#best welding and cutting trade fair
zero-and-crew · 30 days
Anti!AU pt.2 Electric Boogaloo!
+ A Very Rough Doodle!
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sorry it's very low quality lol information under the cut
WARNING: Talks about kidnapping !!!
Cosmo, Wanda and Timmy struggled to cope with the loss of Peri— Cosmo and Wanda literally lost their child. It was hard on them. Very hard. They spend a lot of time struggling to cope, before starting to heal just a little. It's not easy. There's always going to be that part missing from all of them.
The nursery they had is still set up in their castle, they couldn't bear to take it down— and sometimes they still visit it. But they have each other! And with that, they manage to cope. Together.
One day, Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda are playing a game of pirates. Timmy, standing on his bed, welding a wooden sword and pretending to do battle with Wanda while Cosmo's tied up, pretending to be a hostage. He's just about to win and save his fairy friend from the captain's mighty rage when suddenly the sound of a fairy poofing into their room stops them.
The typical darker cloud of the anti-fairies fills a small spot in the room, and Wanda and Cosmo immediately drop the pirate act, readying their wands and putting themselves between who they assume to be their counterparts. Timmy, still holding his sword, holds it out to fight too. It's never good when an anti-fairy visits. They're all confused, and scared. But they're not going to lose another member of their already tiny family. The cloud dissipates, and to their surprise.. It's not Anti-Cosmo, or Anti-Wanda.. It's..
A baby.
They all stand there, confused and shocked more than anything.
The baby then introduces himself as Foop. Their son's anti-fairy.
Their baby has an anti-fairy. He's still alive, somewhere. Wait. Why is his anti-fairy here? Do his parents know where he is? Why did he come to them specifically? There must be a reason! Does he know what happened to their son? The look on his face implies he knows something.
When they ask him why he's there, the poor baby starts to cry. He's hungry, in need of a nap, and knows way too much for such a little guy. And it's really late. He should be in bed. He's already in his pajamas, maybe he snuck out after being out to bed. If he's really their son's anti-fairy, that means he can't be that old— so he must really need a nap. They can talk after he gets some rest.
It might be best.
They can give him a place to stay for the night. It's the least they can do, since they're not sure Anti-Cosmo would want them showing up at his castle with his son at this hour. Especially not after the last few visits... The countless accusations of him taking their son, even though he's nowhere to be found in Anti-Fairy, or Pixie world for that matter.
They know what to do, having learned how to care for their own son before he was born. So, they comfort the poor kid and magically refill his bottle. Eventually, he falls asleep— and stays that way for a while. When he wakes up the next morning, he's still not exactly ready to tell Cosmo and Wanda everything. But, he does tell them he knows their son is alive. He's even... talked. To Peri. He doesn't mention everything else he did. That'd be too much for everyone to handle at once. Too depressing.
They have a place where he can sleep— where he doesn't need to worry about Peri, or having to go see him. He has information they need. It's a fair trade. Anti-Cosmo, and Anti-Wanda don't immediately know where he is— so, he feels safe enough to stay there... He never really felt unsafe at home, especially with Anti-Wanda. He knows she means well. When he really didn't feel safe, was when he was with AC and Peri. He knows how awful Peri can be now..
He's not sure what dark thoughts plague Peri's mind, but he does know he's Peri's anti-fairy. His opposite. And nicer, much kinder and happier thoughts plague his own. Thoughts of whiskers and kittens or being kind to someone creep up on him and he hates it. He's not supposed to like those things. He does still enjoy the occasional bit of chaos, or bit of violence.
Of course, in Irep's mind— this means that Peri has the opposite problem. He must have some dark and twisted thoughts floating around his mind— and likely frequently. Thoughts of evil and torment, surely.
And he's not wrong.
We'll talk more about Anti-Cosmo and Peri's situation later :3 We're still working on Peri's ref! So it'll come with that post :3
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cairavende · 5 months
Worm Arc 19 thoughts:
Hopefully this is the only time I have more than a month wait between arc recaps. I was distracted.
Not a long arc really, but god damn did a lot happen.
My daughter is no longer eaten . . . ate . . . aten . . .
My daughter is no longer inside of a creature. That's good. Even though I was obviously 100% fine at the end of arc 18. I'm just more fine now.
Big props to Weld for just going swimming in a giant flesh pool and pulling people (and dogs!) out. He's an ok guy.
Based on the weird "dreams" Skitter was having while inside Echidna I am running on the assumption that the clones are pulled from alternate reality versions of the consumed person where said person had died. Well, not the clones themselves really, but the powers of the clones (and possibly their personalities/memories). Not sure it will end up mattering, with Echidna being dead.
But basically I think the dreams were partially visions of alternate realities.
I've been on the "alternate realities are gonna play a big role and are tied to powers and everything" boat for awhile now, but this arc finally brought that all to the forefront of everything. Just with Scapegoat and Scrub's power, clone Eidolon's powers, the door, and such. So that's cool!
Speaking of Scapegoat, I love his ridiculous little power. I saw it coming the second I saw the name and I was enjoying every second of it.
"She’s fucking blind!?" has gotta be one of the best moments in Worm so far.
Skitter finally realizes that Tattletale has been very clearly taking actions to portray her as the leader to everyone else. Cause bad ass lesbian super villain trio is everything.
Skitter hard carried the second Echidna fight. Everyone would probably be fucked if she wasn't there.
Starting off with taking out the teleporter Grue clone. My girl knows rule number 1. First, GEEK THE MAGE!
And of course she was using her bugs to monitor the entire battlefield, but then she starts giving information and direction to everyone. Kept track of clones, preventing any (hopefully) from escaping). And taking out a fair share of them herself!
Fucking just full on use swarm speech to speak to everyone across the battlefield at once! FUCK YES SHE IS BADASS!
I'm sure Shatterbird won't show up again and isn't going to be an issue at all!
And she's the one that sets up the trap to cut Echidna in half and contain clone Eidolon so Miss Militia can take him out! Clockblocker gets partial credit for helping I guess. But still, Skitter saved all their asses 10 times over.
Also Clockblocker is obsessed with my daughter. Kid has it baaaaaaaad.
I love that in the first few chapters there is some teasing of Cauldron's secrets being spilled a little bit, then Legend completely reveals that Cauldron exists but lies about details, and then suddenly clone Eidolon just dumps everything out there!
Faultline and crew - "We…worked on finding info on Cauldron for a year…and…he just…he shouted it out."
And through all of this Tattletale just out here like "I'm gonna tear a hole in reality!" God I love this reckless chaos child.
Gully deserves to punch a few Cauldron people. As a treat.
Lisa "I took one look at you and instantly knew I would take over the fucking city just to see you smile" Wilbourn over here! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Real quote: "Maybe- maybe when the interuniversal trade takes off. Can you imagine? With me and you as the top dogs? The whole world will pay attention to us." HOW CAN SHE BE THIS LESBIAN?
(I'm sure Taylor crumpling the papers from Dinah in her fists at the end of the arc isn't ominous at all.)
Blasto Interlude thoughts:
Sucks to be Blasto I guess
Accord is terrible as always, glad to see more of him. Love his minions.
Colin can't do anything right. Seriously dude you cut Bonesaw in half and still lost! You have magic cut through anything and turn it to dust tech and you couldn't kill her! God.
Dragon is hard carrying this SH9 hunting team.
She got Manton! That's crazy! Good job robot daughter!
I 100% do not expect Siberian to stay gone. I mean outright Bonesaw is gonna be cloning people and she can probably get some of his DNA. But even without that, it was just too convenient, happening off screen like that. I dunno. It's not safe.
Also Blasto, I'm really sorry about what happened to you but also you tried to make a half Simmy clone! God damn that was the dumbest thing you could ever have done. You are so lucky it didn't work (probably), cause if it did it would have been because she planned it. God damn.
Time for the Slaughterhouse 99 or whatever. Gonna really suck for people.
Parahumans Online Interlude thoughts:
Timeskip!!! Shortish timeskip but still! It's been so day to day for so long so suddenly jumping ahead was surprising.
Greg from act 1 is back! And also kinda a dick. And probably has a Thinker 1 power. Tattletale light basically. Fits with what Taylor said about him in act 1 too.
GstringGirl is probably Sveta, that feels right.
Glad to see the Case 53s making their own team, that's a good start.
WagTheDog wanting to work for Bitch is super cute! I'm glad it seems like that is going to work out.
Loved seeing some of the stuff of people talking about Skitter. I've been wanting to see what the general public has been saying about her cause from an outside perspective the stuff she has done seems 10 times crazier than it is, and it is already crazy.
Emma Interlude thoughts:
Fuck this bitch
Sure she went through a really hard situation and she has terrible parents and it is easy to see how she got to where she is, but that doesn't excuse her actions. I still don't like her at all.
I don't know how much more I need to say, except that Alan shouldn't have left his traumatized daughter home alone with the instructions "If you feel like doing something bad please call the therapist who's number I put on the fridge" christ dude. You are worse every time you show up.
Like learning that Alan knows everything about Sophia as well? Just makes him even worse! Probably upgraded from a 3 fire asshole to a 4 fire asshole by now.
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pokesplendor · 3 years
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carmela’s team from my pokemon shield playthrough! not as happy with this bunch... info beneath the cut!
Graves - Inteleon - she/he - lesbian White - cis woman - age 30
Graves came from a very unconventional background prior to entering into the League circuit. Having raised since she was young by Interpol for undercover operations, she was there and experienced things a child shouldn’t for the sake of ‘justice.’ Who’s justice is really to question in this situation, as she never had a say. It’s only once she reached legal age did she take a ‘vacation’ and decide to try the league. That’s where she re-encountered Ella, who she had met on the job in the Champion’s guard. She uses her combat skills she gained from her rigorous upbringing, which you’d think would cause her to dominate the field, but that isn’t the case. She’s actually fairly bad at it. 
She has a bit of a problem interacting with others. She was trained in how to act natural, friendly, and unassuming, but she doesn’t know how to not act. What’s Graves’ personality? Well, she’s a crybaby whenever she’s alone. Little things upset her, her anxiety ramps up her paranoia, and she keeps it all saved beneath the surface until she’s alone and then she cries. Other than crying in her off time, she’s a voracious reader, and particularly likes poetry.
If Graves could ever be honest with herself, she’d admit she’s fallen for Ella quite hard. That bright ball of sunshine brought a smile to her face in a way she hadn’t experienced before. But she wasn’t able to voice her feelings, and Ella is now sadly taken. She’s also a poor leader, along with a poor battler, and she doesn’t garner much respect from her team. She’s often spoken over by Crusher.
Crusher - Sirfetch’d - she/her - lesbian White - cis woman - age 34
Crusher likes to think she’s a gallant, chivalrous knight that leaves women quaking with soaked undies are her arrival and her deep, rusty voice sends shivers up their spine when she announces herself, and she’d like to think that everyone wants her around, but she’s wrong. She butted her way into Graves’ team, seeing its lack of, well, many things, leadership, power, attractiveness… They obviously would benefit from her accompaniment. She didn’t care what they had to say, she was going to be on their team and they were going to worship her for what she brings to the table. She’d like to think she’s wanted, but honestly, not very much so.
As if it wasn’t evidence enough, Crusher is extremely up her own ass, overconfident, and unfortunately, with enough power to back up her words. She’s a demon on the field, knocking enemies out with a single sweep sometimes. She works out on the regular, and doesn’t wear armor to show off her many (sexy) battle scars. Otherwise, she’s into collecting antique tea sets and little glass kittens to display back home. Her house is full of them.
Crusher likes to think (man she likes to think a lot of things) that everyone on the team is slightly in love with her, when she is tolerated at best. Goliath likes her, but Goliath likes everyone. He spots for her when they’re working out together, and she respects him for his strength. She’s especially hard on Thrasher and Maverick for not pulling their weight until they evolved, citing them as a weakness.
Goliath - Grimmsnarl - he/they - gay Japanese - nonbinary - age 21
Goliath hails from the Glimmwood Tangle, from quite a large and loving family, but he got it in his head that he had to see the world beyond the forest clearing, he wanted to see where all the people braving its endless maze to reach the gym were about, he wanted to know! A regular yearning princess wishing to see what’s beyond her tower she’s been trapped in. And this is the family business Matilda had to leave her swamp for, bringing his ass home. She got there a little too late, however, already picked up by Graves’ group and registered into gym fights. He couldn’t leave! He made a promise to help! And look at his cool new friends.
