#besto 2017
asshuka · 2 years
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the year transition umi returns!!! whoa!!!!! it’s the tea party set!
patreon | kofi | commissions | more linkz
just realized the doodles aren’t very well categorized on my blog so. previous umis under the cut
2015 -> 2016
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2016 -> 2017
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2017 -> 2018
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2018 -> 2019
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2019 -> 2020 i tried to draw a bunch of characters who are close to my heart and intended to end with umi but i became too physically unwell to finish
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2020 -> 2021
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2021 -> 2022 There Was A Darkness Growing Within Me.
2022 -> 2023 HERE!
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some-triangles · 7 years
Right, so Night in the Woods was my game of the year, obviously.  (The above artbook was put together by deviantart user Dongoverlord and is free to download - very much worth it if you’re a fan. Top-notch stuff, and I find myself picky about fanart of this game in a way I’m usually not, because people who draw Mae as a skinny waif were not paying attention.)
The NITW devs couldn’t have known how relevant their game was going to feel on release when they started production back in 2013, except of course maybe they did, because they were paying attention.   They posit a controversial but robust approach to dealing with Trump voters which I think provokes the right kind of debate.
It’s also a really good story about learning to deal with death, which I needed this year.
For all the sharp writing and good politics and pretty art, though, I probably wouldn’t have got into it as heavily as I did w/o the excellent leitmotif-heavy soundtrack.  (That’s the secret to getting me obsessed about anything: tunes I can hum.)  I get an extra loop of fandom recursion from games with great music because I get to check out all the covers.  NITW brings out a particularly satisfying stylistic range:
and many points between.
I also liked Hollow Knight this year, which was derivative as all hell but very fun and very pretty.  Cuphead appears to have been adopted by assholes, which... on the one hand is regrettable, because it’s a really fun piece of work, and on the other hand isn’t, given the creators’ unwillingness to respond to questions about the racist history of the style they’re celebrating.  Also Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy has delivered in a big way; I can’t remember the last time I got so much enjoyment out of a game that I have no intention of ever playing.  
Lastly I’ve got to give props to Rain World, which is a game I will not finish but which at an earlier point in my life would probably have driven me to the brink of insanity, and which is very, very, very well-designed.
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justlyrics · 7 years
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6. “The Cure” by Lady Gaga
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warcelowendes · 7 years
10 films I liked in 2017
. The Love Witch
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2. Toni Erdmann
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3. Get Out
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4. Prevenge
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5. Logan
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6. Baby Driver
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7. Big Sick
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8. Spider-Man: Homecoming
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9. The Mmeyerowitz Stories (New and Selected)
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10. Lady Mcbeth
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the-not-so-dark-age · 3 years
I have a concept: Hakari already knows Todo from the events of Kyoto in 2017 since they were both there fighting curses, they became friends, and now through common link to Todo, Hakari and Itadori will become besto friendo and brazar too
I just want Itadori having his own personal protection squad composed of absurd dudes who auto-proclaim themselves to be Yuji's brothers lmao
yes Choso I'm looking at you too
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the-totoko-fish · 4 years
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The very first ever scene I did for the game back in 2017!! 
The perspective is so wacky and the background looks all over the place but I remember being so proud at the moment! back then I was trying so many game maker programs and struggled with coming up with a personal style for the bois...it feels like I’ve come up a long way even tho I’m still working on the game after all this time(T▽T) Thank you everyone that wants to play it already for your patience!! I promise I’m doing my besto but having a job now had reduced the time I have for developing the game_(:3 」∠)_  We’ll get there tho!! 
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jovva · 5 years
@trash.Mp4 på insta
Hei OG hallo jeg heter Jovva aka Johanne aka Yo, er 21 og har oppmerksomhets-spenn på 4,5 sekund. Livet i korte trekk:
Et av fire barn (≈ menneskevandt og tvangsoppfostret til å være fleksibel i væremåte), kirkeoppvokst (≈ godt trent til å lytte når voksne hvite menn droner på om det samme i timesvis), lesehest (≈ mange o.p.m når det kommer til skjønnlitteratur og “talentfullt barn”, crash and burn når videregående kom), kreativ (≈ så breddeinterressert at jeg nå studerer LFT samtidig som at alle hobbyene mine ellers også er kunstrelaterte/skapende).
