snowflckes · 5 years
‘ why do you always say what you believe? ‘
meme || accepting
‘ Occupational hasard ’ 
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adsagsona · 6 years
Nate knew the other man tried to help him. He was always chained at a bed and they freed him a few time per day. it was for his security. He didn’t trust them. But the nurse proposed a massage because he was tensed and his all muscle were making him suffer. “Yeah it’s helping. Thank you.” He murmured and he looked back at the human.
Caz was not okay with the way some of the patients were treated. Nate was chained to his bed because he was believed to be a threat to both himself and others. Caz had not seen him violent for a second and it pained him that the man was contained to his room for most of the time. “You’re welcome.” He answered with a small smile as he tried to work out the worst knots. “How would you like to go into the park with me for a little while?” He asked. The park was the large garden of the institute. Caz was quite sure that Nate did not get to go outside often.
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sttormsofnight · 5 years
“You’ll find someone else…”
post breakup starters.  // Accepting
  Seth sighed as he sat beside Nate, nodding. “I know. It just… it sucks, you know? We were a month away from getting married and then he decided he didn’t love me anymore? Is it too cliche to say I don’t want anyone else?” He let his eyes fall shut briefly, before glancing back at Nate. “Is it chill if I just… take a nap here? I don’t want to go back home yet.”
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argentsniper-blog · 5 years
betaauxyeuxbleu replied to your post: // i hate feeling the way i do and knowing why and...
*offer a cuddle*
// -accepts.-
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scottmccalltm · 6 years
“I am a happy little cheese monster.”
" That's uh - kind of a WEIRD way to say you're in a good mood, but either way, I'm happy you're happy. "
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stresscursed · 6 years
( winter themed one liner for @betaauxyeuxbleu​ )
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Syndey parvenait à peine à tenir toutes les bouteilles de lait de poule dans ses bras. Une de plus et tout tomberait à terre. ❝ C’est pour ma mamie ! ❞ Expliqua-t-elle rapidement à la personne devant elle dans la queue du supermarché. Sydney ne voudrait pas que l’homme la prenne pour une folle. ❝ Elle fait une fête de noël avec son club de lecture. ❞
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humanitycease-a · 6 years
“and where do i go?”
five word prompts || accepting
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📔 — “I don’t know.” Her throat felt tight and unyielding, like she had to choose her words wisely, lest she be unable to continue to speak. “After tonight… I don’t think either of have a home anymore. Not with them.”
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dalphahale · 6 years
can you imagine it?
thank u, next  —  lyric  sentence  starters
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The male shook his head, not sure why he was even asking the question to begin with. “No. I don’t imagine things. I make them happen and if you keep talking like this will all just fix itself then you need to get the hell out of my loft.”
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lupuslxna · 6 years
Nonverbal RP Starters
💢 Bang on a door/wall/table to get my muse’s attention- angrily
    ⊰ ☾ ⊱~; There wasn’t even a flinch in his stiff posture when the impact of flesh against metal resonated with aloud sound, vibrating through both Nate and the table he had hit, bringing Derek out of his thoughts to the present. Letting out a heavy sigh, not meaning to make it look like he was on purpose ignoring the other wolf.”Sorry, can you repeat that again?”
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“We were golden.”
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dangxrhyde · 7 years
“Do you love me?”
send “do you love me?” for my muses reaction.
Stiles looked up from eating and blinked for a second. Why would he ask that? “I mean.... Yes? Ok wait that sounds bad.” He put down his food so he could fully understand what was happening. “Why are you even asking? You should know that I do.”
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snowflckes · 5 years
✂️ - Cut my muse’s hair
meme || accepting
"Just cut it already!”
This wasn’t something she did with a light heart, she had a strong connection with her hair. Okay, that sounded way more superficial than she wanted to admit, but she really liked her hair. The long black waves that her family was known for, they had to go. 
“Don’t think, just grab it all in a ponytail and cut it off”
This was something she had to do, and she had to do it now, if she didn’t want her family to catch up with her. Cut the hair, die it, get a pair of coloured contacts, make the freckles disappear. All this, and for what? For the of chance someone who knew someone might recognize her from somewhere at a whole different continent? Yes, cause she wasn’t going to take any chances. 
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strifexchaos · 7 years
(Positive Give Away) It’s always a pleasure to see you on my dash because you’re an amazing rper and a friendly Mun. It’ great to interact Ic or Ooc with you and your muse. I’m happy to follow you. Have a nice day.
Thank you!!!
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karazrel · 7 years
(Positive Give Away) I’m always happy to see you on my dash and to interact Ic or Ooc with you. You’re an amazing muse and mun. Have a nice day
honestly this is so nice and sweet i dont deserve this kindness asdfghjk thank you and i hope you have a great day too 💖💕💞❤💖💖💕💞❤💖💕💞❤💖
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(Positive Give Away) You're a amazing person like Muse and like Mun. I'm happy to follow you because you make my Tumblr experience better.
Thank you!!
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dangxrhyde · 7 years
‘ how many blankets do you sleep with? ’
* interview the muse
A sheet if I’m cuddling a portable heater, aka you wolves. 3 if I’m not.
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