When not spent daydreaming about adventures he could be having, he likes to keep in shape. His family home requires constant upkeep, lest the magical wood overgrows anything manmade within a few days. He likes to read, despite struggling with it due to his dyslexia, and he hopes to write his own book one day about what he’s experienced, he wants to have an adventure worth filling a book with. He’s a very positive lad, a happy one, who tries to share the happiness with those around him.
Goliath is still young, but he’s pretty sure about who he is as a person, he knows where he stands on morals, and her own identity as well. He’s chivalrous and kind, always trying to get the team to work together and get along. It has varying results. Grievous loves to mother him, and he likes to think he’s pals with Graves. Despite being younger, he tries to protect Thrasher and Maverick.
Blitz - Centiscorch - she/her - queer White - cis woman - age 33
Blitz, like Graves, was raised by Interpol for infiltration and undercover work. Unlike Graves, however, while the Inteleon was sanded down to being a weak, anxiety-ridden mess, it only strengthened Blitz’ nerves of steel, causing her to become cold and calculating. She only joined the League circuit because she had a mandated vacation following losing her leg from the knee down, and she didn’t want to get rusty on her skills. Not to mention she saw Graves attempting to lead and failing at it and thought she’d stick around to demean her for her lack of anything worthy of use for Interpol’s workings.
She doesn’t have many hobbies, she likes working out, staying fit, and occasionally cooking some ultra healthy superfood, but it’s not like cooking is her passion. She doesn’t understand why people think you need to have a life outside of your work, she’s perfectly happy to just always be on the job and do as it demands. She smokes, but only the occasional cigarette so as to not negatively affect her health. She’s a woman of few loves, few words, and she thinks that’s just fine.
Blitz scoffs when the team tries to have any sort of ‘get to know each other’ exercise. It’s never in good faith, and just ends in disaster so she tries to avoid it. Grevious tries to mother her on occasion, for whatever reason, she never had a mother and she doesn’t want one, so she doesn’t understand why her face gets flushed and hands get sweaty when the dragon’s around.
Maverick - Corviknight - she/her - lesbian White - trans woman - age 32
Maverick is a failed knight from olden times; she was sealed in a tomb in the slumbering weld with her previous king as a way to protect him in the next life, only to be revived by Graves and Ella exploring the area. Being awoken in modern times, she had a lot to learn and get used to, part of it being her king is no more. The body is gone, and the tomb ransacked. She failed, and this weighs heavy on her shoulders through the journey. She agreed to follow Graves, sensing a nobility to her, Ella already having Thomasin by her side while Graves had no one. She is skilled in battle, if not unsure of herself due to her failings during both in the past, and while she was asleep.
She holds herself to high standards, almost impossible for her to meet, but no one else. She does not expect others to keep up her strict training regime, it is for her alone to shoulder the burden of being known as a failure. Despite that statement, Crusher constantly challenges her, and they’re often sparring with one another. In her off time, she enjoys weaving and is learning the modern trades of ‘sewing’ and ‘crochet.’ She enjoys making clothes for herself and others.
Her strict lifestyle doesn’t give her many moments to herself or to consider her feelings for others. She dedicates herself to a cause and thinks of little else. However she enjoys Grevious’ company. She does notice the occasional stares from others, such as Thomasin from Ella’s team, and she wonders what it could mean. Does she resent her for not joining Ella? It seemed only fair at the time.
Grevious - Dragapult - she/her - bi Vietnamese - trans woman - age 45
The ghost of a test pilot that went down during a new dirigible’s trial run over Galar. Her body was never found, believed to be incinerated by the blast, and her spirit has hung on to the area as she never got a proper burial. Graves, hearing her plight, followed her to her remains, giving her the burial she deserved. Freed from her prison, she was free to pass on, but she denied doing so, she had to repay Graves for her service. And so, she was conscripted to the gym challenge, one she had seen many travelers pass by speaking of such a thing and she was always curious just what exactly it was. She had heard things of course, but nothing is better than first hand experience.
Grievous is a very noble person, but not too stuffy either. She loves a good joke, she loves puns, and she loves giving people a good fright with her ghostly status. It’s all in good fun, she’d never do anything malicious or something that would genuinely harm others! She loves to fly, she had always loved to fly, and dying didn’t exactly rob her of that love. Now she can do it without a plane! She spent so long as spirit, she kind of forgot what having hobbies is like, and she’s trying new things!
She’s a very motherly person, and, being the oldest of the group, feels very maternal towards all the young little ones around her. She’s particularly concerned for Graves and Blitz upon hearing around their upbringing. That’s no way to treat a child! She does her best to tend to the others of the group. Though she would be lying if she didn’t say that Crusher pushed her buttons more than once.
Thrasher - Obstagoon - they/them - lesbian Black - transmasc nonbinary - age 24
Thrasher comes from a foster home full of wayward kids who grew up on the downward spiral of life, and they themselves weren’t an exception. Originally from Spikemuth, they never knew their parents and their foster home travels were rough. No one seemed to want to keep them, and at one point they got sick of it and ran away from home. They ran and ran and never looked back, and found a job working in the professor’s lab in Postwick. They didn’t ask them where they were from, nor tried to contact anyone else, so it was good for them. They met Graves early into their gym circuit and decided to join her to perform some field work for the professor.
They’re quite down on themselves, never feeling like they’ll accomplish anything of worth. They couldn’t be a good child, they’re not a good battler, it took them a while to come into their own, and Crusher needling them constantly didn’t help. In their spare time, they play guitar and sing covers of existing songs. They don’t have a knack for writing, just another thing they fail at. It’s been a tough life, and they stumble along the way constantly trying to get to a better tomorrow.
Thrasher is a shy sort when it comes to their feelings, they haven’t been engendered into showing their vulnerable side to others. And Graves’ group isn’t exactly what you’d call family. But it’s a nice change of pace and they almost feel… wanted. And Grevious is a nice addition to their life. To have such a motherly person doting on them is, well, a dream come true.
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orangeoctopi7 · 5 years
Back to School
: Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 :
Stan was sullen as they left their morning math class.
“That was great!” Ford chuckled, “I thought Mr. Grauberger was going to spit out his dentures when you answered that tax-cut problem!” But he noticed his brother wasn’t laughing along. “What’s wrong?”
Stan fidgeted with his backpack strap. “Yeah, the look on his face was definitely worth it. It’s just…” He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “The minute he passed out that quiz, I froze! I should know that stuff, it’s finance, it’s what I’m actually good at, but I just couldn’t think!” He scuffed his feet on the linoleum floor. “All this time, and I’m still just the dumb twin.”
Ford scowled. "That's not true. It doesn’t matter what some arbitrary scholastic test says, you’re smart! I never would have made it home if you weren’t!”
“I know, you’re right.” Stan gave a small smile, “I just... wish I could’ve proved it to them.”
“They don’t matter.” Ford said shortly. “If it makes you feel any better, you can copy off my answers the next time you freeze on a test.”
“Yeah, just like the good ol’ days.” Stan chuckled sardonically. 
They tried to lie low through the rest of the day, not answering questions in class or talking to their fellow students. Neither of them really had any friends, outside of each other, which hadn’t been great for their social development, but at least it made things easier from a time-travel perspective. Nobody found it odd that the twins were keeping to themselves.
Of course, they didn’t have all the same classes together. Ford had advanced classes in Physics and Chemistry. Stan had an extra hour of PE that was basically just more time for boxing practice, and Choir, simply because it was an easy A. 
Stan was enjoying taking some of his frustration out on a punching bag in the weights room when a hulking figure, almost as wide as he was tall, stepped behind the sandbag.
“D’you mind?” Stan complained. He didn’t want to hit whoever was back there when the bag swung back.
“Well, well, Stan the lesser. Practicin' for tomorrow's match?” Crampelter’s ugly visage peeked from behind the bag.
“Ugh. I forgot they held you back a couple of years.” Stan rolled his eyes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” The bully demanded.
“You wouldn’t get it even if I explained it to you.” Stan smiled smugly.
Crampelter stepped up to Stan. He was still almost a head taller. “Your brother’s supposed to be the smart-mouth.”
“We’re trading shifts.” Stan replied flippantly, not even remotely intimidated. “Now do you wanna do this right now, or can we save it for the ring? Y’know, where I can get paid to punch your face in.”
“You’re just scared to take me without a ref!”
“Not even a little. I just need the cash. I got a parking ticket to pay, apparently.”
With that, Stan swung a powerful left hook into the punching bag, swinging it directly into Crampelter’s gut. The bully doubled over, and Stan took the opportunity to get out of there. While he was confident he could take Crampelter even in a dirty fight, it really just wasn’t worth the trouble. 
He decided to skip Choir today and check on Ford. It seemed like their childhood bully was looking for a fight.
It took Stan a while to remember where Ford’s classroom was. He tried to just peek in quietly, but the teacher’s head immediately snapped to the door.
“He’s not here.” She said brusquely as soon as she saw who it was.
“Uh… d’you know where he went?”
“Said he needed supplies for his science fair project.” and with that, she returned to the board, where she was writing what Stan now recognized as the equation to calculate the gravitational forces two objects exert on each other.
There were a few places Ford could have gone to find supplies. First Stan checked the Chemistry lab and the art room. He finally found his brother in the auto shop, which was empty this time of day. When Stan opened the door, Ford was standing at the back of the room casually, with his best ‘innocent angel’ look.
“Oh, it’s just you.” the scientist went back to rummaging through the welding equipment as soon as he saw his brother.
“What are you doing!?” Stan hissed as he crossed the shop.
“Well I can’t fix the time tape using whatever dad’s got lying around.”
“Yeah, I get that part. But you could get kicked outta the science fair for stealin’ from the school!”
“As a wise man once said,” Ford flashed his brother a knowing grin, “Only if I get caught.”
Stan couldn’t help but be a little proud, but there was too much at stake for that right now. “At least let me do it, I already swipe enough stuff that they’ll expect it, and it doesn’t matter if I get in trouble.”
Ford rolled his eyes but relented. “Knowing how the administration feels about you, even if I did get caught, they’d probably find a way to pin it back on you anyway.”
Stan took a look at the box Ford had been ransacking. “So whaddya need?”
“The smallest soldering iron you can find.”
“What kinda filling?” 
“It’s called solder.” Ford corrected him automatically, “Ideally, Lithium, but I know they’re not going to have it. Tin or Copper should suffice.”
“Anything else?”
“A face shield and anything else you can find that'll help working with small circuitry."
"Pretty sure Dad's got some jeweler's lenses in the pawn shop. If you tell him it's for the science fair project, he'll probably let you use ‘em."
Ford grimaced. “I’m worried if I ask to use any of dad’s tools, he’ll want to see how it’s coming.”
“So just show him the preliminary frame. It’s not like he actually gets how the perpetual motion machine is supposed to work. You can just hide the time tape in a drawer or something.”
Ford nodded reluctantly. “Well, I suppose I’d better leave, if we don’t want to get caught. I wish cell phones had already been invented; I’d text you if I thought of anything else I might need.”
“Pch, we never needed those pieces of junk before!” Stan scoffed. “Oh, wait! Before you go, I was lookin’ for you to warn you. I ran into Crampelter earlier, seemed like he was lookin’ for a fight, so, uh, might wanna watch your back.”
Ford flashed him a vicious smile. “Honestly? I welcome the opportunity.”
“Tryin’ to stick to the timeline, remember?”
“Fine, fine, I’ll try and stay out of his way, but if he comes after me…”
“Then you can use your 30 years of sci-fi survival skills to get out of there without causin’ a scene.”
“You’re no fun.” The scientist pouted.
“If I can’t leave Shermie a note, you can’t beat up Crampelter.”
Ford wanted to argue that one of those would alter the timeline significantly more than the other, but he also knew that Stan would not want to hear it. And besides, he really needed to get out of there before anyone else showed up.
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Preserving the Artisan-ship for an Ethical Fashion Industry
As slow fashion is getting more and more attention of the fashion conscious consumers, the number of people switching to exclusively handmade garments is growing. As a Fashion shopper, we are familiar with the term Handmade. This familiarity increases if you are part of the sustainable fashion community because in this circle, the tag represents more than just a higher price. It additionally stands for care, durability and a commitment to the environment.
So what does it mean for a piece of clothing to be handmade, rather than machine made? And in an age of exacting 3D printing, computer modeling, laser cutting, and ultrasonic welding, is one really more valuable than the other?