Jeg vurderte både studiespesialisering med k&h og drama da jeg skulle by meg ut på VGS’s reise, men endte opp meg å velge Medier og Kommunikasjon. Jeg hadde to år med dette, VG1&3, først på Tangen, så på Akademiet, og som salat, skinke OG ost i denne juicy sandwichen, dro jeg på utveksling til Canadas vestkyst hvor jeg generelt hadde drama og visuelle kunstfag (5/8 fag). Slik fikk jeg tilf((H-)eldig)vis litt av alt jeg ønsket meg - som i en smågodt hylle på Kiwi (de har den beste.) Med denne miksen av fag har jeg vært gjennom en del praktisk filming, redigering, dramaøvelser, og alt annet som følger med. Etter MK tok jeg et K&H årsstudium her på Uia hvor jeg besto 4/5 eksamener, noe som beskriver livet mitt ganske bra - bare nesten bra nok, men vi klarer oss.
Innenfor litteratur like jeg young/new adult/LGBT lit/drama/fantasy/sci-fi/thriller, og jeg har egentlig ikke lest en eneste skjønnlitterær bok på norsk siden 8. klasse. To favoritter er Mara Dyer av Michelle Hodkin, og All For the Game av Nora Sakavic.
Kan ikke så mye om teater, men er lowkey fan av musikaler - Tuck Everlasting, Les Mis, Hamilton. Liker den moderne versjonen av Much Ado About Nothing med David Tennant og Catherine Tate fra 2011.
Når det kommer til film og serier liker jeg det meste, men ikke stor fan av skrekk, lol. En liten liste: (Film:) Arrival 2016, Pride and Prejudice 2005, Elizabeth the Golden Age 2007, (Serie:) the Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo 2016, Brooklyn Nine Nine 2013-, Legion 2017-2019, Maniac 2018, Gentleman jack 2019-.
Jeg er også niche (for norge) interessert i britiske (panel)show og komikere, blant annet Taskmaster, cats does countdown, big fat quiz og travel man.
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wiadomosciprasowe · 7 years
Ingvild Flugstad Østbergs vinneroppskrift
Ingvild Flugstad Østbergs vinneroppskrift
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Dato: 15-11-2017 15:00 CET Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Ingvild Flugstad Østbergs vinneroppskrift Kategori: , Sosiale spørsmål Turisme Mat, drikke Marit Bjørgen, Ragnhild Haga, Ingvild Flugstad Østberg og Heidi Weng 
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Marit Bjørgen, Ragnhild Haga, Ingvild Flugstad Østberg og Heidi Weng møttes til duell om å lage den beste starten på dagen i form av en frisk og næringsrik smoothie. Flugstad Østberg gikk seirende ut av konkurransen, og frem til nyttår kan du smake hennes smoothie «Tutti Frutti Inferno» til frokost på samtlige Scandic-hoteller i Norge.
– Det var utrolig moro å ta hjem smoothie-trofeet. Frokosten er uten tvil dagens viktigste måltid, og en frisk smoothie er det lille ekstra som skal til for å få en energirik start på en aktiv dag, sier Ingvild Flugstad Østberg.
Den beste starten på dagen Jentene på det norske langrennslandslaget har et konkurranseinstinkt utenom det vanlige. Som stolt sponsor av langrennsjentene ønsket Scandic å teste dette i en helt ny gren; nemlig et smoothie-mesterskap.
– I Scandic er vi lidenskapelig opptatt av å gi våre gjester den beste starten på dagen, og frokosten vår ble nylig kåret til Norges beste hotellfrokost. Vi ville utfordre langrennsjentene på en helt ny arena, der ski og staver ble byttet ut med blender og bær. Ikke overraskende spisset konkurransen seg til også på kjøkkenet og konkurranseinstinktet resulterte i flere smakfulle smoothies, sier Tine Birkeland, markeds- og kommunikasjonsdirektør i Scandic.
Foretrekker tradisjonell, norsk frokost Marit Bjørgen innrømmer at hun har en forkjærlighet for den tradisjonelle, norske frokosten med nystekte rundstykker, kokte egg og godt pålegg som gulost og makrell i tomat. Hun tipser også om at havregrynsgrøt er spesielt viktig på dager hvor energien skal holde ekstra lenge og langt. Men når det kommer til smoothie har hun en bankers basisblanding:
– Jeg er veldig glad i smoothie, og har alltid i litt yoghurt og juice sammen med mye bær, sier Bjørgen.
Knallhard konkurranse Bjørgen og Flugstad Østberg konkurrerte mot Ragnhild Haga og Heidi Weng i den knalltøffe konkurransen for å kåre landslagets smoothie-dronning. Konkurransen foregikk noen hundre meter utenfor skisporet, på ærverdige Scandic Holmenkollen Park.
