. I was well fed, I’m obese right now, it’s really wrong because Vietnamese are all so skinny, probably they are really hardworking? Vietnamese, especially women, are the most diligent persons ever. The sisters in my workplace just keeps working, I really wished that let me help them more. Everyone here is friendly, despite the language barrier, they will just hold your hands and guide you along.
I talked with the kids about their big dreams and future. Every country is beautiful in its own way, I think politics are what making people’s life worse. On the other hand, I can’t believe that education is not free in Vietnam, some kids are illiterate because they are special kids?? Those kids were not dumb at all to me. They can’t even read their own mother tongue. I wish someone out there can help them to achieve their dreams because everyone deserves education, it’s freakin 21st century y’all.
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bristefreelanceservice · 10 months
Behind the Scenes of Forrest Gump
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Forrest Gump, released in 1994, is widely considered to be one of the most classic and heartfelt films of all time. However, not everyone has had the chance to experience the back stories and hidden secrets of the movie. Uncovering the mysteries of Forrest Gump offers a unique insight into the creative and innovative filming techniques used to create the film’s emotive world. In this article, we’ll take a look at the behind the scenes of Forrest Gump, including unknown facts about its stars, special visual effects, filming locations, and more.
Uncovering the Mysteries of Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump is a cult classic with a large array of iconic scenes, cheesy one liners and memorable characters. When the movie was released, many people were surprised to find out that a lot of technical and creative thinking went into bringing these elements to life.Captivating CastCasting for Forrest Gump took place in 1993 and Tom Hanks was picked for the leading role. Hanks was the perfect fit for the role as the studio wanted someone who the audience could perceive as an underdog. In the same year, Gary Sinise was chosen to play the role of Lieutenant Dan. His performance was so inspiring that he received an Academy award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.Inspired Visual EffectsVisual effects employed to create certain scenes during Forrest Gump were innovative and groundbreaking for the time. Special effects such as the running scene, the Vietnam War scenes and the Tic-Tac-Toe scene contain digital elements that look incredibly realistic. In addition, the green screen was used to create the background of certain iconic scenes.Intriguing LocationsThe film was shot in numerous locations in the United States, from South Carolina, Louisiana to Utah. In particular, the scenes set during the Vietnam War were filmed on the Georgia and South Carolina borders. The final emotional moments from the movie were captured in Monument Valley, Utah – a location that would prove itself to be a lasting part of cinematic history.  
Peeking Into the Hidden Wonders of the Movie
Forrest Gump contains an abundance of lesser known secrets that can only be discovered by taking a closer peek behind the scenes of the movie.Special CameosThe movie contains a plethora of special surprise cameos from stars such as Fleetwood Mac’s lead singer Stevie Nicks, and Roy Scheider who is most famously known for his role as Chief Martin Brody in the movie Jaws.Fascinating Filming TechniquesThe movie was filmed in an unconventional style, with actors speaking into the camera, blurring the line between fiction and reality. This technique created the sci-fi like effect which was highly praised by the audience. In addition, special camera angles such as Dutch angles and deep focus cinematography were used to represent the alternating moods of the characters.A Moving SoundtrackThe Forrest Gump soundtrack has reached classic status and it contains masterpieces such as Bob Seger’s ‘Against the Wind’ and Lynyrd Skynyrd’s ‘Free Bird’. The film’s soundtrack was so beloved by audiences, that it even went on to receive an Academy award for Best Original Score.  
The movie Forrest Gump is a beloved classic that is remembered with fondness and nostalgia all around the world. By exploring the behind the scenes secrets of the movie, we can gain a greater appreciation of the unique techniques, fascinating visuals, and captivating soundtracks that went into creating the experience. Read the full article
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