Symbolic of its name and exclusivity, handmade pieces are products made or created manually. As debated to machine made pieces, handmade items are products of artisanship and craftsmanship: The subtle art of working gently and slowly with one’s own hands. This way of producing is not only good for the designs and aesthetics but also to the environment. Slow fashion is one of the pillars of sustainable and ethical fashion as consumers are called on daily to buy more of handmade items rather than fast fashion products.
Due to the machine mass production and its consequent rock bottom prices, true artisanship in the fashion industry seems to be dying out. In most cases, true artisans are already well past their prime. As slow fashion is considered to be one of the bases of sustainable fashion, it is true to infer that artisanship is valuable to the future of fashion industry.
Artisanship implies that a brand is working directly with its makers to provide meaningful and sustainable work, preserving heritage craft traditions that would otherwise become obsolete, and compensating and treating its workers fairly. The amount of work that goes into embroidering and embellishing garments by hands in the fashion industry along with the level of consistency is incredible. It is important that efforts to rekindle its dying embers and develop its art should be consistent as well as deliberate. Put differently, we cannot afford to leave the mastery of this craft to chance. It should mean more to us than some product you stumble upon in an obscure village on a trip to some third world country or the other.
Belacci is a blend of Italian meticulous craftsmanship on Indian textures and fabrics cut to create a fineness style statement. Every piece of art in our collection is handcrafted in India keeping in mind the latest styles. We believe Ethical trade is never out of fashion. It takes a lot of sweat and time to produce clothes as many people are involved in this long process. It is our responsibility to make sure that every single one of them works under fair conditions. No matter if they are a cotton farmer, a sewer, a designer or a service provider - Team Belacci
Preserving and Nurturing the True Artisan-ship
If you are reading this blog post, we assume that you, too, care about preserving the art and craft of fashion design. We believe it is our job to prepare you for many aspects of the fashion world, including the type of couture methods.
The Economic Essence
A simple yet powerful step is to make sure that the handcrafted fashion products are economically viable. Buyers should actually demand for these products so that artisans can continue to produce them. If the profits they make from sales exceed their costs, then this would be an indication that their final products was worth more to the consumers than the factors of production that went into their creation. The sales income is the means to sustain the business. Any other profits they make are simply the means to expand their trade.
Business Training
The next step is to equip the new generation of artisans with modern business skills. Many ethical artisanal brands have sprung up in recent times but somehow, they only seem to be seen when an eco-lifestyle company launches in a developed country while selling products handmade. Teaching them modern business skills will enable the artisans and their families to explore these global opportunities for themselves and will enable them to build their crafts into world business brands.
Acknowledging the Traditions of Old Age Art
The ultimate step is to ensure that the coming generation appreciates the art. It is important to pass on to our children that artisanship isn’t synonymous with poverty and pity. The Akwete weaving for instance, has survived because from childhood, women are initiated into the intricacies of the art and use their skills creates sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their community. During holidays and after school hours, young girls literally learn at their mothers’ feet because the community recognizes this as the best way to preserve its heritage and empower the next generation of women.
Follow Belacci on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/belacci.in/
While keeping in mind slow and ethical fashion, we need to be inspired by the Nobel pursuit of sustainable brands around the world promoting and preserving the art of handmade items and craftsmanship. We show our support for such endeavors in hand-loom textiles so that the local artisans can have a livelihood consisting of health care and basic needs.
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Finding Family
"Family is not an important thing.
It's everything."
"I've never seen anything like it before in my life. They have this wall and it's all concrete, and then the crops and live stock! everything is so meticulously organized, their armory is stocked in ways you couldn't even imagine." Rick rambled, ducking beneath a low hanging branch as the rest of the group followed behind. They'd been on the road for over 11 hours when Rick had finally instructed them all to pull over through the walkie.
It was nearing close to another hour since they had all started walking through the poorly shaded woods, the Atlanta sun burning their skin and stray walkers hiding in the brush. Daryl had never seen this part of Atlanta before and he couldn't help but be impressed with how well this supposed "miracle community" was hidden.
"If I hear bout' this damn Georgetown one more time, I'm throwin' him all the way there." Merle grumbled from beside him, cutting down the far too tall grass with the chiseled saw he called a hand.
"Just keep ya mouth shut and keep ya eyes on the path." Daryl hissed at his brother, moving to walk a few feet ahead. Their relationship was beyond strained and some days it was worse than others, there was a deep seeded resentment amongst the two brothers, most days Daryl couldn't even look Merle in the eyes.
Everyone knew the reason why.
"Are we almost there?" Glenn panted, leaning into the hand Maggie was massaging his achey neck with.
"Almost." Rick promised.
"They gonna see us comin'? Ain't gonna attack or nothin'?" Daryl fell into step with Rick.
"No. They seem to be good people, they know I'm bringing my people to talk. I've only spoken to their leader Charlie and a few of the residents, it was Charlie's idea to bring you all for a visit. He wants to see the type of People Alexandria produces." Rick explained.
"So best behavior folks!" Abraham chuckled and slapped Eugene on the shoulder sending the mulleted man stumbling into Carol and Michonnes backs.
Carol whipped around and raised a brow at Eugene, Michonne laughed as the socially awkward man scrambled back to Abraham's side with wide, frightened eyes.
Almost half an hour later the sounds of muffled voices broke through the silence of the woods, Rick hadn't been lying , the concrete wall that blocked the community from the outside wall was incredible and large and so tall there it seemed to tower over even the tallest oak tree lining the woods.
"Holy shit." Jesus stopped abruptly, his jaw practically on the floor as he stared up at the dark grey, smooth concrete slab.
"That's unbelievable." Carol whispered
"Carl's going to be so mad he missed this." Michonne added
"Rosita too." Sasha stepped forward and pressed her hand against the wall tugging Tyreese alongside it.
Merle elbowed Daryl in the ribs and grinned
"Looks like that old burned down factory we used to store our huntin stuff in' with the cracked concrete and tall ass walls."
"Yeah. S'also where you started sellin' the meth and damn near got me killed by a tweaker." Daryl mumbled, dodging another elbow from Merle.
Wasn't that always how it was? Every good thing daryl had ever had was tainted by Merle's reckless and stupid behavior. It was that way then and it hadn't changed, it never would.
The heavy welded doors opened slowly in front of all of them and out stepped an older man who was so tall even Tyreese had to look up to catch his eyes.
"Hello Alexandria, I'm so happy you all could make it. The ride here was smooth I assume? No trouble?"
Rick stepped forward, extending his hand to the stranger and grinning.
"No trouble at all. Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to say our piece, and Thank-you for giving my people a chance. I know how difficult it is to trust someone you hardly know, especially in this world."
Rick would have been one hell of a politician if the world hadn't gone to shit, it was amazing to see the easy way he talked to anyone and everyone never giving away even a piece of himself.
"Well of course, of course. Come on in then, you never know what's lurking in these woods." The man Daryl assumed was Charlie ushered them all inside the walls of the community, signaling to a group of men on top of the walls to close the doors.
It wasn't real.
There was absolutely no way something as prospering and lively and god damn beautiful could exist in the world they lived in now. Behind the walls of Georgetown was row after row of blooming and blossoming crops, farm animals grazed behind fenced fields, families tended to the fields and satellite panels stood tall on poles surrounding the beautifully kept homes. There were children playing and mothers knitting on porches, men were lugging lumber though the sidewalks and someone to Daryl's left was patching up the roof of a tiny yellow cottage.
"I told you." Rick whispered in his ear "I've never seen anything like it."
Neither had Daryl, not in this life or his last.
It felt welcoming and clean and homey..
It felt safe.
Maggie was the first to speak
"This place is beautiful, it's like a different world. I can't believe how much food y'all have! And the protection from the barriers and fences.. it's truly amazing."
Charlie smiled proudly
"Yes, we've worked very hard to achieve all that we have. But Rick tells me you've all worked hard as well. I'd heard of the saviors from passing travelers, fortunately we never encountered any at Georgetown. We're far too hidden to be found, of course we do have a plan of action in place should the time come we're threatened." His tone held a hint of a warning and Daryl felt Merle shift uncomfortably beside him, he got all fidgety when the saviors were mentioned. Daryl just got nauseous.
"You said we'd be able to meet more of your people? Not that I'm in any place to rush you but clearly we can see how well this place is run and I think we're all curious as to who's behind it." Rick smiled brightly and nudged Michonne until she was smiling just as wide.. albeit a bit more awkwardly.
"Well to be fair every single person who lives within the walls of our community is responsible for the progress and safety of our home. But if you mean my counsel, let me introduce you." The taller man pulled a walkie from his utility belt
"Hey team, meet in the corridor. Emergency meeting."
A chorus of jumbled
"Okay... got it.. be there in a sec."
sounded through the device.
"I haven't told them I was bringing you in, they would all be too anxious. They're going to be the deciding factors on whether I agree to the trade so I feel it's important they look at this with fresh eyes. It's better they don't have time to think on it." Charlie winked.
"I was in the shower. Someone better be dead."
A petite woman with short hair and tattooed arms came sprinting down the steps of the large white building that Daryl and his group were standing in front of. She was beautiful but the way her eyes landed on Michonne and lingered for just a moment too long made it fairly obvious she would not be interested in Rick, Daryl, Merle or anyone of that particular gender.
"You were in the shower? I was in dreamland. I was out all night scoping for walkers, you said I could sleep in." A mammoth sized man with a scarred face and dark blue eyes followed the smaller woman, trailing after her and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Charlie chuckled and shook his head
"These are a few of the people I wanted you to meet. They've come looking to trade with us, I wanted them to come by and meet you before we get into any details." He explained.
The tattooed woman reached a hand out to Michonne and the huge blue eyed man instantly reached for a high five from Rick
"I'm Tucker and that's Ruby. I run construction and head most of the supply runs, Ruby runs the armory she knows everything there is to know about guns so if you guys think you can ever get one over on her you're sorely mistaken." Tucker's laugh filled the air before he clapped a hand onto Glenn's shoulder nearly drilling him to the ground with the force of his grip. Merle snorted and Daryl had to fight to keep the smile off of his face.
"Aidan is tied up in the kitchen right now, he's got to get lunch out before we hit the road for our next run. He said he'd come by after."
Charlie nodded in understanding before turning towards The front doors of the white building again
"Where's Lil, I thought I heard her say..."
"I'm here! Sorry I got stuck with stitches on an eight year old not fun at a.."
Daryl's head snapped forward at that voice, he knew that voice, could pick it out of a million people. He never thought he would hear it again.. he never thought....
"LiliAnna?!?" Maggie practically squealed, dropping her weapons and running towards the blonde currently staring slack jawed at the group standing in front of her.
"Maggie?" She choked, falling back onto the steps of the stairs as the short haired brunette tackled her to the ground, squeezing her tight and rambling in her ear.
"I can't believe it's you! It's been almost two years! Look at you! You look amazing! I've missed you so much!" She babbled, tears leaking from her eyes as she held tight to her former best friend.
"I've missed you too." LiliAnna whispered, cupping Maggie's face and dropping her forehead to hers. When Maggie finally stepped away Rick was there to take her place, wrapping his arms around LiliAnna and smiling
"I had no idea you lived here? I've been back and forth for the past few weeks and I haven't seen you once." He pulled away and gave her a once over for injuries, Daryl had seen him do it countless times and it made his heart ache to see the familiarity playing out right before his eyes.
"I run Medical here, I'm The head nurse and we had a bit of an accident on our last run. I've been tending to the injured all month trying to get them back on their feet.. not to mention how busy I am typically." LiliAnna smiled softly before squeezing ricks hand and turning to greet the rest of the group, lingering a little longer on carol and wiping the older woman's tears with the sleeve of her jacket, they had always had a special bond.
"I feel like I'm missing something here." Ruby scratched her head.
"Ditto." Tucker shrugged, smiling at all of the happy faces "doesn't matter much though, look how happy they are. Can't bottle that up."
LiliAnna hugged Abraham one last time before finally turning towards Daryl.
"Daryl Dixon." She smiled softly, her eyes slightly misty with tears.
"Lili." He breathed, the name coming out no louder than a whisper. She looked beautiful, if possible even more so than he had ever seen her. Her long blonde hair was left loose at her shoulders, sky blue eyes big and bright on her sun kissed face. She was still too skinny, she always forgot to eat and it drove Daryl crazy, she was always too busy looking out for everyone else she often forgot about herself. But still she was beautiful, perfect. Except for..