Juryen besto av de andre jentene på skilandslaget samt kokk Eirik Mehus. Etter tøff konkurranse var det til slutt Ingvild Flugstad Østberg som gikk seirende ut av konkurransen med sin «Tutti Frutti Inferno».
Vinneroppskrift Juryen legger vekt på at Ingvild Flugstad Østbergs smoothie vant på grunn av sitt friske og perfekt krydrete preg. Nå blir smoothien hennes servert på Scandic-hoteller over hele landet frem til nyttår. Vinneren selv er lidenskapelig opptatt av en god frokost og håper på mer smoothie-suksess.
– Jeg er selv typen som heller står opp én time før, så jeg får ekstra god tid ved frokostbordet, og dropper aldri frokost. Da er det jo veldig gøy at hele Norge nå kan få smake på smoothien min og jeg må nesten få lov til å krysse fingrene for at folk liker den såpass godt at den blir et fast innslag på menyen, sier Flugstad Østberg.
Oppskrift på Ingvilds vinnersmoothie «Tutti Frutti Inferno» 150 gr cottage cheese 400 gr yoghurt naturell 100 gr jordbær frossen 200 gr bringebær frossen 100 gr skogsbær frossen 35 gr ingefær Saft av 1 lime 2 ss med akasie honning
Kilde: Pressekontor Scandic Hotels Norge – PRESSEMELDING –
Hashtags: # #Sosiale spørsmål Turisme Mat, drikke Sosiale spørsmål Turisme Mat, drikke
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doodlescrub · 7 years
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Inktober 2017!!!
Day 1: Warm-up Piccolo
Day 2: Besto Girl of Shokugeki no Soma, Nakiri Alice
Day 3: Hero-Killer Stain
Day 4: Icyhot Bishounen with daddy issues, Shoto Todoroki
Day 5: Pain aka Nagato
Day 6: Filia from Skullgirls
Day 7: Jotaro Kujo, do iu andastan???
Day 8: His mighty stand, STAR PLATINUM
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some-triangles · 7 years
God bless Jerma, Lauren the Flute, and Woolie for keepin’ me sane this year
If you don’t know Jerma he’s a tiny jacked man from Massachusetts who became popular both by playing Team Fortress 2 and by essentially being Scout from Team Fortress 2.   TF2 is no longer a going concern but he’s still streaming and the thing about him that makes him a comfort and a blessing (besides his love of pro wrestling) is his way with bits - there is no bit so stupid that he won’t commit to it, no joke so tired that he can’t squeeze out a few more chuckles.  His sense of humor is simultaneously bewildering, familiar, and super inclusive; he feels like he would have been right at home as a clown presenting a local saturday morning kids’ show on UHF in the 80s, and also as an edgy insult comic from the 90s, and also as the most unacceptable Vaudeville song and dance man who ever got booed off a Boston stage, and also as a person who became famous for playing video games on the internet. 
Lauren was probably born wearing a white mage robe.  She is the archetypal Nerd Caregiver, thoroughly wholesome, but with a hard edge to her philosophy and politics which keeps the effect on the right side of twee.  She’s also the person you want to play a game you care about, because she pays attention, catches details, thinks through implications, and (almost to a fault) makes sure she doesn’t miss a thing.   She has a talent for taking thematic elements from whatever she’s playing and spinning them into autobiographical tangents, which is charming on its own merits (she’s a good storyteller) but also sometimes illuminates the game in surprising ways - during her NITW playthrough she got into a discussion about being afraid of her own capacity to hurt people which was moving and personally relevant but also added to my own reading of the text.   
You know why I got into Best Friends Play this year is I got sick of Arin Hanson syndrome, i.e. the part where you say “it’s OK that you don’t understand basic human facts, internet funnyman, you are just here for my entertainment and it’s fine that your grasp of the world around you is precarious at best” - and the thing about Matt and Woolie is that they know a lot about their pet subjects and pretty much stick to those subjects at all times. (It helps, again, that these subjects include pro wrestling.)  They’re also low-key some of the best readers of dialogue around, because they care more about getting the tone right than about doing silly voices.  (Woolie is my canon Mae and Matt is my canon Bea.  I don’t know how that happened.)   These are dudes who care about the way things are put together - about craft - more than about the subjective experience, and that’s just nice sometimes, plus I’m now kind of a hostage to Woolie’s diction, and experience an instinctive pleasure response every time he needlessly emphasizes the wrong word in a sentence.   