There was a jagged light pink scar that stretched from the temple of her right eye all the way down to the corner of her top lip and when she walked towards him she walked with a limp, it wasn't all that noticeable but Daryl could see it, he'd memorized it as she walked away two years ago.
"Didn't think I'd ever see ya face again." He swallowed.
"Didn't think you would either." She answered honestly, her eyes were just as warm and beautiful as he remembered and her skin looked just as soft, he reached a hand out to touch her cheek when suddenly the shadow of a figure covered his back.
Almost as if she had been burned Lili flinched away, eyes casting over Daryl's shoulder and narrowing dangerously before she stumbled backwards and away from him. Daryl whipped around to see Merle standing directly behind him, eyes wide and apologetic when He noticed Daryl's hand still raised.
"Sorry little brother.. I didn't think."
"Ya never think." Daryl growled, harshly turning away from the man who had single handedly destroyed his happiness more times than he could count.
"LiliAnna! We gotta show you something."
Someone was coming towards them from a few feet away. Daryl couldn't make out the face yet but the voice sounded strangely familiar.
"That's D." Charlie explained "he's part of our combat group.. teaches our residents how to defend themselves."
Sure enough the mangled man came rushing forward, a child in his arms with wild blonde curls and bright blue eyes, a huge smile on the child's face.. the kid couldn't be older than a year and he looked nothing like Dwight.. actually he looked more like..
Mama? Did that mean..
"Hi sweet boy! How was your nap? Did Uncle D keep you up again?" LiliAnna reached for the baby in Dwight's arms and cradled him to her chest pressing sloppy kisses all over his cheek while he giggled and squirmed.
"You have a baby?" Michonne let the severe sharpness of her features lessen for just a moment as she stared at the mother and her child.
"I do. His names Greyson and he just tuned one." She smiled proudly.
"Oh my god Hershel Jr. just found himself a new best friend." Maggie tugged in Glenn's sleeve in excitement and even the lanky Korean couldn't keep the smile off of his face. LiliAnnas eyes softened immediately and she grinned
"It was a boy?" She asked Maggie.
"It sure was.. just like your little angel." Maggie moved forward to squeeze the chubby little ones cheeks. Rick was talking to Charlie and the rest of the group was either admiring Greyson or asking Ruby and Tucker questions.
"You see it don't you?" Merle asked from his space beside Daryl.
"See what?" Daryl refused to take his eyes off of the baby in LiliAnnas arms.
"Those are mamas eyes." Merle chuckled making Daryl snap his head towards his older brother.
Merle shook his head at his brothers obliviousness
"That boys a Dixon through and through."
Dwight's body stiffened at the sound of Merle's voice, he whipped around and drew his gun the instant his eyes caught sight of Merle.
"Woah!" Ruby shouted
Everyone turned towards the commotion and Charlie rushed towards Dwight
"D, what are you doing.. these people are our guests.. you can't just pull your.."
"Guests?!" Dwight scoffed "why the hell is he in our camp?! Why would you let him in here!"
LiliAnna handed Greyson off to Maggie and moved to stand beside Dwight, placing her hand in his arm she spoke quickly
"It's okay.. I'm okay. It's fine Dwight, put the gun down"
"Are they here to do business? They want to trade? Fat chance!" Dwight kept his gun trained on Merle but spoke directly to Charlie "you cannot let these people in here, you cannot do business with them. They took in that.. that monster." His hands were shaking around the trigger of his rifle and Daryl couldn't move, his feet frozen to the spot. Merle seemed to be in the same position because he hadn't even drawn his gun yet.
"What did he do? What's going on LiliAnna?" Tucker came to stand behind Dwight as back up and Ruby soon followed, her hands tight on her pistol.
"He.. it was the past.." She whispered, her eyes darting to her son behind her.
Suddenly images flooded Daryl's brain.
Dwight carrying a nearly lifeless Lili through the smoke and ash, her face so bruised and bloody it was almost unrecognizable.
The screaming. Her cries of pain and desperation as Hershel attempted to stitch her up and set her bones.
Her wide, terrified eyes when she looked up at him from the cot as Hershel relocated her shoulder
"Merle." She had croaked "it was Merle."
"I'll tell you what happened." Dwight growled, the click of his trigger sounding through the almost silent air "that bastard beat Lil to death and made me watch. She survived because she's stronger than all of us but he was trying to kill her... slowly.. he wanted her to feel it."
Daryls eyes met Lilis from across the field.
She looked him dead in the eye for just a moment before she raced over to Maggie, scooped up Greyson and rushed back up the stairs to the big building.
Charlie cleared his throat and placed a hand on Dwight's raised Gun.
"It looks like we may have more to discuss."
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sonam2828-blog · 6 years
Welding & Cutting India (International Trade Fair Joining, Cutting, Surfacing) takes place in Mumbai, India from 27.11 to 29.11.18 at Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC). The trade show is organized by Messe Düsseldorf India Pvt. Ltd. Takes place every second year
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roseforthethorns · 6 years
Renaissance Faire AU
Miscellaneous Prompt Table (009)
Word Count: 1633
Full bunny under the cut
James has been working the same Ren Faire for fifteen years as the resident blacksmith. In the off season he sells his wares online (thanks to his best friend and flatmate Tanner for helping him run his website) and he also works with horses from several different stables. When he was a child in the Scottish Highlands, his parents’ farrier noticed his interest and began teaching him what he knew. James insisted on attending a vocational school to train as a blacksmith, and after completing his training there, he apprenticed himself and continued his studies. Five years later saw him working the Skyfall Faire for the first time.
The year James turns forty-one, he notices a new addition to the cast of the Faire. He’d heard they were looking to hire new members but had forgotten until the first time the royal retinue passes by. James looks up from where he’s finishing the shaping on a new helm to see a slender young man with dark curly hair walking down the path. Several knights and a few other courtiers are with him, and as he approaches the stalls, everyone stops what they are doing to bow or curtsey.
The man is very energetic and is enthusiastic in his greeting of different stall keepers and patrons of the faire. James can hear him loudly complaining about having to mingle with the commoners, but even he can hear there is no heat in the man’s words. As he draws closer, James notes the brocade on his doublet and the gold circle set in the man’s hair. This must be the new prince hired for the year. James smirks; he is definitely attractive, and James is comfortable enough in his bisexuality to allow himself a long ogle.
Finally, the young man reaches James’ stall, and James, wiping his hands on his apron, bows to the “prince” with a heated smirk. “My liege? I’m afraid I’m not acquainted with your name. I’m sure it’s every bit as musical as you are handsome.”
“Prince Q, son of King Mallory and heir to the throne of Skyfall.”
“That’s quite a mouthful,” James replies with a pointed look at Q’s crotch. “I wonder if the package matches the name.”
“You ought to be more careful with your words, Blacksmith. I could have you thrown in the stocks.”
“But you won’t. You’d miss out on my clever tongue. It’s every bit as hot as my irons, and I know how to use it.”
“Is that a fact? An expert in more than one trade?”
“Give me time and I can master every trade.”
The Prince smirks back and leaves James’s forge; that smirk gets James through the next three days and features in every single daydream.
He sees Q again a few days later while on his lunch break. He is walking down one of the paths of shops to find a small booth filled with gorgeously designed metal and wirework creations with the very man he is thinking about behind the counter. Q sees him and blushes, clearly fighting the urge to hide. James slows down and ends up moving forward as if he might spook him, much the way he does when shoeing a nervous horse.
I’m James- I run the blacksmith forge just up the path. I saw you yesterday. You play the prince?”
Q nods and briefly meets James’ eye. “Q. Yes. The part is only a few days a week, and I can sell my inventions on the other days.”
“May I take a look?”
Q nods and watches closely as James examines the trinkets. They’re gorgeously crafted, little soldiers that have moving arms and dragons with wings that flap. Minute hinges attach moving pieces, and many of the creations are welded metal or wrapped wire.
“These are really well made- you must have quite the knack for close work.”
Q blushes and nods at the praise, and James has an idea.
“I’m on my lunch break- would you like to join me? We can sit on that stump and eat. If you want some company.”
To his delight, Q agrees. They sit on the stump while James eats, Q sipping something from a thermos covered in wrapped wire. James asks gentle, informal questions to get to know the young man better, and by the end of the hour, Q is starting to ask his own questions. He seems a very bright, intelligent young man, a design and theatre major in Uni who now works as an artist and inventor who does some community theatre on the side. If anything, James is even more intrigued, and he asks if Q would like to swap schedules so they could have lunch again. Q smiles at him and actually looks excited at the prospect, and they swap their timetables.
James sees him in character the next afternoon, doing another round of the shops and bantering with the patrons. Several children are eagerly waiting to speak to the prince, and for all of Q’s proud blustering, he instantly crouches when speaking to the children so he can look them in the eye. James seeks him out later on their shared break and brings him a large ice cold water. It is far too easy to get dehydrated working at the faire, and Q is quite grateful for the refreshment.
It goes on like this for several weeks. In sharing their matching lunches and breaks, James and Q swap stories, and Q warms up to him more and more. Q is rather shy and reserved, introverted when left to his own devices, but he lights up with all the energy in the world when he is acting. “It used to baffle my best friend Eve in Uni. She called me a changeling.” Q shrugs and eats a small piece of the turkey leg James has brought to share. “I can inhabit a character, but in real life I like my quiet.”
James nods at this. “My best mate is my business partner. Alec is all fire and energy, and I love him like a brother, but he can be a lot.” He smiles warmly at Q. “I like a good bit of silence too. Especially when I can share it.”
A week after that conversation, James is bringing lunch to share when he sees Q sitting on their stump with a child next to him. The kid cannot be more than ten, and he is completely engaged in wrapping wire around a stick. “Like this?”
Q beams at him. “Very good! Now you want to work on keeping the coils tight and even.” He demonstrates with his own stick. “Just like this.”
James watches for several more minutes and only approaches when the kid’s mum collects him and buys several of Q’s figures. They share their lunch in silence that day, but Q is smiling more than he often does, and James, looking back at that summer later, realizes that seeing how Q is with kids is the moment he falls in love with him.
Two weeks before the end of the faire, James finally asks Q out for a proper meal and drinks, which Q accepts. They spend the evening sharing a large helping of fish and chips and several pints in a back booth at a local pub. Q relaxes a little and even leans against James a few times, and afterwards, James walks Q back to the flat where he’s staying during the faire.
“I enjoyed this. You’re a marvel, Q.”
Q blushes and smiles at James. “You’re very kind, and you’re the first person in a long time I’ve met who knows how to listen as well as he tells stories.”
“Well, I do aim to please.”
Still blushing and smiling, Q leans in and kisses James. It’s chaste and a little bit drunk, but it is perfect. “Good night, James.”
Lunches are a little closer now, food shared a little more. Q does not regret the kiss (neither does James), and they work together to feel out how things are working. With three days to go before the closing events, James hands Q one of his business cards with his mobile number scribbled on the back. “I don’t want this to end with the summer. I want to keep seeing you.”
Q bites his lip as he looks at the card, an unconscious act while he’s thinking that makes James want to kiss him all over again. Q does the same and hands James one of his cards with his mobile number on it. “I do too, James.”
Their schedules are tight the next few days, but on the final night, Q the prince slips away from the festivities and James the blacksmith finishes dousing his forge and they meet at their stump and share several passionate kisses beneath the night sky.
Six months later, Q moves in.
Two years later, James proposes. When they marry, he and Q work together to make their wedding rings.
They adopt two children a few years later, a boy, Arthur, and a girl, Brienne. James is Dad and Q is Papa. They live in the country where Q and James have their shops in town,. Eve is now a full partner with Q, bringing her own talents in fabric design and metalworking to add to his designs, and she helps run the shop when Q is home with the kids.
They still go to the faire every summer and share their lunches on the tree stump. On their tenth anniversary, they bring the kids to show them where Dad and Papa met and where they fell in love. And where, after James proposed, they carved their names into the tree stump that saw so much of their courtship.
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C Type Power Press Machine for Your Convenience
Power presses are employed in heavy industrial applications where a large amount of force is needed for cutting, bending, pushing, and forming sheet metals of various shapes and dimensions is performed. The C type power press machine is a one-of-a-kind industrial pushing device which comes in various types and characteristics to fulfil the twisting, chopping, and trying to squeeze requirements of a wide range of industries.
 C type power press machine - Development of the machine
After stress relieving, the frame is heavily reinforced and finer machines. The interlocking arrangement gave the frame immediate support. There are no welds at the pressure places of this structure, hence it is stress-free. As a result, the machine's accuracy is never compromised. Our company, which is the best C type power press machine suppliers in India, believes that by providing quality products only, the development can grow.
 About the C type power press machine -
Our equipment is extremely durable and can endure a great deal of abuse. This machine is ideal for various types of presswork tasks, including chopping, punching, press, completely blanking, shaping, trimming, drawing, forging, and bending.
These come with a customizable stroke. We employ high-quality support equipment and cutting-edge capability to build this machine in accordance with industry standards.
The given machine is simple to install, has a customer design, and is put through a series of testing before being dispatched from our end to make its pureness and extended operational life.
 C type power press machine - 5 Important Considerations to Why Choose Us
●     Our products are made using high-quality raw materials and best-in-class electric, pneumatic, and hydraulic components to meet the needs of our lengthy list of quality-conscious clientele across the country.
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●     We make every effort to provide fair prices, excellent quality, and cutting-edge technology to provide our customers an advantage over their competitors in this competitive world.
●     We have been steadily expanding in pursuit of modern technology and higher quality, with a focus on the equipment business.
We, the leading C type power press machine Manufacturers in India, provide you with the best quality machines and equipment. Esskay Lathe And Machine Tools has a set of visions and mission which is settled in the mind regarding the satisfaction of our potential customers.
 We believe in maintaining the highest availability for our customers. We are the company's future firm, specializing in the manufacture and trade of a wide range of manufacturing equipment.
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lurkingcrow · 7 years
Naboo, the Separatists and why Palpatine is an evil genious
So I am still seriously tired (for a number of reasons) and have a thousand other things I wanted to be working on (two half finished responses to asks that have been sitting in my inbox forever), but a thought struck me as I was browsing through my feed before bed.
It was a still from the TCW episode where Padmé meets with Mina Bonteri, and in particular the part where Ahsoka asks “Your friend is a Separatist?!”.
And that made me think. Because Mina is an obvious parallel to Padmé - they are both passionate politicians from planets in the Mid Rim who want the best for their people. And that made me realise something.
The tragedy of the Republic is that is was broken long before the events of the prequels. Even if certain Sith hadn’t intervened it was already beginning to fracture: the Outer Rim was already largely outside of normal Republic control, there was growing inequality between the systems closer to the core and those further out. Large monopolies were exerting undue influence to shape policy for their own benefits. Something was inevitably going to give.
What Palapatine and Dooku did though was change the lines on which the inevitable civil war was going to fall.
Naboo should have been Separatist.
No, really, they should have.
(meta incoming)
Yes, yes I know, I know. 
 The Naboo were dedicated to democracy, principles of freedom etc etc.
But lets revisit the situation as of TPM. Naboo was a politically unimportant system with few major exports that were tied up in a Trade Federation monopoly. Their attempts to renegotiate a deal ended in the blockade of their planet, and the response of the Republic is to send two Jedi to help with negotiations.
Fair enough, that’s their job, and one that the old canon at least suggested Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon spent a fair amount of time doing (and doesn’t that say a lot about the stability of the Republic even then). But honestly there was relatively little they Jedi could honestly have done. Nothing the Trade Federation had done was illegal at that point, because the rules had been written to grant them those powers. Unless the Jedi could appeal to the Trade  Federation’s sense of justice (Ha! Yeah right!) then under “normal” circumstances the blockade would probably have continued, to the detriment of Naboo.
Furthermore look at the events that DID occur during TPM. The Trade Federation launched an armed invasion of the planet. It was not a bloodless thing, people died (as the messages Padmé receives make clear). The only hope the people of Naboo have is for Republic intervention.
What intervention though? At this point in time the Republic has no standing army. That’s the point of AOTC. Individual systems and planets may have local military bodies, but at the same time getting them to commit to armed action outside their territory would be a hard sell. The closest thing the Republic as a body had to a paramilitary force... was the Jedi. And there are a number of reasons why the Republic ordering them to intervene in what appears to be a local dispute is a BAD IDEA (many of which become obvious if you watch any of TCW, because honestly it was a brilliant setup and reminds me just how much I hate Palpatine). So, what help were Padme’s advisers expecting?
Much like international relations here on planet Earth, influence is wielded through things like sanctions - behave badly and we will refuse to trade with you, bar access to our territory etc etc. On an individual level this may not cause too much trouble for something like the Trade Federation, but if the Senate as a whole, or even a large proportion of systems, chose to implement something like that? It is a HUGE hit to their operation. The Senate actually had a decent chance of stopping them.
But they didn’t.
Because Naboo was one planet, not particularly important, and why jeopardise existing relationships when they are so profitable? I mean it is TRAGIC what is happening, but surely it’s being exaggerated - of COURSE their Queen says it’s a bloody invasion, what do you expect? No, best take the time to look at things carefully before pulling out the big economic sanctions...
And Padmé did her best, and the idea was that as a Chancellor Palpatine might be able to use his position to convince enough systems to support broad Senate resolutions etc... but yeah, that takes time. Because it’s all about negotiations - what will you give me tomorrow for my support today. 
Which is why Amidala needed to die. A living queen isn’t anywhere near an emotional  bargaining chip as one who died tragically during the invasion. Remember, the whole point of the Naboo crisis was to put Palpatine in power and allow him to start consolidating his control of the Senate. There are all SORTS of powers that could be granted that are explained away by a man trying to end the occupation of his planet through legitimate means, and the death of a legitimately elected monarch is the kind of thing that could add a certain level of urgency - none of the other monarchies want that sort of thing happening to THEM after all. And the more he can push through under the guise of urgent action the better.
But Padmé of course doesn’t follow expectations (which would probably be to set up some kind of government in exile on Coruscant). And blah blah blah, Naboo is freed! Yay! All is well, the galaxy is at peace!
They did it without help. In the end there WAS no Republic support (unless you count two Jedi an their tiny charge which, no not really). Hell, those responsible for the invasion escaped conviction NUMEROUS TIMES in the years that followed. Naboo basically demonstrated that when it came to going up against the powerful corporations, small systems were on their own. 
In ANY SANE UNIVERSE Naboo and all the other planets in similar situations should have been scared and angry. When it came to any sort of dispute, all the big players have to do is muddy the waters a little and they can escape completely without blame! Unless you are a Core world, or otherwise critical to the general functioning of the Republic, chances are you are going to be out of luck.
(That’s not to say that these attitudes are universal - you have systems who are trying to stand up for what is right, but as TCW makes clear, self interest is the primary motivation for many.)
Here is the natural fault line. Those who have power and those who do not. Core vs Rim, planets vs corporation. Singly, a planet can do little to reform the system and secession is not an option as it is dangerous to not be part of the Republic- the Hutts are after all just waiting to expand their influence. If enough systems band together however...
But, for one reason or another *cough - Palpatine* the Naboo crisis was largely glossed over - like I said, court proceedings were protracted, no convictions forthcoming, and for the most part people forgot about the whole thing. Naboo was rebuilding, and indeed began to flourish. 
And now, now we get into the evil brilliance that is Palpatine (and Dooku’s) plan.
Again, remember the end goal is for Palpatine to be on the throne with as much power as possible. Now I know I’ve mentioned it before, but the entire point of the Clone Wars was to exhaust the galaxy. And by exhaust I mean in every way - exhaust resources, exhaust economies, and exhaust the population. It not only made the transfer of power to a central authority more palatable (enabling his takeover) but also ensured that resistance was limited and had little support.
So, to have a draining, protracted war, your sides need to be relatively close to each other in terms of balance. And you want to minimise cohesion on both sides - internal fighting, provided it doesn’t weaken the overall forces too much, can only benefit that end goal of chaos.
And so Dooku welded the Trade Federation and Techno Union to the more generalised separatist/reform cause. And it was a brilliant move. The corporations have the resource to make the necessary army, and the planetary systems provide the moral cause.
More importantly however, it splits the growing number of discontented planets.
Because Naboo? Naboo is never going to be a separatist supporter while their oppressors remain at the helm. And the planets like them have to make a similar choice - which is worse? Senate of Corporations? Some felt the potential freedom offered by the CIS was worth bargaining with the devil. Others opted to remain with the Republic and attempt reform at a later date. Either way, their decision was not clear cut. 
Neither side could claim moral superiority, and that was exactly as Palpatine intended. The Clone Wars would sweep across the galaxy, turning brother against brother and friend into foe...
And so that leaves us where I began, with two women on opposite sides
Padmé Amidala and Mina Bonteri
In another universe they would have been allies.
In another universe they might have led a secession of their own.
In another universe there might have been a truly righteous cause for them to champion, one that never necessitated Jedi becoming Generals. 
But not in this universe.
And that’s just one more tragedy to add to the pile of angst that is the Galaxy Far Far Away...
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7 Reasons to Prefer Handmade Jewellery over Those Mass-Produced
Handmade jewellery, be it bracelets, rings, earrings or necklaces, has been created and purchased for centuries. What added values do they offer in comparison to mass-produced ones?  
Our proposition is that the innovativeness and proficiency of a crafts person in conjunction with the adoration for their craft can change average items into jewellery masterworks. But, the majority of individuals still don't completely comprehend the real worth of handcrafted adornments compared to those produced on a large scale. There are numerous reasons why exclusive handmade jewellery is a more of an investment than the mass-produced pieces, so we toyed with the idea of composing this blog post for you! The following are 7reasons to buy handcrafted jewellery.
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1. Every piece tells a story
When you wear high quality adornments made by hand, you become a character of the story that an aceartisan tells through his/her work. Every craftsperson has adistinct motivation to design jewellery. Each design and each realisation consistently conveys a message, clearly or less clearly.
2. No machines used for mass-production
As per the definition, handmade jewellery is truly just that created by the "hands" of a skilled worker. The pieces are welded, cut up and formed without the utilization of mass-production machines. A machine can produce hundreds of items every hour where as an individual can just do a limited number. Then, why is this significant? Attention to details! Your handcrafted adornments will be considerably less prone to imperfections than something produced in huge amounts.
3. Eco-friendly and fair trade jewellery materials
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In practically all instances, the materials used in a handcrafted piece are of excellent quality. It is hard to manage or even identify precisely what alloys are utilized in large-scale manufacturing plants where nickel, cadmium or various other metals can cause undesirable reactions. Materials for handcrafted jewellery are commonly obtained from highly dependable suppliers who make sure their supplies adhere to fair working conditions with no serious ecological impact.
4. Sustainability of handmade jewelry
Certain socially responsible jewellery brands are committed to sustainability and materials of ethical sources. Being ethical can be a lot costlier than taking the straight forward method to purchase from the refiner or retailer with low costs and untrustworthy supply sources.
5. Top quality of handmade jewellery
The production of jewellery on a smaller scale is quite often of a greater quality since the control activity goes in parallel with that of creation. The master jewellers take extreme pride in the work they produce. They won't allow something of mediocre quality to leave the workshop by their name.
6. Locally made with a lot of care
There is a massive incentive in supporting the local production from a sustainability perspective. Artisans and creators instil love and vitality into each jewel and lots of designers utilise indigenous materials and partners to let them deliver their creations. Alongside the additional worth underlying in handmade jewellery, you are also purchasing a really exclusive item that supports local communities.
7. Value of time
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As stated above, since there is no mass-production, it takes a considerable amount of time to create a solitary piece of handcrafted jewellery. Designers regularly go through long hours designing a single jewel for a client. Once the design is finished, it might take a number of weeks to bring that design into reality. So, it is a work of commitment, care and consideration regarding your jewel.
TREEM STHLM is a Swedish jewellery brand offering unique handmade bracelets with raw elegance design language. Locally made using recycled metals, all these bracelets enhance the outer beauty as well as inner strength of the wearer who wants to bring a positive change in the world. Visit their website TreemSthlm.com to order a gold bracelet for men and women, leather and silver bracelet, mens bangle bracelet, or the best-selling Thor’s Hammer bracelet and become a part of True Elegance Movement!