It also helps that they’re around my age.  As is Lauren, come to think of it.  And Jerma.   We share cultural touchstones.  There would be a pleasing symmetry to this if Lauren was also into pro wrestling, but you can’t have everything.
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themurderburgers · 7 years
26/09/17 - Website back up and running, US tour was awesome, remaining 2017 tour dates, some other shite.
Turns out our website had been down for a while and I hadn’t even noticed. I’m sure it’s been harrowing for all of you, but thankfully it’s back up and running. HAPPY DAYS.
US Tour with City Mouse was wonderful
We got back from our 3rd tour with our bestos City Mouse a few days ago and it was the best one yet. Thanks a lot to everyone involved. We’re back over to Americaville to play at pre-Fest in Ybor and Fest in Gainesville towards the end of next month so we shall see some of you again then. No tour around it this time though. Sorry!
Remaining 2017 tour dates
I just updated our shows section with the last of our 2017 dates. There’s maybe one or two more to come, but that’s pretty much it. After these we’ll have the odd gig in the UK, but for the most part we’ll be taking a break from mid-December until May next year. Spending some time writing and recording a bunch of new stuff as well as getting our shit together and not going insane sounds lovely.
Leftover tour merch
We have a very limited amount of leftover tour merch for sale on our Bandcamp. It’s seriously like 4 t-shirts, so act fast if you want one. I also put 5 copies of the ‘12 Habits’ LP up on there for a fiver each due to the covers being slightly damaged because some people don’t seem to understand that dancing on a table with a shitload of merch on it isn’t exactly the best thing to do. It’s really just the bottom right corner of the sleeve that’s crumpled and the rest is fine, but it’s enough for me to not feel comfortable selling them for full price. BATTER IN, M8s. Now that I’m back from tour I’ll get rest of the merch orders sent out. Sorry for the delay!
I think that’s it. 
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linyannkingdom · 7 years
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YM015: Bueno, bueno, ES 3 de Mayo del 2017 y salgo de mi programación habitual del Hiatus porque es una ocasión Especial(?)
Es el cumpleaños de alguien muy especial en mi vida, alguien quien confío, alguien quien compartimos los mismos problemas mentales -bueno, la mayoría :v - alguien quien converso desde las 2:00pm hasta las 4:00am -en serio xD- la que me ayuda en tiempos de crisis, mi pareja en proyectos blah,blah... Es mi otra mitad, mi versión alterna de mí, mi paisana casi vecina, mi alma gemela, mi Yang, mi waifu,mi esposa-es lo mismo(?)- mi Killua, My Lady, mi besto friend...   Ya basta de tanta hojuelas de miel(?) XD Es cumpleaños de la Queen Troll, Sonye-San o cariñosamete Linny ;w;   Déjame decirte que eres una persona muy maravillosa,tienes un talento y dotes fuera de este mundo que me maravillan, una personalidad bastante agradable -que enamora-   personas como tú no se encuentran tán fácil y me alegra ser parte de tu vida, Muchas gracias por todo!  ;w; Nunca cambies y espero que me sigas brindado tu hermosa amistad por siempre   MUY MUY FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS MY LOVE !    Espero que sigas cumpliendo y envejeciendo  muchos años más, junto conmigo(?) Lluvia de abrazos!!  Espero que te guste mi decente regalo que le hice con muchisimo amor y algo de sacrificio TuT
DevianT Art
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neoprimesports-blog · 7 years
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(via India vs West Indies 2017: schedule and fixtures of five ODIs and one T20 series against West Indies)
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jazmaniaa-blog · 7 years
Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers
New Post has been published on http://cityhairstylefrom.us/top-photo-of-kerala-christian-wedding-hairstyle-wallpapers/
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jayesue-blog · 7 years
Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers
New Post has been published on http://cityhairstylefrom.us/top-photo-of-kerala-christian-wedding-hairstyle-wallpapers/
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This specific picture Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers above will be classed having:published simply by admin on February, 3 2018. To see all photos throughout Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers photos gallery remember to stick to this particular link.
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Thanks for visiting my blog, article above(Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers) published by admin at February, 3 2018.
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jayywang-blog · 7 years
Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers
New Post has been published on http://cityhairstylefrom.us/top-photo-of-kerala-christian-wedding-hairstyle-wallpapers/
Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers
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This specific picture Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers above will be classed having:published simply by admin on February, 3 2018. To see all photos throughout Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers photos gallery remember to stick to this particular link.
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Thanks for visiting my blog, article above(Top Photo of Kerala Christian Wedding Hairstyle Wallpapers) published by admin at February, 3 2018.
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