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judgepaper19-blog · 5 years
Piecing Together The Lost History Of Wirt & Knox
The overgrown ruins of Wirt & Knox Manufacturing Company at Sedgley Avenue and York Street. | Photo: Rob Masciantonio
Traveling on West Sedgley Avenue in Strawberry Mansion offers a stark picture of areas in the city still decimated by post-industrial decline. Vacant lots and fenced storage yards dominate a desolate space once packed and humming with manufacturing work sites. Along the corridor several old factory buildings remain in various states of occupancy and decay. The former headquarters of Wirt & Knox Manufacturing Company at Sedgley Avenue and York Street is still standing, but the building is collapsing from within. In its heyday, Wirt & Knox was one of the premier manufactures of firefighting equipment in the United States. The company’s history spans almost a century, and much of the equipment it produced is still in service today. Yet, very little is known about Wirt & Knox, and its reputation has largely faded into memory like so many of Philadelphia’s great manufacturing companies. The only information of any substance on Wirt & Knox is left scattered like breadcrumbs across old trade catalogs, journals, and maps, with the company’s industrial history waiting to be pieced together.
Although the company spent its prime in Philadelphia, the story of Wirt & Knox began in Independence, Missouri when it was a sleepy town of only 3,000 people. It was here that R.D. Wirt & Company was formed in 1881 by Dr. Reuben D. Wirt and G.M Nichol. The original company appears to have engaged in both manufacturing and plumbing contracting. In March 1887, Dr. Wirt was awarded his first patent for a simple garden hose reel. Four months later he was awarded another patent for a complete hose cart. These two patents encompassed a garden hose reel cart constructed of light iron pipe connected by low cost and lightweight pins and rivets. Other carts of the era relied on either coupling collars or welding to construct them. Dr. Wirt’s product was strong and durable, while simultaneously lower cost and lighter weight. The hose cart was a immediate success. Nichol sold his stake in the burgeoning company to H.H. Wait and George Suter. It was reorganized into a stock company and branded the Wirt & Wait Manufacturing Company. However, Wirt & Wait was to be a short-lived enterprise. In 1891, the shares owned by Wait and Suter were purchased by Charles Knox and Dr. John Bryant. The new company chose to focus solely on manufacturing Wirt’s patent hose reel. The firm divested its plumbing department, which was split off into The Wait Plumbing Company, with its new president, H.H. Wait, leaving along with it.
1904 advertisement for “hump racks” patented and produced by Wirt & Knox Manufacturing Company.
The company reformed once more into the Wirt & Knox Manufacturing Company and its product line soon expanded far beyond the basic hose cart that had brought the manufacturer so much success. After making a hose reel for garden use, Wirt & Knox expanded the design for the firefighting market. Large, industrial hose carts soon became a staple product for Wirt & Knox, which is perhaps what the company is best known for today in the world of firefighting equipment collectors. At the time fire trucks were, in essence, nonexistent. Early gasoline-powered fire trucks were more than a decade away. Major cities still relied on horse-drawn carts or, in some cases, steam engines, to get firefighting apparatuses to a scene. However, small fire departments and extant fire insurance companies that served small towns and rural institutions like state hospitals or prisons could often not afford cutting edge steam engines or stable horses to move their equipment. These fire companies were left to fight fire with hose carts pulled by the firefighters themselves. This is the market in which Wirt & Knox made a name for itself. While not as fast or capable as larger animal or self-propelled fire engines, the carts, known as “spiders,” remained popular with small fire companies well into the 20th century. The carts were often pulled by four men, which allowed companies to haul all the equipment needed to fight a fire. The carts would often come fully outfitted from the factory with hoses, axes, and other implements.
Wirt & Knox cornered the firefighting market with its spider carts. The company also began producing a line of hose racks and reels for fire suppression installed inside buildings. Demand was so great for their products that the company could not keep up with orders and, by 1896, began looking to expand into larger facilities, which it had already done several times within Independence. The town was small and remote, and the company was losing money. Steel for their products had to be shipped long distances from mills in the east. The company’s products had to be shipped just as far back east where the majority of its customers were located. To boot, Independence was very small. Labor, especially skilled labor, was limited. By 1898 Wirt & Knox had successfully relocated their production facility from Missouri to Philadelphia.
Dr. Rueben Wirt’s rolling “garbage cart” patent from 1904.
The company’s first factory in the city was a narrow six-story factory building at the southwest corner of 4th and Commerce Streets. It was a block away from Independence Hall, and the building is long gone today. However, at the turn of the century it was a crowded commercial and industrial district. By 1907, Wirt & Knox were producing 160 different types and variations of hose carts, reels, racks, and various other firefighting and industrial products like street cleaning carts and bag holders. As the company grew its leadership changed. In 1905, Knox retired and sold his shares to Philadelphians E. C. Wilson and Raymond Krables. Dr. Wirt stayed on as president and the company name, now well established, remained Wirt & Knox. Despite the company’s success and expanded production capability in Philadelphia, the 4th Street factory soon proved inadequate. Once again, the manufacturer struggled to meet growing production demands. Narrow work floors stacked several stories high was not an ideal layout for a modern facility. The crowded location in the heart of the city made plant expansion there virtually impossible. The lack of direct rail access was also a logistical and financial barrier to the company’s continued growth. 
In 1913, Wirt & Knox moved into a large factory at the corner of Sedgley Avenue and York Street. The factory was built along the bustling, industrial stretch that once straddled the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks that ran between Sedgley and Glenwood Avenues. The location gave the company seamless access to the raw materials it needed for production. Proximity to the rail line also eased its ability to ship finished products. The factory, a large two-story brick building, was new to Wirt & Knox, but not new in age. It has been built two decades earlier by the Thomas Dallet Company, then a well-regarded manufacturer of masonry tools that had moved to a larger facility elsewhere in the city. The modest brick building offered a large, open floor plan that would serve Wirt & Knox well for the next several decades. When it moved in, the company added a two-story brick addition on the south end at a cost of $4,000. A Sanborn fire insurance map from 1918 shows the factory’s layout as such: the original, two-story building was used for production on the main floor, with the second floor being used to store finished product. To the rear towards the train tracks was a boiler house and print shop. The 1914, half of the addition was used for a paint shop, while the other half was storage for raw materials. To the north of the factory along York Street was a steel outbuilding, which was also used for raw materials storage. Later, the northern end would be expanded further with an addition that almost doubled the plants production floor.
An advertisement from 1916 for Wirt & Knox’s groundbreaking “spider cart.”
Wirt & Knox finally had a facility capable of meeting its ever-growing demand. While its firefighting spider carts were the original mainstay of the business, that market had slowly dried up as gasoline fire engines became more common. However, by this time Wirt & Knox had established itself as the most recognizable and respected manufacturers in the country of fire hose reels and racks for architectural applications. Its first hose reel for building fire suppression was submitted to the U.S. Patent Office in September of 1900. The design was a simple affair: a rotating steel reel to which a hose could be wrapped around and mounted on two brackets. In October the company submitted another patent for “Wirt’s Hump Rack.” Unlike other designs of the era, this one incorporated a bottom, which was curved up slightly towards the hose i.e. the “hump.” This design served to prevent undue stress on the folded sections of hoses, which in time would damage it and cause potential failure in an emergency. The rack also had rails on both sides so the hose could not fall out sideways, a problem in the designs of many competitor’s hose racks. Wirt’s Hump Rack was a hit, and, in 1904, the company won a contract to outfit all of the buildings in the upcoming St. Louis World’s Fair. The design has proven so practical that today virtually all modern hose racks incorporate this hump feature to prolong hose life. Still, the racks themselves were not perfect. While the industrial-looking reels and racks could be easily mounted to columns or pipes and were great for factory or stairwell use, something a bit more refined was desired for hallways and corridors in commercial and residential buildings. The hoses also trapped in moisture and would rot, especially one that had been used, then wrapped or folded. The solution was a hose rack that kept the hose suspended and slightly spaced between each length.
Wirt & Knox introduced the “Eclipse Rack” in 1907. The design hung the hose on galvanized pins spaced slightly apart from one another, which allowed for airflow that dried the hose and prolonged its rack life. The pins were fashioned to drop if the hose was pulled, allowing it to quickly be brought into service. But it remained attached to the rack, facilitating easy return when the job was done. These features are what set the company’s product apart from it’s competitors. Other designs used either falling pins, which would scatter to the ground, or a series of wire hangers that needed to be looped around the hose and hung from a suspension bar. Wirt & Knox’s system proved itself superior once again. Not only is this pin design still in use in modern hanging hose racks, but one can still find original Wirt & Knox racks in service within many older buildings today.
A Sunburn fire insurance map from 1916 showing the layout of the Wirt & Knox factory in Strawberry Mansion.
The company’s product line continued to grow and improve. Within a year it was offering two other hanging rack models: the “Crown” series, which was designed to be a more economically friendly option, and Wirt and Knox’s flagship “Royal” hose rack. These racks could be hung from simple wall mount or off of pipes. In residential and office applications, it was usually found in large metal or glass cabinets that were flush with the wall. It is not uncommon to see Wirt & Knox fire reel cabinets in commercial and residential buildings hallways these days, but the hose and rack have usually been replaced with a fire extinguisher.
Ultimately, it would be fire extinguishers, and Wirt & Knox’s failure to adapt to a changing market, that would be the company’s undoing. For the first half of the 20th century fire hoses in buildings were popular and installed nearly everywhere. Early fire extinguishers left a lot to be desired. The average fire extinguisher of the era could only deliver a few gallons of pressurized water before it needed to be refilled. While suitable for something like a wastebasket fire, they were of little use on anything larger. The first chemical extinguishers began showing up in 1911, when the Pyrene Manufacturing Company began making fire extinguishers filled with carbon tetrachloride, a chemical that is incredibly effective at extinguishing flames and so toxic that it can kill. Safer chemical extinguishers were introduced later, but they remained expensive specialty products. Occupant-use fire hoses remained the the go-to choice for firefighting equipment in most buildings during the years leading up to WWII. But it was not long after the war before landlords and homeowners owners began to prefer the new cheaper and handier extinguishers over the hose systems that required expensive installation and perpetual upkeep. Although Wirt & Knox had produced some soda acid extinguishers in the past, it was caught unprepared to compete in the chemical extinguisher market with companies that had been working on and perfecting their products to meet the demands of military contracts over the past several years.
A 1928 advertisement for Royal Firehose Stations. Cabinets like this one can still be found in old commercial and residential buildings today.
Wirt & Knox’s failure to enter the fire extinguisher market caused serious trouble for the company, but it was a slow declined rather than folding overnight. Its products were not completely obsolete. Industrial sites continued to utilize hoses for greater firefighting capacity, and, of course, many commercial building owners would continue to maintain existing hose racks and reels, even if they were not installing new ones. Wirt & Knox struggled and their competitors continued to grow as sales of more modern fire equipment soared. The company stayed afloat throughout the 1950s, but eventually could not continue to stand on its own. In 1965, Wirt & Knox was purchased by National Foam Systems, then a West Chester-based producer of fire-suppressing foams developed during WWII. The company was established in 1819 and was the first U.S. producer of fire hoses. At the time, it was also producing a full line of fire equipment like hose reels and nozzles.
The buyout may have been the end of Wirt & Knox as an independent company, but it was not necessarily the end of Wirt & Knox, at least in name. The company continued to operate as a subsidiary and became the Wirt & Knox steel products division of National Foam. But the buyout was the beginning of the end of the company’s story in Philadelphia. In 1967, National Foam announced plans to consolidate all metal working activities to a new 52,000 square foot factory being built in Exton, PA. Wirt & Knox closed its doors in 1968 on Sedgley Avenue for good and, like so many other companies of the era, moved from the city to the suburbs. Hose reels and racks continued to be made under the Wirt & Knox name for another 25 years at the new Exton facility. In the early 1990s the Wirt & Knox brand was terminated and the Exton location was closed. Wirt & Knox came to a quiet end after 100 years as the nation’s premier manufacturer of firefighting equipment.
Wirt & Knox was purchased by National Foam Systems in 1965 and operations were moved to Exton, Pennsylvania. This postcard show National Foam’s a new facility.
The company’s old factory in Strawberry Mansion held a series of tenants in the following years. A 1990 directly lists Fred Mcourteis Moving and Storage Inc. as the occupant, presumably using the old factory for a warehouse. A sticker on the front door advertises Baar Rubber Products Company, perhaps another tenant. In the past 20 year the property has been bought and sold several times, falling into greater disrepair with each passing year. WMC Enterprises purchased the factory in 2016. The firm appears to be little more than a real estate holding company, which owns much of the block the factory sits on and several row houses scattered throughout the area.
 The decaying building today is a testament to the skill of the laborers who erected in almost 150 years ago and the quality of materials they used. The roof and much of the second floor have largely collapsed and now lie at ground level, as have all the stairwells. But the solid brick walls still stand tall and straight, almost in defiance to the neglect the building has endured. In the places where the roof or upper floor have managed to hold, the floor below is littered with trash and debris. Old appliances left to rot by the last company to use the building are strewn throughout. In one roofless room there are pallets of new roof flashing and material staged, perhaps for an upcoming rehabilitation project or just being stored for use elsewhere. On the second floor landing of a collapsed stairwell hangs a rusty Wirt & Knox fire hose cabinet, the first and final breadcrumb leading to the building’s industrial legacy.  
Inside the crumbling factory of Wirt & Knox Manufacturing Company. Photographs by Robert Masciantonio.
The walls of the factory still stand despite a collapsed roof and extensive interior damage.
The original main factory floor.
The coal bunker that has since converted into storage.
The main factory floor looking towards the boiler room.
A fire door leading to a storeroom.
The remains of the freight elevator.
The second floor and roof have collapsed over most of the main production floor addition.
Looking towards the 1913 addition.
A Wirt and Knox fire hose cabinet still hangs in the factory.
About the author
Robert Masciantonio attended Shippensburg University where he received his BA in Political Science and History. A proud native of Delaware County, Masciantonio carries a lifelong fascination with Philadelphia's deep, layered past. He has an strong interest in photography and architecture, with an emphasis on industry and institutions. Masciantonio is currently pursuing a degree in Structural Engineering.
Source: https://hiddencityphila.org/2019/03/piecing-together-the-lost-history-of-wirt-knox/
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pixalmate · 5 years
Exhibition Stall Designer AMTEX New Delhi
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About AMTEX New Delhi, 
As one of the largest exhibition in North India on metal cutting and machine tool industry, AMTEX – Asian Machine Tool Exhibition has been taking place since 2001 in New Delhi.
AMTEX provides the ultimate big business solutions for the meetings and events industry, The event will see a gathering of the top industrialists of well-known companies in the machine tool sector, from across the globe. this is one of the foremost exhibitions with a point of orientation for a numeral of operators of the mechanized sector that will meet at the show and will experience the wide variety of manufacturing systems under one roof.
AMTEX 2020 will be held from 10th – 13th July 2020 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India.
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Get in touch with Pixelmate Exhibitions to know more about exhibition stalls and exhibition stands design, sales and other trade fair support services in AMTEX 2020, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India.
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Exhibition Stall Designer AMTEX New Delhi Exhibition Stall Designer AMTEX New Delhi Exhibition Stall Designer AMTEX New Delhi:-  About AMTEX New Delhi…
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davidcdelreal · 6 years
How To Make Money: Everything You Need To Know
How can you earn more money?
You’d think a question this simple would have a simple answer.
Yet experts’ attempts to explain the nuances of earning — whether disguised as personal finance, business management, or the importance of education — could fill a file server.
You could read all the articles, watch all the how-to videos, listen to all the podcasts, and even attend the right business school, but still not know the best ways to make money.
Why is it all so complicated?
I have an idea: It’s because only you are qualified to answer the question of how you can make more money.
Think about it:
Just like our relationships, our time, our food preferences, and even our financial choices are personal.
What works for me may not work for you.
Likewise, I might not survive a day doing something you’d excel at.
And while education, knowledge, and experience matter a lot, they are only the ingredients.
You have to get into the kitchen to cook up your own recipe for financial success and independence:
Are you a people person? Then you should flavor your recipe with face-to-face interactions.
Are you an introvert? Maybe you need a dash of stay-at-home independence.
Are you short on time? Find a recipe with a short prep-time but an abundant yield.
Do you need a flexible schedule? Sprinkle in some freelance work — something like real estate or ad hoc computer programming, for example.
Whatever the case, your recipe must reflect the reality of your personal preferences, your daily challenges, and the way you live.
You can find ideas (and hopefully some valuable advice) in posts like the one you’re reading right now, but you’re the expert on you.
With that in mind, let’s get cooking (especially if you can make money doing it!).
Different Paths, But One Common Goal: Earning More Money!
As you know, finding your own path is essential, but let’s also make sure your path leads where we all want to go: a more profitable and financially secure future.
To do that, get to know more about your local economy (or the broader national or international economy) so you’ll know what skills or products are in demand right now and into the future.
In a dynamic economy like ours, any list of ways to earn money comes with an expiration date.
And, I could spend days listing all the possibilities for earning more money and still not include the one thing you’re looking for.
Still, we need some kind of order for organizing possible paths to earning power.
I like the following three categories:
Side hustles
Let’s explore these categories as you determine where to begin or continue your journey toward making more money.
Earning Through Entrepreneurship
To earn your living by owning your own company: It’s part of the American Dream.
And we’ve all heard the legendary success stories about people such as:
Sam Walton, whose family barely survived the Great Depression. He opened his own tiny grocery store after World War II with financial help from his father in law. The store, of course, grew into Walmart (and Sam’s Club and a few other variations).
Oprah Winfrey, who was raised in poverty and became one of the most successful TV stars of all time, and who also offers reading advice to millions.
Andrew Carnegie who, as a child, worked as a bobbin boy in a cotton mill (before child labor laws prohibited it). He earned billions in steel and helped transform our economy for the industrial age.
Steve Jobs, a college dropout who likely invented the phone or the computer you’re holding right now.
You may be thinking: But these people are the exceptions.
Nobody ever mentions the thousands of inventors, industrialists, retailers, and entertainers who fell flat on their faces.
You’d be right, of course.
More importantly, though, I also didn’t mention the thousands of people who have enjoyed success on a more moderate scale — all the people who went from living paycheck-to-paycheck at a job they hated to supporting their families by owning a business.
This list is longer than you may think, and it’s full of people like you and me — ordinary people who had a vision for a better future and worked hard to make it happen.
I’ll spare you the motivational speech about how you can’t succeed without the possibility of failure, and about how even today’s billionaires can tell you about their ever-growing lists of failures.
Instead, let’s look at some possible paths to entrepreneurial success, all of which allow you to be your own boss and, in most cases, to make your own rules:
Let’s say you love Five Guys Burgers & Fries, an East Coast hamburger place, but the chain doesn’t have a location near you.
As you drive along looking for someplace to eat, you may tell your significant other: “You know, somebody really ought to open a Five Guys on this side of town. They’d make a killing.”
Well, that “somebody” may be you.
You could look into franchising requirements for Five Guys (or whatever your favorite store or restaurant actually is) and open your very own location.
Most stores require some personal investment, and they may have some other requirements, too. You also wouldn’t have total freedom over every decision you make since the corporation you’re partnering with will have its own set of standards.
But if you have a flair for business management but not necessarily a niche product that’s all your own, this could be your path.
Selling Stuff Online
If you need a lower bar for admission into entrepreneurship than opening a franchise, online sales may be your thing. It’s not all knitted scarves or unneeded football tickets these days.
People shop all the time on Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, and countless other sites for used and new products.
To succeed, you need to be an expert on a product so you can make a profit by connecting others with exactly what they’re looking for.
If you’re an expert on guitars, for example, you could spend your weekends shopping garage sales, estate sales, and auctions. You’d see a lot of junk.
But since you know your product line, you’d also recognize the vintage Gibson J-200 someone is selling for a song, and you’ll know how easy it will be to find a premium buyer online.
Along with expertise in your product lines, you’ll need great customer service chops and some patience as you get your business rolling.
Selling Your Advice
It’s not all about tangible products.
You can also sell your expertise, whether you are an expert in business, the arts, engineering, industry, retail, etc.
Thanks to Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts and similar services, you can even offer advice online, whether you’re teaching painting lessons or showing someone how to integrate a drone into their wedding videography business.
Just look at YouTube.
Whether you’re fixing a washing machine or changing your spark plugs, chances are you can find a video of someone else doing the same thing.
What do you know an awful lot about?
Whatever it is, someone else may need your advice. Whether you charge for one-on-one sessions or cast a wider net with more general videos, you can turn your smarts into a source of income.  
Offering a Service
Do you cut your own grass?
Shop for your own groceries?
Pick up your own dry-cleaning?
More and more people are turning to services to do these sorts of things, which means there may be a growing market in your community for someone to perform these services.
By developing a steady clientele and setting some reasonable limits (no 2 a.m. runs to Taco Bell, perhaps?) you can have your own courier service.
Start by placing an ad in your community’s newspapers or free weeklies, and mix in some patience, some flexibility, and a pricing plan that’s fair to you and your customers.
Other Entrepreneurial Ideas
We’ve hit some high points, but this is by no means an all-inclusive list. If you have a business idea, you’ve already caught the entrepreneurial spirit.
Maybe it’s time to start looking into financing, business partners, or marketing strategies.
Not everyone is destined for business ownership though.
Keep reading to learn about other routes to financial success.
Using Education to Unlock Earnings
For several generations it was almost a given: A college degree would open doors for the rest of your career.
Federal labor statistics showed (and still show) higher earning power for people with a four-year degree. So college became a rite of passage across the country.
But what happens if you’re not in a position to pursue higher education?
What if you already have a family and a full-time job?
Or what if taking a bunch of English and philosophy courses just isn’t your thing?
There’s good news for you, too.
You can still unlock higher earnings through education without going the traditional college route.
Let’s take a look at some traditional and alternative educational paths to show what I mean:
Certificate Programs
College can teach critical thinking skills, helping you succeed in a variety of professions.
However, a four-year degree may not teach specific trade skills.
In many professions, employers value specific, hands-on skills over more general thinking skills.
I think it’s best to have both, but to provide employers with skilled employees, many community and technical colleges offer certificate programs for professions such as:
Dental assistants
Web design
Nursing assistants
Electrical work
Auto technicians
Information technology
Certificate programs usually cost a lot less than traditional college courses, and they may require less of your time.
It’s also possible the community college in your area offers night classes and other ways to accommodate classes to your work schedule.
In many professions, getting “certified” unlocks higher wages.
Traditional College Degrees
Of course, skilled trades aren’t for everybody.
Some of us need more time to figure out a suitable profession.
One of the neat things about traditional, four-year college programs is the opportunity to learn a little bit about a lot of things, which means you may come across the right fit when you least expect it.
I remember a friend who started college with no firm plans for the future. She signed up for classes, got her parking pass, and all that.
Then, on the first day of classes, she became enamored with the whole concept of chemistry. She declared chemistry her major, graduated with a degree, and started a successful (and high-paying) career as an industrial chemist.
Most of us will need more than one day of college to find our calling. For some people, it takes two years to decide on a major. Others may go all four years without finding the answer.
For those folks, graduate school for advanced degrees may be on the horizon.
Advanced Degrees
Physicians, high-level business executives, researchers, college professors, and most lawyers have one thing in common, and it’s not necessarily their tax bracket: They hold advanced degrees in their fields of study.
Advanced degrees offer a level of specialization (and earning power) beyond what a four-year diploma or a certificate can give you.
People who research the effects of school nutrition on academic performance or who diagnose medical conditions using a microscope most likely have advanced degrees.
Usually, you need a bachelor’s degree before starting on an advanced degree and expect to spend upwards of $100,000 in tuition for some advanced degrees.
It could all be worth it, financially, when you land your first degree-specific job.
Little or No Post-Secondary Education
What happens if education beyond high school just hasn’t worked out for you?
All is not lost. Recent data shows 72 percent of people with only high school degrees had jobs in 2017.
You could start your own business, as I discussed above, or you could apply for more general labor jobs which don’t necessarily require a certificate or a diploma — jobs in traditionally labor-heavy fields such as:
Restaurant work
Assisting in construction sites
General manufacturing
Custodial work
Retail sales
Expect to start out in the lowest level at a company and with a lower pay rate. With hard work and by becoming a reliable employee, you may be able to start climbing the wage ladder.
But statistics tell a discouraging tale. Recent Pew Research data says people with a college education will earn, on average, $1 million more over the course of their careers than people with only a high school education.
What’s worse is that automation in manufacturing and the transition to online retail has made competition for these kinds of jobs more fierce.
Simply put, the economy is growing less friendly toward workers with little or no training.
Side Hustling Your Way to Greater Success
Let’s say you have a job, or you own your own business, and you’re pretty happy with what you earn.
Except, you just can’t seem to stay ahead of the curve financially. In August, when the kids need school supplies, your whole budget gets knocked out of whack.
And at year’s end you have to decide whether to contribute to your IRA or buy your wife a Christmas present.
Maybe it’s time for a side hustle.
What is a Side Hustle?
When you start marshaling your free time toward making extra money, you’re working your side hustle.
My favorite side hustles make the best use of your existing habits so you don’t have to think about work all the time.
For example, let’s say you work at a bank downtown and you paint houses as a side hustle. City Hall is near your bank branch.
So on your lunch break, you stop by City Hall to see who has taken out building permits for remodeling their homes. Someone who is remodeling, you think, may need to hire a painter.
In other words, you’d be able to generate job leads for your side hustle without going out of your way or making special trips.
That level of scheduling elegance isn’t a necessity, though. It matters more to be good at the services you’re offering, whatever they may be:
Real estate
Multi-level marketing
Freelance writing or editing
At-home manufacturing
At-home data entry or billing
Interior decorating
Video editing.
This list could go on for days, but you get the general idea: Find something you like to do and find a way to fit it into your schedule.
Here are some other tips to remember:
Create business cards, which you can do easily online. You never know when you’ll come across someone who needs (or knows someone who needs) a service you provide.
Set boundaries to preserve your work-life balance. When things get rolling, it can be hard to tell a potential client “no.” But if you say “yes” to everybody, you may find yourself working around the clock.
Be upfront with your steady gig. Make sure your full-time employer or your business partners know about your side hustle to avoid misunderstandings. Avoid treating your co-workers like a built-in customer base, and don’t use your company’s copying machines or other office equipment to support your side hustle unless you’ve made prior arrangements.
Be transparent with your side hustle customers, too. Let them know you have a full-time job and not necessarily available 24/7.
Keep up with your expenses and your earnings via receipts, invoices, or 1099 forms so you can report your figures properly at tax time. Ask a tax professional for advice before you start spending your earnings.
I also recommend setting some earnings goals.
How much you’d like to earn should influence the kind of job and the ferocity level of your side hustling.
For example…
If You’d Like to Earn an Extra $100 a Week
You could probably earn an extra $100 a week through Multi-Level Marketing (I’m not a huge fan, but hey, maybe it’s your thing) or by selling a line of products to your friends (think candles, beauty products, or environmentally friendly weed spray).
This kind of work takes an outgoing personality. If that’s not you, keep looking.
Some sort of at-home clerical work or light home repair, maybe.
Be careful about up-front costs, though. A lot of these opportunities — especially at-home clerical work or Multi-Level Marketing — require an investment, and if thing don’t go well you won’t recoup those costs.
Before spending any of your own money make sure you’ve talked to some other people who have given it a try. Online message boards can also give you some insight into the real cost of doing business.
Other ideas for earning about $100 a week:
Become a tutor: So you’re good at math or you’re a history buff? Put those interests to use by helping students in your neighborhood excel. Ask the staff at your local schools, put some cards out at the library, or put an ad on Craigslist or Facebook to get started.
Sell your stuff: Do you have boxes of books or DVDs you don’t really need? Find a used book store and sell your extra stuff. If you run out of stuff, go to some yard sales to get more or offer to help your neighbors go through and sell their extra stuff for a commission. You can also sell clothes, yard equipment, children’s toys. The list goes on and on.
Clean someone’s house: Cleaning up isn’t much fun, but earning extra money is. If you can get a couple regular customers, you’ll likely earn $100 or so a week. Be sure to factor in the cost of cleaning supplies.
Become a mystery shopper: Do you have a keen sense for detail? Put it to use as a mystery shopper. Essentially, you’re sharing your experiences as a customer with retail store managers. 
If You’d Like to Earn $1,000 a Month
We’re getting more into part-time job territory here, but with side-hustling, you’re limited mainly by your time and determination.
You can take the $100-a-week ideas above and do them more aggressively — tutor more children, clean more houses, sell more stuff, etc.
Or, you could…
Start a blog about a topic you enjoy, be it cooking, yard work, interior design, reading, train travel, computer networking, music, appliance repair, electronics reviews, mountain climbing, parkour, gardening, water conservation — you get the idea! Develop an audience and monetize it. See my post about starting a blog here.
Be someone’s virtual assistant. Not all administrative support staff work on site and take notes in-person at meetings. You can also help an executive from the comfort of your home by scheduling appointments, typing letters, ordering supplies, and preparing presentations. Zirtual may be able to connect you with someone who needs your help, though it may ask for a fee to get you started. You could also send some emails to companies near you offering your services.  
Become a substitute teacher. It’s a tough job, but if you like variety in your schedule and work locales, and you enjoy working with children and teens, check with your local school district; most districts have frequent openings. If you can find six or so hours a couple times a week, it could be worth your time.
If You’d Like to Earn an Extra $10,000 a Month
There comes a point when a side hustle becomes your main hustle. If you’re shooting for $10,000 a month, maybe you’ve reached that point.
If you’re serious about it, though, here’s something to keep in mind: To earn this kind of money on the side, you may need more inspiration than perspiration.
Can you think of a new way to do something which will make an existing process more efficient?
If so, your new knowledge will be worthwhile to others:
Can you develop an app to make car shopping more seamless?
Can you find a chemical process to make composting easier and more efficient?
Can you add a new layer of automation to an existing manufacturing process?
Innovations like these — combined with good business sense and the right kind of marketing — can put you on the map as an earner/entrepreneur
Sometimes, You Just Need More Money
For most of us, more money equals more freedom.
Some people can cut costs to come up with more flexibility in their monthly budgets. You can do things like:
Getting a basic phone to avoid cellular data charges.
Cutting the cable TV bill and getting a cheaper streaming service.
Putting off that new car to avoid a regular payment and higher auto insurance.
Keeping the AC set to 75 degrees to reduce energy bills.
Sometimes, though, you just need more money, plain and simple.
If your need is immediate, a side hustle may be the way to go.
Who knows? Your side hustle may turn into your full-time business.
If you’re planning the next 10 years and have some career goals, consider mixing in some education. Getting the right certification, diploma, or advanced degree should open some doors.
And, of course, if you’ve caught that entrepreneurial spirit, you may already have the skills you need.
Maybe it’s just a matter of getting the right financing to start your business growing.
Whatever your case, make sure you’re making a plan to meet your specific needs — financially, personally, and professionally.
I’ve heard it said, and I’ve found it to be true: Once you find your true calling, you no longer feel like you’re working.
Instead, you’re just turning what you enjoy doing into a steady flow of earned income.
The post How To Make Money: Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Good Financial Cents.
from All About Insurance https://www.goodfinancialcents.com/how-to-make-money/
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teknome-blog · 7 years
Tekno is a Leading International Industrial Trade Fair…..
Tekno Is A Leading International Industrial Trade Fair For Manufacturing, Technology And Solutions
Tekno is the only international industrial trade fair in the Middle East which is scheduled from 17-19th December 2017 at Hall 3, Dubai World Trade Center.
As a leading international trade fair, I think it will not be surprising if I tell you that companies from across the globe as well as trade visitors specific to the metal, steel, wires and cables, tubes, pipes and rods and welding and cutting industry will be joining the fair. However, have you ever wondered why is it happening?
The answer is, TEKNO is the region’s only international industrial trade show featuring the applicable sectors which are coherent to all coveted industries.
The trade fair shall provide great and equal opportunities to the participating companies as well as the trade visitors.
TEKNO shall bring together a wide array of innovation, cutting edge technologies, smart machinery and material technologies.
The trade show will provide a platform for experts to share best practices, know-how, integrated methods and also offer an opportunity to gauge competition.
With the government stepping up development and several new projects recently being announced in infrastructure, pipelines, airports, real estate and the industrial sector, the related industry is poised for a very strong growth.
Government initiatives and investments in the non-oil sectors to diversify the economy has been encouraging, and the Middle East and UAE is definitely been seen as one of the most dynamic markets for growth of industrial sectors in the global view.
It is a unique opportunity to find answers to all your industrial solutions under one roof, hence, it is a golden opportunity for trade visitors to be aware of the newest technology as well as services and products of the industry. It will also give the trade visitor a chance for negotiations and signing of new partnerships.
On the other hand, joining the trade fair as an exhibitor will be largely advantageous from the point of view of brand building. Consider that you are having a new product/technology that you want to launch into the given market, this is the right place because it is cost effective and it is a means of reaching the target audience. Exhibiting will provide the company an opportunity to make visible their products to the target region.
It is the best platform to interact with industry who’s-who, and get an immediate feedback from the prospective customer
The cost of achieving the set goals for marketing your product and technology is very economical. So, all in all, joining the exhibition and the trade fair is a very efficient way to achieve high profile marketing and promotion for the company.
For more information please visit www.tekno-me.com
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Gas Cutting Machine Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2017–2025
Gas cutting machine finds significant end-use industry applications for the processing of carbon and low alloy steels such as aerospace, automotive, steel processing industries and shipping among few others. The consumables and equipment for the welding processes are similar to this equipment, except the welding torch is replaced by the cutting torch which is incorporated with a high pressure oxygen tube. Extensive range of applications that include grooving weld joint metal designs, making edges of metal sheets, cut rivets, risers, and many other are expected to drive the demands for these industrial instruments.
Rquest sample of Gas Cutting Machine Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/633
Ease of portability and incorporation of multiple torches for increased functionality are expected to garner high adoption rates over the forecast period
The equipment can be used to cut metals in small sizes and shapes, which is rather cumbersome using other mechanical methods. Incorporation of multiple torches can be used to cut multiple number of metal profiles simultaneously. Moreover, some machining alternatives provide easy portability that find large applications for field operations. In conjunction with these characteristics, fast operations and relatively low cost requirement in comparison to other mechanical procedures, gas cutting equipment market is expected to witness major traction over the next few years.
Gas Cutting Machine Market Taxonomy
On the basis of machinery, the global gas cutting machine market is classified into:
On the basis of end use industries, the global gas cutting machine market is classified into:
Machinery manufacturing
Steel processing
Sheet & structural metal
Ship building
Get best discount on this report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-discount/633
Proliferating demands from end-use industries will provide the necessary traction over the next few years
Global increase in the average per capita income over the past decade has led to increased consumer buying power. Increasing global air traffic, commercial and personal automotive, defense expenditure, scraping of old aircrafts and ships, and shipping, specifically in countries that include China, India, Indonesia, U.S., and Middle East countries among few others. Owing to these factors, multi-billion dollar end user industries such as automotive, aerospace & defense, metal processing and ship building are expected to witness significant demand growth. Requirement to meet these production demands, industries will invest in industrial process tools and equipment, which in turn will drive the demands for the gas cutting machine market.
Limitations such as requirement of ventilation spaces and advent of 3D technology is expected to hamper the growth prospects
Gas cutting equipment market growth is anticipated to be hindered by several technical limitations. These drawbacks include its usage limited to steel and cast iron materials, low dimensional tolerances, requirement of adequate flame control and proper ventilated spaces for its operations. Moreover, red hot slag and heat generated in the process also presents burn and fire hazards to the users and the industry. Advent 3D technology is featured with several advantages over the conventional technologies such as minimum material wastage, savings in terms of raw material costs, and high ROI, is anticipated to witness large adoption for industrial applications. Utilization of laser technology for its operations will present major challenge to the gas cutting machine market growth.
Check the trending report of Gas Cutting Machine Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/gas-cutting-machine-market-633
Stationary gas cutting machine is expected to dominate the market over the forecast period
High reliability for extensive workloads in the industrial usage is expected to be prominent factor driving the growth of the stationary mechanism. These instruments find increased applications for the workloads that require long time and offer efficient and simple means for product development. Owing to these factors, stationary equipment segment dominated the overall market share in 2016.
Asia Pacific will continue its dominance in the gas cutting machine market share
Presence of major emerging economies that specifically includes India and China that have witnessed significant investments in industries and manufacturing activities is expected to provide strong industry traction in the region. Moreover, low cost labor availability and increasing government activities to enhance free and fair trade in the region will in turn lead increased industrial manufacturing activities. For instance, One Belt, One road initiative in China and Sagarmala project in India are expected to provide significant boost to trade. This will in turn drive the demands for industrial processes and gas cutting machine market over the forecast period.
Key market participants in the industry include ESAB, Koike Aronson, Hornet Cutting Systems, Messer Cutting Systems, Ador Welding, Haco, Harris Products Group, Shangai Welding & Cutting Tool Works, SteelTailor, and Voortman Steel Machinery.
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